Latest Revision: November 11, 2022
Sectigo WebPKI
Certificate Policy
Sectigo Limited
Version 1.3.2
Effective: November 11, 2022
3rd Floor, Building 26 Exchange Quay, Trafford Road,
Salford, Greater Manchester, M5 3EQ, United Kingdom
Tel: +44 (0) 161 874 7070
Fax: +44 (0) 161 877 1767
Latest Revision: November 11, 2022
Copyright Notice
Copyright Sectigo Limited 2022. All rights reserved.
No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval
system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying,
recording or otherwise) without prior written permission of Sectigo Limited. Requests for
any other permission to reproduce this Sectigo document (as well as requests for copies
from Sectigo) must be addressed to:
Sectigo Limited
Attention: Legal Practices
3rd Floor, Building 26 Exchange Quay, Trafford Road
Salford, Greater Manchester, M5 3EQ, United Kingdom
Latest Revision: November 11, 2022
1. INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................................... 13
1.1. Overview ........................................................................................................................ 13
1.2. Document name and identification ............................................................................... 13
1.3. PKI participants .............................................................................................................. 14
1.3.1. Certification Authorities.......................................................................................... 14
1.3.2. Registration authorities .......................................................................................... 14
1.3.3. Subscribers .............................................................................................................. 15
1.3.4. Relying parties ......................................................................................................... 15
1.3.5. Other participants ................................................................................................... 15
1.4. Certificate usage ............................................................................................................. 15
1.4.1. Appropriate Certificate uses ................................................................................... 15
1.4.2. Prohibited Certificate uses ...................................................................................... 15
1.5. Policy administration ...................................................................................................... 16
1.5.1. Organization administering the document ............................................................. 16
1.5.2. Contact person ........................................................................................................ 16
1.5.3. Person determining CP suitability for the policy .................................................... 16
1.5.4. CP approval procedures .......................................................................................... 16
1.6. Definitions and acronyms .............................................................................................. 16
1.6.1. Definitions ............................................................................................................... 16
1.6.2. Acronyms ................................................................................................................ 16
2. PUBLICATION AND REPOSITORY RESPONSIBILITIES ............................................................. 17
2.1. Repositories .................................................................................................................... 17
2.2. Publication of certification information ......................................................................... 17
2.3. Time or frequency of publication ................................................................................... 17
2.4. Access controls on repositories ..................................................................................... 17
2.5. Accuracy of Information ................................................................................................. 18
3. IDENTIFICATION AND AUTHENTICATION ............................................................................. 19
3.1. Naming ........................................................................................................................... 19
3.1.1. Types of names ....................................................................................................... 19
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3.1.2. Need for names to be meaningful .......................................................................... 19
3.1.3. Anonymity or pseudonymity of Subscribers ........................................................... 19
3.1.4. Rules for interpreting various name forms ............................................................. 19
3.1.5. Uniqueness of names .............................................................................................. 19
3.1.6. Recognition, authentication, and role of trademarks ............................................ 19
3.2. Initial identity validation ................................................................................................ 20
3.2.1. Method to prove possession of Private Key ........................................................... 20
3.2.2. Authentication of Organization Identity ................................................................. 20
3.2.3. Authentication of Individual Identity ...................................................................... 20
3.2.4. Non-verified Subscriber Information ...................................................................... 20
3.2.5. Validation of authority ............................................................................................ 21
3.2.6. Criteria for interoperation ...................................................................................... 21
3.3. Identification and authentication for re-key requests ................................................... 21
3.3.1. Identification and authentication for routine re-key ............................................. 21
3.3.2. Identification and authentication for re-key after revocation ............................... 21
3.4. Identification and authentication for revocation request ............................................. 21
4. CERTIFICATE LIFE-CYCLE OPERATIONAL REQUIREMENTS .................................................... 22
4.1. Certificate Application .................................................................................................... 22
4.1.1. Who can submit a Certificate application .............................................................. 22
4.1.2. Enrollment process and responsibilities ................................................................. 22
4.2. Certificate application processing .................................................................................. 23
4.2.1. Performing identification and authentication functions ........................................ 23
4.2.2. Approval or rejection of Certificate applications .................................................... 23
4.2.3. Time to process Certificate applications................................................................. 24
4.2.4. Certificate Authority Authorization ........................................................................ 24
4.3. Certificate issuance ........................................................................................................ 24
4.3.1. CA actions during Certificate issuance .................................................................... 24
4.3.2. Notification to Subscriber by the CA of issuance of Certificate.............................. 25
4.3.3. Refusal to Issue a Certificate ................................................................................... 25
4.4. Certificate acceptance .................................................................................................... 25
4.4.1. Conduct constituting Certificate acceptance.......................................................... 25
4.4.2. Publication of the Certificate by the CA.................................................................. 26
Latest Revision: November 11, 2022
4.4.3. Notification of Certificate issuance by the CA to other entities ............................. 26
4.5. Key pair and Certificate usage ........................................................................................ 26
4.5.1. Subscriber Private Key and Certificate usage ......................................................... 26
4.5.2. Relying party Public Key and Certificate usage ....................................................... 26
4.6. Certificate renewal ......................................................................................................... 26
4.6.1. Circumstance for Certificate renewal ..................................................................... 26
4.6.2. Who MAY request renewal ..................................................................................... 26
4.6.3. Processing Certificate renewal requests ................................................................ 27
4.6.4. Notification of new Certificate issuance to Subscriber .......................................... 27
4.6.5. Conduct constituting acceptance of a renewal Certificate .................................... 27
4.6.6. Publication of the renewal Certificate by the CA ................................................... 27
4.6.7. Notification of Certificate issuance by the CA to other entities ............................. 27
4.7. Certificate re-key ............................................................................................................ 27
4.7.1. Circumstance for Certificate re-key ........................................................................ 27
4.7.2. Who MAY request certification of a new Public Key .............................................. 27
4.7.3. Processing Certificate re-keying requests .............................................................. 27
4.7.4. Notification of new Certificate issuance to Subscriber .......................................... 28
4.7.5. Conduct constituting acceptance of a re-keyed Certificate ................................... 28
4.7.6. Publication of the re-keyed Certificate by the CA .................................................. 28
4.7.7. Notification of Certificate issuance by the CA to other entities ............................. 28
4.8. Certificate modification .................................................................................................. 28
4.8.1. Circumstance for Certificate modification .............................................................. 28
4.8.2. Who MAY request Certificate modification ............................................................ 28
4.8.3. Processing Certificate modification requests ......................................................... 28
4.8.4. Notification of new Certificate issuance to Subscriber .......................................... 28
4.8.5. Conduct constituting acceptance of modified Certificate ...................................... 28
4.8.6. Publication of the modified Certificate by the CA .................................................. 28
4.8.7. Notification of Certificate issuance by the CA to other entities ............................. 28
4.9. Certificate revocation and suspension ........................................................................... 28
4.9.1. Circumstances for revocation ................................................................................. 29
4.9.2. Who can request revocation .................................................................................. 29
4.9.3. Procedure for revocation request .......................................................................... 29
Latest Revision: November 11, 2022
4.9.4. Revocation request grace period ............................................................................ 29
4.9.5. Time within which CA MUST process the revocation request ............................... 29
4.9.6. Revocation checking requirement for relying parties ............................................ 30
4.9.7. CRL issuance frequency (if applicable).................................................................... 30
4.9.8. Maximum latency for CRLs (if applicable) .............................................................. 30
4.9.9. On-line revocation/status checking availability ...................................................... 30
4.9.10. On-line revocation checking requirements ......................................................... 31
4.9.11. Other forms of revocation advertisements available ......................................... 31
4.9.12. Special requirements related to key compromise .............................................. 31
4.9.13. Circumstances for suspension ............................................................................. 31
4.9.14. Who can request suspension .............................................................................. 31
4.9.15. Procedure for suspension request ...................................................................... 31
4.9.16. Limits on suspension period ................................................................................ 31
4.10. Certificate status services ........................................................................................... 32
4.10.1. Operational characteristics ................................................................................. 32
4.10.2. Service availability ............................................................................................... 32
4.10.3. Optional features ................................................................................................ 32
4.11. End of subscription ..................................................................................................... 32
4.12. Key escrow and recovery ............................................................................................ 32
4.12.1. Key escrow and recovery policy and practices ................................................... 32
4.12.2. Session key encapsulation and recovery policy and practices ........................... 32
5. FACILITY, MANAGEMENT, AND OPERATIONAL CONTROLS .................................................. 33
5.1. Physical controls ............................................................................................................. 33
5.1.1. Site location and construction ................................................................................ 33
5.1.2. Physical access ........................................................................................................ 34
5.1.3. Power and air conditioning ..................................................................................... 34
5.1.4. Water exposures ..................................................................................................... 34
5.1.5. Fire prevention and protection ............................................................................... 34
5.1.6. Media storage ......................................................................................................... 34
5.1.7. Waste disposal ........................................................................................................ 35
5.1.8. Off-site backup ........................................................................................................ 35
5.2. Procedural controls ........................................................................................................ 35
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5.2.1. Trusted roles ........................................................................................................... 35
5.2.2. Number of persons required per task .................................................................... 36
5.2.3. Identification and authentication for each role ..................................................... 37
5.2.4. Roles requiring separation of duties ....................................................................... 37
5.3. Personnel controls ......................................................................................................... 37
5.3.1. Qualifications, experience, and clearance requirements ....................................... 37
5.3.2. Background check procedures ................................................................................ 38
5.3.3. Training requirements ............................................................................................ 38
5.3.4. Retraining frequency and requirements ................................................................ 39
5.3.5. Job rotation frequency and sequence .................................................................... 39
5.3.6. Sanctions for unauthorized actions ........................................................................ 39
5.3.7. Independent contractor requirements ................................................................... 39
5.3.8. Documentation supplied to personnel ................................................................... 40
5.4. Audit logging procedures ............................................................................................... 40
5.4.1. Types of events recorded ....................................................................................... 40
5.4.2. Frequency of processing log ................................................................................... 41
5.4.3. Retention period for audit log ................................................................................ 41
5.4.4. Protection of audit log ............................................................................................ 41
5.4.5. Audit log backup procedures .................................................................................. 41
5.4.6. Audit collection system (internal vs. external) ....................................................... 41
5.4.7. Notification to event-causing subject ..................................................................... 41
5.4.8. Vulnerability assessments ....................................................................................... 41
5.5. Records archival ............................................................................................................. 42
5.5.1. Types of records archived ....................................................................................... 42
5.5.2. Retention period for archive ................................................................................... 42
5.5.3. Protection of archive .............................................................................................. 42
5.5.4. Archive backup procedures .................................................................................... 42
5.5.5. Requirements for time-stamping of records .......................................................... 43
5.5.6. Archive collection system (internal or external)..................................................... 43
5.5.7. Procedures to obtain and verify archive information ............................................ 43
5.6. Key changeover .............................................................................................................. 43
5.7. Compromise and disaster recovery ............................................................................... 43
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5.7.1. Incident and compromise handling procedures ..................................................... 44
5.7.2. Computing resources, software, and/or data are corrupted ................................. 44
5.7.3. Entity Private Key compromise procedures ........................................................... 44
5.7.4. Business continuity capabilities after a disaster ..................................................... 44
5.8. CA or RA termination ..................................................................................................... 45
6. TECHNICAL SECURITY CONTROLS ......................................................................................... 46
6.1. Key pair generation and installation .............................................................................. 46
6.1.1. Key pair generation ................................................................................................. 46
6.1.2. Private key delivery to Subscriber .......................................................................... 46
6.1.3. Public key delivery to Certificate issuer .................................................................. 47
6.1.4. CA Public Key delivery to relying parties ................................................................ 47
6.1.5. Key sizes .................................................................................................................. 47
6.1.6. Public key parameters generation and quality checking ........................................ 48
6.1.7. Key usage purposes (as per X.509 v3 key usage field) ........................................... 48
6.2. Private Key Protection and Cryptographic Module Engineering Controls ..................... 49
6.2.1. Cryptographic module standards and controls ...................................................... 49
6.2.2. Private key (n out of m) multi-person control ........................................................ 49
6.2.3. Private key escrow .................................................................................................. 50
6.2.4. Private key backup .................................................................................................. 50
6.2.5. Private key archival ................................................................................................. 50
6.2.6. Private key transfer into or from a cryptographic module ..................................... 50
6.2.7. Private key storage on cryptographic module ........................................................ 50
6.2.8. Method of activating Private Key ........................................................................... 51
6.2.9. Method of deactivating Private Key ....................................................................... 52
6.2.10. Method of destroying Private Key ...................................................................... 52
6.2.11. Cryptographic Module Rating ............................................................................. 52
6.3. Other aspects of key pair management ......................................................................... 52
6.3.1. Public key archival ................................................................................................... 52
6.3.2. Certificate operational periods and key pair usage periods ................................... 52
6.4. Activation data ............................................................................................................... 53
6.4.1. Activation data generation and installation ........................................................... 53
6.4.2. Activation data protection ...................................................................................... 53
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6.4.3. Other aspects of activation data ............................................................................. 53
6.5. Computer security controls ............................................................................................ 53
6.5.1. Specific computer security technical requirements ............................................... 53
6.5.2. Computer security rating ........................................................................................ 54
6.6. Life cycle technical controls ........................................................................................... 54
6.6.1. System development controls ................................................................................ 54
6.6.2. Security management controls ............................................................................... 55
6.6.3. Life cycle security controls ...................................................................................... 55
6.7. Network security controls .............................................................................................. 55
6.8. Time-stamping ................................................................................................................ 55
7. CERTIFICATE, CRL, AND OCSP PROFILES ............................................................................... 56
7.1. Certificate profile ........................................................................................................... 56
7.1.1. Version number(s) .................................................................................................. 56
7.1.2. Certificate extensions ............................................................................................. 56
7.1.3. Algorithm object identifiers .................................................................................... 56
7.1.4. Name forms ............................................................................................................ 56
7.1.5. Name constraints .................................................................................................... 56
7.1.6. Certificate policy object identifier .......................................................................... 56
7.1.7. Usage of Policy Constraints extension .................................................................... 56
7.1.8. Policy qualifiers syntax and semantics ................................................................... 56
7.1.9. Processing semantics for the critical Certificate Policies extension ....................... 57
7.2. CRL profile ...................................................................................................................... 57
7.2.1. Version number(s) .................................................................................................. 57
7.2.2. CRL and CRL entry extensions ................................................................................. 57
7.3. OCSP profile .................................................................................................................... 58
7.3.1. Version number(s) .................................................................................................. 58
7.3.2. OCSP extensions...................................................................................................... 58
8. COMPLIANCE AUDIT AND OTHER ASSESSMENTS ................................................................. 59
8.1. Frequency or circumstances of assessment .................................................................. 59
8.2. Identity/qualifications of assessor ................................................................................. 59
8.3. Assessor's relationship to assessed entity ..................................................................... 59
8.4. Topics covered by assessment ....................................................................................... 59
Latest Revision: November 11, 2022
8.5. Actions taken as a result of deficiency ........................................................................... 60
8.6. Communication of results .............................................................................................. 60
8.7. Self Audits ....................................................................................................................... 60
9. OTHER BUSINESS AND LEGAL MATTERS ............................................................................... 61
9.1. Fees ................................................................................................................................ 61
9.1.1. Certificate issuance or renewal fees ....................................................................... 61
9.1.2. Certificate access fees ............................................................................................. 61
9.1.3. Revocation or status information access fees ........................................................ 61
9.1.4. Fees for other services ............................................................................................ 61
9.1.5. Refund policy .......................................................................................................... 61
9.2. Financial responsibility ................................................................................................... 61
9.2.1. Insurance coverage ................................................................................................. 61
9.2.2. Other assets ............................................................................................................ 61
9.2.3. Insurance or extended warranty coverage ............................................................. 61
9.3. Confidentiality of business information ......................................................................... 61
9.3.1. Scope of confidential information .......................................................................... 62
9.3.2. Information not within the scope of confidential information .............................. 62
9.3.3. Responsibility to protect confidential information ................................................ 62
9.4. Privacy of personal information ..................................................................................... 62
9.4.1. Privacy plan ............................................................................................................. 62
9.4.2. Information treated as private ............................................................................... 62
9.4.3. Information not deemed private ............................................................................ 62
9.4.4. Responsibility to protect private information ........................................................ 62
9.4.5. Notice and consent to use private information...................................................... 63
9.4.6. Disclosure pursuant to judicial or administrative process ..................................... 63
9.4.7. Other information disclosure circumstances ......................................................... 63
9.5. Intellectual property rights ............................................................................................ 63
9.6. Representations and warranties .................................................................................... 63
9.6.1. CA representations and warranties ........................................................................ 63
9.6.2. RA representations and warranties ........................................................................ 64
9.6.3. Subscriber representations and warranties ........................................................... 64
9.6.4. Relying party representations and warranties ....................................................... 65
Latest Revision: November 11, 2022
9.6.5. Representations and warranties of other participants .......................................... 66
9.7. Disclaimers of warranties ............................................................................................... 66
9.7.1. Fitness for a Particular Purpose .............................................................................. 66
9.7.2. Other Warranties .................................................................................................... 66
9.8. Limitations of liability ..................................................................................................... 67
9.8.1. Damage and Loss Limitations ................................................................................. 67
9.8.2. Exclusion of Certain Elements of Damages ............................................................ 67
9.9. Indemnities ..................................................................................................................... 68
9.9.1. Indemnification by Sectigo ..................................................................................... 68
9.9.2. Indemnification by Subscriber ................................................................................ 68
9.9.3. Indemnification by Relying Parties ......................................................................... 68
9.10. Term and termination ................................................................................................ 69
9.10.1. Term .................................................................................................................... 69
9.10.2. Termination ......................................................................................................... 69
9.10.3. Effect of termination and survival ....................................................................... 69
9.11. Individual notices and communications with participants ........................................ 69
9.12. Amendments .............................................................................................................. 70
9.12.1. Procedure for amendment.................................................................................. 70
9.12.2. Notification mechanism and period .................................................................... 70
9.12.3. Circumstances under which OID MUST be changed ........................................... 70
9.13. Dispute resolution provisions ..................................................................................... 70
9.14. Governing law, Interpretation, and Jurisdiction ........................................................ 71
9.14.1. Governing Law ..................................................................................................... 71
9.14.2. Interpretation ...................................................................................................... 71
9.14.3. Jurisdiction .......................................................................................................... 71
9.15. Compliance with applicable law ................................................................................. 71
9.16. Miscellaneous provisions............................................................................................ 71
9.16.1. Entire agreement ................................................................................................ 71
9.16.2. Assignment .......................................................................................................... 72
9.16.3. Severability .......................................................................................................... 72
9.16.4. Enforcement (attorneys' fees and waiver of rights) ........................................... 72
9.16.5. Force Majeure ..................................................................................................... 72
Latest Revision: November 11, 2022
9.16.6. Conflict of Rules................................................................................................... 72
9.17. Other provisions ......................................................................................................... 73
9.17.1. Subscriber Liability to Relying Parties ................................................................. 73
9.17.2. Duty to Monitor Agents ...................................................................................... 73
9.17.3. Ownership ........................................................................................................... 73
9.17.4. Interference with Sectigo Implementation ......................................................... 73
9.17.5. Choice of Cryptographic Method ........................................................................ 73
9.17.6. Sectigo Partnerships Limitations ......................................................................... 73
9.17.7. Subscriber Obligations ........................................................................................ 74
Appendix A: ChangeLog ................................................................................................................ 75
Latest Revision: November 11, 2022
1.1. Overview
This document defines the Certificate Policy for the Sectigo Web PKI which governs issuance of
digital certificates intended to be trusted on the public internet.
For issuance of Server Certificates Sectigo conforms to the current version of the Baseline
Requirements (BR) and EV Guidelines (EVG). For the issuance of Code Signing Certificates
Sectigo conforms to the Code Signing BR. In the event of any inconsistency between this CP and
the other documents specified in this paragraph, those documents take precedence over this
For the issuance of other certificate types, Sectigo relies on the industry best practices and
other standards.
Sectigo extends, under agreement, membership of its PKI to approved third parties known as
Registration Authorities (RAs). The international network of Sectigo RAs share Sectigo’s policies,
practices, and CA infrastructure to issue Sectigo digital Certificates, or if appropriate, private
labeled digital Certificates.
A fundamental element of modern secure communications is establishing trust in Public Keys.
This begins with a Relying Party obtaining a Subscriber's Public Key Certificate that is issued by a
trusted entity certifying that the Public Key belongs to that Subscriber. End entity Certificates
that are not trusted directly MAY become trusted through successive validation of a chain of CA
Certificates from the Subscriber's Certificate to a trust anchor (typically a Root-CA Public Key).
Trust anchors are explicitly trusted by Relying Parties. Relying parties are responsible for
securely obtaining trust anchors and for securely managing their trust anchor store.
1.2. Document name and identification
This document is the Sectigo Web PKI Certificate Policy (CP). It outlines the legal, commercial
and technical principles and practices that Sectigo employs in providing certification services for
Web PKI applications that include, but are not limited to, approving, issuing, using and
managing of Digital Certificates and in maintaining a X.509 Certificate based Public Key
infrastructure (PKI) in accordance with the Certificate Policies determined by Sectigo. It also
defines the underlying certification processes for Subscribers and describes Sectigo’s repository
operations. The CP is also a means of notification of roles and responsibilities for parties
involved in Certificate based practices within the Sectigo Web PKI.
The Sectigo Web PKI CP is a public statement of the practices of Sectigo and the conditions of
issuance, revocation and renewal of a Certificate issued under Sectigo’s own hierarchy.
This CP is structured in accordance with and includes all material required by the Internet
Engineering Task Force (IETF) standard RFC 3647.
Latest Revision: November 11, 2022
1.3. PKI participants
This section identifies and describes some of the entities that participate within the Sectigo
Web PKI. Sectigo conforms to this CP and other obligations it undertakes through adjacent
contracts when it provides its services.
1.3.1. Certification Authorities
Sectigo provides Certificate services within the Sectigo Web PKI. Sectigo will:
Conform its operations to the CP (or other CA business practices disclosure), as the
same MAY from time to time be modified by amendments published in the Repository,
Issue and publish Certificates in a timely manner in accordance with the issuance times
set out in this CP,
Upon receipt of a valid request to revoke the Certificate from a person authorized to
request revocation using the revocation methods detailed in this CP, revoke a Certificate
issued for use within the Sectigo Web PKI,
Publish CRLs on a regular basis, in accordance with the applicable Certificate Policy and
with provisions described in this CP,
Distribute issued Certificates in accordance with the methods detailed in this CP,
Update CRLs in a timely manner as detailed in this CP, Policy Authority
This entity decides that a set of requirements for Certificate issuance and use are sufficient for a
given application. The Policy Authority (PA):
Establishes and maintains the CP.
Approves the establishment of trust relationships with external PKIs that offer
appropriately comparable assurance.
Ensures that all aspects of the CA services, operations, and infrastructure as described in
the CPS are performed in accordance with the requirements, representations, and
warranties of the CP.
1.3.2. Registration authorities
The registration authorities (RAs) collect and verify each Subscriber’s identity and information
that is to be entered into the Subscriber’s Public Key Certificate. The RA performs its function in
accordance with a CPS approved by the Policy Authority. The RA is responsible for:
The registration process
The identification and authentication process.
RAs act locally within their own context of geographical or business partnerships on approval
and authorization by Sectigo in accordance with Sectigo practices and procedures.
RAs do not issue or cause the issuance of SSL Certificates. Some RAs may be enabled to perform
validation of some or all of the subject identity information but are not able to undertake
domain control validation.
Latest Revision: November 11, 2022
RAs may only undertake their validation duties from pre-approved systems which are identified
to the CA by various means that always include but are not limited to the white-listing of the IP
address from which the RA operates.
Sectigo operates a number of intermediate CAs from which it issues certificates for which a
Registration Authority has performed some part of the validation. Some of the intermediate
CAs are dedicated to the work of a single RA, whilst others are dedicated to the work of
multiple related RAs
Registration Authority Staff: RA Staff are the individuals holding trusted roles that operate and
manage RA components.
1.3.3. Subscribers
Subscribers of Sectigo services are individuals or companies that use PKI in relation with Sectigo
supported transactions and communications. Subscribers are parties that are identified in a
Certificate and hold the Private Key corresponding to the Public Key listed in the Certificate.
Prior to verification of identity and issuance of a Certificate, a Subscriber is an Applicant for the
services of Sectigo.
1.3.4. Relying parties
A Relying Party is an entity that relies on the validity of the binding of the Subscriber’s name to
a Public Key. The Relying Party uses a Subscriber’s Certificate to verify or establish the identity
and status of the Subscriber. A Relying Party is responsible for deciding whether or how to
check the validity of the Certificate by checking the appropriate Certificate status information. A
Relying Party MAY use information in the Certificate to determine the suitability of the
Certificate for a particular use.
1.3.5. Other participants
The CAs and RAs operating under the CP MAY require the services of other security,
community, and application authorities. The CPS will identify the parties responsible for
providing such services, and the mechanisms used to support these services.
1.4. Certificate usage
1.4.1. Appropriate Certificate uses
Sectigo offers a range of distinct certificate types. The different types have differing intended
usages and differing policies.
Specific Certificate usage will be defined in the CPS.
1.4.2. Prohibited Certificate uses
Certificates are prohibited from being used to the extent that the use is inconsistent with
applicable law. Certificates are prohibited from being used as control equipment in hazardous
circumstances or for uses requiring fail-safe performance such as the operation of nuclear
facilities, aircraft navigation or communication systems, air traffic control systems, or weapons
Latest Revision: November 11, 2022
control systems, where failure could lead directly to death, personal injury, or severe damage
to persons or property.
1.5. Policy administration
Information located in this section includes the contact information of the organization
responsible for drafting, registering, maintaining, updating, and approving the Sectigo Web PKI
1.5.1. Organization administering the document
The Sectigo Policy Authority maintains this CP, related agreements and Certificate policies
referenced within this document.
1.5.2. Contact person
The Sectigo Policy Authority MAY be contacted at the following address:
Sectigo Policy Authority
3rd Floor, 26 Exchange Quay, Trafford Road
Salford, Greater Manchester, M5 3EQ, United Kingdom
Tel: +44 (0) 161 874 7070
Fax: +44 (0) 161 877 1767
Attention: Legal Practices
URL: http://www.sectigo.com
1.5.3. Person determining CP suitability for the policy
The Sectigo Policy Authority is responsible for determining the suitability of Certificate policies
illustrated within this CP. The Sectigo Policy Authority is also responsible for determining the
suitability of proposed changes to the CP prior to the publication of an amended edition.
1.5.4. CP approval procedures
The Sectigo Policy Authority SHALL approve this CP and any subsequent changes, amendments,
or addenda.
1.6. Definitions and acronyms
1.6.1. Definitions
As defined in the CPS
1.6.2. Acronyms
As defined in the CPS
Latest Revision: November 11, 2022
Sectigo publishes this CP and associated documents in the Repository. The Sectigo Policy
Authority maintains the Sectigo Repository. All updates, amendments and legal promotions are
logged in accordance with the logging procedures referenced in section 5.4 of this CP.
Published critical information MAY be updated from time to time as prescribed in this CP. Such
updates SHALL be indicated through appropriate version numbering and publication date on
any updated version.
2.1. Repositories
Sectigo publishes a repository of legal notices regarding its PKI services, including this CP,
agreements and notices, references within this CP, the CPS as well as any other information it
considers essential to its services. The Repository MAY be accessed at
2.2. Publication of certification information
The Sectigo Certificate services and the Repository are accessible through several means of
On the web: www.sectigo.com
By email: [email protected]
By mail:
Sectigo Ltd.
Attention: Legal Practices,
3rd Floor, 26 Exchange Quay, Trafford Road
Salford, Greater Manchester, M5 3EQ, United Kingdom
Tel: + 44(0) 161 874 7070
Fax: + 44(0) 161 877 1767
2.3. Time or frequency of publication
Issuance and revocation information regarding Certificates will be published as soon as
possible. Updated or modified versions of Subscriber Agreements and Relying Party
Agreements are usually published within seven days after approval. Updated or modified
versions of the Sectigo Web PKI CP are published at least once per year and in accordance with
section 9.12 of this CP. For CRL issuance frequency, see section 4.9.7 of this CP.
2.4. Access controls on repositories
Documents published in the Repository are for public information and access is freely available.
Sectigo has logical and physical access control measures in place to prevent unauthorized
modification of the Repository.
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2.5. Accuracy of Information
Sectigo, recognizing its trusted position, makes all reasonable efforts to ensure that parties
accessing the Repository receive accurate, updated and correct information. Sectigo, however,
cannot accept any liability beyond the limits set in this CP and the Sectigo insurance policy.
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3.1. Naming
3.1.1. Types of names
Sectigo issues Certificates with non-null subject DNs. The constituent elements of the subject
DN conform with ITU X.500.
Server authentication Certificates in general include entries in the subjectAlternateName (SAN)
extension which are intended to be relied upon by relying parties.
3.1.2. Need for names to be meaningful
Sectigo puts meaningful names in both the subjectDN and the issuerDN extensions of
Certificates. The names in the Certificates identify the subject and issuer respectively.
End entity Certificates SHALL contain meaningful names with commonly understood semantics
permitting the determination of the identity of the Subject of the Certificate.
CA Certificates that assert this policy SHALL identify the subject as a CA and include the name-
space for which the CA is authoritative. For example:
c= country, o = Issuer Organization Name, cn = OrganizationX CA-3
The subject name in CA Certificates MUST match the issuer name in Certificates issued by the
CA, as required by the RFC5280.
3.1.3. Anonymity or pseudonymity of Subscribers
Sectigo does not issue pseudonymous Certificates for server authentication, code signing, or
email use.
3.1.4. Rules for interpreting various name forms
The name forms used in Certificate subjectDNs and issuerDNs conform to a subset of those
defined and documented in RFC 2253 and ITU-T X.520.
3.1.5. Uniqueness of names
Sectigo does not in general enforce uniqueness of subject names. However, Sectigo assigns
Certificate serial numbers that appear in Sectigo Certificates. Assigned serial numbers are
unique. For secure server Certificates, domain name uniqueness is controlled by ICANN.
3.1.6. Recognition, authentication, and role of trademarks
Subscribers and Applicants may not request Certificates with content that infringes the
intellectual property rights of another entity. Unless otherwise specifically stated in this CP,
Sectigo does not verify an Applicant’s or Subscriber’s right to use a trademark. Sectigo does not
Latest Revision: November 11, 2022
resolve trademark disputes. Sectigo may reject any application or revoke any Certificate that is
part of a trademark dispute.
Sectigo checks subject names against a limited number of trademarks and brand names which
are perceived to be of high value. A match between a part of the subject name and one of
these high value names triggers a more careful examination of the subject name and Applicant.
3.2. Initial identity validation
This section contains information about Sectigo’s identification and authentication procedures
for registration of subjects such as Applicants, RAs, CAs, and other participants. Sectigo MAY
use any legal means of communication or investigation to validate the identity of these
From time to time, Sectigo MAY modify the requirements related to application information to
respond to Sectigo’s requirements, the business context of the usage of a Certificate, other
industry requirements, or as prescribed by law.
3.2.1. Method to prove possession of Private Key
If the Applicant generates the Certificate key pair, then the CA SHALL prove that the Applicant
possesses the Private Key. This will typically be done by verifying the Applicant’s digital
signature on the PKCS #10 Certificate Signing Request (CSR) with the Public Key in the CSR.
In the case where key generation is performed under the CA or RA’s direct control, proof of
possession is not required.
The CA MAY approve other methods to prove possession of the Private Key by an Applicant. If
other methods are approved, they SHALL be stipulated in the CPS.
3.2.2. Authentication of Organization Identity
Requests for CA certificates shall include the CA name, address, and documentation of the
existence of the CA. Before issuing CA certificates, an authority for the issuing CA shall verify
the information, in addition to the authenticity of the requesting representative and the
representative’s authorization to act in the name of the CA.
Verification practices are detailed in the CPS.
3.2.3. Authentication of Individual Identity
If the Applicant is a natural person, Sectigo SHALL verify the Applicant's name, Applicant's
address, and the authenticity of the certificate request.
3.2.4. Non-verified Subscriber Information
Information that is not verified SHALL NOT be included in certificates.
For server authentication Certificates, Sectigo verifies the subject elements as defined in
section 3.2.2 of the BR.
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3.2.5. Validation of authority
Before issuing CA certificates or signature certificates that assert organizational authority,
Sectigo SHALL validate the subscriber’s authority to act in the name of the organization.
An example of signature certificates that assert organizational authority is code signing
3.2.6. Criteria for interoperation
Sectigo may provide services allowing for another CA to operate within, or interoperate with,
its PKI. Such interoperation may include cross-certification, unilateral certification, or other
forms of operation. Sectigo reserves the right to provide interoperation services and to
interoperate transparently with other CAs; the terms and criteria of which are to be set forth in
the applicable agreement.
The PA SHALL determine criteria for interoperation with this PKI.
3.3. Identification and authentication for re-key requests
Sectigo supports rekeys on Replacement and Renewal. Sectigo requires the Subscriber to use
the same authentication details (typically username and password) which they used in the
original purchase of the Certificate. In either case, if any of the subject details are changed
during the replacement or renewal process, or if the previous verification data is older than 825
days (domain name or IP address validation for SSL certificates will be set to 398 days or less
according to the BRs effective dates), then the subject must be reverified.
3.3.1. Identification and authentication for routine re-key
CA and Subscriber Certificate re-key SHALL follow the same procedures as initial Certificate
issuance. Identity MAY be established through the use of the device’s current valid signature
3.3.2. Identification and authentication for re-key after revocation
Sectigo does not routinely permit rekeying (or any form of Replacement or Renewal) after
revocation. Revocation is generally considered a terminal event in the Certificate lifecycle.
In the event of Certificate revocation, issuance of a new Certificate generally requires that the
party go through the initial registration process per CP Section 3.2.
3.4. Identification and authentication for revocation request
Requests to revoke a Certificate have different options, for example, MAY be authenticated
using that Certificate's Public Key, regardless of whether the associated Private Key has been
See CPS section 3.4 for the different requirements for the revocation requesters.
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This section describes the Certificate application process, including the information required to
make and support a successful application. Additionally, this section describes some of the
requirements imposed upon RAs, Subscribers, and other participants with respect to the
lifecycle of a Certificate.
The validity period of Sectigo Certificates varies dependent on the Certificate type, but typically,
a Certificate will be valid for either 1 year, 2 years, or 3 years. Sectigo reserves the right to, at its
discretion, issue Certificates that may fall outside of these set periods.
4.1. Certificate Application
The Certificate application process MUST provide sufficient information to:
Establish the applicant’s authorization (by the employing or sponsoring organization) to
obtain a Certificate. (per Section 3.2.3)
Establish and record identity of the applicant. (per Section 3.2.3)
Obtain the applicant’s Public Key and verify the applicant’s possession of the Private Key
for each Certificate required. (per Section 3.2.1)
Verify any role, authorization, or other subject information requested for inclusion in
the Certificate.
These steps MAY be performed in any order that is convenient that does not compromise
security, but all MUST be completed before Certificate issuance.
The CA and/or RA SHALL include the processes, procedures, and requirements of their
Certificate application process in their CPS.
4.1.1. Who can submit a Certificate application
An authorized representative of the applicant CA shall submit an application for a CA
The Subscriber, or an RA on behalf of the Subscriber SHALL submit a Subscriber Certificate
application to the CA. Multiple Certificate requests from one RA MAY be submitted as a batch.
4.1.2. Enrollment process and responsibilities
All communications among PKI Authorities supporting the Certificate application and issuance
process SHALL be authenticated and protected from modification; any electronic transmission
of shared secrets and personally identifiable information SHALL be protected. Communications
MAY be electronic or out-of-band. Where electronic communications are used, cryptographic
mechanisms commensurate with the strength of the public/Private Key pair SHALL be used.
Out-of-band communications SHALL protect the confidentiality and integrity of the data.
Applicants are responsible for providing accurate information on their Certificate applications.
The enrollment process, for an Applicant, SHALL include the following:
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Completing the Certificate Application package
Providing the requested information
Responding to authentication requests in a timely manner
Submitting required payment, where applicable
4.2. Certificate application processing
Information in Certificate applications MUST be verified as accurate before Certificates are
issued. Procedures to verify information in Certificate applications SHALL be specified in the
4.2.1. Performing identification and authentication functions
The identification and authentication of the Subscriber SHALL meet the requirements specified
for Subscriber authentication as specified in Sections 3.2 and 3.3. The components of the PKI
(e.g., CA or RA) that are responsible for authenticating the Subscriber’s identity in each case
SHALL be identified in the CPS.
For server certificate applications the maximum age of data used for verification SHALL NOT
exceed 825 days and 398 days for Domain or IP Address validation according to the BRs
effective dates.
4.2.2. Approval or rejection of Certificate applications
Any Certificate application that is received by Sectigo under this policy, for which the identity
and authorization of the applicant has been validated, will be duly processed. However, Sectigo
SHALL reject any application for which such validation cannot be completed (e.g., internal
name), or when Sectigo has cause to lack confidence in the application or certification process.
Sectigo reserves the right to reject an application to issue a Certificate to an Applicant if, in
Sectigo’s sole opinion, by issuing a Certificate to such Applicant the good and trusted name of
Sectigo might be tarnished, diminished or have its value reduced, and under such
circumstances MAY do so without incurring any liability or responsibility for any loss or
expenses arising as a result of such refusal.
An Applicant whose application has been rejected MAY subsequently reapply.
In all types of Sectigo Certificates, the Subscriber has a continuous obligation to monitor the
accuracy of the submitted information and notify Sectigo of any changes that would affect the
validity of the Certificate. Failure to comply with the obligations as set out in the Subscriber
Agreement will result in the revocation of the Subscriber's Certificate without further notice to
the Subscriber and the Subscriber SHALL pay any charges payable but that have not yet been
paid under the Subscriber Agreement.
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4.2.3. Time to process Certificate applications
Sectigo makes reasonable efforts to confirm Certificate application information and issue a
Certificate within a reasonable time frame. The time frame is greatly dependent on the type of
Certificate and the verification requirements as stated in the CPS.
From time to time, events outside of the control of Sectigo MAY delay the issuance process,
however Sectigo will make every reasonable effort to meet issuance times and to make
Applicants aware of any factors that MAY affect issuance times in a timely manner.
4.2.4. Certificate Authority Authorization
Where an application is for a Certificate which includes a domain-name and is to be used for
server authentication, Sectigo examines the Certification Authority Authorization (CAA) DNS
Resource Records as specified in RFC 8659 and, if such CAA Records are present and do not
grant Sectigo the authority to issue the Certificate, the application is rejected.
Where the ‘issue’ and ‘issuewild’ tags are present within a CAA record, Sectigo recognizes the
following domain names within those tags as granting authorization for issuance by Sectigo:
For a transitional period we also recognize the following domain names as granting
authorization although these are deprecated and should be replaced with a domain name from
the above list at the earliest opportunity.
4.3. Certificate issuance
4.3.1. CA actions during Certificate issuance
Upon receiving the request, the CAs/RAs shall:
Verify the identity of the requester as specified in Section 3.2.
Verify the authority of the requester and the integrity of the information in the
Certificate request as specified in Section 4.1.
Build and sign a Certificate if all Certificate requirements have been met (in the case of
an RA, have the CA sign the Certificate).
Make the Certificate available to the Subscriber after confirming that the Subscriber has
formally acknowledged their obligations as described in Section 9.6.3.
Sectigo’s automated systems receive and collate:
Evidence gathered during the verification process, and/or
Latest Revision: November 11, 2022
Assertions that the verification has been completed according to the policy and internal
documentation that sets out the acceptable means of verifying subject information.
Sectigo’s automated systems record the details of the business transaction associated with the
submission of a Certificate request and the eventual issuance of a Certificate.
Sectigo’s automated (and manual) systems record the source of, and all details submitted with,
evidence of verification, having been performed either by external RAs or by Sectigo’s internal
Certificate issuance by the Root CA SHALL require an individual authorized by the CA (i.e. the CA
system operator, system officer, or PKI administrator) to deliberately issue a direct command in
order for the Root CA to perform a certificate signing operation. The correct authentication of
verification evidence provided by external RAs is required before that evidence will be
considered for Certificate issuance.
4.3.2. Notification to Subscriber by the CA of issuance of Certificate
CAs operating under this policy SHALL inform the Subscriber (or other Certificate subject) of the
creation of a Certificate and make the Certificate available to the Subscriber. For device
Certificates, the CA SHALL issue the Certificate according to the Certificate requesting protocol
used by the device (this MAY be automated) and, if the protocol does not provide inherent
notification, also notify the authorized organizational representative of the issuance (this MAY
be in batch).
4.3.3. Refusal to Issue a Certificate
Sectigo reserves its right to refuse to issue a Certificate to any party as it sees fit, without
incurring any liability or responsibility for any loss or expenses arising out of such refusal.
Sectigo reserves the right not to disclose reasons for such a refusal.
4.4. Certificate acceptance
This section describes some of the actions by Subscriber in accepting a Certificate. Additionally,
it describes how Sectigo publishes a Certificate and how Sectigo notifies other entities of the
issuance of a Certificate.
Before a Subscriber can make effective use of its Private Key, the CA SHALL explain to the
Subscriber its responsibilities and obtain the Subscriber's acknowledgement, as defined in
Section 9.6.3.
4.4.1. Conduct constituting Certificate acceptance
The following conduct constitutes Certificate acceptance by the Subscriber:
Using the Certificate
Failure to object to the Certificate or its content within 30 days of issuance
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4.4.2. Publication of the Certificate by the CA
As specified in Section 2.1, all CA Certificates SHALL be published in repositories.
A Certificate is published through various means: (1) by Sectigo making the Certificate available
in the Repository; and (2) by Subscriber using the Certificate subsequent to Sectigo’s delivery of
the Certificate to Subscriber.
4.4.3. Notification of Certificate issuance by the CA to other entities
The Policy Authority MUST be notified whenever a CA operating under this policy issues a CA
RAs MAY receive notification of the issuance of Certificates they approve.
Server certificates may also be published in CT logs in compliance with the BR, EVG and/or Trust
Store Provider policies.
4.5. Key pair and Certificate usage
4.5.1. Subscriber Private Key and Certificate usage
The intended scope of usage for a Private Key SHALL be specified through Certificate
extensions, including the key usage and extended key usage extensions, in the associated
4.5.2. Relying party Public Key and Certificate usage
The final decision concerning whether to rely on a verified digital signature is exclusively that of
the Relying Party. Certificates MAY specify restrictions on use through critical Certificate
extensions, including the basic constraints and key usage extensions. All CAs operating under
this policy SHOULD issue CRLs specifying the status of all unexpired Certificates except for OCSP
responder Certificates. It is recommended that relying parties process and comply with this
information whenever using Certificates in a transaction.
4.6. Certificate renewal
Certificate renewal means the issuance of a new Certificate to the Subscriber without changing
the Subscriber’s, or other participant’s, Public Key or any other information in the Certificate..
4.6.1. Circumstance for Certificate renewal
End entity Certificate renewal MAY be supported for Certificates where the Private Key
associated with the Certificate has not been compromised. End entity Certificates MAY be
renewed to maintain continuity of Certificate usage
An end entity Certificate MAY be renewed after expiration. The original Certificate MAY or MAY
NOT be revoked, but SHALL NOT be further re-keyed, renewed, or modified.
4.6.2. Who MAY request renewal
The Subscriber or RA MAY request the renewal of a Subscriber Certificate.
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4.6.3. Processing Certificate renewal requests
For a Certificate renewal request the identity of the Applicant SHALL be confirmed in
accordance with the requirements specified in Section 3.2.
4.6.4. Notification of new Certificate issuance to Subscriber
As per Section 4.3.2.
4.6.5. Conduct constituting acceptance of a renewal Certificate
As per Section 4.4.1.
4.6.6. Publication of the renewal Certificate by the CA
As per Section 4.4.2.
4.6.7. Notification of Certificate issuance by the CA to other entities
As per Section 4.4.3
4.7. Certificate re-key
Re-keying a Certificate consists of creating new Certificates with a different Public Key (and
serial number and key identifier) while retaining the remaining contents of the old Certificate
that describe the subject. The new Certificate MAY be assigned a different validity period,
specify a different CRL distribution point, and/or be signed with a different key. Re-key of a
Certificate does not require a change to the subjectName.
An old Certificate MAY or MAY NOT be revoked, but SHALL NOT be further re-keyed, renewed,
or modified.
4.7.1. Circumstance for Certificate re-key
The longer and more often a key is used, the more susceptible it is to loss or discovery.
Therefore, it is important that a Subscriber periodically obtain new keys. (Section 6.3.2
establishes usage periods for Private Keys for CAs and Subscribers.) Examples of circumstances
requiring Certificate re-key include: expiration, loss or compromise, issuance of a new hardware
token, and hardware token failure.
4.7.2. Who MAY request certification of a new Public Key
Those who may request a Certificate rekey include, but are not limited to, the Subscriber, the
RA on behalf of the Subscriber, or Sectigo at its discretion.
4.7.3. Processing Certificate re-keying requests
For Certificate re-key, the CA SHALL confirm the identity of the Subscriber in accordance with
the requirements specified in Section 3.2 for the authentication of an original Certificate
CA Certificate re-key SHALL be approved by the Policy Authority.
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4.7.4. Notification of new Certificate issuance to Subscriber
As per Section 4.3.2.
4.7.5. Conduct constituting acceptance of a re-keyed Certificate
As per Section 4.4.1.
4.7.6. Publication of the re-keyed Certificate by the CA
As per Section 4.4.2.
4.7.7. Notification of Certificate issuance by the CA to other entities
As per Section 4.4.3.
4.8. Certificate modification
Sectigo does not offer Certificate modification. Instead, Sectigo will issue a new Certificate and
MAY revoke the old Certificate.
4.8.1. Circumstance for Certificate modification
No stipulation.
4.8.2. Who MAY request Certificate modification
No stipulation.
4.8.3. Processing Certificate modification requests
No stipulation.
4.8.4. Notification of new Certificate issuance to Subscriber
No stipulation.
4.8.5. Conduct constituting acceptance of modified Certificate
No stipulation.
4.8.6. Publication of the modified Certificate by the CA
No stipulation.
4.8.7. Notification of Certificate issuance by the CA to other entities
No stipulation.
4.9. Certificate revocation and suspension
CAs operating under this policy MAY issue CRLs and MUST provide OCSP responses covering all
unexpired Certificates issued under this policy except for OCSP responder.
Sectigo does not utilize Certificate suspension.
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4.9.1. Circumstances for revocation
A Certificate SHALL be revoked when the binding between the subject and the subject’s Public
Key defined within the Certificate is no longer considered valid. When this occurs, the
associated Certificate SHALL be revoked and placed on the CRL and/or added to the OCSP
responder. Revoked Certificates SHALL be included on all new publications of the Certificate
status information until the Certificates expire.
See section 4.9.1 of the CPS for more information.
4.9.2. Who can request revocation
Revocation requests MAY be made by:
The Subscriber of the Certificate or any authorized representative of the Subscriber
The CA, or affiliated RA, for Certificates within its domain
The Policy Authority
Other parties MAY report suspected Private Key Compromise, Certificate misuse, or other types
of fraud, compromise, inappropriate conduct, or any other matter related to Certificates, as
specified in section of the CPS.
4.9.3. Procedure for revocation request
Sectigo accepts and responds to revocation requests and problem reports on a 24/7 basis. Prior
to the revocation of a Certificate, Sectigo will verify that the revocation request has been:
Made by the organization or individual entity that has made the Certificate application.
Made by the RA on behalf of the organization or individual entity that used the RA to
make the Certificate application, and
Has been authenticated by the procedures in Section 3.4 of this CP.
4.9.4. Revocation request grace period
The revocation request grace period (“Grace Period”) means the period during which the
Subscriber must make a revocation request.
There is no Grace Period under this policy, but a Grace Period MAY be specified in the CPS or in
the Subscriber Agreement. Revocation requests SHOULD be submitted as promptly as possible
within a reasonable time of becoming aware of a revocation circumstance listed in CP section
4.9.5. Time within which CA MUST process the revocation request
Sectigo SHALL process revocation requests in accordance with BR sections and 4.9.5.
Once a certificate has been revoked the revocation will be reflected in the OCSP responses
issued within 1 hour, and in the CRLs within 24 hours.
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4.9.6. Revocation checking requirement for relying parties
Use of revoked Certificates could have damaging or catastrophic consequences in certain
applications. The matter of how often new revocation data should be obtained is a
determination to be made by the Relying Party. If it is temporarily infeasible to obtain
revocation information, then the Relying Party must either reject use of the Certificate, or make
an informed decision to accept the risk, responsibility, and consequences for using a Certificate
whose authenticity cannot be guaranteed to the standards of this CP.
Relying on an unverifiable digital signature may result in risks that the Relying Party, and not
Sectigo, assume in whole.
By means of this CP, Sectigo has adequately informed relying parties on the usage and
validation of digital signatures through this CP and other documentation published in the
Repository or by contacting via out of bands means via the contact address as specified in the
Document Control section of this CP.
4.9.7. CRL issuance frequency (if applicable)
For the status of Subscriber Certificates:
If the CA publishes a CRL, then the CA SHALL update and reissue CRLs at least every seven (7)
days and the value of the nextUpdate field MUST NOT be more than ten (10) days beyond the
value of the thisUpdate field.
For the status of Subordinate CA Certificates:
The CA SHALL update and reissue CRLs at least (i) once every twelve months and (ii) within 24
hours after revoking a Subordinate CA Certificate, and the value of the nextUpdate field MUST
NOT be more than twelve months beyond the value of the thisUpdate field.
4.9.8. Maximum latency for CRLs (if applicable)
Each CRL SHALL be published no later than the time specified in the nextUpdate field of the
previously issued CRL for same scope.
4.9.9. On-line revocation/status checking availability
OCSP responses MUST conform to RFC6960 and/or RFC5019. OCSP responses MUST either:
1. Be signed by the CA that issued the Certificates whose revocation status is being
checked, or
2. Be signed by an OCSP Responder whose Certificate is signed by the CA that issued the
Certificate whose revocation status is being checked.
In the latter case, the OCSP signing Certificate MUST contain an extension of type id-pkix-ocsp-
nocheck, as defined by RFC6960.
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4.9.10. On-line revocation checking requirements
Sectigo supports an OCSP capability using the GET method as described in the RFC 6960 and/or
RFC 5019.
For the status of Subscriber Certificates:
Sectigo updates information provided via OCSP at least every 3.5 days. OCSP responses must
have a validity interval:
greater than or equal to 8 hours
less than or equal to 10 days
For the status of Subordinate CA Certificates:
Sectigo updates information provided via an OCSP
at least every twelve months and
within 24 hours after revoking a Subordinate CA Certificate.
If the OCSP responder receives a request for status of a certificate that has not been issued,
then the responder MUST NOT respond with a "good" status. Sectigo monitors the responder
for such requests as part of its security response procedures.
4.9.11. Other forms of revocation advertisements available
CAs operating under this policy MAY rely on stapling, in accordance with RFC4366, to distribute
its OCSP responses. In this case, the CA SHALL ensure that the Subscriber "staples" the OCSP
response for the Certificate in its TLS handshake. The CA SHALL enforce this requirement on the
Subscriber either contractually, through the Subscriber Agreement or Terms of Use, or by
technical review measures.
4.9.12. Special requirements related to key compromise
In the event of Compromise or suspected Compromise of the CA signing key, the Sectigo Policy
Authority SHALL be immediately notified.
4.9.13. Circumstances for suspension
Certificate suspension is not supported by this CP. The Repository SHALL NOT include entries
that indicate that a Certificate is suspended.
4.9.14. Who can request suspension
Not applicable.
4.9.15. Procedure for suspension request
Not applicable.
4.9.16. Limits on suspension period
Not applicable.
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4.10. Certificate status services
4.10.1. Operational characteristics
Revocation entries on a CRL or OCSP Response SHALL NOT be removed until after the Expiry
Date of the revoked Certificate.
Lightweight OCSP conforms to RFC 5019.
4.10.2. Service availability
Certificate status services are available 24/7. CRL and OCSP services are operated and
maintained with resources sufficient to provide a response time of ten seconds or less under
normal operating conditions.
4.10.3. Optional features
No stipulation
4.11. End of subscription
No stipulation. SHALL be specified in the CPS and/or Subscriber Agreement.
4.12. Key escrow and recovery
4.12.1. Key escrow and recovery policy and practices
No stipulation. MAY be specified in the CPS.
4.12.2. Session key encapsulation and recovery policy and practices
No stipulation.
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All CA and RA equipment, SHALL be protected from theft, loss, and unauthorized access at all
times. Unauthorized use of CA and RA equipment is prohibited. CA equipment SHALL be
dedicated to performing CA functions. RA equipment SHALL be operated to ensure that the
equipment meets all physical controls at all times.
5.1. Physical controls
All CA systems SHALL be protected from unauthorized access. The CA SHALL implement physical
Access Controls to reduce the risk of equipment tampering even when the HSM is not installed
and/or activated. All CA systems SHALL be protected against theft, loss, and unauthorized use.
All of the physical control requirements specified below apply equally to the Root and Sub-CAs,
and any remote workstations used to administer the CAs, except where specifically noted.
5.1.1. Site location and construction
All CA systems SHALL be located within a physically protected environment that deters,
prevents, and detects unauthorized use of, access to, or disclosure of sensitive information and
systems. The location and construction of the facility housing the CA equipment, as well as sites
housing remote workstations used to administer the CA, SHALL be consistent with facilities
used to house high value, sensitive information. The site location and construction, when
combined with other physical security protection mechanisms such as guards, high security
locks, and intrusion sensors, SHALL provide robust protection against unauthorized access to
the CA equipment and records.
Such environments are based in part on the establishment of physical security tiers. A tier is a
barrier such as a locked door or closed gate that provides mandatory Access Control for
individuals and requires a positive response (e.g., door unlocks or gate opens) for each
individual to proceed to the next area. Each successive tier provides more restricted access and
greater physical security against intrusion or unauthorized access. Moreover, each physical
security tier encapsulates the next inner tier, such that an inner tier MUST be fully contained in
an outside tier and cannot have a common outside wall with the outside tier, the outermost
tier being the outside barrier of the building (e.g., a perimeter fence or outside wall).
The CA SHALL construct the facilities housing their operational and standby CA functions with at
least four physical security tiers. CAs SHALL perform all validation operations within Tier 2 or
higher. CAs SHALL place Information Services systems necessary to support CA functions in Tier
4 or higher. Online and offline cryptographic modules SHALL only be activated for signing when
in Tier 4 or higher.
Site Location and Construction SHALL be described in more detail in the CPS.
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5.1.2. Physical access Physical Access for CA Equipment
Access to each tier of physical security, constructed in accordance with CP section 5.1.1, SHALL
be auditable and controlled so that only authorized personnel can access each tier.
Card access systems are in place to control and monitor access to all areas of the facility. Access
to the Sectigo physical machinery within the secure facility is protected with locked cabinets
and logical access controls. Security perimeters are clearly defined for all Sectigo locations. All
of Sectigo’s entrances and exits are secured or monitored by security personnel, reception staff,
or monitoring/control systems. Physical Access for RA Equipment
RA equipment SHALL be protected from unauthorized access while the RA cryptographic
module is installed and activated. The RA SHALL implement physical Access Controls to reduce
the risk of equipment tampering even when the cryptographic module is not installed and
activated. These security mechanisms SHALL be commensurate with the level of threat in the
RA equipment environment.
5.1.3. Power and air conditioning
The CA facilities SHALL be equipped with primary and backup power systems to ensure
continuous, uninterrupted access to electric power. Also, these facilities SHALL be equipped
with primary and backup heating/ventilation/air conditioning systems for temperature control.
The CA facilities SHALL have backup capability sufficient to lock out input, finish any pending
actions, and record the state of the equipment automatically before lack of power or air
conditioning causes a shutdown. The repositories (containing CA Certificates and CRLs) SHALL
be provided with uninterrupted power sufficient for a minimum of six (6) hours of operation in
the absence of commercial power, to maintain availability and avoid denial of service.
5.1.4. Water exposures
CA facilities SHALL be constructed, equipped and installed, and procedures SHALL be
implemented, to prevent floods or other damaging exposure to water. Potential water damage
from fire prevention and protection measures (e.g., sprinkler systems) are excluded from this
5.1.5. Fire prevention and protection
CA facilities SHALL be constructed and equipped, and procedures SHALL be implemented, to
prevent and extinguish fires or other damaging exposure to flame or smoke. These measures
SHALL meet all local applicable safety regulations.
5.1.6. Media storage
CA media SHALL be stored to protect them from accidental damage (e.g., water, fire, or
electromagnetic) and unauthorized physical access. Media that contains audit, Archive, or
backup information SHALL be duplicated and stored in a location separate from the CA location.
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Media containing Private Key material SHALL be handled, packaged, and stored in a manner
compliant with the requirements for the sensitivity level of the information it protects or to
which it provides access. Storage protection of CA and RA Private Key material SHALL be
consistent with stipulations in Section 5.1.2.
5.1.7. Waste disposal
CA and Operations Staff and RA Staff SHALL remove and destroy normal office waste in
accordance with local policy. Media used to collect or transmit privacy information SHALL be
destroyed, such that the information is unrecoverable, prior to disposal. Sensitive media and
paper SHALL be destroyed in accordance with the applicable policy for destruction of such
Destruction of media and documentation containing sensitive information, such as Private Key
material, SHALL employ methods commensurate with those in NIST Special Publication 800-88.
5.1.8. Off-site backup
Sectigo backs up its information to secure, off-site locations which are sufficiently distant from
each other to escape potential damage from a disaster at the primary location effecting a back
up location.
The frequency, retention, and extent of the backup is determined by the infrastructure team,
taking into account the criticality and security requirements of the information. Backup of
critical CA software is performed weekly and is stored offsite. Backup of critical business
information is performed daily and is stored offsite. Access to backup servers/media is
restricted to authorized personnel only. Backup media is regularly tested through restoration to
ensure it can be relied on in the event of a disaster. Backup servers/media are appropriately
labeled according to the sensitivity of the information.
Requirements for CA Private Key backup are specified in Section 6.2.4.
5.2. Procedural controls
5.2.1. Trusted roles
Trusted roles are assigned by senior members of the management team who assign
permissions on the principle of least privilege basis through a formal authorization process
with authorizations being archived.
The list of personnel appointed to trusted roles is maintained and reviewed annually.
The functions and duties performed by persons in trusted roles are distributed so that a lone
person cannot subvert the security and trustworthiness of PKI operations. All personnel in
trusted roles MUST be free from conflicts of interest that might prejudice the impartiality of
Sectigo PKI operations.
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Persons acting in trusted roles are only allowed to access a Certificate Management System
(CMS) after they are authenticated using a method approved as being suitable for the control of
PIVI Hardware. CA Administrators
The CA Administrator installs and configures the CA software, including key generation, and key
backup (as part of key generation) and subsequent recovery.
CA Administrators do not issue Certificates to Subscribers. CA Officers (e.g. CMS, RA, Validation and Vetting Personnel)
The CA Officer role is responsible for issuing and revoking Certificates, the verification of
identity, and compliance with the required issuance steps including those defined in this CP and
recording the details of approval and issuance steps taken identity vetting tasks are completed.
CA Officers MUST identify and authenticate themselves to systems before access is granted.
Identification is via a username, with authentication requiring a password and Certificate. Operator (e.g. System Administrators/ System Engineers)
Operators install and configure system hardware, including servers, routers, firewalls, and
networks. The Operator also keeps CA, CMS and RA systems updated with software patches
and other maintenance needed for system stability, security, and recoverability. Internal Auditors
Internal Auditors are responsible for reviewing, maintaining, and archiving audit logs and
performing or overseeing internal compliance audits to determine if Sectigo, an external CA, or
RA is operating in accordance with this CP and, where relevant, an RA’s contract. RA Staff
RA Staff are the individuals holding trusted roles that operate and manage RA components.
5.2.2. Number of persons required per task
Multiparty control procedures are designed to ensure that at a minimum, the desired number
of Trusted Persons are present to gain either physical or logical access to the CA equipment.
Access to CA cryptographic modules SHALL be strictly enforced by multiple Trusted Persons
throughout its lifecycle, from incoming receipt and inspection to final logical and/or physical
destruction. Once a CA is activated with operational keys, further Access Controls SHALL be
invoked to maintain split control over both physical and logical access to the CA.
Sectigo requires that at least two CA Administrators take action for:
Physical Access
CA key generation;
CA signing key activation; and
CA Private Key backup and restore.
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Where multiparty control is required, at least one of the participants SHALL be an
Administrator. All participants MUST serve in a Trusted Role as defined in Section 5.2.2.
Multiparty control SHALL NOT be achieved using personnel that serve in the Internal Auditors
Trusted Role.
5.2.3. Identification and authentication for each role
The CA SHALL confirm the identity and authorization of all personnel seeking to become
Trusted Persons before such personnel are:
Issued access devices and granted access to the required facilities;
Given electronic credentials to access and perform specific functions on CA systems.
Authentication of identity SHALL include the personal (physical) presence of such personnel
before Trusted Persons performing HR or security functions within an entity and a check of well
recognized forms of identification, such as passports and driver’s licenses. Identity SHALL be
further confirmed through background checking procedures in Section 5.3.
5.2.4. Roles requiring separation of duties
Individual CA personnel SHALL be specifically designated to the roles defined in Section 5.2.1
above as applicable. Individuals MAY NOT assume more than one role, except Operator.
No individual in a Trusted Role SHALL be assigned more than one identity.
Role separation, when required as mentioned above, MAY be enforced by either the CA
equipment, or procedurally, or by both means.
5.3. Personnel controls
5.3.1. Qualifications, experience, and clearance requirements
Consistent with this CP, Sectigo follows personnel and management practices that provide
reasonable assurance of the trustworthiness and competence of their employees and of the
satisfactory performance of their duties.
All persons filling Trusted Roles SHALL be selected based on loyalty, trustworthiness, and
integrity, and SHALL be subject to a background investigation. Personnel appointed to Trusted
Roles shall:
Possess the expert knowledge, experience and qualifications necessary for the offered
services and appropriate job function;
Have successfully completed an appropriate training program;
Have demonstrated the ability to perform their duties;
Be trustworthy;
Have no other duties that would interfere or conflict with their duties for the Trusted
Latest Revision: November 11, 2022
Have not been previously relieved of duties for reasons of negligence or non-
performance of duties;
Have not been convicted of a serious crime or other offense which affects his/her
suitability for the position; and
Have been appointed in writing by the CA management.
The Operator Role is only granted on Sectigo IT systems when there is a specific business need.
New Operators are not given full administrator rights until they have demonstrated a detailed
knowledge of Sectigo IT systems & policies and that they have reached a suitable skill level
satisfactory to the Server Systems Manager/Administrator or CEO. New administrators are
closely monitored by the Server Systems Manager/Administrator for the first three months.
Where systems allow, administrator access authentication is via a public/Private Key specifically
issued for this purpose. This provides accountability of individual administrators and permits
their activities to be monitored.
The CA Officer Role is granted Certificate issuance privileges only after sufficient training in
Sectigo’s validation and verification policies and procedures.
5.3.2. Background check procedures
All trusted personnel have background checks before access is granted to Sectigo’s systems.
These checks may include, but are not limited to, verification of the individual’s identity using a
government issued photo ID, credit history, employment history, education, character
references, social security number, criminal background, and a Companies House cross-
reference to disqualified directors.
5.3.3. Training requirements
Sectigo provides suitable training to all staff before they take on a Trusted Role SHOULD they
not already have the complete skill-set required for that role. Training of personnel is
undertaken via a mentoring process involving senior members of the team to which they are
Training SHALL be conducted in the following areas:
CA or RA security principles and mechanisms;
All PKI software versions in use on the CA or RA system;
All PKI duties they are expected to perform;
Incident and Compromise reporting and handling
Disaster recovery and business continuity procedures; and
Stipulations of this CP.
CA Administrators and Operators are trained in the maintenance, configuration, and use of the
specific software, operating systems, and hardware systems used by Sectigo.
Internal Auditors are trained to proficiency in the general principles of systems and process
audit as well as familiarity with Sectigo’s policies and procedures.
Latest Revision: November 11, 2022
CA Officers are trained in Sectigo’s validation and verification policies and procedures and are
required to pass an examination on the applicable information validation and verification
Sectigo maintains records of all training given.
5.3.4. Retraining frequency and requirements
The CA SHALL provide refresher training and updates to their personnel to the extent and
frequency required to ensure that such personnel maintain the required level of proficiency to
perform their job responsibilities competently and satisfactorily.
All individuals responsible for PKI roles SHALL be made aware of changes in the CA operation.
Any significant change to the operations SHALL have a training (awareness) plan, and the
execution of such plan SHALL be documented. Examples of such changes are CA software or
hardware upgrade, changes in automated security systems, and relocation of equipment.
Documentation SHALL be maintained identifying all personnel who received training and the
level of training completed.
5.3.5. Job rotation frequency and sequence
No stipulation.
5.3.6. Sanctions for unauthorized actions
Any personnel who, knowingly or negligently, violate Sectigo’s security policies, exceed the use
of their authority, use their authority outside the scope of their employment, or allow
personnel under their supervision to do so MAY be liable to disciplinary action up to and
including termination of employment. SHOULD the unauthorized actions of any person reveal a
failure or deficiency of training, sufficient training or retraining will be employed to rectify the
5.3.7. Independent contractor requirements
Sectigo SHALL permit independent contractors or consultants to become Trusted Persons only
to the extent necessary to accommodate clearly defined outsourcing relationships. The CA
SHOULD only use contractors or consultants as Trusted Persons if the CA does not have suitable
employees available to fill the roles of Trusted Persons. Independent contractors and
consultants SHALL be escorted and directly supervised by Trusted Persons when they are given
access to the CA and its secure facility.
Contractors fulfilling trusted roles are subject to all personnel requirements stipulated in this
policy and SHALL establish procedures to ensure that any subcontractors perform in accordance
with this policy.
Once the independent contractor completes the work for which it was hired, or the
independent contractor’s employment is terminated, physical access rights assigned to that
contractor are removed as soon as possible and within 24 hours from the time of termination.
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5.3.8. Documentation supplied to personnel
Sectigo SHALL give their personnel the requisite training and documentation needed to perform
their job responsibilities competently and satisfactorily.
5.4. Audit logging procedures
For audit purposes, Sectigo maintains electronic or manual logs of the following events for core
5.4.1. Types of events recorded
An audit log is maintained of each movement of the removable media.
CA & Certificate Lifecycle Management Events:
CA Root signing key functions, including key generation, backup, recovery and
Subscriber Certificate lifecycle management, including successful and unsuccessful
Certificate applications, Certificate issuances, Certificate re-issuances and Certificate
Subscriber Certificate revocation requests, including revocation reason
Subscriber changes of affiliation that would invalidate the validity of an existing
CRL updates, generations and issuances
Custody of keys and of devices and media holding keys
Compromise of a Private Key
Certificate profiles
Security Related Events:
System downtime, software crashes and hardware failures
CA system actions performed by Sectigo personnel, including software updates,
hardware replacements and upgrades
Cryptographic HSM events, such as usage, de-installation, service or repair and
Successful and unsuccessful Sectigo PKI access attempts
Secure CA facility entry and exit
Certificate Application Information:
The documentation and other related information presented by the Applicant as part of
the application validation process
Storage locations, whether physical or electronic, of presented documents
All logs include the following elements:
Date and time of entry
Latest Revision: November 11, 2022
Identity of entity making log entry
Description of the entry
5.4.2. Frequency of processing log
Logs are archived by the system administrator on a weekly basis and event journals reviewed
on a weekly basis by CA management.
5.4.3. Retention period for audit log
Audit logs SHALL be retained for at least two (2) years. For the RA, a system administrator other
than the RA SHALL be responsible for managing the audit log.
5.4.4. Protection of audit log
Only CA Administrators have the system level access required to modify or delete logs.
Both current and archived logs are maintained in a form that prevents unauthorized
modification, substitution or destruction.
5.4.5. Audit log backup procedures
All logs are backed up on a daily basis and archived to an off-site location on a weekly basis.
5.4.6. Audit collection system (internal vs. external)
Automatic audit collection processes run from system startup to system shutdown. The failure
of an automated audit system which MAY adversely affect the integrity of the system or the
confidentiality of the information protected by the system will lead to Sectigo’s Operators
and/or CA Administrators evaluating whether a suspension of operations is required until the
problem is remedied.
5.4.7. Notification to event-causing subject
No Stipulation.
5.4.8. Vulnerability assessments
A vulnerability is a weakness in the organization or in an information system that might be
exploited by a threat, with the possibility of causing harm to assets. In order to mitigate the risk
or possibility of causing harm to assets, Sectigo performs regular vulnerability assessment by
taking a two-pronged approach. Sectigo assesses vulnerabilities by (1) making an assessment of
the threats to, impacts on, and the vulnerabilities of assets and the likelihood of their
occurrence, and (2) by developing a process of selecting and implementing security controls in
order to reduce the risks identified in the risk assessment to an acceptable level. Sectigo
routinely performs vulnerability assessments by identifying the vulnerability categories that
face an asset. Some of the vulnerability categories that Sectigo evaluates are technical, logical,
human, physical, environmental, and operational. There´s a specific treatment for critical
Latest Revision: November 11, 2022
Sectigo employs external parties to perform regular vulnerability scans & penetration testing on
the CA systems/infrastructure.
5.5. Records archival
Sectigo implements an archive standard for all business-critical systems located at its data
centers. Sectigo retains records in electronic or paper-based formats in conformance with this
subsection of this CP.
5.5.1. Types of records archived
Sectigo backs up both application and system data. Sectigo may archive the following
Audit data, as specified in section 5.4 of this CP;
Certificate application information;
Documentation supporting a Certificate application;
Certificate lifecycle information.
5.5.2. Retention period for archive
The retention period for archived information depends on the type of information, the
information’s level of confidentiality, and the type of system the information is stored on.
Sectigo retains the records of Sectigo Certificates and the associated documentation for a term
of not less than 7 years, or as necessary to comply with applicable laws. The retention term
begins on the date of expiration or revocation. Copies of Certificates are held, regardless of
their status (such as expired or revoked). Such records may be retained in electronic, in paper-
based format or any other format that Sectigo may see fit.
5.5.3. Protection of archive
Records are archived at a secure off-site location and are maintained in a form that prevents
unauthorized modification, substitution or destruction. Access to backup servers and/or
backup media, whether Windows or Linux, backup utilities, or backup data, is restricted to
authorized personnel only and adheres to a strict default deny policy.
5.5.4. Archive backup procedures
Electronic information SHALL be incrementally backed up on a daily basis and perform full
backups on a weekly basis.
Administrators at each Sectigo location are responsible for carrying out and maintaining backup
activities. Sectigo employs both scheduled and unscheduled backups. Scheduled backups are
automated using approved backup tools. Scheduled backups are monitored using automated
tools. Unscheduled backups occur before carrying out major changes to critical systems and are
part of any change request that has a possible impact on data integrity or security. All backup
media is labeled according to the information classification, which is based on the backup
information stored on the media.
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5.5.5. Requirements for time-stamping of records
CA archive records SHALL be automatically time-stamped as they are created. System clocks
used for time-stamping SHALL be maintained in synchrony with an authoritative time standard.
The CPS SHALL describe how system clocks used for time-stamping are maintained in synchrony
with an authoritative time standard.
Records that are time-stamped include, but are not limited to, the following:
Visitor entry,
Visitor exit,
Emails within Sectigo,
Emails sent between Sectigo and third parties,
Subscriber Agreements,
Certificate issuance, and
Certificate revocation.
5.5.6. Archive collection system (internal or external)
Sectigo’s archive collection system is both internal and external. As part of its internal collection
procedures, Sectigo MAY require Subscribers to submit appropriate documentation in support
of a Certificate application.
As part of Sectigo’s external collection procedures, RAs MAY require documentation from
Subscribers to support Certificate applications, in their role as a Sectigo RA. In such
circumstances, RAs are obliged to retain such records in line with the practices of record
retention and protection as used by Sectigo and as stated in this CP.
5.5.7. Procedures to obtain and verify archive information
Procedures, detailing how to create, verify, package, transmit, and store Archive information,
SHALL be described in the applicable CPS.
5.6. Key changeover
Towards the end of each Private Key’s lifetime, a new CA signing key pair is commissioned.
When a CA Certificate is rekeyed only the new key is used to sign Certificates from that time on.
If the old Private Key is used to sign OCSP responder Certificates or CRLs that cover Certificates
signed with that key, the old key SHALL be retained and protected. The corresponding new CA
Public Key Certificate is provided to Subscribers and relying parties through the delivery
methods detailed in the CPS.
5.7. Compromise and disaster recovery
Organizations are regularly faced with events that MAY disrupt their normal business activities
or MAY lead to loss of information and assets. These events MAY be the result of natural
disasters, accidents, equipment failures, or deliberate actions. This section details the
procedures Sectigo employs in the event of a compromise or disaster.
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5.7.1. Incident and compromise handling procedures
All incidents (including compromises), both suspected and actual, are reported to the
appropriate authority for investigation. Depending on the nature and immediacy of the
incident, the reporter of an incident is to document the incident details to help with incident
assessment, investigation, solution, and future operational changes. Once the incident is
reported, the appropriate authority makes an initial assessment. Next, a containment strategy
is chosen and implemented. After an incident has been contained, eradication is necessary to
eliminate components of the incident. During eradication, importance is given to identifying all
affected areas so they can be remedied.
These procedures are in place to ensure that
a consistent response to incidents happening to Sectigo’s assets,
incidents are detected, reported, and logged, and
clear roles and responsibilities are defined.
To maintain the integrity of its services, Sectigo implements, documents, and periodically tests
appropriate contingency and disaster recovery plans and procedures. These procedures define
and contain a formal incident management reporting process, incident response, and incident
escalation procedures to ensure professional incident management and the return to normal
operations within a timely manner. The process also enables incidents to be analyzed in a way
as to identify possible causes such that any weaknesses in Sectigo’s processes MAY be
improved in order to prevent reoccurrence. Such plans are revised and updated as MAY be
required at least once a year.
5.7.2. Computing resources, software, and/or data are corrupted
If Sectigo determines that its computing resources, software, or data operations have been
compromised, Sectigo will investigate the extent of the compromise and the risk presented to
affected parties. Depending on the extent of the compromise, Sectigo reserves the right to
revoke affected Certificates, to revoke entity keys, to provide new Public Keys to users, and to
recertify subjects.
5.7.3. Entity Private Key compromise procedures
Due to the nature of the CA Private Keys, these are classified as highly critical to Sectigo’s
business operations and continuity. If any of the CA’s private signing keys were compromised or
were suspected of having been compromised, Sectigo would make an assessment to determine
the nature and extent of the compromise. In the most severe circumstances, Sectigo would
revoke all Certificates ever issued by the use of those keys, notify all owners of Certificates (by
email) of that revocation, and offer to re-issue the Certificates to the customers with an
alternative or new private signing key.
5.7.4. Business continuity capabilities after a disaster
Sectigo operates a fully redundant CA system. In the event of a short- or long-term loss of an
office location, operations at other offices will be increased. The backup CA is readily available
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in the event that the primary CA should cease operation. All of Sectigo’s critical computer
equipment is housed in co-location facilities run by independent commercial data center
providers, and all of the critical computer equipment is duplicated within the facility. Incoming
power and connectivity feeds are duplicated. The duplicate equipment is ready to take over the
role of providing the implementation of the CA and allows Sectigo to specify a maximum system
outage time (in case of critical systems failure) of 1 hour. Sectigo operations are distributed
across several sites worldwide. All sites offer facilities to manage the lifecycle of a Certificate,
including but not limited to the application, issuance, revocation and renewal of such
Certificates. As well as a fully redundant CA system, Sectigo maintains provisions for the
activation of a backup CA at a secondary site should the primary site suffer a total loss of
systems. This disaster recovery plan states that Sectigo will endeavor to minimize interruptions
to its CA operations.
5.8. CA or RA termination
In case of termination of CA operations for any reason whatsoever, Sectigo will provide timely
notice and transfer of responsibilities to succeeding entities, maintenance of records, and
remedies. Before terminating its own CA activities, Sectigo will take the following steps, where
Providing Subscribers of valid Certificates with ninety (90) days’ notice of its intention to
cease acting as a CA.
Revoking all Certificates that are still un-revoked or un-expired at the end of the ninety
(90) day notice period without seeking Subscriber’s consent.
Giving timely notice of revocation to each affected Subscriber.
Making reasonable arrangements to preserve its records according to this CP.
Reserving its right to provide succession arrangements for the re-issuance of Certificates
by a successor CA that has all relevant permissions to do so and complies with all
necessary rules, while its operation is at least as secure as Sectigo’s.
The requirements of this article MAY be varied by contract, to the extent that such
modifications affect only the contracting parties.
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6.1. Key pair generation and installation
6.1.1. Key pair generation
Subscriber key pair generation is to be described in the CPS.
CA key pair generation SHALL be performed using FIPS 140-2 Level 3 validated cryptographic
modules and processes that provide the required cryptographic strength of the generated keys
and prevent the loss, disclosure, modification, or unauthorized use of Private Keys. Any pseudo-
random numbers use and parameters for key generation material SHALL be generated by a
FIPS-approved method.
CA keys SHALL be generated in a Key Generation Ceremony as specified in the CPS.
CA key pair generation SHALL create a verifiable audit trail that the security requirements for
procedures were followed. The documentation of the procedure SHALL be detailed enough to
show that appropriate role separation was used. An independent third party SHALL validate the
execution of the key generation procedures either by witnessing the key generation or by
examining the video, signed and documented record of the key generation.
6.1.2. Private key delivery to Subscriber
The Subscriber or the CA SHALL perform subscriber key pair generation. If the Subscribers
themselves generate Private Keys, then Private Key delivery to a Subscriber is unnecessary.
When CAs generate key pairs on behalf of the Subscriber, the Private Key SHALL be delivered
securely to the Subscriber. Private keys SHALL be delivered electronically or on a FIPS certified
hardware cryptographic module. In all cases, the following requirements SHALL be met:
Except in cases where the Sectigo operates a key archiving service on behalf of the
Subscriber, the CA SHALL NOT retain any copy of the key for more than two weeks after
delivery of the Private Key to the Subscriber.
CAs SHALL use FIPS certified systems and deliver Private Keys to Subscribers via SSL/TLS
and SHALL secure such delivery through the use of a PKCS#8 package or, at the CAs sole
discretion, any other comparably equivalent means (e.g., PKCS#12 package) in order to
prevent the loss, disclosure, modification, or unauthorized use of such Private Keys.
Where key pairs are pre-generated on hardware tokens, the entities distributing such
tokens SHALL use best efforts to provide physical security of the tokens to prevent the
loss, disclosure, modification, or unauthorized use of the Private Keys on them. The RA
SHALL maintain a record of the Subscriber acknowledgment of receipt of the token.
The Subscriber SHALL acknowledge receipt of the Private Key(s).
Delivery SHALL be accomplished in a way that ensures that the correct tokens and
activation data are provided to the correct Subscribers.
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o For hardware modules, accountability for the location and state of the module
SHALL be maintained until the Subscriber accepts possession of it.
o For electronic delivery of Private Keys, the key material SHALL be encrypted
using a cryptographic algorithm and key size at least as strong as the Private Key.
Activation data SHALL be delivered using a separate secure channel.
6.1.3. Public key delivery to Certificate issuer
When a Public Key is transferred to the issuing CA to be certified, it SHALL be delivered through
a mechanism validating the identity of the Subscriber and ensuring that the Public Key has not
been altered during transit and that the Certificate Applicant possesses the Private Key
corresponding to the transferred Public Key. The Certificate Applicant SHALL deliver the Public
Key in a PKCS#10 CSR or an equivalent method ensuring that the Public Key has not been
altered during transit; and the Certificate Applicant possesses the Private Key corresponding to
the transferred Public Key. The Certificate Applicant will submit the CSR via their online
account, which employs two-factor authentication, e.g., a USB token with the account
administrator’s Certificate and a PIN (this procedure is not applicable in the case of the
automated issuance of end entity Certificates).
6.1.4. CA Public Key delivery to relying parties
The Public Key of a trust anchor SHALL be provided to the Device Sponsors acting as Relying
Parties in a secure manner so that the trust anchor is not vulnerable to modification or
substitution. Acceptable methods for delivery of a trust anchor include but are not limited to:
Loading a trust anchor onto tokens delivered to Relying Parties via secure mechanisms;
Secure distribution of trust anchor through secure out-of-band mechanisms;
Comparison of Certificate hash (fingerprint) against the trust anchor hash made
available via authenticated out-of-band sources (note that fingerprints or hashes posted
in-band along with the Certificate are not acceptable as an Authentication mechanism);
Downloading a trust anchor from trusted web sites (e.g., CA web site) secured with a
currently valid Certificate of equal or greater assurance level than the Certificate being
downloaded and the trust anchor is not in the Certificate Chain for the web site
Systems using cryptographic hardware tokens SHALL store trusted Certificates such that
unauthorized alteration or replacement is readily detectable.
6.1.5. Key sizes
This CP requires use of RSA PKCS #1, RSASSA-PSS, DSA, or ECDSA signatures; additional
restrictions on key sizes and hash algorithms are detailed below. Certificates issued under this
policy SHOULD contain RSA or elliptic curve Public Keys.
Latest Revision: November 11, 2022
All Certificates that expire on or before December 31, 2030 SHOULD contain subject Public Keys
of at least 2048 bits for RSA/DSA, at least 256 bits for elliptic curve, and be signed with the
corresponding Private Key.
All Certificates that expire after December 31, 2030 SHOULD contain subject Public Keys of at
least 3072 bits for RSA/DSA, at least 256 bits for elliptic curve, and be signed with the
corresponding Private Key.
CAs that generate Certificates and CRLs under this policy SHOULD use the SHA-256, or SHA-384
hash algorithm when generating digital signatures.
ECDSA signatures on Certificates and CRLs SHOULD be generated using SHA-256 or SHA-384, as
appropriate for the key length.
Where implemented, CSSs SHALL sign responses using the same signature algorithm, key size,
and hash algorithm used by the CA to sign CRLs.
6.1.6. Public key parameters generation and quality checking
Sectigo generates the Public Key parameters. Sectigo’s CA keys SHALL be generated within a
FIPS 140-2 Level 3 certified HSM.
6.1.7. Key usage purposes (as per X.509 v3 key usage field)
The use of a specific key is constrained by the keyUsage extension in the X.509 Certificate.
Public keys that are bound into CA Certificates SHALL be used for signing Certificates and status
information (e.g., CRLs). The following table shows the specific keyUsage extension settings for
CA Certificates and specifies that all CA Certificates (i.e., Root CAs, Sub-CAs):
Shall include a keyUsage extension
Shall set the criticality of the keyUsage extension to TRUE
Shall assert the digitalSignature bit, keyCertSign bit and the cRLSign bit in the key usage
Table: keyUsage Extension for all CA Certificates
{ id-ce 15
Included in all CA Certificates
Not Set
Latest Revision: November 11, 2022
Not Set
Not Set
Not Set
Not Set
Not Set
Specific keyUsage extension settings for end entity Certificates will be specified in the CPS.
6.2. Private Key Protection and Cryptographic Module Engineering
6.2.1. Cryptographic module standards and controls
CA Private keys within this PKI SHALL be protected using FIPS 140-2 Level 3 systems. Private key
holders SHALL take necessary precautions to prevent the loss, disclosure, modification, or
unauthorized use of such Private Keys in accordance with this CP and any existing contractual
The relevant standard for cryptographic modules is Security Requirements for Cryptographic
Modules FIPS 140-2.
Root CAs SHALL perform all CA cryptographic operations on cryptographic modules
rated at a minimum of FIPS 140-2 level 3 or higher.
Sub-CAs SHALL use a FIPS 140-2 Level 3 or higher validated hardware cryptographic
Subscribers SHOULD use a FIPS 140-2 Level 1 or higher validated cryptographic module
for their cryptographic operations.
6.2.2. Private key (n out of m) multi-person control
Multi-person control is enforced to protect the activation data needed to activate CA Private
Keys so that a single person SHALL NOT be permitted to activate or access any cryptographic
module that contains the complete CA private signing key.
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CA signature keys SHALL be backed up only under multi-person control. Access to CA signing
keys backed up for disaster recovery SHALL be under multi-person control. The names of the
parties used for multi-person control SHALL be maintained on a list that SHALL be made
available for inspection during compliance audits.
6.2.3. Private key escrow
Where Subscriber Private Keys are escrowed, Sectigo acts as the escrow agent and does not
delegate this task to any third party. The Subscriber Private Key is stored in an encrypted form.
A suitably authorized administrator of the enterprise account within which the Certificate has
been requested MAY trigger the escrow. Triggering the escrow automatically revokes the
Certificate ensuring that the Certificate cannot be used further.
6.2.4. Private key backup
The CA private signature keys SHALL be backed up under the same multi-person control as the
original signature key. At least one copy of the private signature key SHALL be stored off-site.
All copies of the CA private signature key SHALL be accounted for and protected in the same
manner as the original. Backup procedures SHALL be included in the CA’s CPS.
End entity Private Keys MAY be backed up or copied but SHALL be held under the control of the
Subscriber or other authorized administrator. Backed up end entity Private Keys SHALL NOT be
stored in plaintext form and storage SHALL ensure security controls consistent with the security
specifications the device is compliant with. Subscribers MAY have the option of using enhanced
Private Key protection mechanisms available today including the use of smart cards, biometric
access devices, and other hardware tokens to store Private Keys.
6.2.5. Private key archival
When any CA Root Signing Key pair expires, they will be archived for at least 7 years. The keys
will be archived in a secure cryptographic hardware module, as per their secure storage prior to
expiration, as detailed in section 6.3.2 of this CP.
6.2.6. Private key transfer into or from a cryptographic module
All transfers of Private Keys into or from a cryptographic module are performed in accordance
with the procedures specified by Sectigo taking into consideration the vendor´s documentation
of the relevant cryptographic module.
Where CA Root signing keys are backed up to another cryptographic hardware security module,
such keys are transferred between devices under multi person control and in encrypted format
6.2.7. Private key storage on cryptographic module
Private Keys are generated and stored inside Sectigo’s Hardware Security Modules (HSMs),
which have been certified to at least FIPS 140-2 Level 3.
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6.2.8. Method of activating Private Key
All CAs SHALL protect the activation data for their Private Keys against loss, theft, modification,
disclosure, or unauthorized use.
CA administrators SHALL be authenticated to the cryptographic token before the activation of the
associated Private Key(s). Acceptable means of authentication include but are not limited to
passphrases, PINs or biometrics. Entry of activation data SHALL be protected from disclosure (i.e.,
the data SHOULD NOT be displayed while it is entered).
For device Certificates, the device MAY be configured to activate its Private Key, provided that
appropriate physical and logical access controls are implemented for the device. The strength of the
security controls SHALL be commensurate with the level of threat in the device’s environment, and
SHALL protect the device’s hardware, software, Private Keys and its activation data from
compromise. CA Administrator Activation
Method of activating the CA system by a CA Administrator SHALL require:
Use a smart card, biometric access Device, password in accordance with Section 6.4.1,
or security of equivalent strength to Authenticate the Administrator before the
activation of the Private Key, which includes, for instance, a password to operate the
Private Key, a Windows logon or screen saver password, or a network logon password;
Take commercially reasonable measures for the physical protection of the
Administrator’s workstation to prevent use of the workstation and its associated Private
Key without the Administrator’s authorization. Offline CAs Private Key
Once the CA system has been activated, a threshold number of shareholders SHALL be required
to supply their activation data in order to activate an offline CA’s Private Key, as defined in
Section 6.2.2. Once the Private Key is activated, it SHALL be active until termination of the
session. Online CAs Private Keys
An online CA’s Private Key SHALL be activated by a threshold number of shareholders, as
defined in Section 6.2.2, supplying their activation data (stored on secure media). Once the
Private Key is activated, the Private Key MAY be active for an indefinite period until it is
deactivated when the CA goes offline. Device Private Keys
A Device MAY be configured to activate its Private Key, provided that appropriate physical and
logical Access Controls are implemented for the Device. The strength of the security controls
SHALL be commensurate with the level of threat in the Device’s environment, and SHALL
protect the Device’s hardware, software, Private Keys and its activation data from compromise.
If the Private Key is stored in a protected form using password based encryption, then the
Latest Revision: November 11, 2022
password or pass-phrase activation data MUST be entered each time the Device and the
security application are initialized in order to unlock the Private Key for operational use.
6.2.9. Method of deactivating Private Key
Cryptographic modules that have been activated SHALL NOT be available to unauthorized
access. After use, the cryptographic module SHALL be deactivated, e.g., via a manual logout
procedure or automatically after a period of inactivity. CA cryptographic modules SHALL be
stored securely when not in use.
When an online CA is taken offline, the CA SHALL remove the token containing the Private Key
from the reader in order to deactivate it.
With respect to the Private Keys of offline CAs, after the completion of a Key Generation
Ceremony, in which such Private Keys are used for Private Key operations, the CA SHALL
remove the token containing the Private Keys from the reader in order to deactivate them.
Once removed from the reader, tokens SHALL be securely stored.
When deactivated, Private Keys SHALL be kept in encrypted form only. They SHALL be cleared
from memory before the memory is de-allocated. Any disk space where Private Keys were
stored SHALL be overwritten before the space is released to the operating system.
6.2.10. Method of destroying Private Key
Destroying a Private Key means the destruction of all active keys, both backed-up and stored.
Destroying a Private Key SHALL comprise of removing it from the HSM and removing it from the
active backup set. Private Keys are destroyed in accordance with NIST SP 800-88.
6.2.11. Cryptographic Module Rating
See section 6.2.1.
6.3. Other aspects of key pair management
6.3.1. Public key archival
The Public Key is archived as part of the Certificate archival. The issuing CA SHALL retain all
verification Public Keys for a minimum of seven (7) years or as further required by applicable
law or industry regulation.
6.3.2. Certificate operational periods and key pair usage periods
Generally, the Certificate validity period will be set as follows, however, Sectigo reserves the
right to offer validity periods outside of this standard
Root CA Certificates MAY have a validity period of up to 25 years
Sub-CA Certificates MAY have a validity period of up to 15 years
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End entity Certificates MAY have a validity period of up to 3 years. Validity periods SHALL be
nested such that the validity periods of issued Certificates SHALL be contained within the
validity period of the issuing CA.
6.4. Activation data
Activation data refers to data values other than whole Private Keys that are required to operate
Private Keys or cryptographic modules containing Private Keys. Examples of activation data
include, but are not limited to, PINs, passphrases, and portions of Private Keys used in a key-
splitting regime.
6.4.1. Activation data generation and installation
Activation data is generated in accordance with the specifications of the HSM. This hardware is
certified by FIPS 140-2 at least.
6.4.2. Activation data protection
The procedures used to protect activation data is dependent on whether the data is for
smartcards or passwords. Smartcards are held by highly trusted personnel. Passwords and
smartcards are subject to Sectigo’s Cryptographic Policy.
6.4.3. Other aspects of activation data
No stipulation.
6.5. Computer security controls
6.5.1. Specific computer security technical requirements
Sectigo ensures the integrity of its computer systems by implementing controls, such as:
Applying the same security controls to all systems co-located in the same zone with a
Certificate System;
Maintaining online Root CA Systems in a high security zone
Maintaining offline Root CAs air-gapped from other networks;
Maintaining and protecting Issuing Systems, Certificate Management Systems, and
Security Support systems;
Configuring Issuing Systems, Certificate Management Systems, Security Support
Systems, and Front-End/Internal-Support Systems by removing or disabling all accounts,
applications, services, protocols, and ports that are not used in Sectigo’s operations and
allowing only those that are approved by Sectigo;
Reviewing configurations of Issuing Systems, Certificate Management Systems, Security
Support Systems, and Front-End/Internal-Support Systems on a weekly basis;
Undergoing penetration tests on a periodic basis and after significant infrastructure or
application upgrades;
Granting administration access to Certificate Systems only to persons acting in trusted
roles and requiring their accountability for the Certificate System’s security; and
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Changing authentication keys and passwords for any privileged account or service
account on a Certificate System whenever a person’s authorization to administratively
access that account on the Certificate System is changed or revoked.
CA systems enforce multi-factor authentication for all accounts capable of directly causing
certificate issuance.
6.5.2. Computer security rating
No stipulation.
6.6. Life cycle technical controls
6.6.1. System development controls
Sectigo has formal policies in place to control, document and monitor the development of its
CA systems. Development requests MAY only be raised by a restricted set of personnel.
Development tasks are prioritized by the 'task requesters' within their area and then further
prioritized by the development manager whilst considering the development task list in its
entirety. The majority of changes are developed in-house by Sectigo. In the event that Sectigo
'buys-in' services (hardware and/or software), vendors are selected based on reputation and
ability to supply products 'fit for purpose'.
On receipt of each development request a unique task ID and title are assigned that stay with
the task throughout the development lifecycle.
Each development task has an associated risk assessment carried out as a part of the
development lifecycle. All tasks are viewed as carrying some form of risk, from issues relating to
task scope and complexity to a lack of availability of resources. The management of risk is
addressed through a formal risk management process with the request not being applied to the
production environment until an acceptable level of risk is achieved.
The work-product of all development requests undergo peer review prior to release to the
production environment to prevent malicious or erroneous software being loaded into the
production environment.
Each task MUST be tested and signed off by the QA team before being deployed to the
production environment. Developers are not permitted to be involved in the testing of their
own work. When issues are found by QA the QA team provide feedback to the developer to
resolve the issues before development MAY proceed to release.
Development and QA team members do not have any access to the production environment.
Access to these areas is strictly controlled.
Once the change has gone live to the production environment the task requester along with the
testing team are advised and the change re-tested.
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6.6.2. Security management controls
Sectigo has tools and procedures to ensure that Sectigo’s operational systems and applications
retain their integrity and remain configured securely. These tools and procedures include
checking the integrity of the application and security software.
6.6.3. Life cycle security controls
No stipulation.
6.7. Network security controls
Sectigo develops, implements, and maintains a comprehensive security program designed to
protect its networks. In this security program, general protections for the network include:
Segmenting Certificate Systems into networks or zones based on their functional,
logical, and physical relationship;
Applying the same security controls to all systems co-located in the same zone with a
Certificate System;
Maintaining Root CA Systems in a high security zone and in an offline state or air-gapped
from other networks;
Implementing and configuring Security Support Systems that protect systems and
communications between systems inside secure zones and communications with non-
Certificate Systems outside those zones;
Configuring network boundary controls (firewalls, switches, routers, and gateways) with
rules that support only the services, protocols, ports, and communications that Sectigo
has identified as necessary to its operations;
For Certificate Systems, implementing detection and prevention controls to guard
against viruses and malicious software; and
Changing authentication keys and passwords for any privileged account or service
account on a Certificate System whenever a person’s authorization to administratively
access that account on the Certificate System is changed or revoked.
6.8. Time-stamping
All CA components SHALL regularly synchronize with a time service such as National Institute of
Standards and Technology (NIST) Atomic Clock or NIST Network Time Protocol Service. Time
derived from the time service SHALL be used for establishing the time of:
Initial validity type of a Device’s Certificate;
Revocation of a Device’s Certificate;
Posting of CRL updates; and
OCSP or other responses.
Certificates, CRLs, and other revocation database entries SHALL contain time and date
information. Electronic or manual procedures MAY be used to maintain system time. Clock
adjustments are auditable events (see Section 5.4.1).
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7.1. Certificate profile
Certificates SHALL conform to RFC 5280 & 6818. Text fields are encoded using printableString
encoding whenever possible and utf8String encoding if necessary.
Certificates SHALL contain the identity and attribute data of a subject using the base Certificate
with applicable extensions. The base Certificate SHALL contain the version number of the
Certificate, the Certificate’s identifying serial number, the signature algorithm used to sign the
Certificate, the issuer’s distinguished name, the validity period of the Certificate, the subject’s
distinguished name, information about the subject’s Public Key, and extensions as defined in
the CPS.
CAs operating under this policy SHALL generate non-sequential Certificate serial numbers
greater than zero (0) containing at least 64 bits of output from a CSPRNG.
7.1.1. Version number(s)
Sectigo Certificates SHALL be X.509 v3 Certificates. The Certificate version number SHALL be set
to the integer value of "2" for Version 3 Certificates.
7.1.2. Certificate extensions
SHALL conform to the BR and will be described in the CPS.
7.1.3. Algorithm object identifiers
Sectigo Certificates are signed using algorithms including but not limited to RSA and ECDSA.
Additional detail MAY be found in the CPS.
7.1.4. Name forms
As specified in Section 3.1.1.
7.1.5. Name constraints
No stipulation. MAY be specified in the CPS. If used MUST be compliant with the BR.
7.1.6. Certificate policy object identifier
As specified in the CPS.
7.1.7. Usage of Policy Constraints extension
No stipulation.
7.1.8. Policy qualifiers syntax and semantics
A common use of policy qualifiers is to provide location information (e.g., URI) for a Certificate
policy. If this is desirable usage will be specified in the CPS.
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7.1.9. Processing semantics for the critical Certificate Policies extension
Processing semantics for the critical Certificate policy extension SHALL conform to X.509
certification path processing rules.
7.2. CRL profile
Sectigo manages and makes publicly available directories of revoked Certificates using CRLs. All
CRLs issued by Sectigo are X.509v2 CRLs, in particular as profiled in RFC5280. Users and relying
parties are strongly urged to consult the directories of revoked Certificates at all times prior to
relying on information featured in a Certificate. Sectigo updates and publishes a new CRL every
24 hours or more frequently under special circumstances. The CRL for any Certificate issued by
Sectigo (whether Subscriber Certificate or CA Certificate) MAY be found at the URL encoded
within the CRLDP field of the Certificate itself.
The profile of the Sectigo CRL is as per the table below:
Issuer DN, for example:
CountryName = [Root Certificate Country Name],
OrganizationName=[Root Certificate Organization],
CommonName=[Root Certificate Common Name]
[PrintableString encoding] OR [UTF8String encoding]
[Date of Issuance]
End Entity Certificates: [<= Date of Issuance + 10 days]
Sub CA Certificates: [<= Date of Issuance + 12 months]
CRL Entries
7.2.1. Version number(s)
Sectigo issues version 2 CRLs.
7.2.2. CRL and CRL entry extensions
CRL Number
Never repeated monotonically increasing integer
Authority Key Identifier
Same as the authority key identifier listed in the Certificate.
Invalidity Date
Date in UTC format
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Reason Code
Optional reason for revocation
7.3. OCSP profile
Sectigo SHALL publish Certificate status information using Online Certificate Status Protocol
(OCSP). Sectigo’s OCSP responders are capable of providing a ‘good’ or ‘revoked’ status for all
Certificates issued under the terms of this CP. The OCSP responders will give an ‘unknown’
response for expired Certificates.
Sectigo operates an OCSP service at http://ocsp.sectigo.com. Revocation information is made
immediately available through the OCSP services. The OCSP responder and responses are
available 24x7.
7.3.1. Version number(s)
Sectigo’s OCSP responder conforms to RFC 5019 and RFC 6960.
7.3.2. OCSP extensions
No stipulation.
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The practices specified in this CP have been designed to meet or exceed the requirements of
generally accepted and developing industry standards including the WebTrust for Certification
Authorities (“WebTrust for CAs”) and other industry standards related to the operation of CAs.
A regular audit is performed by an independent external auditor to assess Sectigo’s compliancy
with the WebTrust for CAs.
8.1. Frequency or circumstances of assessment
The audit mandates that the period during which a CA issues Certificates be divided into an
unbroken sequence of audit periods. An audit period MUST NOT exceed one year in duration.
8.2. Identity/qualifications of assessor
A Qualified Auditor performs this audit. A Qualified Auditor means a natural person, Legal
Entity, or group of natural persons or Legal Entities that collectively possess the following
qualifications and skills:
Independence from the subject of the audit;
The ability to conduct an audit that addresses the criteria specified in a WebTrust for
Certification Authorities v2.0;
Employs individuals who have proficiency in examining Public Key Infrastructure
technology, information security tools and techniques, information technology and
security auditing, and the third-party attestation function;
(For audits conducted in accordance with the WebTrust standard) licensed by WebTrust;
Bound by law, government regulation, or professional code of ethics; and
Except in the case of an Internal Government Auditing Agency, maintains Professional
Liability/Errors & Omissions insurance with policy limits of at least one million US dollars
in coverage.
8.3. Assessor's relationship to assessed entity
The auditor is independent of Sectigo, and does not have a financial interest, business
relationship, or course of dealing that would create a conflict of interest or create a significant
bias (for or against) Sectigo.
8.4. Topics covered by assessment
WebTrust for CAs, WebTrust for CAs SSL Baseline with Network Security, WebTrust EV SSL and
WebTrust for Code Signing (BR and EV) Program audit: Topics covered by the annual audit
include but are not limited to the following:
Business Practices Disclosure, meaning
o the CA discloses its business practices, and
o the CA provides its services in accordance with its CPS
Key Lifecycle Management, meaning
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o the CA maintains effective controls to provide reasonable assurance that the
integrity of keys and Certificates it manages is established and protected
throughout their lifecycles.
Certificate Lifecycle Management, meaning that
o The CA maintains effective controls to provide reasonable assurance that
Subscriber information was properly authenticated for specific registration
activities, and
o The CA maintains effective controls to provide reasonable assurance that
subordinate CA Certificate requests are accurate, authenticated, and approved.
CA Environmental Control, meaning that
o the CA maintains effective controls to provide reasonable assurance that
Logical and physical access to CA systems and data is restricted to
authorized individuals,
The continuity of key and Certificate management operations is
maintained, and
CA systems development, maintenance, and operations are properly
authorized and performed to maintain CA systems integrity.
8.5. Actions taken as a result of deficiency
Either remediate or the auditor posts “qualified report.” Auditor would report or document the
deficiency and notify Sectigo of the findings. Depending on the nature and extent of the
deficiency, Sectigo would develop a plan to correct the deficiency, which could involve changing
its policies or practices, or both. Sectigo would then put its amended policies or practices into
operation and require the auditors to verify that the deficiency is no longer present. Sectigo
would then decide whether to take any remedial action with regard to Certificates already
8.6. Communication of results
The audit requires that Sectigo make the Audit Report available to the public no later than 3
months after of the audit period. Sectigo is not required to make publicly available any general
audit finding that does not impact the overall audit opinion.
8.7. Self Audits
Sectigo performs regular self audits and audits of Registration Authorities in accordance with
Section 8.7 of the BR.
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9.1. Fees
Sectigo charges Subscriber fees for some of the Certificate services it offers. Sectigo retains its
right to effectuate changes to such fees. Sectigo partners will be advised of price amendments
as detailed in their respective agreements.
9.1.1. Certificate issuance or renewal fees
Sectigo is entitled to charge Subscribers for the issuance, management, and renewal of
Certificates. In most circumstances, applicable Certificate fees will be delineated in the
Subscriber Agreement between Sectigo and Subscriber.
9.1.2. Certificate access fees
Sectigo SHALL not charge a fee as a condition of making a Certificate available in a repository or
otherwise making Certificates available to Relying Parties, but MAY charge a reasonable fee for
access to its Certificate databases.
9.1.3. Revocation or status information access fees
Sectigo does not charge fees for the revocation of a Certificate or for a Relying Party to check
the validity status of a Sectigo-issued Certificate using CRLs.
9.1.4. Fees for other services
No stipulation.
9.1.5. Refund policy
No stipulation. MAY be specified in the CPS.
9.2. Financial responsibility
9.2.1. Insurance coverage
Sectigo maintains professional Errors and Omissions Insurance.
9.2.2. Other assets
No stipulation.
9.2.3. Insurance or extended warranty coverage
No stipulation. MAY be specified in the CPS.
9.3. Confidentiality of business information
Sectigo observes applicable rules on the protection of personal data deemed by law or by
Sectigo’s privacy policy (see section 9.4.1 of this CP) to be confidential.
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9.3.1. Scope of confidential information
Sectigo keeps the following types of information confidential and maintains reasonable controls
to prevent the exposure of such records to non-trusted personnel.
Subscriber Agreements.
Certificate application records and documentation submitted in support of Certificate
applications whether successful or rejected.
Transaction records and financial audit records.
External or internal audit trail records and reports, except for WebTrust audit reports
that MAY be published at the discretion of Sectigo.
Private Keys
Contingency plans and disaster recovery plans.
Internal tracks and records on the operations of Sectigo infrastructure, Certificate
management and enrolment services and data.
9.3.2. Information not within the scope of confidential information
Subscribers acknowledge that revocation data of all Certificates issued by Sectigo is public
information and is published every 24 hours. Subscriber application data marked as “Public” in
the relevant Subscriber Agreement or submitted as part of a Certificate application to be
published within an issued Certificate, is not considered confidential information.
9.3.3. Responsibility to protect confidential information
All personnel in trusted positions handle all confidential information in strict confidence.
Personnel of RA/LRAs especially MUST comply with the requirements of the English law on the
protection of personal data.
9.4. Privacy of personal information
9.4.1. Privacy plan
Sectigo has implemented adequate privacy safeguards and protections, and follows its
published Privacy Policy, which complies with this CP and applicable law.
9.4.2. Information treated as private
See Privacy Policy. Additionally, personal information obtained from an Applicant during the
application or identity verification process is considered private information if the information
is not included in the Certificate and if the information is not public information.
9.4.3. Information not deemed private
In addition to the information not deemed private in the Privacy Policy, information made
public in a Certificate, CRL, or OCSP is not deemed private.
9.4.4. Responsibility to protect private information
Sectigo participants are expected to handle private information with care, and in compliance
with local privacy laws in the relevant jurisdiction.
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9.4.5. Notice and consent to use private information
Sectigo provides notices to Applicants and Subscribers about Sectigo’s use of private
information through its Privacy Policy. Sectigo also provides notices to Applicants and
Subscribers about Sectigo’s use of private information at the time such information is collected.
Sectigo will obtain an Applicant’s, or Subscriber’s, consent to use private information as
required by applicable laws or regulations.
9.4.6. Disclosure pursuant to judicial or administrative process
Sectigo’s disclosure of information pursuant to judicial or administrative process is stated in the
Privacy Policy. Sectigo reserves the right to disclose information if Sectigo reasonably believes
that disclosure is required by law or regulation, or disclosure is necessary in response to
judicial, administrative, or other legal process.
9.4.7. Other information disclosure circumstances
No stipulation.
9.5. Intellectual property rights
Sectigo, or its subsidiaries, affiliates, licensors, or associates, own all intellectual property rights
in Sectigo’s services, including databases, web sites, Sectigo Certificates and any other
publication originating from Sectigo, including this CP.
9.6. Representations and warranties
9.6.1. CA representations and warranties
Sectigo makes certain representations regarding Certificate services performed pursuant to this
CP, as described below. Sectigo reserves its right to modify such representations as it sees fit or
required by law.
Except as expressly stated in this CP or in a separate agreement with Subscriber, to the extent
specified in the relevant sections of the CP, Sectigo represents to:
Comply with this CP and its internal or published policies and procedures.
Comply with applicable laws and regulations.
Provide infrastructure and certification services, including but not limited to the
establishment and operation of the Sectigo Repository and web site for the operation of
PKI services.
Provide trust mechanisms, including a key generation mechanism, key protection, and
secret sharing procedures regarding its own infrastructure.
Provide prompt notice in case of compromise of its Private Key(s).
Provide and validate application procedures for the various types of Certificates that it
MAY make available.
Issue Certificates in accordance with this CP and fulfill its obligations presented herein.
Upon receipt of a request from an RA operating within the Sectigo network, act
promptly to issue a Certificate in accordance with this CP.
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Upon receipt of a request for revocation from an RA operating within the Sectigo
network, act promptly to revoke a Sectigo Certificate in accordance with this CP.
Publish accepted Certificates in accordance with this CP.
Revoke Certificates in accordance with this CP.
Provide for the expiration and renewal of Certificates in accordance with this CP.
As the Sectigo network includes RAs that operate under Sectigo practices and procedures,
Sectigo warrants the integrity of any Certificate issued under its own root within the limits of
the Sectigo insurance policies and in accordance with this CP.
The Subscriber acknowledges that Sectigo has no further obligations under this CP.
9.6.2. RA representations and warranties
Sectigo’s RAs operate under the policies and practices detailed in this CP and also the
associated agreement. The RA is bound under contract to:
Receive applications for Sectigo Certificates in accordance with this CP.
Perform all verification actions prescribed by the Sectigo validation procedures and this
Receive, verify, and relay to Sectigo all requests for revocation of a Sectigo Certificate in
accordance with the Sectigo revocation procedures and this CP.
Abide by all laws, rules and regulations applicable to performance of their duties as an
9.6.3. Subscriber representations and warranties
Subscribers represent and warrant that when submitting to Sectigo and using a domain and
distinguished name (and all other Certificate application information) they do not interfere with
or infringe any rights of any third parties in any jurisdiction with respect to their trademarks,
service marks, trade names, company names, or any other intellectual property right, and that
they are not seeking to use the domain and distinguished names for any unlawful purpose,
including, without limitation, tortious interference with contract or prospective business
advantage, unfair competition, injuring the reputation of another, and confusing or misleading
a person, whether natural or incorporated.
Upon accepting a Certificate, the Subscriber represents to Sectigo and to relying parties that at
the time of acceptance and until further notice:
provide accurate and complete information at all times to Sectigo in the Certificate
request and as otherwise requested in connection with the issuance of Certificates;
install and use each Certificate 1) only on domains owned or controlled by Subscriber
and 2) only on the server(s) accessible at the domain name listed in the Certificate if the
Certificate is a server Certificate;
use the Certificates only for the purposes listed in this CP;
Latest Revision: November 11, 2022
review and verify the accuracy of the data in each Certificate prior to installing and using
the Certificate, and immediately inform Sectigo if any data listed in a Certificate changes
or ceases to be accurate;
be responsible, at Subscriber’s expense, for 1) all computers, telecommunication
equipment, software, access to the Internet, and communications networks (if any)
required to use the Certificates, 2) Subscriber’s conduct and its website maintenance,
operation, development, and content;
promptly inform Sectigo if Subscriber becomes aware of any misuse of the Certificates
and assist Sectigo in preventing, curing, and rectifying any misuse;
take all reasonable measures to assure control of, keep confidential, and properly
protect at all times the Private Key that corresponds to the Public Key to be included in a
immediately cease using a Certificate and the related Private Key and request
revocation of the Certificate if 1) any information in the Certificate is or becomes
incorrect or inaccurate, or 2) there is any actual or suspected misuse or compromise of
the Private Key associated with the Certificate;
cease all use of the Certificate and its Private Key upon expiration or revocation of the
comply with all regulations, policies, and procedures of its networks while using
obtain and keep in force any consent, authorization, permission or license that MAY be
required for Subscriber’s lawful use of the Certificates; and
abide by all applicable laws, rules, regulations, and guidelines when using a Certificate.
The Subscriber retains control of the Private Key, uses a trustworthy system, and takes
reasonable precautions to prevent its loss, disclosure, modification, or unauthorized
The Subscriber is an end-user Subscriber and not a CA, and will not use the Private Key
corresponding to any Public Key listed in the Certificate for purposes of signing any
Certificate (or any other format of certified Public Key) or CRL, as a CA or otherwise,
unless expressly agreed in writing between Subscriber and Sectigo.
In all cases and for all types of Sectigo Certificates the Subscriber has a continuous obligation to
monitor the accuracy of the submitted information and notify Sectigo of any such changes.
9.6.4. Relying party representations and warranties
A party relying on a Sectigo Certificate accepts and acknowledges that in order to reasonably
rely on a Sectigo Certificate, such party must:
Minimize the risk of relying on a digital signature created by an invalid, revoked, expired
or rejected Certificate; the Relying Party MUST have reasonably made the effort to
acquire sufficient knowledge on using Certificates and PKI.
Not use a Certificate, or rely upon a Certificate, as control equipment in hazardous
circumstances or circumstances requiring fail-safe performance such as the operation of
nuclear facilities, aircraft navigation or communication systems, air traffic control
Latest Revision: November 11, 2022
systems, weapon control systems, or where failure could lead directly to death, personal
injury, or severe environment damage, each of which is an unauthorized use of a
Certificate and for which a Certificate is neither designed nor intended.
Study the limitations to the usage of Certificates and be aware through the Relying Party
agreement the maximum value of the transactions that can be made using a Sectigo
Read and agree with the terms of the Sectigo CP and Relying Party agreement.
Verify a Sectigo Certificate by referring to the relevant CRL and the CRLs of intermediate
CA and root CA or by checking the OCSP response using the Sectigo OCSP responder.
Trust a Certificate only if it is valid and has not been revoked or has expired.
Rely on a Certificate, only as MAY be reasonable under the circumstances listed in this
section and other relevant sections of this CP.
9.6.5. Representations and warranties of other participants
No Stipulation.
9.7. Disclaimers of warranties
9.7.1. Fitness for a Particular Purpose
Sectigo disclaims all warranties and obligations of any type, including any warranty of fitness for
a particular purpose, and any warranty of the accuracy of unverified information provided, save
as contained herein and as cannot be excluded at law.
9.7.2. Other Warranties
Except as it MAY have otherwise been stated in relation to Qualified Certificates issued
pursuant to the requirements of the eIDAS Regulation 910/2014 Sectigo does not warrant:
The accuracy, authenticity, completeness or fitness of any unverified information
contained in Certificates or otherwise compiled, published, or disseminated by or on
behalf of Sectigo except as it MAY be stated in the relevant product description below in
this CP and in the Sectigo insurance policy.
The accuracy, authenticity, completeness or fitness of any information contained in
Sectigo Personal Certificates class 1, free, trial or demo Certificates.
In addition, SHALL NOT incur liability for representations of information contained in a
Certificate except as it MAY be stated in the relevant product description in this CP.
Does not warrant the quality, functions or performance of any software or hardware
Although Sectigo is responsible for the revocation of a Certificate, it cannot be held
liable if it cannot execute it for reasons outside its own control.
The validity, completeness or availability of directories of Certificates issued by a third
party (including an agent) unless specifically stated by Sectigo.
Sectigo assumes that user software that is claimed to be compliant with X.509v3 and other
applicable standards enforces the requirements set out in this CP. Sectigo cannot warrant that
Latest Revision: November 11, 2022
such user software will support and enforce controls required by Sectigo, whilst the user
SHOULD seek appropriate advice.
9.8. Limitations of liability
Sectigo Certificates MAY include a brief statement describing limitations of liability, limitations
in the value of transactions to be accomplished, validation period, and intended purpose of the
Certificate and disclaimers of warranty that MAY apply. Subscribers MUST agree to Sectigo
Terms & Conditions, or a Subscriber Agreement, before signing-up for a Certificate. To
communicate information Sectigo MAY use:
An organizational unit attribute.
A Sectigo standard resource qualifier to a Certificate policy.
Proprietary or other vendors’ registered extensions.
9.8.1. Damage and Loss Limitations
In no event (except for fraud or willful misconduct) will the aggregate liability of Sectigo to all
parties including without any limitation a Subscriber, an Applicant, a recipient, or a Relying
Party for all digital signatures and transactions related to such Certificate exceed the cumulative
maximum liability for such Certificate as stated in the Sectigo insurance plan detailed section
9.2.3 of this CP.
9.8.2. Exclusion of Certain Elements of Damages
In no event (except for fraud or willful misconduct) SHALL Sectigo be liable for:
Any indirect, incidental, consequential, or special damages.
Any loss of profits.
Any loss of data.
Any other indirect, consequential or punitive damages arising from or in connection
with the use, delivery, license, performance or non-performance of Certificates or digital
Any other transactions or services offered within the framework of this CP.
Any other damages except for those due to reliance, on the information featured on a
Certificate, on the verified information in a Certificate.
Any liability incurred in this case or any other case if the fault in this verified information
is due to fraud or willful misconduct of the Applicant. Any liability that arises from the
usage of a Certificate that has not been issued or used in conformance with this CP.
Any liability that arises from the usage of a Certificate that is not valid.
Any liability that arises from usage of a Certificate that exceeds the limitations in usage
and value and transactions stated upon it or on the CP.
Any liability that arises from security, usability, integrity of products, including hardware
and software a Subscriber uses.
Any liability that arises from compromise of a Subscriber’s Private Key.
Sectigo does not limit or exclude liability for death or personal injury.
Latest Revision: November 11, 2022
9.9. Indemnities
9.9.1. Indemnification by Sectigo
To the extent permitted by applicable law, Sectigo shall indemnify each Application Software
Vendor against any claim, damage, or loss suffered by an Application Software Vendor related
to a Certificate issued by Sectigo, regardless of the cause of action or legal theory involved,
except where the claim, damage, or loss suffered by the Application Software Vendor was
directly caused by the Application Software Vendor’s software displaying either (1) a valid and
trustworthy Certificate as not valid or trustworthy or (2) displaying as trustworthy (i) a
Certificate that has expired or (ii) a revoked Certificate where the revocation status is available
online but the Application Software Vendor’s software failed to check or ignored the status
9.9.2. Indemnification by Subscriber
By accepting a Certificate, the Subscriber agrees to indemnify and hold Sectigo, as well as its
agent(s) and contractors harmless from any acts or omissions resulting in liability, any loss or
damage, and any suits and expenses of any kind, including reasonable attorneys’ fees, that
Sectigo, and the above mentioned parties MAY incur, that are caused by the use or publication
of a Certificate, and that arises from:
Any false or misrepresented data supplied by the Subscriber or agent(s).
Any failure of the Subscriber to disclose a material fact, if the misrepresentation or
omission was made negligently or with intent to deceive the CA, Sectigo, or any person
receiving or relying on the Certificate.
Failure to protect the Subscriber's confidential data including their Private Key, or failure
to take reasonable precautions necessary to prevent the compromise, loss, disclosure,
modification, or unauthorized use of the Subscriber’s confidential data.
Breaking any laws applicable in his/her country or territory including those related to
intellectual property protection, viruses, accessing computer systems etc.
For Certificates issued at the request of a Subscriber's agent, both the agent and the Subscriber
SHALL jointly and severally indemnify Sectigo, and its agents and contractors.
Although Sectigo will provide all reasonable assistance, a Subscriber SHALL defend, indemnify,
and hold Sectigo harmless for any loss or damage resulting from any such interference or
infringement and SHALL be responsible for defending all actions on behalf of Sectigo.
9.9.3. Indemnification by Relying Parties
To the extent permitted by law, each Relying Party shall indemnify Sectigo, its partners, and any
cross signed entities, and their respective directors, officers, employees, agents, and
contractors against any loss, damage, or expense, including reasonable attorney’s fees, related
to the Relying Party’s (i) breach of the Relying Party Agreement, an End-User License
Agreement, this CP, or applicable law; (ii) unreasonable reliance on a Certificate; or (iii) failure
to check the Certificate’s status prior to use.
Latest Revision: November 11, 2022
9.10. Term and termination
9.10.1. Term
The term of this CP, including amendments and addenda, begins upon publication to the
Repository and remains in effect until replaced with a new CP passed by the Sectigo Policy
9.10.2. Termination
This CP, including all amendments and addenda, remain in force until replaced by a newer
9.10.3. Effect of termination and survival
The following rights, responsibilities, and obligations survive the termination of this CP for
Certificates issued under this CP:
All unpaid fees incurred under section 9.1 of this CP;
All responsibilities and obligations related to confidential information, including those
stated in section 9.3 of this CP;
All responsibilities and obligations to protect private information, including those stated
in section 9.4.4 of this CP;
All representations and warranties, including those stated in section 9.6 of this CP;
All warranties disclaimed in section 9.7 of this CP for Certificates issued during the term
of this CP;
All limitations of liability provided for in section 9.8 of this CP; and
All indemnities provided for in section 9.9 of this CP.
Termination of this CP SHALL NOT affect any Subscriber Agreements executed during the term
of this CP. Upon termination of this CP, all PKI participants are bound by the terms of this CP
for Certificates issued during the term of this CP and for the remainder of the validity periods of
such Certificates.
9.11. Individual notices and communications with participants
Sectigo accepts notices related to this CP by means of digitally signed messages or in paper
form. Upon receipt of a valid, digitally signed acknowledgment of receipt from Sectigo, the
sender of the notice SHALL deem their communication effective. The sender MUST receive such
acknowledgment within five (5) days, or else written notice MUST then be sent in paper form
through a courier service that confirms delivery or via certified or registered mail, postage
prepaid, return receipt requested, addressed as follows:
Sectigo Policy Authority
3rd Floor, 26 Exchange Quay, Trafford Road
Salford, Greater Manchester, M5 3EQ, United Kingdom
Latest Revision: November 11, 2022
Attention: Legal Practices
9.12. Amendments
Upon the Sectigo Policy Authority accepting such changes it deems to have significant impact
on the users of this CP, Sectigo will, with seven (7) days’ notice given of upcoming changes,
communicate the updated version of this CP to applicable users via registered mail, email,
publishing in the Sectigo repository, or otherwise. An updated version of this CP will be
denoted by a suitable incremental version numbering used to identify new version.
Revisions not denoted “significant” are those deemed by the Sectigo Policy Authority to have
minimal or no impact on Subscribers and Relying Parties using Certificates and CRLs issued by
Sectigo. Such revisions MAY be made without notice to users of the CP and without changing
the version number of this CP.
Controls are in place to reasonably ensure that the Sectigo CP is not amended and published
without the prior authorization of the Sectigo Policy Authority.
9.12.1. Procedure for amendment
An amendment to this CP is made by the Sectigo Policy Authority. The Sectigo Policy Authority
will approve amendments to this CP, and Sectigo will publish amendments in the Repository.
Amendments can be an update, revision, or modification to this CP document, and can be
detailed in this CP or in a separate document. Additionally, amendments supersede any
designated or conflicting provisions of the amended version of the CP.
9.12.2. Notification mechanism and period
Sectigo provides notice of an amendment to the CP by posting it to the Repository.
Amendments become effective on the date provided in the document, when an amendment is
written in a separate document, or on the date provided in this CP, when written in this
Sectigo does not guarantee or establish a notice and comment period.
9.12.3. Circumstances under which OID MUST be changed
The Sectigo Policy Authority has the sole authority to determine whether an amendment to the
CP requires an OID change.
9.13. Dispute resolution provisions
Before resorting to any dispute resolution mechanism including adjudication or any type of
Alternative Dispute Resolution (including without exception mini-trial, arbitration, binding
expert’s advice, co-operation monitoring and normal expert’s advice) all parties agree to notify
Sectigo of the dispute with a view to seek dispute resolution.
Latest Revision: November 11, 2022
9.14. Governing law, Interpretation, and Jurisdiction
9.14.1. Governing Law
This CP is governed by, and construed in accordance with, English law. This choice of law is
made to ensure uniform interpretation of this CP, regardless of the place of residence or place
of use of Sectigo Certificates or other products and services. English law applies in all Sectigo
commercial or contractual relationships in which this CP MAY apply or quoted implicitly or
explicitly in relation to Sectigo products and services where Sectigo acts as a provider, supplier,
beneficiary receiver or otherwise.
9.14.2. Interpretation
This CP SHALL be interpreted consistently within the boundaries of business customs,
commercial reasonableness under the circumstances and intended usage of a product or
service. In interpreting this CP, parties SHALL also take into account the international scope and
application of the services and products of Sectigo and its international network of RAs as well
as the principle of good faith as it is applied in commercial transactions.
The headings, subheadings, and other captions in this CP are intended for convenience and
reference only and SHALL NOT be used in interpreting, construing, or enforcing any of the
provisions of this CP.
Appendices and definitions to this CP are for all purposes an integral and binding part of the CP.
9.14.3. Jurisdiction
Each party, including Sectigo partners, Subscribers, and Relying Parties, irrevocably agrees that
the courts of England and Wales have exclusive jurisdiction to hear and decide any suit, action
or proceedings, and to settle any disputes, which MAY arise out of or in connection with this CP
or the provision of Sectigo PKI services.
9.15. Compliance with applicable law
This CP is subject to applicable national, state, local and foreign laws, rules, regulations,
ordinances, decrees, and orders, including, but not limited to, restrictions on exporting or
importing software, hardware, or technical information. In delivering its PKI services Sectigo
complies in all material respects with high-level international standards and the relevant law on
electronic signatures and all other relevant legislation and regulation.
9.16. Miscellaneous provisions
9.16.1. Entire agreement
This CP and all documents referred to herein constitute the entire agreement between the
parties, superseding all other agreements that MAY exist with respect to the subject matter.
Section headings are for reference and convenience only and are not part of the interpretation
of this agreement.
Latest Revision: November 11, 2022
9.16.2. Assignment
This CP SHALL be binding upon the successors, executors, heirs, representatives,
administrators, and assigns, whether express, implied, or apparent, of the parties. The rights
and obligations detailed in this CP are assignable by the parties, by operation of law (including
as a result of merger or a transfer of a controlling interest in voting securities) or otherwise,
provided such assignment is undertaken consistent with this CP articles on termination or
cessation of operations, and provided that such assignment does not effect a novation of any
other debts or obligations the assigning party owes to other parties at the time of such
9.16.3. Severability
If any provision of this CP or the application thereof, is for any reason and to any extent found
to be invalid or unenforceable, the remainder of this CP (and the application of the invalid or
unenforceable provision to other persons or circumstances) SHALL be interpreted in such
manner as to affect the original intention of the parties.
Each and every provision of this CP that provides for a limitation of liability, disclaimer of or
limitation upon any warranties or other obligations, or exclusion of damages is intended to be
severable and independent of any other provision and is to be enforced as such.
9.16.4. Enforcement (attorneys' fees and waiver of rights)
This CP SHALL be enforced as a whole, whilst failure by any person to enforce any provision of
this CP SHALL NOT be deemed a waiver of future enforcement of that or any other provision.
9.16.5. Force Majeure
Neither Sectigo nor any independent third-party RA operating under a Sectigo Certification
Authority, nor any Resellers, Co-marketers, nor any subcontractors, distributors, agents,
suppliers, employees, or directors of any of the forgoing SHALL be in default hereunder or liable
for any losses, costs, expenses, liabilities, damages, claims, or settlement amounts arising out of
or related to delays in performance or from failure to perform or comply with the terms of the
Sectigo CP, any Subscription Agreement, or any Relying Party Agreement due to any causes
beyond its reasonable control, which causes include acts of God or the public enemy, riots and
insurrections, war, accidents, fire, strikes and other labor difficulties (whether or not Sectigo is
in a position to concede to such demands), embargoes, judicial action, failure or default of any
superior certification authority, lack of or inability to obtain export permits or approvals,
necessary labor materials, energy, utilities, components or machinery, acts of civil or military
9.16.6. Conflict of Rules
When this CP conflicts with other rules, guidelines, or contracts, this CP SHALL prevail and bind
the Subscriber and other parties except as to other contracts either:
Predating the first public release of the present version of this CP.
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Expressly superseding this CP for which such contract SHALL govern as to the parties
thereto, and to the extent permitted by law.
9.17. Other provisions
9.17.1. Subscriber Liability to Relying Parties
Without limiting other Subscriber obligations stated in this CP, Subscribers are liable for any
misrepresentations they make in Certificates to third parties that reasonably rely on the
representations contained therein and have verified one or more digital signatures with the
9.17.2. Duty to Monitor Agents
The Subscriber SHALL control and be responsible for the data that an agent supplies to Sectigo.
The Subscriber MUST promptly notify the issuer of any misrepresentations and omissions made
by an agent. The duty of this article is continuous.
9.17.3. Ownership
Certificates are the property of Sectigo. Sectigo gives permission to reproduce and distribute
Certificates on a nonexclusive, royalty-free basis, provided that they are reproduced and
distributed in full. Sectigo reserves the right to revoke the Certificate at any time. Private and
Public Keys are property of the Subscribers who rightfully issue and hold them. All secret shares
(distributed elements) of the Sectigo Private Key remain the property of Sectigo.
9.17.4. Interference with Sectigo Implementation
Subscribers, Relying Parties, and any other parties SHALL NOT interfere with, or reverse
engineer the technical implementation of Sectigo PKI services including the key generation
process, the public web site and the Sectigo repositories except as explicitly permitted by this
CP or upon prior written approval of Sectigo. Failure to comply with this as a Subscriber will
result in the revocation of the Subscriber's Certificate without further notice to the Subscriber
and the Subscriber SHALL pay any charges payable but that have not yet been paid under the
agreement. Failure to comply with this as a Relying Party will result in the termination of the
agreement with the Relying Party, the removal of permission to use or access the Sectigo
repository and any Certificate or Service provided by Sectigo.
9.17.5. Choice of Cryptographic Method
Parties are solely responsible for having exercised independent judgment and employed
adequate training in choosing security software, hardware, and encryption/digital signature
algorithms, including their respective parameters, procedures, and techniques as well as PKI as
a solution to their security requirements.
9.17.6. Sectigo Partnerships Limitations
Partners of the Sectigo network SHALL NOT undertake any actions that might imperil, put in
doubt or reduce the trust associated with the Sectigo products and services. Sectigo partners
SHALL specifically refrain from seeking partnerships with other root authorities or apply
Latest Revision: November 11, 2022
procedures originating from such authorities. Failure to comply with this will result in the
termination of the agreement with the Relying Party, the removal of permission to use or
access the Sectigo repository and any Digital Certificate or Service provided by Sectigo.
9.17.7. Subscriber Obligations
Unless otherwise stated in this CP, Subscribers SHALL exclusively be responsible:
To minimize internal risk of Private Key compromise by ensuring adequate knowledge
and training on PKI is provided internally.
To generate their own Private / Public Key pair to be used in association with the
Certificate request submitted to Sectigo or a Sectigo RA.
Ensure that the Public Key submitted to Sectigo or a Sectigo RA corresponds with the
Private Key used.
Ensure that the Public Key submitted to Sectigo or a Sectigo RA is the correct one.
Provide correct and accurate information in its communications with Sectigo or a
Sectigo RA.
Alert Sectigo or a Sectigo RA if at any stage whilst the Certificate is valid, any
information originally submitted has changed since it had been submitted to Sectigo.
Generate a new, secure key pair to be used in association with a Certificate that it
requests from Sectigo or a Sectigo RA.
Read, understand and agree with all terms and conditions in this Sectigo CP and
associated policies published in the Sectigo Repository
Refrain from tampering with a Sectigo Certificate.
Use Sectigo Certificates for legal and authorized purposes in accordance with the
suggested usages and practices in this CP.
Cease using a Sectigo Certificate if any information in it becomes misleading obsolete or
Cease using a Sectigo Certificate if such Certificate is expired and remove it from any
applications and/or devices it has been installed on.
Refrain from using the Subscriber’s Private Key corresponding to the Public Key in a
Sectigo issued Certificate to issue end-entity Certificates or subordinate CAs.
Make reasonable efforts to prevent the compromise, loss, disclosure, modification, or
otherwise unauthorized use of the Private Key corresponding to the Public Key
published in a Sectigo Certificate.
Request the revocation of a Certificate in case of an occurrence that materially affects
the integrity of a Sectigo Certificate.
For acts and omissions of partners and agents, they use to generate, retain, escrow, or
destroy their Private Keys.
Latest Revision: November 11, 2022
Appendix A: ChangeLog
Change Description
Create new CP
Add ChangeLog
Fix various minor errors throughout document
Slight modification to HSM requirements in 6.1.1 and 6.1.6
Change physical requirement from 5 tier to 4 tier in Section
5.1 and clarified application to HSM mode.
Fixed an error in 6.2.10
Certificate Policy Authority has been renamed to Policy
Some clarifications and typos throughout the document
Update of sections 1.6.1 and 1.6.2 pointing to the CPS
Specify the 398 days for reuse of domain or IP validation
Update the CRL and OCSP frequency issuance
Update the publication of the audit report timeframe
Update the audit logging storage
Update some incorrect links in sections 3.4, 6.2.5 and 9.8.1
Removed section 9.17.3 entirely
Updated some section titles: 3.2.2, 4.9.12, 6.2.2 and 9.2.3
Clarifying in section 4.9.7 the CRL issuance frequency
Updated sections 2.1 and 2.4 with minor changes
Update section 3.4 pointing to the updated CPS
Clarification on section 4.8 regarding the revocation of the
replaced certificate
Updated section 4.9.1 regarding weak keys
Updated section 4.9.7 adding the 10 days for subscriber certs
Updated section 4.9.10 for OCSP
Updated section 5.3.3 with the training records
Updated section 5.4.1 and 5.5.2
More detail in section 6.2.6
Updated section 6.5.1 with the MFA
Updated section 9.9.1 adding Sectigo and third parties
Updated section 4.9.1 pointing to the CPS revocation
Updated section 9.6.2