etal. Addict Sci Clin Pract (2021) 16:64
Neurocognitive, psychiatric, andsubstance
use characteristics inadiverse sample
ofpersons withOUD who are starting
methadone orbuprenorphine/naloxone
inopioid treatment programs
Travis M. Scott
, Julia Arnsten
, James Patrick Olsen
, Franchesca Arias
, Chinazo O. Cunningham
Monica Rivera Mindt
Background: Medications for opioid use disorder such as opioid agonist treatment (OAT, including methadone,
buprenorphine) are the gold standard intervention for opioid use disorder (OUD). Persons with OUD have high rates
of neurocognitive impairment and psychiatric and substance use disorders, but few studies have examined these
characteristics in diverse patients initiating OAT in opioid treatment programs (OTPs). Additionally, in these individuals,
poor neurocognitive functioning and psychiatric/other substance use disorders are associated with poor OUD treat-
ment outcomes. Given rapid changes in the opioid epidemic, we sought to replicate findings from our pilot study by
examining these characteristics in a large diverse sample of persons with OUD starting OTP-based OAT.
Methods: Ninety-seven adults with OUD (M age = 42.2 years [SD = 10.3]; M education = 11.4 years [SD = 2.3]; 27%
female; 22% non-Hispanic white) were enrolled in a randomized longitudinal trial evaluating methadone versus
buprenorphine/naloxone on neurocognitive functioning. All participants completed a comprehensive neurocogni-
tive, psychiatric, and substance use evaluation within one week of initiating OAT.
Results: Most of the sample met criteria for learning (79%) or memory (69%) impairment. Half exhibited symptoms
of current depression, and comorbid substance use was highly prevalent. Lifetime cannabis and cocaine use disorders
were associated with better neurocognitive functioning, while depression was associated with worse neurocognitive
Conclusions: Learning and memory impairment are highly prevalent in persons with OUD starting treatment with
either methadone or buprenorphine/naloxone in OTPs. Depression and comorbid substance use are prevalent
among these individuals, but neither impact learning or memory. However, depression is associated with neurocog-
nitive impairment in other domains. These findings might allow clinicians to help persons with OUD starting OAT to
develop compensatory strategies for learning and memory, while providing adjunctive treatment for depression.
Trial Registration NCT, NCT01733693. Registered November 4, 2012, https:// clini caltr ials. gov/ ct2/ show/ NCT01 733693.
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Open Access
Addiction Science &
Clinical Practice
*Correspondence: [email protected]
VA Palo Alto Health Care System Sierra Pacific Mental Illness Research
Education Clinical Center, 3801 Miranda Ave, Palo Alto, CA 94304, USA
Full list of author information is available at the end of the article
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Scottetal. Addict Sci Clin Pract (2021) 16:64
Medication treatment with opioid agonist treat-
ment (OAT, including methadone, buprenorphine, or
buprenorphine/naloxone) is the gold standard interven
tion for opioid use disorder (OUD; [1]). Methadone is
most often provided in physician monitored, long-term
outpatient opioid treatment programs (OTPs), and
buprenorphine/naloxone is becoming increasingly com
mon in the United States (U.S.) among individuals seek-
ing treatment for OUD [2]. Reporting on important
characteristics of persons with OUD initiating OAT in
OTPs, such as neurocognitive abilities, psychiatric con
ditions, and comorbid substance use, is vital to under-
standing and improving treatment outcomes in these
Poor neurocognitive functioning is associated with
poor substance use treatment outcomes, such as higher
relapse and lower substance abstinence rates [3, 4].
Individual studies and systematic reviews indicate that
chronic opioid use is associated with impaired learn
ing, memory, attention/working memory, and executive
functioning [511]. More recent studies have character
ized cognitive impairments in persons with OUD already
engaged in OAT with methadone [12] or buprenorphine
[13] and have found similar domains of cognitive impair
ment (i.e., attention/working memory and executive
functioning). While these studies demonstrate adverse
neurocognitive effects of chronic opioid use and describe
cognitive characteristics of those already engaged in opi
oid agonist treatment, only two studies to our knowledge
have characterized the neurocognitive profiles of persons
with OUD who are starting OAT [5, 14]. While these
studies found impairments in several neurocognitive
domains including learning, memory, executive function
ing, and motor skills, both were limited by inadequate or
outdated neurocognitive batteries and small sample sizes,
suggesting that more research is needed to understand
the neurocognitive characteristics of persons with OUD
who initiate OAT in OTPs.
Psychiatric disorders (e.g., depression) and other, non-
opioid substance use are associated with a host of fac
tors that can complicate OAT (e.g., poor health, high
rates of criminal activities; [15, 16]). Both depression
[17] and additional substance use [18] are more preva
lent in persons with an OUD than in the general popu-
lation. While studies have examined the psychiatric and/
or substance use characteristics of patients starting (or
initiating) OAT [5, 19, 20], only one study to date has
examined associations between psychiatric disorders,
substance use, and neurocognitive function in persons
with OUD who are initiating OAT. is study found high
rates of lifetime major depressive disorder (31%), moder
ate to severe current depressive symptomatology (28%),
and high rates (i.e., > 30%) of lifetime and current alcohol,
cannabis, and cocaine use among OUD patients [5]. Arias
and colleagues [5] also found that persons with OUD
who had a lifetime history of alcohol dependence had
worse global neurocognitive functioning than those with
out, and that persons with OUD who had a lifetime his-
tory of cocaine dependence had worse attention/working
memory and motor functioning than those without, and
concluded that there may be a synergistic effect of multi
ple substance use disorders contributing to neurocogni-
tive impairment in persons with OUD.
e opioid epidemic has rapidly shifted in the past sev
eral years from being initially fueled by heroin and opi-
oid analgesics to most recently synthetic opioids (e.g.,
fentanyl; [21]). As such, the objective of our study was
to replicate, expand, and update the findings of our pilot
study [5] by examining neurocognitive, psychiatric, and
substance use characteristics of a larger, more diverse
group of persons with OUD who were initiating OAT
with either methadone or buprenorphine/naloxone. To
achieve this objective, we analyzed baseline data from a
larger randomized trial examining how methadone and
buprenorphine/naloxone affect neurocognitive function
ing. We expected high rates of neurocognitive impair-
ment (i.e., in domains of learning, memory, attention/
working memory, and executive functioning), depres
sion, and comorbid substance use. We hypothesized that
persons with OUD who had lifetime diagnoses of alcohol
or cocaine use disorder would have worse neurocogni
tive functioning than those without either condition.
Although Arias and colleagues [5] found that lifetime
major depression was not associated with neurocognitive
functioning in persons with OUD, based on previous lit
erature [22] we also hypothesized that depressed persons
with OUD would have worse neurocognitive functioning
than non-depressed persons with OUD.
e sample included 97 English-speaking adults with
opioid use disorder (OUD) starting opioid agonist treat
ment (OAT) with either methadone or buprenorphine/
naloxone. Participants were recruited from and assessed
Keywords: Opioid use disorder, Methadone, Buprenorphine/naloxone, Learning and memory, Depression, Comorbid
substance use
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Scottetal. Addict Sci Clin Pract (2021) 16:64
in three clinics that together comprise the Einstein/Mon-
tefiore Division of Substance Abuse (DoSA) in the Bronx,
New York. Recruitment was both active (e.g., approach
ing new patients at DoSA clinics) and passive (e.g.,
patients self-referred after seeing flyers posted in DoSA
clinics, hearing about the study through word-of-mouth,
or seeing a study advertisement in a local newspaper).
Participants were enrolled in a randomized trial compar
ing neurocognitive outcomes among persons with OUD
who were initiating methadone versus buprenorphine/
naloxone; the analysis presented here is from the baseline
Eligibility criteria for the randomized trial included: (1)
diagnosis of an OUD without pharmacological treatment
for OUD within the previous 90days, (2) no current use
of street methadone or buprenorphine/naloxone and no
current prescription for either of these medications, (3)
English-speaking, (4) between the ages of 18 and 68, (5)
completed six or more years of education, and (6) able to
provide informed consent (e.g., not acutely intoxicated at
time of enrollment). We excluded persons with comor
bid illness likely to impact neurocognitive functioning,
including medical (i.e., liver disease, cardiovascular dis
ease, oxygen-requiring lung disease, or end stage renal
disease), neurological (i.e., history of head injury with
loss of consciousness > 24h, focal brain lesion, prior neu
rosurgery, non-alcohol related seizure disorder, or history
of non-HIV CNS opportunistic infection), or psychiatric
comorbidity other than major depression (i.e., schizo
phrenia or bipolar disorder). e trial was approved by
the Institutional Review Boards of both Albert Einstein
College of Medicine/Montefiore Medical Center and
Fordham University.
Neurocognitive functioning
Table 1 summarizes the comprehensive, standardized
neurocognitive test battery participants completed,
including tests in the following seven domains: executive
functioning, learning, memory, attention/working mem
ory, processing speed, motor abilities, and verbal fluency.
Participants also completed the Wide Range Achieve
ment Test-Reading subtest, 3rd edition (WRAT-3; [23])
as a measure of premorbid intellectual functioning.
e battery was administered and scored by trained
psychometricians, supervised by a board-certified neu
ropsychologist and following standardized procedures,
and all measures have excellent reliability and validity
[24]. Raw test scores were first converted to T-scores
based on the best available demographically corrected
normative data [2530]. Next, T-scores for each individ
ual test were averaged to create mean domain T-scores.
en, all individual test T-scores were averaged to
create a mean global T-score [31]. Consistent with prior
research, we considered global neurocognitive function
ing and neurocognitive domain T-scores < 40 as impaired
(i.e., 35–39 mildly impaired, 30–34 mild-moderately
impaired, 25–29 moderately impaired, 20–24 moderate-
severely impaired, and < 20 severely impaired), T-scores
between 40 and 44 as “below average,” and T-scores
between 45 and 54 as “average” [31].
We used the Beck Depression Inventory–II (BDI-II)
to assess for current depressive symptomatology. e
BDI-II is a 21 item self-report scale assessing symptoms
of depression over the past 2 weeks [32]. Each of the
21 items contains at least four statements about spe
cific symptoms of depression (e.g., sadness, self-dislike,
worthlessness, loss of energy), listed in order of severity
from 0 to 3 with a total score ranging from 0 to 63. Sever
ity was defined as: 0–13 for minimal depression, 14–19
for mild depression, 20–28 for moderate depression, and
29–63 for severe depression. We used the computerized
Composite International Diagnostic Interview (CIDI)
Table 1 Neuropsychological battery and normative data by
seven major neurocognitive domains
Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scales (WAIS); Paced Auditory Serial Arithmetic Test
(PASAT); Normative data corrects for the demographic characteristics indicated
by superscript:
Neuropsychological Domain and Test Normative
Executive functioning
Wisconsin Card Sorting Task-64 Item [29]
Trail Making Test (Part B) [28]
Hopkins Verbal Learning Test—Revised [26]
Brief Visuospatial Memory Test—Revised [25]
Hopkins Verbal Learning Test—Revised [26]
Brief Visuospatial Memory Test—Revised [25]
Attention/Working Memory
WAIS-IV Letter Number Sequencing [30]
PASAT-50 Total Correct [27]
Speed of Information Processing
WAIS-IV Coding [30]
WAIS-IV Symbol Search [30]
Trail Making Test (Part A)
Motor Skills
Grooved Pegboard Time [28]
Verbal Fluency
Controlled Oral Word Association Test (FAS) [28]
Semantic (Animal) Fluency [28]
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Scottetal. Addict Sci Clin Pract (2021) 16:64
Version 2.1 to assess for lifetime (i.e., current or past)
major depressive disorder. e CIDI provides diagnostic
information based on Diagnostic and Statistical Manual
of Mental Disorders (DSM)-IV criteria [33].
Substance use
We also used the CIDI Version 2.1 to assess for life-
time history (i.e., current or past) of substance use dis-
orders [33]. To provide updated DSM-5 nosology about
substance use disorders, we defined “use disorder” as
meeting criteria for either substance abuse or substance
dependence. We used the Addiction Severity Index (ASI;
[34]) to assess substance use during the 30 days prior
to the baseline evaluation. Specifically, patients were
asked how many of the past 30days they used heroin,
other opioids, cannabis, cocaine, amphetamines, alco
hol (including use to intoxication), and sedatives, and
patients who reported at least one day of use were con
sidered self-reported users. Additionally, urine was
collected (unobserved) to assess for use of opioids, can
nabinoids, cocaine, amphetamines, and benzodiazepines
on the day of the neurocognitive evaluation. ese urine
tests employed an Enzyme Multiplied Immunoassay
Technique (EMIT) analyzed at a commercial laboratory.
Statistical analyses
Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) Ver-
sion 22.0 was used to analyze all results [35]. Descriptive
statistics were calculated to provide information means,
standard deviations, percentages, and ranges of relevant
demographic data along with neurocognitive, psychiatric,
and substance use data. Pearson correlations were used
to examine the relationship between current depres
sive symptomatology and neurocognitive outcomes. A
series of independent sample t-tests were then computed
to examine differences in neurocognitive functioning
between participants based on depression and substance
use disorder categories (e.g., cannabis, cocaine).
Demographic characteristics
Table2 summarizes the sample’s demographic and clini-
cal characteristics. Almost one-third of the sample was
female, and the mean age was 42.2years (SD = 10.3) with
a mean of 11.4years of education (SD = 2.3). e major
ity (52%) was Latinx. e majority of Latinx participants
were of Caribbean heritage (Puerto Rican and Domini
can). e remainder of the sample was non-Hispanic
Black/African American (24%), non-Hispanic white
(22%), or of another background (2%).
Neurocognitive characteristics
Table3 summarizes neurocognitive characteristics of the
sample and prevalence rates of impairment. Estimated
premorbid intelligence for the overall sample was below
average (SS = 87.2, SD = 13.2). Consistent with this,
Table 2 Participant demographic and selected clinical
characteristics (N = 97)
n = 85. SR = Self-report use from Addiction Severity Index; UT = Urine
toxicology at baseline visit; BDI-II = Beck Depression Inventory – II;
CIDI = Composite International Diagnostic Interview–Version 2.1
M (SD) or % (n) Range
Demographic characteristics
Age, years 42.2 (10.3) 21–63
Education, years 11.4 (2.3) 6–18
Female 27% (26)
HIV + 6% (6)
Hepatitis C diagnosis
14% (14)
Non-Hispanic White 22% (21)
Non-Hispanic Black/African-American 24% (23)
Latinx 52% (50)
Other 2% (3)
Opioid use characteristics
SR heroin in last 30 days 87% (79)
SR other opiates in last 30 days 33% (30)
UT opiates 98% (92)
Lifetime opioid use disorder 100% (97)
Cannabis use characteristics
SR cannabis in last 30 days 44% (40)
UT cannabis 25% (24)
Lifetime cannabis use disorder 44% (42)
Stimulant use characteristics
SR cocaine in last 30 days 40% (36)
UT cocaine 28% (27)
Lifetime cocaine use disorder 59% (57)
SR amphetamines in last 30 days 2% (2)
UT amphetamines 1% (1)
Sedative use characteristics
SR alcohol in last 30 days 41% (37)
SR alcohol to intoxication in last 30 days 24% (22)
Lifetime alcohol use disorder 54% (52)
SR sedatives in last 30 days 23% (21)
UT benzodiazepines 11% (11)
Lifetime sedative use disorder 28% (27)
Psychological characteristics
BDI-II Total Score 15.4 (10.6) 0–45
Minimal total score 13 50% (45)
Mild total score 14 and 19 17% (15)
Moderate total score 20 and 28 23% (22)
Severe total score 29 and 63 10% (9)
CIDI lifetime major depressive disorder 37% (35)
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Scottetal. Addict Sci Clin Pract (2021) 16:64
global neurocognitive functioning T-score was below
average (M = 41.6, SD = 6.4). Individual neurocogni
tive domain T-scores ranged from mild-to-moderately
impaired for learning (M = 34.3, SD = 8.3) to average
performance in processing speed (M = 48.0, SD = 8.8).
Although all neurocognitive domain T-scores fell within
normal limits with the exception of for learning and
memory, neurocognitive impairments were still observed
in each domain. Over two-thirds of the sample scored
in the impaired range for learning (79% impaired) and
memory (69% impaired). e remaining prevalence of
neurocognitive impairment varied from 18% in speed of
information processing, to 42% in motor skills.
Psychiatric andsubstance use comorbidity
Approximately half of the sample endorsed depressive
symptomatology, with one-third of the sample endorsing
moderate to severe symptoms of depression, and 37% of
the sample meeting lifetime criteria for a major depres
sive disorder.
Lifetime substance use disorder prevalence rates were
as follows: 59% cocaine (n = 57), 54% alcohol (n = 52),
44% cannabis (n = 42), and 28% sedatives (n = 27). Dur
ing the 30days prior to the baseline visit, with the excep-
tion of high opioid use (e.g., 87% heroin use) and low
amphetamine use (i.e., 2%), self-reported substance use
ranged from 23% for sedatives to 44% for cannabis. Urine
toxicology results during the baseline visit revealed lower
current prevalence rates of these substances ranging
from 11% for benzodiazepines to 28% for cocaine (again
excluding opiates and amphetamines). Additionally,
50% of the sample tested positive for at least one non-
opiate substance (i.e., cannabis, cocaine, amphetamines,
Associations betweenneurocognitive functioning
anddepressive symptoms
Current depressive symptomatology was significantly
correlated with the global composite of the seven
domains (r = 0.23, p = 0.03), while the correlations
with each of the seven individual domains ranged from
r = 0.20, p = 0.05 for verbal fluency to r = 0.11,
p = 0.32 for memory.
Table 4 summarizes differences in the relationship
between lifetime major depressive disorder and neuro
cognitive functioning. Participants with a history of life-
time major depressive disorder had significantly worse
functioning in two domains: attention/working memory
(t(94) = 2.72, p = 0.01) and motor skills (t(92) = 2.64,
p = 0.01) than those with no lifetime history of major
depressive disorder, with medium effect sizes (Cohens
d’s = 0.57–58). Additionally, participants with a history of
lifetime major depressive disorder exhibited worse exec
utive functioning, processing speed, and overall global
neurocognitive functioning than those without a his
tory of lifetime major depressive disorder at trend levels
(p’s 0.10), with modest effect sizes (Cohens d = 0.35 to
Associations betweenneurocognitive functioning
andsubstance use disorders
Table 4 also summarizes differences in the relation-
ship between lifetime substance use disorder categories,
global neurocognitive functioning, and each of the seven
neurocognitive domains. Participants with a lifetime his
tory of cannabis use disorder had better executive func-
tioning t(94) =  2.25, p = 0.03) than those without a
lifetime history of cannabis use disorder with a medium
effect size (Cohen’s d = 0.46). Similarly, participants with
cannabis use disorder also performed better on atten
tion/working memory tasks t(94) =  2.77, p = 0.007)
Table 3 Participant neurocognitive (NC) characteristics based on average T-scores and rates of impairment (N = 97)
T-scores between 45 and 54 = average; T-scores between 40 and 44 = below average; T-scores < 40 = overall impaired; T = 35–39 mildly impaired; T = 30–34 mild-
moderately impaired; T = 25–29 moderately impaired; T = 20–24 moderate-severely impaired; and T < 20 severely impaired; Mod = moderately
M (SD) Overall
% (n)
% (n)
impaired %
impaired % (n)
impaired % (n)
% (n)
WRAT-3 reading (standard score) 87.2 (13.2)
Global NC functioning 41.6 (6.4) 35% (34) 18% (17) 13% (13) 3% (3) 1% (1) 0% (0)
Executive functioning 43.6 (7.7) 35% (34) 24% (23) 9% (9) 2% (2) 0% (0) 0% (0)
Learning 34.3 (8.3) 79% (77) 34% (33) 19% (18) 12% (12) 7% (7) 7% (7)
Memory 35.5 (8.7) 69% (67) 22% (21) 21% (20) 14% (14) 7% (7) 5% (5)
Attention/working memory 43.0 (9.5) 41% (40) 24% (23) 11% (11) 3% (3) 3% (3) 0% (0)
Speed of information processing 48.0 (8.8) 18% (17) 9% (9) 6% (6) 1% (1) 0% (0) 1% (1)
Motor skills 42.0 (10.3) 42% (40) 17% (16) 14% (13) 5% (5) 5% (5) 1% (1)
Verbal fluency 44.5 (9.9) 31% (30) 18% (17) 6% (6) 4% (4) 2% (2) 1% (1)
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Table 4 Mean comparisons based on lifetime cannabis use disorder, cocaine use disorder, and major depressive disorder with neurocognitive (NC) functioning (N = 97)
Mean and Standard Deviations (M, SD) based on average T scores; Diagnosis assessed using the Composite Diagnostic Interview (CIDI); T-scores between 45 and 54 = average; T-scores between 40 and 44 = below
average; T-scores < 40 = overall impaired; T = 35–39 mildly impaired; T = 30–34 mild-moderately impaired; T = 25–29 moderately impaired; T = 20–24 moderate-severely impaired; and T < 20 severely impaired
p < 0.10
p < 0.05
p < 0.01
Neurocognitive domain Diagnosis of cannabis use disorder Diagnosis of cocaine use disorder Diagnosis of major depressive disorder
Yes (n = 42) No (n = 54) Yes (n = 57) No (n = 39) Yes (n = 35) No (n = 61)
M (SD) M (SD) t-test Cohen’s d M (SD) M (SD) t-test Cohen’s d M (SD) M (SD) t-test Cohens d
Global NC functioning 42.7 (5.7) 40.7 (6.9) 1.5 0.31 42.1 (6.7) 40.8 (6.1) 1.0 0.20 39.9 (7.0) 42.5 (6.0) 1.9* 0.41
Executive functioning 45.6 (7.3) 42.1 (7.9) 2.3** 0.46 44.9 (8.1) 41.7 (6.9) 2.0* 0.42 41.6 (8.0) 44.7 (7.5) 1.9* 0.40
Learning 35.3 (9.1) 33.6 (7.3) 1.0 0.21 33.6 (7.8) 35.4 (9.0) 1.0 0.22 33.2 (7.7) 35.0 (8.6) 1.0 0.22
Memory 36.4 (8.1) 34.7 (9.3) 0.9 0.19 35.1 (8.5) 36.1 (9.3) 0.5 0.11 34.7 (8.7) 35.9 (8.9) 0.6 0.14
Attention/working memory 46.0 (9.9) 40.8 (8.6) 2.8*** 0.57 45.3 (9.6) 39.8 (8.5) 2.9*** 0.60 39.7 (9.2) 45.0 (9.2) 2.7*** 0.58
Speed of information processing 47.9 (7.4) 48.2 (10.0) 0.1 0.03 48.7 (9.3) 47.1 (8.3) 0.9 0.18 46.0 (9.6) 49.2 (8.3) 1.7* 0.36
Motor skills 42.1 (9.5) 41.9 (11.0) 0.1 0.02 41.2 (10.5) 43.2 (10.1) 0.9 0.19 38.4 (9.4) 44.1 (10.3) 2.6** 0.57
Verbal fluency 45.7 (9.1) 43.8 (10.5) 1.5 0.19 46.0 (10.7) 42.6 (8.3) 1.7* 0.35 46.0 (10.9) 43.9 (9.3) 1.0 0.21
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Scottetal. Addict Sci Clin Pract (2021) 16:64
with a medium effect size (Cohens d = 0.56). ere were
no other differences between participants with and with
out a history of cannabis use disorder globally or in any
other neurocognitive domain.
Participants with a lifetime history of cocaine use dis
order outperformed those with no lifetime history of
cocaine use disorder on attention/working memory
tasks t(94) =  2.90, p = 0.005) with a medium effect
size (Cohens d = 0.61). Additionally, participants with a
lifetime history of cocaine use disorder had better execu
tive functioning t(94) = -2.00, p = 0.06) and verbal fluency
t(94) =  1.69, p = 0.10) at trend levels with medium
effect sizes (Cohens d = 0.36 to 0.41). ere were also no
differences between participants with and without a his
tory of cocaine use disorder globally or in any other neu-
rocognitive domain.
Participants with or without a lifetime history of alco
hol use disorder or sedative use disorder also did not dif-
fer on any neurocognitive domain.
We found that the vast majority of our diverse sample of
OUD patients who were initiating OAT with methadone
or buprenorphine/naloxone were impaired in domains of
learning and memory. Major depressive disorder was also
common, and half the sample reported current depres
sive symptomatology. Lifetime prevalence of substance
use disorders were high with over half of the sample
reporting a lifetime history of alcohol or cocaine use dis
order, 44% reporting lifetime cannabis use disorder, and
28% reporting lifetime sedative use disorder. As expected,
current depressive symptoms and a lifetime history of
major depressive disorder were both negatively related
to specific domains of neurocognitive functioning (e.g.,
attention/working memory, motor skills). However, con
trary to our hypothesis, we did not find a negative rela-
tionship between lifetime diagnoses of alcohol or cocaine
use disorder and neurocognitive functioning. Instead,
we found no differences in neurocognitive function
ing between those with and without a history of alcohol
use disorder. Moreover, we found that attention/working
memory was significantly better in individuals with a his
tory of cocaine or cannabis use disorder, and executive
functioning was significantly better in individuals with a
history of cannabis use disorder.
We found a similar prevalence of learning and mem
ory impairment and impairment in other neurocogni-
tive domains as previous studies [59, 36]. For instance,
compared to Arias and colleagues [5] we found the fol
lowing impairment rates: learning: 79% present study
vs. 73% Arias and colleagues [5], memory: 69% present
study vs. 68% Arias and colleagues [5], attention/working
memory: 41% present study vs. 36% Arias and colleagues
[5], and executive functioning 35% present study vs. 44%
Arias and colleagues [5]. e especially high prevalence
of learning and memory impairment in persons with
OUD who are initiating OAT is not surprising given that
chronic opioid use decreases temporal lobe gray matter
density and results in corresponding decreases in hip
pocampal neurogenesis [37, 38]. Additionally, unlike
other neurocognitive domains, learning and memory
impairment appears to be independent of common
comorbidities (i.e., depression and substance use disor
ders) in this sample.
Similar to previous studies, we found that depression
was common in OUD patients [5, 17, 22]. Similar to
Loeber and colleagues [22], our study found that depres
sion (i.e., lifetime major depressive disorder and current
depressive symptomatology) negatively impacted neu
rocognitive performance (i.e., globally and domains of
attention/working memory and motor skills), but other
studies have not found a relationship between current
or past depression and cognitive functioning [5, 12] in
OUD patients. In contrast to our study, Sanborn and
colleagues [12] investigated this relationship in patients
already taking methadone (rather than in patients start
ing OAT). Arias and colleagues [5] studied a small sam-
ple and may not have had sufficient power to detect an
impact of depression on cognitive functioning, though
they did report a negative but non-significant relation
ship between motor skills and lifetime history of major
depressive disorder with a similar effect size (i.e., Cohens
d = 0.70) as we found. Because we found a significant
negative relationship for both current and lifetime
depression and neurocognitive outcomes in persons with
OUD who are starting OAT, our findings have increased
generalizability compared to past studies. However, given
the simple bivariate relationship between depression and
cognition in the present study, future research should
clarify the specific role of current and lifetime history of
depression in negatively impacting neurocognitive per
formance in OUD patients.
In contrast to Arias and colleagues [5], results of the
present study revealed that cocaine and cannabis use
disorder diagnoses were positively associated with neu
rocognitive functioning in specific domains. It is possible
that the difference in diagnostic criteria (DSM-IV in Arias
vs. DSM-5 in present study), along with the increased
power via larger sample size, might partially explain this
difference in findings. e positive relationship between
attention/working memory and cocaine use is some
what consistent with previous research [39]. Specifically,
Byrd and colleagues [39] found a positive association
between positive urine toxicology results for cocaine and
attention/working memory in a sample of HIV ± poly
substance users, including current opioid users. ese
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Scottetal. Addict Sci Clin Pract (2021) 16:64
converging findings may be due to the “neuro-activat-
ing” properties of cocaine that could result in enhanced
attentional performance. Future research should explore
whether potential neuro-activating properties of cocaine
in polysubstance users persists overtime as in those with
a lifetime history of cocaine use disorder. e current
studys finding regarding the positive association between
lifetime cannabis use disorder and cognitive functioning
is both consistent [40] and inconsistent [41] with limited
prior literature. For instance, Gruber and colleagues [40]
reported improved executive functioning performance
over time in medical marijuana users. Ultimately, our
results appear to indicate that prior cocaine or cannabis
use disorder do not confer a risk for poor neurocognitive
functioning in patients entering OAT.
is study has several important implications and
strengths. First, by characterizing the prevalence of neu
rocognitive impairment, depression, and other substance
use in persons with OUD who are starting OAT, our
results provide useful information to treatment providers.
is knowledge might allow clinicians to help patients
taking OAT develop compensatory strategies for poor
neurocognitive functioning (e.g., learning and memory),
while providing adjunctive treatment for depression. Sec
ond, our study was able to successfully replicate the prev-
alence of neurocognitive impairment, depression, and
comorbid substance use reported in our previous study
by Arias and colleagues [5]. We also were able to provide
the additional power necessary to detect a statistically
significant association between depression and neuro
cognitive functioning, while uncovering that OAT-initiat-
ing persons with a lifetime history of comorbid substance
use disorders did not have greater neurocognitive impair
ments than those without. Although our findings must
still be replicated in different patient populations and
in different locations, we are confident in the validity of
these results. ird, we used recent and well-validated
measures of neurocognitive functioning, depression, and
substance use, which addresses important limitations of
some prior studies on this topic (e.g., [5, 42, 43]). Fourth
and finally, the high racial/ethnic diversity of the sample
is both a strength and a limitation. e present study fills
an important gap in the currently sparse literature on
characteristics of racial/ethnic minority patients enter
ing OAT. However, our predominantly Latinx sample of
Caribbean heritage (Puerto Rican and Dominican) may
not generalize to persons from other racial/ethnic groups
and/or regions of the U.S. [44, 45]. Future studies should
replicate these findings in other racial/ethnic groups (e.g.,
non-Hispanic white, Asian American, American Indian/
Alaska Native) and settings (e.g., rural, suburban).
Despite these strengths, our study has several limita
tions. e cross-sectional nature of our research design
limits the generalizability of our results. Specifically,
these findings only apply to patients early in OAT (i.e.,
within the first 14days) and do not account for individu
als who will drop out of treatment. erefore, it remains
to be seen if these high prevalence rates of neurocogni
tive impairment, depression, and other substance use are
present in patients who remain in treatment long-term.
Future longitudinal studies should be conducted to pro
vide characteristics of OAT patients over time. Finally,
because we had no healthy control group, it is unknown
if our findings are applicable to OUD patients in general
or just those seeking OAT. Future studies might incor
porate a non-treated control group to determine if these
findings are directly related to initiating OAT.
We found high prevalence rates of neurocognitive
impairment, depression, and other substance use among
diverse persons with OUD who were starting OAT. e
vast majority of these patients exhibited impairments
in learning and memory, and current depression and
substance use, especially cannabis, cocaine, and alco
hol, were common. Depressed patients were especially
likely to have neurocognitive impairments, but patients
with a lifetime history of either cannabis or cocaine use
disorder had no worse neurocognitive functioning than
those without. Treatment providers should be aware that
patients starting OAT may present with neurocognitive
and psychiatric complications, and depression in these
patients might be associated with especially poor neu
rocognitive outcomes. is knowledge might allow clini-
cians to help patients taking OAT develop compensatory
strategies for poor neurocognitive functioning (e.g.,
learning and memory), while providing adjunctive treat
ment for depression.
OAT: Opioid agonist treatment; OUD: Opioid use disorder; OTP: Opioid treat-
ment program; U.S.: United States; DoSA: Division of substance abuse; WRAT-3:
Wide Range Achievement Test-Reading subtest, 3rd edition; BDI-II: Beck
depression inventory–II; CIDI: Composite International Diagnostic Interview;
DSM: Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders; ASI: Addiction
Severity Index; EMIT: Enzyme Multiplied Immunoassay Technique; SPSS: Statis-
tical Package for the Social Sciences.
The authors acknowledge and thank Yuming Ning and Aprille Mangalonzo for
expert technical assistance, and also the patients who generously gave their
time to this study.
Authors’ contributions
All authors contributed to the preparation of this manuscript. MRM, CO, and
JA contributed to study design and implementation. Data collection was
performed by FA, JO, and TMS. Data analysis was performed by TMS and MRM.
All authors have read and approved the final manuscript.
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Scottetal. Addict Sci Clin Pract (2021) 16:64
This research was funded by NIH R01DA032552; Co-PIs: M.R.M., PhD, ABPP-CN
& J.A., MD, MPH.
Availability of data and materials
The datasets used and/or analyzed during the current study are available from
the corresponding author on reasonable request.
Ethics approval and consent to participate
The trial was approved by the Institutional Review Boards of both Albert Ein-
stein College of Medicine/Montefiore Medical Center and Fordham University.
Informed consent was collected for all participants in this study.
Consent for publication
Not applicable.
Competing interests
The authors declare that they have no competing interests.
Author details
VA Palo Alto Health Care System Sierra Pacific Mental Illness Research Educa-
tion Clinical Center, 3801 Miranda Ave, Palo Alto, CA 94304, USA.
of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Stanford School of Medicine, Stanford,
Department of Medicine, Albert Einstein College of Medicine
and Montefiore Medical Center, Bronx, NY, USA.
Department of Neurology,
North Shore University Hospital, Manhasset, NY, USA.
The Aging Brain Center,
Hebrew SeniorLife, Boston, MA, USA.
Department of Cognitive Neurology,
Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA,
Department of Psychology and Latin America and Latino Studies
Institute, Fordham University, New York, NY, USA.
Department of Neurology,
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, NY, USA.
Received: 19 May 2021 Accepted: 12 October 2021
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