Division of Child Development Child Care Center Handbook
Religious Sponsored Child Care page 15.1
Purpose Of These Requirements
In North Carolina, religious sponsored child care centers (those operated by a church, synagogue, or
school of religious charter) that meet the definition of child care must be regulated by the Division.
This chapter focuses on the child care requirements set forth for religious sponsored child care
centers. Under the child care law, religious sponsored centers have the option to operate under the
provisions of North Carolina General Statute 110-106. This means that they are allowed to be
exempt from meeting some of the child care requirements, but they do have to meet basic health
and safety requirements. This chapter describes these exemptions. Centers that elect to operate
under the provisions of G.S. 110-106 will be issued a “Notice of Compliance” rather than a Star
Rated License. Religious sponsored centers may elect to apply for a Star Rated License and
therefore would be expected to comply with all child care licensing requirements, prior to receiving
a Star Rated License.
Religious sponsored child care facility: includes any child care facility or summer day camp
operated by a church, synagogue, or school of religious charter.
Church: An operator of a child care center that is a specified religious denomination.
Synagogue: An operator of a child care center that provides a place of worship and communal
center of a Jewish congregation.
Religious Sponsored School: a child care program affiliated with a religious facility that meets the
classification of a school. To be classified as a school, the program must file with and meet, the
requirements set forth by the Division of Non-Public Education.
Most of the rules in the Child Care Center Handbook apply to religious sponsored child care
centers. In this chapter, however, each section will identify chapters where exceptions occur for
religious sponsored child care centers. Then the specific rules that either do not apply, or have
different requirements for religious sponsored child care centers will be explained.
The rules in this chapter apply only to those centers that have chosen to take the exemptions that the
law allows for religious sponsored child care centers. These centers are sometimes called “Exempt
Centers” meaning that they are exempt from some
of the child care law and rules, but must meet
basic health and safety requirements.
Division of Child Development Child Care Center Handbook
Religious Sponsored Child Care page 15.2
Notification of Plans to Operate a Center
The religious sponsored entity must notify the Division if they plan to operate a child care
This notification is referred to as a “Letter of Intent to Operate.”
Letter Of Intent to Operate
At least 30 days prior to the first day of operation of a new religious sponsored child care
program, the prospective operator must send a “Letter of Intent to Operate” to the Division.
The Letter of Intent to Operate must be written on letterhead of the religious sponsor and
include at least the following information:
Name of Operation/Religious Sponsor
Address of Operator/Religious Sponsor
Telephone Number of Operator/Religious Sponsor
Proposed Name of Center
Address of Center
Telephone Number of Center
Proposed Number of Children
Proposed Age Range of Children
Scheduled Opening Date of Center
Name of Contact Person for the Center
Signature of an Authorized Person Representing the Religious Sponsor
The Division will send the prospective operator a “Response
Letter” after the Letter of Intent to Operate is received. This
should be received by the center within 7 calendar days of
submitting a Letter of Intent to Operate. The Division will
advise the operator of the applicable requirements the center
must meet prior to opening, procedures for receiving a Notice of
Compliance, and date they may begin operation.
Although you will be given a date to begin operating, the child
care requirements still require the operator to complete a
prelicensing workshop prior to the Division issuing an initial
Notice of Compliance.
The licensing supervisor’s contact information will be provided
within the Response Letter.
Division of Child Development Child Care Center Handbook
Religious Sponsored Child Care page 15.3
It is your responsibility to contact the appropriate agencies to
complete building, fire, and sanitation inspections. Please be
aware that in some areas of the state it may take time to
complete the process to receive approved inspections.
The law requires approved inspections to be submitted to the
Division 30 days after you begin operation, so you may need to
adjust your planned opening date based upon your timeframe to
obtain approved inspections.
The operator must submit the following to the licensing
supervisor no later than 30 days after beginning operation.
Facility Profile
Prelicensing workshop certificate
Approved building, fire and sanitation inspections
Floor plan
Notify the licensing supervisor immediately if the opening date
Beginning Operation
The center may begin operating as of the date indicated in the Response Letter received
from the Division.
A completed Facility Profile form must be submitted to the name and address of the
licensing supervisor indicated in the Response Letter within thirty (30) days after beginning
Prior to opening, the prospective operator should contact the
licensing supervisor to request a technical assistance visit. A
visit prior to the center opening can provide assistance on ways
for the operator to achieve and maintain compliance with child
care requirements as well as consultation on best practices in the
field of early care and education.
Within 30 days after beginning operation, and after the religious
sponsored child care center has filed the above information, the
center will be visited by a child care consultant.
The purpose of the visit is to monitor compliance with the
applicable child care requirements.
During the visit, the child care consultant might measure the
indoor and outdoor space used for child care, check indoor and
outdoor equipment to be sure it is safe, review records, and/or
check vehicles for transporting children.
Division of Child Development Child Care Center Handbook
Religious Sponsored Child Care page 15.4
It is important to be in compliance with applicable child care
requirements within the 30 days time period. Failure to comply
within 30 days may result in the issuance of a Notice to Cease
Operation, as well as prevent or delay the receipt of payments
from the Department of Social Services.
Prelicensing Workshop
All potential owners/operators of a child care center or center in a residence are required to
complete a prelicensing workshop before the initial license or Notice of Compliance is
The person who signs the Letter of Intent should attend the
prelicensing workshop. Although not required, it is strongly
recommended that the director of the child care center attend the
prelicensing workshop as well.
The religious sponsored center may open, prior to attending the
workshop but must attend within the first 30 days the center is
The prelicensing workshop schedule is included with the
Response Letter, available from the Division’s main office in
Raleigh by calling 1-800-859-0829, and on the Division’s web
site at www.ncchildcare.net.
Refer to Chapter 1 – Getting Started for more information on
the mandatory prelicensing workshop.
All requirements in Chapter 2 -Staff apply to religious sponsored programs except as identified in
the following sections. You should refer to the other chapter for a full description of the staff
requirements that will have to be met to operate a religious sponsored program. The sections to
follow only cover requirements that are different from those identified in Chapter 2 - Staff.
Requirements for the Administrator
The administrator of any religious sponsored child care center must be at least 21 years of
age and literate.
These are the only preservice requirements for the
Division of Child Development Child Care Center Handbook
Religious Sponsored Child Care page 15.5
Literate is defined as understanding licensing requirements and
having the ability to communicate with family and relevant
emergency personnel. For example, a staff person must be able
to read and write English well enough to carry out all of the daily
responsibilities of the position, including being able to read
information on a medicine bottle, or being able to read written
instructions from a parent or health care professional.
HH–Consider hiring an administrator that has prior experience
working in a licensed child care center and is knowledgeable of
best practices in early care and education. Research
consistently finds that high quality administrative practices are
essential for ensuring good outcomes for children and families.
Requirements for Other Staff
All other staff working in a religious sponsored center must be at least 18 years of age and
be literate.
16 and 17 years olds may only work in a religious sponsored
child care center under the direct supervision of someone at
least 21 years of age.
Other Staff Requirement Exemptions
Orientation training is not required for staff working in religious sponsored child care
In-service training is not required for staff working in a religious sponsored child care
All other requirements in Chapter 2 - Staff would apply to the
staff of a religious sponsored center if not listed above.
HH –Although orientation is not required, it is important that staff
understand the operating practices of the program.
All requirements in Chapter 3 - Outdoor Learning Environment apply to religious sponsored
programs. You should refer to this chapter for a full description of the requirements that will have
to be met to operate a religious sponsored program.
Division of Child Development Child Care Center Handbook
Religious Sponsored Child Care page 15.6
All requirements in Chapter 4 - Aquatic Activities apply to religious sponsored programs. You
should refer to this chapter for a full description of the requirements that will have to be met to
operate a religious sponsored program.
All requirements in Chapter 5 - Indoor Learning Environment apply to religious sponsored
programs except as identified in the following section. You should refer to the other chapter for a
full description of the requirements that will have to be met to operate a religious sponsored
program. The section to follow only cover requirements that are different from those identified in
Chapter 5 - Indoor Learning Environment.
Activity Areas Exemption
Religious sponsored child care centers do not have to meet the activity area requirements.
All other requirements in Chapter 5 -Indoor Learning
Environment would apply to a religious sponsored center.
All requirements in Chapter 6 - Children’s Records and Activities apply to religious sponsored
programs except as identified in the following section. You should refer to the other chapter for a
full description of the requirements that will have to be met to operate a religious sponsored
program. The section to follow only cover requirements that are different from those identified in
Chapter 6 - Children’s Records and Activities.
Activity Exemptions
A written schedule is not required for a religious sponsored child care center.
An activity plan is not required for a religious sponsored child care center.
Developmentally appropriate activities are not required for a religious sponsored child care
All other requirements in Chapter 6 -Children’s Records and
Activities would apply to a religious sponsored center.
Division of Child Development Child Care Center Handbook
Religious Sponsored Child Care page 15.7
All requirements in Chapter 7 - Licenses apply to religious sponsored programs except as identified
in the following section. You should refer to the other chapter for a full description of the
requirements that will have to be met to operate a religious sponsored program. The section to
follow only cover requirements that are different
from those identified in Chapter 7 - Licenses.
For the purposes of this rule, a license would be any document issued to a religious sponsored child
care center that states that it is operating legally and would include a Notice of Compliance issued
to religious sponsored child care centers.
Display of a License
A religious sponsored center is exempt from displaying a license to operate.
Religious sponsored child care centers taking their allowed
exemptions do not receive a star rated license, but do have to
meet basic health and safety requirements.
If a religious sponsored child care center chooses to apply for a
star rated license, they may do so as long as they are in
compliance with all the child care requirements (including the
exemptions listed above).
A religious sponsored child care center can apply for a two
through five star rated license after they have been in operation
for at least 6 months. A religious sponsored child care center
can apply for a one star rated license at any time.
The center would be assessed to ensure that all applicable
requirements are being met and the appropriate license will be
All requirements in Chapter 8 - Compliance Monitoring apply to religious sponsored programs
except as identified in the following section. You should refer to the other chapter for a full
description of the requirements that will have to be met to operate a religious sponsored program.
The section to follow only cover requirements that are different from those identified in Chapter 8 -
Compliance Monitoring.
Required Inspections
An approved Building Inspection Report, Sanitation Inspection Report and Fire Inspection
Report must be submitted to the child care consultant no later than 30 days after opening and
before a Notice of Compliance can be issued.
Division of Child Development Child Care Center Handbook
Religious Sponsored Child Care page 15.8
While approved inspections are not required prior to opening
the center, if they are not received within the first 30 days of
operation, the Division may require the program to cease
operating until the approved inspections are received.
HH - Keep in mind a religious sponsored child care center will not
receive subsidized child care payments until all applicable
requirements are in compliance and the Notice of Compliance is
Visit the Division’s web site at www.ncchildcare.net for more
information on North Carolina’s Subsidized Child Care
All requirements in Chapter 11 – Behavior Management apply to religious sponsored programs
except as identified in the following section. You should refer to this chapter for a full description of
the requirements that will have to be met to operate a religious sponsored program. The section to
follow only covers requirements that are different from those identified in Chapter 11 – Behavior
Discipline and Behavior Management
Each operator or staff member shall attend to any child in a nurturing and appropriate
manner, and in keeping with the child’s developmental needs.
Religious sponsored child care centers must meet all discipline requirements except they are
exempted from the prohibition on corporal punishment.
NC General Statute 110-91(10) allows a religious sponsored
child care center to use corporal punishment as a form of
discipline, if the following conditions are meet:
The center files with the Division a notice that states that
corporal punishment is a part of their religious training.
The center has a written discipline policy that clearly
states that corporal punishment is a part of their religious
training and will be used.
The Division must review and approve the policy prior
to use. A copy of the policy and acknowledgement that
the policy has been approved will be placed in facility’s
official child care record located at the Division.
The written policy must be discussed with and given to
each child’s parent prior to the first time the child
attends the center.
Each parent must sign a statement verifying a copy of
the policy was reviewed and discussed.
Division of Child Development Child Care Center Handbook
Religious Sponsored Child Care page 15.9
If changes are made to the behavior management policy at any
time, the center must give written notice of the changes to each
child’s parent, guardian, or full-time custodian 30 days prior to
the implementation of the new policy. The parent, guardian, or
full-time custodian must sign a statement that attests a copy of
the new policy was given to and discussed with him or her. The
signed statement must be kept in the child’s file.
All requirements in Chapters 9 and 12 through 14 apply to religious sponsored programs. You should
refer to these chapters for a full description of the requirements that will have to be met to operate a
religious sponsored program.
Division of Child Development Child Care Handbook
Resource Section
Chapter 15:
The following pages contain resource materials discussed in or
related to the preceding chapter.
Some of the resources are forms created by the Division of Child Development and
must be used by licensed child care centers. Other materials are provided as a
resource only for child care centers and can be used at the discretion of the center.
Center operators may also wish to use this section to add any additional resource
materials they have that are related to the chapter or information that is specific to
their child care center.