Concept of Trauma
and Guidance for a
Trauma-Informed Approach
Prepared by
SAMHSAs Trauma and Justice Strategic Initiative
July 2014
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
Ofce of Policy, Planning and Innovation
This publication was developed under the leadership of SAMHSAs Trauma and
Justice Strategic Initiative Workgroup: Larke N. Huang (lead), Rebecca Flatow, Tenly
Biggs, Sara Afayee, Kelley Smith, Thomas Clark, and Mary Blake. Support was
provided by SAMHSA’s National Center for Trauma-Informed Care, contract number
270-13-0409. Mary Blake and Tenly Biggs serve as the CORs.
The views, opinions, and content of this publication are those of the authors and do not
necessarily reect the views, opinions, or policies of SAMHSA or HHS.
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Recommended Citation
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. SAMHSA’s Concept
of Trauma and Guidance for a Trauma-Informed Approach. HHS Publication No.
(SMA) 14-4884. Rockville, MD: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services
Administration, 2014.
Originating Ofce
Ofce of Policy, Planning and Innovation, Substance Abuse and Mental Health
Services Administration, 1 Choke Cherry Road, Rockville, MD 20857. HHS Publication
No. (SMA) 14-4884. Printed 2014.
page 1
Introduction ........................................................................................................................2
Purpose and Approach: Developing a Framework for Trauma
and a Trauma-Informed Approach ...................................................................................... 3
Background: Trauma — Where We Are and How We Got Here ........................................5
SAMHSA’s Concept of Trauma ..........................................................................................7
SAMHSA’s Trauma-Informed Approach: Key Assumptions
and Principles .....................................................................................................................9
Guidance for Implementing a Trauma-Informed Approach ..............................................12
Next Steps: Trauma in the Context of Community ..........................................................17
Conclusion ........................................................................................................................17
Endnotes ..........................................................................................................................18
page 2
Trauma is a widespread, harmful and costly public supports and intervention, people can overcome
health problem. It occurs as a result of violence, traumatic experiences.
However, most people go
abuse, neglect, loss, disaster, war and other without these services and supports. Unaddressed
emotionally harmful experiences. Trauma has no trauma signicantly increases the risk of mental
boundaries with regard to age, gender, socioeconomic and substance use disorders and chronic physical
status, race, ethnicity, geography or sexual orientation. diseases.
It is an almost universal experience of people with
mental and substance use disorders. The need
to address trauma is increasingly viewed as an
important component of effective behavioral health
service delivery. Additionally, it has become evident
that addressing trauma requires a multi-pronged,
multi-agency public health approach inclusive of
public education and awareness, prevention and
early identication, and effective trauma-specic
assessment and treatment. In order to maximize the
impact of these efforts, they need to be provided
in an organizational or community context that is
trauma-informed, that is, based on the knowledge
and understanding of trauma and its far-reaching
The effects of traumatic events place a heavy
burden on individuals, families and communities and
create challenges for public institutions and service
systems. Although many people who experience
a traumatic event will go on with their lives without
lasting negative effects, others will have more
difculty and experience traumatic stress reactions.
Emerging research has documented the relationships
among exposure to traumatic events, impaired
neurodevelopmental and immune systems responses
and subsequent health risk behaviors resulting in
chronic physical or behavioral health disorders.
Research has also indicated that with appropriate
With appropriate supports and
intervention, people can overcome
traumatic experiences.
Individuals with experiences of trauma are found
in multiple service sectors, not just in behavioral
health. Studies of people in the juvenile and criminal
justice system reveal high rates of mental and
substance use disorders and personal histories of
Children and families in the child welfare
system similarly experience high rates of trauma and
associated behavioral health problems.
people bring their experiences of trauma into the
school systems, often interfering with their school
success. And many patients in primary care similarly
have signicant trauma histories which has an impact
on their health and their responsiveness to health
In addition, the public institutions and service systems
that are intended to provide services and supports
to individuals are often themselves trauma-inducing.
The use of coercive practices, such as seclusion and
restraints, in the behavioral health system; the abrupt
removal of a child from an abusing family in the child
welfare system; the use of invasive procedures in the
medical system; the harsh disciplinary practices in
educational/school systems; or intimidating practices
in the criminal justice system can be re-traumatizing
for individuals who already enter these systems
with signicant histories of trauma. These program
or system practices and policies often interfere with
achieving the desired outcomes in these systems.
The need to address trauma is
increasingly viewed as an important
component of effective behavioral
health service delivery.
page 3page 3
Thus, the pervasive and harmful impact of traumatic experienced by these individuals and how to mitigate
events on individuals, families and communities and the re-traumatizing effect of many of our public
the unintended but similarly widespread re-traumatizing institutions and service settings was not an integral
of individuals within our public institutions and part of the work of these systems. Now, however,
service systems, makes it necessary to rethink there is an increasing focus on the impact of trauma
doing “business as usual.” In public institutions and and how service systems may help to resolve or
service systems, there is increasing recognition that exacerbate trauma-related issues. These systems are
many of the individuals have extensive histories of beginning to revisit how they conduct their “business”
trauma that, left unaddressed, can get in the way of under the framework of a trauma-informed approach.
achieving good health and well-being. For example,
a child who suffers from maltreatment or neglect in
the home may not be able to concentrate on school
work and be successful in school; a women victimized
by domestic violence may have trouble performing in
the work setting; a jail inmate repeatedly exposed to
violence on the street may have difculty refraining
from retaliatory violence and re-offending; a sexually
abused homeless youth may engage in self-injury and
high risk behaviors to cope with the effects of sexual
abuse; and, a veteran may use substances to mask
the traumatic memories of combat. The experiences
of these individuals are compelling and, unfortunately,
all too common. Yet, until recently, gaining a better
understanding of how to address the trauma
There is an increasing focus
on the impact of trauma
and how service systems may
help to resolve or exacerbate
trauma-related issues. These
systems are beginning to
revisit how they conduct their
business under the framework of
a trauma-informed approach.
Purpose and Approach: Developing a Framework for Trauma
and a Trauma-Informed Approach
The purpose of this paper is to develop a working
concept of trauma and a trauma-informed approach
and to develop a shared understanding of these
concepts that would be acceptable and appropriate
across an array of service systems and stakeholder
groups. SAMHSA puts forth a framework for the
behavioral health specialty sectors, that can be
adapted to other sectors such as child welfare,
education, criminal and juvenile justice, primary
health care, the military and other settings that have
the potential to ease or exacerbate an individual’s
capacity to cope with traumatic experiences. In
fact, many people with behavioral health problems
receive treatment and services in these non-specialty
behavioral health systems. SAMHSA intends this
framework be relevant to its federal partners and
their state and local system counterparts and to
practitioners, researchers, and trauma survivors,
families and communities. The desired goal is to build
a framework that helps systems “talk” to each other,
to understand better the connections between trauma
and behavioral health issues, and to guide systems to
become trauma-informed.
SAMHSA approached this task by integrating three
signicant threads of work: trauma focused research
work; practice-generated knowledge about trauma
interventions; and the lessons articulated by survivors
page 4
of traumatic experiences who have had involvement
in multiple service sectors. It was expected that
this blending of the research, practice and survivor
knowledge would generate a framework for improving
the capacity of our service systems and public
institutions to better address the trauma-related issues
of their constituents.
To begin this work, SAMHSA conducted an
environmental scan of trauma denitions and models
of trauma informed care. SAMHSA convened a
group of national experts who had done extensive
work in this area. This included trauma survivors
who had been recipients of care in multiple service
system; practitioners from an array of elds, who had
experience in trauma treatment; researchers whose
work focused on trauma and the development of
trauma-specic interventions; and policymakers in the
eld of behavioral health.
From this meeting, SAMHSA developed a working
document summarizing the discussions among these
experts. The document was then vetted among
federal agencies that conduct work in the eld of
trauma. Simultaneously, it was placed on a SAMHSA
website for public comment. Federal agency experts
provided rich comments and suggestions; the public
comment site drew just over 2,000 respondents
and 20,000 comments or endorsements of others’
comments. SAMHSA reviewed all of these comments,
made revisions to the document and developed the
framework and guidance presented in this paper.
The key questions addressed
in this paper are:
What do we mean by trauma?
What do we mean by a trauma-informed
What are the key principles of a trauma-
informed approach?
What is the suggested guidance for
implementing a trauma-informed
How do we understand trauma in the
context of community?
SAMHSA’s approach to this task has been an attempt
to integrate knowledge developed through research
and clinical practice with the voices of trauma
survivors. This also included experts funded through
SAMHSA’s trauma-focused grants and initiatives,
such as SAMHSA’s National Child Traumatic Stress
Initiative, SAMHSA’s National Center for Trauma
Informed Care, and data and lessons learned from
other grant programs that did not have a primary focus
on trauma but included signicant attention to trauma,
such as SAMHSA’s: Jail Diversion Trauma Recovery
grant program; Children’s Mental Health Initiative;
Women, Children and Family Substance Abuse
Treatment Program; and Offender Reentry and Adult
Treatment Drug Court Programs.
page 5
Background: Trauma — Where We Are and How We Got Here
The concept of traumatic stress emerged in the Simultaneously, an emerging trauma survivors
eld of mental health at least four decades ago. movement has provided another perspective on the
Over the last 20 years, SAMHSA has been a leader understanding of traumatic experiences. Trauma
in recognizing the need to address trauma as a survivors, that is, people with lived experience
fundamental obligation for public mental health and of trauma, have powerfully and systematically
substance abuse service delivery and has supported documented their paths to recovery.
the development and promulgation of trauma-informed experiences complicate a child’s or an adult’s
systems of care. In 1994, SAMHSA convened the capacity to make sense of their lives and to create
Dare to Vision Conference, an event designed to meaningful consistent relationships in their families
bring trauma to the foreground and the rst national and communities.
conference in which women trauma survivors talked
about their experiences and ways in which standard
practices in hospitals re-traumatized and often,
triggered memories of previous abuse. In 1998,
SAMHSA funded the Women, Co-Occurring Disorders
and Violence Study to generate knowledge on the
development and evaluation of integrated services
approaches for women with co-occurring mental and
substance use disorders who also had histories of
physical and or sexual abuse. In 2001, SAMHSA
funded the National Child Traumatic Stress Initiative to
increase understanding of child trauma and develop
effective interventions for children exposed to different
types of traumatic events.
The American Psychiatric Association (APA) played an
important role in dening trauma. Diagnostic criteria for
traumatic stress disorders have been debated through
several iterations of the Diagnostic and Statistical
Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) with a new
category of Trauma- and Stressor-Related Disorders,
across the life-span, included in the recently released
DSM-V (APA, 2013). Measures and inventories of
trauma exposure, with both clinical and research
applications, have proliferated since the 1970’s.
National trauma research and practice centers have
conducted signicant work in the past few decades,
further rening the concept of trauma, and developing
effective trauma assessments and treatments.
With the advances in neuroscience, a biopsychosocial
approach to traumatic experiences has begun to
delineate the mechanisms in which neurobiology,
psychological processes, and social attachment
interact and contribute to mental and substance use
disorders across the life-span.
Trauma survivors have powerfully
and systematically documented
their paths to recovery.
The convergence of the trauma survivors perspective
with research and clinical work has underscored the
central role of traumatic experiences in the lives of
people with mental and substance use conditions.
The connection between trauma and these conditions
offers a potential explanatory model for what has
happened to individuals, both children and adults,
who come to the attention of the behavioral health and
other service systems.
People with traumatic experiences, however, do not
show up only in behavioral health systems. Responses
to these experiences often manifest in behaviors or
conditions that result in involvement with the child
welfare and the criminal and juvenile justice system or
in difculties in the education, employment or primary
care system. Recently, there has also been a focus
on individuals in the military and increasing rates of
posttraumatic stress disorders.
page 6
With the growing understanding of the pervasiveness
of traumatic experience and responses, a growing
number of clinical interventions for trauma responses
have been developed. Federal research agencies,
academic institutions and practice-research
partnerships have generated empirically-supported
interventions. In SAMHSA’s National Registry of
Evidence-based Programs and Practices (NREPP)
alone there are over 15 interventions focusing on the
treatment or screening for trauma.
These interventions have been integrated into the
behavioral health treatment care delivery system;
however, from the voice of trauma survivors, it has
become clear that these clinical interventions are not
enough. Building on lessons learned from SAMHSAs
Women, Co-Occurring Disorders and Violence Study;
SAMHSA’s National Child Traumatic Stress Network;
and SAMHSA’s National Center for Trauma-Informed
Care and Alternatives to Seclusion and Restraints,
among other developments in the eld, it became
clear that the organizational climate and conditions
in which services are provided played a signicant
role in maximizing the outcomes of interventions
and contributing to the healing and recovery of the
people being served. SAMHSA’s National Center for
Trauma-Informed Care has continued to advance this
effort, starting rst in the behavioral health sector,
but increasingly responding to technical assistance
requests for organizational change in the criminal
justice, education, and primary care sectors.
The increased understanding of the pervasiveness of
trauma and its connections to physical and behavioral
health and well-being, have propelled a growing
number of organizations and service systems to
explore ways to make their services more responsive
to people who have experienced trauma. This has
been happening in state and local systems and
federal agencies.
States are elevating a focus on trauma. For example,
Oregon Health Authority is looking at different types of
trauma across the age span and different population
groups. Maine’s “Thrive Initiative” incorporates a
trauma-informed care focus in their children’s systems
of care. New York is introducing a trauma-informed
initiative in the juvenile justice system. Missouri is
exploring a trauma-informed approach for their adult
mental health system. In Massachusetts, the Child
Trauma Project is focused on taking trauma-informed
care statewide in child welfare practice. In Connecticut
the Child Health and Development Institute with the
state Department of Children and Families is building
a trauma-informed system of care throughout the
state through policy and workforce development.
SAMHSA has supported the further development of
trauma-informed approaches through its Mental Health
Transformation Grant program directed to State and
local governments.
Increasing examples of local level efforts are being
documented. For example, the City of Tarpon Springs
in Florida has taken signicant steps in becoming
a trauma-informed community. The city made it its
mission to promote a widespread awareness of the
costly effects of personal adversity upon the wellbeing
of the community. The Family Policy Council in
Washington State convened groups to focus on the
impact of adverse childhood experiences on the health
and well-being of its local communities and tribal
communities. Philadelphia held a summit to further
its understanding of the impact of trauma and
violence on the psychological and physical health
of its communities.
SAMHSA continues its support
of grant programs that
specically address trauma.
At the federal level, SAMHSA continues its support of
grant programs that specically address trauma and
technical assistance centers that focus on prevention,
treatment and recovery from trauma.
page 7
Other federal agencies have increased their focus primary care on how to address trauma issues in
on trauma. The Administration on Children Youth health care for women. The Department of Labor is
and Families (ACYF) has focused on the complex examining trauma and the workplace through a federal
trauma of children in the child welfare system and interagency workgroup. The Department of Defense is
how screening and assessing for severity of trauma honing in on prevention of sexual violence and trauma
and linkage with trauma treatments can contribute in the military.
to improved well-being for these youth. In a joint
As multiple federal agencies representing varied
effort among ACYF, SAMHSA and the Centers for
sectors have recognized the impact of traumatic
Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), the three
experiences on the children, adults, and families
agencies developed and issued through the CMS
they serve, they have requested collaboration with
State Directors’ mechanism, a letter to all State Child
SAMHSA in addressing these issues. The widespread
Welfare Administrators, Mental Health Commissioners,
recognition of the impact of trauma and the burgeoning
Single State Agency Directors for Substance Abuse
interest in developing capacity to respond through
and State Medicaid Directors discussing trauma,
trauma-informed approaches compelled SAMHSA
its impact on children, screening, assessment and
to revisit its conceptual framework and approach
treatment interventions and strategies for paying
to trauma, as well as its applicability not only to
for such care. The Ofce of Juvenile Justice and
behavioral health but also to other related elds.
Delinquency Prevention has specic recommendations
to address trauma in their Children Exposed to
Violence Initiative. The Ofce of Women’s Health
has developed a curriculum to train providers in
SAMHSAs Concept of Trauma
Decades of work in the eld of trauma have generated
multiple denitions of trauma. Combing through this
work, SAMHSA developed an inventory of trauma
denitions and recognized that there were subtle
nuances and differences in these denitions.
Desiring a concept that could be shared among its
constituencies — practitioners, researchers, and
trauma survivors, SAMHSA turned to its expert panel
to help craft a concept that would be relevant to public
health agencies and service systems. SAMHSA aims
to provide a viable framework that can be used to
support people receiving services, communities, and
stakeholders in the work they do. A review of the
existing denitions and discussions of the expert panel
generated the following concept:
Individual trauma results from an
event, series of events, or set of
circumstances that is experienced
by an individual as physically or
emotionally harmful or life threatening
and that has lasting adverse effects
on the individual’s functioning and
mental, physical, social, emotional,
or spiritual well-being.
page 8
shattering a person’s trust and leaving them feeling
alone. Often, abuse of children and domestic violence
are accompanied by threats that lead to silencing and
and circumstances may include the actual
fear of reaching out for help.
or extreme threat of physical or psychological harm
(i.e. natural disasters, violence, etc.) or severe,
How the event is experienced may be linked to a
life-threatening neglect for a child that imperils healthy
range of factors including the individual’s cultural
development. These events and circumstances may
beliefs (e.g., the subjugation of women and the
occur as a single occurrence or repeatedly over
experience of domestic violence), availability of
time. This element of SAMHSA’s concept of trauma
social supports (e.g., whether isolated or embedded
is represented in the fth version of the Diagnostic
in a supportive family or community structure), or to
and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5),
the developmental stage of the individual (i.e., an
which requires all conditions classied as “trauma and
individual may understand and experience events
stressor-related disorders” to include exposure to a
differently at age ve, fteen, or fty).
traumatic or stressful event as a diagnostic criterion.
The long-lasting adverse effects of the event are a
The individual’s experience of these events or
critical component of trauma. These adverse effects
circumstances helps to determine whether it
may occur immediately or may have a delayed onset.
is a traumatic event. A particular event may be
The duration of the effects can be short to long term.
experienced as traumatic for one individual and not
In some situations, the individual may not recognize
for another (e.g., a child removed from an abusive
the connection between the traumatic events and
home experiences this differently than their sibling;
the effects. Examples of adverse effects include an
one refugee may experience eeing one’s country
individual’s inability to cope with the normal stresses
differently from another refugee; one military
and strains of daily living; to trust and benet from
veteran may experience deployment to a war zone
relationships; to manage cognitive processes, such
as traumatic while another veteran is not similarly
as memory, attention, thinking; to regulate behavior;
affected). How the individual labels, assigns meaning
or to control the expression of emotions. In addition
to, and is disrupted physically and psychologically
to these more visible effects, there may be an altering
by an event will contribute to whether or not it is
of one’s neurobiological make-up and ongoing
experienced as traumatic. Traumatic events by their
health and well-being. Advances in neuroscience
very nature set up a power differential where one
and an increased understanding of the interaction
entity (whether an individual, an event, or a force of
of neurobiological and environmental factors have
nature) has power over another. They elicit a profound
documented the effects of such threatening events.
question of “why me?” The individual’s experience of
Traumatic effects, which may range from hyper-
these events or circumstances is shaped in the context
vigilance or a constant state of arousal, to numbing
of this powerlessness and questioning. Feelings of
or avoidance, can eventually wear a person down,
humiliation, guilt, shame, betrayal, or silencing often
physically, mentally, and emotionally. Survivors of
shape the experience of the event. When a person
trauma have also highlighted the impact of these
experiences physical or sexual abuse, it is often
events on spiritual beliefs and the capacity to make
accompanied by a sense of humiliation, which can
meaning of these experiences.
lead the person to feel as though they are bad or
dirty, leading to a sense of self blame, shame and
guilt. In cases of war or natural disasters, those who
survived the traumatic event may blame themselves
for surviving when others did not. Abuse by a trusted
caregiver frequently gives rise to feelings of betrayal,
page 9
SAMHSAs Trauma-Informed Approach: Key Assumptions
and Principles
Trauma researchers, practitioners and survivors
have recognized that the understanding of trauma
and trauma-specic interventions is not sufcient
to optimize outcomes for trauma survivors nor to
inuence how service systems conduct their business.
The context in which trauma is addressed or
treatments deployed contributes to the outcomes for
the trauma survivors, the people receiving services,
and the individuals stafng the systems. Referred
to variably as “trauma-informed care” or “trauma-
informed approach” this framework is regarded as
essential to the context of care.
concept of a trauma-informed approach is grounded in
a set of four assumptions and six key principles.
A program, organization, or system
that is trauma-informed realizes
the widespread impact of trauma
and understands potential paths
for recovery; recognizes the signs
and symptoms of trauma in clients,
families, staff, and others involved
with the system; and responds by
fully integrating knowledge about
trauma into policies, procedures,
and practices, and seeks to actively
resist re-traumatization.
A trauma informed approach is distinct from trauma-
specic services or trauma systems. A trauma
informed approach is inclusive of trauma-specic
interventions, whether assessment, treatment or
recovery supports, yet it also incorporates key trauma
principles into the organizational culture.
Referred to variably as “trauma-
informed care” or “trauma-informed
approach” this framework is regarded
as essential to the context of care.
In a trauma-informed approach, all people at all levels
of the organization or system have a basic realization
about trauma and understand how trauma can affect
families, groups, organizations, and communities as
well as individuals. People’s experience and behavior
are understood in the context of coping strategies
designed to survive adversity and overwhelming
circumstances, whether these occurred in the past
(i.e., a client dealing with prior child abuse), whether
they are currently manifesting (i.e., a staff member
living with domestic violence in the home), or whether
they are related to the emotional distress that results
in hearing about the rsthand experiences of another
(i.e., secondary traumatic stress experienced by a
direct care professional).There is an understanding
that trauma plays a role in mental and substance use
disorders and should be systematically addressed in
prevention, treatment, and recovery settings. Similarly,
there is a realization that trauma is not conned to
the behavioral health specialty service sector, but is
integral to other systems (e.g., child welfare, criminal
justice, primary health care, peer–run and community
organizations) and is often a barrier to effective
outcomes in those systems as well.
People in the organization or system are also able
to recognize the signs of trauma. These signs may
be gender, age, or setting-specic and may be
manifest by individuals seeking or providing services
in these settings. Trauma screening and assessment
assist in the recognition of trauma, as do workforce
development, employee assistance, and supervision
page 10
The program, organization, or system responds
by applying the principles of a trauma-informed
approach to all areas of functioning. The program,
organization, or system integrates an understanding
that the experience of traumatic events impacts all
people involved, whether directly or indirectly. Staff in
every part of the organization, from the person who
greets clients at the door to the executives and the
governance board, have changed their language,
behaviors and policies to take into consideration the
experiences of trauma among children and adult users
of the services and among staff providing the services.
This is accomplished through staff training, a budget
that supports this ongoing training, and leadership
that realizes the role of trauma in the lives of their
staff and the people they serve. The organization
has practitioners trained in evidence-based trauma
practices. Policies of the organization, such as mission
statements, staff handbooks and manuals promote
a culture based on beliefs about resilience, recovery,
and healing from trauma. For instance, the agency’s
mission may include an intentional statement on
the organization’s commitment to promote trauma
recovery; agency policies demonstrate a commitment
to incorporating perspectives of people served
through the establishment of client advisory boards
or inclusion of people who have received services on
the agency’s board of directors; or agency training
includes resources for mentoring supervisors on
helping staff address secondary traumatic stress. The
organization is committed to providing a physically and
psychologically safe environment. Leadership ensures
that staff work in an environment that promotes
trust, fairness and transparency. The program’s,
organization’s, or system’s response involves a
universal precautions approach in which one expects
the presence of trauma in lives of individuals being
served, ensuring not to replicate it.
A trauma-informed approach seeks to resist
re-traumatization of clients as well as staff.
Organizations often inadvertently create stressful or
toxic environments that interfere with the recovery
of clients, the well-being of staff and the fulllment
of the organizational mission.
Staff who work
within a trauma-informed environment are taught
to recognize how organizational practices may
trigger painful memories and re-traumatize clients
with trauma histories. For example, they recognize
that using restraints on a person who has been
sexually abused or placing a child who has been
neglected and abandoned in a seclusion room may
be re-traumatizing and interfere with healing and
A trauma-informed approach reects adherence to six
key principles rather than a prescribed set of practices
or procedures. These principles may be generalizable
across multiple types of settings, although terminology
and application may be setting- or sector-specic.
1. Safety
2. Trustworthiness and Transparency
3. Peer Support
4. Collaboration and Mutuality
5. Empowerment, Voice and Choice
6. Cultural, Historical, and
Gender Issues
From SAMHSA’s perspective, it is critical to
promote the linkage to recovery and resilience for
those individuals and families impacted by trauma.
Consistent with SAMHSA’s denition of recovery,
services and supports that are trauma-informed build
on the best evidence available and consumer and
family engagement, empowerment, and collaboration.
page 11
The six key principles fundamental to a trauma-informed approach include:
1. Safety: Throughout the organization, staff and the 5. Empowerment, Voice and Choice: Throughout
people they serve, whether children or adults, feel the organization and among the clients served,
physically and psychologically safe; the physical individuals’ strengths and experiences are
setting is safe and interpersonal interactions recognized and built upon. The organization
promote a sense of safety. Understanding safety as fosters a belief in the primacy of the people served,
dened by those served is a high priority. in resilience, and in the ability of individuals,
organizations, and communities to heal and
promote recovery from trauma. The organization
2. Trustworthiness and Transparency:
understands that the experience of trauma may
Organizational operations and decisions are
be a unifying aspect in the lives of those who run
conducted with transparency with the goal of
the organization, who provide the services, and/
building and maintaining trust with clients and family
or who come to the organization for assistance
members, among staff, and others involved in the
and support. As such, operations, workforce
development and services are organized to
foster empowerment for staff and clients alike.
3. Peer Support: Peer support and mutual self-help
Organizations understand the importance of power
are key vehicles for establishing safety and hope,
differentials and ways in which clients, historically,
building trust, enhancing collaboration, and utilizing
have been diminished in voice and choice and
their stories and lived experience to promote
are often recipients of coercive treatment. Clients
recovery and healing. The term “Peers” refers to
are supported in shared decision-making, choice,
individuals with lived experiences of trauma, or in
and goal setting to determine the plan of action
the case of children this may be family members of
they need to heal and move forward. They are
children who have experienced traumatic events
supported in cultivating self-advocacy skills. Staff
and are key caregivers in their recovery. Peers have
are facilitators of recovery rather than controllers
also been referred to as “trauma survivors.”
of recovery.
Staff are empowered to do their work
as well as possible by adequate organizational
support. This is a parallel process as staff need to
4. Collaboration and Mutuality: Importance is
feel safe, as much as people receiving services.
placed on partnering and the leveling of power
differences between staff and clients and among
organizational staff from clerical and housekeeping
6. Cultural, Historical, and Gender Issues:
personnel, to professional staff to administrators,
The organization actively moves past cultural
demonstrating that healing happens in relationships
stereotypes and biases (e.g. based on race,
and in the meaningful sharing of power and
ethnicity, sexual orientation, age, religion, gender-
decision-making. The organization recognizes that
identity, geography, etc.); offers, access to gender
everyone has a role to play in a trauma-informed
responsive services; leverages the healing value
approach. As one expert stated: “one does not have
of traditional cultural connections; incorporates
to be a therapist to be therapeutic.”
policies, protocols, and processes that are
responsive to the racial, ethnic and cultural needs of
individuals served; and recognizes and addresses
historical trauma.
page 12
Guidance for Implementing a Trauma-Informed Approach
Developing a trauma-informed approach requires
change at multiples levels of an organization and
systematic alignment with the six key principles
described above. The guidance provided here builds
upon the work of Harris and Fallot and in conjunction
with the key principles, provides a starting point
for developing an organizational trauma-informed
While it is recognized that not all public
institutions and service sectors attend to trauma as an
aspect of how they conduct business, understanding
the role of trauma and a trauma-informed approach
may help them meet their goals and objectives.
Organizations, across service-sectors and systems,
are encouraged to examine how a trauma-informed
approach will benet all stakeholders; to conduct
a trauma-informed organizational assessment and
change process; and to involve clients and staff at all
levels in the organizational development process.
The guidance for implementing a trauma-informed
approach is presented in the ten domains described
below. This is not provided as a “checklist” or a
prescriptive step-by-step process. These are the
domains of organizational change that have appeared
both in the organizational change management
literature and among models for establishing
trauma-informed care.
What makes it unique
to establishing a trauma-informed organizational
approach is the cross-walk with the key principles
and trauma-specic content.
1. Governance and Leadership
2. Policy
3. Physical Environment
4. Engagement and Involvement
5. Cross Sector Collaboration
6. Screening, Assessment,
Treatment Services
7. Training and Workforce
8. Progress Monitoring and
Quality Assurance
9. Financing
10. Evaluation
page 13
and governance of the organization support and invest across sectors is built on a shared understanding of
in implementing and sustaining a trauma-informed trauma and principles of a trauma-informed approach.
approach; there is an identied point of responsibility While a trauma focus may not be the stated mission of
within the organization to lead and oversee this work; various service sectors, understanding how awareness
and there is inclusion of the peer voice. A champion of trauma can help or hinder achievement of an
of this approach is often needed to initiate a system organization’s mission is a critical aspect of building
change process. collaborations. People with signicant trauma histories
often present with a complexity of needs, crossing
POLICY: There are written policies and protocols
various service sectors. Even if a mental health
establishing a trauma-informed approach as
clinician is trauma-informed, a referral to a trauma-
an essential part of the organizational mission.
insensitive program could then undermine the
Organizational procedures and cross agency
progress of the individual.
protocols, including working with community-based
agencies, reect trauma-informed principles. This SCREENING, ASSESSMENT, AND TREATMENT
approach must be “hard-wired” into practices and SERVICES: Practitioners use and are trained in
procedures of the organization, not solely relying interventions based on the best available empirical
on training workshops or a well-intentioned leader. evidence and science, are culturally appropriate, and
reect principles of a trauma-informed approach.
Trauma screening and assessment are an essential
ORGANIZATION: The organization ensures that the
part of the work. Trauma-specic interventions are
physical environment promotes a sense of safety
acceptable, effective, and available for individuals
and collaboration. Staff working in the organization
and families seeking services. When trauma-specic
and individuals being served must experience the
services are not available within the organization,
setting as safe, inviting, and not a risk to their physical
there is a trusted, effective referral system in place
or psychological safety. The physical setting also
that facilitates connecting individuals with appropriate
supports the collaborative aspect of a trauma informed
trauma treatment.
approach through openness, transparency, and
On-going training on trauma and peer-support are
essential. The organization’s human resource system
incorporates trauma-informed principles in hiring,
supervision, staff evaluation; procedures are in place
RECEIVING SERVICES: These groups have
to support staff with trauma histories and/or those
signicant involvement, voice, and meaningful
experiencing signicant secondary traumatic stress
choice at all levels and in all areas of organizational
or vicarious trauma, resulting from exposure to and
functioning (e.g., program design, implementation,
working with individuals with complex trauma.
service delivery, quality assurance, cultural
competence, access to trauma-informed peer PROGRESS MONITORING AND QUALITY
support, workforce development, and evaluation.) ASSURANCE: There is ongoing assessment,
This is a key value and aspect of a trauma-informed tracking, and monitoring of trauma-informed principles
approach that differentiates it from the usual and effective use of evidence-based trauma specic
approaches to services and care. screening, assessments and treatment.
page 14
FINANCING: Financing structures are designed to key principles of a trauma-informed approach. Many
support a trauma-informed approach which includes of these questions and concepts were adapted from
resources for: staff training on trauma, key principles the work of Fallot and Harris, Henry, Black-Pond,
of a trauma-informed approach; development of Richardson, & Vandervort, Hummer and Dollard, and
appropriate and safe facilities; establishment of Penney and Cave.
39, 40, 41,42
peer-support; provision of evidence-supported trauma
While the language in the chart may seem more
screening, assessment, treatment, and recovery
familiar to behavioral health settings, organizations
supports; and development of trauma-informed cross-
across systems are encouraged to adapt the sample
agency collaborations.
questions to best t the needs of the agency, staff,
EVALUATION: Measures and evaluation designs used and individuals being served. For example, a
to evaluate service or program implementation and juvenile justice agency may want to ask how it would
effectiveness reect an understanding of trauma and incorporate the principle of safety when examining
appropriate trauma-oriented research instruments. its physical environment. A primary care setting may
explore how it can use empowerment, voice, and
To further guide implementation, the chart on the next
choice when developing policies and procedures to
page provides sample questions in each of the ten
provide trauma-informed services (e.g. explaining step
domains to stimulate change-focused discussion.
by step a potentially invasive procedure to a patient at
The questions address examples of the work to be
an OBGYN ofce).
done in any particular domain yet also reect the six
Safety Trustworthiness Peer Support Collaboration Empowerment, Cultural,
and and Mutuality Voice, and Historical, and
Transparency Choice Gender Issues
How does agency leadership communicate its support and guidance for implementing a
trauma-informed approach?
How do the agency’s mission statement and/or written policies and procedures include a
commitment to providing trauma-informed services and supports?
How do leadership and governance structures demonstrate support for the voice and
participation of people using their services who have trauma histories?
How do the agency’s written policies and procedures include a focus on trauma and issues of
safety and condentiality?
How do the agency’s written policies and procedures recognize the pervasiveness of trauma
in the lives of people using services, and express a commitment to reducing re-traumatization
and promoting well-being and recovery?
How do the agency’s stafng policies demonstrate a commitment to staff training on providing
services and supports that are culturally relevant and trauma-informed as part of staff
orientation and in-service training?
How do human resources policies attend to the impact of working with people who have
experienced trauma?
What policies and procedures are in place for including trauma survivors/people receiving
services and peer supports in meaningful and signicant roles in agency planning,
governance, policy-making, services, and evaluation?
page 15
TION DOMAINS continued
How does the physical environment promote a sense of safety, calming, and de-escalation
for clients and staff?
In what ways do staff members recognize and address aspects of the physical environment
that may be re-traumatizing, and work with people on developing strategies to deal with this?
How has the agency provided space that both staff and people receiving services can use to
practice self-care?
How has the agency developed mechanisms to address gender-related physical and
emotional safety concerns (e.g., gender-specic spaces and activities).
Engagement How do people with lived experience have the opportunity to provide feedback to the
organization on quality improvement processes for better engagement and services?
How do staff members keep people fully informed of rules, procedures, activities, and
schedules, while being mindful that people who are frightened or overwhelmed may have
a difculty processing information?
How is transparency and trust among staff and clients promoted?
What strategies are used to reduce the sense of power differentials among staff and clients?
How do staff members help people to identify strategies that contribute to feeling comforted
and empowered?
Cross Sector Is there a system of communication in place with other partner agencies working with the
individual receiving services for making trauma-informed decisions?
Are collaborative partners trauma-informed?
How does the organization identify community providers and referral agencies that have
experience delivering evidence-based trauma services?
What mechanisms are in place to promote cross-sector training on trauma and trauma-
informed approaches?
Screening, Is an individual’s own denition of emotional safety included in treatment plans?
Is timely trauma-informed screening and assessment available and accessible to individuals
receiving services?
Does the organization have the capacity to provide trauma-specic treatment or refer to
appropriate trauma-specic services?
How are peer supports integrated into the service delivery approach?
How does the agency address gender-based needs in the context of trauma screening,
assessment, and treatment? For instance, are gender-specic trauma services and supports
available for both men and women?
Do staff members talk with people about the range of trauma reactions and work to minimize
feelings of fear or shame and to increase self-understanding?
How are these trauma-specic practices incorporated into the organization’s ongoing
page 16
Training and
How does the agency address the emotional stress that can arise when working with
individuals who have had traumatic experiences?
How does the agency support training and workforce development for staff to understand and
increase their trauma knowledge and interventions?
How does the organization ensure that all staff (direct care, supervisors, front desk and
reception, support staff, housekeeping and maintenance) receive basic training on trauma,
its impact, and strategies for trauma-informed approaches across the agency and across
personnel functions?
How does workforce development/staff training address the ways identity, culture, community,
and oppression can affect a person’s experience of trauma, access to supports and
resources, and opportunities for safety?
How does on-going workforce development/staff training provide staff supports in developing
the knowledge and skills to work sensitively and effectively with trauma survivors.
What types of training and resources are provided to staff and supervisors on incorporating
trauma-informed practice and supervision in their work?
What workforce development strategies are in place to assist staff in working with peer
supports and recognizing the value of peer support as integral to the organization’s
Progress Is there a system in place that monitors the agency’s progress in being trauma-informed?
Does the agency solicit feedback from both staff and individuals receiving services?
and Quality
What strategies and processes does the agency use to evaluate whether staff members feel
Assurance safe and valued at the agency?
How does the agency incorporate attention to culture and trauma in agency operations and
quality improvement processes?
What mechanisms are in place for information collected to be incorporated into the agency’s
quality assurance processes and how well do those mechanisms address creating accessible,
culturally relevant, trauma-informed services and supports?
Financing How does the agency’s budget include funding support for ongoing training on trauma and
trauma-informed approaches for leadership and staff development?
What funding exists for cross-sector training on trauma and trauma-informed approaches?
What funding exists for peer specialists?
How does the budget support provision of a safe physical environment?
Evaluation How does the agency conduct a trauma-informed organizational assessment or have
measures or indicators that show their level of trauma-informed approach?
How does the perspective of people who have experienced trauma inform the agency
performance beyond consumer satisfaction survey?
What processes are in place to solicit feedback from people who use services and ensure
anonymity and condentiality?
What measures or indicators are used to assess the organizational progress in becoming
page 17
Next Steps: Trauma in the Context of Community
Delving into the work on community trauma is beyond
the scope of this document and will be done in the
next phase of this work. However, recognizing that
many individuals cope with their trauma in the safe or
not-so safe space of their communities, it is important
to know how communities can support or impede the
healing process.
Trauma does not occur in a vacuum. Individual
trauma occurs in a context of community, whether
the community is dened geographically as in
neighborhoods; virtually as in a shared identity,
ethnicity, or experience; or organizationally, as in a
place of work, learning, or worship. How a community
responds to individual trauma sets the foundation
for the impact of the traumatic event, experience,
and effect. Communities that provide a context of
understanding and self-determination may facilitate
the healing and recovery process for the individual.
Alternatively, communities that avoid, overlook, or
misunderstand the impact of trauma may often be
re-traumatizing and interfere with the healing process.
Individuals can be re-traumatized by the very people
whose intent is to be helpful. This is one way to
understand trauma in the context of a community.
A second and equally important perspective on
trauma and communities is the understanding that
communities as a whole can also experience trauma.
Just as with the trauma of an individual or family,
a community may be subjected to a community-
threatening event, have a shared experience of
the event, and have an adverse, prolonged effect.
Whether the result of a natural disaster (e.g., a
ood, a hurricane or an earthquake) or an event or
circumstances inicted by one group on another (e.g.,
usurping homelands, forced relocation, servitude, or
mass incarceration, ongoing exposure to violence
in the community), the resulting trauma is often
transmitted from one generation to the next in a
pattern often referred to as historical, community, or
intergenerational trauma.
Communities can collectively react to trauma in
ways that are very similar to the ways in which
individuals respond. They can become hyper-vigilant,
fearful, or they can be re-traumatized, triggered by
circumstances resembling earlier trauma. Trauma
can be built into cultural norms and passed from
generation to generation. Communities are often
profoundly shaped by their trauma histories. Making
sense of the trauma experience and telling the story
of what happened using the language and framework
of the community is an important step toward healing
community trauma.
Many people who experience trauma readily overcome
it and continue on with their lives; some become
stronger and more resilient; for others, the trauma
is overwhelming and their lives get derailed. Some
may get help in formal support systems; however, the
vast majority will not. The manner in which individuals
and families can mobilize the resources and support
of their communities and the degree to which the
community has the capacity, knowledge, and skills
to understand and respond to the adverse effects of
trauma has signicant implications for the well-being of
the people in their community.
As the concept of a trauma-informed approach has
become a central focus in multiple service sectors,
SAMHSA desires to promote a shared understanding
of this concept. The working denitions, key principles,
and guidance presented in this document represent
a beginning step toward clarifying the meaning of this
concept. This document builds upon the extensive
work of researchers, practitioners, policymakers, and
people with lived experience in the eld. A standard,
unied working concept will serve to advance the
understanding of trauma and a trauma-informed
approach for public institutions and service sectors.
page 18
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Paper Submitted by: SAMHSA’s Internal Trauma and Trauma-Informed Care Work Group with support from CMHS
Contract: National Center for Trauma-Informed Care and Alternatives to Seclusion and Restraint.
A very special thank you to the Expert Panelists for their commitment and expertise in advancing evidence-based
and best practice models for the implementation of trauma-informed approaches and practices.
page 23
SMA 14-4884
First printed 2014