for the
Amended and Restated October 2, 2016
for the
Article I
General ................................................................................................................................ 4
Candidacy ............................................................................................................................ 4
New Member Orientation .................................................................................................. 4
Membership Privileges ....................................................................................................... 5
Termination of Membership ............................................................................................... 5
Discipline ............................................................................................................................. 5
Call to Ministry .................................................................................................................... 6
Ordination ........................................................................................................................... 7
Article II
Meetings ............................................................................................................................. 7
Article III
Special Events
Use of Church Facilities ....................................................................................................... 8
Reservations of Facilities .................................................................................................... 8
Deposits or Fees .................................................................................................................. 9
Music ................................................................................................................................... 9
Florist and Decorations ..................................................................................................... 10
General .............................................................................................................................. 10
Liability .............................................................................................................................. 10
Article IV
Church Officers
Senior Pastor ..................................................................................................................... 11
Church Staff ....................................................................................................................... 13
Deacons ............................................................................................................................. 13
Yokefellows ....................................................................................................................... 17
Trustees ............................................................................................................................. 18
Clerk .................................................................................................................................. 19
Treasurer ........................................................................................................................... 19
Article V
Church Council .................................................................................................................. 19
Article VI
Church Ministry Program .................................................................................................. 20
Article VII
Church Program Services .................................................................................................. 20
Article VIII
Committees and Service Teams
Standing Committees ........................................................................................................ 20
Non-standing Committees ................................................................................................ 24
Election of Committees ..................................................................................................... 25
Article IX
Church Finances
Budget ............................................................................................................................... 25
Budget Principles .............................................................................................................. 25
Accounting Procedures ..................................................................................................... 26
Article X
Property Holding ............................................................................................................... 26
Church Property Rights ..................................................................................................... 26
Article XI
Cemetery ........................................................................................................................... 27
Article XII
Adoption and Amendments
Adoption ........................................................................................................................... 27
Amendments ..................................................................................................................... 27
Section A - General
This is a sovereign and democratic Baptist Church under the Lordship of Jesus
Christ. The membership retains unto itself the exclusive right of self-government in
all phases of the spiritual and temporal life of this church.
Recognizing that church membership is a privilege as well as a responsibility, we
further recognize that as members of the body of Christ, we have a responsibility to
Christ, the head of the church, and to the body as a whole. This section in our
by-laws sets forth those responsibilities and privileges that each member of South
River Baptist Church has as a part of the Body of Christ.
The membership reserves the exclusive right to determine who shall be members
of this Church and the conditions of such membership.
Section B - Candidacy
Any person may offer himself as a candidate for membership in this church. All
such candidates shall be presented to the church at any regular church service for
membership in any of the following ways:
1. By profession of faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and for baptism according to
the policies of this church.
2. By promise of a letter of recommendation from another Baptist church.
3. By restoration upon a statement of prior conversion and baptism when no
letter is obtainable.
4. Should there be any dissent as to any candidate, such dissent shall be
referred to the Senior Pastor and Deacons for investigation and making a
recommendation to the church within thirty days.
5. A majority vote of those church members present and voting shall be
required for membership unless otherwise stated.
Section C - New Member Orientation
New members are required to participate in the church’s new member orientation.
Upon completion of orientation, new members will be considered officially
Section D - Membership Privileges
An active member is a member that attends twenty- four (24) services per year and
is in good standing with the church.
1. Only active members of the church are entitled to vote on all elections and
on all questions submitted to the church in conference, provided the
member is present or provisions have been made for absentee balloting.
2. Only active members of the church are eligible for consideration, by
membership, for elective offices in the church. Non-Administrative
Committee positions may be held after one year of membership.
Administrative Committee positions may be held after two consecutive
years of membership. Lead discipleship teachers must first be an active
member for two consecutive years.
3. Every member of the church may participate in the ordinances of the
church as administered by the church.
Section E - Termination of Membership
Membership shall be terminated in the following ways:
1. Death of the member.
2. Dismission to another Baptist church (by letter).
3. Exclusion by action of the church. (See Section F)
4. Erasure upon request or proof of membership in a church of another
denomination. If by request, this should be done in writing and then no
letter is granted but a certificate of standing.
5. Should a member become an offense to the church, and to its good name
by reason of immoral, or unchristian conduct, or by persistent breach of
their covenant vows, or non-support of the church, their membership could
be terminated. The church may vote to terminate their membership by
two-thirds (2/3) counted vote at a regular church conference, but only after
due notice, by registered letter, a month in advance, and after faithful
efforts have been made to bring such member to repentance and
Section F - Discipline
1. It shall be the practice of this church to emphasize to its members that
every reasonable measure will be taken to assist any troubled member. The
Senior Pastor, other Staff members, and Deacons are available for
counsel and guidance. The attitude of members toward one another shall
be guided by a concern for redemption rather than punishment. Should
some serious condition exist which would cause a member to become a
liability to the general welfare of the church, the Senior Pastor and
the Deacons will take every reasonable measure to resolve the problem in
accord with Matthew 18. If it becomes necessary for the church to take
action to exclude a member, a two thirds (2/3) secret vote of the
membership present at a regular church conference is required. It must be
presented to the church a month in advance and voted on in a regular
church conference. All such proceedings shall be prevailed by a spirit of
Christian kindness and forbearance.
2. The church may restore to membership any person previously excluded
upon request of the excluded person, and by secret vote of the church, with
two- thirds (2/3) majority affirming, upon the evidence of the excluded
person’s repentance and reformation.
3. Resident members are obligated to attend worship and other services,
unless providentially hindered, with regularity. All members of the church
shall be expected to live and conduct themselves in keeping with the
principles set forth in the church covenant herein.
4. Members who fail to comply with these obligations and principles as stated
over a continued period will be visited first by the Senior Pastor, then by a
member of the body of Deacons for the purpose of re-enlistment. If after
visit or contact, the member does not show a desire to meet the obligations
and responsibilities of church membership, the Deacons shall recommend
to the church that he be placed on an inactive list. The member will remain
on the inactive list during which time he will continue to be visited and
encouraged to become an active member.
5. It shall be the responsibility of the Chairman of Deacons to review annually,
with the Senior Pastor, the church membership roll. He will take the
necessary steps to set up contact and visitation program for the delinquent
Section G - Call to Ministry
When a member announces to the church he feels the call to the ministry, the
church, by majority vote, may license him as an acknowledgment of his call to the
ministry and encouragement to make preparation for it. The Clerk of the church
may furnish the member with a copy of the minutes or a certificate or license as his
credentials. It is understood that the performance of civil duties by the member
shall be governed by state law.
Section H - Ordination
After a member or former member has been called as a pastor of a Baptist Church,
the following procedure shall be followed: The church will express its approval by
vote of three-fourths (3/4) of the members present at a regular church conference.
The Senior Pastor shall convene an Ordination Board from within the
membership of this church (South River Baptist Church of Statesville, North
Carolina) in order to examine the candidate and recommend ordination. The
church, at its discretion, may invite associational council on ordination to examine
the candidate concerning his fitness for the gospel ministry. If the committee
report is favorable, the church may proceed with the ordination. This church may
invite representatives of neighboring churches to examine the candidate and
report to the church.
Section A.
There shall regularly be two public worship services each Sunday - a morning
service and an evening service.
Section B.
There shall be a mid-week service on Wednesday evening of each week.
Section C.
The Lord’s Supper shall be observed quarterly and the ordinance of baptism will be
held as needed.
Section D.
Regular quarterly church conferences can be ordinarily the second Sunday night in
each quarter. All organizations, Treasurer, Clerk, and committees shall make their
Section E.
Special conference for the transaction of business may be called by the Senior
Pastor, Chairman of Deacons, or upon written request, to the Clerk, of no less than
10% of the active members of the church. Such special meetings shall be
announced at a regular service and in the church bulletin one week prior to the
meeting except that candidates for membership may be voted upon without prior
Section F.
A quorum for transacting business, at any church conference, shall consist of those
members present, provided it is a stated conference or one properly called, and at
least 10% of the active members are present.
Section G.
Robert’s Rules of Order (Revised) shall be the authority for parliamentary
The sanctuary is a sacred place. Behavior should always be in reverence and
courtesy to Christ and the Church.
Obtaining use of church for non-related church activities such as: weddings,
anniversaries, birthday parties, etc.
Section A. - Use of the church facilities
1. Any member of South River Baptist Church may use the church facilities in
accordance with the "Facility Use Policy".
2. Use of the church facilities by non-members shall first be approved by the
Deacons and must comply with the "Facility Use Policy".
3. Events must not interfere with planned activities or ministries and should
be confirmed by the church office.
4. Use of church facilities for the purpose of weddings and/or wedding-related
events is reserved for church members only, and must comply with both the
"Facility Use Policy" and the "Marriage Policy".
Section B. - Reservation of facilities
1. Two copies of these guidelines must be secured from the church office. One
copy will be signed by both parties and returned to the office. Two weeks
prior to the special event, a deposit or fee for church cleaning services is to
be given to the church office. This deposit is refundable to church members
who clean the church themselves. Deposit will be returned after an
inspection of the cleaning of the church. Since non-members do not have
the privilege of cleaning themselves, the fee is non-refundable.
2. When the signed copy is returned with the deposit or fee, reservations will
be posted on the official church calendar by the Pastor on a first-come, first
serve basis.
3. Changes in activity dates may be made only through the Pastor, based on
the availability at that time.
Section C. - Deposits or fees
Deposits or fees must be paid in order to use the church facilities. The custodian
must be employed by the user to:
• Open and close the building for the special event
• Provide heating/air conditioning
• Sweep and mop the kitchen and fellowship hall area
• Vacuum the auditorium
• Clean nursery area if used
• Sweep the sidewalks
A fee will be paid for this custodial service. This fee is to accompany the signed
copy of this document to the church office, when reservation of the church is
made. The check is to be made payable to the custodian and dated the day of the
event. The user must contact the custodian immediately upon booking the event.
In case of a funeral the church will take care of the custodial expense for members.
Section D. - Music
1. Since a church is a sacred place, only sacred music will be used in any
service or event at South River Baptist Church.
2. We recommend that the church musicians be used whenever possible.
3. Whenever it is necessary or desirable to use an instrumentalist other than
the church instrumentalist, the person being asked must be approved by
the minister of music and/or music council.
4. The remuneration shall be negotiated with the musicians.
5. Vocalists will be selected by the user at their own discretion. The minister of
music will be available for suggestions.
Section E. - Florist and Decorations
1. The Party is responsible for the decorations for the event. The church
provides some articles used in a reception. For a detailed explanation of
what is available the responsible party must call the church office.
2. Care of the church
A. No tacks may be placed in pew or woodwork
B. Scotch or masking tape may be used, but should be thoroughly removed
afterward. For a Sunday event, masking tape must be removed from the
Saturday rehearsal for the Sunday morning service.
C. Use of chalk on carpet in the auditorium is not permitted.
D. Candle wax must not be allowed to fall on carpet or furniture.
E. Care of furniture and instruments is expected. Care for them as you
would your own. Church furniture shall not be moved unless a member of
the maintenance committee approves and supervises the rearrangement of
each item.
Section F. - General comments
Please keep in mind that the church building is dedicated to the worship of God.
Smoking is not permitted in the church facility. Alcoholic beverages may not be
served or consumed on church property. All bird seed throwing is to be done
outside of the building.
Section G. - Liability
In any activity, the church is not liable for personal items or money belonging to
any member of said Party.
Damage done by decorations, florist, photographers, caterers, or others is the
responsibility of the Party and must be repaired to the satisfaction of the
maintenance committee.
All who serve as officers of the church and those who serve on church committees
shall be active members of this church.
The officers of this church shall be the Senior Pastor, Church Staff, Clerk, Treasurer,
the Trustees, and Deacons.
Section A. - Senior Pastor
1. The Senior Pastor shall possess and exemplify the ideals demonstrated in
the teachings of the New Testament and especially those contained in 1
Timothy 3:1-7.
The Senior Pastor's responsibility is leading the church to function as a New
Testament Church. The Senior Pastor will lead the congregation, the church
organizations, and the Church Staff to perform their tasks.
The Senior Pastor is leader of pastoral ministries in the church. As
such, he works with the Deacons and Church Staff to:
a. Lead the church in the achievements of its mission
b. Proclaim the Gospel to believers and to un-believers
c. Care for the church members and others in the community
2. Election
The Senior Pastor shall be chosen and called by the church whenever a
vacancy occurs. His election shall take place at a Sunday morning service, a
special called conference for that purpose, of which at least one week’s
public notice to the membership shall be given. The election shall be by
secret ballot with an affirmative vote of at least eighty (80) percent of active
members present and voting at the called church conference necessary to
call a Senior Pastor. The Deacons shall be responsible for counting the vote.
If the required percentage necessary for extending a call is not secured, the
meeting will be adjourned without debate and the Pastoral Search
Committee shall begin its work again.
3. Selection of the Pastoral Search Committee
A Pastoral Search Committee shall be elected by the church to seek a
candidate for Pastor. When a vacancy occurs, there will be a special called
church conference to nominate to the church a Pastoral Search Committee
of not less than five (5) members. The church should be urged to select a
representation of each adult age group, who are well aware of the functions
of the church. Nominations should consist of seven (7) to nine (9)
candidates of which the five with the most votes will be elected.
Nominations shall be taken from the floor to be voted on by secret ballot at
a succeeding meeting. The Committee shall bring to the consideration of
the church one name at a time and no nomination shall be made except by
the Committee. Selection of a candidate must be in full agreement of the
Committee. Persons wishing to suggest or recommend a candidate for
Senior Pastor may contact the Pastoral Search Committee. The Chairman of
Deacons and the Deacons shall act as a committee for supplying the pulpit
during the interim that the pastorate is vacant.
4. Term of Office
The Senior Pastor shall serve as long as he and the church feel the
relationship should be maintained. He shall preside at meetings of this
church and serve as moderator in all church conference meetings unless
otherwise stated in this Constitution and By-Laws. The Senior Pastor may
relinquish the office, as Senior Pastor, by giving two to four weeks notice to
the church at the time of resignation. The church may declare the office to
be vacant. Such action shall take place at a conference called for this
purpose, of which at least one week’s public notice has been given. The
meeting may be called upon a recommendation of a majority of the
currently serving Deacons or by a written petition signed by not less than
one fourth (1/4) of the resident church members. The moderator for this
conference shall be designated by the members present by majority vote
and he shall be someone other than the Senior Pastor. The vote to declare
office vacant shall be by secret ballot. An affirmative vote of two thirds (2/3)
of the members present and voting will be necessary to declare the office
vacant. Except in instances of gross misconduct by the Senior Pastor
thereby excluded from office, the church shall compensate the Senior
Pastor with not less than one twelfth (1/12) of his annual salary. The
termination shall be immediate and compensation shall be rendered in not
more than thirty (30) days.
5. Benefits and Leaves of Absences.
A. The beginning salary shall be recommended by the Pastoral Search
Committee in agreement with the Stewardship Committee. Travel
allowance, health program, social security, housing and/or housing
allowance, and all utilities are furnished by the church. The Senior
Pastor shall be entitled to two (2) weeks vacation with pay the first
two anniversary years, beginning with the day of his arrival.
Beginning with the third year he will be entitled to three (3) weeks
vacation. He shall have three (3) weeks sick leave (not elective) to
use during the anniversary year, but not to accumulate if not used.
B. The Senior Pastor will give due notice for the revivals he conducts, to
the Deacons to insure that the revivals do not include more than
three Sunday services a year. Should the need arise for additional
leave, it shall be referred to the church for action, unless time does
not allow, then it should be referred to the Deacons for action. The
Senior Pastor shall furnish the Chairman of Deacons one week’s
advance notice of these absences. The Senior Pastor shall be
responsible for supplying the pulpit and if outside supply is needed
the Senior Pastor will be responsible for any and all expenses.
C. The Senior Pastor shall be sent as a messenger from the church to
the North Carolina State Baptist Convention, the Southern Baptist
Convention, and the North Carolina Evangelist Conference with his
expenses paid by the church.
6. Moderator
The Senior Pastor shall serve as Moderator (presiding officer) unless
other-wise stated in the Constitution and By-laws. In the absence of the
Senior Pastor, the Chairman of Deacons shall preside. In the absence of
both, the Clerk shall call the church to order and preside for election of an
acting moderator.
Section B - Church Staff
The ministerial Staff shall be called and employed as the church determines the
need for such offices. The Church Staff shall be comprised by anyone employed by
the church other than the Senior Pastor. A job description shall be written by the
Personnel Committee and kept on file in the church office manual for all Staff
positions as needed. Those Staff members of whom the church requires evidence
of a personal call of God to minister shall be recommended to the church by the
Personnel Committee and called by church action. The church may vote to vacate
such positions upon the recommendation of the Personnel Committee, such
termination being immediate and the compensation conditions being the same as
for the Senior Pastor, except that the amount shall relate to the individual’s
compensation. After a year has expired they will earn one week paid vacation for
part time Staff members and two weeks for full time Staff members. The Personnel
Committee shall recommend salary, benefits, etc. to the Stewardship Committee.
Non-ministerial Staff members shall be employed as the church determines the
needs of their services. The Personnel Committee shall have the authority to
employ and to terminate services of non-ministerial Staff members. Such
employment and termination of service shall be with the recommendation of the
supervising Staff member and as appropriate with the consolation of related
committees of the church.
Job descriptions and requirements of Church Staff can be found in the Personnel
Section C. - Deacons
1. Qualifications concerning the Deacon’s personal life.
A. He shall give testimony to a saving experience of God’s grace.
He shall meet the qualifications pointed out in Acts 6:3
and I Timothy 3:3-12.
C. He shall embrace the beliefs of the New Testament Church.
D. He shall guard his influence at all times.
E. He shall abstain from the use of all forms of alcoholic beverages, shall not
allow it to be served in his home, and shall not have any part in the sale of
F. He shall keep the Lord’s Day as a Holy Day.
G. He shall be in fellowship with the church, the other Deacons, the Senior
Pastor and Pastoral Staff.
2. Expectations concerning the Deacon’s service
A. He shall be faithful in attendance and support of all church services,
meetings, and activities which are open to the general membership.
(More than 12 services missed would be excessive)
B. He shall attend all Deacon’s meetings unless providentially hindered.
(Shall not miss more than 2 consecutive meetings)
C. He shall be a tither and shall assume responsibility in supporting any
program of stewardship prescribed and adopted by the church.
D. He shall be in sympathy with the beliefs and practices and policies of our
church as an affiliated member of the Southern Baptist Convention.
E. He shall support the evangelism and mission efforts of the church.
F. He shall support the unity and welfare of the church. Neither he nor his
spouse shall have any part in the spread of gossip or in destructive criticism
about others. He and his spouse shall be responsible for suppressing such
gossip and talk as they have opportunity.
G. He shall have no part in any act or group that brings about dissension and
diversion in the church. He shall put down murmurings as he would smother
a fire.
H. He shall assist the Senior Pastor in administration and spiritual affairs of the
I. He shall work in harmony with the other Deacons and with the Senior
Pastor; and shall always have great respect for the office of Deacon, as
servant, and for the Senior Pastor, as the under-shepherd and overseer.
3. General Expectations
A. He shall be expected to maintain spiritual fervor by consistent personal
Bible study and prayer.
B. He shall be 21 years of age or older.
C. He shall be a member of this church for at least two years.
D. Those rotating off as active Deacons shall not be placed in nomination until
one year has lapsed.
E. He shall be expected to resign from the office of Deacon for the following
reasons, if and when they occur:
1. Serious domestic trouble that would bring reproach upon the cause
of Christ
2. The lack of time to devote to the responsibilities of the office
3. The lack of will and dedication
F. The number of currently active Deacons shall be at least seven (7) or more
as the church deems necessary.
G. The term of office for Deacon shall be three (3) years.
H. The election of Deacons shall be arranged so that terms of one-third of the
total number shall expire annually.
I. Nomination and election of the office of Deacon shall be held in the
following manner:
The current active Deacons and Senior Pastor shall determine the eligibility
list of men who meet the criteria as set forth in Article IV, Section C -
"Deacons". It will be the Deacon board and the Senior Pastor's responsibility
to determine the number of Deacons needed to serve on the Deacon board.
The current active Deacon board will recommend the number of men to the
church for their approval for the office of a Deacon. The regular term of
office for Deacons will begin the next quarter after the approval from the
church, at the beginning of that quarter, therefore ordination should be
performed prior to that quarter. Quarter begins at the first month in the
church calendar year, which is September, and then every three (3) months.
There shall be no need to ordain a man as a Deacon who was previously
ordained by another church of like faith and order. His previous ordination
will suffice for this church.
Should a vacancy occur on the Deacon board during the regular term, the
Deacons may fill the vacancy from the previous eligibility Deacon list. Once
chosen, the man will be ordained if need be and will complete the rest of
the year on the Deacon board.
A Deacon may only serve three full consecutive years, after which he shall
be ineligible for reelection. This ineligibility will expire after one year. This
provision is only applicable if there are an adequate number of qualified
candidates for selection to the next year’s Deacon board.
J. The Deacons and Senior Pastor shall have authority to spend $500.00, that
is not budgeted without submitting same to the church for approval. Any
recommendation above this or any resolution shall not be put into effect
without the same having been submitted and duly adopted by the church.
K. Duties of current active Deacons:
The Deacons shall devote themselves to the scriptural welfare of the
members and to the enlistment in active Christian and church service. It
shall be their duty to use all proper efforts to reclaim such members as may
have become remiss in their covenant obligations. It shall be their duty to
conduct regular meetings for the consideration of specific duties and the
general welfare of the church, and to make such recommendations to the
church for action as necessary. Special meetings may be called at any time
by the Chairman or the Senior Pastor. The Senior Pastor and all currently
serving Deacons must be notified if they can be contacted within a
reasonable time. A quorum for a Deacon meeting shall be a majority of
currently serving Deacons.
The Deacons shall assist in the administration of the ordinances, visiting the
sick, visiting prospective members moving into the vicinity, uphold and
strengthen the hands of the Senior Pastor in his labors, and in concert with
him exercise a general supervision over the spiritual life of the church.
The Deacons will present annual goals to enhance spiritual and physical
growth of the church.
The Deacons shall be expected to cooperate with the full program of the
L. When the church is without a Senior Pastor, it shall be the duty of the
Deacons to see that the regular program of the church is carried out, and
during such times the Chairman of Deacons shall give (or cause to be given)
general direction of the work of the church.
M. The Deacon Family Ministry Plan:
All active Deacons shall participate in the family ministry plan. This is a plan
for reaching every active family in the church through a personal ministry.
The church will be organized into family groups of equal size to each active
Deacon. The Deacon family ministry plan is a relationship between the
Deacons and church families in which the Deacons proclaim the Gospel to
families, care for families, help the families experience a rewarding church
fellowship, and guide families in building constructive community
relationship. It is a commitment of Deacons to continuing concern for every
family in the church and an expression for the whole life of the family. The
entire church is strengthened and the church families will be the first to
benefit. Families will be reminded that the church really cares for them as
the programs of the church are interpreted more clearly to them. Because
of this personal touch, fewer church members will be lost through apathy
and inactivity.
N. The Chairman of the Deacons shall organize the church membership by
family groups and assign each active Deacon a proportionate number of
families. He will also make the church aware of this plan in church meetings,
the church newsletter, and through letters to the families.
Section D - Yokefellows
The purpose of the office of Yokefellow shall be drawn from the following
1. I Timothy 3:10 states, "And let these also first be proved; then let them use
the office of a deacon, being found blameless."
2. I Timothy 3:6 instructs that a bishop or pastor should be "Not a novice, lest
being lifted up with pride he fall into the condemnation of the devil.", and
3. I Timothy 3:8 states that the Deacon must be "likewise."
Therefore, since the purpose of the office of Yokefellow is to provide an
opportunity to study the work of the Deacons, participation as a Yokefellow is
intended primarily for inexperienced candidates for the office of Deacon and not
for individuals who have been previously ordained and/or served as Deacons in
other Baptist churches.
The responsibilities of a Yokefellow are the same as the responsibilities of an active
Deacon. In addition, the Yokefellow shall study and train for service as a Deacon
under the guidance of an ordained Deacon.
Yokefellows shall not be entitled to vote in Deacon meetings.
The number of actively-serving Yokefellows shall not exceed one-third (1/3) of the
number of actively-serving Deacons.
Serving as a Yokefellow requires a one (1) year commitment on the part of the
eligible candidate. The candidate for Yokefellow shall be elected for a one (1)
year term. He shall be eligible and given priority consideration for nomination to
the office of Deacon at the conclusion of the one (1) year term, but any such
nomination shall be at the sole discretion of the board of active Deacons. If an
actively-serving Yokefellow fails to perform or adhere to the duties and
responsibilities of the Yokefellow as stated previously in this Section, such failure,
without satisfactory explanation, shall be equivalent to resignation as Yokefellow.
Such resignation shall be effective, however, only if the board of active Deacons are
unable to restore the Yokefellow to active participation, and notification of his
termination as Yokefellow has been given to the Yokefellow in writing or verbally
by the Chairman and Co-chairman.
Section E - Trustees
The church shall elect at least three (3) members to serve as Trustees. Their term of
office shall be three (3) years with one third the number elected each year. If a
Trustee becomes inactive for any reason in the program of the church for a period
of one year, his office may be terminated. Vacancies may be filled at any time with
the one elected filling only the unexpired part of the vacated term. Having served
as Trustee during a previous term will not disqualify a member for re-election.
The Trustees, as provided by law and action of the church, shall hold in trust the
title to all property of the church and shall represent the church in all matters of
legal responsibility regarding the purchase, improvement, and disposal of church
property. They shall execute all legal papers relating to the church and to the
community as the church may direct. They shall have no power to buy, sell,
mortgage, lease or transfer any property of the church without a specific vote of
the church authorizing such action; neither shall they have any control over the use
of the church property except by vote of the church.
Section F - Clerk
The Clerk shall be elected annually. It shall be the duty of the Clerk to attend or be
represented at all church conferences, to keep an accurate record of all business
transactions and to prepare the annual association letter. The Clerk shall issue
letters of dismissal as authorized by the church and preserve valuable letters
and/or records that belong to the church. It shall be the duty of the Clerk to see
that an accurate roll of the church membership is kept. The Clerk shall, at the
request of the Senior Pastor, assist in obtaining pertinent information from persons
who present themselves for membership in the church. The Clerk, may at their
discretion obtain assistance from the Church Secretary.
Section G - Treasurer
The church shall elect annually a church Treasurer as its financial officer. The
Treasurer and/or the Stewardship Committee Chairman may sign checks from all
accounts. The Treasurer shall upon invitation, meet with the Deacons and shall
be a member of the Stewardship Committee, but not Chairperson.
The Church Council shall serve the church by leading in planning, coordinating,
conducting, and evaluating the ministries and programs of the church and its
Section A.
The primary function of the Church Council shall be:
1. Recommend to the church suggested objectives and organizational goals.
2. Review and coordinate ministry and program plans recommended by
church officers, organizations and committees.
3. Recommend to the church the use of leadership, calendar time and other
resources according to program priorities.
4. Evaluate achievements in terms of church objectives and goals.
Section B.
Regular members of the Church Council shall be the Senior Pastor, other Church
Staff members, and Chairpersons of administrative committees.
Section C.
All matters agreed upon by the council which call for action not already approved
shall be referred to the church for approval or disapproval.
The church shall maintain programs of Bible teaching, church training, church
leader training, new member orientation, mission education; action and support,
music education training and performance. All organizations related to the church
programs shall be under church control; all officers being elected by the church and
reporting regularly to the church and all program activities subject to church
coordination and approval. The church shall provide the human resources, the
physical resources and the financial resources for the appropriate advancement of
these programs.
The church shall provide resources for the purpose of enriching and extending the
ministries and programs of the church.
The media center will be the resource center for the church. Its personnel will seek
to provide and promote the use of printed and audio-visual resources. They will
also provide consultation to church leaders and members in the use of printed and
audio-visual resources.
Section A - Standing Committees
1. Administrative
The church shall elect such standing administrative committees as may be deemed
necessary to carry on the various phases of the church efficiently and effectively. In
any event, the church shall at all times have the following six (6) administrative
A. Cemetery
The Cemetery Committee shall be a standing committee consisting of at
least three (3) persons appointed annually by the church. This committee is
responsible for the overall operation of the Church Cemetery as outlined in
the Cemetery By-Laws. These policies and guidelines have been established
to provide for an orderly operation of the cemetery and to serve as
information for the families of those buried and for church members
planning to use the facilities.
B. Constitution and By-Laws
This Constitution and By-Laws Committee shall be a standing committee to
act upon any recommended change in the Church Constitution and
By-Laws. Beginning with the published date of the Constitution and
By-Laws, one member will rotate off and a replacement member nominated
by the Nominating Committee will be added.
C. Nominating
The Nominating Committee shall be a standing committee to nominate to
the church persons to service for the succeeding year. The Nominating
Committee shall be composed of five (5) members. One member of the
existing committee will be nominated to serve as chair person for the
following year.
The Nominating Committee shall use good judgment and care not to over
burden any individual, to give each member no more than two or three
positions. They are to insure that each person understands their position
and will dedicate themselves to fulfill that position.
The Nominating Committee shall be responsible for nominating heads of
Service Teams.
D. Personnel
The Personnel Committee shall be a standing committee composed of five
(5) members nominated by the Nominating Committee and elected by the
church; one (1) member rotating off each year and one (1) replacement
member, will be added each year. In case a member is unable to fulfill his or
her term, the Nominating Committee shall have the authority to replace
such a member as they deem advisable. The Senior Pastor shall be the only
ex-officio member of this committee. Relatives of Church Staff members
may not serve on this committee.
The duties of the Personnel Committee are:
1. Study relationships among Staff members ,between Staff members
and church, and work with the Senior Pastor in establishing policies
with reference thereof.
2. Select, in collaboration with the Senior Pastor, all Staff members
presenting their selection to the Deacons and church for approval.
3. Work with the Senior Pastor in establishing policies for the staff
concerning working hours, duties, etc.
4. Recommend policies to the church regarding holidays, days off,
vacations, attendance of convention, assemblies and meetings of
educational significance to the church and other time off to be taken
by the Staff.
5. Annually review salary and benefit packages for Pastoral Staff and
support Staff. Through annual evaluations, determine merited
raises and adjustments for Staff. Report to Stewardship
Committee a personnel budget required for staffing needs.
6. Employ and establish duties of the Church Secretary.
7. Employ and supervise all janitorial and maintenance employees as
provided for in the budget; establishing salaries, duties, working
hours, vacations, holidays, and etc. for same.
8. Discharge, in consultation with the Senior Pastor, all janitorial and
maintenance employees.
9. Formulate job descriptions for each employee before hiring said
10. Review each staff member’s job performance and job description
11. Maintain personnel records, including all actions, verbal or written
and keep said records secure; accessible only to the Chairman of
Deacons, the Chairman of the Personnel Committee, and the Senior
12. Administer discipline up to and including dismissal, within the
following guideline:
a. Verbal reprimand
b. Written warning
c. Placement of probation for thirty (30) days, with the majority
approval of the Personnel Committee and the active Deacon
d. Recommendation of separation to the church, with eighty
(80) percent majority approval of the Personnel Committee,
active body of Deacons and the Senior Pastor
The Personnel Committee shall be under the supervision of the Deacons.
The Personnel Committee will be responsible for the hiring of all Church
Staff other than the Senior Pastor. When soliciting for janitorial or
lawn care positions, the Committee will receive sealed bids from members
and non-members alike. The positions will be filled with consideration given
to recommendation of past experience and lowest bid given.
E. Stewardship
The Stewardship Committee is nominated by the church Nominating
Committee and elected by the church. The church Treasurer will be a
member of this committee.
The duties of the Stewardship Committee are to lead the church in devising
a practical budget within the means of the church and to see that the
moneys are spent in the best possible way. This Committee will interview
each department and organization on an annual basis to evaluate their
financial needs and to appropriate funds at the level priority demands and
afford ability permits. The proposed annual budget shall be in the hands of
the church members at least one week before official presentation for
adoption. The budget should be presented for adoption by the September
church conference. The Committee will work closely with the church in
matters of bookkeeping, auditing, reports, and record.
F. Strategic Vision
The Strategic Vision Committee shall be a standing committee consisting of
the following individuals: Chairman of Personnel Committee, Chairman of
Stewardship Committee, Chairman of Deacons, Chairman of Building
Committee, one (1) male and one (1) female church member at large, and
the Senior Pastor. The Strategic Vision Committee is responsible for
developing a long term ministry plan for the church that includes
assessment of current facilities, staffing, ministries, and budget needs and
making recommendations for necessary changes to meet future needs.
2. Non-administrative
The church shall elect such standing non-administrative committees as may be
deemed necessary to carry on the various phases of the church efficiently and
effectively. Such committees include, but are not limited to, the following:
A. Baptismal Ministry
B. Bereavement Ministry
C. Building Ministry
D. Clerk of Church Business
E. Lord's Supper Ministry
F. Maintenance Ministry
G. Mission Ministry
H. Treasurer
I. Trustees
Section B - Non-standing Committees
The church shall elect such non-standing non-administrative committees as may be
deemed necessary to carry on the various phases of the church efficiently and
1. Additional Committees
Additional Committees for the specific obligations, as desired by the church,
may be elected. These committees shall be elected by the church upon the
recommendation of the Deacons unless the church directs their
appointment in a different manner.
2. Service Teams
These groups may include, but are not limited to:
Fellowship and Hospitality
Men's Ministry
Women's Ministry
Phone and Card
Senior Adult Ministry (Young-At-Heart)
Those who head Service Teams shall be nominated by the Nominating
Section C - Election of Committees
The Nominating Committee shall nominate to the church persons to serve for the
succeeding year on the Administrative & Non-administrative Committees. The
church will then elect the personnel.
Section A - Budget
The Stewardship Committee shall prepare and submit to the church, for its
approval, an inclusive budget, indicating by items the amount needed and sought
for all local and other expenses. They will interview each department on an annual
basis to evaluate their financial needs and to appropriate funds at the level that
priority demands and affordability permits. Offering envelopes will be provided for
members use.
It is understood that membership in this church involves stewardship obligation to
support the church and its causes with regular and proportion gifts. Annually the
entire membership shall be encouraged and challenged to help meet the financial
obligations of the church.
Section B - Budget Principles
In forming an annual budget, the Stewardship Committee shall be guided by the
following six (6) budget principles:
1. Never go into debt
2. Never spend less than fifteen (15) percent on mission and evangelistic
3. Never spend more than fifty (50) percent on personnel costs
4. Maintain three (3) months of operating cash in a contingency fund
5. Maintain forty (40) thousand dollars in capital reserves
6. Deposit all year-end revenue over expense funds into capital reserves for
future land purchases and building projects
Section C - Accounting Procedures
All funds, or receipts thereof, received for any and all purposes shall pass through
the hands of the church Treasurer or Financial Secretary, and be properly recorded
on the church books.
A system of accounting that will adequately provide for the handling of all funds
shall be the responsibility of the Stewardship Committee. Quarterly reports shall
be provided at business meetings.
The reports and records of the church shall be audited at the end of the church
year by an official outside firm accredited and appointed by the Personnel
Any expenditure in excess of one thousand dollars ($1,000.00), with the exception
of Article IV Section C 3-J, that has not been approved by the church in adoption of
the budget must be presented for authorization by the church.
Any expenditure that exceeds the budget by one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) must
be brought to the Deacons and the Stewardship Committee for approval, then
brought before the church body.
The church financial year shall be September 1 through August 31.
Section A. - Property Holding
It is agreed that the securing and maintaining of real property, building, and
equipment by this church shall be for the express purpose of providing facilities for
public worship; and for the engagement upon the missionary, education, and
benevolent interest of this church of the character and in the spirit of the church
Constitution and the church Covenant.
Section B. - Church Property Rights
If at any time this church shall determine to alter the quality of its beliefs and
practices so as in important respects to be at variance with the character described
in the church Constitution, and if the decision is by less than unanimous vote of
those present at a regular business conference of the church, it is understood that
the rights of the membership which shall agree to use the property for the purpose
for which it was purchased and given and has been to that time maintained.
The name shall be South River Baptist Church Cemetery.
The said church shall always be responsible for the cemetery, upkeep and care.
Policies and guidelines are listed in the Cemetery By-Laws.
Section A - Adoption
These By-laws shall be considered adopted and in full force and effect if and when
approved by two-thirds (2/3) of the members voting at the church conference at
which the vote is taken. This vote shall be taken after formal presentation of the
By-laws to the church.
Section B - Amendments
Any of the rules in these By-laws may be amended, altered or repealed, by two
thirds (2/3) vote of the members voting at any regular church conference of the
church; provided, however, that any proposal of such amendment, alteration, or
repeal shall have been given to the Constitution and By-Law Committee for study
and recommendation to the church. This must be in writing. Vote on this
recommendation shall be taken at the next regular church conference following the
presentation of the recommendation. The Constitution and By-Laws Committee
must make a recommendation within sixty (60) days.