QP 0891 Application for a Road Closure Permit
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Transport Operations (Road Use Management) Act 1995
QP 0891
Applicant Details
Full Name:
Business telephone:
Mobile telephone:
Residential Address:
Residential telephone:
Facsimile number: Name
of Organisation:
Address of Organisation:
Road Closure Details
I hereby apply for a Road Closure Permit for the following purpose (name of event):
From Date:
am / pm
Finish Date:
am / pm
Finishing Location:
Name all roads to be closed: (include a map showing roads to be closed)
QP 0891 Application for a Road Closure Permit
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Road Closure Details continued
Name all roads in proposed detour routes: (Include a map showing the roads in proposed detour routes)
Details of any stalls / structures etc. to be placed on carriageway: (include map showing location/s
of stall/s)
Indicate if you propose to close the footway: Yes No (Include map showing location of
stalls / structures)
How will traffic be diverted around closed roads?
What type of barricading will be used to close the roads?
Who is supplying the barricading being used to close the road? (Name & phone number must be
Who is monitoring the barricading to ensure it is not removed? (Name & phone number must be
How will the public be advised the roads are being closed?
QP 0891 Application for a Road Closure Permit
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What First Aid will be provided and by whom? (Include contact name/s and telephone number/s)
Where will First Aiders be located? (Include a map showing their location)
How will emergency vehicle access be maintained?
What PUBLIC LIABILITY insurance has been obtained? (A copy of the policy is required)
Has the LOCAL AUTHORITY consented to roads being closed? Yes No
(a copy of their permit or authority is required)
Have all affected RESIDENTS / BUSINESSES consented to this road closure? Yes No
(A signed petition is required. A copy of a suggested format is attached)
companies been advised of this road closure? Yes No
(Names and phone numbers of people contacted re required)
Taxi -
Bus -
Is liquor to be CONSUMED on the closed road? Yes No
If Yes, has the area been gazetted by Local Govt for the consumption of liquor? Yes No
(Name and phone number of Local Govt Officer handling application)
Is liquor to be SOLD on the closed road? Yes No
(If Yes, a copy of the permit from Licensing Commission is required)
What facilities will be provided? (E.g. toilets, rubbish bins, etc. A map showing the location of facilities is required)
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Who will be the person in charge on the day of the event?
How can Police contact this person?
This application is to be received a minimum of 30 days prior to the proposed date of the event. If the
event is a triathlon 60 days. Applications received within these periods may not be able to be
processed prior to the proposed date of the event.
Road Closure Authorities are to be obtained from the Local Council or in the case of State-controlled
roads - TMR, and forwarded to this Office. It is recommended that you contact these agencies at
least 90 days prior to your event.
If the planned event is a Fete / Street Party etc., then a ‘Places of Amusement Licence’ may be
required by the Local Council or Health Dept.
Written permission from all affected Businesses and Residents within the road closure is required
and only if exceptional circumstances can be shown will this requirement be waived.
I declare that the information and particulars set out herein are true and correct.
Signature of Applicant:
Return this signed application via one of the following methods:-
Single Region Events
For single r
egion events submit your application to the Officer in Charge of your local Police Station. Queensland
Police regions are quite large; an event commencing in Caloundra and concluding in Mackay is still within one
region i.e. both are within Central Region. Submit the application to the Officer in Charge of the Station covering
the event start location.
For station Locations refer https://www.police.qld.gov.au/apps/stationlocator
Does your event cross a Queensland Police Regional Boundary refer link:
Cross Regional Events
For events th
at cross Queensland Police regional boundaries e.g. commence Gold Coast (South East Region) and
concludes Warwick (Southern Region) submit your application to RP.CrossRegionalEvents@police.qld.gov.au
Applications relating to events remaining in a single region are NOT to be submitted to this email address.
This application does not exempt the applicant from obtaining any relevant permit or authority
required by another authority, occupier or owner, e.g. Local Government, Main Roads
Department, private property owner, lease holder, etc.
Privacy Collection Statement
The collection of this information is authorised by the Police Service Administration Act 1990. The information may be used to assist in
performing the statutory functions and responsibilities of the Queensland Police Service (QPS). The QPS may disclose some or all of this
information to other State and Federal Government agencies as provided for by legislation or in accordance with the Information Privacy Act