Comments and Suggestions to Advance and Strengthen Racial Equity,
Diversity, and Inclusion in the Biomedical Research Workforce and
Advance Health Disparities and Health Equity Research
Acknowledgments .............................................................................................................. 4
Executive Summary
............................................................................................................ 5
Summary of Comments by Topic Area
............................................................................... 5
Grants Process
............................................................................................................. 5
Student-to-Workforce and Career Pathways
.................................................................. 6
Biomedical Research Workforce
.................................................................................... 6
Health Disparities and Health Equity Research
............................................................... 6
Community Partnerships and Outreach
.......................................................................... 6
Cross-Cutting Themes
.................................................................................................. 7
........................................................................................................................ 8
............................................................................................................................. 9
Three-Phase Analysis........................................................................................................ 9
Phase 1: Data Preparation, Preliminary Review, and Codebook Development
............... 10
Phase 2: RFI Tool Coding
............................................................................................ 10
Phase 3: RFI Tool Analysis and Identification of Key Topic Areas and Themes
............... 10
Summary Of Comments By Topic Area
Grants Process
............................................................................................................... 12
Grant Application Process
........................................................................................... 13
Grant Review Process
................................................................................................. 14
Grant Review Criteria and Criterion Scores
.................................................................. 14
Diversity of Grant Review Panels
................................................................................. 14
Funding Priorities and Selection of Grants
.................................................................... 15
Student-to-Workforce and Career Pathways
.................................................................... 16
Pre-Graduate Curricula and Exposure to STEM
............................................................ 18
Financing Undergraduate and Graduate Training
......................................................... 18
Research Training and Infrastructure
............................................................................ 19
Barriers to Career Development
................................................................................... 20
Mentorship and Academic Networks
........................................................................... 21
Biomedical Research Workforce
...................................................................................... 24
Recruitment, Hiring, Promotion, and Retention
............................................................. 24
Diversity in Leadership and Hiring Committees
............................................................. 27
Health Disparities and Health Equity Research ................................................................. 28
Prioritization and Support of Health Disparities and Health Equity Research
.................. 28
Community Partnerships and Outreach
........................................................................... 29
Building Community Partnerships
................................................................................ 30
Cross-Cutting Themes
Expand the Scope of Inclusion
.................................................................................... 31
Implement DEI Initiatives
............................................................................................. 32
Operationalize Diversity Metrics
................................................................................... 32
Enhance and Expand DEI Training
............................................................................... 33
Improve Communication and Outreach
........................................................................ 33
Acknowledge Structural Racism and Its Impact
............................................................ 33
Appendix 1: Glossary
Appendix 2: Summary of Recommendations
Appendix 3: Table of Acronyms
We would like to thank the following staff from across NIH for their dedication and efforts to UNITE, in addition
to supporting data analysis, writing, and review of this report.
Courtney Aklin (IMOD/OD), Melissa Antman (IMOD/OD), Shelli Avenevoli (NIMH), Dexter Collins (FIC), Laura
Cooper (NIAMS), Kevin Davis (CIT), Teresa Estrada (NCI), Cara Finley (IMOD/OD), Jamie Gulin (NHLBI), Kelly
Ten Hagen (NIDCR), Monica Webb Hooper (NIMHD), Shadab Hussain (NCATS), Doug Joubert (NLM), Melissa
Laitner (IMOD/OD), Charlene Le Fauve (COSWD/OD), Leslie Littlejohn (NIAMS), Mia Rochelle Lowden (NINR),
Vanessa Marshall (NIMHD), Troy Muhammad (NCI), Ian Myles (NIAID), Roland Owens (OIR/OD), Kamilah Rashid
(IMOD/OD), Ryan Richardson (OD), Anu Sharman (NCI), Brian Trent (NEI), Della White (NCCIH)
In 2021, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) launched theUNITEinitiative,
an agency-wide effort committed
to ending structural racism and advancing racial equity and inclusion practices to positively influence the
biomedical research enterprise. As part of this initiative, the U Committee, a subcomponent of the UNITE
initiative, was charged with listening and learning to understand perceptions of diversity, equity, and
inclusion (DEI) issues in the biomedical research workforce. With the goal of understanding through listening and
learning, the U Committee published a Request for Information (RFI)
in March 2021 that invited respondents
to provide feedback on approaches NIH can take to advance racial equity within all facets of the biomedical
research workforce and expand research to eliminate or lessen health disparities and health inequities. In this
report, the U Committee summarizes the comments received in response to the RFI, including five key topic
areas that emerged, and six cross-cutting themes that underscore changes NIH can consider to improve DEI
within NIH and across the biomedical research enterprise. This feedback represents the opinions of the RFI
respondents and is summarized in this report to help inform NIH’s future plans and approaches.
The UNITE RFI resulted in more than 1,100 responses from individuals and organizations across the biomed-
ical research community, with respondents representing groups including academia, health care profession-
als, NIH staff, other Federal staff, nonprofits and professional societies, researchers, trainees, and students.
The responses encompassed a wide range of feedback that were grouped into five key topic areas, which
include 1) Grants Process, 2) Student-to-Workforce and Career Pathways, 3) Biomedical Research Workforce,
4) Health Disparities and Health Equity Research, and 5) Community Partnerships and Outreach (Figure 1).
Key Topic Areas of Feedback
Grants Process
Workforce and
Career Pathways
Health Disparities
and Health Equity
and Outreach
Figure 1: Key Topic Areas of Feedback
Grants Process
The grants process was the most common topic across responses and respondent types. Overall, the
NIH grant review process and lack of diversity in review panels were identified as significant drivers of bias
and funding gaps across individuals underrepresented in science. Several responses indicated that the grant
application process and submission requirements are burdensome, difficult, and not always well understood.
Funding policies and priorities were also mentioned as major contributors to gaps in funding in response
to the question about existing policies, procedures, and practices that perpetuate disparities and bias.
There were additional suggestions related to expanding the pool of funded investigators through select
pay procedures and grant caps for highly funded investigators. Respondents focused on aspects of the grants
process that they commented disadvantage early-career researchers, researchers from racial and/or ethnic
minority groups, individuals underrepresented in science more broadly, and lower-resourced research
Recommendations to address these gaps included greater support for the application and
submission process, revising grant review criteria, anonymizing the grant review process, increasing diversity
of review panels, and requiring DEI training for those involved in grant review.
Student-to-Workforce and Career Pathways
Barriers to training and lack of access to educational opportunities, persisting from early childhood through
early career, were highlighted as significant challenges for groups underrepresented in science. Respondents
noted that racial and ethnic minority students often do not have exposure to science, technology, engineering,
and math (STEM) during K-12 education, which impacts overall career trajectories. These respondents provided
recommendations on how NIH can best foster student engagement and interest in STEM from kindergarten
through undergraduate years. Moreover, responses suggested that financing training and education is a key
barrier for students from groups underrepresented in science who hope to pursue a career in biomedical
research. Mentorship and strong academic networks were also noted as crucial to career success. However,
respondents reported struggling to find strong mentorship, with some experiencing isolation and ‘othering’
within the predominantly White, male-dominated world of academia.
Biomedical Research Workforce
Respondents described how implicit and explicit biases affect hiring and promotion decisions within the
NIH workforce and the broader biomedical research ecosystem. Respondents asserted that diversifying NIH
leadership and hiring committees would bring more members of racial and ethnic minority groups into the
workforce and into supervisory positions, ultimately helping the NIH workforce to be more representative of
the U.S. population. Respondents acknowledged that overall diversification of NIH and the broader biomedical
workforce will require prioritization and diversification of recruitment, hiring, promotion, and retention strategies
that eliminate barriers faced by groups underrepresented in the workforce. Respondents also encouraged NIH
to support career advancement by providing targeted mentoring, outreach, and training opportunities for racial
and ethnic minority staff members.
Health Disparities and Health Equity Research
A lack of adequate funding prioritization within NIH and limited knowledge among reviewers about health
disparities and health equity research methods were cited as key barriers to expanding and advancing health
disparities and health equity research. Respondents urged NIH to prioritize these research areas across Insti-
tutes and Centers (ICs) and to increase resources and support for the National Institute on Minority Health and
Health Disparities (NIMHD). Many comments discussed the need for cross-culturally appropriate, inclusive
study designs. Comments also discussed data disaggregation and cohort studies to better understand the
impact of research findings on underrepresented communities.
Community Partnerships and Outreach
Respondents commented on how meaningful partnerships with community organizations can eliminate
or remove barriers that negatively impact groups underrepresented in the biomedical research workforce.
Respondents highlighted that partnerships also support community-engaged research designed to address
or reduce health disparities. While some respondents noted that current NIH efforts to build and enhance
partnerships and outreach are well-designed, others highlighted that NIH could better incentivize researchers
to incorporate community-based approaches. Respondents emphasized that community partnerships require
trust and collaboration and that more can be done to enhance NIH-funded research by integrating community
members at every stage of the grant process.
Cross-Cutting Themes
Along with the five key topic areas that emerged from the data, six cross-cutting themes were identified from
respondents’ comments that captured common messages across all topic areas. These themes are 1) Expand
the Scope of Inclusion, 2) Implement DEI Initiatives, 3) Operationalize Diversity Metrics, 4) Enhance and Expand
DEI Training, 5) Improve Communication and Outreach, and 6) Acknowledge Structural Racism and Its Impact.
These themes are presented in Figure 2. They emerged independent of RFI topic area, respondent type, or
response focus. Three themes were related to the overall concepts of structural racism and DEI: broad requests
to expand NIH’s definition of DEI; concern that NIH’s focus on structural racism, as represented in this RFI,
will not be followed by significant, tangible action; and disagreement regarding the existence or implications
of structural racism in the biomedical workforce. Three additional themes were raised as recommendations
frequently across topic areas. Respondents called upon NIH to expand reporting and transparency of DEI met-
rics within the grant application and review process, across the NIH workforce, and as relevant to NIH-funded
intramural and extramural research. Similarly, respondents encouraged NIH to strengthen and mandate DEI
training for various internal and external NIH groups, including NIH staff, grant reviewers, and principal inves-
tigators supported under grant awards. Finally, improved communication was highlighted as a fundamental
way to improve NIH institutional partnerships, community engagement, the grant submission process, and
relationships with current or potential NIH trainees and staff.
Cross-Cutting Themes
Expand the
Scope of
Implement DEI
Enhance and
Expand DEI
and Outreach
Structural Racism
and Its Impact
Figure 2: Cross-Cutting Themes
t national discourse and research regarding social justice and structural racism underscore ongoing
inequities in biomedical research and healthcare. The 2011 report by Ginther et al.
highlighted significant
racial gaps in the NIH-supported research workforce and disparities in success rates and funding for racial
and ethnic minority researchers that still exist, though to a lesser degree, more than a decade later. Peer-
reviewed research provides evidence of historical and structural disparities that have influenced NIH grant
funding supporting Black researchers on topics that impact underserved communities.
As articulated by the
recent Executive Order (EO) 14035,
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility (DEIA) aims to ensure that the
Federal Government, the nations largest employer, acts as a model for DEIA practices in the workplace and
provides a space where all employees are treated with dignity and respect. NIH strives to foster a biomedical
research community and internal workplace free from hostility and discrimination grounded in race, religion,
sex (including sexual and gender minority status), disabilities, and all other federally protected characteristics.
The ability for NIH to remain at the forefront of biomedical research requires fostering diversity across skill sets,
viewpoints, and backgrounds.
The UNITE initiative was established by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) in February 2021. The goal
of the initiative is to identify and address structural racism within the NIH-supported and greater biomedical
research community. On March 1, 2021, NIH released theRequest for Information (RFI): Inviting Comments
and Suggestions to Advance and Strengthen Racial Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion in the Biomedical research
Workforce and Advance Health Disparities and Health Equity Research The intent of the RFI was to seek
input from scientific associations, academia, advocacy groups, health professionals, the broader biomedical
research community, NIH staff, non-scientific communities, and the general public to inform the development
of plans and approaches for promoting and advancing racial equity, diversity, and inclusion; and to support a
more robust health disparities and health equity research portfolio. The topics and sub-topics presented for
comment are summarized in Table 1.
Table 1: RFI Main Topics and Sub-Topics
RFI Main Topics and Sub-Topics
All Aspects of the Biomedical Workforce
Perception and reputation of NIH as an organization
New or existing influence, partnerships, or collaborations
Factors that present obstacles to training, mentoring, or career path
Barriers inhibiting recruitment and hiring, promotion,retention,and tenure
Successful actions NIH and other institutions and organizations are currently taking
Policies and Partnerships
Existing NIH policies, procedures, or practices
Best practices or proven approaches to build new or enhance existing partnerships
and collaborations
Research Areas
Significant research gaps or barriers to expanding and advancing the science of health
disparities/health inequities research and proposed approaches to address them
Further Ideas
Additional ideas for bold, innovative initiatives, processes, or data-driven approaches
The RFI received more than 1,100 responses and closed on April 23, 2021. This report summarizes feedback
provided in response to the RFI, providing a broad overview of the analytic approach, topics, and themes of the
responses, and recommendations proposed by respondents. Specific examples, including de-identified quotes
from RFI respondents, are included, as appropriate, to expand upon broad concepts or to provide specific
recommendations that address concerns raised by respondents. This report reflects perceptions that may be
unique to or frequently raised by certain categories of respondents (e.g., NIH staff, advocacy organizations,
and academic institutions).
This report aims to capture, organize, and provide a summation of the responses to the RFI. As a result,
some of the issues and recommendations raised may not be within NIH’s purview as a Federal agency with
a primary goal of funding biomedical research. To the extent possible, the report attempts to clarify recommen-
dations that are specific or applicable to NIH and its partners within the biomedical workforce (e.g., academic
institutions, industry employers). In addition, some proposed actions may already be under consideration or in
motion at NIH or within the broader biomedical community.
Terminology within the report reflects respondents’ language to the greatest extent possible to avoid inaccurate
interpretation or overinterpretation of respondent comments. Frequently used terms are defined in Appendix 1
and linked within the text, and clarification is provided when respondent terminology may differ from standard
NIH definitions. The feedback summarized in this report represents the opinions of the RFI respondents and is
intended to help inform NIH’s future plans and approaches.
NIH encouraged individuals and organizations from multiple sectors to submit responses to the RFI between
March 1 and April 23, 2021. Organizations were asked to submit a single response reflective of the organiza-
tion’s views or the views of the organization’s membership. Responses were submitted via online portal or email
and could focus on any or all RFI topics. The RFI was posted publicly to the NIH UNITE website and was shared
through multiple channels, including email and social media channels, in order to reach a broad audience.
The RFI analysis consisted of three phases designed to examine the responses and identify emerging themes
and topics: Phase 1 Data Preparation, Preliminary Review, and Codebook Development; Phase 2 RFI Tool
Coding; and Phase 3 RFI Tool Analysis and Identification of Key Topic Areas and Themes (Figure 3). Phase
1 focused on an open-ended review of the responses to develop codes and emerging themes. In Phase 2,
codes from Phase 1 were used to categorize and analyze all RFI responses using the NIH Office of Portfolio
Analysis RFI Tool
(“RFI Tool”). Phase 3 included an analysis of the data from the RFI Tool coding, combined with
Phase 1 themes, to provide a final analysis and report of the data.
a. The RFI Tool simplifies and streamlines coding and analysis of responses received from RFIs and other text collections.
It is available exclusively to NIH staff.
Phase 1:
Data Preparation,
Preliminary Review, and
Codebook Development
Phase 2:
RFI Tool Coding
Phase 3:
RFI Tool Analysis
and Identification
of Key Topic Areas
and Themes
Figure 3: Phases of RFI Data Coding and Analysis
Phase 1: Data Preparation, Preliminary Review, and Codebook Development
RFI responses submitted via an online portal or email were merged into one dataset for analysis. During Phase
1, analysts utilized an open coding approach,
which consisted of reading the RFI data and identifying poten-
tial codes. Coders frequently met to discuss responses, ask questions, and reach a consensus as needed.
A preliminary data review provided information on emerging themes and topics within RFI responses. At the
end of this phase, coders compiled and recommended codes for inclusion in the codebook for use in Phase 2.
The codebook included working definitions for each code.
Phase 2: RFI Tool Coding
After finalizing the codebook, coders utilized the RFI Tool to code all responses. Analysts frequently met to
discuss specific responses, challenges, or operational definitions of codes. Responses to the RFI were coded
deductively, using unique topic codes and high-level codes that were uniform across RFI topics. Where evident,
responses to the first question were coded as having a positive or negative perception of NIH. The coding
scheme for individual topics was broken into subcategories, where appropriate, to provide additional depth
and insights specific to the topic. Respondent type (e.g., NIH staff, academia, nonprofit) was an optional,
self-reported single response selection at the time of RFI submission.
b. Respondent affiliations from historically black colleges and universities (HBCUs) were coded using the HBCU list from the
U.S. Department of Education. https://sites.ed.gov/whhbcu/one-hundred-and-five-historically-black-colleges-and-universities/
Phase 3: RFI Tool Analysis and Identification of Key Topic Areas and Themes
Analysts used features within the RFI Tool to query codes and expand upon and identify key topic areas and
cross-cutting themes. Analysts used the most frequent codes to guide deeper analysis within those topics,
which included re-reading responses to develop a complete understanding of the topic. The RFI Tool also
allowed for analysis by respondent type, providing for a segmented examination of the data. Codes within the
RFI Tool were analyzed by respondent type. Specific respondent types are mentioned if a particular person’s
response differed from or added additional perspective to the overall collective view. Where it was evident,
coders also tagged responses by the groups that were discussed (e.g., early-stage investigators, students).
The analysis team discussed these preliminary themes for accuracy and insights before the final reporting of
the data and analysis.
Represented among respondents were members of academia, advocacy groups, community partners, health
professionals, industry representatives, professional societies, post-doctoral researchers, students, NIH staff,
and members of the public (Figure 4). They provided valuable insights across five key topic areas. Each of these
topics, as well as six cross-cutting themes, are discussed in their corresponding sections.
Distribution of Respondent Types
(Includes 2% HBCUs)
NIH Staff
(e.g., Advocacy
Organizations, Members
of the Public, and more)
Figure 4: Distribution of Respondent Types
Each section of this report outlines the main topics that emerged from the analysis and relevant sub-topics. For
each key topic area, the text begins with a short description of the overarching thoughts of respondents and
a summary table of their recommendations. These are followed by more detailed descriptions that arose from
the RFI responses, as well as salient quotes from respondents. The organization of the report is intentionally
centered on the respondents’ thoughts, ideas, and words.
Key Topic Areas of Feedback
Grants Process
Workforce and
Career Pathways
Health Disparities
and Health Equity
and Outreach
Cross-Cutting Themes
Expand the
Scope of
Implement DEI
Enhance and
Expand DEI
and Outreach
Structural Racism
and Its Impact
Figure 5: Key Topics and Cross-Cutting Themes
This report aims to summarize the responses to the RFI. As a result, some of the issues and recommendations
raised may not be within NIH’s purview as a Federal agency with a primary goal of funding biomedical research.
Terminology within the report reflects respondents’ language to the greatest extent possible to avoid inaccurate
interpretation or overinterpretation of respondent comments. The summary tables are not an exhaustive list
of all recommendations received, but rather the most commonly suggested. Specific respondent types are
mentioned if their responses differed from or added additional perspective to the overall collective view.
The grants process, in its entirety, was the most common topic mentioned across respondent types. This key
topic area encompasses grant procedures and policies defined and administered by NIH. This includes many
things that impact the extramural research workforce
such as understanding funding opportunity announce-
ments (FOAs), preparing applications, submitting applications, completing application r
eview, and disbursing
grant funding. Most responses discussed grants specifically, although some of the responses could be gener-
alizable to other funding mechanisms. Respondents noted that despite the 2011 article by Ginther et al.
lighting the significant gaps in funding and success rates for Asian and Black or African American investigators,
the gaps remain more than a decade later, though to a lesser degree. Respondents further described aspects
of the grants process that they believe lead to these gaps in funding and make it less likely for researchers
from racial or ethnic minority groups to receive awards compared to their White peers. This funding gap, which
respondents cited was demonstrated again by Hoppe et al. in 2019,
ultimately contributes to a lack of diversity
within the extramural research workforce. Responses also indicated concerns regarding funding gaps related
to research topics, areas, and methodologies. Numerous improvements were recommended to stages of the
NIH grant process, from funding opportunities to preparing and submitting applications, through application
review, and finally for grant priorities and funding.
A summation of respondents’ grant process recommendations is detailed in Table 2.
Table 2: Summary of Recommendations for Grants Process
Topic Recommendations
Grant Application
• Provide more outreach from NIH, especially to researchers and trainees from
racial and ethnic minority groups and lower-resourced institutions, to support
grant application and submission efforts
• Clarify and simplify application and submission instructions and requirements
• Offer workshops and institutional grants to provide support for application
submissions and grant administration
• Expand time frames between publication and submission deadlines for FOAs
Topic Recommendations
Grant Review
• Change or remove the environment and investigator criteria
• Anonymize review
• Add review criteria on diversity and mentorship, including the Principal
Investigator (PI) and team, the commitment of the institution and the PI,
and the relevance to health disparities research
• Diversify review panels
• Require DEI training for reviewers and Scientific Review Officers (SROs)
Funding Priorities
and Selection of
• Utilize select pay or expanded paylines for applicants who are
underrepresented in science and for applications proposing health
disparities and health equity research
Increase transparency and standardize select pay policies across NIH
• Institute random selection lotteries for meritorious applications
• Cap funding for higher-resourced investigators and institutions
Grant Application Process
The grant application process and submission requirements were reported as burdensome, difficult, and not
always well understood. These challenges were described as particularly concerning for first-time applicants,
members of racial or ethnic minority groups, lower-resourced institutions, and community-based groups.
These applicants are less likely to have access to the administrative infrastructure to support application and
submission requirements. Furthermore, early-career investigators from groups underrepresented in science
and from lower-resourced institutions often lack experienced mentors to help navigate the application process.
Responses suggested that these challenges perpetuate gaps in funding and success rates for racial and ethnic
minority researchers. Recommendations were made to simplify application and submission instructions and to
eliminate preliminary data requirements to increase the success of first-time applicants.
Another issue raised was the short period between the publication
date and application due date for FOAs. Investigators at institutions
that lack administrative infrastructure have difficulty preparing com-
petitive applications within such a short time frame. Relatedly, it was
suggested that NIH expand outreach to investigators and adminis-
trators on how best to navigate the grant application system. Such
outreach could include workshops for staff in administrative support
offices (e.g., offices of sponsored research) to provide education on
application procedures and to assist in submitting applications. Anoth-
er recommendation suggested that direct support from mentors and
outreach from NIH staff, particularly Program Officials (POs), could
reduce some of the application and submission challenges investiga-
tors face. The respondents specifically mentioned a desire for guid-
ance on grant writing and application and submission requirements,
as well as encouragement to resubmit applications.
“Low-resourced institutions
often lack an effective office
of research and sponsored
programs, and junior faculty
often need extensive support
in preparing and submitting
successful proposals.
Institutional grants to
support such offices, which
in turn assist the faculty in
preparation and submission
of successful grant proposals,
would have a great impact.”
Grant Review Process
The grant review process was most frequently cited as a major contributor to bias and funding gaps for racial
and ethnic minority researchers and other individuals underrepresented in science. This feedback was
consistent across respondent types and RFI topics. Respondents with negative perceptions of NIH expressed
that the current state of the review process—in particular, the lack of diversity in review panels—contributed
to those perceptions; however, this feedback also extended to other items relevant to grant review, including
grant review criteria.
Grant Review Criteria and Criterion Scores
Grant review criteria were perceived as biased, and respondents expressed beliefs that these criteria con-
tributed to identified funding gaps for racial and ethnic minority researchers.
The primary criteria considered
and scored during the review of an application include significance, investigator(s), innovation, approach, and
Many respondents identified the investigator and environment criteria as specific sources of bias.
Investigator scores were perceived to affect women and racial and ethnic minority applicants negatively. The
environment criterion was viewed as negatively impacting applications from lower-resourced institutions that
often lack research infrastructure to compete with applications from well-funded, higher-resourced institutions.
Respondents suggested changing the investigator and environment criteria by de-emphasizing, removing, or
rating them only as acceptable/not acceptable to enable reviewers to focus solely on the merits of the proposal
at hand.
Several responses also recommended anonymizing the review process
to help reduce bias that inadvertently leads to better scores for appli-
cations from well-known and well-funded investigators compared to
those from less well-known investigators. An anonymized review would
require removing identifying information on investigators and institutions
from grant applications. Respondents also note that more experienced
PIs, the distribution of which skews White and male, appear to receive
better scores based on name recognition and reputation. An anonymized peer-review process, such as that
piloted in the Transformative R01 program,
was listed as an example of a way to enable reviewers to judge
proposals more adequately on the merits of the science and research plan and focus on significance, innova-
tion, and approach.
Suggestions to revise the grant review criteria to reflect support for DEI among investigators and in the
research topic area were made by respondents. A common suggestion was to consider diversity as a score-
driving criterion during grant review. The score could reflect the diversity of the research team, the Principal
Investigator’s and institution’s commitments to diversity, and the project’s relevance to health disparities and
health equity research. Another suggestion was to integrate mentorship of students and trainees into the
scored review criteria. This score could incorporate mentoring history and mentoring activities.
“Make history of mentoring
students from under-
represented groups
a score-driving criteria.”
Diversity of Grant Review Panels
Comments often noted concerns regarding how the lack of diversity on NIH review panels perpetuates bias.
Respondents reported that low funding rates for health disparities and health equity research are partly due
to low rates of diversity in training and/or background among reviewers. Responses noted that panels typi-
cally do not include strong representation from members of racial and ethnic minority groups or early-career
researchers and often lack diversity in areas of research expertise. Respondents noted that reviewers often do
not understand or value qualitative approaches, mixed
methods, or community-based approaches. Identifying
grant reviewers who are well-versed and have adequate
expertise and perspective to evaluate health disparities
and health equity research was suggested. A recommen-
dation was made to diversify review panels by expanding
the pool of potential reviewers beyond those who have
received R01 or other substantial funding.
Respondents recommended that providing grant review
training opportunities to early-career researchers,
researchers from racial and ethnic minority groups, and
researchers from lower-resourced institutions without
significant funding would help prepare them for service
on review panels, and ultimately improve panel diversi-
ty. Respondents advocated that study sections should
reflect the diversity of the applicant pool, if not the gen-
eral population. Proposed recommendations included
allowing investigators to self-nominate for consideration
on review panels and limiting terms of service for study
section members to allow for higher turnover. This term
limit would increase the opportunities to include a great-
er diversity of reviewers and perspectives.
“The composition of study sections
being comprised only of people who have
been awarded NIH grants is important
because these people understand the
grant application and review process
best. However, this becomes a systemic
problem when the vast majority of
investigators funded by NIH (in some
fields more than others) are of the majority
(i.e., White males). It is not too difficult
to see that if there is a panel comprised
mostly of White males who were mentored
by White males, if they review applications
produced by other White males who had
similar training then these reviewers may
view these applications more favorably.”
Respondents suggested that reviewers are influenced by implicit biases, including affinity bias, in which individ-
uals demonstrate an unconscious tendency to prefer others similar to themselves. This bias can lead reviewers
to give better scores to investigators with demographics and areas of expertise similar to their own. There
were suggestions that NIH should enhance fairness
in the grant review process through education and
monitoring. One recommendation was to provide edu-
cation and training in implicit bias and other aspects
of DEI for those participating in the grant review pro-
cess, including grant reviewers and Scientific Review
Officers. Another recurring recommendation was reg-
ular evaluation of grant reviewers and summary state-
ments for quality and biases.
“[NIH should require] evidence-based
training in DEI and implicit bias for all peer
reviewers, study section chairs, and NIH
staff involved in grant review. Efforts should
be made to measure the effectiveness of
bias training once implemented.”
Funding Priorities and Selection of Grants
Respondents called on NIH to diversify the extramural research workforce through grant funding procedures.
Several factors were identified as current barriers to funding, including the use of paylines and select pay
procedures by NIH. Paylines are Institute or Center (IC)-specific funding cutoff points for grant applications,
and select pay is used to fund outside of these cutoff points to ensure balance across the pool of grants
and expand the breadth of topics and approaches to funded research. A perceived lack of transparency
surrounding select pay processes and the research priorities of individual ICs may also contribute to funding
gaps. Moreover, IC funding policies and funding priorities were perceived as major contributors to the lack of
funding diversity. The responses stated that the select pay process is biased, particularly regarding how POs
choose applications to recommend for select pay. Repeated funding to support the same investigators and
research institutions was also an identified issue. Some responses cited Taffe and Gilpin’s article highlighting
racial disparities in NIH funding, which suggested that meritorious grant applications from Black PIs that score
above the payline have a lower likelihood of receiving funding compared to similarly scored applications from
White PIs.
Recommendations to mitigate and reduce funding gaps for researchers from groups underrepresented in
science included increasing transparency and standardizing the select pay process across NIH. Another
recommendation included expanding paylines, akin to the approach taken with early-stage investigators,
and providing select pay for meritorious applications from racial and ethnic minority groups and for health
disparities and health equity research. Respondents also suggested instituting random selection lotteries for
meritorious applications and implementing grant caps for highly funded investigators and institutions to free up
funding for others.
Respondents asserted that access to education and exposure to research training is critical for groups
underrepresented in science, from early childhood through early career. Diversification of the biomedical
research workforce requires identifying and bridging gaps in the student-to-workforce pathway,
which is
defined as the path students take to explore, identify, and pursue a career in biomedicine. Research and
policy work in this area frequently attempt to address “leaky” student-to-workforce pathway issues where-
in students leave the pathway by choosing majors or career paths outside of science, technology, engineering,
and math (STEM). Students from underrepresented racial and ethnic groups, particularly those from low-in-
come backgrounds with limited financial support, often do not have exposure to STEM early in life and face
significant financial and educational barriers in pursuit of research careers.
Respondents discussed the leaky
student-to-workforce pathway and the significant challenges students, trainees, individuals underrepresented
in science, and early-career researchers face that slow or halt progress and potentially lead to long-term reten-
tion issues within the biomedical research workforce. For this report, the biomedical research workforce refers
to the collective of individuals who comprise the internal NIH research workforce and the extramural biomedical
research workforce.
A summation of respondents’ recommendations for strengthening the student-to-workforce pathway and
addressing issues related to career pathways in the biomedical research field is detailed in Table 3.
Table 3: Summary of Recommendations for Student-to-Workforce and Career Pathways
Topic Recommendations
Pre-Graduate Curricula
and Exposure to STEM
• Develop and fund improved pre-graduate STEM education aimed at
diverse groups of scholars
• Increase outreach to pre-graduate students by members of the
biomedical research community
• Support diversity bridge programs and opportunities to engage in
Financing Undergraduate
and Graduate Training
• Address disparities in student loans and repayment programs
• Support graduate students through fast-track programs and
connections to post-doctoral positions
• Increase funding to current NIH training programs that support diverse
Research Training
• Invest in research infrastructure to support training programs at lower-
resourced institutions
• Make institutional training grants accessible
• Expand diversity funding mechanisms to better support early-career
Barriers to Career
• Increase salaries of graduate students and research trainees
• Increase or expand benefits for graduate students, post-doctoral
trainees, and early-career researchers
• Improve opportunities for work-life integration through workplace
• Create protected time for and reward academic and scientific service
Mentorship and
Academic Networks
• Support mentorship initiatives for the intramural NIH and extramural
research workforce
• Add mentoring requirements to grant criteria
• Incentivize institutions and faculty to support and expand mentorship
• Create partnerships between lower-resourced and high-resourced
institutions for mentoring and collaborations
• Maintain and add funds to effective mentoring programs
• Improve training, evaluation, and oversight for mentors
• Offer recognition and reward to strong mentors
• Expand networking and collaboration opportunities for trainees and
early-career researchers
Pre-Graduate Curricula and Exposure to STEM
Respondents encouraged creation of funding opportunities that support pre-graduate students in STEM
education and/or focus on diversifying the biomedical research student-to-workforce pathway, as early
exposure to STEM is critical in fostering interest in STEM topics and encouraging more students to pursue
STEM careers. Several recommendations included suggestions for both extramural and NIH intramural
researchers to increase outreach to pre-graduate students. There were also suggestions for improved support
for programs that allow pre-graduate, racial and ethnic minority students to engage in research and participate
in NIH activities (e.g., research camps or summer programs). Expanded partnerships between government
agencies, community colleges, minority serving institutions (MSIs), and lower-resourced institutions were
suggested to improve students’ exposure to scientific opportunities. The NIH Science Education Partnership
Awards (SEPA)
was listed as one example of an effective partnership program that supports researchers and
K-12 schools.
“The Science Education Partnership Awards (SEPA), which create partnerships between
researchers and K-12 schools, is an example of an effective partnership that often reaches
teachers and students who are underrepresented in biomedical research. As a grantee for 30
years, [I have] seen the benefits of this program in practice, bringing teachers from across
the country into the laboratories of working scientists where they had the opportunity to
gain first-hand experience working on a research project.”
Financing Undergraduate and Graduate Training
As students enter their undergraduate years and aspire to graduate-level STEM education, a primary
concern cited was the difficulty of financing education in the U.S. and the long-term burden of student loan
repayment. Respondents commented that removing financial barriers associated with expensive and
lengthy degree pursuits will allow more individuals from underrepresented racial and ethnic communities to
enter and sustain scientific careers without taking on a lifetime of financial burden. Respondents specifically
highlighted how students from low-income families face financial difficulties pursuing science degrees.
Rising student loan rates contribute to wealth inequity,
contributing to a lack of diversity within the field. Many
respondents, therefore, suggested the U.S. government pay down student debt and address disparities in
student loans and student loan repayment opportunities. While NIH may have limited ability to relieve the
burden of student loans, respondents encouraged NIH to consider additional financial support for students,
trainees, and early-career researchers.
“[T]he prospect of remaining financially
unviable for 8 years after undergraduate
heavily favors those able to take financial
risk, persons with significant familial or
spousal wealth, persons without dependents
or persons with limited debt or financial
obligations to family in-country or abroad.
This is not a recipe for diversity and cannot
be maintained in academia.”
Additionally, respondents called on NIH to expand
funding opportunities to a broader pool of investigators
by expanding programs that support early-career
researchers and to make training and career devel-
opment mechanisms more easily accessible to train-
ees without extensive publications, presentations, or
previous funding history. Respondents recommended
devoting additional funds to existing initiatives and/
or implementing these programs more broadly across
NIH. Programs that reduce the effort required to apply
to training opportunities or allow trainees to streamline or reduce total time spent in training were highlighted.
These programs would enable trainees to enter their chosen fields earlier and receive greater financial support
earlier in their careers.
Several types of programs at NIH and academic institutions were frequently cited as beneficial, including
those that connect trainees to peers at other research training programs; those that provide opportunities for
collaboration; those that provide hands-on experience; and those that provide mentorship experiences. The
NIH Distinguished Scholars program
is an example of a cohort-based model that improves trainees’ sense of
community and belonging. Respondents commented that these programs may provide particular advantages
for trainees at lower-resourced institutions, who may not have access to opportunities, research infrastructure,
or connections that increase competitiveness when applying to graduate school, post-doctoral positions, or
full-time research positions. To improve experiences within existing programs, respondents encouraged NIH
to address bias and cultural issues that may cause trainees from groups underrepresented in science to feel
unsupported or out of place, leading to less-than-optimal outcomes for these individuals.
Research Training and Infrastructure
All training programs do not lead to equal opportunities
for students who stay in the student-to-workforce path-
way. Most responses expressed challenges faced at low-
er-resourced institutions, which they noted might include
MSIs, R2 universities (i.e., less intensive research envi-
ronments than R1-designated universities, which have
the highest level of research activity), and community col-
leges. Respondents from Historically Black Colleges and
Universities (HBCUs) expressed this concern and urged
NIH to invest in HBCU researchers and provide funding to strengthen research environments. Respondents
noted that adequate research infrastructure—the facilities, materials, and resources needed to conduct scien-
tific research—is necessary to support strong training programs.
“[We need] NIH funding opportunities
for improving infrastructure (purchase
of scientific equipment) at academic
institutions that have shown a historical
commitment to educating students from
underrepresented groups.”
Partnerships between lower- and higher-resourced institutions were highlighted as a method of helping
lower-resourced institutions improve research infrastructure and training programs. For example, respondents
suggested the creation of funding initiatives for collaborative grants between institutions, which could allow
researchers at under-resourced institutions to benefit from stronger research infrastructure at potential partner
Additionally, incentivizing higher-resourced institutions to partner with under-resourced centers could allow
for resource sharing and collaboration. Some encouraged NIH to create a database of researchers who are
interested in and available to collaborate with researchers at other institutions and to create a mechanism to
incentivize higher-resourced institutions to collaborate with lower-resourced institutions. The National Human
Genome Research Institute’s Genome Research Experiences to Attract Talented Undergraduates into the
Genomics Field to Promote Diversity (the GREAT Program)
was highlighted as a current NIH program that
requires research-intensive applicant institutions to partner with under-resourced institutions, providing trainees
opportunities to pursue further training via institutional partnerships. The creation of sustainability plans for
cross-institute engagement was highlighted as a practical approach to building enduring partnerships and
facilitating long-term resource sharing.
Barriers to Career Development
As highlighted by respondents, many students and trainees face significant financial barriers at the beginning of
their careers. Unfortunately, the low salaries and lack of tangible benefits (e.g., affordable insurance, childcare,
and housing) associated with biomedical research training may exacerbate this problem. Those who continue
in biomedical research careers may face additional challenges that affect career advancement, including a
lack of value placed on the extensive work they do outside their individual research programs, which may
include committee work related to DEI issues, community outreach and engagement, and mentorship of
students and trainees.
Recommendations to address financial instability among
graduate students and post-doctoral trainees most frequent-
ly included the need to increase salaries. Respondents noted
instances in which researchers from racial and ethnic minori-
ty groups declined opportunities due to a lack of appropriate
compensation despite achieving academic excellence in their
chosen fields. Poorly compensated opportunities advantage
more privileged candidates, creating disparities in career trajec-
tories. Respondents encouraged NIH to increase the salaries of
graduate students and research trainees to set an example for
academic training programs across the nation.
“If you want to strengthen DEI
in science, you need to provide
stability and support to those
coming from less-advantaged
backgrounds so they can develop
without the grinding fear of no
money/no job every year.
Benefits and Work-Life Integration
Respondents felt that graduate students and post-doctoral trainees also require access to benefits, includ-
ing relocation funds, retirement packages, health insurance, caregiving support (e.g., elder and childcare),
and housing and transportation benefits. These benefits are not always available as part of compensation in
biomedical research careers, which exacerbates financial challenges. Given these financial considerations,
respondents suggested that better benefits and tangible support could attract greater numbers of scientists
from lower-resourced communities, especially when considering employment opportunities in areas with a
higher cost of living.
Responses also described the biomedical research field
as demanding and not conducive to work-life integration.
Respondents expressed a desire for improved workplace
flexibility, noting that trainees and early-career researchers
are particularly vulnerable to being derailed by a lack of
workplace support. Workplace flexibility was specifically
highlighted as important for members of multi-generational
households and individuals who are caregivers. Tribal com-
munities were described as particularly affected by these
concerns, as respondents suggested grant timelines and
the demands of biomedical research do not always align
with community obligations and cultural activities.
“A work/life balance is different for
everyone and different within cultures.
The typical timeframe for starting
a family overlaps with the typical
timeframe for growing a career.
There is a cumulative disadvantage
throughout one’s career if a research
step is missed early. NIH should
consider differing timelines for early-
stage investigators.”
Valuation of Academic and Scientific Service
Many respondents reported that contributions to the research community, such as mentoring and communi-
ty outreach, which do not support individual research programs, are significantly undervalued. Further, staff
from underrepresented racial and ethnic groups are frequently encouraged or tasked to participate in and
lead DEI-related activities, a phenomenon referred to as the “minority tax.” These individuals are also often
in high demand as mentors to support students from similar racial and ethnic backgrounds. These activities
may take them away from research and academic responsibilities without significant acknowledgment from
supervisors or institutional leadership, thus impeding career advancement. Respondents emphasized that staff
from underrepresented racial and ethnic groups should not be obligated or expected to carry the burden
of culture change. However, mentorship and participating in DEI-related activities should be adequately
valued. Recommendations to address these challenges included creating protected time for academic and
scientific service and directly rewarding these contributions when considering promotions, tenure decisions,
and grant applications.
“Service requests are often much higher for faculty of color than for faculty from the majority
culture. These requests often involve serving on search committees and other institutional
committees to address diversity requirements and being [asked] to provide presentations or
serving on panels for students to see role models of scientists of color. These requests can
add up and take significant time away from research, publishing, grant writing, etc. It would be
helpful to acknowledge these contributions officially in [promotion and tenure] instead of credit
being predominantly focused on [publications] and grants. In fact, if our institutions are really
committed to growing URM [underrepresented minorities] lines and making them successful,
then institutionally funded, protected time to serve on committees, provide role model seminars,
mentor URM students, etc. should be considered, as well as [promotion and tenure] credit.”
Mentorship and Academic Networks
Respondents noted that for undergraduate students, graduate students, and post-doctoral trainees, men-
torship and academic networks are crucial components to success in biomedical research. Mentorship was
cited as providing guidance and resources, both tangible and intangible, that are critical for ensuring continued
educational progress and career development. Academic networks were highlighted as offering opportunities
for collaboration, peer support, and a sense of belonging. Many respondents emphasized how difficult it is
for individuals from racial and ethnic minority groups to advance in their careers without consistent mentor
relationships and robust academic networks.
Mentor Availability and Prioritization
Respondents identified a variety of barriers that prevent trainees, especially those from underrepresented
racial and ethnic backgrounds and those training at MSIs, from finding influential mentors. Respondents stated
that most well-known and successful biomedical researchers are White men, many of whom were trained by
White men. Mentees were cited as often preferring to seek out mentors of a similar demographic background.
Because the biomedical research workforce currently lacks diversity, respondents noted, trainees struggle to
find mentors who can share in the experience of being both a member of a group underrepresented in science
d a researcher in their field. While respondents recognized that this exclusion may not always be intentional,
it can perpetuate the lack of diversity in the workforce. In their comments, some current mentors acknowledged
that they were not effectively mentored themselves and therefore did not feel prepared to mentor their students.
Recommendations from respondents included improved training, evaluation, and oversight for mentors and
rewarding or otherwise incentivizing strong and supportive mentors. In addition, respondents stated that NIH
should create and expand programs that facilitate partnerships to pair students and trainees from lower-re-
sourced research institutions with mentors from higher-resourced institutions and/or create co-advising fellow-
ships. These fellowships would enable students attending lower-resourced institutions to be co-mentored by
a researcher at their current site and a researcher from a higher-resourced institution. Moreover, respondents
highlighted existing NIH programs that aim to expand mentorship opportunities for trainees and called for these
initiatives to be expanded. These programs included cohort-based mentoring programs such as the Research
Initiative for Scientific Enhancement (RISE),
the Initiative for Maximizing Student Development (IMSD),
Maximizing Access to Research Careers (MARC),
and the National Research Mentoring Network (NRMN).
“High quality mentoring is essential to success in graduate studies and independent
research, and mentorship can help underrepresented scientists continue into research-
track careers. Studies show that these scientists have unique mentoring needs and may
benefit from a culturally sensitive mentor who can help guide them with challenges unique
to their background. The implementation of a mentoring requirement for all grants that
support research trainees, regardless of funding mechanism, can boldly reinforce the
importance of mentorship at all stages, as well as draw attention to the unique mentoring
needs of underrepresented individuals.”
Valuation of Mentorship
Mentorships are critical to career success in the biomedical research field. Respondents noted that most
mentors do not receive training, incentives, additional funding, or even additional time to foster positive men-
torships. Many highlighted the need for mentors to receive DEI training to help them engage with mentees in
a cross-culturally informed way and with cultural humility. When the only mentors available for students from
racial and ethnic minority groups are themselves members of underrepresented groups, there is an undue
burden on those mentors, particularly when such activities are not a valued criterion for consideration in men-
tors’ career advancement. This cycle also leads to smaller networks of mentors and mentees, which can impact
future career success.
“One cannot separate mentorship from science. We cannot excuse people who are perceived
‘brilliant,’ yet treat the trainees in their laboratories as dispensable labor. A careful evaluation
by institutions of their faculty’s mentorship, not based on number of trainees and number who
attain faculty positions, but rather peer-and trainee-evaluations, as is often done in liberal arts
setting, will hopefully substantiate this as a review criterion for promotion. We likely know of
many mentors, and are likely the product of some of them, who create special environments
where scientists can thrive in a positive and rewarding environment. We need to ‘quantify’
this in some way in order to proactively reward these environments. They will lead to happier
trainees regardless of the type of scientific career they go on to pursue.”
Academic Networks and Networking Opportunities
Despite the importance of building academic networks, many students and trainees report challenges and
limited networking opportunities. These challenges can be exacerbated when students and trainees attend
smaller schools or MSIs, or do not work with highly prestigious or well-published mentors. Some described
experiencing unfriendly and even hostile academic networks, which were seen as a contributor to stu-
dent-to-workforce pathway barriers. Responses indicated continued implicit and explicit bias toward indi-
viduals from racial and ethnic minority groups and individuals underrepresented in science, both within NIH
and the extramural research workforce. Reported racist comments, microaggressions, and “othering” create
environments in which individuals from racial and ethnic minority groups feel unwelcome and face numerous
obstacles to success. These experiences can lead students and researchers to leave the biomedical research
workforce earlier and at higher rates. Respondents encouraged NIH to expand networking and collaboration
opportunities for trainees and early-career researchers.
Some respondents suggested that NIH host more sci-
entific forums to provide networking opportunities.
Respondents also recommended that NIH take a more
direct approach and expand visiting scholars, exchange,
or shadowing programs that foster collaboration. Other
recommendations included mitigating the financial and
geographic barriers to researchers interacting with the
larger research community through free or low-cost
NIH-sponsored events that utilize virtual platforms and
other technologies designed to promote networking and
“Continued feelings of tokenism,
alienation, and a lack of support
persist…. Peer networks are often found
to be unwelcoming, which can prevent
development of crucial relationships that
lead to collaboration and advancement.”
As noted by respondents, supporting DEI across the biomedical workforce requires participation from individ-
uals and institutions at every level. For this report, the biomedical research workforce refers to the collective
of individuals who comprise the internal NIH research workforce (primarily intramural researchers) and the
extramural biomedical research workforce (NIH-funded researchers and trainees). Appendix 1 further delin-
eates these categories. The internal NIH workforce includes both research and non-research staff. Respon-
dents commented about DEI issues within the biomedical research workforce, including recruitment, hiring,
promotion, and retention within biomedical research and the importance of diversity in leadership and hiring
committees. Responses were categorized to indicate whether they were related to the NIH internal workforce,
extramural research workforce, or the entire biomedical research workforce.
A summation of respondents’ recommendations related to the biomedical research workforce is detailed in
Table 4.
Table 4: Summary of Recommendations for Biomedical Research Workforce
Topic Recommendations
Recruitment, Hiring,
and Retention
• Advance researchers from underrepresented groups across all scientific
career stages at NIH through improved recruitment, hiring, promotion,
and retention practices
• Diversify NIH staff to be more representative of the U.S. population
• Provide more outreach and assistance with the NIH job application
and submission process
• Review the USAJOBS process to reduce bias and improve equity
• Encourage or require the extramural research community to diversify
staff and build a more diverse student-to-workforce pathway
• Rethink and reimagine the range of staff across skillsets, degrees,
and backgrounds that can positively contribute to biomedical research
• Make training more accessible to a wide range of educational degrees
and levels
• Work with research institutions to support long-term mentoring
Recruitment, Hiring, Promotion, and Retention
In general, responses indicated the perception that NIH is committed to cultivating a diverse internal
workforce and is leading the biomedical research workforce overall toward greater equity and representation.
Some respondents viewed NIH positively for its long-term and growing efforts to support diversity across the
biomedical research community, with some applauding the UNITE initiative as an example of this commitment.
However, other respondents criticized NIH’s lack of progress toward actionable solutions to its stated DEI
goals. They recommended NIH implement, evaluate, and report on appropriate initiatives and policy changes
that could help eradicate DEI issues in the biomedical research workforce.
Internal NIH Workforce
Respondents called on NIH to ensure that its internal workforce is
representative of the demographics of the U.S. population and asked
NIH to serve as a role model for the extramural research community
in this commitment. Responses from NIH staff and those within aca-
demia described the NIH recruitment and hiring processes as barriers
to employment at NIH for job seekers from groups underrepresented
in the workforce. Respondents expressed concern that beginning
the Federal Government’s official employment site that connects job seekers with Federal
employment opportunities, applicants from groups underrepresented in the workforce are often disadvantaged
due to challenges in meeting certifications and developing a resume that leads to an official offer from NIH.
“These gate keeping
processes are locking people
like me out of NIH and pretty
much ensuring that my career
will fail.”
Respondents encouraged expanding outreach via in-person and virtual workshops and job fairs for sharing
information on the NIH job application and submission processes. Moreover, suggestions indicated that these
efforts would be particularly beneficial for individuals from groups underrepresented in the workforce and those
training or employed at MSIs. Though outside NIH’s purview, respondents suggested an overall review of the
USAJOBS process to ensure that all applicants receive fair and unbiased chances to work within the Federal
Respondents also reported a lack of career advancement opportunities for some members of the internal NIH
workforce. For example, respondents observed a lack of successful transitions between NIH post-doctoral
trainees and full-time NIH positions, particularly for members of groups underrepresented in science.
Extramural Biomedical Research Workforce
Several concerns about the extramural biomedical research workforce were noted, including overall lack of
diversity within the workforce and persistent barriers to success for members of groups underrepresented
in science. Comments addressed the unique challenges of researchers at lower-resourced institutions and
described the pressure felt by researchers from racial and ethnic minority populations. Respondents from
academic research settings indicated that academia still feels like an “old boys club” due to a lack of diversity,
encompassing race, ethnicity, gender, and other demographic characteristics. There was a perception that
success is determined by how well one is connected. Although there have been efforts to diversify grad-
uate and post-doctoral pools, respondents reported comparatively fewer resources to support individuals
from underrepresented racial and ethnic groups in obtaining faculty and leadership positions in the extramural
research workforce.
Common suggestions were for NIH to prioritize and build a more diverse student-to-workforce pathway and
encourage and/or require, where possible, the diversification of the extramural research workforce. One specific
suggestion was for NIH to support researchers from racial and ethnic minority groups by working with academic
research institutions to improve their hiring practices and long-term mentoring. Moreover, lower-resourced MSIs
reported challenges retaining highly productive researchers. Specifically, successful, well-published researchers
from underrepresented racial and ethnic groups who are employed at lower-resourced MSIs are often recruited
by higher-resourced institutions that can offer higher pay and/or less intensive teaching demands. This pattern
creates a continuous cycle in which lower-resourced institutions repeatedly invest in and train new researchers
in a way that ultimately may limit long-term institutional growth.
The extramural biomedical research community was
encouraged to rethink and reimagine the range of staff
that can positively contribute to biomedical research.
Specific suggestions were made to expand and diversify
the biomedical research community by welcoming inter-
disciplinary professionals into the field, such as experts
in health communication, policy, law, public health, and
community-based partnerships. Recommendations to
support diversity of background also included increas-
ing access to various educational degrees or training
programs by creating free or low-cost certifications or
open access online courses that would lower barriers
and expenses for research training.
“Minoritized faculty are more likely to
mentor and train students from minoritized
groups. Yet, mentoring is not considered to
be a core element in the retention,
promotion, and tenure (RTP) process at
colleges and universities. Until universities
are encouraged or required to value
mentoring as part of the RTP process, it
will always disadvantage faculty from
minoritized groups, who will continue to
mentor students from BIPOC groups.”
Internal NIH and Extramural Biomedical
Research Workforce
Several factors were reported as impacting both the internal NIH workforce and the workforce at extramural
research institutions. Commonly cited issues included barriers affecting members of groups underrepresented
in science across hiring, promotion, retention, and tenure practices. Respondents noted that workplace discrim-
ination causes individuals to leave academia or stagnate in their careers as they are passed over for promotion
and opportunities. Work environments are sometimes isolating and hostile for researchers from groups under-
represented in science, respondents observed, which may lead to adverse personal and professional effects.
Several respondents alleged continual implicit and explicit bias
toward members of racial and ethnic minority communities
within NIH and the extramural research workforce. They noted
that issues should be able to be raised without fear of retalia-
tion, such as missed opportunities and promotions.
“An unwelcoming environment
is indescribable, but deeply felt,
especially among underrepresented
faculty and students.”
According to respondents, retention of diverse staff at NIH and
within academia is critically important and may require a cul-
ture shift. Respondents noted that due to lower salaries, lack of benefits and work-life integration, and explicit
or implicit bias directed toward members of racial and ethnic minority groups, talented scientists are drawn to
non-STEM careers or non-academic biomedical careers. Respondents delineated several barriers to promotion
and tenure within NIH and across academic research institutions. Several respondents described an over-em-
phasis on publications and grant funding required for promotion and tenure, which can limit individuals who
are trained or employed at lower-resourced institutions. As previously discussed in the Student-to-Workforce
and Career Pathways section, efforts spent on academic and scientific service are often not considered in
promotion and tenure decisions. Respondents reported that this practice signals that DEI-related activities are
not prioritized or valued.
Academic respondents, including respondents from HBCUs, suggested that limited academic networks
and a lack of strong mentor relationships impede applicants from groups underrepresented in science when
searching for employment at NIH and academic institutions. Nepotism and cronyism—situations where family
and friends are given unfair advantages—were commonly discussed by respondents, particularly concerning
hiring practices. Affinity bias was often noted, where individuals have an unconscious tendency to prefer others
like them, leading to preference in hiring, mentorship,
promotion, and selection to participate in commit-
tees. Some stated that when underrepresented racial
or ethnic minority staff are invited or selected for
coveted roles and positions, they perceive a sense of
tokenism, wherein their presence is solely due to the
need to fulfill diversity requirements rather than their
talent and expertise. Furthermore, HBCU respon-
dents described a sense of self doubt that when they
obtain roles, it may not have been due to their merits
and achievements (or conversely, that others perceive it was not due to their merits). Taken as a whole, these
impacts create significant barriers for the career paths for individuals from groups underrepresented in science
in their pursuit of careers in the biomedical research workforce.
“Imposter syndrome/difficulty in asking for
help - minority faculty may be dealing with
racism on their campuses or from their
colleagues and this can make it more difficult
for them to ask for help since they are afraid
that people will judge them poorly for
needing help.”
Diversity in Leadership and Hiring Committees
Diversity in leadership and hiring committees was highlighted as playing an important role in improving diver-
sity within the biomedical research workforce. Many respondents noted that groups underrepresented in
science are underrepresented in leadership and hiring committees. Comments also noted that while Asian
Americans are overrepresented in the STEM workforce, this group remains underrepresented in leadership and
administrative positions. Comments highlighted that women, particularly those who are members of racial or
ethnic minority groups, are also underrepresented in these positions.
Most of the discussion related to this topic focused on the internal NIH workforce. However, some comments
also applied to the extramural biomedical research workforce. Several respondents indicated that diversifying
the NIH internal workforce begins with diverse hiring committees and NIH leadership. They described how the
mentality of hiring an individual based on a perception of a “good
fit” can lead to biases and barriers, often leading decision-makers
to prioritize similarity over diversity. Respondents also reported a
perception that some NIH job postings are not open to diverse
and qualified candidates because preferred or known candidates
have already been identified prior to the publication of the job
announcement. Additionally, respondents emphasized that lead-
ers must set the tone and expectations around the importance of
diversity and empower staff to openly discuss DEI-related issues in
the workplace.
“[M]any of the hiring and
selection managers aren’t from
diverse backgrounds and lean
toward hiring people who look
like them.”
A lack of diversity in leadership and hiring committees across the biomedical research workforce is believed
to result in hiring, promotion, and retention bias within NIH and the extramural research workforce. Targeted
mentoring and training are viewed as necessary for underrepresented racial or ethnic minority researchers to
succeed in the biomedical research workforce. Furthermore, ongoing implicit bias training for investigators
and leadership at NIH was deemed essential for advancing DEI. Responses noted the importance of diver-
sity in leadership teams, grant review panels, hiring committees, and individuals in decision-making or gate-
keeping roles.
As identified by respondents, research on health disparities and health equity offers pathways to ensure all
communities can obtain equitable health outcomes and can access necessary health care resources. Respon-
dents reported that health disparities research was less valued or supported by NIH, which respondents stated
contributes to inequities in funding and lack of diversity in the workforce.
A summation of respondents’ recommendations related to health disparities and health equity research is
detailed in Table 5.
Table 5: Summary of Recommendations for Health Disparities and Health Equity Research
Topic Recommendations
Prioritization and
Support of Health
Disparities and Health
Equity Research
• Improve prioritization and funding of health disparities and health
equity research
• Increase resources and funding for NIMHD
• Ensure all NIH ICs support health disparities and health equity research
• Emphasize the value of qualitative, mixed methods, social science,
translational, community-based, community-engaged, and multi-
disciplinary research models
• Support culturally sensitive and inclusive study designs
• Prioritize research on underrepresented populations and consider data
disaggregation techniques and/or cohort studies that would examine
the needs of individuals from underrepresented groups
• Increase funding opportunities that address the health effects of bias,
racism, and xenophobia
• Focus on disease areas with significant disparities across underserved
Prioritization and Support of Health Disparities and Health Equity Research
“Collaboration of NIH institutes
with NIMHD on addressing health
disparities/inequities needs to be
heightened to increase the funding
of studies on health inequities
throughout NIH. While this has
increased in the last few years, this
has to be taken to a greater scale to
result in meaningful advancement of
our understanding of health.”
Respondents urged NIH to prioritize health disparities and health
equity research to better understand the health needs of pop-
ulations that experience health disparities. Many respondents
also emphasized the importance of adequate funding for this
research, noting that a failure to support health disparities and
health equity research will lead to limited advancements and
inadequate strategies to improve health disparities and out-
comes. Respondents, predominantly those from academia, per-
ceived that the devaluing of health disparities and health equity
research is partially due to biases in the grant review process
that impact funding opportunities. There were calls for NIH to
expand resources for NIMHD that will enable the Institute to
increase funding for extramural research and staffing. Respon-
dents also emphasized the need for all NIH ICs to increase funding and prioritize health disparities and health
equity research. Respondents stressed that this research is crucial across ICs and should not be the sole
purview of NIMHD.
Comments highlighted how specific groups—including women; Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians, and Pacif-
ic Islanders (AANHPI); individuals from Tribal communities; members of sexual and gender minority groups
(SGM); and members of the disabled community—remain largely overlooked, even in considering recent health
disparities and health equity research. Responses encouraged disaggregation of data within these groups, use
of cohort studies to examine the needs of subgroups, and more consideration of intersectionality. Respondents
also proposed specific funding opportunities that would address health care needs in these communities, as
well as continued research investment on the health effects of bias, racism, and xenophobia.
Respondents noted that there are many researchers from groups underrepresented in science interested in
studying health disparities and health equity, yet respondents assert there are biases that prevent certain types
of research from receiving NIH funding. Respondents suggested NIH emphasize the value of qualitative, mixed
methods, social science, translational, community-based, and multi-disciplinary research models. They per-
ceived these research approaches as valuable for assessing the magnitude and nuances of health disparities.
Respondents also highlighted the importance of culturally sensitive and inclusive study designs, which are
essential for understanding population interests and recruiting diverse patient populations.
Complementary to the responses discussed above, respondents noted that NIH should support and encour-
age community-engaged research to address health disparities and health equity. Respondents identified that
when a specific underserved community or population is the focus of a research study, guidance from com-
munity members in the development of study design and execution can ensure the methods and interventions
appropriately reflect the needs of communities.
Many responses emphasized the value of developing relationships with community-based organizations
and community members. Some comments highlighted organizations in specific communities (e.g., Tribal
communities) and others referred to organizations more broadly (e.g., local health organizations). NIH was
encouraged to improve community outreach to build or strengthen partnerships with community groups.
Respondents noted that community partnerships involve biomedical researchers and community members
working together toward common goals, with each partner bringing resources and strengths, resulting in
stronger research studies and more relevant health outcome measures.
A summation of respondents’ recommendations for improved community partnerships and outreach is
detailed in Table 6.
Table 6: Summary of Recommendations for Community Partnerships and Outreach
Topic Recommendations
Building Community
• Build community partnerships to encourage community participation
in the development of programs and initiatives, understanding of, and
participation in NIH research studies
• Require or incentivize applicants to incorporate community-based
approaches into their research
• Invite community members to serve as investigators, participate in
the grant review process, and serve as an intermediary between
investigators and study participants
• Build partnerships upon trust and in a collaborative manner
Building Community Partnerships
Respondents highlighted that partnerships between communities and researchers can contribute to the
sustainability of effective interventions and support participation by groups underrepresented in science.
There was an emphasis among respondents on the value of developing relationships with community-based
organizations, with many encouraging NIH outreach to build and strengthen partnerships with these groups.
Respondents suggested more active leveraging of community networks, including developing community-
based recruitment centers to increase participation in biomedical research.
Respondents indicated that community engagement is critical to ensuring that research reflects the needs
and outcomes of the community of interest. Respondents highlighted the significance of partnerships and
engagement that promote community participation. Responses noted that it is vital to include community
voices in program development and grant review to build trust and provide critical insights. They recommended
NIH increase funding for community partnerships. Responses recognized that increasing interest in commu-
nity-based partnerships and addressing barriers, such as associated costs, will take time. Several policy-lev-
el recommendations were offered, such as requiring or incentivizing applicants and grantees to incorporate
community-based approaches into their research. Other recommendations included expanding the grant time
frame to allow for community-engaged research and providing funding to community partners that includes
the administrative and delivery costs of participating in research projects. Respondents described the impor-
tance of partnerships with Tribal communities and Tribal
Colleges and Universities (TCUs) that are built upon
trust. These responses noted that building trust begins
with understanding and asking communities about the
research areas that are paramount to their communities,
working collaboratively, and reporting the results to the
communities and participants. Respondents expressed
a desire for more outreach and collaboration with TCUs,
including investment in American Indian and Alaska
Native students to support the biomedical research
workforce pathway.
“Encourage study co-design with
community stakeholders from the
beginning, which can both provide
critical insights and build trust. This
should include racial and ethnic
minorities, leaders from poor
geographical communities, small rural
county governmental representatives,
representatives from multiple
sectors, etc.”
A collection of concepts emerged throughout responses that were not unique to any one RFI topic area,
respondent type, or response focus. These areas were identified from respondents’ comments as cross-
cutting themes that span all aspects of DEI planning at NIH and the biomedical research workforce. Col-
lectively, these cross-cutting themes may help to inform actions in support of DEI across the biomedical
research workforce.
Cross-Cutting Themes
Expand the
Scope of
Implement DEI
Enhance and
Expand DEI
and Outreach
Structural Racism
and Its Impact
There were requests to expand NIH’s definition of DEI. Often, responses suggested NIH has ignored groups that
may be viewed as “less” marginalized. Respondents encouraged NIH to expand its focus to consider factors
beyond race and ethnicity and include attention to demographic factors such as SGM status, age, geography,
and disability status. These respondents frequently highlighted inclusion and accessibility concerns for many
underrepresented populations and brought attention to how intersectionality may further impact opportunities
for members of racial and ethnic minority groups.
Some responses also highlighted the fact that the NIH definition for underrepresented scientists does not
include Asian Americans; however, respondents noted that individuals from Asian American subgroups (e.g.,
Hmong, Vietnamese, Filipino, Laotian, Cambodian Americans) are vastly underrepresented in STEM fields.
Respondents stated their perception that some diversity-oriented NIH training opportunities are inaccessible
to Asian American researchers.
Respondents also noted that grouping diverse communities into single categories does not appropriately
account for the heterogeneity within communities and may inadvertently mask the challenges experienced by
individuals. For example, subgroups within the AANHPI population show evidence of significant health dispar-
ities in areas of diabetes, cancer, and mental and behavioral health disorders.
However, these disparities are
often difficult to assess when data is presented for the entire AANHPI population without examining differences
across subgroups. Some respondents called for the disaggregation of racial and ethnic data when reporting
NIH internal and biomedical research workforce data, as well as when reporting data on the demographics
of participants in NIH-funded research, particularly when considering AANHPI, Hispanic/Latino, and Middle
Eastern and North African populations.
“While this RFI and the response here is primarily focused on racial equity, we note
the importance of intersectionality in properly addressing structural racism and
discrimination and hope the agency will consider in its work all groups facing inequities
in the biomedical research workforce, including racial and ethnic minorities, women,
persons with disabilities, LGBTQ individuals, and first-generation college students as
well as other individuals from diverse backgrounds.”
There were concerns that NIH’s focus on structural
racism, as represented in this RFI, would not be fol-
lowed by significant, tangible action or implementa-
tion. Although some respondents indicated positive
perceptions of NIH’s recent acknowledgment of
structural racism, many stated that further action
is needed. Responses indicated that although NIH
has had longstanding awareness of the lack of diver-
sity in funded research and the biomedical research
workforce, NIH could do more to implement concrete
actions aimed at eliminating bias and advancing DEI.
Moreover, some respondents stated they could not identify any DEI programming or initiatives at NIH, while
others noted they could not identify examples of successful programs. They called on NIH to implement action-
able solutions and continuously report on the progress of DEI initiatives.
“The recent announcement that NIH
acknowledges the existence of structural
racism and disparities was a good start
but it must be followed by brave action,
in the knowledge that attempts to move
towards equity will come under attack
from privileged groups protecting their
favorable position.”
Respondents called on NIH to collect, assess, track,
and report data on diversity and the outcomes of relat-
ed policies, procedures, and processes. Respondents
urged NIH to increase accountability by measuring the
progress and impact of the UNITE initiative and other
DEI-related programming. Other recommendations for
improved accountability included sharing and publishing
demographic data on both the NIH and biomedical research workforces, sharing and publishing information on
the diversity of grant reviewers, and publicly reporting the outcomes of the grant review process (e.g., score
distribution). Additionally, responses encouraged NIH to expand reporting and transparency regarding DEI met-
rics, particularly within the grant application and review process. Respondents encouraged NIH to implement a
data-driven strategy to build a more inclusive workforce and meet the UNITE initiative’s broader goals.
“Tangible goals are essential. NIH must
set measurable objectives… The broader
ecosystem of accountability, recognition,
and rewards is the future.”
Improvements to DEI training, mandating training for specific groups, and increasing training volume and
frequency, both at NIH and across the biomedical research workforce, were frequently suggested. Implement-
ing mandatory training was recommended for grant reviewers, internal NIH staff, PIs supported by NIH grants,
academic and research mentors, early-stage investigators, trainees, and fellows. Respondents frequently
encouraged NIH to transition beyond simple implicit bias training to a more comprehensive evidence-based
Improved communication was highlighted as a fundamental way to enhance NIH institutional partnerships,
community engagement, the grant application process, and relationships with current or potential NIH trainees
and staff. Many submissions called for NIH to increase and improve internal and external communication to
support DEI. Respondents drew particular attention to the need for better communication with underrepre-
sented communities and lower-resourced institutions.
A few suggested communication priorities included
simplifying NIH communication to avoid language
barriers; expanding targeted outreach to administra-
tive support staff and investigators at MSIs and low-
er-resourced institutions; and improving outreach to
students, trainees, and early-career researchers from
groups underrepresented in science. Some requested
outreach formats included hosted discussions, listen-
ing sessions, seminars, and trainings and workshops.
“Communication will be key to the success
of these efforts and visuals/words must be
weighed carefully…. If there is an end goal
for these current efforts… then I suggest
that should be conveyed clearly and with
assurances [that UNITE] is not a one and
While most RFI respondents agreed with the hypothesis that structural racism presents obstacles for mem-
bers of racial and ethnic minority groups in the biomedical research workforce, some denied the existence of
structural racism. There was disagreement regarding the existence or implications of structural racism in the
biomedical workforce amongst respondents. Some indicated that they did not feel there was a lack of diversity
or evidence of structural racism at NIH or in the biomedical workforce, while some respondents described their
perception of what they referred to as “reverse discrimination.” These subsets of respondents often expressed
that career advancement and grant funding decisions should be strictly merit-based and without regard to
diversity, equity, or inclusion considerations. These comments highlighted a belief that science is strongest
when it is purely merit-based.
Analysis of responses suggested significant interest in the above-discussed topics on behalf of many types
of respondents. Forty-six percent of responses came from members of academia, including 2% from HBCUs,
although respondents spanned a variety of categories, including NIH staff, health professionals, and non-profit
and/or professional societies. Most respondents indicated agreement with the ideas put forward in the RFI,
i.e., that NIH carries a significant responsibility to address the systemic challenges and barriers affecting the
NIH workforce and NIH-supported biomedical research community and that enhancing workforce diversity
and equity across the biomedical enterprise are critical steps to achieving progress in these areas. However, a
portion of respondents did not perceive or denied concerns related to structural racism or other forms of bias,
inequitable treatment, or discrimination within NIH or the greater biomedical workforce.
Overall perceptions of NIH’s attempts to address structural racism and inequities prior to the release of the
RFI were mixed. Many respondents described NIH as supportive of workforce diversity but noted a lack of
implementation and little tangible evidence of change. Many respondents described their perceptions of NIH
as a predominantly White, male organization, especially at the leadership and senior levels. This perceived lack
of diversity was also extended to the larger biomedical workforce.
Responses and recommendations for NIH spanned a broad array of topics. The grant process was most
frequently cited by respondents, who asserted that review policies and lack of diversity on review panels are
some of the most significant contributors to racial and ethnic funding gaps among extramural researchers.
Relatedly, many respondents indicated that health disparities and health equity research is not adequately or
equitably prioritized across all NIH ICs. Many comments noted grant reviewers often are not well trained to
consider research designs and methodologies frequently used in health disparities research, including commu-
nity-appropriate approaches, qualitative designs, and projects that focus on social or structural determinants
of health, which further perpetuates lack of funding for health disparities research.
Training and mentorship; hiring, promotion, and retention; and community outreach and engagement were
also areas of frequent focus. Respondents highlighted specific concerns across these topics and provided
recommendations for NIH to address these challenges. Some recommendations were outside NIH’s purview.
Other recommendations were appropriate for NIH to consider and could also be applied by other employers,
organizations, or partners across the biomedical workforce. Many respondents called upon NIH to lead by
example to build trust in the biomedical community. They called for NIH to do this via increased outreach,
engagement, and communications surrounding structural racism, diversity, equity, and inclusion.
Responses to this RFI highlighted the need to assess biases and barriers to DEI in policies, practices, and
procedures at NIH and external research institutions. This RFI represents one of the earliest efforts of the
NIH UNITE initiative and one of the broadest attempts to gather input on this important topic from NIH part-
ners, collaborators, and the public. NIH appreciates the exceptional number of detailed, thoughtful responses
from respondents who represent many facets of the biomedical workforce and broader community. Practical
recommendations shared by respondents, summarized in this report, will assist NIH in identifying, developing,
and implementing strategies that will allow the biomedical enterprise to benefit from a more diverse and
inclusive research workforce and a more robust portfolio of research to better understand and address
inequities in our existing system.
All definitions marked with † are from the NIH Glossary.
Definitions marked with * are defined within this report.
Term Definition/Description
The design, construction, development, and maintenance of facilities, information
and communication technology
, programs, and services so that all people,
including people with disabilities, can fully and independently use them.
Accessibility includes the provision of accommodations and modifications to
ensure equal access to employment and participation in activities for people
with disabilities; the reduction or elimination of physical and attitudinal barriers to
equitable opportunities; a commitment to ensuring that people with disabilities
can independently access every outward-facing and internal activity or electronic
space; and the pursuit of best practices such as universal design.
The support, tools, and capacity to manage the general business practices
that ar
e common to research administration, including the preparation and
submission of grant applications and post-funding administrative functions.
finity bias
The unconscious tendency by which individuals prefer others similar to
Attitudes, behaviors, and actions that are prejudiced in favor of or against one
person or gr
oup compared to another.*
Biomedical r
The collection of individuals who comprise the NIH internal research workforce
(primarily intramural) and the extramural biomedical r
esearch workforce (NIH-
funded investigators, researchers, trainees).
Black, Indigenous
and People of Color
This is a term specific to the United States and is intended to center the
experiences of Black and Indigenous gr
oups and demonstrate solidarity between
communities of color.
The process of engaging the community to help develop research questions,
design a study
, and collect data with the goal to answer a scientific question or
meet a specific research need. Types of community-engaged research include
action research, community-based participatory research, and participatory action
The process of working collaboratively with and through groups of people
filiated by geographic proximity, special interest, or similar situations to address
issues affecting the well-being of those people.
Bestowing of favors to friends, colleagues, and associates based on personal
elationships and connections rather than actual performance standards.
DEIA Executive
Order 14035
Aims to ensure that the Federal Government, the nation’s largest employer, is
a model for Diversity
, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility (DEIA) practices and a
place where all employees are treated with dignity and respect.
Term Definition/Description
The practice of including the many communities, identities, races, ethnicities,
backgrounds, abilities, cultures, and beliefs of the American people.
Individuals in the early stages of their career, including pre-doctoral
researchers through early-stage investigators.*
Program Director / Principal Investigator (PD/PI) who has completed their
terminal research degree or is at the end of post-graduate clinical training within
the past 10 years, whichever date is later, and has not previously competed
successfully as PD/PI for a substantial NIH independent research award.†
The consistent and systematic fair, just, and impartial treatment of all
individuals, including individuals who belong to underserved communities that
have historically been denied such treatment.
Extramural research
Researchers external to NIH for whom NIH provides funding support.*
Grant review criteria
Impact scores are based on grant reviewers’ assessment of 1) significance,
2) investigator(s), 3) innovation, 4) approach, and 5) environment.
Grants process
Steps required for an application to proceed from planning and submission
through to award.
in science
Individuals from racial and ethnic groups that have been shown by the National
Science Foundation to be underrepresented in health-related sciences on a
national basis. The following racial and ethnic groups have been shown to be
underrepresented in biomedical research: Blacks and African Americans,
Hispanics or Latinos, American Indians or Alaska Natives, Native Hawaiians
and other Pacific Islanders.
Health disparities
Research that focuses on differences in health outcomes for defined
disadvantaged populations that are worse than the White reference
Health disparity
A health difference that adversely affects disadvantaged populations, based on
one or more of the following health outcomes:
• Higher incidence and/or prevalence and earlier onset of disease
• Higher prevalence of risk factors, unhealthy behaviors, or clinical
measures in the causal pathway of a disease outcome
• Higher rates of condition-specific symptoms, reduced global daily
functioning, or self-reported health-related quality of life using
standardized measures
• Premature and/or excessive mortality from diseases where population
rates differ
• Greater global burden of disease using a standardized metric
Term Definition/Description
Health equity
Research that interrogates the dynamic, cumulative, and interrelated structures of
, environmental conditions, and economic systems that produce inequities
in health between different populations. Health equity research also identifies,
promotes, and leverages unique community-informed protective factors that are
traditionally undervalued and understudied.
Health inequity
Systematic differences in the opportunities that groups have to achieve
optimal health, leading to unfair and avoidable dif
ferences in health
Historically Black
College or University
Any historically black college or university established prior to 1964 whose
principal mission was and is the education of Black Americans and is
accredited by a nationally recognized accrediting Agency or Association
determined by the Secretary of Education to be a reliable authority as to the
quality of training offered, or is, according to such an Agency or Association,
making reasonable progress toward accreditation.
Imposter syndr
When high-achieving individuals who, despite their objective successes, fail to
nalize their accomplishments and have persistent self-doubt and fear of being
exposed as a fraud or imposter.
The recognition, appreciation, and use of the talents and skills of employees of all
Institute or
Center (IC)
The NIH organizational component responsible for a particular grant program or
set of activities.†
nal NIH
All NIH staff, research and non-research staff, Federal employees, and
Intramural r
NIH internal researchers and staff who conduct biomedical research within the
confines of NIH ICs.*
Institutions that are generally characterized as having insufficient resources and
tend to serve large numbers of disadvantaged and/or low- income students.
Everyday verbal, nonverbal, and environmental slights, snubs, or insults—whether
intentional or unintentional—that communicate hostile, der
ogatory, or negative
messages to individuals based solely upon their marginalized group membership.
Microaggressions repeat or affirm stereotypes about a minority group, and they
tend to minimize the existence of discrimination or bias, intentional or not.
Term Definition/Description
Minority serving
institution (MSI)
Institutions of higher education that serve minority populations, and strive to give
their constituents the social and educational skills needed to overcome racial
discrimination and limited economic opportunities.
Minority tax
Extra, financially uncompensated duties and responsibilities that minorities are
asked to perform to increase diversity at their institutions, such as serving on a
search committee that would otherwise be all White.
Inappropriate action related to the appointment, employment, promotion, or
advancement of a relative, recommending that a relative receive an award, or the
advocacy of such actions for the benefit of a relative.
NIH non-research
NIH staff (e.g., administration, human resources, budget, facilities, and logistics)
across the enterprise in non-research roles.*
The construction and identification of the self or in-group and the other or out-
group in mutual, unequal opposition by attributing relative inferiority and/or radical
alienness to the other/out-group.
Sending/receiving information or news, including targeted communication with
certain groups or institutions.*
A percentile-based funding cutoff point determined by balancing the projected
number of applications coming to an NIH Institute with the amount of funds
available. Set after the budget is determined, paylines are not mandatory, are not
made for all activity codes, and may be adjusted during the year.†
An individual receiving education in the grades Kindergarten through twelfth
grade, or undergraduate education.*
Investigator (PI)
An individual designated by the applicant organization to have the appropriate
level of authority and responsibility to direct the project or program supported
by an award. The PI is responsible and accountable to the recipient organization
or, as appropriate, to a collaborating organization, for the proper conduct of the
project or program, including the submission of all required reports.†
Program Official (PO)
NIH official who is responsible for the programmatic, scientific, and/or
technical aspects of a grant.†
R1 universities
Institutions that meet benchmarks across 10 indicators measured by the
Carnegie Classification of Institutions of Higher Education indicating that the
university engages in “very high research activity.”
Term Definition/Description
R2 universities
Institutions that meet benchmarks across 10 indicators measured by the
Carnegie Classification of Institutions of Higher Education indicating that the
university engages in “high research activity.”
Racial and ethnic
NIH uses the racial and ethnic group classifications determined by OMB in the
Revisions to Directive 15, titled Standards for Maintaining, Collecting, and
Presenting Federal Data on Race and Ethnicity. The minority racial and ethnic
groups defined by OMB are American Indian or Alaska Native, Asian, Black or
African American, and Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander. The ethnicity
used is Latino or Hispanic.
Racial equity
A process of eliminating racial disparities and improving outcomes for everyone.
It is the intentional and continual practice of changing policies, practices, systems,
and structures by prioritizing measurable change in the lives of people of color.
The resources and services for conducting research, including major equipment
or sets of instruments, knowledge-related facilities such as collections, archives
or scientific data infrastructures.*
Research project
grant (R01)
Provides support for health-related research and development based on the
mission of NIH, R01s can be investigator-initiated or can be solicited via a
Request for Applications. The R01 research plan proposed by the applicant must
be related to the stated program interests of one or more of the NIH Institutes and
Centers based on their missions.
Scientific Review
Officer (SRO)
NIH official who serves as the designated Federal official and has legal
responsibility for managing the peer-review meeting, the procedures for evaluating
the applications assigned to the scientific review group, and the determinations
and management of conflicts of interest, as noted in 42 CFR 52(h).†
Select pay
The funding of a small number of programmatically important applications at the
margin of the payline as recommended by Council.†
workforce pathway
The path students take to explore, identify, and pursue a career in biomedical
Summary statement
A combination of the reviewers' written comments and the SRO's summary of
the members' discussion during the study section meeting. It includes the
recommendations of the study section, a recommended budget, and
administrative notes of special considerations.†
Trainees Pre-doctoral and post-doctoral researchers training in biomedical research.*
Term Definition/Description
An individual seeking one of two higher education degrees—an associate degree
or a bachelor’s degree.
Group of individuals underrepresented in the biomedical, clinical, behavioral,
and social sciences, such as people with disabilities, people from disadvantaged
ounds, and certain racial and ethnic groups such as Blacks or African
Americans, Hispanics or Latinos, American Indians or Alaska Natives, and Native
Hawaiians and other Pacific Islanders.
Populations that share a particular characteristic and/or geographic
communities that have been systematically denied the full opportunity to
participate in aspects of economic, social, and civic life. In the context of the
Federal workforce, this term includes individuals who belong to communities of
color, such as Black and African American, Hispanic and Latino, Native
American, Alaska Native and Indigenous, Asian American, Native Hawaiian
and Pacific Islander, Middle Eastern, and North African persons. The term also
includes individuals who belong to communities that face discrimination based
on sex, sexual orientation, and gender identity (including lesbian, gay, bisexual,
transgender, queer, gender non-conforming, and non-binary (LGBTQ+) persons);
persons who face discrimination based on pregnancy or pregnancy-related
conditions; parents; and caregivers. It also includes individuals who belong to
communities that face discrimination based on their religion or disability;
first-generation professionals or first-generation college students; individuals with
limited English proficiency; immigrants; individuals who belong to communities
that may face employment barriers based on older age or former incarceration;
persons who live in rural areas; veterans and military spouses; and persons
otherwise adversely affected by persistent poverty, discrimination, or inequality.
Individuals may belong to more than one underserved community and face
intersecting barriers.
The Federal Government’s official employment site (www.usajobs.gov) that
connects job seekers with Federal employment opportunities.
Topic: Grants Process Recommendations
Grant Application
• Provide more outreach from NIH, especially to researchers and trainees
from racial and ethnic minority groups and lower-resourced institutions,
to support grant application and submission efforts
• Clarify and simplify application and submission instructions and
• Offer workshops and institutional grants to provide support for
application submissions and grant administration
• Expand time frames between publication and submission deadlines
for FOAs
Grant Review Process
• Change or remove the environment and investigator criteria
• Anonymize review
• Add review criteria on diversity and mentorship, including the Principal
Investigator (PI) and team, the commitment of the institution and the PI,
and the relevance to health disparities research
• Diversify review panels
• Require DEI training for reviewers and Scientific Review Officers (SROs)
Funding Priorities and
Selection of Grant
• Utilize select pay or expanded paylines for applicants who are
underrepresented in science and for applications proposing health
disparities and health equity research
• Increase transparency and standardize pay policies across NIH
• Institute random selection lotteries for meritorious applications
• Cap funding for higher-resourced investigators and institutions
Topic: Student-to-
Workforce and Career
Pre-graduate Curricula
and Exposure to STEM
• Develop and fund improved pre-graduate STEM education aimed at
diverse groups of scholars
• Increase outreach to pre-graduate students by members of the
biomedical research community
• Support diversity bridge programs and opportunities to engage in
Financing Undergraduate
and Graduate Training
• Address disparities in student loans and repayment programs
• Support graduate students through fast-track programs and
connections to post-doctoral positions
• Increase funding to current NIH training programs that support diverse
Research Training
• Invest in research infrastructure to support training programs at
lower-resourced institutions
• Make institutional training grants accessible
• Expand diversity funding mechanisms to better support early-career
Barriers to Career
• Increase salaries of graduate students and research trainees
• Increase or expand benefits for graduate students, post-doctoral
trainees, and early-career researchers
• Improve opportunities for work-life integration through workplace
• Create protected time for and reward academic and scientific service
Topic: Student-to-
Workforce and Career
Mentorship and
Academic Networks
• Support mentorship initiatives for the internal NIH and extramural
research workforce
• Add mentoring requirements to grant criteria
• Incentivize institutions and faculty to support and expand mentorship
• Create partnerships between lower-resourced and high-resourced
institutions for mentoring and collaborations
• Maintain and add funds to effective mentoring programs
• Improve training, evaluation, and oversight for mentors
• Offer recognition and reward to strong mentors
• Expand networking and collaboration opportunities for trainees and
early-career researchers
Topic: Biomedical
Research Workforce
Recruitment, Hiring,
and Retention
• Advance researchers from underrepresented groups across all
scientific career stages at NIH through improved recruitment, hiring,
promotion, and retention practices
• Diversify NIH staff to be more representative of the U.S. population
• Provide more outreach and assistance with the NIH job application
and submission process
• Review the USAJOBS process to reduce bias and improve equity
• Encourage or require the extramural research community to diversify
staff and build a more diverse student-to-workforce pathway
• Rethink and reimagine the scope of staff that can positively contribute
to biomedical research
• Make training more accessible to a wide range of educational degrees
and levels
• Work with research institutions to support long-term mentoring
Topic: Health
Disparities and Health
Equity Research
Prioritization and
Support of Health
Disparities and Health
Equity Research
• Improve prioritization and funding of health disparities and health
equity research
• Increase resources and funding for NIMHD
• Ensure all NIH ICs support health disparities and health equity research
• Emphasize the value of qualitative, mixed methods, social science,
translational, community-based, community-engaged, and multi-
disciplinary research models
• Support culturally sensitive and inclusive study designs
• Prioritize research on underrepresented populations and consider data
disaggregation techniques and/or cohort studies that would examine
the needs of individuals from underrepresented groups
• Increase funding opportunities that address the health effects of bias,
racism, and xenophobia
• Focus on disease areas with significant disparities across underserved
Topic: Community
Partnerships and
Building Community
• Build community partnerships to encourage community participation
in the development of programs and initiatives, understanding of, and
participation in NIH research studies
• Require or incentivize applicants to incorporate community-based
approaches into their research
• Invite community members to serve as investigators, participate in
the grant review process, and serve as an intermediary between
investigators and study participants
• Build partnerships upon trust and in a collaborative manner
AANHPI Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander
BIPOC Black, Indigenous and People of Color
DEI Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
DEIA Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility
EO Executive Order
FOA Funding Opportunity Announcement
Genome Research Experiences to Attract Talented Undergraduates
into the Genomics Field to Promote Diversity
HBCUs Historically Black Colleges and Universities
ICs Institutes and Centers
IMSD Initiative for Maximizing Student Development
MSI Minority Serving Institution
NIH National Institutes of Health
NIMHD National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities
PD Program Director
PI Principal Investigator
PO Program Official
RFI Request for Information
SGM Sexual and Gender Minority Groups
SRO Scientific Review Officer
STEM Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math
TCU Tribal Colleges and Universities
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16. Resear
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18. Maximizing Access to Resear
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19. RFA-RM-18-002: National Research Mentoring Network (NRMN) Resource Center (U24 - Clinical Trial
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22. Why We Use BIPOC. Published April 6, 2022. Accessed September 19, 2022.
23. Community-engaged Research and Citizen Science. National Institute of Envir
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RFI responses are available upon request via email to [email protected]