Environmental Engineering MSEnvE Program Handbook
Graduate Program Handbook -
Environmental Engineering MSEnvE Graduate Program Handbook
Reference this handbook to learn about the unique
policies, requirements, procedures, resources, and
norms for graduate students in the MSEnvE
Graduate Program
Andrew Amis Randall, PhD, PE July 29, 2023 Civil, Environmental and Construction Engineering Department
Environmental Engineering MSEnvE Program Handbook
Last updated: July 29, 2023
Environmental Engineering MSEnvE Program Handbook
Table of Contents
Introduction .............................................................................................................................................................. 4
Curriculum ............................................................................................................................................................... 4
Timeline for Completion ........................................................................................................................................... 4
Approximate Timeline for Completion of Degree Program .................................................................................. 4
Total Credit Hours Required ................................................................................................................................ 4
Articulation Course Requirements ....................................................................................................................... 5
Master’s Students (Thesis): ................................................................................................................................. 5
Master’s Students (Non-thesis): .......................................................................................................................... 6
Advising/Mentoring .............................................................................................................................................. 6
Roles and Responsibilities ................................................................................................................................... 6
Plan of Study ....................................................................................................................................................... 7
Examination Requirements ...................................................................................................................................... 7
Thesis Requirements ............................................................................................................................................... 7
University Thesis Requirements .......................................................................................................................... 8
General Requirements ......................................................................................................................................... 8
Master's Thesis Committee ................................................................................................................................. 8
Graduate Research ................................................................................................................................................. 9
Financial Support ..................................................................................................................................................... 9
Graduate Teaching ............................................................................................................................................ 10
Presentation Support ......................................................................................................................................... 10
Graduate Student Associations ............................................................................................................................. 10
Professional Development ..................................................................................................................................... 10
Instructor Training and Development................................................................................................................. 10
Pathways to Success Workshops ..................................................................................................................... 11
Student Research Week/Student Scholar Symposium ..................................................................................... 11
Graduate Excellence Awards ............................................................................................................................ 11
Other .................................................................................................................................................................. 12
Job Search ............................................................................................................................................................. 12
Forms ..................................................................................................................................................................... 12
Useful Links ........................................................................................................................................................... 12
Grad Faculty .......................................................................................................................................................... 13
Contact Info ........................................................................................................................................................... 14
Environmental Engineering MSEnvE Program Handbook
Environmental Engineering MSEnvE
Together, the Graduate Student Handbook and your graduate program handbook should serve as your main
guide throughout your graduate career. The Graduate Student Handbook includes university information, policies,
requirements and guidance for all graduate students. Your program handbook describes the details about
graduate study and requirements in your specific program. While both of these handbooks are wonderful
resources, know that you are always welcome to talk with faculty and staff in your program and in the Graduate
The central activities and missions of a university rest upon the fundamental assumption that all members of the
university community conduct themselves in accordance with a strict adherence to academic and scholarly
integrity. As a graduate student and member of the university community, you are expected to display the highest
standards of academic and personal integrity.
Here are some resources to help you better understand your responsibilities:
Academic Honesty
Academic Integrity Training - Open to all graduate students at no cost
The Environmental Engineering MSEnvE graduate program focuses on pollution control, pollution prevention, and
the correction of pollution impacts on natural and/or human environments. The program includes coursework in
drinking water treatment, wastewater treatment, solid and hazardous waste management, atmospheric pollution
control and modeling, community noise abatement, water resources modeling, and water resources. The
program’s overall mission is to prepare students for careers in consulting; federal, state, and local governments;
higher education; and industry. Our key objectives include producing graduates who have strong technical
knowledge in critical areas of environmental engineering, providing a professional engineering education that
challenges our graduates to think critically, and developing awareness of the changing environmental needs of
society and the global environment.
Please visit the Graduate Catalog to see the current curriculum for our program.
Timeline for Completion
Approximate Timeline for Completion of Degree Program
Students must follow a prescribed, yet flexible path, achieving milestones along the way. Although there is no
guarantee that each student will be able to complete all the requirements, if a student is hard working and diligent,
and is a full-time graduate student, he or she should be able to complete a master’s thesis program within 1 to 2
years. For non-thesis master’s students who are working full-time and going to school part-time, it may take 3 to 6
years to achieve the degree.
The following listing is intended as a guide and reminder to students and faculty as to the approximate timing of
events for graduate students. It is intentionally somewhat vague to account for different starting semesters,
different research project needs, and different levels of student capabilities.
Total Credit Hours Required
The Environmental Engineering Master of Science program offers both thesis and non-thesis options with each
Environmental Engineering MSEnvE Program Handbook
requiring 30 credit hours of courses beyond the baccalaureate degree. Students choosing the thesis option must
take 12 credit hours of required courses, 12 credit hours of electives, and 6 thesis credit hours. Students choosing
the non-thesis option must take 12 credit hours of required courses, 18 credit hours of electives, and pass a
comprehensive final oral and written examination. Students develop an individualized plan of study with a faculty
At least 24 credit hours of the course work must be exclusive of thesis and research and Directed Research (XXX
6918) is not permitted in MS plan of study.
The thesis option is primarily for students who can devote a full-time effort to their research and is required for all
students supported on contracts and grants, as well as any student receiving department financial support. The
non-thesis option is strongly recommended for part-time students.
Research studies and their accompanying reports are required in one or more courses and are focused on
reviewing and analyzing contemporary research in a student’s particular specialization within the profession. They
are intended to help students acquire knowledge and skills pertaining to research-based best practices in that
specialization area. In addition, students may engage in directed independent studies, directed research or a
research report during their studies.
Articulation Course Requirements
Articulation courses are those undergraduate courses that are prerequisites for graduate courses. Articulation
courses are required for some students, especially with backgrounds outside the discipline of Civil/Environmental
Engineering. These typical senior-level courses give students the appropriate level of knowledge needed to take
required and elective graduate courses in the discipline. A few articulation courses may be taken via COVE, or from
other schools, but most are only offered live at UCF. Articulation requirements may vary for each individual student
depending on their background.
The MSEnvEngr degree requires Calculus and Differential Equations, or permission of the Graduate Program
Director (Dr. Andrew Amis Randall, see the end of this document for contact information) to be eligible to submit an
Calculus and Differential Equations must be passed prior to applying to our Graduate Programs. They
may be taken at any accredited university/college. Below are the courses offered at UCF.
MAC 2311 Calculus with Analytical Geometry 1 (C or higher)
MAC 2312 Calculus with Analytical Geometry 2 (C or higher)
MAC 2313 Calculus with Analytical Geometry 3 (C or higher)
MAP 2302 Ordinary Differential Equations 1 (C or higher)
Master’s Students (Thesis):
Semester 1: Enter UCF and begin taking courses ensuring articulation courses (if needed) are taken first. If you
are not already on a research project at the time of entry, begin searching for a research project and research
Semester 2: Find a research advisor and start research; complete articulation courses (as needed); continue
taking graduate courses; and file a Plan of Study.
Semester 3: Begin working in earnest on research; start literature review; and perhaps finish coursework. Work
with adviser to form a committee.
Semester 4: Finish coursework; begin wrapping up research; start writing thesis.
Last Semester: File intent to graduate. Finish writing thesis, get approvals from committee, and defend. Follow
all College of Graduate Studies rules and meet all deadlines.
Environmental Engineering MSEnvE Program Handbook
Note: Students are ultimately responsible for their own progress, including compliance with all rules and
regulations of the University.
Master’s Students (Non-thesis):
Semester 1: Enter UCF and begin taking courses ensuring articulation courses (if needed) are taken first.
Semesters 2 and 3: Choose an adviser and design a Plan of Study. Continue taking courses.
Semester 4 and on: Take courses maintaining acceptable grades. In semester before last, request scheduling of
the comprehensive final exam. Note there is a UCF rule (7-year statute of limitations on courses), so try to finish
all your courses in 4 or 5 years.
Last Semester: File intent to graduate; take and pass portfolio/exam requirements. Make sure and contact your
track/program’s coordinator early in your graduating semester to find out when the portfolios are to be turned in for
evaluation. The Graduate Student Services Coordinator should be able to tell you who the coordinator is for your
degree program if you do not already know.
Note: Students are ultimately responsible for their own progress or lack of progress, including compliance with all
rules and regulations of the University.
Advising and mentoring are two very important elements in a graduate student’s career. Upon acceptance into the
CECE department, graduate students are assigned a faculty adviser, who is identified to the student in the
acceptance letter from the department. In most cases, the student will have indicated an area of interest in their
application, and the faculty adviser will be specialized in that sub-discipline. The faculty adviser is a very important
person in the life of a graduate student. The faculty adviser will most likely end up being the student’s thesis
In some cases, incoming MS graduate students will not have indicated a strong research preference, or may
arrive just prior to the start of the semester, and will need to register for courses before they can meet with their
adviser, or may be assigned an adviser who does not fit comfortably with the student’s interests. In those cases,
the student will be advised into courses for at least the first semester by the graduate coordinator. New students
should meet with the graduate coordinator upon arrival at UCF if they cannot meet with their adviser.
The graduate coordinator will provide initial guidance on overall academic requirements, program and university
policies and procedures, while the faculty thesis adviser serves as a mentor providing direction on research,
advice on plan of study, and guidance on other areas of academic and personal life. All non-thesis master’s
students should contact the graduate coordinator for an initial interview (may be conducted by telephone), who
may then assign an appropriate faculty adviser, or will advise the student directly.
Student/Advisor Policy
Every student upon admissions will work closely with an advisor throughout their master’s career at UCF. The
student’s advisor will assist with course planning, research, degree progress, etc. It is a policy and requirement
that a funded master’s student of the Civil, Environmental, and Construction Engineering department may not
change advisors without prior permission of their original advisor. Funded students are required to do a Thesis in
order to complete their master’s degree. Once funding is accepted, even for one semester, the student is
obligated to do a thesis and cannot switch to a non-thesis degree except in very extreme cases.
Roles and Responsibilities
Faculty Adviser
Environmental Engineering MSEnvE Program Handbook
The adviser helps the student select which courses to take.
The adviser (in consultation with the student) develops the student’s plan of study.
The adviser directs the student’s research.
For MS thesis option, the adviser reviews and approves the student’s thesis.
The adviser often provides financial support for the student (based on a research grant).
The student takes coursework as required, maintaining a minimum 3.0 GPA.
The student maintains a full course load and works diligently to complete all requirements in a timely
The student (in consultation with the faculty adviser) develops a plan of study prior to completing the
first 9 hours of coursework.
The student identifies (in consultation with the faculty adviser) a suitable research topic.
The student works in the lab or field or other venue as needed to complete his or her research.
The student is responsible for knowing and meeting all university deadlines, rules, and regulations
see the section titled Student Responsibilities
in the Graduate Catalog.
If a student wants to change faculty advisers, the student should discuss the situation with his or her
current faculty adviser first, and then request the change through the graduate coordinator. The
change must be approved by the current faculty adviser, the new faculty adviser, and the graduate
Plan of Study
The Plan of Study (POS) serves as an agreement between the student and the program, listing course and other
requirements for completing the degree. Each student must have an approved Plan of Study (POS). The POS is
developed by the student and his/her adviser and lists the specific courses to be taken as part of the degree
requirements. The student must maintain a minimum GPA of 3.0 in his or her POS.
For all master’s students, the POS must be signed and submitted during the first semester that the student is at
UCF, or no later than upon completion of 9 credit hours of graduate coursework. The POS can be revised later to
reflect necessary changes in the courses, but it is crucial that a POS be on file, signed by the student and the
faculty adviser, and approved by the graduate coordinator. For each master’s program, certain courses are
required, and others are elective (as was discussed previously). Any substitutions must be approved by the
graduate coordinator.
Examination Requirements
Thesis Students: After conducting research and writing the thesis, the student will defend the thesis, and stand
for an oral examination. Questions will come from the committee and may cover topics other than what was done
in the research (e.g., topics from courses taken). The committee has the final say on whether the student passes
or fails. If failed, this exam may be retaken once at the discretion of the committee.
Non-thesis Students: Make sure and contact your program’s coordinator early in your graduating semester to find
out when the exam/portfolio is to be turned in for evaluation. The Graduate Student Services Coordinator should
be able to tell you who the coordinator is for your degree program if you do not already know. In Environmental
Engineering the portfolio is largely a comprehensive, take-home, exam that you have for a week. You will also be
required to turn in a 2 page CV and an exit survey with your exam.
For additional information, see ucf.catalog.acalog.com/content.php?catoid=4&navoid=235
> Master’s Program
Thesis Requirements
Environmental Engineering MSEnvE Program Handbook
University Thesis Requirements
A thesis is optional for this program; the following information is intended for those choosing to
complete a thesis.
The College of Graduate Studies Thesis and Dissertation page
contains information on the university’s
requirements for dissertation formatting, format review, defenses, final submission, and more.
All university deadlines are listed in the Academic Calendar. Your program or college may have other earlier
deadlines; please check with your program and college staff for additional deadlines.
The following requirements must be met by dissertation students in their final term:
Submit a properly formatted file for initial format review by the format review deadline
Submit the Thesis and Dissertation Release Option form well before the defense
Defend by the defense deadline
Receive format approval (if not granted upon initial review)
Submit signed approval form by final submission deadline
Submit final Thesis document by final submission deadline
Students must format their dissertation according to the standards outlined in Thesis and Dissertation Webcourse.
Formatting questions or issues can be submitted to the Format Help page in the Thesis and Dissertation Services
site. Format reviews and final submission must be completed in the Thesis and Dissertation Services site. The
Dissertation Approval Form is also available in the Thesis and Dissertation Services site.
The College of Graduate Studies offers several thesis and dissertation Workshops each term. Students are highly
encouraged to attend these workshops early in the dissertation process to fully understand the above policies and
The College of Graduate Studies thesis and dissertation office is best reached by email at [email protected].
General Requirements
Students will complete a formal thesis on a topic selected in consultation with an advisory committee
and will meet both departmental and university requirements for the thesis.
A minimum of six credit hours of thesis credits is required.
No more than six credit hours of thesis credits will be applied toward degree requirements.
To be considered full-time after completion of coursework, students must be continuously enrolled in
three hours of thesis research every semester (including summers) until successful defense and
graduation. This enrollment each semester reflects the expenditure of university resources. Students
that wish to enroll in part-time hours must consult with their adviser. For more details about
enrollment, please refer to the UCF Graduate Catalog: ucf.catalog.acalog.com/index.php?catoid=4
Policies > Master’s Program Policies > Thesis Requirements > Thesis Enrollment
Requirement and the UCF Graduate Catalog: ucf.catalog.acalog.com/index.php?catoid=4 > General
Policies > Full-time Enrollment Requirements.
A written thesis and final oral defense are required for each thesis student.
The thesis document may be among the biggest academic efforts that you will ever make. It is
required that all theses be officially submitted in electronic form. It is highly recommended that you
(the student) discuss format and content with your adviser and carefully review other theses before
you get started.
Master's Thesis Committee
The thesis committee will consist of a minimum of three members. All committee members should
hold a doctoral degree and be in fields related to the thesis topic. At least two members must be
Environmental Engineering MSEnvE Program Handbook
department faculty (one to serve as chair). Off-campus experts, joint faculty members, adjunct faculty,
and other university faculty members may serve as the third person in the committee.
In unusual cases, with approval from the department chair, two professors may chair the committee
jointly. For additional information, please visit
All members vote on acceptance or rejection of the thesis proposal and the final thesis. The final
thesis must be approved by a majority of the advisory committee.
Graduate Research
Research is a vital part of graduate education. The development of research skills and the practice of good
research ethics begin with graduate study. Faculty serve a crucial role and are the primary source for teaching
research skills and modeling research ethics.
In the CECE department, much of our research is carried out as a part of Contracted Sponsored
Research. Faculty obtain sponsored research from many different government agencies, and/or
industry, and thus commit the university to doing certain research tasks. Students are typically hired
to help the faculty conduct the research, and as such are contractually obligated to give their “best
efforts” to accomplishing the research tasks. In most cases, students who are supported on contracts
may use the results of their work as the basis for their thesis.
Faculty research interests include drinking water treatment, wastewater treatment, storm water quality
control, air pollution control and modeling, solid waste engineering, and community noise control and
It is important to be honest and ethical in conducting research as well as in taking classes. Report all
data factually and completely. Please see Thesis and Dissertation Requirements at
Patents and inventions may arise from the faculty and graduate student research. UCF has clear
guidelines and a Patent and Invention Policy in the Graduate Catalog. Please see
Students should be aware that in our department, we require that theses be written in a journal article
format. The university conducts workshops on thesis and dissertation formatting, library research, and
writing essentials. Students, when beginning to write their thesis, should always see the College of
Graduate Studies Thesis and Dissertation website graduate.ucf.edu/thesis-and-dissertation/.
It is
highly recommended that each student coordinate with his or her faculty adviser as to the preferred
journal format, prior to beginning to write the thesis.
There are specific Laboratory Safety Procedures that must be followed by each student working in a
lab in the CECE Department. It is department policy that each student is responsible for knowing and
following the safety procedures. Please see the laboratories manager and/or your faculty adviser to
get a copy of the safety procedures for the appropriate lab.
Financial Support
Financial support is a major concern for graduate students, especially since many rely on financial support from
the university to pursue graduate study. In combination, the college, the university, and the department provide
financial assistance to graduate students in several ways: (1) fellowships and scholarships are available to
academically outstanding students, (2) Graduate Teaching Assistantships GTAs (for grading or for lab teaching)
are available in limited numbers, (3) Graduate Research Assistantships GRAs (for helping faculty with research)
are more widely available depending on the funding levels of the faculty.
The thesis option is the only option for students who are receiving a fellowship or assistantship (GTA
or GRA) from the department.
Students with assistantship agreements are expected to work 10 to 20 hours per week on their
assigned tasks (whether it be grading, lab teaching, or research), while they are maintaining
satisfactory progress in completing their academic courses.
To maintain financial support, students must meet their obligations by making satisfactory progress
towards their degree, enrolling full time, maintaining a 3.0 GPA in their Plan of Study, and doing
acceptable research or grading or teaching work as defined by their supervisor.
The duration of financial support may vary from one semester to another.
Environmental Engineering MSEnvE Program Handbook
International students are expected to be here as full-time students and may not work off campus
except under certain strict conditions. For information about the types of employment available to
international students, and the requirements and restrictions based on visa type, see the International
Services Center’s website: global.ucf.edu/
> Students > Employment.
Graduate Teaching
Graduate students may be appointed as graduate teaching assistants (GTAs) to carry out responsibilities as
classroom teachers (instructors of record), co-teachers or classroom assistants, graders, lab assistants, or other
roles directly related to classroom instruction. Mandatory training requirements must be met for a student to be
hired in the position of Graduate Teaching Associate, Assistant or Grader. The training, offered by UCF’s Faculty
Center for Teaching and Learning, covers course design, learning theories, ethics, and other topics relevant to
preparing GTAs for their responsibilities. See graduate.ucf.edu/graduate-teaching/
for training requirements and
registration instructions.
Students who are non-native speakers of English and do not have a degree from a U.S. institution must pass the
SPEAK test before they will be permitted to teach as Graduate Teaching Associates (position code 9183) or
Graduate Teaching Assistants (position code 9184). The SPEAK test is not required for students who will be
appointed as a Graduate Teaching Grader (position code 9187). Additional information including how to register
for the test can be accessed through the Graduate Teaching
section of the College of Graduate Studies student
Presentation Support
The College of Graduate Studies offers a Presentation Fellowship that provides funding for master's, specialist,
and doctoral students to deliver a research paper or comparable creative activity at a professional meeting.
Students must be the primary author and presenter. For additional information, visit
Graduate Student Associations
The Graduate Student Association (GSA) is UCF's graduate organization committed to enrich graduate students'
personal, educational and professional experience. To learn more or get involved, please visit
For individual department or graduate program organizations, please see your
program adviser.
Professional Development
A graduate student’s professional development goes beyond completing coursework, passing exams, conducting
research for a thesis, and meeting degree requirements. Professional development also involves developing the
academic and nonacademic skills needed to become successful in the field of choice. UCF has an active
professional development program for graduate students, including the Professoriate Program, sponsored by
Faculty Center for Teaching and Learning, the GTA Certificate Program, sponsored by FCTL, the Pathways to
Success Workshops, the Student Scholar Symposium, sponsored by the College of Graduate Studies, and special
award recognitions such as the Award for Excellence by a Graduate Teaching Assistant, the Award for Excellence
in Graduate Student Teaching, the Award for the Outstanding Master’s Thesis, and the Award for the Outstanding
Dissertation (see section below for more information).
Students are expected to publish the results of their research. In fact, the CECE department strongly
encourages students to write their thesis in the journal paper format.
Graduate students in CECE are encouraged to present a poster or a topic of research at conferences
while still a student, and often their faculty mentor will be able to fund one or more such
opportunities. See the Financial Support section of this handbook for information about travel support.
Instructor Training and Development
Environmental Engineering MSEnvE Program Handbook
The Faculty Center for Teaching and Learning (FCTL) promotes excellence in all levels of teaching at the
University of Central Florida. They offer several programs for the professional development of Graduate Teaching
Assistants at UCF.
GTA Training (mandatory for employment as a GTA)
This training provides information and resources for students who will be instructors in a two-day
workshop. The seminars cover a variety of topics, including course development, learning theories,
lecturing, and academic freedom. Those interested in additional training can also attend an optional
training session that normally follows the mandatory training.
Preparing Tomorrow's Faculty Program
This certificate program (12-weeks) consists of group and individualized instruction by Faculty Center
staff and experienced UCF professors. Textbooks and materials are provided.
For more information: fctl.ucf.edu/
> Events > GTA Program or call 407-823-3544.
Pathways to Success Workshops
Coordinated by the College of Graduate Studies, the Pathways to Success program offers free development
opportunities for graduate students including workshops in Academic Integrity, Graduate Grantsmanship,
Graduate Teaching, Personal Development, Professional Development, and Research. For more information and
how to register, please visit graduate.ucf.edu/pathways-to-success/
Student Research Week/Student Scholar Symposium
The Student Scholar Symposium will feature poster displays representing UCF’s diverse colleges and disciplines.
It is an opportunity for students to showcase their research and creative projects and to receive valuable
feedback from faculty judges. Awards for best poster presentation in each category will be given and all
participants will receive recognition.
The College of Graduate Studies and the Graduate Student Association invite all UCF students, community, and
employers to attend the Student Scholar Symposium. For more information, contact [email protected].
Graduate Excellence Awards
Each year, the College of Graduate Studies offers graduate students who strive for academic and professional
excellence the opportunity to be recognized for their work. The award categories include the following:
Award for Excellence by a Graduate Teaching Assistant This award is for students who provide teaching
support and assistance under the direction of a lead teacher. This award focuses on the extent and quality of the
assistance provided by the student to the lead instructor and the students in the class. (Not intended for students
who are instructor of record)
Award for Excellence in Graduate Student Teaching This award is for students who serve as instructors of
record and have independent classroom responsibilities. The focus of this award is on the quality of the student’s
teaching and the academic contributions of those activities.
Award for the Outstanding Master’s Thesis It recognizes graduate students for excellence in the master's
thesis. The focus of this award is on the quality and contribution of the student's thesis research. Excellence of the
master's thesis may be demonstrated by evidence such as, but not limited to: publications in refereed journals,
awards and recognitions from professional organizations, and praise from faculty members and other colleagues
in the field. The university award will be forwarded to a national-level competition sponsored by the Council of
Southern Graduate Schools (CSGS) when the thesis discipline corresponds to the annual submission request.
For the nomination process and eligibility criteria, see the College of Graduate Studies administrative
Environmental Engineering MSEnvE Program Handbook
For information about the Council of Southern Graduate Schools (CSGS) thesis and dissertation awards, see
their website: csgs.org/
> Awards.
For grant-proposal writing resources: uwc.cah.ucf.edu/ > Writing for Graduate School.
Job Search
UCF’s Career Services department offers a wide range of programs and services designed to assist graduate
students. These services include evaluation and exploration of career goals, preparation for the job search and
job search resources. To learn more, visit their website at career.ucf.edu/.
For specific services or resources provided by the academic program, please contact the graduate program
director or academic adviser.
College of Graduate Studies Forms and References
A complete listing of general forms and references for graduate students, with direct links, may be
found here.
Graduate Petition Form
When unusual situations arise, petitions for exceptions to policy may be requested by the student.
Depending on the type of appeal, the student should contact his/her program adviser to begin the
petition process.
Traveling Scholar Form
If a student would like to take advantage of special resources available on another campus but not
available on the home campus; for example, special course offerings, research opportunities, unique
laboratories and library collections, this form must be completed and approved.
Useful Links
Civil, Environmental, and Construction Engineering
College of Engineering and Computer Science
College of Graduate Studies
Academic Calendar
Campus Map
Computer Labs
Counseling Center
Financial Assistance
Golden Rule Student Handbook
Graduate Catalog
Graduate Student Association
Graduate Student Center
Housing and Residence Life
Housing, off campus
Knights Email
Learning Online
NID Help
Pathways to Success
Recreation and Wellness Center
Register for Classes
Environmental Engineering MSEnvE Program Handbook
Shuttles Parking Services
Student Health Services
Thesis and Dissertation (ETD)
UCF Global
University Writing Center
Grad Faculty
Asterisk = has previous committee experience, which qualifies the person to serve as vice chair
Chang, Ni-bin *
College: College of Engineering and Computer Science
Disciplinary affiliations: Environmental Engineering
Contact Info: [email protected]
Chen, Jiannan
College: College of Engineering and Computer Science
Disciplinary affiliations: Environmental Engineering
Contact Info: Jian[email protected]
Duranceau, Steven
College: College of Engineering and Computer Science
Disciplinary affiliations: Environmental Engineering
Contact Info: [email protected]u
Lee, Woo Hyoung*
College: College of Engineering and Computer Science
Disciplinary affiliations: Environmental Engineering
Contact Info: WooHyoung.Lee@ucf.edu
Liu, Fudong*
College: College of Engineering and Computer Science
Disciplinary affiliations: Civil, Environmental and Construction Engineering
Contact Info: [email protected]
Randall, Andrew
College: College of Engineering and Computer Science
Disciplinary affiliations: Environmental Engineering
Contact Info: [email protected]
Sadmani, Anwar*
College: College of Engineering and Computer Science
Disciplinary affiliations: Environmental Engineering
Contact Info: [email protected]
Yu, Haofei*
College: College of Engineering and Computer Sciences
Disciplinary affiliations: Environmental Engineering
Contact Info: [email protected].edu
Environmental Engineering MSEnvE Program Handbook
Contact Info
Andrew Randall PhD., P.E. Professor and
Graduate Program Director
Telephone: 407-823-6429
Engineering II, 211-L
Arvin Cortez
Graduate Student Services Coordinator
Telephone: 407-823-1299
Engineering II, 211-K