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Poster Presentation Information
Congratulations! Your abstract has been selected for presentation at one of our four Poster
Sessions. To maximize the impact of your presentation at the meeting, please review these
NEW for 2024! Fully digital LED poster wall
Based on feedback from our members, all of the posters will be displayed digitally on a state-of-
the-art custom LED poster wall, reducing waste and enhancing the experience for poster
presenters. The society will offset the cost of the poster wall and maintain a nominal fee per poster
of $130.00. After uploading the poster by January 29 (weeks earlier than the usual printing
deadline), presenters no longer have to worry about picking up their posters and hanging them
onsite, the posters will be synced to the poster wall and displayed during each session.
Poster Presentation Format(s)
(1) Eposters will be displayed during the four poster sessions in the Prince George’s Exhibit Hall
at the Gaylord National Harbor Resort and Convention Center.
(2) Digital Posters will also be displayed online beginning Saturday, February 10 on the
#SMFM24 meeting website
and mobile event app.
Poster Schedule
Tuesday, February 13
Poster Session I 10:30 am noon
Poster Session II 3:30 – 5:00 pm
Wednesday, February 14
Poster Session III 8:30 – 10:00 am
Poster Session IV 1 – 2:30 pm
All times eastern standard time.
Major Deadlines
Monday, January 29, 2024: E-Poster Upload and Payment Deadline
Friday, February 9, 2024: Optional audio recording due
Poster Management System
The Cadmium speaker management system is being used to collect all content for the meeting.
Poster presenters will receive instructions on how to upload a one-page PDF of the poster, make
an audio recording of up to 5-minutes to present your research, and information regarding how to
access the website Q&A to view and answer questions. Access the system here:
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Completed tasks will be marked with a green checkmark as shown below:
Note: Authors will continue to receive emails from Chloe’ Thomas ([email protected]
) and/or until all assigned tasks are completed.
As the presenting author of an accepted abstract, you must register and attend the 44
Pregnancy Meeting. To register prior to the meeting visit
Poster Payment
Please use this link
meeting to pay the $130/poster processing fee. Posters not uploaded by January 29, 2024, will
incur a rush processing fee of $70.00 per poster up to a maximum of $200.00. The cutoff date to
accommodate any rush processing is February 3.
Poster Templates and Format
SMFM will provide branded templates for 2 different poster styles: the traditional scientific poster
template and an updated poster template style made popular by Mike Morrison
. Either is acceptable, and authors should
adopt the provided templates to their institutions branding or use their own template. The aspect
ratio (ratio of width to height) should be set to '16:9'. To optimize the LED technology, the poster
upload must be a PDF or JPEG file at the highest resolution possible.
A team of judges will review all posters, and awards will be presented for each poster session.
Awards will be announced on Wednesday, February 14 during the Awards Ceremony.
Additional Questions? Please contact our program team at
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Poster Presentation Frequently Asked Questions
Do I have to register to present my poster?
Yes. As in past years, all meeting participants, including course faculty, presenters, and abstract
authors must register for the Scientific Sessions.
Is it possible to present my poster virtually?
No. All poster presenters are expected to present in-person during the assigned poster session.
I have not received the follow-up email with access to the poster management system.
Please click here:, click
“lost your access key?” and enter the email address that your acceptance letter was sent to.
Do I have to use the SMFM-provided poster templates?
No. The templates are provided as a guide; however, you are encouraged to use your institution’s
template or adopt the provided templates to your institution’s branding.
Do I have to upload an audio presentation to accompany my poster?
No. While all presenting authors are required to complete the poster upload task and upload a
poster, the poster audio task is optional and not a requirement.
Can I print and bring my own poster?
No. The program committee has transitioned each poster session to fully digital.
Posters not uploaded by January 29, 2024, will incur a rush processing fee of $70.00 per poster up
to a maximum of $200.00. The cutoff date to accommodate any rush processing is February 3.
I have multiple posters in the same poster session; how will I present all of them at the same time?
The benefit of the optional presentation audio is that it allows all registrants to listen to your
presentation online or in the app from their mobile devices while viewing your poster. Onsite, your
posters will be located adjacent each other so that you can present and answer questions.
Tell me more about the fully digital LED poster session. How will it differ from the typical SMFM
poster session?
Each poster session will feature 11 double-sided rows of LED posters. Each wall will display 13
posters per wall. The walls are 8 feet high, allowing poster numbers to be seen from a distance.
Posters will be 3 feet high and 5 feet wide and there will be approximately 20 inches between
each poster for presenters to stand next to the digital display. 2 feet of space at the bottom of
each wall will be available for digital advertising. Please see a rough rendering below.
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Where can I find more information about the deadlines for manuscript submission to AJOG through
More information regarding manuscript submission can be found here.
I have general questions regarding the meeting. Where can I find more information?
Please access the 2024 Annual Pregnancy Meeting FAQs document here.
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Traditional Poster Template
Click here
to download this template
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Mike Morrison-Style Poster Template
Click here
to download this template
If you are using this template, we recommend using the following sites to create free static
QR codes that redirect to a website (URL). The QR code can link back to your department
website for access to the poster and supplemental materials.