World History
Special Focus
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1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1
Kathy Callahan
The Role of Historical Interpretation in the AP
World History Course:
The Case of Early Modern Migration
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5
Tim Keirn
A Scottish Caribbean Case Study
Alan Karras
South America: Land of Immigrants—and Emigrants:
Italian and Japanese Migration to Argentina and Brazil—and Back
. . .25
Peter Winn
Global Cultural Encounters in Argentina and Brazil: Bringing
Immigration Scholarship into the Classroom
Rick Warner
Understanding Global Migration Through Charts
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
Adam McKeown
American Immigration in a Transnational Perspective
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .63
Robert Zeidel
An Eviction Notice from Uncle Sam—Involuntary Relocation of
Native Americans: A Lesson on Forced Migration
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .71
Valerie Cox
British Convict Forced Migration to Australia:
Causes and Consequences .........................................
Kathy Callahan
11. About the Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119
12. About the Authors .................................................119
Kathy Callahan
University of Wisconsin–Stout
Menomonie, Wisconsin
One of my favorite family stories involves my great-great-grandfather, Cornelius
Callahan. Legend has is that he, during the Irish Potato Famine, sought escape from
starvation and deprivation on a ship bound for the United States. Upon arrival, his
ship was turned away; he and his fellow refugees were forced to return to Ireland.
Cornelius defied the odds, surviving both the voyage home and the rest of the famine.
He married, had several children, and those children, duplicating the journey of their
father, immigrated to the United States; they, however, stayed. My great-grandfather
was one of those children. Without doubt, many of us have migration stories in our
family history, some with happy endings and others that do not convey happiness at
all, often because of such things as slavery or war. While this Special Focus on World
History explores the phenomenon of global migration and encourages teachers and
students to think about migration from a personal standpoint, the collection of articles
and lesson plans also importantly provides opportunities for teachers to be creative
in their classrooms when educating students about the subject of migration and the
challenges experienced by immigrants (and emigrants).
Teaching students about migration is an important aspect of world history
courses. It impacts virtually every time period and involves people around the globe,
some moving relatively locally but others, at great risks to themselves and their
futures, traveling great distances often across large geographic barriers. Discussions
about migration generally include a mention of “push–pull” factors—reasons for
people to leave their place of origin and attractions that take them to their planned
destinations. This combination, however, is not always the case. Governments have
often forced their subjects and citizens to leave one place for another, and it can
be said that this involves only a “push” or, more appropriately, a “kick” or a “shove.
Included in this collection are plentiful examples of push–pull, as well as push,
When asked to participate in this project as editor, one of the first things that
came to my mind was the recent AP
World History Course Audit in which I, and
most teachers, participated. The audit revealed that teachers needed ideas on how to
approach the inclusion of diverse historical interpretations in their AP World History
courses, particularly in terms of secondary sources (see Tim Keirns article, for more
on this). To that end, this Special Focus project is designed not only to address
migration but also to provide ideas on bringing valuable primary and secondary
sources into the classroom. A combination of scholarly articles and lesson plans
are included here. Teachers and students alike will learn about different migratory
patterns, forced migration, as well as reactions to migration that affected the people of
all inhabited continents.
In the opening article, Tim Keirn writes about the challenges related to the use
of secondary source material and then offers an informative historiographical essay
on early modern migration meant to suggest to teachers sources for both their own
research and for assignment in the classroom. Alan Karrass contribution provides
readers with a case study of Scottish immigration to the Caribbean in the eighteenth
century. He examines the “push–pull” economic migration of a relatively well-
educated, professional class of men, a group Karras asserts is generally overlooked in
migration narratives. In “South America: Land of Immigrants—and Emigrants,” Peter
Winn explores the interesting situation of Japanese and Italian migrants to Brazil
and Argentina, respectively. Many of these migrants, or their descendents, returned
home following a period in their destination country, more often than not finding that
going home was (and is) not always easy. Following this article, Rick Warner presents
a lesson plan that requires the use of Winns article in the classroom. Warner gives
teachers a myriad of ideas on how to present it and assess student learning as well.
Adam McKeowns piece, “Understanding Global Migration Through Charts”, is a
hybrid of sorts, incorporating elements of both an article and a lesson plan. His charts
give teachers yet another angle from which to explore the migration topic and another
method to encourage student learning. In “American Immigration in a Transnational
Perspective,” Robert Zeidel presents a timely lesson plan that encourages students to
examine how immigrants to the United States were received in the Gilded Age, while
at the same time he encourages exploration of the contemporary issue of migration
(as does Warner in his lesson plan). Finally, there are two lesson plans, penned by
Valerie Cox and me, which look at migration through another lens: the experiences
of the forced migrant. Coxs contribution examines government-forced migration of
Native Americans in the United States, while my lesson glimpses at the experiences
of British convict migrants sentenced to terms of imprisonment in Australia, what
those convicts found upon arrival, and the effect their arrival had on the Aborigines of
As Peter Winns and Adam McKeowns articles suggest, major migrations were
not limited to the United States. The late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries
were periods of massive movements of peoples, some of which can be attributed
to changes in transportation, enabling persons suffering from economic or political
problems to move with greater ease. Below I posit three additional ideas for teachers
to expand on this lesson plan.
• UsingthedatainMcKeownsarticle,havestudentsexplorenineteenth-and
twentieth-century migration and immigration (often listed in both ways
in the indices) in a variety of world history textbooks. Assign groups of
students to critique the presentation in each textbook based on what they
have learned after lessons on migration/immigration. What do students
think should be covered in textbooks? Are Western migrations given more
favor in textbooks? Should there be more or less information about certain
immigrations? Why? Teachers themselves might find Patrick Mannings
book, Migration in World History, helpful in preparing for the student
• UsingZeidelandWinnsarticles,havestudentsdevelopacompare/contrast
question on immigration using the United States and either Argentina or
Brazil as their comparative countries. Ask students then to write a detailed
response to the question.
• Intoday’sworld,migrationcontinuestobeareality.AsbothRickWarner
and Zeidel suggest, a conversation with students about migration today
may prove to be very interesting. In terms of moving beyond the United
States and its current views on immigration, teachers will also find
important comparative material in other countries on every inhabited
continent. For example, France and Germany (as well as all countries in the
European Union) have had immigrants come into their countries, eliciting
criticism from citizens and long-time residents alike. Similar situations
exist in Japan, particularly with concern over Korean immigration, and in
South Africa, where there is concern over Zimbabwean immigration. A
wonderful Web site, www.world-newspapers.com, provides links to English
language newspapers around the world. Teachers might assign students a
country and then have them go to newspapers from that country to draw
conclusions about immigration and how it affects that country, its economy,
and society in general.
Using the AP World History Course Description as a guide, teachers should find the
resources contained in this book to be helpful in a variety of ways. First, all of AP
World History’s five themes are touched upon in some way by the works contained
below. Second, in the category of Habits of Mind, each of the required areas is
addressed in at least one of the resources, usually in more than one. These resources
are particularly rich in the Habits of Mind categories of constructing and evaluating
arguments, assessing continuity and change over time and over different world
regions, and understanding diversity of interpretations. Further, a broad timeline is
examined, focusing on the early modern and modern periods (exploring aspects of
the AP World History Chronological Periods from 1450 forward). Finally, teachers will
nd that the lesson plans are full of ideas on assessment, including writing projects,
presentations, and assessments oriented to the AP World History Exam free-response
questions: change and continuity over time, compare and contrast, and document-
based questions. Two of the lesson plans do address migration in the United States.
Each represents important events in the United States, both of which had global
ramications. While each lesson is legitimate world history in its own right, some
teachers may wish to further globalize the lessons by using suggested extensions
included with each piece.
Many of us likely cover Columbian-era migration and the resulting forced
migration of slaves reasonably thoroughly in our classes, but as the semester draws
to a close or the AP World History Exam looms on the horizon, later migrations are
often slighted as we try to teach about the second industrial revolution, the world
wars, decolonization, and the Cold War in the few days that remain for instruction.
Incorporation of ideas contained within these resources will assist all teachers of
world history in covering topics that are perhaps not being examined as thoroughly
as they could be, providing information on topics that are not as well known as the
earlier transatlantic migrations, and supplying more secondary and new primary
sources for use in our classrooms.
The Role of Historical Interpretation in
the AP
World History Course: The Case
of Early Modern Migration
Tim Keirn
California State University–Long Beach
Long Beach, California
The AP World History course admirably raises the visibility of historical skills and
habits of mind in terms of what students are expected to know and do. In this sense,
a focus on the skills of history relative to content also parallels new lines of scholarly
inquiry within the profession and discipline. Led by scholars such as Robert Bain,
Peter Lee, and Sam Wineburg, over the past decade a field of scholarship has arisen
that concentrates on what it means to learn and understand history and to think
historically. Much of this work emanated from Britain and was tied to the cognitive
revolution that shifted the focus in learning theory from behavior to issues of meaning
and epistemology. Moreover, the development of the field was also facilitated by
the “culture wars” and public debates over the National History Standards in the
early 1990s, which greatly inuenced historians’ new interest in issues of historical
As a consequence of these developments there is a clear emphasis upon the
notion that history is a human “representation” of the past—what is represented
of the past is a consequence of choice, which in turn is informed by contemporary
political and cultural considerations. This recognition involves a shift from a focus
upon substantive history (the facts of history) to the procedural ideas of history
(historical perspective and skill). The convergence here is in the preoccupation with
what is remembered or learned as opposed to what is taught. Given the signicance
of schools in the construction of collective historical memory, it is not surprising that
virtually all of this new scholarship in history learning and cognition is addressed to
historical teaching and learning in the K12 environment.
This body of scholarship has also identied and addressed the cognitive
dissonance that exists between student understandings and epistemologies of history
and those of the historian. There is ample evidence that high school history students
understand and deduce meaning from history in discrete, chronologically arranged
factual terms. The understanding of historical skill in this sense is to memorize and
posit facts within a chronological and teleological sequence of “truths.” Thus, when
presented with primary sources and accounts of the past, students’ default position
is to read them factually and chronologically as opposed to historically. Indeed, this
cognitive dissonance is explicit in the consistency of student struggles with point
of view on the document-based question of the AP World History Exam. Indeed, it is
also evident in student responses to the comparative question as well, where students
tend to signify comparison in the form of two juxtaposed factual narratives followed
by (at best) very general qualications of similarities and differences.
This scholarship in history learning and cognition has also drawn attention
to students’ difficulties in detecting and evaluating agency in history. Put simply,
for many students the facts that predate a specified event or threshold become
causes” and those thereafter “consequences.” For those students who do identify
agency beyond a factual basis, the tendency is to gravitate toward—and prioritize—
individual action. In this way, history is understood in explicitly personal and
individual means. Anyone who has read the “change over time” question at the
AP World History Reading has ample evidence of this type of student historical
“thinking,” where, for example, states and regions are rendered in highly personified
ways with distinctly individual human attributes (i.e., China “feared” nomads, or
“liked” silver).
This body of scholarship argues that these preinstructional student
epistemologies and understandings of history are constructed and informed by
a litany of influences. Wineburg (2001) has argued that a considerable amount of
student historical understanding is shaped by influences outside the classroom (e.g.,
television and media, family, and local community) that often confuse and intermingle
notions of heritage with history. Others have identified the importance of testing
and previous instruction in reinforcing student notions that history is all about facts.
Indeed, underresearched in this regard is the role of teacher training and education,
where preliminary evidence suggests that preservice teachers’ perceptions of history
are far closer to those of the K12 student than those of the historian. However, with
The Role of Historical Interpretation in the AP World History Course
regard to the AP World History course, the most important influence upon student
understanding is the textbook. Richard Paxton (1991) and others have argued that
the textbook is the most important influence in constructing and reinforcing student
factoid narrative understandings of history. Textbooks present history factually and in
narrative form. There is no sense of historical inquiry or interpretation evident within
the text. Metadiscursive elements that might serve as implicit markers of inquiry or
interpretation (e.g., use of terms such as “perhaps” or “some historians argue”) are
routinely edited out of the texts. While there is much discussion about textbooks in
the AP World History community, almost all of it addresses substantive as opposed
to procedural aspects of history, focusing upon issues of the extent of global, regional,
and eurocentric coverage. Those textbooks that do include aspects of historical
interpretation do so as boxed “examples” delineated from the narrative, akin to the
historical rendering of women and indigenous peoples to the “margins” of the text.
Research shows that students do not read these boxes unless prompted, and indeed
that influence of the textbook upon the construction of factoid meaning is congruent
with the level of instructional reliance on the textbook.
This new scholarship has represented secondary teachers of history as “in
the breach” between student and disciplinary notions of thinking. The charge of
the teacher in this context is to shift student “habits of mind” to more authentic
understandings and practices grounded within the discipline of history. Informed
by the theories of the Soviet theorist Lev Vygotsky, much of this literature promotes
learning through social interaction and authentic disciplinary tasks—put simply,
by “doing” as opposed to “receiving” history. To shift student habits of mind and
facilitate authentic historical thinking and understanding, learning tools (e.g., graphic
organizers, essential questions, and prompts) and appropriate assessments have to
be generated that support inquiry-based instruction. The shaping of habits of mind
comes only with repeated practice and scaffolding, where the latter is adjusted until
the objective habits have been internalized.
Relative to U.S. and European history, these issues of cognitive dissonance and
the challenges of shifting student habits of mind are most problematic in the realm of
world history. The large temporal and spatial scales of world history amplify student
(and teacher) preinstructional anxieties about competence and means of factual
retention. The relative newness of world history as a subfield ensures that there is no
easily recognized master narrative to memorize. Moreover, the role of the individual
agency in world history is less significant in realms of history where the spatial
and temporal scales are narrower. Despite these challenges, the AP World History
course succeeds in many ways because it is in fact a product of not only scholarship
in world history but also this new research in history learning and cognition. The
aforementioned Robert Bain was on the initial Development Committee for AP World
History. That committee was chaired by Peter Stearns, who has been influential
nationally in attempts to bridge the gap between the work of historians and history
educators. Indeed, seven “Habits of Mind” are identified in the AP World History
Course Outline, all of which reflect both discipline- and inquiry-based approaches to
learning history and generating historical thinking. In AP World History, students are
asked to demonstrate competence in essential disciplinary skills such as evaluating
evidence, identifying agency in historical change and continuity, and interpreting
primary sources and accounts. The structure of the AP World History Exam demands
competence in historical skills and thinking. For example, the document-based
question, especially with its demand for point of view and additional documentation,
assesses the first two Habits of Mind that are concerned with evaluating evidence
and interpreting primary documents. The “change over time” question demands
that students demonstrate understanding of historical agency and significance (i.e.,
the third habit of mind). The comparative question asks that students demonstrate
analytical competence in generating meaningful historical comparisons. In line
with the conclusions of the scholarship of history learning and cognition, these AP
assessments shape (consciously or unconsciously) instruction. Teachers routinely
create learning tools and scaffolds (e.g., graphic organizers, document prompts
and assessments, historical problem-solving exercises, etc.) that work to facilitate
authentic historical skills and thinking to be demonstrated ultimately on the AP World
History Exam.
However, despite these notable achievements in promoting historical thinking,
I would argue that the most important identified Habit of Mind “addressed by any
rigorous history course” as stated in the AP World History Course Outline, reproduced
in the AP World History Course Description, is the fourth, which pertains to student
understanding of diverse historical interpretations. It is here that students must
come to grips with the core notions that history is a dynamic and interpretive
discipline, and a representation of the past based on conventions of critical
evaluation of evidence. It is this Habit of Mind that directly confronts preinstructional
epistemologies that perceive of history in strictly factual (and “truthful) terms. For
students to demonstrate understanding and evaluation of historical interpretations
of the past, they must first come to recognize that these representations are not
static and change over time. In this sense, they need a basic understanding of
The Role of Historical Interpretation in the AP World History Course
historiographic principles whereby historical “change” is a consequence of alterations
in the body and validity of evidence (and changing theories applied thereto). Moreover,
this also requires recognition of the means by which the present informs the past—
that is, what is “in” or “out” of history is informed by contemporary questions and
interests. To accomplish these tasks, students need to be introduced to the means by
which disciplinary knowledge is constructed and disseminated, and to understand
(critically) the conventions and limitations of the genres of historical literature (i.e.,
textbooks, and peer-reviewed monographs and articles).
Despite its significance, the habit of historical interpretation is the one least
likely to be addressed by those teaching the AP World History course. Of those AP
World History syllabi that were not authorized after their first submission in the AP
Course Audit, close to 75 percent were not authorized because they did not meet
the College Board requirement that students are taught to “analyze evidence and
interpretations presented in historical scholarship.” Why is this the case? Clearly, of
major significance is the fact that this habit of mind is not explicitly tested on the AP
World History Exam. If assessment guides instruction, then it should not be surprising
that teachers are likely to dedicate instructional time to other activities. However,
anecdotal information from my experience in workshops and institutes indicates that
there is also some confusion about the term “historical interpretation” whereby it is
understood to mean the interpretation of primary documents as opposed to secondary
accounts of the past. From this perspective, “preparing for the DBQ” is the means for
shaping students’ understanding of historical interpretation. Consequently, students
are not engaged with scholarly and historiographic interpretation, which forms the
basis of this habit of mind. Of course, another obstacle to the shaping of this habit
of mind is the paucity of secondary materials available to AP World History teachers
that move beyond textbook and tertiary representations and address historiographic
and contemporary scholarly interpretations of the past. Given the focus of this volume
on migration, what follows is a discussion of some accessible scholarly materials that
relate to migration in the early modern period (1450–1750) of the AP World History
curriculum, and provide the opportunity for AP World History teachers and students
alike to engage with historical scholarship and interpretation in the spirit of the fourth
AP World History habit of mind and Course Audit requirement.
The historiographic development of “new” world historical approaches in the
1990s has emphasized the importance of cross-cultural interaction and encounters
in the process of creating an integrated and global world history. This global
approach forms the overarching conceptualization of the AP World History course.
Alongside the themes of trade and empire, migration is a key concept in representing
and accounting for cross-cultural interaction and encounters in the global past.
When examined on a world historical scale, the early modern period takes on new
signicance as the intensity of postclassical transregional interaction and integration
in Afro-Eurasia—and on a lesser scale in the Americas and Pacific—became truly
global. Migration, particularly in maritime basins, played a critical role in this process,
and the scholarship addressing it is rich.
An excellent general starting point is Patrick Mannings recent Migration in
World History (Manning 1990). This is an accessible work that synthesizes much
recent research in transregional migration and demonstrates its applicability to world
history. Informed by David Christians notions of “big history,” the temporal scale
here is large (starting with early hominid movements), and the amount of material
dedicated to early modern migration is relatively small. Yet what is extremely useful
is the author’s discussion of models of migration patterns, which scholars use to
provide coherence to our understanding of the origins and consequences of human
movement. Conceptualizations of push–pull and cross-community migration, and
the role of networks and colonization, are useful constructs for understanding early
modern migration. Another useful overview of current scholarship is the Cambridge
Survey of World Migration (1995), edited by Robin Cohen. While migration is
categorized here on a regional basis, each article provides an excellent synopsis of the
state of research by acknowledged scholars in each particular field.
As Manning demonstrates, migration is not easily disentangled from other
identified themes of global interaction and integration such as trade, empire, and
colonization. Hence a number of other important and accessible scholarly works on
trade are useful in interpreting the role of migration in world history. For example,
Philip Curtins seminal Cross-Cultural Trade in World History (Curtin 1984) provides
a very readable and scholarly account of the transregional significance of trade with a
specific focus upon diasporic communities as instrumental in the formation of trading
networks and as mediators of cross-cultural encounters. The chapters dedicated
to the early modern period allow students to compare the role of Armenian, Bugis,
Chinese, and Portuguese migrants in establishing the diasporic communities and
trade networks in the Indian Ocean and South China Sea. In addition, Cohens Global
Diasporas (Cohen 1997) provides an important introduction to the concept of diaspora
and demonstrates how scholars have extended the concept from a focus upon
migrants involved in trade and colonization to labor diasporas, where the term is often
associated with collective trauma. This is most notable in the early modern period,
The Role of Historical Interpretation in the AP World History Course
where, inspired by Paul Gilroy’s The Black Atlantic (Gilroy 1993), scholars increasingly
conceptualize the African slave trade in diasporic terms.
The involuntary migration of the Atlantic slave trade is the only early modern
migration stated and identified within the AP World History Course Description. The
movement of Africans across the Atlantic far outnumbered European emigration
until the 1840s. Published in 1969, Philip Curtins The Atlantic Slave Trade: A Census
(Curtin 1969) spawned considerable historical scholarly debate about the quantity,
origins, and impact of Atlantic slavery. Curtins numbers have generally stood the
test of historical critique, and the debate is summarized in Herbert Kleins useful
scholarly overview, The Atlantic Slave Trade (Klein 1999). Quantitative evidence
and interpretation is also prevalent in David Eltiss The Rise of African Slavery in
the Americas (Eltis 1999), where the author argues that African agency was critical
in determining who entered the slave trade and how it was conducted. Indeed,
historians have recently paid far closer attention to African agency within the
Atlantic world—paralleling and contributing to the aforementioned representation
of an African diaspora. John Thorntons Africa and Africans in the Making of the
Atlantic World (Thornton 1998) was in the vanguard of this scholarly movement in
demonstrating the significance of African culture in the colonial Americas, and in
emphasizing its often synchronous transformations with European and Amerindian
cultures. Similar trajectories are found in the scholarship of Colonial British
America—for example, in Philip Morgans Slave Counterpoint: Black Culture in the
Eighteenth-Century Chesapeake and Low Country (Morgan 1998)—too often ignored
as a consequence of the binary (wrongly) established relationship between world and
U.S. history. Finally, recent work has come to challenge the focus upon Afro-European
syncretism in the Americas. For example, James Sweet’s Recreating Africa (Sweet
2006) shares Thornton and Morgans surfacing of African agency but argues that
the most pronounced syncretism to take place in early modern Brazil was between
different African cultures—”African” culture was a product of American experience
and a consequence of forced migration.
Scholars such as Pier Larson remind us that scholarly considerations of an
African diaspora are too focused upon the Atlantic even in the early modern period
(Larson 2007). The Transaharan and Indian Ocean African slave trades were still
considerable throughout the early modern period, and the movement of Atlantic
African slaves did not outnumber the Oriental trade until the seventeenth century.
Paul Lovejoy’s Transformations in Slavery: A History of Slavery in Africa (Lovejoy 2000)
provides an important scholarly interpretation of the impact of the latter trade both
within and without Africa in the early modern period. Manning’s Slavery and African
Life (Manning 1990) also addresses this issue and argues that Atlantic, African, and
Oriental movements of slaves were inseparable.
While not specifically identified for study in the AP World History Course
Description, European migration in the early modern period (never on the global
scale of the movement of Africans) played an implicit role in two important AP World
History topics—European colonization and the Columbian Exchange. With the growth
of Atlantic history as a distinct historical subfield, there is a growing body of scholarly
literature that addresses the nature of European conquest and cultural encounter in
the early modern period. Two recent works stand out for students and instructors of
AP World History. Martin Restalls Seven Myths of the Spanish Conquest (Restall
2004) is a very accessible historiographic debunking of common representations
of the Spanish conquest, and instead associates it with greater consideration for
Iberian and global contexts, and the nature of Spanish migration to the Americas.
J. H. Elliot’s Empires of the Atlantic World (Elliot 2007) also questions former
interpretations of European colonization and does so in a comparative examination
of Spanish and English colonial settlement in the Americas. A comparison of the
nature of migration and settlement is a critical component of his argument. With its
focus upon indigenous agency, the current scholarship on European–Amerindian
encounter parallels to some extent the historical literature of the African diaspora.
This current is especially strong among historians who study the South Atlantic. John
Kicza’s Resilient Cultures: Americas Native Peoples Confront European Colonization,
(Kicza 2002) synthesizes much of this scholarship succinctly. Moreover, a number of
studies in Colonial American history concretely address world historical themes of
cross-cultural exchange and synthesis. Colin Calloway’s New Worlds for All (Calloway
1998) is a very readable account of the exchange, fusion, and transformation of cultural
practices between European migrants and Amerindians in early North America.
Alfred Crosby’s groundbreaking The Columbian Exchange (Crosby 1973)
examined the environmental consequences of European migration in the early
modern period. Recent scholarship has built upon his historiographic foundation
and established a growing literature in early modern environmental history. Much
of this body of scholarship has applicability in the AP World History classroom.
Elinor Melvilles A Plague of Sheep (Melville 1997) addresses the environmental
consequences of animal domestication in colonial Mexico. Virginia DeJohn
Andersons Creatures of Empire (Anderson 2005) argues for “animal agency” in
studying the impact of domesticated animals (and their often feral offspring) brought
The Role of Historical Interpretation in the AP World History Course
by English migrants to North America in understanding the mechanisms of colonial
expansion. Indeed, in John Richardss The Unending Frontier (Richards 2003), internal
and external migration, and the corresponding expansion of settled agricultural
frontiers, were instrumental in global early modern environmental change.
In conclusion, it is impossible to do justice to the body of historical literature
and recent scholarship that addresses and represents migration in early modern
world history. Certainly, a number of important early modern migrations are not
identified—not even implicitlyin the AP World History Course Description. Such early
modern migrations would include Turkic migrations in Central and South Asia, internal
migration and frontier expansion in Russia and China, and the commonality of rural to
urban migration on a global scale. But what is hoped is that some of this scholarship
finds it way into the AP World History classroom in complete or excerpted form, and
in doing so students are distanced temporarily from the textbook, and engaged with
historical scholarship in the pursuit of the interpretive historical habit of mind.
Anderson, V. Creatures of Empire: How Domestic Animals Transformed Early
America. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2005.
Bain, R. B. “Into the Research and Theory to Shape History Instruction.” In
Knowledge, Teaching, and Learning History: National and International
Perspectives, edited by P. N. Stearns, P. Seixas, and S. Wineburg, 331-52. New
York: New York University Press, 2000.
Calloway, C. New Worlds for All: Indians, Europeans, and the Remaking of Early
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Cohen, R. Cambridge Survey of World Migration. Cambridge: Cambridge University
Press, 1995.
Cohen, R. Global Diasporas: An Introduction. Seattle: University of Washington Press,
19 97.
Crosby, A. The Columbian Exchange: Biological and Cultural Consequences of 1492.
New York: Praeger Press, 1973.
Curtin, P. The Atlantic Slave Trade: A Census. Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin
Press, 1969.
Curtin, P. Cross-Cultural Trade in World History. Cambridge: Cambridge University
Press, 1984.
Elliott, J. H. Empires of the Atlantic World: Britain and Spain in the Atlantic World,
1492–1800. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 2007.
Eltis, D. The Rise of African Slavery in the Americas. Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press, 1999.
Gilroy, P. The Black Atlantic: Modernity and Double-Consciousness. Cambridge:
Harvard University Press, 1993.
Kicza, J. Resilient Cultures: Americas Native Peoples Confront European Colonization.
Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 2002.
Klein, H. The Atlantic Slave Trade. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1999.
Larson, P. “African Diasporas and the Atlantic.” In The Atlantic in Global History,
1500–2000, edited by J. Canizares-Esguerra and E. Seeman, 29–48. Upper
Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 2007.
Lee, P. J. “Putting Principles into Practice: Understanding History.” In How Students
Learn: History, Mathematics, and Science in the Classroom, edited by M. S.
Donovan and J. D. Bransford, 31–87. Washington, DC: National Academies
Press, 2005.
Lovejoy, P. Transformations in Slavery: A History of Slavery in Africa. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press, 2000.
Manning, P. Slavery and African Life: Occidental, Oriental, and African Slave Trades.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1990.
Manning, P. Migration in World History. New York: Routledge Press, 2005.
Melville, E. A Plague of Sheep: Environmental Consequences of the Conquest of
Mexico. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1997.
The Role of Historical Interpretation in the AP World History Course
Morgan, P. Slave Counterpoint: Black Culture in the Eighteenth-Century Chesapeake
and Low Country. Chapel Hill, NC: University of North Carolina Press, 1998.
Paxton, R. “A Deafening Silence: History Textbooks and the Students Who Read
Them.Review of Educational Research 69:3 (1999): 315-39.
Restall, M. Seven Myths of the Spanish Conquest. Oxford: Oxford University Press,
Richards, J. The Unending Frontier: An Environmental History of the Early Modern
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Sweet, J. Recreating Africa: Culture, Kinship, and Religion in the African-Portuguese
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Thornton, J. Africa and Africans in the Making of the Atlantic World. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press, 1998.
Wineburg, S. Historical Thinking and Other Unnatural Acts: Charting the Future of
Teaching the Past. Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 2001.
A Scottish Caribbean Case Study
Alan Karras
University of California–Berkeley
Berkeley, California
One of the most important problems to face instructors of AP World History is how
to integrate specic case studies into a course that is truly global in focus. We all
have our preferred stories and illustrations; if only we could find a way to use all of
them in every class, we reason, wed be serving our students’ interests and making
sure that, at least, students would have good examples upon which to draw for their
assessments. And wed get to discuss material about which we really care.
But AP World History is, of course, not about including everything. Nor, for
that matter, is it either essential or practical to include every piece of important
content in our college-level world history courses. We simply cannot teach about
every expansionist society that ever existed on earth, every environmental change
that affected human settlements, or every war that resulted in geopolitical changes.
Rather, we must all find ways to teach our global, or macro, world historical processes
with specific micro, or local, examples. Indeed, the best world history courses, AP or
college, focus on process and draw illustrative examples from a myriad of possibilities.
Because teachers should have choice in which examples they use, even though there
is little choice in the processes that must be covered, it is essential to have a strategy
for figuring out how to cover the macroissues of the course while integrating the cool
microstudies that made most of us want to study history in the first place.
This essay, then, attempts to provide a useful way to begin to think about
the process of human migrations on a global scale while providing those essential
concrete examples and case studies that we all love. It is not meant to be exhaustive,
by any stretch of the imagination. Instead, it is meant to provoke thought, inspire
changes to the actual teaching of the course, and find ways to get students to become
active participants in their own educations. I will admit that it is somewhat selfish,
in that the microstudy on which I will be focusing comes from research that I carried
out 20 years ago, long before I had anything to do with the AP Program. That research
was organized and published in my book, Sojourners in the Sun: Scots Migrants in
Jamaica and the Chesapeake, 1740–1820 (Karras 1992). As the years progressed, and
I became active in teaching world history, and then participating in the AP World
History Development Committee, it became clear to me that this research could be
used to illustrate how microstudies can be used to inform macronarratives.
The research that I did examined the personal histories of a group of several
hundred Scottish migrants. They exhibited the typical eighteenth-century migrant
pattern in some ways (most of them were young single men), but differed from it
in other ways (most of them were highly educated and came from families that
were anything but destitute). They went to areas where there was new economic
opportunity available to them—places like Jamaica and, after 1763, the ceded
Caribbean islands. They went, as well, to places where innovations to commercial
patterns allowed greater opportunity for advancement, such as the tobacco colonies in
Virginia and Maryland.
The research that I did was fun but time-consuming. I looked at letters, account
books, newspaper articles, commercial records, and advertisements. What I observed
through collecting this data was something that many historians of the period
overlooked. These young men migrated with the express intention of returning home
after a certain period of time. That intention, of course, shaped their behavior while
in the colonies, just as it shaped their interactions with people back in Britain. If one
were to judge them just based on the content of their letters, they were angry people
who more or less loathed the place to which they traveled and many of the people
whom they found already living there. In other words, they never intended to be
permanent settlers in the Americas. From the perspective of American history, this
certainly ran against the traditional narratives. From the perspective of Scottish, or
even British, history, these people had left—so had their stories excluded from the
national narrative.
1. At this point, it might be useful to comment briefly upon the reason for studying Scottish migration in the eighteenth
century. In the first place, many American historians until that time had considered all British migrants to the Americas to
have been indistinguishable from one another. Looking at those of Scottish (or indeed Irish or Scots-Irish) ancestry showed
a much clearer separation of the various migrant groups in terms of their geographic origins, occupational diversity, as
well as in the destinations to which they migrated. It also provided a strong counterargument to the assimilationist myth
of American history more generally. In the second place, from a world historical perspective, the Scottish migration of
the eighteenth century proved to be a mechanism to understand the way in which the British empire of the nineteenth
and twentieth centuries was administered. The same Scottish families that had sent migrants to the Americas in the
eighteenth century were also providing their sons to be the administrators for the East India Company’s colonies and, later,
the British government’s officers in colonial territories. As a result, exploring the early Scots migration allows us to make
meaningful comparisons to understand the ways in which British colonies were administered during the height of empire.
A Scottish Caribbean Case Study
In short, I was looking at a signicant group of people—relatively small in
number by total population—that played a key role in the development and economic
life of the British imperial economy in the eighteenth century. But they had been
excluded, even if out of ignorance, from the national narratives of either their sending
or receiving societies. As a result, I struggled to explain them in some convincing
way, or make them significant outside of the important economic roles that they
played. But then I discovered Paul Sius The Chinese Laundryman: A Study of Social
Isolation (Siu 1987) and the concept of the sojourner. Siu, a sociologist, examined
a different group of migrants in a different time and place, and identified several
important characteristics that to one degree or another applied to my eighteenth-
century cohort. Finally, I thought, I could make a global connection and say something
signicant. Using that most basic of the world history skills, comparison, I was able
to analyze my research in the context of someone else’s, and move toward saying
something useful about a relatively unknown group of people.
Those who study migrations generally think of it as a one-directional movement
that needed to be explained by two different, but related, sets of factors. Sojourners,
some (but not all) of whom actually traveled backward and forward across the
Atlantic, actually behaved a certain way because of their ideas about themselves,
their neighbors, and their timetables. This challenged the idea of a one-directional
movement, or process. And it makes for a very good teachable moment. Not everyone
who migrates intends to do so for the duration of his or her life. Since many of our
students, or their parents, migrated from somewhere else—city, state, country—it is
easy to engage them in such a conversation, and to teach them the historical method
required to construct a personal or familial narrative of migration. This narrative can
then, of course, be aggregated into a class narrative, which can then be compared to
other narratives and analyzed appropriately.
In order to explain migrations, many historians rely upon what they refer to as
“push” factors and “pull” factors. We can look at any human migration, whether from
one grade to the next or one continent to another, and compare them by looking at
these factors. I will deal with each of them in turn. First, we should consider the
“push” factors. By this, I generally mean those circumstances that drove individuals to
migrate. For many of them, something in their native society failed them and caused
them to leave. Was it, perhaps, a family disagreement that resulted in irreconcilable
differences? Or was it a shortage of land for all of the members of the family to raise
their own families? In some cases, a generally poor economy could not provide
adequate opportunities for upward mobility for enough people. In other societies, it
might be a fear of political persecution for ones beliefs or activities. Thinking about, or
typologizing, such factors for any one group of migrants can be a very useful activity
for understanding migrations more generally.
The same is also true for the “pull” factors. Behind these is a desire to explain
why a certain group of people travels to one place, and not another. It is easy to
discern greater economic opportunity in one part of the world than another, at least
at the same moment in time. There might be other factors as well. For example, the
presence of friends and countrymen already there could provide an existing social
network that facilitates integration, if not assimilation. Some migrants might be drawn
to places where they can speak freely on subjects that might have been restricted at
home. Or they might just prefer the climate to that in their native society. Identifying
and exploring all of these factors can help students explain a particular population
movement and relate seemingly diverse population movements to each other.
In the case of the Scottish sojourners, the “push” factors were fairly clear. Most
of them were, simply, overeducated. The Scottish economy could simply not support
the numbers of doctors, attorneys, and merchants that its educational system put
out. Migration to other places in Britain (after 1707, of course) and then to British
colonies provided some relief. For others, there was some political pressure as well,
after the Jacobite uprising in 1745. What better way to demonstrate loyalty to the
national government than by going to work for it? Many Scot migrants in this period
went to the Americas in the service of government. That they also did so in the
nineteenth century, after the loss of North America and the declining profitability
of the Caribbean colonies, allows us to contemplate both changes and continuities
over time. What was common to these people was the idea that it was not necessary
to leave permanently, since there was nothing wrong with Scotland, other than
insufficient resources to generate economic growth and support its population.
Once wealth had been achieved, the logic went, return would be easy—and upward
mobility achieved.
What drew the Scots to Jamaica (as well as other colonies to which they
migrated), and not, say, Barbados was also fairly clear. Jamaica had a lot of land; it
was growing as a society. It was not, as Barbados was in the eighteenth century, all
cultivated. Much larger, with a large frontier, the colony proved an attractive place
to engage in wealth cultivation. More land under cultivation meant more slaves and
therefore the need for more managers, doctors, and merchants to actually run the
place. Of course, the largest and wealthiest landowners had already returned to
Europe, so they were hiring others to serve as surrogates for them. This allowed well-
A Scottish Caribbean Case Study
educated people to remain well-educated people and actually gave them opportunities
to themselves advance. When Britain gained new colonies after 1763, as it turned
out, there were new waves of Scots going across the Atlantic to manage them. Of
course, the presence of Scots already there made it easier to establish communities.
The Scots were often criticized for being “clannish.” What this meant, however, was
simply that they cultivated business opportunities with each other, sponsored new
migrants, and lived in the same neighborhoods. These patterns should be familiar
to everyone who has looked at any migrant community in contemporary America.
The Scots did not exhibit clannish behavior; rather, they behaved as many groups of
migrants did—and still do.
I’ve already alluded to the fact that migrants frequently get omitted from the
national histories of the places from which they come AND the national histories to
which they travel. It is easy as well to look at the current debate in many countries,
like the United States, or Belgium, or South Africa, and to see the ways in which
migrants are restricted and confined, as if wealth creation will expire if enough
migrants are allowed in. In some places, national language restrictions are put in
place in order to hasten the process of assimilation. Studying such debates and
policies over time and space will lead to analysis of changes and continuities.
All of this, however, still does not allow us to see migrants as they see (or saw)
themselves. We ought to know if they consider themselves sojourners, for example,
or if they see themselves as political refugees or economic migrants. Moreover, we
should at least be interested in how they see the intersection of their lives with
the global historical process of nationalism and identity formation. It might be that
historians, like much of the rest of society, assume that it is only possible to associate
with one “national” identity. But that may not be right.
In the case of the eighteenth-century Scots, who never saw themselves as
Jamaican or Virginian, there ought to be some inquiry. While most of them saw
themselves as wholly Scottish, a few others referred to themselves as “North British.
This label clearly connected them to the British state, as opposed to the Scottish
nation, and represented a choice. Why that choice would have been made warrants
further study; suffice it to say here that those who used this term more often than not
were seeking something—money, a job, or perhaps a payment for remaining loyal to
the British crown during the American War for Independence (17761783) from the
British government.
Still, others saw the Scots negatively—they were perceived to be a group
with certain characteristics, so they must, in fact, have been a group with certain
characteristics. Because they were so educated and held certain occupations, another
sociological theory, that of middlemen minorities,
entered into play here. When things
went wrong, as they did in many places, but especially in the Chesapeake, the Scots
became scapegoats and had their property confiscated; many fled. It took them years
to recover, and it was only the opening of new territories that made some of the
recovery possible.
What I have attempted to do at this point is explore the ways in which looking
at a particular group of migrants in a single place or time period can lead to some
important ways of understanding world history and, just as importantly, teaching that
history to increasingly diverse groups of students. The goal in all of this, of course,
is to begin with something known—the size of a movement of people, or their jobs,
or the places to which they went—and to work outward from there. To begin with a
historical process like migration, and then to look at a specic case in some detail, it
becomes possible to use the AP courses historical thinking skills (e.g., comparison,
analysis) to create a working hypothesis on the global scale. I’ve used the Scots as an
entrée into the subject, in order to demonstrate what such work might look like.
There is still more work that can be done to expand student content knowledge
while also modeling the historical thinking skills. Those of us who work with a
process-centered approach to world history might be inclined to look for other groups
that had the same demographic characteristics and achieved either similar or
different results. Two groups of migrants come to mind here: Jews and Armenians.
Both think of themselves as being in diaspora. How is this different from sojourners,
we might ask—and wed be off and running. Both groups are generally seen to be
highly educated, both have been scapegoated when times got tough, and both
created networks of ethnically and religiously similar people around them. They
generally went to different places than the eighteenth-century Scots (though there
were plenty of Jews in Jamaica), but how else were they different? Considering this
question allows students to hone basic skills that are essential to AP World History
We could also contemplate different groups—impoverished Mexican labor
migrants to the United States, Indian tech workers to Silicon Valley, or Persians
fleeing the Iranian Revolution in 1979—all as a way to get students to understand
the processes of migration. The questions remain the same, but the results of the
2. Middlemen minorities are people who are ethnically distinct from the rest of society and who occupy middling-level
occupational categories. Korean grocers now hold such positions. The sociological theory behind this suggests that this
kind of person often becomes a scapegoat.
A Scottish Caribbean Case Study
inquiries could be vastly different. The results in some ways matter much less than
the process of dissecting and reconstructing the process itself.
When I teach world history, admittedly at a place that is very different from the
environments with which most readers of this piece will be familiar, I always give a
lecture on the big processes of each period. The spread of industrialization, or the rise
of nationalism, are good examples of these kinds of topics. But migration does not
characterize a single period—it characterizes EVERY period. As a result, it is included
in every period of the course that I teach, just as it is included in every period of AP
World History (even if we dont call it migration). Just as I can talk about sojourners,
I can also talk about bonded labor (which includes slaves) in most periods. Just as I
can describe economic migrants during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, I
can also describe them in virtually every period throughout the course. The content
is important, but more important are the historical thinking skills that studying
migration can teach us.
As teachers, it is important that our students learn how to think, how to
draw conclusions about specic facts and specific time periods, and then how to
relate those conclusions to other times and places. To cover migration in AP World
History, then, teachers can choose one or two groups of migrants during the course
and dissect the population movements while analyzing goals and outcomes of the
migrants. Going through that process, especially if they are able to relate their own
personal or family stories to it, will cause them to master many of the thinking skills
that are so critical to success not just on the AP World History Exam, not just in my
college classroom but also as citizens of an irreversibly, dare I say globally, connected
South America: Land of Immigrants
and Emigrants — Italian and
Japanese Migration to Argentina
and Brazil — and Back
Peter Winn
Tufts University
Medford, Massachusetts
The history of major Latin American countries, such as Argentina and Brazil in
recent centuries, demonstrates that they were nations shaped—and reshaped—by
immigration. At the height of mass transatlantic European immigration during the
last decades of the nineteenth century and the first decades of the twentieth century,
between 5 and 7 million Europeans immigrated to Latin America and the Caribbean.
The intensity of this transoceanic immigration was often as great, or greater than,
the contemporary mass immigration to the United States. As a percentage of its
population, during the late nineteenth century Argentina received twice as many
immigrants as the United States. Less well known still is another major transoceanic
labor migration to South America: the migration of Japanese contract laborers to Brazil
during the first decades of the twentieth century.
Some of the transoceanic immigrants to South America were voluntary migrants,
even when they came as contract labor. This was the case of the Italian immigrants
to Argentina—now probably that country’s largest ethnic group—and also of the
Japanese immigrants to Brazil. (These Japanese migrants compose the origin of
what is today the largest overseas population of Japanese descent outside the Pacic
islands.) What makes these migration flows particularly interesting to teachers and
students of world history is that a century later this migration flow reversed, sending
the grandchildren of those Italian and Japanese immigrants back to an Italy or
Japan that they had never known. Still others were involuntary migrants, as was the
case with the African slaves whose descendants now compose a majority of Brazil’s
population of 180 million—justifying its claim to be the second-largest “African
nation” after Nigeria.
Transoceanic migration, voluntary or involuntary, should be a central theme of
world history, one to which students, whose families likely have migration stories
in their past, can relate. It lends itself to an analysis that blends microhistories with
macrohistories, incorporating the individual memoir or community chronicle, and to
telling stories that students can share. Shifting migration patterns are a reflection
of changing relationships between national economies around the world during
successive processes of industrialization and globalization, and thus windows to
larger historical processes.
The histories of voluntary Italian migration to and from Argentina and voluntary
Japanese migration to and from Brazil offer illuminating examples of these shifting
relationships and historical processes, and also engaging stories of cultural conflicts
and adaptations.
I. Italian Immigration/Emigration to and from Argentina
Italian merchants started coming to Argentina and Uruguay, its neighbor across
the Rio de la Plata delta, shortly after their independence in the 1820s. In fact, the
famed Italian nationalist and revolutionary of the mid-nineteenth century, Giuseppi
Garibaldi, first wore his trademark red shirt fighting for the Colorados (Reds) of
Uruguay in the regional war of the 1840s for ascendancy in the Rio de la Plata.
Uruguayans call this conflict their Great War. It pitted the cosmopolitan local allies of
recent European immigrants who advocated an openness to European liberal ideas
and economies against creole proponents of a more insular “American” system.
The first sizable contract labor migration from Italy to Argentina, however, took
place during the closing decades of the century, when Argentine ranchers sought
to take advantage of the opportunity created by an industrial Europes increasing
inability to feed itself, by adding grains and other food crops to their livestock on their
ranches in the rich soil of the pampa of central Argentina. These golondrinasor
swallows—were the first Italian migrants to grasp the opportunity created by this
leap of globalization across the equator. They were called golondrinas, because like
swallows they migrated with the seasons. In fact, they were probably the longest-
distance seasonal migrant laborers in history who took advantage of the difference in
the seasons between the Northern and Southern hemispheres to harvest the crops in
South America: Land of Immigrants and Emigrants
Italy and then take passage to Argentina literally in the steerage of the return passage
of ships that transported live cattle from Argentina to Italy.
Eventually, some of these Italian agricultural laborers chose to stay in Argentina,
a land where food was plentiful and meat was cheap, a new nation with greater
opportunities than hierarchical rural Italy, while others returned to Italy with tales
of gold in the streets and jewels in the sand that motivated friends and relatives to
cross the Atlantic. The dramatic increase in Italian immigration to Argentina during
the second half of the nineteenth century—which rose from less than 100,000 during
the 1860s to more than 640,000 during the 1880s—reflected both the agricultural
depression in northern Italy and the economic boom of the 1880s in South America,
when foreign investment multiplied and exports doubled in a region that was being
incorporated into an increasingly global economy centered on an industrializing
and urbanizing Europe that could no longer feed or clothe itself from its own rural
production. The resultant need for labor in both rural agriculture and urban export
processing drew large numbers of European immigrants to Argentina—2.5 million
between 1880 and 1930, the largest share of Latin Americas seven–nine million
immigrants during those decades—with Italians in the lead.
Entire villages in the Veneto, the depressed rural hill country near Venice,
were deserted in the 1880s by their young men, all of whom seemed to have gone to
Argentina. When the Italian government became alarmed at this depopulation and
decided to investigate, what it found was a pattern—and a story—that repeated itself
in village after village.
On a Sunday morning before Mass, an elegant stranger arrived in the village,
impeccably dressed in black. He joined the promenade around the central square,
doffing his top hat to the ladies and setting them abuzz with questions about who
he might be and whether or not he was an eligible bachelor. When Mass began
he entered the village church and took a prominent place in a front pew. When the
service was over, he sat down at the best table in the best café and ordered the most
expensive drink on the menu.
Then, when the young men who gathered in the square could no longer restrain
their curiosity, he invited them to join him and ordered them an expensive drink as
well. They asked him where he was from, and he was always from a village close
enough so that they had heard of it, but far enough away so that they didnt have any
relatives there.
When the church clock struck noon the stranger took out his big gold watch to
check the time, while their eyes grew bigger and bigger. How could someone from a
village like their own have become so rich and prosperous? The stranger replied: Only
a few years before, he had been a poor peasant like themselves, without hopes for a
better future. “And then, and then?” they demanded. “And then,” he declared, “I
went to Argentina!” They too could be like him. All it took was a few years and a little
hard work
The elegant stranger was an agent for a steamship line, which was in turn
subsidized by the Argentine government and private landowners as part of a policy
of encouraging European immigration, both to “whiten” and “civilize” the mixed-
race population, and to secure experienced farmers to add export agriculture to rural
Argentinas largely livestock economy. Before he left town, he signed up all the young
men he could persuade to ship out to Argentina.
They would have to pay for their passage by working for a landowner for three
to five years as indentured labor, breaking up the hard sod, farming a huge 500-acre
plot, and turning his ranch into a farm with their strong arms and knowledge of
agriculture. When their voluntary servitude was over, they would leave the estate
planted with grains and flax—and the alfalfa needed to feed the rancher’s new
refined livestock. Part of their commitment was to leave these improvements to the
landowner when their contract expired. But then they could leave to seek their own
fortune—what Argentines called “hacer América” and in the United States we call
“the American Dream.
Most had been peasants in Europe and aspired to land of their own, but few
found it. Argentina did not have the equivalent of the U.S. Homestead Act
until much
too late, and then the lands available were poor lands distant from transportation and
markets. The Argentine pampas were plains with extraordinary rich, well-watered
soils, but these lands were already owned by Argentine elites and their value had
multiplied with the building of railways and the boom in pastoral and agricultural
Some Italian immigrants banded together in cooperatives to buy land in less
pricey regions. But most drifted back to Buenos Aires, Argentinas chief port and
political capital, where they could at least enjoy the society of other Italians and hope
to find jobs in the booming export economy. During the boom of the 1880s, their
American dreams seemed within reach, but their hopes were dashed when boom
turned to bust in 1890—and Italian immigrants went jobless and homeless. Some
gave up and returned to Italy, but most remained and rode out the storm, turning their
trials and disappointments into the early tangos that they wrote, sang, and danced in
3. The Homestead Act was an act passed by U.S. Congress in 1862, giving unsettled land in the West to persons willing to
build on the land and develop it.
South America: Land of Immigrants and Emigrants
the bars and brothels of La Boca, the port of Buenos Aires. It became a largely Italian
area, where they lived in single-room occupancy slums known as conventillos, along
with equally poor immigrants from other parts of Europe and the Middle East. By
1890, Buenos Aires was mostly a foreign-born city, where “gringo” meant Italian, not
This was a development that alarmed the Argentine elite that had initially
encouraged this mass transatlantic immigration, but now saw their concentration
in the countrys capital as a threat to national identity and political stability. The
immigrants brought with them from Europe not only their strong arms and labor
skills but also revolutionary ideologies such as anarchism and socialism. Soon they
were regarded by the elite as a threat to public order, the core of what would become
known as “the social question,” where social inequality and ethnic exclusion became
a charged political issue—and like immigration in the United States today, one that
prompted government repression and provoked vigilante violence.
This view of immigration as a menace was reinforced when Italian anarchists
took the lead in contesting the Argentine elites self-congratulatory national centenary
celebrations in 1910, and again in the social unrest of the deep recession that followed
World War I. Hundreds of Italian immigrants became the first victims of the deadly
antiimmigrant repression known as La Semana Trágica—the Tragic Week—of 1919.
It began as a strike in a factory staffed by Italian immigrant labor, organized by
anarchist “agitators,” but ended in a massacre that left hundreds of poor immigrants
dead and thousands wounded by security forces and civilian vigilantes organized by
the rightist “Patriotic League,” in an outburst of elite xenophobia.
During the decades that followed, the Italian immigrants—and their children and
grandchildren—gradually integrated into Argentine society, adding their slang to the
local language and pasta and pizza to the tables of Argentina.
Their integration was
symbolized by the presidential election in 1946 of populist leader Juan Peron, himself
of mixed Italian and Spanish ancestry (Argentinas two main European ethnic roots).
His decade in power saw their further integration with the new wave of mixed race
4. For a concise, accessible account of the Semana Trágica set within its historical and social context, see Peter Winn,
Americas: The Changing Face of Latin America and the Caribbean, 3rd ed. (Berkeley and Los Angeles, CA: University of
California, 2006), Chapter 3.
5. This gradual assimilation can be traced in the letters between members of an extended Italian family on both sides of the
Atlantic edited by Samuel Baily and Franco Ramella, One Family, Two Worlds: An Italian Family’s Correspondence Across
the Atlantic, 1901–1922 (New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 1988). Excerpts from these letters would make good
primary source documents for students. For an interesting comparison to Italian immigration to the United States during
this same era, see also Baily, Immigrants in the Lands of Promise: Italians in Buenos Aires and New York City, 18701914
(Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1999), in which Baily concludes that the integration of Italian immigrants into the
receiving society was greater in Buenos Aires than in New York.
6. For a comprehensive, prize-winning history of Spanish immigration to Buenos Aires during the late nineteenth and early
twentieth centuries, see José Moya, Cousins and Strangers: Spanish Immigrants in Buenos Aires, 18501930 (Berkeley and
Los Angeles, CA: University of California Press, 1998).
migrants from the Andean interior into a powerful working class, although Peron also
restricted further immigration to Argentina to white Europeans.
This Italo-Argentine synthesis of Italy and Argentina was so complete and
successful that it was a shock when thousands of Argentines of Italian descent
lined up outside the Italian consulate in Buenos Aires in the deep economic crisis of
20012002—itself a result of globalization and the Argentine neoliberal response to its
challenges—to reclaim the Italian passports that their grandparents had surrendered.
Their goal was a return migration to their ancestral homeland in search of work and a
better future than they saw possible in the Argentina where they had been born and
Admittedly, it was a crisis so acute and sustained that unemployment soared
to 40 percent and most Argentines fell into poverty in a country that was one of the
richest in the world less than a century ago, while many Argentines were starving
in one of the worlds great bread baskets. Still, for a country that had been a land of
immigrants, not emigrants—the country in Latin America with the largest middle
class, where the South American version of the American Dream had seemed easiest
to realize—it was a shock.
During those first years of the twenty-rst century, an estimated 300,000
Argentines left their country in search of jobs and better futures elsewhere. Most went
to Europe, where labor shortages offered good job opportunities, and European Union
citizenship policies enabled Argentines of Italian and Spanish descent to “reclaim
EU passports and once in Europe work wherever they wanted. Although most may
have been Italian in origin, because of the shared language, the vast majority ended
up in Spain, which by 2004 was home to nearly 160,000 native-born Argentines—a
reflection as well of the booming Spanish economy’s expanding labor needs.
Far fewer ended up staying in Italy—although the 11,000 Argentines there are
the largest group among the 45,000 Latin Americans working and living in Italy. So
far, there have been few studies of those Argentines who did stay, of how they assess
their “return” migration to the land of their ancestors. Most of the evidence we have is
anecdotal—so I will end this part of my essay with an anecdote of my own:
A few years ago, I was dining at an outdoor table in Trastevere in Rome, where
a singer was doing the rounds of the tables singing Neapolitan love songs. His Italian
was excellent, but I detected a slight familiar accent. So I asked him in Spanish where
he was from and he responded in Spanish: “Buenos Aires.” I am an oral historian, so I
began to ask for his life story. He had been living and working in Italy since the crisis,
he explained. It was a better living and he had married and was doing well, he said,
South America: Land of Immigrants and Emigrants
but he still carried Argentina in his corazón—his heart—which he poured into the
nostalgic tango that he sang for me. As with the Italian immigrants to Buenos Aires of
his grandparents’ generation, the tango continued to serve as a vehicle for immigrant
longings and dreams—and even successful immigrants felt like exiles in their hearts.
II. Migration from and to Japan and Brazil
When Peron banned nonwhite immigration to Argentina in the mid-twentieth century,
one of the groups whose presence in his “white” nation that he wanted to restrict was
the Japanese. By then, the Japanese had already formed a large community within
Brazil, Argentinas neighbor and rival, which had become home to the largest overseas
population of Japanese descent outside Hawaii.
Under the Tokugawa Shogunate (1603–1867), Japanese emigration had been
prohibited. During the Meiji period (1868–1912), which followed and opened Japan
to the outside world, the Japanese government itself promoted emigration as a way
of dealing with unemployment and rural overpopulation, and as a source of income
via emigrant remittances. Moreover, the dislocations caused by Japans rapid
modernization and industrialization caused widespread rural poverty and distress.
During this era, half a million Japanese emigrated, most of them to nearby Manchuria
or Korea or to Pacic islands like Hawaii, where Japanese composed 40 percent of the
population by the U.S. takeover in 1898.
It was not until the end of the Meiji period, when Japanese immigration began
to meet resistance elsewhere, that Japanese began to migrate to Brazil. Brazil had
promoted immigration during the closing decades of the nineteenth century as a
replacement for the African slave labor that it finally abolished in 1888. But, as in
Argentina, it was European immigration that its coffee planters had subsidized, in
return for contract labor on their plantations. From 1880 to 1900, 1.6 million Europeans
arrived in Brazil, half of them from Italy and most of the rest from Iberia. But Brazilian
plantation owners, used to slave labor, treated their European workers like slaves, and
the Italian and Spanish governments responded by forbidding new emigration, while
many of the earlier immigrants left the plantations as soon as they could.
This created a rural labor shortage that Brazils planters and the government
they dominated thought they would once again fill with nonwhite workers. They
considered the importation of Chinese coolie labor, but rejected it on racial grounds.
Japanese were also racially problematic in a country whose racial policy was to
whiten the population through miscegenation, but Brazils economy depended on its
coffee exports, the biggest in the world, and Brazilian coffee planters needed labor.
Moreover, the Japanese had acquired prestige in Brazil because of their victory in the
Russo-Japanese War, so they were considered superior Asians. As a consequence
of this confluence of concerns, in 1907, the São Paulo state government agreed to
subsidize contract Japanese plantation labor, arranged with the help of the Japanese
The first group of Japanese immigrants arrived in Brazil in 1908, with little
knowledge of their new land, but with high hopes of earning enough money in five
years of plantation work to buy land of their own or to return to Japan with resources
and their heads held high. Instead they found work that was hard and difficult under
foremen who had been slave drivers and treated the contract laborers the same way
as they had slaves. The conditions were so different from those promised by the
Japanese emigration company that some migrants rebelled and left the plantations,
especially when the steamship company failed to return the moneys they had
deposited at the start of the journey.
This is a story told as a microhistory in Gaijin, a prize-winning film made in
1980 by the then-young Japanese Brazilian director Tizuka Yamasaki, based on
the experience of her 101-year-old grandmother, who had told it to her as family oral
It is a “docudrama” social history film that would work well in a classroom
and allow students to share the experience of these Japanese labor migrants, far from
home and facing discrimination, exploitation, and manipulation in a strange cultural
setting. The Japanese are isolated in part because of their language but even more
because of the insularity of their culture. Because the Brazilians wanted to make
sure the migrants would not flee the plantation, they insisted on the migration of
families, which led to the creation of fictive families, with husbands and wives “of
This is the story of Yamasakis grandmother in Gaijin, which is a pejorative
Japanese word for “outsider” or “foreigner.” Her Japanese husband of convenience
dies of a tropical disease, while other migrants commit suicide or flee the plantation.
The dramatic culmination of the film, however, is when the enraged Italian workers
go on strike while the uncomprehending Japanese migrants continue working. This
leads the plantation owner to order: “Hire Japanese workers. They work hard. Not like
the Italians and the Spaniards, who are troublemakers.” Yet, by the end of the film, a
liaison between Yamasakis grandmother and a socially conscious Brazilian points to
a different future in a Brazil that prided itself on being a racial democracy in which
racial mixing was both common and a path to integration. It would be a very gradual
7. It would be interesting to have students do oral histories of their own family’s immigrant generation or as far back as family
memory carries—and then to compare these stories to those in Gaijin or Baily and Ramello’s Italian family correspondence.
South America: Land of Immigrants and Emigrants
assimilation, however, for a Japanese Brazilian community that would also try hard to
maintain their traditions and identity.
Yamasakis grandmother was among the first of the nearly quarter of a million
Japanese who would migrate to Brazil over the next 50 years, most of them in
the 1920s. It was a migration ofcially promoted and subsidized by a Japanese
government fearful of overpopulation, and by Japanese investors eager to develop
a Brazilian source of cotton for an expanding Japanese textile industry. Japanese
migrants became colonos who cleared the forests, prepared the land for the coffee
plants, did the planting, tended the plants, and harvested the beans. In the rows
between the coffee plants, they grew food crops and earned money selling surplus
food and doing odd jobs. They also earned a fixed sum for every 1,000 plants and for
every sack of coffee beans, but this was much less than the emigration agencies had
promised—only 20 percent of the wages paid in Hawaii.
Many fled the plantations and took refuge in the cities or in working for
railway companies. Once they left their tight-knit Japanese community, they often
intermarried with Brazilians and assimilated to the dominant culture. But 70 percent
became small farmers on the expiration of their colono contract. They were helped
in acquiring land by the coffee glut that led landowners to sell off parts of their
plantations—very different from the high price of land that was a problem for Italian
migrants in Argentina—and by the Japanese cultural tradition of banding together in
mutual aid credit associations.
With the encouragement of Japanese industrialists, many became cotton
farmers. But most became truck farmers around large cities like São Paulo, and by
1935, Japanese farmers produced 80 percent of the vegetables for Brazils economic
Others retreated to Japanese colonies in the Amazon, ethnic enclaves where they
could live as Japanesereproducing family patterns, religious rituals, and cultural
mores. There they created Japanese schools, medical services, associations, and
newspapers. Some of these communities were so isolated that they refused to believe
that Japan had been defeated in World War II, while others streamed to the coast like
a messianic sect because of the rumor that the Emperor had sent a ship to take them
back to Japan.
World War II was a big divide for the Japanese Brazilian community in other
ways as well. Brazilian paranoia about an alleged Japanese plot to use the Amazon as
a naval base led the Brazilian government to restrict Japanese newspapers, schools,
and public gatherings in the Japanese language, and to press the Japanese into a
compulsory assimilation program. After Pearl Harbor, internment camps were set up
in Brazil, and Japanese were told to move from the coast, but these measures never
reached U.S. levels.
After the war, Japanese emigration to Brazil resumed, although on a smaller
scale and not in as culturally isolated a fashion. Before, many of the immigrants had
defined themselves as temporary labor migrants or Dekasegi Imin. Now they saw
themselves as permanent settlers in a new homeland, as “ex-Japanese” —Nikkeijin,
foreigners of Japanese descent. Even more important, second- and third-generation
Japanese Brazilians—the Nisei and Sansei—learned Portuguese, were educated in
Brazilian schools and universities, and began to make their way in Brazilian society.
They still retained a strong sense of their Japanese roots, but now it was a Nikkeijin
identity, as Brazilians of Japanese descent, which was “chameleonlike—at times
Japanese at other times Brazilian. Although the Nikkeijin faced some discrimination,
by the 1980s they had emerged as the model minority, whose educational level,
incomes, and professional status exceeded the Brazilian average. They had become so
successful and well regarded that Japanese culture and food had become fashionable
among non-Japanese Brazilians.
By 1990, there was a Japanese Brazilian community
of more than 1.2 million, the largest overseas Japanese descent community (outside
Hawaii) in the world.
Yet those same decades of the 1980s and 1990s would see the beginnings of a
return migration to Japan as contract laborers of those second- and third-generation
Nisei and Sansei, the children and grandchildren of those Japanese contract laborers
who migrated to Brazil earlier in the twentieth century. This return migration would
lead to 280,000 Japanese Brazilians living and working in Japan by 2004. It was a
development that had both Japanese and Brazilian roots, and involved a working
misunderstanding on both sides.
During the closing decades of the twentieth century, Japan, with an expanding
economy and low population growth, was facing a labor crisis. It was solving
this crisis by importing foreign “guest workers” from other Asian countries, from
Communist China to Islamic Pakistan. But their presence and behavior in a largely
monoethnic and insular Japan was creating a problem. So it occurred to the Japanese
to instead bring in as guest workers ethnically Japanese Brazilians, whom they
assumed would fit easily into Japan.
8. Nikkeijin — Persons born in Japan or descendents of persons born in Japan who have assimilated into their new societies;
Nisei — A person of Japanese descent, born outside of Japan, usually in the Americas; Sansei — Child of Nisei born in the
new society (third generation).
9. For a thoughtful and complex discussion of these issues, see Daniela de Carvalho, Migrants and Identity in Japan and
Brazil: The Nikeijin (New York: Routledge, 2002), esp. Chapters 3 and 5.
South America: Land of Immigrants and Emigrants
Before 1980, Brazilians rarely emigrated: Why would you want to leave Brazil,
with its vibrant culture, beautiful landscape, and an economy that had been among
the fastest growing in the world for a century? The Latin American debt crisis of the
1980s—with its high unemployment and hyperinflationchanged that attitude, and
Brazilians began to migrate to other countries in large numbers for the first time.
Japanese Brazilians retained an idealized image of Japan and were uniformly
referred to as japones in Brazil. So they returned to Japan as contract laborers with
high hopes and expectations of large earnings, and being embraced by the Japan
that their grandparents had come from a century before. Both the Japanese and
the Japanese Brazilians were doomed to disappointment. Neither side had their
expectations fulfilled.
Japanese Brazilians were given what the Japanese called “3D” jobs: “dirty,
difficult, and dangerous.” Moreover, the treatment Japanese Brazilian workers received
in these work sectors was demeaning, particularly for those who had been middle
class and had enjoyed a high status in Brazil. Nor were they welcomed with open arms
in Japan and viewed as prodigal sons. On the contrary, they faced discrimination and
were regarded as gaijin (foreigners). They remained in Japan because of the money—
wages that were sky-high compared to Brazil—but they filled mostly low-skill jobs and
resented both their treatment and their inability to transcend it.
The Japanese who had brought them “home” felt equally disappointed in the
result. The Japanese Brazilians might be ethnically Japanese, but they were culturally
Brazilian. As a result, they did not behave “properly”: They dressed and talked too
loudly, were never on time, and sang and danced in too sexy a way. Foreigners were
not expected to behave like Japanese, but because Japanese Brazilians looked
Japanese, people would scold them in a language they barely understood for not
behaving like a good Japanese. As a result, the Japanese Brazilians were slotted into
the bottom of Japanese society as a new ethnic minority group—like the Korean
Japanese, the Ainu, and the Okinawans—and discriminated against like these other
“inferior” ethnicities.
Yet despite these mutual disappointments, the numbers of Japanese Brazilian
contract workers in Japan has grown to more than a quarter of a million. Today,
these Nikkeijin are the second-largest group of the 800,000 foreign workers in Japan
(after the Chinese). As one study concluded: “They are by far the largest and most
important source of legal migrant labor in Japan, on which many Japanese industries
now depend. [Japanese Brazilians] have assumed a critical function in the Japanese
economy as a flexible and relatively cheap labor force.
But their low wages in Japanese terms are many times more than what even
middle-class professionals can earn in Brazil, allowing them to send money home to
help support their families. Together, they send back to Brazil $3 billion in remittances
annually, equal to 6 percent of Brazils exports. This is why you have Brazilian teachers
doing unskilled manual labor in Japan that they would never do in Brazil. Moreover, a
third of pornography ads in Japan now feature Japanese Brazilians—who are viewed
as the sexy “other” because of the way they move and dance. This represents another
demeaning occupational niche for Japanese Brazilians, most of whom do not dance
samba in Brazil.
One result of this disappointment and humiliation is that many Japanese
Brazilians work a few years in Japan and then return with their savings to Brazil—
these are the dekasegi temporary migrant workers. But when they return home, many
nd it hard to work in Brazil for so much less than they can earn in Japan and become
circle migrants,” who remain in Brazil until the money is spent and then return to
Japan to work. In a way, they are a twenty-rst-century version of the nineteenth-
century Italian golondrinas.
But other Japanese Brazilians choose to settle permanently in Japan. Like their
grandparents who migrated the other way, they bring over their families and make
the best of it, despite their feelings of being excluded and discriminated against.
What is common to their experience of both countries is being regarded as a minority.
But the difference is that where they were viewed as a positive minority in Brazil,
they are seen as a negative minority in Japan. In Brazil, the Nikkeijin were ethnically
distinguished as “so Japanese,” but in Japan, they are ethnically disparaged as “so
Brazilian.” Like immigrants elsewhere, they are also blamed for “many problems
”they fight and quarrel,” “they have car accidents,” “they do not pay,” “they steal.
This is very different from the model minority image of Japanese Brazilians in Brazil.
The impact on individuals and their identity has been profound, and not what
either they or academics had predicted. Many came to Japan expecting to be
embraced and to reinforce their Japanese identity. Instead, they were excluded as
“Brazilians” and this reinforced their Brazilian identity. As one young man put it: “I
am now certain that I am more Brazilian than Japanese—I found this out in Japan.
Being seen as a foreigner in Japan despite my Japanese face was a shock that I will
10. Takeyuki Tsuda, Strangers in the Ethnic Homeland: Japanese Brazilian Return Migration in Transnational Perspective
(New York: Columbia University, 2003), xii. Excerpts used by permission of Columbia University Press.
11. Quoted in De Carvalho, Migrants and Identity, 141.
South America: Land of Immigrants and Emigrants
never forget.
As a result, Nikkei migrants who never danced samba or participated
in Carnival in Brazil do so in Japan “to express their Brazilianness.
For others, this initial nationalistic Brazilian response is followed by a more
balanced view: “I discovered my Brazilianness in Japan and now I feel much more
Brazilian than I did in Brazil,” one Nikkei explained. “But my Brazilian feelings do not
continue to become stronger over time. After the first shock I received in Japan, I felt
a sudden rise in my Brazilian consciousness, but then the confusion ended. Now I can
see both the Japanese and Brazilian sides of myself objectively.
Or as one Japanese
Brazilian put it: “Between karaoke and samba I won’t choose. I want to keep the best
of both.
To the Japanese, the Japanese Brazilians were “weirdos,” as one young man
put it. “They looked Japanese, but they werent real Japanese. They acted completely
different, spoke a foreign tongue, and dressed in strange ways. They were like
fake Japanese, like a fake superhero you see on TV.
For a Brazilian, who “was
the Japanese [in Brazil]brought up as a weird Brazilianin a world where there
were us [the Nikkei] and the Gaijin [other Brazilians],” this Japanese response was
both “confusing” and painful.
Yet anthropologists who have studied the Japanese
Brazilians in Japan believe that their children, who are attending Japanese schools
and internalizing Japanese mores and values, will overcome their minority status and
disappear into Japanese society:
My sisters daughter now thinks completely like a Japanese. She doesnt want to
return to Brazil because she thinks Japan is the best. Because of these images
she gets from Japanese society, she thinks Brazil is a poor, backward society
populated by armed bandits. She even asked my sisterif Brazil has televisions.
Because Japanese Brazilians are a cultural minority in Japan, not a racial minority
like the Korean Japanese, scholars believe that these children will disappear into the
majority populace through cultural assimilation and social mobility because their
ethnicity is not racially essentialized. As a local Japanese official in the provincial
town of Oizumi explained:
If the Nikkeijin children eventually learn to speak the language fluently and to
behave just like the Japanese, they will be accepted as Japanese. I believe the
12.Quoted in Tsuda, Strangers, 367-68.
13. De Carvalho, Migrants and Identity, 137.
14. Quoted in Tsuda, Strangers, 368.
15. Jornal Tudo Bem, March 28, 1998. Quoted in De Carvalho, Migrants and Identity, 140.
16. Quoted in Tsuda, Strangers, x.
17. Quoted in De Carvalho, Migrants and Identity, 140.
18. Quoted in Tsuda, Strangers, 391.
Brazilian Nikkeijin are fundamentally different from the Korean Japanese because
they are of Japanese descent. The Japanese believe in kettoshugi (the principle of
descent and blood ties). As we say, “blood is thicker than water.
Oizumi may be the best test of that belief. It is the Japanese municipality with the
highest concentration of foreigners, and nearly four-fifths of them are Brazilian. As
a result, it is known as Samba no Machi—the City of Samba—and its Carnival has
become a Japanese tourist attraction. By 1997, half of the babies born in Oizumi were
Brazilian and by 2002 there were more than fifty Brazilian-owned businesses with
more than 4,000 customers weekly. Facing a labor shortage in its manufacturing
industries that this Brazilian immigration has solved, Oizumis officials have tried
hard to integrate Brazilians into local society. Yet, one local resident complained that
the number of Brazilians and their alien cultural style made her “feel a foreigner in her
own city.
Clearly, the return migration to Japan of Japanese Brazilians—like the original
migration of their grandparents from Japan to Brazil—is a complex story, involving
many of the themes and issues of world history on both a macro and micro level. It
would be a fascinating addition to a world history course. Fortunately, because it has
fascinated both media and scholars there is a lot published on it. Moreover, to tell the
micro story, Tizuka Yamasaki has recently released her follow-up film to Gaijin, which,
to underscore the comparison, she has called Gaijin 2. It follows Japanese Brazilians
through the trials, tribulations, and triumphs of their return to Japan.
There are also suggestive microstories in recent books like Takeyuki Tsudas
Strangers in the Ethnic Homeland, which begins with a revealing, descriptive
The train slows as it rolls into Shibuyu station in Tokyo. It is past rush hour on the
Yamanote line, but the car is still full with commuters. Outside on the station platform
await hundreds of passengers. The doors open, allowing the passengers to shuffle out
and a new group to le into the train in an orderly manner. Most of the men are dressed
conservatively in suits...Finally, just before the doors shut, a group of three men stroll
in. Compared to those who preceded them, these Japanese appear quite different.
Their demeanor is casual and leisurely. Two of them are dressed in shirts of bright,
mixed colors and jeans with a stripe down the seam. The third wears a t-shirt that
says “Brasil.They continue their conversation, speaking loudly in Portuguese.
19. Quoted in Tsuda, Strangers, 395.
20. Quoted in De Carvalho, Migrants and Identity, 136.
South America: Land of Immigrants and Emigrants
Instantly, the three men become the objects of peculiar glances from the surrounding
Japanese. Some look up from their newspapers. Others pretend not to notice these
strangers. Two Japanese women sitting beside me turn their eyes away from the men
and look at each other. They exchange one word: “Gaijin!”
21. Tsuda, Strangers, ix.
Global Cultural Encounters in Argentina
and Brazil: Bringing Immigration
Scholarship into the Classroom
Rick Warner
Wabash College
Crawfordsville, Indiana
South American Immigration: Historical Context
Argentina is a nation of immigrants. For a variety of reasons, not the least of which
is a vibrant historical connection to the global economy, Argentina absorbed many
people especially in the last third of the nineteenth century. By the turn of the
twentieth century, half of Buenos Aires was populated by people who had been born
elsewhere, a rather unusual statistic for that day.
To a degree, Argentine immigration was intentional. Elite Argentines saw
economic opportunities in expanding the workforce to serve the export economy, one
of the key aspects of the liberal ideology of the period. As with other Latin American
elites, in Brazil for instance, they held a preference for northern European immigrants,
who would civilize and “whiten” the populace. For the most part, however, this is not
who they managed to attract. The most common immigrant came from Italy, where
the political climate at the time was turbulent. Thus, many of the new arrivals carried
with them interests in labor organizing and even anarchism. Lesser known to history
but also important were immigrants from Asia, in particular from Japan. These folks
were also integrated into the growing export economy.
Curiously enough, immigration sometimes has a rebound effect. Immigrants
rarely know how long their stay will be in the destination country, though returning
to their homeland is often problematic. The decision to migrate, and to return, is
a complicated matter of identity as much as it is an economic question. There are
always numerous “push” and “pull” factors at work, and this is certainly the case
in Argentine history. These complicated and various reasons, and the cultural and
national identity aspects that surround them, are the subject of much modern Latin
American historiography.
For this lesson, students will read a recent article by Peter Winn, “South America:
Land of Immigrants—and Emigrants: Italian and Japanese Migration to Argentina
and Brazil” Winn offers some fascinating information regarding the peculiarities of
nineteenth- and early twentieth-century immigration by Italians to Argentina and
Japanese to Brazil. There is plenty of historical information for students to chew on:
stories as well as statistics, and good indications of the reasons for these migrations.
The article is somewhat unique in that Winn also describes the phenomenon of
“reverse migration,” as Italians and Japanese return to their “homelands,” sometimes
many years after the original migration. The reception that Italians and Japanese
receive on both sides of the ocean is representative and causative of their own
perceptions of national identity. Japanese Brazilians in particular find that they do not
“fit in” when they return to Japan after so many years.
In sum, the content of the article can provoke rich discussions, using some
critical thinking questions. This should surely be one objective of the lesson.
However, since the focus is on historical interpretation, the lesson should also involve
an appreciation of the work of the historian. What questions does Winn ask? Why
does he ask these? How does he answer these questions? The lesson aims to move
students to higher-order thinking about written history but attempting to ascertain
the point of view and method of the author.
Goals and Objectives
The basic objective of this exercise is to introduce students to the notion of historical
interpretation, in a rudimentary yet clear fashion.
After completing the exercise, students will be able to:
• IdentifydiversecausesofimmigrationtoandfromSouthAmerica
• Recognizethevalueofacomparativeapproachinhistoriography
• Begintothinkcriticallyabouttheworkofhistorians
AP World History Habits of Mind
Although a number of AP goals may be met, the lesson is principally constructed to
Global Cultural Encounters in Argentina and Brazil
introduce students to:
• Understanddiversityofinterpretations(rst-categoryhabitofmind)
• Comparewithinandamongsocieties(second-categoryhabitofmind)
Lesson Plan
Student Preparation
Students are expected to read the article prior to class. Many students may benefit
from the following questions.
• WhatwerethereasonsforimmigrationfromItalytoArgentina?
• WhatwerethereasonsforimmigrationfromJapantoBrazil?
• WhatwereArgentinaandBrazillookingforinimmigrants?
• Howdidtheencounterbetweenimmigrantand“native”differbetweenthe
countries? Contrast the reaction of South Americans to immigrants.
• Whatdoyouimaginearethereasonsforthedifferences?
• Whatlargerglobalquestionsorissuesdoesthearticleraise,beyond
these places?
Introduce the Subject of Immigration
Just as history is always written from the present, which influences our interpretation,
it is also learned from a specific individualized context. Put simply, your students are
aware of and have likely formed opinions and questions about immigration in the
world today. Rather than ignore these views, they can be used as a “hook.
Plan #1
Have the students ask about immigration stories at their home to share in small
groups or the class. N.B.: You must know your class well. Imagine asking this
question of undocumented immigrants! Another method is to have them interview a
friend, though with some populations you may find difculties there as well. African
American students may or may not appreciate the assignment as well, but their
family histories can be even more revealing, as those of us old enough to remember
Roots know. Each teacher must find a comfortable solution to this sort of exercise. The
classroom has to be a safe space. One interesting question to ask students whose
ancestors came from non-English-speaking places is whether and when the native
tongue fell into disuse. One great irony of current “English only” discourse is that first-
generation immigrants rarely picked up English, and by the fourth generation very
few continue to speak the native tongue in the home, which suggests that “foreign
language is not a long-term threat.
Plan #2
Initiate a class discussion about current immigration issues. List the problems on
the board first. Acknowledge that many people feel uncomfortable with immigration,
without casting any judgments. Then, ask students to take out a small piece of paper
and list some reasons they think that immigrants might want to leave their country,
and why they might be drawn to ours. Ask them to list at least two challenges or
difficulties that immigrant families might face.
Working with the Article
The previous exercise will hopefully accomplish two goals. First, students should be
able to make a personal connection with the figure of the immigrant, which is more
powerful pedagogically than the sort of statistics and pitched debate that the subject
often offers. Second, students may become curious about “push” and “pull” factors,
which are critical in historical analysis of migration.
Regardless of the caliber of your students, analysis of a historiographical assignment
should begin at the base level of historical content. Put simply, the group should
understand what the author is attempting to communicate before proceeding to
analyze her or his method.
For this particular article, creating a chart to contrast push and pull factors is
recommended. Push factors are reasons to leave the mother country, and pull factors
are reasons to migrate to the object country. Often enough, these are related. This
task can be effectively completed by splitting up the class into Argentina and Brazil
teams, and perhaps further by push and pull teams. Have them scour specic places
in the text that discuss push and pull factors in the migration to South America.
Global Cultural Encounters in Argentina and Brazil
Teachers may want to assign this graphic organizer with the reading:
Push Factors Push Factors Pull Factors Pull Factors
Italy - Push
Poor economy
Argentina - Pull
Export economy
Japan - Push
Meiji promotion of
Brazil - Pull
Labor shortage,
end of slavery
There are other ways to organize such a chart, but this helps to see similarities as well
as differences. Ideally several examples will be placed in each square. Another grid
can be created for the question of “return migration,” listing reasons for Japanese and
Italians to return to Japan and Europe, respectively. Do not stop here! Closure to this
section is required by searching for themes. This can be accomplished cooperatively,
asking students if they see patterns of similarity or difference. List these on one side
of the board.
Turn now to more specific questions about the article. These issues will require
closer attention to the text and might benefit from work in groups. Find specific places
that speak to:
• ReceptionthatimmigrantsreceivedinArgentina
• ReceptionthatimmigrantsreceivedinBrazil
• ReceptionthatreturnimmigrantsreceivedinItalyandJapan
• Issuesofraceandethnicity
• Specichistoricalevents,suchastheTragicWeekof1919
• Issuesofnationalidentity
Groups should report out. The instructor should list findings according to immigrant
group. Once again, search for themes in open discussion with the class.
Now turn to a discussion of how the article is put together. Begin slowly by recapping
your own comparative method. How does Winn use this method to explain trends
in migration? Why do you think that he chose these places? What do students think
about doing comparative history? What advantages does comparative history have
as a method, and what does it not achieve? These are purposefully open-ended
questions, meant to encourage discussion of the process of doing history.
Once students are comfortable with discussing at this level, ask students to
imagine the work of the historian with more complexity. Engage them in discussion of
• TheuseofindividualstoriesintheWinnarticle,suchasfromthelm
• TheuseormisuseofchronologybyWinn:Ishecomparingappleswith
• Thesubtleandunclearconstructionof“identity”inthearticle.
• Thecentralargumentorthesisofthepiece,ifitcanbefound!
• IsWinnsaying“youcannevergohome”?Whatmightthatmean?
• WhatmightWinnbesayingtootherhistorians?Whatistheoverall
importance of the piece?
• WhatsourcesdoesWinnuse?Whatsortsofsources might have been
• WhatquestionsareNOTansweredbyWinn?
Return to the original discussion of immigration in our own world. Are students
thinking differently about some of the questions raised in the original discussion? If
these have been saved they can be put on the board or on a handout. Now that you
know more about why immigrants made the choices that they did and were received
in the ways that they were in Argentina and Brazil, what similarities and differences
do you see with immigration today? Which problems have persisted, and which ones
have changed? How might Winn write about today’s immigrants, given his method in
writing about Japanese and Italians in the earlier period? This should move inevitably
to the question of why Winn has written his article, given the time we live in and
what sorts of questions are now interesting to world historians. Revisit the question of
a thesis.
Alternative Formats
One alternative format would be to replace part of this lesson with an examination
of review literature on global immigration. By reading a series of scholarly book
reviews, students can obtain an understanding of the conversation of historians that
underlies historical interpretation. Select scholarly reviews of books that deal with
global migration generally, and some that deal with the subject in the South American
context, to yield the widest results. Good sources of reviews include the Journal of
World History, World History Connected, H-WORLD, and the American Historical
Global Cultural Encounters in Argentina and Brazil
Review. Students could report on the main points in the reviews, in terms of the
arguments that are made in these texts. These arguments can be contrasted with the
interpretive framework of Winn, and of the popular notions of immigration that began
the lesson.
Summative Assessment
Short writing assignments during and at the end of the lesson can help ascertain the
level of student learning. These “minute papers” can be used both as an assessment
tool and as a spark for discussion.
A final essay on the reasons for immigration in each case, asking students to
conclude something about the reasons for immigration patterns, would be a more
formal assessment. A longer essay might read: Contrast the economic and cultural
reasons for immigration and return for Italians and Japanese; which are the more
powerful reasons and why? At yet a higher level, the essay prompt might ask: What is
Winn arguing in this article? What sorts of evidence does he use to support his thesis,
and which of these evidences do you find most compelling?
See below for a possible AP-style Compare and Contrast question and evaluation
Formative Assessment
Short quizzes might be one possible formative assessment. Some possible short
answer questions follow. What have you learned about immigration from the article?
How does Winn present his material? Why do you think he is interested in this
subject? If you were a historian, what would you like to know about immigration to
Argentina and Brazil?
Baily, Samuel L. Immigrants in the Lands of Promise: Italians in Buenos Aires and
New York City. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1999.
Baily, Samuel, and Franco Ramella, eds. One Family, Two Worlds: An Italian Family’s
Correspondence Across the Atlantic, 19011922. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers
University Press, 1988.
De Carvalho, Daniela. Migrants and Identity in Japan and Brazil: The Nikkeijin. New
York: Routledge, 2002.
Gladin-Kramer, Amanda. “Professor Profile: Peter Winn.Tufts Observer, Feb. 11, 2005.
(accessed January 24, 2008).
Graham, Richard, et al., eds. The Idea of Race in Latin America, 18701940. Austin,
TX: University of Texas Press, 1990.
Masterson, Daniel, and Sayaka Funada. “The Japanese in Peru and Brazil: A
Comparative Perspective.” In Mass Migration to Modern Latin America, edited
by Samuel Baily and Eduard Miguez. Wilmington, DE: Scholarly Resources,
Moya, José. Cousins and Strangers: Spanish Immigrants in Buenos Aires, 18501930.
Berkeley and Los Angeles, CA: University of California Press, 1998.
Nugent, Walter T. K. Crossings: The Great Transatlantic Migrations, 18701914.
Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press, 1992.
Solberg, Carl E. Immigration and Nationalism, Argentina and Chile, 18901914. Austin,
TX: University of Texas Press, 1970.
Tsuda, Takeyuki. Strangers in the Ethnic Homeland: Japanese Brazilian Return
Migration in Transnational Perspective. New York: Columbia University, 2003.
Winn, Peter. Americas: The Changing Face of Latin America and the Caribbean, 3rd
ed. Berkeley and Los Angeles, CA: University of California, 2006.
Possible Free-Response Question and Rubric
The Question
Based on the information in the article, compare and contrast the reasons for
immigration and return among Japanese and Italian immigrants to Latin America.
Write an essay that:
• Hasarelevantthesisthataddressesbothgroups
• Analyzesrelevantreasonsfordifferencesbetweengroups
Global Cultural Encounters in Argentina and Brazil
• CitestheperspectiveofWinnthroughdirectquotationofthearticle
Grading Rubric
Based on AP scoring guidelines, 0–9 points possible.
Core Grading
1. Has acceptable thesis (addresses both groups, in first paragraph) – 1 point
2. Addresses all parts of question, though not necessarily evenly – up to 2 points
a. Immigration to S. America
b. Return from S. America
c. Differences and similarities (a, b, and c for 2 points, two of these (a and
b, b and c, or c and a) for 1 point.)
3. Substantiates thesis with appropriate historical evidence – up to 2 points
4. Makes at least one or two relevant, direct comparisons between groups –
1 point
5. Analyzes at least one reason for one of these in #4 – 1 point
Expanded Core
0–2 points
Expands beyond basic core of 1–7 points, based on historical and writing skills:
• Particularlynuancedthesis
• Relatescomparisonstolargerglobalpatternsandconnections
• Suggestssimilaritieswithimmigrationinotherregions
• Critiquestheargumentoftheauthor(thiswouldbeparticularlyimpressive)
Understanding Global Migration
Through Charts
Adam McKeown
Columbia University
New York, New York
• Understandbroadpatternsofglobalmigrationduringtherstwaveofmass
migration, 18401930.
• Learntoreadandanalyzechartsandgraphs.
• Findrelationshipsbetweenlarge-scalequantitativedataandmorelocaland
qualitative knowledge.
• Developcriticalhistoricalperspectivesonareadivisionsofworldhistory.
The mass migrations of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries were a global
phenomenon. From the North Atlantic to the South Pacific, hardly any corner of
the earth was untouched by migration. Although most scholarship and textbooks
have focused only on the transatlantic migrations, movement around the world was
actually similar in quantities and modes of organization. All were aspects of the
processes of globalization: the peopling of frontiers, new transportation technologies,
the production and processing of material for modern industry, the shipment and
marketing of finished goods, and the production of food, shelter, and clothing for
people who worked in those industrial and distribution networks. Yet even as the
causes and cycles of migration grew increasingly integrated across the globe, the
flows themselves increasingly segregated into distinct regional systems in the
Atlantic, Southeast Asia, and Northeast Asia. These regions corresponded with
different rates of economic growth and ideologies of cultural difference that have
obscured the many similarities in migration patterns and helped erase many of the
non-Atlantic migrations from the historical memory.
Large-scale patterns and changes over time are often best expressed through
tables, charts, and graphs. Not only is an effective chart able to condense a wide
range of information, but it can also make a strong visual impact that conveys a point
more powerfully than words. The skills necessary to read graphs include not only the
technical knowledge of how graphs convey information but also the interpretive skills
of understanding the implications of a chart, critiquing its limitations and drawing
connections to other historical processes and modes of interpretation. With the goal
of using charts to understand global migration in mind, this article will begin with a
brief overview of global migration and then discuss six charts that highlight different
patterns of global migration. Discussion points will focus on how to read the charts,
what they mean in relation to each other, and how they can be interpreted in the
context of other processes of world history at this time. More discussion and details,
as well as references to further reading and data sources, can be found in Adam
McKeown, “Global Migration, 1846-1940,Journal of World History 15 (2004): 155-89
(available online), and in the forum “Migration and World History: Reaching a New
Frontier,International Review of Social History 52 (2007): 104-42.
Patterns of Global Migration
Table 1 divides transoceanic migration from 1840 to 1940 into three main systems.
The first is the transatlantic system, from Europe and the Middle East to the
Americas. Nearly 65 percent of these migrants went to the United States, with the
bulk of the remainder divided between Argentina (which had the largest proportion
of foreign-born residents), Canada, Brazil, and, to a lesser extent, Cuba and Uruguay.
Over half of the emigration before the 1870s was from the British Isles, with much of
the remainder from northwestern Europe. As migration increased along with new
transportation technologies in the 1880s, regions of intensive emigration spread south
and east as far as Portugal, Russia, and Syria. Up to 2.5 million migrants from South
and East Asia also traveled to the Americas, mostly to the frontiers of western North
America and the plantations of the Caribbean, Peru, and Brazil.
Understanding Global Migration Through Charts
Destination Origins Amount Auxiliary origins
Europe 5558 million
2.5 million
from India, China
Japan, Africa
Southeast Asia
Indian Ocean Rim
S. China
4852 million
5 million
from Africa, Europe
NE Asia, Middle East
Manchuria, Siberia
Central Asia, Japan
NE Asia
4651 million
The second major system is that of migrants from India and southern China to
Southeast Asia and islands through the South Pacific and Indian Oceans. It consisted
of more than 29 million Indians, at least 19 million Chinese, and about 4.5 million
Europeans, the latter mostly to Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa. From
1870 to 1930 approximately 35 million migrants moved into the 4.08 million square
kilometers of Southeast Asia, compared to the 39 million migrants who moved into
the 9.8 million square kilometers of the United States. Most migration from India
was to colonies throughout the British Empire. Nearly four million Indians traveled
to Malaysia, more than eight million to Ceylon, more than 15 million to Burma, and
about a million to Africa and islands scattered from Mauritius to Fiji. Less than 8
percent of total migration from India was indentured to European planters at the time
of departure, mostly to distant places in the Americas, Africa, and Fiji. The proportion
declined over time, accounting for about a quarter of Indian emigration from 1840
to 1860 and quickly decreasing to an average of five percent a year after the 1870s,
until imposition of restrictions on indenture contracts in 1908 and the abolishment of
indenture in 1922 brought it down to nothing. Most Indian migrants still worked on
European plantations but usually moved and obtained jobs through Indian recruiters,
friends, or family, much like most European migrants working in the Americas. Up to
two million also migrated as merchants or travelers not intending to work as laborers.
The vast majority of Chinese migrants came from the southern provinces of
Guangdong and Fujian. Up to eleven million traveled from China to Singapore (the
second-biggest immigrant port in the world, after New York) from where more than
a third of the arriving migrants transshipped to the Dutch Indies, Borneo, Burma,
and places further west. Nearly four million traveled directly from China to Thailand,
between two and three million to French Indochina, more than a million directly to
the Dutch Indies, less than a million to the Philippines, and about half a million to
Australia, New Zealand, Hawaii, and other islands in the Pacific and Indian oceans.
In the nineteenth century, the bulk of Chinese worked as craftsmen or in mines
and plantations in rural Southeast Asia, the Americas, and Australia, mostly in
partnerships or under Chinese employers. By the twentieth century, an increasingly
large proportion worked as small shopkeepers. Less than three-quarters of a million
Chinese migrants signed indenture contracts with European employers, including a
quarter million to Latin America and the Caribbean before 1874, a quarter million in
Sumatra from the 1880s to the 1910s, and a smaller number to mines, plantations, and
islands scattered throughout Malaya and the Pacic and Indian oceans.
The third system is made up mostly of migrants from Russia and northeastern
Asia who moved into the broad expanse of land from Central Asia to Siberia and
Manchuria. In the 1860s, both the Russian and Chinese governments began to
encourage settlement in the distant border regions of Asia. Railroad construction in
the 1890s further strengthened the migrant flows. At least 13 million Russians moved
into Central Asia and Siberia, usually under close government supervision by the
Imperial and Communist governments. Between 28 and 33 million Chinese migrated
into Manchuria and Siberia, along with nearly 2 million Koreans. Another 2.5 million
Koreans migrated to Japan, especially in the 1930s, and more than 2 million Japanese
also moved in to Korea and Manchuria. In addition, up to a million northern Chinese,
Koreans, and Japanese migrated to a diverse range of destinations, including much of
the Americas, Hawaii, Southeast Asia, South Africa, and Europe.
These three systems are only the tip of the iceberg. For the most part, they only
count people who boarded ships in third class or were counted under government
resettlement efforts, as in Siberia. Many more migrants traveled overland, not passing
through ports and evading enumeration. Millions moved within each of the receiving
and sending regions and through places at the interstices of these three systems,
such as the six to eight million who moved into and out of Africa and the six to eight
million who moved between the Russian and Ottoman empires. Even the numbers
cited for these three systems must be treated as ballpark figures. People who traveled
rst class or were not categorized as “immigrants” were often not counted at ports.
Many people also evaded enumeration, something that became increasingly common
over time as immigration laws became more restrictive. The difculties in counting
migration are apparent in comparing numbers from emigration and immigration
ports that sometimes vary by 20 percent or more. And even when immigration and
Understanding Global Migration Through Charts
emigration numbers correspond, they often obscure multiple return trips by single
Even with a potential error rate of 10 to 20 percent, we can still use these
numbers to understand broad trends and comparisons. At the very least, they
show that we must seriously entertain the idea that migration was a truly global
phenomena, not limited to the transatlantic migrations. From the perspective of
emigration, at first glance 19 million overseas emigrants from China or 29 million
from India seems like a drop in the bucket compared to the several million from much
smaller countries like Italy, Norway, Ireland, and England. But if we adjust the focus
to regions of comparable size and population, the rates are very similar. Some peak
rates of overseas emigration from Europe in the 1910s are 10.8 emigrants per 1,000
population in Italy, 8.3 from Norway, and seven from Ireland. In comparison, the annual
average overseas emigration rate from Guangdong province in southern China, which
had a slightly larger geographic area and slightly smaller population than Italy, was
at least 9.6 per 1,000 in the peak years of the 1920s. Hebei and Shandong provinces
(sources of migration to Manchuria) had an even higher rate of 10 per 1,000 during
that same decade. The small islands of the Caribbean and South Pacific probably
had some of the highest emigration rates in the world. In terms of broader regional
population, emigration from Europe from 1846 to 1940 amounted to 15.4 percent of the
European population in 1900, compared to 11.3 percent in China and 10.4 percent in
South Asia. The slightly larger magnitude of European emigration is not insignificant
(and only tentative, given our lack of knowledge about internal and overland migration)
but is not so large as to justify a categorical distinction between quantity and quality
of migration in the different regions.
Most textbooks and scholarly articles assume that the mass migrations were only
a transatlantic phenomena. They are often treated as emblematic of the modernity,
entrepreneurial spirit, and dislocations of the modernizing West. If Asian migrations
are remembered at all, it is usually only the relatively small number of migrants that
were indentured to Europeans. They are often described as bound by tradition,
impoverished, and unwilling or unable to migrate except under direct compulsion
to Europeans. How can the numbers presented here help us to rethink the scale of
migration in world history, the meaning and significance of the Atlantic migrations,
the relationship of migration to a changing global economy, and the regional variations
and connections within that economy? The following charts can help students answer
these questions.
Global Migration Over Time
Source: McKeown, “Global Migration, 1846-1940Journal of World History 15 (2004): 165.
Figure 2: Regional Trends in Global Migration, 1846-1940 (Five Year Averages)
1846-50 1851-55 1856-60 1861-65 1866-70 1871-75 1876-80 1881-85 1886-90 1891-95 1896-
1901-05 1906-10 1911-15 1916-20 1920-25 1926-30 1931-35 1936-40
Source: McKeown, "Global Migration," 165.
North Asia
Southeast Asia
Understanding Global Migration Through Charts
Figure 1 shows the combined development of the three main overseas flows over time,
and Figure 2 shows their separate trajectories. Figure 2, in particular, can be used to
raise questions that can draw out some of the similarities and differences between
the main migration systems, and the ways in which migration flows are shaped
by historical events. For example, what are some of the major events that seem to
have impacted all of the flows, such as the global depression from the 1870s to early
1890s, World War I, and the Great Depression of the 1930s? At what points do the
systems seem to be developing differently? What might be the causes of differences?
Overall, do the three flows seem more similar of different in their development? Does
1914 seem like an appropriate date to mark the end of the age of mass migrations,
as is often the case in histories of the Atlantic migrations? To what extent should
these three systems be understood as interlinked and embedded in common global
conditions, and to what extent should they be understood as unique to regional
These charts also offer an opportunity to discuss the general causes of migration
in the context of a broader knowledge of world history. Overall, global migration
increased more quickly than world population. It amounted to 0.36 percent of the
worlds population in the 1850s, rising to 0.96 percent in the 1880s, 1.67 percent in
the 1900s, and then declining to 1.58 percent in the 1920s. Why did long-distance
migration become an increasingly significant aspect of world history? Any answer
must draw on a broad knowledge of the many direct and indirect effects of
industrialization and expanding global markets: improved transportation technologies;
the need for laborers in factories and rapidly growing cities; the need for workers to
produce raw materials in plantations and mines around the world to supply those
factories; the mobility of people to collect, distribute, and sell the raw materials and
nished products; a rapidly expanding world population pushing out to frontiers; the
settlement of new lands and frontiers to produce food to feed workers in cities, mines,
and plantations; and the attraction of these frontiers as places of abundant land and
high wages due to relatively low populations.
Global Migration and the Distribution of World Population
59 325 1.72%
North Asia
22 104 1.57%
SE Asia
42 177 1.45%
265 515 0.67%
South Asia
230 445 0.66%
420 520 0. 21%
81 205 0.93%
1200 2500 0.74%
Source: Colin McEvedy and Richard Jones, Atlas of World Population History (London: Penguin, 1978).
Understanding Global Migration Through Charts
Figure 3 and Table 2 show the relative growth of populations in the main migrant
sending and receiving regions from 1800 to 1950. Mass migration contributed to
a signicant redistribution of world population into three underpopulated frontier
regions from 1800 to 1950. The table demonstrates these shifts in absolute terms,
showing that population growth in the destination regions was more than twice that
of world population as a whole, and growth in the sending regions was less than that
of world population. Taken together, the three main destination regions accounted for
10 percent of the worlds population in 1850 and 24 percent in 1950. The chart offers
a more visual representation of the shifts in proportions over time. Students must
learn to use the legend to help distinguish between the main sending and receiving
This chart can also be a starting point for a comparison with the more recent
wave of mass international migration since the 1960s. In contrast to earlier frontier
destinations, the bulk of contemporary migration has moved from the poor countries
to wealthy and well-established countries in North America, Western Europe, the
oil-rich Gulf states and Israel, and a scattering of other relatively wealthy countries
such as Argentina, Venezuela, South Africa, Australia, Singapore, Japan, Taiwan,
and Malaysia. This is also a movement from places with the most rapidly growing
populations to places with stagnant or shrinking populations. Why might these shifts
in migration patterns have taken place? Are these shifts reflected in the population
distribution for 2006? How might the contemporary world population distribution look
without this migration?
A focus on the present can also raise the questions of the overall effects of
historical migrations. The descendants of European migrants are much more
prominent around the world than the descendants of Asian migrants. Indeed, the
population of Canada alone is larger than the entire population of overseas Chinese
around the world. If the original migration flows were similar in size, why this great
discrepancy in the number of descendants? A discussion of these differences could
center on the idea that most European migrants moved to temperate areas where
native populations quickly died or were killed off. In contrast, many Asian migrants
moved to tropical areas with well-established native populations. We often do not
count their contemporary descendants as Indian or Chinese because they have
become Burmese, Filipinos, Thais, Vietnamese, or other local peoples. Also, tropical
areas were much less amenable to the establishment of families. How many tropical
regions have large white populations? Manchuria also offers a counterexample of an
Asian migration to a temperate zone that came to dominate a region at the expense of
a local population in a way that was similar to the destinations of European migration.
These answers also point to the role of power in shaping the legacy of migration. Laws
excluding migrants from white settler nations in temperate zones and the ability of
Europeans to overwhelm native peoples rather then live together with them played
important roles in the long-term effects of migration.
Convergence of Migration Patterns
Figure 4: Return Migrants as Proportion of Emigrants, 1870-1937
1870 1875 1880 1885 1890 1895 1900 1905 1910 1915 1920 1925 1930 1935
Returning to Europe from US
Returning to China from Abroad
Returning to India from Abroad
Sources: Carter, et al. Historical Statistics of the United States 1:547-8: Davis, Population of India, 100; McKeown,
“Global Migrations,” 186-9.
Figure 4 shows the rates of return migration in proportion to emigration of three major
migration flows from the late nineteenth century until the 1930s. Short-term shifts
in the rate of return migration are generally a good way to measure the effects of
business and unemployment cycles. Economic depression and decreased employment
opportunities abroad correspond with higher return rates because fewer people are
enticed to move abroad and more people choose to return home. This chart shows
that return rates of three separate flows converged by the early twentieth century, not
only in the timing of the cycles but also in the absolute rates. What does this suggest
about the growth and integration of the world economy? Can we talk of an early era of
economic globalization?
Understanding Global Migration Through Charts
This chart can also be used with case studies as part of a discussion about the
nature and organization of migration. Why do so many people return? Do these return
rates fit with popular understandings of migration as the relocation and permanent
settlement of individuals and families in search of a new life? What might be other
ways of understanding migration, such as travel for temporary labor, earning money
to support or establish a household back home, or as chain migration in which
individuals gradually followed family members over a period of years and even
generations as the earlier migrants established themselves?
Segregation of World Migration Systems
Sources: See McKeown, “Global Migrations,” 188-9.
Sources: Davis, Population of India, 100; with modification based on Heidmann, Kamgonies in Sri Lanka, 99-110.
We have divided global overseas migration into three systems. But we should not take
these systems for granted. Figures 5 and 6 examine changes in the relative flows of
migration from South China and India to destinations within and outside of Southeast
Asia. Both of these charts show that from the 1850s to 1870s, large proportions of
Asian migrants traveled to the Americas and Australia, very often under their own
nances and organization (although on European shipping). In other words, patterns
of global migration had the potential to become much more globally integrated across
the boundaries of these three systems. Yet over the course of the nineteenth century,
as Asian migration grew manyfold, the amounts beyond Asia did not grow at all
and the three separate systems increasingly became a reality. This segregation of
migration patterns happened even as the economic context of migration converged,
as shown in Figure 4.
These simultaneous trends of convergence and divergence can lead to broader
questions about the signicance of regions in world history. To what extent should
regions be understood as the effects of distinct cultures and systems that existed long
before the nineteenth century or as the product of specific historical changes over the
course of the nineteenth century? An answer to this question would include informed
speculation on the causes of this regionalization. Is there evidence that preexisting
differences in wealth, culture, population, state control of migration, or technology
shaped migration into these different systems? Or should we look to the effects of
empire, discriminatory laws, racism, and ideologies that insisted Westerners and
Easterners were fundamentally different?
Some counterfactuals might help develop different perspectives on these
questions. What would the world look like now if the pre-1880s migration trends
had continued? What would the world look like if Asians and Africans truly did not
migrate in great numbers, as is assumed in many texts? In short, we should not take
the distribution of wealth and population in the world for granted but as the product of
specific global historical processes.
American Immigration in a
Transnational Perspective
Robert Zeidel
University of Wisconsin-Stout
Menomonie, Wisconsin
Migration is, and long has been, a global phenomenon. Since prehistoric times,
various forces have pushed and pulled human beings to move to new locations, a
process that has resulted in the peopling of all land areas except for the frozen regions
of Antarctica. With the advent of the nation state, immigration has come to mean
travel that crosses an international border or frontier, and that is made with the intent
of establishing some degree of permanence, as opposed to mere visitation.
The United States offers a microstudy of immigration during the last 500 years.
Ellis Island, the Statue of Liberty, myriad ethnic festivals, and even the proposed
border wall between the United States and Mexico bear witness to the extent to
which the United States has been, and continues to be, a nation of immigrants.
Exploring various sources gives students an opportunity to understand where
migrants originated, compare the differences in arrivals at major immigration ports,
and to understand the problems immigrants encountered upon arrival, especially
the negative reactions of established Americans, often called “natives.” What has
happened in the United States, then, can help students to understand immigration in
a global, or transnational, context.
Materials and Time
This lesson is designed for one to two class periods. Teachers and students will need
access to the World Wide Web, and, depending on the teachers desire to present
images to the class, a means to digitally project Web images. Other primary sources
are available in most government depositories, often located at college or university
• EllisIsland:www.ellisisland.org/
• AngelIsland:www.angelisland.org/immigr02.html
• JacobRiis,How the Other Half Lives: Studies Among the Tenements of New
York, with Illustrations Chiefly Taken from Photographs by the Author (New
York: Charles Scribners Sons, 1890). Found at: www.cis.yale.edu/amstud/
inforev/riis/title.html (accessed January 24, 2008).
• LibraryofCongress,AmericanMemoryCollection:http://memory.loc.gov/
• HomesteadandPullmanStrikes:http://projects.vassar.edu/1896/strikes.html
• HenryCabotLodge,“SpeechtotheU.S.Senate,”Congressional Record,
54th Congress, 1st session, 16 March 1896, 28: 2817-20.
• UnitedStatesImmigrationCommission(DillinghamCommission),
Abstracts of Reports of the Immigration Commission, with Conclusions
and Recommendations of the Minority, volume 1 (Washington: Government
Printing Office, 1911).
• PresidentWoodrowWilsonsVetoofthe1915LiteracyTest,Congressional
Record, 63rd Congress, 3rd session, 28 January 1915, 52: 2481-83.
Students will learn how global migration has helped to shape the United States
national identity, making it a nation of immigrants, and how “natives” have responded
to the newcomers.
Discussion Points
This lesson plan seeks to place U.S. immigration in a transnational context. Teachers
will be able to discuss:
1. Push and pull factors that have attracted succeeding “waves” of
2. Anti-immigrant reactions to “new arrivals” on the part of those with more
longstanding residence or native ancestry.
3. Imposition of immigration restrictions.
American Immigration in a Transnational Perspective
Although American immigration dates from the colonial era to the present (teachers
may wish to review this information as an introduction), this lesson focuses on
the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, when the United States both
experienced a period of considerable immigration and exhibited a notable anti-
immigrant movement.
Lesson 1
Mass Immigration During Americas Gilded Age and Progressive Era,
Students should understand how the expanding American economy, characterized
by the rise of big business, attracted immigrants from Europe, Asia, and the Western
Hemisphere. One valuable Web site is that of students and historians at Vassar
College. The site, “1896”, contains valuable social, political, and cultural information
from the era. (See http://projects.vassar.edu/1896/1896home.html. An essay, “Robber
Barons,” authored by J. Bradford DeLong, provides teachers with a valuable critique
of the industrialists of the period. That essay is found at: http://econ161.berkeley.edu/
The Library of Congress Web site, “American Memory,” provides an excellent
photo archive, with several images of industrialization in Gilded Age America,
along with other teacher resources. The “Homestead and Pullman Strikes” Web site,
written by Spence Holman at Vassar College, contains both images and text from
that era. The latter site is especially good for showing the eras contentious and often
confrontational nature. Both sites, but especially that of the Library of Congress, show
ethnically oriented materials.
a. An expanding U.S. economy attracted millions of immigrants from all parts
of the world, and most immigrants came to the United States for economic
b. The nations population became much more diverse. The Ellis Island Web
site provides an excellent summary of this change over time.
c. Immigrants tended to settle in ethnic enclaves, the so-called little
communities. These were areas of larger cities, most notably New York City,
where a particular ethnic group dominated. “How the Other Half Lives,
on the Jacob Riis Web site, provides a contemporary, albeit unflattering,
description and discussion of these enclaves. Chinatown, in San Francisco,
is another excellent example. In addition, Congress refused to modify a
1790 law that limited naturalization to whites, thereby excluding those
Chinese who could enter the United States legally for obtaining citizenship.
Under the Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution, however, children
of Chinese who were born in the United States did receive birthright
d. Americans increasingly associated immigrants with socioeconomic
problems, engendering negative images of the newcomers, as a problematic
other half.
e. Immigration during this time resulted in the imposition of restrictions (see
below for more information on this).
Student Activities
1. Use the Ellis Island Web site (which covers all aspects of immigration, not
just those immigrants from Europe who passed through the station) to have
students find evidence of growing ethnic pluralism in the United States.
The “Peopling of America” section provides a time line and in-depth history
of all periods of immigration, including 18651929.
• Havethestudentsexaminetheimagestodiscernchangesovertime.
What do the images suggest about how the nationality or ethnicity of
immigrants changed around the turn of the century?
• Havethestudentsmakeconclusionsaboutthenatureofexclusion
policies by making time-line connections. By putting a time line of
ethnic groups’ arrivals, key socioeconomic events (such as strikes or
President William McKinley’s assassination), and the imposition of
restrictions, students can be asked to discuss the cause-and-effect
• Havestudentsdoasearchfortheirownimmigrantancestors,andreport
their findings to the class.
2. Use the Angel Island Web site to compare the entry experiences of
Europeans through Ellis Island with those of Chinese immigrants through
Angel Island. Have the students study the photographs and compare their
conclusions about the subjects with those at Ellis Island. Discuss the extent
to which race has been a factor in the exclusion of certain immigrants.
American Immigration in a Transnational Perspective
3. Use the Web site devoted to Jacob Riiss How the Other Half Lives to have
students discuss how the host society develops negative images and
impressions of immigrants. Ask the students how Jacob Riiss text and
images give impressions different from those on the Ellis Island site.
Lesson 2
Immigration Restriction
Although the United States often touts itself as a “nation of immigrants,” it also has
been a nation that has sought to exclude foreigners, either from entry into the country
or from full participation in its institutions.
a. Beginning in 1790 through the 1950s, the United States limited
naturalization to whites.
b. Since 1875, the United States has excluded various peoples based on race,
perceived harmful characteristics or qualities (such as criminal activity),
concerns about sheer numbers, and concerns about their deleterious effects
on the native population.
c. America continues to receive more immigrants than it wants, at least as
measured by the fact that many of those now entering the United States
must do so by extralegal methods; these so-called illegal aliens remain a
controversial topic, with many Americans wanting the government to do
more to stem the flow.
Time Line of Implementation of Immigration Restriction, 1882–1921
• 1882—ChineseExclusionAct.ThisactexcludedmostChineselaborers
from the United States for a period of 10 years. It was renewed in 1892 and
was made permanent in 1902. The act exempted merchants (considered to
be Chinese migrants of a “better class”) from restriction to make it appear
that the United States wanted only to exclude “undesirable” coolies (notably
the railroad workers). This measure, though, effectively curtailed Chinese
immigration, laying the foundation for other exclusion acts.
• 1885—ExclusionofContractLaborers.Thisprohibitedtheimmigration
of those brought to the United States under contract from an American
• 1891—Exclusionof“LikelytoBecomeaPublicCharge.”Thisact,which
came closest to general exclusion until the passage of the 1917 Literacy Test
Act, prohibited those deemed incapable of supporting themselves in the
United States. The act also excluded the mentally and physically infirm, and
those of questionable character, such as criminals.
• 1903AnarchistExclusionAct.FollowingtheassassinationofPresident
William McKinley, Congress acted to exclude anarchists, establishing a
precedent for the exclusion and deportation of alien adherents to so-called
radical doctrines.
• 19071910—DillinghamCommission.Thiscommissionstudiedall
aspects of American immigration with the aim of making enlightened
recommendations as to future immigration policies, specically those
dealing with restriction. The commission endorsed the propriety of future
restrictions based on economic considerations. Also, the commission
identified a literacy requirement as the most feasible means of restriction
and made reference to the possible use of nationality-based quotas.
• 1917—LiteracyTestAct.Thisactexcludedalladultimmigrantswhocould
not read or write some language. This act was passed over President
Woodrow Wilsons veto.
• 1921QuotaAct.Thissetlimitsonthenumberofeachnationalitywho
could enter the United States in any given year. The Bureau of Immigration
computed the quotas based on the number of each nationality identified in
the 1910 census. Originally temporary, this act was renewed annually until
• 1924—Congressrevisedthequotasbyloweringallowablenumbers,and
made them permanent. Quotas were established by using the 1890 Census
as the basis for computation. This methodology discriminated against
southern and eastern Europeans. Further, no quotas were allotted to Asians.
Quotas, however, did not apply to Western Hemisphere immigrants.
Student Activities
1. Review Henry Cabot Lodges 1896 Senate speech (considered by
contemporaries to be a classic enunciation of the restrictionist argument)
and discuss why he believed that the United States should restrict
American Immigration in a Transnational Perspective
2. Review President Woodrow Wilsons veto of the 1915 literacy test bill (which
Congress did not override) and discuss his motives for his rejection of the
calls for restriction.
3. Review the Dillingham Commissions reports and discuss both their positive
evaluation of American immigrants and the logic behind their limited
endorsements of restriction.
4. Ask students to discuss if the United States should have implemented more
restrictive immigration policies in the early twentieth century, and if so,
what justified that decision.
5. Possible starting points for document-based questions:
a. Focusing on this era, teachers can prompt their students to consider
why Americans of this era began to divide immigrants into “old” and
“new” categories. Reasons would include the arrival of nationalities
that previously had not arrived in large numbers and whose members
exhibited cultural characteristics different from those of previously
dominant groups. A study question can ask students if the designations
had validity, or were simply a means of expressing negativity toward
certain ethnic groups.
b. Use the Riis and Homestead/Pullman sites to have students move
into a historiographical debate on the best interpretation of Americas
growing negativity toward immigrants and the subsequent calls for
restriction: Is it best understood as the product of “nativism,” defined as
based on ethnic or cultural reasons, or should the reaction be explained
as a product of the immigrants’ association with many of the eras
problematic aspects? Teachers could draw primary sources from the
Jacob Riis and the Homestead and Pullman Strikes Web sites to provide
prompts for students to write a DBQ essay on negativity focused on
immigrants to the United States in the Gilded Age.
c. Using various document readers and Web sites, have students find
primary source documents suitable for the construction of a DBQ that
explores the lives of immigrants before they left their home country,
reasons for leaving their home country, and destination-country attitudes
regarding the arrival of the immigrants. Using AP World History
guidelines, students should also construct the grading rubric. Students
then should write the essay.
6. A final, albeit challenging, idea for student research is to ask students to
examine U.S. foreign policy as it relates to countries whose immigrants
were being excluded in this period. What does that research tell students
about the relationship between foreign policy and migration? A good source
for this topic (as well as a general introduction to the global aspect of
American immigration) is Matthew Frye Jacobsons Barbarian Virtues: The
United States Encounters Foreign Peoples at Home and Abroad, 18761917
(Jacobson 2000).
Daniels, Roger. Coming to America: A History of Immigration and Ethnicity in
American Life. New York: HarperCollins, 1990.
Gyory, Andrew. Closing the Gates: Race, Politics, and the Chinese Exclusion Act.
Chapel Hill, NC: University of North Carolina Press, 1998.
Higham, John. Strangers in the Land: Patterns of American Nativism, 18601925. New
Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 1955.
Jacobson, Matthew Frye. Whiteness of a Different Color: European Immigrants and the
Alchemy of Race. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1998.
_____. Barbarian Virtues: The United States Encounters Foreign Peoples at Home and
Abroad, 18761917. New York: Hill and Wang, 2000.
Preston, William Jr. Aliens and Dissenters: Federal Suppression of Radicals, 1903–1933.
Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1963.
Zeidel, Robert F. Immigrants, Progressives, and Exclusion Politics: The Dillingham
Commission, 1900–1927. DeKalb, Il: Northern Illinois University Press, 2004.
An Eviction Notice from Uncle Sam
Involuntary Relocation of Native Americans:
A Lesson on Forced Migration
Valerie Cox
Appleton West High School
Appleton, Wisconsin
After analyzing the concepts of manifest destiny and entitlement, several case
studies involving the forced migration of Native Americans will be analyzed utilizing
information presented by the teacher and primary source documents. The case
studies are of the Oneida in the Northeast, the Cherokee in the Southeast, the Nez
Perce in the Northwest, and the Navajo in the Southwest. The focus of the lesson is
the U.S. government’s justification of removal—usually with brutal military force—to
lands deemed to have no value and the subsequent creation of reservations to contain
Native Americans to the designated areas for ongoing control of non-European
cultures. Lesson extensions include related issues such as Oklahoma statehood,
Japanese American internment camps during World War II, and eminent domain in
today’s communities throughout the United States.
Time Required
Although a condensed version of the lesson could be taught in a single 45-minute
class period, a full analysis of the topic and application of the lesson would typically
take two or three 45-minute class periods.
Materials Required
• Copiesofthefollowingteacherbackgroundinformationnotes:
• ManifestDestiny(AppendixesAandB)
• CaseStudy#1:Oneida(AppendixesCandD)
• CaseStudy#2:Cherokee(AppendixesEandF)
• CaseStudy#3:NezPerce(AppendixesGandH)
• CaseStudy#4:Navajo(AppendixesIandJ)
• Copiesofthefollowingprimarysourcedocuments(seeAppendixes):
• Document#1:ManifestDestinyCoiningthePhrase
• Document#2:ManifestDestiny—CriticalOppositionPopularizesthe
• Document#3:Oneida—U.S.DepartmentofStateExplanationofIndian
• Document#4:Cherokee—AMissionary’sDescription
• Document#5:CherokeeATraveler’sDescription
• Document#6:NezPerce—ChiefJosephsSelectedSpeeches
• Document#7:Navajo—GeneralCarletonsGeneralOrderNo.15
• Document#8:Navajo—ReportfromCaptainJosephBerney
• Document#9:NavajoReportfromCaptainFrancisMcCabe
• WallmaporprojectionoftheUnitedStates
• Studentswilllearnabouttheconceptofmanifestdestinyasitappliesto
U.S. history.
• StudentswilllearnabouttheforcedmigrationsofNativeAmericansunder
the U.S. federal governments laws and practices.
• Studentswillbeabletoapplytheinformationregardingforcedmigrationto
other incidences in U.S. history as well as current situations.
Access Prior Knowledge
Determine if your students have any previous experience with or knowledge of
eviction or forced removal by asking, “Have any of you heard of a situation where
An Eviction Notice from Uncle Sam—
a person or family was forced to leave his or her home permanently?” Separate
the responses into situations where the eviction was due to a failure to fulfill
responsibilities (e.g., paying rent, 18-year-olds not abiding by parental rules) and where
the eviction was due to someone wanting to assume another’s property rights (e.g.,
urban renewal, eminent domain, condo conversion of an apartment). Focus the classs
attention on situations where the person/family evicted was fulfilling responsibilities
but someone with more power wanted the persons/family’s property rights. That’s
what this lesson is about.
Since some of your students may have had a U.S. history course previously,
assess student familiarity with the concept of manifest destiny. This might be
accomplished by simply asking your students what they know or having them write
what they know. Look for some understanding that the concept refers to a belief in the
right (God-given or basic entitlement) of white Americans to spread the United States
across the entire North American continent.
New Information
1. Manifest Destiny
If you determine that your students already have a basic understanding of
the concept of manifest destiny from a prior course, then proceed with an
examination of the primary source documents. If you determine that your
students lack a basic understanding of the concept of manifest destiny, then
provide a brief explanation of the concept and its application in the 1840s to
1880s in the American West.
Distribute the primary source documents that contain the excerpt from John
O’Sullivans 1845 essay in the Democratic Review in which he coins the
phrase “manifest destiny” as well as the speech by Representative Winthrop
that ridiculed the concept of manifest destiny (see Appendix B for source).
Use a map of the United States to show where the current frontier border
was at that time, as well as Texas, Oregon Territory, and Mexicos territory
of California and the Southwest. Ask students:
• WhatdoesJohnO’Sullivansconceptmean,andwhatramicationsdid
it have for people in North America?
• WhatdoyouthinkofRepresentativeWinthropsresponsetoO’Sullivan?
• Hasthisconcept,evenifnotcalledbythesamename,beenpresentin
other cultures and time periods that we have studied this year?
Provide background information from Teacher Notes (see Appendix A) about
John O’Sullivans intentions, his reliance on a “higher law,” and his positions on
the expansions of the dayTexas, Oregon, California, and the Mexican War. Ask
• CanyouthinkofanyotherexamplesfromU.S.historyorcurrentevents
where the concept of manifest destiny seems to apply?
Case Study #1
The Relocation of the Oneida Tribe from Upstate New York to
Provide students with background information about the Iroquois Confederacy. If you
know your students have had a U.S. history course that covered the confederacy, ask
the students, “Can anyone tell me about the Iroquois Confederacy?” Students should
understand that five tribes—Mohawk, Oneida, Seneca, Onondaga, and Cayuga—
formed an alliance for peace, complete with a constitution, in upstate New York,
and parts of Pennsylvania, Québec, and Ontario before any contact with Europeans.
The Iroquois joined with the British in colonial times to defeat the French and their
native allies, the Huron and the Algonquin tribes. (In 1720 the Iroquois Confederacy
expanded to six tribes with the admission of the Tuscarora.) This is background for
students to understand that the Oneida tribe was part of this famous confederacy,
which supported Great Britain against the French. Show the lands of the Iroquois
Confederacy on a map of the United States.
Using the Teacher Notes (see Appendix C), present to students the story of the
Oneida tribe. Emphasize that the tribe separated from their Iroquois Confederacy
members by supporting the American colonists against the British in the
Revolutionary War, but that action caused retaliation and the white mans resentment
against the entire Iroquois Confederacy. This resulted in the reduction of Oneida
lands from 6 million acres to 32 acres by the early 1800s despite federal treaties that
supposedly protected the Oneida for their assistance in the Revolutionary War. Show
on a map the distance involved in the early nineteenth century of moving from New
York to Wisconsin.
Distribute the primary source document from the U.S. Department of State in
which the ofcial federal governments explanation of the events of the nineteenth
century regarding Indian removal is provided through a modern perspective. Ask
An Eviction Notice from Uncle Sam
• DidAmericansintentionallytakeadvantageoftheIndiansanduse
different cultural perspectives to trick the Indians?
• WhatdoweunderstandnowaboutIndianculturethatwedidn’t
understand, or want to understand, in the nineteenth century?
• Whatdoyouthinkwemaynotunderstandabouteventsintodaysworld
that persons living in the nineteenth century may have had a better
understanding of from their retrospective viewpoint?
• YoumayalsoobtainonlineboththeTreatyofFortStanwixandthe
Canandaigua Treaty. Analyze the documents for guarantees to the
Oneida tribe regarding the federal government’s protection of their lands
in upstate New York. Ask students:
• Howisatreatylikeacontract?
• Wouldyoufeelsafeifyousignedsuchatreaty?
• Howwouldyoufeelifyourlandwasthentakenbywhitegovernment
officials who said they were from the state of New York?
• IfyouwereanOneidaIndian,whatwouldyoutellyourchildrenand
grandchildren about what happened to you and your tribe?
Case Study #2
The Relocation of the Cherokee Tribe from Georgia to Oklahoma
Explain to students the origins of Oklahomas nickname, “the Sooner
State.” The following main points should emerge: Oklahoma was set aside
by the U.S. government as the destination for relocated Indian tribes
because the land was thought to be worthless. When more land was
needed for white settlers, the U.S. government changed the laws protecting
Indian reservations with the Dawes Act and opened Oklahoma to settlers
beginning in 1889; settlers who illegally entered Oklahoma areas to stake
land claims before the official time were called “Sooners” from the Indian
Appropriation Act of 1889, which prohibited people from entering the area
too soon. But by 1908 the University of Oklahoma had selected “Sooners
as its nickname, which turned an illegal action into a source of pride that
continues to this day.
Using the Teacher Notes (see Appendix E), present to students the story of the
Cherokee tribe of Georgia and the infamous Trail of Tears, which was a result of
President Andrew Jacksons Indian Removal Act of 1830 and the militarys use of
brutal force, which caused the death of 4,000 peaceful Indians whose land was taken
by trickery. Use a map of the United States to show the relocation from northern
Georgia to Oklahoma.
Distribute the primary source documents (see Appendix F)—an excerpt from
Andrew Jacksons Seventh Annual Message to Congress of 1835, the missionary’s
account of 1838, and the travelers account of 1839. Ask students:
• WhatjusticationdidPresidentJacksongivetoforciblyrelocatethe
Cherokee tribe?
• Howmuchpowershouldgovernmentshaveinconscatingpossessions
and relocating peaceful citizens?
• WhywasthetreatmentoftheCherokeeconsideredappropriateand
• IfyouwereaCherokee,whatwouldyoutellyourchildrenand
grandchildren about white Americans, government promises, and the
founding principles of the United States?
Case Study #3
The Relocation of the Nez Perce Tribe from Idaho to Oklahoma
Certainly an important part of achieving manifest destiny was government
seizure of land. Teachers may want to do some searching for other examples,
such as the seizure of land from Australias Aborigines, or seizures from
indigenous Americans in Central and South America by the Spanish. Begin by
asking students, “Should the U.S. government allow law-abiding residents to
leave the country to live someplace else if that is their preference?” Have them
explain their stance. This opinion question should set into motion a primary
question surrounding the flight on which Chief Joseph led the Nez Perce tribe
toward freedom in Canada rather than a reservation in the United States after
previous reservation treaties had been broken by the U.S. government.
Using the Teacher Notes (see Appendix G), present the story of Chief Joseph of
the Nez Perce tribe. This story captured the attention of the nation in the summer
of 1877 as Chief Joseph tried to lead his tribe of 800 Indians to the Canadian
border ahead of the 2,000 soldiers who were trying to capture the Nez Perce band
in order to send them to a reservation rather than allow them to leave the country
An Eviction Notice from Uncle Sam
to live in Canada. As the teacher tells the story, show the map of the approximate
escape route of the Nez Perce through Idaho and Montana.
Distribute the three primary source documents of Chief Josephs speeches
(see Appendix H). Ask students:
• WhatdoesChiefJosephwant?
• WhatdoesChiefJosephsayhashappened?
• HowdoyouthinktheU.S.governmentshouldhaverespondedtoChief
Joseph on these various occasions?
Case Study #4
The Relocation of the Navajo Tribe from Arizona to New Mexico
Kit Carson is a figure central to the story of the relocation of the Navajo. Students
may know some things about him; ask them what they know. Students may
know about the legendary Kit Carson who was a mountain man, an Indian scout,
and a soldier with John Fremont in California. Typically, student accounts of Kit
Carson will be romanticized versions of an American frontiersman. This case
study provides a counterview of Kit Carson because of his role in the capture and
deaths of many Navajo and Apaches seeking peaceful coexistence with white
settlers in 1863-64—the incident known as “the Long Walk.
Using the Teacher Notes (see Appendix I), present the story of the Long Walk
of the Navajo tribe. This story is often overlooked because it took place during
the Civil War and was so offensive to U.S. government officials when they
investigated it in the years immediately following the Civil War that the Navajo
tribe was allowed to return to their native lands—instead of being relocated to
a distant reservation—as an apology for their mistreatment. As the teacher tells
the story, show the map of the Long Walk.
Distribute the primary source documents (see Appendix J) from accounts of the
Long Walk. Ask students:
• WhatroledidKitCarsonplayintheremovaloftheNavajo?
• WhydoyouthinkhehasbeenromanticizedinstoriesoftheWestern
• WhydoyouthinktheNavajoIndiansweretreatedthisway?
• Whenisthegovernmentjustiedinrelocatingpeople?
Does might make right?”
Application of New Knowledge
Assign students a graphic organizer to compare and contrast the four case studies.
Categories should include the tribe, location, dates, key people, background, key
events, final disposition, government justification for removal, and the student’s
personal viewpoint of the removal. Teachers may want to include other categories.
Then ask students to brainstorm other involuntary relocations that they have
heard of where families or groups were forced to move from their property. Analyze
the list for common reasons, common responses, common governmental actions, and
public reactions. Compare these results to the four case studies of American Indians.
As a wrap-up activity, assign students the task of writing a newspaper editorial
regarding one of the case studies as if they were alive at the time. This persuasive
essay should present the facts, the relevant laws and legal obligations, and the
government’s responsibility as the student sees it. After submission to the teacher,
sort the editorials according to case study and post them in the four corners of the
classroom. Arrange students in groups to rotate to the four corners to read the various
perspectives. Note similarities and differences in a follow-up discussion.
Ask students the following closure questions related to the lessons goals:
• “Whatisyouropinionoftheconceptofmanifest destiny? Has it changed
since we began this lesson? If so, how and why did it change? How does
this concept and your perspective relate to todays society?”
• “WhatfactstandsoutfromthisstudyofforcedmigrationsofNative
Americans in U.S. history? Why does that fact stand out for you?”
• “Doyouhaveanyinsightsoropinionsthathavechangedasaresultof
this lesson? What is the change and why did you change your thinking or
• “Whatdoyoufeelistheenduringlessontobelearnedfromthesecase
studies? How will you apply it to current and future situations?”
• “Whatwouldyouliketoknowthatwasntcoveredoransweredinour
An Eviction Notice from Uncle Sam
Lesson Extensions
1. Study the history of Oklahoma from a land set aside for Indian reservations
to a state mostly owned and occupied by white settlers. How were treaties
honored or broken in the process?
2. Examine the creation of Japanese American internment camps during
World War II. How were these forced relocations of families, even American
citizens, carried out by the U.S. government? What was the impact on the
families involved?
3. Study the issue of eminent domain through the twentieth century. Focus
on one community’s story of urban renewal, decisions for road placements,
relocation of families, or government assumption of land for public good.
Study the recent U.S. Supreme Court ruling that allows government the use
of eminent domain, and confiscation of property and relocation of people, for
private development that will make better use of the land than its current
4. Using information from this lesson and the lesson that follows, “British
Convict Forced Migration to Australia” by Kathy Callahan, ask students to
compare and contrast government motivations for both forced migration
5. A lesson extension for later in the semester: Compare and contrast the
“Long Walk” of the Navajo tribe (1863-64) with that of the “Long March” of
the Communists in China (1934-35).
6. Other possible topics for the study of forced migration that might be used
with this lesson study include:
• Tibetanmigrationfollowingtheinvasion(andsubsequentabsorption)by
the Chinese into Tibet in the 1950s.
• PalestinianmigrationfollowingthecreationofIsrael.
• Recentgovernment-forcedmigrationinChinaenablingtheconstruction
of Three Gorges Dam and facilities for the 2008 Olympics.
Appendix A
Manifest Destiny Teacher Notes
Many of the white settlers of the United States since the Mayower landed in 1620
have believed in Americas preordained right to grow unimpeded into a shining
example of a new type of country for the rest of the world to admire and emulate. This
right was thought to be bestowed on Americans by divine providence and included
the white mans right to occupy all land in North America.
However, it wasnt until 1845 that the phrase manifest destiny was actually
coined by journalist John L. O’Sullivan. At that time OSullivan was influential in the
Democratic Party and was advocating for the United States to annex the independent
Republic of Texas and to begin planning for the desired annexation of California and
the Oregon Territory. In the July–August 1845 issue of Democratic Review magazine,
O’Sullivan wrote an essay entitled “Annexation” in which he summed up hundreds
of years of American beliefs in the phrase manifest destiny for the first time (see
Appendix B for source).
Although the phrase had seen its first usage, it didnt attract attention and
become a national mantra until after its second usage. That was in the December
27, 1845, issue of O’Sullivans own newspaper, the New York Morning News, when
O’Sullivan wrote that the United States had the right to claim the entire Oregon
Territory in the boundary dispute with Great Britain because of the United States’
“manifest destiny to overspread and to possess the whole of the continent which
Providence has given us for the development of the great experiment of liberty and
federated self-government” (see Appendix B for source).
Again, it would have gone unnoticed except that the phrase was criticized by
members of the Whig Party who opposed the Polk administrations favorable positions
toward annexation of western lands. Representative Robert Winthrop, an influential
Whig from Massachusetts who would later become the U.S. Speaker of the House,
gave an address on the subject of the annexation of the Oregon Territory on the floor
of the U.S. House of Representatives on January 3, 1846, in which he ridiculed the
concept of manifest destiny and demanded to see where this right was given to the
United States in the “First Parent’s” (Adam and Eves) last will and testament.
The phrase then became a rallying cry for the entire western expansion
movement that swept the nation and provided a rationale for military force against
anyone (e.g., Mexicans or American Indians) who might stand in the way of white
settlers or annexation.
As for O’Sullivan, his career and notoriety quickly reached an end in 1846 when
he was fired from the New York Morning News and sold his Democratic Review
magazine. He died in poverty and obscurity in 1895.
Appendix B
Manifest Destiny: Coining the Phrase
Excerpted from: John L. O’Sullivan, “Annexation,” Democratic Review, Vol. 17, No. 1 (JulyAugust 1845)
Other nations have undertaken to intrude themselves…limiting our greatness
and checking the fulfillment of our manifest destiny to overspread the continent
allotted by Providence for the free development of our yearly multiplying millions
Texas has been absorbed into the Union in the inevitable fulfillment of the
general law which is rolling our population westward.... It was disintegrated from
Mexico in the natural course of events, by a process perfectly legitimate on its
own part, blameless on ours.... [its] incorporation into the Union was not only
inevitable, but the most natural, right and proper thing in the world.... California
will, probably, next fall away from...Mexico.... Imbecile and distracted, Mexico
never can exert any real governmental authority over such a country.... The Anglo-
Saxon foot is already on its borders. Already the advance guard of the irresistible
army of Anglo-Saxon emigration has begun to pour down upon it armed with
the plow and the rie, and markings its trail with schools and colleges, courts
and representative halls, mills and meeting houses. A population will soon be
in actual occupation of California, over which it will be idle for Mexico to dream
of dominion... All this without agency of our government, without responsibility
of our people in the natural flow of events, the spontaneous working of
principles, and the adaptation of the tendencies and wants of the human race to
the elemental circumstances in the midst of which they nd themselves placed.
Critical Opposition Popularizes the Phrase
Excerpted from: “Arbitration of the Oregon Question,” a speech delivered on the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives by
Representative Robert Charles Winthrop on January 3, 1846, contained in Addresses and Speeches on Various Occasions by
obert Charles Winthrop (Boston, MA: Little, Brown and Company, 1852).
I suppose the right of a manifest destiny to spread will not be admitted to exist in
any nation except the universal Yankee nation. This right of a manifest destiny
reminds me of another source of title which is worthy of being placed beside
it. Spain and Portugal, we all know, in the early part of the 16th century laid
claim to the jurisdiction of the whole northern continent of America. Francis I is
related to have replied to this pretension, that he should like to see the clause in
Adams Will, in which their exclusive title was found. NowI look for an early
reproduction of this idea…Ipromise to withdraw all my opposition to giving
notice or taking possession, whenever the right of our manifest destiny can be
fortified by the provisions of our great First Parent’s last will and testament.
22. Some definitions of terms from the above Manifest Destiny sources: Texas declared itself independent from Mexico
following a rebellion against Mexico in 1836; Texas joined the United States in 1845. The term Anglo-Saxon refers to the
English; this term comes from the overtaking of the island of Britain by the Angles, Saxons, and Jutes in the fifth century
and their subsequent imposition of culture upon the conquered peoples. Spain and Portugal both desired territories in the
Americas; their dispute was settled in 1494 through the creation of the Tordesilla Line as part of the Tordesilla Treaty.
Appendix C
Oneida Tribe Removal Teacher Notes
The Oneida tribe was one of the original five nations of the Iroquois Confederacy,
which occupied upstate New York and parts of Pennsylvania, Québec, and Ontario.
Around 1720 the Tuscarora tribe moved to an area in upstate New York from North
Carolina and its petition to become the sixth nation in the Iroquois Confederacy was
accepted. The six nations were Oneida, Mohawk, Seneca, Onondaga, Cayuga, and
Tusca rora.
The Iroquois became allies of the British in colonial times and fought alongside
British and American troops in various military actions against the French and its
Indian allies, the Huron and Algonquin tribes. After the French and Indian War the
Iroquois thought their alliance with the British would protect them when the British
government issued the Proclamation of 1763, which was supposed to restrict white
settlement from Indian lands west of the line along the Appalachian Mountains.
However, the proclamation was mostly ignored and caused greater pressure on Indian
lands and relations with the colonists.
When the American Revolution started, most of the Iroquois immediately
continued their alliance with the British government and sided with it. However, the
Oneida and the Tuscarora sided with the Americans, thus marking the first significant
split in the Iroquois Confederacy. The Oneida helped the Americans reoccupy Fort
Stanwix and provided the American side with warriors, scouts, and information. In
addition to assisting with the military campaigns in upstate New York, the Oneida
sent 50 men to serve with Washingtons army at Valley Forge in the winter of 1777-78
and stayed to fight with General Lafayette in the spring before returning home. Polly
Cooper, an Oneida woman who accompanied the men to Valley Forge, became a cook
for General Washington during the winter encampment. As gratitude for showing how
to prepare corn in the most effective manner, Cooper was awarded a shawl by Martha
Various attacks on Oneida lands were launched by the British and their Iroquois
allies. In 1780 a major Oneida village was destroyed, which caused the Oneida to seek
shelter at Fort Stanwix. Attacks continued and the Oneida lost much of their property,
possessions, and culture in the process. At the end of the war the newly formed
U.S. Congress gave the Oneida their traditional lands and a guarantee of peace and
protection in the 1784 Treaty of Fort Stanwix.
White settlers did not agree with the treaty, and the state of New York embarked
on a series of questionable practices to take away all but 32 acres of the 6 million
originally granted to the Oneida. Left to fend for themselves in a hostile environment
without understanding the legalities of documents and still trying to resume life with
scattered tribe members who had limited resources due to the war losses, the Oneida
splintered and lost their lands, as well as their livelihoods, possessions, and societal
norms. It wasn’t until 10 years later, in 1794, that the U.S. government provided
restitution to its former allies—a total of $5,000 was made available for destroyed
homes and lost possessions upon presentation of itemized lists.
With increasing pressure for land due to the construction of the Erie Canal, the
Oneida were persuaded to purchase land in Wisconsin in 1821-22 and vacate their
lands in upstate New York in order to reestablish an independent, self-sufficient tribe.
The five million acres purchased for $5,000 was supposed to be for joint usage by the
Oneida, Winnebago, and Menominee tribes. However, the Oneida were to lose all but
65,000 acres of land when treaties in 1827 and 1838 took away their lands. Only a few
hundred acres remained by 1929.
Appendix D
Oneida Tribe Removal Primary Source
U.S. Department of State Explanation of Indian Removal
taken from U.S. Department of State Web site found at www.state.
The story of westward expansion by European Americans is a basic theme of the
American experience, but it is also a history of Indian removal from their traditional
lands. Indians lost their lands through purchase, war, disease and even extermination,
but many transfers of Indian land were formalized by treaty. The Constitution of 1789
empowered Congress to “regulate commerce with foreign nations, and among the
several States, and with the Indian tribes.” Federal policy regarded each tribe as a
sovereign entity capable of signing binding treaties with the U.S. government. In
the first 40 years of the new republic, the United States signed multiple treaties with
Indian tribes, which usually followed a basic pattern: The signatory tribe withdrew
to a prescribed reservation and in return the federal government promised to provide
supplies, food, and often an annuity.
The U.S. government’s inability and unwillingness to abide by its treaty
obligations with Indian tribes was clearly related to an insatiable demand for cheap
land for European settlers. To make matters more difficult, Indians generally had a
different concept of landownership than Europeans, emphasizing land use for hunting,
farming, or dwelling for the tribe, but not recognizing the concept of individual
ownership. Indian society was loose, decentralized, democratic, and nonauthoritarian,
where “chiefs” were often men of respect and informal authority but not designated
by the tribe to make decisions. The result was that treaties were often signed with
Indian leaders who did not have the authority of the tribe. Whether the system of
Indian treaties was ever meant to work is a matter of debate, but in reality, most
Indian treaties were broken.
23. This material is a statement from the current U.S. Department of State rather than a primary source of the period.
24. Treaty of Fort Stanwix 1784 is available online at www.ohiohistorycentral.org/entry.phy?rec=1420; Canandaigua Treaty of
1794 is available online at at: http://canandaigua-treaty.org/The_Canandaigua_Treaty_of_1794.html.
Appendix E
Cherokee Tribe Relocation Teacher Notes
The Cherokee tribe was one of the so-called Five Civilized Tribes living in the
southeastern United States. The “civilized” term distinguished them from other
American Indians because they had assimilated to “white mans ways” and had good
relations with the white settlers.
From 1814 to 1824 General Andrew Jackson commanded U.S. military forces that
were used to fight Indian tribes in the southeastern United States and pressure tribes
to enter into unfavorable land treaties so that white settlers could move in. In 1830
President Andrew Jackson gladly signed into law the Indian Removal Act of 1830,
which he had supported. The act gave the president the power to negotiate removal
treaties with Indian tribes from lands east of the Mississippi River. Although the
removal was supposed to be peaceful and voluntary, tribes resisted having their lands
confiscated and being relocated to western lands. Jackson then resorted to using
military force to round up the Indians and relocate them to their new lands in what is
now the state of Oklahoma.
Meanwhile, the Cherokee had grown weary of encroaching white settlers and
had adopted a written constitution in 1827 that declared themselves the sovereign
Cherokee Nation based on the manner in which the U.S. government had been
recognizing them when entering into treaties. When the state of Georgia refused
to recognize the Cherokee Nations sovereignty, the Cherokee appealed to the U.S.
Supreme Court. The Court refused to hear the case in 1830 because it did not
recognize the Cherokee Nations sovereignty. Then gold was found on the Cherokee
lands, and pressure increased from white settlers. When the Georgia legislature
passed a law to extend state law over Indian lands, the Cherokee appealed again to
the U.S. Supreme Court, which ruled that the Indians had self-governing rights given
to them by the federal government that superseded state laws. President Jackson
refused to enforce this Court decision and continued with removal plans.
In 1835, after much discussion within the 17,000-member Cherokee tribe of the
removal issue, 20 men who were not elected officials of the tribe signed a treaty that
ceded all Cherokee territory east of the Mississippi River to the U.S. government in
return for $5 million and new homelands in Indian Territory (now Oklahoma). Despite
widespread protests, the U.S. Senate confirmed the treaty by one vote and white
settlers began moving in and driving Cherokee families from their homes.
In the spring of 1838, President Van Buren ordered General Winfield Scott to
enforce the 1835 treaty by having military forces move Cherokees into stockades with
only the possessions they could quickly grab and carry, and where inadequate food
and poor sanitary conditions caused considerable hardship.
The thousand-mile forced march to Oklahoma resulted in 4,000 deaths due to
summer drought, a rainy fall, and the severe winter of 1838-39. The death toll would
have been much higher if General Scott hadn’t finally agreed to allow the Indians to
organize their own march when initial organization by the military was inhumane and
fatal. The route was named “The Trail of Tears” and is now supervised by the National
Parks Service.
The promised $5 million from the federal government was never paid. The leader
of the group who signed the treaty was killed as a traitor by tribal members when
they reached Oklahoma.
Appendix F
Cherokee Tribe Removal Primary
Source Documents
Excerpt from President Andrew Jackson’s Seventh Annual Message to Congress, delivered on December 7, 1835:
All preceding experiments for the improvement of the Indians have failed. It seems
now to be an established fact they can not live in contact with a civilized community
and prosper. Ages of fruitless endeavors have at length brought us to a knowledge
of this principle of intercommunication with them. The past we can not recall, but
the future we can provide for. Independently of the treaty stipulations into which
we have entered with the various tribes for the usufructuary rights they have ceded
to us, no one can doubt the moral duty of the Government of the United States to
protect and if possible to preserve and perpetuate the scattered remnants of this race
which are left within our borders. In the discharge of this duty an extensive region in
the West has been assigned for their permanent residence. It has been divided into
districts and allotted among them. The plan for their removal and reestablishment
is founded upon the knowledge we have gained of their character and habits,
and has been dictated by a spirit of enlarged liberality. A territory exceeding in
extent that relinquished has been granted to each tribe. Of its climate, fertility, and
capacity to support an Indian population the representations are highly favorable.
A Missionary’s Description of the 1838 Stockades Where
Indians Were Collected
Excerpt from
Baptist Missionary Magazine
18 (Sept. 1838)
The Cherokees are nearly all prisoners. They have been dragged from their houses,
and encamped at the forts and military posts, all over the nation. In Georgia,
especially, multitudes were allowed no time to take any thing with them except
the clothes they had on. Well-furnished houses were left prey to plunderers,
who, like hungry wolves, follow in the trail of the captors. These wretches rifle
the houses and strip the helpless, unoffending owners of all they have on earth.
A Traveler’s Description of One of the Indian Groups on
the Trail of Tears
Excerpt from the New York Observer (January 26, 1839)
We found the road literally filled with the procession for about three miles in
length. The sick and feeble were carried in waggons [sic] . . . a great many ride
horseback and multitudes go on foot—even aged females, apparently nearly ready
to drop into the grave, were traveling with heavy burdens attached to the back—
on the sometimes frozen ground, and sometimes muddy streets, with no covering
for the feet except what nature had given them.
Appendix G
Nez Perce Tribe Removal Teacher Notes
In 1838 Joseph the Elder, a leader of the Nez Perce tribe living in eastern Oregon
and Washington and western Idaho, was baptized as a Christian. He believed in
peace with the white settlers. He was so committed to peace that in 1855 he helped
Washingtons territorial governor organize a Nez Perce reservation so that whites and
Indians could live side by side. In 1863, however, following a prospectors discovery of
gold in the Nez Perce reservation, the federal government took away 90 percent of the
reservation lands. Joseph the Elder felt betrayed and refused to sign the treaty or move
off the lands that had previously been Nez Perce lands by treaty.
After his death in 1871, Joseph the Elder was succeeded by his son, who became
known as Chief Joseph. Chief Joseph refused all efforts to force his Nez Perce band
onto a greatly diminished reservation and continued to live in the Wallowa Valley
in Oregon and claim its ownership. In 1877 General Oliver Otis Howard prepared a
cavalry attack to force Chief Josephs band onto the federal designated land in Idaho.
Wanting to avoid military conflict, Chief Joseph agreed and began the march to Idaho.
Angered by what they viewed as unjust confiscation of their legal land, about
20 young Nez Perce warriors raided a nearby white settlement, which resulted in the
death of several white settlers. Upon hearing of this raid, the U.S. Army considered
Josephs band to be hostile enemies and began pursuit. Faced with U.S. Army action,
Chief Joseph reluctantly agreed with the other leaders to resist.
For the next three months Chief Joseph outmaneuvered the 2,000 troops
pursuing his band of 700 Indians, who were trying to escape to Canada where they
could live in peace in the wilderness. Although Chief Josephs band consisted of fewer
than 200 Indian warriors, he successfully used advanced military tactics such as rear
guards, advance guards, skirmishes, and field fortifications to slow down the armys
advance as he traversed Idahos mountains and valleys in a 1,400-mile stealth march
that ended just 40 miles from the Canadian border.
Chief Joseph surrendered his tired band of exhausted and threadbare band of
women, children, elders, and warriors, who had suffered 200 deaths in what is studied
to this day as an outstanding example of a strategic military retreat. He negotiated
the safe return home for his people, but they were taken first to eastern Kansas and
then to a reservation in Indian Territory (Oklahoma) by the federal government. Chief
Joseph went to Washington, D.C., in 1879 to meet with Congress and President Hayes
to advocate for his tribes return to the Pacic Northwest, but no action was taken
until six years later, in 1885. At that time half the tribe was returned to the Nez Perce
reservation while the other half of the tribe, including Chief Joseph, was taken to a
non–Nez Perce reservation in northern Washington, separated not only from their
tribal members but also from their homeland in the Wallowa Valley and the Nez Perce
reservation in Idaho.
Chief Joseph died in 1904, still not permitted to return to his homeland or the
tribes reservation.
Appendix H
Involuntary Relocation of Native Americans
Nez Perce Tribe Removal Primary
Source Documents
Excerpts from Chester Anders Fee, Chief Joseph: The Biography of a Great Indian (Wilson-Erickson, 1936)
The rst white men of your people who came to our country were named Lewis
and Clark. They brought many things which our people had never seen. They
talked straight and our people gave them a great feast as proof that their hearts
were friendly. They made presents to our chiefs and our people made presents
to them. We had a great many horses of which we gave them what they needed,
and they gave us guns and tobacco in return. All the Nez Perce made friends
with Lewis and Clark and agreed to let them pass through their country and
never to make war on white men. This promise the Nez Perce have never broken.
For a short time we lived quietly. But this could not last. White men had found
gold in the mountains around the land of the Winding Water. They stole a great
many horses from us and we could not get them back because we were Indians.
The white men told lies for each other. They drove off a great many of our cattle.
Some white men branded our young cattle so they could claim them. We had no
friends who would plead our cause before the law councils. It seemed to me that
some of the white men in Wallowa were doing these things on purpose to get
up a war. They knew we were not strong enough to fight them. I labored hard
to avoid trouble and bloodshed. We gave up some of our country to the white
men, thinking that then we could have peace. We were mistaken. The white
men would not let us alone. We could have avenged our wrongs many times,
but we did not. Whenever the Government has asked for help against other
Indians we have never refused. When the white men were few and we were
strong we could have killed them off, but the Nez Perce wishes to live at peace.
At his surrender in the Bear Paw Mountains, 1877
Tell General Howard that I know his heart. What he told me before I have in
my heart. I am tired of fighting. Our chiefs are killed. Looking Glass is dead,
Tu-hul-hil-sote is dead. The old men are all dead. It is the young men who now
say yes or no. He who led the young men [Joseph’s brother Alikut] is dead. It
is cold and we have no blankets. The little children are freezing to death. My
people—some of them have run away to the hills and have no blankets and no
food. No one knows where they areperhaps freezing to death. I want to have
time to look for my children and see how many of them I can nd. Maybe I
shall nd them among the dead. Hear me, my chiefs, my heart is sick and sad.
From where the sun now stands I will fight no more against the white man.
Appendix I
Navajo Tribe Removal Teacher Notes
In 1846 the U.S. government gained control over Navajo lands with the territory
acquired during the Mexican War. After a respected Navajo leader was killed in
1849, relations between white settlers and Indians deteriorated. The military began
establishing forts in the newly acquired territory at the same time that Navajo lands
were being confiscated through a series of treaties with different bands of Apaches,
Navajos, Pueblos, Utes, and New Mexicans in an attempt to stop raids. Fort Defiance
was established on Navajo land, and the 1858 Treaty of Bonneville angered the Navajo
because it seemed so one-sided against them, as it gave away good grazing land and
forced restitution payments that were not reciprocal.
As the Civil War broke out, friction increased in the Southwest between the
military and the Navajo. But the nations attention was diverted elsewhere, so raids
and retributions escalated. After the Union Army had reasserted itself along the Rio
Grande, the U.S. government turned its attention to control of the Southwest lands.
In late 1862 Congress authorized the establishment of Fort Sumner at Bosque
Redondo in New Mexico, a 40-square-mile section designated as the first Indian
reservation west of Indian Territory (Oklahoma). In mid-1863, Colonel Kit Carson was
ordered to take troops to accept the surrender of the Navajo, but no Navajo appeared.
Carson then began a scorched-earth campaign to force the surrender of the Navajo.
Carson burned their crops, destroyed their homes, poisoned their water sources, killed
their livestock, and sent patrols to make sure that no hunting or wild food gathering
could take place. Threatened by starvation with winter cold and snows, and harassed
by other tribes who were capturing Navajo as slaves, the tribe could not withstand
Carsons final attack in January 1864.
About 8,500 Navajo were captured and confined at Fort Defiance in northeast
Arizona. The military did not have sufficient supplies to feed or transport the Navajo
to the Bosque Redondo reservation about 400 miles east in New Mexico, so many
Navajo suffered. The first Navajo groups began the trek, known as “the Long Walk,” in
August 1863, and continued until March 1864. The 300-mile trip took about 20 days.
More than 200 Navajo died along the way. The second group set out two months after
their defeat by Carson in January 1864.
The detention at Bosque Redondo was an utter failure. The federal government
tried to contain more than 9,000 Indians (including the 500 from the Mescalero
Apache tribe, who were traditional enemies of the Navajo) in a 40-square-mile area
without supplies, an adequate water source, or basics like firewood and protection
from raids conducted by Comanches. There was also infighting among the Navajo and
Mescalero. More than 2,000 Navajo died of smallpox alone.
A Navajo leader was allowed to go to Washington, D.C., to plead his case. The
result was a visit by federal officials to the Bosque Redondo reservation, who returned
with reports that appalled the government. In 1868 the U.S. government signed the
Treaty of Bosque Redondo with the Navajo and allowed them to return to 3.5 million
acres set aside in their homeland area. About 7,000 Navajo then embarked on the
“Long Walk Home.
Appendix J
Navajo Tribe Removal Primary Source
All excerpts are from Lawrence C. Kelly, Navajo Roundup (Pruett Publishing Company, 1970).
Brigadier General James H. Carletons General Order No. 15, June 15, 1863:
For a long time past the Navajoe [sic] Indians have murdered and robbed the
people of New Mexico. Last winter when eighteen of their chiefs came to Santa
Fe to have a talk, they were warned, and were told to inform their people,
that for these murders and robberies the tribe must be punished, unless some
binding guarantees should be given that in [the] future these outrages should
cease. No such guarantees have yet been given: But on the contrary, additional
murders, and additional robberies have been perpetrated upon the persons and
property of unoffending citizens. It is therefore ordered that Colonel Christopher
[“Kit] Carson, with a proper military force proceed without delay to a point in the
Navajoe country known as Pueblo Colorado [now Ganado, Arizona], and there
establish a defensible Depot for his supplies and Hospital; and thence to prosecute
a vigorous war upon the men of this tribe until it is considered at these Head
Quarters that they have been effectually punished for their long continued atrocities.
Report to General Carletons Assistant Adjutant General by Captain Joseph Berney,
who escorted refugees to Fort Sumner during the early months of 1864:
The Indians suffered intensely from the want of clothing, four were entirely frozen to
deathI lost fteen Indians on the road, principally boys, three of which were stolen,
two strayed from my camp on the Rio Pecos, and ten died from the effects of the cold.
Report from Captain Francis McCabe, who left Fort Defiance with 800 Navajo
“prisoners” in the spring of 1864:
I…received rations for the Navajoes for eight days (as far as Fort Wingate) consisting
of one pound of meat or flour, and half a pound of bacon to every indian [sic] woman
and child. On leavingI directed an officer of my Company to move in advance of
the prisoners with a Guard of fifteen men, and I also directed a rear Guard of Non
commissioned Officer and fifteen men to be detailed daily…I placed as many of the
women, children and old people as possible in wagons, and had one empty wagon
placed every morning under control of the Ofcer of the dayto receive such sick and
aged indians as might have given out on the marchThe main body of the Indians
traveled between the advance Guard and the train [of wagons], and in advance of my
companyOn the second days march a very severe snow storm set in which lasted for
four days with unusual severity, and occasioned great suffering amongst the indians,
many of whom were nearly naked and of course unable to withstand such a storm.
British Convict Forced Migration to
Australia: Causes and Consequences
Kathy Callahan
University of Wisconsin–Stout
Menomonie, Wisconsin
The forced migration of thousands of men and women (and boys and girls) was one
means by which the British government dealt with their criminal element in the
eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. Called transportation, this forced migration
took persons convicted by British courts to places, successively, such as the North
American colonies, an island on the river Gambia in Africa, and New South Wales,
Australia. In the more than 150-year period in which transportation was used, the
latter destination, New South Wales, became the most important, both in the number
of forced migrants and the resulting creation of a settlement colony. As Parliament,
through the judicial system, forced convicts to this remote location they, either
wittingly or unwittingly, began a pattern that led to the colonization of Australia by
the British. When the male and female migrants arrived, they found a place much
different than home. The climate, plants, animals, and terrain must have been
shocking to these new inhabitants. But they were not alone in Australia. Aboriginal
Australians also lived on the continent, and these indigenous people faced dire
consequences as the British established a new settlement colony “down under.
AP World History Habits of Mind, Themes, and
Major Developments
This lesson plan, if administered in its entirety, addresses:
• HabitsofMind:allofthoseintherstcategoryand,ifusedwith“An
Eviction Notice from Uncle Sam—Involuntary Relocation of Native
Americans,” (see previous article by Valerie Cox), all of the habits of mind in
the second category;
• EachoftheveAPWorldHistorythemes:interactionbetweenhumansand
the environment; development and interaction of cultures; state-building,
expansion, and conflict; creation, expansion, and interaction of economic
systems; and development and transformation of social structures; and
• ForMajorDevelopmentsintheperiod1750–1914,itcoversdemographicand
environmental changes, rise of Western dominance, patterns of cultural and
artistic interactions, and diverse interpretations.
Time Needed to Implement
These lessons, if presented in their entirety, would take two to three class periods,
with homework assignments to be completed outside of class. Each lesson is
freestanding and can be presented on its own. If Lesson 1 is presented on its own, it
would take one and a half class periods, and Lesson 2 would take two full periods.
Learning Objectives
• Tolearnaboutthehistoricaldebatesurroundingasingletopic:thepurpose
of transportation of criminals from Great Britain to Australia;
• Tounderstandhistoricaleventsbyexaminingtheresearchmethodsof
• Toconveythatunderstandingtoothersthroughwrittenandoral
communication; and
• TolearnabouttheFirstFleet,theestablishmentofasettlementcolonyin
Australia, the Aboriginal Australians, and the interaction of these three
components during British colonization.
Materials Needed
• Worldmap
• Readingmaterialsincluding:
Appendix A: Teacher’s Notes on the history of Britains transportation
(forced migration) of criminals to Australia.
British Convict Forced Migration to Australia: Causes and Consequences
Appendix B: Teacher’s Notes on content of The Old Bailey Proceedings
online and accessing them, and notes on terms of transportation.
Appendix C: Teachers Notes on British money in the eighteenth and
early nineteenth centuries.
Frost, Alan, and Mollie Gillen. “Botany Bay: An Imperial Venture of the
1780s. The English Historical Review 100: 395 (Apr. 1985): 309-30.
Gillen, Mollie. The Botany Bay Decision, 1786: Convicts, Not Empire.
The English Historical Review 97: 385 (Oct. 1982): 740-66.
Gonner, E. C. K. “The Settlement of Australia.” The English Historical
Review 3: 12 (Oct. 1888): 625-34.
Hughes, Robert. The Fatal Shore: The Epic of Australia’s Founding. New
York: Random House, 1986.
• AccesstotheWorldWideWebforthefollowingmaterial:
Proceedings of the Old Bailey www.oldbaileyonline.org
If Web access is not available in the classroom, teachers could print
out cases from one session of Londons Old Bailey court (see Appendix
B for instructions on how to do this). Examining court cases provides
students with numerous examples of the types of crimes for which
individuals were sentenced to transportation.
Hakluyt, Richard. Discourse on Western Planting, excerpt: www.
swarthmore.edu/SocSci/bdorsey1/41docs/03-hak.html. Also available
in: Andrea, Alfred, and James Overfield. The Human Record: Sources
of Global History, Vol. II, Since 1500, 5th ed. Boston: Houghton Mifflin,
Information on Indigenous Persons of Australia, found on the Web site
Indigenous Australia: www.dreamtime.net.au/index.cfm. Accessed June
19, 2008.
Other possible Internet sources as suggested in Lesson 2.
Lesson 1
Historical Debate on the Settlement Colony of Australia
The instructor should first present information to the class taken from Appendix A,
the Teachers Notes. This should be done in 1520 minutes on the day prior to Activity
1 or Activity 2.
Assign the articles by Alan Frost, Molly Gillen, and E. C. K. Gonner as suggested
in the activities. Background information of the articles: Frost’s article, as does
Gonner’s, supports the idea that the transportation of prisoners to Australia was a
purposeful act by Parliament that provided a means to colonize Australia with British
men and women. Gillen, on the other hand, disagrees with this premise and offers
detailed information from Parliamentary records and other sources as to why Frost,
Gonner, and others have “missed the boat.” Gonner’s article is included here because
it is seen as the starting point of the debate on Parliament’s intentions. As noted by
the date of publishing, his article appeared only a few years after transportation to
Australia effectively ended in 1868. Frost and Gillens articles have appeared more
recently, showing the continuation of the debate. Further, these two authors debate
each other without pulling any punches, each believing that the other is wrong and
saying so. Reading these three articles demonstrates that historical debate often has
a very long life, is alive and well in today’s scholarship, and is an important part of the
process of historical analysis. Below are several reading questions that could be given
to students to guide them through the articles. Is it strongly suggested that teachers
read over the articles before assigning them, as they are challenging. Since a teacher
knows his or her students, he or she might want to construct additional guiding
Reading Questions
• Allauthors
What is the authors thesis statement?
What primary and secondary evidence is used in the text to support
his/her thesis?
What conclusions does each author draw? Are they valid conclusions
based on the evidence presented? Why or why not?
Since it is unlikely that you will read all of the cited primary sources
yourself, how do you determine if they were used correctly?
British Convict Forced Migration to Australia: Causes and Consequences
Can both Frost and Gillen be correct? Which author makes the most
credible argument? Why?
• Gonner
On what basis does Gonner argue the proposed site on Botany Bay was
for more than merely a penal colony?
Examine the appendix of his article. How do these sources give
credibility to his argument?
• Gillen
What is the “flax theory”? Argument against this theory is a major part
of Gillens argument. Why does she dismiss it? What is her evidence?
What are other reasons she disagrees with earlier scholarship?
What plans for transportation did the British government explore after
What problems did they encounter as they explored these plans, and
what problems did they encounter with convicts between 1776 and
Why does she ultimately conclude that the British government initially
had no other plans for Australia other than those for a penal colony?
• Frost
Note: This article was written as a reaction to Gillens article.
Gillen is then given an opportunity to respond to Frost. This is a common
means employed by academic journals to debate contentious topics.
The primary goals of Frosts article are to (1) defend himself and his
ideas; and (2) debunk the assertions Gillen made in her article. Does he
accomplish his goals?
How does Frost approach the primary sources in the construction of
his argument? Doesn’t he use some of the same sources as does Gillen?
How does he use them differently than she does?
What is his final assertion? Do you think his methodology and
conclusion are sound?
What is Gillens response? Is her argument constructive? Does it answer
your questions about the debate, or does her defense leave you with
more questions?
What questions might you have for the authors if given the opportunity?
Gillen is Canadian and Frost is Australian. How does this inform their views? Do their
respective places of residence make a difference in their arguments and conclusions?
Activity 1
Divide the class up into thirds, having each third read one of the articles. Students
reading Gonner’s article are to present to the class the basic argument made by this
historian so long ago. Students reading the articles by Frost and Gillen would then
square off in a debate, each arguing the point of their particular author.
Assessment 1
Class concludes with each student writing a short paper, stating whether he or she
believes the forced migration of criminals through the transportation program was
meant to be a part of developing Australia into a colony, or whether colonization
was an accidental occurrence in a scheme designed solely for penal purposes.
Students should use the ideas of the authors to draw their own conclusions based
on the authors’ use of evidence. Students might also be asked if they think reading a
particular article influenced their decision and why they think it did or didn’t.
Activity 2
Divide the class in half, using only the articles by Frost and Gillen. As students read
their assigned article have them construct a graphic organizer of the proof each author
offers. In class construct an inclusive graphic organizer on the board.
Assessment 2
Class concludes with each student writing a short paper in which he or she compares
and contrasts the arguments made by Frost and Gillen. You might consider leaving
the graphic organizer on the board or letting the students use their notes for this
exercise. This could also be a homework assignment.
British Convict Forced Migration to Australia: Causes and Consequences
Lesson 2:
The Founding of Australia: Causes of Forced Migration and Conse-
quences of It for Australia and Its Indigenous People
Divide the class into three sections to research different aspects of Australia and
the arrival of the First Fleet. (If this is the only part of the lesson plan that is used
[Appendix A], Teacher’s Notes should be presented in 1520 minutes on Day 1). The
route taken by the First Fleet should be shown on the map. Assignments for the class
should be made as described below.
Half of the class is to examine at least one session of records from Londons Old
Bailey court. These online primary sources provide readers with testimony from actual
trials and the trial verdicts. Reading over a selection of these case trials will give
students a chance to see what types of criminals were sentenced to transportation.
Students, in general, are going to find that most of them were convicted for theft,
demonstrating to students that some people were transported for inconsequential
thefts, while others stole large amounts of goods or money and received the same
sentence. Appendix B provides teachers with information on the sources and
directions on how to access The Proceedings of the Old Bailey one session at a time;
it also provides the teacher and students with basic information about the length of
transportation sentences. Appendix C describes British monetary units used in the
period, which should be helpful when reading the court cases. Depending on the
groups size, students could each be assigned to read 10–20 cases. The teacher should
look at these cases first; it may be determined that he or she wants the students to
read only cases that resulted in transportation sentences.
Upon conclusion of their reading, students should be able to answer the following
• Describethetypicalpersonwhowassentencedtobetransportedto
• Whatkindsofcrimeshadtheycommitted?Iftheywereinvolvedinsome
type of theft, what did they steal and how much was it worth?
• Arethereanyobservabledifferencesbetweenthetreatmentofmenand
• WhatinsightsintoLondonlifearefoundinthesecourtcases?
One-quarter of the class is to explore what these migrants and their jailers found
when they reached Australia for the first time in 1788, and how their time was
occupied once they arrived. A good source for this information is Robert Hughes’s
book, The Fatal Shore. The first half of The Fatal Shore covers the early years of British
Australia; chapters could be divided up to make this reading easier for the group.
Other possible sources include Cathy Dunn and Marion McCreadie, “The Founders of
a Nation: Australias First Fleet,” found at www.ulladulla.info/historian/ffstory.html.
This Web site has many valuable links to other sites related to convict fleets. Another
good site is “First Fleet Online,” found at http://firstfleet.uow.edu.au/objectv.html. This
site has firsthand accounts written by people who traveled on the First Fleet. Both
sites have solid, reliable information. Once students have researched the experiences
of the First Fleet participants, they should be able to answer the following questions:
• HowdidtheclimatecomparetothatofBritain?Whattypesofanimalsand
plant life did they find upon arrival?
• WhatmighthavetheBritishpeoplethoughtunusualabouttheirnewhome?
Why did they think it unusual?
• WhatdidtheconvictsdooncetheyarrivedinAustralia?Whatdidthe
naval officers and sailors experience as they set about to establish the penal
• Howdidconvictsreturnhomeoncetheirsentencewascompleted?
• Describesomeofthedifcultiesencounteredasthepenalcolonywas
• DoesHughessupporttheargumentsmadebyGonnerandFrost,ordoeshe
support those of Gillen?
One-quarter of the class is to research the people who inhabited Australia before
the Europeans arrived. Known as the Aborigines, these native peoples faced a
harsh reality when the British cast anchor: They had no place in British plans for a
settlement colony. To set a context, ask students first to review their class notes on the
fates of Amerindians once the Europeans arrived in North and South America. Once
they have done this, ask students to research the indigenous people of Australia, the
Aborigines. Sources for this research include the Web site of the Australian Museum
in the section entitled “Welcome to Indigenous Australia” found at www.dreamtime.
net.au/index.cfm. Further information can be found in a variety of sources, including
The Fatal Shore, as well as any book on Australian history (anthropology books often
British Convict Forced Migration to Australia: Causes and Consequences
contain good information on the Aborigines). Once their research is completed,
students should be able to answer the following questions:
• WhoweretheAboriginalpeopleofAustralia,andwhatwerecharacteristics
of their societies in the late eighteenth century, before colonization?
• Howquicklydidthecolonygrow?Howdidthecolonyaffectthelivesofthe
Aboriginal population of Australia?
• WhatsimilaritiesanddifferencesarefoundwiththefatesoftheAborigines
of Australia and Amerindians of North and South America?
Two assessment ideas are posited below.
1. Once students have completed their research, groups should report back to
the class on what they found, effectively teaching others in the class about
the causes and consequences of the transportation of convicts and the
establishment of a settlement colony in Australia. Student understanding
of the material can be assessed through thorough answers to the questions
provided above. An extra class period could be devoted to this if students
were assigned to develop short PowerPoint presentations covering their
2. Students could write short papers taking on the persona of a convict, an
Aborigine, or a member of the British naval force. Ask the students to
describe the life of their character in Australia after 1788.
Beattie, J. M. Crime and the Courts in England, 16601800. Princeton, NJ: Princeton
University Press, 1986.
Beattie, John. Policing and Punishment in London, 1660 –1750: Urban Crime and the
Limits of Terror. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2001.
Brooke, Alan, and David Brandon. Bound for Botany Bay: British Convict Voyages to
Australia. Kew, England: The National Archives, 2005.
Daniels, Kay. Convict Women. St. Leonards, Australia: Allen and Unwin, 1998.
Devereaux, Simon. “In Place of Death: Transportation, Penal Practice, and the English
State, 1770-1830.” In Qualities of Mercy: Justice, Punishment and Discretion,
edited by Carolyn Strange. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press, 1996.
Frost, Alan, and Mollie Gillen. “Botany Bay: An Imperial Venture of the 1780s.The
English Historical Review 100:395 (Apr. 1985): 309-30.
Gillen, Mollie. “The Botany Bay Decision, 1786: Convicts, Not Empire.The English
Historical Review 97:385 (Oct. 1982): 740-66.
Gonner, E. C. K. “The Settlement of Australia.The English Historical Review 3:12
(Oct. 1888): 625-34.
Hakluyt, Richard, Discourse on Western Planting, 1584. www.swarthmore.edu/SocSci/
bdorsey1/41docs/03-hak.html (accessed January 24, 2008).
Hughes, Robert. The Fatal Shore: The Epic of Australia’s Founding. New York: Vintage,
Macintyre, Stuart. A Concise History of Australia, 2nd ed. Cambridge, MA:
Cambridge University Press, 2006.
Oxley, Deborah. Convict Maids: The Forced Migration of Women to Australia.
Cambridge, MA: Cambridge University Press, 1996
The Whole Proceedings upon the King’s Commission of Oyer and Terminer and
Gaol Delivery for the City of London and also the Delivery for the County
of Middlesex, December 1782–November 1815. Brighton, Sussex, England:
Harvester Microform, 1984, and www.oldbaileyonline.org.
Appendix A
Teachers Notes: Brief History of Britains
Transportation Program
Britains transportation of criminals to Australia was an extension of a program
thwarted by the beginning of the American Revolution. In the early eighteenth
century, convicts from England and Wales were sent to the American colonies to
serve out their sentences in a remote location, removing the negative behavior of
these convicts from British society (some were also transported to British holding in
the West Indies). Punishment in Britain in this period was rather crude by today’s
standards and included such measures as branding, whipping, fining, placement
in the pillory, and hanging. Imprisonment was very seldom used and would not
become a prevalent form of punishment until the late eighteenth and early nineteenth
centuries. A rather colorful portrayal of transportation to the American colonies is
found in Daniel Defoes Moll Flanders.
This idea of exiling criminals to foreign soil had been posited at least one
hundred years earlier. One such idea was suggested by Richard Hakluyt, an Anglican
priest and an adventurer, whose mind was set on establishing an English settlement
in North America. In A Discourse on Western Planting, which was sent to Queen
Elizabeth in 1584, Hakluyt wrote:
20. Many men of excellent wits and of diverse singular gifts, overthrown by …
some folly of youth that are not able to live in England, may there be raised again,
and so their country good service; and many needful uses there may (to great
purpose) require the saving of great numbers, that for trifles may otherwise be
devoured by the gallows.
22. The frye [children] of the wandering beggars of England, that grow up idly,
and hurtful and burdenous to this realm, may there be unladen, better bred up,
and may people waste countries to the home and foreign benefit, and to their
own more happy state
Source: www.swarthmore.edu/SocSci/bdorsey1/41docs/03-hak.html
When the ability to transport convicts to the American colonies came to an end in
1776, a location in Africa, an island on the River Gambia, became an alternative.
This location proved to be unsuitable because the climate was too harsh for the
prisoners and the prisoners lacked the necessary immunities to combat the diseases
present in the tropical environment. As the African scheme fell from favor, British
officials elected to continue to keep prisoners prepared for transportation, waiting for
a not-yet-named new site in old ships called hulks. There they were jailed and often
they performed hard labor on the rivers while awaiting their transportation; women
generally continued to be housed in various jails and houses of correction throughout
England and Wales until their transportation departure date was imminent. Mollie
Gillens article gives a detailed history of the transportation program. A good literary
portrayal of criminals housed in the hulks and general information on transportation
can be found in Charles Dickenss Great Expectations.
After the British laid claim to Australia following Captain James Cook’s
extensive charting of it in 1770, the remote site was thought to have the potential to
solve the pressing problems of British jails and hulks—too many prisoners and not
enough space for them. Botany Bay in New South Wales (on a map Botany Bay is
located south of Sydney and north of Royal National Park) was proposed to Parliament
as the location. The site was seen as ideal: not only would criminals be removed
from Britain for a long period of time, the likelihood of their returning to Britain when
their sentence expired was small because convicts had to find their own way home.
One pressing historical debate is whether Parliament saw the site as a remote jail or
if there was an intentional plan by Parliament to turn these prisoners into unwilling
colonists. Students and teachers can examine this debate through reading the articles
by Frost, Gillen, and Gonner.
The first group of prisoners forced to migrate to Australia left England aboard
what is known as the First Fleet. They set sail in May 1787 arriving at Botany Bay
eight months later in January 1788. The journey taken was long. Because of the
number of people traveling—including convicts and occasionally family members,
especially children, as well as naval personnel and their familiesprovisions had
to be continually replenished. They stopped at the Canary Islands, Brazil, and
South Africa before reaching their final destination. Over the next 75 years, Britain
continued to send convicts to this destination and others in Australia. The people
British Convict Forced Migration to Australia: Causes and Consequences
sent as criminal exiles formed the foundation of the settlement colony’s population.
Britains interest in transportation began to wane in the mid-nineteenth century as
the concept of imprisonment had gained more adherents and the cost of transporting
people was seen as prohibitive. Further challenges faced the British government as
the colony developed. Gold and other riches were found in Australia in 1851, and it
became clear that a colony with this value should not be filled with Britains societal
Persons of British descent were not, however, the only humans inhabiting the
continent. Aboriginal Australians had lived there thousands of years before the
Europeans arrived. Their population was decimated by the infiltration of British
criminals and colonists. Disease, along with outright killing of Aborigines, led to a
signicant decline in their numbers after the First Fleet arrived.
According to Robert Hughes in The Fatal Shore, nothing like the establishment
of a penal colony and then a settlement colony so far from home had ever been
attempted by any nation (see Chapters 3 and 17). This social experiment had wide-
ranging ramications, including the establishment of a settlement colony (that would
eventually become an independent nation) and the marginalization and exploitation of
indigenous Australians.
Appendix B
Basic Information About The Proceedings
of the Old Bailey and Accessing
the Records
The Proceedings of the Old Bailey became available on the Internet in 2003.
Previously, it was available on microfilm and in its original paper format in a few
locations in England and the United States. The Proceedings is a compilation of
records of the court cases heard at Londons famous court, the Old Bailey. These
records are not official transcripts taken by a court recorder. They were recorded
by reporters who took minutes of the trials. These reporters were hired by a private
rm. The resulting publication resembled a small newspaper and sold throughout
London. While the court itself was not responsible for the content of The Proceedings,
eventually judges came to rely on it as a transcript. Trials were held eight times
each year. To find out more about The Proceedings, the Web site has a valuable
bibliography posted. Further, the Web site contains excellent information about the
records themselves, some historical background, and a good glossary (something that
students might find particularly helpful).
• Toaccessasinglesession,proceedinthefollowingmanner:
• Startatthehomepage:www.oldbaileyonline.org/
• Select:SearchtheProceedings
• Select:BrowsebyDate
• Selectayear for your students to explore (the late 1780s and the 1790s
are good because it was during these times that the people were first
transported to Australia).
• Selecta month.
The month will then be accessed. Before making the assignment to the class, the
teacher may want to look over that month. It might be best to give students a series of
cases at which to look. Each month has a different number of cases. Another possible
way for the teacher to assign the cases is to have students look at only those that
result in the transportation of the defendant.
Differing Sentences (Lengths) of Transportation
Transportation 7 years: This was the usual length of a sentence for those who
were transported.
Transportation 14 years: This sentence was almost solely confined to persons
convicted of receiving stolen goods. The British courts believed if no one
received stolen goods and then offered those goods for resale, fewer individuals
would steal. Pawnbrokers and other dealers in secondhand merchandise were
often the persons convicted of this crime.
Transportation for life: Early on in cases involving transportation to Australia,
transportation for life was not handed down by the courts unless the defendant
was given part of a sentence reduction; some persons sentenced to death had
their sentences commuted to transportation for life. After the early 1800s,
transportation for life was used for crimes thought to be particularly harmful to
society, such as armed robbery or burglary.
Persons returning from transportation: If the courts found out that an
individual had returned home before the conclusion of his or her sentence, that
person could be sentenced to death. This was Magwitchs problem in Great
Appendix C
British Money
Basic Monetary Units and Their Abbreviations in
The Proceedings of
the Old Bailey
Pence (d) (also sometimes called a penny)
Shilling (s)
Pound (£)
Relative Value of Each Unit
One farthing = one-quarter of a pence
One shilling = 12 pence
One pound = 20 shillings (a silver piece around which the currency was and
still is based; when issued in gold it was called a crown)
One guinea = 21 shillings
British Convict Forced Migration to Australia: Causes and Consequences
About the Editor
Kathy Callahan is an assistant professor of history at the University of Wisconsin–
Stout, where she teaches courses in world and European history. Her research
interests center on the criminality of women in London during the long eighteenth
century. A trip to China has also interested her in Chinese history. She is active in AP
World History, serving as a Reader and Table Leader.
About the Authors
Valerie Cox teaches AP World History at Appleton West High School in Appleton,
Wisconsin. She is a College Board consultant, Table Leader for the AP World History
Exam, mentor for new AP teachers via the College Board, and published author for
World History Connected. She has made presentations at the National World History
Conference and the Berkshire Conference on the History of Women and written test
questions for ETS.
Alan Karras is the current chair of the AP World History Development Committee;
he has also worked extensively on the course redesign. He teaches world history at
the University of California at Berkeley, along with political economy. He is the author
of several books and articles, and is currently trying to complete a transnational study
of smuggling.
Tim Keirn was educated at UCLA and the London School of Economics, and teaches
British and world history as well as history education courses at California State
University Long Beach. He has been actively involved in AP World History since its
inception as a Question Leader at the exam Reading and as an institute director in
a number of professional development projects. He is currently co-editor (with Ken
Curtis and Heather Streets) of the volumes Witness to World History (forthcoming in
2009) and author of The Early Modern World within the series.
Adam McKeown is an associate professor of history at Columbia University,
where he is the co-coordinator of the Ph.D. track in International and Global History,
and teaches courses on the history of globalization, world migration, and the world
drug trade. His book on the history of international identification documents and
border control, Melancholy Order: Asian Migration and the Globalization of Borders,
1834–1939, is due to be published by Columbia University Press at the end of 2008.
Rick Warner is an associate professor of Latin American and world history at
Wabash College in Indiana. His research interests include colonial Mexican frontier
missions and world history pedagogy. Warner has been active in AP U.S. and World
History since 1999, and has served as a Table Leader since 2007.
Peter Winn is professor of history at Tufts University and a recent member of the AP
World History Development Committee and the advisory board of the Annenberg–PBS
multimedia project “Bridging World History.” He is the author of Americas: The
Changing Face of Latin America and the Caribbean.
Robert Zeidel is an associate professor of history at the University of Wisconsin–
Stout. He received his Ph.D. from Marquette University, and has been an AP U.S.
History Reader and Table Leader since 1992. Zeidel specializes in U.S. immigration
and ethnic history, and has written extensively on that topic.