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Prado CBC, Machado EAS, Mendes KDS, Silveira RCCP, Galvão CM. Support surfaces for intraoperative
pressure injury prevention: systematic review with meta-analysis. Rev. Latino-Am. Enfermagem. 2021;29:e3493.
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Paper extracted from doctoral dissertation “Support surfaces
for prevention for pressure ulcer in the intraoperative
period: systematic review with meta-analysis”, presented
to Universidade de São Paulo, Escola de Enfermagem de
Ribeirão Preto, PAHO/WHO Collaborating Centre for Nursing
Research Development, Ribeirão Preto, SP, Brazil.
Universidade de Uberaba, Ciências da Saúde, Uberaba,
MG, Brazil.
Universidade de São Paulo, Escola de Enfermagem de
Ribeirão Preto, PAHO/WHO Collaborating Centre for Nursing
Research Development, Ribeirão Preto, SP, Brazil.
Scholarship holder at the Conselho Nacional de
Desenvolvimento Cientíco e Tecnológico/Ministério da
Ciência, Tecnologia e Inovações, Brazil.
Support surfaces for intraoperative pressure injury prevention:
systematic review with meta-analysis*
Objective: to evaluate evidence on eectiveness support
surfaces for pressure injury prevention in the intraoperative
period. Method: systematic review. The search for primary
studies was conducted in seven databases. The sample
consisted of 10 studies. The synthesis of the results was carried
out descriptively and through meta-analysis. Results: when
comparing low-tech support surfaces with regular care (standard
surgical table mattress), the meta-analysis showed that there is
no statistically signicant dierence between the investigated
interventions (Relative Risk = 0.88; 95%CI: 0.30-2.39). The
Higgins inconsistency test indicated considerable heterogeneity
between studies (I
= 83%). The assessment of the certainty
of the evidence was very low. When comparing high-tech and
low-tech support surfaces, the meta-analysis showed that there
is a statistically signicant dierence between the interventions
studied, with high-tech being the most eective (Relative Risk
= 0.17; 95%CI: 0.05-0.53). Heterogeneity can be classied
as not important (I
= 0%). The assessment of certainty of
evidence was moderate. Conclusion: the use of high-tech
support surfaces is an eective measure to prevent pressure
injuries in the intraoperative period.
Descriptors: Perioperative Nursing; Pressure Ulcer; Systematic
Review; Meta-Analysis; Intraoperative Period; Equipment and
Review Article
Rev. Latino-Am. Enfermagem
DOI: 10.1590/1518-8345.5279.3493
Carolina Beatriz Cunha Prado
Elaine Alves Silva Machado
Karina Dal Sasso Mendes
Renata Cristina de Campos Pereira Silveira
Cristina Maria Galvão
Rev Latino-Am. Enfermagem 2021;29:e3493.
Pressure injury (PI) is an adverse event that can
aect the surgical patient. In recently published clinical
guidelines, information based on research results
indicated that the incidence of this type of injury, directly
attributable to the surgical anesthetic procedure, can
range from 4% to 45%
. This variability of data must
be interpreted with caution, since in the intraoperative
period skin changes due to the appearance of PI may
take a while to manifest, several hours or even three to
ve days after surgery. This condition can generate an
underestimated number of this type of injury resulting
from the surgical anesthetic procedure; in addition, it
is commonly attributed to the postoperative period or
confused with burns
In the intraoperative period, the appearance of PI
is related to dierent factors, which can be classied as
intrinsic to the patient (for example, age, Body Mass Index
and presence of chronic disease), extrinsic (for example,
exposure to pressure, especially in bone prominences,
friction, shear and altered microclimate) and related to
the surgical anesthetic procedure (duration of the surgical
anesthetic procedure, type of surgical position, among
In the literature there is evidence of the importance
of using support surfaces for the prevention of PI in the
intraoperative period. These devices can be mattresses,
overlays or specic pads for dierent parts of the human
body, and they can be made of foam, gel, viscoelastic
polymer, air or uids
. Support surfaces can be
classied into high tech and low tech. The rst one is
dynamic, capable of changing the pressure distribution
with or without load applied and powered by an energy
source (for example: alternating pressure overlay). On
the other hand, the low-tech surface is not powered
by electricity and adapts to the shape of the body,
distributing body weight over a large area (for example:
dry viscoelastic overlay)
. On the other hand, there are
knowledge gaps, which are the most eective support
surfaces for use in the operating room
The perioperative nurse has a fundamental role in the
assessment of the patient before the surgical anesthetic
procedure and in the identication of predisposing factors
for the occurrence of skin lesions, including PI. In the
intraoperative period, the planning and implementation of
care for the prevention of PI are crucial for the reduction
of complications associated with this type of injury, such
as: intense pain in the postoperative period, not related
to the surgical site; patient dissatisfaction; the extension
of the length of stay; the increase in the expenses of the
public/private health system
This systematic review was conducted in an attempt
to contribute to the advancement of knowledge about the
problem in question. In addition to providing support for
nurses’ decision-making in clinical practice, with a view
to increasing the quality of care provided and reducing
costs, mainly related to the treatment of PI and the use
of appropriate technology in the operating room. Thus,
the delimited objective was to evaluate the evidence
on eectiveness support surfaces for the prevention of
pressure injuries in the intraoperative period.
Type of study
This is a systematic review of health interventions
and was conducted based on the recommendations of the
Cochrane Collaboration. The following steps were taken:
1) elaboration and registration of the review protocol;
2) delimitation of the review question; 3) denition of
eligibility criteria; 4) search and selection of studies;
5) data collection; 6) synthesis and presentation of
the results of the systematic review
. The Preferred
Reporting Items for Systematic Review and Meta-Analyses
(PRISMA) checklist guidelines were also adopted to report
the systematic review
The review protocol was registered in the International
Prospective Register of Systematic Reviews (PROSPERO).
The registration number is CRD42019131271 and the
protocol can be accessed at the website (https://www.
The systematic review was conducted in the city of
Ribeirão Preto, state of São Paulo, Brazil.
The systematic review took place from January to
November 2020.
The delimited review question was: “what are the
eective support surfaces for the prevention of pressure
injuries in patients during the intraoperative period?”. The
question followed the components of the acronym PICOT
(population, intervention, comparison, outcome and time),
being P = surgical patient; I = tested support surface; C
= standard care (non-use of support surface) or support
surface dierent from the one tested; O = pressure injury
prevention; T = intraoperative period.
Prado CBC, Machado EAS, Mendes KDS, Silveira RCCP, Galvão CM.
Selection criteria
In the systematic review, primary studies that met
the components of the PICOT strategy were included, and
those in which the population consisted of patients under
18 years old or volunteers were excluded. Systematic
reviews of the eectiveness of health interventions
advocated by the Cochrane Collaboration traditionally
focus on the inclusion of randomized controlled trials.
However, this organization also discusses the inclusion,
in this type of review, of non-randomized studies of
. Given the above and the diversity of
non-randomized study designs, the reviewers delimited
the inclusion of randomized controlled trials and non-
randomized studies, whose authors investigated the
eectiveness of support surfaces in preventing pressure
injuries in the intraoperative period. With regard to non-
randomized studies, studies that in the design presented
at least two comparative groups (for example, a control
group and an intervention group) were selected. It is
also noteworthy that for the selection of primary studies,
limitations of language or period of publication were not
Sample denition
The databases selected for the search of primary
studies were PubMed, Cumulative Index to Nursing and
Allied Health Literature (CINAHL), Cochrane Central
Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL), EMBASE,
Scopus, Web of Science, and Latin American and Latin
American Literature Caribbean in Health Sciences
Before performing the final searches of the
primary studies in the selected databases, several
combinations were performed using the controlled
descriptors, keywords and the Boolean operators AND
and OR, this was done in order to identify the largest
possible number of publications. For this step, the
combinations adopted the ve components of the PICOT
strategy. However, it was observed that the removal of
P and C elements allowed the increase of the search
amplitude. Thus, the combination I AND O AND T was
used, and in four databases, PubMed, CENTRAL, Web
of Science and Scopus, the controlled descriptors were
delimited from the Medical Subject Headings (MeSH)
and the search strategies adopted were: I - “Equipment
and Supplies”[Mesh] OR “Supplies and Equipment”
OR “Apparatus and Instruments” OR “Instruments
and Apparatus” OR “Supplies” OR “Inventories” OR
“Inventory” OR “Medical Devices” OR “Medical Device”
OR “Device, Medical” OR “Devices, Medical” OR “Devices”
OR “Device” OR “Equipment” OR “support surface” OR
“foam mattress” OR “gel mattress” OR “visco-elastic
polyether foam mattress” OR “visco-elastic polyurethane
mattress” OR “polymers” OR “mattress” OR “foam”
OR “viscoelastic” OR “pillows polyurethane foam” OR
“rubber foam” OR “pillows” OR “cushion” OR “overlay”
OR “pad” OR “Dry viscoelastic Polymer”; O - “Pressure
Ulcer”[Mesh] OR “Pressure Ulcers” OR “Ulcer, Pressure”
OR “Ulcers, Pressure” OR “Bedsore” OR “Bedsores” OR
“Pressure Sore” OR “Pressure Sores” OR “Sore, Pressure”
OR “Sores, Pressure” OR “Bed Sores” OR “Bed Sore” OR
“Sore, Bed” OR “Sores, Bed” OR “Decubitus Ulcer” OR
“Decubitus Ulcers” OR “Ulcer, Decubitus” OR “Ulcers,
Decubitus” OR “Interface pressure” OR “Pressure ulcer
Prevention and control” OR “intraoperative pressure
injuries” OR “intraoperatively acquired pressure ulcer”
OR “Wounds and Injuries”[Mesh] and T - “Intraoperative
Period”[Mesh] OR “Intraoperative Periods” OR “Period,
Intraoperative” OR “Periods, Intraoperative”. In the other
databases, CINAHL, EMBASE and LILACS, the search
strategies used were similar, however the controlled
descriptors used were in accordance with the base
vocabulary, namely: CINAHL Headings, Emtree and
Descriptors in Health Sciences (DeCS).
At the end of the search for primary studies in all
selected databases, the results were exported to EndNote
Basic (desktop version) for the removal of duplicates
Then, all citations from the reference manager were
imported into the Rayyan technology platform of the Qatar
Computing Research Institute (QCRI), specically aimed
at the study selection phase among reviewers. Thus,
allowing the blinding between these and the monitoring
of the selection process by the main researcher. This
platform can be accessed through an electronic address
( or as an application
for smartphones
Titles and abstracts of primary studies identied
in the databases and imported from EndNote Basic
to the Rayyan platform were independently assessed
by two reviewers to determine which studies met the
aforementioned eligibility criteria. The reading of the
primary studies, in full, was also carried out independently
by two reviewers. In those cases where there was
disagreement between reviewers, a third reviewer was
consulted to solve the question.
The search and selection of primary studies that were
included in the review sample took place from February to
April 2020. Through a manual search, the main reviewer
tried to identify, in the reference list of each study included
in the review, other studies that could answer the guiding
question. However, no study was selected.
Rev Latino-Am. Enfermagem 2021;29:e3493.
Data collection
A standard form was developed to collect data from
the studies included in the systematic review. The script
items were: authors; study title; year of publication;
journal name; goal; sample; inclusion and exclusion
criteria for the investigated population; randomization;
blinding; type of anesthesia and duration; type of
surgery and duration; intervention/experimental group;
group control; number of patients who had pressure
injury at the end of the study; statistical analysis; main
results; conclusion. Data collection was again carried
out by two reviewers, independently, in May and June
2020. To solve items and/or information that presented
divergences, meetings were scheduled between
reviewers for discussion and resolution of divergent
aspects until consensus.
Data analysis
To analyze the risk of bias of the randomized
controlled trials included in the review (n=6), the
free tool named Revised Cochrane risk-of-bias tool
for randomized trials (RoB 2), which is proposed by
the Cochrane Collaboration
was adopted. This tool
has ve domains, namely: bias resulting from the
randomization process; bias due to deviations from
intended interventions; bias from missing outcome data;
bias from the measurement of the outcome; bias from
the selection of the reported result. Such analysis was
performed by two reviewers, independently. Through
meetings, the results of each evaluated study and the
doubts were discussed until the reviewers reached
To assess the methodological quality of the non-
randomized studies (n=4), the quasi-experimental study
tool proposed by the Joanna Briggs Institute (JBI) was
used. The tool is called JBI Critical Appraisal Checklist
for Quasi-Experimental Studies, and is composed of
nine questions. For each question, the reviewer answers
yes, no, unclear or not applicable. The questions are
aimed at assessing the study’s internal validity and
risk of bias (selection of participants, conduction and
analysis of results)
. In this analysis, two reviewers
also independently assessed the four studies. Then, a
meeting was held to discuss doubts and nal evaluation
of the research. The adopted tool does not have a scoring
system for the general evaluation of the study.
The summary of the review results was carried
out in descriptive form and through meta-analysis.
To perform the meta-analysis, randomized controlled
trials were grouped according to the support surfaces
investigated by the researchers. The delimited meta-
analysis analysis model was the random eect, using
the software Review Manager (RevMan) version 5.3 of
the Cochrane Collaboration.
The assessment of the certainty of the evidence
was performed using the Grading of Recommendations
Assessment, Development and Evaluation (GRADE). This
assessment is performed for each outcome analyzed. In
this review, the outcome is the development of pressure
injury related to the use of support surfaces using the
evidence available in the literature. The certainty of the
evidence can be assessed as high (strong condence
that the true eect is close to that estimated), moderate
(moderate condence in the estimated eect), low (limited
condence in the eect estimate) and very low (very
limited condence in the estimate of the eect)
. The
assessment of the certainty of the evidence was performed
using the GRADEpro software (
In Figure 1, the detailed owchart of the selection
process of the primary studies included in the systematic
review is presented. Thus, the review sample consisted
of 10 studies, with six randomized controlled trials and
four non-randomized studies.
In Figure 2, the descriptive synthesis of the primary
studies was presented. The following data were indicated:
authors and year of publication of the research; sample;
support surfaces tested in the intervention and control
groups; number of PI in each group; the incidences of
the analyzed outcome. Missing data were not described
by the authors of the included studies.
Prado CBC, Machado EAS, Mendes KDS, Silveira RCCP, Galvão CM.
Source: Moher, et al.
CENTRAL = Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials;
LILACS = Latin American and Caribbean Literature in Health Sciences;
CINAHL = Cumulative
Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature;
PI = Pressure injury
Figure 1 - Flowchart of the selection process of primary studies included in the systematic review adapted from Preferred
Reporting Items for Systematic Review and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA). Ribeirão Preto, SP, Brazil, 2020
Study Sample IG
/support surface/Technology type CG
/support surface/technology type
Nixon, et al.
n=205/dry viscoelastic polymer pad/
low tech
n=211/standard surgical table mattress/regular
Aronovitch, et
al. (1999)
n=112/alternating pressure system/
high technology
n=105/dry viscoelastic polymer overlay/low tech 0
Schultz, et al.
n=206/ special foam cover for
operating room/low tech mattress
n=207/gel pads, egg box foam mattress and
“foam donuts”/low tech
n=98/multi-cell pulsatile dynamic
mattress system/high-tech
n=100/dry viscoelastic polymer pad/low tech
Feuchtinger, et
al. (2006)
n=85/4 cm thermoactivated
viscoelastic foam cover/low tech
n=90/standard surgical table mattress/regular
(continues on the next page...)
Rev Latino-Am. Enfermagem 2021;29:e3493.
Study Sample IG
/support surface/Technology type CG
/support surface/technology type
Huang, et al.
n=60/alternating air cushion positioned
under the head/high tech
n=60/gel pad positioned under the head/low tech
Group 1: SFM
versus FGM
Group 2: VEO
above de SFM
FGM (n=92)
Group 3: SFM
versus VEO
FGM (n=62)
Group 4: VEO
above SFM
above FGM
Group 5- SFM
versus VEO
SFM (n = 73)
Group 6- FGM
versus VEO
(n = 74)
_ _ _
Wu, et al.
n=30/high density foam pad/low tech n=30/viscoelastic polymer pad/low tech
Joseph, et al.
n=100/low prole alternating pressure
overlay/high tech
n=292/standard surgical table mattress/regular
Ezeamuzie, et
al. (2019)
n=104/low prole alternating pressure
overlay/high tech
n=108/standard gel polymer mattress/low-tech
*IG = Intervention group;
CG = Control group;
PI = Pressure injury;
I = Incidence;
SFM = Standard surgical table mattress (regular care);
FGM = Two-
inch thick foam and surgical table gel mattress coated with nylon fabric (low tech);
VEO = Dry viscoelastic polymer overlay (low tech)
Figure 2 - Characterization of primary studies included in the systematic review. Ribeirão Preto, SP, Brazil, 2020
Figure 3 shows the result of the risk of bias assessment using the RoB 2 tool, which was presented for each of
the six randomized controlled trials included in the systematic review.
Randomization process
Deviations from intended interventions
Missing Outcome Data
Measurement of the outcome
Selection of the reported result
Overall Bias
Figure 3 - Risk of bias assessment of randomized controlled trials in each domain of the Revised Cochrane risk-of-bias
tool for randomized trials (RoB 2). Ribeirão Preto, SP, Brazil, 2020
Prado CBC, Machado EAS, Mendes KDS, Silveira RCCP, Galvão CM.
Of the six randomized controlled trials, 66.7% (n=4)
were considered to be at low risk of bias and 33.3%
(n=2) were considered to be at high risk of bias. In two
the bias domain in the measurement of results
was evaluated as being of high risk, since there was no
information about blinding of the result evaluators, that
is, the evaluator could know which was the participant’s
group and perform less rigorous evaluation for patients
in the experimental group regarding the outcome, in
this case, the development of PI. In one study
bias domain in the selection of reported outcome was
also assessed as high risk, that is, researchers reported
outcome measures selectively favorable to the intervention
of the experimental group.
The assessment of the methodological quality of the
non-randomized studies (n=4) was performed using the
JBI Critical Appraisal Checklist for Quasi-Experimental
Studies, as already mentioned, this tool does not have
a scoring system. Thus, of the nine questions that make
up the checklist, in two studies
, eight questions
received the answer “yes” in the assessment carried
out by the reviewers; in one study
, seven questions
received “yes”; and in the other research
, ve
questions received “yes”, and in the evaluation, three
questions received the answer “not applicable”, since
the questions were related to follow-up and comparison
between the control and experimental groups. In this
study, the support surfaces were tested on the same
patient, and the high-density foam pad was tested under
the right chest and the right iliac crest (experimental
intervention), and the viscoelastic polymer pad was
tested under the left chest and the left iliac crest (control
In the meta-analysis, only randomized controlled
trials with similar characteristics regarding the surfaces
tested in the intervention and control groups were
included. As already mentioned, the outcome considered
to assess the eectiveness of the support surfaces was
the development of pressure injury in the intervention
and control groups. In Figure 4, two meta-analyses were
presented. The rst considers clinical trials in which the
authors tested low-tech support surfaces in comparison
with usual care (standard surgical table mattress) (Figure
4 A.1). In the second meta-analysis, the clinical trials in
which researchers investigated high-tech support surfaces
compared to low-tech support surfaces are considered
(Figure 4 A.2). The Relative Risk (RR) was indicated in
the last column of the forest plots.
Figure 4 - Forest plots from meta-analyses addressing pressure injury prevention interventions. Ribeirão Preto, SP,
Brazil, 2020
In Figure 4 A.1, when comparing low-tech support
surfaces with usual care (standard surgical table
mattress), the interpretation of the meta-analysis
indicates that there is no statistically significant
dierence between the investigated interventions (RR
= 0, 88; 95%CI: 0.30-2.39). On the other hand, in
Figure 4 A.2, when comparing high-tech and low-tech
support surfaces, the interpretation of the meta-analysis
shows that there is a statistically signicant dierence
between the investigated interventions, with the high-
tech ones being the most eective (RR = 0.17; 95%CI:
(A.1) Low Tech versus Usual Care (Standard Surgical Table Mattress)
(A.2) High Tech versus Low Tech
Rev Latino-Am. Enfermagem 2021;29:e3493.
In Figure 4 A.1, the Higgins inconsistency statistical
test (I
) indicated considerable heterogeneity between
studies (I
= 83%). On the other hand, on Figure 4
(A.2), heterogeneity can be classied as unimportant
= 0%).
In Table 1, the assessment of certainty of evidence
by the GRADE system was presented. As explained above,
this assessment is performed for each outcome, in the
case of this review, the development of pressure injury.
Thus, when comparing low-tech support surfaces with
usual care, the certainty of the evidence was very low
(very limited condence in the estimation of the eect),
as it presented very serious inconsistency, that is,
considerable heterogeneity (I
= 83%). Furthermore, the
imprecision was also rated as very severe due to variation
in the eect estimate. When comparing high-tech and low-
tech support surfaces, the certainty of the evidence was
moderate (moderate condence in the estimated eect),
since two randomized controlled trials were evaluated at
high risk of bias.
Table 1 Synthesis of the assessment of the certainty of evidence, according to the Grading of Recommendations
Assessment, Development and Evaluation (GRADE). Ribeirão Preto, SP, Brazil, 2020
Certainty of evidence
Number of
of study
Type of
Risk of
(95% CI
Incidence of Pressure Injury/Low Technology versus Standard Surgical Table Mattress
very serious
20 plus
to 180
Very low
Incidence of Pressure Injury/High Tech versus Low Tech
not serious
not serious none
(0.05 to
72 minus
(from 82
to 41
I = Intervention;
C = Control;
CI = Condence interval;
RCT = Randomized controlled trial;
The justication for the assessment is that the Higgins
inconsistency test (I2=83%) indicated considerable heterogeneity between studies;
The justication for the assessment is that the eect estimate varies
The justication for the assessment is that two randomized controlled trials were considered to be at high risk of bias;
RR = Relative risk
To make the discussion of the evidenced results
easier, three categories were dened (the rst one
comparing low-tech support surfaces with regular care,
that is, standard surgical table mattress), in addition,
two randomized controlled trials were grouped
. In a
the results led to the interruption of the research,
since the patients in the intervention group (overlay of
thermoactive viscoelastic foam of 4 cm) had a higher
number of PI, although the dierence between the groups
was not statistically signicant. In another study
, the
results showed that the use of a dry viscoelastic polymer
pad was more eective in preventing PI compared to
regular care (OR=0.46; 95%CI: 0.26-0.82; p=0.01).
In a quasi-experimental study carried out in Brazil,
the authors evaluated the interface pressure of support
surfaces in bony prominences, at specic points (occipital,
subscapular, sacral and calcaneal regions) in 20 healthy
volunteers in supine position on a surgical table. Seven
dierent combinations were evaluated, namely: standard
surgical table mattress without overlaying; the viscoelastic
polymer overlay; three overlays of 5 cm thick sealed foam
at densities 28, 33 and 45 kg/m
; two overlays of soft
foam 5 cm thick and densities 28 and 18 kg/m
. The mean
interface pressure of the viscoelastic polymer overlay was
higher compared to the other surfaces tested, including
the standard surgical table mattress (p<0.001)
The second category (high-tech support surfaces
versus low-tech surfaces) included three randomized
controlled trials
and two non-randomized
. In all studies, the high-tech surfaces
tested were alternating pressure devices from dierent
manufacturers. In two randomized controlled trials
the MicroPulse
System alternating air overlay
(MicroPulse, Inc., Portage, Michigan, USA) was tested.
Prado CBC, Machado EAS, Mendes KDS, Silveira RCCP, Galvão CM.
In non-randomized studies
, low-prole alternating
pressure overlap was investigated (Dabir Micropressure
Operating Table Surface
, Dabir Surfaces, Chicago, Illinois,
USA). In a randomized controlled trial
, the surface
tested was an alternating air cushion from the Chinese
manufacturer WeXuan Co.
In four studies, the results showed the superiority
of a high-tech support surface in relation to low-tech
surfaces in the prevention of PI in the intraoperative
. In a randomized controlled trial
, the
experimental group (high-tech support surface) had
a lower incidence of PI (2/98) than the control group
(7/100), however, there was no statistically signicant
dierence between the groups (p=0.172).
In conducting the two non-randomized studies
included in the review, there are similarities in terms
of research design, population and tested support
. In both, in the experimental group, low-
prole alternating pressure overlay was tested. This
overlay incorporates hundreds of supporting nodules
arranged in rows that periodically inate with air, so the
patient’s weight is distributed over small nodal points of
alternating contact. Alternate rows are interconnected
so that the overlay has two areas that are alternately
inated. Ination/deation of the rows is computer
controlled and provides temporary localized relief of
micropressure in areas of the body lying above deated
nodules. The overlay was placed on top of the standard
operating table mattress, before starting the surgery.
The operating room is considered as a place of risk
for the development of PI, due to strict restrictions specic
to the environment, namely: the inability to reposition
the patient during the anesthetic surgical procedure for
pressure relief and the need of permanence on a stable
support surface, generally implying the use of a relatively
rigid padding material, resulting in the exposure of the
body to tissue deformation conditions. In this context, low-
prole alternating pressure overlay was designed for use
in surgery, which brought technological advances in a eld
in which contemporary technology is generally poor
In the last category (comparison between low-tech
support surfaces) two non-randomized studies
one randomized controlled trial were included
. In a
non-randomized study
, two operating table mattresses
and an overlay of dry viscoelastic combined in dierent
ways were tested with the participation of 505 patients
(divided into six groups). Regarding PI development, dry
viscoelastic polymer overlay was more eective than foam
and gel or standard mattresses.
In the other non-randomized study
, two support
surfaces were tested on the same patient, and on the
right side a high-density foam pad (32 kg/m
), 50%
resilience and 10 cm thickness was applied (chest and iliac
crest) and on the left side the viscoelastic polymer pillow
, model 40700; Action, Hagerstown, Maryland,
USA), two-cm-thick, also on the chest and iliac crest.
Mean pressures and peak pressures were signicantly
lower at the points evaluated with the viscoelastic polymer
pad, compared to the points tested with the high-density
foam pad. However, the results did not show a statistically
signicant dierence in the incidence of pressure injury
between the two support surfaces tested (OR=0.47, 95%
CI, 0.11-1.99).
In the randomized controlled trial
, also included in
this category, patients in the control group used devices
according to the criteria of each nurse. Options included
gel pads, egg box foam mattress and “foam donuts”
for heels and elbows. The patients in the intervention
group were placed on a special foam cover with a 25%
indentation force (IF) of 30 pounds and a density of
1.3 (specication considered ideal). The number of
participants in the experimental group (55/206) showed
signicantly higher occurrence of PI than those in the
control group (34/207) (p=0.0111), indicating that the
special foam surface that was tested was not eective in
preventing this type of injury.
The standard surgical table mattress is usually made
of two-inch (5.08 cm) elastic foam and covered with black
vinyl fabric. Despite its excellent stability, there is evidence
that this type of surface contributes to the development
of PI. On the other hand, mattresses made with high-
specication foam can reduce the development of this
type of injury. Thus, the multi-layer smooth surfaces
allow the patient to sink into the underlayer and wrap
around the body to increase the contact area by up to
60%. Such properties help to distribute pressure over
a larger area. Bi-elastic layers also reduce skin creases
and shear forces
The support surface must have the best
characteristics to provide eective pressure redistribution,
which are: lowest mean interface pressure, lowest peak
interface pressure and highest skin contact area. Based on
these assumptions, researchers conducted a comparative
descriptive study with volunteers to investigate four types
of support surfaces, with the aim of identifying the most
eective surface for pressure redistribution in prolonged
surgical procedures. The surfaces tested were: a) standard
surgical table surface, made of three-layer viscoelastic
foam; b) static air-inated seat cushion that was used
under the sacral area and placed on the standard surgical
table surface; c) two-layer surgical table surface, with
the upper layer of gel and the lower layer of high-density
foam; d) surgical surface for simulating uid immersion.
The results indicated that, although all surfaces had similar
mean interface pressures, the air-inated static seat
cushion had the best pressure redistribution properties
Rev Latino-Am. Enfermagem 2021;29:e3493.
in the sacral region, compared to the other surfaces
The results of the systematic review showed that
high-tech support surfaces are more eective than
low-tech ones (evidence through meta-analysis) in the
intraoperative period. These results have implications
for clinical practice, since the implementation of this
technology requires a high nancial investment from
the health service, that is, a reality that is probably
distant in developing countries. On the other hand, when
comparing low-tech support surfaces with regular care,
the assessment of the certainty of the evidence was very
low, indicating that conducting further research is likely
to change the estimate of the eect. In short, conducting
well-designed randomized controlled trials, testing low-
tech support surfaces, may contribute to decision-making
by perioperative nurses in clinical practice, especially
in developing countries. The evidence generated may
help this professional in planning and implementing
eective support surfaces for the prevention of PI in the
intraoperative period.
Despite the extensive search carried out in seven
databases, as well as the absence of time and language
limitations, the identification of a small number of
randomized controlled trials can be considered a
limitation, since this type of study is the most suitable
for investigating the eectiveness of health interventions.
In addition to this aspect, the researchers delimited the
inclusion of primary studies indexed in the selected
databases, that is, the non-inclusion of gray literature;
this was due to the diculty of accessing and handling
this type of material. This decision can also be considered
as a limitation.
The results of the meta-analysis conducted indicated
that when comparing low-tech support surfaces with
regular care, there was no statistically significant
dierence. Furthermore, the considerable heterogeneity
between the studies and the very low certainty of the
evidence is highlighted, indicating that the conduct of other
researches is likely to change the estimate of the eect.
When comparing high-tech and low-tech support
surfaces, there was a statistically signicant dierence
between the investigated interventions, with high-tech
being the most eective. Furthermore, it is noteworthy
that heterogeneity can be classied as not important
and the assessment of the certainty of the evidence was
Based on the above, it is recommended to conduct
well-designed randomized controlled trials to investigate
support surfaces for the prevention of pressure injuries
in the intraoperative period, considering the cost-
eectiveness of the technology.
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Authors’ Contribution:
Study concept and design: Carolina Beatriz Cunha
Prado, Cristina Maria Galvão. Obtaining data: Carolina
Beatriz Cunha Prado, Elaine Alves Silva Machado, Karina
Dal Sasso Mendes, Cristina Maria Galvão. Data analysis
and interpretation: Carolina Beatriz Cunha Prado,
Elaine Alves Silva Machado, Karina Dal Sasso Mendes,
Renata Cristina de Campos Pereira Silveira, Cristina
Maria Galvão. Statistical analysis: Carolina Beatriz
Cunha Prado, Renata Cristina de Campos Pereira Silveira,
Cristina Maria Galvão. Drafting the manuscript: Carolina
Beatriz Cunha Prado, Elaine Alves Silva Machado, Karina
Rev Latino-Am. Enfermagem 2021;29:e3493.
Received: Mar 7
Accepted: Jul 10
Copyright © 2021 Revista Latino-Americana de Enfermagem
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licensed materials.
Corresponding author:
Cristina Maria Galvão
Associate Editor:
Maria Lúcia Zanetti
Dal Sasso Mendes, Renata Cristina de Campos Pereira
Silveira, Cristina Maria Galvão. Critical review of the
manuscript as to its relevant intellectual content:
Carolina Beatriz Cunha Prado, Elaine Alves Silva Machado,
Karina Dal Sasso Mendes, Renata Cristina de Campos
Pereira Silveira, Cristina Maria Galvão.
All authors approved the nal version of the text.
Conict of interest: the authors have declared that
there is no conict of interest.