SBI General Insurance Company Limited
SBI General Insurance Company Limited. Registered and Corporate Office: “Natraj” 301, Junction of Western Express Highway & Andheri
Kurla – Road, Andheri (East), Mumbai – 400 069|CIN: U66000MH2009PLC190546 | Toll free: 18001021111 |
[email protected] | | For more details on the risk factor, terms, and conditions, please refer to the Sales
Brochure and Policy Wordings carefully before concluding a sale| SBI Logo displayed belongs to State Bank of India and used by SBI General
Insurance Company Limited under license | IRDAI Reg No: 144 |UIN: IRDAN144RP0002V02201617
Simple Home Insurance– Policy Wordings 1
Simple Home Insurance Policy
UIN No IRDAN144RP0002V02201617
Standard Policy Wordings
Page No.
Clause A. This Policy and the Insurance Contract
Clause B. Insured Events
Clause C. Home Building Cover
Clause D. Home Contents Cover
Clause E. Additional Covers
Clause F. Exclusions
Clause G. Conditions
Clause H. Changes to Covers
Clause I. Waiver of Underinsurance
Clause J. Other Details
Clause K. Grievances
Clause L. Information about Us
SBI General Insurance Company Limited
SBI General Insurance Company Limited. Registered and Corporate Office: “Natraj” 301, Junction of Western Express Highway & Andheri
Kurla – Road, Andheri (East), Mumbai – 400 069|CIN: U66000MH2009PLC190546 | Toll free: 18001021111 |
[email protected] | | For more details on the risk factor, terms, and conditions, please refer to the Sales
Brochure and Policy Wordings carefully before concluding a sale| SBI Logo displayed belongs to State Bank of India and used by SBI General
Insurance Company Limited under license | IRDAI Reg No: 144 |UIN: IRDAN144RP0002V02201617
Simple Home Insurance– Policy Wordings 2
Simple Home Insurance Policy
UIN No._________________
You chose this Simple Home Insurance Policy and applied to Us for insurance covers of Your
choice. You paid Us the premium and gave Us information about Yourself, Your Home Building
and Home Contents. Based on Your confirmation that this information is true and correct, and in
return of accepting the Premium You have paid Us We promise to provide You insurance as stated
in this Policy Document and the Policy Schedule attached to it.
Clause A. This Policy and the Insurance Contract
1. Your Policy: This Simple Home Insurance Policy is a contract between You and Us as stated
in the following:
a. This Policy document,
b. The Policy Schedule attached to this Policy document,
c. Any Endorsement attached to and forming part of this Policy document,
d. Any Add-on to this Policy that You may have purchased from Us,
e. The proposals and all declarations made by You or on Your behalf.
2. To whom this Policy is issued and what it covers:
a. This Policy is issued to You and covers You and/or Your Home Building and/or Home
Contents as mentioned in the Policy Schedule.
b. If more than one person is insured under this Policy, each of You is a joint policyholder.
Any notice or letter We give to any of You will be considered as given to all of You. Any
request, statement, representation, claim or action of any one of You will bind all of You
as if made by all of You.
c. If You have mortgaged, pledged or hypothecated Your Home Building and/or Home
Contents with a Bank, the Policy Schedule will show an
‘Agreed Bank Clause’ and the name of such Bank. The terms and conditions of this
arrangement will be added to this Policy as an additional clause.
3. The Policy Schedule: The Policy Schedule is an important document about Your insurance
cover. It contains:
a. Your personal details,
b. the Policy Period,
c. the description of Your Insured Property,
SBI General Insurance Company Limited
SBI General Insurance Company Limited. Registered and Corporate Office: “Natraj” 301, Junction of Western Express Highway & Andheri
Kurla – Road, Andheri (East), Mumbai – 400 069|CIN: U66000MH2009PLC190546 | Toll free: 18001021111 |
[email protected] | | For more details on the risk factor, terms, and conditions, please refer to the Sales
Brochure and Policy Wordings carefully before concluding a sale| SBI Logo displayed belongs to State Bank of India and used by SBI General
Insurance Company Limited under license | IRDAI Reg No: 144 |UIN: IRDAN144RP0002V02201617
Simple Home Insurance– Policy Wordings 3
d. the total Sum Insured, the Sum Insured for each cover or item covered, and any limits
and sub-limits,
e. the insurance covers You have purchased,
f. the premium You have paid for these insurance covers,
g. add-on covers opted by You,
h. other important and relevant aspects and information.
4. Special meaning of certain words: Words stated in the table below have a special meaning
throughout this Policy, the Policy Schedule and Endorsements.
These words with special meaning are stated in the Policy with the first letter in capitals.
Word /s Specific meaning
means sudden, unforeseen, and involuntary event caused
by external, visible, and violent means
A road vehicle operated by a licenced/authorised service
provider and equipped for the transport and paramedical
treatment of the person requiring medical attention.
Audio- and Audio-
Visual Appliances
The television sets and the related appliances forming part
of or attaching to a television set/s, and the antenna, both
external and internal and/or other Audio Appliances
other electronic appliances
, all as noted specifically in the
Bank A bank or any financial institution
The articles and/ or personal effects of the Insured (other
than property of the Business) in packing or in containers
suitable and standard to the mode of travel that is
accompanied by the Insured or whilst such baggage is
lodged either in locked private
room of a hotel or guest
house or any other accommodation occupied by Insured
during the Insured’s stay at that location or in a public locker
facility availed by the Insured during the course of or at any
intermediate stage of the travel
Bodily Injury/ Injury
Accidental physical bodily harm excluding illness or disease
solely and directly caused by external, violent, visible and
evident means which is verified and certified by a Medical
Break-in To entry into property illegally using actual
force or violence
of which there is visible evidence.
Business or Business
Any full or part time, permanent or temporary, activity
undertaken with a view to profit or gain.
an act involving the unauthorised entry to or exit from Your
me or attempt or threat thereof by unexpected, forcible,
visible and violent means, with an intent to commit an act of
SBI General Insurance Company Limited
SBI General Insurance Company Limited. Registered and Corporate Office: “Natraj” 301, Junction of Western Express Highway & Andheri
Kurla – Road, Andheri (East), Mumbai – 400 069|CIN: U66000MH2009PLC190546 | Toll free: 18001021111 |
[email protected] | | For more details on the risk factor, terms, and conditions, please refer to the Sales
Brochure and Policy Wordings carefully before concluding a sale| SBI Logo displayed belongs to State Bank of India and used by SBI General
Insurance Company Limited under license | IRDAI Reg No: 144 |UIN: IRDAN144RP0002V02201617
Simple Home Insurance– Policy Wordings 4
Carpet Area
for the main building unit of Your Home, it is the net
usable floor area, excluding the area covered by the
external walls, areas under services shafts, exclusive
balcony or verandah area and exclusive open terrace
area, but including the area covered by t
he internal
partition walls of the residential unit;
for any enclosed structure on the same site, it is the net
usable floor area of such structure; and
for any balcony, verandah area, terrace area, parking
area, or any enclosed structure that is part of
Home, it is 25% of its net usable floor area.
Any bank draft drawn against deposited funds to pay a
specific sum to a specified payee on demand other than
drafts with a stamped signature.
It is the date and time from which the insurance cover under
this Policy begins. It is shown in the Policy Schedule.
Congenital Anomaly
Refers to a condition(s) which is present since birth, and
which is abnormal with reference to form, structure or
a. Internal Congenital Anomaly -
anomaly which is not in the visible and
accessible parts of the body.
b. External Congenital Anomaly -
anomaly which is in the visible and accessible
parts of the body
Content The following not
used for Business or Business Purposes,
so long as they are owned by You and/or You or Your Family
are legally responsible for them:
Household goods, such as furniture, fixtures, fittings,
home appliances, interior decorations, and items of
like nature.
2. Pe
rsonal Effects such as clothes and other articles
of a personal nature likely to be worn, used, or
carried including Personal Money, Jewellery and
Valuables up to the limit shown in the Schedule.
SBI General Insurance Company Limited
SBI General Insurance Company Limited. Registered and Corporate Office: “Natraj” 301, Junction of Western Express Highway & Andheri
Kurla – Road, Andheri (East), Mumbai – 400 069|CIN: U66000MH2009PLC190546 | Toll free: 18001021111 |
[email protected] | | For more details on the risk factor, terms, and conditions, please refer to the Sales
Brochure and Policy Wordings carefully before concluding a sale| SBI Logo displayed belongs to State Bank of India and used by SBI General
Insurance Company Limited under license | IRDAI Reg No: 144 |UIN: IRDAN144RP0002V02201617
Simple Home Insurance– Policy Wordings 5
Cost of
The amount required to construct Your Home Building at the
Commencement Date.
This amount is calculated as follows:
For residential structure of Your Home including
Fittings and Fixtures:
Carpet Area of the structure in square metres X Rate of Cost
Construction at the Commencement Date. The Rate of
Cost of Construction is the prevailing rate of cost of
construction of Your Home Building at the Commencement
Date as declared by You and accepted by Us and shown in
the Policy schedule.
b. For additional structures
: the amount that is based
on the prevailing rate of Cost of Construction at the
Commencement Date as declared by You and accepted by
Cumulative Bonus
Any increase or addition in the Sum Insured granted by the
insurer without an associated increase in premium.
Damage Actual and/or physical damage to tangible property;
Dependent The insured’s spouse or Parent or Parent- in-
law or child
who has been enrolled in the Policy and does not have an
independent source of earning
(rental or pension income is
not considered as an earning).
Domestic Staff
Any person employed by You solely to carry out domestic
duties associated with Your Home but does not include any
person employed in any capacity in connection with any
Business, trade or profession.
A serious medical condition or symptom resulting from Injury
or sickness which arises suddenly and unexpectedly and
requires immediate care and treatment by a Medical
Practitioner, generally received within 24 hours
of onset to
avoid jeopardy to life or serious long-
term impairment of the
Insured Person’s health, until stabilisation at which time this
medical condition or symptom is not considered an
emergency anymore.
A written amendment to the Policy that We make (additions,
deletions, modifications, exclusions or conditions of an
insurance Policy) which may change the terms or scope of
the original policy.
SBI General Insurance Company Limited
SBI General Insurance Company Limited. Registered and Corporate Office: “Natraj” 301, Junction of Western Express Highway & Andheri
Kurla – Road, Andheri (East), Mumbai – 400 069|CIN: U66000MH2009PLC190546 | Toll free: 18001021111 |
[email protected] | | For more details on the risk factor, terms, and conditions, please refer to the Sales
Brochure and Policy Wordings carefully before concluding a sale| SBI Logo displayed belongs to State Bank of India and used by SBI General
Insurance Company Limited under license | IRDAI Reg No: 144 |UIN: IRDAN144RP0002V02201617
Simple Home Insurance– Policy Wordings 6
Family, Them or They You, Your spouse, Your children, Your p
arents, or any other
persons who:
Are and continue to be normally resident with You
(excluding Domestic staff/ Employee), and
ii. Not paying a commercial rent.
Any type or form of fungus, including but not limited to, all
forms of mold or mildew, and any mycotoxins, spores,
scents, vapour, gas, or substance, including any
byproducts, produced or released by Fungi.
General Contents General Contents are all the c
ontents of household use in
Your Home, e.g., furniture, electronic items and goods,
antennae, solar panels, water storage equipment, kitchen
equipment, electrical equipment (including those fitted on
walls), clothing and apparel and items of similar nature.
Grace Period the specified period of time
immediately following the
premium due date during which a payment can be made to
renew or continue a policy in force without loss of continuity
benefits such as waiting periods and coverage of pre-
existing diseases. Coverage is not available for the perio
for which no premium is received. (Grace period is
applicable only to the Personal Accident section of this
Home Contents
Those articles or things in Your Home that are not
permanently attached or fixed to the structure of Your
Home. Home Con
tents may consist of General Contents
and/or Valuable Contents.
Hospital Any institution established for in-
patient care and day care
treatment of illness and/ or injuries and which has been
registered as a hospital with the local authorities under
ical establishments (Registration and Regulation) Act
2010 or under enactments specified under the schedule of
Section 56(1) and the said act Or complies with all minimum
criteria as under:
Has qualified nursing staff under its employment round
the clock.
2. Has at least 10 in-
patient beds in towns having a
population of less than 1,000,000 and at least 15 in-
patient beds in all other places.
Has qualified Medical Practitioner(s) in charge round
the clock.
4. A fully equipped operation theatre of its ow
n where
surgical procedures are carried out.
maintains daily records of patients and make these
accessible to the Insurance Company’s authorized
SBI General Insurance Company Limited
SBI General Insurance Company Limited. Registered and Corporate Office: “Natraj” 301, Junction of Western Express Highway & Andheri
Kurla – Road, Andheri (East), Mumbai – 400 069|CIN: U66000MH2009PLC190546 | Toll free: 18001021111 |
[email protected] | | For more details on the risk factor, terms, and conditions, please refer to the Sales
Brochure and Policy Wordings carefully before concluding a sale| SBI Logo displayed belongs to State Bank of India and used by SBI General
Insurance Company Limited under license | IRDAI Reg No: 144 |UIN: IRDAN144RP0002V02201617
Simple Home Insurance– Policy Wordings 7
Hospitalization or
Admission in a Hospital for a minimum period of 24 In-
patient Care
consecutive hours except for specified
procedures/ treatments, where such admission could be for
a period of less than 24 consecutive hours.
The Person/s who has/have purchased Insurance Cover
under this Policy.
Insured Property
Your Home Building and Home Contents, or any item of
property covered by this Policy.
Articles of personal adornment containing gemstones,
silver, gold, platinum, or other precious metals.
Building(s) having walls and/or roofs of wooden
planks/thatched leaves and/or grass/hay of any
kind/bamboo/plastic cloth/asphalt/canvas/tarpaulin and the
unlawful taking and carrying away of Contents belonging to
You and/or Your Family with
the purpose of depriving You
and/or Your Family of its possession permanently.
Lost or Stolen
Means having been inadvertently lost or having been stolen
by a third party without Your assistance, consent, or co-
Market Value
Means the value at which property insured could be
replaced with one of the same kind, type, age and condition.
Medical Advice
Means any consultation or advice from a Medical
Practitioner including the issue of any prescription or repeat
Medical Expenses
Those expenses that an Insured person has necessarily and
actually incurred on medical treatment on account of illness
or accident on the advice of Medical Practitioner, as long as
these are no more than would have been payable if the
d Person had not been insured and no more than
other hospitals or doctors in the same locality would have
charged for the same medical treatment.
Medically Necessary
Means any treatment, test, medication, or stay in Hospital or
part of stay in Hospital which,
Is required for the medical management of the
Illness or Injury suffered by the Insured Person;
Must not exceed the level of care necessary to
provide safe, adequate and appropriate medical
care in scope, duration or intensity.
iii. Must have b
een prescribed by a Medical
Practitioner; and
SBI General Insurance Company Limited
SBI General Insurance Company Limited. Registered and Corporate Office: “Natraj” 301, Junction of Western Express Highway & Andheri
Kurla – Road, Andheri (East), Mumbai – 400 069|CIN: U66000MH2009PLC190546 | Toll free: 18001021111 |
[email protected] | | For more details on the risk factor, terms, and conditions, please refer to the Sales
Brochure and Policy Wordings carefully before concluding a sale| SBI Logo displayed belongs to State Bank of India and used by SBI General
Insurance Company Limited under license | IRDAI Reg No: 144 |UIN: IRDAN144RP0002V02201617
Simple Home Insurance– Policy Wordings 8
Must conform to the professional standards
widely accepted in international medical practice
or by the medical community in India.
Medical Practitioner A person who holds a valid registration from the Medical
Council of any state or Medical Council of India or Council
for Indian Medicine or for Homeopathy set up by the
Government of India or a State Government and is thereby
entitled to practice medicine within its Jurisdiction; and is
acting within its scope and Jurisdiction of license.
The person named in the Policy Schedule who is nominated
to receive the benefits in respect of an Insured Person under
the Policy in accordance with the terms and conditions of the
Policy, if the Insured Person is
Plate Glass The glass as described in Policy Schedule
Portable Equipment
Photographic equipment, Laptops, Mobile Phones, Video
Cameras, telescopes, musical instruments, tablets, I-pods
and portable equipment of a similar nature which are
designed and capable of being carried or moved from one
location to another
Policy Period
Policy period means the period commencing from the
effective date and time as shown in the Policy Schedule and
terminating at Midnight on the expiry date as shown in the
Policy Schedule or on the termination of or the cancellation
of insurance as provided for in Clause G (III)
of this Policy,
whichever is earlier.
Policy Schedule
The document accompanying and forming part of the Policy
that gives Your details and of Your insurance cover, as
described in
Clause A (3)
of this Policy.
The premium is the amount You pay Us for this insurance.
The Policy Schedule shows the amo
unt of premium for the
Policy Period and all other taxes and levies.
any condition, ailment or injury or related condition(s) for
which there were sign or symptoms and/ or were diagnosed
and/ or for which medical advice/ treatmen
t was received
within 48 months prior to the first policy issued by the insurer
and renewed continuously thereafter.
Public Authority Any governmental, quasi-
governmental organisation or any
statutory body or duly authorised organisation with the
power t
o enforce laws, exact obedience, command,
determine or judge.
Pucca Construction Construction other than Kutcha Construction.
Reasonable and
Customary Charges
The charges for services or supplies, which are the standard
charges for the specific provider and consistent with the
SBI General Insurance Company Limited
SBI General Insurance Company Limited. Registered and Corporate Office: “Natraj” 301, Junction of Western Express Highway & Andheri
Kurla – Road, Andheri (East), Mumbai – 400 069|CIN: U66000MH2009PLC190546 | Toll free: 18001021111 |
[email protected] | | For more details on the risk factor, terms, and conditions, please refer to the Sales
Brochure and Policy Wordings carefully before concluding a sale| SBI Logo displayed belongs to State Bank of India and used by SBI General
Insurance Company Limited under license | IRDAI Reg No: 144 |UIN: IRDAN144RP0002V02201617
Simple Home Insurance– Policy Wordings 9
prevailing charges in the geographical area for identical or
similar services, taking into account the nature of the
Illness/Injury invol
Replacement Cost/
Reinstatement Value
The value at which the property insured could be replaced
with new property of the same kind, type and specification
but not superior to or more extensive than the insured
property and includes wherever applicable freight, custom
duty, dismantling and re-erection cost and any other
relevant charges, if included in the Sum Insured.
means the terms on which the contract of insurance can be
renewed on mutual consent with a provision of Grace Period
for treat
ing renewal continuous for the purpose of all waiting
means the unlawful taking of money or other property from
Your care and custody by one who has caused or
threatened You with bodily harm or Injury or has put You in
the fear of
immediate Bodily Injury and committing an illegal
or violent act.
Spouse Your wife or husband.
Sum Insured
The amount shown as Sum Insured in the Policy
Schedule and as described in Clause C (4) and
Clause D
(2) of this Policy. It represents Our max
imum liability for each
cover or part of cover and for each loss.
Theft An act of directly or indirectly mis-appropriating
with an
intention of
illegally permanently depriving You and/or Your
Family of the Contents by any person by violent or
means or otherwise.
Total Loss
A situation where the Insured Property or item is completely
destroyed, lost or damaged beyond retrieval or repair or the
cost of repairing it is more than the Sum Insured for that item
or in total.
Unoccupied Yo
ur Home remaining unoccupied by You and/or Your
Family for more than 30 consecutive days.
Valuable Contents Valuable Contents
of Your Home consist of items such as
jewellery, silverware, paintings, works of art, antique items,
curios and items of similar nature.
means Your car, truck, jeep, motorcycle, recreational
vehicle, or camper.
We, Us, Our, Insurer
Simple Home Insurance Policy that has provided Insurance
Cover under this Policy; of the Company.
SBI General Insurance Company Limited
SBI General Insurance Company Limited. Registered and Corporate Office: “Natraj” 301, Junction of Western Express Highway & Andheri
Kurla – Road, Andheri (East), Mumbai – 400 069|CIN: U66000MH2009PLC190546 | Toll free: 18001021111 |
[email protected] | | For more details on the risk factor, terms, and conditions, please refer to the Sales
Brochure and Policy Wordings carefully before concluding a sale| SBI Logo displayed belongs to State Bank of India and used by SBI General
Insurance Company Limited under license | IRDAI Reg No: 144 |UIN: IRDAN144RP0002V02201617
Simple Home Insurance– Policy Wordings 10
You, Your, Insured
The Insured Person/s who has/have purchased Insurance
Cover under this Policy; of such Insured Person/s.
Your Home
Your Home Building
is a building consisting of a residential
unit, having an enclosed structure and a roof, basement (if
any) and used as a dwelling place described in detail as per
Clause C (2) of this Policy.
Clause B. Insured Events
We give insurance cover for physical loss or damage, or destruction caused to Insured Property by
the following unforeseen events occurring during the Policy Period.
The events covered are given in Column A and those not covered in respect of these events are
given in Column B.
Column A Column B
We cover physical loss or damage, or
destruction caused to the Insured
Property by
We do not cover any loss or damage,
or destruction caused to the Insured
1. Fire
caused by burning of Insured Property
by order of any Public Authority.
2. Explosion or Implosion -
3. Lightning -
Earthquake, volcanic eruption, or other
convulsions of nature
Storm, Cyclone, Typhoon, Tempest,
Hurricane, Tornado, Tsunami, Flood
and Inundation
Subsidence of the land on which Your
Home Building stands,
Landslide, Rockslide
caused by
a. normal cracking, settlement or
bedding down of new structures,
b. the settlement or movement of
made up ground,
SBI General Insurance Company Limited
SBI General Insurance Company Limited. Registered and Corporate Office: “Natraj” 301, Junction of Western Express Highway & Andheri
Kurla – Road, Andheri (East), Mumbai – 400 069|CIN: U66000MH2009PLC190546 | Toll free: 18001021111 |
[email protected] | | For more details on the risk factor, terms, and conditions, please refer to the Sales
Brochure and Policy Wordings carefully before concluding a sale| SBI Logo displayed belongs to State Bank of India and used by SBI General
Insurance Company Limited under license | IRDAI Reg No: 144 |UIN: IRDAN144RP0002V02201617
Simple Home Insurance– Policy Wordings 11
c. coastal or river erosion,
defective design or workmanship
or use of defective materials, or
demolition, construction, structural
alterations or repair of any property, or
groundworks or excavations.
7. Bush fire, Forest fire, Jungle fire -
Impact damage of any kind, i.e.,
damage caused by impact of, or
collision caused by any external
physical object (e.g. vehicle, falling
trees, aircraft, wall etc.)
caused by pressure waves caused by
aircraft or other aerial or space devices
travelling at sonic or supersonic
9. Missile testing operations -
Riot, Strikes, Malicious Damages
caused by
a. temporary or permanent
dispossession, confiscation,
commandeering, requisition or
destruction by order of the
government or any lawful
b. temporary or permanent
dispossession of Your Home by
unlawful occupation by any person.
Acts of terrorism
(Coverage as per Terrorism Clause
Exclusions and Excess as per
Terrorism Clause attached.
Bursting or overflowing of water tanks,
apparatus and pipes.
Leakage from automatic sprinkler
repairs or alterations in Your Home
or the building in which
Your Home is located,
b. repairs, removal or extension of
any sprinkler installation, or
defects in the construction known to
Theft within 7 (seven )days from the
occurrence of and proximately caused
by any of the above Insured Events.
if it is
a. of any article or thing outside
Your Home, or
SBI General Insurance Company Limited
SBI General Insurance Company Limited. Registered and Corporate Office: “Natraj” 301, Junction of Western Express Highway & Andheri
Kurla – Road, Andheri (East), Mumbai – 400 069|CIN: U66000MH2009PLC190546 | Toll free: 18001021111 |
[email protected] | | For more details on the risk factor, terms, and conditions, please refer to the Sales
Brochure and Policy Wordings carefully before concluding a sale| SBI Logo displayed belongs to State Bank of India and used by SBI General
Insurance Company Limited under license | IRDAI Reg No: 144 |UIN: IRDAN144RP0002V02201617
Simple Home Insurance– Policy Wordings 12
of any article or thing attached from the
outside of the outer walls or the roof of
Your Home, unless securely mounted.
Clause C: Home Building Cover
1. What We cover
We cover physical loss or damage, or destruction of Your Home Building because of any
Insured Event listed in Clause B of this Policy. We also cover architect’s, surveyor’s, consulting
engineer’s fees, cost of removing debris as specified under Clause C (5) (f) of this Policy.
Further, We pay for Loss of rent and Rent for Alternative Accommodation, which will be paid
to the extent declared by You and agreed by Us as specified under Clause C (6) of this Policy
while Your Home Building is not fit for living following loss or damage due to an insured event.
2. Your Home Building
a. Your Home Building is a building consisting of a residential unit, having an enclosed
structure and a roof, basement (if any) and used as a dwelling place.
b. Your Home Building includes
i. fixtures and fittings permanently attached to the floor, walls or roof, like fixed sanitary
fittings, electrical wiring and other permanent fittings.
ii. the following ‘additional structures’ if they are on the same site, and are used as part
of Your Home Building:
a) garage, domestic out-houses used for residence, parking spaces or areas, if
b) compound walls, fences, gates, retaining walls and internal roads,
c) verandah or porch and the like,
d) septic tanks, bio-gas plants, fixed water storage units or tanks,
e) solar panels, wind turbines and air conditioning systems, central heating
systems and the like, if not included in Home Contents Cover,
iii. any other structure shown in the Policy Schedule.
c. Your Home Building does not include Contents of Your Home.
3. Use for residence:
a. We will pay only if Your Home Building is used for the purpose of residence of Yourself and
Your family, or of Your tenant, licensee, or employee.
b. We will not pay if
i. Your Home Building is used as a holiday home, or for lodging and boarding, or
SBI General Insurance Company Limited
SBI General Insurance Company Limited. Registered and Corporate Office: “Natraj” 301, Junction of Western Express Highway & Andheri
Kurla – Road, Andheri (East), Mumbai – 400 069|CIN: U66000MH2009PLC190546 | Toll free: 18001021111 |
[email protected] | | For more details on the risk factor, terms, and conditions, please refer to the Sales
Brochure and Policy Wordings carefully before concluding a sale| SBI Logo displayed belongs to State Bank of India and used by SBI General
Insurance Company Limited under license | IRDAI Reg No: 144 |UIN: IRDAN144RP0002V02201617
Simple Home Insurance– Policy Wordings 13
ii. Your Home Building or any part of Your Home Building is used for purposes other
than residential except where it is used both for Your residence and for the purposes
of earning Your livelihood if You are self-employed or You have shifted Your office to
Your Home Building for a temporary period due to lockdown or closure of Your office
ordered by a public authority.
4. Sum Insured:
a. The Sum Insured for the Home Building Cover is the prevailing Cost of Construction of Your
Home Building at the Commencement Date as declared by You and accepted by Us and
will be the maximum amount payable in the event the Home Building is a Total Loss.
b. If the Policy Period is more than one year, We will automatically increase Your Sum Insured
during the Policy Period by 10% per annum on each anniversary of Your Policy without
additional premium for a maximum of 100% of the Sum Insured at the Policy
Commencement Date.
c. The Sum Insured will be automatically increased each day by an amount representing
1/365th of 10% of Sum Insured at the Policy Commencement Date for annual policies.
d. Restoration of Sum Insured : Except as stated in Clause G (III) (3) (b) of this
Policy, the insurance cover will at all times be maintained during the Policy Period to the
full extent of the respective Sum Insured. This means that after We have paid for any loss,
the policy shall be restored to the full original amount of Sum Insured. You must pay to Us
proportionate premium for the unexpired Policy Period from the date of loss. We can also
deduct this premium from the net claim that We must pay You.
5. What We pay
a. If You make a claim under the policy for damage to Your Home Building due to any of the
insured perils, We reimburse the cost to repair it to a condition substantially the same as its
condition at the time of damage. You must spend for repairs and claim that amount from
b. We will calculate the amount of claim on the basis of the actual Carpet Area subject to the
Carpet Area not exceeding that declared by You in the Proposal Form and stated in the
Policy Schedule.
c. The maximum We will pay for all items together is the Sum Insured shown in the Policy
Schedule for Home Building Cover. If the Policy Schedule shows any limit for any item,
such limit is the maximum We will pay for that item.
d. If Your Home Building is a Total Loss, We will pay You the Sum Insured of the Home
e. If only an additional structure is destroyed, We will pay You an amount equal to the Cost of
Construction of the additional structure.
f. In addition to what Clause C (5) (c) of this Policy provides for, We will pay You the following
i. up to 5% of the claim amount for reasonable fees of architect, surveyor, consulting
SBI General Insurance Company Limited
SBI General Insurance Company Limited. Registered and Corporate Office: “Natraj” 301, Junction of Western Express Highway & Andheri
Kurla – Road, Andheri (East), Mumbai – 400 069|CIN: U66000MH2009PLC190546 | Toll free: 18001021111 |
[email protected] | | For more details on the risk factor, terms, and conditions, please refer to the Sales
Brochure and Policy Wordings carefully before concluding a sale| SBI Logo displayed belongs to State Bank of India and used by SBI General
Insurance Company Limited under license | IRDAI Reg No: 144 |UIN: IRDAN144RP0002V02201617
Simple Home Insurance– Policy Wordings 14
ii. up to 2 % of the claim amount for reasonable costs of removing debris from the
6. Loss of Rent and Rent for Alternative Accommodation: In addition to what Clause C (5)
(c) of this Policy provides for, We will pay the amount of rent You lose or alternative rent You
pay while Your Home Building is not fit for living because of physical loss arising out of an
Insured Event as follows:
a. If You are living in Your Home as a tenant, and You are required to pay higher rent for the
alternative accommodation, We will pay the difference between the rent for alternative
accommodation and the rent of Your Home Building.
b. We will pay the loss under this cover for an accommodation that is not superior to Your
Home Building in any way and in the same city as Your Home Building.
c. The amount of lost rent shall be calculated as follows:
Sum Insured for Cover for Loss of Rent (as declared by You in the Proposal Form and
specified by Us in the Policy Schedule) X Period necessary for repairs ÷ Loss of Rent
Period opted for.
d. This cover will be available for the reasonable time required to repair Your Home Building
to make it fit for living. The maximum period of this cover is three years from the date Your
Home Building becomes unfit for living. You must submit a certificate from an architect or
the local authority to show that Your Home Building is not fit for living.
e. Claim for loss of rent will be accepted only if We have accepted Your claim for loss for
physical damage to Your Home under the Home Building Cover.
Clause D: Home Contents Cover
1. What We cover:
We cover the physical loss or damage to or destruction of the General Contents of Your Home
caused by an Insured Event as listed in Clause B of this Policy. Valuable Contents of Your
Home are not covered under this Policy unless You have purchased the optional cover for the
Valuable Contents.
2. Sum Insured:
a. The Sum Insured for the Home Contents Cover is shown in the Policy Schedule and will be
the maximum amount payable in the event the Home Contents are destroyed/lost
b. The policy has a built-in cover for the General Contents of Your home equal to 20% of the
Sum Insured for Home Building Cover subject to a maximum of 10 Lakh (Rupees Ten
Lakh) provided You have opted for both Home Building and Home Contents cover. If You
choose to have a higher Sum Insured for Home Contents, You have to declare the Sum
Insured in the Proposal Form and pay additional premium.
c. If You have purchased only Home Contents Cover, You have to declare the Sum Insured
for the General Contents in the Proposal Form.
SBI General Insurance Company Limited
SBI General Insurance Company Limited. Registered and Corporate Office: “Natraj” 301, Junction of Western Express Highway & Andheri
Kurla – Road, Andheri (East), Mumbai – 400 069|CIN: U66000MH2009PLC190546 | Toll free: 18001021111 |
[email protected] | | For more details on the risk factor, terms, and conditions, please refer to the Sales
Brochure and Policy Wordings carefully before concluding a sale| SBI Logo displayed belongs to State Bank of India and used by SBI General
Insurance Company Limited under license | IRDAI Reg No: 144 |UIN: IRDAN144RP0002V02201617
Simple Home Insurance– Policy Wordings 15
d. The Sum Insured You have chosen for General Contents must be enough to cover the cost
of replacement of the General Contents.
e. If You want to cover the Valuable Contents in Your Home, You must opt for the Optional
Cover for Valuable Contents as given in Clause E (1) (a) of this Policy.
f. Restoration of Sum Insured: Except as stated in Clause G (III) (3) (b) of this Clause below,
the insurance cover will at all times be maintained during the Policy Period to the full extent
of the respective Sum Insured. This means that after We have paid for any loss, the policy
shall be restored to the full original amount of Sum Insured. You must pay to Us
proportionate premium for the unexpired Policy Period from the date of loss. We can also
deduct this premium from the net claim that We must pay You.
3. What We pay
a. If the General Contents of Your Home are physically damaged by any Insured Event, We
will at Our option,
i. reimburse to You the cost of repairs to a condition substantially the same as its
condition at the time of damage, or
ii. pay You the cost of replacing that item with a same or similar item, or
iii. repair the damaged item to a condition substantially the same as its condition at
the time of damage.
b. The maximum We will pay for Home Contents is the Sum Insured shown in the Policy
Schedule for Home Contents Cover. If the Policy Schedule shows any limit for any item, or
category or groups of items, such limit is the maximum We will pay for that item.
Clause E: Additional Covers
1. Optional Covers:
a. Cover for Valuable Contents on Agreed Value Basis (under Home Contents cover):
For Valuable Contents, a value may be agreed upon by You and Us based on a valuation
certificate submitted by You and accepted by Us. However, We shall waive the requirement
of valuation certificate if the Sum Insured opted for is up to 5 Lakh (Rupees Five Lakh)
and Individual item value does not exceed 1 Lakh (Rupees One Lakh).
i. If the Valuable Contents of Your Home are physically damaged by any Insured
Event, We will pay the cost of repairing the item/s.
ii. If the Valuable Contents of Your Home are a Total Loss We will pay the Sum Insured
shown in the Policy Schedule for the Valuable item/s. If the Policy Schedule shows
any limit for any item, or category or groups of items, such limit is the maximum We
will pay for that item. Loss to only one item of a pair or set does not constitute loss
or damage to the entire pair or set.
b. Personal Accident Cover:
SBI General Insurance Company Limited
SBI General Insurance Company Limited. Registered and Corporate Office: “Natraj” 301, Junction of Western Express Highway & Andheri
Kurla – Road, Andheri (East), Mumbai – 400 069|CIN: U66000MH2009PLC190546 | Toll free: 18001021111 |
[email protected] | | For more details on the risk factor, terms, and conditions, please refer to the Sales
Brochure and Policy Wordings carefully before concluding a sale| SBI Logo displayed belongs to State Bank of India and used by SBI General
Insurance Company Limited under license | IRDAI Reg No: 144 |UIN: IRDAN144RP0002V02201617
Simple Home Insurance– Policy Wordings 16
In the event an insured peril that caused damages to Your Home Building and/or Home
Contents also results in the unfortunate death of either You or Your spouse, We will pay
compensation of 5,00,000 (Rupees Five Lakh) per person.
In the event of the unfortunate death of the insured, the Personal Accident cover shall
continue for the spouse until expiry of the policy.
2. Add-ons:
You can opt for an Add-on by choosing from the Add-ons, if any, offered by Us under this
product and the ones that You have purchased will be mentioned in the Policy Schedule and
the relevant clause/s and/or endorsements will be attached to this Policy.
Specific Exclusions Applicable to Section I:
1. Loss or damage to bullion or unset precious stones, manuscripts, plans, drawings, securities,
obligations or documents of any kind, coins or paper money, cheques, vehicles, and explosive
substances unless otherwise expressly stated in the policy.
2. Loss of any Insured Property which is missing or has been mislaid, or its disappearance cannot
be linked to any single identifiable event.
3. Loss or damage to any Insured Property removed from Your Home to any other place.
4. Loss, damage or destruction to any electrical/electronic machine, apparatus, fixture, or fitting
by over-running, excessive pressure, short circuiting, arcing, selfheating or leakage of
electricity from whatever cause (lightning included). This exclusion applies only to the particular
machine so lost, damaged or destroyed.
5. Loss of earnings, loss by delay, loss of market or other consequential or indirect loss or
damage of any kind or description whatsoever.
6. Any reduction in market value of any Insured Property after its repair or reinstatement.
7. Any addition, extension, or alteration to any structure of Your Home Building that increases its
Carpet Area by more than 10% of the Carpet Area existing at the Commencement Date or on
the date of renewal of this Policy, unless You have paid additional premium and such addition,
extension or alteration is added by Endorsement.
8. Costs, fees, or expenses for preparing any claim.
Clause F. Other Section
You may opt any below section along with Section 1-Fire and Allied Perils. In consideration of
addition premium, it is hereby and agreed that We will pay/restrict the Sum Insured under below
listed covers subject to all terms, condition, exclusion applicable to the Policy.
A. What We Cover
SBI General Insurance Company Limited
SBI General Insurance Company Limited. Registered and Corporate Office: “Natraj” 301, Junction of Western Express Highway & Andheri
Kurla – Road, Andheri (East), Mumbai – 400 069|CIN: U66000MH2009PLC190546 | Toll free: 18001021111 |
[email protected] | | For more details on the risk factor, terms, and conditions, please refer to the Sales
Brochure and Policy Wordings carefully before concluding a sale| SBI Logo displayed belongs to State Bank of India and used by SBI General
Insurance Company Limited under license | IRDAI Reg No: 144 |UIN: IRDAN144RP0002V02201617
Simple Home Insurance– Policy Wordings 17
We will pay You for the loss and Damage caused by Burglary or Theft including Larceny
and/or attempted Burglary or Theft including Larceny to:
a) Your Home subject to maximum payment of 10% of the Section Sum Insured or Rs
5,000 whichever is less
b) The Contents of Your Home up to the Section Sum Insured and/or
c) Newly purchased Contents i.e. purchased after commencement of the Policy, subject
to maximum payment of 10% of the Section Sum Insured or Rs 20,000 whichever is
less, duly supported by original purchase invoice/ bill and/or
d) Contents that You have placed in safe custody during Your temporary absence from
Your Home as long as the period of the placement of such Contents does not exceed a
total of 120 days in any one Period of Insurance, subject to maximum payment of 10%
of the Section Sum Insured or Rs 10,000 whichever is less and/or
e) Contents that have been moved to a private residential accommodation (not being Your
Home) that is being occupied by You and/or Your Family for a period not exceeding 30
consecutive days in any one Period of Insurance, subject to a maximum payment of
10% of the Section Sum Insured or Rs 10,000 whichever is less and/or
f) Personal Money not exceeding 1% of Section Sum Insured or Rs 10,000 whichever is
B. What We NOT Cover
We will not make payment to You under this Section:
a) If the loss or Damage occurs while Your Home is Unoccupied unless the Company is
informed at the time of applying for insurance or prior to Your Home being unoccupied,
signified by an endorsement on the Policy by or on behalf of the Company.
b) If You and/or Your Family and/or Your Domestic Staff are directly and/or indirectly in
any way involved in or concerned with the actual or attempted Burglary, Theft and
c) Any loss or Damage in respect of any Kutcha Construction
d) For any loss or Damage to livestock, motor Vehicles, pedal cycles, Personal Money,
securities for money, stamp, bullion, deeds, bonds, bills of exchange, promissory notes,
stock or share certificates, business books, manuscripts, documents of any kind, unset
precious stones, Jewellery, Valuables, ATM or credit cards (unless previously
specifically declared to and accepted by Us and/or as provided in the Policy Schedule)
e) For the first Rs 1,000/- for each and every claim under this Section excluding claim for
Personal Money, Jewellery and Valuables. In case of a claim for Personal Money,
Jewellery and Valuables first Rs 2,000/-.
f) For loss or Damage to Personal Money, Jewellery and Valuables due to Larceny
SBI General Insurance Company Limited
SBI General Insurance Company Limited. Registered and Corporate Office: “Natraj” 301, Junction of Western Express Highway & Andheri
Kurla – Road, Andheri (East), Mumbai – 400 069|CIN: U66000MH2009PLC190546 | Toll free: 18001021111 |
[email protected] | | For more details on the risk factor, terms, and conditions, please refer to the Sales
Brochure and Policy Wordings carefully before concluding a sale| SBI Logo displayed belongs to State Bank of India and used by SBI General
Insurance Company Limited under license | IRDAI Reg No: 144 |UIN: IRDAN144RP0002V02201617
Simple Home Insurance– Policy Wordings 18
g) For any loss or Damage caused by use of the key to the insured premises or any
duplicate thereof belonging to the Insured, unless such key has been obtained by
assault or violence or any threat thereof.
Additional Benefits
1) Property of domestic employees and guest
We will pay up to Rs 25,000/- during the Period of Insurance to cover the personal
belongings of Your Domestic Staff and guests while it is on the insured premises excluding
Jewellery, Personal Money or any other Valuables, items damaged due to perils covered
Section “Burglary and Theft”
First Loss Basis: (Applicable if it is shown on Your Schedule)
Option 1: (when total value of Contents is not declared)
Conditions applicable to Sections other than Section I: 2).e)i)3)g) shall not apply to this
Option 2: (where total value of Contents is declared)
First Loss limit (expressed as % of the total value of Contents declared for insurance) will be as
specified in the Schedule and shall deemed as Section Sum Insured.
Conditions applicable to Sections other than Section 2).e)i)3)g) shall not apply to this benefit
and “Condition of Partial Average” as below shall apply.
Condition of Partial Average
It is hereby declared and agreed that this Policy is issued as the First Loss Insurance up to % of
the Insured’s total value of Contents (100%) as limit in the Schedule attached and forming part of
the Policy.
It is further declared and agreed in the event of total value of Contents at risk at the time of loss be
greater by more than 15% of the total value declared for the purpose of this insurance and
incorporated in the Schedule, the Insured shall be considered as being his own insurer, for the
difference, and shall bear ratable share of the loss accordingly. Every item, if more than one, of the
Policy, shall be separately subject to this condition.
Subject otherwise to terms, conditions and exceptions of the Policy.
A. What We Cover
SBI General Insurance Company Limited
SBI General Insurance Company Limited. Registered and Corporate Office: “Natraj” 301, Junction of Western Express Highway & Andheri
Kurla – Road, Andheri (East), Mumbai – 400 069|CIN: U66000MH2009PLC190546 | Toll free: 18001021111 |
[email protected] | | For more details on the risk factor, terms, and conditions, please refer to the Sales
Brochure and Policy Wordings carefully before concluding a sale| SBI Logo displayed belongs to State Bank of India and used by SBI General
Insurance Company Limited under license | IRDAI Reg No: 144 |UIN: IRDAN144RP0002V02201617
Simple Home Insurance– Policy Wordings 19
We will indemnify You against compensation and litigation expenses (incurred with Our
prior written consent), which You may become legally liable to pay anywhere in the World
on account of:
a) Accidental death or Bodily Injury/ Injury to any person other than You and/or Your Family
or Your Domestic Staff, subject to the Section Sum Insured for any one Accident or
series of Accidents arising from any one event or cause, and for all Accidents during
any Period of Insurance, and
b) Accidental Damage to property of any person other than You or Your Family or Your
Domestic Staff, subject to a limit of Section Sum Insured for any one Accident or series
of Accidents arising from any one event or cause, and for all Accidents during any Period
of Insurance, and
c) Claims payable by You to Your Domestic Staff under the Fatal Accidents Act 1855,
Workmen’s Compensation Act 1923 or any amendment thereto or common law subject
to the Section Sum Insured.
B. What We NOT Cover
We will not make any payment under this Section:
a) For Accidental death, Bodily Injury/ Injury or property Damage arising out of or incidental
a. Your occupation or Business, trade or employment, or
b. Any structural alteration, additions, repairs or decoration to Your Home or
c. Any liability voluntarily assumed by You unless such liability would have
attached to You notwithstanding such voluntary assumption or
d. Your and/or Your Family’s ownership, possession, or custody of animals,
Vehicles, airborne or waterborne vessels or craft of any kind, or any
mechanically propelled Vehicle other than gardening equipment and
wheelchairs or
e. The transmission of any communicable disease or virus.
b) For Accidental death, Bodily Injury/ Injury or property Damage caused by, arising out of,
aggravated by or resulting from Fungi, wet or dry rot, or bacteria. This exclusion includes
any liability imposed on the Insured by any person and/or any Public Authority for any
loss or Damage caused by, arising out of, aggravated by or resulting from Fungi, wet or
dry rot or bacteria.
A. What We Cover
We will indemnify You against Accidental loss or Damage to securely fixed plate glass
situated in Your home.
SBI General Insurance Company Limited
SBI General Insurance Company Limited. Registered and Corporate Office: “Natraj” 301, Junction of Western Express Highway & Andheri
Kurla – Road, Andheri (East), Mumbai – 400 069|CIN: U66000MH2009PLC190546 | Toll free: 18001021111 |
[email protected] | | For more details on the risk factor, terms, and conditions, please refer to the Sales
Brochure and Policy Wordings carefully before concluding a sale| SBI Logo displayed belongs to State Bank of India and used by SBI General
Insurance Company Limited under license | IRDAI Reg No: 144 |UIN: IRDAN144RP0002V02201617
Simple Home Insurance– Policy Wordings 20
B. What We NOT Cover
We will not make any payment under this Section for loss or Damage:
a) Occurring during the course of removal, alteration or repairs on or about Your Home
b) Unaccompanied by breakage to glass
c) To frames or framework of any description, unless specifically declared to and accepted
by Us,
d) Caused by the disfiguration or scratching of glass, other than a fracture extending
through the entire thickness of the glass.
e) To embossed, silvered, lettered, ornamental, curved or any other glass whatsoever,
other than glass which is plain and of ordinary glazing quality, unless specifically
declared to and accepted by Us.
f) Consequent to the loss or Damage of plate glass including Injury arising from breakage
of glass or during replacement thereof.
A. What We Cover
We will indemnify You,
a) For the Theft or Accidental loss, Damage or destruction anywhere in the World of
personal baggage accompanying and belonging to You and/or Your Family on a trip
undertaken outside of the municipal limits of the village, town, or city, in which You
and/or Your Family ordinarily reside.
b) For expenses incurred by You, whilst You and/or Your Family are on a personal trip,
for contingency purchase occasioned by a) above subject to maximum of 25% of
Section Sum Insured under this Section.
B. What We NOT Cover
We will not make payment to You under this Section:
a) For loss, Damage or destruction
a. Due to cracking, scratching or breakage of lens or glass whether part of any
equipment or otherwise to any item of a fragile or brittle nature (whether part of item
lost, damaged or destroyed or otherwise) unless the loss, Damage or destruction is
caused by an Accident involving the mode of transport of such item.
b. To any item of a perishable and/or consumable nature
c. To any item being conveyed by any carrier under the contract of affreightment.
d. To any loose item (including clothing) being worn or carried about during the trip.
SBI General Insurance Company Limited
SBI General Insurance Company Limited. Registered and Corporate Office: “Natraj” 301, Junction of Western Express Highway & Andheri
Kurla – Road, Andheri (East), Mumbai – 400 069|CIN: U66000MH2009PLC190546 | Toll free: 18001021111 |
[email protected] | | For more details on the risk factor, terms, and conditions, please refer to the Sales
Brochure and Policy Wordings carefully before concluding a sale| SBI Logo displayed belongs to State Bank of India and used by SBI General
Insurance Company Limited under license | IRDAI Reg No: 144 |UIN: IRDAN144RP0002V02201617
Simple Home Insurance– Policy Wordings 21
e. Of any electrical item caused by misuse, use other than in accordance with the
manufacturer’s recommendation, defect, excessive pressure, short circuiting, arcing
or by the effects of electricity from whatever cause (including lightning)
f. Of any money, securities, stamps, Business books or documents, Jewellery,
watches, furs, precious metals, precious stones, gold or silver ornaments,
Valuables, travel tickets, Cheques and bank drafts.
g. To personal baggage that is not within the care, custody or control of You and/or
Your Family
h. To personal baggage caused by rats, fungus, insects or vermin
i. Caused by or arising from leakage, spilling or explosion of liquids, oils or similar
materials, or articles of a dangerous or damaging nature.
b) For the loss of personal baggage from a car unless such loss occurred by violent and
visible means from an enclosed saloon car that had its windows closed and locked and
other security devices, if any, properly applied.
c) For more than the sole value of an item comprising part of a pair or set, without
reference to any special value which such item may have had as a part of such pair or
set and not more than a proportionate part of the value of the pair or set.
d) The first Rs 1000 of each and every claim under this Section.
A. What We Cover
We will indemnify You
1. Against repair costs (both parts and labor) occasioned by the unforeseen and sudden
mechanical and/or electrical breakdown of Your domestic electrical and electronic
appliances specified in the Schedule whilst contained or fixed in Your Home.
2. Against loss or Damage by Accidental external means to Audio & Audio-Visual
appliances as mentioned in the Schedule whilst contained or fixed in Your Home
B. What We NOT Cover
We will not make any payment under this section in respect of:
a) The cost of repair associated with any malfunction for which the manufacturer or
supplier of the domestic appliances is responsible.
b) The cost of repair associated with an item for which cover is available under any other
operative section of this Policy.
c) The cost of repair associated with breakdown occasioned by natural wear and tear.
d) The cost of repair associated with any appliances that has been modified in any manner
or is used for Business or Business purposes
SBI General Insurance Company Limited
SBI General Insurance Company Limited. Registered and Corporate Office: “Natraj” 301, Junction of Western Express Highway & Andheri
Kurla – Road, Andheri (East), Mumbai – 400 069|CIN: U66000MH2009PLC190546 | Toll free: 18001021111 |
[email protected] | | For more details on the risk factor, terms, and conditions, please refer to the Sales
Brochure and Policy Wordings carefully before concluding a sale| SBI Logo displayed belongs to State Bank of India and used by SBI General
Insurance Company Limited under license | IRDAI Reg No: 144 |UIN: IRDAN144RP0002V02201617
Simple Home Insurance– Policy Wordings 22
e) The cost of repair associated with loss or Damage caused by or in process of erection,
cleaning, maintenance, repair, dismantling.
f) Loss or Damage caused by atmospheric or climatic changes, moths, insects and
g) The cost of repair associated with the detention, seizure or confiscation by Public
Authorities of Your Domestic appliances
h) The cost of repair associated with the misuse of or use other than in accordance with
manufacturer’s recommendation of Your domestic appliances
i) The cost of repair associated with defects in wiring or electrical connections that are
not an integral part of Your domestic appliances
j) Any amount exceeding Section Sum Insured for each and every claim and for all claims
k) The first 1% of item Sum Insured or Rs 500 whichever is greater of each and every
l) Loss or Damage to records, discs, cassettes or tapes.
Special Conditions applicable to this section in addition to the general conditions wherever
a) If the part required for the repair or replacement of the domestic electrical & electronic
appliances is not readily available in India, We may, in Our sole & absolute discretion,
instead pay either:
a. The price of the part quoted in the latest catalogue or price list issued by the
manufacturer or his agent in India or
b. If no such catalogue or price list exists, the price for such part quoted by the
manufacturer in its country of origin plus the relevant import duty and in either case
the reasonable cost of fitting such part not exceeding the Section Sum Insured
b) In case of a Total Loss, if damaged item is not replaced, Our payment to You will be reduced
by depreciation calculated at 10% per annum from the date of manufacture, subject to
maximum depreciation of 50% of the Replacement Cost not exceeding Section Sum
First Loss Basis: (Applicable if it is shown on Your Schedule)
Option 1: (when total value of Contents is not declared)
Conditions applicable to Sections other than Section I 2) e) i) 3) g) shall not apply to this benefit.
Option 2: (where total value of Contents is declared)
SBI General Insurance Company Limited
SBI General Insurance Company Limited. Registered and Corporate Office: “Natraj” 301, Junction of Western Express Highway & Andheri
Kurla – Road, Andheri (East), Mumbai – 400 069|CIN: U66000MH2009PLC190546 | Toll free: 18001021111 |
[email protected] | | For more details on the risk factor, terms, and conditions, please refer to the Sales
Brochure and Policy Wordings carefully before concluding a sale| SBI Logo displayed belongs to State Bank of India and used by SBI General
Insurance Company Limited under license | IRDAI Reg No: 144 |UIN: IRDAN144RP0002V02201617
Simple Home Insurance– Policy Wordings 23
First Loss limit (expressed as % of the total value of Contents declared for insurance) will be as
specified in the Schedule and shall deemed as Section Sum Insured.
General Condition 2) e) i) 3) g) shall not apply to this benefit and “Condition of Partial Average” as
below shall apply.
Condition of Partial Average
It is hereby declared and agreed that this Policy is issued as the First Loss Insurance up to % of
the Insured’s total value of Contents (100%) as limit in the Schedule attached and forming part of
the Policy.
It is further declared and agreed in the event of total value of Contents at risk at the time of loss be
greater by more than 15% of the total value declared for the purpose of this insurance and
incorporated in the Schedule, the Insured shall be considered as being his own insurer, for the
difference, and shall bear ratable share of the loss accordingly. Every item, if more than one, of the
Policy, shall be separately subject to this condition.
Subject otherwise to terms, conditions and exceptions of the Policy.
A. What We Cover
We will pay You or insured family members, aged between 3 months and 65 years the
benefits as set out below, :
1. Accidental Death:
a. This benefit is payable if You or the insured family member suffers an Injury
anywhere in the World during the Policy Period solely and directly due to an
Accident that occurs during the Policy Period and that results in death within 365
days from the date of the Accident.
b. Benefit payable under this section is 100% of the Primary member Sum Insured or
as mentioned in the Policy Schedule. In case of dependant or unemployed family
members benefit is restricted to 50% of the primary member Sum Insured or as
mentioned in the Policy Schedule.
c. Once a claim has been accepted and paid under this Benefit in respect of an
Insured Person, the Insured Person’s insurance cover under this Section of the
Policy including will immediately and automatically terminate.
2. Permanent Total Disablement:
a. This benefit is payable if You or the insured family member suffers an Injury
anywhere in the World during the Policy Period solely and directly due to an
SBI General Insurance Company Limited
SBI General Insurance Company Limited. Registered and Corporate Office: “Natraj” 301, Junction of Western Express Highway & Andheri
Kurla – Road, Andheri (East), Mumbai – 400 069|CIN: U66000MH2009PLC190546 | Toll free: 18001021111 |
[email protected] | | For more details on the risk factor, terms, and conditions, please refer to the Sales
Brochure and Policy Wordings carefully before concluding a sale| SBI Logo displayed belongs to State Bank of India and used by SBI General
Insurance Company Limited under license | IRDAI Reg No: 144 |UIN: IRDAN144RP0002V02201617
Simple Home Insurance– Policy Wordings 24
Accident that occurs during the Policy Period and that results in the Permanent
Total Disablement of the Insured Person which is of the nature specified in the
table below, within 365 days from the date of the Accident.
Nature of Permanent Total Disablement
Percentage of the Sum
Insured payable for Insured
Total and irrecoverable loss of sight in both eyes 100%
Loss by physical separation or total and
permanent loss of use of both hands or both feet
Loss by physical separation or total and
permanent loss of use of one hand and one foot
Total and irrecoverable loss of sight in one eye
and loss of a Limb
Total and irrecoverable loss of hearing in both
ears and loss of one Limb/ loss of sight in one
Total and irrecoverable loss of hearing in both
ears and loss of speech
Total and irrecoverable loss of speech and loss
of one Limb/ loss of sight in one eye
Permanent, total and absolute disablement (not
falling under any one the above) which results in
the Insured Person being unable to engage in
any employment or occupation or business for
remuneration or profit, of any description
whatsoever which results in Loss of
Independent Living
For the purpose of this Benefit,
- Limb means a hand at or above the wrist or a foot above the ankle;
- Physical separation of one hand or foot means separation at or above wrist
and/or at or above ankle, respectively.
The Benefit as specified above will be payable provided that:
i. The Permanent Total Disablement is proved to Our satisfaction; and a disability
certificate issued by a civil surgeon or the equivalent appointed by the District,
State or Government Board is given to us;
ii. The Permanent Total Disablement continues for a period of at least 180 days
from the commencement of the Permanent Total Disablement, and We are
satisfied at the expiry of the 180 days that there is no reasonable medical hope of
improvement and such disability is permanent at the end of this period;
SBI General Insurance Company Limited
SBI General Insurance Company Limited. Registered and Corporate Office: “Natraj” 301, Junction of Western Express Highway & Andheri
Kurla – Road, Andheri (East), Mumbai – 400 069|CIN: U66000MH2009PLC190546 | Toll free: 18001021111 |
[email protected] | | For more details on the risk factor, terms, and conditions, please refer to the Sales
Brochure and Policy Wordings carefully before concluding a sale| SBI Logo displayed belongs to State Bank of India and used by SBI General
Insurance Company Limited under license | IRDAI Reg No: 144 |UIN: IRDAN144RP0002V02201617
Simple Home Insurance– Policy Wordings 25
b. In case of dependant or unemployed family members benefit is restricted to 50%
of the payable Sum Insured as per the table above.
c. If the Insured Person dies before a claim has been admitted under this Benefit,
then no amount will be payable under this Benefit;
d. Once a claim has been accepted and paid under this Benefit then the Insured
Person’s insurance cover under this Section of the will immediately and
automatically terminates.
3. Permanent Partial Disablement:
a. This benefit is payable if You or the insured family member suffers an Injury
anywhere in the World during the Policy Period solely and directly due to an
Accident that occurs during the Policy Period and that results in the Permanent
Partial Disablement of the Insured Person which is of the nature specified in the
table below, within 365 days from the date of the Accident.
Nature of Permanent Partial Disablement
Percentage of the
Sum Insured payable
i. Total and irrecoverable loss of sight in
one eye
ii. Loss of one hand or one foot
iii. Loss of all toes - any one foot
iv. Loss of toe great - any one foot
v. Loss of toes other than great, if more
than one toe lost, each
vi. Total and irrecoverable loss of hearing
in both ears
vii. Total and irrecoverable loss of hearing
in one ear
viii. Total and irrecoverable loss of speech
ix. Loss of four fingers and thumb of one
x. Loss of four fingers
xi. Loss of thumb- both phalanges
xii. Loss of thumb- one phalanx
xiii. Loss of index finger-three phalanges
xiv. Loss of index finger-two phalanges
xv. Loss of index finger-one phalanx
SBI General Insurance Company Limited
SBI General Insurance Company Limited. Registered and Corporate Office: “Natraj” 301, Junction of Western Express Highway & Andheri
Kurla – Road, Andheri (East), Mumbai – 400 069|CIN: U66000MH2009PLC190546 | Toll free: 18001021111 |
[email protected] | | For more details on the risk factor, terms, and conditions, please refer to the Sales
Brochure and Policy Wordings carefully before concluding a sale| SBI Logo displayed belongs to State Bank of India and used by SBI General
Insurance Company Limited under license | IRDAI Reg No: 144 |UIN: IRDAN144RP0002V02201617
Simple Home Insurance– Policy Wordings 26
xvi. Loss of middle/ring/little finger-three
xvii. Loss of middle/ring/little finger-two
xviii. Loss of middle/ring/little finger-one
The Benefit specified above will be payable provided that:
i. The Permanent Partial Disablement is proved to Our satisfaction; and a
disability certificate issued by a civil surgeon or the equivalent appointed by
the District, State or Government Board is given to Us;
ii. The Permanent Partial Disablement continues for a period of at least 180
days from the commencement of the Permanent Partial Disablement and
We are satisfied at the expiry of the 180 days that there is no reasonable
medical hope of improvement and such disability is permanent at the end
of this period;
iii. If the Insured Person dies before a claim has been admitted under this
Benefit, then no amount will be payable under this Benefit;
iv. If the Insured Person suffers a loss that is not of the nature of Permanent
Partial Disablement specified in the table above, then Our medical advisors
will determine the degree of disablement and the amount payable, if any;
v. We will not make any payment under this Benefit if We have already paid
or accepted any claims under Sections of Accidental Death or Permanent
Total Disablement in respect of the Insured Person and the total amount
paid or payable under the claims is cumulatively greater than or equal to
the Sum Insured for that Insured Person;
b. Once a claim has been accepted and paid under this Benefit the Insured Person’s
insurance cover under this Policy shall continue, subject to availability of the Capital
Sum Insured.
4. Repatriation of Mortal remains:
This benefit is payable if we have accepted claim under Accidental Death section. We
will make a onetime lump sum payment for expenses incurred in transporting insured
person’s mortal remains to Your Home, subject to a maximum of 2% of Sum Insured
per person or Rs 7500 whichever is less on per policy year basis.
5. Ambulance Expenses:
a. This benefit is payable if any of the insured person suffers an Accident-causing
Injury that requires Hospitalisation. We will provide for reimbursement of
Reasonable and Customary expenses up to Rs 5000 on per policy per year basis
that are incurred towards transportation of an Insured Person by a registered
healthcare or Ambulance service provider to a Hospital for treatment of an Injury
SBI General Insurance Company Limited
SBI General Insurance Company Limited. Registered and Corporate Office: “Natraj” 301, Junction of Western Express Highway & Andheri
Kurla – Road, Andheri (East), Mumbai – 400 069|CIN: U66000MH2009PLC190546 | Toll free: 18001021111 |
[email protected] | | For more details on the risk factor, terms, and conditions, please refer to the Sales
Brochure and Policy Wordings carefully before concluding a sale| SBI Logo displayed belongs to State Bank of India and used by SBI General
Insurance Company Limited under license | IRDAI Reg No: 144 |UIN: IRDAN144RP0002V02201617
Simple Home Insurance– Policy Wordings 27
in case of an Emergency, necessitating the Insured Person’s admission to the
Hospital. The necessity of use of an Ambulance must be certified by the treating
Medical Practitioner.
b. Reasonable and Customary expenses shall include:
i. Costs towards transferring the Insured Person from one Hospital to another
Hospital or diagnostic centre for advanced diagnostic treatment where such
facility is not available at the existing Hospital; or
ii. When the Insured Person requires to be moved to a better Hospital facility
due to lack of super speciality treatment in the existing Hospital.
B. Position after Claim:
i. In case a claim is accepted under section A.1 and/ or 2 then per person benefit under
this policy automatically terminates with respect to that particular person.
ii. In case a claim is accepted and paid under section A.3, this Benefit under this Policy
shall continue, subject to availability of the Sum Insured.
C. Cumulative bonus:
If no claim has been made under the policy with us and the policy is renewed with us and
without any break, we will allow a cumulative bonus to the renewal policy upon receipt of
premium automatically by increasing the Sum Insured by 5% per year. The maximum
cumulative bonus shall not exceed 50% of the Section Sum Insured in any policy year. In
case of a claim, the Cumulative Bonus if any under the policy will get reduced by 5% per year
at the time of renewal. This cumulative bonus is applicable only to Accidental Death,
Permanent Partial Disability and Permanent Total disability benefits.
The cumulative bonus will not be lost if the policy is renewed either within the expiry date of
the policy or within 30 days from the date of expiry of the policy subject to expiring policy
having been issued by us.
D. What We NOT Cover
We shall not be liable to make any payment for any claim under the Personal Accident
Benefit Section in respect of any Insured Person, directly or indirectly for, caused by or
arising from or in any way attributable to any of the following:
1. Any Pre-existing Disease or Disability arising out of a Pre-existing Diseases or any
complication arising therefrom.
2. Any payment in case of more than one claim under the Policy during any one Policy
Period by which Our maximum liability in that period would exceed the Sum Insured
under the Section.
3. Suicide or attempted Suicide, intentional self-inflicted injury, acts of self-destruction
whether the Insured Person is medically sane or insane.
4. Mental illness or sickness or disease including a psychiatric condition, mental
disorders of or disturbances of consciousness, strokes, fits or convulsions which
affect the entire body and pathological disturbances caused by mental reaction to
the same.
5. Certification by a Medical Practitioner who shares the same residence as the Insured
SBI General Insurance Company Limited
SBI General Insurance Company Limited. Registered and Corporate Office: “Natraj” 301, Junction of Western Express Highway & Andheri
Kurla – Road, Andheri (East), Mumbai – 400 069|CIN: U66000MH2009PLC190546 | Toll free: 18001021111 |
[email protected] | | For more details on the risk factor, terms, and conditions, please refer to the Sales
Brochure and Policy Wordings carefully before concluding a sale| SBI Logo displayed belongs to State Bank of India and used by SBI General
Insurance Company Limited under license | IRDAI Reg No: 144 |UIN: IRDAN144RP0002V02201617
Simple Home Insurance– Policy Wordings 28
Person or who is a member of the Insured Person’s Family.
6. Death or disablement arising out of or attributable to foreign invasion, act of foreign
enemies, hostilities, warlike operations (whether war be declared or not or while
performing duties in the armed forces of any country during war or at peace time),
participation in any naval, military or air-force operation, civil war, public defence,
rebellion, revolution, insurrection, military or usurped power.
7. Death or disablement directly or indirectly caused by or associated with any venereal
disease, sexually transmitted disease
8. Congenital internal or external diseases, defects or anomalies or in consequence
9. Bacterial infections (except pyogenic infection which occurs through a cut or wound
due to Accident).
10. Medical or surgical treatment except as necessary solely and directly as a result of
an Accident.
11. Death or disablement directly or indirectly caused due to or associated with human
T-call Lymph tropic virus type III (HTLV-III or IITLB-III) or Lymphadinopathy
Associated Virus (LAV) and its variants or mutants, Acquired Immune Deficiency
Syndrome (AIDS) whether or not arising out of HIV, AIDS related complex syndrome
(ARCS) and any injury caused by and/or related to HIV.
12. Any change of profession after inception of the Policy which results in the
enhancement of Our risk under the Policy, if not accepted and endorsed by Us.
13. Death or disablement arising or resulting from the Insured Person committing any
breach of law or participating in an actual or attempted felony, riot, crime,
misdemeanour or civil commotion with criminal intent.
14. Death or disablement arising from or caused due to use, abuse or a consequence
or influence of an abuse of any substance, intoxicant, drug, alcohol or hallucinogen.
15. Death or disablement resulting directly or indirectly, contributed or aggravated or
prolonged by childbirth or from pregnancy or a consequence thereof including
ectopic pregnancy unless specifically arising due to accident;
16. Death or disablement caused by participation of the Insured Person in any flying
activity, except as a bona fide fare-paying passenger of a recognized airline on
regular routes and on a scheduled timetable.
17. Insured Persons whilst engaging in a speed contest or racing of any kind (other than
on foot), bungee jumping, parasailing, ballooning, parachuting, skydiving,
paragliding, hang gliding, mountain or rock climbing necessitating the use of guides
or ropes, potholing, abseiling, deep sea diving using hard helmet and breathing
apparatus, polo, snow and ice sports in so far as they involve the training for or
participation in competitions or professional sports, or involving a naval, military or
air force operation and is specifically specified in the Policy Schedule.
18. Death or disablement caused by working in underground mines, tunnelling or
explosives, or involving electrical installation with high tension supply, or as jockeys
or circus personnel, or engaged in Hazardous Activities.
19. Death or disablement arising from or caused by ionizing radiation or contamination
by radioactivity from any nuclear fuel (explosive or hazardous form) or resulting from
or from any other cause or event contributing concurrently or in any other sequence
to the loss, claim or expense from any nuclear waste from the combustion of nuclear
fuel, nuclear, chemical or biological attack.
a) Chemical attack or weapons means the emission, discharge, dispersal, release
SBI General Insurance Company Limited
SBI General Insurance Company Limited. Registered and Corporate Office: “Natraj” 301, Junction of Western Express Highway & Andheri
Kurla – Road, Andheri (East), Mumbai – 400 069|CIN: U66000MH2009PLC190546 | Toll free: 18001021111 |
[email protected] | | For more details on the risk factor, terms, and conditions, please refer to the Sales
Brochure and Policy Wordings carefully before concluding a sale| SBI Logo displayed belongs to State Bank of India and used by SBI General
Insurance Company Limited under license | IRDAI Reg No: 144 |UIN: IRDAN144RP0002V02201617
Simple Home Insurance– Policy Wordings 29
or escape of any solid, liquid or gaseous chemical compound which, when
suitably distributed, is capable of causing any Illness, incapacitating disablement
or death.
b) Biological attack or weapons means the emission, discharge, dispersal, release
or escape of any pathogenic (disease producing) microorganisms and/or
biologically produced toxins (including genetically modified organisms and
chemically synthesized toxins) which are capable of causing any Illness,
incapacitating disablement or death.
20. Any physical, medical or mental condition or treatment or service that is specifically
excluded in the Policy Schedule.
Special Conditions applicable to this Section in addition to the General conditions.
1) Upon happening of any event which may give rise to a claim under this policy, written notice
with all particulars must be given by insured/ nominee to the Company immediately. In case of
death, written notice must be given immediately, unless reasonable cause is shown for such
delay and in any case, within 30 days after death. In the event of loss of sight or amputation of
limbs, written notice thereof must also be given immediately but not later than 30 days after
such loss of sight or amputation.
2) Deviation from this will be accepted by the Company only upon being shown reasonable cause
of the delay and to the satisfaction of the Company
3) Proof satisfactory to the Company shall be furnished of all matters upon which a claim is based.
Any Medical or authorised representative of the Company shall be allowed to examine the
Insured Person on the occasion of any alleged injury or disablement when and so often as the
same may reasonably be required on behalf of the Company.
4) Such evidence as the Company may require from time to time shall be furnished including the
post-mortem report, if conducted within 14 days after demand in writing.
5) Requirement of all or any of the following indicative documents will depend on the nature of
a. Claim form duly signed
b. Policy copy
c. Claim Intimation
d. FIR / MLC Copy /Spot Panchnama / Inquest Panchnama
e. Death Certificate
f. Post Mortem Report (If conducted)
g. Final Police Report
h. Affidavit from the legal heirs of the deceased (in case nomination has not been filed by
i. Investigation reports
SBI General Insurance Company Limited
SBI General Insurance Company Limited. Registered and Corporate Office: “Natraj” 301, Junction of Western Express Highway & Andheri
Kurla – Road, Andheri (East), Mumbai – 400 069|CIN: U66000MH2009PLC190546 | Toll free: 18001021111 |
[email protected] | | For more details on the risk factor, terms, and conditions, please refer to the Sales
Brochure and Policy Wordings carefully before concluding a sale| SBI Logo displayed belongs to State Bank of India and used by SBI General
Insurance Company Limited under license | IRDAI Reg No: 144 |UIN: IRDAN144RP0002V02201617
Simple Home Insurance– Policy Wordings 30
j. Medical certificate
k. Disability Certificate
l. Photograph of the injured with reflecting disablement
m. Discharge card
n. Receipt of ambulance usage
6) Penal Interest Provision: -- Upon acceptance of an offer of settlement by the insured, the
payment of the amount due shall be made within 30 days from the date of acceptance of the
offer by the insured. In the cases of delay in the payment, the insurer shall be liable to pay
interest at a rate which is 2% above the bank rate prevalent at the beginning of the financial
year in which the claim is reviewed by it.
7) Nomination and Assignment:- This Policy is not assignable and no person(s) other than Insured
or Insured’s nominee(s) as mentioned in the schedule or legal representatives, wherever is
applicable, can claim or sue the Insurer under this policy.
The payment by the Insurer to the Insured, his/ her nominee or legal representative of any
compensation or benefit under the policy shall in all cases be an effectual discharge to the
A. What We Cover
We will indemnify You and/or Your Family for actual loss of money in coins and/or currency
notes up to the Section Sum Insured by, Robbery, hold up or Theft within 6 hours of
withdrawal of money from a Bank (including ATM centers) at which You maintain an
account, while such money is in Your possession.
B. What We NOT Cover
We will not make payment to You and Your Family under this Section:
a. If You and Your Family have withdrawn money in coins and/or currency notes more
than once in a day.
b. If You and Your Family do not provide Us and the police with an immediate notice of
the loss and send to Us a copy of the First Information and/or final report.
c. Unless You and Your Family are able to establish to Our reasonable satisfaction that
a loss of the amount stated has occurred with documentary proof.
d. For more than Rs 25,000 in respect of a single withdrawal.
e. For more than Rs 50,000 during Period of Insurance.
f. For the first Rs 500 in respect of each and every claim.
Note: Single withdrawal limit shall be 50% of the Section Sum Insured.
A. What We Cover
We will indemnify You and/or Your Family against the loss of, destruction of, or damage to
SBI General Insurance Company Limited
SBI General Insurance Company Limited. Registered and Corporate Office: “Natraj” 301, Junction of Western Express Highway & Andheri
Kurla – Road, Andheri (East), Mumbai – 400 069|CIN: U66000MH2009PLC190546 | Toll free: 18001021111 |
[email protected] | | For more details on the risk factor, terms, and conditions, please refer to the Sales
Brochure and Policy Wordings carefully before concluding a sale| SBI Logo displayed belongs to State Bank of India and used by SBI General
Insurance Company Limited under license | IRDAI Reg No: 144 |UIN: IRDAN144RP0002V02201617
Simple Home Insurance– Policy Wordings 31
a. Portable equipments anywhere in the world due to any unforeseen and sudden physical
loss (except a cause mentioned in section “What we will not cover”), provided that it is
in Your personal custody provided that Our liability in respect of any one item of such
property in any one Period of Insurance will not individually or in aggregate exceed the
sub limit of the Sum Insured set against such item in the Schedule.
b. You and/or Your Family’s Jewellery and Valuables anywhere in the world due to
Accident and/or misfortune, based upon the actual Replacement Cost of such Jewellery
and Valuables not exceeding Section Sum Insured.
c. Newly purchased Jewellery and Valuables i.e. purchased after commencement of the
Policy subject to maximum payment of 10% of Section Sum Insured or Rs 100,000
whichever is less duly supported by original purchase invoice/bill.
B. What We NOT Cover
We will not make any payment under this Section for:
1. Deductible:
a. 5% of the claim amount subject to a minimum of Rs 2500 for each and every claim
in respect of Jewellery & Valuables
b. 5% of claim amount subject to a minimum of Rs 1000 for each and every claim in
respect of portable equipment’s.
2. Loss of Damage to the property by or due to or arising from
a. Defective workmanship material or design, wear and tear depreciation, rats,
insects, mildew, Fungi, moth, vermin, process of cleaning, washing, repairing,
restoring or renovating the action of light or atmospheric condition or any other
gradually operating cause.
b. Manufacturing defects for which the manufacturer is responsible.
c. Mechanical and/or electrical breakdown and/or derangement, overloading or
strain, overrunning excessive pressures, short circuiting and/or self heating or over
d. Improper handling, dismantling, fitting adjustment, repair alteration or modification
not approved by the makers/ manufacturers and/or the agents of
maker/manufacturers or use of such property contrary to the directives of the
makers/manufacturers and/or this agents.
e. Scratching and/or denting and/or cracking.
f. Loss or Damage due to cracking, scratching or breakage of lens or glass, whether
part of any equipment or otherwise, or to china marble, gramophone, records and
other articles of a brittle or fragile nature unless such loss or Damage arises from
an Accident involving the mode by which such item is being covered.
3. Consequential loss of whatsoever nature.
SBI General Insurance Company Limited
SBI General Insurance Company Limited. Registered and Corporate Office: “Natraj” 301, Junction of Western Express Highway & Andheri
Kurla – Road, Andheri (East), Mumbai – 400 069|CIN: U66000MH2009PLC190546 | Toll free: 18001021111 |
[email protected] | | For more details on the risk factor, terms, and conditions, please refer to the Sales
Brochure and Policy Wordings carefully before concluding a sale| SBI Logo displayed belongs to State Bank of India and used by SBI General
Insurance Company Limited under license | IRDAI Reg No: 144 |UIN: IRDAN144RP0002V02201617
Simple Home Insurance– Policy Wordings 32
4. Loss or Damage arising from detention, confiscation, destruction or requisition by or
under the order of any government of public or local authority.
5. Penalties of delay or detention or in connection with guarantees of performance or
6. Theft, loss or Damage during the hire or loan of the instrument to a third party.
7. Unexplained/ Mysterious disappearance.
8. Loss or Damage to any unattended item/equipment of the property insured as
described in the Schedule.
9. Loss or Damage due to Theft or attempted Theft by an Employee of Yours or loss or
Damage occasioned through the willful act of You and/or Your family or any Employee
or the willful act of any other person with a connivance of You and/or Your Family or
any Employee.
10. Loss or Damage directly or indirectly, occasioned by or happening through or in
consequence of volcanic eruption or other similar convulsion of nature and atmospheric
11. Loss or Damage directly or indirectly, proximately or remotely occasioned by or
contributed to or traceable to or happening through in consequence of war, invasion,
act of foreign enemy, hostilities or war like operations (whether war declared or not),
civil war, civil commotion, mutiny, rebellion, revolution, insurrection, conspiracy, military
or usurped power.
12. Loss or Damage directly or indirectly caused by or contributed to by or arising from
ionizing radiations contamination by radio activity from any nuclear fuel or from any
nuclear waste from the combustion of nuclear from any nuclear waste from the
combustion of nuclear fuel or from any nuclear weapons material. For the purpose of
this exclusion, combustion shall include any self-sustaining process of nuclear fission.
13. Any loss or Damage to the property insured or to the general public and/or legal liability
arising out of immoral or unethical use of the property insured.
14. Electromagnetic field exclusion: The Policy does not apply to or has no liability
hereunder to You in respect of personal injury, Bodily Injury, or illness of a person, loss
or Damage to property or advertising liability arising out of exposure to any electric,
magnetic and/or electromagnetic field of any frequency, whether the same be caused
or allegedly caused by the insured’s power lines or otherwise.
15. Terrorism damage exclusion warranty: This Policy excludes loss, Damage, cost or
expenses of whatsoever nature directly or indirectly caused by, resulting from or in
connection with any act of terrorism regardless of any other cause or event contributing
concurrently or in any other sequence to the loss. For the purpose of this exclusion, an
act of terrorism means an act or series of acts, including but not limited to the use of
SBI General Insurance Company Limited
SBI General Insurance Company Limited. Registered and Corporate Office: “Natraj” 301, Junction of Western Express Highway & Andheri
Kurla – Road, Andheri (East), Mumbai – 400 069|CIN: U66000MH2009PLC190546 | Toll free: 18001021111 |
[email protected] | | For more details on the risk factor, terms, and conditions, please refer to the Sales
Brochure and Policy Wordings carefully before concluding a sale| SBI Logo displayed belongs to State Bank of India and used by SBI General
Insurance Company Limited under license | IRDAI Reg No: 144 |UIN: IRDAN144RP0002V02201617
Simple Home Insurance– Policy Wordings 33
force or violence and/or the threat thereof, of any person or group(s) of persons,
whether acting alone or behalf of or in connection with any organization(s) or
government(s), or Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Amendment Act 2008 or any other
related and applicable national or state legislation formulated to combat unlawful and
terrorist activities in the nation for the time being in force, committed for political,
religious, ideological or similar purposes including the intension to influence any
government and/or to put the public or any section of the public in fear for such
purposes. This exclusion also includes loss, Damage, cost or expenses of whatsoever
nature directly or indirectly caused by, resulting from or in connection with any action
taken in controlling, preventing, suppressing or in any way relating to the above.
16. Loss or Damage due to Theft from a car unless such Theft occurred by violent and
visible means from an enclosed Vehicle that has its windows closed and locks (and
other security devices, if any) properly applied.
17. Loss or Damage whilst the item is being conveyed by any carrier under the contract of
18. Loss or Damage to any item used mainly for Business or Business Purpose.
19. Loss or Damage occasioned to lottery or raffle tickets.
20. For more than the sole value of an item comprising part of a pair or set without reference
to any special value which such item may have had as a part of such pair or set, and
not more than a proportionate part of the value of the pair or set.
21. Damage whilst in custody of any person other than You, Your Family or Bank (where
You have kept Jewellery in locker).
22. Damage to musical instrument in respect of loss of tone and for replacement of strings,
drums, skins, reeds.
If You do not agree whether any of these exclusions apply to Your Claim, You agree to
accept the burden of proving that they do not apply.
Special Conditions applicable to this section in addition to the general conditions wherever
1) At all times during the Period of Insurance, the insurance cover will be maintained to the full
extent of the respective Sum Insured in consideration of which, upon the settlement of any loss
under this Policy, pro- rata premium for the unexpired period from the date of such loss to the expiry
of Policy Period for the amount of such loss shall be payable by You to Us. The additional premium
referred above shall be deducted from the net claim payable under the Policy. This continuous
cover to the full extent will be available not withstanding any previous loss for which We may have
paid hereunder and irrespective of the fact whether the additional premium as mentioned above
has been actually paid or not following such loss. The intention of this condition is to ensure
continuity of the cover to You subject only to Our rights for deduction from the claim amount, when
settled, of Pro- rata premium to be calculated from the date of loss till expiry of the policy.
SBI General Insurance Company Limited
SBI General Insurance Company Limited. Registered and Corporate Office: “Natraj” 301, Junction of Western Express Highway & Andheri
Kurla – Road, Andheri (East), Mumbai – 400 069|CIN: U66000MH2009PLC190546 | Toll free: 18001021111 |
[email protected] | | For more details on the risk factor, terms, and conditions, please refer to the Sales
Brochure and Policy Wordings carefully before concluding a sale| SBI Logo displayed belongs to State Bank of India and used by SBI General
Insurance Company Limited under license | IRDAI Reg No: 144 |UIN: IRDAN144RP0002V02201617
Simple Home Insurance– Policy Wordings 34
Notwithstanding what is stated above, the Sum Insured shall stands reduced by the amount of loss
in case You immediately on occurrence of the loss exercise Your option not to reinstate the Sum
Insured as above.
2) Loss or Damage to Your Property (Applicable to Portable equipments) shall be settled at the
Market Value, after charging the depreciation applicable as per below table
Depreciation applicable for any instrument/component
Age of the instrument/component Depreciation %
Up to 6 months 10%
Up to 1 Year 20%
Up to 2 Years 40%
Up to 3 Years 50%
Up to 4 Years 60%
Up to 5 Years 70%
Exceeding 5 Years 75%
4) In event of loss of or Damage to the property or any components thereon necessitating the
supply of components not obtainable form the stocks held in this country or in the event of Us
exercising the option to pay in cash the amount of the loss or Damage, Our liability in respect of
any such component shall be limited to:
a) The price quoted in the latest catalogue or price list issued by makers or their agents in this
country, Or
b) If no such catalogue or price list exists, the price list obtained at the makers works PLUS
the reasonable cost of transport otherwise than by air to this country and the amount of the
relative import duty PLUS the reasonable cost of fitting such parts.
First Loss Basis: (Applicable if it is shown on Your Schedule)
Option 1: (when total value of Contents is not declared)
Conditions applicable to Sections other than Section I 2) e) i) 3) g) shall not apply to this benefit.
Option 2: (where total value of Contents is declared)
First Loss limit (expressed as % of the total value of Contents declared for insurance) will be as
specified in the Schedule and shall deemed as Section Sum Insured.
SBI General Insurance Company Limited
SBI General Insurance Company Limited. Registered and Corporate Office: “Natraj” 301, Junction of Western Express Highway & Andheri
Kurla – Road, Andheri (East), Mumbai – 400 069|CIN: U66000MH2009PLC190546 | Toll free: 18001021111 |
[email protected] | | For more details on the risk factor, terms, and conditions, please refer to the Sales
Brochure and Policy Wordings carefully before concluding a sale| SBI Logo displayed belongs to State Bank of India and used by SBI General
Insurance Company Limited under license | IRDAI Reg No: 144 |UIN: IRDAN144RP0002V02201617
Simple Home Insurance– Policy Wordings 35
Conditions applicable to Sections other than Section I 2) e) i) 3) g) shall not apply to this benefit
and “Condition of Partial Average” as below shall apply.
Condition of Partial Average
It is hereby declared and agreed that this Policy is issued as the First Loss Insurance up to % of
the Insured’s total value of Contents (100%) as limit in the Schedule attached and forming part of
the Policy.
It is further declared and agreed in the event of total value of Contents at risk at the time of loss be
greater by more than 15% of the total value declared for the purpose of this insurance and
incorporated in the Schedule, the Insured shall be considered as being his own insurer, for the
difference, and shall bear ratable share of the loss accordingly. Every item, if more than one, of the
Policy, shall be separately subject to this condition.
Subject otherwise to terms, conditions and exceptions of the Policy.
A. What We Cover
Key Replacement- We will reimburse You for the cost of replacing Your Home and/or Your
Vehicle keys which are Lost or stolen. The covered cost is limited to the money You paid to
a locksmith to produce a new key.
Break- in Protection- We will reimburse You for the cost of replacing Your locks & keys if
Your Home or Your Vehicle is broken in to. The covered costs include the labour cost for
replacing the lock.
Lock out Reimbursement- We will reimburse You for the cost of obtaining keys from a
locksmith if You are locked out of Your Home or Your Vehicle due to loss or Theft of Your
B. What We NOT Cover
We will not pay for:
a. Costs other than those listed in the “What We Cover” section
b. Cost associated with Lost or Stolen keys for a Home other than Your primary Home.
c. The cost to replace keys to Vehicles that You do not own for personal use.
C. Special Condition
For Break in protection claims, You must provide an official police report that indicates the
incident happened within the covered time frame in order for Us to pay the claim unless
You are legally incapable of doing so.
SBI General Insurance Company Limited
SBI General Insurance Company Limited. Registered and Corporate Office: “Natraj” 301, Junction of Western Express Highway & Andheri
Kurla – Road, Andheri (East), Mumbai – 400 069|CIN: U66000MH2009PLC190546 | Toll free: 18001021111 |
[email protected] | | For more details on the risk factor, terms, and conditions, please refer to the Sales
Brochure and Policy Wordings carefully before concluding a sale| SBI Logo displayed belongs to State Bank of India and used by SBI General
Insurance Company Limited under license | IRDAI Reg No: 144 |UIN: IRDAN144RP0002V02201617
Simple Home Insurance– Policy Wordings 36
Excess of other Insurance Coverage (Applicable to Section- Key Replacement cover)
Coverage provided by this Policy are EXCESS, this means that if, at the time of occurrence,
You have other valid and collectible insurance- such as but not limited to motor insurance-
this Policy will only cover the amount not covered by such other insurance, up to the limit
of specific coverage. If the event is covered by more than one of the Policy coverage, We
will only pay the amount from the coverage under which You first filed the claim.
Duties after an Accident or Loss
In the event of a covered loss
a) You shall call Us at 1800 22 1111 or 1800 102 1111 or provide written intimation
within 24 hrs of discovering the loss to make a claim and obtain the proper forms
and instructions.
b) You may file a police report within 24 hrs of discovering a covered incident
c) You shall fit out and return any claims forms and accompanying documents
including police report (where necessary) , receipts for replacing locks and/or keys,
and any other documents We may ask You to provide.
The claim form and accompanying documents must be returned to Us within 3 days of making the
original claim.
Clause G. Exclusions (What We do not cover) for all covers under this policy
We do not cover losses and expenses for any loss or damage or destruction of the Insured Property
that is directly or indirectly as a result of or is caused by or arising from events, stated below:
1. Your deliberate, wilful or intentional act or ommission, or of anyone on Your behalf, or with
Your connivance.
2. War, invasion, act of foreign enemy hostilities or war-like operations (whether war is declared
or not), civil war, mutiny, civil commotion amounting to a popular rising, military rising, rebellion,
revolution, insurrection or military or usurped power.
3. Ionising radiation or contamination by radioactivity from any nuclear fuel or from any nuclear
waste from combustion of nuclear fuel, or the radioactive, toxic, explosive or other hazardous
properties of any explosive nuclear assembly or nuclear component that is part of it.
4. Pollution or contamination, unless
a. the pollution or contamination itself has resulted from an Insured Event,
b. an Insured Event itself results from pollution or contamination.
Clause H. Conditions
The below conditions are applicable to all sections:
SBI General Insurance Company Limited
SBI General Insurance Company Limited. Registered and Corporate Office: “Natraj” 301, Junction of Western Express Highway & Andheri
Kurla – Road, Andheri (East), Mumbai – 400 069|CIN: U66000MH2009PLC190546 | Toll free: 18001021111 |
[email protected] | | For more details on the risk factor, terms, and conditions, please refer to the Sales
Brochure and Policy Wordings carefully before concluding a sale| SBI Logo displayed belongs to State Bank of India and used by SBI General
Insurance Company Limited under license | IRDAI Reg No: 144 |UIN: IRDAN144RP0002V02201617
Simple Home Insurance– Policy Wordings 37
I. Your Obligations
1. Make true and full disclosure in the proposal and related documents
a. You have a duty of disclosure to tell Us everything You know, or could reasonably be
expected to know, that is relevant to Us for deciding whether to give You insurance cover
and on what terms. You owe this duty to disclose such relevant material information even
if We have not specifically asked for it. This duty extends to any information or declaration
given by anyone else on Your behalf.
b. We have agreed to give You insurance cover entirely on the basis of the information You,
or anyone on Your behalf, have given Us in the proposal, statements and other declarations
and documents (in writing or electronic) about Yourself, Your family, Your Home Building
and Home Contents. The correct and complete information You give is the basis of Our
contract with You. Our promise to pay is conditional upon the truth of these statements and
on the assumption that You, or anyone on Your behalf, has not withheld any material
information about Yourself, Your family, Your Home Building and Home Contents.
2. Obligation to take care: You must:
a. keep Your Home Building and Home Contents in good condition and well maintained, You
must ensure that the structure of Your Home Building does not have any faults or defects
that are visible and material that will aggravate loss or damage to the Home Building in the
event an insured peril occurs.
b. take care to prevent theft, loss or damage to Your Home Building and Home
Contents, and
c. ensure that unauthorized persons do not occupy Your Home Building.
3. Inform change in circumstances: You must inform Us immediately if,
a. You change Your address,
b. You make any addition, alteration, extension to the structure of Your Home.
c. You let out Your Home Building, or Your Home Building will no longer be solely occupied
by You,
d. You change the use of Your Home Building.
4. Allow inspection and investigation of claim: You must allow and give full cooperation to the
survey/investigation of Your claim by Us. You must allow Us, and any surveyor, officer or other
representative that We authorise, to inspect Your Home Building and Home Contents including
the interior wherever necessary, take photographs and where required, permit the scientific
SBI General Insurance Company Limited
SBI General Insurance Company Limited. Registered and Corporate Office: “Natraj” 301, Junction of Western Express Highway & Andheri
Kurla – Road, Andheri (East), Mumbai – 400 069|CIN: U66000MH2009PLC190546 | Toll free: 18001021111 |
[email protected] | | For more details on the risk factor, terms, and conditions, please refer to the Sales
Brochure and Policy Wordings carefully before concluding a sale| SBI Logo displayed belongs to State Bank of India and used by SBI General
Insurance Company Limited under license | IRDAI Reg No: 144 |UIN: IRDAN144RP0002V02201617
Simple Home Insurance– Policy Wordings 38
testing and investigation of any insured article affected by the insured peril. You must answer
all questions asked regarding Your claim truthfully and completely and submit all relevant
documents that We will require.
5. Make true statements and full disclosure in the claim and related documents: You must
also give true and full information in Your claim and submit true documents. If You give any
false information or document in the claim, or if You withhold any information or document
(written or electronic), We have a right to refuse payment of Your claim. We may also cancel
Your policy.
II. Renewal of Policy
1. End of Policy: This Policy will expire at the end of the Policy Period.
2. Renewal is not automatic: We may seek relevant information from You for the purpose of
renewal. We can reject Your renewal only on grounds of misrepresentation, non-disclosure of
material facts, fraud or non-co-operation on Your part.
3. Application for renewal: If You wish to renew the Policy, You must apply for renewal before
the end of the Policy Period and pay the required premium amount.
Renewal Process (Applicable to Personal Accident Section):
The Company is not bound to accept any renewal premium or give notice that renewal is due.
Under normal circumstances, renewal will not be refused except on the grounds of moral hazard,
misrepresentation, or fraud of the Insured.
The renewal premium shall be as per the rates approved by IRDA on the date of renewal of this
product. A grace period of 30 days is allowed for renewal of Personal Accident Section of this
Policy. This will be counted from the day immediately following the premium due date during which
a payment can be made to renew or continue this policy in force without loss of continuity benefits
such as cumulative bonus. The continuity of coverage for all the covers under the expiring Policy
will be subject to receiving appropriate premium for the same. Coverage is not available for the
period for which no premium is received, and Insurer has no liability for the claims arising during
this period.
III. Cancellation and Termination of Policy
1. Cancellation by You at any Time
a. You can cancel this Policy at any time by giving Us notice in writing. The Policy will terminate
when We receive Your notice.
b. If You cancel the policy, We will refund premium as follows:
SBI General Insurance Company Limited
SBI General Insurance Company Limited. Registered and Corporate Office: “Natraj” 301, Junction of Western Express Highway & Andheri
Kurla – Road, Andheri (East), Mumbai – 400 069|CIN: U66000MH2009PLC190546 | Toll free: 18001021111 |
[email protected] | | For more details on the risk factor, terms, and conditions, please refer to the Sales
Brochure and Policy Wordings carefully before concluding a sale| SBI Logo displayed belongs to State Bank of India and used by SBI General
Insurance Company Limited under license | IRDAI Reg No: 144 |UIN: IRDAN144RP0002V02201617
Simple Home Insurance– Policy Wordings 39
Time for which Policy in force Refund of premium
Up to one month 75% of annual rate
Up to three months 50%of annual rate
Up to six months 25% of annual rate
Exceeding six months NIL
Above table will be followed for the Annual policies.
For Policy tenure more than one year, premium refund shall be proportionate for the un-
expired policy years after grossing up the premium paid by you towards long term discount
if any.
2. Cancellation by Us:
a. We will not cancel the Policy during the policy period except on the grounds of mis
representation, non-disclosure of material facts, fraud, or non-cooperation on Your part.
b. In case of Total Loss of Your Home Building in a long term policy where You have decided
not to reinstate Your Home Building in favour of a cash settlement of Your claim, We will
cancel the policy for the remaining duration of the policy period. In such a case We shall
refund the proportionate premium for the un-expired policy years after grossing up the
premium paid by You towards long term discount, if any.
3. Automatic termination of the Policy
This Policy will automatically end in the following cases:
a. Destruction of Your Home Building: This Policy will automatically end 7 (seven) days
after Your Home Building collapses or is destroyed by reason other than any Insured Event.
If a separable part of Your Home Building, or any additional structure falls down or is
destroyed by reason other than any Insured Event, the covers will end for such part or
additional structure.
You can apply within 7 (seven) days of such fall or destruction for continuing insurance
cover. We may agree, but will not be bound, to continue the cover on the same rates, terms
and conditions.
b. Exhaustion of Sum Insured: If Your Home Building, or any additional structure, or any
item of Home Contents, is lost, destroyed or stolen, or is a Total Loss, and We pay You the
full Sum Insured for such item, the insurance cover for that item will automatically end
unless the subject matter of insurance is reconstructed and the Sum Insured is reinstated
by paying additional premium. If We pay the total Sum Insured for any claim, this Policy will
SBI General Insurance Company Limited
SBI General Insurance Company Limited. Registered and Corporate Office: “Natraj” 301, Junction of Western Express Highway & Andheri
Kurla – Road, Andheri (East), Mumbai – 400 069|CIN: U66000MH2009PLC190546 | Toll free: 18001021111 |
[email protected] | | For more details on the risk factor, terms, and conditions, please refer to the Sales
Brochure and Policy Wordings carefully before concluding a sale| SBI Logo displayed belongs to State Bank of India and used by SBI General
Insurance Company Limited under license | IRDAI Reg No: 144 |UIN: IRDAN144RP0002V02201617
Simple Home Insurance– Policy Wordings 40
c. Change of use of Your Home Building or Home Contents: The Policy will end
i. if You change the use of Your Home Building from personal residence to any other
purpose, or
ii. if You use any item of Home Contents for use that is not personal.
d. Sale of Your Home Building or Home Contents: This Policy will end when You sell,
surrender or release Your interest in Your Home Building and/or Home Contents, or Your
interest in the Home Building and/or Home Contents comes to an end. The Policy will end
to the extent any additional structure of Your Home Building or item of Home Contents if
You sell, surrender or release Your interest in such additional structure or item of Home
Content, or Your interest in these ends.
e. Effect of death
In the event of the unfortunate death of the Insured during the Policy Period, the Home
Building Cover and the Home Contents Cover that You have purchased will continue for
the benefit of Your legal representative/s during the Policy Period subject to all the terms
and conditions of this Policy.
IV. Claims Procedure
If You suffer a loss because of an Insured Event, You must make a claim for Your financial
loss at Your cost. The procedure for making a claim is given below. These include things that
You must do, and that You must not do. It is important to comply with these to ensure that it
does not prejudice Your claim in any manner.
1. Immediate notice to Us
a. As soon as any physical loss or damage occurs to Your Home Building or Home Contents
due to an Insured Event, You must immediately give notice to Us of the loss or damage.
This is necessary for Us to survey/ investigate the loss or damage, as may be required.
b. You can give notice to any of Our offices or call-centres.
c. You must state in this notice
i. the Policy Number,
ii. Your name,
iii. details of report to the police that You made,
iv. details of report to any Authority that You made,
v. details of the Insured Event,
vi. a brief statement of the loss,
vii. particulars of any other insurance of Your Home Building or any of Your Home
viii. details of loss or damage under any Optional Cover or Add-ons,
ix. Submit photographs of loss or physical damage, wherever possible.
SBI General Insurance Company Limited
SBI General Insurance Company Limited. Registered and Corporate Office: “Natraj” 301, Junction of Western Express Highway & Andheri
Kurla – Road, Andheri (East), Mumbai – 400 069|CIN: U66000MH2009PLC190546 | Toll free: 18001021111 |
[email protected] | | For more details on the risk factor, terms, and conditions, please refer to the Sales
Brochure and Policy Wordings carefully before concluding a sale| SBI Logo displayed belongs to State Bank of India and used by SBI General
Insurance Company Limited under license | IRDAI Reg No: 144 |UIN: IRDAN144RP0002V02201617
Simple Home Insurance– Policy Wordings 41
2. Steps to prevent loss and damage:
a. You must take all reasonable steps to prevent further loss or damage to Your Home Building
and Home Contents.
b. Until We have inspected Your Home Building and Home Contents, and have given Our
i. You must not sell, give away or dispose of any damaged items of any property for
which You are making a claim;
ii. You must not wash or clean, or remove any damaged item or debris, except for any
urgent necessity;
iii. You must not carry out repairs, unless such repairs are urgent and You cannot contact
3. Immediate notice to Authorities
a. As soon as any loss or damage occurs to the Insured Property, You must give immediate
report to appropriate legal authorities. For example, You must report to the fire brigade of
the local authority and the police if there is damage by fire/ explosion / implosion or lightning.
In case of subsidence /landslide/rockslide, You must inform the District Administration. In
the event of impact damage of any kind or Riot Strikes, Malicious damages and acts of
terrorism, You must inform the police. If there is a theft within 7 (seven) days following an
Insured Event You must inform the police.
b. We may, but not necessarily, waive this condition if We are satisfied that by reason of
extreme hardship it was not possible for You or any other person on Your behalf to give
such report.
4. Submit claim:
a. Claim form:
i. You must submit Your claim in Our claim form at the earliest opportunity, but within 30 days
from the date You first notice the loss or damage. The claim form is available in any of Our
branches, and on Our web-site.
ii. You must state in Your claim the details of any other insurance policy that covers the
damage or loss for which You have filed Your claim, whether You have purchased such
other insurance, or someone else has purchased it for You.
b. We shall not be liable for any loss or damage after the expiry of 12 months from the
happening of the loss or damage unless the claim is the subject of pending action or
arbitration. If We disclaim liability for a claim You have made and if the claim is not made a
subject matter of a suit in a court of law within a period of 12 months from the date of
disclaimer, the claim shall not be recoverable hereunder.
SBI General Insurance Company Limited
SBI General Insurance Company Limited. Registered and Corporate Office: “Natraj” 301, Junction of Western Express Highway & Andheri
Kurla – Road, Andheri (East), Mumbai – 400 069|CIN: U66000MH2009PLC190546 | Toll free: 18001021111 |
[email protected] | | For more details on the risk factor, terms, and conditions, please refer to the Sales
Brochure and Policy Wordings carefully before concluding a sale| SBI Logo displayed belongs to State Bank of India and used by SBI General
Insurance Company Limited under license | IRDAI Reg No: 144 |UIN: IRDAN144RP0002V02201617
Simple Home Insurance– Policy Wordings 42
5. Establish loss
a. You must prove that the Insured Event has occurred, and the extent of physical loss or
damage You have suffered with full details.
b. When We request,
i. You must support Your claim for Home Building and/or Home Contents with plans,
specification books, vouchers, invoices pertaining to costs incurred by You for
ii. You must allow Us, Our officers, surveyors or representatives to inspect the loss or
damage to Your Home Building and/or Home Contents, and to take measurements,
samples, damaged items or parts, and photographs that are relevant.
iii. You must give Us authority to see the relevant records and get information about
the Event and Your loss from the police or any other authority.
c. For Optional Cover of Personal Accident, Death Certificate and Post-mortem report
(wherever necessary) shall be submitted.
6. Fraudulent claim
If You, or anyone on Your behalf, make a false or fraudulent claim, or support a claim with any
false or fraudulent statement or documents:
i. We will not pay,
ii. We can cancel the Policy: in such a case, You will lose all benefits under this Policy
and premium that You have paid, and
iii. We can also inform the police, and start legal proceedings against You.
7. Other insurance
a. If You have any other policy with Us or any other Insurance Company (taken by You or by
anyone else for You) covering in whole or in part any claim that You have made under this
Policy, You have a right to ask for settlement of Your claim under any of these policies.
b. If You choose to claim under this Policy from Us, We will settle Your claim within the limits
and the terms and conditions of this Policy.
c. After We pay the amount under Your claim, We have the right to ask for contribution from
the Insurers that have given You the other policies.
d. We will ensure that Our actions do not impose any liability on You.
8. Recovery action by Us
a. When We accept and pay Your claim under the Policy, We can start legal proceedings to
recover the amount or property from the third party who has caused the loss or damage to
Your Home Building or Home Contents. You must give authority to Us to take such action
and exercise this right effectively, when We request You, whether before or after making
payment of Your claim. You must give all information, cooperation, assistance and help for
this purpose. You must not do anything which will prejudice Our right. We can do this
SBI General Insurance Company Limited
SBI General Insurance Company Limited. Registered and Corporate Office: “Natraj” 301, Junction of Western Express Highway & Andheri
Kurla – Road, Andheri (East), Mumbai – 400 069|CIN: U66000MH2009PLC190546 | Toll free: 18001021111 |
[email protected] | | For more details on the risk factor, terms, and conditions, please refer to the Sales
Brochure and Policy Wordings carefully before concluding a sale| SBI Logo displayed belongs to State Bank of India and used by SBI General
Insurance Company Limited under license | IRDAI Reg No: 144 |UIN: IRDAN144RP0002V02201617
Simple Home Insurance– Policy Wordings 43
a. without seeking Your consent,
b. in Your name, and
c. whether or not Your loss has been fully compensated.
b. Any amount We recover from such person will be applied first to the costs of the legal
proceedings and recovery, then to the claim amount We have paid or must pay to You. We
will pay You any balance.
c. You can start legal proceedings against any person who has caused the loss or damage
only with Our prior consent, and on conditions that We will impose. You must not
compromise or settle any claim against such person without Our consent. If You recover
any amount from such person, You must return to Us the amount We have paid for Your
claim. We can take over the conduct of legal proceedings that You have started and
continue the proceedings in Your name.
Conditions applicable to Sections other than Section I – Fire and Allied Perils
1. Adequacy of Sum Insured
a. Section: Burglary, Fire and Special Perils- Contents- the Replacement Cost or
Replacement Cost less depreciation, wear and tear and/ or allowance of betterment
if any.
b. Section: Baggage, Breakdown of Domestic Electrical and Electronic Appliances,
Plate Glass, All Risks Cover- Jewellery and Valuables- the Replacement Cost.
Section: All Risks Cover- Portable Equipment- Market Value of the items.
2. Basis of Loss Settlement
If You make a claim under this Policy which is accepted by Us the basis upon which We shall
calculate the payment due to You shall be as follows:
a. In the event of a Total Loss where cover is on a Replacement Value basis, We will pay You
the Replacement Cost less salvage value and the amount of the deductible but limited
nevertheless to the Section Sum Insured or the limit as stated in the Schedule. In case the
property is not replaced or reinstated then We will pay the amount of Damage after due
allowance for wear and tear and depreciation and the amount of the deductible but limited
nevertheless to the Section Sum Insured or the limit as stated in the Schedule.
b. In the event of a Total Loss where cover is on a Market Value basis, Our liability shall be
the Replacement Cost less an allowance for betterment, wear and tear and or depreciation
and the amount of the deductible or the value which can be realized from the market for
such insured item immediately before occurrence of loss less the amount of the deductible
whichever is less but limited nevertheless to the Section Sum Insured or the limit as stated
in the Schedule.
Depreciation Chart for Contents
Age of the Instrument/ Item Depreciation Percentage
SBI General Insurance Company Limited
SBI General Insurance Company Limited. Registered and Corporate Office: “Natraj” 301, Junction of Western Express Highway & Andheri
Kurla – Road, Andheri (East), Mumbai – 400 069|CIN: U66000MH2009PLC190546 | Toll free: 18001021111 |
[email protected] | | For more details on the risk factor, terms, and conditions, please refer to the Sales
Brochure and Policy Wordings carefully before concluding a sale| SBI Logo displayed belongs to State Bank of India and used by SBI General
Insurance Company Limited under license | IRDAI Reg No: 144 |UIN: IRDAN144RP0002V02201617
Simple Home Insurance– Policy Wordings 44
Up to 6 Months 10%
Up to 1 Year 20%
Up to 2 Years 40%
Up to 3 Years 50%
Up to 4 Years 60%
Up to 5 Years 70%
Above 5 Years 75%
c. In case of Damage (partial loss) to a covered item where cover is on a Replacement Value
basis: If it is reasonably capable of repair, reinstatement, renewal or refurbishment then Our
payment to You will reflect Your reasonable cost of restoring by such means the damaged
item to its condition immediately prior to the event that gave rise to the claim under this
Policy without any allowance for wear and tear and depreciation involving replacement of
parts except those with limited life, less salvage value of the replaced item/part and the
amount of the deductible but limited nevertheless to the Section Sum Insured or the limit as
stated in the Schedule.
d. In the event of Damage (Partial loss) to a covered item where coverage is sought on Market
Value basis, Our liability on covered item shall be your reasonable cost of restoring by such
means the damaged item to its condition immediately prior to the event that gave rise to the
claim under this Policy less allowance of wear & tear and depreciation involving
replacement of parts except those with limited life, less salvage value of the replaced item/
part but limited nevertheless to the Section Sum Insured.
Special Provisions:
a. We will only pay You in India and in Indian rupees subject to Your having established to Our
reasonable satisfaction that the replacement, reinstatement, repair, renewal or refurbishment
has been effected by You.
b. We shall not make any payment for the cost of any enhancements, alterations, additions
and/or improvements.
c. We shall not make any payment for more than 20% of the Section Sum Insured of Section
Section “Burglary & Theft” (if opted on 1
loss basis and item wise value not declared) in
respect of any one item unless specifically declared by You in Your proposal and accepted
by Us.
d. If the Section Sum Insured/ Sum Insured at the time of happening of any event that gives rise
to a claim under this Policy is less than 85% of the full value of the property, as provided for
SBI General Insurance Company Limited
SBI General Insurance Company Limited. Registered and Corporate Office: “Natraj” 301, Junction of Western Express Highway & Andheri
Kurla – Road, Andheri (East), Mumbai – 400 069|CIN: U66000MH2009PLC190546 | Toll free: 18001021111 |
[email protected] | | For more details on the risk factor, terms, and conditions, please refer to the Sales
Brochure and Policy Wordings carefully before concluding a sale| SBI Logo displayed belongs to State Bank of India and used by SBI General
Insurance Company Limited under license | IRDAI Reg No: 144 |UIN: IRDAN144RP0002V02201617
Simple Home Insurance– Policy Wordings 45
under General Condition 2, then the amount of any payment that We are obliged to make,
shall be reduced by a sum equal to a rateable proportion of the loss or Damage sustained.
Under no circumstances will Our liability to make payment exceed the Section Sum Insured
relating to the Section under which the claim has been preferred.
e. If You have any other insurance(s) that would cover a claim under this policy or would cover
that claim but for the existence of this policy, then Our payment to You will represent a
rateable proportion of any claim. (Not applicable for Section: Personal Accident, Key
replacement Cover)
f. Under no circumstances will our liability to make payment exceed the Section Sum Insured
under any particular Section per claim and in the aggregate.
3. Compliance with Terms and Conditions
You and/or Your Family and/or Your Domestic staff’s compliance with the terms and conditions of
this Policy, in so far as these require anything to be done by You and/or them, is a condition
precedent to Our liability. In the event of any breach, We may repudiate any liability for Your claim.
Your Special Rights and Duties
You shall represent all persons insured under this Policy as to:
a) The giving and receiving of any notice of cancellation.
b) The receipt of any endorsements to this Policy
c) The payment of premium and receipt of return premium
d) The acceptance of any other notices or communications under or in respect of this Policy.
Clause H. Changes to covers
a. You can choose to make changes to the covers of this Policy as may be permitted by Us,
or increase or reduce any Sum Insured. You must make a proposal or request for any
change. It will be effective only after We have accepted Your proposal, and You have paid
the additional premium, where applicable.
b. This Policy (including the Policy Schedule, the proposal, declarations and Endorsements)
consists of the entire contract between You and Us.
Clause I. Waiver of Underinsurance
Applicable to Section I
Underinsurance does not apply to the Simple Home Insurance Policy. Thus, if Your Sum Insured
calculated on the basis of the information that You provided, is less than the actual value at risk,
the difference will not affect the amount We pay.
SBI General Insurance Company Limited
SBI General Insurance Company Limited. Registered and Corporate Office: “Natraj” 301, Junction of Western Express Highway & Andheri
Kurla – Road, Andheri (East), Mumbai – 400 069|CIN: U66000MH2009PLC190546 | Toll free: 18001021111 |
[email protected] | | For more details on the risk factor, terms, and conditions, please refer to the Sales
Brochure and Policy Wordings carefully before concluding a sale| SBI Logo displayed belongs to State Bank of India and used by SBI General
Insurance Company Limited under license | IRDAI Reg No: 144 |UIN: IRDAN144RP0002V02201617
Simple Home Insurance– Policy Wordings 46
Clause J. Other Details
1. Notices
a. We will send any notice, letter, or communication in writing to You at Your address
mentioned in the Policy Schedule, and to Your email address that You have registered with
b. You will send any notice, letter, intimation, or communication in writing to Us at Our branch
office where You purchased this Policy. You can also send it at the address mentioned in
the Policy Schedule.
2. Nomination for this Policy
You can nominate a person to receive the claim amount under this Policy in the event of Your
death. You can make such nomination at the time You take the Policy, or later. You can also
change the nomination at any time. You can make the nomination on Our nomination form
available in Our office or from Our website
3. Applicable law and jurisdiction
This Policy will be subject to the laws of India, and to the jurisdiction of courts in India.
4. Arbitration
If any dispute or difference arises between You and Us regarding the amount of claim to be
paid under this policy (liability having been admitted by Us), such difference shall independently
of all other questions, be referred to the decision of a sole arbitrator to be appointed in writing
by You and Us or if You and We cannot agree upon a single arbitrator within 30 days of either
of Us opting for arbitration, the same shall be referred to a panel of three arbitrators comprising
of two arbitrators, one to be appointed by each of Us, to the dispute/difference and the third
arbitrator to be appointed by two such arbitrators and arbitration shall be conducted under and
in accordance with the provisions of the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996.
Clause K. Grievances
If You have a grievance about any matter relating to the Policy, or Our decision on any matter, or
the claim, You can address Your grievance as follows:
1. Our Grievance Redressal Officer
You can send Your grievance in writing by post or email to Our Grievance Redressal Officer at the
following address:
Address including email: SBI General Insurance Company Ltd. "Natraj" 301, Junction of Western
Express Highway & Andheri Kurla - Road, Andheri (East) Mumbai - 400 069
For details of grievance officer, kindly refer the link
SBI General Insurance Company Limited
SBI General Insurance Company Limited. Registered and Corporate Office: “Natraj” 301, Junction of Western Express Highway & Andheri
Kurla – Road, Andheri (East), Mumbai – 400 069|CIN: U66000MH2009PLC190546 | Toll free: 18001021111 |
[email protected] | | For more details on the risk factor, terms, and conditions, please refer to the Sales
Brochure and Policy Wordings carefully before concluding a sale| SBI Logo displayed belongs to State Bank of India and used by SBI General
Insurance Company Limited under license | IRDAI Reg No: 144 |UIN: IRDAN144RP0002V02201617
Simple Home Insurance– Policy Wordings 47
Email ID :
2. Consumer Affairs Department of IRDAI
a. In case it is not resolved within 15 days or if You are unhappy with the resolution You can
approach the Grievance Redressal Cell of the Consumer Affairs Department of IRDAI by
calling Toll Free Number 155255 (or) 1800 4254 732 or sending an e-mail to
[email protected].in. You can also make use of IRDAI's online portal - Integrated
Grievance Management System (IGMS) by registering Your complaint at
b. You can send a letter to IRDAI with Your complaint on a Complaint Registration Form
available by clicking here. You must fill and send the Complaint Registration Form along
with any documents by post or courier to General Manager, Insurance Regulatory and
Development Authority of India (IRDAI), Consumer Affairs Department - Grievance
Redressal Cell, Sy.No.115/1, Financial District, Nanakramguda, Gachibowli,
c. You can visit the portal for more details.
3. Insurance Ombudsman
You can approach the Insurance Ombudsman depending on the nature of grievance and
financial implication, if any. Information about Insurance Ombudsmen, their jurisdiction and
powers is available on the website of the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of
India (IRDAI) at, or of the General Insurance Council at, the Consumer Education Website of the IRDAI at, or from any of Our Offices.
Clause L. Information about Us
Simple Home Insurance
Address: Registered and Corporate Office: “Natraj” 301, Junction of Western Express Highway
& Andheri Kurla – Road, Andheri (East), Mumbai – 400 069
Customer Service: 1800-22-1111
SBI General Insurance Company Limited
SBI General Insurance Company Limited. Registered and Corporate Office: “Natraj” 301, Junction of Western Express Highway & Andheri
Kurla – Road, Andheri (East), Mumbai – 400 069|CIN: U66000MH2009PLC190546 | Toll free: 18001021111 |
[email protected] | | For more details on the risk factor, terms, and conditions, please refer to the Sales
Brochure and Policy Wordings carefully before concluding a sale| SBI Logo displayed belongs to State Bank of India and used by SBI General
Insurance Company Limited under license | IRDAI Reg No: 144 |UIN: IRDAN144RP0002V02201617
Simple Home Insurance– Policy Wordings 48
Annexure- A
The contact details of the Insurance Ombudsman offices are as below-
Office of Insurance the Ombudsman
Areas of Jurisdiction
AHMEDABAD - Shri Kuldip Singh
Office of the Insurance Ombudsman,
Jeevan Prakash Building, 6th floor,
Tilak Marg, Relief Road,
Ahmedabad – 380 001.
Tel.: 079 - 25501201/02/05/06
Gujarat, Dadra & Nagar Haveli,
Daman and Diu.
BENGALURU - Smt. Neerja Shah
Office of the Insurance Ombudsman,
Jeevan Soudha Building,PID No. 57-27-N-19
Ground Floor, 19/19, 24th Main Road,
JP Nagar, Ist Phase,
Bengaluru – 560 078.
Tel.: 080 - 26652048 / 26652049
Email: bimalokpal.bengal[email protected]
BHOPAL - Shri Guru Saran Shrivastava
Office of the Insurance Ombudsman,
JanakVihar Complex, 2nd Floor,
6, Malviya Nagar, Opp. Airtel Office,
Near New Market,
Bhopal – 462 003.
Tel.: 0755 - 2769201 / 2769202
Fax: 0755 - 2769203
Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh.
BHUBANESHWAR - Shri Suresh Chnadra
Panda Office of the Insurance Ombudsman,
62, Forest park,
Bhubneshwar – 751 009.
Tel.: 0674 - 2596461 /2596455
Fax: 0674 - 2596429
Email: bimalokpal.bhuba[email protected]
SBI General Insurance Company Limited
SBI General Insurance Company Limited. Registered and Corporate Office: “Natraj” 301, Junction of Western Express Highway & Andheri
Kurla – Road, Andheri (East), Mumbai – 400 069|CIN: U66000MH2009PLC190546 | Toll free: 18001021111 |
[email protected] | | For more details on the risk factor, terms, and conditions, please refer to the Sales
Brochure and Policy Wordings carefully before concluding a sale| SBI Logo displayed belongs to State Bank of India and used by SBI General
Insurance Company Limited under license | IRDAI Reg No: 144 |UIN: IRDAN144RP0002V02201617
Simple Home Insurance– Policy Wordings 49
CHANDIGARH - Dr. Dinesh Kumar Verma
Office of the Insurance Ombudsman,
S.C.O. No. 101, 102 & 103, 2nd Floor,
Batra Building, Sector 17 – D,
Chandigarh – 160 017.
Tel.: 0172 - 2706196 / 2706468
Fax: 0172 - 2708274
Email: bimalokpal.chandi[email protected]
Himachal Pradesh,
Jammu & Kashmir,
CHENNAI - Shri M. Vasantha Krishna
Office of the Insurance Ombudsman,
Fatima Akhtar Court, 4th Floor, 453,
Anna Salai, Teynampet,
CHENNAI – 600 018.
Tel.: 044 - 24333668 / 24335284
Fax: 044 - 24333664
Email: bimalokpal.chenn[email protected]
Tamil Nadu,
Pondicherry Town and
Karaikal (which are part of UT of Pondicherry).
DELHI - Shri Sudhir Krishna
Office of the Insurance Ombudsman,
2/2 A, Universal Insurance Building,
Asaf Ali Road,
New Delhi – 110 002.
Tel.: 011 - 23232481/23213504
Email: bimalokpal.delh[email protected]
GUWAHATI - Shri Kiriti .B. Saha
Office of the Insurance Ombudsman,
Jeevan Nivesh, 5th Floor,
Nr. Panbazar over bridge, S.S. Road,
Guwahati – 781001(ASSAM).
Tel.: 0361 - 2632204 / 2602205
Email: bimalokpal.guwa[email protected]
Assam, Meghalaya,
Manipur, Mizoram,
Arunachal Pradesh,
Nagaland and Tripura.
HYDERABAD - Shri I. Suresh Babu
Office of the Insurance Ombudsman,
6-2-46, 1st floor, "Moin Court",
Lane Opp. Saleem Function Palace,
A. C. Guards, Lakdi-Ka-Pool,
Hyderabad - 500 004.
Tel.: 040 - 67504123 / 23312122
Fax: 040 - 23376599
Andhra Pradesh,
Yanam and
part of Territory of UT of Pondicherry.
SBI General Insurance Company Limited
SBI General Insurance Company Limited. Registered and Corporate Office: “Natraj” 301, Junction of Western Express Highway & Andheri
Kurla – Road, Andheri (East), Mumbai – 400 069|CIN: U66000MH2009PLC190546 | Toll free: 18001021111 |
[email protected] | | For more details on the risk factor, terms, and conditions, please refer to the Sales
Brochure and Policy Wordings carefully before concluding a sale| SBI Logo displayed belongs to State Bank of India and used by SBI General
Insurance Company Limited under license | IRDAI Reg No: 144 |UIN: IRDAN144RP0002V02201617
Simple Home Insurance– Policy Wordings 50
JAIPUR - Smt. Sandhya Baliga
Office of the Insurance Ombudsman,
Jeevan Nidhi – II Bldg., Gr. Floor,
Bhawani Singh Marg,
Jaipur - 302 005.
Tel.: 0141 - 2740363
ERNAKULAM - Ms. Poonam Bodra
Office of the Insurance Ombudsman,
2nd Floor, Pulinat Bldg.,
Opp. Cochin Shipyard, M. G. Road,
Ernakulam - 682 015.
Tel.: 0484 - 2358759 / 2359338
Fax: 0484 - 2359336
Kerala, UT of (a) Lakshadweep, (b)
Mahe-a part of UT of Pondicherry.
KOLKATA - Shri P. K. Rath
Office of the Insurance Ombudsman,
Hindustan Bldg. Annexe, 4th Floor,
4, C.R. Avenue,
KOLKATA - 700 072.
Tel.: 033 - 22124339 / 22124340
Fax : 033 - 22124341
Email: bimalokpal.kolka[email protected]
West Bengal,
UT of Andaman & Nicobar Islands.
LUCKNOW -Shri Justice Anil Kumar
Office of the Insurance Ombudsman,
6th Floor, Jeevan Bhawan, Phase-II,
Nawal Kishore Road, Hazratganj,
Lucknow - 226 001.
Tel.: 0522 - 2231330 / 2231331
Fax: 0522 - 2231310
Email: bimalokpal.luckno[email protected]
Districts of Uttar Pradesh :
Laitpur, Jhansi, Mahoba, Hamirpur, Banda,
Chitrakoot, Allahabad, Mirzapur, Sonbhabdra,
Fatehpur, Pratapgarh, Jaunpur,Varanasi,
Gazipur, Jalaun, Kanpur, Lucknow, Unnao,
Sitapur, Lakhimpur, Bahraich, Barabanki,
Raebareli, Sravasti, Gonda, Faizabad, Amethi,
Kaushambi, Balrampur, Basti,
Ambedkarnagar, Sultanpur, Maharajgang,
Santkabirnagar, Azamgarh, Kushinagar,
Gorkhpur, Deoria, Mau, Ghazipur, Chandauli,
Ballia, Sidharathnagar.
MUMBAI - Shri Milind A. Kharat
Office of the Insurance Ombudsman,
3rd Floor, Jeevan SevaAnnexe,
S. V. Road, Santacruz (W),
Mumbai - 400 054.
Tel.: 022 - 26106552 / 26106960
Fax: 022 - 26106052
Email: bimalokpal.mumb[email protected]
Mumbai Metropolitan Region
excluding Navi Mumbai & Thane.
NOIDA - Shri Chandra Shekhar Prasad
Office of the Insurance Ombudsman,
BhagwanSahai Palace
State of Uttaranchal and the following Districts
of Uttar Pradesh:
SBI General Insurance Company Limited
SBI General Insurance Company Limited. Registered and Corporate Office: “Natraj” 301, Junction of Western Express Highway & Andheri
Kurla – Road, Andheri (East), Mumbai – 400 069|CIN: U66000MH2009PLC190546 | Toll free: 18001021111 |
[email protected] | | For more details on the risk factor, terms, and conditions, please refer to the Sales
Brochure and Policy Wordings carefully before concluding a sale| SBI Logo displayed belongs to State Bank of India and used by SBI General
Insurance Company Limited under license | IRDAI Reg No: 144 |UIN: IRDAN144RP0002V02201617
Simple Home Insurance– Policy Wordings 51
4th Floor, Main Road,
Naya Bans, Sector 15,
Distt: Gautam Buddh Nagar,
Tel.: 0120-2514250 / 2514252 / 2514253
Email: bimalokpal.noid[email protected]
Agra, Aligarh, Bagpat, Bareilly, Bijnor, Budaun,
Bulandshehar, Etah, Kanooj, Mainpuri,
Mathura, Meerut, Moradabad, Muzaffarnagar,
Oraiyya, Pilibhit, Etawah, Farrukhabad,
Firozbad, Gautambodhanagar, Ghaziabad,
Hardoi, Shahjahanpur, Hapur, Shamli,
Rampur, Kashganj, Sambhal, Amroha,
Hathras, Kanshiramnagar, Saha
PATNA - Shri N. K. Singh
Office of the Insurance Ombudsman,
1st Floor,Kalpana Arcade Building,,
Bazar Samiti Road,
Patna 800 006.
Tel.: 0612-2680952
PUNE - Shri Vinay Sah
Office of the Insurance Ombudsman,
Jeevan Darshan Bldg., 3rd Floor,
C.T.S. No.s. 195 to 198,
N.C. Kelkar Road, Narayan Peth,
Pune – 411 030.
Tel.: 020-41312555
Area of Navi Mumbai and Thane
excluding Mumbai Metropolitan Region.
The updated details of Insurance Ombudsman are available on the IRDA website:
and on the website of General Insurance Council: