Country Reports on Human Rights Practices for 2022
United States Department of State • Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor
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The Dominican Republic is a representative constitutional democracy. In 2020,
Luis Abinader of the Modern Revolutionary Party was elected president for a four-
year term, the first transfer of power from one party to another in 16 years.
Impartial outside observers assessed the election as generally free, fair, and
The National Police and National Migration Directorate fall under the Ministry of
Interior and Police but in practice report directly to the president. The Airport
Security Authority, Port Security Authority, and Border Security Corps have some
domestic security responsibilities and report to the Ministry of Defense and
through that ministry to the president. The National Drug Control Directorate,
which has personnel from both police and the armed forces, reports directly to the
president, as does the National Department of Investigations. The National Drug
Control Directorate, National Department of Investigations, and National
Migration Directorate have significant domestic security responsibilities. The
Dominican Directorate of Prisons reports to the Attorney General’s Office.
Civilian authorities generally maintained effective control over the security forces.
There were reports that members of the security forces committed some abuses.
Significant human rights issues included credible reports of: unlawful or arbitrary
killings by government security forces; cruel, inhuman, or degrading treatment or
punishment by police and other government agents; harsh and life-threatening
prison conditions; arbitrary detention; arbitrary interference with privacy; serious
government corruption; and violence against lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender,
queer, and intersex persons.
The government took steps in some cases to prosecute and punish officials who
committed human rights abuses or corrupt acts, but inconsistent and ineffective
application of the law sometimes led to impunity.
Section 1. Respect for the Integrity of the Person
a. Arbitrary Deprivation of Life and Other Unlawful or Politically
Motivated Killings
There were several reports that the National Police and other government security
forces committed arbitrary or unlawful killings of civilians. According to the
National Human Rights Commission (NHRC), at least 170 persons were killed by
the police during the year. While the Attorney General’s Office prosecuted some
high-profile cases of abuse by police, civil society representatives asserted that
many killings and abuses went unreported due to the public’s lack of faith in the
government to investigate and pursue charges or due to fear of retribution by
There were reports of killings and unexplained deaths that occurred during
migration operations, which expanded significantly in the second half of the year.
In November the newspaper Hoy reported the death of a Haitian national, Delouise
Estimable, while in the custody of the National Migration Directorate (DGM). The
victim’s parents alleged the victim had been beaten by migration agents and locked
in a detention truck prior to his death. There were no indications that the DGM
investigated the case or took steps to hold migration officers accountable.
In June the newspaper Diario Libre reported that a group of seven individuals,
including three members of the military, killed a Haitian national and set fire to
eight homes in the La Rosa area of the Majagual sector, in a mountainous area of
the Galván municipality, Bahoruco Province.
According to a report published by the Socialist Movement of Workers (MST), in
March, DGM agents shot and killed a young Haitian man in his home and injured
another man during a raid in a residential area of Las Matas de Farfán, San Juan
Province, that was suspected of housing undocumented Haitian migrants. The
MST described the operation, and others launched throughout the year by DGM, as
being plagued by arbitrariness, robbery, and abuse by migration authorities.
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b. Disappearance
There were no reports of disappearances by or on behalf of government authorities.
c. Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman, or Degrading Treatment or
Punishment, and Other Related Abuses
Although the law prohibits torture, beating, and physical abuse, there were reports
that members of government security forces carried out such practices.
From March to May, the deaths of three individuals– José Gregorio Custodio,
Richard Báez, and David de los Santoswhile in police custody reignited the
national debate regarding police reform. Police implicated in the incidents were
suspended and turned over to the Attorney General’s Office for prosecution. The
Ministry of Interior and Police publicly acknowledged the cases and recommitted
to implementing police reform initiatives.
Civil society organizations and other observers raised concerns over harsh and
often degrading treatment by migration authorities of undocumented Haitian
migrants and stateless persons of Haitian descent during DGM detention and
deportation operations and at DGM detention centers, particularly its facility in
Haina. These concerns included arbitrary detentions, physical abuse of detainees,
home entries without a warrant, revocation or destruction of identity documents,
theft of personal belongings by migration agents, children being kept in cells with
adults, sexual violence, inadequate access to healthcare throughout the deportation
process, the unlawful deportation of unaccompanied children and pregnant or
lactating mothers, and other hostile or abusive treatment.
In August, the government appointed a new DGM director general. According to
international and civil society observers, under the new director general’s
leadership, the problematic practices and conduct of DGM agents continued.
In September a Dominican citizen who was detained by migration officials under
the assumption that he was Haitian, reported that he was beaten repeatedly by
migration officials to quiet his protests. A partner organization later secured his
release while he was en route to the border for deportation, but he was detained
again at a military checkpoint on his way home. After several days, he was
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eventually released from custody through the help of a family member and a
In November multiple witnesses reported seeing migration officials beating
detainees with sticks, including two Haitian nationals who were beaten so badly
that they were left unconscious, to the point of requiring intervention by
emergency medical professionals. In another incident, a Haitian national reported
she was beaten during her detention and later thrown from a moving van by
migration officials as punishment for arguing with them. The incident left her with
visible wounds to her face that were not properly treated, resulting in infection.
The government did not provide any evidence that allegations of human rights
abuses by migration officials were seriously investigated or that the government
revised its detention practices.
In January President Abinader established the Commission for the Transformation
of the National Police, which he chaired. The commission included the minister of
the presidency, minister of interior and police, civil society representatives, and an
executive commissioner. The commission was charged with implementing the
recommendations of the December 2021 report Working Group for the
Transformation and Professionalization of the National Police, which, among
other recommendations, called for updates of police protocols based on ethics,
service to the citizenry, and protection of human rights.
Impunity remained a problem within the security forces, particularly the National
Police and the DGM. Civil society organizations reported that police announced
investigations into abuse complaints but did not consistently share the results
publicly. Nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) alleged that in some cases,
officers suspected of abuses were transferred to other parts of the country to avoid
punishment. The government worked to address issues related to impunity through
training programs for police officers, including specialized courses on human
rights, which were part of their continuing education courses. The government’s
reform and training efforts appeared limited to the National Police; there was no
indication the government undertook similar efforts for the DGM.
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Prison and Detention Center Conditions
The prison system consists of “new-model” prisons, called correctional
rehabilitation centers (CRCs), and “old-model” prisons, although there is no legal
distinction between them. Conditions ranged from general compliance with
international standards in the CRCs to harsh and life-threatening conditions in old-
model prisons due to overcrowding, violence, physical abuse, and poor living and
sanitary conditions.
Abusive Physical Conditions: Gross overcrowding and unsanitary conditions
remained a problem in many old-model prisons and migration detention centers, in
particular the facility in Haina. Most old-model prisons exceeded capacity, while
the CRCs did not. La Victoria, the oldest prison, held 7,761 inmates, although it
was designed for a maximum capacity of 2,103.
According to the Directorate of Prisons, military and police personnel guarded old-
model prisons, while a trained civilian corps guarded the CRCs. Reports of
mistreatment and violence in old-model prisons were common, as were reports of
harassment, extortion, and inappropriate searches of prison visitors. Some old-
model prisons remained effectively outside the control of authorities, with wardens
often controlling only the perimeter, while inmates controlled the inside with their
own rules and systems of justice. There were reports of drug trafficking, arms
trafficking, prostitution, and sexual abuse in those prisons. Although the law
mandates separation of prisoners according to severity of offense, authorities did
not follow these rules in the old-model prisons.
In old-model prisons, health and sanitary conditions were generally inadequate.
Due to a lack of space and available beds, as well as inadequate restroom facilities,
some inmates reported they had to sleep on the same floors where they were forced
to relieve themselves.
Observers reported inhuman conditions in migration detention centers, particularly
late in the year as detention and deportation operations surged and centers were
increasingly overcrowded. This included reports of overcrowded facilities with no
access to beds or seating, detainees being held outdoors, lack of access to
restrooms, detainees relieving themselves where they were being held, and lack of
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access to food or water for periods ranging from several hours to several days.
Some detention centers reportedly served one poor-quality meal a day at noon,
while others reportedly served no food or water at all, including to infants and
children. There were also credible reports that DGM agents committed acts of
sexual violence against detainees and that the DGM did not take the necessary
precautions to separate male and female detainees or separate adults from children
in its detention facilities.
Prison officials did not separate sick inmates, except for prisoners reporting
COVID-19 symptoms. Delays in receiving medical attention were common in
both the old-model prisons and the CRCs. All prisons had infirmaries, but most
infirmaries did not meet the needs of the prison population. In most cases, inmates
purchased their own medications or relied on family members or outside associates
to provide medications. According to the Directorate of Prisons, all prisons
provided treatment for HIV and AIDS, but the NHRC stated that none of the old-
model prisons was properly equipped to provide such treatment. Illness was the
primary cause of deaths reported in the prison system.
In the CRCs and certain old-model prisons, a subset of the prison population with
mental disabilities received treatment, including therapy, for their conditions. In
most old-model prisons, however, the government did not provide services to
prisoners with mental disabilities. In general, the mental-health services provided
to prisoners were inadequate or inconsistent with prisoners’ needs.
The government reported it had installed wheelchair ramps in some prisons for
prisoners with physical disabilities. NGOs claimed most prisons did not provide
access for inmates with disabilities.
Administration: Authorities investigated credible allegations of mistreatment.
Independent Monitoring: The government permitted visits to and monitoring of
prisons by independently funded and operated nongovernmental observers,
international organizations, and media. The NHRC, National Office of Public
Defense, Attorney Generals Office, and CRC prison administration together
created human rights committees in each CRC that were authorized to conduct
surprise visits. Access to migrant detention centers for monitoring, however, was
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not systematically granted to human rights organizations.
d. Arbitrary Arrest or Detention
The constitution prohibits arbitrary arrest and detention and provides for the right
of any person to challenge the lawfulness of his or her detention in court. The
government generally observed this requirement, but arbitrary arrests and
detentions remained a problem. Civil society observers reported a sharp increase
in arbitrary arrests and detentions by migration authorities and other security forces
of persons perceived to be undocumented Haitian migrants, especially after
President Abinader announced deportations would increase in November.
Arrest Procedures and Treatment of Detainees
The law provides that an accused person may be detained for up to 48 hours
without a warrant before being presented to judicial authorities. Nonetheless, there
were reports of detainees who remained in police stations for long periods of time,
even weeks, before being transferred to a prison. Police stations did not have
adequate physical conditions or the resources, including food, to provide for
detainees for an extended period.
The law permits police to apprehend, without an arrest warrant, any person caught
in the act of committing a crime or reasonably linked to a crime, such as cases
involving hot pursuit or escaped prisoners. Police often detained all suspects and
witnesses to a crime. It was common for authorities to detain, fingerprint,
question, and then release detainees with little or no explanation for the detention.
Successful habeas corpus hearings reduced abuses of the arrest law significantly.
There was a functioning bail system and a system of house arrest.
The law permits migration authorities to detain and deport a person when the
illegal migration status of the person is established, however, there were reports
that migration officials arbitrarily detained citizens and foreigners based primarily
on the perception they could be undocumented Haitian migrants. Many of these
persons were deported to Haiti. Others were released only after their legal status
could be proven, either by immediately providing documentation or after being
detained and moved to a migration detention center for verification, which often
required the intervention of family members or outside organizations.
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Additionally, migration law states minors, pregnant or lactating women, the
elderly, and asylum seekers should not be detained by migration officials, but
migration officials often detained and deported members of these groups.
The law requires provision of counsel to indigent defendants. The National Office
of Public Defense provided free legal aid to those who could not afford counsel,
but due to inadequate staffing, many detainees and prisoners who could not afford
private counsel did not have prompt access to a lawyer. Prosecutors and judges
handled interrogations of juveniles since the law prohibits interrogation of
juveniles by or in the presence of police.
Arbitrary Arrest: Police made sporadic sweeps or roundups in low-income,
high-crime communities during which they arrested and detained individuals
without warrants. During these operations, police detained large numbers of
residents and seized personal property allegedly used in criminal activity. Civil
society groups claimed police were often unable to show proof or provide reasons
for the detentions. The DGM employed similar tactics in its detention operations.
Civil society groups reported several instances of DGM operations targeting
persons of color suspected of being undocumented Haitians, resulting in both
lawful arrests and deportations, as well as instances of arbitrary detention of
citizens and foreigners with valid residency documents. Migration officials
reportedly confiscated or destroyed identity documents and held individuals until
bribes were paid.
In May media outlets and civil society organizations raised concerns regarding
arbitrary mass arrests and abusive treatment by migration agents during a large-
scale operation in the Ciudad Juan Bosch residential area. During this operation,
over 600 individuals were detained over several days and taken to the Haina
Detention Center on suspicion of being undocumented Haitian migrants. Credible
allegations included the detention of persons with valid documentation, cruel or
degrading treatment of migrants in custody (including beatings, denial of food and
water, and denial of access to restroom facilities), unlawful entry of private
residences, and removal of individuals from their homes without court orders.
According to the DGM, during one day of the operation, 325 of these detainees
were determined to be undocumented and scheduled for deportation, while 60 of
the detained individuals were determined to be legally present in the country and
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were eventually released. The government did not provide any evidence that
allegations of human rights abuses by migration officials were seriously
investigated. (See section 1.f. regarding arbitrary arrests.)
In June, migration agents wearing facial coverings raided and cleared the
restaurant LAromate Creole in Santiago and detained 21 individuals suspected of
being undocumented Haitians. According to civil society organizations, the DGM
claimed it was investigating a passport and visa trafficking gang, but it did not
have a search warrant for the operation, and many of the detained individuals had
valid citizenship or residency documents.
Civil society and international organizations reported that unlawful deportations of
documented and vulnerable persons continued as the government increased border
security measures and deportation operations. These deportations also included
cases of Haitian migrants and their children, as well as Dominican citizens, being
arbitrarily detained and deported because authorities did not permit them to
retrieve their immigration or citizenship documents from their residences.
There were reports of unlawful deportations of unaccompanied children, parents
who were forced to leave children behind, and women who were pregnant or
lactating. During a migration operation in late November, a woman reported she
had left her two daughters at home and fled to the local church. Upon returning
home, she found that the DGM had entered and taken away her daughters and
personal property. In October 2021, then Director General for Migration Enrique
Garcia stated that citizens “cannot allow them [Haitians] to take away our country”
and noted that “the Haitian solution is not in the Dominican Republic.” During a
December 2021 radio interview, Garcia stated that the deportation of pregnant
Haitians was not illegal since the law only prohibits their “detention.” He added
that he could even look for them “under the bedsbecause the law allows [him]
Civil society organization representatives said the government deported individuals
in violation of international standards by taking them across the border without
documentation, which the DGM referred to as “devolutions” or “not admitted.”
The International Organization for Migration (IOM) worked with the government
on a system for nonadmitted persons.
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Pretrial Detention: Many suspects endured long pretrial detention. A judge may
order detention lasting between three and 18 months. According to the Directorate
of Prisons, as of September, nearly 60 percent of all prisoners were in pretrial
detention. The length of such pretrial detentions occasionally equaled or exceeded
the maximum sentence for the alleged crime, with some detentions reportedly
lasting years. Time served in pretrial detention counted toward completing a
The failure of prison authorities to produce detainees for court hearings caused trial
postponements. Many inmates had their court dates postponed due to a lack of
transportation from prison to court. In other cases, lawyers, codefendants,
interpreters, or witnesses did not appear or were not officially called by the court to
appear. Despite protections in the law for defendants, in some cases, authorities
held inmates beyond the legally mandated deadlines, even when there were no
formal charges against the inmates.
e. Denial of Fair Public Trial
The law provides for an independent judiciary. Observers noted the government
generally respected judicial independence and impartiality. The Attorney
General’s Office investigated high-level cases of corruption and drug trafficking,
including cases involving government allies.
Civil society and attorneys complained of the backlog of cases in the judicial
system and what they considered undue delay in legal proceedings.
Trial Procedures
The law provides for the right to a defense in a fair and public trial; however, the
judiciary did not always enforce this right. The courts sometimes exceeded the
maximum period of time established by the law for setting hearing dates. Due to
personnel and resource constraints in the legal system, some defendants were
denied one or more rights such as receiving a public defender or having the time
and facilities to prepare a defense.
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Political Prisoners and Detainees
There were no reports of political prisoners or detainees.
Civil Judicial Procedures and Remedies
There are separate court systems for criminal law, commercial law, civil law, labor
law, real estate law, and administrative law. Commercial and civil courts
reportedly had lengthy delays in adjudicating cases, although their ultimate
decisions were generally enforced. Political and economic influence in civil court
decisions continued to be a problem, although less so under the Abinader
Citizens have recourse to file a writ of amparo, an action to seek redress of any
violation of a constitutional right, including violations of fundamental rights.
f. Arbitrary or Unlawful Interference with Privacy, Family, Home,
or Correspondence
The law prohibits arbitrary entry into a private residence. The law provides that all
other entries into a private residence require an arrest or search warrant issued by a
judge, except when police are in hot pursuit of a suspect, a suspect is caught in the
act of committing a crime, or police suspect a life is in danger. Despite these limits
on government authorities, police and migration officials conducted illegal
searches and seizures, including raids without warrants on private residences in
poor neighborhoods. The government did not provide any evidence that these
alleged human rights abuses were seriously investigated.
In May media outlets published video of DGM agents in Ciudad Juan Bosch
climbing the balconies of multistory residential buildings to enter homes and detain
suspected undocumented Haitian migrants. Civil society organizations described
those actions and others that day as arbitrary entries into private residences because
the DGM agents lacked court orders. Civil society representatives also reported
instances of DGM agents taking money or personal property from both legal
residents and undocumented migrants. They said these actions were the type of
aggressive tactics frequently employed by the DGM during detention operations
targeting undocumented persons (see also section 1.d.). The government did not
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provide any evidence that the allegations of human rights abuses by migration
officials were seriously investigated, although it did confirm that no DGM agents
were punished in connection with the operation.
According to international and civil society observers, in November, during
intensified migration operations across the country ordered by President Abinader,
migration agents and other security forces unlawfully entered homes without
search warrants and detained individuals suspected of being undocumented Haitian
migrants without checking their documentation. During the operations, several
Dominican citizens were detained in public, including persons traveling to work
and a university student walking to class. Migration officials also broke into
homes, including those owned by Dominican citizens, and detained those who
could not prove their citizenship. A media outlet shared video of an incident in
Dajabon in which a man was pulled from his home into the street by security
forces as onlookers shouted, “He’s Dominican! He’s Dominican!”
In November, one organization gathered statements from witnesses reporting that
during a raid by migration officials and armed forces in a rural community in the
northwest, migration officials used force to break down doors to enter private
residences and used violence to detain individuals in the middle of the night,
apparently without court orders. In many cases, witnesses said, migration officials
demanded bribes or stole belongings from homes, and did not give detainees a
chance to dress or gather their belongings before locking them in vehicles for
transportation to migration detention facilities.
Section 2. Respect for Civil Liberties
a. Freedom of Expression, Including for Members of the Press and
Other Media
The constitution provides for freedom of expression, including for members of the
press and other media, and the government generally respected this right. Media
expressed a wide variety of views, but the government, political parties, and large
businesses frequently influenced the press, in part through their large advertising
budgets. The concentration of media ownership, weaknesses in the judiciary, and
political influence also limited medias independence.
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Freedom of Expression: Individuals and groups were generally able to criticize
the government publicly and privately without retaliation. There were incidents in
which authorities or political factions intimidated members of the press or online
content creators for media content that was critical of the state or on certain social
issues. In an extreme example, an individual faced harassment and remained under
pretrial probation for more than two years for retweeting an altered image of a
historical figure; a judge determined the retweet violated the law regarding national
figures and symbols.
Censorship or Content Restrictions for Members of the Press and Other
Media, including Online Media: Observers indicated the government exerted
influence on the press, including through advertising contracts. Additionally,
journalists likely practiced self-censorship, particularly when coverage could
adversely affect the economic or political interests of government leaders or media
Libel/Slander Laws: The law criminalizes defamation and insult, with harsher
punishment for offenses committed against public or state figures than for offenses
against private individuals. The law penalizes libel for statements concerning the
private lives of certain public figures, including government officials and foreign
heads of state. The were no reported cases of government or public figures using
these laws to punish critics of the government or retaliate against journalists or
political opponents.
Internet Freedom
The government did not restrict or disrupt access to the internet or censor online
content. There were no credible reports that the government monitored private
online communications without appropriate legal authority.
b. Freedoms of Peaceful Assembly and Association
The law provides for the freedoms of peaceful assembly and association, and the
government generally respected these rights.
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Freedom of Peaceful Assembly
While the freedom of peaceful assembly was largely protected and respected,
confrontations between protesters and security forces, and between different
groups of protesters, occurred. Nationalist groups, which held large protests in
Santo Domingo and other cities without government interference, often disrupted
other gatherings with little reaction from the National Police, such as the
harassment and intimidation of activists protesting the “Day of the Racein
Columbus Park in October. Conversely, in July, security forces aggressively
intervened using fencing, batons, and pepper spray to block medical personnel
from the Colegio Medico Dominicano who were marching in protest outside the
National Palace and calling for employment benefits and improvements in the
health-care system.
c. Freedom of Religion
See the Department of States International Religious Freedom Report at
d. Freedom of Movement and the Right to Leave the Country
The law provides for freedom of internal movement, foreign travel, emigration,
and repatriation, and the government generally respected these related rights, with
some exceptions.
In-country Movement: Civil society representatives reported that citizens of
Haitian descent, those perceived to be Haitian, Haitian migrants, and stateless
individuals faced obstacles while traveling within the country. NGO
representatives reported that security forces at times asked travelers to show
immigration and citizenship documents at road checkpoints throughout the
country. Citizens of Haitian descent and migrants without valid identity
documents (and even some who held valid documents) reported fear of swift
deportation when traveling within the country, especially near the border with
Haiti. This fear of deportation led to these persons limiting their movements
outside of their residential communities, thus restricting their ability to access
health care and employment and inhibiting their labor rights under the law (see
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also section 1.d.).
Citizenship: Civil society organizations reported instances of citizens of Haitian
descent having their citizenship documentation confiscated on an arbitrary or
discriminatory basis by police, migration officers, health-care workers, or other
government officials who required the presentation of such documentation (see
also section 2.g.).
e. Protection of Refugees
The government cooperated in a limited manner with the Office of the UN High
Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and other humanitarian organizations in
providing protection and assistance to refugees, returning refugees, or asylum
seekers, as well as other persons of concern.
In mid-2021, the government registered approximately 43,000 Venezuelan
nationals residing in the country with irregular migration status. Registered
individuals received a 60-day extension of legal status and those approved could
apply for a temporary work or education visa. This status may be automatically
renewed until the National Council on Migration declares an end to the current
extraordinary situation in Venezuela. The program applied to Venezuelans,
including children, who entered the country legally between January 2014 and
March 2020. The government allowed Venezuelan applicants to apply with
expired passports, which was not allowed for other foreigners.
The government and NGOs estimated an additional 100,000 Venezuelans lived in
the country in an irregular migration status. In 2019, the government instituted a
regulation requiring Venezuelans to apply for a tourist visa before entering the
country. Previously, Venezuelans needed only a valid passport and could receive a
tourist visa at the point of entry. Many Venezuelans in the country entered legally
before the new regulation and stayed longer than the three-month allowance.
Venezuelan refugee and immigrant associations, with the support of the IOM,
UNHCR, and the Coordination Platform for Refugees and Migrants from
Venezuela (R4V Platform), coordinated with the government and civil society
organizations to provide public-health and legal services for Venezuelan refugees
and migrants. The R4V Platform was a regional interagency platform, led by the
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IOM and UNHCR, for coordinating the humanitarian response for refugees and
migrants from Venezuela.
Access to Asylum: Presidential decrees from the 1980s established a system for
granting asylum or refugee status; however, the system was not implemented
through legislation. The constitution prohibits administrative detention of asylum
seekers, and migration law establishes that asylum seekers should not be detained
under any circumstance. The system for providing protection to refugees was not
effectively implemented and falls short of international standards. The government
recognized and issued identity documents to fewer than 10 refugees during the past
few years. Rejection rates for asylum claims were above 90 percent, and asylum
applications often remained pending for several years.
The National Commission for Refugees (CONARE), an interministerial body led
by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, was responsible for adjudicating asylum claims.
The process requires individuals to apply for asylum within 15 days of arrival in
the country. If an asylum seeker was in the country for more than 15 days before
applying for asylum, CONARE usually rejected the case on procedural grounds
without analyzing the merit of the claim. CONARE also tended to reject any
asylum application from an individual who was in, or who proceeded from, a
foreign country where the individual could have sought asylum, considering it a
“safe third country” even when there was no demonstration of the safety or
availability of refugee protection procedures in such countries.
NGOs working with refugees and asylum seekers reported there was no
information posted online or at points of entry to provide notice of the right to seek
asylum, or of the timeline and process for doing so. The national asylum system
remained highly centralized; asylum applications can only be submitted in person
in the capital. Persons arriving through the land border or at international airports
and ports were at risk of immediate deportation due to the lack of a clear process
for formalizing asylum claims.
NGO representatives reported that immigration and other security officials did not
handle asylum cases in a manner consistent with the countrys international
commitments. The government’s obligation to ensure due process to asylum
applicants who express a fear of return to their country stems from the country’s
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international human rights commitments, which have constitutional standing.
Nonetheless, there was generally neither judicial review of deportation orders nor
any third-party review of “credible feardeterminations.
UN officials reported asylum seekers were not consistently notified of
inadmissibility decisions. CONARE did not provide rejected asylum seekers with
details of the grounds for the rejection of their asylum application or with
information on the appeal process. Rejected applicants received a letter stating
they had 30 days to leave the country voluntarily. According to government
policy, from the time they receive the notice of denial, rejected asylum seekers
have seven days to file an appeal. The notice-of-denial letter does not mention this
right of appeal.
Observers reported that a lack of due process in migration procedures resulted in
arbitrary detention of persons with no administrative or judicial review (see also
section 1.d.). As a result, asylum seekers and refugees in the country were at risk
of refoulement and prolonged detention.
According to refugee organizations, CONARE does not acknowledge that the 1951
Refugee Convention’s definition of a refugee applies to persons who express a
well-founded fear of persecution perpetrated by nonstate agents. This lack of
acknowledgement had a detrimental effect on persons fleeing sexual and gender-
based violence, trafficking, sexual exploitation, and discrimination due to their
sexual orientation or gender identity.
Refoulement: There were reports of persons potentially in need of international
protection who were denied admission at the point of entry and subsequently
deported to their countries of origin without being granted access to the asylum
process (see also section 1.d.).
Freedom of Movement: Persons claiming asylum often waited months to receive
a certificate as an asylum seeker and to be registered in the government database.
The certificate had to be renewed every 30 days at the national office in Santo
Domingo, forcing asylum seekers who lived outside Santo Domingo to return
monthly to the capital, accompanied by all their family members, or lose their
claim to asylum. At the same time, this mandatory monthly movement within the
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country further exposed the asylum seekers to the risk of detention and
refoulement. Observers reported individual instances of asylum seekers being
detained on the way to renew their certificate. Asylum seekers with pending cases
had only this certificate, or sometimes nothing at all, to present to avoid
deportation. This restricted their freedom of movement. During the year, these
certificates did not protect asylum seekers from detention and removal by
migration officers, including to countries where they had expressed a fear of
Top migration officials openly admitted removing individuals holding asylum
certificates, which they justified on the basis that the certificates were easy to
forge. In several cases where asylum seekers were detained for lack of
documentation, refugee and human rights organizations were able to advocate for
their release, although incidents were reported of refoulment of asylum seekers
who had claims pending with CONARE.
Some refugees recognized by CONARE were issued travel documents that were
not accepted in visa application processes, and some were not issued travel
documents at all.
Employment: Some approved refugees were unable to acquire from government
authorities the documentation they needed to work.
Access to Basic Services: Approved refugees have the same rights and
responsibilities as legal migrants with temporary residence permits. Approved
refugees have the right to education, employment, health care, and other social
services. Nonetheless, refugee organizations reported that problems remained,
particularly related to refugees’ ability to afford such services. Refugees reported
their government-issued identification numbers were sometimes not recognized,
and thus they could not open a bank account or begin service contracts for basic
utilities. Refugees sometimes had to rely on friends or family for such services.
Temporary Protection: Launched in 2013, the National Regularization Plan for
Foreigners (PNRE) enabled undocumented migrants in the country to apply for
temporary legal residency. Although the exact number of undocumented migrants
was unknown, in 2013, the government granted temporary residency status to more
Page 18
than 260,000 applicants, 97 percent of whom were Haitian. The vast majority of
such permits expired.
Observers described the PNRE as a failure. Under the administration of President
Abinader, the government imposed strict documentary requirements and other
hurdles that made it impossible for most of the beneficiaries under the PNRE to
renew their status. As a result, almost all of the 260,000 individuals who were
granted temporary residency status under the PNRE had fallen out of status,
leaving them vulnerable to heightened migration enforcement and deportation.
No temporary residence documents were granted to asylum seekers; those found to
be admissible to the process were issued a paper certificate that supposedly
provided them with protection from deportation but did not confer other rights.
This certificate often took months to be delivered to asylum seekers. Due in part to
this delay, both refugees and asylum seekers lived on the margins of the migration
system. Even many asylum seekers who held valid certificates were detained by
the DGM and deported to countries to which they had expressed a fear of return.
Foreigners often were asked to present legal migration documents to obtain legal
assistance or to access the judicial system; therefore, the many refugees and
asylum seekers who lacked these documents were unable to access legal help for
situations they faced under criminal, labor, family, or civil law.
Refugees recognized by CONARE were issued one-year temporary residence
permits that could not be converted to a permanent residence permit and must
undergo annual reevaluation of the person’s need for international protection, a
procedure contrary to international standards. Overall, observers said the process
for refugees lacked a pathway to effective local integration as a durable solution.
f. Status and Treatment of Internally Displaced Persons
Not applicable.
g. Stateless Persons
A large population of stateless persons resided in the country. A constitutional
change in 2010 and a 2013 Constitutional Tribunal ruling revised the countrys
Page 19
citizenship laws. One effect was to retroactively strip citizenship from more than
100,000 persons, mostly the children of undocumented Haitian migrants, who
previously had citizenship by virtue of the jus soli (citizenship by birth within the
country) policy in place since 1929.
The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights found that these legal revisions
led to statelessness for the persons who lost their citizenship. UN officials and
NGOs stated the legal changes had a disproportionate and negative impact on
women and their children. All stateless persons were at increased risk for human
Dominican-born persons with expired documents or without citizenship or identity
documents faced obstacles traveling both within and outside the country. Stateless
persons did not have access to electoral participation, formal-sector employment,
marriage registration, birth registration, formal loans, judicial procedures, state
social-protection programs, or property ownership. The access of stateless persons
to primary public education and health care was limited. In addition, those able to
receive an education did not receive official recognition, such as a diploma, for
completed schooling and were not allowed to attend universities.
Law 169-14, introduced in 2014, includes a mechanism to provide citizenship
papers or a naturalization process to persons rendered stateless by the 2013
Constitutional Tribunal ruling. The exact mechanism depended on the status of the
individual prior to the 2010 change in the constitution. Those determined to have
been registered in the civil registry at birth (Group A) could apply for citizenship
documents immediately, while those not registered at birth (Group B) were forced
to register as “foreigners” under the PNRE and apply for naturalization only after a
two-year residency period.
In practice, the 2014 documentation mechanism was only partially successful.
Many stateless persons were not able to claim their citizenship documents. Others
did not register and consequently had no legal path to citizenship. In 2020, the
outgoing government approved the naturalization of 749 individuals, most of
whom were minors who were stripped of their citizenship by the 2013
Constitutional Tribunal ruling and who were part of Group B. In May 2021,
President Abinader approved the naturalization of an additional 50 individuals
Page 20
from the same group. There were initial reports that some of the 799 individuals
began receiving identification documents in late 2022.
In 2014, through a mechanism outlined in the law for individuals who were
registered at birth in the civil registry (Group A), the government identified more
than 60,000 persons who were eligible to receive nationality documentation
confirming their Dominican citizenship. The Central Electoral Board (JCE) issued
birth certificates and national identity documents to approximately 26,000
individuals, leaving 34,000 eligible Group A beneficiaries who did not receive
national identity documents. As of December, many of those additional
individuals had not been identified or had not received an identity document due to
concerns regarding their supporting documentation. The pool of individuals
identified as potentially part of Group A extended back to individuals born as early
as 1929. Because a number of those individuals may have died or moved out of
the country in the ensuing decades, the remaining number of eligible Group A
individuals could be smaller than the 34,000 persons previously identified by the
JCE. Observers called on the government to enhance efforts to audit and
investigate the outstanding claims by members of Group A.
According to observers, approximately 7,000 stateless individuals falling under the
Group B profile who registered with the government under the PNRE and were on
track for naturalization after a two-year residency period had since seen their
documents expire. The office responsible for registering foreigners ceased
operations in February 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and as of December
2022, it had not reopened, leaving these individuals in a state of legal limbo,
unable to access public services and vulnerable to deportation. Observers called on
the government to facilitate the renewal of residence permits and identity cards,
and to review the naturalization claims, for members of Group B.
A number of other stateless individuals were unable or unwilling to register as
“foreigners” during the 180-day application window established by Law 169-14.
As of December, there was no way for this second group of an estimated 23,000
persons, known as Group B2, to register as foreigners or secure Dominican
Page 21
Section 3. Freedom to Participate in the Political Process
The constitution provides citizens the ability to choose their government in free
and fair periodic elections held by secret ballot and based on nearly universal,
direct, and equal suffrage. Active-duty police and military personnel are
prohibited from voting or participating in partisan political activities.
Elections and Political Participation
Recent Elections: In the 2020 election, Luis Abinader of the Modern
Revolutionary Party was elected as president for a four-year term. This was the
first time since 2000 that a member of the opposition party won a presidential
election. Some congressional and municipal races remained contested for weeks,
leading to sporadic protests and violence, mainly in the National District, regarding
seats in the lower chamber of congress. Overall, however, civil society and
international observers praised the citizens and electoral authorities for a voting
process that was orderly and largely peaceful, despite complications from COVID-
During both the municipal and presidential elections, the Organization of
American States (OAS) and domestic observers noted widespread illegal political
campaigning immediately outside of voting stations, indications of vote buying,
lack of financial transparency by political parties and candidates, and illegal use of
public funds during the campaign. Most electoral crimes were not prosecuted.
Political Parties and Political Participation: By law, major parties, defined as
those that received 5 percent of the vote or more in the previous election, receive
80 percent of public campaign finances, while minor parties share the remaining 20
percent. The OAS, domestic NGOs, and minor parties criticized this allocation of
funding as unequal and unfair. Civil society groups criticized the government and
the then ruling Dominican Liberation Party for using public funds to pay for
advertising shortly before the elections, despite the legal prohibition on the use of
public funds for campaigns.
Participation of Women and Members of Minority Groups: No laws limit the
participation of women or members of minority groups in the political process, and
Page 22
they did participate.
Section 4. Corruption and Lack of Transparency in
The law provides criminal penalties for corruption by officials, and in a change
from years past noted by independent observers, the government generally
implemented the law effectively. The attorney general, through the Office of the
Specialized Prosecutor on Administrative Corruption (PEPCA), investigated
allegedly corrupt officials. Nonetheless, government corruption remained a serious
NGO representatives said that previously the greatest hindrance to effective
investigations was a lack of political will to prosecute individuals accused of
corruption, particularly well-connected individuals or high-level politicians. In
recent years, the attorney general pursued several cases against public officials,
including high-level politicians and their families, although most had not yet been
prosecuted in court, and the legal system’s ability to successfully do so remained in
Corruption: NGOs and individual citizens regularly reported acts of corruption
by various law enforcement officials, including police, immigration officials, and
prison officials. The government on occasion used nonjudicial punishments as a
tool to fight corruption, including dismissal or transfer of military personnel,
police, judges, and minor officials.
On August 28, the coordinating judge for the Examining Court of the National
District authorized PEPCA to move forward with a corruption investigation against
Donald Guerrero, minister of finance during the Medina administration from 2016
to 2020. According to PEPCA, Guerrero was being investigated for alleged
conspiracy to commit corruption, falsification, public fraud, bribery, and money
laundering while in office. The investigation included several other former
officials, including former administrator of BanReservas, the state-owned bank; the
former general comptroller; and the former general director of the budget. PEPCA
stated that this group of officials took advantage of the payments of public debts
related to land expropriations and purchase of lands by the government by taking
Page 23
bribes and negotiating payments with the affected families while in office.
Section 5. Governmental Posture Towards International and
Nongovernmental Investigation of Alleged Abuses of Human
A number of domestic and international organizations generally operated without
government restriction, investigating and publishing their findings on human rights
cases. While government officials often were cooperative and responsive to their
views, human rights groups that advocated for the rights of Haitians and persons of
Haitian descent faced occasional government obstruction.
The United Nations or Other International Bodies: The government
maintained a generally positive relationship with the UN country office and
subordinate organizations. Some UN organizations, however, were authorized
only on a year-to-year basis, thus requiring frequent negotiation of new
authorizations. This limited their ability to implement long-term programming and
restricted potential support to vulnerable populations. UN organizations also
experienced protests, harassment, and intimidation by far-right nationalist groups,
to the extent that some senior UN officials had to leave the country for periods of
time. It was unclear to what extent the government was investigating or addressing
these threats.
Government Human Rights Bodies: The constitution establishes the position of
human rights ombudsperson to safeguard human rights and protect collective
interests, although it was unclear whether the office was independent and effective.
There was also a human rights commission, cochaired by the minister of foreign
affairs and the attorney general. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, under the
direction of the Presidency, coordinated the National Action Plan for human rights,
which outlined shared goals and allocated responsibilities between the government
ministries and other public entities. The Attorney Generals Office had its own
human rights division.
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Section 6. Discrimination and Societal Abuses
Rape and Domestic Violence: The law criminalizes rape of men and women,
spousal rape, domestic violence, incest, and sexual aggression. While many cases
were prosecuted, observers estimated many more went unreported due to victims’
lack of confidence in the justice system. Sentences for rape range from 10 to 15
years in prison and an additional modest fine. The Attorney Generals Office
oversees the Violence Prevention and Attention Unit, which had 19 offices among
the countrys 32 provinces. The office instructed its officers not to settle cases of
violence against women and to continue judicial processes even when survivors
withdrew charges. District attorneys played a key role in providing assistance and
protection to survivors of violence by referring them to appropriate institutions for
legal, medical, and psychological counseling.
The Ministry of Women promoted equality and worked to prevent violence against
women and members of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and intersex
(LGBTQI+) community by implementing education and awareness programs, as
well as providing training programs for other ministries and offices. The ministry
managed 15 shelters for women and child victims of violence, including one
dedicated to victims of trafficking. The ministry also hosted training in
collaboration with the Attorney General’s Office, National Police, and the National
Institute for Migration to strengthen comprehensive assistance to survivors of
gender-based violence, including survivors of human trafficking.
The Ministry of Women provided psychological services, legal services, and
economic reparation, and operated an emergency assistance telephone line for
women who were survivors of violence and threats. The ministry liaised with
other ministries and government offices to promote gender mainstreaming and
nondiscrimination of women in all spheres of public and private life, including
women’s political, economic, political, and individual rights. NGO representatives
generally welcomed these and other efforts but insisted more was needed.
Other Forms of Gender-based Violence: The Attorney General’s Office
registered several dozen femicides, killings of women committed by a partner or
Page 25
former partner. Acid attacks, predominantly against women, with a mix of
sulfuric, hydrochloric, and muriatic acid, a concoction commonly referred to as
devils acid, made up 7 percent of annual admissions to the burn unit in the
country’s largest trauma center. In September 2021, Attorney General Miriam
German instructed public prosecutors to treat attacks with devil’s acid as “acts of
torture or cruelty.” Persons convicted of this crime received sentences of up to 20
yearsimprisonment but often spent only a few years in prison, according to civil
society organizations.
Sexual Harassment: The law defines sexual harassment by an authority figure as
a misdemeanor; conviction carries a sentence of one year in prison and a large fine.
Observers reported the law was not adequately enforced and that sexual
harassment remained a problem.
Reproductive Rights: There were no reports of coerced abortion on the part of
the government, although involuntary sterilization reportedly was performed on
poor and disabled women without their consent, according to civil society
Economic and cultural barriers prevented couples and individuals, especially
women and young persons, from accessing contraception. Low incomes and lack
of educational programs in schools were barriers to many persons who needed
information and resources for family planning and reproductive health care. While
family-planning NGOs provided contraceptives without charge, many low-income
women, particularly those in rural areas, lacked access or used contraceptives
inconsistently due to costs, irregular availability, societal influences, and cultural
male dominance. According to civil society observers, such low-income, rural
women were likely to experience obstacles in accessing inpatient health care for
pregnancy and childbirth, as well as most other health services. Emergency
contraception was available for purchase without prescription at most pharmacies.
The government provided some access to sexual and reproductive health services
for survivors of sexual violence through the Ministry of Women, but most of the
burden for providing these services fell on women’s rights NGOs. The Ministry of
Women managed the Center for the Promotion of Comprehensive Health for
Adolescents, offering comprehensive education on sexual health to young persons
Page 26
in order to contribute to informed decision-making on sexual and reproductive
According to the Ministry of Public Health and other observers, the maternal death
rate was 97 per 100,000 births, a decline from previous years, while the adolescent
pregnancy rate remained above 20 percent for girls and young women ages 15 to
19. According to civil society observers, pregnant students and young mothers
often found it difficult or impossible to continue their education. They cited many
reasons, including the impact of pregnancy on their health and deficiencies in the
educational system that prevented many women and girls from returning to school.
Many young mothers or pregnant girls were expelled from school, although it was
illegal to do so, or were moved to night classes under the pretext that they were a
bad exampleto other students. Observers also noted that once young women
and girls became pregnant, their families and communities considered them
emancipated, regardless of their age, and the young women and girls were
expected to stay home to take care of the baby and carry out other household
Discrimination: Although the law provides women and men the same legal
rights, women did not enjoy social and economic status or opportunity equal to that
of men. Civil society organizations explained that women faced obstacles
regarding economic equality and independence. In addition, no law requires equal
pay for equal work. Observers reported women who lived in rural areas, women of
color, women with disabilities, and women who were undocumented migrants
faced higher rates of discrimination.
Systemic Racial or Ethnic Violence and Discrimination
The law prohibits discrimination based on skin color and nationality. There was
evidence of racial prejudice and discrimination by the security forces and other
government offices against persons of dark complexion, Haitians, or those
perceived to be Haitian, especially those who were perceived to be undocumented
migrants. Civil society and international organizations reported that officials
denied health care and documentation services to persons of Haitian descent and
Haitian migrants (see also sections 1.d., 2.d., and 2.g.).
Page 27
Darker-complected persons experienced discrimination when accessing a variety
of government services. Hospitals sometimes wrongfully gave pink birth
certificates (indicating foreigner status) to children of parents assumed to be
Haitian migrants based on the color of their skin, accent, or name. Police,
migration agents, and other security forces detained persons of Haitian descent for
deportation or alleged crimes based on their skin color, their accent, their place of
residence, or their name. Observers reported incidents of citizens being detained
under suspicion they were undocumented Haitian migrants and transported to
migration detention centers before authorities determined their legal status and
released them.
Office closures and bureaucratic hurdles prevented persons of Haitian descent from
applying for naturalization or registering as foreigners, while those persons were
simultaneously being targeted for deportation to Haiti for not having such
identification documents. In November 2021, as part of newly instituted migration
policies to curb the prevalence of undocumented immigrants, the country began
unlawfully deporting Haitians and persons of Haitian descent who were pregnant
or recently gave birth.
Birth Registration: Citizenship comes with birth in the country, except to
children born to diplomats, to those who are in transit,or to parents who are
illegally in the country (see also section 2.g.). A child born abroad to a Dominican
mother or father may also acquire citizenship. Children not registered at birth
remain undocumented until the parents file a late declaration of birth.
The law requires a special birth certificate for children born to foreign women who
do not have documentation of legal residency. Observers reported that some
mothers faced discrimination while registering the births of their children despite
the fathers being Dominican, in particular, mothers of Haitian origin who were
legally stateless or undocumented migrants. This was less frequent in the reverse
situation when children were born to a Dominican-citizen mother and a foreign-
born father. These obstacles to timely birth registration, which is necessary to
determine citizenship, put at risk children’s access to a wide range of rights,
including the right to nationality, to a name and identity, and to equality before the
Page 28
Education: Education was free and compulsory at the primary level, and free but
not mandatory at the secondary level. Observers reported that children of
undocumented migrants were denied access to schools and were not allowed to
obtain diplomas or apply to university.
Child Abuse: Abuse of children younger than age 18, including physical, sexual,
and psychological abuse, was a serious problem. The law contains provisions
concerning child abuse, including physical and emotional mistreatment, sexual
exploitation, and child labor. The law provides for sentences of two to five years
incarceration and a large fine for persons convicted of physical and psychological
abuse of a minor. Despite this legal framework for combatting child abuse, local
NGOs reported that few abuse cases were reported to authorities and fewer still
were prosecuted.
Child, Early, and Forced Marriage: A January 2021 law prohibits marriage of
persons younger than 18. The law in part aimed to prevent girls from becoming
trafficking victims. Girls often married much older men and were considered
emancipated upon marriage. Child marriage occurred more frequently among girls
who were uneducated, poor, and living in rural areas. According to data from
UNICEF in 2019, 36 percent of Dominican women were married or in a union by
age 18. More than 58 percent of women in the countrys poorest quintile were
married or cohabitating by age 18.
Sexual Exploitation of Children: The law defines statutory rape as sexual
relations with anyone younger than 18. Penalties for conviction of statutory rape
are 10 to 20 years in prison and a significant fine.
The law prohibits child pornography and commercial sexual exploitation of
children. Observers reported children were trafficked for commercial sex,
particularly in tourist locations and major urban areas, and child pornography was
rampant and growing due to the ease of online exploitation. The government
conducted successful law enforcement operations and training programs to combat
the sexual exploitation of minors.
Displaced Children: Large populations of children, primarily Haitians or persons
Page 29
of Haitian descent, lived on the streets and were vulnerable to trafficking.
The Jewish community comprised approximately 350 persons. There were no
reports of antisemitic acts.
Trafficking in Persons
See the Department of States Trafficking in Persons Report at
Acts of Violence, Criminalization, and Other Abuses Based on
Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity or Expression, or Sex
Criminalization: The law does not criminalize consensual same-sex sexual
conduct between adults or so-called cross-dressing. According to civil society
observers, there were cases of members of the LGBTQI+ community, in particular
transgender women, being arbitrarily harassed, abused, and arrested by police and
other authority figures who cited public indecency, loitering, or other seemingly
neutral laws to justify their actions.
Violence against LGBTQI+ Persons: Violence and threats of violence against
LGBTQI+ persons were common, especially against gay men, lesbians, and
transgender women. Victims often declined to file complaints due to fears of
further harassment or being outed. The National Police largely failed to respond to
reports of these crimes because police generally did not prioritize this victim group
and often showed indifference or outright hostility to the LGBTQI+ community.
Prosecutors referred cases of violence against LGBTQI+ persons to the Attorney
General’s Human Rights Unit.
Media and civil society observers highlighted several reports of LGBTQI+ persons
being targeted for robbery, extortion, abuse, or murder through location-based
dating apps. In July Frederick Perez was killed by a group of men who targeted
him through an app. A media program by journalist Altagracia Salazar broadcast
following Perez’s killing pointed out that a large number of young, middle-class
Page 30
men “of a very similar profile” had gone missing or were killed in recent years. In
December, civil society organizations identified 15 violent murders against
LGBTQI+ persons that occurred during the year. Civil society representatives
called on the government to investigate and to take action to prevent future
violence targeting members of the LGBTQI+ community.
Discrimination: The constitution protects the principles of nondiscrimination and
equality before the law, but it does not specifically include sexual orientation,
gender identity and expression, or sex characteristics as protected categories. It
prohibits discrimination on the grounds of “social or personal condition” and
mandates that the state “prevent and combat discrimination, marginalization,
vulnerability, and exclusion.” The law prohibits discrimination based on sexual
orientation and gender identity only for policies related to youth and youth
Civil society organizations reported widespread discrimination against LGBTQI+
persons, especially transgender individuals (both transfeminine and
transmasculine), which limited their ability to access education, employment,
health care, housing, justice, security, and other services.
Availability of Legal Gender Recognition: The government does not allow
transgender or intersex individuals to change the gender listed on their identity
documents to align with their gender identity and sex characteristics. There was no
option to identify as nonbinary, intersex, or gender nonconforming. This was a
source of harassment for many persons attempting to access public services.
Involuntary or Coercive Medical or Psychological Practices Specifically
Targeting LGBTQI+ Individuals: The government and health authorities did not
take a public position on so-called conversion therapy practices. According to civil
society organizations, religious groups attempted to “convert” LGBTQI+ persons
into heterosexuals through practices that were emotionally and physically
Restrictions of Freedom of Expression, Association, or Peaceful Assembly:
There are no anti-LGBTQI+ propaganda laws, “hate speech” laws, or other laws or
legal restrictions on the ability of LGBTQI+ organizations to legally register or
Page 31
convene events such as Pride festivities. According to civil society observers,
however, unequal enforcement of the law or support from public institutions
sometimes limited LGBTQI+ individuals and organizations from exercising these
rights on an equal basis.
Persons with Disabilities
Persons with disabilities were unable to access education, health services, public
buildings, or transportation on an equal basis with others. The law states the
government should provide access to the labor market and to cultural, recreational,
and religious activities for persons with disabilities, as well as physical access to
all new public and private buildings. The law was not consistently enforced. The
law specifies that each ministry should collaborate with the National Disability
Council to implement these provisions. Very few public buildings were fully
accessible. Lack of accessible public transportation was a major impediment.
There were three government centers for the care of children with disabilities: one
each in Santo Domingo, Santiago de los Caballeros, and San Juan de la Maguana.
These centers served a small percentage of the population with disabilities,
offering services to children with cerebral palsy, Down syndrome, and autism
spectrum disorder. The centers had lengthy waiting lists for children seeking care.
According to a 2016 Ministry of Education report, 80 percent of registered students
with disabilities attended some form of school.
Other Societal Violence or Discrimination
There were reports of citizens attacking and sometimes killing suspected criminals
in vigilante retaliations for theft, robbery, or burglary. Authorities usually
investigated these incidents and prosecuted those involved.
Although the law prohibits the use of HIV testing to screen employees, the
government, Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International, and the International
Labor Organization (ILO) reported that workers in various industries faced
obligatory HIV testing. Workers were sometimes tested without their knowledge
or consent. Many job applicants found to have HIV were not hired, and some of
those already employed were either fired from their jobs or denied adequate health
Page 32
Section 7. Worker Rights
a. Freedom of Association and the Right to Collective Bargaining
The law provides for the right of workers, with the exception of the military and
police, to form and join independent unions, conduct legal strikes, and bargain
collectively; however, it places several restrictions on these rights. For example,
the law restricts collective bargaining rights to those unions that represent a
minimum of 51 percent of the workers in an enterprise. In addition, the law
prohibits strikes until mandatory mediation requirements have been met. Formal
strikes occurred but were not common.
Formal requirements for a strike to be legal include the support of an absolute
majority of all company workers for the strike, written notification to the Ministry
of Labor, and a 10-day waiting period following notification before the strike can
proceed. Government workers and essential public-service personnel may not
strike. The government adopted a broad definition of essential workers that
included teachers and public-service workers in communications, water supply,
energy supply, hospitals, and pharmacies.
The law prohibits antiunion discrimination and forbids employers from dismissing
an employee for participating in union activities, including being on a committee
seeking to form a union. Although the Ministry of Labor must register a union for
the union to be legal, the law provides for automatic recognition of a union if the
ministry does not act on an application within 30 days. The law allows unions to
conduct their activities without government interference.
Public-sector workers may form associations registered through the Office of
Public Administration. For the association to be formed, the law requires that 40
percent of employees of a government entity agree to join. According to the
Ministry of Labor, the labor code applies to all workers, including foreign workers,
those working as domestic workers, workers without legal documentation, and
workers in the free-trade zones.
The government did not effectively enforce laws related to freedom of association
Page 33
and collective bargaining, and penalties were less than those for other laws
involving denials of civil rights. Penalties were rarely applied against violators.
The process for addressing labor violations through criminal courts could take
years, leaving workers with limited protection in the meantime.
In recent years, there were reports of intimidation, threats, and blackmail by
employers to prevent union activity. Some unions required members to provide
identity documents to participate in the union even though the labor code protects
all workers regardless of their legal status.
Labor NGO representatives reported companies resisted collective negotiating
practices and union activities. In recent years, companies reportedly fired workers
for union activity and blacklisted trade unionists, among other antiunion practices.
Workers reported they believed they had to sign documents pledging to abstain
from participating in union activities. Companies also created and supported
yellowor company-backed unions to counter free and democratic unions.
Although some companies had collective bargaining agreements, other companies
created obstacles to union formation and used expensive and lengthy judicial
processes to avoid independent unions and collective bargaining.
b. Prohibition of Forced or Compulsory Labor
The law prohibits and criminalizes all forms of forced labor. The government did
not consistently enforce the law. The law prescribes imprisonment of 15-20 years
and fines for persons convicted of exploiting forced labor; penalties were less than
penalties for similar crimes such as kidnapping. Penalties were rarely applied
against violators.
Civil society organizations reported that forced labor of adults, particularly
undocumented Haitian migrants and stateless persons of Haitian descent, likely
occurred in the construction, agriculture, and service sectors. Advocates for these
workers reported receiving threats. Forced labor of children also likely occurred
(see section 7.c.). International observers indicated the government needed to do
more to screen for forced labor indicators in workplaces. The Attorney General’s
Office reported carrying out a program to increase awareness of forced child labor
and its legal consequences in tourist areas, as well as training programs for judges,
Page 34
prosecutors, and investigators.
The labor code applies equally to all workers regardless of nationality, but Haitian
migrant workerslack of documentation and uncertain legal status in the country
made them more vulnerable to forced labor and less likely to report indicators of
forced labor. NGO representatives reported many irregular Haitian laborers and
stateless persons of Haitian descent did not exercise their labor rights due to fear of
being fired or deported.
Also see the Department of States Trafficking in Persons Report at
c. Prohibition of Child Labor and Minimum Age for Employment
See the Department of Labors Findings on the Worst Forms of Child Labor at
d. Discrimination with Respect to Employment and Occupation
The constitution creates rights of equality and nondiscrimination, regardless of sex,
skin color, age, disability, nationality, family ties, language, religion, political
opinion or philosophy, and social or personal condition. The law prohibits
discrimination, exclusion, or preference in employment, but there is no law against
discrimination in employment based on sexual orientation, gender identity, or
stateless status. The government did not effectively enforce the law against
discrimination in employment, and penalties were less than penalties for other civil
rights violations. Penalties were rarely applied against violators. Discrimination in
employment and occupation occurred with respect to persons with HIV or AIDS,
persons with disabilities, persons of color or of Haitian descent, LGBTQI+
persons, and women (see section 6).
Between 2014 and 2020, on average, women received 16.7 percent less salary than
men, according to a study from the Office of National Statistics. Reports estimated
that women were 41 percent less likely to receive an equal wage for similar work
in comparison to men.
Page 35
e. Acceptable Conditions of Work
Wage and Hour Laws: The law provides for a minimum wage that varies
depending on the size of the enterprise and the type of labor. As of September, the
minimum wage for all sectors within the formal economy was above the official
poverty line.
The law establishes a standard workweek of 44 hours, not to exceed eight hours
per day on weekdays, and four hours on Saturdays before noon. Agricultural
workers are exempt from this limit, however, and may be required to work up to 10
hours each workday without premium compensation.
The law covers different labor sectors individually. For example, the labor code
covers workers in the free-trade zones, but those workers are not entitled to bonus
payments, which represented a significant part of the income of most workers in
the country.
A new guideline to formalize domestic work, one of the least-regulated labor
sectors, was announced on September 1, with a 90-day implementation timeline.
The new guideline requires registration of domestic workers in social security,
establishes a minimum wage, and limits working hours, among other benefits.
Mandatory overtime was a common practice in factories, enforced through loss of
pay or employment for those who refused. The Federation of Free Trade Zone
Workers reported that some companies in the textile industry set up four-by-four
work schedules under which employees worked 12-hour shifts for four days. In a
few cases, employees working the four-by-four schedules were not paid overtime
for work beyond eight hours per day or 44 hours per week.
Occupational Safety and Health: The Ministry of Labor set occupational safety
and health (OSH) regulations that were appropriate for the main industries. By
regulation, employers are obligated to provide for the safety and health of
employees in all aspects related to the job. By law, employees may remove
themselves from situations that endanger health or safety without jeopardy to their
employment, but they may face other punishments for their action.
In March the Ministry of Labor launched guidelines on the safe application of
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The Dominican Institute for the Prevention and Protection of Occupation Risks
reported in 2021 that 64 percent of workers ages 20 to 39 reported accidents, and
35 percent of workers ages 40 to 60 reported accidents.
The law requires the establishment of Safety and Health Committees in workplaces
with 15 or more workers, and Safety and Health Coordinators in smaller
workplaces. Ministry of Labor inspectors are trained to inspect for OSH standards
as part of their standard inspection procedures, although the number of labor
inspectors was insufficient for the size of the nation’s workforce.
Wage, Hour, and OSH Enforcement: Ministry of Labor authorities conducted
inspections but did not effectively enforce minimum wages, hours of work, and
OSH standards. Penalties for violations were less than those for similar crimes
such as fraud or negligence and were rarely applied against violators. The number
of labor inspectors was not sufficient to enforce compliance. Inspectors have the
authority to conduct unannounced inspections. Inspectors did not have the
authority to assess penalties but could recommend sanctions to the Public Ministry,
which was responsible for pursuing and applying penalties for labor violations
uncovered by labor inspectors. In practice, penalties were rarely if ever applied.
Conditions for agricultural workers were poor. Many workers worked long hours,
often 12 hours per day and seven days per week, and suffered from hazardous
working conditions, including exposure to pesticides, long periods in the sun,
limited access to potable water, and sharp and heavy tools. Some workers reported
they were not paid the legally mandated minimum wage.
The Central Romana Corporation and other sugar producers faced allegations that
they paid their workers substandard wages. Sugarcane cutters were paid in cash
weekly according to the number of tons of cane they cut. The rate paid for cut
cane ranged between 80 and 217 pesos ($1.50-$4.00) per ton, depending on how
the cane was prepared for harvest, and whether it was manually loaded on carts.
Workers varied widely in their productivity but could typically cut between two
and six tons per day. Canecutters typically worked six days a week, and many
reported earning between 2,000-3,500 pesos ($36-$64) a week. A series of
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journalistic investigations alleged that Central Romana Corporation, which was
responsible for nearly 60 percent of domestic sugar production, might have
systematically deprived workers of promised benefits or drastically limited access
to benefits, including health care, lodging, and pensions.
Industrial accidents caused injury and death to some workers. There were reports
that Central Romana routinely exposed its workers to dangerous working
conditions, including exposure to chemicals and unsafe machinery, and did not
support workersmedical expenses when they were injured or became ill as a
result of workplace incidents.
Informal Sector: The law applies to both the formal and informal sectors, but it
was seldom enforced in the informal sector, which comprised approximately one-
half of all workers. Most of the informal-sector jobs were in construction,
agriculture, and commerce. Many of the informal-sector workers were
undocumented persons or women. Workers in the informal economy faced more
precarious working conditions than formal-sector workers.
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