Contents of the Rating Guide
For Part III A Scaffold (open-ended) questions:
A question-specific rubric
For Part III B (DBQ) essay:
A content-specific rubric
Prescored answer papers. Score levels 5 and 1 have two papers each,
and score levels 4, 3, and 2 have three papers each. They are ordered
by score level from high to low.
Commentary explaining the specific score awarded to each paper
Five prescored practice papers
• Test Specifications
• Web addresses for the test-specific conversion chart and teacher
evaluation forms
Updated information regarding the rating of this examination may be posted on the
New York State Education Department’s web site during the rating period. Visit the
site at:
and select the link “Scoring Information”
for any recently posted information regarding this examination. This site should be
checked before the rating process for this examination begins and several times
throughout the Regents Examination period.
Copyright 2013
The University of the State of New York
Albany, New York 12234
The University of the State of New York
Thursday, June 13, 2013 — 9:15 a.m. to 12:15 p.m., only
Mechanics of Rating
The procedures on page 2 are to be used in rating papers for this examination. More detailed directions
for the organization of the rating process and procedures for rating the examination are included in the
Information Booklet for Scoring the Regents Examination in Global History and Geography and
United States History and Government.
Global Hist. & Geo. Rating Guide – June ’13 [2] Vol. 2
Rating the Essay Question
(1) Follow your school’s procedures for training raters. This process should include:
Introduction to the task—
Raters read the task
Raters identify the answers to the task
Raters discuss possible answers and summarize expectations for student responses
Introduction to the rubric and anchor papers—
Trainer leads review of specific rubric with reference to the task
Trainer reviews procedures for assigning holistic scores, i.e., by matching evidence from the response
to the rubric
Trainer leads review of each anchor paper and commentary
Practice scoring individually—
Raters score a set of five papers independently without looking at the scores and commentaries
Trainer records scores and leads discussion until the raters feel confident enough to move on to
actual rating
(2) When actual rating begins, each rater should record his or her individual rating for a student’s essay on
the rating sheet provided, not directly on the student’s essay or answer sheet. The rater should not
correct the student’s work by making insertions or changes of any kind.
(3) Each essay must be rated by at least two raters; a third rater will be necessary to resolve scores that
differ by more than one point.
Rating the Scaffold (open-ended) Questions
(1) Follow a similar procedure for training raters.
(2) The scaffold questions are to be scored by one rater.
(3) The scores for each scaffold question must be recorded in the student’s examination booklet and on the
student’s answer sheet. The letter identifying the rater must also be recorded on the answer sheet.
(4) Record the total Part III A score if the space is provided on the student’s Part I answer sheet.
Schools are not permitted to rescore any of the open-ended questions (scaffold questions,
thematic essay, DBQ essay) on this exam after each question has been rated the required
number of times as specified in the rating guides, regardless of the final exam score. Schools are
required to ensure that the raw scores have been added correctly and that the resulting scale
score has been determined accurately. Teachers may not score their own students’ answer
The scoring coordinator will be responsible for organizing the movement of papers, calculating a final
score for each student’s essay, recording that score on the student’s Part I answer sheet, and determining
the student’s final examination score. The conversion chart for this examination is located at
and must be used for determining the final examination score.
Global Hist. & Geo. Rating Guide – June ’13 [3] Vol. 2
Document 1a Document 1b
Global History and Geography
Part A Specific Rubric
Document-Based Question
June 2013
Source: Mou-Sien Tseng, painting,
New Masters Gallery online (adapted)
Source: Morris Rossabi, “All the Khan’s Horses,”
Natural History, October 1994
… The Mongols had developed a composite
bow made out of sinew and horn and were
skilled at shooting it while riding, which gave
them the upper hand against ordinary foot
soldiers. With a range of more than 350 yards,
the bow was superior to the contemporaneous
[co-existing] English longbow, whose range
was only 250 yards. A wood-and-leather saddle,
which was rubbed with sheep’s fat to prevent
cracking and shrinkage, allowed the horses to
bear the weight of their riders for long periods
and also permitted the riders to retain a firm
seat. Their saddlebags contained cooking pots,
dried meat, yogurt, water bottles, and other
essentials for lengthy expeditions. Finally, a
sturdy stirrup enabled horsemen to be steadier
and thus more accurate in shooting when
mounted. A Chinese chronicler recognized the
horse’s value to the Mongols, observing that
“by nature they [the Mongols] are good at
riding and shooting. Therefore they took
possession of the world through this advantage
of bow and horse.”…
Source: Morris Rossabi, “All the Khan’s Horses,”
Natural History, October 1994
1a Based on these documents, what advantage did the stirrup give to Mongol warriors?
Score of 1:
States an advantage the stirrup gave to Mongol warriors based on these documents
Examples: a stirrup enabled horsemen to be steadier/more accurate in shooting; it helped
make them better shots/shooters/archers; it allowed them to use both hands on
the bow
Score of 0:
Incorrect response
Examples: allowed the horses to bear the weight of their riders for long periods;
permitted riders to retain a firm seat; allowed them to carry things/cooking
Vague response
Examples: horses were important; the Mongols developed it; it enabled
No response
Global Hist. & Geo. Rating Guide – June ’13 [4] Vol. 2
1b Based on these documents, what did the combined technology of the composite bow
and the stirrup enable the Mongols to do?
Score of 1:
States what the combined technology of the composite bow and the stirrup enabled the
Mongols to do based on these documents
Examples: gave them the upper hand to defeat ordinary foot soldiers; gave them an
advantage to defeat ordinary foot soldiers; to defeat ordinary foot
soldiers/their enemies; to conquer people; to shoot further with greater
accuracy; they could conquer/take possession of/control parts of the world
Score of 0:
Incorrect response
Examples: the bow was superior to the contemporaneous English longbow; horses could
bear the weight of riders for longer periods; to undertake lengthy expeditions
Vague response
Examples: they took advantage; it gave them value; to take possession; they gained an
No response
Global Hist. & Geo. Rating Guide – June ’13 [5] Vol. 2
Document 2
2 According to Robert Guisepi, what was one change that resulted from the interaction
between Europeans and Mongols?
Score of 1:
States one change that resulted from the interaction between Europeans and Mongols
according to Robert Guisepi
Examples: destruction; Turkic people/Europeans learned new ways of making
war/learned effectiveness of gunpowder; old trade routes were revived;
increased trade; foods/tools/ideas were exchanged on an unprecedented scale;
provided precedents/examples for overseas expansion; brought great wealth to
European traders
Score of 0:
Incorrect response
Examples: decreased trade; ended contact between Europeans and Mongols; ended the
use of gunpowder
Vague response
Examples: it had special significance; it brought a westward march; exchanges; benefits
No response
Source: Robert Guisepi, “The Last Great Nomadic Challenges – From Chinggis Khan to Timur,”
The Mongols, International World History Project online
Though much of what the Mongols wrought [brought about] on their westward march was
destructive, some benefits were reaped from their forays [raids] into Europe and conquests in
Muslim areas. By example, they taught new ways of making war and impressed on their Turkic
and European enemies the effectiveness of gunpowder.
As we have seen, Mongol conquests facilitated [aided] trade between the civilizations at each
end of Eurasia, making possible the exchange of foods, tools, and ideas on an unprecedented
scale. The revived trade routes brought great wealth to traders such as those from north Italy,
who set up outposts in the eastern Mediterranean, along the Black Sea coast, and as far east
as the Caspian Sea. Because the establishment of these trading empires by the Venetians and
Genoese provided precedents [examples] for the later drives for overseas expansion by
peoples such as the Portuguese and English, they are of special significance in global
Global Hist. & Geo. Rating Guide – June ’13 [6] Vol. 2
Document 3
3 According to Gregory Guzman, what was one effect the Mongols had on the European
view of the world?
Score of 1:
States one effect the Mongols had on the European view of the world according to Gregory
Examples: Europeans were exposed to the true size/scope of the Eurasian landmass; the
Europeans’ view of the world was challenged by being exposed to different
cultures/beliefs/values/attitudes/institutions; Europe was forced out of its
narrow religious-geographic perspective; Europeans began to realize that they
had to deal with/relate to the non-Christian world; Westerners realized that
they could not refuse to recognize/deal with the rest of the world simply
because it was non-Christian; Europeans could not ignore and pretend that
non-Christian peoples and cultures did not exist; Europeans no longer tried to
force peoples into a specific Biblical niche/role
Score of 0:
Incorrect response
Examples: changed European perspectives on everyone; Europeans were able to ignore
non-Christian peoples; Westerners refused to deal with the rest of the world
Vague response
Examples: they could not refuse to recognize; assigned the Mongols and other Asians a
permanent place; they were incorporated into the framework; different
No response
Source: Gregory Guzman, “Christian Europe and Mongol Asia:
First Medieval Intercultural Contact Between East and West,”
Essays in Medieval Studies, Volume 2,
Proceedings of the Illinois Medieval Association online
Diplomatic exchanges between Christian Europe and Mongol Asia led to the emergence
of the first Western eye-witness accounts of far-off East Asia. For the first time, Western
Europeans were exposed to the true size and scope of the Eurasian landmass; they were
exposed to different cultures, beliefs, values, attitudes, and institutions; the papacy and
Europe were thus forced out of their narrow religious-geographic perspective; they began to
realize that they had to deal with and relate to the non-Christian world with its many different
peoples, religions, and cultures. The Europeans gradually assigned the Mongols and other
Asians a permanent place in the natural order of things; they no longer tried to force all
peoples into a specific Biblical niche or role as they initially did during Europe’s narrow
Christian view of the world and all people in it. The Westerners realized that they could not
refuse to recognize and deal with the rest of the world simply because it was non-Christian
[and] that they could not ignore and pretend that all non-Christian peoples and cultures did
not exist. Thus the Mongols and Asians were incorporated into the West’s intellectual
framework in the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries.…
Global Hist. & Geo. Rating Guide – June ’13 [7] Vol. 2
Document 4a Document 4b
Source: George R. Schwarz,
Center for Maritime Archaeology and Conservation,
Texas A & M University (adapted)
4 Based on these documents, what were two ways the caravel affected European
interaction with other groups?
Score of 2 or 1:
Award 1 credit (up to a maximum of 2 credits) for each different way the caravel affected
European interaction with other groups based on these documents
Examples: improved transportation to the Americas/permitted faster travel to the
Americas/allowed people to travel to the Americas more easily; allowed
travel in shallow waters to trade/fight/pirate/explore; trade could increase
because cargo could be carried to/from the Americas; enabled them to engage
in trade with the Americas; European pirates could use these ships to attack
other Europeans/gain wealth and materials/goods; was more effective in
fighting war against other countries; pirates now had faster/more
maneuverable ships to prey on victims; it allowed Europeans to travel greater
distances to new lands; could be used to wage war/fight in wars; allowed
them to defend themselves against pirates; allowed for/increased cultural
diffusion through warfare/trade/exploration; ability to adjust sails and sail
downwind allowed for exploration
Note: To receive maximum credit, two different ways the caravel affected European interactions
with other groups must be stated. For example, improved transportation to the Americas and
permitted faster travel to the Americas is the same way expressed in different words. In this and
similar cases, award only one credit for this question.
Score of 0:
Incorrect response
Examples: could sail downwind; use square sails; slowed trade; made exploration harder
Vague response
Examples: maneuverable; fast; transportation; carried cargo
No response
Advantages of Caravel
• Fast
• Maneuverable
• Easy to sail in shallow waters
• Able to sail downwind using square sails
Uses of Caravel
• Carrying cargo
• Fighting wars
• Pirating
• Exploring the Americas
Global Hist. & Geo. Rating Guide – June ’13 [8] Vol. 2
Document 5
Source: Alfred W. Crosby Jr., The Columbian Exchange: Biological and Cultural Consequences of 1492,
Greenwood Publishing (adapted)
It all began in Española [Hispaniola] with sugar, which was already a profitable plantation
crop in the Canaries and Portugal’s Atlantic islands in the fifteenth century. Columbus himself
had shipped sugar from Madeira to Genoa in 1478, and the mother of his first wife owned a
sugar estate on that island. He brought sugar cane with him to Española in 1493, and the cane
grew well in American soil. But the growth of the sugar industry was painfully slow until
Charles V intervened, ordering that sugar masters and mill technicians be recruited from the
Canaries, and authorizing loans to build sugar mills on Española. There were thirty-four mills
on the island by the late 1530s and sugar was one of the two staples of the island’s economy
(the other being cattle ranching) until the latter part of the sixteenth century.…
5 According to Alfred W. Crosby, what was one effect of Spanish colonization on the
island of Española?
Score of 1:
States one effect of Spanish colonization on the island of Española according to Alfred W.
Examples: sugar mills were built; sugar/cattle ranching became a staple of the island’s
economy; sugar masters/mill technicians were brought from the Canaries;
changed the economy of Española; plantation farming was introduced;
introduction of new crops/sugar cane; introduction of livestock; cattle
ranching introduced; it had 34 mills by the late 1530s
Score of 0:
Incorrect response
Examples: Columbus shipped sugar to Genoa; sugar mills were destroyed; Charles V
ended ranching
Vague response
Examples: it was introduced; it all began there; they were brought from the Canaries;
painfully slow; two staples; authorization of loans; intervened
No response
Global Hist. & Geo. Rating Guide – June ’13 [9] Vol. 2
Document 6
Source: Guide to the Essentials of World History, Prentice Hall
Growing sugar cane became a large business. At first, Native Americans were forced to
work on sugar plantations, large estates run by an owner or overseer. They were treated
cruelly, and many died. The Spanish then brought slaves from Africa to do the work.
A new social structure developed. People born in Spain made up the highest social class.
Those of European descent born in the colonies were next. People of mixed European and
Indian or African descent were in the middle. Native Americans and people of African
descent were in the lowest classes.…
6 Based on this document, what were two changes in the Americas that resulted from
interactions with the Spanish?
Score of 2 or 1:
Award 1 credit (up to a maximum of 2 credits) for each different change in the Americas that
resulted from interactions with the Spanish based on this document
Examples: growing sugar cane became a large business; a new social structure/social
classes developed based on ethnicity and place of birth/people of
African/Native American descent were in the lowest classes; Native
Americans were forced to work on sugar plantations; Native Americans were
treated cruelly/many died; Spaniards brought enslaved Africans over to work
on sugar plantations/African slavery was introduced
Note: To receive maximum credit, two different changes in the Americas that resulted from
interactions with the Spanish must be stated. For example, African slavery was introduced and
Spaniards brought enslaved Africans over to work on sugar plantations are the same change
expressed in different words. In this and similar cases, award only one credit for this question.
Score of 0:
Incorrect response
Examples: Native Americans did not work on sugar plantations; slavery was abolished;
Native Americans made up the highest social class
Vague response
Examples: they were forced to work; a structure developed; people were born in Spain
No response
Bay of
0 300 Miles
Broad Gauge
Meter Gauge and
Narrow Gauge
Source: Ashok K. Dutt et al.,
India in Maps
Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company (adapted)
Global Hist. & Geo. Rating Guide – June ’13 [10] Vol. 2
Document 7a Document 7b
Source: Ashok K. Dutt et al.,
India in Maps
Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company (adapted)
7 Based on these documents, what do railroads enable colonial powers to do?
Score of 1:
States what railroads enabled colonial powers to do based on these documents
Examples: support the growth of imperialism/engage in the process of imperialism;
expand empires/increase territory; spread economic patterns/ideas/institutions;
reach different places within the empire; transport products/commodities; to
feed growing industries of the West; to connect interior regions/cities with
coastal regions/cities; enabled colonial powers to change land ownership
patterns; dispossess/take away the land of the previous inhabitants; spread new
legal codes within conquered territories; produce new commodities; travel
Score of 0:
Incorrect response
Examples: end imperialism; stop exploitation; stop production of new commodities
Vague response
Examples: play a role; engage in a process; it was the story everywhere
No response
Source: Robert Lee, “Potential Railway World
Heritage Sites in Asia and the Pacific,”
Institute of Railway Studies and Transport History,
The University of York
The age of railroads played a role in and
supported the growth of a new period of
Thus, colonial railways were part of
this process of the spread of empire, its
economic patterns, its ideas and its
institutions. The process was
essentially the same throughout the
world: production of new commodities
to feed the burgeoning [quickly
growing] industries of the West; new
populations to produce them; new
patterns of land ownership, often
involving the dispossession of previous
inhabitants; new legal codes to make
the conquered lands safe for invest-
ment and exploitation. Such was the
story everywhere empires expanded.…
Global Hist. & Geo. Rating Guide – June ’13 [11] Vol. 2
Document 8
Source: Bipan Chandra, “Economic Nationalism and the Railway Debate, circa 1880–1905,”
in Our Indian Railway, Foundation Books (adapted)
A review of the existing railway policy led them [Indian nationalist leaders] to conclude that
it was not primarily regulated in the interests of the Indian people; and that it largely ignored
Indian needs, particularly industrial needs, and was mainly meant to serve British economic
and political interests. They noted that railways played an important role in imparting colonial
character to the Indian economy. They were even able to glimpse the growing connection
between railway development in a backward country and the growing power of finance in the
advanced metropolitan country and the consequent political complications.
They wanted railways to serve national economic interest by stimulating economic
development, which was in turn seen as consisting of industrial and agricultural growth. To
them the proper railway policy was one that promoted Indian industry and a proper public
works policy one that gave priority to irrigation and agriculture. They desired railway policy to
give due weight to the state of Indian finances and Indian economy.…
8 According to Bipan Chandra, what is one concern the Indian nationalist leaders had
regarding British railway policy?
Score of 1:
States one concern the Indian nationalist leaders had regarding British railway policy
according to Bipan Chandra
Examples: the policy was not in the best interest of Indian people; it ignored Indian
needs/industrial needs; it served British economic/political interests; it served
certain needs of the British but not necessarily Indian needs; did not stimulate
the growth of Indian economic development/industry/agriculture; played an
important role in imparting colonial character to the Indian economy; British
railway policy did not give due weight to the state of Indian finances/the Indian
economy; it created political complications between India and Great Britain;
railway development created political complications due to the role of British
finance; it did not give priority to the development of irrigation/agriculture; it
advanced Great Britain at the expense of Indian development
Score of 0:
Incorrect response
Examples: was a proper public works policy; promoted Indian industry/finances; made
them a metropolitan country; it gave priority to irrigation/agriculture
Vague response
Examples: glimpsed a growing connection; served certain needs; growing power of
finance; it did not give due weight
No response
This excerpt analyzes the Indian railway system from the Indian nationalist point of view between 1880
and 1905.
Global Hist. & Geo. Rating Guide – June ’13 [12] Vol. 2
Document 9
Source: Ian J. Kerr, Engines of Change: The Railroads That Made India, Praeger
The railroads facilitated, linked, and coordinated a wide variety of socioeconomic processes
and cooperated with other large-scale transportation and communication systems. For
example, the railroads enabled national markets with converging prices for food grains
[to reduce the gap between prices] to emerge in the 1880s; the same railroads made it possible
for peasant villagers to undertake quick pilgrimages (within a few days or less) during their
brief respites [relief] from the demands of agriculture. The hard backbone of British colonial
rule in India, the British soldier and his weaponry, could be quartered in fewer places in the
knowledge that the railroads could transport troops rapidly to trouble spots. The publications
of what became the outpourings of many presses owned by Indians and printed in Indian
languages and in English found profitable markets. The railroads synergistically [mutually]
cooperating with the post office facilitated the inexpensive, bulk shipments of books,
magazines, and newspapers, among which many came to have nationalist orientations.…
9 According to Ian Kerr, what were two changes that resulted from the British building
Score of 2 or 1:
Award 1 credit (up to a maximum of 2 credits) for each different change that resulted from
the British building railroads according to Ian Kerr
Examples: they affected the price of food in India/the price of food was affected by the
emergence of national markets; made it possible for peasant villagers to
undertake quick pilgrimages; provided better transportation for villagers
throughout India/peasant villagers could move more easily from town to
town; provided better communication throughout India; railroads could
transport troops rapidly to trouble spots; British soldiers could be stationed in
fewer places; the railroads facilitated the inexpensive, bulk shipments of
books/magazines/newspapers with nationalist orientations; Indian
publications found profitable markets or could be shipped throughout the
country or could be shipped inexpensively or affected Indian society by
facilitating the spread of ideas; railroads facilitated/coordinated/linked
socioeconomic processes with other transportation/communication systems
Note: To receive maximum credit, two different changes that resulted from the British building
railroads must be stated. For example, they affected the price of food in India and the price of
food was affected by the emergence of national markets are the same change expressed in
different words. In this and similar cases, award only one credit for this question.
Score of 0:
Incorrect response
Examples: increased the prices of publications; made pilgrimages more difficult; made
communication more difficult
Vague response
Examples: they facilitated/linked/coordinated; processes increased
No response
Global Hist. & Geo. Rating Guide – June ’13 [13] Vol. 2
Global History and Geography
Content-Specific Rubric
Document-Based Essay
June 2013
Scoring Notes:
1. This document-based question has a minimum of six components (explaining how each of
two technological advancements affected the interactions of a specific civilization or society
with another group and discussing at least two changes that resulted from these interactions).
2. Changes that resulted from the interactions of a specific civilization or society with another
group may be on the group that initiated the interaction, the group that was affected by the
interaction, or a combination of the two.
3. The changes resulting from the interactions may be immediate or long term.
4. A change that resulted from the interactions of a specific civilization or society with another
group may be the same for both technological advancements but the facts and details will
vary, e.g., negative effects of the use of the caravel and railroad on native societies.
5. Changes that resulted from the interactions of a specific civilization or society with another
group do not need to be specifically identified as a change but may be implied in a
discussion of results of the interaction.
6. The response may discuss a change resulting from an interaction from a variety of
perspectives as long as the position taken is supported by accurate facts and examples.
7. Only two technological advancements should be chosen from the historical context. If three
technological advancements are addressed, only the first two should be rated.
8. For the purposes of meeting the criteria of using at least four documents in the response,
documents 1a, 1b, 4a, 4b, 7a, and 7b may be considered as separate documents if the
response uses separate specific facts from each document.
All sample student essays in this rating guide are presented in the same cursive font while
preserving actual student work, including errors. This will ensure that the sample essays are
easier for raters to read and use as scoring aids.
Raters should continue to disregard the quality of a student’s handwriting in scoring examination
papers and focus on how well the student has accomplished the task. The content-specific rubric
should be applied holistically in determining the level of a student’s response.
Historical Context: Technological advancements such as the combined use of the bow and
the stirrup by the Mongols, the use of the caravel by the Spanish, and
the use of the railroad in India have affected how certain civilizations
and societies have interacted with each other. Changes have resulted
from these interactions
Task: Select two technological advancements mentioned in the historical context and for
Explain how this technological advancement affected the interactions of a specific
civilization or society with another group
Discuss changes that resulted from these interactions
Global Hist. & Geo. Rating Guide – June ’13 [14] Vol. 2
Score of 5:
Thoroughly develops all aspects of the task evenly and in depth by explaining how each of two
technological advancements affected the interactions of a specific civilization or society with another
group and discussing at least two changes that resulted from these interactions
Is more analytical than descriptive (analyzes, evaluates, and/or creates* information), e.g., bow and
stirrup: connects the importance of this technology in Mongol conquests to the wealth generated through
revived trade routes and to the exposure of Europeans to Asian products and a more diverse world view;
railroads: connects the British building of railroad networks in India to the establishment and spread of
British imperialist policies, an increase in British wealth and power, and Indian efforts to develop a
national identity and end colonial rule
Incorporates relevant information from at least four documents (see Key Ideas Chart)
Incorporates substantial relevant outside information related to technological advancements (see Outside
Information Chart)
Richly supports the theme with many relevant facts, examples, and details, e.g., bow and stirrup: greater
range and accuracy of arrows; leadership of Genghis Khan; role of Marco Polo; trade on Silk Roads;
results of Pax Mongolica; diplomacy between Christian Europe and Mongol Asia; Black Death;
railroads: English as a common language; development of national markets; Asia’s greatest rail
network; resistance by the Indian people; improved communication; easier movement of troops;
movement of cotton and tea to coastal ports
Demonstrates a logical and clear plan of organization; includes an introduction and a conclusion that are
beyond a restatement of the theme
Score of 4:
Develops all aspects of the task but may do so somewhat unevenly by discussing one technological
advancement more thoroughly than the second technological advancement or by developing one aspect of
the task less thoroughly than the other aspects
Is both descriptive and analytical (applies, analyzes, evaluates, and/or creates* information), e.g., bow and
stirrup: discusses how this technology aided Mongol conquests and led to revitalized Eurasian trade and
opened diplomatic exchanges between Europe and East Asia; railroads: discusses how the railroads built by
the British in India influenced the spread of British imperialist policies and affected Indian independence
Incorporates relevant information from at least four documents
Incorporates relevant outside information
Supports the theme with relevant facts, examples, and details
Demonstrates a logical and clear plan of organization; includes an introduction and a conclusion that are
beyond a restatement of the theme
Score of 3:
Develops all as
pects of the task with little depth or develops at least four aspects of the task in some depth
Is more descriptive than analytical (applies, may analyze and/or evaluate information)
Incorporates some relevant information from some of the documents
Incorporates limited relevant outside information
Includes some relevant facts, examples, and details; may include some minor inaccuracies
Demonstrates a satisfactory plan of organization; includes an introduction and a conclusion that may be a
restatement of the theme
Note: If all aspects of the task have been thoroughly developed evenly and in depth for one technological
advancement and the response meets most of the other Level 5 criteria, the overall response may be a
Level 3 paper.
Global Hist. & Geo. Rating Guide – June ’13 [15] Vol. 2
Score of 2:
Minimally develops all aspects of the task or develops at least three aspects of the task in some depth
Is primarily descriptive; may include faulty, weak, or isolated application or analysis
Incorporates limited relevant information from the documents or consists primarily of relevant information
copied from the documents
Presents little or no relevant outside information
Includes few relevant facts, examples, and details; may include some inaccuracies
Demonstrates a general plan of organization; may lack focus; may contain digressions; may not clearly
identify which aspect of the task is being addressed; may lack an introduction and/or a conclusion
Score of 1:
Minimally develops some aspects of the task
Is descriptive; may lack understanding, application, or analysis
Makes vague, unclear references to the documents or consists primarily of relevant and irrelevant
information copied from the documents
Presents no relevant outside information
Includes few relevant facts, examples, or details; may include inaccuracies
May demonstrate a weakness in organization; may lack focus; may contain digressions; may not clearly
identify which aspect of the task is being addressed; may lack an introduction and/or a conclusion
Score of 0:
Fails to develop the task or may only refer to the theme in a general way; OR includes no relevant facts,
examples, or details; OR includes only the historical context and/or task as copied from the test booklet; OR
includes only entire documents copied from the test booklet; OR is illegible; OR is a blank paper
*The term create as used by Anderson/Krathwohl, et al. in their 2001 revision of Bloom’s Taxonomy of Educational Objectives refers
to the highest level of cognitive domain. This usage of create is similar to Bloom’s use of the term synthesis. Creating implies an
insightful reorganization of information into a new pattern or whole. While a Level 5 paper will contain analysis and/or evaluation of
information, a very strong paper may also include examples of creating information as defined by Anderson and Krathwohl.
Global Hist. & Geo. Rating Guide – June ’13 [16] Vol. 2
Bow and Stirrup
Key Ideas from Documents 1–3
Relevant Outside Information
(This list is not all-inclusive.)
How Technological Advancement Affected
How Technological Advancement Affected
Doc 1—Allowed Mongol warriors to shoot while
riding, giving them an advantage in the case of war
Gave Mongol warriors an upper hand against foot
Greater range of fire allowed by Mongol bow than
the English longbow (350 yards to 250 yards)
Horsemen had a steadier ride and more accurate
shooting with stirrup
Doc 2—Allowed for conquests facilitating trade at
each end of Eurasia
Facilitated Genghis Khan’s conquests
Facilitated expansion of the empire
Enabled intimidation based on cruelty and fear
toward those resisting the Mongols
Enabled use of siege warfare including flaming
arrows and projectiles from catapults
Changes Resulting from Interactions Changes Resulting from Interactions
Doc 2—Destruction as a result of invasions of
Europe and conquests in Muslim areas
Led to new ways of making war
Effectiveness of gunpowder learned by Turks and
Foods, tools, and ideas exchanged on an
unprecedented scale
Trade routes revived and wealth brought to traders
with outposts in the eastern Mediterranean, along
Black Sea coast, and on western shore of Caspian
Trading empires established by the Venetians and
Genoese serve as examples to the Portuguese and
Doc 3—First eye-witness accounts of East Asia from
diplomatic exchanges between Christian Europe
and Mongol Asia
Western Europeans exposed to the size and scope of
Eurasian landmass
Western Europeans exposed to different cultures,
beliefs, values, attitudes, institutions
Papacy and Europe forced out of their narrow
religious-geographic perspective
Mongols and other Asians incorporated into the
West’s intellectual framework in 13th and 14th
Mongol Empire stretched from Poland to northern
China by 1250
Safe interregional trade and travel on the Silk Roads
a result of Mongol policies and practices (Pax
Mongolica, Marco Polo)
Stimulated Western desires and appetites for Asian
goods (spices, tea)
Spread of ideas to Europe and influence on
Renaissance and Scientific Revolution
(mathematics, anatomy, printing)
Benefit of trade to city-states in Italy (Florence,
Increase in trade (silk and porcelain from China, wine
and olives from Europe)
Traders exposed to ambassadors, scholars,
missionaries from different Eurasian cultures
Possible spread of plague from China to the West
along trade routes
Global Hist. & Geo. Rating Guide – June ’13 [17] Vol. 2
Key Ideas from Documents 4–6
Relevant Outside Information
(This list is not all-inclusive.)
How Technological Advancement Affected
How Technological Advancement Affected
Doc 4—Expanded travel through the use of square
and triangular sails
Exploration of the Americas through increased
maneuverability and ability to sail in shallow
Enabled trade/carrying of cargo
Made pirating and fighting of wars easier
Aided Spanish and Portuguese in building overseas
Aided the conquests of Spanish conquistadores
(Cortes—Aztecs, Pizarro— Incas)
Aided Vasco da Gama in sailing around the Cape of
Good Hope
Aided Ferdinand Magellan in circumnavigating the
Changes Resulting from Interactions Changes Resulting from Interactions
Doc 4—Wars fought, coastlines patrolled, cargo
carried; pirating increased
Doc 5—Sugar cane brought to Hispaniola
Growth of sugar industry (sugar masters and mill
technicians recruited from Canary Islands, loans
authorized for sugar mills in Hispaniola)
Sugar and cattle ranching staple economic activities
on Hispaniola until latter part of 16th century
Doc 6—Sugar cane became large business
Native Americans forced to work on sugar
plantations run by owners/overseers
Death of many Native Americans due to cruel
Enslaved Africans brought by Spanish to the
Americas to work on plantations
Development of a new social structure (highest:
people born in Spain; second: those of European
descent born in colonies; middle: people of mixed
European and Indian or African descent; lowest:
Native Americans and Africans)
Increase in European curiosity about the outside
Competition of European leaders for colonies and
Division of the world between Spain and Portugal by
the Pope (Treaty of Tordesillas)
New foods, other products, and diseases introduced
to Europe and Americas (Columbian exchange)
Competition of British, Dutch, and French with
Spanish and Portuguese for colonial empires in
Development of trans-Atlantic slave trade
Death of Native Americans from diseases
Development of mercantilism by Europeans
Inflation in Spain as a result of imports of silver
from Peru
New maps of the world and world regions developed
Many Native Americans converted to Christianity
Encomienda system established by Spanish
Destruction of Native American cities by Europeans
and building of new ones
Global Hist. & Geo. Rating Guide – June ’13 [18] Vol. 2
Key Ideas from Documents 7–9 Relevant Outside Information
(This list is not all-inclusive.)
How Technological Advancement Affected
How Technological Advancement Affected
Doc 7—Major interior cities in India linked to
coastal regions
Influence of British empire expanded (economic
patterns, ideas, institutions)
Doc 8—British economic and political interests
promoted by railroad construction at the expense
of Indian economic development
Doc 9—Facilitated, linked, coordinated a wide
variety of socioeconomic processes
Allowed for cooperation with other large-scale
transportation and communication systems
Telegraph/telephone systems developed in areas
where the railroad was built
Changes Resulting from Interactions Changes Resulting from Interactions
Doc 7—New commodities produced for industries
of the West
New workers needed to produce goods
New patterns of land ownership developed, often
involving dispossession of previous inhabitants
New legal codes developed to make newly
conquered lands safe for investment and
Doc 8—Railways important role in imparting
colonial character to the Indian economy
Railroads wanted by Indian nationalists to serve
their national economic interests/finances
Railway policy wanted by Indian nationalists to
promote Indian industry
Public works policy wanted by Indian nationalists to
give priority to irrigation and agriculture
Doc 9—Emergence of national markets with
converging prices for food in India in the 1880s
Peasant villagers able to make quick pilgrimages
British soldiers and their weapons able to be
quartered in fewer places
British soldiers able to be moved quickly to trouble
Increased profits for Indians from the selling of
publications from Indian-owned presses
Inexpensive, bulk shipments of books, magazines
and newspapers as result of cooperation between
post office and railroads
Easier circulation of Indian nationalist materials
New industries employed mostly Indians but top
positions held by Europeans
Early resistance by the public to the use of railroads
due to a mixing of groups (castes, religious
groups, sexes)
Use of railroads by poor people to move into cities
Spread of diseases (cholera)
Need for sewage and water systems as result of
overcrowding in cities
Use of railroad by Gandhi to learn about his country
Use of railroads and telegraph/telephone systems by
Indian nationalists to organize rallies and boycotts
(Indian National Congress, Muslim League)
Use of telegraph/telephone systems by Indian
nationalists to communicate with overseas
newspapers promoting their cause/desire for
Until the 12th and 13th centuries, cross-cultural interactions were
unprolonged and less in number when compared to later centuries.
However, the assimilation of much of the Eurasian landmass into the
Mongol empire as well as the later European exploration of the
Americas contributed to the creation of prolonged global connections
in which the worlds major continents were connected. Two of the most
notable developments include the caravel, which aided European
explorers in their conquest of the Americas, and the stirrup and
composite bow, which the Mongols used to conquer Eurasia and
eventually led to the Pax Mongolica. These technological developments
had major effects on both societies.
The caravels use in the 15th century accelerated interactions
between Native Americans and Europeans. The caravel (Doc. 4b) is an
agile and maneuverable ship intended to carry goods or weapons and
used to explore, conquer, or wage war with other peoples. It was one of
the developments in naval technology in the 15th century along with
the adaptation of the Chinese magnetic compass. It was utilized by
Portuguese sailors, such as Vasco da Gama, who found an all water
route to India and traded in the port of Calicut. The caravel ship made
it possible for the Portuguese and the Spanish to travel long distances
with speed. The caravel is often attributed to having been the
technology that helped lead to the colonization of the Americas. It was
used by Christopher Columbus who sailed for King Ferdinand and
Queen Isabella of Spain, but was of Italian birth. When he arrived in
the Americas, he unwittingly began the Columbian Exchange. In this
exchange, Columbus brought products like beads and sugarcane to the
Caribbean island he christened Hispaniola. Other products that were
Global Hist. & Geo. Rating Guide – June ’13 [19] Vol. 2
Anchor Paper – Document-Based Essay—Level 5 – A
brought from Europe to the Americas during the Columbian Exchange
included horses, other livestock, and wheat. The sugarcane eventually
became the main industry of Hispaniola in the 1530’s (Doc. 5) as well
as other Caribbean and American areas. When Columbus and others
werent able to find as much gold and silver as the Spanish wanted,
the Spanish turned to the growing of cash crops using the encomienda
system. However, because the Native Americans were not immune to
the diseases that were brought to the Americas during the Columbian
Exchange, millions died. These diseases such as smallpox helped kill
off the native Taino population leading to the importation of enslaved
Africans. The caravels and other square-sail ships with rudders were
also used by Spanish explorers, who were inspired by Columbus to sail
to the Americas. Hernan Córtes in the 1510’s conquered the Aztec
empire in Mesoamerica, bringing back Aztec gold on these ships that
were well-suited to carry cargo. Francisco Pizarro in the 1530’s
conquered the Incan empire in South America, and he was able to
bring back silver. He also brought back potatoes, which along with
maize was high in calories. These new foods introduced into European
diets eventually created a population boom. Some became staples in
places like Russia and Ireland. Both of these explorers as well as others
were helped by the caravel which allowed the sailors to sail against
trade winds in the Atlantic. The caravel was suited both for deep seas
and shallow waters, and was able to carry much of the sailors’ booty.
A long-term result of the huge population losses for natives in the
Americas from smallpox was the introduction of a new social
hierarchy in Latin America. In this new social structure peninsulares
(Spanish born Spaniards) ruled, creoles (American born Spaniards)
Global Hist. & Geo. Rating Guide – June ’13 [20] Vol. 2
Anchor Paper – Document-Based Essay—Level 5 – A
hoped for power, mestizos and mulattoes (mixed ethnicities) worked,
and pure natives or enslaved Africans toiled in sugar fields or the
silver mines of Potosi (Doc. 6). This system contained many
inequalities and eventually led to the independence struggles of the
early 1800’s which overthrew the kings representatives and the
The Mongolian stirrup and composite bow aided the Central Asian
steppe nomads to create the worlds largest land based empire at the
time, which resulted from and in many cross-cultural interactions.
When Genghis Khan first started in the creation of his empire, he
used his stirrup-mounted archers in units of 10 squadrons and 1000
men to invade China, where he first learned of Chinese war
technologies like catapults, gunpowder, and the use of Chinese silk as
protective clothing. He then combined all the technologies he obtained
with the use of the composite bow and stirrup. These Mongol
technologies helped horsemen to fire highly accurate shots due to the
stability the stirrup provided (Doc. 1). Genghis Khan also used
brilliant tactics that allowed him to conquer large areas quickly. After
his rule, the Mongols continued using his tactics. For example, they
flung infected corpses into cities such as the Byzantine city of Kaffa.
Using the technologies of the stirrup and the composite bow allowed
Genghis Khan and his successors to conquer and create an immense
empire. This empire eventually covered areas from China to Russia.
While destruction, terror, and intimidation were used to conquer
people, Genghis Khan also allowed for the development of a stable
government. After Genghis Khans death, the empire was eventually
divided among 4 of his grandsons. They continued in their use of
Global Hist. & Geo. Rating Guide – June ’13 [21] Vol. 2
Anchor Paper – Document-Based Essay—Level 5 – A
sniper-like horsemen archers, but they also expanded their use of
gunpowder, which was transmitted to Europe (Doc. 2) where Europeans
used it in muskets and cannons. Also as a result of the Mongolian
expansion, a period of peace called the Pax Mongolica bloomed in which
interactions between Europe and the Mongol empires increased and
trade along the Silk Roads was protected, making Chinese as well as
Venetian traders in Italy wealthier than before. This then helped fuel
the Renaissance in Greco-Roman art and science that was later
transmitted to Northern Europe. The peace also increased the number of
diplomatic and religious missions between Europe and especially the
Chinese area of the Mongol territory. Mongol diplomats traveled to
Europe on horseback and Europeans like Marco Polo visited Yuan
China. However, these trade connections also led to the spread of plague
from China and Mongolia to Europe, Persia, and some parts of India.
The plague killed millions of people worldwide, including 1/3 of
Europe’s population.
Through the use of the stirrup and composite bow by the Mongolians
and the caravel by European explorers, interactions between peoples
were accelerated and societies changed for the better or for worse.
Global Hist. & Geo. Rating Guide – June ’13 [22] Vol. 2
Anchor Paper – Document-Based Essay—Level 5 – A
Global Hist. & Geo. Rating Guide – June ’13 [23] Vol. 2
Anchor Level 5-A
The response:
Thoroughly develops all aspects of the task evenly and in depth for the use of the caravel by
the Spanish and the combined use of the bow and the stirrup by the Mongols
Is more analytical than descriptive (caravel: Spanish use in the 15th century accelerated
interactions between Native Americans and Europeans; made it possible for the Portuguese and
later the Spanish to travel long distances with great speed; is often attributed to have been the
technology that helped lead to the colonization of the Americas; bow and stirrup: it aided the
Central Asian steppe nomads to create the world’s largest land-based empire at the time which
resulted from and in many cross-cultural interactions)
Incorporates relevant information from documents 1, 2, 4, 5, and 6
Incorporates substantial relevant outside information (caravel: utilized by Portuguese sailors
such as Vasco da Gama; used by Columbus who unwittingly began the Columbian exchange;
when Columbus and others were not able to find as much gold and silver as the Spanish
wanted the Spanish turned to the growing of cash crops using the encomienda system; diseases
such as smallpox helped kill off the native Taino population leading to importation of enslaved
Africans; Columbus inspired Spanish explorers such as Cortés who conquered the Aztec
empire bringing back gold; Pizarro conquered the Inca empire and brought back silver; in the
new social hierarchy, peninsulares ruled, creoles hoped for power, mestizos and mulattoes
worked, and pure natives or enslaved Africans toiled in sugar fields or silver mines of Potosi;
many inequalities eventually led to independence struggles; bow and stirrup: Genghis Khan
used his stirrup-mounted archers in units of 10 squadrons and 1,000 men to invade China
where he first learned of catapults, gunpowder, and use of Chinese silk as protective clothing;
Khan’s grandsons continued their use of sniper-like horsemen archers but also expanded their
use of gunpowder which was transmitted to Europe and used in muskets and cannons; a period
of peace called Pax Mongolica bloomed in which interactions with Europe increased and trade
along the Silk Roads was protected making Chinese as well as Venetian traders in Italy
wealthy fueling the Renaissance; Mongol diplomats traveled to Europe and Europeans such as
Marco Polo visited Yuan China)
Richly supports the theme with many relevant facts, examples, and details (caravel: agile and
maneuverable ship intended to carry goods or weapons used to explore, conquer, or wage war;
sugarcane became the main industry of Hispaniola as well as other Caribbean and American
areas; helped to create a social hierarchy in Latin America; bow and stirrup: helped horsemen
to fire accurate shots)
Demonstrates a logical and clear plan of organization; includes an introduction that discusses
the contributions of the Mongols and European explorers to the creation of prolonged global
connections and a brief conclusion that states interactions between peoples were accelerated
and societies changed for better or worse
Conclusion: Overall, the response fits the criteria for Level 5. Accurate analytic statements and
substantial details are integrated with document information to strongly develop the thesis that use
of the bow and stirrup by the Mongols, and the caravel and other ships by the Europeans led to
As settled communities developed over time, many expanded and
became civilizations through a surplus of food, allowing for
specialization to occur and the formation of new social classes. From
this, specialization in labor and achievements in the sciences and
mathematics emerged, ultimately resulting in many technological
advancements encouraging even further expansion of civilizations
into empires. Such advancements in technology included the use of
the caravel by the Spanish as well as the prominence of British
railroads in India. The creation of advanced technology not only
provided the various expansive empires with new found resources, but
created different types of interactions between separate societies,
cultures, and civilizations, resulting in changes in relationships and
in the civilizations themselves.
The caravel (Document 4a) was a technological advancement that
allowed for more efficient maritime trade and especially led to the
increased presence of the Spanish in the Americas. The advantages of
the caravel as compared to previously used ships are that caravels were
better suited for military ships, as they could sail in shallow waters
and were more maneuverable. These ships were used by the Spanish to
explore the Americas and conquer Native American lands. A specific
result of the caravel use was the increased efficiency of sea trade,
which in turn promoted European Exploration beginning in the time
period between 1500 CE – 1600 CE. The caravel was used by the
Portuguese to explore the coast of Africa. Prince Henry the Navigator
and his navigation school understood the benefits of this ship.
Because of the use of the caravel both Portuguese and Spanish explorers
could travel closer to the coasts, mapping out land as well as claiming
Global Hist. & Geo. Rating Guide – June ’13 [24] Vol. 2
Anchor Paper – Document-Based Essay—Level 5 – B
it for their monarch. This led to better maps and more territory under
the control of these colonial powers. This marked the beginning of the
age of exploration, supported and triggered by the use of the caravel
and other maritime technologies. One of the results of this age of
exploration and colonization (Document 5) was the introduction of
sugar cane and sugar plantations in the Spanish colonies in the
Americas. The 15th century had already led to the Canaries and
Portugals Atlantic islands having sugar plantations, but the Spanish
were able to develop their own in the Americas.
Sugar and the plantation economy changed the Americas. The
European colonial powers, especially Spain and Portugal, got rich by
growing cash crops such as sugar, but also on crops such as indigo.
This led to an increase in the use of slaves and the forced migration of
Africans to areas like Española where slavery changed life altogether.
At first, Native Americans were forced to work on plantations under
the encomienda system. However, as the Native population died from
European diseases and the demand for cash crops increased, the
colonial powers turned to enslaved Africans. Millions of Africans were
removed from their homelands, forced to endure the Middle Passage,
and sold as property to be used and abused by their owners. As
African slaves were added to the population of the colonies the social
class system changed. The lowest class consisted of African slaves and
the new highest ruling class emerged under the name of Peninsulares
– Spanish born white land owning rulers who were at the top with the
creoles, American born whites, directly underneath them. These
changes not only economically benefited the Spanish but also
socially as well. Dramatic changes resulted from European exploration
Global Hist. & Geo. Rating Guide – June ’13 [25] Vol. 2
Anchor Paper – Document-Based Essay—Level 5 – B
and colonization. These were due in part because of the use of caravels.
Another technological advancement that became prominent in a
developing society was the building of British railroads in India. This
was similar to the technology of caravels in that the advancement of
the technology had much to do with two civilizations – one being a
colony and the other a colonial power. After the British East India
Company imposed some control over parts of India, the British
government imposed direct rule upon them. In the 1800s before Britain
made India a direct colony railroads were being built to improve
transportation and communication. After the British East India
Company was removed from power, the British government used the
new system of efficient transportation and communication to
maintain control over the colony. Document 7a shows the expansive
railroads in India. These railways allowed the British to expand their
influence in India. Indeed, the technology allowed for the British to
impose and maintain control and direct rule over their colony by
allowing more efficient movement of the British military, the greatest
enforcers of British rule within India. Soldiers could be moved to
troubled areas and put down rebels quickly with the use of the
railroad. Document 9 discusses the creation of connections between
markets that made prices converge resulting in more economic
stability. With the connection of different markets through the use of
railroads, prices of goods became more consistent. This led to more
trade and expanding markets, particularly for the British.
However, not all results that emerged from the technological
advancements were beneficial, especially to the societies that were
colonized by the great powers and their technology. The caravels, while
Global Hist. & Geo. Rating Guide – June ’13 [26] Vol. 2
Anchor Paper – Document-Based Essay—Level 5 – B
it provided the Spanish with transportation that was both efficient and
useful, also aided the spread of disease pathogens that the native
Americans were not previously exposed to, such as smallpox and
measles. Surprisingly, this spread of disease during the Columbian
Exchange did more short-term damage than was done by European
technological advancements. Furthermore, while the railroads proved to
be great connections and an efficient method of transportation as well
as communication, they took away from the nationalist Indian view
of their owning of their own country, as depicted by the Indian, Bipan
Chandra (Document 8) who discusses the selfish acts of the British
government and explains that the railroads serve British purposes but
were built by the Indians. Such discontent of the native peoples in the
colonies eventually led to their nationalist revolts seeking
The technological advancements that were developed as civilizations
and empires grew proved to be the agents of interactions. These new
innovations were able to affect relationships between the civilizations
and empires as well as result in societal and economic changes within
these places.
Global Hist. & Geo. Rating Guide – June ’13 [27] Vol. 2
Anchor Paper – Document-Based Essay—Level 5 – B
Global Hist. & Geo. Rating Guide – June ’13 [28] Vol. 2
Anchor Level 5-B
The response:
Thoroughly develops all aspects of the task evenly and in depth for the caravel by the Spanish
and the use of the railroad in India
Is more analytical than descriptive (caravel: it allowed for more efficient maritime trade; they
were better suited for military ships; their increased efficiency promoted European exploration;
sugar and plantation economy changed the Americas; as the Native population died from
European diseases and the demand for cash crops increased, the colonial powers turned to
enslaved Africans; railroad: it allowed for the British to impose and maintain control and
direct rule over their colony; it resulted in connections between markets that made prices of
goods more consistent leading to more trade and expanding markets; it resulted in more
economic stability; it took away from the Indian nationalist point of view, leading to discontent
among the native peoples)
Incorporates relevant information from documents 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9
Incorporates substantial relevant outside information (caravel: it was used by the Portuguese to
explore the coast of Africa; Prince Henry the Navigator and his navigation school understood
the benefits of this ship; helped both Portuguese and Spanish explorers map out and claim
land; European colonial powers, especially Spain and Portugal, got rich by growing cash crops
such as sugar and indigo; natives were at first forced to work on plantations under the
encomienda system; millions of Africans were removed from their homelands, forced to
endure the Middle Passage, and sold as property to be used and abused by their owners;
peninsulares and creoles were at the top of the social class system; spread of disease during the
Columbian exchange did more short-term damage than was done by European technological
advancements; railroad: after the British East India Company imposed some rule on parts of
India, the British government imposed direct rule on them; it led to nationalistic revolts for
Richly supports the theme with many relevant facts, examples, and details (caravel: led to
increased presence of Spanish in the Americas; could sail in shallow waters and closer to
coasts; more maneuverable; used by Spanish to explore the Americas and conquer Native
American lands; African slaves in the lowest social class; railroad: efficient transportation and
communication; helped move soldiers to troubled areas and put down rebels quickly)
Demonstrates a logical and clear plan of organization; includes an introduction that discusses
how specialization in labor and achievements in the sciences and mathematics ultimately
resulted in many technological advances encouraging further expansion of empires and a
conclusion that is a restatement of the theme
Conclusion: Overall, the response fits the criteria for Level 5. Historical details and analytic
statements are woven together in a well-developed treatment of the task. A comparative discussion
leads to a conclusion that the caravel and the railroad affected societies in some similar ways but
also makes note of differences.
Across history, there have been many technological advancements
that have affected the interactions of different societies or
civilizations. The Mongols use of the bow and the stirrup, and the
Spaniards use of caravels ships are two examples of that idea.
The combined use of the bow and stirrups allowed the Mongols to
conquer most of Asia. As seen in document 1, the Mongols bow was
much more advanced than the European bow, allowing the Mongols to
fire up to 100 yards longer distances than the English long bow.
Because of this technology, the Mongols were able to overpower their
enemies quickly. Besides the bow and arrow, Genghis Khans tactics
allowed for the defeat of enemies and their incorporation into the
Mongol Empire. His use of scare tactics and threats as well as weapons
caused many areas simply to give up and surrender before Genghis
Khan even started to fight for fear of what he would do. This fueled the
reputation of the Mongol fighting ability. These technological
advancements affected the interaction of the Mongols and the
Europeans. One of the peoples the Mongols conquered was the
Russians. The Russians paid tribute to the Mongols but were not
under the Mongols’ direct control. Despite Mongol rule, the Russians
were able to maintain a unique identity within this large Asian
empire and practiced their Orthodox Christian faith. Through this and
other Mongol conquests, Europeans learned of new styles and
technologies of warfare. Eventually, Pax Mongolica developed allowing
for safe travel on the Silk Roads and trade between China and Europe.
Products such as silk, spices, gunpowder, weapons, and block printing
traveled along the Silk Roads to Europe. Trade and wealth increased in
Europe because the Mongols protected these important overland trade
Global Hist. & Geo. Rating Guide – June ’13 [29] Vol. 2
Anchor Paper – Document-Based Essay—Level 4 – A
routes from hijackers and foreign enemies. European traders such as
those from northern Italy became increasingly wealthy. They
established trading empires which would serve as examples for later
overseas expansion in the 15th and 16th centuries. The wealth gained
due to the interaction on and use of the Silk Roads helped lead to the
start of the Renaissance in northern Italy. As seen in document 3,
some historians believed that the increased interactions between the
Europeans and the Mongols led to the first understanding and
encounter of far-off East Asia. These historians believe that the true
scope of the world was revealed to the Europeans, and that this changed
the Europeans narrowminded point of view, to a less ethnocentric way
of thinking. According to them this allowed the Europeans to more
willingly accept eastern practices and culture although ethnocentric
thinking by many remained through the Age of Imperialism and
even into modern times. The knowledge of Eastern Asia would
eventually effect European colonization of that area. Europeans were
interested in East Asian products and culture at the same time that
they wanted to convert others to Christianity. The technological
advancement of the bow and arrow and the stirrup allowed for
increased contact between Europeans and the Mongols which
eventually brought about these interactions.
The use of the caravel ship by the Spanish was another technological
advancement. This advancement affected the interaction of the
Europeans and the Native Americans in the New World. The caravel
ship had many advantages, such as it being fast, maneuvarable, and
easy to sail in shallow waters as seen in document 4. One of the uses
of the caravel ship was exploring the Americas, which is where
Global Hist. & Geo. Rating Guide – June ’13 [30] Vol. 2
Anchor Paper – Document-Based Essay—Level 4 – A
interactions between the Europeans and Native Americans took place.
The caravel brought the Europeans to the New World where the Spanish
were looking for “God, Gold, and Glory.” The Spanish conquered these
new lands and started looking for their desire — gold. However, once
the Spanish realized that there wasnt enough gold, they started sugar
plantations which became very important in the Americas and the
colonial economy as seen in document 5. The Spanish used their
caravel ships to bring sugar across the Atlantic and to plant it on the
island of Hispañola and other areas controlled by the Spanish in the
Americas. Discovering that sugar grew exceptionally well in the
Americas, many plantations were developed for sugar as well as other
cash crops which led to the necessity of a cheap labor source. Because
sugar cane became such a large and profitable business, Native
Americans were used to work the plantations in what was called the
encomienda system. Even though the Spanish were supposed to
Christianize and help the natives, the Native Americans were treated
cruely. They recieved little food, they were beaten, and much of the
population was eradicated. Hard work as well as diseases introduced
during the Columbian exchange had a lethal impact on the Native
Americans’ overworked and weakened immune systems. After most of
the Native Americans died off, slave ships were used to transport
Africans to the New World to work on the Spanish plantations. With
the migration of the Europeans and the forced migration of Africans
to the New World, a new social heiarchy started to develop. Native
Americans and Africans were part of the lowest class which is a
negative effect of European interaction. Peninsulares, Spanish people
born in Spain, creoles, Spanish people born in the New World,
Global Hist. & Geo. Rating Guide – June ’13 [31] Vol. 2
Anchor Paper – Document-Based Essay—Level 4 – A
mestizos, a mix of European and Native American, and mulatos, a
mix of European and Africans, all came before the Native Americans
and Africans in the social heiarachy. Finally, the interaction allowed
for the triangular trade to develop. Europeans brought Africans to the
New World, raw materials to Europe from the New World, and
manufactured goods to the New World and Africa. The Spaniards use
of caravel ships was a technological advancement that affected the
interaction of the Europeans, Native Americans, and Africans.
Throughout history, technological advancements have led to effects
on the interactions of different cultures and civilizations. The bow
and arrow and the stirrup, used by the Mongols, facilitated trade with
the Europeans, and may have given the Europeans a better view of the
far-off Eastern Asian world. The technological advancement of the
caravel by the Spanish had negative affects on the Native American
population of the New World. Disease killed most of the population. The
introduction of sugar plantations resulted in slavery, and the
development of a new social class structure put the native peoples and
Africans on the bottom of the social heiarchy. As seen with the
examples listed above, technological advancements can have both
negative and positive effects on other cultures or civilizations.
Anchor Paper – Document-Based Essay—Level 4 – A
Global Hist. & Geo. Rating Guide – June ’13 [32] Vol. 2
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Anchor Level 4-A
The response:
Develops all aspects of the task evenly and in depth for the combined use of the bow and the
stirrup by the Mongols and the use of the caravel by the Spanish
Is both descriptive and analytical (bow and stirrup: helped the Mongols conquer most of
Asia; helped the Mongols to overpower their enemies quickly; fueled the fear and reputation
of the Mongol fighting ability; some historians believe it changed the Europeans’ narrow-
minded point of view to a less ethnocentric way of thinking allowing them to more willingly
accept eastern practices and culture; caravel: once the Spanish realized that there was not
enough gold they started sugar plantations which became very important in the colonial
economy of the Americas; the development of many plantations for sugar as well as other
cash crops led to the necessity of a cheap labor source)
Incorporates relevant information from documents 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6
Incorporates relevant outside information (bow and stirrup: many areas simply gave up and
surrendered before Genghis Khan even started to fight for fear of what he would do;
Russians were able to maintain a unique identity within this large Asian empire; Russia not
under direct Mongol control; Pax Mongolica developed allowing for safe travel on the Silk
Roads and trade between China and Europe; Europeans were interested in East Asian
products and culture at the same time that they wanted to convert others to Christianity;
caravel: brought Europeans to the Americas to look for “God, Gold, and Glory”; Native
Americans were used to work the plantations in the encomienda system; diseases were
introduced during the Columbian exchange; peninsulares, mestizos, and mulattoes all came
before Native Americans and Africans in the new social class system; as a result of the
interaction the Triangular Trade developed which brought Africans to the Americas, raw
materials to Europe from the New World, and manufactured goods to the Americas and
Supports the theme with many relevant facts, examples, and details (bow and stirrup:
allowed Mongols to fire up to 100 yards longer than European long bow; caravel: fast,
maneuverable, easy to sail in shallow waters; used to bring sugar across the Atlantic to
Hispaniola and other areas of Spanish America; Native Americans treated cruelly; slave ships
used to transport Africans to the Americas to work on plantations)
Demonstrates a logical and clear plan of organization; includes an introduction that is a
restatement of the theme and a conclusion that discusses the positive effects of the combined
use of the bow and the stirrup by the Mongols and the negative effects of the use of the
caravel by the Spanish
Conclusion: Overall, the response fits the criteria for Level 4. The discussion is formed using
document information and is supported by the integration of some analytic statements and
historical details demonstrating a good working knowledge of the task.
Technological advancement throughout time often leads to changes
in life, and changes in the lives of others. Through the use of the
caravel ships by the Spanish and the development and growing use of
the British railroad in India, certain actions were not only made more
feasible, but interactions with others grew as well. The Spanish
expanded into the Americas with these improved ships, bringing their
culture to this new land. The railroads in India not only made
transportation, communication, and traveling easier, but became a
vital resource that facilitated the spread of British and European
culture – allowing the spread of the ever-growing British Empire.
Innovation brought about changes that slowly began to touch other
With the use of caravel ships, Spain was given an upper hand
during the Age of Exploration. As compared to the bulky
contemporaries of the time, caravels were more maneuverable, and able
to pass through shallow coastal waters. (Doc. 4a and 4b) Because it
was able to sail against the wind and could sail at a much greater
speed, Columbus and other Spanish explorers were able to make the
trans-Atlantic ocean journey. After discovering the Americas,
Spanish explorers such as Balboa, could use it to travel along the coast
of the Americas claiming more land for colonial Spain. So this use of
better traveling ships led the Spanish to interact with the Native
Americans. Being able to explore the Americas and interact with its
people, the Spanish clearly and obviously brought along their own
culture which they forced upon the Native Americans. The Spanish
destroyed many native cities and religious sites and symbols, often
building Spanish buildings on the same site. The Spanish also
Global Hist. & Geo. Rating Guide – June ’13 [34] Vol. 2
Anchor Paper – Document-Based Essay—Level 4 – B
implemented their own social hierarchy in the New World; the
European Spanish were of the highest status, the natives of the lowest.
(Doc. 6) After the forced enslavement of the native people – which
brought about a severe decline in their population not only by the
cruel treatment, but by disease as well – the Spanish imported slaves
from Africa. The African slaves and their descendants became part of
said hierarchy and had the lowest status. (Doc 6) To spread the
Christian religion they forced conversions, as the Spanish
missionaries and others tried to rid this new land of what they
considered heresy. As quickly as the Spanish had adopted and used
the caravel to travel to the Americas, they attempted to impose their
culture and beliefs on the new people they discovered.
In the wake of these interactions, many effects became prevalent.
This new social hierarchy would later cause many nationalist
movements as those in the Americas would become detached from
European society. Many American born Spanish or creoles such as
Bolivar and San Martin saw the social hierarchy as unfair and took
up arms against the Spanish kings representatives by the early
1800s. Revolts among what the Spanish would consider the lower and
lowest classes also would rise; mestizos and others would also become
nationalists, proposing self-determined countries. In terms of the
economy, the sugar cane that had originally been brought to the
island of Española by Columbus (Doc. 5) became a vital cash crop in
most of Latin America. Sugar stimulated the economy through its
vast growth on plantations, however it also forever stigmatized its
enslaved workers. Slaves forced to work on sugar plantations had been
transported from Africa to the Americas in what became known as the
Global Hist. & Geo. Rating Guide – June ’13 [35] Vol. 2
Anchor Paper – Document-Based Essay—Level 4 – B
Middle Passage. Once here they experienced little to no social mobility,
and they were often treated as low-class beings — property even — for
many, many years. Even after slavery ended, the descendants of
these people were stigmatized and often denied their basic rights.
Spanish interactions in the Americas brought knowledge of these
places and wealth to Europe, but left some people in the Americas
scarred because of harmful policies.
Along with the technological advancements of the Spanish, the
introduction of the railroad to India by the British brought huge
change. The railroad allowed anyone to travel quickly and easily,
allowed the transport of raw materials and finished goods between the
interior and the coast to help British industry, allowed for the
transportation of British troops, and was generally less expensive (in
the way of transporting certain goods). (Docs. 9 and 7b) The railroad
was very important in the development of the British colonies and
later the Indian nation. The railroads allowed Britain to get rich which
then allowed them to increase its power compared to other European
countries. It stimulated a general economic growth, not only for
Britain, but also for India, (Doc. 8) as well. After independence, the
Indians used the railroads just as the British did to transport raw
materials to other areas for either manufacturing into finished
products or for export.
With the railroad, Britain was able to further its prestige as a
colonial power. With a high concentration of railroads in northern
India, (Doc. 7a) cities such New Delhi and Agra became major centers
of people and the economy. Not unlike Spain in the Americas, Britain
transported its ideas and its culture to the cities of India using
Global Hist. & Geo. Rating Guide – June ’13 [36] Vol. 2
Anchor Paper – Document-Based Essay—Level 4 – B
technology. (Doc 7b) India was being used for Britains gain. Later
on, the Indian people used the railroad for Indian purposes. (Doc. 9)
In general, technological advancement has the chance of affecting
many cultures. With the advent of an invention in one area, new
effects may branch out, affecting many others. The Spanish caravel
sailing to the Americas and the use of British railroads in India are
Global Hist. & Geo. Rating Guide – June ’13 [37] Vol. 2
Anchor Paper – Document-Based Essay—Level 4 – B
Global Hist. & Geo. Rating Guide – June ’13 [38] Vol. 2
Anchor Level 4-B
The response:
Develops all aspects of the task for the use of the caravel by the Spanish and the use of the
railroad in India but discusses the caravel more thoroughly than the railroad
Is both descriptive and analytical (caravel: improvements helped Spanish expand into the
Americas bringing their culture with them; as compared to the bulky contemporaries of the
time, they were more maneuverable; forced enslavement of the native people and disease
brought about a severe decline in their population; as quickly as the Spanish had adopted and
used the caravel, they attempted to impose their culture and beliefs on the new people; sugar
cane that had originally been brought to the island of Española by Columbus became a vital
cash crop; while sugar stimulated the economy, it also forever stigmatized its enslaved
workers; slaves were often treated as low class beings—property even—for many, many years;
Spanish intervention in the Americas not only brought knowledge and wealth to the Americas
but left some people in the Americas scarred because of harmful policies; railroad: it
facilitated the spread of British and European culture, allowing the spread of the ever-growing
British Empire; it stimulated general economic growth not only for Britain but also for India;
India was being used for Britains gain)
Incorporates relevant information from documents 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9
Incorporates relevant outside information (caravel: it gave Spain an upper hand during the Age
of Exploration; Balboa traveled along the coast of the Americas; the Spanish destroyed native
cities and religious sites and symbols, often building Spanish buildings on the same sites; to
spread the Christian religion they forced conversions, as Spanish missionaries and others tried
to rid the new land of what they considered heresy; new social hierarchy would later cause
many nationalist movements as people in the Americas became more detached from European
society; many American born Spanish or creoles such as Bolivar and San Martin saw the social
hierarchy as unfair and took up arms against the Spanish king’s representatives; slaves were
transported from Africa to the Americas in what became known as the Middle Passage;
descendants of slaves were stigmatized and often denied their basic rights; railroad: allowed
the transport of raw materials and finished goods between the interior and the coast to help
British industry and was generally a less expensive way of transporting; after independence
Indians used the railroads as the British did to transport raw materials to other areas for either
manufacturing into finished products or for export)
Supports the theme with relevant facts, examples, and details (caravel: could sail against the
wind and at a much greater speed; European Spanish were the highest status; led to Spanish
trade in African slaves; enslaved Africans forced to work on sugar plantations; railroad: made
transportation, communication, and traveling easier and quicker; helped transport troops; with
a high concentration of railroads in northern India cities such as New Delhi and Agra become
major centers)
Demonstrates a logical and clear plan of organization; includes an introduction and a
conclusion that discusses how innovations brought changes that touch other groups and
Conclusion: Overall, the response fits the criteria for Level 4. Analytic statements and historical
details concerning the caravel are developed in a more sophisticated way than they are for the use
of the railroads. While the overall response demonstrates a good understanding of the task,
dependence on document information and repetitiveness in the section on railroads detracts from
the effort.
During the time period from 1000 CE to 1800 CE, the world
underwent a myraid number of invasions, interactions, and
developments. During the first half of this time period, the migratory
Mongols exerted their efficient military tactics and imposed their will
on foreign societies. During the later half of this time period, the
Spanish explored and discovered foreign lands and made these lands
into their own commercial entities, usually at the expense of
indigenous populations. The Mongols conquered China while the
Spanish colonized the various societies of Mesoamerica, South
America, and the Caribbean, especially the Inca empire and the Aztec
The Mongols originated from the steppe lands of Central Asia and
were seperated in semi-nomadic clans. Ghenghis Khan united these
kinship groups and formed one cohesive Mongol unit and army. The
Mongols are famous for their military tactics. As stated in document
#1b, they used horses and composite bows to terroize and conquer
societies for needed resources. They were fast and efficient and could
run raids. Document #1a shows a Mongol shooting his bow while
mounted on horseback; a very intimadating image for opposing
forces. Using this technology, the Mongols were able to conquer China
and then they directly administrated it. This changed the traditional
way Chinese dynasties governed themselves. The Mongols minimized
the importance of Confucianism and got rid of the civil service
system. Both of these were socially and politically very important to
the Chinese. However, economically the Mongols helped facilitate trade
on the silk roads and China experienced economic growth, as shown in
document #2. After Genghis Khans and his sons death, his vast
Global Hist. & Geo. Rating Guide – June ’13 [39] Vol. 2
Anchor Paper – Document-Based Essay—Level 4 – C
transregional empire was divided among his 4 grandsons. His
grandson Kublai Khan established the Yuan dynasty in China.
However, rebellions and revolts against his Mongol rule eventually led
to the collapse of the Yuan dynasty and the rise of the Ming dynasty.
The Spanish were able to conquer the Inca empire and colonize parts
of South and Mesoamerica due to their horses and weaponry and the
unintended introduction of smallpox to an in-immune indigenous
population. Document #4a describes how caravels were efficient and
beneficial to the Spanish. They helped facilitate trade and territorial
expansion in new territories with their improved navagational
capabilities. After the Spanish were able to conquer and colonize
indigenous populations, the Spanish used them to increase their
wealth and power. Document #6 states how indigenous populations
were worn out from coercive labor under the encomienda system. Much
of the indigenous population died from overwork and European
diseases leading to the need for a new labor force. Colonizers turned to
Africa and enslaved Africans as the new labor force. This trade in
humans would be a major factor in the Triangular Trade. Document
#5 states how the sugar industry was rising and would soon be a top
industry for European commerce in the Spanish colonies. Sugar was
not the only industry Europeans valued heavily. The Spanish had
silver mines in Peru where they mined ores, minted it into coins, and
sent it to Europe. The caravel could efficiently transport some of these
natural resources to Spain and other regions where they could become
manufactured goods. After Latin American societies became
independent they became dependent economies where they exchanged
their raw, natural resources for manufactured goods.
Global Hist. & Geo. Rating Guide – June ’13 [40] Vol. 2
Anchor Paper – Document-Based Essay—Level 4 – C
Both the Mongols and the Spanish influenced the societies they
conquered. The Mongols used the composite bow and stirrup to conquer
China and ruled with their own bureaucracy. The Spanish used the
caravel to facilitate maritime trade with their colonies. Both of these
technological innovations were a major factor in the Mongol and
Spanish military and economic successes.
Global Hist. & Geo. Rating Guide – June ’13 [41] Vol. 2
Anchor Paper – Document-Based Essay—Level 4 – C
Global Hist. & Geo. Rating Guide – June ’13 [42] Vol. 2
Anchor Level 4-C
The response:
Develops all aspects of the task by discussing the combined use of the bow and the stirrup by
the Mongols and the use of the caravel by the Spanish
Is both descriptive and analytical (bow and stirrup: migratory Mongols exerted efficient
military tactics; Mongols used horses and the composite bow to terrorize and conquer
societies for needed resources; a Mongol warrior was a very intimidating image for opposing
forces; the Mongols helped facilitate trade on the Silk Roads and China experienced
economic growth; caravel: Spanish made explored lands into their own commercial entities;
they were able to conquer and colonize parts of South America and Mesoamerica due to their
superior weaponry and the unintended introduction of smallpox to an in-immune indigenous
population; Spanish used the natives to increase their wealth and power; much of the
indigenous population died from overwork and disease leading to the need for a new labor
source; sugar industry became a top industry in European commerce in the Spanish colonies;
it could efficiently transport some of the natural resources to Spain where they could become
manufactured goods)
Incorporates relevant information from documents 1, 2, 4, 5, and 6
Incorporates relevant outside information (bow and stirrup: Mongols originated from the
steppes of Central Asia and were separated into semi-nomadic clans; Genghis Khan united
kinship groups and formed one cohesive Mongol unit and army; the Mongols minimized the
importance of Confucianism and got rid of the civil service system, both of which were
socially and politically very important to the Chinese; after Genghis Khan and his son’s
death, his vast trans-regional empire was divided among his four grandsons; rebellions and
revolts against Mongol rule eventually led to the collapse of the Yuan dynasty and the rise of
the Ming dynasty; caravel: Spanish conquered the Incas and the Aztecs; under the
encomienda system indigenous populations were forced to provide labor for their Spanish
colonizers; trade in humans was a major factor in the Triangular Trade; Spanish had silver
mines in Peru where they mined ores, minted it into coins, and sent it to Europe)
Supports the theme with relevant facts, examples, and details (bow and stirrup: Mongols
conquered China; caravel: used by Spanish to explore and discover foreign lands; Spanish
colonized the various societies of Mesoamerica, South America, and the Caribbean)
Demonstrates a logical and clear plan of organization; includes an introduction that
summarizes both parts of the task for the Mongols and the Spanish and a conclusion that
mentions how the Mongols used the composite bow and the Spanish used the caravel
Conclusion: Overall, the response fits the criteria for Level 4. Dependence on document
information is offset by concluding and analytic statements that refer to changes resulting from
Mongol and Spanish interactions. Integrated outside historical information such as the
diminished importance of Confucianism and the elimination of the civil service system in China
demonstrate a good understanding of the task but the response would have been strengthened by
including additional details.
Throughout history, technology has constantly changed, some say
for the better but others say for the worst. At first, when colonial
powers were trying to expand and conquer more areas, technology
increased drastically. Two examples of this are the use of the railroad
in India and the use of the caravel by the Spanish.
Document 4a illustrates a picture of a caravel. This piece of
technology was used by the Spanish to help expand their colonies.
When Christopher Columbus asked King Ferdinand and Queen
Isabella to fund his explorations, they finally agreed after a long time
of thinking. They provided Columbus with a crew, 2 caravels, and an
astrolabe and other navigational instruments. A caravel is a ship that
is smaller than a galleon and is faster, more maneuverable, and easier
to sail. Document 4b demonstrates an understanding of how the
caravel affected the Spanishs interactions with other groups.
Columbus and his crew landed on the Americas. There, they came into
contact with the natives, which Columbus called Indians because he
was unaware that he was not in India. The caravel helped him reach the
Americas and the Spanish arrival influenced the newly conquered
lands. Almost immediately after arriving, Columbus looked for ways
to gain wealth. He did not find a lot of gold but he started thinking of
other ways to make a profit. Columbus looked for ways to change the
economy of the island of Española so that Spain could profit. In
document 5 Alfred W. Cosby explains that when Columbus colonized
Española he brought sugar plants with him. After he planted the
sugar into the soil of the Americas, Spain came to realize that it grew
very well on American soil and could be as profitable for the Americas
as it had been for the Atlantic Ocean islands, such as the Canaries.
Global Hist. & Geo. Rating Guide – June ’13 [43] Vol. 2
Anchor Paper – Document-Based Essay—Level 3 – A
This led to the construction of additional sugar mills on the island
generally ruining the original land of Española. It took away the
islands true identity and economy and replaced it with the identity
of a Spanish colony providing wealth to the Spanish. The creation of
this plantation economy and the growing and refining of sugar cane
also helped lead to the establishment of the famous Triangular Trade
Routes. The caravel not only brought Columbus to the Americas but
helped the Spanish explore other areas in the Americas and around the
globe. Other Spanish explorers sailed around the tip of South America
to reach the Philippines which helped increase trade and
communication between the Spanish and other peoples.
Document 7a illustrates the railroad routes within India created by
the British. The British called India the jewel of the crown because it
was one of Britains most valuable colonies. It provided Britain with
wealth. Britain created a railroad system in India to increase its
wealth. Document 7b explains how colonial railways were a part of the
process of spreading the British empire, and its ideas, patterns, and
institutions. Like Spain, after the British colonized India, they needed
a way to profit from their colonys resources. The railroad in India
helped move raw materials to the coast where they were exported to
Britain where they were manufactured into finished goods and sent
back to India for sale. The railroads also helped Britain spread its
culture, law, and religion throughout India. This allowed Britain to
have a stronger hold on its colony. Document 8 describes the use of the
railroad policy by the British and how this policy did not attend to the
needs and wants of the Indians, instead helping the British. To the
Britains, the proper railway policy was one that promoted a cash crop
Global Hist. & Geo. Rating Guide – June ’13 [44] Vol. 2
Anchor Paper – Document-Based Essay—Level 3 – A
economy in India for the purposes of the British gaining wealth and
Besides affecting the colonial powers wealth, the new technology
affected the lives of the citizens in the colonies. Document 6 is a
passage that depicts how the natives of the Americas were affected by
the Spanish. One change that the Americas had to go through was the
creation of a social structure based on the birth of the people. Natives
and slaves were put at the bottom of the social structure while the
Spanish were placed on top. Some of the other groups in the social
structure were the creoles, mestizo’s, and mulatto’s. There was little
social mobility so it was difficult for people to change their social
status. Another change that the natives of the Americas had
undergone was a new interaction with African slaves brought by the
Spanish to work on the plantations. Similar to the natives in the
Americas, the native people of India had went through a drastic
change due to the creation of the railroad. Document 9 shows how
Indians lives changed after the railroad was created. It made it easier
for them to go on trips such as pilgrimages to the Ganges River where
they prayed for their wellbeing. The trip would have been very long
while walking but due to the help of the train it only took a couple of
days, to go and come back. Indian communications were made easier
and food prices went down with the ability to transport food quickly
from long distances. The Indians also changed because they had more
access to books, magazines, and newspapers. This resulted in new
ideas coming into and spreading in India.
Technology has changed and while some people now tend not to
notice, the rate of modern technology has increased. Before, people used
Global Hist. & Geo. Rating Guide – June ’13 [45] Vol. 2
Anchor Paper – Document-Based Essay—Level 3 – A
Anchor Level 3-A
The response:
Develops all aspects of the task with little depth for the use of the caravel by the Spanish and
the use of the railroad in India
Is more descriptive than analytical (caravel: Columbus realized sugar could be as profitable for
the Americas as it had been for the Atlantic islands; construction of additional sugar mills on
Española generally ruined the land, took away its true identity and economy, and replaced it
with the identity of a Spanish colony; it not only brought Columbus to the Americas but helped
Spain explore other areas; there was little social mobility as it was difficult to change social
status; railroad: it helped spread the British empire; it allowed Britain to have a stronger hold
on its colony; Britain’s railroad policy did not attend to the needs and wants of the Indians;
food prices went down with the ability to transport food quickly from long distances; it helped
spread new ideas)
Incorporates some relevant information from documents 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9
Incorporates relevant outside information (caravel: Columbus was provided with a crew, two
caravels, and an astrolabe; it is smaller than a galleon; creation of a plantation economy helped
lead to the establishment of the Triangular Trade routes; it was used by Spanish explorers who
sailed around the tip of South America to reach the Philippines; creoles, mestizos, and
mulattoes were included in the Spanish colonial social class structure; railroad: the British
referred to India as “the jewel of the crown” because it was one of its most valuable colonies; it
helped move raw materials to the coast where they were exported to Britain, manufactured into
finished goods, and sent back to India)
Includes some relevant facts, examples, and details (caravel: fast, maneuverable, and easy to
sail; sugar plants brought to Española; Spanish created social structure based on birth; natives
and slaves put at the bottom and Spanish at the top; African slaves brought by the Spanish to
work on plantations; railroad: made Indian communications easier; led to Indians going on
trips; gave Indians more access to books, magazines, and newspapers)
Demonstrates a satisfactory plan of organization; includes an introduction that states
technology is constantly changing—some say for the better, others say for the worse and a
conclusion that generally addresses the concept of technology
Conclusion: Overall, the response fits the criteria for Level 3. Document information frames the
discussion, especially in relation to the railroad. Outside information is provided for both
technologies demonstrating a good understanding of the task, even though this information is not
well integrated.
Global Hist. & Geo. Rating Guide – June ’13 [46] Vol. 2
Anchor Paper – Document-Based Essay—Level 3 – A
to go to the library and do reasearch with the help of books. But now
due to the creation of the internet, there is no need. While technology
may be good or bad it helps makes lives easier.
Technological advancements of societies throughout history give
the respective societies the ability to dominate, economically,
politically, and militarily, other nations throughout the world. The
Mongol use of the stirrup and bow as well as the Spanish
implementation of the caravel ship both provided these nations with
enough power to construct economically thriving expansive empires.
The Mongols were a semi-nomadic group of peoples native to the
Eurasian steppes. They were pastoralists and therefore very skilled
horseman. Already being fierce warriors, the combined
implementation of the stirrup and the bow gave them an edge over
surrounding societies that enabled them to build one of the largest
land empires ever. The stirrup allowed the Mongols to maintain their
balance while they rode, giving them more ability to focus on fighting
as well as developing and using more effective strategies and tactics.
(Doc 1). Their bows could shoot over 100 yards longer than the English
longbow, giving them an unparalleled superiority against competing
weapons (Doc 1). With these technologies and under the succession of
Genghis, Ogadi, and finally Kublai Khan, the Mongols conquered
much of Asia, with the notable exception of India which was
sporadically invaded until Tamerlane was successful. They established
the Yuan dynasty in China and held Russia until Ivan the III
overthrew them in the 15th century. The Mongols resided over one of
the safest land empires ever, and because of this commerce along the
Silk Roads expanded and flourished (Doc 2). Trade with Europe and
the Middle East brought immense wealth to the Mongol Empire, as
these regions had appetites for the silk, porcelain, and spices as well as
the technology that the Mongols possessed. This, coupled with military
Global Hist. & Geo. Rating Guide – June ’13 [47] Vol. 2
Anchor Paper – Document-Based Essay—Level 3 – B
power, led the Mongols to be one of the largest, most powerful, and
longest-standing land empires ever.
In the 16th and 17th centuries, Spain was arguably one of the
most powerful nations in the world. They were the first country to
follow Portugal in exploration but because of Christopher Columbus
discovery they beat Portugal to the colonization of the Americas, which
they did through the use of caravels. These ships had special sails
which allowed them to work with crosswinds to travel more easily and
quickly. With this technology, they colonized most of South America
with the exception of Brazil, which the Treaty of Tordesailles left to
Portugal. Spanish colonization of the Americas led to huge societal
changes. They Christianized South America and the rest of their
American colonies making it one of the largest Christian centers in
the modern world. They also built sugar plantations on Caribbean
islands which brought Spain immense wealth, especially when they
didnt initially find the amounts of gold and silver that they had
hoped to find. (Doc 5). Since disease and hard labor had killed much
of the Native American population, the Spanish also increased the
slave trade, using millions of Africans as a new source of labor. In the
new social class system that developed, the Africans and Natives were
the lowest class, while the creoles and peninsulares were the highest
(Doc 6).
Technology is very important to the building of empires and
interactions between people, as can be seen with the Mongolian and
Spanish empires.
Global Hist. & Geo. Rating Guide – June ’13 [48] Vol. 2
Anchor Paper – Document-Based Essay—Level 3 – B
Global Hist. & Geo. Rating Guide – June ’13 [49] Vol. 2
Anchor Level 3-B
The response:
Develops all aspects of the task in some depth for the combined use of the bow and the
stirrup by the Mongols and the use of the caravel by the Spanish
Is more descriptive than analytical (bow and stirrup: Mongols were fierce warriors and very
skilled horsemen; it gave Mongols the ability to focus on fighting; it helped Mongols develop
and use more effective strategies and tactics; it gave Mongols an unparalleled superiority
against competing weapons; Mongols resided over one of the safest land empires ever;
caravel: Spain built sugar plantations on Caribbean islands which brought Spain immense
wealth; Christianized South America and the rest of their American colonies making it one of
the largest Christian centers in the modern world)
Incorporates some relevant information from documents 1, 2, 4, 5, and 6
Incorporates relevant outside information (bow and stirrup: Mongols were a semi-nomadic
group of peoples native to the Eurasian steppes; trade with Europe and the Middle East
brought immense wealth to the Mongol Empire in silk, porcelain, and spices as well as
technology; caravel: Spain was the first country to follow Portugal in exploration but
because of Columbus’ discovery they beat Portugal in the colonization of the Americas; it
helped the Spanish colonize most of South America with the exception of Brazil; Spain did
not initially find the amounts of gold and silver that they had hoped to find)
Includes some relevant facts, examples, and details (bow and stirrup: stirrup allowed
Mongols to maintain their balance; bows could shoot over 100 yards longer than the English
longbow; commerce along the Silk Roads expanded and flourished under the Mongols; Ivan
III; caravel: special sails helped work with crosswinds to travel more easily and quickly;
Treaty of Tordesillas; disease and hard labor killed much of the Native American population;
it led to the development of a new social class system)
Demonstrates a satisfactory plan of organization; includes an introduction that states the use
of technology by the Mongols and the Spanish provided both with enough power to build
economically thriving expansive empires and a one sentence conclusion that states
technology is important to the building of empires
Conclusion: Overall, the response fits the criteria for Level 3. A few well placed analytic
statements as well as references to outside historical details generally support document
information and demonstrate an understanding of the task. Further elaboration would have
strengthened the effort.
Throughout history there have been many technological
advancements such as the combined use of the bow and the stirrup by
the Mongols, and the use of the caravel by the Spanish. These
technological advancements have affected the processes by which
certain civilizations and societies have interacted, with changes
resulting from these interactions. The use of the bow and stirrup by the
Mongols allowed them to shoot on horseback easier and with more
efficiency. It allowed them to perform effective invasions of other
societies throughout Eurasia and expand their own empire. The caravel
by the Spanish allowed them to explore new lands much farther than
ever before and was much faster too. It resulted in the European
discovery and colonization of the Americas.
The Mongols are a nomadic group of people who originated in the
steppes of central Asia. They introduced the technological
advancement of the combined use of the bow and stirrup. This
introduction allowed them to shoot arrows on horseback with a great
deal of efficiency and accuracy. “A sturdy stirrup enabled horsemen
to be steadier and thus more accurate in shooting when mounted.”
(Doc. 1b) This new technology affected the interactions of the Mongols
with other civilizations and societies. It affected their interactions with
Eastern (China) and Western (European and Muslim) societies. It
affected them because the Mongols used this new technology in
invasions of other societies. They used it to defeat and conquer those
areas, to expand their empire. The Mongols often times had much
superior militaries because they had this new technology and also
because they used tactics such as the spread of fear and terror and
flanking. “By example, they taught new ways of making war and
Global Hist. & Geo. Rating Guide – June ’13 [50] Vol. 2
Anchor Paper – Document-Based Essay—Level 3 – C
Global Hist. & Geo. Rating Guide – June ’13 [51] Vol. 2
Anchor Paper – Document-Based Essay—Level 3 – C
impressed on their Turkic and European enemies the effectiveness of
gunpowder.” (Doc. 2) Also as a result of the areas they conquered with
the help of this new technological advancement they were able to
interact with other societies via trade. They expanded trade along the
Silk Roads and also facilitated trade among their conquered peoples
such as Russia. In addition, Mongol leaders such as Kublai Khan
were able able to create a period of prosperity known as the Pax
Mongolia. This allowed for economic prosperity throughout the Mongol
Empire which extended across Eurasia. Also, the Mongols developed a
postal system with checkpoints across their empire in order to send
and receive messages and allowed for the exchange of information.
The Mongols and Asians were incorporated into the West’s
intellectual framework in the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries.”
(Doc. 3). The awareness by the Europeans of the great Mongol Empire
forced Europeans to interact with, trade with, and also learn from the
Another technological advancement was the caravel which carried a
compass and had a rudder. The Spanish were one of the first Europeans
to begin to explore new lands with the use of ships such as the caravels.
The caravel allowed the Spanish to maneuver in shallow waters and
fight wars. Because of the caravels ability to adjust to cross-winds,
trade routes were easier to establish across the Atlantic Ocean. This
technological advancement affected their interactions with the native
peoples of the Americas. It enabled the conquistadors to explore and
conquer new lands. The chart in Document 4 shows that the caravels
were faster and more maneuverable, could carry cargo and could be
used to explore the Americas. Once the Spanish had explored and
Global Hist. & Geo. Rating Guide – June ’13 [52] Vol. 2
Anchor Paper – Document-Based Essay—Level 3 – C
discovered the Americas, they established colonies and new social
structures. This led to interactions with Africa, due to the use of slaves
in the Americas. Trade developed including the Triangular Trade
between Europe, the Americas, and Africa. This included the Middle
Passage, the trip that captured Africans made to the Americas in the
most horrible conditions. Spanish conquistadors conquered native
civilizations, such as Pizarro, who conquered the Incas, and Cortes,
who conquered the Aztecs. The changes that resulted from this
technological advancement and interactions include the Columbian
Exchange and the introduction of new goods to the areas involved in
this trade. An example is when, “[Christopher Columbus] brought
sugar cane with him to Española in 1493, and the cane grew well in
American soil.” (Doc. 5)
Technological advancements such as the bow and stirrup by the
Mongols, and caravel by the Spanish, were introduced in history, and
affected the interaction of certain civilizations. Many changes
resulted from these interactions, such as trade.
Global Hist. & Geo. Rating Guide – June ’13 [53] Vol. 2
Anchor Level 3-C
The response:
Develops all aspects of the task with little depth for the combined use of the bow and the
stirrup by the Mongols and the use of the caravel by the Spanish
Is more descriptive than analytical (bow and stirrup: it allowed the Mongols to shoot on
horseback easier and with more efficiency and accuracy; it allowed Mongols to effectively
invade other societies throughout Eurasia and expand their own empire; Mongols impressed
on their Turkic and European enemies the effectiveness of gunpowder; awareness of the
Mongol Empire forced Europeans to interact with, trade with, and also learn from the
Mongols; caravel: it allowed them to explore new lands much further than ever before and
was much faster; it helped the Spanish be one of the first Europeans to explore new lands; its
ability to adjust to cross-winds made it easier to establish trade routes across the Atlantic
Incorporates some relevant information from documents 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6
Incorporates relevant outside information (bow and stirrup: Mongols were a nomadic group
of people who originated in the steppes of Central Asia; Mongols also used tactics such as
the spread of fear and terror and flanking; Mongol leaders such as Kublai Khan were able to
create a period of prosperity known as the Pax Mongolica; it helped them develop a postal
system with checkpoints across the empire in order to send and receive messages; caravel:
trade developed including the Triangular Trade between Europe, the Americas, and Africa;
trade led to the Middle Passage, the trip that captured Africans made to the Americas in the
most horrible conditions; Pizarro conquered the Incas and Cortes conquered the Aztecs; it led
to the Columbian exchange and the introduction of new goods)
Includes some relevant facts, examples, and details (bow and stirrup: Mongols expanded
trade along the Silk Roads and facilitated trade among their conquered peoples; it affected
Mongol interactions with eastern (China) and western (European and Muslim) societies;
caravel: helped Spanish maneuver in shallow waters and fight wars; affected Spanish
interactions with native peoples of the Americas; led to interactions with Africa due to use of
slaves in the Americas; led to Spanish establishing new colonies and a social structure in the
Americas; Columbus brought sugar cane with him to Española; sugar cane grew well in
American soil)
Demonstrates a satisfactory plan of organization; includes an introduction that includes a
brief summary of the task for the Mongols and the Spanish and a conclusion that is a
restatement of the theme
Conclusion: Overall, the response fits the criteria for Level 3. Some well placed quotations from
the documents and the accompanying descriptive explanations, which are at times repetitive,
frame the discussion and demonstrate a basic understanding of the task. The lack of
chronological sequencing in the discussion of the caravel weakens the response.
Global Hist. & Geo. Rating Guide – June ’13 [54] Vol. 2
Anchor Paper – Document-Based Essay—Level 2 – A
Technological advancements such as the combination of bows with
stirrups, & railroads across a colony affected how certain civilizations
& societies have interacted with each other. People like Ghengis Khan &
his Mongol soldiers would use the bows with stirrups. Meanwhile the
British would take advantages of the railroads in India. Almost like
English Prime Minister Cecil Rhodes who tried to make his “Cape to
Cairo” railroad. But, lets start of with Ghengis Khan & the Mongols
Ghengis Khan & his feared Mongols were fearce warriors of the
saddle with the use of bow & arrows. The Mongols use a stirrup (wood &
leather saddle) which allowed them to be more accurate while shooting
from horseback (Doc 1a). So by using the combination of bows &
stirrups the Mongols were able to take possesion of the world (Asian)
(Doc 1b). Later on the Mongols would use gunpowder against the
Europeans (Doc 2). The Mongol conquests facilitated trade between
civilizations on each end of Eurasia (Doc 2). Eurasia would later see a
golden age called The Pax Monglia.
The use of railroads has always been important. Railroads helped to
win the Civil war by moving cargo quicker. But, the railroads in India
were used for other things as well. The railroads in India enable the
colonizing English to spread their empire quicker (Doc 7b). You could
get on a train in Delhi, ride to Bombay, Madras, and up to Calcutta
(Doc 7a). The railroads were so importan to the English. They were
mainly ment to serve British economic & political intrest (Doc 8).
Plus, they coordinated a wide variety of socieconomic processes &
cooperated with other large-scale transportation & communication
systems (Doc 9).
Global Hist. & Geo. Rating Guide – June ’13 [55] Vol. 2
Anchor Paper – Document-Based Essay—Level 2 – A
So things like the bow & stirrup helped Ghengis Khan & his
Mongols take over Eurasia to create the Pax Mongolia. And things
that Prime Minister Cecil Rhodes dreamed of in Africa were happening
in India. So the combination of the bow & stirrup helped get Eurasia
on the map while the railroads helped England expand its empire in
India. Both helped its civilization expand. Both helped to build an
Anchor Level 2-A
The response:
Minimally develops all aspects of the task for the combined use of the bow and the stirrup by
the Mongols and the use of the railroad in India
Is primarily descriptive (bow and stirrup: it made Genghis Khan and his feared Mongols fierce
warriors of the saddle; the stirrup allowed the Mongols to be more accurate from horseback; its
use allowed them to take possession of the Asian world; the Mongol conquests facilitated trade
between civilizations on each end of Eurasia; railroad: the British took advantage of the
railroads in India; they enabled the colonizing British to spread their empire quicker; they were
mainly meant to serve British economic and political interests; they coordinated a wide variety
of socioeconomic processes and cooperated with other large scale transportation and
communication systems)
Incorporates limited relevant information from documents 1, 2, 7, 8, and 9
Presents little relevant outside information (bow and stirrup: Eurasia would see a golden age
called Pax Mongolica; railroad: things that Cecil Rhodes dreamed about happening in Africa
were happening in India)
Includes few relevant facts, examples, and details (bow and stirrup: Mongols used gunpowder
against the Europeans; railroad: you could get on a train in Delhi, ride to Bombay, Madras,
and up to Calcutta); includes an inaccuracy (railroad: English Prime Minister, Cecil Rhodes)
Demonstrates a general plan of organization; includes an introduction and a conclusion that
links Genghis Khan and his soldiers to the bow and stirrup and compares the British railroad in
India to Cecil Rhodes’ dream in Africa
Conclusion: Overall, the response fits the criteria for Level 2. Reliance on document information
results in some statements that demonstrate a basic understanding of the task. While the
comparisons used in the discussion of the railroads have the potential to be good, their execution
lacks sufficient facts and details to substantiate the comparison or make them meaningful.
Global Hist. & Geo. Rating Guide – June ’13 [56] Vol. 2
Anchor Paper – Document-Based Essay—Level 2 – B
Two significant technological advancements in history were the
bow and stirrup by the Mongols and the use of railroads in India. The
combined use of the bow and stirrup made it possible for the Mongols
to attack at an astonishingly fast speed. The railroads in India
mainly helped the British to transport troops and goods. Each of these
technologically advancements had a result that changed history.
Another thing these two advancements had was the increase in
cultural diffusion. The combined bow and stirrup and the railroad
affected different people and countries in both positive and negative
ways, depending on the point of view.
The combined use of the bow and stirrup helped the Mongols in a
multitude of ways. The first, and most obvious, reason is because it
enabled them to fight better, faster, and at a farther distance (Doc. 1).
It also affected the Europeans, because of the new technology being
used (Doc 2). The Mongols were very great fighters and this
technology only made them stronger. This helped to reinforce the use of
fear and terror they put in their enemies, because of the speed and
skill that were increased by the bow and stirrup. The result of the bow
and stirrup, besides the success in fighting it brought to the Mongols,
was the cultural difusion between the Mongols and the Europeans
(Doc. 3). The exchange of goods and ideas can be assossiated with this
new technology (Doc. 2). The bow and stirrup affected the European
and Mongols in a positive way, because of the interactions brought
about by this new technology.
The British building the railroad in India had a positive impact on
the British and mainly a negative impact on the Indians. The British
were able to transfer goods and even military troops quickly and
Global Hist. & Geo. Rating Guide – June ’13 [57] Vol. 2
Anchor Paper – Document-Based Essay—Level 2 – B
easily by the railroad. The railroad also led to the emerging of national
markets for food grains (Doc. 9). This clearly shows what a positive
technology for the British it was. This was wonderful for Britains
economy, but Indians had some concerns about the railroad being
built. Indian nationalistic leaders feared Indians needs would be
forgotten and only the needs of the British would be met. They wanted
a railroad policy that would meet their industrial needs, rather than
only Britains (Doc. 8). It can be seen the positive and negative affects
each country faced and the results from the railroad.
The technology of the bow and stirrup by the Mongols had a positive
effect on both Europeans and Mongols. On the other hand, the railroad
in India had, overall, a positive effect on the British and a negative
impact on the Indians. Both technologicly advancements impacted
different people in completely different ways, but whether it was good
or bad and whatever the outcomes became, history was altered due to
these two pieces of technology.
Global Hist. & Geo. Rating Guide – June ’13 [58] Vol. 2
Anchor Level 2-B
The response:
Develops some aspects of the task in some depth for the combined use of the bow and the
stirrup by the Mongols and the use of the railroad in India
Is primarily descriptive (bow and stirrup: it enabled them to fight better, faster, and at a further
distance; the Mongols were great fighters and this technology only made them stronger; it
increased their speed and skill and helped reinforce the fear and terror they put into their
enemies; railroad: it had a positive impact on the British and mainly a negative impact on the
Indians; it helped the British transfer goods and military goods quickly and easily; Indian
nationalist leaders feared Indian needs would be forgotten and only the needs of the British
would be met; Indians wanted a railroad that would meet their industrial needs)
Incorporates limited relevant information from documents 1, 2, 8, and 9
Presents no relevant outside information
Includes few relevant facts, examples, and details (bow and stirrup: affected the Europeans;
led to exchange of goods and ideas; railroad: led to emerging markets)
Demonstrates a general plan of organization; includes an introduction and a conclusion that
states the use of technological advancements by the Mongols and the British resulted in
cultural diffusion and had positive and negative effects
Conclusion: Overall, the response fits the criteria for Level 2. Although a few analytic statements
are included which are typical of a higher score level, repetition, the lack of explanation, and the
lack of details undermine their effectiveness. An attempt is made to develop the positive and
negative aspects of the use of technology however, it is not developed nor does it address the
changes that resulted as a result of interactions.
Global Hist. & Geo. Rating Guide – June ’13 [59] Vol. 2
Anchor Paper – Document-Based Essay—Level 2 – C
Technological advancements brought about great changes in terms
of how nations interact in terms of economy and military. The
devolpment of the composite bow by the Mongols led to many military
victories. The creation of a railroad system in British colonies allowed
for rapid transport of people and goods. These two technological
advancements brought about great changes to interactions between
The Mongols devolpment of the composite bow increased their
military strength tremenduosly. Unlike the British longbow, which is
only accurate up to 250 yards, the composite bow was accurate up to
350 yards. This was a huge advantage for the Mongols. This
advantage helped them conquer most of Asia and establish the
Mongolian Empire. This was the biggest change brought about by the
composite bow. The military of the Mongols went from being a
formidable foe to an almost unbeatable one. Also because of the
Mongolian conquests, trade with Europe and the middle east
increased on an unprecedented scale. Food, wealth, tools, and ideas
were exchanged between these nations. The composite bow was only one
of the many great technological advancement.
The devolpment of rail systems in British Colonies like India
brought an increase in agricultural and economic output and some
easement of civil unrest. In India during times of respite from the
hard demands of agriculture farmers were allowed to take breif
pilgrimiges. This eased tension from Indian nationalist slightly. Also
if things did get out of hand British troops could be easily moved
from one place to another via the rail system. Because of these
railroads agricultural output increased due to the faster transportation
Global Hist. & Geo. Rating Guide – June ’13 [60] Vol. 2
Anchor Paper – Document-Based Essay—Level 2 – C
Anchor Level 2-C
The response:
Minimally develops all aspects of the task for the composite bow by the Mongols and
minimally develops some aspects of the task for the use of the railroad in India
Is both descriptive and analytical (bow: the development increased their military strength
tremendously; it helped them conquer most of Asia and establish the Mongolian Empire;
Mongol military went from being a formidable foe to an almost unbeatable one; Mongol
conquests increased trade with Europe and the Middle East on an unprecedented scale;
railroad: it led to some easement of civil unrest; if things got out of hand British troops could
be easily moved from one place to another)
Incorporates limited relevant information from documents 1, 2, 8, and 9
Presents no relevant outside information
Includes few relevant facts, examples, and details (bow: food, wealth, tools, and ideas
exchanged between Mongols and Europe and the Middle East; railroad: led to faster
transportation of goods); includes inaccuracies (railroad: during times of respite from demands
of agriculture, farmers were allowed to take brief pilgrimages which eased tension of Indian
nationalists slightly; bow: referred to Europe and the Middle East as nations)
Demonstrates a general plan of organization; includes an introduction and a conclusion that
state that the use of the composite bow and railroad led to changes in military strategy and
economic policy
Conclusion: Overall, the response fits the criteria for Level 2. Although usage of document
information is basic and at times linkage of this information leads to misstatements, the use of that
information demonstrates a limited understanding of the task. Some conclusion statements are
provided, but they are not developed or integrated into the discussion.
of goods. These systems built by the British brought future economic
stability to the nations they were placed in.
These two advancements in both the military and socio-economic
fields brought about great change in the countries that interacted with
its original creators and owners. Both the railroads and composite bow
led to changes in military strategy and economic policy. Both of these
inventions both helped to influence the world on how it is today.
Global Hist. & Geo. Rating Guide – June ’13 [61] Vol. 2
Anchor Paper – Document-Based Essay—Level 1 – A
Advances in technology have changed civilizations greatly. The
use of the caravel by Spanish people made travel and trade easier, both
of which changed spain. Indias railroad system also made trade and
travel easier and faster.
The use of the caravel by Spain made traveling overseas quicker.
This enabled them to explore new lands and set up colonies. In these
colonies Spain could expand it’s industry. By planting sugar cane in
Española Spain was able to expand it’s sugar industry. This meant
more trade would occur.
The railroad system in India helped increase trade with Great
Britain. It also made it possible for common people to travel farther
from home more quickly. This meant people could move farther from
home and have a shorter journey than before the railway system. Trade
was much quicker because trains were faster than other transportation
These new advances in technology changed not only the country in
which they were used the most, but countries around the world. They
made it possible for new colonies, expanded trade, and farther travel at
a quicker rate. Many countries benefited from these technological
Global Hist. & Geo. Rating Guide – June ’13 [62] Vol. 2
Anchor Level 1-A
The response:
Minimally develops some aspects of the task for the use of the caravel by the Spanish and the
use of the railroad in India
Is descriptive (caravel: it made traveling overseas quicker; Spain’s expansion of the sugar
industry meant more trade would occur; railroad: it helped increase Indian trade with Great
Britain; it made it possible for common people to travel farther from home more quickly; it
meant people could move farther from home and have a shorter journey; trains were faster than
other transportation)
Includes minimal information from documents 4, 5, and 9
Presents no relevant outside information
Includes few relevant facts, examples, and details (caravel: used by the Spanish; enabled
Spanish to explore new lands and set up colonies; Spain planted sugar cane in Española)
Demonstrates a general plan of organization; includes an introduction that states the use of the
caravel by the Spanish and India’s railroad system made trade and travel easier and faster and a
conclusion that states new advances in technology changed not only the country where it was
used the most but countries around the world
Conclusion: Overall, the response fits the criteria for Level 1. Simplistic statements about
document information frame a brief discussion. Descriptive conclusions are included but little
explanation results in negligible development of the task.
Global Hist. & Geo. Rating Guide – June ’13 [63] Vol. 2
Anchor Paper – Document-Based Essay—Level 1 – B
Technoligal advances such as the composite bow and stirrup and
the caravel have helped cultures.
The bow made it easier to kill foot soldiers. (Doc 1) The stirrups gave
the Mongol better aim while riding (Doc 1). The bow and stirrup gave
the Mongols the upper hand in battle. This made the Mongols empire
The caravel ship made traveling and trade easier. (Doc 4) The ship
made travel time quicker. The ship helped explore the americas. This
changed the americas.
This concludes my essays on inventions.
Anchor Level 1-B
The response:
Minimally develops some aspects of the task for the combined use of the bow and the stirrup
by the Mongols and the use of the caravel by the Spanish
Is descriptive (bow and stirrup: the bow made it easier to kill foot soldiers; they gave the
Mongols the upper hand in battle; they helped the Mongol empire expand; caravel: it made
traveling and trade easier)
Includes minimal information from documents 1 and 4
Presents no relevant outside information
Includes few relevant facts, examples, and details (bow and stirrup: the stirrup gave the
Mongol better aim while riding; caravel: it made travel time quicker; it helped the Spanish
explore the Americas)
Demonstrates a general plan of organization; includes a one sentence introduction that states
the bow and stirrup and the caravel helped cultures and a general concluding statement
Conclusion: Overall, the response fits the criteria for Level 1. Although it is stated that the bow
and stirrup gave the Mongols the upper hand in battle, Mongol interaction with a specific
civilization or society is not mentioned. It is stated that the caravel changed the Americas;
however, changes that resulted from that interaction are not addressed.
Global Hist. & Geo. Rating Guide – June ’13 [64] Vol. 2
Document-Based Essay—Practice Paper – A
Technological advancements throughout history have affected how
civilizations and societies interact with one another. These interactions
have resulted in many changes. The use of the bow and the stirrup by
the Mongols greatly impacted the world because they were able to
conquer large territories easier and with more speed. In addition, the
use of the caravel by the Spanish allowed them to explore much of the
unknown world, and later colonize it.
The use of bows and stirrups in the Mongol Empire had a very large
impact, not only for them, but for the rest of the world too. The use of
these technologies allowed the Mongols to spread their empire
extensively and gain control over some large trading routes,
including the Silk Roads. The stirrup allowed the Mongol wariors to
have a steadier shot with their bow and this allowed them to take over
much of the Asian world. The bow which was made of composite
materials had a range of more than 350 yards which was further than
even the English long bow (doc. 1b). Using their advanced technology,
they were able to take over much of Asia and also infiltrate parts of
Europe. By gaining control of the Silk Roads and reviving trade the
Mongols were able to create Pax Mongolia, or the Mongol Peace which
was the Golden Age that resulted from the peace, stability, and
economic success of the Mongol Empire. Under Pax Mongolia, cultural
ideas and values were able to be spread over long distances. This trade
allowed the Europeans and the Mongols to exchange food, tools and
ideas on a large scale (doc. 2). The introduction of these new products
into Europe stimulated an increase of technological activity in Europe
and allowed them to use the Mongol technology and to adapt it.
Gunpowder was incorporated into European war technology. The
Global Hist. & Geo. Rating Guide – June ’13 [65] Vol. 2
Document-Based Essay—Practice Paper – A
Mongols also made Europeans realize that they had to learn to accept
other cultures and religions (doc. 3). The Mongols infusion of their
culture into Europe had many positive and negative effects on Europe
as a whole.
Another technological advancement that affected the interaction of
one society with another was the use of the caravel by the Spanish.
Their use of the caravel made oceanic voyages much easier and led to
the development of the Columbian Exchange and the Atlantic trade
routes between the Americas, Africa and Europe. The caravel was
adventageous because it was fast and maneuverable and it also made
carrying cargo and exploring the Americas much easier (doc. 4b). The
discovery of the Americas was beneficial in many ways because foods
and animals were introduced to Europe and the Americas that became
staples, such as the introduction of the potato to Ireland and the horse
to North America. However, there were also many negative impacts of
the Spanishs intrusion into the Americas. The Columbian Exchange
also brought diseases such as measles and smallpox. At first Native
Americans were forced to work on large plantations (doc. 6). Many of
these natives died due to overwork and exposure to disease. This
system, called the encomienda system was ended partly because of
people like Bartolome de las Casas who protested against the cruelty.
Some historians claim that this led directly to the African slave trade
(doc 6). The African slaves were forced to do intensive work and were
treated horrendously, especially during their shipment here on the
Middle Passage. It also had a bad impact because the Spanish created a
completely new social structure, with them at the top and the natives
and African slaves at the bottom (doc. 6). The Spanishs use of the
Global Hist. & Geo. Rating Guide – June ’13 [66] Vol. 2
Document-Based Essay—Practice Paper – A
caravel had many positive impacts on the Americas, but also many
negative consequences too.
The use of the caravel by the Spanish and stirrups and bows by the
Mongols had many consequences on the civilizations that they
interacted with. These results, both negative and positive, played a
huge role in world history and changed the course of history forever.
Global Hist. & Geo. Rating Guide – June ’13 [67] Vol. 2
Document-Based Essay—Practice Paper – B
Many societies and civilizations have achieved technological
advancements that helped shaped their empire or region. In addition,
these advancements affected how certain civilizations and societies
interacted and these interactions brought about changes. The Mongols
combined the use of the bow and the stirrup which aided them in
expanding their territories. These territories afterward changed because
of this. The Spanish used the caravel and this advancement helped with
the colonization of parts of Latin America. Colonization then resulted
in changes in both Latin America and Spain.
The Mongol empire was one of the biggest land empires in the
worlds history, but the Mongols wouldnt have been as successful
without the help of technological advancements. The Mongols
combined the use of the bow and the stirrup to become more effective
warriors. As said in document 1a, this bow made it easier for them to
shoot while riding which gave them the upper hand against ordinary
foot soldiers. It enabled them to be steadier and have more accuracy
while shooting. It also allowed the Mongol armies to travel quicker
because they wouldnt have to stop or slow down in order to attack and
fight their enemy. The Mongols’ weapons were superior to the weapons
in areas they attempted to conquer. It helped them expand their empire
throughout Asia and helped them conquer other groups. They were able
to win vast areas during their wars. Two of the groups that were
included in their empire were Russia and the Yuan dynasty which
they set up in China. Because of the Mongols’ conquests cultural
diffusion occurred. As said in document 2, Mongol conquests
facilitated trade between civilizations at different ends of Eurasia.
Trade increased and food, tools, and ideas were able to be exchanged.
The Mongols’ empire resulted in a Golden Age called Pax Mongolica. In
Document 3, it is said that the Mongols had an effect on the European
view of the world. Europeans were introduced to vast varieties of
cultures, religions, and ideas other than their own. Christian Europe
understood that they had to deal w/ non-Christian societies if they
wanted products from the Far East. Without the Mongols, cultures
probably wouldnt have the variety they have as much as they have
now. The areas that the Mongols conquered also changed. The Russians
became isolated from the Byzantine Empire and started to develop a
uniquely “Russian culture.” The Chinese were also affected because
when a non-Chinese dynasty, the Yuan, ruled China, it forced
Confucian scholars to lose status.
Along with the Mongols, the Spanish also had technological
advacements that helped shape their region and others. As said in
document 4b, the caravel helped the Spanish explore other regions. They
were able to carry some cargo, fight in wars, and sail much faster and
easier than ever before. With the caravel the Spanish were able to
colonize much of Latin America. In Latin America, the Spanish
culture spread quickly throughout. As said in document 5, they were
able to create sugar plantation industries. In the island of Española,
Charles V increased mills on the island and sugar was one of the two
staples of the islands economy. Spains use of the caravel lead to the
growth of the sugar plantation, but it doesnt mean that the colonies
benefited. European countries fought each other to gain these profitable
areas. For example, France took part of Española to make the colony of
Haiti. In these colonies, natives were mistreated and forced to work
(Doc. 6). Many were forced to convert to Catholicism. A new social
Global Hist. & Geo. Rating Guide – June ’13 [68] Vol. 2
Document-Based Essay—Practice Paper – B
Global Hist. & Geo. Rating Guide – June ’13 [69] Vol. 2
Document-Based Essay—Practice Paper – B
structure and encomiendas emerged. Spain practiced mercantilism.
This is when a mother country uses its colonies for raw materials,
which they bring back to the main or mother country, manufacture
them into finished products, and sell them to markets in their
colonies. Revolutions emerged by the late 1700s and early 1800s.
Many individuals spoke out and encouraged people to fight for their
independence. People like Toussaint L’Ouverture, Símon Bolívar and
Father Hidalgo inspired people to rise up against the terrible conditions
and unfair colonial governments. They were eventually successful.
Also without the use of the caravel by the Spanish, Latin America
wouldnt have the similarities it has with Spain including its
language, religion, or culture.
Technological advancement aided in the shaping of societies. These
societies were able to interact with others which led to change. The
Mongols used the combination of the stirrup and bow to facilitate their
expansion and change the cultures within their empire. The Spanish
used the caravel to travel and it led to Latin American colonization.
Changes made by technological advancements in the past are still
seen today.
Global Hist. & Geo. Rating Guide – June ’13 [70] Vol. 2
Document-Based Essay—Practice Paper – C
There were two inventions that helped alot. These items helped us in
becoming more tecnologially advanced. The were the caravel and the
longbow. The longbow was used by foot or on horseback. The caravel
was a ship that was fast and held alot of storage.
The longbow was invented by the Mongols. This was used in wars.
and also in hunting.
The caravel was a ship invented to deliver cargo to other countries.
Global Hist. & Geo. Rating Guide – June ’13 [71] Vol. 2
Document-Based Essay—Practice Paper – D
There was many technological advancement in history. The
Mongols one of Histories largest empires combined the bow and stirrup
to become one of histories biggest empires. In India Railroads were
Railroads in India helped transport goods much faster to factories
than any other way. Railroads transported troops to troubled areas
where there needed to be justice. The Railroads spanned all over India so
you could go anywheres. They were much more efficient than by horse
or any other way.
The Mongol Empire, one of histories largest and most powerful
empires. The mongols created a way to ride on horseback during war
and be accurate with the Bow and arrow. They created the stirrup it
allowed the rider to be steadier and more accurate. It allowed the
Mongol empire to have a more powerful military and conquer more
Throughout history empires and countries all had technological
Break throughs. Some Became more stronger in military. Others
Became smarter and more technology was developed. Others either
failed or succeeded.
Global Hist. & Geo. Rating Guide – June ’13 [72] Vol. 2
Document-Based Essay—Practice Paper – E
Sometimes, technology is the main factor that determines the rise
and fall of civilizations and empires. A nation with superior
technology will indeed be able to dominate or conquer other nations or
establish colonies in those realms. Furthermore, these technologies
may also be used to facilitate cultural interactions. Examples of the
use of such technology can clearly be seen in the Mongols use of the
stirrup and bow, as well as the Spanish use of the caravel.
The Mongols use of the stirrup and the bow is considered by some to
be the main cause of their innumerable victories. The Mongols were
initially nomads from the Eurasian steppes and thus spent most of
their lives in the saddle. Hence, by adding the stirrup to their saddle
and combining its use with the bow, the Mongols archers were able to
remain quite steady even on horseback which in turn allowed them to
aim and shoot at their adversaries with far more ease. Thus, this
invention allowed archers to shoot down enemies while on the move,
which was of great use to the continuously mobile Mongol army.
Thus, technological advances such as these allowed the Mongols to
move quickly and conquer cities with little difficulty. The bow and
the stirrup was thus indirectly responsible for combining some states
of Europe and most of Asia into a single, vast Mongol Empire, which
opened up trade & cultural interactions throughout Eurasia. Because
of the Mongols the Silk Roads trade flourished resulting in economic
prosperity throughout the empire. The Mongols also connected many
different areas culturally leading to cultural diffusion not only in
the areas they conquered but also in the areas they were connected to
by trade.
On the other hand, technological advances also facilitated
Global Hist. & Geo. Rating Guide – June ’13 [73] Vol. 2
Document-Based Essay—Practice Paper – E
imperialism not only through warfare, but also through
transportation. A striking example of this is the use of caravels by the
Spanish explorers and conquistadore. Built using a blend of European
& Arabic designs, they were speedier, lighter, and more maneuverable
than the previous designs. These features allowed the European
explorers to reach the shores of the Americas and to establish profitable
colonies there, such as the sugar plantations of Hispaniola. This helped
Spain to establish a mercantilist economy with its new colonies.
Spain took raw materials & products such as sugar from its colonies
and then sold its colonies finished products. Furthermore, the caravels
carried the horses brought to the Americas. When conquistadore
Hernando Cortez and his crew arrived on horses at the Aztec capital,
the Aztecs and their king Montezuma II were rumored to have
welcomed him as the god, Quetzalcoatl. Although some say the
Quetzalcoatl story is exaggerated, what remains true is that caravels
brought new technology, weapons, and diseases that helped defeat the
Aztecs. After this the Spanish empire-builders managed to siphon off
huge amounts of gold, land, & labor from the natives. The strength,
speed, and durability of the caravel also led to rise of Atlantic trade
routes, along which the Columbian Exchange took place and most
importantly, the Triangular trade that included the Middle Passage.
The caravel was a key transportation medium that led to Spanish
colonization. This colonization eventually led to the transportation of
African slaves on slave ships from the West African coast to the
Americas to support the booming sugar industry. These slaves, too, had
a great impact on mainstream culture in Latin America, thus
highlighting the huge role that caravels had on the cultural
Global Hist. & Geo. Rating Guide – June ’13 [74] Vol. 2
Document-Based Essay—Practice Paper – E
interactions between the 3 areas: Europe, Africa, and Latin America.
Thus, it can clearly be seen that technology itself has a tremendous
impact on the cultural growth and interactions around the world.
Indeed, technology has come to influence many of the most important
historical events, such as the use of the atomic bomb in WWII and the
launching of the first space satellite Sputnik during the Space Race.
And even today, with the help of technology, such as the Internet, our
world has become far more globalized than ever before.
Global Hist. & Geo. Rating Guide – June ’13 [75] Vol. 2
Practice Paper A—Score Level 3
The response:
Develops all aspects of the task with little depth for the combined use of the bow and the
stirrup by the Mongols and the use of the caravel by the Spanish
Is more descriptive than analytical (bow and stirrup: it helped the Mongols conquer large
territories easier and with more speed; introduction of new products stimulated an increase of
technological activity in Europe that allowed them to use Mongol technology and to adapt it;
Europeans realized that they had to learn to accept other cultures and religions; caravel: it
allowed the Spanish to explore much of the unknown world and later colonize it; there were
many negative impacts of the Spanish intrusion into the Americas)
Incorporates some relevant information from documents 1, 2, 3, 4, and 6
Incorporates relevant outside information (bow and stirrup: Mongols were able to create Pax
Mongolica which was the Golden Age that resulted from peace, stability, and economic
success; caravel: it led to the development of the Columbian exchange and the Atlantic trade
routes between the Americas, Africa, and Europe; discovery of Americas was beneficial
because foods and animals were introduced to Europe and the Americas that became staples,
such as the introduction of the potato to Ireland and the horse to North America; Columbian
exchange brought diseases such as measles and smallpox; encomienda system was ended
partly because of people such as de las Casas who protested against the cruelty; African slaves
were forced to do intensive work and were treated horrendously, especially during their trip on
the Middle Passage)
Includes some relevant facts, examples, and details (bow and stirrup: helped Mongols gain
control over the Silk Roads; stirrup allowed Mongols to have a steadier shot with bow made of
composite materials; range of bow further than English long bow; Europeans and Mongols
exchanged food, tools, and ideas on large scale; gunpowder incorporated into European war
technology; caravel: fast, maneuverable, and made carrying some cargo and exploring
Americas much easier; Native Americans forced to work on large plantations; many Native
Americans died from overwork and exposure to disease; new social structure with Spanish at
top and natives and African slaves at bottom)
Demonstrates a satisfactory plan of organization; includes an introduction that states an impact
of the use of technology by the Mongols and the Spanish and a conclusion that states use of
technology by the Mongols and the Spanish had positive and negative results
Conclusion: Overall, the response fits the criteria for Level 3. An attempt is made to develop the
thesis that conquests by both the Mongols and the Spanish resulted in positive and negative effects
on the areas each conquered and this, along with the incorporation of outside information,
strengthens the discussion. Further development of ideas would have enhanced the effort.
Global Hist. & Geo. Rating Guide – June ’13 [76] Vol. 2
Practice Paper B—Score Level 4
The response:
Develops all aspects of the task by discussing the combined use of the bow and the stirrup by
the Mongols and the use of the caravel by the Spanish
Is both descriptive and analytical (bow and stirrup: Mongols would not have been as
successful without the help of technological advancements; Mongols combined the bow and
the stirrup to become more effective warriors; the bow made it easier for the Mongols to shoot
while riding; it gave them the upper hand against ordinary foot soldiers; it enabled them to be
steadier and have more accuracy while shooting; Mongol conquests facilitated trade between
different ends of Eurasia; Mongols introduced Europeans to vast varieties of cultures, religions,
and ideas that were not their own; Christian Europe understood that they had to deal with non-
Christian societies if they wanted products from the Far East; caravel: it helped the Spanish to
sail much faster and easier than ever before; while it led to the growth of sugar plantations, it
does not mean the Spanish colonies benefited)
Incorporates relevant information from documents 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6
Incorporates relevant outside information (bow and stirrup: Mongol empire was one of the
biggest land empires in world history; it allowed Mongol armies to travel quicker because they
would not have to stop or slow down in order to attack and fight their enemy; the Mongols
conquered Russia and set up the Yuan dynasty in China; Mongol conquests resulted in a
Golden Age called Pax Mongolica; Russians became isolated from the Byzantine Empire and
started to develop a uniquely “Russian culture”; Chinese were affected because when the non-
Chinese Yuan dynasty ruled Confucian scholars lost status; caravel: led to European countries
fighting each other to gain profitable areas; France took part of Española to make the colony of
Haiti; many natives in Spanish colonies were forced to convert to Catholicism; encomiendas
emerged; Spain practiced mercantilism meaning a mother country uses its colonies for raw
materials which are brought back to the main or mother country, manufactured, and sold to
markets in their colonies; people like Toussaint L’Ouverture, Simn Bolivar, and Father
Hidalgo inspired people to rise up against the terrible conditions and unfair colonial
governments and were eventually successful)
Supports the theme with relevant facts, examples, and details (bow and stirrup: Mongols
increased trade and exchanged food, tools, and ideas; caravel: used by Spanish to colonize
parts of Latin America; helped the Spanish carry some cargo and fight in wars; Charles V
increased sugar cane mills on Española; sugar one of two staples of Española’s economy;
natives in Spanish colonies mistreated and forced to work)
Demonstrates a logical and clear plan of organization; includes an introduction and a
conclusion that discusses how the Mongols and the Spanish used technological developments
Conclusion: Overall, the response fits the criteria for Level 4. A dependence on document
information to frame a logically developed discussion is enhanced by the inclusion of good
historical references and some integrated outside information. Further explanation and
development of generalizations about cultural diffusion, Pax Mongolica, and the encomienda
system would have strengthened the response.
Global Hist. & Geo. Rating Guide – June ’13 [77] Vol. 2
Practice Paper D—Score Level 1
The response:
Minimally develops some aspects of the task for the use of the railroad in India and the
combined use of the bow and the stirrup by the Mongols
Is descriptive (railroad: it helped transport goods much faster to factories; it was much more
efficient than horses; bow and stirrup: the stirrup allowed the rider to be steadier and more
accurate; they allowed the Mongol Empire to have a more powerful military and conquer more
Includes minimal information from documents 1, 7, and 9
Presents little relevant outside information (bow and stirrup: they helped the Mongols to
become one of the largest and most powerful empires in history)
Includes few relevant facts, examples, and details (railroad: it transported troops to troubled
areas; they spanned all over India; bow and stirrup: the stirrup helped Mongols ride on
Demonstrates a general plan of organization; includes an introductory sentence that states there
were many technological advancements in history and a conclusion that states technology
helped some countries become stronger and others to develop more technology while others
Conclusion: Overall, the response fits the criteria for Level 1. Although an attempt is made to
address the task and a few comparative statements are included, lack of sufficient explanation
detracts from the effort. The document information that is included indicates little understanding of
changes that resulted from interactions.
Practice Paper C—Score Level 0
The response:
Fails to develop the task
Conclusion: Overall, the response fits the criteria for Level 0. Although brief statements of
information from documents 1 and 4 are used to describe the technology of the bow and the
caravel, the response only refers to the theme in a general way.
Global Hist. & Geo. Rating Guide – June ’13 [78] Vol. 2
Practice Paper E—Score Level 3
The response:
Develops all aspects of the task with little depth for the combined use of the bow and the
stirrup by the Mongols and the use of the caravel by the Spanish
Is more descriptive than analytical (bow and stirrup: it was considered by some to be the cause
of innumerable Mongol victories; it was indirectly responsible for helping the Mongols
combine some states of Europe and most of Asia into a single vast Mongol Empire; it resulted
in economic prosperity throughout the empire; caravel: it was speedier, lighter, and more
maneuverable than previous designs; Spanish empire builders managed to siphon off huge
amounts of gold, land, and labor from the natives)
Incorporates some relevant information from documents 1, 2, 4, 5, and 6
Incorporates relevant outside information (bow and stirrup: Mongols were initially nomads
from the Eurasian steppes and spent most of their life in the saddle; it helped the Mongols to
conquer cities with little difficulty; it connected many different areas culturally leading to
cultural diffusion not only in the areas the Mongols conquered but also in areas they were
connected to by trade; caravel: its use by Spanish explorers and conquistadors facilitated
imperialism not only through warfare but also through transportation; it used a blend of
European and Arabic designs; it helped Spain to establish a mercantilist economy with its new
colonies; although some say the Quetzalcoatl story is exaggerated what remains true is that
caravels brought new technology, weapons, and diseases that helped defeat the Aztecs;
Atlantic trade routes along which the Columbian exchange took place and most importantly the
Triangular trade which included the Middle Passage)
Includes some relevant facts, examples, and details (bow and stirrup: helped Mongol archers
remain steady on horseback; allowed Mongols to shoot at enemies with more ease; caravel:
allowed European explorers to reach American shores and establish profitable colonies such as
the sugar plantations of Hispaniola)
Demonstrates a satisfactory plan of organization; includes an introduction that states superior
technology helps a nation dominate, conquer other nations, or establish colonies and a
conclusion that mentions examples of modern technology
Conclusion: Overall, the response fits the criteria for Level 3. Although a good understanding of
the task is demonstrated, limited use of supporting facts and details result in a surface treatment of
the task. Outside historical information and some analytic statements are included; however, some
of that information is not well developed in the discussion, i.e. the impact of enslaved Americans
on the culture of Latin America.
Global Hist. & Geo. Rating Guide – June ’13 [79] Vol. 2
Global History and Geography Specifications
June 2013
Part I
Multiple Choice Questions by Standard
Standard Question Numbers
1—United States and New York History N/A
2—World History
2, 5, 6, 8, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, 20, 25, 27, 29,
31, 32, 33, 36, 39, 42, 43, 44, 45, 47, 48
1, 4, 7, 9, 18, 19, 21, 22, 23, 24, 35, 38, 40,
41, 46
4—Economics 3, 10, 26, 28, 30, 37, 49
5—Civics, Citizenship, and Government 13, 17, 34, 50
Parts II and III by Theme and Standard
Theme Standards
Thematic Essay Change—Revolutions
Standards 2, 3, 4, and 5:
World History; Geography;
Economics, Civics,
Citizenship, and Government
Science and Technology; Movement
of People and Goods; Conflict;
Culture and Intellectual Life; Human
and Physical Geography; Change;
Imperialism; Nationalism; Power;
Human Rights
Standards 2, 3, 4, and 5:
World History; Geography;
Economics, Civics,
Citizenship, and Government
Scoring information for Part I and Part II is found in Volume 1 of the Rating Guide.
Scoring information for Part III is found in Volume 2 of the Rating Guide.
Global Hist. & Geo. Rating Guide – June ’13 Vol. 2
Submitting Teacher Evaluations of the Test to the Department
Suggestions and feedback from teachers provide an important contribution to the test
development process. The Department provides an online evaluation form for State assess-
ments. It contains spaces for teachers to respond to several specific questions and to make
suggestions. Instructions for completing the evaluation form are as follows:
1. Go to
2. Select the test title.
3. Complete the required demographic fields.
4. Complete each evaluation question and provide comments in the space provided.
5. Click the SUBMIT button at the bottom of the page to submit the completed form.
The Chart for Determining the Final Examination Score for the June 2013
Regents Examination in Global History and Geography will be posted on the
Department’s web site at:
on the day of
the examination. Conversion charts provided for the previous administrations
of the Global History and Geography examination must NOT be used to deter-
mine students’ final scores for this administration.