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Department of Permitting
and Environmental Review
35030 SE Douglas Street, Suite 210
Snoqualmie, WA 98065-9266
206-296-6600 TTY Relay: 711
Any portion of County road right-of-way shall not be privately improved or used for access or other
purposes unless a Right-of-Way (ROW) Use permit has been issued pursuant to Chapter 14.28 King County
Code (KCC), except for utility construction work pursuant to Chapter 14.44 KCC. Work proposed under
another development permit may have the ROW Use permit consolidated into the development permit reviews.
Driveway connections from private property to county-maintained road right-of-way are exempt from the ROW
permit requirement (total one driveway per parcel). However, driveways or any work proposed in County ROW
shall conform to minimum standards established by the King County Road Standards and Surface Water
Design Manual.
Application for a ROW Use permit shall be submitted to the permit counter at the Department of Permitting and
Environmental Review (Permitting), 35030 SE Douglas Street, Suite 210 in Snoqualmie, WA 98065-9266. For
questions or application materials, call 206-296-6600.
1. Completed application form. Fill in blanks and answer questions in Sections I through V. Include a
location sketch on the back of application form only if other plans or sketches are not available. Submit
good quality photographs showing location(s) of proposed work in the right-of-way, roadway(s) or right-
of-way(s) in all directions, road side ditches, shoulders, road pavement, or gravel surface and other
existing adjacent utility structures. Identify property corner locations on photographs wherever
2. Assessor's Map(s). Outline in red on a copy of a County Assessor's Map the County right-of-way(s) to
be opened or improved. Also, outline the property to be served as a result of the proposed project.
This map may be obtained from the Public Information Counter of the King County Assessor, 500
Fourth Ave., Seattle, WA. Call 206-296-7300 to order this map and allow at least one day.
3. SEPA Environmental Checklist. This form is required by the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA)
unless a checklist has already been submitted for another development permit on the same property or
the proposed work is exempt. (Categorical exemptions are specified under WAC 197-11-800. See list
of exempted projects.)
4. Pay Initial Review Fee. Most applications require a Simple Permit Initial Review Fee (if engineering
plans not required). If engineering plans are required by the County, then a Complex Permit Initial
Review Fee shall be paid. Note that complex permits require 2 copies of engineering plans and the
initial plan submittal review fee and additional review fee if plans include retention/detention facilities.
For detailed information about permit fees, please refer to the ROW Use Permit Fee Schedule.
5. Certificate of Applicant Status/Transfer of Applicant Status.
6. Site (Parcel) Legal Description.
7. Affidavit Concerning Critical Areas Compliance.
(Available on the Permitting Web site at www.kingcounty.gov/permits: Permit Application Forms and Permit Fee
Use Permit Application
For alternate formats, call 206-296-6600.
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Applications will be checked for compliance with applicable County ordinances, standards, and policies, then initial
review conditions will be compiled and mailed to the applicant. These conditions establish requirements needed for
permit issuance such as, engineering plan requirements, other review or inspection fees, and construction bonding
requirements. If a SEPA Environmental Checklist is required (see SEPA Exemption information), a SEPA
determination may require additional processing requirements, conditions, review fees, public notification, and
special mitigating measures.
If road and drainage engineering plans are required and submitted after the initial application, the initial plan review
fee shall be paid at plan submittal. For more information on the ROW Use Permit processing requirements, please
refer to Permitting Customer Information Bulletin No. 31, Right-of-Way Use.
A permit will be issued after the applicant complies with all established conditions, pays all applicable fees, and
posts any required financial guarantee (bond). When a Right-of-Way Use Permit is issued, construction inspection
is required. Simple Permits require a minimum 3-hour inspection fee plus a fixed bond administrative fee. Prior to
starting construction activities, the applicant must hold a pre-construction meeting with Permitting staff after permit
Types of Right-of-Way Proposals Exempt from Environmental Checklist Requirements
The following excerpts identify typical proposals effecting King County Right-of-Way (ROW), which are exempt from
SEPA. This list is compiled to assist the applicant in making a determination whether or not to include a SEPA checklist
with a ROW use permit application. If the project you propose is described below, you do not need to submit a SEPA
checklist with your application. If the scope of your project goes beyond those described below, complete a SEPA
checklist for your application. WAC 197-11-800 Categorical exemptions . . . .
(2) Other minor new construction . . . .
(a) The construction or designation of bus stops, loading zones, shelters, access facilities and pull-out lanes for
taxicabs, transit and school vehicles.
(b) The construction and/or installation of . . . . public signs and signals.
(c) The construction or installation of minor road and street improvements such as pavement marking, freeway
surveillance and control systems, railroad protective devices (not including grade-separated crossings), grooving, glare screen, safety
barriers, energy attenuators, transportation corridor landscaping . . . . temporary traffic controls and detours, correction of substandard
curves and intersections within existing rights-of-way, widening of a highway be less than a single lane width where capacity is not
significantly increased and no new right-of-way is required, adding auxiliary lanes for localized purposes, (weaving, climbing, speed
change, etc.), where capacity is not significantly increased and no new right-of-way is required, channelization and elimination of sight
restrictions at intersections, street lighting, guard rails and barricade installation, installation of catch basins and culverts, and
reconstruction of existing roadbed (existing curb-to-curb in urban locations), including adding or widening of shoulders, addition of
bicycle lanes, paths and facilities, and pedestrian walks and paths, but not including additional automobile lanes . . . .
(f) The demolition of any structure or facility, . . . . except for structures or facilities with recognized historical
significance. . . .
(h) The vacation of streets or roads.
(i) The installation of hydrological measuring devices . . . .
(j) The installation of any property, boundary or survey marker, other than fences,. . . .
(3) Repair . . . . and maintenance activities. . . . The repair, . . . . maintenance, or minor alteration of existing . . . . facilities . . . .
including utilities, involving no material expansions or changes in use beyond that previously existing; except that, where undertaken
wholly or in part on land covered by water, . . . .
(24) Utilities. The utility-related actions listed below shall be exempt, except for installation, construction, or alteration on
lands covered by water. The exemption includes installation and construction, relocation when required by other governmental bodies,
repair, replacement, maintenance, operation or alteration that does not change the action from an exempt class.
(a) All communications lines, including cable TV, but not including communication towers or relay stations.
(b) All storm water, water and sewer facilities, lines, equipment, hookups or appurtenances including, utilizing or related
to lines eight inches or less in diameter.
(c) All electric facilities, lines, equipment or appurtenances, not including substations, with an associated voltage of
55,000 volts or less; and the overbuilding of existing distribution lines (55,000 volts or less) with transmission lines (more than 55,000
volts); and the undergrounding of all electric facilities, lines, equipment or appurtenances.
(d) All national gas distribution (as opposed to transmission) lines and necessary appurtenant facilities and hookups . . .
(f) Periodic use of chemical or mechanical means to maintain a utility or transportation right-of-way in its design
condition: Provided, that chemicals used are approved by the Washington State Department of Agriculture and applied by licensed
personnel. This exemption shall not apply to the use of chemicals within watersheds that are controlled for the purpose of drinking
water quality in accordance with WAC 248-54-660.
(g) All grants of rights-of-way by agencies to utilities for use for distribution (as opposed to transmission) purposes . . . .
(j) Issuance of rights-of-way, easements and use permits to use existing roads in nonresidential areas.
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Department of Permitting and Environmental Review
35030 SE Douglas Street, Suite 210
Snoqualmie, Washington 98065-9266
206-296-6600 TTY Relay: 711
Official Use Only
Permit Number:
City, State, & Zip:
Relationship to property owner:
Site's Tax Parcel ID No.
Kroll Map Page No.
Site Address:
Are there any related permit application(s) pending in King County? Yes No
If yes, list application number(s)
Road Non-franchised Utility* Other
1. Date Submitted:
2. Comp Plan
Name of Street/Avenue:
3. Permit type:
4. Purpose:
Residential Use
Commercial Use
Yes No
If no, use site plan sheet (see page 4) to show detailed sketch of proposed work.
5. Open ROW:
Yes No
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6. County Maintained:
Yes No
1. Indicate County ROW width (refer to assessor Parcel maps):
2. Is there a road currently in the ROW? Yes No
7. Road Classification
If yes, answer questions 1 through 4. If no, please skip these questions.
Local Access
a. Indicate the road surface type and width:
ft. paved road
ft. gravel road
ft. dirt or logging road
b. Indicate the road surface conditions:
Arterial /
Excellent (recently surfaces) Fair Poor
c. Are there roadside shoulders: Yes No
If yes, indicate shoulder type:
shoulder width:
8. Variances Required
d. How many lots (dwelling units) does this road currently serve?
0-16 17-50 51-100 Over 100
3. Are there any ditches, swales, culverts or other types of utility lines in the ROW?
Yes No
If yes, indicate ditch depth:
ft., ditch width:
If yes, is there overgrown vegetation in the ditch(es) flow line? Yes No
If yes, indicate culvert(s) size:
and type:
4. Are you aware of any drainage problems in the ROW or adjacent to it?
Yes No If yes, describe:
5. Are you aware of any erosion problems in the ROW or adjacent to it?
Yes No If yes, describe:
Please identify Critical Areas in/or adjacent to ROW (check those that apply):
Erosion Landslide Coal Mine Seismic Lake Flood plain
Stream ( Class I II or III)
Wetland ( Class I II or III)
Steep slopes (land terrain steepness along the ROW):
0-10% (rolling) 10-30% (moderate) 40% & over (steep)
Information on mapped Critical Areas and classifications may be found in the critical areas
portfolio maps, available at the Department of permitting.
Any county right-of-way opened pursuant to this permit shall be open for use by the general public. It is the responsibility of the
applicant to notify all Utility Districts and private property owners when such property is liable to injury or damage through the
performance of the above work. The applicant shall make all necessary arrangements relative to the protection of such property
and/or utilities. Utility damage is costly; call 2 days before you dig: 1-800-424-5555.
Before any construction/development activity occurs, an approved permit must be obtained and a pre-construction meeting must
be held with Permitting staff. Please call 206-296-6600 to schedule.
If you have any questions about this form, you may call Engineer Mazen Haidar, P.E., at 206-296-6600 or e-mail inquiries
to Mazen.Haidar@kingcounty.gov.
Signature (Applicant/Agent/Owner)
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Department of Permitting
and Environmental Review
35030 SE Douglas Street, Suite 210
Snoqualmie, WA 98065-9266
206-296-6600 TTY Relay: 711
Vicinity Map
(show site location)
No Scale
Show all existing/proposed road features including but not limited to roadside ditches, shoulders,
storm drain systems, power poles, and any other Utility lines.
Scale: 1" =
Signature (Applicant/Agent/Owner)
Site Plan Sheet
Check out the Permitting Web site at www.kingcounty.gov/permits