Disclaimer: The Sample Form is intended as a resource for attorneys, but is not a substitute for the attorney’s
judgment and application of the relevant law to a client’s circumstances.
IRS Circular 230 Disclosure: Pursuant to Internal Revenue Service rules of practice, any tax advice set forth
in this form is not intended or written to be used, and cannot be used, for the purpose of (a) avoiding penalties
that may be imposed under the Internal Revenue Code or (b) promoting, marketing or recommending to another
party any tax-related matter addressed herein.
© 2006 The American College of Trust and Estate Counsel – All Rights Reserved
“ACTEC” is a registered trademark of the American College of Trust and Estate Counsel
CC 1767630v4
Updated through 1/1/06
Supplemented 4/20/06
Supplemented 9/20/07
See Companion Document “Outline”
Nancy Schmidt Roush, Richard S. Scolaro and Steven B. Gorin.
Sub-Committee Members of the ACTEC Business Planning Committee Who
Nancy Schmidt Roush (chair), James L. Boring, C. Fred Daniels, Clarence J. Ferrari, Jr.,
Steven B. Gorin, Robert S. Marquis, Randy S. Nelson, Richard S. Scolaro, and David C.
Sojourner, Jr.
Table of Contents
ARTICLE 1 DEFINITIONS ...........................................................................................................2
Section 1.1 Bona Fide Offer .......................................................................................... 2
Section 1.2 Board ........................................................................................................... 2
Section 1.3 Corporation ................................................................................................. 2
Section 1.4 Effective Date of Purchase .......................................................................... 3
Section 1.5 Family Member ........................................................................................... 3
Section 1.6 IRC .............................................................................................................. 3
Section 1.7 Living Trust ................................................................................................ 3
Section 1.8 Permitted Transferee ................................................................................... 4
Section 1.9 Shareholder ................................................................................................. 4
Section 1.10 Shares .......................................................................................................... 4
Section 1.11 Total and Permanent Disability .................................................................. 4
Section 1.12 Transfer ....................................................................................................... 5
ARTICLE 2 ISSUANCE OF SHARES ..........................................................................................6
Section 2.1 Conditions to Issuing Shares ....................................................................... 6
Section 2.2 Legend on Certificates ................................................................................ 6
Section 2.3 Spousal Consent [Optional] ........................................................................ 7
Section 2.4 Pre-Emptive Rights ..................................................................................... 7
ARTICLE 3 BUY-SELL PROVISIONS ........................................................................................7
Section 3.1 Restrictions on Transfers ............................................................................ 7
Section 3.2 Options to Purchase .................................................................................... 8
Section 3.3 Mandatory Purchases ................................................................................ 10
ARTICLE 4 CALLS, PUTS, & OTHER PURCHASE RIGHTS ................................................11
Section 4.1 Corporation Call ........................................................................................ 11
Section 4.2 Shareholder Put ......................................................................................... 11
Section 4.3 Tag-Along & Drag-Along Rights ............................................................. 12
ARTICLE 5 PURCHASE PRICE ................................................................................................12
Section 5.1 Price for Shares ......................................................................................... 12
Section 5.2 Adjusting Price Based on Estate Tax Liability ......................................... 15
Section 5.3 Adjustment Upon Subsequent Sale of Corporation .................................. 15
Section 5.4 Insufficient Surplus ................................................................................... 16
Section 5.5 Life Insurance Held in Escrow [optional] ................................................. 16
Section 5.6 Notice & Consent Regarding EOLI Policies ............................................ 17
ARTICLE 6 CLOSING & TERMS ..............................................................................................17
Section 6.1 Closing & Effective Date .......................................................................... 17
Section 6.2 Payment of Purchase Price ........................................................................ 17
Section 6.3 Allocation of Book Income From Insurance ............................................ 18
Section 6.4 Representations & Warranties .................................................................. 19
CC 1767630v4
Section 6.5 Remedy for Failure of Seller to Convey Shares ....................................... 19
ARTICLE 7 VOTING & GOVERNANCE ..................................................................................20
Section 7.1 Supermajority Voting Rights .................................................................... 20
Section 7.2 Irrevocable Proxy [Optional] ................................................................... 20
Section 7.3 Deadlock ................................................................................................... 21
Section 7.4 Retention of Control [Optional] ............................................................... 23
Section 7.5 Founders Rights ........................................................................................ 23
Section 7.6 Multiple Classes of Stock ......................................................................... 23
ARTICLE 8 NON-COMPETE & CONFIDENTIALITY ............................................................24
Section 8.1 Covenants .................................................................................................. 24
Section 8.2 Remedies ................................................................................................... 25
Section 8.3 Continuing Employment [Optional]........................................................ 26
ARTICLE 9 S STATUS ...............................................................................................................26
Section 9.1 Maintaining S Corporation Status ............................................................. 26
Section 9.2 Permissible Shareholders .......................................................................... 27
Section 9.3 Income Allocation for Partial Year ........................................................... 28
Section 9.4 Tax Dividends ........................................................................................... 28
Section 9.5 Tax Matters Shareholder ........................................................................... 29
Section 9.6 Tax after Purchase ..................................................................................... 29
Section 9.7 Power of Attorney ..................................................................................... 29
ARTICLE 10 REMEDIES & ARBITRATION ...........................................................................30
Section 10.1 Specific Performance ................................................................................ 30
Section 10.2 Expenses of Litigation .............................................................................. 30
Section 10.3 Arbitration ................................................................................................. 30
Section 10.4 Governing Law ......................................................................................... 30
Section 10.5 Severability ............................................................................................... 31
ARTICLE 11 MISCELLANEOUS ..............................................................................................31
Section 11.1 Termination & Amendment ...................................................................... 31
Section 11.2 Rights to Use Shareholder’s Name ........................................................... 32
Section 11.3 Spouses’ Interest ....................................................................................... 32
Section 11.4 Waiver of Conflict of Interest ................................................................... 32
Section 11.5 Notice ........................................................................................................ 32
Section 11.6 Waiver ....................................................................................................... 33
Section 11.7 Binding Effect ........................................................................................... 33
Section 11.8 Documentary Stamps [Optional] .............................................................. 33
Section 11.9 Entire Agreement ...................................................................................... 33
Section 11.10 Assignment ............................................................................................... 34
Section 11.11 Agreement is Not an Employment Contract ............................................. 34
Section 11.12 Setoff ......................................................................................................... 34
Section 11.13 Construction .............................................................................................. 34
Section 11.14 Performance of Necessary Acts ................................................................ 34
Section 11.15 Counterparts and Date of Execution ......................................................... 35
CC 1767630v4
CC 1767630v4
EXHIBIT CONSENT OF SPOUSE .............................................................................................36
EXHIBIT CERTIFICATE OF DESIGNATIONS........................................................................37
EXHIBIT CERTIFICATE OF VALUE .......................................................................................38
EXHIBIT EOLI NOTICE & CONSENT .....................................................................................39
EXHIBIT ADDENDUM TO SHAREHOLDERS AGREEMENT ..............................................40
EXHIBIT PROMISSORY NOTE AND SECURITY AGREEMENT ........................................41
EXHIBIT PERSONAL GUARANTY .........................................................................................46
EXHIBIT ESCROW AGREEMENT FOR PLEDGE OF STOCK ..............................................51
ATTACHMENT CLASSES OF STOCK CLAUSE FOR ARTICLES .......................................62
ATTACHMENT TAG-ALONG RIGHTS CLAUSE FOR ARTICLES ......................................63
ATTACHMENT SECTION 303 REDEMPTION AGREEMENT ..............................................65
Often referred to as “buy-sell” agreements, shareholders agreements contain contractual
rights and obligations between shareholders and the corporation to buy and sell stock, as well
as other provisions dealing with matters like governance and tax issues. This Sample
Agreement is intended to be a form appropriate for corporations (either S or C) with active
businesses (but not including provisions unique to professionals) that are owned either by
family members or unrelated owners (but not ESOPs). Unique provisions of particular state
laws are not addressed, except for certain community property provisions.
The Sample Form should not be used “as is.” There are many alternative provisions included
and therefore this form cannot be copied and used as a whole document without considerable
editing by the user. The Sample Form is primarily intended to provide sample provisions,
and not all provisions are coordinated with all other provisions, and not all advisable
provisions are included.
Please see the accompanying Shareholders Agreements for Closely-Held Corporations
Outline for a discussion of issues surrounding shareholders agreements in general, and the
provisions of this sample agreement in particular.
CC 1767630v4 SAMPLE FORM
THIS SHAREHOLDERS AGREEMENT (the “Agreement”), which shall be effective as of
_________, 20__, is entered into by and among [Name of Corporation], a [State]
corporation, (the “Corporation”) and the individual shareholders who sign the Agreement
(referred to individually as “Shareholder” or collectively as “Shareholders”).
WHEREAS, the Shareholders are the owners of [all] of the outstanding capital stock of the
Corporation (the “Shares”);
[WHEREAS, the Corporation has elected with the consent of the Shareholders to be taxed as
an S corporation for federal and state income tax purposes and the parties hereto desire to
continue such election and to bind each other to take such steps as may be necessary to
preserve such election; and]
WHEREAS, the parties wish to agree to certain rights and obligations regarding ownership
of the Shares including restrictions on transfer and buy-sell provisions;
THEREFORE in consideration of the mutual covenants contained herein, the receipt and
sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the parties agree as follows:
Section 1.1 Bona Fide Offer
The term “Bona Fide Offer” shall mean a legally binding written agreement with a third
party to purchase all or a portion of the Shares owned by a Shareholder, which written
agreement must be contingent upon the options to purchase or participate in a sale as
provided herein. At a minimum, such third party must place in escrow as earnest money at
least [fifty percent (50%)] of the proposed purchase price to be paid for the selling
Shareholder’s Shares and must provide written evidence of such third party’s financial ability
to consummate the purchase of such Shares.
Section 1.2 Board
The term “Board” shall mean the board of directors of the Corporation.
Section 1.3 Corporation
The term “Corporation” shall mean [name of corporation], a [state of incorporation]
corporation, its successor and successors, any surviving entity or entities into which it may be
merged, or any entity resulting from a division or separate from the Corporation and/or its
consolidation with any other corporation or entities and the successor and successors of any
such surviving or consolidated entity, and any entity controlled by or under common control
with the Corporation.
CC 1767630v4 SAMPLE FORM
Section 1.4 Effective Date of Purchase
The term “Effective Date of Purchase” shall mean:
(a) If the purchase occurs due to death, the date of death.
(b) If the purchase occurs due to a Total and Permanent Disability, the first day of the
________ month period during which the shareholder was disabled.
(c) If the purchase occurs on any other triggering event, and the purchase is
mandatory, the date of the triggering event.
(d) If the purchase occurs on any other triggering event and the purchase is optional,
the date of the last option to purchase is exercised [or the date of the triggering event].
(e) If the purchase occurs due to a right to call, then the date specified in the call.
Section 1.5 Family Member
The term “Family Member” shall mean any of the following:
(a) [name of parents] and their descendants [or those descendants active in the
business], and any trust for the benefit of one of those individuals [as long as the trustee or a
co-trustee is a Family Member].
(b) A trust for the benefit of the Shareholder’s spouse, as long as the trust terms do
not allow principal distribution of Shares to the spouse during the term of the trust or on
termination of the trust, and on termination of the trust the Shares pass to a Family Member
as defined above.
Section 1.6 IRC
The term the “IRC” shall mean the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended.
Section 1.7 Living Trust
The term “Living Trust” shall mean a trust of which the individual Shareholder is a sole
grantor and initial trustee or co-trustee, over which the individual Shareholder has the full
right of revocation, and which will function during the Shareholder’s life primarily for the
benefit of the Shareholder. Provided, however, a subsequent amendment to such a trust that
would either: (i) remove the grantor as a trustee even though the grantor is still alive and
competent; or (ii) cause the trust to function during the grantor’s life other than primarily for
the grantor’s benefit, is a Transfer to someone other than a Permitted Transferee (unless the
trust after such changes otherwise would qualify as a Permitted Transferee). For all purposes
of this Agreement, the Shares owned by such a Living Trust shall still be considered as
owned by the individual grantor of the living trust, and all references to the death of a
Shareholder, or any other provision that would apply to an individual and not a trust, shall be
considered as applying to individual grantor of the living trust. However, for purposes of
CC 1767630v4 SAMPLE FORM
making payments to a Shareholder (such as dividends, liquidating distributions and payments
in exchange for the Shares owned by the trust), those payments shall be made to the Living
Trust. The trustees, successor trustees, and all present and future beneficiaries of a Living
Trust shall be fully bound by the provisions of this Agreement. Any notices required to a
Shareholder whose Shares have been transferred to a Living Trust shall be mailed to the
individual grantor as trustee of the living trust, or to any successor trustee of whom the
Corporation has been notified in writing.
Section 1.8 Permitted Transferee
The term “Permitted Transferee” shall mean the Corporation, a current Shareholder, a
Shareholder’s Living Trust [, or a Family Member], if such transferee is or becomes a party
to this Agreement and holds the Shares subject to the provisions of this Agreement by
signing an Addendum in the form attached hereto as Exhibit ___.
[Add if an S corporation:] Provided, however, that to be a Permitted Transferee, the
transferee must be qualified to be a shareholder in an S corporation and the transfer will not
cause the total number of shareholders to exceed the number allowed for S corporations
(which is currently 100). Prior to the transfer of any Shares to a trust, a copy of the trust
instrument and all documents related hereto shall be submitted to counsel for the Corporation
for determination of whether the transfer of the Shares to such trust shall cause or result in an
inadvertent termination of the Corporation’s S status.
Section 1.9 Shareholder
The term “Shareholder” includes the original parties to this Agreement, any Permitted
Transferee who becomes the owner of the Shares and who is or becomes subject to this
Agreement as provided herein, and when applicable includes an agent under a power of
attorney if a Shareholder is disabled, and a Shareholder’s successor-in-interest on death.
Section 1.10 Shares
The term “Shares” shall mean the capital stock of the Corporation, issued and outstanding at
the applicable time.
Section 1.11 Total and Permanent Disability
The term “Total and Permanent Disability” shall mean, with regard to a Shareholder who is
also an employee of the Corporation, a Shareholder’s inability, by reason of accident or
illness, to carry on the duties and functions, exercise the responsibilities, and/or discharge the
obligations of employment with the Corporation, for a period of [180 days within a 365 day
period, whether or not continuous] in accordance with his/her previous experience of
employment with the Corporation. Such determination shall be made by the mutual
agreement of the parties hereto, or in the event such agreement cannot be reached within 30
days of the event resulting in such inability, by the following procedure.
(a) If the Corporation then has a disability income or disability buy-out policy
covering the Shareholder, the definition set forth in such policy shall control, provided the
CC 1767630v4 SAMPLE FORM
issuing insurance company agrees to commence disability buy-out or income payments as a
result of such permanent and total disability.
(b) If the Corporation does not then have a disability income or buy-out policy
covering the Shareholder:
(i) Each party shall select an independent physician who shall examine the
subject Shareholder. The mutual agreement of the two examining physicians
shall control, and their opinion shall be binding on the parties. If the two
physicians cannot agree, those physicians shall select a third physician to
examine the subject Shareholder. The majority opinion of those three
physicians shall control, and their decision shall be binding on the parties.
(ii) If any of the physicians are not able to provide their opinion to the
Corporation due to privacy laws or other such obstacles that the Shareholder is
not able or willing to remove by giving the appropriate consents, then the
Board shall make the determination regarding the subject Shareholder’s
condition based on the information available to them in their sole discretion,
and the Board’s determination shall be binding on the parties.
Section 1.12 Transfer
The term “Transfer” means (i) when used as a verb, to gift, sell, exchange, assign, redeem,
transfer, pledge, hypothecate, encumber, bequeath, devise or otherwise dispose of, whether
voluntary or involuntary or whether arising from a divorce, separation, death, attachment,
execution, bankruptcy, foreclosure, judicial order, operation of law or otherwise and (ii)
when used as a noun, the nouns corresponding to such verbs.
[If the Corporation is an S Corporation, add the following:] A “Transfer” shall also include
(a) a failure to make an election that, if made, would qualify such person as an eligible S
corporation shareholder as provided in IRC §1361, and (b) any change in circumstances or
any event which results in Shares being held by a person who is ineligible to be an S
corporation shareholder, or cause the number of shareholders to be in excess of the permitted
shareholders, as provided in IRC §1361.
If a corporation or other business entity is the Shareholder, then a Transfer of ownership
interest in such entity or any reorganization of such entity which results in the individual(s)
who own the controlling interest in the entity no longer owning a controlling interest, or may
result in other individuals or entities owning a direct or indirect ownership or beneficial
interest in the Corporation, shall be a “Transfer” under this Agreement.
If a trust is the Shareholder, then a change in the terms of the trust or in circumstances which
result in the individual(s) who are the primary beneficiary(ies) of the trust no longer being
the primary beneficiary(ies) [and/or the persons currently serving as trustee no longer
serving as trustee] shall be a “Transfer” under this Agreement.
The existence or creation of a spouse’s interest in the Shares by virtue of applicable state
laws shall not be a Transfer as long as the spouse complies with and continues to comply
CC 1767630v4 SAMPLE FORM
with all the terms of and obligations under this Agreement. Provided, however, if a
Shareholder’s marriage is terminated by divorce or death, and such Shareholder does not
succeed to any interest the former spouse or deceased spouse might have in his or her Shares,
or if a creditor of a spouse or any other party succeeds to such spouse’s interest, or if such
spouse is determined to have rights beyond what this Agreement provides, then each of those
events constitutes a Transfer.
Section 2.1 Conditions to Issuing Shares
No Shares may be issued by the Board without the approval of Shareholders holding _____%
of the Shares.
Before Shares are issued or reissued to any person, directly, upon exercise of an optional or
mandatory purchase under this Agreement, or upon a Transfer permitted as provided herein,
such person shall be required to do all of the following:
(a) Sign and deliver to the Corporation an Addendum to this Agreement in the form
set forth in Exhibit ____, agreeing to be personally bound by this Agreement.
(b) Endorse in blank the stock certificate(s) representing his or her Shares or execute
a stock power or assignment separate from certificate(s).
(c) For the purpose of carrying out the terms of this Agreement, deposit the endorsed
stock certificate(s) and any separate stock power or assignment with the secretary of the
Corporation or such person as may be designated for such purpose by the Corporation. [or
with the Escrow Agreement pursuant to the Escrow Agreement attached as Exhibit ____
(d) Have signed and deliver to the Corporation a Consent of Spouse, if required as
provided below.
Each Shareholder shall have the right to vote his or her Shares and shall receive the dividends
paid thereon until such Shares are formally Transferred as provided herein. No Shares can be
Transferred except in accordance with the terms hereof, and the person designated by the
Corporation to hold the Shares shall hold and deliver the Share certificates only in
accordance with the provisions hereof.
Section 2.2 Legend on Certificates
Each stock certificate issued by the Corporation to a Shareholder shall be endorsed
conspicuously on the face thereof as follows:
The sale, assignment, exchange, transfer, devise, bequest or other disposition
of, or the pledge, mortgage, hypothecation or encumbrance of, or the creation
of any security interest in, the shares represented by this Certificate is
CC 1767630v4 SAMPLE FORM
restricted by a Shareholders Agreement, dated ____________, as may be
amended, a copy of which is on file in the office of the Secretary of the
Corporation and may be reviewed upon request.
These securities have not been registered under the Securities Act of 1933, as
amended (the “Act”), or any state securities laws, and may not be offered,
offered for sale, sold, assigned, transferred or otherwise disposed of in the
absence of an effective registration statement under the Act or any state
securities laws or an applicable exemption from such requirement.
Section 2.3 Spousal Consent [Optional]
A Shareholder (if married) shall cause his or her spouse to execute and deliver to the
Corporation a Consent of Spouse in the form attached as Exhibit __. If a Shareholder
marries or remarries subsequent to the date of such Shareholder’s execution of this
Shareholder’s Agreement, such Shareholder shall within 30 days thereafter cause his or her
new spouse to execute and deliver to the Corporation such a Consent of Spouse in the form
attached as Exhibit ___ .
Section 2.4 Pre-Emptive Rights
a. Waiver of Pre-emptive Rights Alternative
With respect to pre-emptive rights to the issuance of further Shares, the Shareholders shall
waive such pre-emptive rights in the event that an offer for such shares has been approved by
(i) the Board or (ii) by vote of the Shareholders holding at least ___% of all outstanding
b. Providing Pre-emptive Rights Alternative
In the event of an issuance of further Shares, the Shareholders shall have the option to
subscribe for and purchase Shares being offered by the Corporation in such proportions as
the Shareholders may agree. In the absence of such agreement, those Shareholders wishing
to subscribe for and purchase Shares may do so in proportion to their respective holdings of
the Corporation’s outstanding Shares at that time.
Section 3.1 Restrictions on Transfers
No Shareholder shall Transfer any Shares (or any interest therein), whether now owned or
hereafter acquired, except for a Transfer (i) to a Permitted Transferee, (ii) with the
[unanimous] written consent of the other Shareholders on such terms as they chose to give
for their consent, (iii) upon a Bona Fide Offer, subject to the options to purchase as provided
below, (iv) upon an involuntary transfer, subject to the options to purchase as provided
below, or (v) pursuant to a mandatory purchase as provided below. Provided, however, a
CC 1767630v4 SAMPLE FORM
Transfer by Shareholders owning a majority of the Shares is subject to the provisions of the
Section Tag-Along & Drag-Along Rights
a. Void Ab Initio Alternative
Any attempt to Transfer any Shares not in accordance with this Agreement shall be null and
void ab initio, shall not be binding on the Corporation, and the Corporation shall not give any
effect to such attempted Transfer on its stock transfer records.
b. Assignee Alternative
Upon any Transfer of Shares in violation of this Agreement, the parties hereto agree on their
own behalf and on behalf of any such transferee (the “Transferee”), to take any and all
actions necessary to convert the Shares transferred to the Transferee into an equal number of
non-voting Shares. Such actions may include, without limitation, the authorization and
execution of (i) a plan of recapitalization with respect to the exchange of the Shares, (ii) an
amendment to the certificate of incorporation of the Corporation, if necessary, to authorize
the Corporation’s issuance of non-voting stock and (iii) corporate resolutions approving the
plan of recapitalization and the amendment to the certificate of incorporation.
Section 3.2 Options to Purchase
a. Triggering Events
Upon the occurrence of any of the Triggering Events, all of that Shareholder’s Shares shall
be subject to the options to purchase set out below for the purchase price and upon the
payment terms provided in this Agreement. For purposes of this Section, “Triggering
Events” shall mean any of the following:
(i) A Shareholder shall desire to sell any portion or all of his or her Shares
upon receipt of a Bona Fide Offer.
(ii) A Shareholder’s Shares are subject to an involuntary Transfer by
operation of law (such as, but not limited to, a Transfer to
Shareholder’s trustee in bankruptcy or a purchaser at any creditors’ or
judicial sale, or to a Shareholder’s spouse pursuant to any property
division or pursuant to a divorce or separation decree).
(iii) Material breach of this Agreement, if such breach remains uncured for
a period of ___ days after written notice of the same is provided to the
breaching Shareholder by the Corporation. (This option to purchase
shall be in addition to, and not in lieu of, any damages that the
Corporation or other Shareholders incur as a result of the breach.)
[Consider adding liquidated damages of 25% of the purchase price if
the breach is a transfer otherwise prohibited by the Agreement.]
(iv) [Can add any of the other events set out under the Section Mandatory
CC 1767630v4 SAMPLE FORM
The “Transferring Shareholder” is the Shareholder desiring to sell or, in the case of an
involuntary Transfer, is the Shareholder whose Shares are subject to an involuntary Transfer
and also the potential transferee if that person has provided information to the Corporation
and other Shareholders of his/her name, address, and potential claim to the Shares.
b. Notice
The Shareholder desiring to sell all or part of his Shares pursuant to a Bona Fide Offer
(hereinafter referred to as “Transferring Shareholder”) shall serve notice upon all other
parties to this Agreement at their last known address by certified mail, return receipt
requested, indicating the number of shares the Transferring Shareholder desires to sell, and
the name and address of the third party desiring to purchase the Shares, with a copy of the
Bona Fide Offer attached to it (“Notice”).
If the Transfer is an involuntary transfer, “Notice” shall be deemed received on the date any
other Shareholder or one or more members of the Board receives actual notice that an
involuntary Transfer of Shares has or will take place, and that person shall in turn promptly
send notice of such to the other parties to this Agreement.
[Add notice references for any other triggering events included in this section.]
c. Option Periods
(i) Corporation First Option Alternative
The Corporation shall have an option for a period of 30 days from the Corporation’s receipt
of Notice to purchase all, but not less than all, of the Shares proposed to be Transferred. The
Corporation shall exercise such option by giving written notice of such exercise to both the
Transferring Shareholder and the other Shareholders within such 30 day period. Should the
Corporation fail to give written notice within such 30 day period, the Corporation shall be
deemed to have waived such option. If the Corporation does not elect to purchase all of the
Shares to be transferred, the other Shareholders shall have an option for a period of 60 days
from the Corporation’s receipt of such Notice to purchase all, but not less than all, of the
remaining Shares proposed to be transferred. The other Shareholders shall exercise this
option by sending written notice of such exercise to the Transferring Shareholder and the
Corporation within such 60 day period. Should the other Shareholders fail to give written
notice within such 60 day period, the other Shareholders shall be deemed to have waived
such option. [Alternatives: (i) the option to purchase can be of part or all of the transferring
shares or (ii) the option is for all the shares owned by that shareholder, not just the ones
proposed to be transferred.]
(ii) Shareholder First Option Alternative
The other Shareholders shall have an option for a period of 30 days from their receipt of
Notice to purchase any of the Shares proposed to be Transferred. The other Shareholders
shall exercise such option by giving written notice of such exercise to both the Transferring
Shareholder, the Corporation, and the other Shareholders within such 30-day period. Should
the other Shareholders fail to give written notice within such 30-day period, they shall be
CC 1767630v4 SAMPLE FORM
deemed to have waived such option. If more than one other Shareholder exercises an option
to purchase Shares hereunder, those Shareholders shall purchase the Shares in proportion to
their interest in the issued and outstanding Shares, excluding the Shares of the Transferring
Shareholder and the Shares of those Shareholders not electing to purchase, or in such
proportions as they may mutually agree.
If the other Shareholders do not elect to purchase all of the Shares to be transferred, the
Corporation shall have an option for a period of 60 days from the Corporation’s receipt of
such Notice to purchase all, but not less than all, of the remaining Shares proposed to be
Transferred. The Corporation shall exercise this option by sending written notice of such
exercise to the Transferring Shareholder and the other Shareholders within such 60-day
period. Should the Corporation fail to give written notice within such 60-day period, the
Corporation shall be deemed to have waived such option.
d. Divorce
Notwithstanding the prior provisions, if in the event of a Shareholder’s marital dissolution
(“Divorced Shareholder”) such Shareholder’s Shares are awarded to such Shareholder’s
spouse, the Divorced Shareholder shall instead have the first option to purchase all or any
portion of the Shares awarded to the former spouse, such option to be exercised within 30
days, and the options otherwise given to the other Shareholders and the Corporation above
shall apply but as second and third options with 60-day and 90-day periods.
e. Failure to Exercise Options
In the event the other Shareholders and the Corporation shall fail to exercise their options to
purchase all, but not less than all, of the Shares proposed to be Transferred, the Transferring
Shareholder may sell the shares in accordance with the Bona Fide Offer if the closing on that
purchase occurs within 60 days of the expiration of the option periods [or the transferee in
an involuntary transfer shall take the Shares free of the terms of this Agreement.].
[The transferee takes the Shares subject to the provisions of this Agreement, and must
comply with the provisions of the Article Issuance of Shares before the Shares are reissued in
the transferee’s name.] OR [The transferee takes the Shares free of the terms of this
Agreement and the Corporation shall, upon request, remove the legend referencing this
Agreement from the certificate representing such shares.]
Section 3.3 Mandatory Purchases
a. Triggering Events
Upon the occurrence of any of the Triggering Events, all of the Shares of that Shareholder
shall be purchased by the [Corporation] or [other Shareholders] for the purchase price and
upon the payment terms provided in this Agreement. For purposes of this Section, the term
“Triggering Events” shall mean any of the following: [Note all of these are optional, and
don’t have to be included.]
CC 1767630v4 SAMPLE FORM
(i) Death of the Shareholder, unless the Shares are transferred to a
Permitted Transferee.
(ii) [If the Shareholder is also an employee of the Corporation] Total and
Permanent Disability of a Shareholder.
(iii) [If the Shareholder is also an employee of the Corporation]
Termination of employment of a Shareholder with the Corporation,
whether voluntary or involuntary.
(iv) On the last day of the year in which a Shareholder reaches age [65].
(v) If a Shareholder who is not a Family Member becomes divorced from
a Family Member.
(vi) Any transfer that would result in the loss of the S election.
b. Failure to Purchase
In the event there is a failure to purchase Shares as required by this Section, then, in addition
to any other remedies available at law or in equity, whether arising from breach of this
Agreement or otherwise, the Shareholder or Shareholder’s personal representative, as the
case may be, shall be free to Transfer the Shares owned by Shareholder if the Transfer occurs
within 90 days of the Triggering Event. [Any transferee takes the Shares subject to the
provisions of this Agreement, and must comply with the provisions of the Article Issuance of
Shares before the Shares are reissued in the transferee’s name.] OR [The transferee takes
the Shares free of the terms of this Agreement and the Corporation shall, upon request,
remove the legend referencing this Agreement from the certificate representing such shares.]
Section 4.1 Corporation Call
The Corporation has the ongoing right to purchase the Shares owned by any Shareholder at
any time and from time to time (which right is referred to herein as a “Call”). A Call may be
exercised by the Board at any time upon written notice sent to the Shareholder, which notice
shall state the Shares to be called and the effective date of the purchase. Upon the exercise of
a Call, the Shareholder whose Shares are being called shall sell to the Corporation the
number of Shares called as of the effective date determined by the Board and for the
purchase price and upon the payment terms provided in this Agreement.
Section 4.2 Shareholder Put
Each Shareholder who is an employee of the Corporation or any of its affiliates has the right
to Put the Shares owned by the Shareholder to the Corporation upon termination of such
employment, provided that this Put may only be exercised as to all Shares the Shareholder
owns (directly or upon exercise of a stock option). If the Shareholder is a Living Trust, then
CC 1767630v4 SAMPLE FORM
this Put shall be effective upon termination of employment of the individual who is the
grantor of such trust. A Put must be exercised within 60 days after the effective date of the
termination of employment by written notice sent to the secretary of the Corporation. Upon
the exercise of a Put, the Corporation shall purchase the Shares owned by that Shareholder
for the purchase price and payment terms provided in this Agreement.
Section 4.3 Tag-Along & Drag-Along Rights
No Shareholder or group of Shareholders (collectively, the “Transfer Group”) shall transfer
any Shares, directly or indirectly, in a single transaction or series of related transactions, to
any person (the “Offeror”), if as a result of such transfer(s) more than 50% of the outstanding
Shares would be owned by the Offeror, unless such Offeror gives the parties to this
Agreement who are not included in the Transfer Group (the “Minority Shareholders”) the
option to sell to the Offeror, at the same price and on the same terms and conditions as
offered to the Transfer Group, all or any portion of the Shares held by the Minority
At the option of the Transfer Group, all Shareholders who have not tendered their Shares
pursuant to the prior paragraph shall be required to transfer their Shares to the Offeror at the
same price and on the same terms and conditions as offered to the Transfer Group.
[Note Attachment TAG-ALONG RIGHTS CLAUSE FOR ARTICLES for clause to use in the
Corporation’s Articles rather than in a shareholders agreement.]
Section 5.1 Price for Shares
The price for any Shares purchased pursuant to this Agreement shall be determined as
follows. [Note if the valuation approach is to first value the Company, then divided by the
number of issued and outstanding shares, and then multiplied by the number of Shares being
purchased. This valuation will not take into account minority discounts or majority
premiums. One alternative is to add that if Shares being purchased from a single
Shareholder are less than 50%, then a discount of _____% will be applied. Another
Alternative is to have the valuation in each case be arrived at a per share value, but you
would need to specify whether the per share value is for a majority or minority share.
Another alternative is to have an appraisal of just the Shares being purchased, which
appraisal shall take into account all applicable valuation discounts, in which case the
appraiser will determine the discounts. This last option may work best in a family situation if
it is unlikely that the Agreement’s value would set the value for estate tax purposes anyway.]
a. Set By Appraiser Alternative
The purchase price shall be the fair market value of the Shares being purchased as of the last
day of the calendar month preceding [so that life insurance proceeds will not be included]
the Effective Date of Purchase. In determining the fair market value of the Shares being
purchased all appropriate and applicable discounts shall be considered.
CC 1767630v4 SAMPLE FORM
(i) Select Appraiser in Advance.
The appraiser shall be the person set out on the most recent and still valid Certificate of
Designation of Appraiser. The original Certificate of Designation of Appraiser is attached
hereto as Exhibit ____. In the event the Certificate of Designation has expired and is
therefore invalid: The Shareholders agree to meet (which can be at a regularly scheduled
shareholders meeting) for purposes of renegotiating and executing subsequent Certificates of
Designation of Appraiser at intervals of not more than 12 months from the execution date of
the preceding certificate. The appraiser to be set forth in the subsequent Certificates of
Designation of Appraiser shall be determined by unanimous vote of the Shareholders.
[Alternative: The Board shall meet for purposes of determining and executing subsequent
Certificate of Designation of Appraiser at intervals of not more than 12 months from the
execution date of the preceding certificate.] A Certificate of Designation of Appraiser shall
be valid for no longer than 12 months, and if a subsequent Certificate of Designation of
Appraiser has not been executed within 12 months of the prior certificate, then the appraisal
shall be done as follows:
(ii) Buyer and Seller Select Appraiser.
The buyer(s) and the seller shall select an independent appraiser to value the Shares, in which
case they shall equally share the cost of the appraiser. If within 30 days after the date of the
Triggering Event, the buyer(s) and the seller are unable to agree on such an appraiser, then
the buyer(s) shall appoint an appraiser and the seller shall appoint an appraiser. The
appraisers shall be independent, shall be members of the American Society of Appraisers,
and shall be experienced in making appraisals of closely held businesses, shall have the
following additional qualifications: [specify any important to the corporation’s business].
The appointment of the appraisers shall be made in writing and delivered to the other party
within 40 days after the date of the Triggering Event. If either party fails to timely appoint a
qualified appraiser, that party shall be deemed to have waived that right, and the appraisal
shall be conducted by the sole qualified appraiser timely appointed, in which case the
buyer(s) and the seller shall equally share the cost of the appraiser. The two appraisers so
appointed shall attempt to mutually agree on the fair market value, but if they are unable to
do so within 60 days after their appointment, they shall immediately submit in writing to the
buyer(s) and the seller their respective appraisals of the fair market value. If each appraisal is
within 10% of the numerical average of both appraisals, then the fair market value shall be
conclusively determined by taking the numerical average of both appraisals. If each
appraisal is not within 10% of the numerical average of both appraisals, then the two
appraisers shall mutually select a third appraiser, similarly qualified, within 10 days after the
60-day period and give written notice to the buyer(s) and the seller. Within 20 days after the
appointment of the third appraiser, the third appraiser shall submit his or her appraisal in
writing to the buyer(s) and the seller. The fair market value of the Shares shall be
conclusively determined by taking the numerical average of the two appraisals that are
numerically closest in value. However, if one of the appraisals is the numerical average of
the three appraisals, the fair market value shall be that numerical average. The fair market
value as determined under this Section shall be binding on all parties without recourse.
CC 1767630v4 SAMPLE FORM
[Optional provision] Within 15 days after the receipt of the final appraisal, the buyer(s) shall
have the right to withdraw the election to exercise the option to purchase, in which case the
buyer(s) shall pay for the cost of all of the appraisers. In the absence of such a withdrawal
and except as provided above, the buyer(s) and the seller shall each pay for the services of
the appraiser appointed by each of them, and they shall equally share the cost of the third
appraiser, if any.
[Optional provision for S corporation] If the Corporation is an S corporation, any required
tax or income distributions that have not been made by the valuation date and that relate to
the Corporation’s net income through the valuation date shall be treated by the appraiser or
appraisers as a liability of the Corporation on the valuation date.
In the event of the Transfer of Shares as a result of the death of a Shareholder, in arriving at
their determination of fair market value of the Shares the appraiser(s) shall exclude any
proceeds received or receivable by the Corporation from any insurance policies on the life of
the deceased Shareholder to the extent those proceeds exceed the value of the policies on the
day prior to death.
b. Certificate of Value Alternative
The purchase price shall be the value of the Shares as set out in the most recent and still valid
Certificate of Value. The original Certificate of Value is attached hereto as Exhibit ___. The
Shareholders agree to meet (which can be at a regularly scheduled shareholders meeting) for
purposes of renegotiating and executing subsequent Certificates of Value at intervals of not
more than 12 months from the execution date of the preceding certificate [or within four
months after the end of each fiscal year of the Corporation]. The value to be set forth in the
subsequent Certificates of Value shall be determined by unanimous vote of the Shareholders.
[Alternative: The Board shall meet for purposes of determining and executing subsequent
Certificates of Value at intervals of not more than 12 months from the execution date of the
preceding certificate.] A Certificate of Value shall be valid for no longer than 12 months,
and if a subsequent Certificate of Value has not been executed within 12 months of the prior
certificate, then the purchase price shall be the fair market value of the Shares determined as
of the date of the Triggering Event by an appraisal pursuant to the following provisions:
[insert same language as above under “Buyer and Seller Select Appraiser”]
c. Book Value Formula Alternative
The purchase price shall be the net book value of the Shares. The net book value shall be the
value of net assets of the Corporation determined from the Corporation’s books at the
amounts stated therein adjusted in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles
or the principles and methodology utilized by the regular accountants for the Corporation
who prepare the Corporation’s financial statements, which determination shall be conclusive
and binding on all concerned. Except as otherwise provided herein, the net book value shall
be determined as of the end of the month immediately preceding the month in which the
Effective Date of Purchase occurs.
CC 1767630v4 SAMPLE FORM
d. Terms of Bona Fide Offer Additional Provision
Notwithstanding the foregoing, in the event of a purchase of Shares as a result of a Bona Fide
Offer, the purchasing Shareholders or the Corporation, as the case may be, shall have the
option of paying either the price calculated above or the price contained in the Bona Fide
Offer and if the price contained in the Bona Fide Offer is used, then the terms contained in
the Bona Fide Offer shall be used also in lieu of the provisions in the Article Closing &
Section 5.2 Adjusting Price Based on Estate Tax Liability
a. Increase for Estate Tax Liability Alternative
In the event of a purchase of Shares due to the death of a Shareholder, should the Internal
Revenue Service determine the value of the Shares to be greater than that determined
pursuant to this Agreement and such value results in an increase in federal and state estate tax
liability, the purchase price shall be adjusted as follows: The purchase price of the Shares
shall be increased by the additional estate tax liability which shall be obtained by multiplying
(a) the difference between (i) the value of the deceased Shareholder’s Shares as finally
determined for federal estate tax purposes and (ii) the purchase price of the Shares,
multiplied by (b) the maximum estate tax rate imposed on the deceased Shareholder’s estate.
Any such increases shall be paid to the deceased Shareholder’s duly appointed fiduciary
within 30 days of the final determination of the matter by the Internal Revenue Service.
b. Increase to Final Estate Tax Value Alternative
Should the value of the Shares as finally determined for federal estate tax purposes be greater
than that determined by this Agreement, the purchase price shall equal the value of the
deceased Shareholder’s Shares as finally determined.
Section 5.3 Adjustment Upon Subsequent Sale of Corporation
In the event the occurrence of a Material Transaction following the Closing of a purchase
hereunder from a Shareholder (the “Purchased Shareholder”), the purchase price of the
Shares paid to the Purchased Shareholder shall be increased by the following amount, if any:
the difference between the price per share received by the remaining Shareholders of the
Corporation in a Material Transaction and the purchase price per Share previously received
by the Purchased Shareholder pursuant to this Agreement shall be multiplied by the number
of Shares purchased from the Purchased Shareholder pursuant to this Agreement.
A “Material Transaction” is a voluntary transfer of substantially all of the assets or
substantially all of the stock of the Corporation to an independent third party (which shall
exclude a Shareholder, whether current or former, or a corporation or other entity owned by a
current or prior Shareholder) for value that occurs either (i) within ______ months following
the Closing or (ii) within __________ months following the Closing if any significant
negotiations for that transfer occurred during ________months prior to the Closing.
CC 1767630v4 SAMPLE FORM
Section 5.4 Insufficient Surplus
In the event the Corporation is the purchaser and the surplus of the Corporation is insufficient
(under then existing laws) to permit the Corporation to redeem the Shares as provided in this
Agreement, then the parties to this Agreement agree to perform such acts, execute such
instruments and vote their shares as necessary to increase such surplus to an amount that is
sufficient, including, but not limited to a recapitalization of the Corporation so as to reduce
its capital and increase its surplus, and/or a reappraisal of the assets of the Corporation,
including goodwill, if any, to reflect the market value of its assets so as to increase its
surplus. In the event the surplus cannot be sufficiently increased by these steps, then either
the other Shareholders shall purchase the Shares at their option, or if they do not, then the
Corporation shall only purchase those Shares for which it has sufficient surplus.
[Optional] In the event such surplus shall nevertheless prove to be insufficient to legally
allow the Corporation to redeem such shares or to make any deferred payment required
hereunder: The Corporation, within 30 days after the Effective Date of Purchase, shall notify
the Shareholders of this fact in writing, and the number of shares the Corporation may legally
redeem, by certified mail, return receipt requested. The remaining Shareholders shall then
purchase all of such Shares which the Corporation cannot legally redeem with each
remaining Shareholder to purchase an amount proportionate to his or her allocable interest in
the Corporation (excluding the Shares held by the Shareholder whose Shares are being
purchased), or in such proportions as to which the other Shareholders shall mutually agree,
and the Corporation shall redeem the rest. The purchase price shall be determined and paid
by the other Shareholders in the same manner as would otherwise be required of the
Corporation in accordance with this Agreement.
Section 5.5 Life Insurance Held in Escrow [optional]
During the term of this Agreement, the Shareholders shall obtain and maintain life insurance
policies on the lives of the other Shareholders in amounts not less than $___________in the
aggregate for each Shareholder. The purchasers of the policies shall be the sole owners
thereof, and the policies and any proceeds received thereunder shall be held by an escrow
agent in trust for the purposes of this Agreement, under the terms and conditions of the
escrow agreement attached as Exhibit __. Each Shareholder agrees that he/she shall have no
right, title or interest in or to any policy purchased on his/her life pursuant to this Section.
Each Shareholder agrees to submit to any physical examinations which may be required by
the insurer in order to issue any policy purchased pursuant to this Section.
Upon receipt of notification of the Shareholder’s death, the party who holds the policies
pursuant to the terms hereof, shall make prompt and proper application for payment of the
proceeds of the insurance policies, if any. In the event that the net proceeds received from
the insurance policies are greater than the purchase price as determined herein, such excess
amount shall be disbursed to the deceased Shareholder’s successor in interest.
CC 1767630v4 SAMPLE FORM
Section 5.6 Notice & Consent Regarding EOLI Policies
It is anticipated that [the Corporation] OR [the Shareholders] may from time to time obtain
life insurance policies on the lives of the Shareholders. In the event those policies fall within
the definition of “employer-owned life insurance policies” as defined in IRC § 101(j), the
parties intend that the policies qualify for an exclusion from those rules (and thus the
proceeds will be income tax-free) and that this Agreement comply with the notice and
consent requirements necessary to obtain that exclusion. Therefore, each Shareholder hereby
is hereby given written notice that [the Corporation] OR [the other Shareholders] intend to
insure his or her life by purchasing life insurance policy(ies) in the maximum face amount of
$___________, that [the Corporation] OR [the other Shareholders] will be the owner and
beneficiary of that policy. Each Shareholder (by signing this Agreement) hereby gives
advance written consent to being insured under such policy(ies) and to the continuation of the
policy(ies) after (i) such Shareholder’s employment with the Corporation terminates,
regardless of the cause of the termination, (ii) such Shareholder ceases to be an officer or
director of the Corporation, or (iii) such Shareholder ceases to be a shareholder in the
Corporation. The parties also agree to enter into a specific notice and consent containing
these terms with regard to each policy obtained prior to the issuance of that policy.
Section 6.1 Closing & Effective Date
The Closing shall occur ____ days after the Effective Date of Purchase, or such other date as
mutually agreed to by the parties. [Provided, however, the Closing shall occur ____ days
after the final determination of the purchase price of the Shares, if later.] If the purchase
occurs upon the death of a Shareholder and court action is required to transfer title, then
Closing shall be conditioned upon the receipt of any necessary approval of any court having
jurisdiction over the deceased Shareholder’s estate, which shall be promptly obtained by the
deceased Shareholder’s personal representative.
Upon receipt by the selling Shareholder of the purchase price in cash and/or promissory note
as herein provided, the selling Shareholder shall endorse and deliver the purchased Shares to
the purchaser, together with all other documents necessary or required to effect the transfer.
The parties shall provide and execute all other documents and items as reasonably required to
accomplish the purchase.
The purchase shall be effective as of the Effective Date of Purchase, even though the Closing
occurs later.
Section 6.2 Payment of Purchase Price
Payment of the purchase price for the Shares shall be made at Closing. The purchase price,
to the extent of any insurance proceeds received by the purchaser, shall be paid in cash. [If
there is insurance that might be payable due to the death or disability of a shareholder that is
not intended to be buy-sell insurance (such as key person insurance to help fund operations),
then the prior sentence needs to distinguish between those policies.] If the purchase price
CC 1767630v4 SAMPLE FORM
exceeds the amount of any insurance proceeds, the purchaser has the option to pay the
balance of the purchase price by the delivery of a promissory note in the form attached hereto
as Exhibit ___.
The promissory note shall be secured by
(a) A personal guarantee of the Shareholders [unless the Shareholders are buying, in
which case the Corporation could guarantee].
(b) A security interest in the Corporation’s assets.
(c) A pledge of the Shares being purchased [or a pledge of all of the Shares].
The new certificate(s) issued to the purchaser(s), the executed note, a separate stock power
endorsed in blank, and a properly executed Escrow Agreement in form of attached Exhibit
___ , shall be delivered to the escrow agent designated therein (“Escrow Agent”). When the
promissory note is paid in full, the selling Shareholder and the Escrow Agent shall,
concurrently with the final payment, return the subject stock certificate(s), the stock powers,
the cancelled Escrow Agreement, and the cancelled note. During the period from Closing
until the date of payment in full of the purchase price, the purchaser shall exercise all rights
as shareholder in relation to the purchased shares, unless and until a default occurs with
respect to any payment as defined in the promissory note. In the event of a default in relation
to any payment, the selling Shareholder shall be entitled to enforce full legal rights in
connection with the shares assigned as collateral, and as set forth in the Escrow Agreement.
Section 6.3 Allocation of Book Income From Insurance
[Note: For cash basis, interim closing income allocation, S Corporation] The Corporation
shall redeem a deceased Shareholder's stock before applying for proceeds from insurance on
the deceased Shareholder's life. The Corporation will issue two promissory notes under
Section 6.2: one with principal equal to the proceeds (excluding post-mortem interest and
dividends) payable in full (including interest) upon receipt of the life insurance proceeds (as
used in this Section, the "first note") and one with principal equal to the remaining amount
otherwise due under Section 6.2 (as used in this Section, the "second note"). To the extent
possible, the Corporation shall use all of the life insurance proceeds (including post-mortem
interest and dividends) to pay the first promissory note's principal and any accrued but
unpaid interest and then to prepay the second promissory note. The Corporation and all
affected shareholders shall make the election under Section 9.2(a) so that all income realized
upon receipt by the Corporation of proceeds from such insurance shall be allocated to the
Shareholders owning stock after the Effective Date of Purchase of the deceased Shareholder's
[You may wish to specifically provide which insurance is used for redemption and which
insurance is used to provide funds for business continuity needs, such as any loss of value
due to death or loss of value and executive search costs due to death.]
CC 1767630v4 SAMPLE FORM
Section 6.4 Representations & Warranties
a. Seller’s Representations & Warranties
This Agreement when executed and delivered by a Shareholder shall constitute a valid and
legally binding obligation of the Shareholder (and if applicable the Shareholder’s spouse,
estate or other successor in interest), enforceable in accordance with its terms. The Shares to
be purchased and sold pursuant to this Agreement, and delivered in accordance with the
terms and consideration expressed herein, shall be fully paid and not assessable, and free and
clear of any liens or encumbrances. The Shareholder (and if applicable the Shareholder’s
spouse, estate or other successor in interest) has not made and will not make any transfer,
sale, assignment, pledge or other conveyance of any interest in the Shares which would cause
the Shares to be subject to any lien, encumbrance or prior right of others.
b. Buyer’s Representations &Warranties
This Agreement when executed and delivered by the party acquiring the Shareholder’s
Shares (“Buyer”) will constitute a valid and legally binding obligation of the Buyer,
enforceable in accordance with its terms. Buyer understands that the Shares are
characterized as restricted securities under the Securities Act of 1933 (the “Act”) and that the
Shares are being acquired from the Shareholder (or if applicable the Shareholder’s spouse,
estate or other successor in interest) pursuant to an exemption from registration under the
Act. Buyer also understands that no public market exists and it is unlikely that a public
market will ever exist for the Shares which limits resale, without registration under the Act,
to certain circumstances.
Section 6.5 Remedy for Failure of Seller to Convey Shares
In the event that a Shareholder is required to sell such Shareholder’s Shares pursuant to any
provision hereof, and in the further event that such Shareholder is unable to, or for any reason
does not, deliver the certificate or certificates evidencing such Shares or otherwise comply
with the terms of the purchase in accordance with the applicable provisions of this
Agreement, or such Shareholder cannot be identified or located, the purchaser of such Shares
may deposit the purchase price for such Shares (by good check, promissory note or both, as
the case may be under the applicable provisions of this Agreement) with any bank doing
business within 25 miles of the Corporation’s principal office, or with the Corporation’s
certified public accountants, as agent or trustee, or in escrow, for such Shareholder, to be
held by such bank or accountant until withdrawn by such Shareholder. Upon such deposit by
the purchaser of such Shares and upon notice to the Shareholder who was required to sell, the
Shares of such Shareholder to be sold pursuant to the applicable provisions of this Agreement
shall at such time be deemed to have been sold to such purchaser, such Shareholder shall
have no further rights thereto and the Corporation shall record such transfer in its stock
transfer book.
CC 1767630v4 SAMPLE FORM
Section 7.1 Supermajority Voting Rights
Without regard to anything to the contrary contained in the Corporation’s Articles or By-
laws, the affirmative vote of the holders of ___% of the outstanding voting Shares shall be
required for approval of the following corporate actions:
(i) Amendment of the articles of incorporation or bylaws.
(ii) Merger, consolidation, or other reorganization.
(iii) Sale, lease, transfer, exchange, or other disposition of substantially all
of the assets of the Corporation [other than in the regular course of
(iv) Election, removal and any change in duties or compensation of the
(v) Borrowings, business transactions or financial commitments in excess
of $______.
(vi) Declaring dividends or other distributions to Shareholders.
(vii) Dissolution or voluntary bankruptcy of the Corporation.
(viii) Any business transactions between an officer or director and the
(ix) [Termination of employment of a Shareholder.]
The parties to this Agreement hereby agree that each party will vote his or her Shares, vote as
a member of the Board, or take other required corporate action to carry out the prior
corporate actions upon the requisite affirmative vote of the Shareholders.
Section 7.2 Irrevocable Proxy [Optional]
The Shareholders irrevocably appoint _________ (the “Proxyholder”) as their attorney and
proxy with full power of substitution in their names, to vote and otherwise act with respect to
all Shares which they now own or may hereafter acquire at any duly called meetings of
shareholders of the Corporation (or by written consent in lieu thereof) and at any other time
such Shares may be, voted or acted upon. The Shareholders agree that this appointment and
proxy granted to the Proxyholder is irrevocable and coupled with an interest and, except as
otherwise provided herein, shall not terminate by operation of law, whether because of the
death, bankruptcy, or incompetency of the Shareholders or the occurrence of any other event.
This Proxy shall terminate only upon the termination of this Agreement.
CC 1767630v4 SAMPLE FORM
Section 7.3 Deadlock
a. Buy-Out Alternative [most useful if two 50-50 shareholders]
If the Shareholders or the Board are equally divided with respect to the management of the
Corporation’s property, business, or affairs, or are equally divided in any question, dispute,
or controversy, and this division concerns the proper subject for action by the Shareholders
or directors, no Shareholder or director shall have the right to have the Corporation dissolved
or shall have any other legal right in a suit because of such deadlock, except as provided in
this Article. If such a deadlock exists, the parties agree to use their best good faith efforts to
settle the matter by mutual agreement. They may submit the matter to arbitration (the terms
of which shall be agreed to at that time), but they are under no obligation to do so. If a
dispute resulting in a deadlock continues to exist, any Shareholder may submit to the other
Shareholder a statement (“Statement”) that a deadlock exists, stating in detail the nature of
the deadlock. The date the Statement is mailed or otherwise delivered is the Statement Date.
If the deadlock is not resolved within 60 days of the Statement Date, each Shareholder shall
have the right to make an irrevocable offer to the other Shareholder to sell the offering
Shareholder’s Shares or to purchase the other Shareholder’s Shares. The Shareholder
making the offer shall be referred to as the Offeror, and the Shareholder receiving the offer
shall be referred to as the Offeree. The offer by the Offeror shall be evidenced by a written
notice to the Offeree (“Put or Call Notice”) specifying a value per Share (“Deadlock Price”)
and offering (i) to sell the Offeror’s Shares at the Deadlock Price or (ii) to purchase the
Offeree’s Shares at the Deadlock Price free and clear of all liens and encumbrances. If
neither Shareholder gives a timely Put or Call Notice, the right to issue a Put or Call Notice
shall lapse and may only become operative again upon the issuance of a subsequent
Statement. If both Shareholders give a timely Put or Call Notice, the Put or Call Notice with
the earlier postmark or delivery date, if hand delivered, shall control, and if the notices are
postmarked or delivered on the same day, the Put or Call Notice providing the highest
Deadlock Price shall control. The Offeree shall, within 45 days after receipt of the Put or
Call Notice, give written notice to the Offeror of the Offeree’s election to sell or purchase
pursuant to the terms of the Put or Call Notice. In the absence of a timely written election by
the Offeree, the Offeree shall be deemed to have elected to sell his or her Shares at the
Deadlock Price. The purchaser, whether the Offeror or the Offeree, shall pay the entire
Deadlock Price by certified or cashier’s check at the Closing, which shall take place at a date
designated by the purchaser, which date shall not be more than 90 days following the receipt
of the Put or Call Notice by the Offeree.
If the purchaser, whether the Offeror or the Offeree, breaches the terms and conditions of this
provision and fails to close and/or pay the Deadlock Price as provided for in this Article
(“Defaulting Purchaser”), then the non-breaching party shall have the option, exercisable by
written notice within 30 days after the original closing date, to purchase the Shares of the
Defaulting Purchaser at a price equal to 80% of the Deadlock Price by certified or cashier’s
check at a closing that shall take place at a date designated by the original seller above, which
date shall not be more than 90 days following the date of exercise of the option on default.
CC 1767630v4 SAMPLE FORM
Notwithstanding the foregoing, if a Shareholder dies after the Statement Date and before the
closing, the procedure and provisions of this article shall be deemed to have lapsed and the
provisions of this Agreement for the purchase of a Shareholder’s Shares on death shall apply.
Upon the issuance of a Put or Call Notice, the provisions of Article III shall no longer apply.
b. Liquidation Alternative
If the Shareholders or the Board are equally divided with respect to the management of the
Corporation’s property, business, or affairs, or are equally divided in any question, dispute,
or controversy, and this division concerns the proper subject for action by the Shareholders
or directors, the parties agree to use their best good faith efforts to settle the matter by mutual
agreement. They may submit the matter to arbitration (the terms of which shall be agreed to
at that time), but they are under no obligation to do so. If a dispute resulting in a deadlock
continues to exist, any Shareholder shall have the option to dissolve the Corporation. If a
Shareholder desires to exercise this option, such Shareholder shall do so by giving the other
Shareholder(s) written notice of the exercise. The dissolution of the Corporation shall be
completed within one year after the date the written notice exercising the option to dissolve is
properly given.
c. Advisory Board Alternative
In the event there is deadlock between the Shareholders on an issue which cannot be resolved
after the Shareholders have met on two separate occasions held at least five and not more
than ten days apart, the issue shall be determined by a Board of Advisors (as defined below).
The Board of Advisors shall have 30 days to make their recommendation to the
Shareholders. The Shareholders shall have five days, beginning on their receipt of the
recommendation from the Board of Advisors, to either accept or reject such recommendation.
If the Shareholders are still unable to agree to a resolution of the issue within such five-day
time period, the recommendation of the Board of Advisors shall be conclusive and binding
on the Shareholders. Provided, however, items requiring a supermajority vote as set out in
Section _____, may not be submitted to the Board of Advisors for determination.
The members of the Board of Advisors shall be set forth and attached hereto as Exhibit ___.
The Shareholders hereby agree to meet for purposes of determining the members of the
Board of Advisors at intervals of not more than 12 months from the date of the preceding
determination. In the event the Shareholders have not determined the members of the Board
of Advisors within such 12-month interval, the members set forth on the most recent Exhibit
___ shall continue to serve on the Board of Advisors.
d. Arbitration
In the event of a deadlock between the Shareholders on a Material Issue, as defined below,
which issue cannot be resolved after the Shareholders have met on two separate occasions
held at least five and not more than ten business days apart, the issue shall be resolved in
accordance with the terms set forth herein. For purposes of this paragraph, a Material Issue
shall be an issue which materially affects the operation of the business of the Corporation as
determined by an independent third party selected by the mutual agreement of the parties or,
CC 1767630v4 SAMPLE FORM
in the event the parties cannot agree on a third party, as determined by an arbitrator selected
by the American Arbitration Association in the county in which the Corporation’s principal
place of business is located. The parties agree that the determination of the third party or
arbitrator shall be conclusive and binding.
If an issue is determined to be a Material Issue and the parties are still unable to resolve the
issue within five business days after their receipt of the determination by the third party or
arbitrator, the Shareholders agree that they shall determine by a coin toss within five business
days after the date on which they received the determination that the issue is a Material Issue,
which Shareholder shall make the decision regarding the Material Issue.
In the event an issue is determined to be non-material and the parties are still unable to
resolve the issue within five business days after the receipt of the determination by the third
party or arbitrator, as the case may be, the matter shall be determined by arbitration in the
county in which the Corporation’s principal place of business is located, pursuant to the then-
current rules of the American Arbitration Association. The expenses associated with any
arbitration proceeding required hereunder and the expenses associated with the making of the
determination as to whether an issue is material, shall be equally shared by the Shareholders.
Section 7.4 Retention of Control [Optional]
Upon the death or incompetency of ___________, the successor trustee of the __________
Trust (or an individual selected by such successor trustee) or agent under a valid durable
power of attorney for that individual, shall replace him/her on the Board until all of the
Shares owned by such Trust have been purchased by the Corporation and the purchase price
has been paid in full. For this purpose, the determination of “incompetency” shall be made
as provided by the terms of such Trust or power of attorney. [Note - this may prevent
qualification as a corporate redemption for tax purposes if severing all ties of the selling
Shareholder is required.]
Section 7.5 Founders Rights
In the event the Corporation is liquidated, ___________ shall have the right to receive the
following items as part of his/her distributive share, to be valued for that purpose at $1.00:
the name of the Corporation, the right to continue to use the Corporation’s place of business,
equipment, advertising and letterhead, and the right to all other intellectual property and
goodwill of the Corporation
Section 7.6 Multiple Classes of Stock
: Attachment CLASSES OF STOCK CLAUSE FOR ARTICLES for a sample provision
to include in the Articles to establish different classes of stock.]
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Section 8.1 Covenants
As a material inducement to the parties hereto to enter into this Agreement, the Shareholders
hereby covenant and agree as follows:
a. Confidential Information
During the period that any Shareholder owns Shares, and at all times after he/she ceases to
own Shares, such Shareholder shall not, directly or indirectly, divulge or disclose, for any
purpose whatsoever, any confidential information, including without limitation, the
Corporation’s trade secrets, systems, procedures, manuals, confidential reports, as well as the
nature and type of services rendered by the Corporation, the equipment and methods used
and preferred by the Corporation, and fees paid by its customers, which has been obtained by
or disclosed to him or her as a result of his or her status as a shareholder, officer, director
and/or employee of the Corporation; provided, however, such Shareholder shall be permitted
to divulge or disclose any financial or other relevant information to the extent reasonably
necessary for him to perform his responsibilities and duties as a shareholder, director,
employee and/or officer of the Corporation; further, the following information is excluded
from the scope of this provision: (i) information that is or becomes a part of the public
domain; (ii) information that such Shareholder can reasonably and promptly demonstrate was
in the receiving party’s possession at the time divulged or disclosed by such Shareholder; (iii)
information that is required to be disclosed by law or to comply with a subpoena or court
order; (iv) information that is required to be disclosed to the Internal Revenue Service or
other taxing authority in connection with an audit; or (v) information necessary to enforce
any term or provision of this Agreement.
b. No Competition
During the period that any Shareholder owns Shares, and for a period of ____ years after he
and his Permitted Transferees cease to own Shares, such Shareholder shall not, within the
greater ________ metropolitan area [OR ____ miles from any then-existing office of the
Corporation], engage in the business of __________ or otherwise compete with the
Corporation in any of its business ventures, directly or indirectly and whether as a proprietor,
partner, investor, shareholder, director, officer, consultant, independent contractor, co-
venturer, employer, employee, principal, agent, manager, representative or in any other
c. No Solicitation
During the period that any Shareholder owns Shares, and for a period of _____ years after
that Shareholder and any of his/her Permitted Transferees cease to own Shares, with respect
to the business described in the immediately preceding paragraph, such Shareholder shall not,
directly or indirectly, solicit business from, divert business from, or perform services for or
to, any customer of the Corporation, including any potential customer for which a bid has
been or is expected to be submitted by the Corporation.
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d. No Hire
During the period that any Shareholder owns Shares, and for a period of ____ years after that
Shareholder and any of his/her Permitted Transferees cease to own Shares, such Shareholder
shall not, directly or indirectly, solicit for employment or employ any employee of the
Corporation, or any individual who was employed by the Corporation within the six-month
period preceding purchase of such Shareholder’s Shares.
Section 8.2 Remedies
a. Injunctive Relief
The parties acknowledge that a violation of this non-competition covenant will cause
irreparable damage to the Corporation, the exact amount of which may not be subject to
reasonable or accurate ascertainment, and therefore the Shareholders hereby consent that in
the event of such violation, the Corporation shall as a matter of right be entitled to injunctive
relief to restrain them, or any person or entity acting for or on behalf of them, from violating
this covenant without the necessity of posting bond. Such remedies, however, shall be
cumulative and in addition to any other remedies to which the Corporation may then be
The Shareholders agree that in the event the Corporation seeks an injunction against them to
prevent them from violating these covenants, the time periods will not begin to run until such
time as a court or arbitrator grants injunctive relief to the Corporation, and that any time
between the date of the inception of the non-compete period and the date injunctive relief is
granted will not be credited toward the time period restriction.
The Shareholders represent and acknowledge that their experience and capabilities are such
that they can obtain employment in businesses other than a business which competes with the
Corporation, and that the enforcement of a remedy by way of injunction will not prevent
them from earning a livelihood.
b. Reasonableness of Restrictions
It is expressly understood and agreed that although the parties consider the restrictions
contained herein reasonable as to protected business, duration and geographic area, in the
event any arbitrator or court of competent jurisdiction deems them to be unreasonable, then
such restriction shall apply to the broadest business, longest period and largest territory as
may be considered reasonable by such arbitrator or court, and this Agreement as so amended
shall be enforced.
c. Accounting for Profits
If there is any breach of the covenants the Corporation shall be entitled to an accounting and
repayment of all profits, compensation, commissions, remunerations or benefits that the
breaching Shareholder directly or indirectly has realized and/or may realize as a result of,
growing out of or in connection with any such violation. Such remedy shall be in addition to
and not in limitation of any injunctive relief or other rights or remedies to which the
CC 1767630v4 SAMPLE FORM
Corporation is or may be entitled at law or in equity or under this Agreement, including, for
this purpose, the right of the Corporation to withhold any payments due to such Shareholder
under any promissory note issued pursuant to any of the provisions of this Agreement.
d. Forfeiture [Optional]
Upon a material breach of any of these covenants, the Corporation may declare forfeited all
amounts remaining to be paid to the breaching Shareholder, whether due under this
Agreement or otherwise.
e. Attorneys’ Fees
The Corporation shall be entitled to recover its reasonable attorneys fees incurred in
enforcing its rights under these covenants.
Section 8.3 Continuing Employment [Optional]
In the event that the Corporation’s assets or stock are sold, or the Corporation is merged or
consolidated, __________ hereby agrees to continue in the employ of the purchaser or
surviving entity for a period of not less than two years, provided however, the compensation
and benefits payable to the him/her are substantially equivalent to the compensation and
benefits received by him/her for the 90-day period immediately preceding such sale, merger
or consolidation.
If and so long as the Corporation has elected S corporation tax status under IRC §1361 and
§1362, the following provisions shall apply:
Section 9.1 Maintaining S Corporation Status
The Corporation has elected to be taxed under Subchapter S of the IRC, Treasury
Regulations promulgated thereunder (“Treas. Reg.”), and applicable State law, and the
parties hereby acknowledge their intention to continue such election unless they shall
terminate it in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement. Therefore, the parties agree
that they will do nothing, directly or indirectly, which will cause an inadvertent or wrongful
termination of the Corporation’s S election. Furthermore, the parties agree to take such
action as may be required to continue such election and to prevent its termination.
In order to prevent an inadvertent or wrongful termination of the Corporation’s S election,
the Corporation shall not file a consolidated tax return with any affiliated C corporation. The
Corporation may own 100% of a domestic corporation that qualifies as a Subchapter S
corporation which it elects to treat as a Qualified Subchapter S Subsidiary pursuant to IRC
§1361(b)(3). In order to prevent the Corporation’s debt instruments from being treated as
second class of stock, the form of such debt instrument, if any, shall satisfy the requirements
for “straight debt” as that term is defined in IRC §1361(c)(5)(B) and shall be nontransferable
during the Shareholder’s life unless the transferee of the debt instrument is a person whose
CC 1767630v4 SAMPLE FORM
ownership of shares in the Corporation would not result in the termination of the
Corporation’s S election.
If any Shareholder causes a termination of the Corporation’s S election, the Corporation may
request the IRS to waive the terminating event under IRC §1362(f), if the termination could
be considered inadvertent, or request the IRS to permit the Corporation to file a new S
election under IRC §1362(g). Each Shareholder agrees to enter into an agreement under IRC
§1362(f)(4) to make any adjustments required by the IRS to cure an inadvertent termination
of the Corporation’s S election.
Any Shareholder who violates this Agreement and as a result causes a termination of the
Corporation’s S election, shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless the other Shareholders
with respect to any damages they suffer as a result of the termination.
Notwithstanding anything contained in this Agreement to the contrary, the parties agree that
the Corporation’s S election may be revoked upon the affirmative vote of [100%] of the
Shares. If the requisite vote is obtained, each Shareholder agrees to execute the necessary
forms to implement the revocation.
Section 9.2 Permissible Shareholders
No Shareholder shall Transfer Shares to a transferee who is not eligible to be a shareholder in
an S corporation as defined by IRC §1361, or if the transfer increases the number of
shareholders to more than the number of shareholders permitted under IRC §1361, and any
such transfer shall be null and void ab initio. If the transfer of Shares is to a trust with
respect to which an election must be made for the trust to satisfy the preceding sentence, such
transfer shall be permitted only upon approval by the Corporation’s counsel as to the
election’s validity and proof of timely filing of such election.
[Option if you want to include a list:]
No Shareholder shall transfer any of his or her Shares to:
(a) A person who, when added to the other shareholders of the Corporation, would
cause the total number of shareholders of the Corporation to exceed the number permitted by
IRC §1361(b)(1)(a) (as of the date of this Agreement, that number is 100);
(b) An individual who is a nonresident alien;
(c) A trust which fails to satisfy the requirement of IRC §1361(c)(2), (d) or (e) or
other requirements for permitted shareholders of an S corporation;
(d) A personal representative, unless the personal representative is directed by the
governing instrument or enters into an agreement not to revoke the Corporation’s S election
(except for a revocation permitted in accordance with this Agreement); or
(e) Any person whom the shareholder knows, or has reasonable grounds to believe,
will take action which will cause the Corporation’s S election to terminate.
CC 1767630v4 SAMPLE FORM
Any such transfer shall be null and void ab initio.
savings clause to use in a trust that might own S stock.]
Section 9.3 Income Allocation for Partial Year
a. Close the Books Alternative
An election will be made pursuant to IRC §1374(a)(2) to treat the shareholders as though the
taxable year of the corporation during which a purchase occurs consisted of two taxable
years, the first of which ended on the Effective Date of Purchase. Further, an election under
IRC §1362 will be made to allocate items of income, deduction or loss upon any termination
of the S election of the Corporation between the S short year and the C short year according
to the time they were incurred or realized as reflected on the books and records of the
Corporation, rather than on a pro rata basis. The corporation and each Shareholder hereby
agree to take all actions and execute and file such elections and other documents as may be
necessary for such election to be made.
b. Pro Rata Alternative
Upon a purchase of Shares, the income, deductions, credits and other tax attributes of an S
corporation for the entire tax year shall be allocated on a pro rata basis, based on the portion
of the tax year ending on the Effective Date of Purchase.
Section 9.3 Agreement Concerning AAA
The parties agree to consent to the election under IRC §1368(e)(3) to treat all distributions
during the Corporation’s taxable year as being out of the Corporation’s accumulated earnings
and profits to the extent thereof, rather than from the accumulated adjustments account.
Section 9.4 Tax Dividends
[Option No. 1]
The corporation shall pay cash dividends during the course of and immediately following the
end of each fiscal year in amounts sufficient for the Shareholders to pay their federal and
state income taxes attributable to the Corporation determined based on the highest marginal
income tax rates and also to allow the Shareholders to make estimated tax payments on a
quarterly basis without incurring any penalty. Such dividends shall be paid no later than the
due date of the Shareholders’ income tax returns and estimated tax payments.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, however, dividends shall only be paid out of surplus or other
funds to the extent allowed by law. For this purpose, the highest marginal income tax rate
shall be based upon the sum of the maximum federal income rate tax under the IRC plus the
maximum [name of state] income tax rate imposed on individual taxpayers. Dividends paid
pursuant to this paragraph shall not be in addition to other dividends paid during and
immediately after the end of the fiscal year, but instead other dividends paid during and
immediately after the end of the fiscal year shall be deemed to satisfy the requirement that
CC 1767630v4 SAMPLE FORM
dividends for income tax purposes be made to the extent such other dividends have been
paid. The Corporation may also pay dividends in excess of the amounts required by this
[Option No. 2]
Provided cash flow exists in the opinion of the Board of Directors, the Corporation agrees to
distribute cash to each Shareholder, within ___________ days after the end of the
Corporation’s tax year in sufficient amounts to pay federal, state and local income taxes on
the net distributive share of income, losses, deductions and credits that have passed through
to the Shareholders under IRC §1366 as shown on each Shareholder’s Schedule K-1 of the
Corporation’s informational tax return Form 1120-S. For purposes of determining the
amount of the distribution to be made pursuant to this paragraph, each Shareholder is
assumed to be taxable at the highest marginal federal, state, and local income tax rates
applicable to married individuals filing a joint tax return and to fully utilize any losses,
deductions, and credits passed through under IRC §1366.
Section 9.5 Tax Matters Shareholder
The parties hereby appoint the president of the Corporation as the “Tax Matters Shareholder”
to act on behalf of the Shareholders and the Corporation for federal tax audit purposes.
Section 9.6 Tax after Purchase
The parties agree that upon a purchase of Shares in accordance with this Agreement:
(a) The selling Shareholder will indemnify and hold harmless the other Shareholders
with respect to the selling Shareholder’s pro rata share of the tax liabilities which may have
accrued during the time that the selling Shareholder held Shares.
(b) The Corporation and the other Shareholders will indemnify, defend and hold
harmless the selling Shareholder with respect to any tax liabilities or loss of tax benefits such
Shareholder may incur as a result of any action taken by the Corporation or other
Shareholders after the disposal of the Shares, including by way of example, any action which
results in the termination of the Corporation’s S election, or causes a retroactive change or
adjustment in the Corporation’s tax returns, method of accounting or status as an S
Section 9.7 Power of Attorney
Each Shareholder hereby irrevocably appoints the president of the Corporation as his
or her attorney-in-fact to enter into the agreements, consents and elections referenced under
this Article on behalf of the Shareholder, if the requisite vote is obtained, or in the case of an
inadvertent termination without the need for a vote. This power, coupled with an interest,
shall constitute an irrevocable proxy to vote stock, shall not expire on the death or incapacity
of the appointing Shareholder, and may not be revoked while this Agreement is in effect.
The parties agree to execute any further documentation that may be required to enforce the
terms of this Section.
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Section 10.1 Specific Performance
The parties declare that it is impossible to measure in money the damages that would accrue
to a party to this Agreement by reason of a failure to perform any of the obligations under
this Agreement. The Shares may not be readily purchased or sold on the open market, and
for that reason, among others, the parties will be irreparably damaged if this Agreement is
not specifically enforced. Should any dispute arise concerning the sale or disposition of
Shares, an injunction may be issued (without the necessity of posting bond) restraining any
sale or disposition pending the determination of the controversy. In the event of a
controversy concerning the right or obligation to purchase or sell any Shares, the right or
obligation shall be enforceable in a court of equity by a decree of specific performance. This
remedy shall, however, be cumulative and nonexclusive and shall be in addition to any other
remedies that the parties may have.
Section 10.2 Expenses of Litigation
In any arbitration or action at law or in equity to enforce any of the provisions or rights under
this Agreement, the unsuccessful party, as determined by the arbitrator or court in a final
judgment or decree, shall pay to the successful party or parties all costs, expenses and
reasonable attorneys’ fees incurred therein by such party or parties, including such costs,
expenses and fees as may be incurred on any appeal; and if such successful party or parties
shall recover judgment in any such action or proceeding, costs, expenses and attorneys’ fees
shall be included as a part of such judgment.
Section 10.3 Arbitration
Claims, disputes or other matters in question between the parties to this Agreement arising
out of or relating to this Agreement, the transactions contemplated by this Agreement, or
breach thereof shall be subject to mediation and, in the event no mediated resolution is
reached, then subject to arbitration by a single arbitrator in __________ [city and state] in
accordance with the Rules of the American Arbitration Association currently in effect. The
determination of the arbitrator shall include which party shall pay the cost of the arbitration
and shall be final, binding on the parties and non-appealable, and may be entered in any court
of competent jurisdiction to enforce it. The parties acknowledge, agree and stipulate that the
activities of the corporation and the actions contemplated by this Agreement include the use
of interstate mails, materials and commerce and thus involve interstate commerce, as that
term is defined in the Federal Arbitration Act, 9 U.S.C. section 1, et seq.
Section 10.4 Governing Law
This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the domestic laws of
the State of _____ without giving effect to any choice or conflict of law provision or rule
(whether of the State of _____ or any other jurisdiction) that would cause the application of
the laws of any jurisdiction other than the State of _________. Any litigation concerning this
Agreement shall be brought only in the ___________ Court of _______ County, _____,
CC 1767630v4 SAMPLE FORM
which court shall have the exclusive venue for and have exclusive jurisdiction over such
litigation. The parties hereby expressly consent to the jurisdiction and venue of said courts
and to service of process upon them regardless of where they may be located.
Section 10.5 Severability
If any portion of this Agreement is held to be invalid or unenforceable for any reason, it is
agreed that this invalidity or unenforceability shall not affect the other portions of this
Agreement, and that the remaining covenants, terms, and conditions or portions thereof shall
remain in full force and any arbitrator or court of competent jurisdiction may so modify the
objectionable provision as to make it valid, reasonable, and enforceable.
Section 11.1 Termination & Amendment
This Agreement shall terminate on the occurrence of any of the following events:
(i) Cessation of the Corporation’s business;
(ii) Bankruptcy, receivership, or dissolution of the Corporation;
(iii) Reduction in the number of Shareholders to one; or
(iv) The voluntary agreement of [all of the parties] or [Shareholders
owning a majority OR two-thirds OR 100% of the outstanding
Upon the termination of this Agreement, each Shareholder shall surrender to the Corporation
the certificates representing his stock, and the Corporation shall issue to him in lieu thereof
new certificates for an equal number of shares without the endorsement required by this
Any Shareholder who disposes of all of his or her Shares in accordance with the terms of this
Agreement shall be relieved of all obligations under this Agreement and shall no longer be a
party to this Agreement, except for any obligations or liabilities arising prior to such
disposition. On termination of this Agreement, the Corporation’s secretary shall, on tender
of the stock certificates, delete the legend endorsed on them pursuant to this Agreement.
In the event of the death of all of the Shareholders simultaneously or within a period of 30
days, [the obligations to purchase and sell under this Agreement shall be null and void] OR
[the Corporation shall not be obligated to purchase and the Shareholders and their estates
shall not be obligated to sell any Shares under this Agreement].
This Agreement may be amended or modified only by a written instrument executed by [all
of the parties to this Agreement] OR [Shareholders owning a majority or two-thirds of the
outstanding Shares].
CC 1767630v4 SAMPLE FORM
Section 11.2 Rights to Use Shareholder’s Name
The Corporation shall have the right to continue to use the name of ________ as part of the
Corporation’s name, regardless of whether _________ dies, ceases to be a shareholder, or
otherwise. Provided, however, if the Corporation is liquidated, its assets are assigned for the
benefit of creditors, [or there is a Material Transaction], then this right shall not continue to
any successor in interest.
Section 11.3 Spouses’ Interest
Any community property or other interest that a spouse might have in the Shares is subject to
the terms and conditions of this Agreement, and spouse shall have no right to participate in
management, including without limitation vote as a shareholder or attend shareholder
meetings, and shall have no rights or interest except through the Shareholder. Any right to
purchase Shares owned by an Shareholder shall include the right to purchase any interest in
any Shares the Shareholder’s spouse or former spouse might have. Each Shareholder, by
signing this Agreement, represents and warrants to the Corporation that he or she has
obtained the valid and legally binding consent of his or her spouse to this Agreement as
provided above and that such consent is effective to carry out these provisions, and agrees to
indemnify the Corporation from any expenses, damages, losses, claims, liability or adverse
affect which may result by reason of a spouse, deceased spouse, or divorced spouse having
any rights or interest in the Corporation other than through the Shareholder and in accordance
with this Agreement.
Section 11.4 Waiver of Conflict of Interest
The law firm of __________________ (the “Law Firm”) has represented the Corporation in
the preparation of this Agreement. Each of the Shareholders acknowledges that he or she:
(i) was advised in advance by the Law Firm that a conflict exists among their individual
interests, that this Agreement may have tax consequences, and that they are advised to secure
separate independent legal counsel in connection with signing and making this Agreement
and its effect upon each of them; (ii) has carefully read and understood the provisions of this
Agreement; (iii) has had the opportunity to seek the advice of independent legal counsel; (iv)
has had the opportunity to request such information and has received such information about
the Corporation and the other Shareholders as he or she requested; and (v) is signing and
making this Agreement voluntarily.
Section 11.5 Notice
Unless otherwise provided herein, all notices, requests, demands, and other communications
under this Agreement shall be in writing. Unless otherwise provided herein, notice shall be
deemed to have been duly given (i) on the date of service, if served personally, or by
facsimile or other electronic transmission with confirmation of successful transmission, on
the party to whom notice is to be given, (ii) within seven calendar days after mailing, if
mailed to the party to whom notice is to be given, by registered or certified mail, return
receipt requested, postage prepaid, and properly addressed, or (iii) within three calendar days
CC 1767630v4 SAMPLE FORM
after deposit with a delivery service, if sent to the party to whom notice is to be given by a
service guaranteeing overnight delivery, costs prepaid, and properly addressed:
(i) If to the Corporation, to _________, with a copy to ___________.
(ii) If to a Shareholder, to such party’s last known address as set forth in
the records of the Corporation.
or to any other address that any party may designate by written notice to the others.
Section 11.6 Waiver
The failure of any party at any time or times to require performance of any provision of this
Agreement shall in no manner affect the right to enforce that provision at a later time. No
waiver by any party of any breach of any term contained in this Agreement, whether by
conduct or otherwise, in any one or more instances, shall be deemed to be or construed as a
further or continuing waiver of any such breach or a waiver of any other term contained in
this Agreement.
Section 11.7 Binding Effect
This Agreement shall be binding upon the Shareholders, and their heirs, executors,
administrators or other legal representatives, irrespective of their desire to sell Shares, who
shall be bound to carry out the provisions of this Agreement and to sell and transfer the
certificates evidencing ownership of such Shares to the Corporation or to the Shareholders in
full compliance with the terms and provisions of this Agreement. This Agreement shall inure
to the benefit of the heirs, executors, administrators or other legal representatives of the
Shareholders and to the successors and assigns of the Corporation.
The Shareholders shall not make any agreement or contract with others that would tend to
amend, alter, rescind or abrogate the provisions of this Agreement, nor will they make any
will, deed of gift or other testamentary disposition in contravention of this Agreement. In the
event any Shareholder violates the terms of this Agreement, the Corporation shall have the
right to compel the holder or transferee to deliver such Shares in accordance with the
provisions of this Agreement.
Section 11.8 Documentary Stamps [Optional]
Whenever any stock is sold pursuant to this Agreement, the seller shall affix to the
certificates representing the stock any necessary state or federal documentary stamps.
Section 11.9 Entire Agreement
This Agreement (including the documents referred to herein) constitutes the entire agreement
among the parties hereto, and there are no agreements, understandings, restrictions,
warranties, or representations among the parties other than those set forth herein or herein
provided for. The foregoing supersedes all prior agreements and understandings, written or
CC 1767630v4 SAMPLE FORM
oral, to the extent they related in any way to the subject matter hereof. This Agreement shall
extend to and cover all Shares presently or subsequently held by any of the Shareholders.
Section 11.10 Assignment
Neither this Agreement nor any right created hereby shall be assignable by Shareholder
without the prior written consent of the Corporation. Nothing in this Agreement, expressed
or implied, is intended to confer upon any person, other than the parties hereto and their
successors, any rights or remedies under or by reason of this Agreement.
Section 11.11 Agreement is Not an Employment Contract
Nothing contained herein shall give any Shareholder the right to be retained in the employ of
Corporation or to interfere with the right of Corporation to discharge the Shareholder at any
time, nor shall it interfere with the Shareholder’s right to terminate his or her employment at
any time.
Section 11.12 Setoff
If at any time a Shareholder (in any capacity) is indebted or otherwise obligated to the
Corporation or any of its affiliates, the Corporation may setoff against and deduct from any
payments or other amounts due the Shareholder under this Agreement, or under any note
issued to that Shareholder, the amount of the indebtedness and other obligations due the
Corporation and/or any of its affiliates by such Shareholder, and any such setoff shall
discharge the Corporation’s obligations to the extent of the amount setoff. The existence and
amount of any such indebtedness or other obligations of the Shareholder shall be determined
by the Board.
Section 11.13 Construction
The parties have participated jointly in the negotiation and drafting of this Agreement. In the
event an ambiguity or question of intent or interpretation arises, this Agreement shall be
construed as if drafted jointly by the parties and no presumption or burden of proof shall arise
favoring or disfavoring any party by virtue of the authorship of any of the provisions of this
Agreement. Any reference to any federal, state, local, or foreign statute or law shall be
deemed also to refer to all rules and regulations promulgated thereunder, unless the context
requires otherwise. The word “including” shall mean including without limitation.
Whenever the masculine gender is used, it shall be deemed to include the feminine or neuter
gender as well and the singular shall include plural and vice versa, all as the contents shall
require. The headings contained in this Agreement are inserted for convenience only and
shall not affect in any way the meaning or interpretation of this Agreement.
Section 11.14 Performance of Necessary Acts
The Shareholders agree to perform any further acts and to execute and deliver any additional
documents which may be reasonably necessary to carry out the provisions of this Agreement.
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Section 11.15 Counterparts and Date of Execution
This Agreement may be executed in one or more counterparts, each of which shall be
deemed an original but all of which together will constitute one and the same instrument.
The date of this Agreement is intended as a date for the convenient identification of this
Agreement and is not intended to indicate that this Agreement was executed and delivered on
such date.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed and delivered this Agreement by their
duly authorized officers and representatives, to be effective as of the first date set forth
[add signature lines for the Corporation and current shareholders]
CC 1767630v4 SAMPLE FORM
I acknowledge that I have read the foregoing Shareholders Agreement and that I know its
contents. I am aware that by its provisions my spouse or I may be required to sell all of the
Shares of stock in the Corporation owned by us, including my community interest therein,
upon the occurrence of certain events, including but not limited to my spouse’s death,
termination of my spouse’s employment by the corporation or the dissolution of our
marriage. I hereby consent to all required sales of Shares pursuant to the Agreement,
approve the provisions of the Agreement, and agree that, if I predecease my spouse, I will not
bequeath any of such shares by my will or other instrument to any person other than my
spouse. I direct that the residuary clause in my will shall not be deemed to apply to my
community interest in such shares.
[add signature, date lines, and notary]
CC 1767630v4 SAMPLE FORM
Pursuant to Section ______ of the certain Shareholders Agreement (the “Agreement”)
by and between ________________ (the “Corporation”) and its Shareholders, the
[Shareholders/Directors] of the Corporation hereby appoint the individual or entity set forth
below as the appraiser for any shares of the Corporation which may hereafter become subject
to disposal pursuant to the terms of the Agreement for a period of [18/12] months from the
date hereof, or until such time as the [Shareholders/Directors] shall mutually agree to remove
him/it from such position.
Name of Appraiser: __________________________
Date: _____________________ _____________________________
Date: _____________________ _____________________________
Date: _____________________ _____________________________
CC 1767630v4 SAMPLE FORM
The undersigned do hereby certify that as of the date set forth below, the fair market value of
the issued and outstanding capital stock of _______________________ owned by the
shareholders is equal to the amount set forth opposite each shareholder’s name as follows:
Shareholder No. of Shares Fair Market Value Per Share
Shareholder A X $
Shareholder B X $
, President
, Individually
, Individually
CC 1767630v4 SAMPLE FORM
Whereas _____________________ (“Policyholder”) intends to purchase a policy on
the life of ___________ (“Employee”) in the face amount of $_____________ (“Policy”);
Whereas Employee is employed by _________________________ (“Company”);
Whereas Internal Revenue Code § 101 (j) (“Act”) treats the proceeds of certain
insurance policies on the life of employees as taxable income unless certain exclusions apply
and notice and consent requirements are followed;
Whereas if the Act applies to the Policy the parties believe that an exclusion applies
and wish to enter into this Notice & Consent to avoid taxable income on the proceeds.
Now therefore, on ___________, 2007, and prior to the date the Policy is issued, the
parties acknowledge, understand and agree as follows:
1. Employee is hereby given written notice that the Policyholder intends to
insure Employee’s life by purchasing the Policy.
2. The maximum face amount of the Policy is $________________.
3. The Policyholder will be the owner and beneficiary of the Policy.
4. Employee hereby gives advance written consent to being insured under the
Policy and to the continuation of the Policy after employment with the
Company terminates, regardless of the cause of the termination, and [after
Employee ceases to be a director, officer, or owner of the Company].
CC 1767630v4 SAMPLE FORM
The undersigned hereby acknowledges that he/she has read the Shareholders Agreement,
dated ________, 20___, (the “Agreement”) by and among __________ (the “Corporation”)
and its shareholders attached hereto as Exhibit A. By signing this Addendum, the
undersigned hereby agrees to adhere to and be bound by the terms and conditions set forth in
the Agreement as if an original signatory.
The parties have executed this Addendum on _____________, 20__.
, President
CC 1767630v4 SAMPLE FORM
[The terms of notes and security or pledge agreements can vary considerably under state
law; please use this form only as an example since other provision may be necessary for a
valid note or agreement under your state law. This form assumes the Corporation is
acquiring the Shareholder’s Shares.]
Date: $
FOR VALUE RECEIVED, the undersigned __________________ (“Obligor”) whose
primary residence is located at ___________________, promises to pay, without demand,
deduction, set-off or counterclaim, to the order of ________________ (“Holder”), the
principal sum of $__________.
Interest shall accrue on the outstanding principal balance of this Promissory Note and
Security Agreement (the “Note”) until paid in full at the rate of interest announced or
adopted by __________ Bank as its “prime rate” in effect on the first day of the month as to
amounts outstanding during that month. Principal and accrued interest thereon is due in ___
equal monthly installments.
Obligor may prepay this Note in whole or in part at any time without penalty. Any
prepayment of principal shall be applied to the principal payments due in the inverse order of
their installment maturities.
Obligor hereby grants to Holder a security interest in the Collateral described below to secure
the payment and performance of all existing or future obligations of any nature whatsoever of
Obligor to Holder, including, without limitation, all amounts owing under this Note.
“Collateral” means all of Obligor’s right, title and interest in and to the following property,
whether such property or Obligor’s right, title or interest therein or thereto is now owned or
existing or hereafter acquired or arising: ______________________, and all proceeds of each
of the foregoing. Obligor authorizes Holder to file one or more Uniform Commercial Code
financing statements describing the Collateral in any filing offices in any jurisdictions. The
foregoing security interest shall remain in effect until all obligations of Obligor to Holder
have been indefeasibly paid in full and Holder has no obligation to extend credit to or for the
benefit of Obligor.
Obligor represents and warrants to Holder that Obligor owns the Collateral free and clear of
any lien, claim or other encumbrance, except for Holder’s rights therein; and Obligor
covenants to Holder that Obligor will not sell or otherwise transfer, or grant or permit to exist
any security interest or other claim against, all or any part of the Collateral or any interest of
Obligor therein, except for rights granted to Holder with respect to the Collateral. Obligor
shall fully perform all of Obligor’s obligations under the Shareholder’s Agreement.
CC 1767630v4 SAMPLE FORM
If Obligor fails to pay any principal or interest due Holder, whether under this Note or
otherwise, or if Obligor defaults in the payment or performance of any of Obligor’s other
obligations due Holder and such default is not cured within five days after Holder gives
Obligor notice thereof, or if any bankruptcy or other insolvency proceeding is filed by or
against Obligor, or if Obligor makes any material misrepresentation to Holder regarding any
material fact (each of the foregoing being an “Event of Default
”), then at such time or at any
time thereafter Holder may, at its option, declare the outstanding principal balance of this
Note and all other obligations of Obligor to Holder to be immediately due and payable in
full, whereupon the same shall become and be due and payable at once without notice or
demand, and Holder may exercise all other rights and remedies available to Holder by
contract, at law or in equity, including, without limitation, Holder’s right to realize on the
Further, if an Event of Default is in effect, interest shall accrue on the unpaid principal
balance of this Note at a rate equal to three percent (3%) above the rate that would otherwise
So long as no Event of Default is in effect, Obligor shall be entitled (a) to exercise any and
all voting and other consensual rights pertaining to the Collateral or any part thereof for any
purpose not inconsistent with the terms of this Note, and (b) to receive and retain, free of any
security interest hereunder, all Collateral consisting of distributions (other than distributions
payable in stock of Holder or other securities). However, if any Event of Default is in effect,
all rights of Obligor to exercise the voting and other consensual rights which Obligor would
otherwise be entitled to exercise pursuant to this paragraph, and all rights of Obligor to
receive or retain any distributions in respect of the Collateral pursuant to this paragraph, shall
in each case cease, and all such rights shall thereupon become vested in Holder who shall
thereupon have the sole right to exercise such voting and other consensual rights and to
receive and retain such distributions, in Holder’s election, as additional security for or to be
applied against Obligor’s obligations to Holder.
The failure of Holder to exercise any option or any right to which Holder may be entitled
shall not constitute a waiver of the right to exercise the option or any right at any time
Obligor shall pay to Holder on demand all reasonable costs and expenses incurred by Holder,
including, without limitation, reasonable attorneys’ fees and expenses, to collect any amounts
due Holder under this Note and/or to otherwise protect or enforce Holder’s rights under this
Obligor waives presentment for payment, demand, protest and notice of demand, protest and
nonpayment, and consents to any and all renewals, extensions or modifications which may be
made by Holder as to the time of payment of this Note, from time to time, and further agrees
that any security for this Note or any portion of such security may be from time to time
modified or released in whole or in part without affecting the liability of any party liable for
the payment of this Note. Holder shall at all times have the right to proceed against any
obligor of, and any portion of any security for, this Note in any order and in any manner as
Holder may choose, and without waiving rights with respect to any other obligor or security,
CC 1767630v4 SAMPLE FORM
as the case may be. Obligor also waives any right to direct the application of any payments
or collateral proceeds received by Holder.
This Note shall be governed by the laws of the State of __________ without regard to any
conflict of law principles thereof which give effect to the laws of any other jurisdiction. If
any provision of this Note or application hereof to any person or circumstance which, for any
reason and to any extent, is invalid or unenforceable, neither the remainder of this Note nor
the application of such provision to any other person or circumstance shall be affected by it,
but rather the same shall be enforced to the fullest extent permitted by law. Any matters
hereunder which may be brought in a court of law shall be brought only in the ______ Court
of __________, and the Holder and Obligor hereto hereby irrevocably consent to personal
jurisdiction in _________ County, ________, and acknowledge the convenience and
propriety of the venue.
If the interest rate under this Note exceeds the maximum lawful interest rate at any time, then
the interest rate under this Note, for such period of time during which it exceeds the
maximum lawful rate, will be reduced to and will equal the maximum lawful rate at such
time. If Holder receives any interest payments in excess of the maximum amount permitted
by law, such excess will be applied to reduce the outstanding principal balance, whether then
due and payable or not, and any other amounts owing under this Note, and the balance
remaining, if any, will be returned to Obligor upon Obligor’s request. Obligor covenants to
Holder that the proceeds of this Note will be used only for business purposes, and that no
proceeds will be used for personal, family or household purposes. Obligor agrees that this
loan is a “business loan” within the meaning of, and that it is exempt from usury restrictions
under state law.
Obligor shall not move Obligor’s primary residence as indicated in the first paragraph of this
Note without giving Holder at least 30 days’ prior written notice of the address of Obligor’s
new primary residence.
[Option No. 1]
Obligor shall have at all times, whether before or after the occurrence of an Event of Default,
the right to retain and set-off against Obligor’s obligations to Holder any and all amounts due
Obligor from Holder by reason of Holder's interest in Obligor, whether for distributions of
dividends, profits or otherwise, or for any other reason.
[Option No. 2]
This Note is negotiable and may be assigned by Holder; and, in any event, Obligor agrees
that Obligor will not assert any deduction, set-off or counterclaim against any subsequent
holder or other assignee hereof who is not the original holder. [You may want the
Corporation to be able to raise defenses against a subsequent holder, such as due to
damages the Corporation may suffer because the former shareholder breached the
agreement or violated a non-compete and so therefore would want to use OPTION 1.]
The Holder’s right to receive payment of principal, interest and any other amounts owing
under this note is subordinated to the prior payment in full of any Senior Debt; provided,
CC 1767630v4 SAMPLE FORM
however, that the Holder shall be entitled to make, and the Obligor shall be entitled to accept
and retain, regularly scheduled payments of principal and interest due under this note until
such time as the Holder receives notice that the Obligor has defaulted in the payment or
performance of its obligations under the Senior Debt and that, as a result of such default, the
holder of the Senior Debt has elected to exercise its subordination rights under this note. If
requested to do so by the Obligor, the Holder agrees to execute and deliver such
subordination agreements and other documents as the Obligor or the holder of the Senior
Debt may request from time to time to further evidence the subordination terms set forth in
this Note; it being understood, however, that the subordination terms set forth in this Note are
self-operative and that no further consent or documentation shall be required as a condition to
the effectiveness of the subordination terms contained in this Note. “Senior Debt
” means, at
any time, any revolving credit, letter of credit and/or term loan indebtedness of the Obligor to
any bank or similar financial institution at such time, including, without limitation, all
principal, interest, fees, expenses and other amounts, if any, owing thereunder.
Until this Note with interest is paid in full, the Obligor shall not, without the prior written
consent of the Holder, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld: [Note-if a
shareholder is the Obligor, then these need to be adjusted to provide that that Obligor will
not cause the Corporation to do the following or make these events trigger acceleration of
the note.]
(a) Permit any form of distribution of assets of the Obligor to its shareholders
including, but without limitation thereto, the payment of dividends in stock or in cash.
(b) Increase any employee’s/shareholder’s compensation more than ____% per
annum or pay bonuses to such employees.
(c) Create, incur, or assume, any indebtedness or mortgage, pledge, grant or security
interest, encumbrance, lien, or charge of any kind in excess of $______ or any other defect in
title to or restriction upon the use of any of the Holder’s property or assets of any character,
whether owned at the date hereof or hereafter acquired.
(d) Lend or advance money, credit, or property to any person, or invest in (by capital
contribution or otherwise), or purchase or repurchase the stock or indebtedness, or all or a
substantial part of the assets or properties, of any person, or guarantee, assume, endorse, or
otherwise become responsible for (directly or indirectly or by any instrument having the
effect of assuring any person’s payment or performance) the indebtedness, performance,
obligations, stock, or dividends of any person, or agree to do any of the foregoing, or permit
or suffer any subsidiary to do so in an amount greater than $_____.
(e) Make any sale, transfer, assignment, conveyance, mortgage, pledge, encumbrance
or lien of the assets of the Obligor or any part thereof, except in the usual and ordinary course
of business.
(f) Amend the Bylaws or Certificate or Articles of Incorporation of the Corporation
or issue any additional shares of stock of any class for less than adequate and full
CC 1767630v4 SAMPLE FORM
(g) Merge or consolidate with any other corporation.
(h) The Holder has the right to accelerate the principal balance and all interest
accrued to date if there is a change in control in the Obligor.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned has executed and delivered this Note as of the
date first above written.
CC 1767630v4 SAMPLE FORM
This Guaranty is given as of _____________, 20___, by ___________________, (the
“___________”), in favor of ___________________, a ______________ (the “Lender”).
___________________, a ___________ (the “Borrower”), is or may hereafter be
indebted to the Lender pursuant to one or more credit facilities or other evidences of
indebtedness. The Guarantor has agreed to guarantee in favor of the Lender all existing and
future obligations of the Borrower to the Lender.
NOW, THEREFORE, to induce the Lender to extend credit to the Borrower from
time to time, and in recognition that the Lender would not extend credit to the Borrower [on
the terms and conditions set forth in _____________] but for, among other things, the
Guarantor’s promises hereunder, [and in recognition that the Guarantor reasonably
anticipates that the Guarantor will now or hereafter benefit, directly or indirectly, from the
Lender’s extension of credit to or for the benefit of the Borrower,] and for other good and
valuable consideration the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the
Guarantor agrees as follows:
(a) Guaranty. The Guarantor unconditionally guarantees the punctual payment and
performance when due, whether at stated maturity, by acceleration or otherwise, of all
indebtedness and all other obligations of the Borrower to the Lender, whether such
indebtedness or other obligations are monetary, nonmonetary, contractual, noncontractual,
direct, indirect, acquired, joint, several, joint and several, existing, future, contingent or
otherwise, and whether for principal, interest, fees, expenses, reimbursement obligations or
otherwise, and all replacements, renewals, consolidations, amendments and other
modifications of each of the foregoing (collectively, the “Obligations”). The Guarantor
further agrees to pay all reasonable fees and expenses (including, without limitation,
attorneys’ fees and expenses, whether or not litigation is commenced, and, if litigation is
commenced, during both the trial and any appellate phases of such litigation) incurred by or
on behalf of the Lender to protect or enforce any of the Lender’s rights under this Guaranty.
(b) Guaranty Absolute; Surety Waivers
. The Guarantor guarantees that the
Obligations will be paid strictly in accordance with the terms of such documents or
agreements as may be applicable thereto, regardless of any law, regulation or order now or
hereafter in effect in any jurisdiction affecting any of the terms or the rights of the Lender
with respect thereto. The liability of the Guarantor under this Guaranty shall be absolute and
unconditional irrespective of (a) any lack of validity or enforceability of any credit
agreement, promissory note, security agreement or other agreement or document evidencing,
securing or otherwise relating to any of the Obligations (collectively, the “Transaction
Documents”), (b) any change in the time, manner or place of payment of, or in any other
term of, all or any of the Obligations, or any other amendment or waiver of or any consent to
departure from any Transaction Document, (c) any exchange, release, non-perfection or other
impairment of any collateral or other security, any release of any person or entity (including,
without limitation, the Borrower and any other guarantor) liable in whole or in part, or any
CC 1767630v4 SAMPLE FORM
release or amendment or waiver of or consent to departure from any other guaranty, for all or
any of the Obligations, or (d) any other circumstance which constitutes a defense available
to, or a discharge of, the Borrower, a surety or a guarantor. This Guaranty shall continue to
be effective or be reinstated, as the case may be, if (a) at any time any payment of any of the
Obligations is rescinded or must otherwise be returned by the Lender upon the insolvency,
bankruptcy or reorganization of the Borrower or otherwise, all as though such payment had
not been made, or (b) this Guaranty is released in consideration of a payment of money or
transfer of property or grant of a security interest by the Guarantor or any other person or
entity and such payment, transfer or grant is rescinded or must otherwise be returned by the
Lender upon the insolvency, bankruptcy or reorganization of such person or entity or
otherwise, all as though such payment, transfer or grant had not been made.
(c) Waiver
. The Guarantor waives promptness, diligence, notice of acceptance and
any other notice with respect to any of the Obligations and this Guaranty and any
requirement that the Lender protect, secure, perfect or insure any security interest or lien or
any property subject thereto or exhaust any right or take any action against the Borrower or
any other person or entity (including, without limitation, any other guarantor) or any
collateral. The Guarantor waives any right of setoff the Guarantor may now or hereafter
have against the Lender as a defense to the payment or performance of the Guarantor’s
obligations under this Guaranty. If the Guarantor now or hereafter has any claim against the
Lender giving rise to any such right of setoff, the Guarantor agrees not to assert such claim as
a defense or right of setoff with respect to the Guarantor’s obligations under this Guaranty,
and to instead assert any such claim, if the Guarantor so elects to assert such claim, in a
separate proceeding against the Lender and not as a part of any proceeding, or as a defense to
any claim, initiated by the Lender to enforce any of the Lender’s rights under this Guaranty.
To the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, the Guarantor waives any right the
Guarantor may have at any time to terminate or limit the Guarantor’s liability under this
Guaranty. If, notwithstanding the foregoing waiver, the Guarantor is permitted by applicable
law or otherwise to terminate or limit the Guarantor’s liability under this Guaranty, then no
such termination or limitation shall be effective until the close of business on the business
day after the Lender’s actual receipt of written notice to such effect delivered by the
Guarantor to the Lender; nor shall any such termination or limitation be effective with
respect to (a) any Obligations outstanding on the effective date of such termination or
limitation (the “Guaranty Termination Date”), or (b) any Obligations arising after the
Guaranty Termination Date, to the extent the Lender is obligated to make the credit
extensions giving rise to such Obligations. Further, if any such Obligations represent
revolving credit indebtedness or the like and all or any portion of such indebtedness is
thereafter repaid and re-advanced, then, for purposes of this Guaranty, all such subsequent re-
advances shall be deemed outstanding on the Guaranty Termination Date and consequently
the Guarantor’s liability hereunder shall extend to such subsequent advances.
(d) Subrogation; Subordination
. The Guarantor will not exercise any right (whether
arising by contract, operation of law or otherwise) which the Guarantor has or may acquire
by way of subrogation (or any similar reimbursement right) under or in respect of this
Guaranty, by any payment made hereunder or otherwise, until all of the Obligations shall
have been paid indefeasibly paid in full and the Lender shall be under no duty to extend
credit to or for the benefit of the Borrower. If any amount shall be paid to the Guarantor on
CC 1767630v4 SAMPLE FORM
account of such subrogation (or any similar reimbursement) rights at any time when all of the
Obligations have not been indefeasibly paid in full or the Lender is under any duty to extend
credit to or for the benefit of the Borrower, such amount shall be held in trust for the sole
benefit of the Lender and shall forthwith be paid to the Lender to be applied to the
Obligations, whether matured or unmatured, in accordance with the terms of the applicable
Transaction Documents. Similarly, if and to the extent the Borrower is now or hereafter
obligated to pay any other obligations of any nature whatsoever to or for the benefit of the
Guarantor, such obligations due the Guarantor shall be subject, junior and subordinate to the
Borrower’s Obligations to the Lender, and the Guarantor shall not accept any payment in
respect thereof or commence or maintain any lawsuit or take any other action to collect or
enforce any such obligations due the Guarantor; provided, however, that, so long as the
Borrower is not in default in the payment, performance or observance of any of the
Obligations due the Lender, the Borrower may make, and the Guarantor may receive and
retain, regularly scheduled payments on account of such obligations and the Guarantor may
commence or maintain any lawsuit or take any other action to collect or enforce such
obligations due the Guarantor. Any payments or property received by the Guarantor in
violation of this Section shall be held by the Guarantor in trust for the sole benefit of the
Lender and shall be paid over to the Lender upon the Lender’s demand therefor.
(e) Amendments
. No amendment or waiver of any provision of this Guaranty nor
consent to any departure by the Guarantor therefrom shall be effective unless the same shall
be in writing and signed by the Lender and delivered to the Guarantor, and then such waiver
or consent shall be effective only in the specific instance and for the specific purpose for
which given.
(f) No Waiver; Remedies. No failure on the part of the Lender to exercise, and no
delay in exercising, any right hereunder shall operate as a waiver thereof; nor shall any single
or partial exercise of any right hereunder preclude any other or further exercise thereof or the
exercise of any other right. The remedies herein provided are cumulative and not exclusive
of any remedies provided by law or equity or otherwise.
(g) Right of Setoff
. After the occurrence and during the continuance of any default
by the Borrower or the Guarantor in the payment, performance or observance of any of their
respective obligations to the Lender, the Lender is hereby authorized at any time and from
time to time, to the fullest extent permitted by law, without notice to the Guarantor (any such
notice being expressly waived by the Guarantor), to setoff and apply any and all deposits
(general or special, time or demand, provisional or final) at any time held and other
indebtedness at any time owing by the Lender to or for the credit or the account of the
Guarantor against any and all of the obligations of the Guarantor now or hereafter existing
under this Guaranty, irrespective of whether or not the Lender shall have made any demand
under this Guaranty and although such obligations may be contingent and unmatured. The
Lender agrees to notify the Guarantor after any such setoff and application, provided that the
failure to give such notice shall not affect the validity of such setoff and application. The
rights of the Lender under this Section are in addition to other rights and remedies (including,
without limitation, other rights of setoff) which the Lender may have. [Delete this Section if
the Lender is not a bank or other depository institution.]
CC 1767630v4 SAMPLE FORM
(h) Continuing Guaranty; Transfer of Obligations
. This Guaranty is a continuing
guaranty and shall (a) remain in full force and effect until indefeasible payment in full of the
Obligations and all other amounts payable under this Guaranty and the termination of any
obligation of the Lender to extend credit to or for the benefit of the Borrower, (b) be binding
upon the Guarantor and the Guarantor’s personal representative, heirs, successors and
assigns, as the case may be, and (c) inure to the benefit of and be enforceable by the Lender
and the Lender’s personal representative, heirs, successors, assigns and transferees, as the
case may be. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing clause (c), the Lender may
assign or otherwise transfer any of the Transaction Documents, or any interest of the Lender
therein, to any other person or entity, and such other person or entity shall thereupon become
vested with all of the rights in respect thereof granted to the Lender herein or otherwise.
(i) Financial Information. So long as any Obligations are outstanding or the Lender
has any duty to extend credit to or for the benefit of the Borrower, the Guarantor promises to
furnish to the Lender the Guarantor’s annual federal income tax return reasonably promptly
after the filing thereof, and a signed personal financial statement, on the Lender’s standard
form therefor or such other form as may be reasonably acceptable to the Lender, within 30
days after the Lender’s request therefor.
(j) Limitation. Notwithstanding anything in this Guaranty to the contrary, the right
of recovery against the Guarantor under this Guaranty is limited to the extent it is judicially
determined with respect to the Guarantor that entering into this Guaranty would violate
Section 548 of the United States Bankruptcy Code or any comparable federal, state or other
laws relating to fraudulent transfers or the like, in which case the Guarantor shall be liable
under this Guaranty only for amounts aggregating up to the largest amount that would not
render the Guarantor’s obligations under this Guaranty subject to avoidance under Section
548 of the United States Bankruptcy Code or any such comparable laws. [Use if upstream
guaranty or similar fraudulent conveyance risk.]
(k) Governing Law. This Guaranty shall be governed by the laws of the State of
____________without regard to any choice of law rule thereof which gives effect to the laws
of any other jurisdictions.
(l) Consent to Forum
. As part of the consideration for new value this day received,
the Guarantor consents to the jurisdiction of any state or federal court located within
_________County, __________, and waives personal service of any and all process upon the
Guarantor and consents that all such service of process be made by certified or registered
mail directed to the Guarantor at ________________________ [the last known address of the
Guarantor as reflected in the Lender’s records], and service so made shall be deemed to be
completed upon delivery thereto. The Guarantor waives any objection to jurisdiction and
venue in any action instituted against the Guarantor as provided herein and agrees not to
assert any defense based on lack of jurisdiction or venue. The Guarantor further agrees not
to assert against the Lender (except by way of a defense or counterclaim in a proceeding
initiated by the Lender) any claim or other assertion of liability with respect to this Guaranty,
the Obligations, any of the Transaction Documents, the Lender’s actions or inactions in
respect of any of the foregoing or otherwise in any jurisdiction other than the foregoing
jurisdictions. Nothing in this Section shall affect the right of the Lender to serve legal
CC 1767630v4 SAMPLE FORM
process in any other manner permitted by law or affect the right of the Lender to bring any
action or proceeding against the Guarantor in the courts of any other jurisdictions or limit the
right of the Lender to exercise any non-judicial remedies available to the Lender.
(m) Jury Trial Waiver. To the fullest extent permitted by law, and as separately
bargained-for consideration to the Lender, the Guarantor waives any right to trial by jury
(which the Lender also waives) in any action, suit, proceeding or counterclaim of any kind
arising out of or otherwise relating to this Guaranty.
(n) Miscellaneous
. This Guaranty may be validly executed and delivered by fax or
other electronic transmission and in one or more counterpart signature pages. This Guaranty
shall be construed without presumption for or against the drafter of all or any part hereof. If
any provision of this Guaranty is unlawful, then such provision shall be void but the
remainder of this Guaranty will remain in effect and be binding on the parties in accordance
with its terms. Section headings are for convenience of reference only and shall not limit the
scope of any Section. All factual recitals and other matters set forth in the Preliminary
Statements to this Guaranty shall constitute a part of this Guaranty.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Guarantor has executed and delivered this Guaranty
as of the date first above written.
Name of Guarantor
CC 1767630v4 SAMPLE FORM
THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into on __________, 20____, by and among
NAME OF CORPORATION, a __________corporation with its principal place of business
located in, ______________ (hereinafter referred to as “Corporation”), _______________
(hereinafter referred to as “Selling Shareholder”), ________________ (hereinafter referred
to as “Purchasing Shareholder”), and NAME OF ESCROW AGENT, located in the City of
__________, County of _________, State of __________ (hereinafter referred to as “Escrow
a. Purposes.
(i) Purchasing Shareholder (or Corporation) is indebted to Selling
Shareholder (or Selling Shareholder’s estate) in accordance with the
terms of a Promissory Note of even date herewith (the “Note”), a copy
of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof as Exhibit “A”.
(ii) The Note was executed by Purchasing Shareholder (or Corporation)
pursuant to a certain Shareholders Agreement, by and among the
Corporation and its shareholders, dated ______________, 2005
(attached hereto as Exhibit “B”).
(iii) To secure payment of the Note to Selling Shareholder (or Selling
Shareholder’s estate) and any other obligations of Purchasing
Shareholder (or Corporation) to Selling Shareholder (or Shareholder’s
estate) pursuant to the Agreement, Purchasing Shareholder (or
Corporation) has agreed to pledge all of the shares of Corporation
owned by Purchasing Shareholder (or Corporation), together with
executed assignments.
b. Escrow Agent.
The parties hereto hereby appoint and designate NAME OF ESCROW AGENT, as the
Escrow Agent under this Agreement, and NAME OF ESCROW AGENT, hereby accepts its
designation as Escrow Agent hereunder.
c. Deposit of Escrow Shares.
Purchasing Shareholder (or Corporation) hereby pledges and deposits with the Escrow Agent
for the benefit of Selling Shareholder or Selling Shareholder’s Estate, and the Escrow Agent
hereby acknowledges receipt of negotiable stock certificates, endorsed in blank, being
_________________ (_______) shares of the capital stock of the Corporation (“Escrow
CC 1767630v4 SAMPLE FORM
d. Delivery.
The Escrow Agent will hold the Escrow Shares in its possession until authorized hereunder
to deliver same upon the happening of the following events:
(i) Upon Purchasing Shareholder (or Corporation) making all the
payments provided for under the Note executed by Purchasing
Shareholder (or Corporation), the Escrow Agent will deliver the
Escrow Shares to Purchasing Shareholder (or Corporation), duly
endorsed for transfer and free and clear of any security interest of
Selling Shareholder or Selling Shareholder’s Estate therein. As
evidence of such payments, the Escrow Agent may, but shall not be
required, to rely conclusively upon either (i) a written notification to
such effect by Selling Shareholder or Selling Shareholder’s Estate, or
(ii) the exhibition by Purchasing Shareholder (or Corporation) of
canceled checks or written receipts evidencing full payment of the
amounts due. The parties acknowledge that no periodic distribution of
the stock to Purchasing Shareholder (or Corporation) is intended.
(ii) Upon the occurrence of any of the events of default listed below,
Selling Shareholder or Selling Shareholder’s Estate shall deliver to the
Escrow Agent, within ten (10) days after any such default, a written
notice indicating the nature of such default (“Default Notice”) which
shall contain (i) an affidavit, sworn to by such representative, stating
that Purchasing Shareholder (or Corporation) has defaulted, with
specific reference to the date or dates of default; and (ii) direction to
the Escrow Agent to sell all or whatever portion of the Escrow Shares
as is necessary and required in order to satisfy the unpaid principal
amount, together with accrued interest to the date of payment, if any,
due under the Note.
(iii) Upon receipt by the Escrow Agent of the Default Notice, the Escrow
Agent shall forthwith notify Purchasing Shareholder (or Corporation)
of such receipt. If Purchasing Shareholder (or Corporation) claims
that no such default has occurred and the event of default set forth in
the Default Notice is the nonpayment of amounts due under the Note,
Purchasing Shareholder (or Corporation) must, within ten (10) days
after receipt of such notice from the Escrow Agent, exhibit to the
Escrow Agent canceled checks or written receipts evidencing payment
of such alleged defaulted payments. If no controverting affidavit or
other evidence of payment is received by Escrow Agent from
Purchasing Shareholder (or Corporation) within such ten (10) day
period and if Selling Shareholder or Selling Shareholder’s Estate has
complied with all the requirements of _______ above, the Escrow
Agent shall sell all or whatever portion of Escrow Shares in
accordance with and pursuant to the direction given by such legal
representative in his Default Notice to Escrow Agent. If the event of
CC 1767630v4 SAMPLE FORM
default set forth in the Default Notice is a default other than the
nonpayment of amounts due under the Note, Purchasing Shareholder
(or Corporation) shall, within the same ten (10) day period set forth
above, exhibit to the Escrow Agent evidence or an affidavit
controverting the allegation of default.
(iv) Upon the Escrow Agent being directed by Selling Shareholder or his
legal representative to sell all or any portion of the Escrow Shares
pursuant to the terms of this Paragraph, Purchasing Shareholder (or
Corporation) hereby agrees to execute and deliver any and all
documents that the Escrow Agent may request in order to empower it
to take possession of and to sell such shares. Upon receiving these
documents, the Escrow Agent shall undertake with all due deliberate
speed to sell all or a portion of the Escrow Shares at a public or private
sale or sales, pursuant to the provisions of the _______ Uniform
Commercial Code then in effect. After paying the expenses of the sale
or sales, the Escrow Agent shall apply the proceeds of the sale or sales
to the payment of the unpaid principal balance due under the Note,
together with all interest accrued thereon to date of the payment. If
such proceeds are sufficient to fully discharge and satisfy the Note,
any excess sales proceeds shall be delivered to Purchasing Shareholder
(or Corporation). If all of the Escrow Shares have been sold by the
Escrow Agent and the proceeds from the sales are insufficient to fully
pay the principal amount and the accrued interest due under the Note,
Purchasing Shareholder (or Corporation) shall remain liable to Selling
Shareholder or Selling Shareholder’s Estate for any unpaid sum
remaining due under the Note.
e. Events of Default.
Upon the occurrence of any of the events listed below, Selling Shareholder or Selling
Shareholder’s Estate shall be entitled to exercise all of the rights set forth above:
(i) Purchasing Shareholder’s (or Corporation’s) failure to make timely
payments of any amounts due under the Note.
(ii) The sale or other transfer of more than fifty percent (50%) of the assets
or the capital common stock of the Corporation.
(iii) The insolvency of Corporation, or the inability of Corporation to pay
its debts as they mature, the appointment of a receiver of its assets, or
the institution of any voluntary or involuntary proceeding under any
bankruptcy or insolvency law relating to debtors for the readjustment
or relief of any indebtedness of the Corporation, whether as a
reorganization, composition, extension or otherwise.
CC 1767630v4 SAMPLE FORM
(iv) Purchasing Shareholder’s (or Corporation’s) failure to observe or
perform any obligation, covenant, term or provision, required to be
observed or performed by Purchasing Shareholder (or Corporation)
when, and in the manner required, pursuant to the Note or the Cross
Purchase, Redemption and Restrictive Sale Agreement.
(v) The liquidation, dissolution or merger of the Corporation.
f. Shareholder Rights.
During the term of this Agreement, Purchasing Shareholder (or Corporation) shall be the
beneficial owner of and exercise and enjoy all rights and incidents of ownership with respect
to the respective Escrow Shares, including the right to vote such shares, until the Escrow
Agent and Purchasing Shareholder (or Corporation) shall have received a notice of default
from Selling Shareholder or Selling Shareholder’s Estate directing the Escrow Agent to
deliver the Escrow Shares to such legal representative.
g. Escrow Expenses.
The Escrow Agent hereby waives all fees for its services under this Escrow Agreement.
Purchasing Shareholder (or Corporation) and Selling Shareholder or Selling Shareholder’s
Estate agrees to reimburse the Escrow Agent for all reasonable expenses, disbursements and
advances incurred or made by the Escrow Agent in performance of its duties hereunder
(including reasonable fees, expenses and disbursements of its counsel).
h. Resignation of Escrow Agent.
The Escrow Agent may resign as such at any time by giving written notice thereof to
Purchasing Shareholder (or Corporation) and Selling Shareholder or his legal representative.
Upon such notice, a successor Escrow Agent shall be appointed upon unanimous consent of
the parties. If the parties are unable to agree upon a successor Escrow Agent within thirty
(30) days after such notice, the Escrow Agent shall designate any bank or trust company in
________State as its successor. In the event any such designee fails to accept such
appointment, the Escrow Agent shall be entitled to appoint its successor. The Escrow Agent
shall continue to serve until its successor accepts the escrow and receives the Escrow Shares.
The parties shall have the right at any time upon unanimous consent to substitute a new
Escrow Agent by giving written notice thereof to the Escrow Agent then acting.
i. Liability of Escrow Agent.
The Escrow Agent shall be obligated only for the performance of such duties as are
specifically set forth herein and may rely and shall be protected in acting or refraining from
action on any instrument or signature believed by it to be genuine and to have been signed or
presented by the proper party or parties duly authorized to do so. The Escrow Agent shall
have no responsibility for the contents of any writing contemplated herein and may rely
without liability upon the contents thereof. The Escrow Agent shall not be liable for any
obligation taken or omitted by it in good faith and believed by it to be authorized hereby, nor
for action taken or omitted by it in accordance with advice of counsel, and shall not be liable
CC 1767630v4 SAMPLE FORM
for any mistake of fact or error of judgment or for any acts or omissions of any kind unless
caused by willful misconduct or gross negligence. Each party agrees to indemnify the
Escrow Agent and hold it harmless against any and all liabilities incurred by it hereunder as a
consequence of such party’s action, and the parties agree jointly to indemnify the Escrow
Agent and hold it harmless against any and all liabilities incurred by it hereunder which are
not a consequence of any party’s action, except in either case for the Escrow Agent’s own
willful misconduct or gross negligence.
j. Dispute.
It is understood and agreed that if any dispute arises with respect to the delivery and/or
ownership or right of possession of the Escrow Shares, or the facts upon which such
determinations are based, or the duties of the Escrow Agent hereunder, the Escrow Agent, at
its sole option, is authorized and directed to elect to either:
(i) retain in its possession, without liability to anyone, all or any part of
the Escrow Shares until such dispute shall have been settled, either by
mutual agreement of the parties concerned (evidenced by appropriate
instructions in writing to the Escrow Agent, signed by all of the
parties) or by binding arbitration, or by a final order, decree, or
judgment of a court of competent jurisdiction in the State of ________
(the time for appeal having expired and no appeal having been
perfected), all costs and expenses of which shall be paid by the parties,
but the Escrow Agent shall be under no duty whatsoever to institute or
defend any such proceedings; or
(ii) commence an action in the nature of an interpleader and seek to
deposit the Escrow Shares in the Supreme Court, County of
__________, State of _______, or the county in which the Corporation
maintains a principal place of business, and the remaining parties
hereto shall be thereupon permitted to pursue their remedies and
claims, and resolve their disputes, in such court.
k. Miscellaneous.
Any notice or other communication required to be given under this Agreement shall be given
in writing and delivered personally or by certified or registered mail, return receipt requested,
to the last known address of the party to whom it is directed. Notice shall be deemed given if
personally served, on the date of its actual receipt, and, if given by certified or registered
mail, on the date of its mailing. This Agreement shall be binding upon and shall inure to the
benefit of the legal representatives, heirs, assigns and successors of the respective parties.
This Agreement may not be altered or modified without the express written consent of the
parties. This Agreement shall be governed under the laws of the State of _______.
The foregoing is established by the following signatures of the parties.
CC 1767630v4 SAMPLE FORM
, President
(Selling Shareholder)
(Purchasing Shareholder)
CC 1767630v4 SAMPLE FORM
THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into this ____ day of ______________,
20___, by and among ___________________________________, a ___________________
(the “Corporation”), _____________________________,
____________________________, __________________ (each, a “Shareholder” and
collectively, the “Shareholders”) and __________________________________ (hereinafter
referred to as “Escrow Agent”).
W I T N E S S E T H :
WHEREAS, the Shareholders are the owners of all of the shares of the Corporation
(the “Shares”); and
WHEREAS, the Corporation and the Shareholders have entered into a certain Cross
Purchase, Redemption and Restrictive Sale Agreement dated ________________, 20____
(the “Agreement”), pursuant to which the Shareholders and the Corporation may purchase
and maintain policies of life insurance and disability buy-out insurance on the life of the
other Shareholders (the “Policies”); and
WHEREAS, the parties have agreed that the Policies will be placed in escrow and
held by the Escrow Agent pursuant to the terms and conditions set forth herein to ensure
prompt and orderly payment of the proceeds of the Policies; and
WHEREAS, upon the occurrence of certain events (each, a “Triggering Event”) with
respect to a shareholder (the “Selling Shareholder”), certain of the remaining Shareholders
(the “Purchasing Shareholders”) may purchase the Shares of the Corporation held by the
Selling Shareholder at the time of the Triggering Event (the “Purchased Shares”); and
WHEREAS, if the Purchased Shares are purchased by the Purchasing Shareholders
on a deferred basis (a “Pledged Shares Transaction”), the Purchasing Shareholders may be
obligated to pledge the Purchased Shares to the Selling Shareholder as security for the
satisfaction of the obligations of the Purchasing Shareholders under the Pledged Shares
Transaction (the “Deferred Obligations”) pursuant to the terms hereof.
NOW, THEREFORE, the parties hereto agree as follows:
1. Authority
. Any Policies obtained pursuant to Paragraph “___” of the
Agreement shall be set forth on Exhibit “A” attached hereto and made a part hereof. The
Policies shall be held by the Escrow Agent as security for performance under the Agreement
by the Shareholders. The Escrow Agent shall be a nominee for the Shareholders and named
the beneficiary of the Policies. The Escrow Agent shall not, however, have any beneficial or
proprietary interest in the Policies or the proceeds thereof. Except as otherwise provided
herein, the Escrow Agent is hereby authorized to hold the Policies in escrow in accordance
with the terms set forth herein, until the occurrence of a Shareholder’s death or Total and
Permanent Disability (as defined in the Agreement).
CC 1767630v4 SAMPLE FORM
2. Death/Disability
. In the event of a Shareholder’s death or Total and
Permanent Disability, the Escrow Agent shall collect any insurance proceeds as soon as
practicable pursuant to Paragraph “____” of the Agreement. Upon collection of the
proceeds, the Escrow Agent shall deliver the proceeds to the disabled Shareholder or the
legal representative of the estate of the deceased Shareholder pursuant to Paragraph “____”
of the Agreement up to but not in excess of the Purchase Price under the terms of the
Agreement. The Escrow Agent shall deliver to the remaining Shareholders or the
Corporation, as the case may be, any remaining proceeds in excess of the Purchase Price.
The Escrow Agent shall deliver to the legal representative of the deceased Shareholder the
Policy owned by the deceased Shareholder or the Corporation, as the case may be, on the
remaining Shareholder, together with duly executed assignments transferring all incidents of
ownership in the Policies to the deceased Shareholder’s estate.
3. Termination of Agreement. If the Agreement is terminated for any reason
other than a Shareholder’s death or Total and Permanent Disability, this Escrow Agreement
shall terminate immediately and the Escrow Agent shall transfer each Policy held in escrow
together with duly executed assignments to the owner of the Policy, and shall deliver any
unencumbered shares to their owner.
4. Deposit of Shares. The Shareholders hereby pledge and deposit all of such
Shareholder’s shares with the Escrow Agent for the benefit of any Selling Shareholder or
Selling Shareholder’s Estate in the event of a Pledged Shares Transaction involving such
Shareholder. The Escrow Agent hereby acknowledges receipt of negotiable stock
certificates, endorsed in blank, being all of the Shares of the Corporation in which each
Shareholder has any ownership rights.
5. Delivery. The Escrow Agent will hold the Shares in its possession so that the
shares can be transferred as appropriate, and held as pledged shares in the event there is a
Pledged Share Transaction. In the event that there is a transfer of Shares pursuant to a
Pledged Shares Transaction (the “Purchased Shares”), the Selling Shareholder and the
Purchasing Shareholders shall jointly notify the Escrow Agent. The Escrow Agent shall
cause the Purchased Shares to be re-titled in the name of the Purchasing Shareholders. In the
event that the transaction is a Pledged Shares Transaction, the Purchased Shares shall be
deemed pledged to the Selling Shareholder or the Selling Shareholder’s estate as security for
the payment of the Deferred Obligations. The Escrow Agent shall hold the Purchased Shares
in Escrow and shall not release the encumbrance of the pledge until the happening of the
following events:
(a) Upon Purchasing Shareholders satisfying in full Deferred Obligations.
As evidence of such satisfaction, the Escrow Agent may, but shall not be required, to rely
conclusively upon either (i) a written notification to such effect by Selling Shareholder or
Selling Shareholder’s Estate, or (ii) the exhibition by Purchasing Shareholders of canceled
checks or written receipts evidencing full payment of the amounts due. The parties
acknowledge that no periodic release of the encumbrance of the pledge to Purchasing
Shareholders is intended.
CC 1767630v4 SAMPLE FORM
(b) Upon the occurrence of any default beyond applicable notice and grace
periods under the Deferred Obligations, Selling Shareholder or Selling Shareholder’s Estate
shall deliver to the Escrow Agent, within ten (10) days after any such default, a written notice
indicating the nature of such default (“Default Notice”) which shall contain (i) an affidavit,
sworn to by such representative, stating that Purchasing Shareholders have defaulted, with
specific reference to the date or dates of default; and (ii) direction to the Escrow Agent to sell
all or whatever portion of the Pledged Shares as is necessary and required in order to satisfy
the unpaid principal amount, together with accrued interest to the date of payment, if any,
due pursuant to the Deferred Obligations.
(c) Upon receipt by the Escrow Agent of the Default Notice, the Escrow
Agent shall forthwith notify Purchasing Shareholders of such receipt. If Purchasing
Shareholders claim that no such default has occurred and the default set forth in the Default
Notice is the nonpayment of amounts due, Purchasing Shareholders must, within ten (10)
days after receipt of such notice from the Escrow Agent, exhibit to the Escrow Agent
canceled checks or written receipts evidencing payment of such alleged defaulted payments.
If no controverting affidavit or other evidence of payment is received by Escrow Agent from
Purchasing Shareholders within such ten (10) day period and if Selling Shareholder or
Selling Shareholder’s Estate has complied with all the requirements of subparagraph “(b)”
above, the Escrow Agent shall sell all or whatever portion of Purchased Shares in accordance
with and pursuant to the Uniform Commercial Code of the State of _______________. If the
event of default set forth in the Default Notice is a default other than the nonpayment of
amounts due, Purchasing Shareholders shall, within the same ten (10) day period set forth
above, exhibit to the Escrow Agent evidence or an affidavit controverting the allegation of
(d) Upon the Escrow Agent being directed by Selling Shareholder or
Selling Shareholder’s legal representative to sell all or any portion of the Purchased Shares
pursuant to the terms of this Paragraph “5”, Purchasing Shareholders hereby grant the
Escrow Agent the necessary power of attorney to empower it to transfer such shares pursuant
to the terms hereof. After paying the expenses of the sale or sales, the Escrow Agent shall
apply the proceeds of the sale or sales to the payment of the unpaid principal balance due
pursuant to the Deferred Obligations, together with all interest accrued thereon to date of the
payment. If such proceeds are sufficient to fully discharge and satisfy the Deferred
Obligations, any excess sales proceeds shall be delivered to Purchasing Shareholders.
If all of the Purchased Shares have been sold by the Escrow Agent and the
proceeds from the sales are insufficient to fully satisfy the Deferred Obligations, Purchasing
Shareholders shall remain liable to Selling Shareholder or Selling Shareholder’s Estate for
any unpaid amounts due.
6. Shareholder Rights
. During the term of this Agreement, the Shareholders
shall be the beneficial owners of and exercise and enjoy all rights and incidents of ownership
with respect to the respective Shares titled in their names, including the right to vote such
CC 1767630v4 SAMPLE FORM
7. Escrow Expenses
. The Escrow Agent hereby waives all fees for its services
under this Escrow Agreement. All of the Shareholders agree to jointly and severally be
responsible to reimburse the Escrow Agent for all reasonable expenses, disbursements and
advances incurred or made by the Escrow Agent in performance of its duties hereunder with
respect to the Policies (including reasonable fees, expenses and disbursements of its counsel).
Purchasing Shareholders and Selling Shareholder or Selling Shareholder’s Estate agrees to
reimburse the Escrow Agent for all reasonable expenses, disbursements and advances
incurred or made by the Escrow Agent in performance of its duties hereunder with respect to
any Pledged Shares Transaction (including reasonable fees, expenses and disbursements of
its counsel).
8. Resignation of Escrow Agent. The Escrow Agent may resign as such at any
time by giving written notice thereof to the Shareholders. Upon such notice, a successor
Escrow Agent shall be appointed upon unanimous consent of the parties. If the parties are
unable to agree upon a successor Escrow Agent within thirty (30) days after such notice, the
Escrow Agent shall designate any bank or trust company in the State of ________________
as its successor. In the event any such designee fails to accept such appointment, the Escrow
Agent shall be entitled to appoint its successor. The parties shall have the right at any time
upon unanimous consent to substitute a new Escrow Agent by giving written notice thereof
to the Escrow Agent then acting.
9. Disputes. It is understood and agreed that if any dispute arises with respect to
the delivery and/or ownership or right of possession of the Policies or the Escrowed
Insurance Proceeds or the Shares, or the facts upon which such determinations are based, or
the duties of the Escrow Agent hereunder, the Escrow Agent, at its sole option, is authorized
and directed to elect to either:
(a) retain in its possession, without liability to anyone, the Policies, all or
any part of the Escrowed Insurance Proceeds and/or the Shares until such dispute shall have
been settled, either by mutual agreement of the parties concerned (evidenced by appropriate
instructions in writing to the Escrow Agent, signed by all of the parties) or by binding
arbitration, or by a final order, decree, or judgment of a court of competent jurisdiction in the
State of _________________ (the time for appeal having expired and no appeal having been
perfected), all costs and expenses of which shall be paid by the parties, but the Escrow Agent
shall be under no duty whatsoever to institute or defend any such proceedings; or
(b) commence an action in the nature of an interpleader and seek to
deposit the Policies, the Escrowed Insurance Proceeds and/or the Shares in a court of
competent jurisdiction in the State of _______________________, and the parties hereto
shall be permitted to pursue their remedies and claims, and resolve their disputes, in such
10. Limitation on Liability of Escrow Agent. The Escrow Agent shall be
obligated only for the performance of such duties as are specifically set forth herein and may
rely upon and shall be protected in acting or refraining from action on any instrument or
signature believed by him to be genuine and to have been signed or presented by the proper
party or parties duly authorized to do so. The Escrow Agent shall have no responsibility for
CC 1767630v4 SAMPLE FORM
the contents of any writing contemplated herein and may rely without liability upon the
contents hereof. The Escrow Agent shall not be liable for any obligation taken or omitted by
it in good faith and believed by it to be authorized hereby, nor for action taken or omitted by
it in accordance with advice of counsel, and shall not be liable for any mistake of fact or error
of judgment or for any acts or omissions of any kind unless caused by willful misconduct or
gross negligence. Each party agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Escrow Agent
against any and all liabilities incurred by it hereunder as a consequence of such party’s
action, and the parties agree jointly and severally to indemnify the Escrow Agent and hold
him harmless against any and all liabilities incurred by him hereunder, including in either
case reasonable attorneys’ fees, except in either case for the Escrow Agent’s own willful
misconduct or gross negligence.
11. Notices
. Any notice or other communication required to be given under this
Agreement shall be given in writing and delivered personally or by certified or registered
mail, return receipt requested, to the last known address of the party to whom it is directed.
Notice shall be deemed given if personally served, on the date of its actual receipt, and, if
given by certified or registered mail, on the date of its mailing.
12. Benefit. This Agreement shall be binding upon and shall inure to the benefit
of the legal representatives, heirs, assigns and successors of the respective parties.
13. Modification. This Agreement may not be altered or modified without the
express written consent of the parties.
14. Governing Law. This Agreement shall be governed under the laws of the
State of _______________.
The foregoing is established by the following signatures of the parties.
By: ______________________________________
CC 1767630v4 SAMPLE FORM
Different Classes of Stock with Rights to Elect Directors
. The Corporation is authorized to
issue three classes of common stock, to be known as Class A Common, Class B Common
and Class C Common. One Thousand (1000) Shares of stock shall be authorized for each
class. The rights, preferences and limitations of each class of common stock shall be
identical in all respects except that the holders of the Class A Common shall have the right to
elect one director, and the holders of the Class B Common shall have the right to elect two
directors and the holders of the Class C Common stock shall have the right to elect two
Different Classes of Stock – Voting and Non-Voting
. The Corporation is authorized to issue
two classes of common stock, to be known as Class A Voting Common and Class B Non-
Voting Common. One Thousand (1000) Shares of stock are authorized for each class. The
Class A and Class B shares shall have equal dividend rights and liquidation preferences but,
except as otherwise provided by law, only the Class A shares shall be entitled to vote on
action required or permitted by law to be approved by shareholders.
CC 1767630v4 SAMPLE FORM
If an offer is made for any interest in any shares by or to any person, or by or to any member
of a group which acts in concert, and if as a result of such offer the offering person or group
would end up with more than 50% ownership of, or more than 50% of the voting rights in,
common shares or preferred shares:
Unless and until an offer (i) at not less than the highest consideration paid for any of such
shares of the same class; and (ii) upon the best terms and conditions as pertain to the
acquisition of any of such shares of the same class, is made by the offering person or group
for all the shares (of the class or classes of stock involved) of all Shareholders who are
descendants of ___________________ (by bloodline or adoption where the adoptee was less
than 14 years old when legally adopted by a bloodline descendant of _______________) and
who are not involved in making or receiving such offer,
The offering person or group shall not be entitled to vote (whether in person or by proxy) for
any purpose whatsoever any interest in any shares acquired as a result of such offer, and shall
likewise not be entitled to vote for any purpose whatsoever any interest in shares already
owned by such offering person or group; and further, such offering person or group shall not
be entitled to receive any dividends of any kind.
CC 1767630v4 SAMPLE FORM
It is my overriding intent that each trust hereunder be permitted under IRC §1361(c)(2) to be
a shareholder of an S Corporation (within the meaning of IRC §1361(a)(1)) if the trust
acquires stock in an S Corporation or owns stock in a corporation that desires to make an
election to become an S Corporation. Therefore, the following provisions shall apply to such
trust unless all of the trust is treated under IRC subpart E of part I of subchapter J of chapter
1 of subtitle A as owned by an individual who is a citizen or resident of the United States
(and thus is permitted to be a shareholder of an S Corporation under IRC §1361(c)(2)(A)(i)).
A trust described in the preceding sentence as owned by an individual who is a citizen or
resident of the United States is referred to herein as a “grantor trust”. These provisions shall
apply irrespective of the manner of acquiring the stock, including, but not limited to,
acquisition through allocation of stock to the trust, the purchase of stock by the trust, or the
election to become an S Corporation by a corporation whose stock is already held by the
trust, all of which are described herein as an acquisition.
Qualified Subchapter S Trust. If any trust is entitled to acquire stock in an S Corporation and
the trust is not a grantor trust, said stock shall be set aside as a separate and independent
share for the beneficiary of the trust to whom current distributions of income may be made.
The Trustee shall pay the entire net income from said separate and independent share to or
for the benefit of the beneficiary in installments convenient to the beneficiary, but at least
annually during the continuation of the trust. All other provisions of the trust shall apply to
said separate and independent share. It is my overriding intent that the Trustee adopt, agree
to, or acquiesce in such construction as is necessary for such separate and independent share
to be eligible for treatment as a Qualified Subchapter S Trust within the meaning of IRC
Electing Small Business Trust. If (i) any trust is entitled to acquire stock in an S
Corporation, (ii) the trust is not a grantor trust, and (iii) the income beneficiary of the trust (or
the income beneficiary’s legal representative) does not properly elect under IRC §1361(d)(2)
with respect to the corporation concurrently with the acquisition of the stock, then the
Trustee shall elect under IRC §1361(e)(3) to be an electing small business trust concurrently
with the acquisition of the stock. Upon making the election to be an electing small business
trust, the stock shall cease to be held as a separate and independent share for the beneficiary
of the trust.
CC 1767630v4 SAMPLE FORM
Agreement made by and between ____________ (“Shareholder”) and _____________, a
__________ corporation (“Corporation”).
WHEREAS, the Shareholder’s receipt of the stock in the Corporation (“Stock”) was
conditioned on the Shareholder’s payment of various expenses and taxes, including the death
taxes (including any interest on those taxes), funeral expenses, and administration expenses
referred to in IRC §303(a)(1) and (2) relating to the estate of ___________ (“Decedent”); and
WHEREAS, the Shareholder desires to sell and the Corporation desires to purchase a portion
of the Stock so received to provide funds to the Shareholder from which the Shareholder will
pay the taxes and expenses;
NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants herein contained, it is agreed
as follows:
The Corporation agrees to buy for cash any Stock tendered to it upon at least 10 days
advance notice by the Shareholder at the price per share of the stock used in computing the
federal estate tax payable by the Decedent’s estate as finally determined after any audit and
any litigation relating to that tax for federal estate tax purposes.
The number of shares of Stock purchased by the Corporation from the Shareholder shall not
exceed in the aggregate the following dollar amount: the number of shares multiplied by the
price per share of the Stock provided above shall not exceed the sum of (a) the estate,
inheritance, legacy, and succession taxes (including any interest collected as a part of those
taxes) imposed because of the Decedent’s death, and (b) the amount of funeral and
administration expenses allowable as deductions to the Decedent’s estate under IRC §2053,
whether or not such items are deducted for federal estate tax purposes.
The Corporation’s obligation to purchase shall continue throughout the period for
distribution provided in IRC §303(b)(1).
The Shareholder may request that the Corporation purchase a specified number of shares of
Stock before the final determination of the purchase price. In that event, the tentative
purchase price shall be $____ per share of Stock, which is the value per share of the Stock as
reported on the decedent’s federal estate tax return. If the final price per share of Stock as
determined pursuant to Article II differs from the tentative purchase price per share of Stock,
appropriate adjustments shall be made to reflect the final price per share.
It is the parties’ intention that the purchase provided for in this Agreement qualify under IRC
§303, and they agree to use their best efforts to comply therewith.
The Corporation shall have no obligation under this Agreement to purchase any share of
Stock if the purchase would result in a violation of applicable law.
CC 1767630v4 SAMPLE FORM
CC 1767630v4 SAMPLE FORM
This Agreement may be amended, modified, superseded, or cancelled only by a written
instrument executed by all of the parties to this Agreement. This Agreement shall be binding
on and be enforceable by the parties to this Agreement, and their respective personal
representatives, administrators, heirs, successors and assigns. This Agreement shall be
governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of _________________.
[date and signature lines]