U.S. Navy Style Guide
Version 17-4
March 22, 2017 Page 1
Navy editors and writers should follow the most recent edition of the Associated Press Stylebook except
as noted in this U.S. Navy Style Guide.
"A" school - Use double quotes throughout a story. If included in a quote, use single quotes: 'A' school.
abbreviations, acronyms - In general, avoid abbreviations or acronyms that the reader would not
quickly recognize. For reference see the Navy Style Guide addendum at the bottom of this document.
Spell out on first reference with the abbreviation in parenthesis. Some acronyms, such as NATO, can be
used on first reference. Check the AP Stylebook.
Do not use acronyms or abbreviations if there is only one reference to the subject or it is an
uncommon term.
aboard vs. onboard Use aboard when referencing events taking place on a ship or aircraft. Use
onboard when discussing shore based events.
The crew is aboard the ship.
The memorial ceremony was held onboard Naval Station Norfolk.
Also, a Sailor is stationed "on," "at," "is serving with" or "is assigned to" a ship. A Sailor does not
serve "in" a ship.
A ship is "based at" or "homeported at" a specific place. A plane is "stationed at" or is "aboard"
a ship; is "deployed with" or is "operating from" a ship. Squadrons are "stationed at" air
stations. Air wings are "deployed with" ships.
active duty (noun), active-duty (adjective) - Lower case on all references.
As a noun, two words: Navy personnel serve on active duty.
As an adjective, hyphenate: All active-duty personnel must participate.
acting - Lower case unless at the beginning of a sentence:
Acting Secretary of the Navy Sean J. Stackley took over for former Secretary of the Navy Ray Mabus.
Sean J. Stackley is the acting secretary of the Navy.
Action words (conducts, performs, participates, prepares)This is considered MILSPEAK and should be
avoided. A dental technician doesn’t perform a routine dental cleaning…He cleans teeth. Sailors don’t
conduct maintenance in a machinery room…They lubricate the fly-wheel on a specific piece of
ages - Don’t use ages unless identifying a child or the age is relevant to the story (ie: profiles, obituaries,
achievements unusual for the age.)
Always use figures.
(From AP) The girl is 15 years old; the law is 8 years old; the 101-year-old house.
Use hyphens for ages expressed as adjectives before a noun or as substitutes for a noun.
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Version 17-4
March 22, 2017 Page 2
Examples: A 5-year-old boy, but the boy is 5 years old. The boy, 7, has a sister, 10. The woman,
26, has a daughter 2 months old. The race is for 3-year-olds. The woman is in her 30s (no
air wing - Use as two words.
aircraft - acceptable characterization of naval aviation platforms. Do not refer to military aircraft as
"airplanes" or "planes."
aircraft designations - Always used as a letter(s) followed by a hyphen and number: SH-60B Sea Hawk or
F/A-18E/F Super Hornet.
aircraft squadrons - Spell out full name of squadron on first reference. On second reference, use
abbreviation and hyphenate.
The “Warhawks” of Strike Fighter Squadron (VFA) 97 deployed aboard the aircraft carrier USS
Carl Vinson (CVN 70). During their deployment, VFA-97 maintained a perfect safety record.
aircrew, aircrew member - one word.
Air Force One - Any U.S. Air Force aircraft carrying the president. The term is a call sign that applies only
when the president is aboard the aircraft.
all hands, all-hands - Two words as noun: He called all hands to the meeting.Hyphenate
as an adjective or compound modifier: They attended the all-hands call.
Alongside one word
American flag, U.S. flag - Flag is lowercase.
amphibious assault ship - Do not capitalize, even when referring to a specific ship.
The amphibious assault ship USS Nassau (LHA 4) is underway.
Anchors Aweigh - not Anchors Away
anti-aircraft, anti-submarine - hyphenate
Arabian Gulf - use instead of Persian Gulf per Commander, Naval Forces Central Command U.S. 5th
armed forces - Capitalize only as a proper name (Armed Forces Day) or part of a title or when preceded
by U.S., as in U.S. Armed Forces.
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Version 17-4
March 22, 2017 Page 3
Lowercase as a noun: the armed forces; hyphenate as an adjective: an armed-forces member.
at sea - Do not use “at sea” in place of the name of a body of water. If the location is undisclosed, say
so, but reference a general body of water or U.S. fleet area of responsibility.
attribution - Identify the source of reported information; especially objective and opinioned-based
statements. Include context in which comment was made if it is not apparent.
Use "said" in quotes. Do not use "says."
See "quotation marks."
battalion - Use numerals in unit names, spell out on first reference and abbreviate and hyphenate on
second reference:
Naval Mobile Construction Battalion (NMCB) 4; NMCB-4 (not NMCB FOUR)
battle group - Do not use "battle group." Rather, use "carrier strike group,” "expeditionary strike
group" or “amphibious ready group.”
boat - Use to describe a submarine. Do not use to describe a ship.
boot camp - Use as two words.
burial at sea - Do not hyphenate.
call signs - Do not refer to individuals by call signs. Use full name and rank.
carrier strike group - Capitalize when used with the name of a ship. Precede name of strike group with
The Harry S. Truman Carrier Strike Group transits the Atlantic Ocean.
The carrier strike group transits the Atlantic Ocean
change of command ceremony - Do not hyphenate.
chaplain - Chaplains are identified as Cmdr. John W. Smith, a chaplain,” in the first reference and as
”chaplain” or by last name thereafter.
chief (select) - Use the service member’s current rank: “Hospital Corpsman 1st Class Franklin Pierce will
be promoted to chief petty officer next month.” Do not use “select.
Chief of Naval Operations - Lowercase when referenced after an individual's name or when used alone.
Uppercase before the name:
Chief of Naval Operations Adm. John Richardson
Adm. John Richardson, chief of naval operations.
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March 22, 2017 Page 4
chief petty officer - Applies to Navy or Coast Guard personnel in pay grade E-7. Lowercase
when referenced after an individual's name or when used alone.
Chiefs MessCapitalize and do not include apostrophe
cities/datelines - For cities that stand alone, use the list of datelines found in the AP Stylebook. Because
of their strong Navy ties and frequent reference in stories, , Norfolk, Va., San Diego, Calif. and Pearl
Harbor, Hawaii can stand alone, without states. Use AP Stylebook state abbreviations in datelines.
civilian titles - Use full name and title or job description on first reference. Capitalize the title or job
description when it precedes an individual’s name and do not use a comma to separate it from the
name. Lower case titles when they follow the name or when not accompanied by one.
Assistant Secretary of the Navy (Manpower and Reserve Affairs) Franklin R. Parker holds an all-
hands call.
Franklin R. Parker, assistant secretary of the Navy for manpower and reserve affairs, holds an
all-hands call.
Use only last names on second and all following references. This applies to both men and
Do not precede with “The Honorable.
Do not use courtesy titles such Mr., Mrs., Miss, or Ms.
Other formal titles such as Dr., Sen. or Gov. should be used where applicable. Do not use such
titles on second reference unless necessary to differentiate two people with the same last
close-in weapon system - Do not capitalize. CIWS is acceptable on subsequent references.
close proximity - Do not use; it's redundant. All proximity is close.
coalition - Do not capitalize.
U.S. and coalition forces took part in the event.
Coast Guardsman - Capitalize in all references to U.S. Coast Guard, lower case foreign nations.
U.S. Sailors and Coast Guardsmen are instrumental in patrolling the Caribbean Sea for drug
The local coast guardsmen work with Sailors to protect harbors.
commander in chief - Used only for the president. Capitalize only if used as a formal title before a
name. Do not hyphenate.
commanding officer - Do not capitalize.
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Capt. Tom Jones, commanding officer of the guided-missile cruiser USS Chosin (CG 65),
welcomed the distinguished visitors aboard the ship.
Commanding officer Capt. Mary Smith announced the ship would make a port visit to Key West,
CONUS - Continental United States. CONUS refers to the 48 contiguous states. It is not synonymous
with United States. Do not use unless in a quote.
crew member - Use as two words. Do not use "crewman" or "crewmen." See service members.
currently Avoid use. This term is redundant by nature. The ship is underway. Not The ship is
currently underway.
dates Follow the guidelines in the AP Stylebook.
D-Day - D-Day was June 6, 1944, the day the Allies invaded Europe during World War II.
decommissioned ships/submarines - Include reference that ship or submarine is no longer active.
“The decommissioned aircraft carrier USS Constellation (CV 64) will serve as a museum.”
departments - Do not capitalize
The USS Carl Vinson engineering department....
The engineering department....
dependent - Do not use when referring to family of military personnel. Use terms such as "family
members," "wife," "husband," "spouse," "parent," "child," etc. "Dependent" is perceived as derogatory.
Do not identify family members of military personnel by name in photo captions.
detachment - Abbreviate as "Det." in all references.
Helicopter Anti-Submarine Squadron Light (HSL) 43, Det. 5 also participated in the exercise.
DESRONdestroyer squadron. Do not use unless as part of an official designation.
DEVRON submarine development squadron
doctor - Navy doctors are identified as “Cmdr. John W. Smith, a Navy doctor/dentist/nurse, etc” in the
first reference and by last name thereafter. See "military titles” section in AP Stylebook.
DOD/DoD – Department of Defense on first reference, DoD, or Pentagon is acceptable on
second reference.
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dry dock (noun), dry-dock (verb) - Do not use as one word. (See dictionary)
E-1 through E-3 Sailors - The term refers to enlisted Navy members in pay grades E-1 to E-3. These
Sailors are identified as seaman recruit (SR), seaman apprentice (SA) or seaman (SN). Capitalize when
directly preceding a name. The community variations of this naming convention are airman,
constructionman, fireman, hospitalman, or seaman. More information is available in the Navy
Style Guide addendum at the end of this document.
effect, affect - Effect is to cause, affect is to produce an effect upon. (Websters)
ensure, insure - Ensure is a guarantee, while insure means to put insurance on something.
exercises Capitalize uniquely named exercises, but only capitalize the descriptive word exercise if it is
part of the official title of the exercise.
Do not capitalize generic descriptors for exercises such as operational readiness exercise, joint
task force exercise, composite training unit exercise.
Use full title on first reference. Omit the word “exercise” on second reference: Exercise
Kernal Potlatch 2016, Operation Imminent Thunder.
On second reference use Kernal Potlatch or Imminent Thunder.
If exercise is abbreviated, follow the rules under the entry "abbreviations and acronyms."
Example: RIMPAC ‘18
fast-attack - Hyphenate when used as an adjective.
The fast-attack submarine deployed in November.
first lady - Not a formal title, do not capitalize.
fleets - Use numerals and capitalize when referring to specific fleets (U.S. 6th Fleet, U.S. 3rd Fleet, U.S.
7th Fleet). Do not capitalize in common usage: We sent a message to the fleet.
fleetwide - Use as one word.
flight deck - Use as two words.
fo'c'sle - noun. A superstructure at or immediately aft of the bow of a vessel used as a shelter for
stores, machinery, etc., or as quarters for Sailors. It can also be written as “forecastle.”
foreign cities - On first reference, the name of foreign cities are followed by the spelled-out name of the
nation in which the city is located (e.g., Worms, Germany) unless listed in AP Style under datelines.
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foreign object debris/foreign object damage - Items picked up from a flight deck are foreign object
debris. Foreign object damage results from debris that has impaired an aircraft.
FOD is acceptable on second reference as long as the distinction between debris and damage is
foreign service members - Do not capitalize the words soldier, sailor, airman, marine or coast
guardsman when referring to foreign service members. If a foreign service member’s rank corresponds
to a U.S. rank, use AP style. If not, spell out the rank.
FromUse from to describe a service member’s hometown or native country.
Do not usea native of.”
Use “assigned to” or “attached to” to describe a service member’s affiliation with a military
frontline/front line - Use as a noun; or use as an adjective.
Troops on the front line need supplies. Frontline troops are the most in need.
general quarters - Lower case when spelled out: The crew stayed at general quarters for 18 hours.
Do not use “GQ.
global war on terrorism - Do not capitalize. Not global war on terror.
gray - Not "grey," except greyhound.
guided-missile - Hyphenate when used as a compound adjective.
The guided-missile cruiser is homeported in San Diego.
The guided missile is loaded into a launch tube.
half-mast, half-staff - On ships and at naval stations ashore, flags are flown at "half-mast."
Elsewhere ashore, flags are flown at "half-staff."
hangar, hanger - A "hangar" is a building, and a "hanger" is used for clothing.
-hawk (helicopters) Navy H-60 helicopters are generally called Sea Hawks. The following list from
the Mission Design Series details each variant. For more information, please visit:
Black Hawk: UH-60A, EH-60A, MH-60A, YEH-60B, UH-60C, EH-60C, MH-60K, EH-60L, MH-60L,
UH-60L, UH-60M, UH-60P, UH-60Q, UH-60V, MH-60M
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Sea Hawk: SH-60B, NSH-60B, YSH-60B, SH-60F, HH-60H, HH-60J, SH-60R, UH-60N, HH-60T,
MH-60R, MH-60S, NSH-60R, CH-60S, YMH-60R, NSH-60F, UH-60N
Pave Hawk: HH-60U
Nighthawk: VH-60,
Jayhawk: HH-60
helo - slang form of the word helicopter. Use only as part of a quote.
HereDo not use “here” to describe a location. Use the actual location name.
HS - helicopter anti-submarine squadron.
HSL - helicopter anti-submarine squadron
Light hull numbers - See entry for "ship names."
Humvee - a trademarked abbreviation used for High Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicle
(HMMWV). Humvee is acceptable in all references.
in country - Service members arrive in country. Once there, they have an in-country presence.
in port - Use as two words.
knot - A "knot" is one nautical mile (6,076.10 feet) per hour. It's redundant to say "knots per hour."
Always use figures.
Winds were at 7 to 9 knots; a 10-knot wind.
liaison - Use "liaison" as a noun. Do not use the verb form "liaise," as it is not usually used
appropriately or well.
lifestyle - Use as one word.
littoral combat ship - Do not capitalize when describing a ship.
The littoral combat ship USS Freedom (LCS 1)…
The Littoral Combat Ship program…
Marines - This is a proper noun. Capitalize when referring to U.S. forces (the U.S. Marines, the Marine
Corps, a Marine). Lowercase when describing marines from other nations or the marine services. Do not
use the abbreviation USMC.
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maritime security operations - lowercase when spelled out, uppercase acronym (MSO).
maritime strategy - lowercase
Mark - Do not use "MK" when referring to the word "Mark" in weapons or equipment.
He worked on a Mark 50 torpedo.
master chief petty officer - Refers to Navy or Coast Guard personnel in pay grade E-9.
Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy - Lowercase when referenced after an individual's name or when
used alone. Use last name on second reference.
men - Do not use "men" if referring to a group of persons made up of men and women or a group of
individuals whose genders are unknown. Use Sailors or Marines if the group is military or service
members if several services are represented.
MIA - Missing in Action. MIA is acceptable on first reference.
midshipman - On first reference: Midshipman 1st Class John P. Jones (or 2nd Class, 3rd Class, 4th Class,
if known). On subsequent reference(s): Jones.
Note: military abbreviation is MIDN 1/C (or 2/C, 3/C, 4/C, respectively); 1/C are in their senior
year of school (USNA or Navy ROTC), 2/C are juniors, 3/C are sophomores, 4/C are freshmen.
"Midshipman" is singular; "midshipmen" is plural; term applies to both male and female.
military titles/job titles - Capitalize a military rank when used as a formal title before an individual's
name on first reference. In subsequent references use only the last name. Use rate and rank for Navy
and Coast Guard enlisted personnel. Do not use warfare designators unless relevant to the subject.
Aviation Boatswain’s Mate (Fuels) 3
Class John Smith fuels an F/A-18E Super Hornet on the
flight deck of the aircraft carrier USS Harry S. Truman (CVN 75). Sosa is part of a five-person
Chief of Naval Operations Adm. John Richardson participates in a panel discussion with fellow
sea service chiefs. Richardson is attending the conference as the Navy’s representative.
Do not capitalize a title when used after a name.
Cmdr. John Paul Jones, commanding officer of the guided-missile cruiser USS Arleigh Burke
(DDG 51), holds an all-hands call.
Kelly E. Fletcher, principal deputy chief information officer for the office of the Secretary of the
Navy, attends a media training session at the Navy Office of Information.
Visit here for a list of rates.
military units - Use numerals for unit designations. See "aircraft," "fleets" and "ships."
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millimeter - May be abbreviated as mm when used with a numeral in first or subsequent
references to film or weapons: 35 mm film, 105 mm artillery piece.
mine hunting - Use as two words.
minehunter - Use as one word.
missiles - Capitalize the proper name, but not the word missile: Titan II missile.
naval - lowercase
naval activities - Spell out and capitalize only when part of a proper name.
Naval Station Rota, Spain
Do Not abbreviate on second reference. Use naval station, naval air station, naval weapons station,
Navy Reserve - Capitalize when referring to the specific organization. Capitalize "Reserve" when
referencing the U.S. Navy Reserve.
Navywide - Use as one word and always capitalize.
numbered fleets - Always refer to as digits and precede with
The ship is assigned to U.S. 6th Fleet.
numerals - In general, spell out one through nine. Use figures for 10 or above and whenever preceding
a unit of measure or referring to ages of people, animals, events or things.
OEF, OIR - Operation Enduring Freedom, Operation Inherent Resolve. Do not add any number to
these titles based on rotation status.
officer in charge - Do not hyphenate.
offload/off-load - One word as a noun and hyphenate as a verb. Do not use “upload” or “download”
The offload took 12 hours.
Deck department prepared to off-load pallets.
pay grade - Use as two words. Designations such as 0-3, E-6, etc., are only used in reference to pay
pendant - A short line and hooking device used to secure large objects (e.g., a cargo pallet or boat) to a
towing or hoisting line.
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pennant - A long, tapering flag used for signaling and/or identification.
percentages - Use figures.
The crew's donation to Toys for Tots increased 20 percent.
Persian Gulf - use Arabian Gulf. "Gulf" is acceptable in second reference. Note: The Arabian Sea is its
own body of water and should not be confused with references to the Arabian Gulf.
petty officer - Applies to Sailors or Coast Guardsmen in pay grades E-4 to E-6.
pierside - Use as one word.
plankowner - One word.
Pre-Commissioning UnitUse for a ship not yet commissioned.
The littoral combat ship Pre-Commissioning Unit (PCU) Little Rock (LCS 9) is undergoing
acceptance trials.
pre-positioned - Hyphenate when referencing equipment or ships placed somewhere at an earlier date.
Supplies and equipment were pre-positioned in the Gulf.
President(From AP) Capitalize president only as a formal title before one or more names: President
Donald J. Trump, former Presidents Gerald R. Ford and Jimmy Carter. Lowercase in all other uses: The
president said Monday he will look into the matter. He is running for president. Lincoln was president
during the Civil War.
punctuation - When typing copy, leave only one space after all forms of punctuation. Avoid commas
when possible. Follow guidelines in AP Stylebook.
quotation marks - The period and comma always go within the quotation marks. The dash, semicolon,
question mark and exclamation point go within the quotation marks when they apply to the quoted
matter only. They go outside when they apply to the whole sentence.
USS Defender (MCM 2) was awarded the Battle “E.”
"The crew performed superbly," said Lt. Cmdr. Charlie Brown.
rank The first reference should include rank and first and last name. All subsequent references should
be last name only.
Always refer to Sailors by rank and not pay grade (e.g., Yeoman 2nd Class not E-5; Capt. or
captain, not 0-6. Follow the guidelines in the AP Stylebook listing for military titles.
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rate - Refers to enlisted pay grades, e.g., E-4, E-8. Spell out and do not use warfare
designations. For more information, please see the addendum at the bottom of this style
reenlist - Do not hyphenate between the double vowel.
refueling complex overhaul (RCOH) - lowercase when spelled out, do not use acronym.
replenishment-at-sea - lowercase; hyphenate
Reserve, Reservist(s) - Capitalize "Reserve" when referencing the U.S. Navy Reserve.
retired - Use retired before rank/rate and name. Do not capitalize. Do not use abbreviated after a name.
They invited retired Boatswain’s Mate 1st Class John D. Writer.
SailorCapitalize when referring to U.S. forces. Lower case foreign navies or merchant/civilian sailors.
Sea Hawk - Two words (ref: https://s3.amazonaws.com/CHINFO/training/Aircraft+designations.pdf
SEAL - Sea, Air, Land. SEAL is acceptable on first reference. If plural, use SEALs.
Secretary of the Navy - Lowercase when referenced after an individual's name or when used alone. Use
last name on second reference. Do not use SECNAV.
service members - Use as two words.
ship names - For first reference always include USS, the ship's name and the hull number: USS Harry S.
Truman (CVN 75).
There is no hyphen in the hull number. On second reference, use only the ship's name or
reference as “the ship”. Do not use "the" in front of a ship's name: "USS San Jose," not "the USS
San Jose." Use ‘the” before the ship type: “the aircraft carrier USS George H.W. Bush (CVN 77).
Exceptions: Do not use "USS" for ships before 1909, or if it is not yet in commission, or has been
decommissioned and you are referring to the ship in its present state.
Ships' nicknamesDo not use. Correct example: “The aircraft carrier USS Dwight D. Eisenhower (CVN
69) is underway. Dwight D. Eisenhower will deploy to the U.S. 5th Fleet.” Use only official names of
ships, aircraft or people.
Ship names are not in all caps. USS Seattle, not USS SEATTLE.
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spokesperson - "Spokesman" or "spokeswoman" is preferred. Use "spokesperson" only if the gender of
the individual is unknown. If possible, use a generic term instead: public affairs officer, representative,
squadrons - Spell out on first reference and use numerals for the squadron's number: Fleet Air
Reconnaissance Squadron (VQ) 1. On second reference, use the abbreviation (with a dash), e.g. VQ-1.
stand down/standdown - One word when used as a noun. Two words when used as a verb.
The safety standdown was held Nov. 4.
The officer in charge told him to stand down.
state names - See AP Stylebook. Use AP abbreviations in datelines and captions.
Submarine Force - use upper case when referring to Submarine Force, lower case when referring to
submarine forces.
SUBRON submarine squadron
team member - Use as two words.
theater security cooperation - lowercase when spelled out, do not use acronym.
time - Do not use military time unless quoted.
titles - Capitalize titles when used before a name only. See titles entry in AP Stylebook.
undersecretary - Use as one word.
underway - Use as one word.
VAQ - electronic attack squadron
VAW - carrier airborne early warning squadron
VFA - strike fighter squadron
VMFA - Marine strike fighter attack squadron
VP - patrol squadron
VRC - fleet logistics support squadron
VS - sea control squadron
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VTtraining squadron
warfare qualificationsDo not use.
warfighter - Use as one word.
washdown - use as one word
watchstander, watchstanding - Use as one word.
Western Pacific -do not capitalize.
wide - nationwide, Navywide, fleetwide
woman, women - Preferred to "female."
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Rate - Refers to enlisted pay grades, e.g., E-4, E-8. Spell out and do not use warfare
Aviation Boatswain’s Mate
Aviation Boatswain's Mate (Equipment)
Aviation Boatswain's Mate (Fuel)
Aviation Boatswain's Mate (Handling)
Air Traffic Controlman
Aviation Machinist Mate
Aviation Electronics Mate
Aviation Aerographer's Mate
Aviation Structural Mechanic
Aviation Structural Mechanic (Equipment)
Aviation Ordnanceman
Aviation Support Equipment Technician
Aviation Electronics Technician
Naval Air Crewman
Naval Air Crewman (Mechanical)
Naval Air Crewman (Operator)
Naval Air Crewman (Helicopter)
Naval Air Crewman (Avionics)
Aviation Maintenance Administrationman
Boatswain's Mate
Construction Electrician
Construction Mechanic
Command Master Chief
Culinary Specialist
Culinary Specialist Submarine
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Cryptologic Technician
Cryptologic Technician (Interperative)
Cryptologic Technician (Maintenance)
Cryptologic Technician (Networks)
Cryptologic Technician (Collection)
Cryptologic Technician (Technical)
Damage Controlman
Engineering Aid
Electricians Mate
Electricians Mate (Nuclear)
Equipment Operator
Explosive Ordnance Disposal Technician
Electronics Technician
Fire Controlman
Fire Controlman (Aegis)
Fire Control Technician
Gunner's Mate
Gas Turbine Systems Technician
Gas Turbine Systems Technician (Electrical)
Gas Turbine Systems Technician (Mechanical)
Hospital Corpsman
Hull Maintenance Technician
Interior Communications Electrician
Intelligence Specialist
Information System Technician
Information System Technician (Submarine)
Logistics Specialist
Logistics Specialist (Submarine)
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Mass Communication Specialist
Machinist Mate
Machinists Mate (non-nuclear, submarine weapons)
Machinery Repairman
Missile Technician
Navy Counselor
Navy Diver
Operations Specialist
Aircrew Survival Equipmentman
Personnel Specialist
Religious Program Specialist
Special Warfare Boat Operator
Ship’s Serviceman
Special Warfare Operator
Sonar Technician (Surface)
Sonar Technician (Submarine)
Yeoman (Submarine)
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Commissioned Officers
lieutenant general
Lt. Gen.
major general
Maj. Gen.
brigadier general
Brig. Gen.
lieutenant colonel
Lt. Col.
first lieutenant
1st Lt.
second lieutenant
2nd Lt.
Warrant Officers
chief warrant officer five (CW5)
Chief Warrant Officer 5
chief warrant officer four (CW4)
Chief Warrant Officer 4
chief warrant officer three (CW3)
Chief Warrant Officer 3
chief warrant officer two (CW2)
Chief Warrant Officer 2
warrant officer
Warrant Officer
Enlisted Personnel
sergeant major of the Army
Sgt. Maj. of the Army
command sergeant major
Command Sgt. Maj.
sergeant major
Sgt. Maj.
first sergeant
1st Sgt.
master sergeant
Master Sgt.
sergeant first class
Sgt. 1st Class
staff sergeant
Staff Sgt.
private first class
Commissioned Officers
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vice admiral
Vice Adm.
rear admiral upper half
Rear Adm.
rear admiral lower half
Rear Adm.
lieutenant commander
Lt. Cmdr.
lieutenant junior grade
Lt. j.g.
Warrant Officers
chief warrant officer
Chief Warrant Officer
Coast Guard Enlisted Personnel (for Navy use rates from chart above)
master chief petty officer of the Navy
Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy
master chief petty officer
Master Chief Petty Officer
senior chief petty officer
Senior Chief Petty Officer
chief petty officer
Chief Petty Officer
petty officer first class
Petty Officer 1st Class
petty officer second class
Petty Officer 2nd Class
petty officer third class
Petty Officer 3rd Class
seaman apprentice
Seaman Apprentice
seaman recruit
Seaman Recruit
U.S. Navy Style Guide
Version 17-4
March 22, 2017 Page 20
Ranks and abbreviations for commissioned officers are the same as those in the Army. Warrant
officer ratings follow the same system used in the Navy. There are no specialist ratings.
Marine Corps Enlisted Personnel
sergeant major of the Marine Corps
Sgt. Maj. of the Marine Corps
sergeant major
Sgt. Maj.
master gunnery sergeant
Master Gunnery Sgt.
first sergeant
1st Sgt.
master sergeant
Master Sgt.
gunnery sergeant
Gunnery Sgt.
staff sergeant
Staff Sgt.
lance corporal
Lance Cpl.
private first class
Ranks and abbreviations for commissioned officers are the same as those in the Army.
chief master sergeant of the Air Force
Chief Master Sgt. of the Air Force
chief master sergeant
Chief Master Sgt.
senior master sergeant
Senior Master Sgt.
master sergeant
Master Sgt.
technical sergeant
Tech. Sgt.
staff sergeant
Staff Sgt.
senior airman
Senior Airman
airman first class
Airman 1st Class
airman basic
PLURALS: Add “s” to the principal element in the title.
U.S. Navy Style Guide
Version 17-4
March 22, 2017 Page 21
Lts. John Jones and Robert Smith
Capts. John Jones and Robert Smith
Aviation Boatswain’s Mates (Handling) 2
Class John Jones and Robert Smith
RETIRED OFFICERS: A military rank may be used in first reference before the name of a
service member who has retired if it is relevant to a story. Do not use the military
abbreviation “Ret.” Instead, spell out “retired just asformerwould be used before the title of a
They invited retired Chief Boatswain’s Mate John Smith.