- 1 “RESD Standard Lease” – (Rev-5/21)
Lease File No.:
THIS LEASE, made and entered into this day of by and between
hereinafter called the Lessor, without distinction as to number or gender, and the State of
California, acting by and through the Director of the Department of General Services, hereinafter
called the State.
1. The Less
or hereby leases unto the State and the State hereby hires from the Lessor those
certain premises with appurtenances situated in the City of , County of , State of California, and
more particularly described as follows:
Approximately net usable square feet of office space on the floor of the building located at as
outlined in red on the attached Exhibit "A" plan, together with Outline Specifications marked
Exhibit "B" and Administrative Requirements marked Exhibit "C", said Exhibits "A" and "B" and
"C", Project No. dated , hereby being incorporated into this lease, and including nonexclusive
unobstructed parking spaces contiguous to the subject building, and unlimited use of the building's
common facilities. The State shall have access to and use of the leased premises 24 hours per
day, seven (7) days per week with no exceptions.
3. The State may terminate this lease at any time effective on or after , by giving written notice
to the Lessor at least thirty (30) days prior to the date when such termination shall become
effective. If the State fails to complete its move out within the notice period and remains in the
premises, additional rent shall be paid and prorated on a thirty (30) day month, based on the
actual number of days the State occupies the premises following the effective date of termination.
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2. The term of this lease shall commence on , and shall end on , with such rights of termination
as may be hereinafter expressly set forth.
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RESD Standard Lease” – (Rev-5/21)
4. Rental
payments shall be paid by the State, from legally available funds and subject to the
California Constitution, in arrears on the last day of each month during said term as follows:
Rental pay
able hereunder for any period of time less than one month shall be determined by
prorating the monthly rental herein specified based on the actual number of days in the month.
Rental shall be paid to Lessor at the address specified in Paragraph 5 or to such other address
as the Lessor may designate by a notice in writing. If the premises are not complete pursuant to
Paragraph 6 by the date shown in Paragraph 2, it is understood and agreed by and between the
parties that, at the State's sole option, the dates shown in Paragraphs 2 and 3 and the dates and
dollar amounts shown in Paragraph 4 may be adjusted to the first of the month following the
State's acceptance of the completed premises, such acceptance shall not unreasonably be
withheld. If the State exercises this option, it is agreed the State will complete unilaterally an
amendment to the lease to revise the herein above stated dates. Any accrued rents for the period
of time prior to the unilaterally adjusted commencement date will be paid in accordance with
Paragraph 8. Additionally, it is understood and agreed between the parties that, at the State's
option, the dates shown in the "CPI Escalator Operating Expenses" paragraph, if incorporated
herein, shall be adjusted to reflect the time delay between lease commencement and the first of
the month following the actual acceptance date. In the event this lease agreement contains a
provision granting the State an Option to Purchase the premises, it is further agreed herein by the
parties that, notwithstanding the provision of the Option to Purchase paragraph herein, the
effective dates and corresponding purchase option prices of said Option to Purchase shall be
adjusted consistent with any adjustment to the lease commencement date. Said "adjusted"
purchase option dates shall be established consistent herewith and incorporated into said lease
with a unilateral amendment by the State.
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5. All
notices and correspondence herein provided to be given, or which may be given by
either party to the other, shall be deemed to have been fully given when made in writing and
either: 1) deposited in the United States Mail, certified and postage prepaid; or 2) sent via an
alternate commercial overnight delivery service (i.e. FedEx or similar) with receiver’s signature
required; and addressed as follows:
To the Lessor:
Phone No.:
FAX No.:
o the Stat
OF GENERAL SERVICES, Phone No. (916) 375-4172
LEASE MANAGEMENT Email: [email protected]
Rental warrants shall be made payable to:
and mailed to:
with Plans
Nothing herein contained shall preclude the giving of any such written notice by personal
service. The address to which notices and correspondence shall be mailed to either party may
be changed by giving written notice to the other party.
6. Lessor agrees that, prior to , and at Lessor's sole cost and expense, all required
construction, improvements and/or alterations, if any, shall be completed and the leased premises
shall be made ready for State's occupancy in full compliance with Exhibit "A", consisting of # of
sheets sheet(s) titled, "Office Quarters, Project No. " dated , and in accordance with Exhibit "B",
consisting of # of pages pages, titled, "Outline Specifications, Project No. " dated , and Exhibit "C"
consisting of # of pages pages titled, "Administrative Requirements, Project No. " dated , which
Exhibits "A" and "B" and "C" are by this reference incorporated herein.
Notice of
and Access to
7. Lessor shall notify the State in writing by certified mail of the date the leased premises will
be completed and ready for occupancy at least thirty (30) days prior thereto. Such notice shall
be a condition precedent to the accrual of rental hereunder, except however, that if the State
occupies the premises prior to the receipt of such notice or prior to the expiration of the notice
period of such notice, rental shall commence to accrue as of the date of occupancy.
Following execution of this lease, and not more than sixty (60) days prior to completion of
construction and occupancy under this lease, State or its contractors or other representatives
shall have the right to enter the premises for the purpose of installing certain equipment such as,
but not limited to, modular system furniture, and electrical and telecommunications cabling and
State agrees to indemnify and hold Lessor harmless from and against any claims, damages,
or other injury suffered by Lessor as a result of the work to be performed pursuant to this right to
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enter the premises prior to State's acceptance and occupancy of the premises, to the extent
authorized by Government Code section 14662.5. Lessor agrees to indemnify and hold State
and its agents, contractors or other representatives harmless from and against any claims,
damages, injury or other harm suffered by reason of the negligence or other wrongful act of Lessor
or any of Lessor's agents, contractors, or other representatives.
In no event shall the exercise of this right of entry be construed so as to cause an acceleration
of the occupancy date of this lease or the obligation of the State to pay rent.
Lessor and State shall each make all reasonable efforts to ensure that the respective
construction and installation work is scheduled in such a manner so as to not interfere with or
delay the other.
In the event that one or the other party causes a delay in the other party’s work, such injured
party shall be compensated in the following manner:
Delays caused by the Lessor:
Credit the State a compensating day of delay in the occupancy date and corresponding day of
delay in payment of rent.
Delays caused by the State:
Credit the Lessor a compensating day of payment of rent from the actual date of occupancy.
Compensation will be in one day increments.
The parties agree that this shall be the sole remedy for delay, in that the calculation of
damages in any other manner is too uncertain and not susceptible of accurate determination.
8. Les
sor agrees that if the leased premises are ready for occupancy prior to the completion
date specified above in Paragraph 6, State may elect to occupy the premises on the earliest date
practical after its receipt of the herein required completion notice. The rent payable for any such
early occupancy by the State shall be at the rate of per month and shall be prorated on a daily
basis for any partial month.
Time limit and
Prior Tenancy
9. No
rental shall accrue under this lease, nor shall the State have any obligation to perform
the covenants or observe the conditions herein contained until the leased premises have been
made ready for occupancy in accordance with the provisions hereof. It is specifically agreed that
in the event the leased premises are not completed and ready for occupancy by the State on or
before , then and in that event the State may, at its option and in addition to any other remedies
it may have, terminate this lease and be relieved of any further obligations hereunder, providing
that a fair and reasonable allowance for the following delays shall be added to said time for
A. Acts of the State, its agents or employees, or those claiming under agreement with or
grant from the State; or by
B. The acts of God, which Lessor could not reasonably have foreseen or guarded against;
or by
C. Any strikes, boycotts or like obstructive actions by employees or labor organizations and
which are beyond control of Lessor, and which cannot be reasonably overcome; or by
D. Restrictive regulations by the Federal Government which are enforced in connection with
a National Emergency.
In the event that the State elects to occupy premises before the work on the premises
specified in Exhibit A, B, and C is fully completed, the State will provide the Lessor with a punch
list of work remaining to be completed (referenced as the State’s “Punch List”). Lessor agrees
that Lessor shall complete the remaining work no later than 14 calendar days from the date of
Conformity to
eceipt of said Punch List. If said Punch List is not completed within the specified 14-day period,
Lessor agrees that, beginning on the first day after said 14-day period following occupancy of
premises by the State, rent may at the State’s sole option be reduced to which is seventy percent
(70%) of the base rent specified in paragraph 4 herein (excluding any amortization payments)
until such time that the Punch List work is completed in full and that such completion of work is
inspected and accepted by the State. The portion of the rent specified for amortization of tenant
improvements, if any shall continue to be paid in full without interruption.
It is understood and agreed that the rent reduction specified above does not relieve Lessor of
its obligation to complete said work and the State shall maintain all other remedies specified in
the Lease.
It is understood by all parties hereto that it shall be the Lessor’s responsibility to remove any
prior tenant.
10. Occupancy of the leased premises by the State shall not relieve Lessor in any respect
from full compliance at all times with aforesaid Exhibits "A" and "B" and "C". It is further
understood and agreed that any installation not in conformity with said Exhibits "A" and "B" and
"C" shall be immediately corrected by the Lessor at Lessor's sole cost and expense. In the event
Lessor shall, after receiving notice in writing from the State requiring the Lessor to comply with
the requirements of this paragraph in regard to a specified condition, fail, refuse or neglect to
remedy such condition, State may terminate this lease without further obligation, or as to such
specified condition, at its option and in addition to any other remedy the State may have, withhold
rent due and bring the leased premises into conformity with said Exhibits at its own cost including
State's Administrative costs, if any, and deduct the amount thereof from the rent that may then be
or thereafter become due hereunder.
- 5 “RESD Standard Lease” – (Rev-5/21)
11. Lessor hereby warrants and guarantees that the space leased to the State will be
operated and maintained free of hazard from Asbestos Containing Materials (ACM) and agrees
to the conditions for survey, testing, and abatement of ACM described in Exhibit "B" as applicable.
Lessor specifically agrees that, in the event the State elects to exercise its rights under the
provisions of Paragraph 16 of this lease, any costs related to abatement or hazard from asbestos
shall be the Lessor's responsibility as described in the aforementioned Exhibit "B."
12. Lessor, at Lessor's sole cost and expense, shall clearly mark the parking spaces
described hereinabove as assigned to the State of California. Said parking spaces will be
arranged and maintained so as to provide unobstructed access to each parking space at any
time. In addition to any assigned parking spaces, State and its invitees shall have equal access
to common spaces provided to all tenants on a first-come, first-served basis.
Utilities, and
13. Lessor, at Lessor's sole cost and expense, during the term of this lease shall furnish the
following services, utilities, and supplies to the area leased by the State, and also to the "common"
building areas (if any) such as lobbies, elevators, stairways, corridors, etc., which State shares
with other tenants, if any:
A. Sewer, trash disposal, and water service, including both hot and cold water to the
B. Elevator (if any) service.
C. Electricity and/or gas as necessary to provide power for heating, ventilating, and air
conditioning, and electrical or gas service as needed for State's operations.
D. Janitorial services sufficient to maintain the interior in a clean well-maintained condition;
that is, to eliminate all visible dust, dirt, litter, grime, stains, smears, finger marks, etc., to
the greatest practical degree possible, by performing at least the following:
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(1) Empty and clean all trash containers, and dispose of all trash and rubbish.
(2) Clean and maintain in a sanitary and odor-free condition all floors, wash mirrors,
basins, toilet bowls, and urinals.
(3) Furnish and replenish all toilet room supplies (including soap, towels, seat covers,
toilet tissue, and sanitary napkins). Furnish and replenish paper towel supply in all
areas of the leased space.
(4) Sweep or dust mop all hard surface floors, and carpet sweep all carpeted areas,
including stairways and halls. Offices with hard surface floors in the public lobby area
shall be damp-mopped daily.
(5) Remove finger marks and smudges from all glass entrance doors.
(6) Specifically check, and if action is needed, then:
a. Dust the tops of all furniture, counters, cabinets, and window sills, (which are free
of interfering objects).
b. Remove spots and/or spills from the carpets, floors, and stairways.
As needed, but not less frequently than:
Twice Weekly: Vacuum all carpets.
(1) Damp mop all hard surface floors.
(2) Dust all window blinds.
(3) Treat stainless steel fountains and sinks to eliminate stains and mineral deposits.
(4) Spot clean the walls.
(1) Strip all hard surface floors and apply a new coat of floor finish; buff as necessary to
produce a uniformly shining appearance.
(2) Treat carpets for static electricity control (if not integrated in the fabric).
Semi-annually: Wash all windows, window blinds, light fixtures, walls, and painted
(1) Steam clean carpets to remove all stains and spots.
(2) Clean window coverings.
In the event of failure by the Lessor to furnish any of the above services or supplies in a
satisfactory manner, the State may furnish the same at its own cost; and, in addition to any other
remedy the State may have, may deduct the amount thereof, including State's administrative
costs, from the rent that may then be, or thereafter become due hereunder.
Repair and
14. A. During the lease term, the Lessor shall maintain the leased premises in good repair
and tenantable condition, so as to minimize breakdowns and loss of the State's use of the
premises caused by deferred or inadequate maintenance, including, but not limited to:
(1) Generally maintaining the leased premises in good, vermin-free, operating condition
and appearance.
(2) Furnishing prompt, good quality repair of the building, equipment, and
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(3) Furnishing preventative maintenance, including, but not limited to, manufacturer’s
recommended servicing of equipment such as elevator (if any), heating, ventilating
and air conditioning equipment, and fixtures.
(4) Furnishing ongoing maintenance and prompt repair of any and all existing special
equipment and systems and all special equipment and systems referenced in Exhibits
A and B including but not limited to, security and access control systems, fire
suppression systems, special HVAC systems for computer rooms, and UPS systems.
(5) Furnishing and promptly replacing any inoperative light bulbs, fluorescent tubes,
ballast, starters, and filters for the heating, ventilating and air conditioning equipment
as required.
(6) Furnishing remedial painting as necessary to maintain the premises in a neat, clean
and orderly condition.
(7) Annual testing and maintenance of all fire extinguishers in or adjacent to the leased
(8) Repairing and replacing as necessary intra-building network cable and inside wire
cable used for voice and data transmission.
(9) Repairing and replacing parking lot bumpers and paving as necessary. Repaint
directional arrows, striping, etc., as necessary.
(10) On a weekly basis, sweeping parking areas and sidewalks, maintaining landscaped
areas, including sprinklers, drainage, etc., in a growing, litter-free, weed free, and
neatly mowed and/or trimmed condition.
(11) Repairing and replacing floor covering as necessary. Lessor, at Lessor's sole cost,
shall arrange for moving of furniture and equipment prior and subsequent to the
repairing or replacement of floor covering.
(12) Keeping all walkways, parking lots, entrances, and auxiliary areas free of snow,
water, oil spills, debris, or other materials which may be hazardous to users of the
B. Lessor shall provide prompt repair or correction for any damage except damage arising
from a willful or negligent act of the State's agents, employees or invitees.
C. Except in emergency situations, the Lessor shall give not less than 48 hours prior notice
to State tenants, when any pest control, remodeling, renovation, or repair work affecting
the State occupied space may result in employee health concerns in the work
D. In case Lessor, after notice in writing from the State requiring the Lessor to comply with
the requirements of this paragraph in regard to a specified condition, shall fail, refuse or
neglect to comply with such notice, or in the event of an emergency constituting a hazard
to the health or safety of the State's employees, property, or invitees, the State may
terminate this lease without further obligation or at its option, perform such maintenance
or make such repair at its own cost and, in addition to any other remedy the State may
have, may withhold rent due and deduct the amount thereof, including necessary costs
incurred by the State required for the administration of such maintenance and repairs,
from the rent that may then be or thereafter become due hereunder.
15. In addition to any painting completed prior to the commencement of this lease, and touch-
up painting required after initial occupancy upon receipt of written request from the State, Lessor
agrees at Lessor's sole cost and expense to repaint all painted surfaces ([X] interior and [ ]
exterior) of the leased premises in accordance with the attached Exhibits "A" and "B". In no event
shall Lessor be required to repaint more than once during the first sixty (60) month period of this
lease after the painting completed prior to the commencement date, and once during any
succeeding sixty (60) month period. Lessor shall, within forty-five (45) days from the giving of any
such notice, arrange for and complete the painting. All painting of interior premises shall be
performed after business hours or as otherwise agreed upon by the State. Colors are to be
approved by the State. Lessor, at Lessor's sole cost, shall arrange for moving of furniture and
Orders and
pment prior and subsequent to the repainting, and provide drop cloths, and covers as
16. The State shall have the right during the existence of this lease to make change orders
and alterations; attach fixtures; and erect additions, structures, or signs in or upon the leased
premises. Such fixtures, additions, structures, or signs so placed in or upon or attached to the
premises under this lease or any extension hereof shall be and remain the property of the State
and may be removed therefrom by the State prior to the termination or expiration of this lease or
any renewal or extension hereof, or within a reasonable time thereafter.
In the event alterations, fixtures, additions, structures, or signs in or upon the leased premises
are desired by State and State elects not to perform the work, any such work, when authorized in
writing by the State shall be performed by the Lessor in accordance with plans and specifications
provided by State. Lessor agrees to obtain competitive bids from at least three licensed
contractors and to contract with the lowest bidder. Lessor further agrees that the overhead and
profit for the work shall not exceed fifteen percent (15%) total for Lessor and any general
contractor combined. Within forty-five (45) days after receiving Lessor's notice of completion of
the requested work and an invoice requesting payment therefor, together with a complete detailed
accounting of all costs for each trade, State agrees to reimburse Lessor by a single total payment
for the cost of such work.
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17. The
State shall not assign this lease without prior written consent of the Lessor, which
shall not be unreasonably withheld, but shall in any event have the right to sublet the leased
18. The Lessor agrees that the State, while keeping and performing the covenants herein
contained, shall at all times during the existence of this lease, peaceably and quietly have, hold,
and enjoy the leased premises without suit, trouble, or hindrance from the Lessor or any person
claiming under Lessor.
19. The Lessor reserves the right to enter and inspect the leased premises at reasonable
times, and to render services and make any necessary repairs to the premises.
20. If the leased premises are totally destroyed by fire or other casualty, this lease shall
terminate. If such casualty shall render ten percent (10%) or less of the floor space of the leased
premises unusable for the purpose intended, Lessor shall effect restoration of the premises as
quickly as is reasonably possible, but in any event within thirty (30) days.
In the event such casualty shall render more than ten percent (10%) of such floor space
unusable but not constitute total destruction, Lessor shall forthwith give notice to State of the
specific number of days required to repair the same. If Lessor under such circumstances shall
not give such notice within fifteen (15) calendar days after such destruction, or if such notice shall
specify that such repairs will require more than ninety (90) days to complete from date such notice
is given, State, in either such event, at its option may terminate this lease or, upon notice to
Lessor, may maintain occupancy and elect to undertake the repairs itself, deducting the cost
thereof from the rental due or to become due under this lease and any other lease between Lessor
and State.
In the event of any such destruction other than total, where the State has not terminated the
lease as herein provided, or pursuant to the terms hereof has not elected to make the repairs
itself, Lessor shall diligently prosecute the repair of said premises and, in any event, if said repairs
are not completed within the period of thirty (30) days for destruction aggregating ten percent
(10%) or less of the floor space, or within the period specified in Lessor's notice in connection
with partial destruction aggregating more than ten percent (10%), the State shall have the option
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to terminate this lease or complete the repairs itself, deducting the cost thereof from the rental
due or to become due under this lease and any other lease between Lessor and State.
In the event the State remains in possession of said premises though partially damaged, the
rental as herein provided shall be reduced by the same ratio as the net square feet the State is
thus precluded from occupying bears to the total net square feet in the leased premises. "Net
square feet" shall mean actual inside dimensions and shall not include public corridors, stairwells,
elevators, and restrooms.
It is understood and agreed that the State or its agent has the right to enter its destroyed or
partially destroyed leased facilities no matter what the condition. At the State's request, the
Lessor shall immediately identify an appropriate route through the building to access the State
leased space. If the Lessor cannot identify an appropriate access route, it is agreed that the State
may use any and all means of access at its discretion in order to enter its leased space.
21. To the extent authorized by any fire and extended coverage insurance policy issued to
Lessor on the herein leased premises, Lessor hereby waives the subrogation rights of the insurer,
and releases the State from liability for any loss or damage covered by said insurance.
22. For those projects defined as "public works" pursuant to Labor Code §1720.2, the
following shall apply:
A. Lessor/contractor shall comply with prevailing wage requirements and be subject to
restrictions and penalties in accordance with §1770 et seq. of the Labor Code which
requires prevailing wages be paid to appropriate work classifications in all bid
specifications and subcontracts.
B. The Lessor/contractor shall furnish all subcontractors/employees a copy of the
Department of Industrial Relations prevailing wage rates which Lessor will post at the job
site. All prevailing wage rates shall be obtained by the Lessor/contractor from:
Department of Industrial Relations
Division of Labor Statistics and Research
455 Golden Gate Avenue, 8th Floor
San Francisco, California 94102
Phone: (415) 703-4774
Fax: (415) 703-4771
For further information on prevailing wage:
C. Lessor/contractor shall comply with the payroll record keeping and availability requirement
of §1776 of the Labor Code.
D. Lessor/contractor shall make travel and subsistence payments to workers needed for
performance of work in accordance with the Labor Code.
E. Prior to commencement of work, Lessor/contractor shall contact the Division of
Apprenticeship Standards and comply with §1777.5, §1777.6, and §1777.7 of the Labor
Code and Applicable Regulations.
23. During the performance of this lease, the Lessor shall not deny benefits to any person on
the basis of religion, color, ethnic group identification, sex, age, physical or mental disability, nor
shall they discriminate unlawfully against any employee or applicant for employment because of
race, religion, color, national origin, ancestry, physical handicap, mental disability, medical
condition, marital status, age, or sex. Lessor shall ensure that the evaluation and treatment of
employees and applicants for employment are free of such discrimination.
Lessor shall comply with the provisions of the Fair Employment and Housing Act (Government
Code, Section 12900 et seq.), the regulations promulgated thereunder (California Code of
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Regulations, Title 2, Section 11000 et seq.), the provisions of Article 9.5, Chapter 1, Part 1,
Division 3, Title 2 of the Government Code (Government Code, Sections 11135-11139.8), and
the regulations or standards adopted by the awarding State agency to implement such article.
24. The State of California supports the use of Disabled Veteran Business Enterprise (DVBE)
and we encourage the Lessor to utilize DVBEs when contracting for tenant improvements and
services. Lessor shall complete the DVBE Program Certification Sheet (Form F) attached in
Exhibit “C” herein prior to acceptance and occupancy of this lease. Lessor may refer to the
following internet link for DVBE guidelines and instructions.
Disabled Veteran Business Enterprise (DVBE) Program Guidelines
25. Within fifteen (15) days after occupancy of the leased premises by the State, Lessor shall
provide the State with the name, address, and telephone number of an agency or person
convenient to the State as a local source of service regarding the Lessor's responsibilities under
this lease as to repairs, maintenance, and servicing of the premises and any or all related
equipment, fixtures, and appurtenances.
Service Credit
26. Lessor agrees that the rental provided under the terms of Paragraph 4 hereof is based in
part upon the costs of the services, utilities, and supplies to be furnished by Lessor in accordance
with Paragraph 13 hereof. In the event the State vacates the premises prior to the end of the
term of this lease, or, if after notice in writing from the State, all or any part of such services,
utilities, or supplies for any reason are not used by the State, then, in such event, the monthly
rental as to each month or portion thereof as to which such services, utilities, or supplies are not
used by the State shall be reduced by an amount equal to the average monthly costs of such
unused services, utilities, or supplies during the six-month period immediately preceding the first
month in which such services, utilities, or supplies are not used.
Holding Over
27. In the event the State remains in possession of the premises after the expiration of the
lease term, or any extension or renewal thereof, this lease shall be automatically extended on a
month to month basis, subject to thirty (30) days termination by either party, and otherwise on the
terms and conditions herein specified, so far as applicable. If the last rental amount shown in
Paragraph 4 included the amortization of a capital sum expended by Lessor for certain alterations
and improvements, as described in a separate paragraph herein, and the capital sum has been
fully amortized, the holdover rent shall be reduced by the amount of the monthly amortization. If
the State fails to vacate the premises within the notice period and remains for an extended period,
additional rent shall be paid and prorated on a thirty (30) day month, based on the actual number
of days the State occupies the premises following the effective date of termination.
Surrender of
28. Upon termination or expiration of this lease, the State will peacefully surrender to the
Lessor the leased premises in as good order and condition as when received, except for
reasonable use and wear thereof and damage by earthquake, fire, public calamity, the elements,
acts of God, or circumstances over which State has no control or for which Lessor is responsible
pursuant to this lease. The State shall have no duty to remove any improvements or fixtures
placed by it on the premises or to restore any portion of the premises altered by it, save and
except in the event State elects to remove any such improvements or fixtures and such removal
causes damages or injury to the leased premises, and then only to the extent of any such damage
or injury.
Time of
Binding upon
29. Ti
me is of the essence of this lease, and the terms and provisions of this lease shall
extend to and be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the heirs, executors, administrators,
successors, and assigns to the respective parties hereto. All of the parties hereto shall be jointly
and severally liable hereunder.
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No Oral
30. It is mutually understood and agreed that no alterations or variations of the terms of this
lease shall be valid unless made in writing and signed by the parties hereto, and that no oral
understanding or agreement not incorporated herein, shall be binding on any of the parties hereto.
Wages and
31. All janitorial and housekeeping services, custodians, food services workers, laundry
workers, window cleaners and security guards provided by Lessor pursuant to the provisions of
this lease, shall be in full compliance with the requirements of Government Code (GC) 19134 if
applicable, including but not limited to the following:
A. Lessor agrees that service contract agreements for such services will provide employee
wages and benefits that are valued at eighty-five (85%) of the State Employer cost of
providing comparable wages and benefits to state employees performing similar duties.
For these purposes, benefits include health, dental, vision, retirement, holiday pay, sick
pay and vacation pay.
B. Lessor shall ensure that each contractor and subcontractor providing such services is
provided a copy of the applicable regulations for GC 19134.
C. Lessor agrees to certify on a quarterly basis that all contracts executed by Lessor are in
compliance with GC 19134.
D. Lessor agrees to include in the service contract agreements the applicable reporting, audit
and termination for breach provisions as described in the applicable regulations for GC
32. Lessor shall be solely responsible for compliance with all applicable accessibility
standards, Federal and State statutes and regulations, including the Americans with Disabilities
Act, and shall ensure that the premises are fully accessible by all persons. Lessor guarantees
that the premises comply with all applicable accessibility standards upon State’s occupancy of
the leased premises. When an accessibility issue or concern arises, Lessor shall be responsible
for upgrading or retrofitting the premises to address the accessibility issue or concern and ensure
that current accessibility standards are met. Upon notice from State, Lessor shall have 30 days
to begin work to address any identified accessibility issues or concerns. Lessor shall begin work
and diligently pursue such work to completion within a time frame mutually agreed upon in writing
by the parties. In the event Lessor fails to either begin work within the 30-day notice period or
pursue such work diligently to completion within the mutually agreed time frame, State shall have
the right, but not the obligation, to address the accessibility issue or concern within the Leased
Premises at its cost and expense, and deduct such cost and expense from the monthly
rent. Lessor shall indemnify, defend and hold State harmless from any claims or damages arising
from or related to failure to comply with accessibility standards or claims or damages arising from
or related to lack of access to the premises or portions thereof.
33. Pursuant to California Civil Code §1938, the Lessor states that the leased premises:
have not undergone an inspection by a Certified Access Specialist (CASp). A CASp can
inspect the
subject premises and determine whether the subject premises comply
with all of the applicable construction-related accessibility standards under state
Although state law does not require a CASp inspection of the premises, the Lessor
may not prohibit the tenant from obtaining a CASp inspection of the premises for
occupancy by the tenant, if requested by the tenant. The parties shall mutually agree on
the arrangements for the time and manner of the CASp inspection, the payment of the
for the CASp inspection, and the cost of making any repairs necessary to correct
violations of construction-related accessibility standards within the premises.
have undergone an inspection by a Certified Access Specialist (CASp) and it was
determined that the leased premises met all applicable construction-related
accessibility standards pursuant to California Civil Code §55.53 et seq. Lessor shall
provide a copy of the current disability access inspection certificate and any
inspection report to the State within seven days of the date of execution of the lease
pursuant to subdivision (b).
have undergone an inspection by a Certified Access Specialist (CASp) and it was
determined that the leased premises did not meet all applicable construction-related
accessibility standards pursuant to Californi
a Civil Code §55.53 et seq. Lessor shall
provide a copy of any inspection report to the State prior to the execution of the
Lease. If the report is not provided to the State at least 48 hours prior to execution of
the lease, the State shall have the right to rescind the lease, based upon the
information contained in the report, for 72 hours after execution of the lease.
In the event Lessor marks
option three above, Lessor guarantees that it shall remedy or has
remedied all accessibility issues identified in the report.
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d Lease” – (Rev-5/21)
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tandard Lease” – (Rev-5/21)
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this lease has been executed by the parties hereto as of the dates written below
Approval Recommended
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Real Estate Leasing and Planning Section
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