Jonathan K. London
Personal Information
Permanent Address: 265 Grande Ave.
Davis, Ca 95616
Phone: 530-792-8870
Work Address: 2335 Hart Hall
Davis, Ca 95616
Web Site: http://humanecology.ucdavis.edu/people/faculty/
Areas of Interest
Areas of Interest
Environmental justice policy
Social movements
Rural community development
Regional equity
Engaged scholarship
Education and Training
1995-2001 University of California, Berkeley, Ph.D., Rural sociology and
geography (Louise Fortmann)
1993-1995 University of California, Berkeley, MCP, City and Regional Planning
1987-1991 Brown University, Providence RI, BA, Environmental Studies, Magna
Cum Laude
Employment History
7/1/2015- UC Davis Department of Human Ecology, Davis,
CA, Associate Professor, Tenure awarded January
30, 2015 Official appointment begins July 1, 2015
7/2008-6/2015 UC Davis Department of Human Ecology, Davis,
CA, Assistant Professor, Tenure awarded 1/30/15
Official appointment begins 7/1/2015
7/2008-present UC Davis Center for Regional Change, Davis, CA,
1/2006-6/2008 UC Davis, Department of Human and Community
Development, Davis, Professional Researcher/
Acting Director, Center for Regional Change
6/2000-12/2005 Youth In Focus, Oakland and Davis, CA, Executive
Extending Knowledge
Broadcast, Print or Electronic Media
1. Just Us in Davis (monthly op-ed on social justice issues), Newspaper Article, 2006-
present, Davis Enterprise news paper.
Workshops, Conferences, Presentations and Short Courses
1. Rural Philanthropy and the Central Valley Partnership, Invited Speaker, Rural
Philanthropy. Council On Foundations, 56th Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA,
2. Health Equity by Design in Rural Places, Invited Speaker, Healthy Places:
Redesigning Communities to Foster Environmental Health and Social Equity,
University Extension. Davis, 06/2006.
3. Community Well-being in the Central Valley, Invited Speaker, Great Valley Center
annual conference, Sacramento, CA, 05/2007.
4. Center for the Study of Regional Change as a resource for Colusa County, Invited
Speaker, UC Cooperative Extension leadership training workshop, Colusa, CA,
5. UC Davis and inter-regional planning, Invited Speaker, Interregional Summit:
Planning For The Bay Area/Sacramento Megaregion: Coordinating Transportation
Models, UC Davis, 04/2008.
6. Regional Change in the Central Valley: Visions for the Future, Invited Speaker,
DANR Nutrition Coordinating Conference, UC Davis, 04/2008.
7. Economic Development in a Transitional Natural Resource-based Economy, Invited
Speaker, Mendocino Board of Supervisors, 05/2008.
8. University- Community Action Research Partnerships, Invited Speaker,
Presentation to Sowing Change in the Central Valley: Funders’ Tour. 40 Acres,
Delano, CA, 03/2009.
9. Integrating photovoice and other participatory methods into strategic planning
and evaluation of community economic development in rural Kwa Zulu Natal/
Eastern Cape Provinces, Invited Speaker, Leaders of NGOs involved in community
economic development throughout South Africa, South Africa, 10/2009, 25
10. “Community Engaged Scholarship in a time of Crisis.”, Invited Speaker, Art of
Regional Change Faculty, UC Davis, 12/2009.
11. The Importance of Thinking and Acting Regionally, Invited Speaker, Saving
California's Communities (Elected and Civic leaders from throughout the
Sacramento Region), UC Davis, 05/2010, 100 Attendees.
12. Healthy Youth/ Healthy Regions: Findings, Analysis and Recommendations,
Keynote Speaker, Sierra Health Foundation Board of Directors and Executive
leadership, Monterey, CA, 08/28/2010, 12 Attendees.
13. Why Social Equity Matters for Regional Prosperity, Organizer, Sacramento Internal
Study Mission: (Business and civic leaders from throughout the Sacramento
Region), Sacramento, 10/07/2010, 100 Attendees.
14. Participatory Action Research Methods, Organizer, Ford Foundation: Community
Forestry and Environmental Resource Partnerships (Graduate students from
throughout the country), Middletown, CA, 09/23/2010-09/24/2010, 25 Attendees.
15. Participatory Action Research for Environmental Justice, Organizer, UC Berkeley
School of Law, UC Berkeley School of Law, 10/13/2010, 50 Attendees.
16. Cumulative Environmental Health Impacts in California's San Joaquin Valley:
Innovations in the Use of US EPA's Toxic Release Inventory Data,, Invited
Speaker, US EPA and other state and federal regulators; Health and policy
scientists, US EPA Training Conference on TRI Data for Environmental Decision-
making. Washington, DC, 11/03/2010, 200 Attendees.
17. Mapping Regional Equity in California's Capital Region, Invited Speaker, Coalition
on Regional Equity Summit (Social/ environmental equity advocates from
throughout the Sacramento Region), Sierra Health Foundtion, Sacramento,
11/05/2010, 60 Attendees.
18. Inter-disciplinary research for health, Keynote Speaker, Council of Chairs and
Deans: UC Davis School of Medicine, UC Davis Medical Center, 11/17/2010, 20
19. Innovations in Community Engaged Scholarship, Keynote Speaker, Faculty and
administrators from Land Grant and other universities, Michigan State University,
National Outreach Scholarship Conference, 10/02/2011, 500 Attendees.
20. Healthy Youth/ Healthy Regions, Invited Speaker, Local educational, social service,
elected officials, Yolo County Office of Ed, 10/12/2011, 45 Attendees.
21. Engaged Scholarship for Community Lawyering, Keynote Speaker, UCD and UCB
School of Law Professors and students, UC Davis, 01/14/2012, 25 Attendees.
22. Integrating Social Equity into Regional Planning, Keynote Speaker, Fresno County
Council of Governments, Fresno, CA, 01/22/2012, 175 Attendees.
23. Engaged Scholship for Community Public Health, Keynote Speaker, Nursing
students, Betty Irene Moore School of Nursing - UCD, 11/15/2012, 40 Attendees.
24. The Politics of the Engaged University, Organizer, Provost's Initiative on the Public
University and the Social Good, UC Davis, 03/07/2013, 80 Attendees.
25. Engaged Scholarship for Public Health (Co-Presented with Rey Leon, San Joaquin
Valley Latino Environmental Advancement Project), Invited Speaker, Community-
based Participatory Research Summit: public health researchers and practitioners,
San Franscisco State University, 06/07/2013, 30 Attendees.
26. Revealing the Invisble Coachella Valley, Keynote Speaker, Civic leaders (farm
workers, community advocates), Coachella Environmental Health Leadership
Summit: Mecca, CA, 06/12/2013, 125 Attendees.
27. Using Data to Build Community Collaborations, Keynote Speaker, Placer
Collaborative Network: philanthropy, social service, education, media leaders,
Auburn, CA, 06/15/2013, 60 Attendees.
28. Engaged Scholarship at UC Davis, Presenter, Imagining America: Summit on
Engaged Scholarship, Los Angeles, 06/24/2013-06/26/2013, 120 Attendees.
29. Engaged Scholarship for Environmental Science, Invited Speaker, Faculty and
Researchers with the UCD Superfund Research Program, UC Davis, 08/22/2013,
15 Attendees.
30. Building Capacity for Community-engaged Research, Keynote Speaker, Presented
to faculty leadership teams from NIEHS-funded Superfund Research Centers from
across the country (including Harvard, Brown, Michigan State, University of Puerto
Rico, Northeastern, Louisiana State), Baton Rouge, LA, 10/16/2013, 50 Attendees.
31. Cumulative Environmental Vulnerabilities: Opportunities Integrating health
and environmental Policy and Philanthropy, Invited Speaker, California and
national foundation executives:, San Joaquin Valley Funders' Tour in Fresno, CA,
12/04/2013, 75 Attendees.
32. Spinning Community-Engaged Research, Keynote Speaker, Environmental Health
Scientists and Environmental Social Sciences, Northeastern University: PROTECT
(NIEHS) research program and Nationally-distributed Webinar, 01/27/2014, 100
33. Climate Vulnerability and Environmental Justice, Presenter, Leaders from CA
environmental and health agencies, California EPA, Sacramento, 04/10/2014, 25
34. Making Data Matter: Informing Planning for Healthy Regions and Communities,
Invited Speaker, Making, Fresno State University (Frenso Metro Ministry),
04/18/2014, 65 Attendees.
35. Environmental Justice Mapping for Community Change, Invited Speaker,
environmental justice and health advocates, public agency leaders, Sacramento
Food Bank, 06/04/2014, 45 Attendees.
36. Regional Equity and Community Empowerment, Invited Speaker, Rural
Development Leadership Network, UC Davis, 06/10/2014, 8 Attendees.
37. Innovations in Community Outreach in Rural California, Invited Speaker, Faculty of
the Western Center for Agricultural Health and Safety (NIOSH), UC Davis Public
Health Sciences, 06/10/2014, 12 Attendees.
38. Superfund Policy and Regional Opportunity, Keynote Speaker, United States
Environmental Protection Agency leaders, San Francisco, 06/11/2014, 50
39. Regional Opportunity, Hunger, Nutrition, and Regional Food Systems, Invited
Speaker, Leaders from AGRee for Food and Policy and UC Davis World Food
Center, Webinar, 06/19/2014, 8 Attendees.
40. Applying the Regional Opportunity Index for Afforable Housing Development,
Invited Speaker, Housing developers, public agency leaders, bankers, non-profit
leaders, Yolo County Afforable Housing Summit (Federal Reserve Bank of San
Francisco), 08/04/2014, 75 Attendees.
41. Training on applying the Regional Opportunity Index for Community Reinvestment
Act, Presenter, Wells Fargo Bank Community Development Vice Presidents, Wells
Frago Bank, Sacramento, 08/13/2014, 6 Attendees.
42. Applying the Regional Opportunity Index for Philantropy in the San Joaquin
Valley, Invited Speaker, Sierra Health Foundation Executives, Sacramento, CA,
08/22/2014, 10 Attendees.
43. Making Data Matter for Sustainable and Equitable Regions, Invited Speaker,
Community and regional planners, elected officials, community developers, and
regional advocates, Fresno County Council of Governments. Statewide Learning
Exchange, 08/27/2014, 100 Attendees.
44. Regional Opportunity and Environmental Justice, Invited Speaker, environmental
justice and health advocates from throughout California, Roots of Resistance:
Central California Environmental Justive Coalition Annual Confernece, Fresno, CA,
09/06/2014, 100 Attendees.
45. Mapping Regional Opportunity in the San Joaquin Valley, Keynote Speaker, SJV
Community Reinvestment Bankers Collaborative, Fresno, 10/8/2014, 35 Attendees.
46. Innovations in Mapping for Community and Regional Development, Invited
Speaker, Policy leaders form througout California, UC Center, Sacramento,
10/23/2014, 100 Attendees.
47. Integrating Social Equity into Regional Planning, Keynote Speaker, Public agency
leaders (environmental, transportation, housing, land use), California Research
Bureau, Sacramento, 10/28/2014, 25 Attendees.
48. Disadvantaged Communities and Integrated Regional Water Management in
CA, Organizer, Policy and community leaders involved in drinking water issues
throughout CA, Calistoga, CA, 12/3/2014-12/5/2014, 50 Attendees.
49. Applying Environmental Justice Mapping Tools for Community Advocacy,
Organizer, Community leaders througout the Coachella Valley, Coachella
(Riverside County, 1/14/2015, 10 Attendees.
50. Putting Data to Work for Sustainable & Equitable Communitites, Invited Speaker,
Policy leaders and planners, Sacramento Area Council of Governments, 1/21/2015,
30 Attendees.
51. Innovations in Policy Communications with DIverse Communities, Invited Speaker,
ANR Communications Advisory Board, Davis, 2/12/2015, 30 Attendees.
52. Making Data Matter for Communities (Launch of a book published by the Federal
Reserve Bank and the Urban Institite), Organizer, Faculty, students, policy, and
community leaders, UC Davis, 2/13/2015, 120 Attendees.
53. Alternative Academic Careers in Public Policy and Engaged Research, Invited
Speaker, Graduate students affiliated with the Davis Humanities Institute, UC
Davis, 5/1/2015, 20 Attendees.
54. Policy Summit: Identifying Violations Affecting Communities, Organizer, Policy
and community organization leaders from throughout California, California EPA
Building, Sacramento, July 13, 2015, 100 Attendees.
55. Building Capacity for Policy Engagement in AC ANR, Invited Speaker, UC
ANR specialists, advisors, staff, UC ANR Joint Strategic Initiatives Conference,
Sacramento, CA, October 6, 2015, 40 Attendees.
56. Open Data Mapping Tools for Sustainable and Healthy Communities, Invited
Speaker, Public agency, non-profit, and private sector planners, California Planning
Association, West Sacramento CA, June 3, 2016, 75 Attendees.
57. Capitalizing Environmental Justice in the Sacramento Region, Invited Speaker,
Policy makers, non-profit leaders, UC Center Sacramento, January 21, 2016, 100
58. Capitalizing Environmental Justice: Reflections for Community-engagement, Invited
Speaker, Civic Spark Fellows, Local Government Commission, February 12, 2016,
30 Attendees.
Grants and Contracts
Grants Active
01/01/2012 -
$550,000, Co-Investigator, Regional Opportunity Index, Chris Benner,
Anne Visser (Principal Investigator), Rabobank, N.A., Wells Fargo,
Santander Bank, Percentage Effort=5%
10/01/2013 -
$600,000, Co-Principal Investigator, Managing for multiple ecosystem
services in working landscapes of Sacramento: Urban agriculture and
soil lead contamination, Mary Cadenasso (Principal Investigator), UC
Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Percentage Effort=10%
04/06/2015 -
$7.8 million, Co-Principal Investigator, UC Davis Environmental Health
Sciences Core Center (P30), Irva Hertz-Piccioto, Department of Public
Health Sciences (Principal Investigator), National Institutes of Health,
Percentage Effort=10%
06/01/2015 -
$365,000, Trainer, California Civic Engagement Project, MIndy
Romero (Principal Investigator), James Irvine Foundation, Percentage
10/03/2016 -
$150,000, Principal Investigator, Mapping Water Justice in the
San Joaquin Valley, The California Water Foundation, Percentage
10/03/2016 -
$75,000, Principal Investigator, Developing an integrated
transportation, health, metric for the Sacramento Region, National
Center for Sustainable Transportation, Percentage Effort=5%
10/03/2016 -
$100,000, Principal Investigator, Building capacity for community-
engaged environmental health science research, National Institutes
of Health/ National Institute of Environmental Health Research,
Percentage Effort=5%
Grants Completed
07/01/2013 -
$200,000, Principal Investigator, Building Capacity of The
Environment Justice Movement in CA, California Wellness
Foundation, Percentage Effort=5%
05/01/2006 -
$50,000, Co-Principal Investigator, Growing Youth Action in the
Central Valley, Nancy Erbstein (Principal Investigator), Walter S.
Johnson Foundations
01/01/2013 -
$15,000, Principal Investigator, Developing a Participatory Action
Research Resource Center, Center for Collaborative Research for an
Equitable California, Percentage Effort=5%
10/01/2013 -
$300,000, Co-Principal Investigator, Making Youth Data Matter, Nancy
Erbstein (Principal Investigator), The California Endowment
11/01/2013 -
$100,000, Principal Investigator, California Civic Engagment Project,
The James Irvine Foundation
09/20/2007 -
$10,000, Principal Investigator, Up from the Understory, California
Council for Humanities
10/01/2007 -
$15,000, Principal Investigator, SHA-Regional Equity Coalition,
Sacramento Housing Alliance
11/01/2007 -
$78,000, Principal Investigator, Sacramento Civic Amenities, Valley
Vision Inc. (Sacramento, California)
01/01/2012 -
$18,000, Principal Investigator, SRC: UOIP Seed Grant
01/17/2013 -
$80,000, Principal Investigator, SB 375 Implementation Technical
Assistance Grant #2012-0331, Resources Legacy Fund Foundation
12/07/2007 -
$36,270, Principal Investigator, CIRS Central Valley Air Quality,
California Institute for Rural Studies, Inc. (Cirs)
08/01/2012 -
$25,000, Principal Investigator, Sacramento Housing Alliance
Mapping Project, Sacramento Housing Alliance
01/01/2008 -
$75,000, Co-Principal Investigator, Building Labor Studies at UC
Davis, Chris Benner (Principal Investigator), Univeristy of California
Miguel Conteras Labor Studies Center
06/01/2013 -
$31,662, Co-Principal Investigator, Chronic Absenteeism
Assesment and Action Planning for Sacramento City Unified, Nancy
Erbstein (Principal Investigator), Community Link Capital Region
04/01/2008 -
$75,000, Co-Principal Investigator, WED Labor Studies, Chris
Benner (Principal Investigator), California Labor Federation AFL-Cio
06/15/2008 -
$5,000, Principal Investigator, Economic Trends of Salinas and Pajaro
Valleys, National Rural Funders Collaborative
09/01/2013 -
$12,000, Principal Investigator, Health Impacts Assessment for
Fresno County, California Rural Legal Assistance Inc., Percentage
07/01/2008 -
$25,000, Principal Investigator, Grow Local Eat Local, Sacramento
County Farm Bureau
10/01/2008 -
$10,000, Principal Investigator, Reaching Foward! Youth Voices for
Change, California Council for Humanities
10/01/2008 -
$700,000, Principal Investigator, Sierra Health Foundation, Multiple
Pathways to Youth Success and Regional Vitality, Sierra Health
Foundation (Sierra Foundation)
2009 - 2011 $80,000, Principal Investigator, Environmental Justice and Health
action research in the San Joaquin Valley, The Ford Foundation,
Percentage Effort=15%
02/01/2009 -
$305,579, Principal Investigator, Healthy Youth/Healthy Regions,
California Endowment
02/01/2009 -
$260,347, Principal Investigator, UC Davis SCORECARD, California
04/01/2009 -
$25,000, Principal Investigator, Healthy Young/Healthy Regions-
Regional Advisory Committee, Sierra Health Foundation (Sierra
01/01/2010 -
$34,650, Principal Investigator, Community Forestry and
Environmental Research Partnerships, UC Berkeley
05/18/2010 -
$51,889, Principal Investigator, Establishing a Programmatic
Approach for PIER Energy Use in Community Systems, UC California
Institute for Energy and Environment (CIEE)
12/30/2010 -
$9,013, Principal Investigator, Lessons in Harmony: Preserving
the Culture & Environmental Heritiage of the Arizona, International
Sonoran Desert (Isda)
01/31/2011 -
$75,000, Principal Investigator, SACOG/Sustainable Housing and
Communities, Sacramento Area Council of Government
02/01/2011 -
$19,965, Principal Investigator, Sustainable Communities Planning
Grant Project, Sierra Health Foundation (Sierra Foundation)
02/01/2011 -
$250,00, Principal Investigator, Healthy City Sacramento Regional
Partnership, Community Link Capital Region
02/14/2011 -
$150,000, Principal Investigator, SB 375 Social Equity Project,
Resources Legacy Fund Foundation (Incl Resources Legacy Fund)
07/01/2011 -
$50,000, Principal Investigator, Putting Youth on the Map, UC Division
of Agricultural and Natural Resources, Percentage Effort=2%
07/01/2011 -
$50,000, Principal Investigator, Putting Youth on the Map, UC Ag and
Natural Resources
09/01/2011 -
$15,000, Co-Principal Investigator, Prevalence of Chronic
Absenteeism in the SUSD Project, Nancy Erbstein (Principal
Investigator), Sacramento City Unified School District
09/15/2011 -
$25,300, Principal Investigator, Sustainable Communities Planning
Grant Project, California Endowment
10/01/2011 -
$25,000, Principal Investigator, Healthy Youth/Healthy Regions-
Outreach, Sierra Health Foundation (Sierra Foundation)
01/01/2012 -
$42,962, Principal Investigator, Building Healthy Communities with
Data-Based Advocacy-CRC Subcontract, California Institute for Rural
Studies, Inc. (Cirs)
01/15/2012 -
$11,500, Principal Investigator, Healthy Youth/Healthy Regions
Outreach Project, California Endowment
11/01/2012 -
$5,000, Co-Principal Investigator, Improving Student Health
by Reducing Chronic Absenteeism, Nancy Erbstein (Principal
Investigator), Sacramento City Unified School District
09/01/2014 -
$100,000, Trainer, California Civic Engagement Project, Mindy
Romero (Principal Investigator), James Irvine Foundation, Percentage
06/02/2014 -
$25,000, Principal Investigator, Assessing California's Integrated
Regional Watershed Management Program, University of California,
California Institute for Water Resources, Percentage Effort=5%
10/01/2015 -
$65,000, Principal Investigator, Environmental Scan of Children's
Health and Wellbeing in the San Joaquin Valley, Sierra Health
Foundation, Percentage Effort=2%
09/01/2007 -
$4,700, Principal Investigator, California Coalition for Rural Housing
01/01/2010 -
$8,000, Principal Investigator, Rudy Grah Chair Gift From UCB
Honors & Awards
1998-1999 National Science Foundation: Doctoral Dissertation Improvement
1998-1999 Ford Foundation: Doctoral Fellowship (Community Forestry and
Natural Resource Partnerships)
2011 The Rural Sociological Society Natural Resources Research Group
Annual Award of Merit, Awarded to one outstanding rural social
scientist each year.
2015 Random Acts of Kindness Award for Community Resilience and
Justice, Award developed with Archbishop Desmond Tutu by
Breakthrough Communities
1998 J. London. Common Roots and Entangled Limbs: Earth First! and the
Growth of Post-Wilderness Environmentalism on California’s North
Coast. Antipode: A Radical Journal of Geography (Special Issue:
Capital and Nature in the American West), 30(2): 155-176.
2000 Kusel, J., Kocher, S., London, J., Bittulph, L. and E.Schuster. Effects
of Displacement and Outsourcing on Woods Workers and Their
Families. Society & Natural Resources, 13: 115-134.
2003 Zimmerman, K. and J. London. Getting to Go: Building Organizational
Capacity to Engage in Youth-led Research, Evaluation, and Planning.
Community Youth Development Journal, 4(1): 19-25.
2003 London, J., Zimmerman, K. and N. Erbstein. Youth-led Research
and Evaluation: Tools for Youth, Organizational, and Community
Development. New Directions for Evaluation, 2003(98): 33-45.
2003 London, J. and M. Chabrán. Youth—led REP: Building Critical
Consciousness for Social Change. Practicing Anthropology, 26(2):
2006 Suleiman, A.B., Soleimanpour, S. and J. London. Youth Action for
Health Through Youth-Led Research. Journal of Community Practice,
14(1/2): 125-145.
2007 Richardson, J. and J. London. “Strategies and Lessons for Reducing
Persistent Rural Poverty: A Social-Justice Approach to Funding Rural
Community Transformation” in Community Development. Journal of
the Community Development Society. Special edition on Poverty,
38(1): 92-107.
2007 J. London. Power and Pitfalls in Youth-led Participatory Action
Research: Lessons for Community Development. Children and Youth
Environments. Special Issue on Youth, 17(2): 406-432.
2008 London, J., Sze, J. and R. Lievanos. Problems, Promise, Progress,
and Perils: Critical Reflections on Environmental Justice Policy
Implementation in California. UCLA Journal of Environmental Law and
Policy. Special Issue on Environmental Justice, 26(2): 255-290.
2008 Sze J. and J. London. Environmental Justice at the Crossroads.
Sociology Compass, 2(4): 1331-1354.
2009 Shilling, F., London, J. and R. Lievanos. Marginalization by
collaboration: Environmental justice as a third party in and beyond
CALFED. Environmental Science and Policy. Special Issue on
CalFED, 12(6): 694-709.
2009 X + @ Sze, J., London, J., Shilling, F., Filan, T., Gambirrazio, G.
and M. Cadenasso. Defining and Contesting Environmental Justice:
Socio-natures and the Politics of Scale in the Delta. Antipode, 41 (4):
807-843 (Reprinted in Spaces of Environmental Justice (Antipode
Book Series), edited by Ryan Holifield, Michael Porter and Gordon
Walker. Wiley Blackwell. pp. 219-256).
2009 X + @ Sze, J., Gambirazzio, G., Karner, A., Rowan, D., London, J.
and D. Niemeier. Best in Show?: Climate Policy and Environmental
Justice Policy in California. Environmental Justice, 2(4): 179-184.
2011 X + @ London, J., Zagofsky, T., Huang, G. and J. Saklar.
Collaboration, Participation and Technology: The San Joaquin Valley
Cumulative Health Impacts Project. Gateways: International Journal
of Community Research and Engagement. Special Edition: Sustaining
Community - University Partnerships, 4: 12-30.
2012 + @ Huang, G. and J. London. Mapping Cumulative Environmental
Effects, Social Vulnerability, and Health in the San Joaquin Valley,
California. American Journal of Public Health, 102(5): 830-832.
2012 X + @ Huang. G. and J. London. Cumulative Environmental
Vulnerability and Environmental Justice in California’s San Joaquin
Valley. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public
Health, 9: 1593-1608.
2013 @ London, J., Frampton, M.L., DeLugan, R., & Fujimoto, I. Growing
Community-University Research Partnerships in the San Joaquin
Valley. Environmental Justice, 6(2): 62-70.
2013 X + @ London, J., Karner, A., Sze, J., Rowan, D., Gambirazzio,
G. and D. Niemeier. Racing Climate Change: Collaboration and
Conflict in California's Global Climate Change Policy Arena. Global
Environmental Change, 23(4): 791-799.
2015 + @ Karner, A. and London J.K. Rural Communities and
Transportation Equity in California’s San Joaquin Valley.
Transportation Research Record (TRR), Journal of the Transportation
Research Board, 2452: 90-97.
2016 X @ London, J.K. Environmental Justice and Political Ecology
Converge in the Other California. Journal of Political Ecology, 23:
2016 Rowangould, D, Karner, A. and London J.K. Identifying environmental
justice communities for transportation analysis. Transportation
Research Part A: Policy and Practice (National Academy of Sciences),
88: 151-162.
2016 Cutts, B. B., Fang, D., Hornik, K., London, J. K., Schwarz, K., &
Cadenasso, M. L. Media Frames and Shifting Places of Environmental
(In) Justice: A Qualitative Historical Geographic Information System
Method. Environmental Justice, 9(1): 23-28.
2016 Schwarz K., Cutts B., London J.K. and Cadenasso M.L. Growing
Gardens in Shrinking Cities: A Solution to the Soil Lead Problem?
2016 X + @ Huang, G. and London J.K. Mapping in and out of Messes:
Cumulative Environmental Vulnerability Assessment to Resolve
Environmental Justice Conflicts. Land Use and Planning Journal, 154:
Journals In Press
2016 X @ London, J., Kirsten Schwarz, Mary Cadenasso, Bethany Cutts,
Kirsten Schwarz, Charles Mason, Jeanette Lim, Katie Valenzuela.
Weaving Community-University Research and Action Partnerships for
Environmental Justice. Action Research. ** IN PRESS **
Book Chapters
1993 J. London: Legal Developments in Nepal: 1992, G. Handl, (ed),
Yearbook of International Environmental Law, Vol. 3.
1994 J. London: Legal Developments in Nepal, G. Handl, (ed), Yearbook
of International Environmental Law, Vol. 4(1993), Oxford: Clarendon
1998 J. London: The Quincy Library Group, Northern California, M.
Poffenberger, (ed), Communities and Forest Management in Canada
and the United States: A Regional Profile of the Working Group on
Community Involvement in Forest Management, WG CIFM, Berkeley,
2002 J. London: American Indian Management of Federal Lands: The
Maidu Cultural and Development Group, Jones, E.T., McLain, R.J.,
and J. Wiegand, (ed), Non-timber Forest Products in the United
States, University of Kansas Press, Lawrence, KS.
2005 J. London: Youth-led Research, Evaluation and Planning: Building
Knowledge for Power, Sherrod, L., Flanagan, C.A., and R. Kassimir,
(ed), Youth Activism: An International Encyclopedia, Greenwood
Publishing Company, Westport, CT.
2005 London, J., Starrs, P. and L. Fortmann: Power Plants and Forest
Plans: Two Decades of Mobilization in a Mountain Forest Community,
Lee, R. and D, Fields, (ed), Communities and Forests: Where People
Meet the Land, Oregon State University Press, Corvallis, OR.
2009 Karner, A., Rowan, D., London, J., Sze, J. and D. Niemeier:
Environmental Justice, Gender, and Conflict in California Climate
Policy, Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on
Women's Issues in Transportation., Transportation Reseach Board
(National Academies of Science).
2010 Niemeier, D.A, Beamish, T., Kendall, A., Grattet, R., London, J., de
la Pena, C. and J. Sze: Characterizing the Impacts of Uncertainty in
the Policy Process: Climate Science, Policy Construction, and Local
Governance Decisions, Geerlings, H., Shiftan, Y. and D. Stead, (ed),
Transition towards Sustainable Mobility: The Role of Instruments,
Individuals and Institutions, Ashgate Press, London.
2010 Liévanos, R., London, J. and J. Sze: Uneven Transformations and
Environmental Justice: Regulatory Science, Street Science, and
Pesticide Regulation in California, Ottinger, G. and B. Cohen, (ed),
Engineers, Scientists, and Environmental Justice: Transforming
Expert Cultures through Grassroots Engagement,, MIT Press,
Cambridge, MA.
2010 Huang, G. and J. London: Cumulative Environmental Impacts and
Social Vulnerability in the San Joaquin Valley, California, Proceedings
of the 2010 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing
Symposium, 2788-2791.
2014 Karner, A. and J. London: "Rural Communities and Transportation
Equity in California’s San Joaquin Valley", Transportation Research
Board: Proceedings of the 93rd Annual TRB Meeting, Vol.
14(14-5186), Transportation Research Board of the National
Academies, pp. 17.
2014 Karner, Alex; London. Jonathan, Rowangould, Dana, Garoupa-White,
Catherine: Putting Data into Action for Regional Equity in California’s
San Joaquin Valley, Cytron, Naomi, (ed), Making Data Work for
Community Change, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco/ Urban
Institute, San Francisco, CA.
Book Chapters In Press
2016 London, J.K, Sze, J, Cadenasso, M.L.: Facilitating Transdisciplinary
Conversations in Environmental Justice Studies, Ryan Hollifield,
Gordon Walker, Jayajit Chakraborty, (ed), Routledge Environmental
Justice Handbook, Routledge Press, London. ** IN PRESS **
Books Reviewed
1996 J. London. Beverly Brown Hears Voices in Timber Country: A Review
of Beverly Brown’s ‘In Timber Country: Working People’s Stories of
Environmental Conflict and Urban Flight. International Association for
the Study of Common Property Resources Digest, 29: 11-12.
2005 J. London. Understanding the Environment: Bridging the Disciplinary
Divides (Eds R.Q. Grafton, R. Libby, R. Wesson). Society and Natural
2010 J. London. Blue-Green Coalitions: Fighting for Safe Workplaces and
Healthy Communities (Brian Mayer). Social Forces, 89(1): 330-332.
Limited Distribution
1996 London, J. and J. Kusel. Applied Ecosystem Management:
Coordinated Resource Management in the Feather River Watershed.
Status of the Sierra Nevada Vol. III: Sierra Nevada Ecosystem Project,
Final Report to Congress.
2000 J. London. Youth Development Through Youth-led Research,
Evaluation, and Planning. The Experience of Youth in focus. Focal
Point, 14(2): 35-36.
2003 London, J. and A. Young. Youth Empowerment and Community
Action in the Central Valley: Mapping the Opportunities and
Challenges. Youth In Focus.
2003 J. London. Youth-led REP: Building Critical Consciousness for Social
Change. Insight, A Newsletter for Grantmakers for Children, Youth
and their Families.
2006 J. London. Plumas County Community/Youth Violence Prevention
Planning Interim Evaluation Report to The California Endowment.
2007 London, J. and S.L. Sommer. Community Well-being in the Central
Valley: Assessing the Region Through Indicators.
2009 London, J. and T. Bradshaw. Towards a New Rural Pattern Language.
UC Davis Center for Regional Change Working Paper.
2009 Larochelle, M., London, J. and J. Sze.. Building Collaborative
Communities: The Center for Regional change and the Environmental
justice Project at UC Davis. The Race Equity Project, e-newsletter.
2010 London. J., Campbell, D. and M. Kuhns. California’s Capital Region: A
Place in Progress.
2010 Romero, M., London, J. with N. Erbstein. Opportunities and
Challenges for Youth Civic Engagement.
2010 Benner, Chris, Bridges, Kendra, Huang, Ganlin, London, Jonathan,
Roller, Shamus, Slider, Constance, Schultheis, Eric. Sacramento
SCORECARD, Baseline Regional Report. Coalition on Regional
2011 London J. and N. Erbstein. Healthy Youth/Healthy Regions: Informing
Action for the Nine-County Capital Region and its Youth. Study
Commissioned by Sierra Health Foundation and The California
2011 London, J., Huang, G. and T. Zagofsky. Land of Risk, Land of
Opportunity: Cumulative Environmental Vulnerabilities in California's
San Joaquin Valley.
2011 London, J.K., Erbstein, N., Benner, C., Owens, P.E., Rodriguez, G.,
Rios, M., Romero, M., Burciaga, R., Montgomery-Block, K. and A.
Flynn. Multi-Disciplinary Research Methodology for Health Youth/
Healthy Regions. Healthy Youth/Healthy Regions Working Paper.
2013 London, J., Greenfield, T. and T. Zagofsky. Revealing the Invisible
Coachella Valley: Putting Cumulative Environmental Vulnerabilities on
the Map.
2015 London, J.K. and Watterson, S. Mapping Opportunity in the San
Joaquin Valley.
2015 Jatkar, S., and London, J.K. From Testimony to Transformation: The
Identifying Violations Affecting Neighborhoods (IVAN) Program in
2015 London, J.K. et al.. Capitalizing Environmental Justice in the
Sacramento Region.
Research Reports
1999 Loux J. and J. London: Napa Watershed Management Plan, Moore
Iacofano Goltsmann.
1999 Loux, J., London, J. and A. Young: Agricultural Mitigation plan for
Brentwood California, Moore Iacofano Golrsmann.
2007 J. London: Plumas County Community/Youth Violence Prevention
Planning Interim Evaluation Report to The California Endowment.
2007 London, J. and L. Kresge: Central Valley Air Quality Coalition: Interim
Evaluation Report to The California Endowment #1.
2008 London, J. and L. Kresge: Central Valley Air Quality Coalition: Interim
Evaluation Report to The California Endowment #2.
2008 London, J. and L. Kresge: Central Valley Air Quality Coalition: Interim
Evaluation Report to The California Endowment #3.
2009 J. London: "Interim report on Healthy Youth/Healthy Regions",
Commissioned by the Sierra Health Foundation and The California
2009 London, J., Kresge, L. and L. Crandall: "Strategic Evaluation of the
Central Valley Air quality Coalition" Bi-annual reports 2007-2009,
California Endowment.
2010 London, J., Bradley, K. and J. Kresge: Central Valley Air Quality
Coalition Evaluation: Policy Stakeholders Analysis, California Institute
for Rural Studies.
1994 March 4, Common Spaces and Contested Places: Community
Forestry Narratives from the Middle Hills of Nepal, The U.C. Berkeley
South Asian Studies Conference, Berkeley, CA.
1996 June 12, The Social Watershed as Commons: Coordinated Resource
Management in the Northern Sierra, International Association for the
Study of Common Property, University of California at Berkeley.
1998 June, Contesting Claims: The Cultural Politics of Natural Resource
Use in the American West, International Association for the Study of
Common Property, Vancouver B.C..
2001 August 3, New Directions for Community Forestry, Rural Sociological
Society Annual Meeting Albuquerque, NM.
2004 August 1, Strategies for Rural Community Empowerment: Lessons
from the National Rural Funders’ Collaborative., Rural Sociological
Society Sacramento, CA.
2004 August 4, Finding a Place that Fits for Community Forestry, Rural
Sociological Society Annual Meeting Sacramento, CA.
2006 March, Political Economy of Youth Erosion, American Association of
American Geographers, Annual Meeting Chicago, IL.
2007 April 14, Towards a New Rural Pattern Language: Agency, Equity,
and the Global"
Organizer, Chair and Speaker, Association of American Geographers
Annual Meeting San Francisco, CA.
2007 June, California State Agencies Responses to Environmental Justice,
New Directions for Environmental Justice Symposium University of
2008 April, From the Body to the Basin and Back Again: Scaler Politics
of Environmental Justice, Presenter on Panel, Space, Race and
Environmental Justice, Association of American Geographers Annual
Meeting, Boston, MA.
2008 April 7, Up from the UnderStory: Digital Story Telling for Community
Regeneration, Panel on Interactive Information Technology 2.0,
Association of American Geographers, Annual Meeting, Boston, MA.
2008 August 17, Power, Agency, Equity in a Global Rural, In panel:
Structural Racism and Rural Poverty (organizer and chair), Rural
Sociological Society Annual Meeting. Santa Clara, CA.
2009 April 13, Uneven Transformations and the Quest for Environmental
Justice: Regulatory Science, Street Science, and Pesticide Regulation
in California, Annual Meeting of the Association of American
Geographers. Las Vegas, NV.
2009 October 23, Key Note Address: California’s Land Grant Universities in
a Time of Crisis and Opportunity, International Conference: Expanding
the Circles of Community Engagement, University of KwaZulu Natal,
Durban, South Africa.
2010 August, Building and Sustaining Community-University Partnerships
through Public Participation GIS: The San Joaquin Valley Cumulative
Health Impacts Project. Presented on panel, Inter-dependent Science
with Communities, Rural Sociological Society Annual Meeting Atlanta,
GA,Paper presented by co-author, Tara Zagofsky, doctoral student,
Geography and community partner, Jenny Saklar.
2010 August 30, Youth Civic Engagement. In round-table on New Forms
of Civic Engagement, American Sociological Association, Annual
Meeting Atlanta, GA, Paper presented by co-author, Mindy Romero:
Sociology doctoral student.
2010 November 12, Key Note Address: The Engaged University at
a Crossroads: Places of Danger and Opportunity, UC Merced
Conference on Community Research and Scholarship: Chancellor's
Task Force on Community Engaged Scholarship.
2011 April 12, Towards an Embodied Politics of Environmental Justice,
Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting Seattle, WA
Paper session presenter.
2011 April 12, Innovations in holistic analyses of youth well-being. Key Note
address to the UC Merced Chancellor's Task Force on Community
Engaged Scholarship annual conference, UC Merced.
2011 October 2, Invited Plenary Speaker: Innovations in Engaged
Scholarship in a Time of Crisis, 12th Annual Meeting of the National
Outreach Scholarship Conference (NOSC) Michigan State University.
2012 February 12, Utopia/Dystopia/Everyday Places: Mapping Discourses
of Science and Environmental Justice Movement Imaginaries
Session Organizer, Chair and Presenter, Association of American
Geographers. Annual Meeting, New York, NY.
2013 April 9, Politics of Engaged Scholarship: Lessons from the Field,
Invited Presenter on Panel on Engaged Scholarship Association of
American Geographers Los Angeles, CA.
2013 April 11, Air Resistance: Circulating Accounts of Air Pollution, Invited
panelist on Hidden Narratives of Environmental Justice Association of
American Geographers Los Angeles, CA.
2013 June 26, Cutts, B., McNulty, C.J., Liggett-Boehm, B., Fang, D.,
Banzuela, T. (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign), London, J.,
Meiners, S. (UC Davis), Schwarz, K. (Northern Kentucky University)
and M. Cadenasso (UC Davis). Urban environments and the scalar
politics of environmental justice – an examination of collaborative
networks in Sacramento, CA, 6th Annual Meeting of the Political
Networks Section of the American Political Science Association.
Indiana University.
2013 October 27, Mapping out of the messes: Public participatory mapping
and cumulative environmental health impacts assessment.
Invited paper presentation, UC Berkeley/ Journal of Landscape and
Urban Planning conference on Wicked Problems in Socio-Ecological
Systems Symposium.
2013 December 13, Aero-Social Orders and the Materiality of Air,
Geography Symposium UC Davis.
2014 January 24, Aero-Social Orders and the Materiality of Air, Geography
Symposium Clark University Worcester, MA.
2014 January 25, Innovations in Cumulative Impacts Methodologies for
Environmental Justice, Seminar for Social Science Environmental
Health Research Institute Northeastern University Boston, MA.
2014 August 12, Uptake of social and socio-spatial science in urban/
regional planning and policy, Ecological Society of America Annual
Conference Sacramento, CA.
2014 August 14, Is Anybody Out There Listening? Measuring Success in
Science Communication, Ecological Society of America Sacramento,
2014 August 15, Co-organizer: Water, Environmental Justice and Science:
Exploring Issues and Best Practices for Ecologist and Community
Partnerships, Ecological Society of America Annual Conference
Sacramento, CA.
2015 April 13, Co-organizer of two panels on the theme "Enviromental
Justice Social Movements and the State"
Paper presentatation: "Scale Dancing, Climate Change and
Environmental Justice in California, Association of American
Geographers Annual Meeting Chicago, Illinois.
2015 May 21, Community-engaged research for environmental justice
Invited Speaker., Northeastern University, Social Science
Environmental Health Research Institute Conference.
2015 November 17, Community-Engaged Research: Lessons for Nepal
(co-presentation with Dr. Nancy Erbstein), Invited speaker at
Kathmandu University (College of Education and College of Arts and
Humanities). Kathmandu, Nepal .
2015 November 20, Invited Speaker: Community-engaged research for
environmental justice and sustainability.
(co-presented with Dr. Nancy Erbstein), Nepal Policy Research
Center. Kathmandu Nepal.
2016 April 1, Invited Panelist: Radical Crosscurrents: Environmental Justice,
Urban Political Ecology, and Traveling Theory., American Association
of Geographers annual meeting, San Francisco, CA..
2016 June 20, Linking Environmental Justice and Social Justice for Rural
Community Health and Well-being., Invited lecture. Department of
Anthropology. Tribhuvan National University. Kathmandu, Nepal. .
Editorial and Advisory Boards