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Fall 2022
Towards Cloud-Based cost-effective serverless information Towards Cloud-Based cost-effective serverless information
system system
Isaac C. Angle
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A Thesis
Presented To
Eastern Washington University
Cheney, Washington
In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements
for the Degree
Master of Science in Computer Science
Isaac C. Angle
Fall 2022
Thesis of Isaac Angle Approved By
Name of Chair, Graduate Study Committee
Name of Member, Graduate Study Committee
Name of Member, Graduate Study Committee
Yun Tony Tian
Bojian Xu
Kurt Otto Buchholz
Isaac C. Angle
Fall 2022
E-commerce information systems are becoming increasingly popular for businesses to adopt. In
this work, we propose a serverless information system that will reduce costs for small businesses
trying to create an e-commerce website. The proposed serverless system is built entirely in Amazon
Web Services (AWS). The proposed serverless system allows businesses to pay for the use of cloud
resources on a per-order granularity. This model reduces the cost of the information system when
compared to a traditional cloud-based system. As e-commerce websites become more vital for small
businesses, a cost effective serverless approach is promising.
A special thank you to Yun Tian. His advice and knowledge of cloud systems and AWS were
instrumental to the foundation of this project.
1 Introduction
1.1 Traditional 3-tiered Information System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1.2 Introduction to Cloud Computing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1.3 The Motivation for This Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.4 The Problem We Addressed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.5 Organization of This Paper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
2 Related Work 4
3 Methodology 7
3.1 Overview of Services Used . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
3.1.1 Cognito . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
3.1.2 API Gateway . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
3.1.3 Lambda . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
3.1.4 DynamoDB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
3.1.5 CloudWatch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
3.1.6 Athena . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
3.1.7 S3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
3.1.8 CloudFront . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
3.2 Our System Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
3.2.1 Why We Used This Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
3.2.2 The Advantages and Limitations of the Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
3.3 Implementation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
3.3.1 Login and Registration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
3.3.2 Retrieving and Displaying Product Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
3.3.3 Updating the Cart and Checkout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
4 Performance and Cost Analysis 20
4.1 Cost Comparison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
4.1.1 Cost of Serverless Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
4.1.2 Cost of Traditional 3-Tiered Design with EC2 Servers . . . . . . . . . . . 22
4.1.3 Cost Comparison Between the Serverless and 3-Tiered Architecture . . . . 23
4.2 Athena Data Analytics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
4.3 Performance Comparison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
4.3.1 Execution Time of Traditional 3-Tiered System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
4.3.2 Execution Time of Serverless System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
5 Conclusion 29
6 Future Work 30
References 32
Vita 36
1 Introduction
With the surge of users buying products from the internet, e-commerce websites have increased
in popularity. To keep up with this trend, most companies have developed a website to cater to
these online shoppers. E-commerce websites are not limited to a specific type of product and are
a necessary part of any growing business in today’s world [1]. These websites act as the portal
to a back-end information system. Normally, such information systems will provide the following
features: including sign-up of users, shopping cart, authenticating and authorizing users, processing
the customers’ orders, and generating sales reports.
1.1 Traditional 3-tiered Information System
Traditionally, the 3-tiered architecture is widely adopted when designing and implementing
an e-commerce back-end information system. The 3-tiered architecture in an information system
consists of a front-end web page, an application server, and a database in the back-end [2] [3]. The
web page is normally created using a mix of front-end languages such as HTML, JavaScript, and
CSS. The application server hosts the main logic for the design and can be stored on a physical server
or one located in the cloud. For smaller businesses, using a cloud-based server as the application
server can be the more cost-effective approach.
1.2 Introduction to Cloud Computing
The cloud provides on-demand services (IT resources) accessible to the companies. Cloud
resources are geographically located outside the company’s on-premise (on-site and local) data
center. The hardware and software contained within a cloud provider’s data center that enable the
provision of the cloud services, and the cloud services themselves, provided to the general public
over the Internet, is called the cloud [4].
Cloud services are available in a pay-as-you-go manner. Users are charged financially based
on the amount of resources used and the duration of time used by the service [5]. Cloud users
may request for IT resources any time when they are needed, and release the resources after they
completed their computation tasks [6].
The key advantage to using cloud services over on-premise IT resources is that the demand for
the service doesn’t need to be known in advance. For example, a server will need to be provisioned
to meet the highest demand during a month and will be underutilized during other times of the
month. Cloud services mitigate this issue by dynamically adding more servers for processing the
high workload and removing idle servers when fewer requests are received.
Other advantages of using the cloud include the following features. The IT administrators work-
load will be reduced as well. Physical servers need to be maintained and upgraded over time. Cloud-
based services are maintained by the cloud service, which alleviates the time and energy spent on
physical servers.
In this work, we chose to use Amazon Cloud Services (AWS) in designing and implementing
our system due to its high popularity [7]. AWS services in the cloud enables the design and imple-
mentation of the entire 3-tiered information system. The front-end web portal and the application
server can both be created and stored in an EC2 machine. EC2 machines are cloud-based servers
provided by AWS [8]. The database can be hosted in the cloud as well, using Amazon’s Relational
Database Services (RDS). The relational databases in AWS can be connected to the EC2 server.
The EC2 server has a public IP address that can be reached by the end customers. Then, Domain
Name Service (DNS) translates or associates the public IP into a readable website domain name [9].
AWS offers a DNS service called Route 53 which will allow customers to use the registered domain
name to reach/access the website. With these services, a basic functional e-commerce website can
be created [10] [11].
1.3 The Motivation for This Work
There exists at least one disadvantage in the traditional 3-tiered cloud-based information system.
In the 3-tiered information system, the EC2 web server that hosts the business logic will have to run
constantly, without stopping and without interruptions, when serving customer’s requests. But for
small businesses, their information system may only have a few hundred orders per day, such as
a restaurant, during two or three busy hours in the day. For the rest of the time, the EC2 server
will be idle. For every idle hour, the EC2 server costs the company money without generating any
financial gain. To mitigate this issue, we propose the adoption of a serverless architecture to create
the website instead of using the traditional 3-tiered architecture. The serverless design allows the
businesses to pay for the use of the cloud resources on a per-order granularity, which will greatly
reduce the cost on information technology (IT) for companies.
1.4 The Problem We Addressed
In this work, we designed and implemented a cost-effective information system, which is based
on the following AWS services: API Gateway, Lambda function, and DynamoDB [12] [13]. The
system is serverless and hosted entirely within the AWS cloud. The advantage of this design is that
it does not use a constantly running server. AWS Lambda is used in the place of a server. Lambda
is an event-driven service that can be used to run code for any application without the need for
provisioning a server [14]. An instance of Lambda is called a Lambda function. Lambda functions
can be triggered by other AWS services, the most common being API Gateway.
API Gateway is a service that makes it easy for developers to create and manage APIs. API
Gateway acts as the entry way to other AWS services [15]. For the serverless information system,
we used API Gateway as a door to the Lambda functions. The Lambda functions then access
DynamoDB, which is a cloud-based NoSQL database system. NoSQL databases follow a key-
value model where every column in the database corresponds to a unique primary key [16]. The
primary key is the only required column; any number of additional columns can correspond to the
primary key. Because of this model, DynamoDB can contain a large amount of data and is less
expensive than many other databases [16]
Our proposed serverless system is architectured in the following fashion. The front end website
is stored in an S3 bucket and made publicly available with CloudFront. S3 buckets are large cloud
storage devices and CloudFront is Amazon’s Content Delivery Network (CDN). The application
server is created using the API Gateway and Lambda function combo. Together they do what
an application server normally does; receive requests from the front end and access the database.
Using the serverless model can be more complicated than the traditional 3-tiered approach, but the
serverless model is more cost-effective. The entire design and implementation will be presented in
Section 3.
The advantage of using the serverless model is API Gateway and Lambda functions only cost
money when they are executed. The API gateway will only run when a request is made from the
front end. If there are no orders being made, then the API Gateway and Lambda functions don’t
cost anything. If a company only has a few hundred people shopping per month, then the company
will not lose any money during the idle hours. The S3 bucket, CloudFront, and DynamoDB have
a small monthly cost, but with our design the cost was usually less than one dollar per month for a
small business [17].
To discover how cost-effective the serverless design is in comparison with the traditional design,
several tests were conducted. The tests are recorded in section 3 of this paper. In our experiments,
the serverless architecture was found to be more cost-effective than the EC2 machine as long as the
Lambda functions didn’t receive more than 11 million requests per month. If the number of requests
is higher than 11 million, the EC2 machine will cost less and perform better in all metrics. The EC2
machine was also consistently faster than the serverless architecture. A database request will take 5
milliseconds on the server and up to 100 milliseconds for an already warm Lambda function. The
serverless architecture will provide acceptable loading times and be much less expensive than an
EC2 machine on average.
1.5 Organization of This Paper
The outline for this paper is as follows. In section 2 a review of previous works in the area of
serverless design will be presented. Section 3 will explain the services that were used to create the
information system. Once the services are explained, the architecture of the serverless information
system will be explained. In section 4 a comparison between an EC2 server and the serverless
website will be conducted. The comparison will include the cost of each service, how easy it is to
get reports from the NoSQL database, and a comparison on speed. Section 5 will give an overview
of the results from Section 4. Section 6 will discuss future work that can be completed as well as a
few closing observations.
2 Related Work
In this section we provide an overview of previous works in serverless computing. Cloud Com-
puting is the use of any cloud-based resources that use the pay-as-you-go model for pricing. It
is becoming increasingly popular, and is used in many use-cases. These include event-triggered
computing, live video broadcasting, Internet of Things (IoT) data processing, and shared delivery
systems. IoT is the network of physical objects that contain sensors and software [18]. The con-
tinued implementation of cloud computing will likely lead to simpler and more effective resource
management. It is to be noted that this analysis is based off a small sample size of cloud-based
applications [19].
Serverless computing allows users to create functions that follow a different pay structure. The
developers are only charged for the time that the function runs, the amount of memory used, and the
number of back-to-back executions of multiple functions. To help reduce this cost, fusing of func-
tions, splitting functions across more resources, and the memory for each function was reviewed.
Fusing functions was shown to reduce an image processing application cost by almost 40% of the
original cost. Placing the functions in different locations reduced cost by over 50% of the original
cost. Having the correct amount of memory can reduce cost and latency as well [20].
AWS cloud computing has the advantage of a pay-as-you-go payment model. However, the
serverless architecture can cause more latency. To test this latency, Lambda functions were triggered
by API Gateways and other Lambda functions. The latencies that were found were small on their
own but could add up when combined together as a part of a function call. If an application needs
short response times, then these latencies should be addressed. To test the latency in a production
environment, a React app was created and connected to an API Gateway, which was connected to a
Lambda function and DynamoDB. When many users were tested on the site at the same time, some
of them had unresponsive applications. Because of this, developers of applications in AWS should
know the underlying architecture that is needed to create their application in order to reduce latency
Serverless computing has potential to be used as a highly scalable and available architecture.
However, there are some flaws and gaps that need to be addressed when viewing this architecture.
Serverless computing has limited lifetimes because Lambda functions only run for a short period
of time. Lambda functions cannot talk to each other except through a slow intermediary service.
When training a neural network through this architecture, it was 21 times slower and 7 times more
expensive than running the same network on an EC2 machine [22].
Function-as-a-Service (FaaS) is useful for building highly available and scalable applications.
Most FaaS services abstract the underlining infrastructure to increase ease of use. Serverless Ap-
plication Analytics Framework (SAAF) was created to allow the developers of these apps to view
information regarding the underlying architecture of their applications. The service can be used
with many different programming languages as well as with multiple different cloud services. With
this tool in hand, analysts can quickly and easily create experiments and view the results [23].
Serverless computing for a single cloud platform is easy to deploy and allows the user to use
the services without worrying about the underlying architecture. Using this paradigm in a multi-
cloud environment is a much harder endeavor. To combat this issue, a model for deploying these
applications was made. The model is called Topology and Orchestration Specification for Cloud
Applications (TOSCA). The model was shown to work for multi-cloud-based applications. If the
application follows the TOSCA guidelines, it can automatically execute on multiple cloud services
Cloud computing architecture needs to be secured as much as traditional hardware. The respon-
sibility to secure AWS services is up to Amazon and the responsibility to secure applications created
in the cloud and how they connect to the cloud is up to the customers using AWS. There are six pro-
posed design patterns that can be used to secure a cloud application; periodic invocation pattern,
event-driven pattern, data transformation pattern, data streaming pattern, state machine pattern, and
bundled pattern. Using one of these patterns allows for easy creation of secure applications in the
cloud [25].
Serverless architecture is limited by execution time and total storage space. This can limit the
effectiveness of deploying certain kinds of applications in the cloud. Because of these restraints,
workflow scheduling has strict limitations when deployed in the cloud. To combat these issues a
new cloud-based scheduler was created. The scheduler is not constrained by the lack of stateful
Lambda functions and allows for easier debugging and testing. The application has not been added
to the benchmark of other systems yet, but it would be a good performance comparison for other
workflow schedulers that are created in the cloud [26].
Serverless architecture is an emerging technology which provides a solution for deep learning
models. The serverless model works well for deep learning due to its pay-as-you-go model. The
infrastructure can also be increased or decreased based on the needs of the algorithm. Deep Reader
is a deep learning algorithm that takes advantage of the serverless model by using Lambda functions
to perform the needed calculations. When compared to a virtual machine the Lambda functions had
both a lower cost and a higher performance when compared to the virtual machines [27].
Sequential and MapReduce models require an ”always on” infrastructure and many machines to
run the algorithms in parallel. Because the serverless architecture allows for infinite scaling, it is the
ideal solution for these models. In order to utilize the serverless model for a MapReduce problem,
the following AWS services were used: S3, SQS, Lambda, DynamoDB, and API Gateway. By
creating the application in this way, there were several benefits. The application was highly available
and reduced costs. The system could be scaled to as large as needed for any given problem [28].
DoubleML-Serverless is a proposed double machine learning application that can be created in
the AWS cloud. The double machine learning paradigm can be used on many models. Creating the
application in the cloud will allow for the architecture to grow and be deployed with ease. The cost
for the architecture can be increased or decreased based on the needs of the model [29].
An application was created and deployed in AWS for big data analytics. The system used
Amazon S3, Glue, Athena, QuickSight, Kinesis, SageMaker, and Step Functions. Included in the
application was a Data Lake where many different types of data can be stored. The Data Lake can
grow due to the AWS architecture and a pay-as-you-go pricing scheme, allowing for almost infinite
scaling. Analytics can be performed with the help of AWS Glue, allowing for a large amount of
data to be analyzed in many different ways [30].
OpenLambda is a proposed Lambda function-based service that is an open-source version of
AWS Lambda. Lambda is highly scalable and does not require complicated configuration. Lambda
uses interpreted languages, has package support, allows for a state-like configuration with cookies
and sessions, and connects with databases like DynamoDB for data access. OpenLambda follows
this same Lambda function format and will include LambdaBench which will allow the user to view
benchmarks of their infrastructure [31].
SIREN is a distributed machine learning application that was created in the AWS cloud using
Lambda functions. The Lambda functions are used to split the load for training the system. To
reduce costs and increase the quality of the training data, there is also a scheduler that balances the
number of Lambda functions being used. The training with this architecture has resulted in a 44.3%
speed increase, for the same price, when compared to using EC2 machines [32].
3 Methodology
3.1 Overview of Services Used
In this section, we present the AWS cloud services that we utilized to implement the proposed
serverless information system.
3.1.1 Cognito
Cognito is a secure, customer identity service that scales with a large number of users. users
can sign-up and sign-in with their credentials using Cognito. Cognito scales to millions of users and
integrates with the front end and back end development [33]. Cognito can integrate with many of
the other AWS services, including API Gateway.
3.1.2 API Gateway
The API Gateway acts as a mediator between the front end and the back end of an application.
API Gateway allows requests to be sent to other AWS services in the same way an API would. The
gateway can handle requests from other AWS services or any third-party software that can send
HTTP requests. These requests are usually sent from applications that are trying to access data
stored in the back end of the application.
The API Gateway can be created as an HTTP API, WebSocket API, or a REST API. The Web-
Socket API uses a persistent connection between the front end and the back end. This works well
for chat applications that need a continuous connection between the front end and the back end to
display messages quickly. The HTTP API is a REST API with fewer features than the traditional
REST API that AWS offers. HTTP is the more cost-effective service when compared to the REST
API, but it has fewer features [15]. The REST API can be connected to a Cognito user pool which
will restrict access to only authenticated users. The access token is retrieved from Cognito and must
be sent with the request to gain access to the restricted sections of the back end.
3.1.3 Lambda
AWS Lambda acts as the application server for serverless applications. Lambda functions are
stateless, event-driven, blocks of code. Lambda supports multiple major programming languages
like Python, Java, and JavaScript. Lambda functions are triggered by events from other AWS ser-
vices. API Gateway is a popular AWS service to use with Lambda functions. When a request is
sent to the API Gateway, the API triggers the Lambda function to initialize and sends it the request.
The Lambda function will receive the request, which can contain values in the body and the header.
These values can be parsed from the request with Lambda-specific functions. Once the function has
run, it will send a response back to the API Gateway [14].
Lambda Functions can filter through requests to ensure only valid requests are using the Lambda
function. The function can check to make sure that the requests that are received are in the correct
format. If the request is not in the correct format, then the function can reject it and return an error
message. Because of this, Lambda functions can keep malicious requests from affecting other AWS
services. Lambda Functions are also stateless, which means they don’t remember any past requests
that have been received. Previous invocations cannot be used to cause a vulnerability in the current
invocation of the function.
3.1.4 DynamoDB
DynamoDB is Amazon’s NoSQL database service. A NoSQL database differs from a relational
database in several ways. NoSQL databases follow a key-value model where every value in the
database corresponds to a key. Because of this, the database can store values with a varying number
of columns. The values must correspond to the primary key, but the number of columns that corre-
spond to the key may vary. With this design, the database can store data of different data types or
sizes in the same table. The advantages to this design are quick read and write speeds, easy to scale,
and lower cost than a relational database. The downside to using a NoSQL database is it doesn’t
use SQL, which is the standard choice for database languages. NoSQL databases don’t support
complicated joins between tables either; a single database table is commonly encouraged for most
applications [16].
3.1.5 CloudWatch
CloudWatch collects and visualizes logs and data from other AWS services. Alarms and auto-
mated responses can be created to activate when a threshold is met. CloudWatch can be used to
troubleshoot AWS services by providing insights within the logs for the service. The detailed logs
CloudWatch keeps for each service provide developers with useful insight into their information
systems [34].
3.1.6 Athena
Athena performs SQL queries on data stored in S3 Buckets. Athena can use data from other
AWS services, but it must first be transferred to an S3 bucket. Once the data is stored in the bucket,
Athena can then perform powerful SQL queries. An important use for Athena is performing com-
plicated queries on DynamoDB tables. Because DynamoDB is a NoSQL database, complicated
joins cannot be performed on the tables. If the data from the table is transferred to an S3 bucket,
Athena can then be used to mitigate this issue.
3.1.7 S3
S3 provides a service for storing large amounts of data in objects called buckets. These buckets
can store file structures and even full sized apps. S3 buckets are easily connected to other AWS
services, providing an exceptional amount of versatility. The buckets can be used with Athena to
provide insights into big data sources. The buckets can also be made public, allowing web pages to
be served to users through the link to the bucket. If the link to the bucket is connected to a domain
name, a website address can be created.
3.1.8 CloudFront
CloudFront is Amazon’s Content Delivery Network (CDN) service. The service delivers content
from other AWS services to the public. The AWS services that can be shared are S3 and API
Gateways. If the S3 bucket is made public, CloudFront can share the public link. The CDN can be
used to serve web pages to clients as long as it is set up with a registered domain. The domain can
be created through AWS Route 53 or with a third-party DNS software.
3.2 Our System Design
Figure 3.1 presents the design of the proposed system. The front end of the information system
is a website created entirely with React[35]. The website provides users the functionality to view the
available products and add them to their cart. Users can also login to their account or create a new
account. Users can add products to their cart as a guest, but only authenticated users can checkout.
All the products listed on the website are stored in a database in the back end. The front end retrieves
information from the back end by sending an HTTP request to one of the API Gateways.
HTTP stands for Hypertext Transfer Protocol and is used to access the API’s stored in the back
end [36]. There are three different types of HTTP requests that are commonly used for data retrieval
from a database. An HTTP request that only retrieves values from the database is called a GET
request. POST requests create new values in the database. PUT requests update products in the
database that have already been created. The POST and PUT requests have new values stored in the
Figure 3.1: Information System Architecture
request. The GET request only retrieves data from the database. Each of these requests are used to
access the API Gateways in the back end.
The back end of the system consists of three API Gateways. Each API has a unique function
that it fulfills. One of the APIs is used to access the Login and Register Lambda functions. The
Register function is used to create a new user and the Login function allows an existing user to login
to their account. Both of these functions use the same Cognito user pool to store and access the user
The next API Gateway gives access to the Add to Cart, Update Cart, Get Cart, Migrate Cart,
and Checkout Lambda functions. The Add to Cart function updates the user’s cart by adding new
products to the database table. The Update Cart function updates the quantity of a product already
stored in the user’s cart. The Get Cart function returns all the products stored in the user’s cart.
The Migrate Cart function updates the cart’s guest id to an authorized user id when a client signs
in. This function is responsible for products in guest carts moving to the authenticated user’s cart.
The Checkout function retrieves the user’s cart from the Cart table, saves a copy, and then deletes it
from the Cart table. The function then stores the cart in the Order table as a completed order.
The final API Gateway is used to access the Products table using the Get Product and Get All
Products Lambda functions. The Get Product function returns a single product from the database.
The Get All Products function scans the entire Products table and returns all the products contained
inside the database. This function is used to populate the front end with pictures and information
for each product.
3.2.1 Why We Used This Design
We used this design for our information system because the serverless architecture provides a
scalable back end. DynamoDB is a serverless database capable of storing large amounts of data.
Lambda is a serverless service that scales automatically and can access a DynamoDB table. Instead
of using one Lambda function in the back end, multiple Lambda functions were used for simplicity.
In our design, each Lambda function completes only one task. The front end cannot send a request
to a Lambda function without an API Gateway. The API Gateway is responsible for receiving the
requests from the front end and discerning which Lambda function to send them to. There are three
API Gateways in the design to separate the design into different parts. The design is split into user
authentication, updating the cart, and retrieving products from the database.
3.2.2 The Advantages and Limitations of the Design
There are two advantages when using our design instead of the traditional 3-tiered architecture.
The first advantage is that the back end doesn’t use a server. Servers will run constantly, even during
hours of the day when no clients visit the website. When the server is running during these slower
hours of the day, the company is paying for the server without making any profit. With our serverless
design, the company will only be charged when clients use the website. The second advantage is our
design automatically scales with an increase in requests. Because every service used in our design
is serverless, the back end will scale automatically with an increase of user requests from the front
end. The design is more cost-effective and easier to scale than the traditional design.
DynamoDB does not create detailed reports because it cannot perform complex joins. A join is
used to combine the data from two different tables using a shared column. The Order table does not
store the product information in the database table. Instead, a product id is stored in the database
which can be linked to the Products table. A relational database can perform a join on these two
tables; however, DynamoDB is a NoSQL database. NoSQL databases do not support complex join
operations. When the two tables are joined, useful reports can be created. For example, a report
representing the popularity of a product or a report representing the biggest spenders. To mitigate
this limitation, we propose the use of AWS Athena in Section 4.2.
3.3 Implementation
Figure 3.2: API Gateway Resources
The proposed architecture uses HTTP requests to access the databases in the back end. Every
HTTP request consists of a routing URL, some header information, and a body. The routing URL
acts like a path that leads to an API Gateway. A routing URL for the API Gateway presented
in Figure 3.2 is ”https://3fyby70779.execute-api.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/Prod/cart”. From the
beginning of the URL until the first single forward slash is the path to the API Gateway. The next
section of the URL contains the version of the API Gateway. In this case Prod, which is short for
production. the version name can be set to any value, we used Prod because the version was used
for production. The final part identifies which resource the API Gateway should use, in this case
cart. The cart resource is shown in Figure 3.2.
Resources can contain GET, POST, and PUT requests. The resources are shown in the left side
panel of Figure 3.2. Each of the different types of HTTP requests will send the request to a different
Lambda function. In Figure 3.2 a GET request path within the cart resource is chosen. This resource
is integrated with a Lambda function and it is a proxy integration. When the proxy integration box
is checked, the API Gateway will send the request to the Lambda function without intervention. The
integrations act as triggers for the Lambda functions, causing the function to run when a request is
made to this integration.
The Checkout resource can be accessed with this routing URL: ”https://3fyby70779.execute-
api.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/Prod/cart/checkout”. The difference between this routing URL and
the cart URL is the extra checkout on the end. To access the Checkout Lambda function, a POST
request must be sent. Every resource in the API Gateway’s follows the same format, the only
exceptions are the resources that require a product id.
The routing URL for the product id resource requires a product id to be sent inside the routing
URL, for example, ”https://3fyby70779.execute-api.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/Prod/cart/productId”.
The real routing URL will include a valid product id in place of the ”productId” value. The product
id could also be sent in the body, but with this design the body can contain the same values as other
requests. The only part of the request that changes is the product id in the routing URL.
Figure 3.3: HTTP Request Front End Example
Figure 3.3 is an example of the format the front end uses to send an HTTP request to the Add
to Cart function. The HTTP requests have headers which contain information about which user
is trying to access the Lambda function and in what format the data should be sent back. The
”Content-Type” is the format used for the body of the request. The ”Authorization” header is the
access token sent with authorized users; if the user is a guest, this value will be blank. The method
is the type of HTTP request, in this case it is a POST request.
The body contains the new values that will be added to the database. The values being added
to the database in Figure 3.3 are the product id and the quantity. Both of these values are stored in
JSON format. JSON is a string with a specified data format [37]. the credentials are set to ”Include”,
this means that cookies are enabled for this HTTP request. Cookies are explained in more detail in
Section 3.3.1.
In our implementation of the information system, the body of a POST or PUT request consists
of a product id number and a quantity to be added or removed from the cart. The GET requests have
an empty body because they are only used to retrieve data from the database. Each HTTP request
sent by the front end uses Cross Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) to access the back end.
CORS permits access to restricted resources from outside to reach the back end [38]. API
Gateway can be integrated with CORS to limit the origin of outside traffic that can access the API.
If a request is sent to an API Gateway which has CORS enabled, it will be immediately rejected
unless the request was sent from the URL that was specified. To gain access to the back end of the
information system, an origin must be specified in the HTTP request. This origin must match the
origin that was specified when CORS was integrated with the API. With CORS enabled, the API
Gateway is more secure because HTTP requests that are sent from outside of the specified origin
will be rejected.
3.3.1 Login and Registration
Figure 3.4 presents the design for the login and registration used for the application. To create a
new user within the system, a customer must enter a username and password. The credentials will
be sent to the back end through an HTTP request. The API Gateway will route the request to the
Register function. The Lambda function will parse the username and password from the body of
the HTTP request and send them to the Cognito User Pool for validation. If the username is not
in use and the password is long enough, Cognito will return an access token. The access token is
a long string of characters used to identify the user when they access the restricted sections of the
back end. The Lambda function will return the access token in the response and the front end will
store it in local memory so it can be used to access the Migrate Cart, and Checkout function.
The access token is used to access the Migrate Cart and Checkout functions because they are
restricted. The access token is a unique string of random characters used to identify an authenticated
user. The access token is sent along with the requests and acts as a key that unlocks access to
restricted API Gateway resources. The API Gateway resources that are restricted are connected to
the Cognito user pool. These resources know when a valid user is accessing the Lambda function
because they compare the access token that was sent with the access token given by Cognito.
Every Lambda function can be accessed without creating an account except for the Migrate
Cart, and Checkout function. The customer must create an account before paying for the products
in their cart. With this design, guest users can access the website and add products to their cart.
Each of the guest users is identified by a unique cookie which represents them. A cookie is a piece
of information that is saved in the browser [39]. Web browsers are stateless, which means they don’t
remember any previous messages that are sent. Cookies are used to provide a way for the browser
to recognize the user across many different messages [39]. The unique cookie is sent with every
HTTP request to identify each individual guest user. An unfinished guest cart in the database will
only stay in the database for a week. Once a week has passed, the cart will be removed from the
database. Authenticated users have 30 days until their cart expires. This design allows the website
to reach a larger customer base while still retrieving the necessary information during checkout.
3.3.2 Retrieving and Displaying Product Information
The Get Product function is used to retrieve a product from the database. The Python code
for the Get Product Lambda Function is provided in Figure 3.5. The Python library ”Boto3” is
used to retrieve values from the database. With this library a query can be made to the database
to retrieve products. The Get Product function only retrieves a single product. The function is
primarily used by the Add to Cart and Update Cart functions. Each functions sends a request to the
Get Product function and retrieves the desired product id when adding a product to the cart. The
”os” library is used to retrieve environment variables that are stored within the Lambda function.
Figure 3.4: Login and Registration Model
The environment variables that we used for this function are the allowed origin and the name of the
database table. The allowed origin is the CORS path that must be included in any requests that are
sent to this Lambda function. The allowed origin is one of three different headers that are returned
in the response to the request.
The headers for the response are created as a dictionary with key-value pairs. The ”Access-
Control-Allow-Headers” limits the type of header that can be used in the request. For this function,
only the Content-Type header can be requested. The content type used in the response is in JSON
format. An example of a product from the database stored in JSON format is given in Figure 3.6.
The ”Access-Control-Allow-Methods” is the different types of HTTP requests that this function will
accept. GET requests are the only type of requests that are sent from the front end, the OPTION
request is only used for gathering information. After creating the response headers, the function
initializes the database. After initializing the database and identifying the correct table, the Lambda
function retrieves the product id from the path parameters. The parameters are stored in the routing
URL of the request. Once the product id is retrieved, a query is made to the database that includes
the id as the primary key. Once the product has been retrieved, the function sends back a positive
status code, in this case 200, along with the headers that were created earlier and the product in
JSON format.
Figure 3.5: Get Product Lambda Function
Figure 3.6: JSON Object
The Get All Products Lambda function follows the same format as the Get Products function.
The Lambda functions have the same headers, libraries and database table. The Get All Products
function performs a scan on the database instead of a single query. The scan returns all of the
products in the database. Because the function is not querying a single product, there are no path
parameters that need to be parsed from the routing URL. Once the products are retrieved from the
database, the response is created using the 200 status code, the headers, and a list of all products in
JSON format.
3.3.3 Updating the Cart and Checkout
A separate API Gateway is used to access the lambda functions that add, retrieve, and update
products in the database. When a user adds a product to the cart, on the front end web page, a
request is sent to the API Gateway and the API routes the request to the Add to Cart function. The
product id and a quantity of 1 are sent within the body of the request. The request will also include
a cookie if the user is a guest or a user id if they have created an account. The Lambda function will
parse the user id, product id, and quantity from the request. Once the relevant information has been
extracted from the request, the Lambda function will store the values in the database table.
If a user is viewing their cart and they decide to update the quantity of a product in their cart,
a request to the Update cart function is made. The Add to Cart function can perform the same
action as the Update Cart function, but updating the cart is more efficient. The Update Cart function
updates the values in the database table by increasing or decreasing the value of the quantity variable.
To achieve this, the function copies the product and adds the quantity value from the request to the
copied product. The new quantity value is then stored in the database along with the copied product.
The Update Cart and Add to Cart functions allow users to change the values in their cart and the
Get Cart function allows users to view the products in their cart.
Figure 3.7: Cookie Example
The Get Cart function is used to retrieve a user’s cart from the Cart table. This function is called
when the front end web page is refreshed, a user adds a product to their cart, or a user updates a
product in their cart. The requests sent to the Lambda function contain the user id or cookie to
identify which user is requesting access to their cart. An example cookie is shown in Figure 3.7.
Once the Lambda function has retrieved the user’s cart from the database, it returns the cart as a
list of products. The products in the list contain the information for each product as well as the
quantity and the user id. Once the user has viewed their products and wants to pay for their cart, the
Checkout Lambda function is used.
The Migrate Cart function migrates a guest cart to an authenticated user’s account when that
user signs in. When a guest user wants to checkout, they must first create an account or login to an
existing account. Once the user has logged into their account, any products in their guest cart will
also be in their user cart. The function transforms the guest cart to a user’s cart by replacing the
cookie with a user id. The user id is retrieved from Cognito when the user signs in, is stored in local
memory, and then sent with the request to migrate the cart.
The Checkout Lambda function has access to two database tables. The function retrieves the
cart from the Cart table and stores the finished order in the Order table. Once the cart is retrieved,
the function saves a copy of the cart and deletes it from the Cart table. The function then parses the
quantity and product id values from the cart as a list. This list is then stored inside the Order table
with the user id. The specific information for each product is not stored in the Order table to reduce
the size and cost of the database; instead product ids are stored in the Products database table.
4 Performance and Cost Analysis
4.1 Cost Comparison
First, we compared the cost of the serverless architecture with the traditional 3-tiered informa-
tion system. The cost of the Lambda functions, Cognito, API Gateway, DynamoDB and the S3
bucket will be investigated in the tests.
4.1.1 Cost of Serverless Design
We inserted 1,000 randomly generated orders into the Order DynamoDB database table for the
comparison. There are two other database tables that were used in the calculation: the Products
table, which contains the product information, and the Cart table, which is used to store carts. All
three of the databases will be included in the cost analysis.
AWS rounds up to the nearest gigabyte for storage costs and every database used for the calcu-
lation held less than one gigabyte of data. The cost for storage will be calculated as the cost for one
gigabyte of data stored [17]. Each gigabyte stored in DynamoDB costs 25 cents and three databases
will cost 75 cents per month. It is worth mentioning that the storage cost is only
= 6.6% of the
total monthly cost. Instead, the dominate portion of the cost was incurred by the Lambda function
execution with a percent of 38.7%, as shown in Figure 4.1. The number of read from, and writes
to the databases was set to one million per month to allow for growth within the same price range.
The 1 million writes per month costs $1.25 per database and the one million writes per month costs
13 cents per database. Which calculates to $4.89 per month for the database access cost [17].
Figure 4.1: Cost Calculation for the Serverless Architecture
The cost of Cognito was not shown in Figure 4.1, but we examined the cost. Cognito is free for
the first 50,000 users, so it was not included in the price comparison because we assume the number
of users will be under 50,000. The S3 buckets cost 2 cents per gigabyte and the current application
is much smaller than one gigabyte [17]. AWS rounds up to one gigabyte for the S3 buckets, so two
cents was used for the comparison.
The API Gateway costs $3.50 for every 1 million requests [17]. Using multiple API Gateways
for the back end does not increase the cost. The cost is calculated by the amount of requests made
each month between all of the API Gateways. In the cost comparison, the amount of requests made
will be increased in one million increments. The two services that will be increased in one million
increments are the API Gateway and Lambda.
The cost for Lambda functions is calculated by the number of requests received as well as the
time it takes for the Lambda function to process each request. The first request a Lambda function
receives requires more time to process than subsequent requests. This is called a cold start. A cold
start incurs larger latency because the service is initializing the cloud hardware and software. All
subsequent requests the Lambda function receives are called warm starts and will be processed in a
much smaller amount of time. Warm starts are much faster than cold starts because the underlying
hardware and software has been initialized and cache memory has been warmed up. The Lambda
function will shut down again after a short time frame and the next request after the Lambda function
has shut down will be a cold start. To average the runtime for the Lambda functions, we used one
cold start and two warm starts.
We used the average of one cold start and two warm start run times because it takes into account
users performing more than one action in quick succession. The average time used in the cost
comparison was (829 + 63 + 71)/3 = 321 milliseconds. We used the Add to Cart function to
retrieve the run time values because it is the function that requires the longest time to run. The cost
for each one million requests to the Lambda function is $2.88. Figure 4.1 contains total cost for one
million requests.
4.1.2 Cost of Traditional 3-Tiered Design with EC2 Servers
Figure 4.2: EC2 Total Cost Chart
We used the t3.medium EC2 server for the cost comparison because it is a server capable of
storing an application server and is less expensive than the other options [40]. The t3.medium server
has four gigabytes of memory and two virtual CPUs. The server is considered general purpose and
can be used for small web servers. The t3 EC2 servers also have burstable performance, allowing
the server to handle a larger amount of requests for a short period of time [40]. The t3.medium EC2
server is a low priced server in AWS.
For the on-demand pricing model, the t3.medium EC2 server costs $30.37. When the on-
demand model is used, the cost for the server must be payed monthly. The EC2 server can be
shut down at any time to remove this cost. AWS also offers EC2 Reserved Instances which reduce
the cost of an already running server. When this model is used for the EC2 server, the cost for a
year of using the service must be payed up front. If the EC2 server is removed from the account,
the cost for the year will still be charged [41]. If the reserved model is used, then a heavy discount
will be added to the EC2 server on-demand cost. Both of these models, with the cost of a database,
are shown in Figure 4.2.
The Relational Database Service (RDS) was used instead of a DynamoDB database table. RDS
can be connected with an EC2 server, a small RDS costs $50.17 per month [17]. The cost can be
reduced by using a Reserved Instance and paying for the cost of the service upfront. If the cost for
a year is payed upfront, the cost for the RDS per month is reduced to $42.35 [17]. When the RDS is
included, The total cost, per month, for the on-demand EC2 server is $80.14. If the reserved model
is used and the cost is payed in advance for both services, the total cost is $60.10.
4.1.3 Cost Comparison Between the Serverless and 3-Tiered Architecture
Figure 4.3: Cost Analysis of Lambda Function vs EC2 Machine
Figure 4.3 represents the cost comparison we performed with the two architectures. The chart
increases by one million request increments and it includes the base price for all services listed above
as well as an increase in the price for Lambda and the API Gateway. The Lambda and API Gateway
cost increase for one million request increments. Based on Figure 4.3, when the back end receives
between 11 and 12 million requests per month, the on-demand EC2 machine becomes the more cost-
effective approach. If the provisioned cost model is being used, the EC2 machine becomes more
cost-effective between 9 and 10 million requests. If a company has more than 9 million incoming
requests per month, then using a provisioned EC2 server is a cost-effective approach.
Figure 4.4: Athena Query Flow
4.2 Athena Data Analytics
Because DynamoDB cannot perform complex joins between tables, we used AWS Athena to
perform data analytics. The 1,000 orders stored in the Order table were used for the data analytics
in this section. Each order stored in the database table was created with three random products
and a random quantity between one and ten. The data was moved to Athena using Athena’s built
in DynamoDB connection option so more complicated queries could be run. We used Athena to
perform a join on the products database and the order database.
Athena provides several methods to retrieve data from a DynamoDB table. To use one of these
solutions, a data source must be created. Data sources are used as a connection between Athena and
the data source. When a data source is first created, the type of data source must be selected. For
the purposes of this test, we chose DynamoDB as the data source. Once the data source is chosen,
Athena must be connected to a Lambda function. The Lambda function will retrieve the data from
DynamoDB and store it in an S3 bucket. Athena will then perform queries on the data in the S3
Figure 4.5 represents an example query that returns the revenue gained from each product on
the menu. The SQL query flattens the list of products in each order so they are in one column. This
is done with the cross join unnest command. Once completed, the sum of each price is computed
by multiplying the corresponding quantity with the price and summing up the result. The price
is retrieved from the products database by joining the two tables with the product id’s. The two
columns that are returned are the name of the product and it’s total revenue. The result is then
grouped by the name to create an easy to read format.
The query requires a little over seven seconds to run. Any subsequent runs for the same query
require five seconds to finish. The amount of data scanned for the query is 183 kilobytes. Athena
rounds up all queries to ten megabytes when calculating the cost for the month. Because the data
Figure 4.5: Athena Profit Query
scanned is much smaller than ten megabytes, there is room for many queries to be made without
increasing the cost for the service [17].
Once the query is finished, the columns are displayed below the editor and can be exported. We
exported the results to an Excel file to represent the analytical value that Athena can provide. Figure
4.6 represents the query results as a bar chart. The X-axis is the name of the product and the Y-axis
is the revenue in dollars. Each product was chosen at random so the chart does not represent any
relationship between the products and the revenue. We created this chart to represent the capabilities
of Athena.
A query which displays the total revenue gained from each client was also created to represent
the capabilities of Athena. The revenue was sorted in descending order to display the high spenders.
Figure 4.7 displays the code used for this query. The columns returned in the results are the user id
and the revenue. The values are grouped by user id, and the revenue is sorted in descending order.
The query requires nine seconds to run. Any subsequent queries require ve seconds to complete.
The data returned is 222KB, which is lower than ten megabytes.
AWS Athena is a powerful tool that can perform useful queries. With a more specific business
model, Athena will be a useful tool to create queries and perform data analytics on the database
tables. For example, Athena can be used to show the profit made each month as well as get insights
into the popularity of each product. Athena or a third-party software is necessary to query the
database and perform data analytics when DynamoDB is used for data storage.
Figure 4.6: Sales Report for Each Product
Figure 4.7: Athena Users Revenue Query
4.3 Performance Comparison
In this section we compare the execution time cost of the serverless architecture and the 3-tiered
architecture. First, we will calculate the performance of the EC2 machine. The following section
will calculate the performance of the serverless architecture.
4.3.1 Execution Time of Traditional 3-Tiered System
We created an EC2 server with an Apache web server and an RDS to test the execution time.
The web server used PHP for the back end and HTML for the front end. The RDS was accessed
through MySQL commands. The latest version of PHP, Apache, HTML, and MySQL were used.
The specific versions are displayed in Figure 4.8. The front end and the back end of the system is
stored in the EC2 machine and the database is stored in the RDS.
The front end of the web server retrieves a user id and a description from the user. Once the
values are retrieved from the user, a call to the database stored in the RDS is made. The values
are stored in the database and then retrieved and displayed on the web page. The server was setup
to represent a product being added to a user’s cart. The database calls were much faster than the
serverless architecture.
Figure 4.8: Web Server Software Version Chart
After ten runs, the longest database call for the EC2 machine was ten milliseconds. The time
was calculated by retrieving the current time before the database call as well as the time after the
database call was completed. The time after the database call was then subtracted from the initial
time to calculate the total time needed to perform the call.
4.3.2 Execution Time of Serverless System
To calculate the efficiency of the serverless system, we tested the time it takes the Lambda
functions to run. The Lambda functions are the most time consuming service in the back end. We
tested the efficiency of the Lambda functions by separating them into cold start times and warm
start times. For the cold starts we ran each Lambda function five times and recorded the maximum
Figure 4.9 represents each functions longest cold start time. The functions with the longest run-
time are the login, register and add to cart functions respectively. These functions require the most
Figure 4.9: Cold-Start Execution Time
time to run because they perform more computationally intense tasks than the other functions. The
cold start time for the login and register functions is longer than one second. These two functions
need to send a request to Cognito which requires more time. The Add to Cart function is the most
used function in the system and requires one second to run a cold start.
To reduce the time the Add to Cart function requires to run, we created a dummy request to
warm the function. The dummy request is sent whenever the page is reloaded. Having a dummy
request will increase the cost of the function by a small margin, but the decrease in runtime is
significant. The runtime for the Add to Cart function is less than 100 milliseconds for a warm start
as seen in Figure 4.10.
The increase in efficiency is significant for the other Lambda functions. Figure 4.10 represents
the function’s average runtime after a cold start. We ran each of the functions in Figure 4.10 ten
times after the initial cold start. The average of the ten runs was used for the graph. The Login,
Register, Migrate Cart, and Checkout functions were not included because most users will only run
them once.
The Add to Cart, Update Cart and Get Product Lambda functions have the largest increase in
efficiency once the function is warmed up. The Add to Cart function’s runtime decreases from over
one second to less than 100 milliseconds on average. The Update Cart and Get Product Lambda
functions runtime decreases from 250 milliseconds to less than 90 milliseconds. With the dummy
request reducing the runtime for the Add to Cart function, all of the functions that are used for the
cart require less than 400 milliseconds to run.
Figure 4.10: Average Warm Start Execution Time
5 Conclusion
Our serverless architecture is a good choice for smaller businesses trying to reduce financial cost
for their information system. The cost for the serverless architecture uses a pay-as-you-go model.
During the hours of the day when traffic is low, the infrastructure will cost less than when the traffic
is high. The benefit for smaller businesses is the website is available to customers without paying
for the idle time.
Our serverless design will cost less than the on-demand 3-tiered traditional design as long as
the number of requests is less than 11 million per month. If a reserved instance is used for both the
EC2 machine and the RDS, then our proposed system is more cost-effective while the number of
requests, per month, is below 8 million. A disadvantage of our design is that DynamoDB cannot
produce advanced reporting for the system.
DynamoDB does not allow for complicated joins, unlike the traditional relational database.
Because DynamoDB does not support joins, creating complex reports is not possible. To solve
this problem, we used AWS Athena to perform the complicated joins and create complex reports.
With Athena, multiple databases can be exported into S3 buckets and then complicated joins can
be performed. This mitigates the disadvantage of a NoSQL database, but will cost extra money for
each report generated. However, complex report generation is performed much less frequently in
Our serverless design is more cost-effective than the traditional 3-tiered design, but it is not more
efficient. The EC2 machines in the traditional design more efficient than the Lambda functions in
the serverless design. The Lambda functions need to be initialized, receive the request, process the
request, and then send a response back to the front end. Performing an initial dummy request to
remove the cold start time is feasible. Performing the dummy start will increase the Lambda func-
tion’s efficiency, but the Lambda function will still process requests slower than the EC2 machine.
For most information systems, a delay of 100 milliseconds will not greatly undermine the user ex-
perience. However, if the application must provide feedback to the user in under 100 milliseconds,
then an EC2 machine is the better choice.
6 Future Work
To increase the usability of the serverless application we built, we will share an easy to build
version of the product publicly on the internet. The application is currently stored in GitHub and
can be accessed by the public. However, the GitHub repository only contains the code for the
functions and the front end. If other developers want to use the code, they need to create their own
functions in AWS and import the code. To simplify this process, the code can be used in conjunction
with CloudFormation to allow anyone to build the entire project using a CloudFormation script. The
CloudFormation script contains instructions that will deploy the entire information system in a more
convenient way.
The other improvement that could be made on this project will be to increase the amount of
reporting tools. Athena has the capability generate reports which could be useful to an e-commerce
business. For example, reports on customer loyalty could be used to reward repeat customers with
discounts or promotions. Athena could be used to create a report showing what time of the day users
place their orders. In the future, we will add these functionalities into the proposed information
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Author: Isaac C. Angle
Place of Birth: Knoxville, Tennessee
Undergraduate Schools Attended: Spokane Community College,
Whitworth University
Degrees Awarded: Bachelor of Science, 2020, Whitworth University
Honors and Awards: Graduate Assistantship, Computer Science Department, 2020-2022, Eastern
Washington University