October 8, 2018
1-50 ............................................................................................................. 1
1. Fair Employment ..................................................................................... 5
1. Preparation of Plan .................................................................................. 5
2. Allocation of Positions ............................................................................ 5
3. New Classifications/Positions ................................................................. 5
4. Reclassification ....................................................................................... 5
1. Compensation Policy .............................................................................. 6
2. Five Step Salary Range Plan ................................................................... 6
3. Management Employees ......................................................................... 7
4. Temporary Employees ............................................................................ 7
5. Performance Evaluations ........................................................................ 7
1. Job Announcements ................................................................................ 8
2. Filing of Application ............................................................................... 8
3. Disqualification ....................................................................................... 9
4. Nepotism ................................................................................................. 9
1. Nature and Types of Examination ........................................................ 10
2. Promotional Recruitment ...................................................................... 10
3. Continuous Examination ....................................................................... 10
4. Conduct of Examination ....................................................................... 10
5. Scoring Examinations and Qualifying Scores....................................... 10
6. Notification of Examination Results and Review of Papers ................. 10
7. Time Off to Take Examinations ........................................................... 10
8. Examination Security ............................................................................ 11
9. Veterans Preference Points ................................................................... 11
1. Employment Lists ................................................................................. 12
2. Duration of Lists ................................................................................... 12
3. Re-employment Lists ............................................................................ 12
4. Removal of Names From List ............................................................... 12
1. Types of Appointment .......................................................................... 12
2. Certification of Eligibles ....................................................................... 12
3. Appointment ......................................................................................... 13
4. Oath ....................................................................................................... 13
1. Probationary Period ............................................................................... 13
2. Objective of Probationary Period .......................................................... 14
3. Rejection of Probationer ....................................................................... 14
4. Rejection Following Promotional Probation ........................................ 14
1. Annual Vacation Leave ......................................................................... 14
2. Sick Leave ............................................................................................. 14
3. Family and Medical Leave .................................................................... 14
4. Military Leave ....................................................................................... 14
5. Leave of Absence Without Pay ............................................................. 14
6. Jury Leave ............................................................................................. 15
7. Bereavement Leave ............................................................................... 15
8. Attendance ............................................................................................ 15
9. Holidays ................................................................................................ 15
1. Transfer ................................................................................................. 15
2. Promotion .............................................................................................. 15
3. Lay-Off .................................................................................................. 16
4. Resignation ........................................................................................... 16
5. Reinstatement ........................................................................................ 16
6. Separation ............................................................................................. 16
1. Authority to Impose Discipline ............................................................. 16
2. Causes for Disciplinary Action ............................................................. 16
3. Applicability.......................................................................................... 18
4. Suspension or Relief of Duty ................................................................ 18
5. Notice of Proposed Discipline .............................................................. 18
6. Employee Response .............................................................................. 18
7. Imposing Discipline .............................................................................. 19
8. Procedures for Appeal of Disciplinary Action ...................................... 19
9. Effect of Disciplinary Actions .............................................................. 20
10. Management and Exempt Employees ................................................. 20
1. Purpose of Rule ..................................................................................... 20
2. Matters Subject to Grievance Procedure ............................................... 21
3. Form of Grievance ................................................................................ 21
4. Grievance Procedure - Department Level ............................................. 21
5. Department Head Review ..................................................................... 21
6. City Manager Review ........................................................................... 21
7. Extension of Time Limit ....................................................................... 22
1. Memoranda of Understanding .............................................................. 22
2. Peace Officers’ Bill of Rights ............................................................... 22
3. Firefighters Procedural Bill of Rights ................................................... 22
The following terms, whenever used in these rules, shall be defined as follows:
1. "Advancement": A salary increase within the limits of a pay range established for a class.
2. "Allocation": The assignment of a single position to its proper class in accordance with the
duties performed, and the authority and responsibilities exercised.
3. "Appointing Authority": The City Manager, pursuant to the authority delegated by the City
Council, or designee.
4. “At Will Status”: The status of an employee who is appointed to a position which serves at
the will of the appointing authority or the City Council. At will employees may be
terminated at any time, with or without cause, or with or without advance notice. Such
employees do not have appeal rights upon termination and are not subject to a probationary
5. "Class": All positions sufficiently similar in duties, authority, and responsibility, to permit
grouping under a common title and the application of common standards of selection,
transfer, promotion and salary.
6. “Class Specification”: The official description of a class that includes the title, a definition, a
statement of duties and responsibilities and the employment standards such as education,
experience, knowledge and skills.
7. “Classification Plan”: The arrangement of positions in classes, together with the title and
specifications describing each class.
8. "Competitive Service": A grouping of positions that have an established set of duties and
requirements as outlined in published classification specifications that are filled through
competitive examination. Positions that are not considered to be part of competitive service
are identified in the Clovis Municipal Code.
9. “Continuous Employment”: A period of time which begins with the date of hire and ends
with the effective date of termination/resignation without a break in service. A break in
service shall include an extended absence from employment, except as otherwise prohibited
or defined by law.
10. “Confidential Employee”: Means an employee who, in the course of his or her duties, has
access to confidential information relating to the City’s formulation of financial, personnel,
labor relations and administrative policies.
11. Continuous Examination: An open-competitive examination which is administered
periodically and as a result of which names are placed on an employment list, in order of
final scores, for a period of no more than one year.
12. Day: Is defined and used as calendar day throughout this document unless otherwise
13. "Demotion": The movement of an employee from one class to another class having a lower
maximum rate of pay.
14. "Eligible": A person whose name is on an employment list and who has submitted a job
application, been deemed qualified and successfully completed the examination process
according to the terms of the examination announcement.
15. “Employee”: A person employed by the City, excluding persons elected to office, volunteers
or those appointed to serve on boards, commissions, or committees by the Mayor or Council.
16. “Employee Status”: The condition of a person’s present appointment such as probationary,
regular, promotional probationary, transfer probationary, at will, or extra help. Employees
may work on a full or part time-basis.
17. "Employment List": A list of names of persons who have taken a competitive examination
for a class in the competitive service and have qualified.
18. “Entry Level Position”: A full-time position that is the lowest non-management position in a
class as identified in the attached management list of entry level positions.
19. “Exempt Employee”: An employee who meets one or more of the duties test exemption from
overtime under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) (e.g., executive, administrative,
professional) and who is paid on a salary basis.
20. “Extra Help Employee”: An employee who is hired usually for an indeterminate period of
time that maybe limited in duration and is classified as an intern, provisional or temporary
worker. Extra help employees possess at will employment status, have no right to appeal
upon termination, and are only paid for hours worked.
21. “Extra Help Position”: Positions not specifically allocated as a position by City Council in
the budget, but is budgeted and paid for through the respective Department’s Extra Help
Budget. Extra Help Positions are temporary in nature and are at-will positions.
22. “Full Time Position”: A position that normally works forty hours per work week, certain
exceptions may apply in the police and fire departments, or as otherwise allowed by law.
23. "Interim Appointment": An appointment of a person who possesses the minimum
qualifications established for a particular class and who has been appointed to a position in
that class in the absence of available eligibles.
24. “Management Employee”: An employee having responsibility for formulating, administering
or managing the implementation of City policies and programs.
25. “Non-Exempt Employee”: An employee who is entitled to FLSA overtime, regardless of
whether paid on a salary or hourly basis.
26. Open-competitive Examination: An examination for a particular class which is open to all
persons meeting the qualifications for the class.
27. “Part-Time Position”: A position that normally is scheduled for less than 40 hours per week.
28. "Personnel Commission": The Personnel Commission established in the ordinance creating
a personnel system for the City.
29. "Personnel Ordinance": Article 2 of Chapter 2.2 of Title 2 of the Clovis Municipal Code
which creates a personnel system for the City.
30. “Personnel Officer”: The Personnel Officer is the City Manager or designee.
31. “Position”: As authorized by the City Council, usually in conjunction with the adoption of a
budget or budget amendment, a combination of duties and responsibilities requiring the full,
part-time or temporary services of an employee.
32. "Probationary Period": The final phase of the selection process that is used by the
Appointing Authority for the evaluation and effective adjustment of an employee. The usual
duration of a probationary period is twelve months. This period must be completed
satisfactorily before an employee is granted regular status in the assigned classification.
Probationary employees can be released before completing the probationary period and the
Appointing Authority may grant an extension of the probationary period. Personnel Actions
subject to a probationary period of one year are appointment to a regular position,
competitive promotion, reemployment, transfer to a different classification, or other change
of classification where the employee has not previously completed a probationary period.
33. “Probationary Status”: The status of an employee who is appointed to a regular position and
who has not completed the required probationary period. An employee on probationary
status serves at the pleasure of the Appointing Authority and has no appeal rights on
34. "Promotion": The movement of an employee from one class to another class having a higher
maximum rate of pay.
35. Promotional Examination: An examination for a particular class open only to current
36. “Promotional Probationary Status”: The status of an employee who has been appointed to a
regular position who has completed an initial probationary period but is now in the process of
completing a new probationary period due to a promotion within City service.
37. “Regular Position”: A position authorized by the City Council in the budget or by resolution
as a regular position and is paid from the regular salaries line item of the budget.
38. “Regular Status”: The status of an employee appointed to a regular position who has
completed the required probationary period.
39. “Reinstatement": The re-employment without examination of a former permanent or
probationary employee.
40. “Resignation”: The voluntary action of an employee who separates from City employment.
Typically, resignations are submitted in writing. Employees who do not provide at least two
weeks’ notice may be ineligible for reemployment. After a resignation has been accepted it
may not be withdrawn without the approval of the City Manager.
41. “Supervisory Employee”: An employee who participates in recommendations regarding
hiring, transfers, suspensions, layoffs, recall, promotions, discharges, assignments, rewards,
or disciplining other employees, or responsibility to direct them, or to adjust their grievances,
or to recommend such action if, in connection with the foregoing, the exercise of such
authority is not of a merely routine or clerical nature, but requires the use of independent
42. "Suspension": The temporary separation from the service of an employee without pay, for
disciplinary purposes.
43. “Temporary Assignment”: The assignment of a regular employee to another position for a
specified period of time which is short in duration and where the employee is expected to
return to their most recently assigned role at the end of the temporary assignment.
44. Temporary Employee: An employee appointed to a position which is not a regular
position and may be either full-time or part-time.
45. “Temporary Status”: The status of an employee who is hired to work temporarily in a
regular, extra-help or temporary position. An employee with temporary status may be
released without cause or advance notice and has no appeal rights upon termination.
Temporary employees are only paid for hours worked.
46. “Termination”: Any involuntary separation, other than layoff, of an employee.
47. "Transfer": A change of an employee from one position to another position in the same class
or in a comparable class.
48. “Transfer Probationary Status”: The status of an employee who has been appointed to a
regular position, completed an initial probationary period and is in the process of completing
another probationary period due to a transfer to another classification with the same
maximum salary.
49. “Vacant Position”: Any position that has been authorized by the City Council and is not
currently filled by an employee.
50. “Volunteer”: An individual who performs work for civic, charitable, or humanitarian
reasons without promise, expectation, or receipt of any compensation for work performed.
1. Fair Employment: The City will not discriminate in its employment practices in regard to
race, color, ancestry, national origin, religious creed, sex, pregnancy or pregnancy related
conditions, including but not limited to childbirth and breastfeeding, sexual orientation,
gender, gender identity, gender expression, age, physical or mental disability, genetic
information, military or veteran status, marital status or political opinion or affiliation.
1. Preparation of Plan: The Personnel Officer, designee, or a person or agency employed for
that purpose, shall ascertain and record the duties, responsibilities and requirements of all
positions in the competitive service and, after consulting with appointing authorities and
Department Heads affected, shall recommend a classification plan for such positions. The
classification plan shall consist of classes of positions in the competitive service defined by
class specifications, including the title. The classification plan shall be so developed and
maintained so that all positions substantially similar with respect to duties, responsibilities,
authority and character of work are included within the same class. The classification plan
shall be adopted and may be amended from time to time by resolution of the City Council.
2. Allocation of Positions: Following the adoption of the classification plan, the Personnel
Officer shall allocate every position in the competitive service to one of the classes
established by the plan.
3. New Classifications/Positions: Notice will be provided to the applicable bargaining unit
when a new classification is created. The notice will advise the unit of the salary range
assignment and the opportunity to meet and confer regarding the salary range assignment
before adoption of the new classification. When a new classification/position is created,
before the same may be filled, the Appointing Authority shall notify the Personnel Officer,
and, except as otherwise provided by Ordinance or these Rules, no person shall be appointed
or employed to fill any such position until the classification plan has been amended and an
appropriate classification specification has been established for such position.
4. Reclassification: Positions, the duties of which have changed materially so as to necessitate
reclassification, shall be allocated by the Personnel Officer to a more appropriate class,
whether new or already created. The applicable bargaining unit will be advised of the
reclassification action. Reclassification shall not be used as a mean to circumvent the
procedures related to demotions and promotions as outlined in these rules.
1. Compensation Policy: The City Council shall, by resolution or Memoranda of
Understanding, establish wage rates or salary schedules for each classification. The City
Manager is responsible for recommending such rates or schedules to the City Council and
may use data from a variety of sources when developing such recommendations.
2. Five Step Salary Range Plan: Regular employees in the competitive service, except for
management employees, shall be placed within a five step salary range as follows:
a. The first step shall be the minimum rate and shall normally be the hiring rate for the
class. In cases where it is difficult to secure qualified personnel, or if a person of
unusual qualifications is engaged, appointment may be made by the Appointing
Authority at the second or third step. Initial appointments above step three must be
authorized by Council action.
b. The second step is an incentive advancement to encourage an employee. An
employee may be advanced to the second step by the Appointing Authority after the
completion of one year of actual, continuous employment, and satisfactory service.
There is no guarantee of advancement to this step after one year of employment.
Advancement to this step must be earned.
c. The third step represents the middle value of the salary range and is the rate at which
a fully qualified, experienced and ordinarily conscientious employee may expect to
be paid after a reasonable period of satisfactory service. The Appointing Authority
may advance an employee to the third step after the completion of not less than one
year of actual, continuous employment, and satisfactory service at the second step of
the salary range. There is no guarantee of advancement to this step after one year of
employment. Advancement to this step must be earned.
d. The fourth step is for an employee whose work is above standard for the
classification/position. The Appointing Authority may advance an employee to the
fourth step at the completion of not less than one year of actual and continuous
employment at the third step and upon satisfactory evidence that the employee's work
is above standard.
e. The fifth step is for an employee whose work is consistently above standard service.
The Appointing Authority may advance an employee to the fifth step after
completion of not less than one year of actual and continuous employment at the
fourth step upon satisfactory evidence that the employee's work has been consistently
above standard.
f. In any case where, by reason of unusual circumstances, rigid adherence to the
foregoing principles relating to salary adjustments would cause a manifest injustice,
the Appointing Authority may make a salary adjustment based upon the unique
qualifications/experience of the employee and the circumstances.
g. Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions of this Section, when an employee is
promoted or reclassified from one class to another having a higher overlapping salary
range, or when a given classification is assigned to a new salary range, such
employee shall be adjusted to the minimum of the new range if the increase is at least
5% or to the next higher rate than that attained in the former position, whichever is
higher, but thereafter shall be governed by this Section; provided, however, that such
adjustment made by assigning a given classification to a new salary range shall not
alter the anniversary date or the eligibility of the employee for consideration for a
regular increase under this Section unless the employee is required to complete a
probationary period in the new classification.
h. Rates of compensation provided for by this Section or Memorandum of
Understanding, unless otherwise shown, are fixed on the basis of dollars per month
for full time service in full-time positions. If any position provided for is by
appropriate language specified or indicated as being for less than full time service,
the rate of compensation provided for such position shall be proportionately reduced.
i. A permanent employee may fill a position in a higher classification on a temporary
basis. While filling the position on a temporary basis the employee shall be paid the
minimum rate of the new pay range of the position being filled temporarily or the
next higher rate above his/her regular salary, whichever is higher. Nothing in this
section will give the employee a right to the higher classification position.
3. Management Employees: The first through third steps are considered entry level dependent
upon experience and qualifications. The fourth step is considered the mid-range representing
a highly qualified and experienced level. The remaining steps require sustained above
standard or better performance for advancement to and maintenance of these levels.
4. Temporary Employees: Temporary employees shall be appointed and compensated in
accordance with administrative directives issued by the City Manager for actual hours
worked. An employee with temporary status may be released without cause or advance
notice and has no appeal rights upon termination. Temporary employees are only paid for
hours worked.
5. Performance Evaluations: It is the responsibility of the immediate supervisor to observe and
evaluate the job performance of assigned staff as well as to provide appropriate orientation to
the job. Failure of the immediate supervisor to conduct an evaluation, could subject the
supervisor to discipline. The purpose of the performance evaluation is to encourage open
communication between the employee and immediate supervisor regarding expectations and
performance, identify opportunities for professional development and establish goals and
objectives for future progress and development.
a. All newly hired and promoted full-time employees will be evaluated after 6 months
of employment. After successful completion of a probationary period, the
performance evaluation is conducted on an annual basis, or more frequently, if
appropriate. The performance evaluation should be conducted prior to the employee’s
anniversary date. The anniversary date is the date of a personnel action, such as
promotion, demotion, transfer to a different class, or reclassification.
1. Job Announcements: All notices for vacant positions in the competitive service shall be
publicized by posting announcements on the City Web page and by such other methods as
the Personnel Officer deems advisable. The announcements shall specify the title and pay of
the class for which the examination is announced; the nature of the work to be performed;
preparation desirable for the performance of the work of the class; the manner of making
application; and other pertinent information.
2. Filing of Application: Application for employment shall be submitted as prescribed on the
job announcement in a form or format acceptable to the Personnel/Risk Management
Division. Unless otherwise specified on recruitment announcements, resumes will not be
accepted in lieu of the required application. Applications will be accepted only during the
posted recruitment filing period for that position.
a. Applications must be completed in full. It is the responsibility of applicants to
demonstrate that they meet the minimum requirements for the position. The
applicants shall certify to the correctness of all statements made on the application.
Knowingly providing false or incorrect information on an application is grounds for
disqualification from the recruitment process and/or immediate discipline, up to and
including termination of employment attained at any time after the application has
been filed.
b. A separate and complete application is required for each recruitment unless otherwise
specified in the job announcement. Applications, whether accepted or rejected, are
the property of the City of Clovis and will not be returned.
c. Applications must be received by the Personnel/Risk Management Division no later
than the closing time of the filing period posted in the job announcement.
d. The application deadline may be extended by the Personnel/Risk Management
Division as circumstances warrant.
3. Disqualification: The Personnel Officer may reject an application which indicates that the
applicant does not possess sufficient qualifications required for the position. If an
application is rejected for failure to meet the minimum qualifications, the applicant can
appeal by contacting the Personnel/Risk Management Division within 3 working days of the
date of notice of rejection. The Personnel Officer, or designee, shall make the final decision
regarding any appeal received. An application may be rejected or the applicant may be
disqualified from the examination if the application is not complete; if the application
indicates facts showing that the applicant is unable to perform the job applied for; if the
applicant uses illegal drugs, or currently uses drugs or alcohol habitually and excessively; if
the applicant has been convicted of a crime that is related to the job applied for and future job
performance; if the applicant has made any false statement of a material fact or practiced any
deception or fraud in an application. Whenever an application is rejected, the Personnel
Officer shall mail or electronically serve notice of the rejection to the applicant. If Applicant
is a qualified individual with a disability and identifies the need to be accommodated for such
disability during the application process or thereafter, the City will engage in the interactive
process and provide reasonable accommodations. However, the Applicant must engage in
the interactive process in good faith with the City or such application may be rejected.
4. Nepotism: In order to ensure that relatives of employees or elected official are not given
preferential employment treatment, minimize the potential for adverse impact on supervision,
safety, security or morale, the following shall apply:
a. No person shall be assigned, appointed, promoted or demoted to a position in any
department in which such person’s relative already holds a position when such
employment would result in any of the following: (1) a regular and reoccurring
supervisor-subordinate relationship; or (2) both employees having the same
immediate supervisor. For the purpose of this Section, a supervisor-subordinate
relationship shall be defined as one in which one person exercises the right to control,
direct, reward or discipline another person by virtue of the duties and responsibilities
assigned to his or her position. For purposes of this section a distinction is made
regarding the length of the supervisor-subordinate relationship to note that an
exception is made for short term acting assignments of a few shifts.
b. For purposes of this Section, "relative" means spouse, registered domestic partner,
child/step, parent/step, grandparent, grandchild, brother/step, sister/step, aunt, uncle,
niece, nephew, parent-in-law, brother-in-law or sister-in-law and legal dependents of
the employee.
c. If a City employee marries another person employed by the City within the same
department, both employees shall be allowed to retain their respective positions
provided that a supervisory relationship does not exist at the time of marriage
between these two positions. During the period of employment, no supervisor
subordinate relationship shall exist between the two employees.
1. Nature and Types of Examination: The selection techniques used in the examination process
shall be impartial, of a practical nature and shall relate to those subjects which, in the opinion
of the Personnel Officer, fairly measure the relative capacities of the persons examined to
execute the duties and responsibilities of the class to which they seek to be appointed.
Examinations shall consist of selection techniques which will test fairly the qualifications of
candidates such as but not necessarily limited to achievement and aptitude tests, other written
tests, personal interviews, performance tests, physical agility tests, evaluation of daily work
performance, work samples, medical tests, or any combination of these or other tests.
2. Promotional Recruitment: Promotional recruitments are limited recruitments. Applicants
must be currently employed with the City in a regular, probationary or contract status.
Temporary and Part-Time employees or those working for the City through an authorized
temporary agency who have been employed on a continuous basis for a minimum of six (6)
consecutive months preceding the final filing date are eligible to apply. Individuals who have
been laid off and whose name is on an active re-employment list are also eligible to apply.
3. Continuous Examination: Open-competitive examinations may be administered periodically
for a single class as the needs of the service require. Names shall be placed on employment
lists, and shall remain on such lists, as prescribed in Rule VII.
4. Conduct of Examination: The Personnel Officer shall administer, delegate or contract with
any competent agency or individual for the preparation and/or administration of
5. Scoring Examinations and Qualifying Scores: A candidate's performance in a given
examination shall be scored on each competitive part of the examination, weighted as shown
in the examination announcement. Failure in one part of the examination may be grounds for
declaring such applicants as failing in the entire examination or as disqualified for
subsequent parts of an examination. The Personnel Officer, may, include as a part of the
examination tests which are qualifying only.
6. Notification of Examination Results and Review of Papers: Each candidate in an
examination shall be given written notice by email communication of the results thereof, and
if successful, of his final earned score on the employment list. Any candidate shall have the
right to inspect their own examination papers within ten (10) working days after the notice of
examination results were emailed, unless the test is copyrighted, in which instance the
employee will have the right to review the score if feasible. Any error in computation, if
called to the attention of the Personnel Officer shall be corrected. Such correction shall not,
however, invalidate any previously made appointments.
7. Time Off to Take Examinations: When employees of the City are candidates for
examinations administered by the City, the employees shall be granted necessary time off
from their normal duties to take such examinations. Time off granted for examination
purposes shall be with pay for probationary or regular status employees. Employees
participating in examinations while off duty are not paid for attendance.
8. Examination Security: Any candidate who receives or gives unauthorized assistance
designed to aid a candidate in the examination process will be disqualified from the
examination and may be barred from future examinations. Examination material shall not be
removed by applicants from the examination area. Photo identification with a signature may
be used as a positive means of identifying applicants.
9. Veterans Preference Points: In any open competitive examination a veteran shall be allowed
an additional credit on the eligibility list after having attained the passing mark(s) established
for the examination. Veterans Preference Points will not be given for positions recruited
through a promotional process.
a. For the purposes of this section, “veteran” shall mean an individual who meets the
eligibility requirements in section 2108 of title 5, United States Code.
b. Five points will be added to the passing examination score or rating of a veteran who
served, during a war; during the period April 28, 1952 through July 1, 1955; for more
than 180 consecutive days, other than for training, any part of which occurred after
January 31, 1955, and before October 15, 1976; during the Gulf War from August 2,
1990, through January 2, 1992; for more than 180 consecutive days, other than for
training, any part of which occurred during the period beginning September 11, 2001,
and ending on the date prescribed by Presidential proclamation or by law as the last
day of Operation Iraqi Freedom; In a campaign or expedition for which a campaign
medal has been authorized. Any Armed Forces Expeditionary medal or campaign
badge, including El Salvador, Lebanon, Grenada, Panama, Southwest Asia, Somalia,
and Haiti, qualifies for preference. A campaign medal holder or Gulf War veteran
who originally enlisted after September 7, 1980, (or began active duty on or after
October 14, 1982, and has not previously completed 24 months of continuous active
duty) must have served continuously for 24 months or the full period called or
ordered to active duty. The 24-month service requirement does not apply to 10-point
preference eligibles separated for disability incurred or aggravated in the line of duty,
or to veterans separated for hardship or other reasons under 10 U.S.C. 1171 or 1173.
c. Ten points will be added to the passing examination score of a veteran who served
any time and who (1) has a present service- connected disability or (2) is receiving
compensation, disability retirement benefits, or pension from the military or the
Department of Veterans Affairs. Individuals who received a Purple Heart qualify as
disabled veterans, an unmarried spouse of certain deceased veterans, a spouse of a
veteran unable to work because of a service-connected disability, and a parent of a
veteran who died in service or who is permanently and totally disabled.
1. Employment Lists: As soon as possible after the completion of an examination, the
Personnel Officer shall prepare and keep available an employment list consisting of the
names of the candidates who qualified in the examination, arranged in order of final scores,
from the highest to the lowest qualifying score.
2. Duration of Lists: Employment lists other than those resulting from a continuous
examination shall remain in effect for one (1) year, unless sooner exhausted, and may be
extended, prior to their expiration dates, by action of the Personnel Officer, but in no event
shall an employment list remain in effect for more than two (2) years. Employment lists
created as the result of continuous examinations shall remain in effect for not more than one
(1) year after the last administration of the examination, unless sooner exhausted. Names
placed on such lists shall be merged with any others already on the list in order of final scores
and shall remain on the list for not more than one year.
3. Re-employment Lists: The names of probationary and regular employees who have been laid
off shall be placed on appropriate re-employment lists in the order of total continuous
cumulative time served in probationary and permanent status. Such names shall remain
thereon for a period of one (1) year unless such persons are sooner re-employed. When a
re-employment list is to be used to fill vacancies, the Personnel Officer shall certify from the
top of such list the number of names equal to the number of vacancies to be filled, and the
appointing authority shall appoint such qualified persons to fill the vacancies.
4. Removal of Names From List: The name of any person appearing on an employment,
re-employment or promotional list shall be removed by the Personnel Officer if the eligible
requests in writing that their name be removed, if the person fails to respond to a notice of
certifications mailed to the last known address, or for any of the reasons specified in the
Disqualification section of Rule V, of these Rules. The names of persons on promotional
employment lists who resign from the service shall automatically be dropped from such lists.
1. Types of Appointment: All vacancies in the competitive service shall be filled by transfer,
demotion, re-employment, reinstatement or from eligibles certified by the Personnel Officer
from an appropriate employment list, if available. In the absence of persons eligible for
appointment in these ways, interim appointments may be made in accordance with the
Personnel Ordinance and these Rules.
2. Certification of Eligibles: If the Appointing Authority does not consider it in the City's best
interest to fill the vacancy by reinstatement, transfer, or demotion, or if it is not possible to
fill the vacancy by re-employment, the Appointing Authority has the ability to fill the
position from an appropriate employment list, provided eligibles are available. When the
Appointing Authority requests a vacancy filled by appointment from a promotional
employment list or from an open employment list, the Personnel Officer has discretion to
certify sufficient numbers of names to fill the vacancies. Whenever there are fewer than
three (3) names of individuals willing to accept appointment on a promotional employment
list or an open employment list, the Appointing Authority may make an appointment from
among such eligibles or may request the Personnel Officer to establish a new list. When so
requested, the Personnel Officer shall hold a new examination and establish a new
employment list.
a. If a promotional or open eligible list is to be used, the Personnel/Risk Management
Division shall determine which score levels from an eligible list are to be referred to
the Appointing Authority. The Personnel/Risk Manager should consider, in making
such determination, the number of vacancies available, the availability of eligible at
various score levels, and other factors specific to the appointment. Whenever
possible, at least the top three (3) available candidates should be certified and
referred to the Appointing Authority for consideration in filling of the vacancy. The
specific number of candidates to be certified shall be determined by the
Personnel/Risk Management Division.
b. In addition to, or in lieu of, a certification of names from an open or promotional
eligible list, the Appointing Authority may request certification of any or all eligible
candidates on rehire, reinstatement, and/or transfer lists.
3. Appointment: After interview and investigation, the Appointing Authority shall make
appointments from among those certified. The person accepting appointment shall appear
before the Personnel Officer, for processing on or before the date of appointment. If the
applicant accepts the appointment and reports for duty within such period of time as the
appointing authority shall prescribe, the applicant shall be deemed appointed; otherwise, the
applicant shall be deemed to have declined the appointment.
4. Oath: No appointment shall be completed until the applicant has subscribed to an oath of
allegiance of affirmation as required by the State Constitution and the Government Code and
such oath or affirmation has been subscribed to in written document constituting the
applicants agreement.
1. Probationary Period: All original and promotional appointments shall be tentative and
subject to a probationary period of not less than one (1) year's actual paid service. The
Appointing Authority may extend the probationary period for not more than an additional six
(6) months. If an employee is on a leave of absence or light duty in another position, due to
medical, personal, or other applicable leave as allowed by law, for 30 calendar days or more,
the employee’s probation will automatically be extended for an equal amount of time as the
leave of absence, in order to allow the fair evaluation of the employee for regular status.
Department heads shall seek approval from the Appointing Authority and notify the
probationer concerned prior to the release from probation or extension of a probationary
2. Objective of Probationary Period: The probationary period shall be regarded as a part of the
selection process and shall be utilized for closely observing the employee's work and for
securing the most effective adjustment of a new employee to his/her position.
3. Rejection of Probationer: During the probationary period, an employee may be released from
employment at any time by the Appointing Authority with or without cause. An employee on
probation does not have a right to appeal the decision to release them from employment.
Notification of release from probation shall be reduced to writing and served on the
probationer and a copy filed with the Personnel Officer.
4. Rejection Following Promotional Probation: An employee rejected during the probationary
period following a promotional appointment shall be reinstated to the position, or a like
position, from which they were promoted, unless otherwise discharged in the manner
provided for by these Rules or the employee’s former or like position has been permanently
1. Annual Vacation Leave: Annual vacation leave shall be provided in accordance with the
respective Memoranda of Understanding and in accordance with administrative policies.
2. Sick Leave: Sick leave shall be granted in accordance with the respective Memoranda of
Understanding and in accordance with administrative policies. A department head may
require, at any time, an employee who reports sick to submit a written statement by a
physician certifying the length of the employee's absence and specific limitations or
restrictions, if any, for the employee. The department head also may require a written
physician’s statement to verify that an employee is able to resume normal duties or may
require an employee to participate in a fitness for duty examination/evaluation as allowed by
law or the Memoranda of Understanding.
3. Family and Medical Leave: Family and medical leave will be administered and granted in
accordance with federal and state law and/or in accordance with administrative policies. It is
the stated practice of the City that employees using family and medical leave and which have
available sick leave, will be required to use such sick leave during the leave period, as
allowed by law.
4. Military Leave: Military leave shall be granted in accordance with the provisions of state and
federal law. All employees entitled to military leave shall give the Appointing Authority an
opportunity within the limits of military regulations to determine when such leave shall be
5. Leave of Absence Without Pay: The City Manager may grant a regular or probationary
employee leave of absence without pay or accrual of seniority, based on the totality of the
circumstances. No such leave shall be granted except upon written request of the employee,
setting forth the reason for the request, and the approval shall be in writing. Upon expiration
of a regularly approved leave or within a reasonable period of time after notice to return to
duty, the employee shall be reinstated in the position held at the time leave was granted.
Failure on the part of an employee on leave to report promptly at its expiration, or within a
reasonable time after notice to return to duty shall be cause for discharge. Any leave of
absence without pay shall be limited to three months, but may be renewed for additional
similar time periods by the City Manager.
6. Jury Leave: Every employee of the City who is called or required to serve as a trial juror
shall be entitled to be absent from their duties with the City during the period of such service
or while necessarily being present in court as a result of such call. Under such
circumstances, employees shall be paid the difference between their full salary and any
payment received by them, except travel pay, for such duty.
7. Bereavement Leave: Bereavement leave shall be granted in accordance with respective
Memoranda of Understanding and in accordance with administrative policies.
8. Attendance: Employees shall be in attendance at their job in accordance with the rules
regarding hours of work, holidays, and leaves. All departments shall keep daily attendance
records of employees, which shall be reported to Payroll on the form and on the dates
specified by the Finance Director.
9. Holidays: The holidays to be observed are set forth in the respective Memoranda of
Understanding and in the administrative policies.
1. Transfer: No person shall be transferred to a position for which they do not possess the
minimum qualifications. The Director or Chief of a Department may request a transfer of a
part-time or temporary employee who has been continuously working for the City for not less
than 1 year, to a full-time entry level position in the same Department, provided the full-time
vacancy is in the same class and has similar job duties. Upon notice to the affected
employee, the Appointing Authority may transfer an employee at any time from one position
to another position in a comparable class. For transfer purposes, a comparable class is one
with the same maximum salary, involves the performance of similar duties and requires
substantially the same basic qualifications. Additional transfer procedures may be found in a
Memorandum of Understanding with a recognized bargaining unit.
2. Promotion: Insofar as consistent with the best interests of the service, vacancies in the
competitive service may be filled by promotion from within the competitive service, after a
promotional examination has been given and a promotional list established. If, in the
discretion of the Personnel Officer, a vacancy in the position could be filled better by an
open-competitive examination instead of promotional examination, then such an examination
shall be arranged.
3. Lay-Off: The Appointing Authority may lay-off an employee in the competitive service
because of material change in duties or organization or shortage of work or funds. At least
ten (10) working days before the effective date of lay-off, the Appointing Authority shall
notify the Personnel Officer of the intended action with reasons therefore, and a statement
certifying whether or not the services of the employee have been satisfactory. A copy of such
notice shall be given the employee affected. Additional layoff procedures may be found in a
Memorandum of Understanding with a recognized bargaining unit.
4. Resignation: An employee wishing to leave the competitive service in good standing shall
file with the Appointing Authority, a written resignation stating the effective date and reasons
for leaving at least two (2) weeks before leaving the service, unless such time limit is waived
by such official. A statement as to the resigned employee's service performance and other
pertinent information shall be forwarded to the Personnel Officer. Failure to give notice as
required by this Rule may be cause for denying future employment by the City. After a
resignation has been accepted, it cannot be withdrawn without the approval of the Personnel
Officer and the City Manager.
5. Reinstatement: With the approval of the Appointing Authority and the Personnel Officer, a
full-time permanent or probationary employee who has resigned with a good record may be
considered for reinstatement within one (1) year from the effective date of resignation to a
vacancy in the same position provided the employee meets all eligibility requirements the
same as any newly hired employee would be required to meet. Upon reinstatement, the
employee, for all purposes, shall be in the status as a new employee without credit for any
purpose for time previously served in the employment of the City.
6. Separation: Separation shall include actions which severs the employment relationship as
outlined in these rules, including but not limited to Rule XI and Rule XII.
1. Authority to Impose Discipline: A department head may take disciplinary action against an
employee under his/her authority for one or more of the causes for discipline specified below.
A department head may delegate to a supervisory employee the authority to impose
disciplinary action up to suspension without pay for up to five (5) days. Disciplinary action
may include, but does not have to include any or all of the following, counseling, verbal
warning, written reprimand, suspension without pay, reduction in pay, demotion, discharge,
or other action as determined by the department head or designee. The City is not required to
follow any progressive discipline process.
2. Causes for Disciplinary Action: Causes for disciplinary action include but are not limited to
the following:
a. Fraud in securing appointment, including falsifying or omitting information on the
employment application.
b. Conviction of a felony or conviction of a misdemeanor involving moral turpitude. A
plea or verdict of guilty, or a conviction following a plea of nolo contendre to a
charge of a felony or any offense involving moral turpitude is deemed to be a
conviction within the meaning of this Section.
c. Consumption of intoxicating beverages, use of controlled substances, or being
intoxicated while on duty or while off duty if such consumption or use affects the
City or an individual's ability to provide service if called.
d. Insubordination, willful disobedience, dishonest, or failure to comply with a City
policy, rule or regulation.
e. Discourteous or offensive conduct or language toward the public or another
f. Other failure of good behavior, either during or outside of duty hours, that bears a
rational relationship to the employee’s employment, which is of such a nature that it:
(1) causes discredit to the City;
(2) causes discredit to the employee’s employment;
(3) impairs or disrupts the employee’s public service;
(4) impairs the employee’s fitness to perform the employee’s duties required by
the position; or
(5) impairs the employee’s fitness for efficient service.
The failure of good behavior need not be publicly known.
g. Inefficiency or incompetence.
h. Inattention to or willful neglect of duty, excessive or repeated tardiness, indolence,
carelessness, misuse of or damage to, or negligence in the care and handling of City
i. Inability to perform assigned duties due to failure to meet or retain job qualifications
(including, but not limited to failure to possess required licenses or failure to pass
required tests).
j. Unauthorized absence from duty or duty station.
k. Improper or unauthorized use of City vehicles or equipment.
l. Abandonment of position or excessive absenteeism.
m. Claim of sick leave under false pretenses, malingering or other misuse of sick leave.
n. Engaging in outside employment not specifically authorized by the Department Head
and City Manager, or engaging in other employment that is incompatible with City
employment or detrimental to the efficiency of his/her regular work with the City.
o. Absence from duty without leave, or failure to return to work after leave of absence
has expired or has been disapproved, revoked or canceled.
p. Willful violation of any of the provisions of federal law, state law, City ordinances,
these Rules, or any rules or regulations which may be prescribed by the City Manager
or a department head.
q. Acceptance of a personal gift or other form of remuneration in addition to regular
compensation, by an employee for the performance of his/her City duties in violation
of City policy. Solicitation in an official capacity or as an employee of the City of the
public for money, goods, or services not specifically authorized by the City Manager.
r. Violation of the Safety Policy.
s. Unsatisfactory work performance.
t. Behavior which constitutes unlawful discrimination or harassment.
3. Applicability: The procedures and appeal rights set forth in this Rule do not apply to the
discipline of verbal or written warnings or reprimand or of discipline which results in a loss
of salary of five (5) days or less except where the Memorandum of Understanding,
Firefighters Procedural Bill of Rights or Police Officers Bill of Rights specify otherwise.
This Rule applies only to an employee in a regular competitive service position.
4. Suspension or Relief of Duty: A department head may suspend or relieve from duty an
employee for disciplinary reasons in accordance with this policy, the Memorandum of
Understanding or other state and federal laws. Notice of such action must be provided to the
Personnel Officer prior to the action being taken.
5. Notice of Proposed Discipline: The department head shall give written notice of the proposed
disciplinary action to the employee. The notice shall include the action being considered; the
reasons for the proposed action and the nature of the charges; copies of or reference to the
materials upon which the action is based; notice of the opportunity to respond in writing or
orally at a particular time and place; the right of the employee to be represented by an
attorney or other representative at any disciplinary proceeding; and the fact that the failure of
the employee to respond is conclusively presumed to be a waiver of his or her objection to
the discipline and the procedure.
6. Employee Response: An employee notified of proposed disciplinary action may respond by
submitting a written response and/or appearing at the appointed place and time. The meeting
shall be held at least five (5) days after the notification of the proposed disciplinary action.
The purpose of the meeting is to hear the response of the employee to the charges. This
meeting is not an evidentiary hearing and the employee is not entitled to present witnesses.
During this meeting, the employee may be represented by a person of their choosing that is
not a witness in the disciplinary matter.
7. Imposing Discipline: As soon as practicable after the employee has had an opportunity to
respond, the department head shall notify the employee and the Personnel Officer in writing
of the nature and extent of the discipline, if any, and the effective date. The notification will
also advise the employee of the right of appeal as per these rules.
8. Procedures for Appeal of Disciplinary Action: The following procedures shall apply unless
the applicable Memorandum of Understanding, Firefighters Procedural Bill of Rights or the
Peace Officer Bill of Rights specify different processes.
a. Method of Appeal. An appeal of imposed discipline shall be in writing, signed by the
appellant, and filed with the Personnel Officer within five (5) calendar days of the
effective date of the disciplinary action. The appeal shall set forth the matter
appealed from, the detailed basis of appeal, and a statement of the action desired by
the appellant with supporting reasons. The formality of a legal pleading is not
required. The failure to file an appeal within the five (5) day period is deemed a
waiver of the right to appeal.
b. Notice. Upon the filing of an appeal, the Personnel Officer shall set a date for a
hearing on the appeal no more than ninety (90) days from the date of filing. The
Personnel Officer shall notify the appellant in writing of the date, time and place of
the hearing.
c. Hearings. The appellant shall appear personally before the, Personnel Commission
or an Administrative Law Judge as agreed to by the appellant and the City, at the time
and place of the hearing. The appellant may be represented by a person of his or her
choosing and may produce relevant oral or documentary evidence at the hearing. The
City's case shall be presented first. Cross-examination of witnesses shall be
permitted. Rebuttal matter not repetitive may be allowed in the discretion of the
Personnel Commission. The conduct and decorum of the hearing shall be under the
control of the Personnel Commission Chairman. The Commission in its discretion
may continue the hearing from time to time. Hearings need not be conducted
according to technical rules of evidence. Hearings shall be closed unless the
appellant, in writing, requests an open hearing.
d. Findings and Recommendations. The Personnel Commission shall, within thirty (30)
days after the conclusion of the hearing, certify its findings and decision in writing to
the appellant and to the City Manager. The Personnel Commission may recommend
affirming, revoking, or modifying the discipline. Any member of the Personnel
Commission may submit a minority or supplemental finding and recommendation.
The City Manager shall review the findings and recommendations of the Personnel
Commission and may then affirm, revoke or modify the action. The City Manager's
decision shall be issued within sixty calendar days after receipt of the Commission's
findings and recommendations. The City Manager's decision shall be final and
e. Any time limit or stage of procedure in this chapter may be waived for good cause
and with the consent of both parties.
9. Effect of Disciplinary Actions:
a. Suspension. An employee suspended from the City service forfeits all rights,
privileges and compensation during the period of suspension.
b. Discharge. An employee who has been discharged shall be paid salary accumulated
to the effective date of termination; any compensatory time accumulated, and accrued
vacation time.
c. Reduction in Pay. Reduction in pay becomes effective at the beginning of the next
payroll period following the effective date of the disciplinary action.
d. Written Reprimand. An official reprimand is in the form of a written notice to the
employee and is placed in the employee's personnel file. No employee shall have a
written reprimand entered in his or her personnel file without the employee having
first read and signed the document, indicating he or she is aware of the reprimand;
except that the reprimand may be placed in the file if after reading the document, the
employee refuses to sign it. In that case, the refusal shall be noted and signed by the
10. Management and Exempt Employees: Any employee in a management position, or any other
position that is exempt from the overtime pay and/or minimum wage provisions of the Fair
Labor Standards Act of 1938, may not be suspended without pay for less than one (1) full
1. Purpose of Rule: The purpose of the grievance procedures is to promote improved
employer-employee relations by establishing grievance procedures and to afford employees
individually or through qualified employee organizations, collectively herein after referred to
throughout this rule as “employee”, a systematic means of obtaining further considerations of
problems after every reasonable effort has failed to resolve them through discussions.
Additionally, the procedure provides a mechanism that allows grievances to be settled as near
as possible to the point of origin and to provide that appeals shall be conducted as informally
as possible.
2. Matters Subject to Grievance Procedure: Any employee in the competitive service shall have
the right to grieve, under this rule, a decision affecting their employment over which the
Appointing Authority has partial or complete jurisdiction and for which appeal is not
provided by other regulations or is not prohibited. The grievance procedures in this chapter
do not apply to disciplinary actions, the determination of the contents of a job classification
or a decision to reclassify a position, the determination of procedures and standards of
selection for employment and promotion, the evaluation process, the contents of an
evaluation, items which require capital expenditures, items subject to the meet-and-confer
process as defined in the California Government Code, and all City rights reserved in the
City's employer-employee relations resolution.
3. Form of Grievance: An employee (the grievant) shall present his/her grievance in writing to
his/her supervisor or department head. The supervisor, department head or Personnel Officer
shall respond in writing.
4. Grievance Procedure - Department Level: A grievance should be considered within the
department whenever possible. An employee should bring the grievance to the attention of
the immediate supervisor as soon as possible. If the employee does not bring the grievance
to the attention of the supervisor within fifteen (15) calendar days of the date of the action or
incident causing the grievance, it is considered a waiver of the employee's right to submit the
grievance (unless the action or incident is part of an on-going pattern of behavior). The
supervisor shall consider the grievance and notify the grievant of the supervisor's action or
decision in writing within fifteen (15) calendar days from the date the grievance was
submitted. If the matter cannot be adjusted or settled by the immediate supervisor within
fifteen (15) calendar days from the date of submission, or if the grievant is still dissatisfied
after the supervisor's decision, the employee may submit the grievance in writing to the
department head.
5. Department Head Review: The grievance shall be submitted to the department head within
ten (10) calendar days from the date of the supervisor's decision if the employee is
dissatisfied with the supervisor’s decision. The department head shall confer with the
grievant, the supervisor and such other persons as may be necessary to gather all the facts and
to find a solution. The department head must take action and so notify the grievant in writing
within fifteen (15) calendar days.
6. City Manager Review: If the grievant is not satisfied after informal discussion(s) and the
department head's decision, he/she may, within ten (10) calendar days of the date of the
department head's decision, submit a written grievance to the City Manager. If the grievant
does not submit a written grievance within the ten (10) calendar days, the grievance
procedure ends. Upon receiving a written grievance, the City Manager or designee, shall
within fifteen (15) calendar days discuss the grievance with the grievant, their representative,
if any, and any other persons involved. The City Manager/designee may make any inquiry,
investigation or compilation of facts deemed necessary in reaching a decision. The City
Manager/designee shall render a decision in writing to the grievant, with a copy to the
department head, within thirty (30) calendar days from the date the City Manager/designee
met with the grievant to discuss the matter. The decision of the City Manager/designee is
7. Extension of Time Limit: Any time limit or stage of procedure in this Rule may be waived
for good cause and with the consent of both parties.
1. Memoranda of Understanding: In the event the terms of an applicable memorandum of
understanding, entered into pursuant to the Meyers-Milias-Brown Act, conflict with the
terms of these rules, the terms of the memorandum of understanding shall prevail.
2. Peace Officers’ Bill of Rights: In the event the requirements of the Public Safety Officers’
Procedural Bill of Rights Act (California Gov. Code, §§ 3300, et seq.) conflict with the
terms of these rules, the requirements of the Public Safety Officers’ Procedural Bill of Rights
Act shall prevail.
3. Firefighters Procedural Bill of Rights: In the event the requirements of the Firefighters
Procedural Bill of Rights (California Gov. Code, §§ 3250, et seq.) conflict with the terms of
these rules, the requirements of the Firefighters Procedural Bill of Rights shall prevail.