Issued by Authority of Public Act 363 of 2008, State of Michigan
THIS OFFER TO PURCHASE REAL PROPERTY (the “Offer”) is entered into between
______________________________________, a ____________________, (the “Buyer”), and
the State of Michigan
(theSeller). Buyer agrees to purchase from Seller the land including
any structures and/or improvements (the “Property”) located in the Township of
_______________, County of ____________________, State of Michigan, commonly known as
surplus Michigan Public Safety Communication System (MPSCS) Surplus Tower Site, parcel
_______, containing ______ acres, more or less, and legally described on the attached Exhibit
A, under the following terms and conditions:
1. Purchase Price
. Buyer shall pay to Seller the sum of
_____________________________ Dollars ($_______________) at Closing. The
Property is subject to all applicable building and use restrictions, liens, encumbrances,
charges, title exceptions, and easements, if any, affecting the Property.
2. Irrevocable Offer
. This Offer shall be irrevocable except as set forth in Section 6 with
respect to cancellation during the Inspection Period.
2.1 The Seller, by executing the acceptance portion hereof and depositing the same in
the U.S. mail, addressed to Buyer per Section 12. Notices, of this Offer, shall cause
this Offer, without further action of either party, to become a binding contract for
the sale of Property.
3. Approvals. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Offer, Buyer acknowledges that
sale of the Property must be approved by the State Administrative Board prior to
Closing. Seller makes no representation that the State Administrative Board will approve
this Offer.
4. Earnest Money
. Upon execution of this Offer, the Buyer shall deliver an earnest
money deposit in the form of a certified check or cashier’s check made payable to the
State of Michigan, in the amount of ten percent (10%) of the sales price (the “Earnest
Money”). The Earnest Money shall be credited to the Purchase Price at Closing. Buyer
shall not be entitled to any interest earned on the Earnest Money.
4.1 Upon acceptance of this Offer, fifty percent (50%) of the Earnest Money is
immediately non-refundable. Buyer acknowledges that the Earnest Money is
deemed non-refundable and the Buyer shall have no right, claim or interest in or to
such Earnest Money. Buyer further acknowledges that the balance of the Earnest
Money deposit shall only be refundable under the conditions set forth in Section 6
and that the full amount of the Earnest Money is non-refundable as liquidated
Initials ______ 1
damages in the event of default or failure by Buyer to perform any of its obligations
under the terms of this Offer.
In the event that the State Administrative Board does not approve the transaction
the Earnest Money shall be returned in its entirety to the Buyer.
5. Closing
. The Closing shall occur at a location and time agreed upon by both the Seller
and Buyer, not more than thirty (30) calendar days after the end of the Inspection Period.
5.1. Closing shall be contingent upon receiving approval from the State Administrative
5.2. The Quitclaim Deed will be prepared by Seller, all other closing documents will be
prepared by the buyer. Closing costs and special assessments, if any, will be paid
by Buyer.
5.3. At Closing, after receipt of the balance of the Purchase Price in the form of a
certified check, cashier’s check or electronic funds from Buyer, Seller shall convey
title to the Property by Quitclaim Deed, prepared and approved by the Attorney
General, subject to any liens, charges, actions, encumbrances, restrictive covenant
and title exceptions, and subject to the provisions of Public Act 363 of 2008.
5.4. The execution and delivery of the Quitclaim Deed by the Seller shall be deemed to
be in full performance and discharge of all the terms and conditions of this Offer to
be observed or performed by Seller, except those that are stated expressly to
survive the Closing.
6. Inspection Period.
6.1. Buyer acknowledges that it has had the opportunity for physical inspection of the
Property prior to entering into this Agreement, and shall accept the Property “AS IS,
WHERE IS, WITH ALL FAULTS” that is, in its present condition. It shall be the sole
responsibility of the Buyer to make its own investigations, studies, tests, reports,
and other due diligence inquiries as to the Property as deemed appropriate to Buyer
prior to entering into this Agreement.
6.2. Seller authorizes Buyer to enter the Property, with prior notification to Seller, to
conduct investigations and studies, and Buyer hereby releases Seller of any and all
liability associated with entry and inspection, and warrants that it will comply with
applicable regulations regarding environmental and other matters. The Buyer shall
have until 5:00 p.m., ninety calendar days (90) days from the date of acceptance of
this Offer, to conduct investigations and other due diligence inquiries regarding the
Property (the “Inspection Period”).
6.3. After its inspection, if the Buyer is not reasonably satisfied with the results of its
Initials ______ 2
investigations and due diligence inquiries, the Buyer may cancel this Offer to
Purchase Real Property, at Buyer’s sole discretion. If Buyer cancels, it shall provide
the State with copies of any and all its due diligence materials acquired during the
Inspection Periods, including but not limited to, environmental reports, surveys, title
commitments, and other due diligence materials, and be entitled to a return of Fifty
percent (50%) of the original Earnest Money.
7. Environmental
. Buyer agrees that the Seller assumes no liability or responsibility for the
presence of any toxic, hazardous, polluting or injurious substances on, in, or below the
Property. Except as expressly stated herein, Seller makes no representations as to any
toxic, hazardous, polluting or injurious substances on, in, or below the Property or any
property adjacent to the Property.
7.1. Buyer agrees to accept the Property “as is.” Buyer further acknowledges and
understands that any building materials and structures on the Property may contain
asbestos and mold and that any reuse or redevelopment of the Property that results
in demolition or structural changes may result in the release of asbestos or
asbestos-containing materials and mold. Buyer agrees to release and hold harmless
the Seller from any and all existing and future claims related to the existence or
discovery of asbestos, asbestos-containing materials, lead paint, lead plumbing,
PCBs and irradiating materials present within building materials and structures
located on or below the surface of the Property.
7.2. Buyer further agrees to take no administrative, judicial or other legal action against
the Seller because of the existence or discovery of any toxic, hazardous, polluting or
injurious substances. Actions include, but are not limited to, any action for
contribution, cost recovery, third party action, injunctive relief to compel the Seller
to investigate or take remedial action, declaratory relief, damages, or any action
associated with any obligations the Buyer may have to comply with federal, state or
local law in conjunction with the investigation, removal, or abatement of any toxic,
hazardous, polluting or injurious substance, including but not limited to asbestos or
asbestos-containing materials. Buyer agrees to release and hold harmless the Seller
from any and all existing and future claims related to the existence or discovery of
any toxic, hazardous, polluting or injurious materials in, on, below or emanating
from the Property.
7.3. Buyer agrees to indemnify the Seller and to hold the Seller harmless if any
hazardous, polluting, injurious, or toxic substances exist, are discovered in, on,
below, or emanating from the Property or their condition is exacerbated by the
7.4. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Section or in this Offer, the Seller
will not be responsible to the Buyer for asbestos, lead, or mold-related claims
arising from exposure to asbestos, lead, or mold (if any) where the exposure occurs
after the date of Closing, and the Buyer will not be responsible to the Seller for
Initials ______ 3
asbestos, lead, or mold-related claims arising from exposure to asbestos, lead, or
mold (if any) where the exposure occurred prior to the date of Closing.
7.5. Except as expressly stated herein, Seller makes no representation or warranty as to
the truth, accuracy or completeness of any materials, data or information delivered
or made available by Seller to Buyer in connection with the sale of the Property.
Buyer acknowledges and agrees that all materials, data and information delivered or
made available by Seller to Buyer are provided as a convenience only and that any
reliance on or use of such materials, data or information by Buyer shall be at the
sole risk of Buyer.
7.6. Without limiting the foregoing provisions, Buyer acknowledges and agrees that (a)
any environmental or other report regarding the Property which is delivered or
made available by Seller to Buyer shall be for general informational purposes only,
(b) Buyer shall not have any right to rely on such report delivered or made available
by Seller to Buyer, but rather will rely on its own inspections and investigations of
the Property and any reports commissioned by Buyer with respect thereto, (c)
neither Seller nor the person or entity which prepared any such report delivered or
made available by Seller to Buyer shall have any liability to Buyer for any inaccuracy
in or omission from any such report, and (d) Buyer shall assume all liability and
costs associated with federal, state and/or local environmental laws or regulations.
8. Property Survey
. The survey provided by DTMB Facilities Administration, if any, shall be
the survey of record and shall govern the Closing. Buyer may, at Buyer’s expense, obtain
an independent survey of the Property.
9. Title Insurance
. Buyer shall be responsible for the costs of issuance of a title insurance
policy, to be obtained at the discretion of Buyer.
10. Zoning, Safety and Regulatory Compliance.
When title passes to the Buyer at
Closing, the Property will immediately become subject to certain State safety and
regulatory laws and to certain local ordinances and regulations (including zoning and use
requirements) to which the Property was not previously subject to because it was owned
by the State. Buyer acknowledges that in certain substantial respects the Property may
not comply with such statutes, rules, ordinances and regulations and may have to be
substantially altered or repaired to become compliant. Buyer acknowledges that it shall
comply with all zoning and use requirements. The Buyer acknowledges that the Seller is
under no obligation to take any action to bring the Property into compliance with such
statutes, and that the Buyer has had the opportunity to make a personal inspection of the
Property. The Buyer further acknowledges that it is the Buyer’s responsibility to consult
with all State and local regulatory agencies, which have and will continue to have, or will
obtain jurisdiction.
11. Fees and Commissions
. If any person shall assert a claim to a fee, commission or
other compensation in relation to this transaction, as a broker, finder, or other capacity or
Initials ______ 4
for performance of services as a broker or finder in connection with this Offer, the Buyer
shall (a) indemnify, defend and hold harmless the Seller against and from any such claim
and all costs, expenses and liabilities incurred in connection with such claim or any action
or proceeding brought thereon (including without limitation, any and all attorney fees and
costs incurred in defending against such claim) and (b) satisfy promptly any settlement or
judgment arising from any such claim or any action or proceeding brought thereon. Buyer
acknowledges that Seller has not used the services of a broker in connection with this
12. Notices.
Notices under this Offer shall be delivered to:
Department of Technology, Management and Budget
c/o Terri L. Fitzpatrick
Director, Real Estate Division
Stevens T. Mason Building, 1
530 W. Allegan St.
Lansing, Michigan 48933
Phone (517) 335-6877
Department of Attorney General
C/O Iris Lopez, State Operations Division
G. Mennen Williams Building, 2
525 W. Ottawa
Lansing, MI 48933
Facsimile or electronic notices shall not be accepted.
13. Buyer Representations and Warranties
. Buyer represents and warrants to Seller:
13.1. Buyer has the full right, power and authority to purchase the Property as provided
in this Offer and to carry out Buyer’s obligations hereunder, and all requisite action
necessary to authorize Buyer to enter into this Offer and to carry out its obligations
hereunder have been, or by the Closing will have been, taken. The person signing
this Offer on behalf of Buyer is authorized to do so.
13.2. There is no action, suit, arbitration, unsatisfied order or judgment, government
investigation or proceeding pending against Buyer which, if adversely determined,
could interfere with the consummation of the transaction contemplated by this
13.3. The representation and warranties of Buyer shall survive Closing.
Initials ______ 5
14. Public Policy Provisions.
14.1. Nondiscrimination.
Pursuant to MCL 37.2209 and MCL 37.1209, Buyer shall
comply with the Elliott-Larsen Civil Rights Act, 1976 PA 453, MCL 37.2101
et seq.
the Persons with Disabilities Civil Rights Act, 1976 PA 220, MCL 37.1101
et seq.
and all other federal, state and local fair employment practices and equal
opportunity laws and covenants that it shall not discriminate against any employee
or applicant for employment, to be employed in the performance of this Offer, with
respect to his or her hire, tenure, terms, conditions, or privileges of employment, or
any matter directly or indirectly related to employment, because of his or her race,
religion, color, national origin, age, sex, height, weight, marital status, or physical or
mental disability that is unrelated to the individual’s ability to perform the duties of
a particular job or position. Buyer agrees to include in every subcontract entered
into for the performance of this Offer this covenant not to discriminate in
employment. A breach of this covenant will constitute a material breach of a
contract arising out of this Offer.
14.2. Unfair Labor Practices
. Pursuant to MCL 423.324, the State may void a contract
if Buyer or any of its contractors, subcontractors, manufacturers, or suppliers
appear in the register compiled pursuant to 1980 PA 278, MCL 423.321
et seq.
breach of this covenant will constitute a material breach of a contract arising out of
this Offer.
15. Termination
. If the Buyer fails to perform any of its obligations under this Offer, the
Seller will provide written notice of default to the Buyer. If the Buyer fails to cure within
thirty (30) days after the Seller’s written notice, Seller may terminate this Offer and any
monies paid hereunder may be retained by the Seller as liquidated damages.
16. Miscellaneous Provisions
16.1. In the event that less than ten percent (10%) of the replacement value of the
Property is damaged or destroyed by any casualty insured under the Seller’s
insurance policy, the Seller shall have the right, at its option, to repair said damage
and restore the Property to its prior condition or to sell the Property in its damaged
condition. Buyer may withdraw or terminate its Offer without recourse against the
In the event that between ten percent (10%) and fifty percent (50%) of the
replacement value of the Property is damaged or destroyed by any casualty insured
under the Seller's insurance policy, the Seller shall have the right, at its option, to
repair said damage and restore the Property to its prior condition or to sell the
Property in its damaged condition. Buyer may withdraw or terminate its Offer
without recourse against the Seller.
Initials ______ 6
In the event that more than fifty percent (50%) of the replacement value of the
Property is damaged or destroyed by any casualty insured under the Seller's
insurance policy, the Seller shall have the option of repairing, reconstructing, selling
the Property in its damaged condition, or canceling the sale. Buyer may withdraw
or terminate its Offer without recourse against the Seller.
16.2. It is expressly understood and agreed that neither the Seller nor the Buyer shall
assign its interest under this Offer or any portion thereof without the prior written
consent of the other party, its successors or assigns.
16.3. Prior to Closing, any news releases or other media releases to the public of
information with respect to the sale of the Property or any matters set forth in this
Offer will be made only in the form approved by Seller in writing.
16.4. Each provision of this Offer shall be deemed to be severable from all other
provisions of the Offer and, if one or more of the provisions of the Offer shall be
declared invalid, the remaining provisions of this Offer shall remain in full force and
16.5. This Offer may be changed or modified only if in writing. This Offer cannot be
changed orally, and no Offer shall be effective to waive, change, modify or
discharge it in whole or in part unless such Offer is in writing and is signed by the
parties against whom enforcement of any waiver, change, modification or discharge
is sought.
16.6. Each party will, without further consideration, execute and deliver such other
documents and take such other action, whether prior or subsequent to Closing, as
may be reasonably requested by the other party to consummate more effectively
this Offer. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, Buyer shall, if requested
by Seller, execute acknowledgments of receipt with respect to any materials
delivered by Seller to Buyer with respect to the Property. The provisions of this
Section shall survive Closing.
16.7. The provisions of this Offer and of the documents to be executed and delivered at
Closing are and will be for the benefit of Seller and Buyer only and are not for the
benefit of any third party. Accordingly, no third party shall have the right to enforce
the provisions of this Offer or of the documents to be executed and delivered at
16.8. This Offer may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of which shall be
deemed an original, and all of which when taken together, shall constitute the same
Initials ______ 7
16.9. Captions and headings used in this Offer are for information and organizational
purposes. Captions and headings, including inaccurate references, do not, in any
way, define or limit the requirements or terms and conditions of this Offer.
16.10. Except as expressly stated herein, Seller makes no representation or warranty as to
the truth, accuracy or completeness of any materials, data or information delivered
or made available by Seller to Buyer in connection with the transaction
contemplated hereby. Buyer acknowledges and agrees that all materials, data and
information delivered or made available by Seller to Buyer in connection with the
transaction contemplated hereby are provided to Buyer as a convenience only and
that any reliance on or use of such materials, data or information by Buyer shall be
at the sole risk of Buyer, except as otherwise expressly stated herein. Without
limiting the generality of the foregoing provisions, Buyer acknowledges and agrees
that (a) any environmental or other report with respect to the Property which is
delivered or made available by Seller to Buyer shall be for general informational
purposes only, (b) Buyer shall not have any right to rely on such report delivered or
made available by Seller to Buyer, but rather will rely on its own inspections and
investigations of the Property and any reports commissioned by Buyer with respect
thereto, (c) neither Seller nor the person or entity which prepared any such report
delivered or made available by Seller to Buyer shall have any liability to Buyer for
any inaccuracy in or omission from any such report, and (d) Buyer shall assume all
liability and costs associated with federal, state and/or local environmental laws or
17. Governing Law
. This Offer shall in all respects be governed by, and construed in
accordance with, the laws of the State of Michigan.
18. Entire Agreement
. This instrument constitutes the entire agreement between the Seller
and the Buyer, and there are no other terms, conditions, promises, understandings,
statements or representations, express or implied, oral or written, concerning the
transaction contemplated hereunder. This Offer shall inure to the benefit of and bind both
parties and their respective agents, representatives, successors and assigns.
19. Effective Date
. The Effective Date of this Offer shall be the date signed as accepted by
the Director of the Real Estate Division, Department of Technology, Management and
Initials ______ 8
Signed on behalf of Buyer this ______ day of _______________, 2010.
__________________________________ __________________________________
Signature Signature
__________________________________ __________________________________
Printed Name Printed Name
Its: _______________________________
__________________________________ __________________________________
Signature Signature
__________________________________ __________________________________
Printed Name Printed Name
Its: _______________________________
On this ______ day of ____________, 2010, the State of Michigan, by its Director, Real
Estate Division, Department of Technology, Management and Budget acting pursuant to Public
Act 363of 2008, and subject to the approval of the State Administrative Board, accepts the
foregoing Offer according to its terms.
Signature Terri L. Fitzpatrick
Director, Real Estate Division
Department of Technology, Management and Budget
Printed Name
Initials ______ 9
RFP No. 2010-17
Michigan State Police (MSP) Michigan Public Safety Communication System
(MPSCS) Surplus Tower Sites
Parcel Described
1 Bergland Township, Ontonagon County
Legal: A parcel of land in the NE ¼ of the NE ¼ of Section 16, T49N – R42W,
Bergland Township, Ontonagon County, Michigan, more particularly described as
beginning at the NE corner of said section 16: thence S01
55’24”W 472.11 feet;
thence N88
10’04”W 758.67 feet; thence S01
52’44”W 836.43 feet to the south line of
the NE ¼ of the NE ¼ of said section 16; thence N88
03’35”W 560.87 feet on said
south line to the west line of the NE ¼ of the NE ¼ of said section 16; thence
52’44”E 1307.48 feet on said west line to the north line of said section 16; thence
10’04”E 1319.90 feet on said north line to the point of beginning. Containing
25.07 acres subject to the rights of the public in Old M-64 Highway (66’ wide) and
easements, restrictions and rights of way of record.
2 Berlin Township, Ionia County
Legal: A portion of land located in Berlin Township, Ionia County, Michigan, described
Beginning at a point on the east and west quarter line of section 36, town 7 north,
range 7 west, Berlin Township, Ionia County, Michigan, said point being north 88
degrees 33 minutes west 1325.5 feet from the east quarter post of said section 36;
thence north 88 degrees 33 minutes west 125 feet; thence north 01 degrees 40
minutes east 158 feet; thence south 88 degrees 33 minutes east 125 feet; thence
south 01 degree 40 minutes west 158 feet to the point of beginning, containing 0.453
acres in the southeast corner of the southwest ¼ of the northeast ¼ of Section 36.
3A Previous Sale
3B Not For Sale
3C Boone Township, Wexford County
Parcel “C” Legal: A parcel of land in the NW ¼ of section 35, T22N, R11W, Boon
Township, Wexford County, Michigan and more particularly described as commencing
at the N ¼ corner of said section 35; thence N89
11’06”W 912.71 feet, on the north
line of said section 35 to the point of beginning; thence N89
11’06”W 400.00 feet, on
the north line of said section 35 to the west line of the E ½ of the NW ¼ of said
section 35; thence S00
34’57”W 1200.00 feet, on said west line; thence S89
400.00 feet; thence N00
34’57”E 1200.00 feet, to the point of beginning, containing
11.02 acres.
Initials ______ 10
4 Hawes Township, Alcona County
Legal: A parcel of land lying in the Northeast one-quarter (NE ¼) of Section 13, Town
27 North, Range 7 East, Hawes Township, Alcona County, Michigan. Being more
particularly described as follows:
Commencing at the Northeast Corner of said Section 13, T27N-R7E; thence S01
36”E along the East line of said Section, a distance of 200.00 feet to the Point of
Beginning. Thence S01
-08’-36”E continuing along said East section line, a distance of
1,108.45 feet to a point on the South line of the N ½ of the NE ¼ of said Section 13;
thence S89
-53’-27”W along said South line of the N ½ of the NE ¼ of said Section, a
distance of 2,684.87 feet to a point on the N-S one-quarter line of said Section; thence
-06’-21”W along said N-S one-quarter line, a distance of 467.02 feet; thence
-55’-25”E, a distance of 1,275.00 feet; thence N01
-06’-21”W, a distance of
650.00 feet; thence S89
-55’-25”E, a distance of 1,409.67 feet to a point on the East
line of said Section 13, said point being the Point of Beginning
The above described parcel contains 49.55 acres more or less and is subject to any
rights, restrictions, easements, and prior conveyances of record.
5 Not For Sale
6 Kasson Township, Leelanau County
Legal: Part of the Northwest ¼ of Section 11, T.28N., R.13W., Kasson Township,
Leelanau County, Michigan described as beginning at a point located distant
36’39”W 1319.27 feet along the north-south ¼ line of said Section 11 from the
North ¼ corner thereof; thence continuing S01
36’39”W 659.12 feet; thence
19’51”W 655.80 feet; thence N56
14’09”W 778.64 feet to a point on the west line
of the SE ¼ of the NW ¼ of said Section per Batzer survey recorded in Liber 3, Page
191; thence N01
32’44”E 286.30 feet along said line; thence S85
03’22”E 1316.64 feet
along the north line of the SE ¼ of the NW ¼ of said Section 11 to the Point of
Beginning. Parcel contains 17.11 acres and is subject to easements, restrictions, and
right of way of record.
7 Keene Township, Ionia County
Legal: Parcel located in the Northwest one-quarter (NW ¼) of Section 11, T7N, R8W,
Keene Township, Ionia County, Michigan. Beginning at a point located S00
along the West line Section 11, 622.48 feet from the Northwest Corner of said Section;
thence continuing along said line S00
-19’-50”W, 800.00 feet; thence S89
1,312.44 feet to the East line of the West one-half (W ½) of the NW ¼; thence N00
24’-30”E along said line, 800.00 feet; thence N89
-23’-12”W, 1,313.53 feet to the
Point of Beginning
The above described parcel contains 24.11 acres more or less and is subject to any
rights, restrictions, easements, and prior conveyances of record.
8 Leelanau Township, Leelanau County
Legal: Part of S.E. ¼ of Section 20, T.31N., R.11W., Leelanau Township, Leelanau
County, Michigan, described as beginning at a point located N00
35’01”E 2048.63 feet
along the North-South ¼ line of said Section and S88
01’32”E 217.4 feet from the
South ¼ corner of said Section 20; thence continuing S88
01’32”E 150.00 feet; thence
58’28”W 150.00 feet; thence N88
01’32”W 150.00 feet; thence N01
150.00 feet to the point of beginning. Containing 0.52 acres
Initials ______ 11
9 Leonidas Township, St Joseph County
Legal: A parcel of land in the Southwest one-quarter (SW ¼) of Section 23, T5S, R9W,
Leonidas Township, St. Joseph County, Michigan, and more particularly described as
commencing at the West one-quarter (W ¼) of said Section 23; thence S00
52”W, 1,208.91 feet, along the West line of said Section 23 to the Point of Beginning
of this description; thence S89
-28’-12”E, 834.77 feet; thence N00
-32’-52”E, 780.00
feet; thence S89
-28’-12”E, 1,300.00 feet; thence S00
-32’-52”W, 900.00 feet; thence
-28’-12”W, 2,134.77 feet to said West line of said Section; thence N00
along said West line 120.00 feet to the Point of Beginning
The above described parcel contains 29.16 acres more or less and is subject to any
rights, restrictions, easements, and prior conveyances of record.
10 City of Manistee, Manistee County
Legal: That part of Lot H, S. C. Thompson’s addition to the City of Manistee lying West
and South of the following described line: Commencing at the Southwest corner of
Lot I, running thence South 78 ½ degrees West 70 feet, thence North 49 degrees
West 100 feet, thence North 54 ¼ degrees West 188 feet, thence North 54 ¾ degrees
West 165 feet more or less to right-of-way of Pere Marquette Railway Company.
11 City of Mt. Pleasant, MI NOT FOR SALE
12 City of Munising, Alger County
Legal: Subject property is situated in the City of Munising, Alger County, Michigan and
is described as follows:
That portion of the South half (S ½) of the Southeast Quarter (SE ¼) of the
Northwest ¼ (NW ¼) in Section Three (3), Town 46 North, Range 19 West, described
as follows:
Beginning at the Southeast (SE) corner of said description; thence going West 300
feet; thence going North 140 feet; thence going East 300 feet of said description,
thence going South 140 feet to a point of beginning.
13 Ossineke Township, Alpena County
Legal: Part of the Southeast one-quarter (SE ¼) of Section 13, T29N–R5E, Ossineke
Township, Alpena County, Michigan, more particularly described as follows:
Commencing at the Southeast corner of Section 13, T29N–R5E; thence S89
along the South line of said Section 13, a distance of 177.51 feet; thence
24’18”W, a distance of 33.00 feet to a point on the Northerly right-of-way line of
Andor Road (66’ R.O.W.); said point being the POINT OF BEGINNING
Thence N33
08’26”E, a distance of 184.99 feet to a point on the Westerly right of way
of M-65 (150’ R.O.W.); thence N00
29’32”W along said Westerly right of way of M-65,
a distance of 391.08 feet; thence S89
35’42”W leaving said Westerly right or way of
M-65, a distance of 793.48 feet; thence S00
29’32”E, a distance of 545.26 feet to a
point on the Northerly right of way of Andor Road (66’ R.O.W.); thence N89
along said North right of way, a distance of 691.02 feet to the point being the POINT
The above described parcel of land contains 9.75 acres more or less and is subject to
any and all easements, restrictions, and prior conveyances of record.
Initials ______ 12
14 Richmond Township, Osceola County
Legal: A part of the North Half (N ½) of the Northwest Quarter (NW ¼) of Section 10,
T17N, R10W described as follows, to-wit:
Beginning at the Section Corner of Sections three (3), Four (4), Nine (9) and Ten (10),
Richmond Township, Osceola County, Michigan,
Thence East 879; thence South 250 feet; thence East 250 feet; thence North 250 feet;
thence West 250 feet to place of beginning.
15 Rock River Township, Alger County
Legal: A parcel of land in the NE ¼ of the SW ¼ of Section 29, T46N – R22W, Rock
River Township, Alger County, Michigan being more particularly described as
commencing at the S ¼ corner of said Section 29; thence N00
08’12”E 1324.31 feet
along the north-south ¼ line of said section to the point of beginning ; thence
continuing N00
08’12’E 500.00 feet along said north-south ¼ line; thence
54’43”W 741.98 feet; thence N00
03’50”E 823.84 feet to the E-W ¼ line of said
Section 29; thence N89
56’50”W 575.00 feet along said E-W ¼ line to the west line of
the NE ¼ of the SW ¼ of said Section 29; thence S00
03’50”W 1323.48 feet on said
west line to the south line of the NE ¼ of the SW ¼ of said Section 29; thence
54’42”E 1321.35 feet along said South line to the point of beginning. Containing
26.14 acres and is subject to the rights of the public in North Sundell Road and
Carlson Road, and any easements, restrictions, and rights-of-way of record.
16 Courtland Township, Kent County
Legal: That part of the N.W. ¼ of the N.W. ¼ of section 31, Township 9 north, range
10 west, Courtland Township, Kent County, Michigan, described as follows:
Commencing at the west ¼ corner of said section 31, thence north 1 degree 35
minutes east 1327.7 feet; thence south 88 degrees 30 minutes east 732.6 feet; thence
north 1 degree 30 minutes east 33 feet to the point of beginning of this description;
thence north 37 degrees 43 minutes east 314.7 feet; thence south 24 degrees 59
minutes east 268.5 feet; thence southwesterly 110 feet on a curve to the right whose
radius is 487.9 feet and whose cord is south 84 degrees 88 minutes 30 seconds west
109.85 feet; thence north 88 degrees 30 minutes west 196.4 feet to the point of
beginning. Being in all, 0.89 acres more or less.
17 Watersmeet Township, Gogebic County
Legal: Part of the SE ¼ of the NE ¼ of Section 9, T45N – R39W, Watersmeet
Township, Gogebic County, Michigan more particularly described as beginning at the E
¼ corner of said section 9; thence N88
32’28”W 250.00 feet on the E-W ¼ line of
said section; thence N01
28’23”E 419.12 feet; thence N88
37’50”W 250.00 feet;
thence N01
28’23”E 900.00 feet to the north line of the SE ¼ of the NE ¼ of section
9; thence S88
37’50”E 500.00 feet on said north line to the east line of said section;
thence S01
28’ 23319.51 feet to the point of beginning. Containing 12.73 acres and
subject to the rights of the public in Sucker Lake Road (66’ wide) and easement,
restrictions and rights of way of record.
Initials ______ 13