INTERNAL – Authorized for SAP Customers and Partners
SAP Fieldglass
Job Seeker Review
© 2024 SAP SE or an SAP aliate company. All rights reserved.
1 Job Seeker Review Overview....................................................3
1.1 Job Seeker Review Setup....................................................... 3
2 Job Seeker Statuses..........................................................6
3 Conguring Messages and Work Items............................................8
4 Viewing Job Seekers.........................................................10
4.1 Using the Job Seeker Cards View................................................. 11
4.2 Using the Job Seeker List View...................................................14
4.3 Sorting and Filtering..........................................................16
4.4 Job Seeker Record........................................................... 18
4.5 Viewing Potential Matches......................................................19
4.6 Comparing Job Seekers....................................................... 20
4.7 Evaluating Job Seekers........................................................22
4.8 Rating Job Seekers...........................................................23
4.9 Shortlisting Job Seekers.......................................................23
4.10 Scoring Job Seekers..........................................................23
Weighted Qualication Scoring................................................25
Machine Learning Features for Candidate Analysis..................................26
5 Processing Job Seekers......................................................32
5.1 Reviewing with Resumes.......................................................32
5.2 Managing Interviews..........................................................34
5.3 Hiring Job Seekers...........................................................37
Select for Hire............................................................39
5.4 Rejecting Job Seekers.........................................................39
INTERNAL – Authorized for SAP Customers and Partners
Job Seeker Review
1 Job Seeker Review Overview
Provides information about the tools designed to simplify the evaluation and selection of job seekers who have
been submitted to job postings.
To enhance the organization of the workow, the options for viewing job seekers give you maximum visibility
into job seeker qualications and help organize the review process. Buyers can quickly compare, rate, and
shortlist job seekers using two dierent views. Additionally, they can easily learn valuable information by
viewing ags that identify job seekers as matches to other workers or individuals who should not be rehired.
Work items can be sent to users associated with the job seeker review process as well as enable and customize
messages for use with certain work items.
The features designed for processing job seekers help you easily set up and manage interviews, reject job
seekers that are no longer being considered for a position, and hire job seekers in a variety of streamlined ways.
Note that many of these features may require setup and conguration.
If you're using Candidate Portal functionality, depending on your setup, a job seeker could have applied through
the Candidate Portal. For more information, see SAP Fieldglass Candidate Portal.
Related Information
Job Seeker Review Setup [page 3]
1.1 Job Seeker Review Setup
There are multiple setup options available for use with Job Seeker Review tools. Be sure to review the options
and make the appropriate setup choices for users who are allowed to review and manage job seekers.
Company Conguration
The following company conguration settings can be enabled for use with the Job Seeker Review tools:
Field Name
Prevent non-coordinator users from viewing job seekers Enabled for the following job seeker statuses: Interviewed,
Shortlisted, Rejected, Submitted. When enabled, only users
who have this setting enabled can view the job seekers in
the selected statuses. For example, if Submitted is selected,
a coordinator would be able to view a newly submitted job
seeker, but a hiring manager wouldn't.
Job Seeker Review
Job Seeker Review Overview
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Field Name Denition
Enable Annotation (Contingent) Allows you to create, view, and edit annotations attached to
a job seeker's record. Annotations are useful for writing ad-
ditional notes regarding job seekers and can be viewed and
edited among users associated with the job seeker review
Suppress comments when job seeker is rejected
Hides comments created by the buyer from suppliers when
a job seeker is rejected. In order for this functionality to
occur, this option must be enabled and Comments cannot
be a system variable in messaging for Job Seeker > Reject >
If this option is enabled and Comments is a system variable
in messaging for Job Seeker > Reject > Supplier, suppliers
will not be able to see comments on the Job Seeker page,
but they will be able to see comments in any messages they
receive regarding the job seeker rejection.
Resume/CV required for job seekers
Requires suppliers to submit a resume/CV when they sub-
mit job seekers. Resumes are then immediately available for
review with the job seeker record and on the job posting.
Supplier name visibility Hides the supplier name from the buyer when reviewing job
Supplier can specify payment currency Allows the supplier to select a payment currency that diers
from the currency on the job posting when submitting job
seekers. This setting is useful when a job seeker's local cur-
rency diers from the currency on a job posting.
The buyer must dene replacement rates in dierent curren-
cies in order for the rates on the job posting to be replaced
when the supplier species a dierent currency when sub-
mitting a job seeker. Replacement rates can only be dened
for the rate types, Rate, Factor, and Rate - Calculated. For
example: A job posting has ST and OT rates. The job posting
is created in USD. The supplier changes the currency for
a job seeker to GBP. A replacement rate is dened for ST/
Hourly in GBP, but no replacement rate is dened for OT/
Hourly in GBP. The supplier would get the error because a
replacement rate does not exist for one of the rates on the
job posting.
Rank resumes for job seekers
Allows job seekers to be ranked based on how closely their
resume matches the job posting description and qualica-
tions. For more information, see Machine Learning Features
for Candidate Analysis [page 26].
Weighted Qualication Scoring
Uses a simplied method for rating job seekers, which, is
based only on qualications. This method helps you evaluate
a job seeker based on factors only related to their quali-
cations. For more information, see Weighted Qualication
Scoring [page 25].
4 INTERNAL – Authorized for SAP Customers and Partners
Job Seeker Review
Job Seeker Review Overview
Site Conguration
Allow Prole Picture: If this site conguration is enabled and not locked, the Allow Prole Picture ag can
be enabled for specic sites. If it is enabled and locked, prole pictures can be added to workers in every
Site Admin Object
Allow Candidate Anonymity for Contingent: If this option is enabled for the site associated with the job
posting, job seeker names are suppressed on the responses tab and aren’t visible to the buyer. In addition,
job seeker email addresses display as "Email Withheld."
User Prole Flag
Scheduler assists with Interview and Meeting creation: When a buyer user has the user role permission
Job Seeker Schedule Interview/Meeting enabled, this prole ag can be enabled for individual
users. When this prole ag is enabled, you cannot submit an interview to a supplier. Users with this
ag enabled are considered Requesters (but not Schedulers) and can only request interviews/meetings.
Another user who has the user role permission but does not have this prole ag enabled (Schedulers)
must submit the interview to a supplier.
User Preferences
My Preferences Interview/Meeting : Edit to set interview and meeting default values. These values
automatically populate when scheduling interviews and/or meetings.
Job Posting Template Rules
The following job posting template rules impact the job seeker review process:
When a job seeker is submitted to a job posting that has both Auto Engage Job Seeker and Auto Register Job
Seeker selected, work items are no longer generated from that point on. However, if notications are enabled,
the notications are sent to the selected recipients.
The Maximum Number of submittals per Supplier eld on the job posting template limits the number of
job seekers suppliers can submit to related job postings. The following rules are used to determine whether a
candidate submittal counts toward the maximum number of submittals.
If a worker is withdrawn by the supplier before the buyer has taken an action on the candidate, the
submittal doesn’t count against the maximum number of submissions.
If a worker is withdrawn by the supplier after the buyer has taken action on the candidate, the submittal is
counted against the maximum number of submissions.
If a worker is rejected by the buyer, the submittal is counted against the maximum number of submissions.
Job Seeker Review
Job Seeker Review Overview
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2 Job Seeker Statuses
The status of each job seeker changes as the document moves through the workow. A unique status is
assigned to each step in the document's life cycle.
The statuses that can be assigned to a job seeker are listed below. A company's conguration and setup
impacts the statuses available for that company.
Status Denition
Closed The job seeker has not registered as a worker and the work order has been closed by the supplier.
Conrmed The job seeker has registered as a worker and can begin submitting time and expense.
Note: This status is displayed only when viewing candidates submitted to job postings. Conrmed
job seekers are displayed via the View Workers menu option.
Deleted The job seeker has been deleted. This action that can only be performed by SAP Fieldglass
second-level support.
Draft The job seeker has been started but then saved by the supplier to be completed at a later date.
Interviewed The buyer has marked the job seeker as interviewed.
Rejected The buyer has rejected the job seeker.
Shortlisted The buyer has shortlisted the job seeker.
Submitted The supplier has submitted the job seeker to a job posting.
Withdrawn The job seeker has been withdrawn from submission by the supplier.
Work Order Accepted The supplier has accepted the work order.
Work Order Activated The buyer has activated the job seeker and an invitation has been sent to the job seeker to register
and begin using
Work Order Approval
The user roles or system roles dened in the approval group have no users assigned to them. The
buyer must assign users to these roles and then restart the approval process.
Work Order Con-
The job seeker has registered (or has been auto-registered) as a worker and can begin submitting
time and expense.
Work Order Created The buyer has selected the job seeker for hire and a work order has been created.
Work Order Declined The supplier has declined the work order. The buyer may modify the work order and resubmit to
the supplier.
Work Order Draft The work order has been started but then saved by the buyer to be completed at a later date.
6 INTERNAL – Authorized for SAP Customers and Partners
Job Seeker Review
Job Seeker Statuses
Status Denition
Work Order No Show The activated job seeker did not show up for work and has been marked No Show by the buyer.
Work Order Pending
The work order for the job seeker is pending approval by the buyer.
Work Order Pending
External Acceptance
The work order for the job seeker has been accepted by the supplier and is now pending external
Work Order Pending
The work order for the job seeker has been submitted to the PMOand is awaiting review.
Work Order Rejected The buyer has reviewed and rejected the work order during the approval process. The work order
may be edited and resubmitted
Job Seeker Review
Job Seeker Statuses
INTERNAL – Authorized for SAP Customers and Partners 7
3 Conguring Messages and Work Items
Job Seeker Review work items are generated and sent to users associated with the job seeker review process.
Work items are created to alert these users that job seekers have been submitted and may require action, such
as shortlisting or interviewing.
Even if a job posting is halted, the related job seeker review work items remain in the Work Items list. Job
seeker review work Items are only sent to buyer users. Suppliers can't be the recipients of job seeker work
Messages for use with Job Seeker Review Work Items
The following messages can be enabled for use with the job seeker review work items:
Email Job Seekers Resume/CV in the Job Posting module.
Applicable messages in the Interview/Meeting Schedule module.
Applicable messages in the Job Seeker module.
Remove Work Items
Job seeker review work items remain on your desktop until an action is taken that removes them. Unlike other
work items that require one action (such as approving a job posting), job seeker review work items may be
removed as a result of multiple potential actions.
The creation and removal of job seeker review work items is based on a buyer’s business process, system
design, and messaging preferences. It's possible that one action, such as shortlisting, may remove an existing
work item and generate a new one for the same user.
Congure Messages for Job Seeker Review
From the Messaging List, buyer administrators can customize messages by editing the details of a default
message and can create work items for various actions taken during the job seeker workow.
INTERNAL – Authorized for SAP Customers and Partners
Job Seeker Review
Conguring Messages and Work Items
Actions that Generate and Remove Work Items
Certain work items require a specic action be taken or are purely informational and don't require any action.
The following job seeker work items don’t have a specic action that must be taken; instead, there are various
actions that can be taken depending on what the buyer would like to do regarding the job seeker.
When an action is taken on a job seeker and a work item notication has been congured, a Review work item
is displayed in the recipient’s SAP Fieldglass Work Items menu. The work item remains in the menu until an
action is taken that removes it.
Done By
Action that Generates Job
Seeker Work Item Recipient
Actions that can Remove
Job Seeker Work Items
Buyer Select for Hire Buyer Create Work Order, Reject
Supplier Submit Buyer Hire, Shortlist, Interview, Re-
ject, Withdraw Job Seeker,
Close Job Posting
Buyer Shortlist Buyer Hire, Interview, Reject, With-
draw Job Seeker, Close Job
Buyer Unshortlist Buyer Hire, Shortlist, Interview, Re-
ject, Withdraw Job Seeker,
Close Job Posting
Buyer Interview Buyer Hire, Shortlist, Reject, With-
draw Job Seeker, Close Job
Once a job seeker has been submitted to a job posting that has both Auto Engage Job Seeker and Auto
Register Job Seeker selected, work items are no longer generated. If notications are enabled, SAP Fieldglass
continues to generate notications.
Note: Suppliers can't be recipients of job seeker work items.
Job Seeker Review
Conguring Messages and Work Items
INTERNAL – Authorized for SAP Customers and Partners 9
4 Viewing Job Seekers
The features designed for viewing job seekers help you evaluate and compare job seeker qualications.
Tools for viewing job seekers include the following:
Viewing Potential Matches
Comparing Job Seekers
Rating Job Seekers
Shortlisting Job Seekers
Once job seekers are submitted by suppliers, they can be reviewed on the Job Seekers tab of job postings.
You can review the Job Seekers tab using the Cards view or the List view. To change the view, select Cards or
List in the upper right-hand corner of the tab. The rst time you log in, the Cards view displays. If you change
the view, the system remembers your selection and uses that view for subsequent log-ins.
Actions vary based on the view.
INTERNAL – Authorized for SAP Customers and Partners
Job Seeker Review
Viewing Job Seekers
Related Information
Using the Job Seeker Cards View [page 11]
Using the Job Seeker List View [page 14]
4.1 Using the Job Seeker Cards View
The Cards view allows buyers to review individual job seekers within a customizable frame.
When the Allow Prole Picture site conguration is enabled, suppliers can include a prole picture for each
candidate that displays in the job seeker card. This customizable view allows buyers to easily see whether each
job seeker meets qualications, availability, and rate criteria. This view also includes multiple tools and ltering
options to enhance the job seeker review process.
Customizing the Cards View
Cards can be customized to include up to 10 attributes for each job seeker. To customize the cards view, select
Customize Card View in the upper right corner of the tab.
Job Seeker Review
Viewing Job Seekers
INTERNAL – Authorized for SAP Customers and Partners 11
Select the attributes to appear in job seeker cards from the Data to Show list. The Job Seeker Display is
updated as each selection is made. Select Apply to apply the changes. In the job seeker card, select the blue
arrow icon in the bottom-right corner to display the selected attributes.
Actions Available from the Cards View
The following additional actions can be performed from each card:
View or Download the job seeker's resume.
Select Preview to view a pop-up window with a summary of the job seeker's information.
Select Go to Details to open the Job Seeker Details page.
Select a star rating to rate the job seeker.
View Additional Criteria information.
Hire the job seeker or perform other Actions.
INTERNAL – Authorized for SAP Customers and Partners
Job Seeker Review
Viewing Job Seekers
View Potential Match Flags
A potential match icon displays next to job seeker names who are possible matches to current or previous
workers. For more information, see Viewing Potential Matches [page 19].
Rate Job Seekers
Rating stars appear for each job seeker on the Job Seekers tab. Hover over the stars to view the rating scale.
Ratings range from 1 star (low) to 5 stars (high). Select the stars to rate a job seeker.
View Additional Criteria Information
Select the dropdown list to view information on whether the job seeker meets rate, availability, and
qualication criteria. If the job seeker meets the requested criteria, the dropdown list displays "Meets
Requested Criteria" with a green checkmark. If the requested criteria is not met, a warning message displays
indicating the criteria that is not met. Additional information can be found in the Scoring Job Seekers topic.
Job Seeker Review
Viewing Job Seekers
INTERNAL – Authorized for SAP Customers and Partners 13
Perform Actions on One or More Job Seekers
The Cards view toolbar allows you to perform actions on multiple job seekers at once. The buttons that appear
in the toolbar and the actions that are available are based on the options allowed for the lter group being
The following options may appear:
Actions > Unshortlist
Actions > Mark as Interviewed
Actions > Schedule Interview
Actions > Email Resume/CV
To perform actions on one or more job seekers, use the checkboxes to choose the desired job seekers, and
then select a button in the toolbar. Use the Actions button to Unshortlist, Mark as Interviewed, Schedule
Interview, or Email Resume/CV for the selected job seekers.
Hire Job Seekers
From each card, buyers can select Hire to hire the job seeker and create a work order.
Related Information
Rating Job Seekers [page 23]
Sorting and Filtering [page 16]
4.2 Using the Job Seeker List View
The Job Seeker List view includes several tools that make managing job seekers easier and faster, such as the
toolbar buttons, links, annotations, and ltering options.
The Job Seeker List view is accessed by selecting the Job Seekers tab on a job posting.
Available Actions from the Job Seeker List
The following tools are available from the Job Seeker List:
Use toolbar buttons to perform actions on one or more job seekers.
Sort and lter job seeker list.
Create and view annotations.
Download and/or view resumes.
View potential matches.
Link to job seeker preview.
INTERNAL – Authorized for SAP Customers and Partners
Job Seeker Review
Viewing Job Seekers
Rate job seekers.
Link to work orders.
Perform Actions on One or More Job Seekers
The list view toolbar allows users with appropriate user role permissions to perform the following actions on
multiple job seekers at once:
Mark as Interviewed
Schedule Interview
Email Resume/CV
To perform actions on one or more job seekers, use the checkboxes to select the desired job seekers, and then
select the button for that action in the toolbar.
Multiple job seekers can be selected for all toolbar actions except Hire and Schedule Interview. Only one job
seeker can be selected for hire or scheduled for an interview.
Create and View Annotations
The Job Seeker annotation tool allows buyers to create and view notes related to a job seeker during the
review process. To use annotations to review job seekers, the Enable Annotations (Contingent) company
conguration option must be enabled. Users with the Annotations (Contingent) user role permissions are able
to view and/or submit annotations.
Download/View Resumes
Users with permission to manage job seekers can view and download job seeker resumes. To download a job
seeker’s resume or CV, select the Download link.
View Potential Match Flags
A potential match icon displays next to job seeker names who are possible matches to current or previous
workers. For more information, see Viewing Potential Matches [page 19].
Rate Job Seekers
Rating stars appear for each job seeker on the Job Seekers tab. Hover over the stars to view the rating scale.
Ratings range from 1 star (low) to 5 stars (high). Select the stars to rate a job seeker.
Link to Work Orders
When a job seeker is hired and a work order is created, the status of the job seeker in the list changes to display
a link to the work order ID. If Auto Engage Job Seeker and Auto Register Job Seeker are being used for the
job posting, the job seeker status automatically updates to display the link to the work order. Select the link to
access the work order. Work Order link statuses are:
Job Seeker Review
Viewing Job Seekers
INTERNAL – Authorized for SAP Customers and Partners 15
Work Order Draft
Work Order Pending Review
Work Order Pending Approval
Work Order Rejected
Work Order Created
Work Order Accepted
Work Order Activated
Work Order Conrmed
Related Information
Reviewing with Resumes [page 32]
4.3 Sorting and Filtering
There are multiple ways to sort and lter job seekers in the Cards view and List view.
Sorting with the Cards View
To sort job seekers by a specic value in the Cards view, select the desired value in the Sort By eld in the
toolbar. The cards are automatically ordered based on the selection. Options are:
Submit Date
Average Rate
Estimated Spend
Job Seeker Name
Supplier Name
Sorting with the List View
To sort job seekers by a specic value in the List view, select the desired heading below the toolbar. The list is
automatically ordered based on the selection. Headings include:
INTERNAL – Authorized for SAP Customers and Partners
Job Seeker Review
Viewing Job Seekers
ST Rate
My Rating
Average Rating
Resume Rank
Note that these headings may vary depending on your settings.
Filtering with the Cards View
There are two sets of lters that can be applied in the Cards view. The lters at the top of the Cards view
allow you to view job seekers who are Un-Reviewed, In Review, Selected for Hire, and All. Job seekers are
Un-Reviewed until an action has been performed on them. The status changes based on the action performed.
Job seekers can be further ltered using the expandable Filters menu on the left side of the screen. Options
Average Rate - use the sliding bar to adjust the rate amount or enter the desired values in the from and to
Estimated Spend - use the sliding bar to adjust the estimated spend amount or enter the desired values in
the from and to elds.
Available - enter the On or Before date or select a date from the calendar.
Status - select the desired job seeker statuses to appear in the Cards view. The options available are based
on the job seeker statuses of all job seekers in the cards view. Statuses appear regardless of the lter
option selected at the top of the cards view.
Rating - select the minimum number of stars to see job seekers with only that average number or more
Select Reset to reset the lters to the default values.
When changing these lter options, only the job seekers who are in the group selected using the lters above
the cards view appear in the results. For example, if the In Review group is selected, rejected job seekers don’t
appear in the results even if the Rejected status lter is selected. This is because rejected job seekers are no
longer "In Review."
Filtering with the List View
To lter items in the List view, enter a value in an open eld and select Apply Filters to search for job seekers by
that value.
The Items Found counter shows the number of job seekers in the list based on any lters.
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Viewing Job Seekers
INTERNAL – Authorized for SAP Customers and Partners 17
4.4 Job Seeker Record
The job seeker record displays job seeker details, accounting information, and job posting details and also
provides many of the actions that are accessible through the Cards and List views.
When a job seeker is submitted to a job posting, a job seeker record is created. On the job seeker record, you
can complete many of the same tasks that can be completed in the job seeker Cards and List views on the
job posting, such as view and download the job seeker's resume and review the job seeker's qualications.
Similarly, actions can be taken on the job seeker from the Actions menu on the job seeker record, such as
Select for Hire, Quick Hire, Schedule Interview, Shortlist, Reject, Mark as Interviewed, Edit, Add Rating.
Use the tabs on the job seeker record to view additional information, such as Rate Details, Approvals, and the
Audit Trail.
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Job Seeker Review
Viewing Job Seekers
To access the job seeker record from the Cards view, on the desired job seeker card, select Go to Job
Seeker Details.
To access the job seeker record from the List view, rst select a job seeker's name to open a preview. Then
select the View Details link.
4.5 Viewing Potential Matches
Job seekers who are possible matches to workers in SAP Fieldglass are agged when they’re submitted to job
A colored ag appears next to the job seeker name when potential matches are found for the job seeker.
The ags include Possible Match to Worker or Job Seeker, Possible Do Not Rehire, and Possible Duplicate
Submittal. The ags are links to the Potential Matches modal.
On the job postings Job Seeker tab, on the job seeker cards, ag indicators display and include a description.
Flags only displays if job seekers have been agged for something.
Depending on your congurations and settings, dierent elds display in the expandable section at the top of
the Potential Matches modal and on the job seeker cards.
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Viewing Job Seekers
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4.6 Comparing Job Seekers
The compare option can be used to view a side by side comparison of selected job seekers.
Select the checkboxes next to the desired job seeker names and choose Compare in the toolbar of the Cards
view or List view. Job seeker details display in a side by side format.
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Viewing Job Seekers
Various actions can be taken from the Comparing Job Seekers page. Select the checkbox next to one or more
job seekers to perform specic actions on those job seekers. Options include:
Quick Hire
Mark as Interviewed
Schedule Interview
Remove from Compare
Email Resume/CV
Note that only one job seeker can be selected for the Hire and Quick Hire options.
To add additional job seekers to the compare, select the Back to Job Seekers link, then select additional job
seekers before choosing Compare.
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Viewing Job Seekers
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4.7 Evaluating Job Seekers
Job Seeker evaluations allows a more intensive, quantiable, and objective selection process. This information
can be used during the hiring process to ensure transparency and accountability when selecting job seekers.
Setup Process
To create job seeker evaluations, the following setup process must be used:
Create questions for the Wizard module. The questions are the evaluation criteria that are used to evaluate
the job seeker. In order to be included in scoring, you must use the Answer Type, User Dened Pick List.
While creating user dened picklist options for the question, you provide the score for each answer. Buyers
set the scoring values, which can be a number between -9999 and 9999. Other answer types can be used
but aren’t included in scoring. The Text Area Answer Type can be used to give the evaluator a place to type
free-form comments.
Create a wizard with the starting point Evaluate Job Seeker.
On a Job Posting Template, select the appropriate wizard based on the Job Prole/Title/Code.
If an interview is scheduled, interviewers are automatically added as Evaluators. Add evaluators for a
Job Seeker, if an interview doesn't happen.Additional evaluators can be added later through the Manage
Evaluators option in the Actions drop-down menu..
Evaluating the Job Seeker
When a user selects the Evaluatebutton for a job seeker, the Evaluate modal opens with the questions. The
user evaluates the job seeker and selects the Mark as Complete button.
Users can edit their evaluations by accessing the Evaluate Job Seeker from the Actions menu.
Once the evaluation is completed, the Total Score displays when viewing the job seeker. This score is derived by
adding together the individual scores for each question on the wizard. It’s blank unless the job seeker has been
evaluated. This score is an average of all job seeker evaluations.
The buyer is using a ve-point scale for scoring. There are three evaluations for a job seeker. The score on item
1 = 3; the score on item 2 = 2; the score on item 3 = 4. The Total Score is calculated as 3+2+4 = 9. The Average
Evaluation Score is calculated as: (3+2+4) ÷ 3 = 3.
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Viewing Job Seekers
4.8 Rating Job Seekers
Multiple users can rate job seekers and review the average rating.
The Average Rating column on the job posting Job Seekers tab (List view and Card view) displays the average
of all job seeker ratings.
Job seekers can also be rated on the Job Seeker Details tab and when using the Comparing Job Seekers
functionality. All ratings for a job seeker can be found on the Rating tab of the job seeker record.
4.9 Shortlisting Job Seekers
Buyers can shortlist job seekers who are under review as part of the hiring process.
You can quickly view job seekers who are shortlisted by ltering on the Status. Only job seekers with a status of
Submitted can be shortlisted.
Shortlisting can also be used with the Prevent non-coordinator users from viewing job seekers company
conguration option. If the Shortlisted status is selected to be restricted, users with the This user can act
as Coordinator/Distributor ag enabled on their user prole can view both shortlisted and non-shortlisted
job seekers. Other users, such as hiring managers, cannot view a job seeker until the job seeker has been
Select the desired job seekers and select Shortlist. The job seekers' statuses are updated immediately. Job
Seekers can be unshortlisted by selecting the Unshortlist button. The statuses are updated to Submitted. Only
job seekers with a status of Shortlisted can be unshortlisted.
To view a list of shortlisted job seekers, select Shortlisted from the
Status dropdown on the job posting Job Seekers tab (List View).
4.10 Scoring Job Seekers
Scoring helps the buyer identify the best job seekers submitted on a job posting.
When a job seeker is submitted on a job posting, the SAP Fieldglass application looks at the job seeker's rate
(cost), available date, and whether the job seeker meets the qualications, if qualications were included on
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the job posting. When a buyer-dened rate change matrix and rate grid are included on a job posting, the
system also compares the job seeker average requested rate with the rate grid. Buyers see the results when
viewing the job seeker information:
If the job seeker meets all the criteria, you see a dropdown with a green border. It has a checkmark and the
text Meets Requested Criteria. When you open the dropdown, you get additional information about the
If the job seeker does not meet all the criteria, you see a dropdown with a yellow border. It has a caution
icon and text that provides information on the criteria that was not met.
When qualications are not included on the job posting, only the cost and availability criteria is used.
Available Congurations
There are two buyer company congurations that can be enabled to provide further assistance to identify the
best candidates.
When the Weighted Qualication Scoring conguration is enabled, only qualications are used to score
the job seeker; cost and availability are not included in the score.
When the Rank resumes for job seekers conguration is enabled, the job seeker's resume is matched with
the job posting.
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Viewing Job Seekers
Related Information
Weighted Qualication Scoring [page 25]
Machine Learning Features for Candidate Analysis [page 26]
4.10.1Weighted Qualication Scoring
Job seekers can be scored by looking at qualications only and not considering the cost and availability.
Weighted Qualication Scoring relies on an algorithm that calculates a score based on job seeker qualications.
This process lters out irrelevant items from the score and allows you to concentrate on reviewing job seekers
from a qualication eligibility standpoint. Elements like rate or availability aren’t factored into the score.
To use Weighted Qualication Scoring functionality, the Weighted Qualication Scoring company
conguration must be enabled. Job postings must include qualications.
Weighted Qualication Scoring Calculation
The following is included in the Weighted Qualication Scoring calculation:
Qualications with an assessment scale of Yes/No, True/False, Duration, Points, and Points & Duration are
included in the scoring calculation.
Qualications with an assessment of Yes/No or True/False are scored as 100% or 0%.
When assessing duration, the score is calculated as a fraction of the requirement. For example, 4 years of
experience current for a qualication with a requirement of 5 years of experience would score 4/5 or 80%.
A qualication can be worth a maximum of 100%. If a candidate has 6 years of experience for a
qualication with a requirement of 5 years of experience would score 100%, NOT 120%.
Qualications are equally weighted. If there are four qualications, each is worth 1/4 of the total score. If
there are ve qualications, each is worth 1/5 of the total score.
Viewing the Score
You can view the job seeker score by going to the Job Seekers tab on the job posting.
In the Cards view, select the Go to Job Seeker Details link. The score displays as a percentage on the job
seeker record under
Score Qualication .
In the List view, select the job seeker name. The score is displayed on the job seeker preview under
Qualication Score.
The weighted qualication scoring algorithm treats a qualication with an assessment scale of Certication
as a 0 for purposes of determining an average; therefore, it’s recommended that weighted qualication
scoring shouldn’t be used if certications are included in the qualications.
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Weighted Qualication Scoring Example
Qualication Requirement Candidate Qualication Score
Condentiality Agree-
Yes Yes 100%
Employment Eligibility Yes Yes 100%
Previous Experience in Indus-
True True 100%
Object Oriented Design 4 years 4 years 4/4 = 100%
Software Development Life
Yes No 0%
Web Programming 3 years 5 years 5/3 = 100%
Web User Interface Design 3 years 1 year 1/3 = 33%
Total Score (100+100+100+100+0+100
+33)/7 = 76%
4.10.2Machine Learning Features for Candidate Analysis
Machine learning capabilities in SAP Fieldglass help hiring managers nd the best candidate for a job posting
by evaluating resumes, observing professional backgrounds, and highlighting key skills.
SAP Fieldglass leverages machine learning to help hiring managers with additional, standardized data points in
order to help make hiring decisions. Machine Learning (ML), a subset of Articial Intelligence (AI), describes
algorithms that can learn from data without having to be explicitly programmed. Algorithms are nite
instructions used as specications for performing calculations and data processing.
Hiring managers want to hire qualied job seekers and ensure that their hiring processes are fair and impartial.
Additionally, it can be time consuming to review multiple resumes and professional backgrounds. The features
outlined in this guide help hiring managers achieve a smoother hiring experience in the following ways:
Candidates are ranked by matching the skills they've listed on their resumes to those on the job
Scores are generated for each candidate to determine how well their skills and related experience align to a
job posting.
Technical and soft skills are highlighted in a simplied view, making it easy for hiring managers to discover
whether or not a candidate possesses necessary skills.
Note that personally identiable information is removed from all data before being processed by machine
learning features.
Before using Machine Learning features, you should consult all local laws, policies, and regulations, as
these can vary based on country.
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Viewing Job Seekers
Ranking Resumes
Resume ranking evaluates the similarities between a resume and a job posting title and description.
The Resume Ranking feature uses machine learning to give hiring managers an edge in their hiring process
by evaluating how closely a resume matches a job's requirements in comparison to other resumes being
considered. Resumes are rst scored, and then, a rank is assigned to candidates based on descending order of
resume score. In order to use this feature, a company conguration must be enabled. When enabled and a job
seeker is submitted with a resume on a job posting, the job seeker is ranked based on how closely their resume
matches the job posting title and description. The system assigns the resume a Resume Rank number, which
helps managers prioritize top-ranking candidates. Some of the benets of the Resume Ranking feature include:
The screening and matching process is faster; saving time and eort.
The job seeker rating process is more objective.
Reduces the chance of missing a qualied job seeker as all resumes are processed and ranked.
The best candidates are identied based on job description keywords.
To use the Resume Ranking functionality:
The company conguration, Rank resumes for job seekers, must be enabled. This company conguration
also enables the Experience Assessment feature, another helpful feature for hiring managers to determine
how a job seeker's professional background aligns with requirements on a job posting. See Assessing
Experience [page 29] to learn more.
The buyer user role permission,
Job Seeker View Resume Rank , must be enabled for the user's role
in order to see the resume rank information.
Review Job Seekers with Resume Rank
When you access the Job Posting > Job Seeker tab in a list, the Resume Rank column displays. If you
view it in Cards view, the Resume Rank displays in the job seeker's card. The rank only displays for buyers.
Suppliers only see resume rank when the candidate applied through the candidate portal. In that situation, the
resume rank displays for suppliers whether or not the buyer has the Use Machine Learning to Rank Resumes
company conguration enabled.
Resume Ranking compares a resume to other resumes being considered for a job posting and assigns each
resume with a Resume Rank number. Resumes with the closest match to the job posting are ranked '1,'
resumes with the next closest match are ranked '2,' etc. More than one job seeker can have the same rank. A
job seeker's rank can change when additional job seekers are submitted or withdrawn.
Additionally, the Resume Ranking feature compares the skills in the resume with the typical skills required in
the job description. The Skills percentage is displayed on the candidate's Quick Preview modal and indicates
how well their skills match the job posting (100% being a perfect match).
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When the Rank resumes for job seekers company conguration is enabled for existing customers, the
application applies it to job seekers submitted in the past six months in addition to job seekers submitted
in the future.
In order for the Resume Ranking feature to work best, the job posting description must be detailed and
The resume's le type doesn’t aect ranking.
Resume Ranking works for candidates who apply via the SAP Fieldglass Candidate Portal as well as those
submitted by suppliers who aren't registered in the portal.
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Assessing Experience
The Experience Assessment feature helps hiring managers determine how closely a job seeker's professional
background aligns with the requirements on a job posting.
The Experience Assessment feature uses machine learning to generate two dierent points to help hiring
managers consider a job seeker's professional background:
Related Experience: Compares the candidate's previous job titles. The Related Experience percentage
displayed indicates how well the candidate's professional experience matches what is needed for the job
Industry Match: Compares keywords in the candidate's resume against keywords in the job posting. A
checkmark is shown when the job seeker's professional background is considered a good match.
To use the Experience Assessment functionality:
The company conguration, Rank resumes for job seekers, must be enabled. This company conguration
also enables the Resume Ranking feature, another helpful feature for hiring managers to determine how
a job seeker's professional background aligns with requirements on a job posting. See Ranking Resumes
[page 27] to learn more.
The buyer user role permission, Job Seeker View Resume Rank , must be enabled.
Review Job Seekers
When the company conguration is enabled, on the job seeker's Quick Preview modal, you can view the Related
Experience percentage and Industry Match point at the top of the page.
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Viewing Job Seekers
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Highlighting Skills
The Skills Highlighting feature uses machine learning to highlight the skills on a job seeker's resume.
When hiring managers are in the process of reviewing job seekers, it can be time consuming to search through
resumes and identify whether or not a job seeker has the necessary skills required for a job posting. The Skills
Highlighting feature detects skills on a resume and highlights them, making it easy for a hiring manager to
quickly view a candidate's strengths and determine whether or not they are a good t for the job posting.
To use this functionality, the Skills extraction for job seekers company conguration must be enabled.
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Viewing Job Seekers
Review Job Seekers with Skills Highlighting
Select the Resume Analysis button on the job seeker's Quick Preview modal. This button opens a simplied
resume view with all the skills highlighted. Hard skills, or technical skills, are highlighted in blue; soft skills are
highlighted in yellow.
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5 Processing Job Seekers
Job seeker review processes can be initiated from the Job Seekers tab of the job posting.
Most processes can be performed using the toolbar buttons that are available from the Cards view or the List
view. Processes that can be completed include the following:
Review job seeker resumes
Manage job seeker interviews
Hire job seekers
Reject job seekers
5.1 Reviewing with Resumes
When a supplier submits a job seeker, they can include a resume or a CV (Curriculum Vitae) for the job seeker.
The resume/CV are uploaded and attached to the job seeker record. The buyer can view, download, and email
the documents from the job posting Job Seekers tab. You can also view and download job seeker resumes
from the job seeker record and the job seeker list view.
If the company conguration Rank resumes for job seekers is enabled, the Job Posting Job Seeker
tab has a Resume Rank column. Refer to the Machine Learning Features for Candidate Analysis [page 26]
topic for more information.
The following features allow you to review and manage job seeker resumes:
Download/View Resume
When you have permission to manage job seekers, you can view and download job seeker resumes.
On the job posting Job Seekers tab, select the Download link in the Cards or List View to download a job
seeker's resume or CV. Options to open or save the resume are based on the document type and your browser
settings. To view a job seeker's resume or CV, select the View link. The resume is displayed in an inline viewer.
Resumes in PDF or Word le formats can be viewed in the inline viewer.
From the inline viewer, you can:
View the job seeker's available date, rating, and Supplier name (unless suppressed).
View the Job Seeker Details page by selecting the View Details link.
Download the resume by selecting Download Resume/CV.
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Processing Job Seekers
Email Resume/CV
With the appropriate permissions, you can email job seeker resumes or CVs to other SAP Fieldglass users in
the company. To email resumes, select at least one job seeker, then select the Email Resume/CV button (in
List View) or choose Actions Email Resume/CV (in Cards View).
Select Recipients from the dropdown list. Select + Add Recipient to add additional recipients. Select the X to
remove recipients.
When using this feature:
Multiple job seeker resumes can be emailed at one time.
Only users with permissions to view the related job posting appear in the recipients list.
Job Seeker resume emails are delivered to the selected recipients, even if the user's personal prole
notication email setting isn’t enabled.
The email attachment name is a combination of the Job Seeker ID and the le name. If the buyer
suppresses the supplier name, the supplier company code displays as XXXXXX in the le name.
The total le size for all attachments in the email can’t exceed 4.5 megabytes.
An audit entry is logged on the Approvals/Audit Trail tab when a resume is emailed.
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5.2 Managing Interviews
When you have permission to manage job seekers, you can manage job seeker interviews. Buyers can manage
interviews from the Job Seekers tab or Interviews tab of the job posting.
Manage Interviews from the Job Seekers Tab
Schedule Interview
With appropriate permissions enabled, you can schedule job seeker interviews.
In the Cards View, select the desired job seeker and choose Actions > Schedule Interview.
In the List View, select the desired job seeker and select the Schedule Interview button.
You are prompted to select a job seeker when there are multiple submitted job seekers and the interview
process is started from the job posting Interviews tab.
When the Enable Calendar Integration company conguration is enabled, buyers and suppliers who use the
interview module to schedule interviews can sync their schedules with their calendars. The interview scheduler
can create interviews in SAP Fieldglass and have their calendar automatically updated with the information.
The screenshots below display the interview module without the Enable Calendar Integration company
conguration enabled.
Schedule Interview - Step 1
Select the interviewers and enter proposed times for the interview. When nished, select Continue.
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Processing Job Seekers
Schedule Interview - Step 2
Type a subject and select an Interview Type. Interview Types are: In Person, Phone, Video Conference, and Not
Specied. If the Interview Type is Phone, the scheduler can specify that the Interviewer will call the Job Seeker,
the Job Seeker will call the Interviewer, or that the interview will be via a Conference Bridge.
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Select Submit to Supplier to submit. The status of the job seeker remains Submitted.
Mark as Interviewed
Buyers can mark job seekers as interviewed at any time by selecting the job seeker and choosing Action >
Mark as Interviewed in the Cards View, or selecting the Mark as Interviewed button in the List View. The
status of the job seeker is updated to Interviewed. Interviews can be managed on the Interviews tab of the
job posting. You can mark a job seeker as interviewed multiple times, even if they've already been marked as
interviewed by another buyer. Each interview is recorded in the Approvals/Audit Trail.
Manage Interviews from the Interviews Tab
The following actions can be taken from the Interviews tab:
Interviews can be conrmed by the buyer after they've been accepted by the supplier.
Once conrmed, interviews can be marked as completed. When an interview is marked as completed, the
buyer can enter a rating for the job seeker. The status on the Interviews tab changes to Interviewed and the
rating is updated, if entered.
Scheduled interviews that appear on the Interviews tab can be removed or rescheduled at any time prior to
being marked as completed.
Interviews that have a status of Conrmed can be marked as a No Show.
Interviews that have a status of Completed on the Interviews tab cannot be removed from the list or
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Processing Job Seekers
If the Chat feature has been enabled, a supplier who wishes to cancel or reschedule an interview can do so
using Chat. Suppliers cannot cancel or reschedule interviews after they have been accepted.
5.3 Hiring Job Seekers
There are multiple ways to hire a job seeker. Once a job seeker is hired, the work order creation process
Job seekers can be hired from dierent documents within the application: the Details tab of the job seeker
record, the Job Seekers tab on the job posting, and using the Comparing Job Seekers option on the Job
Seekers tab of the job posting. Depending on whether you are using the Cards view or List view, hiring options
may vary slightly.
When Hire is selected, the Create Work Order page is displayed. If the template rule Auto Engage Job Seeker
is enabled for the job posting, the work order is automatically activated when a job seeker is submitted.
When a job seeker is hired, the status is updated to Work Order Created and it displays as a link to the work
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Hiring from the Job Seeker Record
From a job seeker record, select the Details tab, and select Hire.
To use the Quick Hire option, select the Actions dropdown menu and choose Quick Hire. The Quick Hire
option leads you to the Quick Hire page and a work order is then created.
To use the Select for Hire option, select the Actions dropdown menu and choose Select for Hire.
Choosing the Select for Hire action creates a Select for Hire work item that prompts you to create a
work order.
Hiring from the Job Posting
From a job posting, you can use the Cards view or List view to hire job seekers.
From the Cards view:
You can hire a job seeker directly from the Job Seekers tab. On the Job Seekers tab, on the desired job
seeker's card, select Hire.
To use the Quick Hire option, select the Actions dropdown menu and choose Quick Hire.
To use the Select for Hire option, choose Select for Hire from the desired job seeker card.
You can hire a job seeker while comparing multiple job seekers. On the Job Seekers tab, select multiple job
seekers, and choose Compare. Beneath the desired job seeker, next to Customized Card Details, select
Hire. You can also use the Actions dropdown menu to select Quick Hire.
From the List view:
You can hire a job seeker directly from the Job Seekers tab. On the Job Seekers tab, select the box next to
the desired job seeker and choose Hire.
To use the Quick Hire option, select a job seeker and choose Quick Hire from the toolbar.
To use the Select for Hire option, select a job seeker and choose Select for Hire from the toolbar.
You can hire a job seeker while comparing multiple job seekers. On the Job Seekers tab, select the boxes
next to the job seekers you want to compare and select Compare. Although comparing job seekers from
the List view, the job seeker cards display. Beneath the desired job seeker, next to Customized Card
Details, select Hire. You can also use the Actions dropdown menu to select Quick Hire.
Related Information
Select for Hire [page 39]
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Processing Job Seekers
5.3.1Select for Hire
The Select for Hire action creates a work item that prompts you to initiate work orders.
From the job seeker record, select the Actions dropdown menu and choose Select for Hire. Choosing the
Select for Hire action creates a Select for Hire work item that prompts you to create a work order upon
choosing Hire or Quick Hire.
Alternatively, from the Job Seekers tab of a job posting with the Cards view, choose Select for Hire from the
desired job seeker card. If using the List view, select a worker and choose Select for Hire on the toolbar.
This functionality is possible when the job seeker is in Submitted, Shortlisted, or Interviewed status and the
Select for Hire permission is enabled for the buyer.
5.4 Rejecting Job Seekers
Job seekers who are no longer being considered for hire can be rejected.
When a job seeker is no longer being considered for hire, select the desired job seeker from the List view on the
Job Seekers tab of the Job Posting and select Reject in the toolbar. From the Cards view, select Reject from
the Actions dropdown menu. Alternatively, from the job seeker record, select Reject. A Rejected reason code is
required to reject job seekers.
To reject a job seeker, you must have permission to manage job seekers. Rejected job seekers have a status of
Rejected and they appear in the Rejected/Withdrawn Job Seekers section on the Job Seekers tab. If using
the Job Seeker Card view, they can be seen using the "All" lter.
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Processing Job Seekers
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