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Rent-A-Center Code of Business Conduct and Ethics
The Code of Business Conduct and Ethics (the Code of Conduct”) has been adopted by Rent-A-Center,
Inc.’s Board of Directors and is designed to help reduce the risk of unethical and illegal conduct by
providing a clear statement of the standards Company Coworkers must follow. This Code of Conduct is
intended to provide a broad overview of basic ethical principles that guide our conduct. In some
circumstance, we maintain more specific policies on the topics referred to in this Code of Conduct. Should
you have any questions regarding these policies, please review your employee handbook or contact the
Company’s Compliance Officer.
Who is Covered
The Code of Conduct applies to all Coworkers, including executive officers, of Rent-A-Center, Inc. and its
Setting the Tone
Our executive officers are responsible for creating a culture and environment in which ethical and legal
behavior is respected and expected. Executive officers must ensure that their actions and directions are
above reproach. Management is responsible for setting an example by their own conduct and for ensuring
that proper attention is given to, and controls are in place for, promoting compliance with the Code of
Conduct. Violation of the Code of Conduct may result in disciplinary action, varying from reprimand to
termination of employment.
Amendments and Waivers
Any amendments or waivers, including any implicit waivers, of the Code of Conduct that apply to the
Company's principal executive officer, principal financial officer, principal accounting officer or controller,
or persons performing similar functions, must be approved by the Board. Additionally, the Company will
publicly disclose such waivers or amendments in accordance with the rules and requirements of the
Securities and Exchange Commission and The Nasdaq Stock Market.
Personal Accountability for All Coworkers
Personal accountability is the foundation of our commitment to Respect. Coworkers must always do the
right thing and prevent, take reasonable action to prevent, or promptly report to your supervisor or other
Company officer violations of our policies or the law. All Coworkers are responsible for following these
guiding principles:
Be honest and fair Never manipulate or misrepresent. Treat people with dignity and respect in all
Be responsible for your conduct Read and understand the Code of Conduct and the policies and
procedures that apply to your job. Commit yourself to doing the right thing at all times.
Get Help when you need it – Seek guidance and assistance whenever you are in doubt about the right thing
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to do. Immediately raise concerns that you or others may have about possible violations of Company
policies or the law.
Don’t be improperly influenced – No one has the right or authority to require or influence you to do the
wrong thing. If you are asked to do something that you believe is a violation of RAC policy or the law,
don’t do it. Get Help before taking any action that may be wrong.
Report concerns and suspected misconduct Report suspected violations to your supervisor, member of
management, Coworker Relations, Human Resources, the Compliance Hotline, or the Company’s
Compliance Officer. For additional information about reporting, see “How To Report Ethics Concerns and
Suspected Misconduct,” below.
Personal Accountability for Management Coworkers
Management-level Coworkers have additional responsibilities:
Lead by example In all dealings, conduct yourself in a manner that avoids even the appearance of
unethical conduct. When ethical issues are brought to your attention, deal with them swiftly and
Talk about your expectations Let your Coworkers know that honest and ethical conduct is important to
you. Encourage discussion about ethics matters. Encourage your Coworkers to report possible ethics
violations or misconduct. Make clear that reporting is a responsibility, not an option.
Put ethics first – When conflicts arise between ethics and business objectives, put ethics first.
Prevent retaliation Never retaliate against a Coworker for reporting an ethics concern or suspected
violation, asking questions about ethics, or assisting or participating in an investigation of alleged
misconduct. Take steps to ensure that Coworkers you supervise do not retaliate either.
Accountability for Reporting, Assisting and Participating in Investigations
The responsibility to report ethics concerns and suspected misconduct is critical to the effectiveness of the
Code of Conduct. Reporting is a responsibility, not an option. In addition, all Coworkers must assist and
participate in a full, accurate and timely manner in any Company investigation of an alleged violation of the
Code of Conduct or the law.
How to Report Ethics Concerns and Suspected Misconduct
If possible, Coworkers should report ethics concerns and suspected misconduct (including violations of this
Code of Conduct) to their immediate supervisor. Coworkers are not, however, required to “follow the chain
of command” when reporting. Ethics concerns and suspected misconduct may be reported to any member of
management at any level of the Company, without fear of retaliation.
At times, it may not be feasible to report ethics concerns or suspected misconduct to management. For that
reason we provide other reporting options, such as the third-party reporting hotline.
To the extent permitted by law and the circumstances of the particular report, the Company will keep reports
confidential. Confidentiality, however, cannot be guaranteed.
We encourage Coworkers to identify themselves when making reports, but ethics concerns and suspected
misconduct may be reported anonymously. If the reporting Coworker does not identify himself or herself,
however, the Company may not be able to fully investigate and respond to the concern. Coworkers making
anonymous reports should contact our third-party reporting hotline.
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No Retaliation for Good Faith Reporting or Participating in Investigation
Good faith reporting of an ethics concern or suspected misconduct will not result in retaliation. Nor will
assisting or participating in the investigation of alleged misconduct or asking questions about compliance
with the Code of Conduct. "Good faith" does not mean that a report must ultimately be determined to be
correct. Good faith does, however, require that the Coworker be truthful when making a report, assisting or
participating in an investigation, or asking a question.
Harassment and Discrimination
Our Coworkers are our most important resource and deserve to be treated with dignity and respect.
Harassment and unlawful discrimination interfere with work performance and create an environment we
will not tolerate. All Coworkers must follow these principles:
Our workplaces will be free from harassment, intimidation and abuse.
We will recruit, hire, develop, promote and compensate without regard to gender, race, color, religion,
sexual preference, national origin, marital status, age, disability, veteran status or other protected
Inappropriate or unwelcome sexual behavior, including verbal, visual or physical behavior, will not
be tolerated, whether the harasser or the victim is a Coworker, contractor, agent, supervisor, customer,
guest or vendor.
To promote equal opportunity, Company management will establish, maintain and enforce policies and
procedures governing how Coworkers and applicants will be treated. All Coworkers are expected to
thoroughly understand the employment practices policies and procedures that apply to their job duties and
follow them in dealing with Coworkers and applicants.
Wage and Hour Practices
Coworkers will be paid in compliance with federal and state laws. “Working off the clock” is strictly
prohibited. All time worked by hourly Coworkers must be accurately recorded and paid according to
applicable law. No RAC Coworker has the authority to ask or require another Coworker to work without
being lawfully compensated.
Coworker Privacy
We will protect Coworker privacy. Only RAC Coworkers with a work-related reason may access Company
personnel records. Employment-related matters, including termination, are confidential and may be
communicated to other Coworkers on a strict need-to-know basis only. Outside inquiries for
employee-related information must be directed to Human Resources.
Health and Safety
We are committed to providing a safe and healthy working environment. Coworkers are expected to
understand and abide by all safety policies and procedures and supervisors are expected to monitor and
enforce compliance with our safety-related policies and procedures. We do not permit violence or
threatening behavior in our workplace. Coworkers will be free from the influence of illegal or controlled
substances. Coworkers shall immediately report accidents or unsafe conditions to an appropriate supervisor
or member of management.
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Customer Service
We expect all customers to receive outstanding customer service, consistent with our Mission and Core
Values. We will be professional and business-like in all interactions with customers. We will provide
customers with truthful and accurate information. We take pride in providing a pleasant shopping
environment and products that are “rent ready.
Collection Practices
Collecting past due payments is a vital and necessary part of our business. We regard collections as a form
of customer service and we will abide by the principles of customer service stated above. Intimidating,
harassing or abusive collection practices will not be tolerated. When it is necessary to go to a customer’s
home we will respect the privacy and sanctity of their home. Collection activities will be conducted in
accordance with our policies and applicable law.
Customer Privacy
We collect and retain “personal customer information
in connection with our business. We will use this
information for business purposes only. “Personal customer information will be disclosed to third-parties
only as permitted by our policies. Customer information will be disposed of according to our policies.
Customer Diversity
All customers must be treated with the same high level of respect and courtesy regardless of their gender,
race, color, religion, sexual preference, national origin, marital status, age, disability, veteran status or other
protected class. Refusing to provide products or services based on these characteristics is strictly prohibited.
Jokes or comments related to gender, race, color, religion, sexual preference, national origin, marital status,
age, disability, veteran status or other protected class are always inappropriate and prohibited.
Our advertising will be truthful, tasteful and free of misleading information. We will comply with applicable
advertising laws.
Financial Integrity
We are a public company and as a result file reports and other documents with the Securities and Exchange
Commission and The Nasdaq Stock Market. In addition, we issue press releases and make other public
statements that include financial and other information about our business, financial condition and results of
operations. Shareholders expect the financial information we provide to be honest and accurate. We will
ensure that the disclosures we make in reports and documents that we submit to the Securities and Exchange
Commission and in other public communications are full, fair, accurate, timely and understandable.
Financial books, records and accounts will accurately reflect transactions and events and conform to
generally accepted accounting principles. No document or record may be falsified for any reason. We
require cooperation and open communication with our internal and outside auditors. No undisclosed or
“Personal customer information” includes a customer’s name, address, phone number, date of birth, social security
number, driver’s license number, signature, employment or education history, e-mail address, credit, debit or bank
account numbers, passwords or PIN numbers, or other customer information designated as confidential in our
policies and procedures.
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unrecorded funds or assets will be established or permitted to exist for any reason. No Coworker should
even consider or attempt to rationalize misrepresenting facts or falsifying records, including, for example:
Making any entry or record intended to hide or disguise the true nature of any transaction;
Understating or overstating liabilities or assets;
Deferring or accelerating the recording of revenues or expenses;
Processing or submitting false or inaccurate expenses or invoices;
Avoiding or circumventing internal controls; or
Intentionally violating any policy or procedure related to accounting practices.
Financial Officer Code of Ethics
Because of their special responsibility to stakeholders both inside and outside the Company, the Chief
Executive Officer and each member of the Finance Department are also bound by the following Financial
Officer Code of Ethics and will acknowledge in writing that he or she will:
Act with honesty and integrity, avoiding actual or apparent conflicts of interest in personal and
professional relationships;
Provide information that is accurate, complete, objective, relevant, timely and understandable to
ensure full, fair, accurate, timely and understandable disclosure in reports and documents that the
Company files with, or submits to, the Securities and Exchange Commission and in other public
Comply with rules and regulations of federal, state, provincial and local governments, and other
appropriate private and public regulatory agencies;
Act in good faith, responsibly, with due care, competence and diligence, without misrepresenting
material facts or allowing one's independent judgment to be compromised;
Uphold the confidentiality of information acquired in the course of one's work except when
authorized or otherwise legally obligated to disclose;
Proactively promote and be an example of ethical behavior in the work environment and the
Achieve responsible use of and control over all assets and resources employed or entrusted; and
Promptly report to the Compliance Officer or the Chairman of the Audit Committee any conduct
that the individual believes to be a violation of law or business ethics or of any provision of the
Financial Officer Code of Ethics, including any transaction or relationship that reasonably could be
expected to give rise to such a conflict.
Violating any policy related to financial integrity is a serious offense and will subject the Coworker to
severe disciplinary action, including and up to termination of employment and possible criminal and civil
Conflicts of Interest
A “conflict of interest” exists when a person’s private interests interferes in any way with the interests of the
Company. Coworkers must avoid any activity, association, or relationship that creates even the appearance
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or perception of a conflict of loyalties or interests. Any activity, interest, or relationship that might
compromise or appear to compromise your duty of loyalty to the Company, must be immediately disclosed
in writing to the Company’s Compliance Officer. If you are uncertain whether a particular activity, interest
or relationship might create a conflict, you should disclose it.
It is impossible to list all of the circumstances that might create a conflict, but Coworkers must be
particularly aware of the following types of conflicts.
Competitive Conflicts Coworkers are prohibited from investing in or working for (as an employee,
consultant, board member or otherwise) any of the Company’s customers, suppliers, or competitors,
without the prior written approval of the Chief Executive Officer or President. The best policy is to
avoid any direct or indirect business connection with our customers, suppliers, or competitors
except on the Company’s behalf. This restriction also applies to investments by a Coworker’s
immediate family member. Prior written approval is not required, however, if the investment
involves (i) less than 1% of a publicly traded security on terms available to the general public, and
(ii) no “inside information” is used (see “Securities Trading and Inside Information” below).
Executive officers of the Company are prohibited from investing in any competitor, regardless of
the amount.
Gifts and Entertainment – Appropriate business gifts and entertainment are intended to create
goodwill and a sound working relationship; not to gain an unfair advantage. No gift or
entertainment should be accepted by a Coworker (or his or her family member) unless it is:
o not in cash;
o not excessive in value under the circumstances;
o in good taste and consistent with sound business practices irrespective of the value;
o infrequent;
o given and received openly and transparently; and
o does not violate any law or regulation.
Whether a gift or entertainment is excessive in value depends on the circumstances. Even a modest gift may
be improper if it is offered or received at a time that suggests an effort to improperly influence a business
decision. For example, accepting a gift from a prospective vendor shortly before a business decision will be
made regarding that vendor is most likely improper. In addition, no Coworker should offer, give or
provide any gift or entertainment unless it satisfies the above criteria.
Any gift or entertainment with a value greater than $200 but less than $500 must be disclosed to the Chief
Executive Officer or the President in writing (electronic or otherwise), which must include a description of
the business relationship, within two business days of receipt.
Any gift or entertainment with a value of $500 or greater may not be accepted without the prior written
approval (electronic or otherwise) of the Chief Executive Officer or the President. A written request for
approval must include a description of the business relationship.
A bribe is any gift, payment or other consideration designed to influence another’s behavior. Accepting a
bribe is strictly prohibited.
Family Relationships – A Coworker may not do business with a family member or a business in
which a family member is an officer, director, or principal without the prior written approval of the
Chief Executive Officer or the President, or unless pursuant to the Companys policy relating to
renting merchandise to family members.
Company Opportunities – Coworkers owe a duty to the Company to advance its legitimate interests
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when opportunities arise and not to personally take these opportunities. Coworkers may not (i)
compete with the Company, (ii) use Company property, information or their position for personal
gain, or (iii) take opportunities that are discovered through the use of Company property,
information or their position with the Company.
Payments to Government Personnel – We do not promise, offer or deliver to any federal or state
government employee or official any gift, favor or other gratuity that would be illegal. In
compliance with the United States Foreign Corrupt Practices Act we do not give anything of value,
directly or indirectly, to officials of foreign governments or foreign political candidates in order to
obtain or retain business. Our General Counsel can provide guidance in this area.
Use of Company Assets
All equipment (including vehicles), supplies, inventory, software and other assets used in the Company's
business must be treated with due care and are to be used for proper business purposes only. Coworkers are
responsible for ensuring that all equipment and supplies issued to them are properly used and maintained.
Any unauthorized use (which includes any use that is not for a proper business purpose) of Company
equipment (including vehicles), supplies, inventory, software or other Company assets is prohibited.
Coworkers must never make unauthorized copies of any Company software. Coworkers may not remove
any Company equipment or other Company assets from Company premises, except for a business purpose.
Limited non-business uses of the Company’s telephone and computer systems, which are permitted by
Company policy, are not prohibited.
Confidential Information
All Coworkers have an ethical and, in many cases, a legal duty not to disclose confidential, nonpublic,
proprietary information about the Company, customers, Coworkers, business partners, suppliers, distributors
and others with whom we do business. Coworkers with access to such information during the course of their
work are responsible for ensuring that it is not made available to unauthorized persons, including to
Coworkers that do not have a legitimate business need to access the information. Coworkers should only
discuss confidential, non-public and proprietary information with those persons that have a need to know
such information. Protection of the Company's confidential business information is vital to our success and
growth in the competitive industry in which we work. In addition, disclosure of certain confidential
information, such as competitive information or personnel information, may be illegal. Coworkers shall not
use confidential information, obtained in the course of their employment, for the purpose of advancing any
private interest or for personal gain. Coworkers personal obligation not to disclose confidential
information continues even after employment ends.
Irrespective of whether information may be confidential, to avoid improper disclosures, requests for
information from outside of the Company must be handled in accordance with the Company policy.
Securities Trading and Inside Information
It is both illegal and against Company policy to profit from undisclosed non-public “material inside
information” about the Company, any company with which we do business, or any information obtained
about any other company by virtue of employment by the Company. If you are in possession of “material
inside information” about the Company, any company with which we do business, or any other company, if
such information was obtained by virtue of your employment, and such information has not yet been
disclosed to the public, you may not purchase or sell any of the securities of the Company or such company
or "tip" others to trade in such securities. “Material inside information” is defined as facts that have not been
disclosed to the public that could influence a reasonable investor's decision to buy or sell the security.
Examples of “material inside information” include, but are not limited to:
potential mergers, acquisitions or other business opportunities;
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financial and operating results for the month, quarter or year;
major litigation, legislative or other legal developments;
a stock split; and
a change in the dividend policy;
Further, it is your responsibility to be familiar with, and comply with, the Company's Insider Trading Policy.
The restrictions of this policy also apply to your family members and others living in your household. You
are responsible for the compliance of such persons with securities laws and Company policy. Even the
appearance of improper conduct must be avoided. Coworkers should never recommend that anyone buy,
sell or hold Company stock.
Comply with the Law
We will comply will all applicable laws, rules, and regulations, both in letter and in spirit. Although not all
Coworkers are expected to know details of these laws, it is important to know enough to determine when to
seek advice from supervisors, managers, or other appropriate personnel.
Fair Competition
We will compete by providing outstanding products and high level customer service, and by executing our
business plan. We will not engage in any illegal or unfair business practice, including the use of a
competitor’s proprietary or confidential business information, such as customer lists. Under no
circumstances will we enter into any agreement that unreasonably restrains competition, including price
Political Activities
We respect our Coworkers’ rights to participate in political activities on their own behalf or on behalf of any
cause or candidate they favor. You may not, however, engage in political activities of any nature on
Company time or property, or during any other time in which you are acting on the Company's behalf; and
the use of the Company's time, equipment, property or other assets in the conduct of political activities of
any nature is also prohibited, unless authorized by the Company’s Chief Executive Officer, President,
General Counsel, or the SVP of Governmental Affairs. All requests by any political group/party, political
activity, or political function, for the use of Company property, equipment, assets, or personnel, should be
immediately forwarded to the SVP of Governmental Affairs at: RACgovernmentaffairs@rentacenter.com.
Company participation, if any, in the political process will be conducted in compliance with all applicable
laws and regulations.
Government Inquiries
All information provided in connection with any government inquiry will be truthful. We will never alter or
destroy records we know to be relevant to a government inquiry. All government requests for information,
other than requests in the ordinary course of business, shall be immediately forwarded to the Legal
Public Communications
Our public communications, including communications with the news media will be truthful. Requests for
public statements or interviews shall be immediately directed to the Public Affairs Department.