Teen Driver Car
Maintenance and
Repair Guide
Vehicle Maintenance Checklist
In this section, we highlight a list of vehicle components that should be checked on a routine basis to keep your car
running its best, to help you avoid costly repairs and to extend the life of your vehicle. Be sure to always wear safety
glasses when necessary, as well as other personal protective equipment such as latex gloves and closed toe shoes.
1. Check the Oil
2. Check the tire pressure
3. Check the battery
4. Check the coolant
5. Check the windshield wiper uid and
6. Check your lights
Vehicle Maintenance Checklist
Teen Driver Car Maintenance and Repair Guide
Vehicle Maintenance Checklist
1. Check the Oil
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
For help, view pictures of how to check engine oil.
Motor oil is designed to lubricate, cool and seal internal engine components. That’s
why regularly checking and changing engine oil is an important part of overall vehicle
maintenance. Running the engine with little or no oil will cause the engine to overheat and
eventually seize up. Neglecting to change the oil periodically will shorten the life of your
Start your vehicle and warm up the engine. Park the vehicle on a level surface
and turn off the engine. Wait 2 or 3 minutes to allow the oil to drain to the
bottom of the oil pan.
Open the hood and locate the engine oil dipstick. Refer to your vehicle
owner’s manual for the exact location.
Pull the oil dipstick out of the tube and wipe off the engine oil with a clean shop
Reinsert the dipstick into the dipstick tube all the way.
Pull the oil dipstick out and check the oil level. The oil level should be between
the Min and Max marks on the dipstick.
Add oil if below the Min mark. It takes one quart to raise the oil level from Min
to Max.
2. Check the tire pressure
For help, view pictures of how to check tire pressure.
Tire pressure is often overlooked, but it directly inuences how a vehicle performs on
the road. Low tire pressure can affect handling, overall ride and fuel economy. Over-
inating tires can cause the vehicle to ride hard, and the tires to wear prematurely. It’s also
important to know that temperature directly affects tire pressure. Be sure to check your
vehicle’s tire pressure on a regular basis. For even more tire care tips, click here.
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Locate the tire’s valve stem.
Using a tire pressure gauge, hold the gauge down on the valve stem to get the
tire’s pressure reading. Perform this step for all of the tires on your vehicle.
Compare the tire pressure to the information on the sticker located on the
driver side door jam. Please make sure that the tires are cold and have not
been driven on for at least an hour as the tire’s air pressure will increase as the
temperature of the tire increases.
If needed, inate the tires to the manufacturer’s specications.
Vehicle Maintenance Checklist
Teen Driver Car Maintenance and Repair Guide
3. Check the battery
4. Check the coolant
Click here for a step-by-step guide on how to replace a battery.
Your car’s battery stores the electrical energy necessary to start your vehicle’s engine
and power electrical components while the engine is not running. The battery should be
secure to prevent damage, and the cable connections should be clean and tight to allow
the proper ow of electricity. Most car batteries are a sealed lead acid type battery that
lasts from three to ve years depending on driving conditions. If your engine turns over
slowly, this is a good indication that your battery is nearing the end of its life. If your car
does not start at all, chances are, your battery is already dead. Replacing a battery is not a
difcult job on most cars, just remember to wear hand and eye protection.
For help, view pictures of how to check coolant level.
Cooling system failure is the number one cause of mechanical breakdowns on the road.
Checking the coolant level, mixture, and condition on a regular basis could prevent you
from being stranded. Coolant/antifreeze usually contains ethylene glycol or propylene
glycol, and other additives. It raises the boiling point and lowers the freezing point of the
cooling system when mixed with distilled water. A 50/50 mixture is recommended for
optimum performance. Litmus paper and antifreeze testers are readily available to test the
condition and mixture. To check the coolant level, follow the steps below.
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Using a digital multi-meter, check the battery voltage with the engine off and
the battery cool. A digital multi-meter is reasonably priced and easily available
at your local auto parts store. The best time to check a battery is in the
morning before you drive. A fully charged battery should read about 12.6 volts.
Inspect the battery posts and cables for corrosion. Corrosion is a white
powdery or chalky substance that forms on top of the battery.
Check the date code on the battery to determine the age.
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Turn off your car and wait until the engine is cool.
Open the hood of your car and locate the coolant reserve tank. It is usually a
clear or white plastic tank that is connected to the radiator with a hose. Lines
printed on the outside of the container will indicate whether or not the uid level
is high or low.
If the level is low, unscrew the cap of the reserve tank and pour in a 50/50
mixture of Antifreeze/Coolant and distilled water. Use a funnel to avoid
If the reservoir is empty, you may need to add coolant to the radiator as well.
Remove the radiator cap (be sure the engine is cool) and add coolant until you
can see the top of the uid level inside. Be careful not to overow.
Vehicle Maintenance Checklist
Teen Driver Car Maintenance and Repair Guide
Step 1 Turn the key to the on position.
Step 5
Step 6
If your car doesn’t have a reservoir for Antifreeze/Coolant, pour the uid directly
into your radiator. Again, be careful not to overow.
When you’re nished, reinstall the caps. Remember, most coolants are toxic,
so don’t leave open containers or leftover coolant lying around for children or
pets to ingest, as it can be fatal.
Click here for tips on how to get your car ready for Summer Driving
Click here for tips on how to Winterize your vehicle
5. Check the windshield wiper uid and blades
6. Check your lights
Checking Headlight Bulbs
For help, view pictures of how to replace windshield wiper blades.
Windshield wiper uid and blades are essential to keeping your windshield clean while
driving. It’s important to service your wiper uid and blades regularly since the blades can
dry and crack from the sun, or wear down from regular use. Wiper blades that skip, streak
or leave spots or smears should be replaced.
Your car’s headlights, taillights, brake lights and turn signals are essential in not only
helping you see clearly while driving, but in helping others see you clearly too. Headlight
and taillight bulbs are readily available from your local auto parts stores, and they are (in
most cases) easy to change. It’s important to make sure all of your vehicle’s lights are
working properly, especially since you spend most of your time inside your vehicle and
might not know when one of your lights is not working.
For help, view pictures of how to replace a headlight bulb.
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Turn off the engine and open your hood.
Locate the windshield wiper uid reservoir (typically a clear to white-colored jug
lled with blue windshield washer uid). Be sure not to mistake it for the coolant
reservoir which can look similar. The coolant reservoir will be connected by a
hose to the radiator.
Open the reservoir.
If the level is low, usually less than three-quarters full or below the “Fill” line on
the jug, pour windshield washer uid to the top of the container.
Examine your windshield wiper blades for damage and wear. When operating,
if the blades skip, streak or leave spots or smears, they should be replaced.
Teen Driver Car Maintenance and Repair Guide
Vehicle Maintenance Checklist
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Turn on your headlights and put them in the high beam position using the
headlight controls next to your steering wheel.
Exit the vehicle and go to the front of your car to inspect whether your high
beam bulbs are working for both headlights.
Re-enter your vehicle and put your headlights in the low beam position using
the headlight controls next to your steering wheel.
Re-exit the vehicle and go to the front of your car to inspect whether your high
beam bulbs are working for both headlights.
Step 1
Step 2
Have an assistant (friend or family member) step on the brakes while you
inspect the lights at the rear of your vehicle.
Locate any burned out brake light bulbs.
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Turn the key in the on position.
Turn the head light switch to on.
Standing outside of the vehicle, inspect the rear tail lights.
Locate any burned out tail light bulbs.
Turn the key and head light switch to the off position.
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Turn the key to the on position.
Move the turn signal switch to engage the left turn signal. Inspect the front
and rear bulbs.
Move the turn signal switch to engage the right turn signal. Inspect the front
and rear bulbs.
Checking Brake Light Bulbs
Checking Tail Light Bulbs
Checking Turn Signals
For help, view pictures of how to replace a brake light bulb.
For help, view pictures of how to replace a taillight bulb.
By using the AutoMD.Com Web site, accessing or utilizing
the information and advice contained therein (including
the Teen Driver Car Maintenance and Repair Guide), you
agree to be bound by the Terms of Use. The information
and advice provided is general and intended to be a
starting point to gather information about auto repair and
maintenance. You should not rely solely on such information
as it may not be suitable for your particular automobile or
situation. You acknowledge and agree that it is your sole
responsibility to conduct an independent evaluation and
otherwise verify the accuracy, suitability, and applicability of
the information and advice for your situation, circumstances
and purposes before relying or acting upon such advice.
Teen Driver Car
Maintenance and
Repair Guide
Vehicle Maintenance & Repair Instructions
In this section, we’ve provided detailed instructions to help you perform basic maintenance tasks and repairs on
your vehicle, to keep it running at its best, to avoid costly repair shop bills and to extend the life of your car. Be sure
to always wear safety glasses when checking your vehicle, as well as other personal protective equipment such as
latex gloves and closed toe shoes.
1. How to change oil
2. How to change a at tire
3. How to jumpstart a battery
4. How to replace light bulbs
5. How to replace windshield wiper blades
6. How to replace an air lter
Teen Driver Car Maintenance and Repair Guide
Vehicle Maintenance and Repair Instructions
1. How to change oil
For help, view pictures of how to change engine oil.
Motor oil is designed to lubricate, cool and seal internal engine components. When the
engine is on, oil is constantly circulating through critical parts of your car’s motor. That’s
why regularly checking and changing engine oil is an important part of overall vehicle
maintenance. Neglecting to change the oil periodically will shorten the life of your engine. If
your engine oil level is low, check for potential leaks.
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
Step 7
Step 8
Step 9
Step 10
Step 11
Step 12
Step 13
Step 14
Start your vehicle and warm-up the engine. Oil contaminants will drain more
easily from a warm engine.
Park your vehicle on a solid level surface, turn off the engine and set the
parking brake. Driving the vehicle on ramps or lifting the front of the vehicle
may be necessary to change the engine oil if the vehicle ground clearance is
too low.
Open the hood and locate the engine oil ll cap.
Remove the engine oil ll cap. This will allow the dirty oil to drain quicker.
Place a drain pan under the oil drain plug located below the engine. Remove
the oil drain plug.
Completely drain the dirty oil into the drain pan.
Install the oil drain plug with a new gasket. Tighten the drain plug to the
manufacturer’s specications.
Place a drain pan under the oil lter and remove the lter using an oil lter
wrench. Make sure the gasket comes off with the lter. Wipe off the mounting
surface with a clean towel.
Apply a light lm of oil on the new oil lter gasket. Install the new oil lter by
hand. Tighten the lter 3/4 to 1 turn after the gasket makes contact.
Add the proper amount and type of engine oil. Refer to your vehicle owner’s
manual for the engine oil capacity and recommended type.
Check the oil level with the engine oil dipstick. The oil level should be above the
full mark. This is normal because the oil has not entered the lter yet.
Install the engine oil ll cap and start the engine.
Turn off the engine and recheck the engine oil level.
Dispose of your used oil properly. Do not dump it on the ground or down a
storm sewer drain.
Teen Driver Car Maintenance and Repair Guide
Vehicle Maintenance and Repair Instructions
2. How to change a at tire
For help, view pictures of how to change a at tire.
A at tire can occur anywhere and at anytime, so knowing how to change a at tire is
essential part of your vehicle repair and maintenance knowledge.
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
Step 7
Step 8
For even more tire care tips, click here.
Park the vehicle on a solid, level surface and set the parking brake. If you are
driving when a at tire occurs, pull off to the side of the road and turn on the
hazard lights. Do not attempt to replace a at tire on the road if it is not safe.
Locate and remove your spare tire, the car jack, and the lug nut wrench or tire
If necessary, remove the wheel hub cap from the at tire. Break loose the wheel
lug nuts by turning them counter-clockwise with a tire iron. Do not remove the
lug nuts until the vehicle is raised.
Using your car jack, lift the vehicle where the at tire is located. Check your
vehicle owner’s manual for proper jacking locations.
Remove the lug nuts. Remove the at tire and set it aside.
Install the spare tire on the wheel hub by aligning the lug nut holes with the
studs. Install the lug nuts and snug them down with the tire iron in a star
Lower the vehicle to the ground and remove the jack. Tighten the lug nuts
securely in a star pattern.
If applicable, re-install the hub cap. Place the at tire in the trunk, and return
the car jack and the tire iron to their proper locations.
Teen Driver Car Maintenance and Repair Guide
Vehicle Maintenance and Repair Instructions
3. How to jumpstart a battery
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
If your engine won’t turn over (crank), chances are, your battery is dead. If you have a set
of jumper cables and another vehicle, you can “jumpstart” the battery and drive your car
home or take it to a repair shop.
Locate a working vehicle and verify that the working vehicle’s battery is the
same voltage as yours. Most car batteries are 12 Volts. Have the owner of
the working vehicle drive and park the vehicle close to the hood of your car.
Unwind the jumper cables and then attach the red clamp FIRST to the (+)
positive post on the dead battery. Then connect the other end with the red
clamp to the (+) positive post on the good battery.
Now connect a black clamp to the (-) negative post of the good battery.
Then connect the remaining black clamp (for the dead battery) to a piece of
grounded metal on the dead car, preferably one that is dirt-free and paint-free.
Turn on the working vehicle and let it idle for a few minutes. Do not race the
engine of the working car by stepping on the accelerator. Start the car with the
dead battery. If it doesn’t start, wait ve minutes and try again.
If your vehicle doesn’t start after the second charge, chances are your battery
needs to be replaced. If your vehicle starts, remove the battery cables in the
REVERSE order of the way you attached them.
Keep your vehicle’s engine running for about 20 minutes to charge the battery
before driving.
Teen Driver Car Maintenance and Repair Guide
Vehicle Maintenance and Repair Instructions
4. How to replace light bulbs
Your car’s headlights, brake lights and taillights are essential in not only helping you see
clearly while driving, but in helping others see you clearly too. Your headlight bulbs need to
be in good working order, especially for night time driving, and your brake light and taillight
bulbs should also be in good working order to alert other drivers that you are braking or
changing lanes. It’s important to make sure all of your vehicle’s lights are working properly
to keep you, and others, safe while driving.
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Open the hood and locate the back of the headlight assembly near the front of
the engine compartment.
Twist and remove the socket assembly from the back of the headlight.
Disconnect the headlight bulb from the socket assembly. Check the
connection for dirt and corrosion. Clean as necessary with electrical spray
cleaner. Install the new headlight bulb into the socket, and re-install the socket
assembly to the headlight.
Turn on the headlights and check high and low beams to verify the light is
Open the trunk and remove the rear cover to expose the back of the taillight
Twist and remove the socket assembly for the brake light bulb.
Disconnect the brake light bulb from the socket assembly.
Install the new brake light bulb.
Reconnect the socket to the back of the taillight assembly.
Depress the brake pedal and have an assistant verify the light is working.
Replacing a Headlight Bulb
Replacing a Brake Light Bulb
For help, view pictures of how to replace a headlight bulb.
For help, view pictures of how to replace a brake light bulb.
Teen Driver Car Maintenance and Repair Guide
Vehicle Maintenance and Repair Instructions
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
Step 7
Step 8
Step 9
Step 10
Step 11
Turn the key to the on position.
Turn the head light switch to on.
Standing outside of the vehicle, inspect the rear tail lights.
Locate the burned out tail light bulb.
Turn the key and head light switch to the off position.
Gain access to tail light bulb. Open the trunk and remove the rear cover to
expose the back of the taillight assembly.
Remove the wiring harness from the tail light lens assembly.
Disconnect the tail light bulb from the wiring harness socket.
Install the new tail light bulb.
Reconnect the wiring harness to the tail light lens assembly.
To conrm proper installation of the new tail light bulb, place the key in the
on position. Then turn on the head light switch to verify the tail light bulb is
Replacing a Taillight Bulb
For help, view pictures of how to replace a taillight bulb.
5. How to replace windshield wiper blades
For help, view pictures of how to replace a windshield wiper blade or pictures of how to
replace windshield wiper blade rells.
Good wiper blades help you see clearly while driving because they clean dirt, debris, rain
and other obstacles from the surface of your windshield. It’s important to change your
wiper blades once a year since they can dry and crack from the sun or heat, or wear
down from regular use. Wiper blades that skip, streak or leave spots or smears should be
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
Locate the windshield wipers.
Remove the wiper blade assembly from the wiper arm.
Using pliers, pinch the metal tabs on the rubber insert and slide the insert out
of the wiper blade assembly.
Slide the new rubber insert into the wiper assembly until the metal tabs are
locked and prevent the insert from sliding.
Reinstall the wiper assembly to the wiper arm.
Test the wipers for proper operation.
Teen Driver Car Maintenance and Repair Guide
Vehicle Maintenance and Repair Instructions
6. How to replace an air lter
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
Step 7
Step 8
For help, view pictures of how to replace an air lter.
The engine air lter prevents dirt from entering the engine through the air intake system.
A clean air lter allows the proper amount of air ow into the engine to keep the motor
running smoothly and efciently. If your car has high miles and the air lter has never been
replaced, the lter probably has a build-up of dust and dirt which can restrict the ow of air.
That’s why it’s important to replace your air lter periodically.
Open the hood and locate the air lter box.
Remove the clips or the mounting screws from the lter box cover to open.
Lift the cover and remove the old air lter. Make a note of the direction in which
the lter is facing for reference when installing the new one.
If the lter box is dirty, use a shop vacuum to remove excess dirt and debris
and wipe the inside with a damp cloth.
Install the new air lter into the lter box.
Re-install the lter box cover.
Re-install the clamps or tighten the screws to secure the air lter box cover.
Make sure it is closed and sealed correctly.
Be sure the hose connections to the lter box cover are tight and secure.
By using the AutoMD.Com Web site, accessing or utilizing
the information and advice contained therein (including
the Teen Driver Car Maintenance and Repair Guide), you
agree to be bound by the Terms of Use. The information
and advice provided is general and intended to be a
starting point to gather information about auto repair and
maintenance. You should not rely solely on such information
as it may not be suitable for your particular automobile or
situation. You acknowledge and agree that it is your sole
responsibility to conduct an independent evaluation and
otherwise verify the accuracy, suitability, and applicability of
the information and advice for your situation, circumstances
and purposes before relying or acting upon such advice.
Car Maintenance and Repair
Tips & Tricks You Probably
Don’t Know but Should
Did you know…you don’t need to use the highest grade of gasoline for your
car’s engine to perform its best? The common opinion among experts is that
the difference in quality between different grades of gasoline today is very
small, so don’t waste your money by lling up with premium gasoline unless
your car “requires” it (if this exact wording is stated in your owner’s manual).
Click here to learn more fuel efcient drive tips
Did you know…you can check for tire wear and tear by using a simple penny?
Hold a penny at the base between your thumb and forenger so that you can
see the top of President Lincoln’s head and the words “In God We Trust.”
Place the top of Lincoln’s head into one of the grooves in your tire tread. If
any part of Lincoln’s head is covered, you have a legal and safe amount of tire
tread left and your tires probably don’t need to be replaced. However, if there
is any space above Lincoln’s head, or if you can see any part of the words “In
God We Trust,” it’s time for new tires.
For even more tire care tips, click here.
Did you know…you should change your oil every 5,000 miles? Experts used
to recommend an oil change every 3,000 miles, but most of today’s new cars
don’t require an oil change that often. A good rule of thumb is this – if your
car is older than a 2002 model year, you should probably change your oil every
3,000 miles. If it’s newer than a 2002 model, it’s ne to change your oil every
5,000 miles.
Teen Driver Car Maintenance and Repair Guide
Car Maintenance and Repair Tips & Tricks
You Probably Didn’t Know but Should
Did you know…if something electrical in your car stops working, it might be
a blown fuse? Identify which electrical part isn’t working. Using the owner’s
manual, locate the fuse box. Then, locate the fuse for the part that isn’t
working. Remove the blown fuse with a plastic fuse removal tool, usually
located in the fuse box. Install a new fuse with the same amperage rating.
Test the electrical part for proper operation to verify the repair. For help, view
pictures of how to replace a fuse.
Did you know…if your Check Engine light is blinking while you’re driving, you
should pull over immediately? The Check Engine light can signal any number
of system failures, from a fuel vapor leak caused by a loose gas cap to a faulty
O2 sensor. If the light comes on and stays on without ashing - yet the car
seems to be running smoothly - chances are your car can be examined by a
mechanic when you get home. On the other hand, if the Check Engine light
is blinking while you’re driving, pull over or get to a mechanic right away. A
blinking check engine light usually indicates a severe misre that could damage
your car’s expensive catalytic converter.
For more tips on car maintenance, click here.
Did you know…you shouldn’t top off your gas tank? Topping off your gas tank
can actually cause extra gasoline to be fed back into the gas station’s holding
tanks. That means you could actually be spending more money for gas in the
long run – extra gas your car won’t use. What’s more, overlling your gas tank
can cause harmful vapors to be released into the environment. And gasoline
needs room to expand, so if you top off your tank, the extra gasoline can
evaporate into your car’s vapor collection system, causing your engine to run
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as it may not be suitable for your particular automobile or
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and purposes before relying or acting upon such advice.
Teen Driver Car
Maintenance and
Repair Guide
Car Repair Safety Tips
• Always wear safety glasses when repairing your vehicle, in addition to other
personal protective equipment such as latex gloves and closed to shoes.
• Never smoke cigarettes when repairing your car.
• Be sure the parking brake is on and the gearshift is in Park or Neutral when repairing
or maintaining your vehicle. Always shut off the engine ahead of time, unless it has to
be running in order to make the repair.
• Unless a warm engine is required for a repair, make sure the motor is cold to avoid
• Always properly block the wheels of your car before putting it on a car jack.
• Always disconnect the negative battery cable, when performing electrical work.
• Remove jewelry and tie back long hair before making repairs.
• When using toxic substances such as engine coolant or engine cleaners, exercise
caution around your hand, mouth and eyes. Wear safety glasses as well as other
personal protective equipment such as latex gloves and closed toe shoes whenever
possible. Always wash your hands after using toxic substances and be sure to store
them safely away from children or pets. Keep all hazardous materials, such as gasoline,
away from open ame.
• Make sure your work space is well ventilated and whenever possible, work outside.
If you work inside, keep the door open and your car as close to the door as you can.
• Always have a re extinguisher nearby and be sure you know how to properly operate it.
Keep one in your garage and one in your vehicle.
By using the AutoMD.Com Web site, accessing or utilizing
the information and advice contained therein (including
the Teen Driver Car Maintenance and Repair Guide), you
agree to be bound by the Terms of Use. The information
and advice provided is general and intended to be a
starting point to gather information about auto repair and
maintenance. You should not rely solely on such information
as it may not be suitable for your particular automobile or
situation. You acknowledge and agree that it is your sole
responsibility to conduct an independent evaluation and
otherwise verify the accuracy, suitability, and applicability of
the information and advice for your situation, circumstances
and purposes before relying or acting upon such advice.
Teen Driver Car Maintenance and Repair Guide
Roadside Safety Tips
• If your car stops running properly and if you can, move your vehicle to the right-hand
side of the roadway as soon as possible. Avoid stopping your car in an active trafc
• Immediately turn on your emergency ashers.
• Once stopped, use ares or hazard triangles to alert other motorists of a problem and
place the are or triangle approximately 50 feet behind your car to give other motorists
adequate notice.
• Use the door on the opposite side of the roadway to exit and enter your vehicle. If
you can’t, leave enough space to open your door without stepping near, or in the way
of, moving cars.
• Carry items such as ashlights, ares or hazard triangles, a rst aid kit and blankets in
your car. And don’t forget to have a working cell phone in your possession at all times,
in case of an emergency.
• Carry tools such as a jack, wrenches, screw drivers and a spare tire in your car. Be
sure to know how to use the tools – and how to make basic repairs – in case of a
roadside breakdown.
• If you have a at tire or a tire blowout, pull onto a at area if possible so you can safely
and properly use the car jack.
• Turn your steering wheel in the opposite direction of the road so your vehicle doesn’t
accidentally roll into trafc.
• Raise your car hood or tie a white cloth to your door handle to signal police help or
assistance from passersby.
• If you’re waiting for help, stay inside the vehicle with your doors locked and your seatbelt
• Exercise caution when accepting help from strangers. If you are suspicious, don’t open
your door. Instead, lower your window enough to talk and let them know help is on the
way, or to ask them to make a phone call for you.
By using the AutoMD.Com Web site, accessing or utilizing
the information and advice contained therein (including
the Teen Driver Car Maintenance and Repair Guide), you
agree to be bound by the Terms of Use. The information
and advice provided is general and intended to be a
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maintenance. You should not rely solely on such information
as it may not be suitable for your particular automobile or
situation. You acknowledge and agree that it is your sole
responsibility to conduct an independent evaluation and
otherwise verify the accuracy, suitability, and applicability of
the information and advice for your situation, circumstances
and purposes before relying or acting upon such advice.
Mufer – The mufer is a device in the exhaust system used to reduce noise. It is located
under the back half of the vehicle.
Fuel tank – The fuel tank is your car’s storage container for gas.
Shock – The shock absorber is a hydraulic device that dampens spring oscillations. It is
mounted behind each tire and wheel assembly.
Fuel pump – The fuel pump is an electrical or mechanical device that pumps fuel from
the fuel tank to the injectors or the carburetor. Most vehicles are fuel injected, and have an
electric pump located inside the fuel tank.
Vehicle Diagram & Glossary
Teen Driver Car Maintenance and Repair Guide
Vehicle Diagram & Glossary
Brake drum – Brake drums are made of cast iron and found mostly on the rear axle.
When you press on the brake pedal, the brake shoes are forced against the inside of the
drums to stop the wheels from turning.
Air lter – The air lter prevents dust and dirt from entering the engine through the air
intake system. The air lter is located in a housing that is attached to the throttle body or
Catalytic converter – The catalytic converter is an emission device located in the
exhaust system near the exhaust manifold. It reduces the amount of pollutants coming out
of the exhaust pipe.
Battery – A vehicle battery is a rechargeable 12-volt storage device that is usually
located in the engine compartment. The battery provides power to start the vehicle, and
power electrical components while the engine is not running.
Brake rotor – The brake rotor, or brake disc, is attached to the wheel hub and rotates
inside the brake caliper assembly. When you press on the brake pedal, the caliper pistons
force the brake pads against the rotors to stop the wheels from turning.
Alternator – The alternator is an AC generator that produces electrical current to charge
the battery and run the electrical system. It is usually belt driven and mounted on the front
of the engine.
Brake caliper – The brake caliper is located behind the tire and wheel assembly. It is a
major component of the disc brake system. The brake caliper forces the disc pads against
the rotor.
Lights - Your car’s headlights, taillights, brake lights and turn signals are essential in not
only helping you see clearly while driving, but in helping others see you clearly too.
Strut – The strut locates the suspension position, and typically combines the shock
absorber with the coil spring. It performs the same dampening function as a conventional
shock absorber.
Steering rack – A lightweight steering gear that uses a horizontal bar to turn the
Radiator – The radiator cools and stores the engine coolant. It is usually mounted on the
front of the engine compartment.
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