2006 Management Agreement Between the Commonwealth of Virginia and The College of
William and Mary in Virginia, as amended in 2009 and 2013
This MANAGEMENT AGREEMENT, executed this 15th day of November, 2005, by and
between the Commonwealth of Virginia (hereafter, the Commonwealth) and The College of
William and Mary in Virginia (hereafter, the College) provides as follows:
WHEREAS, the College has satisfied the conditions precedent set forth in subsections A and B
of § 23-38.97 of the Code of Virginia to become a public institution of higher education of the
Commonwealth governed by Subchapter 3 (§ 23-38.91 et seq.) of the Restructured Higher
Education Administrative and Financial Operations Act, Chapter 4.10 23-38.88 et seq.) of
Title 23 of the Code of Virginia (Subchapter 3 and the Act, respectively), as evidenced by:
1. Board of Visitors Approval. The minutes of a meeting of the Board of Visitors of the College
held on April 22, 2005, indicate that an absolute two-thirds or more of the members voted to
approve the resolution required by subdivision A 1 of § 23-38.97 of the Act;
2. Written Application to the Governor. The College has submitted to the Governor a written
Application, dated November 2, 2005, with copies to the Chairmen of the House Committee on
Appropriations, the House Committee on Education, the Senate Committee on Finance, and the
Senate Committee on Education and Health, expressing the sense of its Board of Visitors that the
College is qualified to be, and should be, governed by Subchapter 3 of the Act, and
substantiating that the College has fulfilled the requirements of paragraph 2 of subsection A of §
23-38.97 of the Act; and
3. Finding by the Governor. In accordance with subsection B of § 23-38.97 of the Act the
Governor has found that the College has fulfilled the requirements of subdivision A 2 of § 23-
38.97, and therefore has authorized Cabinet Secretaries to enter into this Management
Agreement on behalf of the Commonwealth with the College; and
WHEREAS, the College is therefore authorized to enter into this Management Agreement as
provided in subsection D of § 23-38.88 and Subchapter 3 of the Act.
NOW, THEREFORE, in accordance with the provisions of the Restructured Higher Education
Administrative and Financial Operations Act, Chapter 4.10 23-38.88 et seq.) of Title 23 of the
Code of Virginia, and in consideration of the foregoing premises, the Commonwealth and the
College do now agree as follows:
As used in this Agreement, the following terms have the following meanings, unless the context
requires otherwise:
“Act” means the Restructured Higher Education Administrative and Financial Operations
Act, Chapter 4.10 (§ 23-38.88 et seq.) of Title 23 of the Code of Virginia.
“Agreement” means “Management Agreement.”
“Board of Visitors” or “Board” means the Rector and Board of Visitors of the College of
William and Mary in Virginia and the Virginia Institute of Marine Science.
“College” means the College of William and Mary in Virginia (State Agency 204) and
the Virginia Institute of Marine Science (State Agency 268).
“Covered Employee” means any person who is employed by the College on either a
salaried or wage basis.
“Covered Institution” means, on and after the effective date of its initial management
agreement with the Commonwealth, a public institution of higher education of the
Commonwealth of Virginia that has entered into a management agreement with the
Commonwealth to be governed by and in accordance with the provisions of subsection D of §
23-38.88 and Subchapter 3 of the Act.
“Enabling legislation” means those chapters, other than Chapter 4.10, of Title 23 of the
Code of Virginia, as amended, creating, continuing, or otherwise setting forth the powers,
purposes, and missions of the individual public institutions of higher education of the
“Management Agreement” means this agreement between the Commonwealth of
Virginia and the College as required by subsection D of § 23-38.88 and Subchapter 3 of the Act.
“Parties” means the parties to this Management Agreement, the Commonwealth of
Virginia and the College.
“Public institution of higher educationmeans those two-year and four-year institutions
enumerated in § 23-14 of the Code of Virginia.
SECTION 2.1. Enhanced Authority Granted and Accompanying Accountability. Subchapter 3
of the Act provides that, upon the execution of, and as of the effective date for, this Management
Agreement, the College shall become a Covered Institution entitled to be granted by the
Commonwealth and to exercise the powers and authority provided in Subchapter 3 of the Act
that are expressly contained in this Management Agreement. In general, subject to its
management agreement with the Commonwealth, status as a Covered Institution governed by
Subchapter 3 of the Act and this Management Agreement is intended to replace (i) the post-
General Assembly authorization prior-approval system of reviews, approvals, policies and
procedures carried out and implemented by a variety of central State agencies with (ii) a post-
audit system of reviews and accountability under which a Covered Institution is fully responsible
and fully accountable for managing itself pursuant to Subchapter 3 of the Act and its
management agreement with the Commonwealth.
SECTION 2.1.1. Assessments and Accountability. The College and its implementation of the
enhanced authority granted by Subchapter 3 of the Act and this Management Agreement, and the
Board of Visitors polices attached hereto as Exhibits G through L, shall be subject to the reviews,
assessments, and audits (i) set forth in the Act that are to be conducted by the Auditor of Public
Accounts, the Joint Legislative Audit and Review Commission, and the State Council of Higher
Education for Virginia, or (ii) as may be conducted periodically by the Secretaries of Finance,
Administration, Education, or Technology, or by some combination of these four Secretaries, or
(iii) as otherwise may be required by law other than the Act.
SECTION 2.1.2. Express Grant of Powers and Authority. Subject to the specific conditions
and limitations contained in Article 4 (Institutional Management), Article 5 (Capital Projects;
Procurement; Property Generally), and Article 6 (Human Resources) of Subchapter 3 of the Act,
the Commonwealth and the College agree that the Commonwealth has granted to the College by
this Management agreement all the powers and authority contained in certain policies adopted by
the Board of Visitors of the College attached hereto as Exhibits G through L and governing (1)
the undertaking and implementation of capital projects, and other acquisition and disposition of
property (Exhibit G), (2) the leasing of property, including capital leases (Exhibit H), (3)
information technology (Exhibit I), (4) the procurement of goods, services, including certain
professional services, insurance, and construction (Exhibit J), (5) human resources (Exhibit K),
and (6) its system of financial management (Exhibit L), including, as provided in subsection B of
§ 23-38.104 of the Act, the sole authority to establish tuition, fees, room, board, and other
charges consistent with sum sufficient appropriation authority for non-general funds as provided
by the Governor and the General Assembly in the Commonwealth’s biennial appropriations
authorization. Subject to the specific conditions and limitations contained in Article 3 (Powers
and Authority Generally) of Subchapter 3 of the Act, in this Management Agreement, and in one
or more of the Board of Visitors policies attached hereto as Exhibits G through L, the
Commonwealth and the College agree that the Commonwealth has expressly granted to the
College all the powers and authority permitted by Article 3 (Powers and Authority Generally) of
Subchapter 3 of the Act.
The Board of Visitors of the College shall at all times by fully and ultimately accountable for the
proper fulfillment of the duties and responsibilities set forth in, and for the appropriate
implementation of, this Management Agreement and the policies adopted by it and attached as
Exhibits G through L. Consistent with this full and ultimate accountability, however, the Board
may, pursuant to its legally permissible procedures, specifically delegate the duties and
responsibilities set forth in this Management Agreement to its officers, committees, and
subcommittees, and, as set forth in the policies adopted by the Board and attached hereto as
Exhibits G through L, to a person or persons within the College.
SECTION 2.1.3. Reimbursement by the College of Certain Costs. By July 1 of each odd-
numbered year, the College shall inform the Secretary of Finance of any intent during the next
biennium to withdraw from any health or other group insurance or risk management program
made available to the College through any agency, body corporate, political subdivision,
authority, or other entity of the Commonwealth, and in which the College is then participating, to
enable the Commonwealth's actuaries to complete an adverse selection analysis of any such
decision and to determine the additional costs to the Commonwealth that would result from any
such withdrawal. If upon notice of such additional costs to the Commonwealth, the College
proceeds to withdraw from such health or other group insurance or risk management program,
the College shall, pursuant to subdivision D 2 c of § 23-38.88, reimburse the Commonwealth for
all such additional costs attributable to such withdrawal as determined by the Commonwealth's
SECTION 2.1.4. Potential Impact on Virginia College Savings Plan. As required by
subdivision D 2 c of § 23-38.88 of the Act, the College has given consideration to potential
future impacts of tuition increases on the Virginia College Savings Plan 23-38.75 of the Code
of Virginia) and has discussed those potential impacts with the Executive Director and staff of
that Plan and with parties in the Administration who participated in the development of this
Management Agreement. The Executive Director of the Plan has provided to the College and
the Commonwealth the Plan’s assumptions underlying the contract pricing of the program.
SECTION 2.1.5. Justification for Deviations from the Virginia Public Procurement Act.
Pursuant to § 23-38.110 of the Act and subject to the provisions of this Management Agreement,
the College may be exempt from the provisions of the Virginia Public Procurement Act (VPPA),
Chapter 43 (§ 2.2-4300 et seq.) of Title 2.2 of the Code of Virginia. Any procurement policies or
rules that deviate from the VPPA must be uniform across all institutions governed by Subchapter
3 of the Act, and the Board of Visitors shall adopt and comply with procurement policies that are
based upon competitive principles and seek competition to the maximum practical degree. The
Policy Governing the Procurement of Goods, Services, Insurance, and Construction, and the
Disposition of Surplus Materials and the Rules Governing Procurement of Goods, Services,
Insurance, and Construction (the Procurement Rules) attached to that Policy as Attachment 1
constitute the policies and uniform deviations from the VPPA required by subsections A and B
of § 23-38.110 of the Act.
Subsection D of § 23-38.110 of the Act requires that the College identify the public, educational,
and operational interests served by any procurement rule or rules that deviate from those in the
VPPA. The adopted Board of Visitors policy on procurement and the Procurement Rules
provide the College with the autonomy to administer its procurement process while fully
adhering to the principle that competition should be sought to the maximum extent feasible. This
autonomy will better position the College to support the requirements of its growing teaching,
research and outreach missions. Greater autonomy in procurement will improve internal
capacity to respond quickly to emergent material and service issues and, therefore, enable the
College to be more efficient and effective in meeting the Commonwealth’s goals for institutions
of higher education. In some instances, costs will be reduced. Taken collectively, the College’s
procurement policies and rules that differ from those required by the VPPA will enhance
procurement “best practices” as they currently are being observed within the higher education
community nationally. Further, these changes will provide efficiencies to both the College and
public sector suppliers.
SECTION 2.1.6. Quantification of Cost Savings. Subsection C of § 23-38.104 of the Act
requires that a Covered Institution include in its management agreement with the Commonwealth
the quantification of cost savings realized as a result of the additional operational flexibility
provided pursuant to Subchapter 3 of the Act. Since this initial Management Agreement with the
Commonwealth has not yet been implemented by the College, the parties agree that the College
is not in a position to quantify any such cost savings at this time, although the College expects
that there will be cost savings resulting from the additional authority granted to the College
pursuant to Subchapter 3 of the Act and that such cost savings will be part of the determinations
made during the reviews, assessments, and audits to be conducted pursuant to Subchapter 3 of
the Act by the Auditor of Public Accounts, the Joint Legislative Audit and Review Commission,
and the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia, and as otherwise described in Section
2.1.1 above.
SECTION 2.1.7. Participation in State Programs. The Commonwealth intends that the College
shall continue to fully participate in, and receive funding support from the many and varied
programs established now or in the future by the Commonwealth to provide support for
Virginia’s public institutions of higher education and for Virginians attending such institutions,
including but not limited to: the state capital outlay and bond financing initiatives undertaken
from time to time by the Commonwealth; the Higher Education Equipment Trust Fund
established pursuant to (§ 23-30.24 et seq.) of the Code of Virginia; the Maintenance Reserve
Fund as provided in the Appropriation Act; the Eminent Scholars program as provided in the
Appropriation Act; the Commonwealth’s various student financial assistance programs; and
other statewide programs or initiatives that exist, or may be established, in support of the
Commonwealth’s higher education institutions, programs, or activities.
SECTION 2.1.8. Implied Authority. Pursuant to subdivision D 1 of § 23-38.88 of the Act, the
only implied authority granted to the College by this Management Agreement is that implied
authority that is actually necessary to carry out the expressed grant of financial or operational
authority contained in this Agreement or in the policies adopted by the College’s Board of
Visitors and attached hereto as Exhibits G through L.
SECTION 2.1.9. Exercise of Authority. The College and the Commonwealth acknowledge and
agree that the execution of this Management Agreement constitutes the conclusion of a process
that, as of the effective date of this Agreement, confers upon the College the enhanced authority
and operating flexibility described above, all of which is in furtherance of the purposes of
Subchapter 3 of the Act. Therefore, without any further conditions or requirements, the College
shall, on and after the effective date of this Management Agreement, be authorized to exercise
the authority conferred upon it by this Management Agreement, the policies adopted by its Board
of Visitors attached hereto as Exhibits G through L, and by Article 3 (Powers and Authority
Generally) of Subchapter 3 of the Act except to the extent that the powers and authority
contained in Article 3 of Subchapter 3 of the Act have been limited by this Management
Agreement or the Board of Visitors policies attached hereto as Exhibits G through L.
The College and the Commonwealth also acknowledge and agree that, pursuant to subsection A
of § 23-38.91 of the Act and consistent with the terms of this Management Agreement, the Board
of Visitors of the College shall assume full responsibility for management of the College, subject
to the requirements and conditions set forth in Subchapter 3 of the Act, the general requirements
for this Management Agreement as provided in § 23-38.88 of the Act, and this Management
Agreement. The Board of Visitors shall be fully accountable for (a) the management of the
College as provided in the Act, (b) meeting the requirements of §§ 2.2-5004, 23-9.2:3.02, and
23-9.6:1.01 of the Code of Virginia, and (c) meeting such other provisions as are set forth in this
Management Agreement.
SECTION 2.2. State Goals.
SECTION 2.2.1. Furthering State Goals. As required for all public institutions of higher
education of the Commonwealth by subsection B of § 23-38.88 of the Act, prior to August 1,
2005, the Board of Visitors of the College adopted the resolution setting forth its commitment to
the Governor and the General Assembly to meet the State goals specified in that subsection B.
In addition to the above commitments, the College commits to furthering these State goals by:
1. In addition to its six-year target of achieving $68 million in external research by 2011-12, the
College, including the Virginia Institute of Marine Science, commits to match from institutional
funds, other than general funds or tuition, on a dollar for dollar basis, any additional research
funds provided by the State in the Appropriation Act above the amount provided from
institutional funds for research in 2005-06.
2. In a concerted effort to provide educational opportunities to Virginia students attending
institutions in the Virginia Community College System (VCCS) and Richard Bland College, the
College commits to work with Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (Virginia
Tech) and the University of Virginia to establish a program under which these three institutions
will increase significantly the number of such students transferring to their institutions.
Specifically, pursuant to this program, the College, Virginia Tech and the University of Virginia
collectively commit to enroll as transfer students from VCCS institutions and Richard Bland
College (i) by the 2007-08 fiscal year, not less than approximately 300 new such transfer
students each year over the number enrolled in 2004-05, for a total of approximately 900 such
transfer students each year, and (ii) by the end of the decade, not less than approximately 650
new such transfer students each year over the number enrolled in 2004-05, for a total of
approximately 1,250 such transfer students each year. The three institutions have agreed that
they will mutually determine how to divide the responsibility for these additional transfer
students equitably among themselves.
3. As an institutional priority and obligation, the College commits to the Governor and General
Assembly to work meaningfully and visibly with an economically distressed region or local area
of the Commonwealth, not smaller in size than a city or county, which lags the Commonwealth
in education, income, employment, and other factors. The College commits to establish a formal
partnership with that area to develop jointly a specific action plan that builds on the College’s
programmatic strengths and uses the College’s faculty, staff and, where appropriate, student
expertise to stimulate economic development in the area to make the area more economically
viable, and to improve student achievement and teacher and administrator skill sets in a school,
schools, or the school system in that area. The College shall submit the action plan to the
Governor and General Assembly by no later than December 31, 2006, and shall report to the
Governor and General Assembly by September 1 of each year on its progress in implementing
the action plan during the prior fiscal year.
SECTION 2.2.2. Student Enrollment, Tuition, and Financial Aid. As required by § 23-9.2:3.02
of the Code of Virginia, the College, along with all other public institutions of higher education
of the Commonwealth, has developed and submitted to the State Council of Higher Education
for Virginia (SCHEV) by October 1, 2005, an institution-specific Six-Year Plan addressing the
College’s academic, financial, and enrollment plans for the six-year period of fiscal years 2006-
07 through 2011-12. Subsection A of § 23-9.2:3.02 requires the College to update this Six-Year
Plan by October 1 of each odd-numbered year. Subsection B of § 23-38.97 of the Act requires
that a management agreement address, among other issues, such matters as the College’s in-state
undergraduate student enrollment, its financial aid requirements and capabilities, and its tuition
policy for in-state undergraduate students. These matters are addressed below and in the
College’s Six-Year Plan submitted to SCHEV, and the parties therefore agree that the College’s
Six-Year Plan and the description below meet the requirement of subsection B of § 23-38.97 of
the Act.
Subsection B of § 23-38.104 of the Act requires the Board of Visitors of the College to include
in this Management Agreement the College’s commitment to provide need-based grant aid for
middle- and lower-income Virginia students in a manner that encourages student enrollment and
progression without respect to potential increases in tuition and fees. The College’s commitment
in this regard is clear.
The College of William and Mary, under the leadership of its new president, has set as a goal
increasing the economic and social diversity of the student body at the College. The College is
absolutely committed to assuring access to any qualified and admitted Virginian regardless of
family income. The primary initiative in this area is Gateway William and Mary, which shall be
substantially as described in the remainder of this Section 2.2.2, as may amended from time to
time by the Board of Visitors of the College and reported to the Secretaries of Finance and
Education and the Chairmen of the Senate Committee on Finance and the House Committee on
At the present time, any needy Virginian at the College receives a combination of grants and
loans so that his or her indebtedness will not exceed one year’s cost of education. This is as
generous as any other public institution in the state or region. Nonetheless, this means that many
needy Virginians, including those with low family incomes, will graduate with more than
$16,000 in indebtedness. This burdensome level of debt may discourage students from lower
SES groups from applying to or accepting admission from the College. And, if they do attend,
their legitimate concern with respect to debt repayment may discourage them from some career
choices like K-12 education or from going on to graduate or professional school for fear of
adding even more to their personal indebtedness. Hence, over the period of the six-year plan, the
College of William and Mary is committed to seeking, from all sources state-appropriated
scholarship funds, federal, and private support -- sufficient funds to assure that 1) we meet 100%
of financial need for in-state undergraduates and 2) any student whose family’s annual income is
less than $40,000 can spend four years at the College and graduate debt-free. The Gateway
William and Mary initiative is one of the highest priorities for our new president. In addition,
both through our goal to increase the numbers of VCCS graduates who transfer to the College
and aggressive efforts to recruit in-state students from lower SES groups, we hope to double the
number of students who would receive assistance through the Gateway initiative from 280
students to 560 students by the end of the six-year planning period.
As noted, we will continue our commitment to providing additional financial aid through grants
and loans to those Virginians whose families are not in the lower SES groups, but who still have
demonstrable need. Currently approximately 900 in-state undergraduate students receive need-
based aid. The College commits to meeting 100% of the need for these students consistent with
the federal definition of unmet needs over the six year planning period. In addition, as tuition
and fees increase over the period of the six-year plan, we will readjust the level of financial aid
for all students to assure that insufficiency of family resources will not be a barrier to attending
the College.
The Commonwealth and the College agree that this commitment meets the requirements of
subsection B of § 23-38.104 of the Act.
SECTION 2.3. Authority Granted to the Virginia Institute of Marine Science. The Virginia
Institute of Marine Science (hereafter, the Institute) shall receive the benefits of the additional
financial and operational authority granted by this Management Agreement as it and the policies
adopted by the Board of Visitors attached as Exhibits G through L are implemented by the
College on behalf of the Institute, but the Institute shall not receive any additional independent
financial or operational authority as a result of this Management Agreement or the attached
Board of Visitors policies beyond the independent financial and operational authority that it had
prior to the effective date of this Management Agreement or that it may be granted by law in the
SECTION 2.4. Other Law. As provided in subsection B of § 23-38.91 of the Act, the College
shall be governed and administered in the manner provided not only in this Management
Agreement, but also as provided in the Appropriation Act then in effect and the College’s
Enabling Legislation.
SECTION 2.4.1. The Appropriation Act. The Commonwealth and the College agree that,
pursuant to the current terms of the Act and the terms of § 4-11.00 of the 2004-06 Appropriation
Act, if there is a conflict between the provisions of the Appropriation Act and the provisions of
Subchapter 3 of the Act, or this Management Agreement, or the Board of Visitors policies
attached to this Management Agreement as Exhibits G through L, the provisions of the
Appropriation Act shall control, and shall continue to control unless provided otherwise by law.
SECTION 2.4.2. The College’s Enabling Legislation. As provided in subsection C of § 23-
38.91 of the Act, in the event of a conflict between any provision of Subchapter 3 of this Act and
the College’s Enabling Legislation, the Enabling Legislation shall control.
SECTION 2.4.3. Title 2.2 of the Code of Virginia. As provided in subsection B of § 23-38.92
of the Act, except as specifically made inapplicable under Subchapter 3 of the Act and the
express terms of this Management Agreement, the provisions of Title 2.2 relating generally to
the operation, management, supervision, regulation, and control of public institutions of higher
education shall be applicable to the College as provided by the express terms of this
Management Agreement. As further provided in subsection C of § 23-38.92 of the Act, in the
event of conflict between any provision of Title 2.2 and any provision of Subchapter 3 of the Act
as expressed in this Management Agreement, the provisions of this Management Agreement
shall control.
SECTION 2.4.4. Educational Policies of the Commonwealth. As provided in subsection A of §
23-38.93 of the Act, for purposes of §§ 2.2-5004, 23-1.01, 23-1.1, 23-2, 23-2.1, 23-2.2:1, 23-3,
23-4.2, 23-4.3, 23-4.4, 23-7.1:02, 23-7.4, 23-7.4:1, 23-7.4:2, 23-7.4:3, 23-7.5, 23-8.2:1, 23-9.1,
23-9.2, 23-9.2:3, 23-9.2:3.02, 23-9.2:3.1 through 23-9.2:5, 23-9.6:1.01, and Chapter 4.9 23-
38.75 et seq.) of the Code of Virginia, the College shall remain a public institution of higher
education of the Commonwealth following the effective date of this Management Agreement,
and shall retain the authority granted and any obligations required by such provisions, unless and
until provided otherwise by law other than the Act. In addition, the College shall retain the
authority, and any obligations related to the exercise of such authority, that is granted to
institutions of higher education pursuant to Chapter 1.1 23-9.3 et seq.), Chapter 3 23-14 et
seq.), Chapter 3.2 23-30.23 et seq.), Chapter 3.3 23-30.39 et seq.), Chapter 4 23-31 et
seq.), Chapter 4.01 23-38.10:2 et seq.), Chapter 4.1 23-38.11 et seq.), Chapter 4.4 23-
38.45 et seq.), Chapter 4.4:1 23-38.53:1 et seq.), Chapter 4.4:2 23-38.53:4 et seq.), Chapter
4.4:3 23-38.53:11), Chapter 4.4:4 23-38.53:12 et seq.), Chapter 4.5 23-38.54 et seq.),
Chapter 4.7 23-38.70 et seq.), Chapter 4.8 (§ 23-38.72 et seq.), and Chapter 4.9 (§ 23-38.75 et
seq.), unless and until provided otherwise by law other than the Act.
SECTION 2.4.5. Public Access to Information. As provided in § 23-38.95 of the Act, the
College shall continue to be subject to § 2.2-4342 and to the provisions of the Virginia Freedom
of Information Act, Chapter 37 (§ 2.2-3700 et seq.) of Title 2.2 of the Code of Virginia, but shall
be entitled to conduct business pursuant to § 2.2-3709 if expressly named therein and, in all
cases, may conduct business as a “state public body” for purposes of subsection B of § 2.2-3708.
SECTION 2.4.6. Conflicts of Interests. As provided in § 23-38.96 of the Act, the provisions of
the State and Local Government Conflict of Interests Act, Chapter 32 2.2-3100 et seq.) that
are applicable to officers and employees of a state governmental agency shall continue to apply
to the members of the Board of Visitors of the College and to its Covered Employees.
SECTION 2.4.7. Other Provisions of the Code of Virginia. Other than as specified above, any
other powers and authorities granted to the College pursuant to any other sections of the Code of
Virginia, including other provisions of the Act, are not affected by this Management Agreement
or the Board policies attached hereto as Exhibits G through L.
SECTION 3.1. Amendments. Any change to or deviation from this Management Agreement or
the Board of Visitors policies attached hereto as Exhibits G through L shall be reported to the
Secretaries of Finance, Administration, Education, and Technology and to the Chairmen of the
Senate Committee on Finance and the House Committee on Appropriations and shall be posted
on the College's website. The change or deviation shall become effective unless one of the above
persons notifies the College in writing within 60 days that the change or deviation is substantial
and material. Any substantial and material change or deviation shall require the execution by the
parties of an amendment to this Management Agreement or a new Management Agreement
pursuant to the provisions of subsection D of § 23-38.88 and may lead to the Governor declaring
this Management Agreement to be void pursuant to subdivision D 4 of § 23-38.88 of the Act.
SECTION 3.2. Right and Power to Void, Revoke, or Reinstate Management Agreement.
SECTION 3.2.1. Governor. Pursuant to subdivision D 4 of § 23-38.88, and § 23-38.98, of the
Act, if the Governor makes a written determination that the College is not in substantial
compliance with the terms of this Management Agreement or with the requirements of the Act in
general, (i) the Governor shall provide a copy of that written determination to the Rector of the
Board of Visitors of the College and to the members of the General Assembly, and (ii) the
College shall develop and implement a plan of corrective action, satisfactory to the Governor, for
purposes of coming into substantial compliance with the terms of this Management Agreement
and with the requirements of the Act, as soon as practicable, and shall provide a copy of such
corrective action plan to the members of the General Assembly. If after a reasonable period of
time after the corrective action plan has been implemented by the College, the Governor
determines that the institution is not yet in substantial compliance with this Management
Agreement or the requirements of the Act, the Governor may void this Management Agreement.
Upon the Governor voiding this Management Agreement, the College shall no longer be allowed
to exercise any restructured financial or operational authority pursuant to the provisions of
Subchapter 3 of the Act unless and until the College has entered into a subsequent management
agreement with the Secretary or Secretaries designated by the Governor or the voided
Management Agreement is reinstated by the General Assembly.
SECTION 3.2.2. General Assembly. As provided in subdivision D 4 of § 23-38.88 of the Act,
the General Assembly may reinstate a Management Agreement declared void by the Governor.
Pursuant to § 23-38.98 of the Act, the College's status as a Covered Institution governed by
Subchapter 3 of the Act may be revoked by an act of the General Assembly (i) if the College
fails to meet the requirements of Subchapter 3 of the Act, or (ii) if the College fails to meet the
requirements of this Management Agreement.
SECTION 4.1. No Third-Party Beneficiary Status. Nothing in this Agreement, express or
implied, shall be construed as conferring any third-party beneficiary status on any person or
SECTION 4.2. Sovereign Immunity. Pursuant to subsection E of § 23-38.88 of the Act, the
College and the members of its Board of Visitors, officers, directors, employees, and agents shall
be entitled to the same sovereign immunity to which they would be entitled if the College were
not governed by the Act; provided that the Virginia Tort Claims Act, § 8.01-195.1 et seq. of the
Code of Virginia, and its limitations on recoveries shall remain applicable with respect to the
SECTION 4.3. Term of Agreement. This Management Agreement shall expire at midnight on
June 30, 2010.
WHEREFORE, the foregoing Management Agreement has been executed as of this 15th day of
November, 2005, and shall become effective on the effective date of the legislation enacted into
law providing for the terms of such Agreement.
ACT OF 2005
The Restructured Higher Education Financial and Administrative Operations Act (the Act),
Chapter 4.10 of Title 23 of the Code of Virginia, provides that, upon becoming a Covered
Institution, The College of William and Mary in Virginia may be delegated the authority to
establish its own system for undertaking the implementation of its capital projects. In general,
status as a Covered Institution is designed to replace the post-authorization system of reviews,
approvals, policies and procedures carried out by a variety of central State agencies, and also the
traditional pre-authorization approval process for projects funded entirely with non-general funds
and without any proceeds from State Tax Supported Debt. The College's system for carrying out
its capital outlay process as a Covered Institution is to be governed by policies adopted by the
Board of Visitors. The following provisions of this Policy, together with the Policy Governing
the Procurement of Goods, Services, Insurance, and Construction, and the Disposition of Surplus
Materials adopted by the Board, and the Rules Governing Procurement of Goods, Services,
Insurance, and Construction, which is attached as Attachment 1 to that Policy, constitute the
adopted Board of Visitors policies regarding the College’s capital projects, whether funded by a
state general fund appropriation, State Tax Supported Debt, or funding from other sources.
This Policy is intended to encompass and implement the authority that may be granted to the
College pursuant to Subchapter 3 of the Act. Any other powers and authorities granted to the
College pursuant to the Appropriation Act, or any other sections of the Code of Virginia,
including other provisions of the Act and the College's Enabling Legislation, are not affected by
this Policy.
As used in this policy, the following terms shall have the following meanings, unless the context
requires otherwise:
“Act” means the Restructured Higher Education Financial and Administrative Operations
Act, Chapter 4.10 of Title 23 of the Code of Virginia.
“Board of Visitors” or Board” means the Rector and Visitors ofTthe College of William
and Mary in Virginia.
“Capital Lease” means a lease that is defined as such within Generally Accepted
Accounting Principles pursuant to the pronouncement of the Financial Accounting Standards
“Capital Professional Services means professional engineering, architecture, land
surveying and landscape architecture services related to capital projects.
“Capital project(s)” means the acquisition of any interest in land, including improvements
on the acquired land at the time of acquisition, new construction, improvements or renovations,
and Capital Leases.
“College” means The College of William and Mary in Virginia, (State Agency 204), and
the Virginia Institute of Marine Science, (State Agency 268).
“Covered Institution” means, on and after the Effective Date of its initial Management
Agreement, a public institution of higher education of the Commonwealth of Virginia that has
entered into a management agreement with the Commonwealth to be governed by the provisions
of Subchapter 3 of the Act.
“Enabling Legislation” means those chapters, other than Chapter 4.10, of Title 23 of the
Code of Virginia, as amended, creating, continuing, or otherwise setting forth the powers,
purposes, and missions of the individual public institutions of higher education of the
Commonwealth, and as provided in §§ 2.2-2817.2, 2.2-2905, and 51.1-126.3.
“Major Capital Project(s)” means the acquisition of any interest in land, including
improvements on the acquired land at the time of acquisition, new construction of 5,000 square
feet or greater or costing $1 million or more, improvements or renovations of $1 million or more,
and Capital Leases.
“State Tax Supported Debt” means bonds, notes or other obligations issued under Article
X, Section 9(a), 9(b), or 9(c), or 9(d), if the debit service payments are made or ultimately are to
be made from general government funds, as defined in the December 20, 2004 Report to the
Governor and General Assembly of the Debt Capacity Advisory Committee or as that definition
is amended from time to time.
This Policy applies to the planning and budget development for capital projects, capital project
authorization, and the implementation of capital projects, whether funded by a general fund
appropriation of the General Assembly, proceeds from State Tax Supported Debt, or funding
from other sources.
This Policy provides guidance for 1) the process for developing one or more capital project
programs for the College, 2) authorization of new capital projects, 3) procurement of Capital
Professional Services and construction services, 4) design reviews and code approvals for capital
projects, 5) environmental impact requirements, 6) building demolitions, 7) building and land
acquisitions, 8) building and land dispositions, 9) project management systems, and 10) reporting
The Board of Visitors of the College shall at all times be fully and ultimately accountable for the
proper fulfillment of the duties and responsibilities set forth in, and for the appropriate
implementation of, this Policy. Consistent with this full and ultimate accountability, however,
the Board may, pursuant to its legally permissible procedures, specifically delegate either herein
or by separate Board resolution the duties and responsibilities set forth in this Policy to a person
or persons within the College, who, while continuing to be fully accountable for such duties and
responsibilities, may further delegate the implementation of those duties and responsibilities
pursuant to the College’s usual delegation policies and procedures.
The President shall adopt a system for developing one or more capital project programs that
defines or define the capital needs of the College for a given period of time consistent with the
College’s published Master Plan. This process may or may not mirror the Commonwealth’s
requirements for capital plans. The Board of Visitors shall approve the program for Major
Capital Projects. Major Capital Projects that are to be funded entirely or in part by a general
fund appropriation of the General Assembly or proceeds from State Tax Supported Debt shall
follow the Commonwealth’s requirements for capital plans. The Board may approve
amendments to the program for Major Capital Projects annually or more often if circumstances
It shall be College policy that each capital project program shall meet the College’s mission and
institutional objectives, and be appropriately authorized by the College. Moreover, it shall be
College policy that each capital project shall be of a size and scope to provide for the defined
program needs, designed in accordance with all applicable building codes and handicapped
accessibility standards as well as the College’s design guidelines and standards, and costed to
reflect current costs and escalated to the mid-point of anticipated construction.
The Board of Visitors shall authorize the initiation of each Major Capital Project by approving
its size, scope, budget, and funding. The President, acting through his designee, shall adopt
procedures for approving the size, scope, budget and funding of all other capital projects. Major
Capital Projects that are to be funded entirely or in part by a general fund appropriation of the
General Assembly or proceeds from State Tax Supported Debt, shall require both Board of
Visitors approval and those pre-appropriation approvals of the State’s governmental agencies
then applicable, and shall follow the State’s process for capital budget requests.
It shall be the policy of the College that the implementation of capital projects shall be carried
out so that the capital project as completed is the capital project approved by the Board for Major
Capital Projects and according to the procedures adopted by the President, acting through his
designee, for all other capital projects. The President shall ensure strict adherence to this
Accordingly, the budget, size and scope of a capital project shall not be materially changed
beyond the plans and justifications that were the basis for the capital project's approval, either
before or during construction, unless approved in advance as described above. Minor changes
shall be permissible if they are determined by the President, acting through his designee, to be
Major Capital Projects may be submitted for Board of Visitors authorization at any time but must
include a statement of urgency if not part of the approved Major Capital Project program.
It shall be the policy of the College that procurements shall result in the purchase of high quality
services and construction at reasonable prices and shall be consistent with the Policy Governing
the Procurement of Goods, Services, Insurance, and Construction, and the Disposition of Surplus
Materials adopted by the Board, and with the Rules Governing Procurement of Goods, Services,
Insurance, and Construction, which is attached as Attachment 1 to that Policy. Specifically, the
College is committed to:
Seeking competition to the maximum practical degree, taking into account the size of the
anticipated procurement, the term of the resulting contract and the likely extent of competition;
Conducting all procurements in a fair and impartial manner and avoiding any impropriety or the
appearance of any impropriety prohibited by State law or College policy;
Making procurement rules clear in advance of any competition;
Providing access to the College’s business to all qualified vendors, firms and contractors, with no
potential bidder or offeror excluded arbitrarily or capriciously, while allowing the flexibility to
engage in cooperative procurements and to meet special needs of the College;
Including in contracts of more than $10,000 the contractor’s agreement not to discriminate
against employees or applicants because of race, religion, color, sex, national origin, age,
disability or other basis prohibited by State law except where there is a bona fide occupational
qualification reasonably necessary to the contractor’s normal operations;
Providing for a non-discriminatory procurement process, and including appropriate and lawful
provisions to effectuate fair and reasonable consideration of women-owned, minority-owned and
small businesses and to promote and encourage a diversity of suppliers.
The President, acting through his designee, is authorized to develop implementing procedures for
the procurement of Capital Professional Services and construction services at the College. The
procedures shall implement this Policy and provide for:
A system of competitive negotiation for Capital Professional Services, including a procedure for
expedited procurement of Capital Professional Services under $50,000, pursuant to (i)
subdivisions 1, 2, and 3 a of the defined term "competitive negotiation" in Rule 4 of the Rules
Governing Procurement of Goods, Services, Insurance, and Construction, and (ii) § 4-5.06 of the
2004-2006 Appropriation Act;
A prequalification procedure for contractors or products;
A procedure for special construction contracting methods, including but not limited to design-
build and construction management contracts; and
A prompt payment procedure.
The College also may enter into cooperative arrangements with other private or public health or
educational institutions, healthcare provider alliances, purchasing organizations or state agencies
where, in the judgment of the College, the purposes of this Policy will be furthered.
The Board of Visitors shall review the design of all Major Capital Projects and shall provide
final Major Capital Project authorization based on the size, scope and cost estimate provided
with the design. Unless stipulated by the Board of Visitors at the design review, no further
design reviews shall be required. For all capital projects other than Major Capital Projects, the
President, acting through his designee, shall adopt procedures for design review and project
authorization based on the size, scope and cost estimate provided with the design. It shall be the
College’s policy that all capital projects shall be designed and constructed in accordance with
applicable Virginia Uniform Statewide Building Code (VUSBC) standards and the applicable
accessibility code.
The President shall designate a Building Official responsible for building code compliance at the
College, including the Virginia Institute of Marine Science, by either (i) hiring an individual to
be the College Building Official, or (ii) continuing to use the services of the Department of
General Services, Division of Engineering and Buildings, to perform the Building Official
function. If option (i) is selected, the individual hired as the College Building Official shall be a
full-time an employee of the College who has no other assigned duties or responsibilities at the
institution and who is not employed by any firm or business providing facility services to the
College, a registered professional architect or engineer, and certified by the Department of
Housing and Community Development to perform this Building Official function. The College
Building Official shall issue building permits for each capital project required by the VUSBC to
have a building permit, and shall determine the suitability for occupancy of, and shall issue
certifications for building occupancy for, all capital projects requiring such certification. Prior to
issuing any such certification, this individual shall ensure that the VUSBC and accessibility
requirements are met for that capital project and that such capital project has been inspected by
the State Fire Marshal or his designee as required. When serving as the College Building
Official, such individual shall organizationally report directly and exclusively to the Board of
Visitors. If the College hires its own College Building Official, it shall fulfill the code review
requirement by maintaining a review unit of licensed professional architects or engineers
supported by resources and staff who are certified by the Department of Housing and
Community Development in accordance with § 36-137 of the Code of Virginia for such purpose
and who shall review plans, specifications and documents for compliance with building codes
and standards and perform required inspections of work in progress and the completed capital
project. No individual licensed professional architect or engineer hired under the College's
personnel system as a member of the review unit or contracted with to perform these functions
shall also perform other building code-related design, construction, facilities-related project
management or facilities management functions for the College on the same capital project.
It shall be the policy of the College to assess the environmental, historic preservation, and
conservation impacts of all capital projects and to minimize and otherwise mitigate all adverse
impacts to the extent practicable. The College shall develop a procedure for the preparation and
approval of environmental impact reports for capital projects, in accordance with State
environmental, historic preservation, and conservation requirements generally applicable to
capital projects otherwise meeting the definition of Major Capital Projects but, pursuant to § 23-
38.109 C 1 of the Act, with a cost of $300,000 or more.
It shall be the policy of the College to consider the environmental and historical aspects of any
proposed demolitions. The Board of Visitors shall be responsible for approving demolition
requests. The College shall develop a procedure for the preparation and review of demolition
requests, including any necessary reviews by the Department of Historic Resources and the Art
and Architectural Review Board in accordance with State historic preservation requirements
generally applicable to capital projects in the Commonwealth. Further, for any property that was
acquired or constructed with funding from a general fund appropriation of the General Assembly
or from proceeds from State Tax Supported Debt, general laws applicable to State owned
property shall apply.
It is the policy of the College that capital projects involving building or land acquisition shall be
subjected to thorough inquiry and due diligence prior to closing on the acquisition of such real
property. The President, acting through his designee, shall ensure that the project management
system implemented pursuant to Section XIII below provides for a review and analysis of all
pertinent matters relating to the acquisition of buildings and land as any prudent purchaser would
perform to the end that any building or land acquired by the College shall be suitable for its
intended purpose, that the acquisition can be made without substantial risk of liability to the
College and that the cost of the real property to be acquired, together with any contemplated
development thereof, shall be such that compliance with the provisions of Section VI of this
Policy is achieved. In addition, the President, acting through his designee, shall ensure that,
where feasible and appropriate to do so, the following specific policies pertaining to the
acquisition of buildings or land for capital projects are carried out.
A. Environmental and Land Use Considerations.
It is the policy of the College to reasonably cooperate with each locality affected by the
acquisition. Such cooperation shall include but not be limited to furnishing any information that
the locality may reasonably request and reviewing any requests by the locality with regard to any
such acquisition. The College shall consider the zoning and comprehensive plan designation by
the locality of the building or land and surrounding parcels, as well as any designation by State
or federal agencies of historically or archeologically significant areas on the land. Nothing
herein shall be construed as requiring the College to comply with local zoning laws and
B. Infrastructure and Site Condition.
The President, acting through his designee, shall ensure that, in the case of capital projects
involving the acquisition of buildings or land, the project management systems implemented
under Section XIII below provide for a review of the following matters prior to acquisition of the
building or land: that any land can be developed for its intended purpose without extraordinary
cost; that an environmental engineer has been engaged by the College to provide an assessment
of any environmental conditions on the land; that there is adequate vehicular ingress and egress
to serve the contemplated use of the building or land; that utilities and other services to the land
are adequate or can reasonably be provided or have been provided in the case of building
acquisitions; and that the condition and grade of the soils have been examined to determine if
any conditions exist that would require extraordinary site work or foundation systems.
C. Title and Survey.
A survey shall be prepared for any real property acquired, and an examination of title to the real
property shall be conducted by a licensed attorney or, in the alternative, a commitment for title
insurance shall be procured from a title insurance company authorized to do business in the
Commonwealth. Based upon the survey and title examination or report, the President, acting
through his designee, shall conclude, prior to acquisition of the real property, that title thereto
will be conveyed to the College in fee simple, free and clear of all liens, encumbrances,
covenants, restrictions, easements or other matters that may have a significant adverse effect
upon the College's ability to own, occupy, convey or develop the real property.
D. Appraisal.
An appraisal shall be conducted of the real property to be acquired to determine its fair market
value and the consistency of the fair market value with the price agreed upon by the College.
The Board of Visitors shall approve the disposition of any building or land. Disposition of land
or buildings, the acquisition or construction of which was funded entirely or in part by a general
fund appropriation of the General Assembly or proceeds from State Tax Supported Debt, shall
require both Board of Visitors approval and other approvals in accordance with general law
applicable to State-owned property and with the College’s Enabling Legislation.
The President, acting through his designee, shall implement one or more systems for the
management of capital projects for the College. The systems may include the delegation of
project management authority to appropriate College officials, including a grant of authority to
such officials to engage in further delegation of authority as the President deems appropriate.
The project management systems for capital projects shall be designed to ensure that such
projects comply with the provisions of this Policy and other Board of Visitors policies applicable
to closely related subjects such as selection of architects or policies applicable to College
buildings and grounds.
The project management systems may include one or more reporting systems applicable to
capital projects whereby College officials responsible for the management of such projects
provide appropriate and timely reports to the President on the status of such projects during
In addition to complying with any internal reporting systems contained in the College’s project
management systems, as described in Section XIII above, the College shall comply with State
reporting requirements for those Major Capital Projects funded entirely or in part by a general
fund appropriation by the General Assembly or State Tax Supported Debt. Additionally, if any
capital project constructs improvements on land, or renovates property, that originally was
acquired or constructed in whole or in part with a general fund appropriation for that purpose or
proceeds from State Tax Supported Debt, and such improvements or renovations are undertaken
entirely with funds not appropriated by the General Assembly and, if the cost of such
improvements or renovations is reasonably expected to exceed $2 million, the decision to
undertake such improvements or renovations shall be communicated as required by § 23-38.109
C 3 of the Act. As a matter of routine, the President, acting through his designee, shall report to
the Department of General Services on the status of such capital projects at the initiation of the
project, prior to the commencement of construction, and at the time of acceptance of any such
capital project.
Rules Governing Procurement of Goods, Services, Insurance, and Construction
by a Public Institution of Higher Education of the Commonwealth of Virginia
Governed by Subchapter 3 of the
Restructured Higher Education Financial and Administrative Operations Act,
Chapter 4.10 (§ 23-38.88 et seq.) of Title 23 of the Code of Virginia
In accordance with the provisions of the Restructured Higher Education Financial and
Administrative Operations Act (the Act), Chapter 4.10 23-38.88 et seq.) of Title 23 of the
Code of Virginia, and in particular § 23-38.110 of the Act, the governing body of a public
institution of higher education of the Commonwealth of Virginia that has entered into a
Management Agreement with the Commonwealth pursuant to Subchapter 3 of the Act, has
adopted the following Rules Governing Procurement of Goods, Services, Insurance, and
Construction to govern the procurement of goods, services, insurance, and construction by the
Institution, excluding the University of Virginia Medical Center:
§ 1. Purpose.
The purpose of these Rules is to enunciate the public policies pertaining to procurement of good,
services, insurance, and construction by the Institution from nongovernmental sources, to include
governmental procurement that may or may not result in monetary consideration for either party.
These Rules shall apply whether the consideration is monetary or nonmonetary and regardless of
whether the Institution, the contractor, or some third party is providing the consideration.
§ 2. Scope of Procurement Authority.
Subject to these Rules, and the Institution’s continued substantial compliance with the terms and
conditions of its Management Agreement with the Commonwealth pursuant to § 23-38.88(D)(4)
and the requirements of Chapter 4.10 of the Act, the Institution shall have and shall be authorized
to have and exercise all of the authority relating to procurement of goods, services, insurance,
and construction, including but not limited to capital outlay-related procurement and information
technology-related procurement, that Institutions are authorized to exercise pursuant to
Subchapter 3 of the Restructuring Act.
§ 3. Competition is the Priority.
To the end that the Institution shall obtain high quality goods and services at reasonable cost, that
all procurement procedures be conducted in an open, fair and impartial manner with avoidance
of any impropriety or appearance of impropriety, that all qualified vendors have access to the
Institution’s business and that no offeror be arbitrarily or capriciously excluded, it is the intent of
the governing body of the Institution that competition be sought to the maximum feasible degree,
that procurement procedures involve openness and administrative efficiency, that individual
public bodies enjoy broad flexibility in fashioning details of such competition, that the rules
governing contract awards be made clear in advance of the competition, that specifications
reflect the procurement needs of the purchasing body rather than being drawn to favor a
particular vendor, and that the purchaser and vendor freely exchange information concerning
what is sought to be procured and what is offered. The Institution may consider best value
concepts when procuring goods and nonprofessional services, but not construction or
professional services. Professional services will be procured using a qualification-based
selection process. The criteria, factors, and basis for consideration of best value and the process
for the consideration of best value shall be as stated in the procurement solicitation.
§ 4. Definitions.
As used in these Rules:
“Affiliate” means an individual or business that controls, is controlled by, or is under
common control with another individual or business. A person controls an entity if the person
owns, directly or indirectly, more than 10% of the voting securities of the entity. For the
purposes of this definition “voting security” means a security that (i) confers upon the holder the
right to vote for the election of members of the board of directors or similar governing body of
the business or (ii) is convertible into, or entitles the holder to receive, upon its exercise, a
security that confers such a right to vote. A general partnership interest shall be deemed to be a
voting security.
“Best value, as predetermined in the solicitation, means the overall combination of
quality, price, and various elements of required services that in total are optimal relative to the
Institution’s needs.
“Business” means any type of corporation, partnership, limited liability company,
association, or sole proprietorship operated for profit.
“Competitive negotiation” is a method of contractor selection that includes the following
1. Issuance of a written Request for Proposal indicating in general terms that
which is sought to be procured, specifying the factors that will be used in evaluating the
proposal and containing or incorporating by reference the other applicable contractual
terms and conditions, including any unique capabilities or qualifications that will be
required of the contractor.
2. Public notice of the Request for Proposal at least 10 days prior to the date set
for receipt of proposals by publication in a newspaper or newspapers of general
circulation in the area in which the contract is to be performed so as to provide reasonable
notice to the maximum number of offerors that can be reasonably anticipated to submit
proposals in response to the particular request. Public notice also shall be published on
the Department of General Services’ central electronic procurement website and may be
published on other appropriate websites. In addition, proposals may be solicited directly
from potential contractors.
3. a. Procurement of professional services. The procurement of professional
services for capital projects shall be conducted using a qualification-based selection
process. The Institution shall engage in individual discussions with two or more offerors
deemed fully qualified, responsible and suitable on the basis of initial responses and with
emphasis on professional competence, to provide the required services. Repetitive
informal interviews shall be permissible. The offerors shall be encouraged to elaborate
on their qualifications and performance data or staff expertise pertinent to the proposed
project, as well as alternative concepts. The Request for Proposal shall not, however,
request that offerors furnish estimates of man-hours or cost for services. At the
discussion stage, the Institution may discuss nonbinding estimates of total project costs,
including, but not limited to, life-cycle costing, and where appropriate, nonbinding
estimates of price for services. Proprietary information from competing offerors shall not
be disclosed to the public or to competitors. At the conclusion of discussion, outlined in
this subdivision, on the basis of evaluation factors published in the Request for Proposal
and all information developed in the selection process to this point, the Institution shall
select in the order of preference two or more offerors whose professional qualifications
and proposed services are deemed most meritorious. Negotiations shall then be
conducted, beginning with the offeror ranked first. If a contract satisfactory and
advantageous to the Institution can be negotiated at a price considered fair and
reasonable, the award shall be made to that offeror. Otherwise, negotiations with the
offeror ranked first shall be formally terminated and negotiations conducted with the
offeror ranked second, and so on until such a contract can be negotiated at a fair and
reasonable price. Should the Institution determine in writing and in its sole discretion
that only one offeror is fully qualified, or that one offeror is clearly more highly qualified
and suitable than the others under consideration, a contract may be negotiated and
awarded to that offeror.
A contract for architectural or professional engineering services relating to construction
projects may be negotiated by the Institution, for multiple projects provided (i) the
projects require similar experience and expertise, and (ii) the nature of the projects is
clearly identified in the Request for Proposal. Under such contract, (a) the fair and
reasonable prices, as negotiated, shall be used in determining the cost of each project
performed, (b) the sum of all projects performed in one contract term shall be as set in the
Request for Proposal; and (c) the project fee of any single project shall not exceed the
term limit as set in the Request for Proposal. Any unused amounts from any contract
term may be carried forward. Competitive negotiations for such contracts may result in
awards to more than one offeror provided the Request for Proposal stated the potential for
a multi-vendor award.
Multiphase professional services contracts satisfactory and advantageous to the
Institution for environmental, location, design and inspection work regarding
construction of infrastructure projects may be negotiated and awarded based on
qualifications at a fair and reasonable price for the first phase only, when completion of
the earlier phases is necessary to provide information critical to the negotiation of a fair
and reasonable price for succeeding phases. Prior to the procurement of any such
contract, the Institution shall state the anticipated intended total scope of the project and
determine in writing that the nature of the work is such that the best interests of such
Institution require awarding the contract.
b. Procurement of other than professional services. Selection shall be made of
two or more offerors deemed to be fully qualified and best suited among those submitting
proposals, on the basis of the factors involved in the Request for Proposal, including price
if so stated in the Request for Proposal. Negotiations shall then be conducted with each of
the offerors so selected. Price shall be considered, but need not be the sole determining
factor. After negotiations have been conducted with each offeror so selected, the
Institution shall select the offeror which, in its opinion, has made the best proposal, and
shall award the contract to that offeror. When the terms and conditions of multiple
awards are so provided in the Request for Proposal, awards may be made to more than
one offeror. Should the Institution determine in writing and in its sole discretion that
only one offeror has made the best proposal, a contract may be negotiated and awarded to
that offeror.
“Competitive sealed bidding” is a method of contractor selection, other than for
professional services, which includes the following elements:
1. Issuance of a written Invitation to Bid containing or incorporating by reference
the specifications and contractual terms and conditions applicable to the procurement.
Unless the Institution has provided for prequalification of bidders, the Invitation to Bid
shall include a statement of any requisite qualifications of potential contractors. When it
is impractical to prepare initially a purchase description to support an award based on
prices, an Invitation to Bid may be issued requesting the submission of unpriced offers to
be followed by an Invitation to Bid limited to those bidders whose offers have been
qualified under the criteria set forth in the first solicitation.
2. Public notice of the Invitation to Bid at least 10 days prior to the date set for
receipt of bids by publication on the Department of General Services’ central electronic
procurement website. Public notice also may be published in a newspaper of general
circulation or on other appropriate websites, or both. In addition, bids may be solicited
directly from potential contractors. Any additional solicitations shall include businesses
selected from a list made available by the Department of Minority Business Enterprise.
3. Public opening and announcement of all bids received.
4. Evaluation of bids based upon the requirements set forth in the invitation,
which may include special qualifications of potential contractors, life-cycle costing, value
analysis, and any other criteria such as inspection, testing, quality, workmanship,
delivery, and suitability for a particular purpose, which are helpful in determining
5. Award to the lowest responsive and responsible bidder. When the terms and
conditions of multiple awards are so provided in the Invitation to Bid, awards may be
made to more than one bidder.
“Construction” means building, altering, repairing, improving or demolishing any
structure, building or highway, and any draining, dredging, excavation, grading or similar work
upon real property.
“Construction management contract” means a contract in which a party is retained by the
owner to coordinate and administer contracts for construction services for the benefit of the
owner, and may also include, if provided in the contract, the furnishing of construction services
to the owner.
“Covered Institution” or “Institution” means, on and after the effective date of the initial
management agreement with the Commonwealth of Virginia, a public institution of higher
education of the Commonwealth that has entered into a management agreement with the
Commonwealth to be governed by the provisions of Subchapter 3 of the Restructuring Act.
“Design-build contract” means a contract between the Institution and another party in
which the party contracting with the Institution agrees to both design and build the structure,
roadway or other item specified in the contract.
“Goods” means all material, equipment, supplies, and printing, including information
technology and telecommunications goods such as automated data processing hardware and
“Informality” means a minor defect or variation of a bid or proposal from the exact
requirements of the Invitation to Bid, or the Request for Proposal, which does not affect the
price, quality, quantity or delivery schedule for the goods, services or construction being
“Multiphase professional services contract” means a contract for the providing of
professional services where the total scope of work of the second or subsequent phase of the
contract cannot be specified without the results of the first or prior phase of the contract.
“Nonprofessional services” means any services not specifically identified as professional
services in the definition of professional services and includes small construction projects valued
not over $1 million; provided that subdivision 3a of the definition of “competitive negotiation” in
this section shall still apply to professional services for such small construction projects.
“Potential bidder or offeror” for the purposes of §§ 50 and 54 of these Rules means a
person who, at the time the Institution negotiates and awards or proposes to award a contract, is
engaged in the sale or lease of goods, or the sale of services, insurance or construction, of the
type to be procured under the contract, and who at such time is eligible and qualified in all
respects to perform that contract, and who would have been eligible and qualified to submit a bid
or proposal had the contract been procured through competitive sealed bidding or competitive
“Professional services” means work performed by an independent contractor within the
scope of the practice of accounting, actuarial services, architecture, land surveying, landscape
architecture, law, dentistry, medicine, optometry, pharmacy or professional engineering.
“Public body” means any legislative, executive or judicial body, agency, office,
department, authority, post, commission, committee, institution, board or political subdivision
created by law to exercise some sovereign power or to perform some governmental duty, and
empowered by law to undertake the activities described in these Rules.
“Public contract” means an agreement between the Institution and a nongovernmental
source that is enforceable in a court of law.
“Responsible bidder” or “offeror” means a person who has the capability, in all respects,
to perform fully the contract requirements and the moral and business integrity and reliability
that will assure good faith performance, and who has been prequalified, if required.
“Responsive bidder” means a person who has submitted a bid that conforms in all
material respects to the Invitation to Bid.
“Restructuring Act” or “Act” means the Restructured Higher Education Financial and
Administrative Operations Act, Chapter 4.10 23-38.88 et seq.) of Title 23 of the Code of
“Reverse auctioning” means a procurement method wherein bidders are invited to bid on
specified goods or nonprofessional services through real-time electronic bidding, with the award
being made to the lowest responsive and responsible bidder. During the bidding process,
bidders’ prices are revealed and bidders shall have the opportunity to modify their bid prices for
the duration of the time period established for bid opening.
“Rules” means these Rules Governing Procurement of Goods, Services, Insurance, and
Construction adopted by the governing body of the Covered Institution.
“Services” means any work performed by an independent contractor wherein the service
rendered does not consist primarily of acquisition of equipment or materials, or the rental of
equipment, materials and supplies.
“Sheltered workshop” means a work-oriented rehabilitative facility with a controlled
working environment and individual goals that utilizes work experience and related services for
assisting the handicapped person to progress toward normal living and a productive vocational
§ 5. Methods of procurement.
A. All public contracts with nongovernmental contractors for the purchase or lease of goods, or
for the purchase of services, insurance, or construction, shall be awarded after competitive sealed
bidding, or competitive negotiation as provided in this section, unless otherwise authorized by
B. Professional services shall be procured by competitive negotiation. Qualification-based
selection shall be used for design services.
C. Goods, services, or insurance may be procured by competitive negotiation.
D. Construction may be procured only by competitive sealed bidding, except that competitive
negotiation may be used in the following instances upon a determination made in advance by the
Institution and set forth in writing that competitive sealed bidding is either not practicable or not
fiscally advantageous to the public, which writing shall document the basis for this
1. By the Institution on a fixed price design-build basis or construction management basis
under § 7;
2. By the Institution for the construction, alteration, repair, renovation or demolition of
buildings; or
3. By the Institution for the construction of highways and any draining, dredging,
excavation, grading or similar work upon real property.
E. Upon a determination in writing that there is only one source practicably available for that
which is to be procured, a contract may be negotiated and awarded to that source without
competitive sealed bidding or competitive negotiation. The writing shall document the basis for
this determination. The Institution shall issue a written notice stating that only one source was
determined to be practicably available, and identifying that which is being procured, the
contractor selected, and the date on which the contract was or will be awarded. This notice shall
be posted in a designated public area, which may be the Department of General Services’
website for the Commonwealth’s central electronic procurement system, or published in a
newspaper of general circulation on the day the Institution awards or announces its decision to
award the contract, whichever occurs first. Public notice shall also be published on the
Department of General Services' website for the Commonwealth’s central electronic
procurement system and may be published on other appropriate websites.
F. In case of emergency, a contract may be awarded without competitive sealed bidding or
competitive negotiation; however, such procurement shall be made with such competition as is
practicable under the circumstances. A written determination of the basis for the emergency and
for the selection of the particular contractor shall be included in the contract file. The Institution
shall issue a written notice stating that the contract is being awarded on an emergency basis, and
identifying that which is being procured, the contractor selected, and the date on which the
contract was or will be awarded. This notice shall be posted in a designated public area, which
may be the Department of General Services’ website for the Commonwealth’s central electronic
procurement system, or published in a newspaper of general circulation on the day the Institution
awards or announces its decision to award the contract, whichever occurs first, or as soon
thereafter as is practicable. Public notice may also be published on the Department of General
Services' website for the Commonwealth’s central electronic procurement system and other
appropriate websites.
G. The Institution may establish purchase procedures, if adopted in writing, not requiring
competitive sealed bids or competitive negotiation for single or term contracts for goods and
services other than professional services if the aggregate or the sum of all phases is not expected
to exceed $50,000; however, such small purchase procedures shall provide for competition
wherever practicable.
H. The Institution may establish purchase procedures, if adopted in writing, not requiring
competitive negotiation for single or term contracts for professional services if the aggregate or
the sum of all phases is not expected to exceed $50,000; however such small purchase
procedures shall provide for competition wherever practicable.
I. Upon a determination made in advance by the Institution and set forth in writing that the
purchase of goods, products or commodities from a public auction sale is in the best interests of
the public, such items may be purchased at the auction, including online public auctions. The
writing shall document the basis for this determination.
J. The purchase of goods or nonprofessional services, but not construction or professional
services, may be made by reverse auctioning.
§ 6. Cooperative procurement.
A. In circumstances where the Institution determines and documents that statewide contracts for
goods and services, including information technology and telecommunications goods and
services, do not provide goods and services to the Institution that meet its business goals and
objectives, the Institution is authorized to participate in, sponsor, conduct, or administer a
cooperative procurement arrangement on behalf of or in conjunction with public bodies, public
or private health or educational institutions, other public or private organizations or entities,
including public-private partnerships, charitable organizations, health care provider alliances or
purchasing organizations or entities, or with public agencies or institutions or group purchasing
organizations of the several states, territories of the United States, or the District of Columbia,
for the purpose of combining requirements to effect cost savings or reduce administrative
expense in any acquisition of goods and services, other than professional services. The
Institution may purchase from any authority, department, agency, institution, city, county, town,
or other political subdivision of the Commonwealth's contract even if it did not participate in the
request for proposal or invitation to bid, if the request for proposal or invitation to bid specified
that the procurement was being conducted on behalf of other public bodies. In such instances,
deviation from the procurement procedures set forth in these Rules and the administrative
policies and procedures established to implement these Rules shall be permitted.
Notwithstanding all of the above, use of cooperative contracts shall conform to the business
requirements of the Commonwealth’s electronic procurement system, including the requirement
for payment of applicable fees. Nothing herein shall prohibit the payment by direct or indirect
means of any administrative fee that will allow for participation in any such arrangement.
B. In circumstances where statewide contracts for goods and services, including information
technology and telecommunications goods and services, do not provide goods and services to
meet the Institution’s business goals and objectives, and as authorized by the United States
Congress and consistent with applicable federal regulations, and provided the terms of the
contract permit such purchases:
1. The Institution may purchase goods and nonprofessional services, from a United States
General Services Administration contract or a contract awarded by any other agency of the
United States government; and
2. The Institution may purchase telecommunications and information technology goods
and nonprofessional services from a United States General Services Administration contract or a
contract awarded by any other agency of the United States government.
§ 7. Design-build or construction management contracts authorized.
A. Notwithstanding any other provisions of law, the Institution may enter into contracts on a
fixed price design-build basis or construction management basis in accordance with the
provisions of this section.
B. Procurement of construction by the design-build or construction management method shall be
a two-step competitive negotiation process. In the first step, offerors shall be requested to submit
their qualifications. Based upon the information submitted and any other relevant information
which the Commonwealth may obtain, no more than five offerors deemed most suitable for the
project shall be selected by the Commonwealth and requested to submit proposals.
§ 8. Modification of the contract.
A. A contract awarded by the Institution may include provisions for modification of the contract
during performance, but no fixed-price contract may be increased by more than 25% of the
amount of the contract or $50,000, whichever is greater, without the advance written approval of
the Institution’s president or his designee. In no event may the amount of any contract, without
adequate consideration, be increased for any purpose, including, but not limited to, relief of an
offeror from the consequences of an error in its bid or offer.
B. The Institution may extend the term of an existing contract for services to allow completion of
any work undertaken but not completed during the original term of the contract.
C. Nothing in this section shall prevent the Institution from placing greater restrictions on
contract modifications.
§ 9. Discrimination prohibited; participation of small, women- and minority-owned
A. In the solicitation or awarding of contracts, the Institution shall not discriminate against a
bidder or offeror because of race, religion, color, sex, national origin, age, disability, or any other
basis prohibited by state law relating to discrimination in employment. Whenever solicitations
are made, the Institution shall include businesses selected from a list made available by the
Department of Minority Business Enterprise.
B. The Institution shall establish programs consistent with this section to facilitate the
participation of small businesses and businesses owned by women and minorities in procurement
transactions. The programs established shall be in writing and shall include cooperation with the
Department of Minority Business Enterprise, the United States Small Business Administration,
and other public or private agencies. The Institution shall submit annual progress reports on
minority business procurement to the Department of Minority Business Enterprise.
C. Whenever there exists (i) a rational basis for small business enhancement or (ii) a persuasive
analysis that documents a statistically significant disparity between the availability and
utilization of women- and minority-owned businesses, the Governor is by law authorized and
encouraged to require the Institution to implement appropriate enhancement or remedial
measures consistent with prevailing law.
D. In the solicitation or awarding of contracts, the Institution shall not discriminate against a
bidder or offeror because the bidder or offeror employs ex-offenders unless it has made a written
determination that employing ex-offenders on the specific contract is not in its best interest.
§ 10. Employment discrimination by contractor prohibited; required contract provisions.
The Institution shall include in every contract of more than $10,000 the following provisions:
1. During the performance of this contract, the contractor agrees as follows:
a. The contractor will not discriminate against any employee or applicant for
employment because of race, religion, color, sex, national origin, age, disability, or other
basis prohibited by state law relating to discrimination in employment, except where
there is a bona fide occupational qualification reasonably necessary to the normal
operation of the contractor. The contractor agrees to post in conspicuous places,
available to employees and applicants for employment, notices setting forth the
provisions of this nondiscrimination clause.
b. The contractor, in all solicitations or advertisements for employees placed by or
on behalf of the contractor, will state that such contractor is an equal opportunity
c. Notices, advertisements and solicitations placed in accordance with federal law,
rule or regulation shall be deemed sufficient for the purpose of meeting the requirements
of this section.
2. The contractor will include the provisions of the foregoing paragraphs a, b and c in
every subcontract or purchase order of over $10,000, so that the provisions will be binding upon
each subcontractor or vendor.
§ 11. Drug-free workplace to be maintained by contractor; required contract provisions.
The Institution shall include in every contract over $10,000 the following provisions:
During the performance of this contract, the contractor agrees to (i) provide a drug-free
workplace for the contractor's employees; (ii) post in conspicuous places, available to employees
and applicants for employment, a statement notifying employees that the unlawful manufacture,
sale, distribution, dispensation, possession, or use of a controlled substance or marijuana is
prohibited in the contractor's workplace and specifying the actions that will be taken against
employees for violations of such prohibition; (iii) state in all solicitations or advertisements for
employees placed by or on behalf of the contractor that the contractor maintains a drug-free
workplace; and (iv) include the provisions of the foregoing clauses in every subcontract or
purchase order of over $10,000, so that the provisions will be binding upon each subcontractor or
For the purposes of this section, "drug-free workplace" means a site for the ”performance of
work done in connection with a specific contract awarded to a contractor in accordance with
these Rules, the employees of whom are prohibited from engaging in the unlawful manufacture,
sale, distribution, dispensation, possession or use of any controlled substance or marijuana
during the performance of the contract.
§ 12. Use of brand names.
Unless otherwise provided in the Invitation to Bid, the name of a certain brand, make or
manufacturer shall not restrict bidders to the specific brand, make or manufacturer named and
shall be deemed to convey the general style, type, character, and quality of the article desired.
Any article that the Institution in its sole discretion determines to be the equal of that specified,
considering quality, workmanship, economy of operation, and suitability for the purpose
intended, shall be accepted.
§ 13. Comments concerning specifications.
The Institution shall establish procedures whereby comments concerning specifications or other
provisions in Invitations to Bid or Requests for Proposal can be received and considered prior to
the time set for receipt of bids or proposals or award of the contract.
§ 14. Prequalification generally; prequalification for construction.
A. Prospective contractors may be prequalified for particular types of supplies, services,
insurance or construction, and consideration of bids or proposals limited to prequalified
contractors. Any prequalification procedure shall be established in writing and sufficiently in
advance of its implementation to allow potential contractors a fair opportunity to complete the
B. Any prequalification of prospective contractors for construction by the Institution shall be
pursuant to a prequalification process for construction projects adopted by the Institution. The
process shall be consistent with the provisions of this section.
The application form used in such process shall set forth the criteria upon which the
qualifications of prospective contractors will be evaluated. The application form shall request of
prospective contractors only such information as is appropriate for an objective evaluation of all
prospective contractors pursuant to such criteria. The form shall allow the prospective contractor
seeking prequalification to request, by checking the appropriate box, that all information
voluntarily submitted by the contractor pursuant to this subsection shall be considered a trade
secret or proprietary information subject to the provisions of subsection D of § 34 of these Rules.
In all instances in which the Institution requires prequalification of potential contractors for
construction projects, advance notice shall be given of the deadline for the submission of
prequalification applications. The deadline for submission shall be sufficiently in advance of the
date set for the submission of bids for such construction so as to allow the procedures set forth in
this subsection to be accomplished.
At least 30 days prior to the date established for submission of bids or proposals under the
procurement of the contract for which the prequalification applies, the Institution shall advise in
writing each contractor who submitted an application whether that contractor has been
prequalified. In the event that a contractor is denied prequalification, the written notification to
the contractor shall state the reasons for the denial of prequalification and the factual basis of
such reasons.
A decision by the Institution denying prequalification under the provisions of this subsection
shall be final and conclusive unless the contractor appeals the decision as provided in § 54 of
these Rules.
C. The Institution may deny prequalification to any contractor only if the Institution finds one of
the following:
1. The contractor does not have sufficient financial ability to perform the contract that
would result from such procurement. If a bond is required to ensure performance of a contract,
evidence that the contractor can acquire a surety bond from a corporation included on the United
States Treasury list of acceptable surety corporations in the amount and type required by the
Institution shall be sufficient to establish the financial ability of the contractor to perform the
contract resulting from such procurement;
2. The contractor does not have appropriate experience to perform the construction
project in question;
3. The contractor or any officer, director or owner thereof has had judgments entered
against him within the past 10 years for the breach of contracts for governmental or
nongovernmental construction, including, but not limited to, design-build or construction
4. The contractor has been in substantial noncompliance with the terms and conditions of
prior construction contracts with the Institution without good cause. If the Institution has not
contracted with a contractor in any prior construction contracts, the Institution may deny
prequalification if the contractor has been in substantial noncompliance with the terms and
conditions of comparable construction contracts with another public body without good cause.
The Institution may not utilize this provision to deny prequalification unless the facts underlying
such substantial noncompliance were documented in writing in the prior construction project file
and such information relating thereto given to the contractor at that time, with the opportunity to
5. The contractor or any officer, director, owner, project manager, procurement manager
or chief financial official thereof has been convicted within the past 10 years of a crime related to
governmental or nongovernmental construction or contracting, including, but not limited to, a
violation of (i) Article 6 2.2-4367 et seq.) of Chapter 43 of Title 2.2 of the Code of Virginia,
(ii) the Virginia Governmental Frauds Act 18.2-498.1 et seq.), (iii) Chapter 4.2 (§ 59.1-68.6 et
seq.) of Title 59.1, or (iv) any substantially similar law of the United States or another state;
6. The contractor or any officer, director or owner thereof is currently debarred pursuant
to an established debarment procedure from bidding or contracting by any public body, agency
of another state or agency of the federal government; and
7. The contractor failed to provide to the Institution in a timely manner any information
requested by the Institution relevant to subdivisions 1 through 6 of this subsection.
§ 15. Negotiation with lowest responsible bidder.
Unless canceled or rejected, a responsive bid from the lowest responsible bidder shall be
accepted as submitted, except that if the bid from the lowest responsible bidder exceeds available
funds, the Institution may negotiate with the apparent low bidder to obtain a contract price within
available funds. However, the negotiation may be undertaken only under conditions and
procedures described in writing and approved by the Institution prior to issuance of the Invitation
to Bid and summarized therein.
§ 16. Cancellation, rejection of bids; waiver of informalities.
A. An Invitation to Bid, a Request for Proposal, any other solicitation, or any and all bids or
proposals, may be canceled or rejected. The reasons for cancellation or rejection shall be made
part of the contract file. The Institution shall not cancel or reject an Invitation to Bid, a Request
for Proposal, any other solicitation, bid or proposal pursuant to this section solely to avoid
awarding a contract to a particular responsive and responsible bidder or offeror.
B. The Institution may waive informalities in bids.
§ 17. Exclusion of insurance bids prohibited.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law, no insurer licensed to transact the business of
insurance in the Commonwealth or approved to issue surplus lines insurance in the
Commonwealth shall be excluded from presenting an insurance bid proposal to the Institution in
response to a request for proposal or an invitation to bid. Nothing in this section shall preclude
the Institution from debarring a prospective insurer pursuant to § 18.
§ 18. Debarment.
Prospective contractors may be debarred from contracting for particular types of supplies,
services, insurance or construction, for specified periods of time. Any debarment procedure shall
be established in writing by the Institution. Any debarment procedure may provide for debarment
on the basis of a contractor’s unsatisfactory performance for the Institution.
§ 19. Purchase programs for recycled goods; Institution responsibilities.
A. The Institution may implement a purchase program for recycled goods and may coordinate its
efforts so as to achieve the goals and objectives set forth in §§ 10.1-1425.6, 10.1-1425.7, and
10.1-1425.8 of the Code of Virginia and §§ 20 and 22 of these Rules.
B. The Department of Environmental Quality, with advice from the Virginia Recycling Markets
Development Council, shall advise the Institution concerning the designation of recycled goods.
§ 20. Preference for Virginia products with recycled content and for Virginia firms.
A. In the case of a tie bid, preference shall be given to goods produced in Virginia, goods or
services or construction provided by Virginia persons, firms or corporations; otherwise the tie
shall be decided by lot.
B. Whenever any bidder is a resident of any other state and such state under its laws allows a
resident contractor of that state a preference, a like preference may be allowed by the Institution
to the lowest responsive and responsible bidder who is a resident of Virginia.
C. Notwithstanding the provisions of subsections A and B, in the case of a tie bid in instances
where goods are being offered, and existing price preferences have already been taken into
account, preference shall be given to the bidder whose goods contain the greatest amount of
recycled content.
§ 21. Preference for Virginia coal used in the Institution.
In determining the award of any contract for coal to be purchased for use in the Institution with
state funds, the Institution shall procure using competitive sealed bidding and shall award to the
lowest responsive and responsible bidder offering coal mined in Virginia so long as its bid price
is not more than 4% greater than the bid price of the low responsive and responsible bidder
offering coal mined elsewhere.
§ 22. Preference for recycled paper and paper products used by the Institution.
A. In determining the award of any contract for paper and paper products to be purchased for use
by the Institution, it shall competitively procure recycled paper and paper products of a quality
suitable for the purpose intended, so long as the price is not more than 10% greater than the price
of the low responsive and responsible bidder or offeror offering a product that does not qualify
under subsection B.
B. For purposes of this section, recycled paper and paper products means any paper or paper
products meeting the EPA Recommended Content Standards as defined in 40 C.F.R. Part 247.
§ 23. Withdrawal of bid due to error.
A. A bidder for a public construction contract, other than a contract for construction or
maintenance of public highways, may withdraw his bid from consideration if the price bid was
substantially lower than the other bids due solely to a mistake in the bid, provided the bid was
submitted in good faith, and the mistake was a clerical mistake as opposed to a judgment
mistake, and was actually due to an unintentional arithmetic error or an unintentional omission of
a quantity of work, labor or material made directly in the compilation of a bid, which
unintentional arithmetic error or unintentional omission can be clearly shown by objective
evidence drawn from inspection of original work papers, documents and materials used in the
preparation of the bid sought to be withdrawn.
If a bid contains both clerical and judgment mistakes, a bidder may withdraw his bid from
consideration if the price bid would have been substantially lower than the other bids due solely
to the clerical mistake, that was an unintentional arithmetic error or an unintentional omission of
a quantity of work, labor or material made directly in the compilation of a bid that shall be
clearly shown by objective evidence drawn from inspection of original work papers, documents
and materials used in the preparation of the bid sought to be withdrawn.
One of the following procedures for withdrawal of a bid shall be selected by the Institution and
stated in the advertisement for bids: (i) the bidder shall give notice in writing of his claim of right
to withdraw his bid within two business days after the conclusion of the bid opening procedure
and shall submit original work papers with such notice; or (ii) the bidder shall submit to the
Institution or designated official his original work papers, documents and materials used in the
preparation of the bid within one day after the date fixed for submission of bids. The work
papers shall be delivered by the bidder in person or by registered mail at or prior to the time
fixed for the opening of bids. In either instance, the work papers, documents and materials may
be considered as trade secrets or proprietary information subject to the conditions of subsection F
of § 34 of these Rules. The bids shall be opened one day following the time fixed by the
Institution for the submission of bids. Thereafter, the bidder shall have two hours after the
opening of bids within which to claim in writing any mistake as defined herein and withdraw his
bid. The contract shall not be awarded by the Institution until the two-hour period has elapsed.
The mistake shall be proved only from the original work papers, documents and materials
delivered as required herein.
B. The Institution may establish procedures for the withdrawal of bids for other than construction
C. No bid shall be withdrawn under this section when the result would be the awarding of the
contract on another bid of the same bidder or of another bidder in which the ownership of the
withdrawing bidder is more than 5%.
D. If a bid is withdrawn in accordance with this section, the lowest remaining bid shall be
deemed to be the low bid.
E. No bidder who is permitted to withdraw a bid shall, for compensation, supply any material or
labor to or perform any subcontract or other work agreement for the person or firm to whom the
contract is awarded or otherwise benefit, directly or indirectly, from the performance of the
project for which the withdrawn bid was submitted.
F. If the Institution denies the withdrawal of a bid under the provisions of this section, it shall
notify the bidder in writing stating the reasons for its decision and award the contract to such
bidder at the bid price, provided such bidder is a responsible and responsive bidder.
§ 24. Contract Pricing Arrangements.
A. Public contracts may be awarded on a fixed price or cost reimbursement basis, or on any other
basis that is not prohibited by these Rules.
B. Except in case of emergency affecting the public health, safety or welfare, no public contract
shall be awarded on the basis of cost plus a percentage of cost.
C. A policy or contract of insurance or prepaid coverage having a premium computed on the
basis of claims paid or incurred, plus the insurance carrier’s administrative costs and retention
stated in whole or part as a percentage of such claims, shall not be prohibited by this section.
§ 25. Workers' compensation requirements for construction contractors and
A. No contractor shall perform any work on a construction project of the Institution unless he (i)
has obtained, and continues to maintain for the duration of the work, workers' compensation
coverage required pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 8 (§ 65.2-800 et seq.) of Title 65.2 of the
Code of Virginia, and (ii) provides prior to the award of contract, on a form furnished by the
Institution, evidence of such coverage.
B. The Department of General Services shall provide the form to the Institution. Failure of the
Institution to provide the form prior to the award of contract shall waive the requirements of
clause (ii) of subsection A.
C. No subcontractor shall perform any work on a construction project of the Institution unless he
has obtained, and continues to maintain for the duration of such work, workers' compensation
coverage required pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 8 (§ 65.2-800 et seq.) of Title 65.2 of the
Code of Virginia.
§ 26. Retainage on construction contracts.
A. In any contract issued by the Institution for construction that provides for progress payments
in installments based upon an estimated percentage of completion, the contractor shall be paid at
least 95% of the earned sum when payment is due, with no more than 5% being retained to
ensure faithful performance of the contract. All amounts withheld may be included in the final
B. Any subcontract for a public project that provides for similar progress payments shall be
subject to the provisions of this section.
§ 27. Public construction contract provisions barring damages for unreasonable delays
declared void.
A. Any provision contained in any public construction contract of the Institution that purports to
waive, release, or extinguish the rights of a contractor to recover costs or damages for
unreasonable delay in performing such contract, either on his behalf or on behalf of his
subcontractor if and to the extent the delay is caused by acts or omissions of the Institution, its
agents or employees and due to causes within their control shall be void and unenforceable as
against public policy.
B. Subsection A shall not be construed to render void any provision of a public construction
contract awarded by the Institution that:
1. Allows the recovery of that portion of delay costs caused by the acts or omissions of
the contractor, or its subcontractors, agents or employees;
2. Requires notice of any delay by the party claiming the delay;
3. Provides for liquidated damages for delay; or
4. Provides for arbitration or any other procedure designed to settle contract disputes.
C. A contractor making a claim against the Institution for costs or damages due to the alleged
delaying of the contractor in the performance of its work under any public construction contract
of the Institution shall be liable to the Institution and shall pay it for a percentage of all costs
incurred by the Institution in investigating, analyzing, negotiating, litigating and arbitrating the
claim, which percentage shall be equal to the percentage of the contractor's total delay claim that
is determined through litigation or arbitration to be false or to have no basis in law or in fact.
D. If the Institution denies a contractor's claim for costs or damages due to the alleged delaying
of the contractor in the performance of work under any public construction contract for the
Institution, it shall be liable to and shall pay such contractor a percentage of all costs incurred by
the contractor to investigate, analyze, negotiate, litigate and arbitrate the claim. The percentage
paid by the Institution shall be equal to the percentage of the contractor's total delay claim for
which the Institution's denial is determined through litigation or arbitration to have been made in
bad faith.
§ 28. Bid bonds.
A. Except in cases of emergency, all bids or proposals for construction contracts in excess of $1
million shall be accompanied by a bid bond from a surety company selected by the bidder that is
authorized to do business in Virginia, as a guarantee that if the contract is awarded to the bidder,
he will enter into the contract for the work mentioned in the bid. The amount of the bid bond
shall not exceed 5% of the amount bid.
B. No forfeiture under a bid bond shall exceed the lesser of (i) the difference between the bid for
which the bond was written and the next low bid, or (ii) the face amount of the bid bond.
C. Nothing in this section shall preclude the Institution from requiring bid bonds to accompany
bids or proposals for construction contracts anticipated to be less than $1 million.
§ 29. Performance and payment bonds.
A. Upon the award by the Institution of any (i) public construction contract exceeding $1 million
awarded to any prime contractor or (ii) public construction contract exceeding $1 million
awarded to any prime contractor requiring the performance of labor or the furnishing of materials
for buildings, structures or other improvements to real property owned by the Institution, the
contractor shall furnish to the Institution the following bonds:
1. Except for transportation-related projects, a performance bond in the sum of the
contract amount conditioned upon the faithful performance of the contract in strict conformity
with the plans, specifications and conditions of the contract. For transportation-related projects,
such bond shall be in a form and amount satisfactory to the Institution.
2. A payment bond in the sum of the contract amount. The bond shall be for the
protection of claimants who have and fulfill contracts to supply labor or materials to the prime
contractor to whom the contract was awarded, or to any subcontractors, in furtherance of the
work provided for in the contract, and shall be conditioned upon the prompt payment for all
materials furnished or labor supplied or performed in the furtherance of the work.
"Labor or materials" shall include public utility services and reasonable rentals of
equipment, but only for periods when the equipment rented is actually used at the site.
B. Each of the bonds shall be executed by one or more surety companies selected by the
contractor that are authorized to do business in Virginia.
C. The bonds shall be payable to the Commonwealth of Virginia naming also the
D. Each of the bonds shall be filed with the Institution, or a designated office or official
E. Nothing in this section shall preclude the Institution from requiring payment or
performance bonds for construction contracts below $1 million.
F. Nothing in this section shall preclude the contractor from requiring each subcontractor
to furnish a payment bond with surety thereon in the sum of the full amount of the contract with
such subcontractor conditioned upon the payment to all persons who have and fulfill contracts
that are directly with the subcontractor for performing labor and furnishing materials in the
prosecution of the work provided for in the subcontract.
§ 30. Alternative forms of security.
A. In lieu of a bid, payment, or performance bond, a bidder may furnish a certified check or cash
escrow in the face amount required for the bond.
B. If approved by the Institution’s General Counsel or his equivalent, a bidder may furnish to the
Institution a personal bond, property bond, or bank or savings institution's letter of credit on
certain designated funds in the face amount required for the bid, payment or performance bond.
Approval shall be granted only upon a determination that the alternative form of security
proffered affords protection to the Institution equivalent to a corporate surety's bond.
§ 31. Bonds on other than construction contracts.
The Institution may require bid, payment, or performance bonds for contracts for goods or
services if provided in the Invitation to Bid or Request for Proposal.
§ 32. Action on performance bond.
No action against the surety on a performance bond shall be brought by the Institution unless
brought within one year after (i) completion of the contract, including the expiration of all
warranties and guarantees, or (ii) discovery of the defect or breach of warranty that gave rise to
the action.
§ 33. Actions on payment bonds; waiver of right to sue.
A. Subject to the provisions of subsection B, any claimant who has performed labor or furnished
material in accordance with the contract documents in furtherance of the work provided in any
contract for which a payment bond has been given, and who has not been paid in full before the
expiration of 90 days after the day on which the claimant performed the last of the labor or
furnished the last of the materials for which he claims payment, may bring an action on the
payment bond to recover any amount due him for the labor or material. The obligee named in
the bond need not be named a party to the action.
B. Any claimant who has a direct contractual relationship with any subcontractor but who has no
contractual relationship, express or implied, with the contractor, may bring an action on the
contractor's payment bond only if he has given written notice to the contractor within 180 days
from the day on which the claimant performed the last of the labor or furnished the last of the
materials for which he claims payment, stating with substantial accuracy the amount claimed and
the name of the person for whom the work was performed or to whom the material was
furnished. Notice to the contractor shall be served by registered or certified mail, postage
prepaid, in an envelope addressed to such contractor at any place where his office is regularly
maintained for the transaction of business. Claims for sums withheld as retainages with respect
to labor performed or materials furnished, shall not be subject to the time limitations stated in
this subsection.
C. Any action on a payment bond shall be brought within one year after the day on which the
person bringing such action last performed labor or last furnished or supplied materials.
D. Any waiver of the right to sue on the payment bond required by this section shall be void
unless it is in writing, signed by the person whose right is waived, and executed after such person
has performed labor or furnished material in accordance with the contract documents.
§ 34. Public inspection of certain records.
A. Except as provided in this section, all proceedings, records, contracts and other public records
relating to procurement transactions shall be open to the inspection of any citizen, or any
interested person, firm or corporation, in accordance with the Virginia Freedom of Information
Act (§ 2.2-3700 et seq.).
B. Cost estimates relating to a proposed procurement transaction prepared by or for the
Institution shall not be open to public inspection.
C. Any competitive sealed bidding bidder, upon request, shall be afforded the opportunity to
inspect bid records within a reasonable time after the opening of all bids but prior to award,
except in the event that the Institution decides not to accept any of the bids and to reopen the
contract. Otherwise, bid records shall be open to public inspection only after award of the
D. Any competitive negotiation offeror, upon request, shall be afforded the opportunity to
inspect proposal records within a reasonable time after the evaluation and negotiations of
proposals are completed but prior to award, except in the event that the Institution decides not to
accept any of the proposals and to reopen the contract. Otherwise, proposal records shall be
open to public inspection only after award of the contract.
E. Any inspection of procurement transaction records under this section shall be subject to
reasonable restrictions to ensure the security and integrity of the records.
F. Trade secrets or proprietary information submitted by a bidder, offeror or contractor in
connection with a procurement transaction or prequalification application submitted pursuant to
subsection B of § 14 shall not be subject to the Virginia Freedom of Information Act (§ 2.2-3700
et seq.); however, the bidder, offeror or contractor shall (i) invoke the protections of this section
prior to or upon submission of the data or other materials, (ii) identify the data or other materials
to be protected, and (iii) state the reasons why protection is necessary.
§ 35. Exemption for certain transactions.
A. The provisions of these Rules shall not apply to:
1. The selection of services related to the management and investment of the Institution’s
endowment funds, endowment income, or gifts pursuant to § 23-76.1. However, selection of
these services shall be governed by the Uniform Management of Institutional Funds Act 55-
268.1 et seq.) as required by § 23-76.1.
2. The purchase of items for resale at retail bookstores and similar retail outlets operated
by the Institution. However, such purchase procedures shall provide for competition where
3. Procurement of any construction or planning and design services for construction by
the Institution when (i) the planning, design or construction is $50,000 or less or (ii) the
Institution is obligated to conform to procurement procedures that are established by federal
statutes or regulations, whether or not those federal procedures are in conformance with the
provisions of these Rules.
4. The University of Virginia Medical Center.
5. The purchase of goods and services by the Institution when such purchases are made
under a remedial plan established by the Governor pursuant to subsection C of § 9 of these
B. Where a procurement transaction involves the expenditure of federal assistance or contract
funds, the receipt of which is conditioned upon compliance with mandatory requirements in
federal laws or regulations not in conformance with the provisions of these Rules, the Institution
may comply with such federal requirements, notwithstanding the provisions of these Rules, only
upon the written determination of the Institution’s President or his designee that acceptance of
the grant or contract funds under the applicable conditions is in the public interest. Such
determination shall state the specific provision of these Rules in conflict with the conditions of
the grant or contract.
§ 36. Permitted contracts with certain religious organizations; purpose; limitations.
A. The Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996, P.L. 104-193, authorizes public bodies to enter
into contracts with faith-based organizations for the purposes described in this section on the
same basis as any other nongovernmental source without impairing the religious character of
such organization, and without diminishing the religious freedom of the beneficiaries of
assistance provided under this section.
B. For the purposes of this section, "faith-based organization" means a religious organization that
is or applies to be a contractor to provide goods or services for programs funded by the block
grant provided pursuant to the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act
of 1996, P.L. 104-193.
C. The Institution, in procuring goods or services, or in making disbursements pursuant to this
section, shall not (i) discriminate against a faith-based organization on the basis of the
organization's religious character or (ii) impose conditions that (a) restrict the religious character
of the faith-based organization, except as provided in subsection F, or (b) impair, diminish, or
discourage the exercise of religious freedom by the recipients of such goods, services, or
D. The Institution shall ensure that all invitations to bid, requests for proposals, contracts, and
purchase orders prominently display a nondiscrimination statement indicating that it does not
discriminate against faith-based organizations.
E. A faith-based organization contracting with the Institution (i) shall not discriminate against
any recipient of goods, services, or disbursements made pursuant to a contract authorized by this
section on the basis of the recipient's religion, religious belief, refusal to participate in a religious
practice, or on the basis of race, age, color, gender or national origin and (ii) shall be subject to
the same rules as other organizations that contract with public bodies to account for the use of
the funds provided; however, if the faith-based organization segregates public funds into separate
accounts, only the accounts and programs funded with public funds shall be subject to audit by
the Institution. Nothing in clause (ii) shall be construed to supercede supersede or otherwise
override any other applicable state law.
F. Consistent with the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of
1996, P.L. 104-193, funds provided for expenditure pursuant to contracts with public bodies
shall not be spent for sectarian worship, instruction, or proselytizing; however, this prohibition
shall not apply to expenditures pursuant to contracts, if any, for the services of chaplains.
G. Nothing in this section shall be construed as barring or prohibiting a faith-based organization
from any opportunity to make a bid or proposal or contract on the grounds that the faith-based
organization has exercised the right, as expressed in 42 U.S.C. 2000e-1 et seq.), to employ
persons of a particular religion.
H. If an individual, who applies for or receives goods, services, or disbursements provided
pursuant to a contract between the Institution and a faith-based organization, objects to the
religious character of the faith-based organization from which the individual receives or would
receive the goods, services, or disbursements, the Institution shall offer the individual, within a
reasonable period of time after the date of his objection, access to equivalent goods, services, or
disbursements from an alternative provider.
The Institution shall provide to each individual who applies for or receives goods, services, or
disbursements provided pursuant to a contract between the Institution and a faith-based
organization a notice in bold face type that states: "Neither the Institution's selection of a
charitable or faith-based provider of services nor the expenditure of funds under this contract is
an endorsement of the provider's charitable or religious character, practices, or expression. No
provider of services may discriminate against you on the basis of religion, a religious belief, or
your refusal to actively participate in a religious practice. If you object to a particular provider
because of its religious character, you may request assignment to a different provider. If you
believe that your rights have been violated, please discuss the complaint with your provider or
notify the appropriate person as indicated in this form."
§ 37. Exemptions from competition for certain transactions.
The Institution may enter into contracts without competition, as that term is described in
subsections A through J of § 5 (Methods of procurement) of these Rules, for:
1. The purchase of goods or services that are produced or performed by or related to:
a. Persons, or in schools or workshops, under the supervision of the Virginia
Department for the Blind and Vision Impaired;
b. Nonprofit sheltered workshops or other nonprofit organizations that offer
transitional or supported employment services serving the handicapped;
c. Private educational institutions; or
d. Other public educational institutions.
2. Speakers and performing artists;
3. Memberships and Association dues;
4. Sponsored research grant sub-awards and contract sub-awards, not to include the
purchase of goods or services by the Institution;
5. Group travel in foreign countries;
6. Conference facilities and services;
7. Participation in intercollegiate athletic tournaments and events including team travel
and lodging, registration and tournament fees;
8. Royalties; or
9. The purchase of legal services, provided that the Office of the Attorney General has
been consulted, or expert witnesses or other services associated with litigation or regulatory
proceedings; or
10. Maintenance contract renewals for scientific research equipment and software,
provided that the Institution has posted the renewal to eVA and documented that there was only
one response or less and such documentation includes a statement signed by the buyer indicating
that no firm other than the original manufacturer/developer offers the service.
§ 38. Exemptions from competitive sealed bidding and competitive negotiation for certain
transactions; limitations.
The Institution may enter into contracts for insurance or electric utility service without
competitive sealed bidding or competitive negotiation if purchased through an association of
which the Institution is a member if the association was formed and is maintained for the purpose
of promoting the interest and welfare of and developing close relationships with similar public
bodies, provided such association has procured the insurance or electric utility services by use of
competitive principles and provided that the Institution has made a determination in advance
after reasonable notice to the public and set forth in writing that competitive sealed bidding and
competitive negotiation are not fiscally advantageous to the public. The writing shall document
the basis for this determination.
§ 39. Definitions.
As used in §§ 39 through 46, unless the context requires a different meaning:
"Contractor" means the entity that has a direct contract with the Institution.
"Debtor" means any individual, business, or group having a delinquent debt or account
with any state agency that obligation has not been satisfied or set aside by court order or
discharged in bankruptcy.
"Payment date" means either (i) the date on which payment is due under the terms of a
contract for provision of goods or services; or (ii) if such date has not been established by
contract, (a) 30 days after receipt of a proper invoice by the Institution or its agent or (b) 30 days
after receipt of the goods or services by the Institution.
"Subcontractor" means any entity that has a contract to supply labor or materials to the
contractor to whom the contract was awarded or to any subcontractor in the performance of the
work provided for in such contract.
§ 40. Exemptions.
The provisions of §§ 39 through 46 shall not apply to the late payment provisions contained in
any public utility tariffs prescribed by the State Corporation Commission.
§ 41. Retainage to remain valid.
Notwithstanding the provisions of §§ 39 through 46, the provisions of § 26 relating to retainage
shall remain valid.
§ 42. Prompt payment of bills by the Institution.
A. The Institution shall promptly pay for the completely delivered goods or services by the
required payment date.
Payment shall be deemed to have been made when offset proceedings have been instituted, as
authorized under the Virginia Debt Collection Act (§ 2.2-4800 et seq.) of the Code of Virginia.
B. Separate payment dates may be specified for contracts under which goods or services are
provided in a series of partial deliveries or executions to the extent that such contract provides
for separate payment for such partial delivery or execution.
§ 43. Defect or impropriety in the invoice or goods and/or services received.
In instances where there is a defect or impropriety in an invoice or in the goods or services
received, the Institution shall notify the supplier of the defect or impropriety, if the defect or
impropriety would prevent payment by the payment date. The notice shall be sent within 15
days after receipt of the invoice or the goods or services.
§ 44. Date of postmark deemed to be date payment is made.
In those cases where payment is made by mail, the date of postmark shall be deemed to be the
date payment is made for purposes of these Rules.
§ 45. Payment clauses to be included in contracts.
Any contract awarded by the Institution shall include:
1. A payment clause that obligates the contractor to take one of the two following actions
within seven days after receipt of amounts paid to the contractor by the Institution for work
performed by the subcontractor under that contract:
a. Pay the subcontractor for the proportionate share of the total payment received
from the Institution attributable to the work performed by the subcontractor under that
contract; or
b. Notify the Institution and subcontractor, in writing, of his intention to withhold
all or a part of the subcontractor's payment with the reason for nonpayment.
2. A payment clause that requires (i) individual contractors to provide their social security
numbers and (ii) proprietorships, partnerships, and corporations to provide their federal employer
identification numbers.
3. An interest clause that obligates the contractor to pay interest to the subcontractor on
all amounts owed by the contractor that remain unpaid after seven days following receipt by the
contractor of payment from the Institution for work performed by the subcontractor under that
contract, except for amounts withheld as allowed in subdivision 1.
4. An interest rate clause stating, "Unless otherwise provided under the terms of this
contract, interest shall accrue at the rate of 1% per month."
Any such contract awarded shall further require the contractor to include in each of its
subcontracts a provision requiring each subcontractor to include or otherwise be subject to the
same payment and interest requirements with respect to each lower-tier subcontractor.
A contractor's obligation to pay an interest charge to a subcontractor pursuant to the
payment clause in this section shall not be construed to be an obligation of the Institution. A
contract modification shall not be made for the purpose of providing reimbursement for the
interest charge. A cost reimbursement claim shall not include any amount for reimbursement for
the interest charge.
§ 46. Interest penalty; exceptions.
A. Interest shall accrue, at the rate determined pursuant to subsection B, on all amounts owed by
the Institution to a vendor that remain unpaid after seven days following the payment date.
However, nothing in this section shall affect any contract providing for a different rate of
interest, or for the payment of interest in a different manner.
B. The rate of interest charged the Institution pursuant to subsection A shall be the base rate on
corporate loans (prime rate) at large United States money center commercial banks as reported
daily in the publication entitled The Wall Street Journal. Whenever a split prime rate is
published, the lower of the two rates shall be used. However, in no event shall the rate of interest
charged exceed the rate of interest established pursuant to § 58.1-1812 of the Code of Virginia.
C. Notwithstanding subsection A, no interest penalty shall be charged when payment is delayed
because of disagreement between the Institution and a vendor regarding the quantity, quality or
time of delivery of goods or services or the accuracy of any invoice received for the goods or
services. The exception from the interest penalty provided by this subsection shall apply only to
that portion of a delayed payment that is actually the subject of the disagreement and shall apply
only for the duration of the disagreement.
D. This section shall not apply to § 26 pertaining to retainage on construction contracts, during
the period of time prior to the date the final payment is due. Nothing contained herein shall
prevent a contractor from receiving interest on such funds under an approved escrow agreement.
E. Notwithstanding subsection A, no interest penalty shall be paid to any debtor on any payment,
or portion thereof, withheld pursuant to the Comptroller's Debt Setoff Program, as authorized by
the Virginia Debt Collection Act (§ 2.2-4800 et seq.) of the Code of Virginia), commencing with
the date the payment is withheld. If, as a result of an error, a payment or portion thereof is
withheld, and it is determined that at the time of setoff no debt was owed to the Commonwealth,
then interest shall accrue at the rate determined pursuant to subsection B on amounts withheld
that remain unpaid after seven days following the payment date.
§ 47. Ineligibility.
A. Any bidder, offeror or contractor refused permission to participate, or disqualified from
participation, in public contracts to be issued by the Institution shall be notified in writing. Prior
to the issuance of a written determination of disqualification or ineligibility, the Institution shall
(i) notify the bidder in writing of the results of the evaluation, (ii) disclose the factual support for
the determination, and (iii) allow the bidder an opportunity to inspect any documents that relate
to the determination, if so requested by the bidder within five business days after receipt of the
Within 10 business days after receipt of the notice, the bidder may submit rebuttal information
challenging the evaluation. The Institution shall issue its written determination of
disqualification or ineligibility based on all information in the possession of the Institution,
including any rebuttal information, within five business days of the date the Institution received
such rebuttal information.
If the evaluation reveals that the bidder, offeror or contractor should be allowed permission to
participate in the public contract, the Institution shall cancel the proposed disqualification action.
If the evaluation reveals that the bidder should be refused permission to participate, or
disqualified from participation, in the public contract, the Institution shall so notify the bidder,
offeror or contractor. The notice shall state the basis for the determination, which shall be final
unless the bidder appeals the decision within 10 days after receipt of the notice by invoking
administrative procedures meeting the standards of § 55 of these Rules, if available, or in the
alternative by instituting legal action as provided in § 54.
B. If, upon appeal, it is determined that the action taken was arbitrary or capricious, or not in
accordance with the Constitution of Virginia, applicable state law or regulations, the sole relief
shall be restoration of eligibility.
§ 48. Appeal of denial of withdrawal of bid.
A. A decision denying withdrawal of bid under the provisions of § 23 of these Rules shall be
final and conclusive unless the bidder appeals the decision within 10 days after receipt of the
decision by invoking administrative procedures meeting the standards of § 55, if available, or in
the alternative by instituting legal action as provided in § 54.
B. If no bid bond was posted, a bidder refused withdrawal of a bid under the provisions of § 23,
prior to appealing, shall deliver to the Institution a certified check or cash bond in the amount of
the difference between the bid sought to be withdrawn and the next low bid. Such security shall
be released only upon a final determination that the bidder was entitled to withdraw the bid.
C. If, upon appeal, it is determined that the decision refusing withdrawal of the bid was not (i) an
honest exercise of discretion, but rather was arbitrary or capricious or (ii) in accordance with the
Constitution of Virginia, applicable state law or regulation, or the terms or conditions of the
Invitation to Bid, the sole relief shall be withdrawal of the bid.
§ 49. Determination of nonresponsibility.
A. Following public opening and announcement of bids received on an Invitation to Bid, the
Institution shall evaluate the bids in accordance with element 4 of the definition of "Competitive
sealed bidding" in § 4 of these Rules. At the same time, the Institution shall determine whether
the apparent low bidder is responsible. If the Institution so determines, then it may proceed with
an award in accordance with element 5 of the definition of "Competitive sealed bidding" in § 4.
If the Institution determines that the apparent low bidder is not responsible, it shall proceed as
1. Prior to the issuance of a written determination of nonresponsibility, the Institution
shall (i) notify the apparent low bidder in writing of the results of the evaluation, (ii) disclose the
factual support for the determination, and (iii) allow the apparent low bidder an opportunity to
inspect any documents that relate to the determination, if so requested by the bidder within five
business days after receipt of the notice.
2. Within 10 business days after receipt of the notice, the bidder may submit rebuttal
information challenging the evaluation. The Institution shall issue its written determination of
responsibility based on all information in the possession of the Institution, including any rebuttal
information, within five business days of the date the Institution received the rebuttal
information. At the same time, the Institution shall notify, with return receipt requested, the
bidder in writing of its determination.
3. Such notice shall state the basis for the determination, which shall be final unless the
bidder appeals the decision within 10 days after receipt of the notice by invoking administrative
procedures meeting the standards of § 55 of these Rules, if available, or in the alternative by
instituting legal action as provided in § 54.
The provisions of this subsection shall not apply to procurements involving the prequalification
of bidders and the rights of any potential bidders under such prequalification to appeal a decision
that such bidders are not responsible.
B. If, upon appeal pursuant to § 54 or 55 of these Rules, it is determined that the decision of the
Institution was not (i) an honest exercise of discretion, but rather was arbitrary or capricious or
(ii) in accordance with the Constitution of Virginia, applicable state law or regulation, or the
terms or conditions of the Invitation to Bid, and the award of the contract in question has not
been made, the sole relief shall be a finding that the bidder is a responsible bidder for the
contract in question or directed award as provided in subsection A of § 54, or both.
If it is determined that the decision of the Institution was not an honest exercise of discretion, but
rather was arbitrary or capricious or not in accordance with the Constitution of Virginia,
applicable state law or regulation, or the terms or conditions of the Invitation to Bid, and an
award of the contract has been made, the relief shall be as set forth in subsection B of § 54 of
these Rules.
C. A bidder contesting a determination that he is not a responsible bidder for a particular contract
shall proceed under this section, and may not protest the award or proposed award under the
provisions of § 50 of these Rules.
D. Nothing contained in this section shall be construed to require the Institution, when procuring
by competitive negotiation, to furnish a statement of the reasons why a particular proposal was
not deemed to be the most advantageous.
§ 50. Protest of award or decision to award.
A. Any bidder or offeror, who desires to protest the award or decision to award a contract shall
submit the protest in writing to the Institution, or an official designated by the Institution, no later
than 10 days after the award or the announcement of the decision to award, whichever occurs
first. Public notice of the award or the announcement of the decision to award shall be given by
the Institution in the manner prescribed in the terms or conditions of the Invitation to Bid or
Request for Proposal. Any potential bidder or offeror on a contract negotiated on a sole source or
emergency basis who desires to protest the award or decision to award such contract shall submit
the protest in the same manner no later than 10 days after posting or publication of the notice of
such contract as provided in § 5 of these Rules. However, if the protest of any actual or potential
bidder or offeror depends in whole or in part upon information contained in public records
pertaining to the procurement transaction that are subject to inspection under § 34 of these Rules,
then the time within which the protest shall be submitted shall expire 10 days after those records
are available for inspection by such bidder or offeror under § 34, or at such later time as provided
in this section. No protest shall lie for a claim that the selected bidder or offeror is not a
responsible bidder or offeror. The written protest shall include the basis for the protest and the
relief sought. The Institution or designated official shall issue a decision in writing within 10
days stating the reasons for the action taken. This decision shall be final unless the bidder or
offeror appeals within 10 days of receipt of the written decision by invoking administrative
procedures meeting the standards of § 55 of these Rules, if available, or in the alternative by
instituting legal action as provided in § 54. Nothing in this subsection shall be construed to
permit a bidder to challenge the validity of the terms or conditions of the Invitation to Bid or
Request for Proposal. The use of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) shall constitute an
administrative appeal procedure meeting the standards of § 55 of these Rules.
B. If prior to an award it is determined that the decision to award is arbitrary or capricious, then
the sole relief shall be a finding to that effect. The Institution shall cancel the proposed award or
revise it to comply with the law. If, after an award, it is determined that an award of a contract
was arbitrary or capricious, then the sole relief shall be as hereinafter provided.
Where the award has been made but performance has not begun, the performance of the contract
may be enjoined. Where the award has been made and performance has begun, the Institution
may declare the contract void upon a finding that this action is in the best interest of the public.
Where a contract is declared void, the performing contractor shall be compensated for the cost of
performance up to the time of such declaration. In no event shall the performing contractor be
entitled to lost profits.
C. Where the Institution, an official designated by it, or an appeals board determines, after a
hearing held following reasonable notice to all bidders, that there is probable cause to believe
that a decision to award was based on fraud or corruption or on an act in violation of these Rules,
the Institution, designated official or appeals board may enjoin the award of the contract to a
particular bidder.
§ 51. Effect of appeal upon contract.
Pending final determination of a protest or appeal, the validity of a contract awarded and
accepted in good faith in accordance with these Rules shall not be affected by the fact that a
protest or appeal has been filed.
§ 52. Stay of award during protest.
An award need not be delayed for the period allowed a bidder or offeror to protest, but in the
event of a timely protest as provided in § 50 of these Rules, or the filing of a timely legal action
as provided in § 54, no further action to award the contract shall be taken unless there is a written
determination that proceeding without delay is necessary to protect the public interest or unless
the bid or offer would expire.
§ 53. Contractual disputes.
A. Contractual claims, whether for money or other relief, shall be submitted in writing no later
than 60 days after final payment. However, written notice of the contractor's intention to file a
claim shall be given at the time of the occurrence or beginning of the work upon which the claim
is based. Nothing herein shall preclude a contract from requiring submission of an invoice for
final payment within a certain time after completion and acceptance of the work or acceptance of
the goods. Pendency of claims shall not delay payment of amounts agreed due in the final
B. The Institution shall include in its contracts a procedure for consideration of contractual
claims. Such procedure, which may be contained in the contract or may be specifically
incorporated into the contract by reference and made available to the contractor, shall establish a
time limit for a final decision in writing by the Institution. If the Institution has established
administrative procedures meeting the standards of § 55 of these Rules, such procedures shall be
contained in the contract or specifically incorporated in the contract by reference and made
available to the contractor. The Institution may require the submission of contractual claims
pursuant to any contract to Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) as an administrative
C. A contractor may not invoke administrative procedures meeting the standards of § 55 of these
Rules, if available, or institute legal action as provided in § 54, prior to receipt of the Institution's
decision on the claim, unless the Institution fails to render such decision within the time specified
in the contract.
D. The decision of the Institution shall be final and conclusive unless the contractor appeals
within six months of the date of the final decision on the claim by the Institution by invoking
administrative procedures meeting the standards of § 55 of these Rules, if available, or in the
alternative by instituting legal action as provided in § 54.
§ 54. Legal actions.
A. A bidder or offeror, actual or prospective, who is refused permission or disqualified from
participation in bidding or competitive negotiation, or who is determined not to be a responsible
bidder or offeror for a particular contract, may bring an action in the appropriate circuit court
challenging that decision, which shall be reversed only if the petitioner establishes that the
decision was not (i) an honest exercise of discretion, but rather was arbitrary or capricious; (ii) in
accordance with the Constitution of Virginia, applicable state law or regulation, or the terms or
conditions of the Invitation to Bid; or (iii) in the case of denial of prequalification, based upon
the criteria for denial of prequalification set forth in subsection B of § 14 of these Rules. In the
event the apparent low bidder, having been previously determined by the Institution to be not
responsible in accordance with § 4, is found by the court to be a responsible bidder, the court
may direct the Institution to award the contract to such bidder in accordance with the
requirements of this section and the Invitation to Bid.
B. A bidder denied withdrawal of a bid under § 23 of these Rules may bring an action in the
appropriate circuit court challenging that decision, which shall be reversed only if the bidder
establishes that the decision of the Institution was not (i) an honest exercise of discretion, but
rather was arbitrary or capricious or (ii) in accordance with the Constitution of Virginia,
applicable state law or regulation, or the terms or conditions of the Invitation to Bid.
C. A bidder, offeror or contractor, or a potential bidder or offeror on a contract negotiated on a
sole source or emergency basis in the manner provided in § 5 of these Rules, whose protest of an
award or decision to award under § 50 of these Rules is denied, may bring an action in the
appropriate circuit court challenging a proposed award or the award of a contract, which shall be
reversed only if the petitioner establishes that the proposed award or the award is not (i) an
honest exercise of discretion, but rather is arbitrary or capricious or (ii) in accordance with the
Constitution of Virginia, applicable state law or regulation, or the terms and conditions of the
Invitation to Bid or Request for Proposal.
D. If injunctive relief is granted, the court, upon request of the Institution, shall require the
posting of reasonable security to protect the Institution.
E. A contractor may bring an action involving a contract dispute with the Institution in the
appropriate circuit court. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the Comptroller shall not
be named as a defendant in any action brought pursuant to these Rules or § 33.1-387 of the Code
of Virginia, except for disputes involving contracts of the Office of the Comptroller or the
Department of Accounts.
F. A bidder, offeror or contractor need not utilize administrative procedures meeting the
standards of § 55 of these Rules, if available, but if those procedures are invoked by the bidder,
offeror or contractor, the procedures shall be exhausted prior to instituting legal action
concerning the same procurement transaction unless the Institution agrees otherwise.
G. Nothing herein shall be construed to prevent the Institution from instituting legal action
against a contractor.
§ 55. Administrative appeals procedure.
A. The Institution may establish an administrative procedure for hearing (i) protests of a decision
to award or an award, (ii) appeals from refusals to allow withdrawal of bids, (iii) appeals from
disqualifications and determinations of nonresponsibility, and (iv) appeals from decisions on
disputes arising during the performance of a contract, or (v) any of these. Such administrative
procedure may include the use of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) or shall provide for a
hearing before a disinterested person or panel, the opportunity to present pertinent information
and the issuance of a written decision containing findings of fact. The disinterested person or
panel shall not be an employee of the governmental entity against whom the claim has been
filed. The findings of fact shall be final and conclusive and shall not be set aside unless the same
are (a) fraudulent, arbitrary or capricious; (b) so grossly erroneous as to imply bad faith; or (c) in
the case of denial of prequalification, the findings were not based upon the criteria for denial of
prequalification set forth in subsection B of § 14 of these Rules. No determination on an issue of
law shall be final if appropriate legal action is instituted in a timely manner. The Institution may
seek advice and input from the Alternative Dispute Resolution Council in establishing an
Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) procedure.
B. Any party to the administrative procedure, including the Institution, shall be entitled to
institute judicial review if such action is brought within 30 days of receipt of the written
§ 56. Alternative dispute resolution.
The Institution may enter into agreements to submit disputes arising from contracts entered into
pursuant to these Rules to arbitration and utilize mediation and other alternative dispute
resolution procedures. However, such procedures shall be nonbinding and subject to § 2.2-514 of
the Code of Virginia, as applicable.
§ 57. Ethics in public contracting.
The Institution and its governing body, officers and employees shall be governed by the Ethics in
Public Contracting provisions of the Virginia Public Procurement Act, Article 6 2.2-4367 et
seq.) of Chapter 43 of Title 2.2 of the Code of Virginia.
ACT OF 2005
In 1996 the Board of Visitors adopted a Policy Statement Governing Exercise of Autonomy in
Leases of Property for certain leases entered into by the College of William and Mary in
Virginia, which was amended in 2003 as the Policy Statement Governing Exercise of Autonomy
in Operating and Capital Leases of Property. The Restructured Higher Education Financial and
Administrative Operations Act (the Act), Chapter 4.10 23-38.88 et seq.) of Title 23 of the
Code of Virginia, provides that, upon becoming a Covered Institution, the College may have the
authority to establish its own system for the leasing of real property. The College’s system for
implementing this authority is to be governed by policies adopted by the Board of Visitors. The
following provisions of this Policy constitute the adopted Board of Visitors policies regarding
Leases of real property entered into by the College.
This Policy is intended to cover the authority that may be granted to the College pursuant to
Subchapter 3 of the Act. Any other powers and authorities granted to the College pursuant to the
Appropriation Act, or any other sections of the Code of Virginia, including other provisions of
the Act and the College's Enabling Legislation, as defined in § 23-38.89 of the Act, are not
affected by this Policy.
The following words and terms, when used in this Policy, shall have the following meaning
unless the context clearly indicates otherwise:
“Act” means the Restructured Higher Education Financial and Administrative Operations
Act, Chapter 4.10 (§ 23-38.88 et seq.) of Title 23 of the Code of Virginia.
“Board of Visitors” means the Rector and Visitors of the College of William and Mary in
“Capital Lease” means a lease that is defined as such within Generally Accepted
Accounting Principles pursuant to the pronouncement of the Financial Accounting Standards
“College” means the College of William and Mary in Virginia, (State Agency 204), and
the Virginia Institute of Marine Science, (State Agency 268).
“Covered Institution” means a public institution of higher education of the
Commonwealth of Virginia that has entered into a Management Agreement with the
Commonwealth to be governed by Subchapter 3 of the Act.
“Expense Lease” means an Operating Lease of real property under the control of another
entity to the College.
“Income Lease” means an Operating Lease of real property under the control of the
College to another entity.
“Lease” or “Leases” means any type of lease involving real property.
“Operating Lease” means any lease involving real property, or improvements thereon,
that is not a Capital Lease.
This Policy provides guidance for the implementation of all College Leases.
The Board of Visitors of the College shall at all times be fully and ultimately accountable for the
proper fulfillment of the duties and responsibilities set forth in, and for the appropriate
implementation of, this Policy. Consistent with this full and ultimate accountability, however,
the Board may, pursuant to its legally permissible procedures, specifically delegate either herein
or by separate Board resolution the duties and responsibilities set forth in this Policy to a person
or persons within the College, who, while continuing to be fully accountable for such duties and
responsibilities, may further delegate the implementation of those duties and responsibilities
pursuant to the College’s usual delegation policies and procedures.
A. Factors to Be Considered When Entering into Leases.
All Leases shall be for a purpose consistent with the mission of the College. The decision to
enter into a Lease shall be further based upon cost, demonstrated need, compliance with this
Policy, consideration of all costs of occupancy, and a determination that the use of the property
to be leased is necessary and is efficiently planned. Leases shall also conform to the space
planning procedures that may be adopted by the President, acting through his designee, to ensure
that the plan for the space to be leased is consistent with the purpose for which the space is
B. Competition to Be Sought to Maximum Practicable Degree.
Competition shall be sought to the maximum practicable degree for all Leases. The President,
acting through his designee, is authorized to ensure that Leases are procured through competition
to the maximum degree practicable and to determine when, under guidelines that may be
developed and adopted by the President, acting through his designee, it is impractical to procure
Leases through competition.
C. Approval of Form of Lease Required.
The form of Leases entered into by the College shall be approved by the College’s legal counsel.
D. Execution of Leases.
All Leases entered into by the College shall be executed only by those College officers or
persons authorized by the President or as may subsequently be authorized by the Board of
Visitors, and subject to any such limits or conditions as may be prescribed in the delegation of
authority. Subject to the College’s Policy Governing Capital Projects adopted by the Board as
part of the Management Agreement between the Commonwealth and the College, no other
College approval shall be required for leases or leasing, nor state approval required except in the
case of leases of real property as may be governed by general state law in accordance with §§ 23-
38.109 and 23-38.112 of the Act.
E. Capital Leases.
The Board of Visitors shall authorize the initiation of Capital Leases pursuant to the
authorization process included in the Policy Governing Capital Projects adopted by the Board as
part of the Management Agreement between the Commonwealth and the College.
F. Compliance with Applicable Law.
All Leases of real property by the College shall be consistent with any requirements of law that
are contained in the Act or are otherwise applicable.
G. Certification of Occupancy.
All real property covered by an Expense Lease or leased by the College under a Capital Lease
shall be certified for occupancy by the appropriate public body or building official.
The Restructured Higher Education Financial and Administrative Operations Act (the Act),
Chapter 4.10 23-38.88 et seq.) of Title 23 of the Code of Virginia, provides, inter alia, that
public institutions of higher education in the Commonwealth of Virginia that have entered into a
Management Agreement with the Commonwealth “may be exempt from the provisions
governing the Virginia Information Technologies Agency, Chapter 20.1 2.2-2005 et seq.) of
Title 2.2., and the provisions governing the Information Technologies [sic] Investment Board,
Article 20 of Chapter 24 2.2-2457 et seq.) of Title 2.2; provided, however, that the governing
body of . . . [such] institution shall adopt, and . . . [such] institution shall comply with, policies”
that govern the exempted provisions. See § 23-38.111 of the Code of Virginia. This Information
Technology Policy shall become effective upon the effective date of a Management Agreement
authorized by subsection D of § 23-38.88 and § 23-38.97 of the Act between the Commonwealth
and the College of William and Mary in Virginia that incorporates this Policy.
The Board of Visitors of the College is authorized to adopt this Information Technology Policy
pursuant to § 23-38.111 of the Code of Virginia.
As used in this Information Technology Policy, the following terms have the following
meanings, unless the context requires otherwise:
“Act” means the Restructured Higher Education Financial and Administrative Operations
Act, Chapter 4.10 (§ 23-38.88 et seq.) of Title 23 of the Code of Virginia.
“Board of Visitors” or “Board” means the Rector and Board of Visitors of the College of
William and Mary in Virginia.
“College” means the College of William and Mary in Virginia, (State Agency 204), and
the Virginia Institute of Marine Science, (State Agency 268).
“Information Technology” or “IT” shall have the same meaning as set forth in § 2.2-2006
of the Code of Virginia as it currently exists and from time to time may be amended.
“Major information technology project” or “major IT project” shall have the same
meaning as set forth in § 2.2-2006 of the Code of Virginia as it currently exists and from time to
time may be amended.
“Policy” means this Information Technology Policy adopted by the Board of Visitors.
“State Chief Information Officer” or “State CIO” means the Chief Information Officer of
the Commonwealth of Virginia.
This Policy is intended to cover and implement the authority that may be granted to the
College pursuant to Subchapter 3 23-38.91 et seq.) of the Act. This Policy is not intended to
affect any other powers and authorities granted to the College pursuant to the Appropriation Act
and the Code of Virginia, including other provisions of the Act or the College’s enabling
legislation as that term is defined in § 23-38.89 of the Act.
This Policy shall govern the College’s information technology strategic planning,
expenditure reporting, budgeting, project management, infrastructure, architecture, ongoing
operations, security, and audits conducted within, by, or on behalf of the College. Upon the
effective date of a Management Agreement between the Commonwealth and the College, as
authorized by subsection D of § 23-38.88 and § 23-38.111, therefore, the College shall be
exempt from those provisions of the Code of Virginia, including those provisions of Chapter
20.1 2.2-2005 et seq.) (Virginia Information Technologies Agency) and of Article 20 2.2-
2457 et seq.) (Information Technology Investment Board) of Chapter 24 of Title 2.2 of the Code
of Virginia, that otherwise would govern the College’s information technology strategic
planning, expenditure reporting, budgeting, project management, infrastructure, architecture,
ongoing operations, security, and audits conducted within, by, or on behalf of the College;
provided, however, that the College still shall be subject to those provisions of Chapter 20.1
2.2-2005 et seq.) (Virginia Information Technologies Agency) and of Article 20 2.2-2457 et
seq.) (Information Technology Investment Board) of Chapter 24 of Title 2.2 of the Code of
Virginia, that are applicable to public institutions of higher education of the Commonwealth and
that do not govern information technology strategic planning, expenditure reporting, budgeting,
project management, infrastructure, architecture, ongoing operations, security, and audits within,
by, or on behalf of the College.
The procurement of information technology and telecommunications goods and services,
including automated data processing hardware and software, shall be governed by the Policy
Governing the Procurement of Goods, Services, Insurance, and Construction, and the Disposition
of Surplus Materials approved by the Board, and the Rules Governing Procurement of Goods,
Services, Insurance, and Construction that are incorporated in and attached to that Policy.
A. Board of Visitors Accountability and Delegation of Authority.
The Board of Visitors of the College shall at all times be fully and ultimately accountable
for the proper fulfillment of the duties and responsibilities set forth in, and for the appropriate
implementation of, this Policy. Consistent with this full and ultimate accountability, however,
the Board may, pursuant to its legally permissible procedures, specifically delegate either herein
or by separate Board resolution the duties and responsibilities set forth in this Policy to a person
or persons within the College, who, while continuing to be fully accountable for such duties and
responsibilities, may further delegate the implementation of those duties and responsibilities
pursuant to the College’s usual delegation policies and procedures.
B. Strategic Planning.
The President shall be responsible for overall IT strategic planning at the College, which
shall be linked to and in support of the College’s overall strategic plan.
At least 45 days prior to each fiscal year, the President shall make available the College’s
IT strategic plan covering the next fiscal year to the State CIO for his review and comment with
regard to the consistency of the College’s plan with the intent of the currently published overall
five-year IT strategic plan for the Commonwealth developed by the State CIO pursuant to § 2.2-
2007 of the Code of Virginia, and into which the College’s plan is to be incorporated.
C. Expenditure Reporting and Budgeting.
The President shall approve and be responsible for overall IT budgeting and investments
at the College. The College’s IT budget and investments shall be linked to and in support of the
College’s IT strategic plan, and shall be consistent with general College policies, the Board-
approved annual operating budget, and other Board approvals for certain procurements.
By October 1 of each year, the President shall make available to the State CIO and the
Information Technology Investment Board a report on the previous fiscal year’s IT expenditures.
The College shall be specifically exempt from:
Subdivision A 4 of § 2.2-2007 of the Code of Virginia (review by the State CIO
of IT budget requests), as it currently exists and from time to time may be amended;
§§ 2.2-2022 through 2.2-2024 of the Code of Virginia (Virginia Technology
Infrastructure Fund), as they currently exist and from time to time may be amended; and
Any other substantially similar provision of the Code of Virginia governing IT
expenditure reporting and budgeting, as it currently exists and from time to time may be
D. Project Management.
Pursuant to § 23-38.111 of the Act, the Board shall adopt the project management
policies, standards, and guidelines developed by the Commonwealth or those based upon
industry best practices for project management as defined by leading IT consulting firms, leading
software development firms, or a nationally-recognized project management association,
appropriately tailored to the specific circumstances of the College. Copies of the Board’s
policies, standards, and guidelines shall be made available to the Information Technology
Investment Board.
The President, acting through his designee, shall oversee the management of all College
IT projects. IT projects may include, but are not limited to, upgrades to network infrastructure,
provision of technology to support research, database development, implementation of new
applications, and development of IT services for students, faculty, staff, and patients. Day-to-
day management of projects shall be the responsibility of appointed project directors and shall be
in accord with the project management policies, standards, and guidelines adopted by the Board,
as amended and revised from time to time.
On a quarterly basis, the President, acting through his designee, shall report to the
Information Technology Investment Board on the budget, schedule, and overall status of the
College’s major IT projects. This requirement shall not apply to research projects, research
initiatives, or instructional programs.
The President shall be responsible for decisions to substantially alter a project’s scope,
budget, or schedule after initial approval.
The College shall be specifically exempt from:
§ 2.2-2008 of Title 2.2 of the Code of Virginia (additional duties of the State CIO
relating to project management), as it currently exists and from time to time may be
§§ 2.2-2016 through 2.2-2021 of Title 2.2 of the Code of Virginia (Division of
Project Management), as they currently exist and from time to time may be amended; and
Any other substantially similar provision of the Code of Virginia governing IT
project management, as it currently exists or from time to time may be amended.
The State CIO and the Information Technology Investment Board shall continue to have
the authority regarding project suspension and termination as provided in § 2.2-2015 and in
subdivision A 3 of § 2.2-2458, respectively, and the State CIO and the Information Technology
Investment Board shall continue to provide the College with reasonable notice of, and a
reasonable opportunity to correct, any identified problems before a project is terminated.
E. Infrastructure, Architecture, Ongoing Operations, and Security.
Pursuant to § 23-38.111 of the Act, the Board shall adopt the policies, standards, and
guidelines related to IT infrastructure, architecture, ongoing operations, and security developed
by the Commonwealth or those of nationally-recognized associations, appropriately tailored to
the specific circumstances of the College. Copies of the policies shall be made available to the
Information Technology Investment Board.
The President, acting through his designee, shall be responsible for implementing such
policies, standards, and guidelines adopted by the Board, as amended and revised from time to
For purposes of implementing this Policy, the President shall appoint an existing College
employee to serve as a liaison between the College and the State CIO.
F. Audits.
Pursuant to § 23-38.111 of the Act, the Board shall adopt the policies, standards, and
guidelines developed by the Commonwealth or those based upon industry best practices for
project auditing as defined by leading IT experts, including consulting firms, or a nationally-
recognized project auditing association, appropriately tailored to the specific circumstances of
the College, which provide for Independent Validation and Verification (IV&V) of the College’s
major IT projects. Copies of the policies, standards, and guidelines, as amended and revised
from time to time, shall be made available to the Information Technology Investment Board.
Audits of IT strategic planning, expenditure reporting, budgeting, project management,
infrastructure, architecture, ongoing operations, and security, shall also be the responsibility of
the College’s Internal Audit Department and the Auditor of Public Accounts.
ACT OF 2005
A. Subchapter 3 of the Restructured Higher Education Financial and Administrative Operations
Act (the Act), Chapter 4.10 (§ 23-38.88 et seq.) of Title 23 of the Code of Virginia, provides that
the College of William and Mary in Virginia, upon becoming a Covered Institution, shall be
authorized to establish its own system for the procurement of goods, services, insurance, and
construction, and for the independent disposition of surplus materials by public or private
B. The Act provides that a Covered Institution shall comply with policies adopted by its Board of
Visitors for the procurement of goods, services, insurance, and construction, and the disposition
of surplus materials. The provisions of this Policy set forth below, together with the Rules
Governing Procurement of Goods, Services, Insurance, and Construction attached to this Policy
as Attachment 1, constitute the adopted Board of Visitors policies required by the Act regarding
procurement of goods, services, insurance, and construction, and the disposition of surplus
materials by the College.
C. This Policy is intended to cover the authority that may be granted to the College pursuant to
Subchapter 3 of the Act. Any other powers and authorities granted to the College pursuant to
any other sections of the Code of Virginia, including other provisions of the Act, the
Appropriation Act, and the College’s Enabling Legislation are not affected by this Policy.
As used in this Policy, the following terms shall have the following meanings, unless the context
requires otherwise:
“Act” means the Restructured Higher Education Financial and Administrative Operations
Act, Chapter 4.10 (§ 23-38.88 et seq.) of Title 23 of the Code of Virginia.
“Agreement” means “Management Agreement.”
“Board of Visitors” means the Rector and Visitors of the College of William and Mary in
“College” means the College of William and Mary in Virginia, (State Agency 204), and
the Virginia Institute of Marine Science, (State Agency 268).
“Covered Institution” means, on and after the Effective Date of its initial Management
Agreement, a public institution of higher education of the Commonwealth of Virginia that has
entered into a Management Agreement with the Commonwealth to be governed by the
provisions of Subchapter 3 of the Act.
“Effective Date” means the effective date of the Management Agreement.
“Enabling Legislation” means those chapters, other than Chapter 4.10, of Title 23 of the
Code of Virginia, as amended, creating, continuing, or otherwise setting forth the powers,
purposes, and missions of the individual public institutions of higher education of the
“Goods” means all material, equipment, supplies, and printing, including information
technology and telecommunications goods such as automated data processing hardware and
“Management Agreement” means the agreement required by subsection D of § 23-38.88
between the Commonwealth of Virginia, and the College of William and Mary in Virginia.
“Rules” means the “Rules Governing Procurement of Goods, Services, Insurance, and
Construction” attached to this Policy as Attachment 1.
“Services” as used in this Policy means any work performed by an independent
contractor wherein the service rendered does not consist primarily of acquisition of equipment or
materials, or the rental of equipment, materials and supplies, and shall include both professional
services, which include the practice of accounting, actuarial services, law, dentistry, medicine,
optometry, and pharmacy, and nonprofessional services, which include any service not
specifically identified as professional services.
“Surplus materials” means personal property including, but not limited to, materials,
supplies, equipment and recyclable items, that are determined to be surplus by the College.
The Board of Visitors of the College shall at all times be fully and ultimately accountable for the
proper fulfillment of the duties and responsibilities set forth in, and for the appropriate
implementation of, this Policy. Consistent with this full and ultimate accountability, however,
the Board may, pursuant to its legally permissible procedures, specifically delegate either herein
or by separate Board resolution the duties and responsibilities set forth in this Policy to a person
or persons within the College, who, while continuing to be fully accountable for such duties and
responsibilities, may further delegate the implementation of those duties and responsibilities
pursuant to the College’s usual delegation policies and procedures.
A. Adoption of This Policy and Continued Applicability of Other Board of Visitors'
Procurement Policies.
The College has had decentralization and pilot program autonomy in many procurement
functions and activities since the Appropriation Act of 1994. The Act extends and reinforces the
autonomy previously granted to the College in Item 330 E of the 1994 Appropriation Act. This
Policy therefore is adopted by the Board of Visitors to enable the College to develop a
procurement system, as well as a surplus materials disposition system. Any College electronic
procurement system shall integrate or interface with the Commonwealth’s electronic
procurement system.
This Policy shall be effective on the Effective Date of the College’s initial Management
Agreement with the Commonwealth. The implementing policies and procedures adopted by the
President to implement this Policy shall continue to be subject to any other policies adopted by
the Board of Visitors affecting procurements at the College, including policies regarding the
nature and amounts of procurements that may be undertaken without the approval of the Board
of Visitors, or of the President.
B. Scope and Purpose of College Procurement Policies.
This Policy shall apply to procurements of goods, services, insurance, and construction.
It shall be the policy of the College that procurements conducted by the College result in the
purchase of high quality goods and services at reasonable prices, and that the College be free, to
the maximum extent permitted by law and this Policy, from constraining policies that hinder the
ability of the College to do business in a competitive environment. This Policy, together with the
Rules Governing Procurement of Goods, Services, Insurance, and Construction attached to this
Policy as Attachment 1, shall apply to all procurements undertaken by the College, regardless of
the source of funds.
C. Collaboration, Communication, and Cooperation with the Commonwealth.
The College is committed to developing, maintaining, and sustaining collaboration,
communication, and cooperation with the Commonwealth regarding the matters addressed in this
Policy, particularly with the Offices of the Secretaries of Administration and Technology, the
Department of General Services, and the Virginia Information Technologies Agency.
Identifying business objectives and goals common to both the College and the Commonwealth
and the mechanisms by which such objectives and goals may be jointly pursued and achieved are
among the desired outcomes of such collaboration, communication, and cooperation.
D. Commitment to Statewide Contracts, Electronic Procurement, and SWAM
Participation and Use.
The College is committed to maximizing its internal operational efficiencies, economies
of scale among institutions of higher education, and the leveraged buying power of the
Commonwealth as a whole.
Consistent with this commitment, the College:
i) May purchase from and participate in all statewide contracts for goods and
services, including information technology goods and services, except that the College
shall purchase from and participate in contracts for communications services and
telecommunications facilities entered into by the Virginia Information Technologies
Agency pursuant to § 2.2-2011 of the Code of Virginia unless an exception is provided in
the Appropriation Act or by other law, and provided that orders not placed through
statewide contracts shall be processed directly or by integration or interface through the
Commonwealth’s electronic procurement system;
ii) Shall use directly or by integration or interface the Commonwealth’s electronic
procurement system; and
iii) Shall adopt a small, woman-owned, and minority-owned (SWAM) business
program that is consistent with the Commonwealth’s SWAM program.
E. Implementation.
To effect its implementation under the Act, and if the College remains in continued
substantial compliance with the terms and conditions of this Management Agreement with the
Commonwealth pursuant to § 23-38.88(D)(4) and the requirements of Chapter 4.10 of the Act,
the College’s procurement of goods, services, insurance, and construction, and the disposition of
surplus materials shall be exempt from the Virginia Public Procurement Act, Chapter 43 2.2-
4300 et seq.) of Title 2.2, except § 2.2-4342 and §§ 2.2-4367 through 2.2-4377; the oversight of
the Virginia Information Technologies Agency, Chapter 20.1 2.2-2005 et seq.) of Title 2.2,
and the Information Technology Investment Board, Article 20 2.2-2457 et seq.) of Chapter 24
of Title 2.2; the state agency requirements regarding disposition of surplus materials and
distribution of proceeds from the sale or recycling of surplus materials in §§ 2.2-1124 and 2.2-
1125; the requirement to purchase from the Department for the Blind and Vision Impaired (VIB)
2.2-1117); and any other state statutes, rules, regulations or requirements relating to the
procurement of goods, services, insurance, and construction, including but not limited to Article
3 2.2-1109 et seq.) of Chapter 11 of Title 2.2 of the Code of Virginia, regarding the duties,
responsibilities and authority of the Division of Purchases and Supply of the Virginia
Department of General Services, and Article 4 2.2-1129 et seq.) of Chapter 11 of Title 2.2 of
the Code of Virginia, regarding the review and the oversight by the Division of Engineering and
Buildings of the Virginia Department of General Services of contracts for the construction of
College capital projects and construction-related professional services (§ 2.2-1132).
A. General Competitive Principles.
In connection with College procurements and the processes leading to award of contracts
for goods, services, insurance, and construction, the College is committed to:
Seeking competition to the maximum practical degree, taking into account the size of the
anticipated procurement, the term of the resulting contract and the likely extent of competition;
Conducting all procurements in an open, fair and impartial manner and avoiding any
impropriety or the appearance of any impropriety;
Making procurement rules clear in advance of any competition;
Providing access to the College's business to all qualified vendors, firms and contractors,
with no potential bidder or offeror excluded arbitrarily or capriciously, while allowing the
flexibility to engage in cooperative procurements and to meet special needs of the College;
Ensuring that specifications for purchases are fairly drawn so as not to favor unduly a
particular vendor; and
Providing for the free exchange of information between the College, vendors, firms or
contractors concerning the goods or services sought and offered while preserving the
confidentiality of proprietary information.
B. Access to Records.
Procurement records shall be available to citizens or to interested persons, firms or
corporations in accordance with the provisions of the Virginia Freedom of Information Act,
Chapter 37 2.2-3700 et seq.) of Title 2.2 of the Code of Virginia, except those records exempt
from disclosure pursuant to § 2.2-3705.1 (7), § 2.2-3705.1 (12), or § 2.2-3705.4 (4), or other
applicable exemptions of the Virginia Freedom of Information Act, and § 2.2-4342 of the
Virginia Public Procurement Act.
C. Cooperative Procurements and Alliances.
In circumstances where the College determines and documents that statewide contracts
for goods and services, including information technology and telecommunications goods and
services, do not provide goods and services to the College that meet its business goals and
objectives, the College is authorized to participate in cooperative procurements with other public
or private organizations or entities, including other educational institutions, public-private
partnerships, public bodies, charitable organizations, health care provider alliances and
purchasing organizations, so long as the resulting contracts are procured competitively pursuant
to subsections A through J of § 5 of the Rules Governing Procurement of Goods, Services,
Insurance, and Construction attached to this Policy as Attachment 1 and the purposes of this
Policy are furthered. In the event the College engages in a cooperative contract with a private
organization or public-private partnership and the contract was not competitively procured
pursuant to subsections A through J of § 5 of the Rules Governing Procurement of Goods,
Services, Insurance, and Construction attached to this Policy as Attachment 1, use of the contract
by other state agencies, institutions and public bodies shall be prohibited. Notwithstanding all of
the above, use of cooperative contracts shall conform to the business requirements of the
Commonwealth’s electronic procurement system, including the requirement for payment of
applicable fees. By October 1 of each year, the President, or his designee, shall make available
to the Secretaries of Administration and Technology, the Joint Legislative Audit and Review
Commission, and the Auditor of Public Accounts a list of all cooperative contracts and alliances
entered into or used during the prior fiscal year.
D. Training; Ethics in Contracting.
The President, acting through his designee, shall take all necessary and reasonable steps
to assure (i) that all College officials responsible for and engaged in procurements authorized by
the Act and this Policy are knowledgeable regarding the requirements of the Act, this Policy, and
the Ethics in Public Contracting provisions of the Virginia Public Procurement Act, Article 6
2.2-4367 et seq.) of Chapter 43 of Title 2.2 of the Code of Virginia, (ii) that only officials
authorized by this Policy and any procedures adopted by the President to implement this Policy
are responsible for and engaged in such procurements, and (iii) that compliance with the Act and
this Policy are achieved.
The College shall maintain an ongoing program to provide professional development
opportunities to its buying staff and to provide methods training to internal staff who are engaged
in placing decentralized small purchase transactions.
E. Ethics and College Procurements.
In implementing the authority conferred by this Policy, the personnel administering any
procurement shall adhere to the following provisions of the Code of Virginia: the Ethics in
Public Contracting provisions of the Virginia Public Procurement Act, Article 6 2.2-4367 et
seq.) of Chapter 43 of Title 2.2 of the Code of Virginia, the State and Local Government Conflict
of Interests Act, Chapter 31 2.2-3100 et seq.) of Title 2.2, and the Virginia Governmental
Frauds Act, Article 1.1 (§ 18.2-498.1 et seq.) of Chapter 12 of Title 18.2.
The policy and procedures for disposal for surplus materials shall provide for the sale,
environmentally-appropriate disposal, or recycling of surplus materials by the College and the
retention of the resulting proceeds by the College.
The President shall adopt one or more comprehensive sets of specific procurement
policies and procedures for the College, which, in addition to the Rules, implement applicable
provisions of law and this Policy. College procurements shall be carried out in accordance with
this Policy, the Rules, and any implementing policies and procedures adopted by the College.
The implementing policies and procedures (i) shall include the delegation of procurement
authority by the Board to appropriate College officials who shall oversee College procurements
of goods, services, insurance, and construction, including a grant of authority to such officials to
engage in further delegation of authority as the President deems appropriate, and (ii) shall remain
consistent with the competitive principles set forth in Part V above.
Any implementing policies and procedures adopted pursuant to Part VII A above and the
Rules shall become effective on the Effective Date of the College’s initial Management
Agreement with the Commonwealth, and, as of their effective date, shall be applicable to all
procurements undertaken by the College on behalf of the College for goods, services, insurance,
and construction. This Policy, the Rules, and any implementing policies and procedures adopted
by the College shall not affect existing contracts already in effect.
The Rules and College implementing policies and procedures for all College
procurements of goods, services, insurance, and construction, and the disposition of surplus
property shall be substantially consistent with the Commonwealth of Virginia Purchasing
Manual for Institutions of Higher Education and their Vendors in their form as of the effective
date of this Policy and as amended or changed in the future, and with College procedures
specific to the Acquisition of Goods and Services. The Rules and College implementing policies
and procedures shall implement a system of competitive negotiation, and competitive sealed
bidding when appropriate, for goods, services, including professional services as defined in the
Rules, insurance, and construction.
A. Protests, Appeals and Debarment.
The Rules and College implementing policies and procedures for procurements other
than capital outlay shall include a process or processes for an administrative appeal by vendors,
firms or contractors. Protests and appeals may challenge determinations of vendor, firm or
contractor non-responsibility or ineligibility, or the award of contracts, provided that such
protests and appeals are filed within the times specified by the Rules. Remedies available shall
be limited to reversal of the action challenged or, where a contract already being performed is
declared void, compensation for the cost of performance up to the time of such declaration. The
Rules and College implementing policies and procedures also may establish the basis and
process for debarment of any vendor, firm or contractor.
B. Prompt Payment of Contractors and Subcontractors.
The Rules and College implementing policies and procedures shall include provisions
related to prompt payment of outstanding invoices, which shall include payment of interest on
properly-presented invoices outstanding more than seven (7) days beyond the payment date, at a
rate no higher than the lowest prime rate charged by any commercial bank as published in the
Wall Street Journal. The payment date shall be the later of thirty (30) days from the date of the
receipt of goods or invoice, or the date established by the contract. All contracts also shall
require prompt payment of subcontractors by the general contractor, upon receipt of payment by
the College.
C. Types of Procurements.
The Rules and College implementing policies and procedures shall implement a system
of competitive negotiation for professional services, as defined in the Rules, and shall implement
purchasing procedures developed to maximize competition given the size and duration of the
contract, and the needs of the College. Such policies and procedures may include special
provisions for procurements such as emergency procurements, sole source procurements, brand
name procurements, small purchases, procurements in which only one qualified vendor responds,
and others.
D. Approval and Public Notice of Procurements.
The Rules and College implementing policies and procedures shall provide for approval
of solicitation documents by an authorized individual and for reasonable public notice of
procurements, given the size and nature of the need and the applicability of any Virginia
Freedom of Information Act exemption.
E. Administration of Contracts.
The Rules and College implementing policies and procedures shall contain provisions
related to the administration of contracts, including contract claims, modifications, extensions
and assignments.
F. Non-Discrimination.
The Rules and College implementing policies and procedures shall provide for a non-
discriminatory procurement process that prohibits discrimination because of race, religion, color,
sex or national origin of the bidder or offeror in the solicitation and award of contracts; and shall
include appropriate provisions to effectuate fair and reasonable consideration of women-owned,
minority-owned and small businesses and to promote and encourage a diversity of suppliers.
Rules Governing Procurement of Goods, Services, Insurance, and Construction
by a Public Institution of Higher Education of the Commonwealth of Virginia
Governed by Subchapter 3 of the
Restructured Higher Education Financial and Administrative Operations Act,
Chapter 4.10 (§ 23-38.88 et seq.) of Title 23 of the Code of Virginia
In accordance with the provisions of the Restructured Higher Education Financial and
Administrative Operations Act (the Act), Chapter 4.10 23-38.88 et seq.) of Title 23 of the
Code of Virginia, and in particular § 23-38.110 of the Act, the governing body of a public
institution of higher education of the Commonwealth of Virginia that has entered into a
Management Agreement with the Commonwealth pursuant to Subchapter 3 of the Act, has
adopted the following Rules Governing Procurement of Goods, Services, Insurance, and
Construction to govern the procurement of goods, services, insurance, and construction by the
Institution, excluding the University of Virginia Medical Center:
§ 1. Purpose.
The purpose of these Rules is to enunciate the public policies pertaining to procurement
of good, services, insurance, and construction by the Institution from nongovernmental sources,
to include governmental procurement that may or may not result in monetary consideration for
either party. These Rules shall apply whether the consideration is monetary or nonmonetary and
regardless of whether the Institution, the contractor, or some third party is providing the
§ 2. Scope of Procurement Authority.
Subject to these Rules, and the Institution’s continued substantial compliance with the
terms and conditions of its Management Agreement with the Commonwealth pursuant to § 23-
38.88(D)(4) and the requirements of Chapter 4.10 of the Act, the Institution shall have and shall
be authorized to have and exercise all of the authority relating to procurement of goods, services,
insurance, and construction, including but not limited to capital outlay-related procurement and
information technology-related procurement, that Institutions are authorized to exercise pursuant
to Subchapter 3 of the Restructuring Act.
§ 3. Competition is the Priority.
To the end that the Institution shall obtain high quality goods and services at reasonable
cost, that all procurement procedures be conducted in an open, fair and impartial manner with
avoidance of any impropriety or appearance of impropriety, that all qualified vendors have
access to the Institution’s business and that no offeror be arbitrarily or capriciously excluded, it is
the intent of the governing body of the Institution that competition be sought to the maximum
feasible degree, that procurement procedures involve openness and administrative efficiency,
that individual public bodies enjoy broad flexibility in fashioning details of such competition,
that the rules governing contract awards be made clear in advance of the competition, that
specifications reflect the procurement needs of the purchasing body rather than being drawn to
favor a particular vendor, and that the purchaser and vendor freely exchange information
concerning what is sought to be procured and what is offered. The Institution may consider best
value concepts when procuring goods and nonprofessional services, but not construction or
professional services. Professional services will be procured using a qualification-based
selection process. The criteria, factors, and basis for consideration of best value and the process
for the consideration of best value shall be as stated in the procurement solicitation.
§ 4. Definitions.
As used in these Rules:
“Affiliate” means an individual or business that controls, is controlled by, or is under
common control with another individual or business. A person controls an entity if the person
owns, directly or indirectly, more than 10% of the voting securities of the entity. For the
purposes of this definition “voting security” means a security that (i) confers upon the holder the
right to vote for the election of members of the board of directors or similar governing body of
the business or (ii) is convertible into, or entitles the holder to receive, upon its exercise, a
security that confers such a right to vote. A general partnership interest shall be deemed to be a
voting security.
“Best value, as predetermined in the solicitation, means the overall combination of
quality, price, and various elements of required services that in total are optimal relative to the
Institution’s needs.
“Business” means any type of corporation, partnership, limited liability company,
association, or sole proprietorship operated for profit.
“Competitive negotiation” is a method of contractor selection that includes the following
1. Issuance of a written Request for Proposal indicating in general terms that
which is sought to be procured, specifying the factors that will be used in evaluating the
proposal and containing or incorporating by reference the other applicable contractual
terms and conditions, including any unique capabilities or qualifications that will be
required of the contractor.
2. Public notice of the Request for Proposal at least 10 days prior to the date set
for receipt of proposals by publication in a newspaper or newspapers of general
circulation in the area in which the contract is to be performed so as to provide reasonable
notice to the maximum number of offerors that can be reasonably anticipated to submit
proposals in response to the particular request. Public notice also shall be published on
the Department of General Services’ central electronic procurement website and may be
published on other appropriate websites. In addition, proposals may be solicited directly
from potential contractors.
3. a. Procurement of professional services. The procurement of professional
services for capital projects shall be conducted using a qualification-based selection
process. The Institution shall engage in individual discussions with two or more offerors
deemed fully qualified, responsible and suitable on the basis of initial responses and with
emphasis on professional competence, to provide the required services. Repetitive
informal interviews shall be permissible. The offerors shall be encouraged to elaborate
on their qualifications and performance data or staff expertise pertinent to the proposed
project, as well as alternative concepts. The Request for Proposal shall not, however,
request that offerors furnish estimates of man-hours or cost for services. At the
discussion stage, the Institution may discuss nonbinding estimates of total project costs,
including, but not limited to, life-cycle costing, and where appropriate, nonbinding
estimates of price for services. Proprietary information from competing offerors shall not
be disclosed to the public or to competitors. At the conclusion of discussion, outlined in
this subdivision, on the basis of evaluation factors published in the Request for Proposal
and all information developed in the selection process to this point, the Institution shall
select in the order of preference two or more offerors whose professional qualifications
and proposed services are deemed most meritorious. Negotiations shall then be
conducted, beginning with the offeror ranked first. If a contract satisfactory and
advantageous to the Institution can be negotiated at a price considered fair and
reasonable, the award shall be made to that offeror. Otherwise, negotiations with the
offeror ranked first shall be formally terminated and negotiations conducted with the
offeror ranked second, and so on until such a contract can be negotiated at a fair and
reasonable price. Should the Institution determine in writing and in its sole discretion
that only one offeror is fully qualified, or that one offeror is clearly more highly qualified
and suitable than the others under consideration, a contract may be negotiated and
awarded to that offeror.
A contract for architectural or professional engineering services relating to construction
projects may be negotiated by the Institution, for multiple projects provided (i) the
projects require similar experience and expertise, and (ii) the nature of the projects is
clearly identified in the Request for Proposal. Under such contract, (a) the fair and
reasonable prices, as negotiated, shall be used in determining the cost of each project
performed, (b) the sum of all projects performed in one contract term shall be as set in the
Request for Proposal; and (c) the project fee of any single project shall not exceed the
term limit as set in the Request for Proposal. Any unused amounts from any contract
term may be carried forward. Competitive negotiations for such contracts may result in
awards to more than one offeror provided the Request for Proposal stated the potential for
a multi-vendor award.
Multiphase professional services contracts satisfactory and advantageous to the
Institution for environmental, location, design and inspection work regarding
construction of infrastructure projects may be negotiated and awarded based on
qualifications at a fair and reasonable price for the first phase only, when completion of
the earlier phases is necessary to provide information critical to the negotiation of a fair
and reasonable price for succeeding phases. Prior to the procurement of any such
contract, the Institution shall state the anticipated intended total scope of the project and
determine in writing that the nature of the work is such that the best interests of such
Institution require awarding the contract.
b. Procurement of other than professional services. Selection shall be made of
two or more offerors deemed to be fully qualified and best suited among those submitting
proposals, on the basis of the factors involved in the Request for Proposal, including price
if so stated in the Request for Proposal. Negotiations shall then be conducted with each of
the offerors so selected. Price shall be considered, but need not be the sole determining
factor. After negotiations have been conducted with each offeror so selected, the
Institution shall select the offeror which, in its opinion, has made the best proposal, and
shall award the contract to that offeror. When the terms and conditions of multiple
awards are so provided in the Request for Proposal, awards may be made to more than
one offeror. Should the Institution determine in writing and in its sole discretion that
only one offeror has made the best proposal, a contract may be negotiated and awarded to
that offeror.
“Competitive sealed bidding” is a method of contractor selection, other than for
professional services, which includes the following elements:
1. Issuance of a written Invitation to Bid containing or incorporating by reference
the specifications and contractual terms and conditions applicable to the procurement.
Unless the Institution has provided for prequalification of bidders, the Invitation to Bid
shall include a statement of any requisite qualifications of potential contractors. When it
is impractical to prepare initially a purchase description to support an award based on
prices, an Invitation to Bid may be issued requesting the submission of unpriced offers to
be followed by an Invitation to Bid limited to those bidders whose offers have been
qualified under the criteria set forth in the first solicitation.
2. Public notice of the Invitation to Bid at least 10 days prior to the date set for
receipt of bids by publication on the Department of General Services’ central electronic
procurement website. Public notice also may be published in a newspaper of general
circulation or on other appropriate websites, or both. In addition, bids may be solicited
directly from potential contractors. Any additional solicitations shall include businesses
selected from a list made available by the Department of Minority Business Enterprise.
3. Public opening and announcement of all bids received.
4. Evaluation of bids based upon the requirements set forth in the invitation,
which may include special qualifications of potential contractors, life-cycle
costing, value analysis, and any other criteria such as inspection, testing, quality,
workmanship, delivery, and suitability for a particular purpose, which are helpful
in determining acceptability.
5. Award to the lowest responsive and responsible bidder. When the terms and
conditions of multiple awards are so provided in the Invitation to Bid, awards may be
made to more than one bidder.
“Construction” means building, altering, repairing, improving or demolishing any
structure, building or highway, and any draining, dredging, excavation, grading or similar work
upon real property.
“Construction management contract” means a contract in which a party is retained by the
owner to coordinate and administer contracts for construction services for the benefit of the
owner, and may also include, if provided in the contract, the furnishing of construction services
to the owner.
“Covered Institution” or “Institution” means, on and after the effective date of the initial
management agreement with the Commonwealth of Virginia, a public institution of higher
education of the Commonwealth that has entered into a management agreement with the
Commonwealth to be governed by the provisions of Subchapter 3 of the Restructuring Act.
“Design-build contract” means a contract between the Institution and another party in
which the party contracting with the Institution agrees to both design and build the structure,
roadway or other item specified in the contract.
“Goods” means all material, equipment, supplies, and printing, including information
technology and telecommunications goods such as automated data processing hardware and
“Informality” means a minor defect or variation of a bid or proposal from the exact
requirements of the Invitation to Bid, or the Request for Proposal, which does not affect the
price, quality, quantity or delivery schedule for the goods, services or construction being
“Multiphase professional services contract” means a contract for the providing of
professional services where the total scope of work of the second or subsequent phase of the
contract cannot be specified without the results of the first or prior phase of the contract.
“Nonprofessional services” means any services not specifically identified as professional
services in the definition of professional services and includes small construction projects valued
not over $1 million; provided that subdivision 3a of the definition of “competitive negotiation” in
this section shall still apply to professional services for such small construction projects.
“Potential bidder or offeror” for the purposes of §§ 50 and 54 of these Rules means a
person who, at the time the Institution negotiates and awards or proposes to award a contract, is
engaged in the sale or lease of goods, or the sale of services, insurance or construction, of the
type to be procured under the contract, and who at such time is eligible and qualified in all
respects to perform that contract, and who would have been eligible and qualified to submit a bid
or proposal had the contract been procured through competitive sealed bidding or competitive
“Professional services” means work performed by an independent contractor within the
scope of the practice of accounting, actuarial services, architecture, land surveying, landscape
architecture, law, dentistry, medicine, optometry, pharmacy or professional engineering.
“Public body” means any legislative, executive or judicial body, agency, office,
department, authority, post, commission, committee, institution, board or political subdivision
created by law to exercise some sovereign power or to perform some governmental duty, and
empowered by law to undertake the activities described in these Rules.
“Public contract” means an agreement between the Institution and a nongovernmental
source that is enforceable in a court of law.
“Responsible bidder” or “offeror” means a person who has the capability, in all respects,
to perform fully the contract requirements and the moral and business integrity and reliability
that will assure good faith performance, and who has been prequalified, if required.
“Responsive bidder” means a person who has submitted a bid that conforms in all
material respects to the Invitation to Bid.
“Restructuring Act” or “Act” means the Restructured Higher Education Financial and
Administrative Operations Act, Chapter 4.10 23-38.88 et seq.) of Title 23 of the Code of
“Rules” means these Rules Governing Procurement of Goods, Services, Insurance, and
Construction adopted by the governing body of the Covered Institution.
“Reverse auctioning” means a procurement method wherein bidders are invited to bid on
specified goods or nonprofessional services through real-time electronic bidding, with the award
being made to the lowest responsive and responsible bidder. During the bidding process,
bidders’ prices are revealed and bidders shall have the opportunity to modify their bid prices for
the duration of the time period established for bid opening.
“Services” means any work performed by an independent contractor wherein the service
rendered does not consist primarily of acquisition of equipment or materials, or the rental of
equipment, materials and supplies.
“Sheltered workshop” means a work-oriented rehabilitative facility with a controlled
working environment and individual goals that utilizes work experience and related services for
assisting the handicapped person to progress toward normal living and a productive vocational
§ 5. Methods of procurement.
A. All public contracts with nongovernmental contractors for the purchase or lease of goods, or
for the purchase of services, insurance, or construction, shall be awarded after competitive sealed
bidding, or competitive negotiation as provided in this section, unless otherwise authorized by
B. Professional services shall be procured by competitive negotiation. Qualification-based
selection shall be used for design services.
C. Goods, services, or insurance may be procured by competitive negotiation.
D. Construction may be procured only by competitive sealed bidding, except that competitive
negotiation may be used in the following instances upon a determination made in advance by the
Institution and set forth in writing that competitive sealed bidding is either not practicable or not
fiscally advantageous to the public, which writing shall document the basis for this
1. By the Institution on a fixed price design-build basis or construction
management basis under § 7;
2. By the Institution for the construction, alteration, repair, renovation or
demolition of buildings; or
3. By the Institution for the construction of highways and any draining, dredging,
excavation, grading or similar work upon real property.
E. Upon a determination in writing that there is only one source practicably available for that
which is to be procured, a contract may be negotiated and awarded to that source without
competitive sealed bidding or competitive negotiation. The writing shall document the basis for
this determination. The Institution shall issue a written notice stating that only one source was
determined to be practicably available, and identifying that which is being procured, the
contractor selected, and the date on which the contract was or will be awarded. This notice shall
be posted in a designated public area, which may be the Department of General Services’
website for the Commonwealth’s central electronic procurement system, or published in a
newspaper of general circulation on the day the Institution awards or announces its decision to
award the contract, whichever occurs first. Public notice shall also be published on the
Department of General Services' website for the Commonwealth’s central electronic
procurement system and may be published on other appropriate websites.
F. In case of emergency, a contract may be awarded without competitive sealed bidding or
competitive negotiation; however, such procurement shall be made with such competition as is
practicable under the circumstances. A written determination of the basis for the emergency and
for the selection of the particular contractor shall be included in the contract file. The Institution
shall issue a written notice stating that the contract is being awarded on an emergency basis, and
identifying that which is being procured, the contractor selected, and the date on which the
contract was or will be awarded. This notice shall be posted in a designated public area, which
may be the Department of General Services’ website for the Commonwealth’s central electronic
procurement system, or published in a newspaper of general circulation on the day the Institution
awards or announces its decision to award the contract, whichever occurs first, or as soon
thereafter as is practicable. Public notice may also be published on the Department of General
Services' website for the Commonwealth’s central electronic procurement system and other
appropriate websites.
G. The Institution may establish purchase procedures, if adopted in writing, not requiring
competitive sealed bids or competitive negotiation for single or term contracts for goods and
services other than professional services if the aggregate or the sum of all phases is not expected
to exceed $50,000; however, such small purchase procedures shall provide for competition
wherever practicable.
H. The Institution may establish purchase procedures, if adopted in writing, not requiring
competitive negotiation for single or term contracts for professional services if the aggregate or
the sum of all phases is not expected to exceed $50,000; however such small purchase
procedures shall provide for competition wherever practicable.
I. Upon a determination made in advance by the Institution and set forth in writing that the
purchase of goods, products or commodities from a public auction sale is in the best interests of
the public, such items may be purchased at the auction, including online public auctions. The
writing shall document the basis for this determination.
J. The purchase of goods or nonprofessional services, but not construction or professional
services, may be made by reverse auctioning.
§ 6. Cooperative procurement.
A. In circumstances where the Institution determines and documents that statewide contracts for
goods and services, including information technology and telecommunications goods and
services, do not provide goods and services to the Institution that meet its business goals and
objectives, the Institution is authorized to participate in, sponsor, conduct, or administer a
cooperative procurement arrangement on behalf of or in conjunction with public bodies, public
or private health or educational institutions, other public or private organizations or entities,
including public-private partnerships, charitable organizations, health care provider alliances or
purchasing organizations or entities, or with public agencies or institutions or group purchasing
organizations of the several states, territories of the United States, or the District of Columbia,
for the purpose of combining requirements to effect cost savings or reduce administrative
expense in any acquisition of goods and services, other than professional services. The
Institution may purchase from any authority, department, agency, institution, city, county, town,
or other political subdivision of the Commonwealth's contract even if it did not participate in the
request for proposal or invitation to bid, if the request for proposal or invitation to bid specified
that the procurement was being conducted on behalf of other public bodies. In such instances,
deviation from the procurement procedures set forth in these Rules and the administrative
policies and procedures established to implement these Rules shall be permitted.
Notwithstanding all of the above, use of cooperative contracts shall conform to the business
requirements of the Commonwealth’s electronic procurement system, including the requirement
for payment of applicable fees. Nothing herein shall prohibit the payment by direct or indirect
means of any administrative fee that will allow for participation in any such arrangement.
B. In circumstances where statewide contracts for goods and services, including information
technology and telecommunications goods and services, do not provide goods and services to
meet the Institution’s business goals and objectives, and as authorized by the United States
Congress and consistent with applicable federal regulations, and provided the terms of the
contract permit such purchases:
1. The Institution may purchase goods and nonprofessional services, from a
United States General Services Administration contract or a contract awarded by any
other agency of the United States government; and
2. The Institution may purchase telecommunications and information technology
goods and nonprofessional services from a United States General Services
Administration contract or a contract awarded by any other agency of the United States
§ 7. Design-build or construction management contracts authorized.
A. Notwithstanding any other provisions of law, the Institution may enter into contracts on a
fixed price design-build basis or construction management basis in accordance with the
provisions of this section.
B. Procurement of construction by the design-build or construction management method shall be
a two-step competitive negotiation process. In the first step, offerors shall be requested to submit
their qualifications. Based upon the information submitted and any other relevant information
which the Commonwealth may obtain, no more than five offerors deemed most suitable for the
project shall be selected by the Commonwealth and requested to submit proposals.
§ 8. Modification of the contract.
A. A contract awarded by the Institution may include provisions for modification of the contract
during performance, but no fixed-price contract may be increased by more than 25% of the
amount of the contract or $50,000, whichever is greater, without the advance written approval of
the Institution’s president or his designee. In no event may the amount of any contract, without
adequate consideration, be increased for any purpose, including, but not limited to, relief of an
offeror from the consequences of an error in its bid or offer.
B. The Institution may extend the term of an existing contract for services to allow completion
of any work undertaken but not completed during the original term of the contract.
C. Nothing in this section shall prevent the Institution from placing greater restrictions on
contract modifications.
§ 9. Discrimination prohibited; participation of small, women- and minority-owned
A. In the solicitation or awarding of contracts, the Institution shall not discriminate against a
bidder or offeror because of race, religion, color, sex, national origin, age, disability, or any other
basis prohibited by state law relating to discrimination in employment. Whenever solicitations
are made, the Institution shall include businesses selected from a list made available by the
Department of Minority Business Enterprise.
B. The Institution shall establish programs consistent with this section to facilitate the
participation of small businesses and businesses owned by women and minorities in procurement
transactions. The programs established shall be in writing and shall include cooperation with the
Department of Minority Business Enterprise, the United States Small Business Administration,
and other public or private agencies. The Institution shall submit annual progress reports on
minority business procurement to the Department of Minority Business Enterprise.
C. Whenever there exists (i) a rational basis for small business enhancement or (ii) a persuasive
analysis that documents a statistically significant disparity between the availability and
utilization of women- and minority-owned businesses, the Governor is by law authorized and
encouraged to require the Institution to implement appropriate enhancement or remedial
measures consistent with prevailing law.
D. In the solicitation or awarding of contracts, the Institution shall not discriminate against a
bidder or offeror because the bidder or offeror employs ex-offenders unless it has made a written
determination that employing ex-offenders on the specific contract is not in its best interest.
§ 10. Employment discrimination by contractor prohibited; required contract provisions.
The Institution shall include in every contract of more than $10,000 the following provisions:
1. During the performance of this contract, the contractor agrees as follows:
a. The contractor will not discriminate against any employee or applicant for
employment because of race, religion, color, sex, national origin, age, disability, or other
basis prohibited by state law relating to discrimination in employment, except where
there is a bona fide occupational qualification reasonably necessary to the normal
operation of the contractor. The contractor agrees to post in conspicuous places,
available to employees and applicants for employment, notices setting forth the
provisions of this nondiscrimination clause.
b. The contractor, in all solicitations or advertisements for employees placed by
or on behalf of the contractor, will state that such contractor is an equal opportunity
c. Notices, advertisements and solicitations placed in accordance with federal
law, rule or regulation shall be deemed sufficient for the purpose of meeting the
requirements of this section.
2. The contractor will include the provisions of the foregoing paragraphs a, b and c in
every subcontract or purchase order of over $10,000, so that the provisions will be binding upon
each subcontractor or vendor.
§ 11. Drug-free workplace to be maintained by contractor; required contract provisions.
The Institution shall include in every contract over $10,000 the following provisions:
During the performance of this contract, the contractor agrees to (i) provide a drug-free
workplace for the contractor's employees; (ii) post in conspicuous places, available to employees
and applicants for employment, a statement notifying employees that the unlawful manufacture,
sale, distribution, dispensation, possession, or use of a controlled substance or marijuana is
prohibited in the contractor's workplace and specifying the actions that will be taken against
employees for violations of such prohibition; (iii) state in all solicitations or advertisements for
employees placed by or on behalf of the contractor that the contractor maintains a drug-free
workplace; and (iv) include the provisions of the foregoing clauses in every subcontract or
purchase order of over $10,000, so that the provisions will be binding upon each subcontractor or
For the purposes of this section, "drug-free workplace" means a site for the ”performance of
work done in connection with a specific contract awarded to a contractor in accordance with
these Rules, the employees of whom are prohibited from engaging in the unlawful manufacture,
sale, distribution, dispensation, possession or use of any controlled substance or marijuana
during the performance of the contract.
§ 12. Use of brand names.
Unless otherwise provided in the Invitation to Bid, the name of a certain brand, make or
manufacturer shall not restrict bidders to the specific brand, make or manufacturer named and
shall be deemed to convey the general style, type, character, and quality of the article desired.
Any article that the Institution in its sole discretion determines to be the equal of that specified,
considering quality, workmanship, economy of operation, and suitability for the purpose
intended, shall be accepted.
§ 13. Comments concerning specifications.
The Institution shall establish procedures whereby comments concerning specifications or other
provisions in Invitations to Bid or Requests for Proposal can be received and considered prior to
the time set for receipt of bids or proposals or award of the contract.
§ 14. Prequalification generally; prequalification for construction.
A. Prospective contractors may be prequalified for particular types of supplies, services,
insurance or construction, and consideration of bids or proposals limited to prequalified
contractors. Any prequalification procedure shall be established in writing and sufficiently in
advance of its implementation to allow potential contractors a fair opportunity to complete the
B. Any prequalification of prospective contractors for construction by the Institution shall be
pursuant to a prequalification process for construction projects adopted by the Institution. The
process shall be consistent with the provisions of this section.
The application form used in such process shall set forth the criteria upon which the
qualifications of prospective contractors will be evaluated. The application form shall request of
prospective contractors only such information as is appropriate for an objective evaluation of all
prospective contractors pursuant to such criteria. The form shall allow the prospective contractor
seeking prequalification to request, by checking the appropriate box, that all information
voluntarily submitted by the contractor pursuant to this subsection shall be considered a trade
secret or proprietary information subject to the provisions of subsection D of § 34 of these Rules.
In all instances in which the Institution requires prequalification of potential contractors for
construction projects, advance notice shall be given of the deadline for the submission of
prequalification applications. The deadline for submission shall be sufficiently in advance of the
date set for the submission of bids for such construction so as to allow the procedures set forth in
this subsection to be accomplished.
At least 30 days prior to the date established for submission of bids or proposals under the
procurement of the contract for which the prequalification applies, the Institution shall advise in
writing each contractor who submitted an application whether that contractor has been
prequalified. In the event that a contractor is denied prequalification, the written notification to
the contractor shall state the reasons for the denial of prequalification and the factual basis of
such reasons.
A decision by the Institution denying prequalification under the provisions of this subsection
shall be final and conclusive unless the contractor appeals the decision as provided in § 54 of
these Rules.
C. The Institution may deny prequalification to any contractor only if the Institution finds one of
the following:
1. The contractor does not have sufficient financial ability to perform the contract
that would result from such procurement. If a bond is required to ensure performance of
a contract, evidence that the contractor can acquire a surety bond from a corporation
included on the United States Treasury list of acceptable surety corporations in the
amount and type required by the Institution shall be sufficient to establish the financial
ability of the contractor to perform the contract resulting from such procurement;
2. The contractor does not have appropriate experience to perform the
construction project in question;
3. The contractor or any officer, director or owner thereof has had judgments
entered against him within the past 10 years for the breach of contracts for governmental
or nongovernmental construction, including, but not limited to, design-build or
construction management;
4. The contractor has been in substantial noncompliance with the terms and
conditions of prior construction contracts with the Institution without good cause. If the
Institution has not contracted with a contractor in any prior construction contracts, the
Institution may deny prequalification if the contractor has been in substantial
noncompliance with the terms and conditions of comparable construction contracts with
another public body without good cause. The Institution may not utilize this provision to
deny prequalification unless the facts underlying such substantial noncompliance were
documented in writing in the prior construction project file and such information relating
thereto given to the contractor at that time, with the opportunity to respond;
5. The contractor or any officer, director, owner, project manager, procurement
manager or chief financial official thereof has been convicted within the past 10 years of
a crime related to governmental or nongovernmental construction or contracting,
including, but not limited to, a violation of (i) Article 6 (§ 2.2-4367 et seq.) of Chapter 43
of Title 2.2 of the Code of Virginia, (ii) the Virginia Governmental Frauds Act 18.2-
498.1 et seq.), (iii) Chapter 4.2 (§ 59.1-68.6 et seq.) of Title 59.1, or (iv) any substantially
similar law of the United States or another state;
6. The contractor or any officer, director or owner thereof is currently debarred
pursuant to an established debarment procedure from bidding or contracting by any
public body, agency of another state or agency of the federal government; and
7. The contractor failed to provide to the Institution in a timely manner any
information requested by the Institution relevant to subdivisions 1 through 6 of this
§ 15. Negotiation with lowest responsible bidder.
Unless canceled or rejected, a responsive bid from the lowest responsible bidder shall be
accepted as submitted, except that if the bid from the lowest responsible bidder exceeds available
funds, the Institution may negotiate with the apparent low bidder to obtain a contract price within
available funds. However, the negotiation may be undertaken only under conditions and
procedures described in writing and approved by the Institution prior to issuance of the Invitation
to Bid and summarized therein.
§ 16. Cancellation, rejection of bids; waiver of informalities.
A. An Invitation to Bid, a Request for Proposal, any other solicitation, or any and all bids or
proposals, may be canceled or rejected. The reasons for cancellation or rejection shall be made
part of the contract file. The Institution shall not cancel or reject an Invitation to Bid, a Request
for Proposal, any other solicitation, bid or proposal pursuant to this section solely to avoid
awarding a contract to a particular responsive and responsible bidder or offeror.
B. The Institution may waive informalities in bids.
§ 17. Exclusion of insurance bids prohibited.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law, no insurer licensed to transact the business
of insurance in the Commonwealth or approved to issue surplus lines insurance in the
Commonwealth shall be excluded from presenting an insurance bid proposal to the Institution in
response to a request for proposal or an invitation to bid. Nothing in this section shall preclude
the Institution from debarring a prospective insurer pursuant to § 18.
§ 18. Debarment.
Prospective contractors may be debarred from contracting for particular types of supplies,
services, insurance or construction, for specified periods of time. Any debarment procedure shall
be established in writing by the Institution. Any debarment procedure may provide for debarment
on the basis of a contractor’s unsatisfactory performance for the Institution.
§ 19. Purchase programs for recycled goods; Institution responsibilities.
A. The Institution may implement a purchase program for recycled goods and may coordinate
its efforts so as to achieve the goals and objectives set forth in §§ 10.1-1425.6, 10.1-1425.7, and
10.1-1425.8 of the Code of Virginia and §§ 20 and 22 of these Rules.
B. The Department of Environmental Quality, with advice from the Virginia Recycling Markets
Development Council, shall advise the Institution concerning the designation of recycled goods.
§ 20. Preference for Virginia products with recycled content and for Virginia firms.
A. In the case of a tie bid, preference shall be given to goods produced in Virginia, goods or
services or construction provided by Virginia persons, firms or corporations; otherwise the tie
shall be decided by lot.
B. Whenever any bidder is a resident of any other state and such state under its laws allows a
resident contractor of that state a preference, a like preference may be allowed by the Institution
to the lowest responsive and responsible bidder who is a resident of Virginia.
C. Notwithstanding the provisions of subsections A and B, in the case of a tie bid in instances
where goods are being offered, and existing price preferences have already been taken into
account, preference shall be given to the bidder whose goods contain the greatest amount of
recycled content.
§ 21. Preference for Virginia coal used in the Institution.
In determining the award of any contract for coal to be purchased for use in the
Institution with state funds, the Institution shall procure using competitive sealed bidding and
shall award to the lowest responsive and responsible bidder offering coal mined in Virginia so
long as its bid price is not more than 4% greater than the bid price of the low responsive and
responsible bidder offering coal mined elsewhere.
§ 22. Preference for recycled paper and paper products used by the Institution.
A. In determining the award of any contract for paper and paper products to be purchased for
use by the Institution, it shall competitively procure recycled paper and paper products of a
quality suitable for the purpose intended, so long as the price is not more than 10% greater than
the price of the low responsive and responsible bidder or offeror offering a product that does not
qualify under subsection B.
B. For purposes of this section, recycled paper and paper products means any paper or paper
products meeting the EPA Recommended Content Standards as defined in 40 C.F.R. Part 247.
§ 23. Withdrawal of bid due to error.
A. A bidder for a public construction contract, other than a contract for construction or
maintenance of public highways, may withdraw his bid from consideration if the price bid was
substantially lower than the other bids due solely to a mistake in the bid, provided the bid was
submitted in good faith, and the mistake was a clerical mistake as opposed to a judgment
mistake, and was actually due to an unintentional arithmetic error or an unintentional omission of
a quantity of work, labor or material made directly in the compilation of a bid, which
unintentional arithmetic error or unintentional omission can be clearly shown by objective
evidence drawn from inspection of original work papers, documents and materials used in the
preparation of the bid sought to be withdrawn.
If a bid contains both clerical and judgment mistakes, a bidder may withdraw his bid from
consideration if the price bid would have been substantially lower than the other bids due solely
to the clerical mistake, that was an unintentional arithmetic error or an unintentional omission of
a quantity of work, labor or material made directly in the compilation of a bid that shall be
clearly shown by objective evidence drawn from inspection of original work papers, documents
and materials used in the preparation of the bid sought to be withdrawn.
One of the following procedures for withdrawal of a bid shall be selected by the Institution and
stated in the advertisement for bids: (i) the bidder shall give notice in writing of his claim of right
to withdraw his bid within two business days after the conclusion of the bid opening procedure
and shall submit original work papers with such notice; or (ii) the bidder shall submit to the
Institution or designated official his original work papers, documents and materials used in the
preparation of the bid within one day after the date fixed for submission of bids. The work
papers shall be delivered by the bidder in person or by registered mail at or prior to the time
fixed for the opening of bids. In either instance, the work papers, documents and materials may
be considered as trade secrets or proprietary information subject to the conditions of subsection F
of § 34 of these Rules. The bids shall be opened one day following the time fixed by the
Institution for the submission of bids. Thereafter, the bidder shall have two hours after the
opening of bids within which to claim in writing any mistake as defined herein and withdraw his
bid. The contract shall not be awarded by the Institution until the two-hour period has elapsed.
The mistake shall be proved only from the original work papers, documents and materials
delivered as required herein.
B. The Institution may establish procedures for the withdrawal of bids for other than
construction contracts.
C. No bid shall be withdrawn under this section when the result would be the awarding of the
contract on another bid of the same bidder or of another bidder in which the ownership of the
withdrawing bidder is more than 5%.
D. If a bid is withdrawn in accordance with this section, the lowest remaining bid shall be
deemed to be the low bid.
E. No bidder who is permitted to withdraw a bid shall, for compensation, supply any material or
labor to or perform any subcontract or other work agreement for the person or firm to whom the
contract is awarded or otherwise benefit, directly or indirectly, from the performance of the
project for which the withdrawn bid was submitted.
F. If the Institution denies the withdrawal of a bid under the provisions of this section, it shall
notify the bidder in writing stating the reasons for its decision and award the contract to such
bidder at the bid price, provided such bidder is a responsible and responsive bidder.
§ 24. Contract Pricing Arrangements.
A. Public contracts may be awarded on a fixed price or cost reimbursement basis, or on any
other basis that is not prohibited by these Rules.
B. Except in case of emergency affecting the public health, safety or welfare, no public contract
shall be awarded on the basis of cost plus a percentage of cost.
C. A policy or contract of insurance or prepaid coverage having a premium computed on the
basis of claims paid or incurred, plus the insurance carrier’s administrative costs and retention
stated in whole or part as a percentage of such claims, shall not be prohibited by this section.
§ 25. Workers' compensation requirements for construction contractors and
A. No contractor shall perform any work on a construction project of the Institution unless he (i)
has obtained, and continues to maintain for the duration of the work, workers' compensation
coverage required pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 8 (§ 65.2-800 et seq.) of Title 65.2 of the
Code of Virginia, and (ii) provides prior to the award of contract, on a form furnished by the
Institution, evidence of such coverage.
B. The Department of General Services shall provide the form to the Institution. Failure of the
Institution to provide the form prior to the award of contract shall waive the requirements of
clause (ii) of subsection A.
C. No subcontractor shall perform any work on a construction project of the Institution unless he
has obtained, and continues to maintain for the duration of such work, workers' compensation
coverage required pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 8 (§ 65.2-800 et seq.) of Title 65.2 of the
Code of Virginia.
§ 26. Retainage on construction contracts.
A. In any contract issued by the Institution for construction that provides for progress payments
in installments based upon an estimated percentage of completion, the contractor shall be paid at
least 95% of the earned sum when payment is due, with no more than 5% being retained to
ensure faithful performance of the contract. All amounts withheld may be included in the final
B. Any subcontract for a public project that provides for similar progress payments shall be
subject to the provisions of this section.
§ 27. Public construction contract provisions barring damages for unreasonable delays
declared void.
A. Any provision contained in any public construction contract of the Institution that purports to
waive, release, or extinguish the rights of a contractor to recover costs or damages for
unreasonable delay in performing such contract, either on his behalf or on behalf of his
subcontractor if and to the extent the delay is caused by acts or omissions of the Institution, its
agents or employees and due to causes within their control shall be void and unenforceable as
against public policy.
B. Subsection A shall not be construed to render void any provision of a public construction
contract awarded by the Institution that:
1. Allows the recovery of that portion of delay costs caused by the acts or omissions of
the contractor, or its subcontractors, agents or employees;
2. Requires notice of any delay by the party claiming the delay;
3. Provides for liquidated damages for delay; or
4. Provides for arbitration or any other procedure designed to settle contract disputes.
C. A contractor making a claim against the Institution for costs or damages due to the alleged
delaying of the contractor in the performance of its work under any public construction contract
of the Institution shall be liable to the Institution and shall pay it for a percentage of all costs
incurred by the Institution in investigating, analyzing, negotiating, litigating and arbitrating the
claim, which percentage shall be equal to the percentage of the contractor's total delay claim that
is determined through litigation or arbitration to be false or to have no basis in law or in fact.
D. If the Institution denies a contractor's claim for costs or damages due to the alleged delaying
of the contractor in the performance of work under any public construction contract for the
Institution, it shall be liable to and shall pay such contractor a percentage of all costs incurred by
the contractor to investigate, analyze, negotiate, litigate and arbitrate the claim. The percentage
paid by the Institution shall be equal to the percentage of the contractor's total delay claim for
which the Institution's denial is determined through litigation or arbitration to have been made in
bad faith.
§ 28. Bid bonds.
A. Except in cases of emergency, all bids or proposals for construction contracts in excess of $1
million shall be accompanied by a bid bond from a surety company selected by the bidder that is
authorized to do business in Virginia, as a guarantee that if the contract is awarded to the bidder,
he will enter into the contract for the work mentioned in the bid. The amount of the bid bond
shall not exceed 5% of the amount bid.
B. No forfeiture under a bid bond shall exceed the lesser of (i) the difference between the bid for
which the bond was written and the next low bid, or (ii) the face amount of the bid bond.
C. Nothing in this section shall preclude the Institution from requiring bid bonds to accompany
bids or proposals for construction contracts anticipated to be less than $1 million.
§ 29. Performance and payment bonds.
A. Upon the award by the Institution of any (i) public construction contract exceeding $1
million awarded to any prime contractor or (ii) public construction contract exceeding $1 million
awarded to any prime contractor requiring the performance of labor or the furnishing of materials
for buildings, structures or other improvements to real property owned by the Institution, the
contractor shall furnish to the Institution the following bonds:
1. Except for transportation-related projects, a performance bond in the sum of the
contract amount conditioned upon the faithful performance of the contract in strict conformity
with the plans, specifications and conditions of the contract. For transportation-related projects,
such bond shall be in a form and amount satisfactory to the Institution.
2. A payment bond in the sum of the contract amount. The bond shall be for the
protection of claimants who have and fulfill contracts to supply labor or materials to the prime
contractor to whom the contract was awarded, or to any subcontractors, in furtherance of the
work provided for in the contract, and shall be conditioned upon the prompt payment for all
materials furnished or labor supplied or performed in the furtherance of the work.
"Labor or materials" shall include public utility services and reasonable rentals of equipment, but
only for periods when the equipment rented is actually used at the site.
B. Each of the bonds shall be executed by one or more surety companies selected by the
contractor that are authorized to do business in Virginia.
C. The bonds shall be payable to the Commonwealth of Virginia naming also the Institution.
D. Each of the bonds shall be filed with the Institution, or a designated office or official thereof.
E. Nothing in this section shall preclude the Institution from requiring payment or performance
bonds for construction contracts below $1 million.
F. Nothing in this section shall preclude the contractor from requiring each subcontractor to
furnish a payment bond with surety thereon in the sum of the full amount of the contract with
such subcontractor conditioned upon the payment to all persons who have and fulfill contracts
that are directly with the subcontractor for performing labor and furnishing materials in the
prosecution of the work provided for in the subcontract.
§ 30. Alternative forms of security.
A. In lieu of a bid, payment, or performance bond, a bidder may furnish a certified check or cash
escrow in the face amount required for the bond.
B. If approved by the Institution’s General Counsel or his equivalent, a bidder may furnish to
the Institution a personal bond, property bond, or bank or savings institution's letter of credit on
certain designated funds in the face amount required for the bid, payment or performance bond.
Approval shall be granted only upon a determination that the alternative form of security
proffered affords protection to the Institution equivalent to a corporate surety's bond.
§ 31. Bonds on other than construction contracts.
The Institution may require bid, payment, or performance bonds for contracts for goods
or services if provided in the Invitation to Bid or Request for Proposal.
§ 32. Action on performance bond.
No action against the surety on a performance bond shall be brought by the Institution
unless brought within one year after (i) completion of the contract, including the expiration of all
warranties and guarantees, or (ii) discovery of the defect or breach of warranty that gave rise to
the action.
§ 33. Actions on payment bonds; waiver of right to sue.
A. Subject to the provisions of subsection B, any claimant who has performed labor or furnished
material in accordance with the contract documents in furtherance of the work provided in any
contract for which a payment bond has been given, and who has not been paid in full before the
expiration of 90 days after the day on which the claimant performed the last of the labor or
furnished the last of the materials for which he claims payment, may bring an action on the
payment bond to recover any amount due him for the labor or material. The obligee named in
the bond need not be named a party to the action.
B. Any claimant who has a direct contractual relationship with any subcontractor but who has
no contractual relationship, express or implied, with the contractor, may bring an action on the
contractor's payment bond only if he has given written notice to the contractor within 180 days
from the day on which the claimant performed the last of the labor or furnished the last of the
materials for which he claims payment, stating with substantial accuracy the amount claimed and
the name of the person for whom the work was performed or to whom the material was
furnished. Notice to the contractor shall be served by registered or certified mail, postage
prepaid, in an envelope addressed to such contractor at any place where his office is regularly
maintained for the transaction of business. Claims for sums withheld as retainages with respect
to labor performed or materials furnished, shall not be subject to the time limitations stated in
this subsection.
C. Any action on a payment bond shall be brought within one year after the day on which the
person bringing such action last performed labor or last furnished or supplied materials.
D. Any waiver of the right to sue on the payment bond required by this section shall be void
unless it is in writing, signed by the person whose right is waived, and executed after such person
has performed labor or furnished material in accordance with the contract documents.
§ 34. Public inspection of certain records.
A. Except as provided in this section, all proceedings, records, contracts and other public
records relating to procurement transactions shall be open to the inspection of any citizen, or any
interested person, firm or corporation, in accordance with the Virginia Freedom of Information
Act (§ 2.2-3700 et seq.).
B. Cost estimates relating to a proposed procurement transaction prepared by or for the
Institution shall not be open to public inspection.
C. Any competitive sealed bidding bidder, upon request, shall be afforded the opportunity to
inspect bid records within a reasonable time after the opening of all bids but prior to award,
except in the event that the Institution decides not to accept any of the bids and to reopen the
contract. Otherwise, bid records shall be open to public inspection only after award of the
D. Any competitive negotiation offeror, upon request, shall be afforded the opportunity to
inspect proposal records within a reasonable time after the evaluation and negotiations of
proposals are completed but prior to award, except in the event that the Institution decides not to
accept any of the proposals and to reopen the contract. Otherwise, proposal records shall be
open to public inspection only after award of the contract.
E. Any inspection of procurement transaction records under this section shall be subject to
reasonable restrictions to ensure the security and integrity of the records.
F. Trade secrets or proprietary information submitted by a bidder, offeror or contractor in
connection with a procurement transaction or prequalification application submitted pursuant to
subsection B of § 14 shall not be subject to the Virginia Freedom of Information Act (§ 2.2-3700
et seq.); however, the bidder, offeror or contractor shall (i) invoke the protections of this section
prior to or upon submission of the data or other materials, (ii) identify the data or other materials
to be protected, and (iii) state the reasons why protection is necessary.
§ 35. Exemption for certain transactions.
A. The provisions of these Rules shall not apply to:
1. The selection of services related to the management and investment of the Institution’s
endowment funds, endowment income, or gifts pursuant to § 23-76.1. However, selection
of these services shall be governed by the Uniform Management of Institutional Funds
Act (§ 55-268.1 et seq.) as required by § 23-76.1.
2. The purchase of items for resale at retail bookstores and similar retail outlets operated
by the Institution. However, such purchase procedures shall provide for competition
where practicable.
3. Procurement of any construction or planning and design services for construction by
the Institution when (i) the planning, design or construction is $50,000 or less or (ii) the
Institution is obligated to conform to procurement procedures that are established by
federal statutes or regulations, whether or not those federal procedures are in
conformance with the provisions of these Rules.
4. The University of Virginia Medical Center.
5. The purchase of goods and services by the Institution when such purchases are made
under a remedial plan established by the Governor pursuant to subsection C of § 9 of
these Rules.
B. Where a procurement transaction involves the expenditure of federal assistance or contract
funds, the receipt of which is conditioned upon compliance with mandatory requirements in
federal laws or regulations not in conformance with the provisions of these Rules, the Institution
may comply with such federal requirements, notwithstanding the provisions of these Rules, only
upon the written determination of the Institution’s President or his designee that acceptance of
the grant or contract funds under the applicable conditions is in the public interest. Such
determination shall state the specific provision of these Rules in conflict with the conditions of
the grant or contract.
§ 36. Permitted contracts with certain religious organizations; purpose; limitations.
A. The Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996, P.L. 104-193, authorizes public bodies to enter
into contracts with faith-based organizations for the purposes described in this section on the
same basis as any other nongovernmental source without impairing the religious character of
such organization, and without diminishing the religious freedom of the beneficiaries of
assistance provided under this section.
B. For the purposes of this section, "faith-based organization" means a religious organization
that is or applies to be a contractor to provide goods or services for programs funded by the block
grant provided pursuant to the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act
of 1996, P.L. 104-193.
C. The Institution, in procuring goods or services, or in making disbursements pursuant to this
section, shall not (i) discriminate against a faith-based organization on the basis of the
organization's religious character or (ii) impose conditions that (a) restrict the religious character
of the faith-based organization, except as provided in subsection F, or (b) impair, diminish, or
discourage the exercise of religious freedom by the recipients of such goods, services, or
D. The Institution shall ensure that all invitations to bid, requests for proposals, contracts, and
purchase orders prominently display a nondiscrimination statement indicating that it does not
discriminate against faith-based organizations.
E. A faith-based organization contracting with the Institution (i) shall not discriminate against
any recipient of goods, services, or disbursements made pursuant to a contract authorized by this
section on the basis of the recipient's religion, religious belief, refusal to participate in a religious
practice, or on the basis of race, age, color, gender or national origin and (ii) shall be subject to
the same rules as other organizations that contract with public bodies to account for the use of
the funds provided; however, if the faith-based organization segregates public funds into separate
accounts, only the accounts and programs funded with public funds shall be subject to audit by
the Institution. Nothing in clause (ii) shall be construed to supercede or otherwise override any
other applicable state law.
F. Consistent with the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of
1996, P.L. 104-193, funds provided for expenditure pursuant to contracts with public bodies
shall not be spent for sectarian worship, instruction, or proselytizing; however, this prohibition
shall not apply to expenditures pursuant to contracts, if any, for the services of chaplains.
G. Nothing in this section shall be construed as barring or prohibiting a faith-based organization
from any opportunity to make a bid or proposal or contract on the grounds that the faith-based
organization has exercised the right, as expressed in 42 U.S.C. 2000e-1 et seq.), to employ
persons of a particular religion.
H. If an individual, who applies for or receives goods, services, or disbursements provided
pursuant to a contract between the Institution and a faith-based organization, objects to the
religious character of the faith-based organization from which the individual receives or would
receive the goods, services, or disbursements, the Institution shall offer the individual, within a
reasonable period of time after the date of his objection, access to equivalent goods, services, or
disbursements from an alternative provider.
The Institution shall provide to each individual who applies for or receives goods, services, or
disbursements provided pursuant to a contract between the Institution and a faith-based
organization a notice in bold face type that states: "Neither the Institution's selection of a
charitable or faith-based provider of services nor the expenditure of funds under this contract is
an endorsement of the provider's charitable or religious character, practices, or expression. No
provider of services may discriminate against you on the basis of religion, a religious belief, or
your refusal to actively participate in a religious practice. If you object to a particular provider
because of its religious character, you may request assignment to a different provider. If you
believe that your rights have been violated, please discuss the complaint with your provider or
notify the appropriate person as indicated in this form."
§ 37. Exemptions from competition for certain transactions.
The Institution may enter into contracts without competition, as that term is described in
subsections A through J of § 5 (Methods of procurement) of these Rules, for:
1. The purchase of goods or services that are produced or performed by or related to:
a. Persons, or in schools or workshops, under the supervision of the Virginia
Department for the Blind and Vision Impaired;
b. Nonprofit sheltered workshops or other nonprofit organizations that offer
transitional or supported employment services serving the handicapped;
c. Private educational institutions; or
d. Other public educational institutions.
2. Speakers and performing artists;
3. Memberships and Association dues;
4. Sponsored research grant sub-awards and contract sub-awards, not to include the
purchase of goods or services by the Institution;
5. Group travel in foreign countries;
6. Conference facilities and services;
7. Participation in intercollegiate athletic tournaments and events including team travel
and lodging, registration and tournament fees;
8. Royalties; or
9. The purchase of legal services, provided that the Office of the Attorney General has
been consulted, or expert witnesses or other services associated with litigation or
regulatory proceedings.
§ 38. Exemptions from competitive sealed bidding and competitive negotiation for certain
transactions; limitations.
The Institution may enter into contracts for insurance or electric utility service without
competitive sealed bidding or competitive negotiation if purchased through an association of
which the Institution is a member if the association was formed and is maintained for the purpose
of promoting the interest and welfare of and developing close relationships with similar public
bodies, provided such association has procured the insurance or electric utility services by use of
competitive principles and provided that the Institution has made a determination in advance
after reasonable notice to the public and set forth in writing that competitive sealed bidding and
competitive negotiation are not fiscally advantageous to the public. The writing shall document
the basis for this determination.
§ 39. Definitions.
As used in §§ 39 through 46, unless the context requires a different meaning:
"Contractor" means the entity that has a direct contract with the Institution.
"Debtor" means any individual, business, or group having a delinquent debt or account
with any state agency that obligation has not been satisfied or set aside by court order or
discharged in bankruptcy.
"Payment date" means either (i) the date on which payment is due under the terms of a
contract for provision of goods or services; or (ii) if such date has not been established by
contract, (a) 30 days after receipt of a proper invoice by the Institution or its agent or (b) 30 days
after receipt of the goods or services by the Institution.
"Subcontractor" means any entity that has a contract to supply labor or materials to the
contractor to whom the contract was awarded or to any subcontractor in the performance of the
work provided for in such contract.
§ 40. Exemptions.
The provisions of §§ 39 through 46 shall not apply to the late payment provisions
contained in any public utility tariffs prescribed by the State Corporation Commission.
§ 41. Retainage to remain valid.
Notwithstanding the provisions of §§ 39 through 46, the provisions of § 26 relating to
retainage shall remain valid.
§ 42. Prompt payment of bills by the Institution.
A. The Institution shall promptly pay for the completely delivered goods or services by the
required payment date.
Payment shall be deemed to have been made when offset proceedings have been instituted, as
authorized under the Virginia Debt Collection Act (§ 2.2-4800 et seq.) of the Code of Virginia.
B. Separate payment dates may be specified for contracts under which goods or services are
provided in a series of partial deliveries or executions to the extent that such contract provides
for separate payment for such partial delivery or execution.
§ 43. Defect or impropriety in the invoice or goods and/or services received.
In instances where there is a defect or impropriety in an invoice or in the goods or
services received, the Institution shall notify the supplier of the defect or impropriety, if the
defect or impropriety would prevent payment by the payment date. The notice shall be sent
within 15 days after receipt of the invoice or the goods or services.
§ 44. Date of postmark deemed to be date payment is made.
In those cases where payment is made by mail, the date of postmark shall be deemed to
be the date payment is made for purposes of these Rules.
§ 45. Payment clauses to be included in contracts.
Any contract awarded by the Institution shall include:
1. A payment clause that obligates the contractor to take one of the two following actions
within seven days after receipt of amounts paid to the contractor by the Institution for
work performed by the subcontractor under that contract:
a. Pay the subcontractor for the proportionate share of the total payment received
from the Institution attributable to the work performed by the subcontractor under
that contract; or
b. Notify the Institution and subcontractor, in writing, of his intention to withhold
all or a part of the subcontractor's payment with the reason for nonpayment.
2. A payment clause that requires (i) individual contractors to provide their social
security numbers and (ii) proprietorships, partnerships, and corporations to provide their
federal employer identification numbers.
3. An interest clause that obligates the contractor to pay interest to the subcontractor on
all amounts owed by the contractor that remain unpaid after seven days following receipt
by the contractor of payment from the Institution for work performed by the
subcontractor under that contract, except for amounts withheld as allowed in subdivision
4. An interest rate clause stating, "Unless otherwise provided under the terms of this
contract, interest shall accrue at the rate of 1% per month."
Any such contract awarded shall further require the contractor to include in each of its
subcontracts a provision requiring each subcontractor to include or otherwise be subject to the
same payment and interest requirements with respect to each lower-tier subcontractor.
A contractor's obligation to pay an interest charge to a subcontractor pursuant to the payment
clause in this section shall not be construed to be an obligation of the Institution. A contract
modification shall not be made for the purpose of providing reimbursement for the interest
charge. A cost reimbursement claim shall not include any amount for reimbursement for the
interest charge.
§ 46. Interest penalty; exceptions.
A. Interest shall accrue, at the rate determined pursuant to subsection B, on all amounts owed by
the Institution to a vendor that remain unpaid after seven days following the payment date.
However, nothing in this section shall affect any contract providing for a different rate of
interest, or for the payment of interest in a different manner.
B. The rate of interest charged the Institution pursuant to subsection A shall be the base rate on
corporate loans (prime rate) at large United States money center commercial banks as reported
daily in the publication entitled The Wall Street Journal. Whenever a split prime rate is
published, the lower of the two rates shall be used. However, in no event shall the rate of interest
charged exceed the rate of interest established pursuant to § 58.1-1812 of the Code of Virginia.
C. Notwithstanding subsection A, no interest penalty shall be charged when payment is delayed
because of disagreement between the Institution and a vendor regarding the quantity, quality or
time of delivery of goods or services or the accuracy of any invoice received for the goods or
services. The exception from the interest penalty provided by this subsection shall apply only to
that portion of a delayed payment that is actually the subject of the disagreement and shall apply
only for the duration of the disagreement.
D. This section shall not apply to § 26 pertaining to retainage on construction contracts, during
the period of time prior to the date the final payment is due. Nothing contained herein shall
prevent a contractor from receiving interest on such funds under an approved escrow agreement.
E. Notwithstanding subsection A, no interest penalty shall be paid to any debtor on any
payment, or portion thereof, withheld pursuant to the Comptroller's Debt Setoff Program, as
authorized by the Virginia Debt Collection Act 2.2-4800 et seq. of the Code of Virginia),
commencing with the date the payment is withheld. If, as a result of an error, a payment or
portion thereof is withheld, and it is determined that at the time of setoff no debt was owed to the
Commonwealth, then interest shall accrue at the rate determined pursuant to subsection B on
amounts withheld that remain unpaid after seven days following the payment date.
§ 47. Ineligibility.
A. Any bidder, offeror or contractor refused permission to participate, or disqualified from
participation, in public contracts to be issued by the Institution shall be notified in writing. Prior
to the issuance of a written determination of disqualification or ineligibility, the Institution shall
(i) notify the bidder in writing of the results of the evaluation, (ii) disclose the factual support for
the determination, and (iii) allow the bidder an opportunity to inspect any documents that relate
to the determination, if so requested by the bidder within five business days after receipt of the
Within 10 business days after receipt of the notice, the bidder may submit rebuttal information
challenging the evaluation. The Institution shall issue its written determination of
disqualification or ineligibility based on all information in the possession of the Institution,
including any rebuttal information, within five business days of the date the Institution received
such rebuttal information.
If the evaluation reveals that the bidder, offeror or contractor should be allowed permission to
participate in the public contract, the Institution shall cancel the proposed disqualification action.
If the evaluation reveals that the bidder should be refused permission to participate, or
disqualified from participation, in the public contract, the Institution shall so notify the bidder,
offeror or contractor. The notice shall state the basis for the determination, which shall be final
unless the bidder appeals the decision within 10 days after receipt of the notice by invoking
administrative procedures meeting the standards of § 55 of these Rules, if available, or in the
alternative by instituting legal action as provided in § 54.
B. If, upon appeal, it is determined that the action taken was arbitrary or capricious, or not in
accordance with the Constitution of Virginia, applicable state law or regulations, the sole relief
shall be restoration of eligibility.
§ 48. Appeal of denial of withdrawal of bid.
A. A decision denying withdrawal of bid under the provisions of § 23 of these Rules shall be
final and conclusive unless the bidder appeals the decision within 10 days after receipt of the
decision by invoking administrative procedures meeting the standards of § 55, if available, or in
the alternative by instituting legal action as provided in § 54.
B. If no bid bond was posted, a bidder refused withdrawal of a bid under the provisions of § 23,
prior to appealing, shall deliver to the Institution a certified check or cash bond in the amount of
the difference between the bid sought to be withdrawn and the next low bid. Such security shall
be released only upon a final determination that the bidder was entitled to withdraw the bid.
C. If, upon appeal, it is determined that the decision refusing withdrawal of the bid was not (i)
an honest exercise of discretion, but rather was arbitrary or capricious or (ii) in accordance with
the Constitution of Virginia, applicable state law or regulation, or the terms or conditions of the
Invitation to Bid, the sole relief shall be withdrawal of the bid.
§ 49. Determination of nonresponsibility.
A. Following public opening and announcement of bids received on an Invitation to Bid, the
Institution shall evaluate the bids in accordance with element 4 of the definition of "Competitive
sealed bidding" in § 4 of these Rules. At the same time, the Institution shall determine whether
the apparent low bidder is responsible. If the Institution so determines, then it may proceed with
an award in accordance with element 5 of the definition of "Competitive sealed bidding" in § 4.
If the Institution determines that the apparent low bidder is not responsible, it shall proceed as
1. Prior to the issuance of a written determination of nonresponsibility, the Institution
shall (i) notify the apparent low bidder in writing of the results of the evaluation, (ii)
disclose the factual support for the determination, and (iii) allow the apparent low bidder
an opportunity to inspect any documents that relate to the determination, if so requested
by the bidder within five business days after receipt of the notice.
2. Within 10 business days after receipt of the notice, the bidder may submit rebuttal
information challenging the evaluation. The Institution shall issue its written
determination of responsibility based on all information in the possession of the
Institution, including any rebuttal information, within five business days of the date the
Institution received the rebuttal information. At the same time, the Institution shall
notify, with return receipt requested, the bidder in writing of its determination.
3. Such notice shall state the basis for the determination, which shall be final unless the
bidder appeals the decision within 10 days after receipt of the notice by invoking
administrative procedures meeting the standards of § 55 of these Rules, if available, or in
the alternative by instituting legal action as provided in § 54.
The provisions of this subsection shall not apply to procurements involving the prequalification
of bidders and the rights of any potential bidders under such prequalification to appeal a decision
that such bidders are not responsible.
B. If, upon appeal pursuant to § 54 or 55 of these Rules, it is determined that the decision of the
Institution was not (i) an honest exercise of discretion, but rather was arbitrary or capricious or
(ii) in accordance with the Constitution of Virginia, applicable state law or regulation, or the
terms or conditions of the Invitation to Bid, and the award of the contract in question has not
been made, the sole relief shall be a finding that the bidder is a responsible bidder for the
contract in question or directed award as provided in subsection A of § 54, or both.
If it is determined that the decision of the Institution was not an honest exercise of discretion, but
rather was arbitrary or capricious or not in accordance with the Constitution of Virginia,
applicable state law or regulation, or the terms or conditions of the Invitation to Bid, and an
award of the contract has been made, the relief shall be as set forth in subsection B of § 54 of
these Rules.
C. A bidder contesting a determination that he is not a responsible bidder for a particular
contract shall proceed under this section, and may not protest the award or proposed award under
the provisions of § 50 of these Rules.
D. Nothing contained in this section shall be construed to require the Institution, when procuring
by competitive negotiation, to furnish a statement of the reasons why a particular proposal was
not deemed to be the most advantageous.
§ 50. Protest of award or decision to award.
A. Any bidder or offeror, who desires to protest the award or decision to award a contract shall
submit the protest in writing to the Institution, or an official designated by the Institution, no later
than 10 days after the award or the announcement of the decision to award, whichever occurs
first. Public notice of the award or the announcement of the decision to award shall be given by
the Institution in the manner prescribed in the terms or conditions of the Invitation to Bid or
Request for Proposal. Any potential bidder or offeror on a contract negotiated on a sole source
or emergency basis who desires to protest the award or decision to award such contract shall
submit the protest in the same manner no later than 10 days after posting or publication of the
notice of such contract as provided in § 5 of these Rules. However, if the protest of any actual or
potential bidder or offeror depends in whole or in part upon information contained in public
records pertaining to the procurement transaction that are subject to inspection under § 34 of
these Rules, then the time within which the protest shall be submitted shall expire 10 days after
those records are available for inspection by such bidder or offeror under § 34, or at such later
time as provided in this section. No protest shall lie for a claim that the selected bidder or offeror
is not a responsible bidder or offeror. The written protest shall include the basis for the protest
and the relief sought. The Institution or designated official shall issue a decision in writing
within 10 days stating the reasons for the action taken. This decision shall be final unless the
bidder or offeror appeals within 10 days of receipt of the written decision by invoking
administrative procedures meeting the standards of § 55 of these Rules, if available, or in the
alternative by instituting legal action as provided in § 54. Nothing in this subsection shall be
construed to permit a bidder to challenge the validity of the terms or conditions of the Invitation
to Bid or Request for Proposal. The use of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) shall
constitute an administrative appeal procedure meeting the standards of § 55 of these Rules.
B. If prior to an award it is determined that the decision to award is arbitrary or capricious, then
the sole relief shall be a finding to that effect. The Institution shall cancel the proposed award or
revise it to comply with the law. If, after an award, it is determined that an award of a contract
was arbitrary or capricious, then the sole relief shall be as hereinafter provided.
Where the award has been made but performance has not begun, the performance of the contract
may be enjoined. Where the award has been made and performance has begun, the Institution
may declare the contract void upon a finding that this action is in the best interest of the public.
Where a contract is declared void, the performing contractor shall be compensated for the cost of
performance up to the time of such declaration. In no event shall the performing contractor be
entitled to lost profits.
C. Where the Institution, an official designated by it, or an appeals board determines, after a
hearing held following reasonable notice to all bidders, that there is probable cause to believe
that a decision to award was based on fraud or corruption or on an act in violation of these Rules,
the Institution, designated official or appeals board may enjoin the award of the contract to a
particular bidder.
§ 51. Effect of appeal upon contract.
Pending final determination of a protest or appeal, the validity of a contract awarded and
accepted in good faith in accordance with these Rules shall not be affected by the fact that a
protest or appeal has been filed.
§ 52. Stay of award during protest.
An award need not be delayed for the period allowed a bidder or offeror to protest, but in the
event of a timely protest as provided in § 50 of these Rules, or the filing of a timely legal action
as provided in § 54, no further action to award the contract shall be taken unless there is a written
determination that proceeding without delay is necessary to protect the public interest or unless
the bid or offer would expire.
§ 53. Contractual disputes.
A. Contractual claims, whether for money or other relief, shall be submitted in writing no later
than 60 days after final payment. However, written notice of the contractor's intention to file a
claim shall be given at the time of the occurrence or beginning of the work upon which the claim
is based. Nothing herein shall preclude a contract from requiring submission of an invoice for
final payment within a certain time after completion and acceptance of the work or acceptance of
the goods. Pendency of claims shall not delay payment of amounts agreed due in the final
B. The Institution shall include in its contracts a procedure for consideration of contractual
claims. Such procedure, which may be contained in the contract or may be specifically
incorporated into the contract by reference and made available to the contractor, shall establish a
time limit for a final decision in writing by the Institution. If the Institution has established
administrative procedures meeting the standards of § 55 of these Rules, such procedures shall be
contained in the contract or specifically incorporated in the contract by reference and made
available to the contractor. The Institution may require the submission of contractual claims
pursuant to any contract to Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) as an administrative
C. A contractor may not invoke administrative procedures meeting the standards of § 55 of these
Rules, if available, or institute legal action as provided in § 54, prior to receipt of the Institution's
decision on the claim, unless the Institution fails to render such decision within the time specified
in the contract.
D. The decision of the Institution shall be final and conclusive unless the contractor appeals
within six months of the date of the final decision on the claim by the Institution by invoking
administrative procedures meeting the standards of § 55 of these Rules, if available, or in the
alternative by instituting legal action as provided in § 54.
§ 54. Legal actions.
A. A bidder or offeror, actual or prospective, who is refused permission or disqualified from
participation in bidding or competitive negotiation, or who is determined not to be a responsible
bidder or offeror for a particular contract, may bring an action in the appropriate circuit court
challenging that decision, which shall be reversed only if the petitioner establishes that the
decision was not (i) an honest exercise of discretion, but rather was arbitrary or capricious; (ii) in
accordance with the Constitution of Virginia, applicable state law or regulation, or the terms or
conditions of the Invitation to Bid; or (iii) in the case of denial of prequalification, based upon
the criteria for denial of prequalification set forth in subsection B of § 14 of these Rules. In the
event the apparent low bidder, having been previously determined by the Institution to be not
responsible in accordance with § 4, is found by the court to be a responsible bidder, the court
may direct the Institution to award the contract to such bidder in accordance with the
requirements of this section and the Invitation to Bid.
B. A bidder denied withdrawal of a bid under § 23 of these Rules may bring an action in the
appropriate circuit court challenging that decision, which shall be reversed only if the bidder
establishes that the decision of the Institution was not (i) an honest exercise of discretion, but
rather was arbitrary or capricious or (ii) in accordance with the Constitution of Virginia,
applicable state law or regulation, or the terms or conditions of the Invitation to Bid.
C. A bidder, offeror or contractor, or a potential bidder or offeror on a contract negotiated on a
sole source or emergency basis in the manner provided in § 5 of these Rules, whose protest of an
award or decision to award under § 50 of these Rules is denied, may bring an action in the
appropriate circuit court challenging a proposed award or the award of a contract, which shall be
reversed only if the petitioner establishes that the proposed award or the award is not (i) an
honest exercise of discretion, but rather is arbitrary or capricious or (ii) in accordance with the
Constitution of Virginia, applicable state law or regulation, or the terms and conditions of the
Invitation to Bid or Request for Proposal.
D. If injunctive relief is granted, the court, upon request of the Institution, shall require the
posting of reasonable security to protect the Institution.
E. A contractor may bring an action involving a contract dispute with the Institution in the
appropriate circuit court. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the Comptroller shall not
be named as a defendant in any action brought pursuant to these Rules or § 33.1-387 of the Code
of Virginia, except for disputes involving contracts of the Office of the Comptroller or the
Department of Accounts.
F. A bidder, offeror or contractor need not utilize administrative procedures meeting the
standards of § 55 of these Rules, if available, but if those procedures are invoked by the bidder,
offeror or contractor, the procedures shall be exhausted prior to instituting legal action
concerning the same procurement transaction unless the Institution agrees otherwise.
G. Nothing herein shall be construed to prevent the Institution from instituting legal action
against a contractor.
§ 55. Administrative appeals procedure.
A. The Institution may establish an administrative procedure for hearing (i) protests of a
decision to award or an award, (ii) appeals from refusals to allow withdrawal of bids, (iii)
appeals from disqualifications and determinations of nonresponsibility, and (iv) appeals from
decisions on disputes arising during the performance of a contract, or (v) any of these. Such
administrative procedure may include the use of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) or shall
provide for a hearing before a disinterested person or panel, the opportunity to present pertinent
information and the issuance of a written decision containing findings of fact. The disinterested
person or panel shall not be an employee of the governmental entity against whom the claim has
been filed. The findings of fact shall be final and conclusive and shall not be set aside unless the
same are (a) fraudulent, arbitrary or capricious; (b) so grossly erroneous as to imply bad faith; or
(c) in the case of denial of prequalification, the findings were not based upon the criteria for
denial of prequalification set forth in subsection B of § 14 of these Rules. No determination on
an issue of law shall be final if appropriate legal action is instituted in a timely manner. The
Institution may seek advice and input from the Alternative Dispute Resolution Council in
establishing an Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) procedure.
B. Any party to the administrative procedure, including the Institution, shall be entitled to
institute judicial review if such action is brought within 30 days of receipt of the written
§ 56. Alternative dispute resolution.
The Institution may enter into agreements to submit disputes arising from contracts
entered into pursuant to these Rules to arbitration and utilize mediation and other alternative
dispute resolution procedures. However, such procedures shall be nonbinding and subject to §
2.2-514 of the Code of Virginia, as applicable.
§ 57. Ethics in public contracting.
The Institution and its governing body, officers and employees shall be governed by the
Ethics in Public Contracting provisions of the Virginia Public Procurement Act, Article 6 2.2-
4367 et seq.) of Chapter 43 of Title 2.2 of the Code of Virginia.
The Restructured Higher Education Financial and Administrative Operations Act (the Act),
Chapter 4.10 of Title 23 of the Code of Virginia, establishes a process for the restructuring of
institutions of higher education of the Commonwealth of Virginia and provides that upon
becoming a Covered Institution, the College of William and Mary in Virginia shall have
responsibility and accountability for human resources management for all College employees,
defined in the Act as “Covered Employees,” who pursuant to subsection A of § 23-38.114 of the
Act, “are state employees of” the College. Specifically, the Act provides that, as of the Effective
Date of its initial Management Agreement with the Commonwealth, all Classified Employees
shall continue to be covered by the Virginia Personnel Act, Chapter 29 2.2-2900 et seq.) of
Title 2.2 of the Code of Virginia, and shall be subject to the policies and procedures prescribed
by the Virginia Department of Human Resource Management, provided that they may
subsequently elect to become Participating Covered Employees. All Participating Covered
Employees shall: (i) be exempt from the Virginia Personnel Act, Chapter 29 (§ 2.2-2900 et seq.)
of Title 2.2; (ii) remain subject to the state grievance procedure for employees subject to the
Virginia Personnel Act, Chapter 30 2.2-3000 et seq.) of Title 2.2, provided they were subject
to the state grievance procedure prior to that Effective Date; (iii) participate in a compensation
plan that is subject to the review and approval of the Board of Visitors; (iv) be hired pursuant to
procedures that are based on merit and fitness; and (v) may, subject to certain specified
conditions, continue to participate in either state- or College-sponsored benefit plans as described
by the Management Agreement.
The provisions of this Policy are adopted by the Board of Visitors to implement the Governing
Law and constitute the human resources policies to be included in any human resources system
adopted by the College for its employees.
This Policy is intended to cover the authority that may be granted to the College pursuant to
Subchapter 3 of the Act. Any other powers and authorities granted to the College pursuant to the
Appropriation Act, or any other sections of the Code of Virginia, including other provisions of
the Act and the College's Enabling Legislation, are not affected by this Policy.
As used in this policy, the following terms shall have the following meanings, unless the context
requires otherwise:
“Act” means the Restructured Higher Education Financial and Administrative Operations
Act, Chapter 4.10 of Title 23 of the Code of Virginia.
“Board of Visitors” or “Board” means the Rector and Board of Visitors of the College of
William and Mary and the Virginia Institute of Marine Science.
“Classified Employees” means employees who are covered by the Virginia Personnel
Act, Chapter 29 2.2-2900 et seq.) of Title 2.2 of the Code of Virginia, and the policies and
procedures established by the Virginia Department of Human Resource Management and who
are not Participating Covered Employees.
“College” means the College of William and Mary in Virginia, formerly known as (State
Agency 204) and the Virginia Institute of Marine Science, formerly known as (State Agency
“College employee” means a Covered Employee.
“College Human Resources System” means the human resources system for College
employees as provided for herein.
“Covered Employee” means any person who is employed by the College on either a
salaried or nonsalaried (wage) basis.
“Covered Institution” means, on and after the Effective Date of its initial Management
Agreement with the Commonwealth of Virginia, a public institution of higher education of the
Commonwealth that has entered into a Management Agreement with the Commonwealth to be
governed by the provisions of Subchapter 3 of the Act.
“Employee” means Covered Employee unless the context clearly indicates otherwise.
“Enabling Legislation” means those chapters, other than Chapter 4.10, of Title 23 of the
Code of Virginia, as amended, creating, continuing, or otherwise setting forth the powers,
purposes, and missions of the College.
“Effective Date” means the effective date of the initial Management Agreement between
the College and the Commonwealth.
“Governing Law” means the Act and the College’s Enabling Legislation.
“Management Agreement” means the agreement required by subsection D of § 23-38.88
of the Act between the College and the Commonwealth.
“Participating Covered Employee” means (i) all salaried nonfaculty College employees
who were employed as of the day prior to the Effective Date of the College’s initial Management
Agreement with the Commonwealth, and who elect pursuant to § 23-38.115 of the Act, to
participate in and be governed by such human resources program or programs, plans, policies,
and procedures established by the College, (ii) all salaried nonfaculty College employees who
are employed by the College on or after the Effective Date of the initial Management Agreement
between the College and the Commonwealth, (iii) all nonsalaried nonfaculty College employees
without regard to when they were hired, (iv) all faculty College employees without regard to
when they were hired.
“Systems” means collectively the College Human Resources System that is in effect from
time to time.
The College has had human resources system autonomy through decentralization for its
employees for some time. For example, general faculty at the College are expressly exempt
from the Virginia Personnel Act. The College has had decentralization in most human resources
functions and activities since the late 1980s and early 1990s, including, but not limited to, the
running of payrolls; the administration of hiring, classification, and promotion practices.
The Act extends and reinforces the human resources autonomy previously granted to the
College. This Policy therefore is adopted by the Board of Visitors to enable the College to
develop, adopt, and have in place by or after the Effective Date of its initial Management
Agreement with the Commonwealth, a human resources system or systems for all College
employees. On that Effective Date, and until changed by the College or unless otherwise
specified in this Policy, the systems for College employees shall be the same systems applicable
to those employees in effect immediately prior to that Effective Date.
The Board of Visitors of the College shall at all times be fully and ultimately accountable for the
proper fulfillment of the duties and responsibilities set forth in, and for the appropriate
implementation of, this Policy. Consistent with this full and ultimate accountability, however,
the Board may, pursuant to its legally permissible procedures, specifically delegate either herein
or by separate Board resolution the duties and responsibilities set forth in this Policy to a person
or persons within the College, who, while continuing to be fully accountable for such duties and
responsibilities, may further delegate the implementation of those duties and responsibilities
pursuant to the College’s usual delegation policies and procedures.
A. Adoption and Implementation of College Human Resources Systems.
The President is hereby authorized to adopt and implement human resources systems for
employees of the College that are consistent with the Governing Law, other applicable
provisions of law, these College human resources policies for College employees, and any other
human resources policies adopted by the Department of Human Resource Management or the
Board of Visitors for College personnel, unless College employees are exempted from those
other human resources policies by law or policy. The College Human Resources Systems shall
include a delegation of personnel authority to appropriate College officials responsible for
overseeing and implementing the College Human Resources Systems, including a grant of
authority to such officials to engage in further delegation of authority as the President or his
designee deems appropriate.
The College commits to regularly engage employees in appropriate discussions and to receive
employee input as the new College Human Resources Systems are developed. The College will
regularly communicate the details of new proposals to all employees who are eligible to
participate in the College Human Resources System through written communication, open
meetings, and website postings as appropriate, so that employees will have full information that
will help them evaluate the merits of the new human resource system compared to the then-
current State human resource system.
Effective on the Effective Date of its initial Management Agreement with the Commonwealth,
and until amended as described below, the College’s human resources systems shall consist of
the following:
1. The current “College of William and Mary Faculty Handbook,” as it is posted on the
Provost’s website, http://www.wm.edu/provost/index.php, and periodically amended; and
2. The current human resources system for Classified Employees in the College as posted
on the Virginia Department of Human Resource Management website at
http://www.dhrm.state.va.us/hrpolicy/policy.html; and
3. The human resources system for Participating Covered Employees, which shall include
nonsalaried (wage) employees, as posted on the College Human Resources website,
http://www.wm.edu/hr.html and periodically amended.
All the systems describe above, except the system described in paragraph 3, may be amended by
the President, consistent with these human resources policies. The system described in paragraph
3 may be amended only by the State.
B. Training in and Compliance with Applicable Provisions of Law and Board of Visitors’
Human Resources Policies.
The President, or designee, shall take all necessary and reasonable steps to assure (i) that
the College officials who develop, implement and administer the College Human Resources
Systems authorized by Governing Law and these human resources policies are knowledgeable
regarding the requirements of the Governing Law, other applicable provisions of law, these
College human resources policies, and other applicable Board of Visitors' human resources
policies affecting College employees, and (ii) that compliance with such laws and human
resources policies is achieved.
The College Human Resources Systems adopted by the College pursuant to Governing
Law and this Policy, as set forth in Section V above, shall embody the following human
resources policies and principles:
A. Election by College Salaried Nonfaculty Employees.
Upon the adoption by the College of a College Human Resources System, each salaried
nonfaculty College employee who was in the employment of the College, as of the day prior to
the Effective Date of its initial Management Agreement with the Commonwealth shall be
permitted to elect to participate in and be governed by either (i) the State human resources
program set forth in Chapters 28 2.2-2800 et seq.) and 29 2.2-2900 et seq.) of Title 2.2 of
the Code of Virginia, and administered by the Department of Human Resource Management, or
(ii) the College Human Resources System, as appropriate. A salaried nonfaculty College
employee who elects to continue to be governed by the State human resources program described
above shall continue to be governed by all State human resources and benefit plans, programs,
policies and procedures that apply to and govern State employees. A salaried nonfaculty College
employee who elects to participate in and be governed by the College Human Resources System,
by that election, shall be deemed to have elected to be eligible to participate in and to be
governed by the College human resources program, authorized alternative insurance, and
severance plans, programs, policies and procedures that are or may be adopted by the College as
part of that College Human Resources System.
The College shall provide each of its salaried nonfaculty College employees who was in
the employment of the College as of the day prior to the Effective Date of the College’s initial
Management Agreement with the Commonwealth at least 90 days after the date on which the
College Human Resources System becomes effective for that College employee’s classification
of employees to make the election required by the prior paragraph. If such a salaried nonfaculty
College employee does not make an election by the end of that specified election period, that
College employee shall be deemed not to have elected to participate in the College Human
Resources System. If such a salaried nonfaculty College employee elects to participate in the
College Human Resources System, that election shall be irrevocable. At least every two years,
the College shall offer to salaried nonfaculty College employees who have elected to continue to
participate in the state human resources program set forth in Chapters 28 (§ 22.-2800 et seq.) and
29 (§ 2.2-2900 et seq.) of Title 2.2 of the Code of Virginia, an opportunity to elect to participate
in the College Human Resources System, provided that, each time prior to offering such
opportunity to such salaried nonfaculty College employees, and at least once every two years
after the effective date of the College Human Resources System, the College shall make
available to each of its salaried nonfaculty College employees a comparison of its human
resources program for that classification of salaried nonfaculty College employee with the State
human resources program for comparable State employees, including but not limited to a
comparability assessment of compensation and benefits. A copy of the human resources program
comparison shall be provided to the Department of Human Resource Management.
B. Classification and Compensation.
General. The Systems shall include classification and compensation plans that are fair
and reasonable, and are based on the availability of College financial resources. The plans
adopted by the College Participating Covered Employees shall be independent of, and need not
be based on, the classification and compensation plans of the Commonwealth, do not require the
approval of any State agency or officer, and shall be subject to the review and approval by the
Board of Visitors as set forth in paragraph 3 below. The College shall provide information on its
classification and compensation plans to all College employees. The plans applicable to
Participating Covered Employees may or may not include changes in classification or
compensation announced by the Commonwealth depending on such factors as the availability of
necessary financial resources to fund any such changes, and subject to the review and approval
by the Board of Visitors of any major changes in the College’s compensation plans.
Classification Plan. The Systems shall include one or more classification plans for
College employees that classify positions according to job responsibilities and qualifications. On
the Effective Date of the College’s initial Management Agreement with the Commonwealth, and
until changed by the College, the classification plans shall be the same plans that are in effect for
each group of employees immediately prior to that Effective Date.
Compensation Plan. The Systems shall include one or more compensation plans for
each College employee classification or group. On the Effective Date of the College’s initial
Management Agreement with the Commonwealth, and until changed by the Department of
Human Resource Management, the compensation plan for Classified Employees in the College
shall be the compensation plan in effect immediately prior to that Effective Date, known as the
Commonwealth’s Classified Compensation Plan. On that Effective Date, and until changed by
the College, the compensation plan or plans for all Participating Covered Employees shall be the
compensation plan or plans in effect immediately prior to that Effective Date. The College may
adopt one or more compensation plans for Participating Covered Employees that are non-graded
plan(s) based on internal and external market data and other relevant factors to be determined
annually. Any major change in compensation plans for Participating Covered Employees shall
be reviewed and approved by the Board of Visitors before that change becomes effective. Any
change recommended in the compensation plans may take into account the prevailing rates in the
labor market for the jobs in question, or for similar positions, the relative value of jobs, the
competency and skills of the individual employee, internal equity, and the availability of
necessary financial resources to fund the proposed change. The compensation payable to
College employees shall be authorized and approved only by designated College officers
delegated such authority by the College, and shall be consistent with the approved compensation
plan for the relevant position or classification. Further approval by any other State Agency,
governmental body or officer is not required for setting, adjusting or approving the compensation
payable to individual Participating Covered Employees.
Wages. The Systems shall include policies and procedures for the authorization,
computation and payment of wages, where appropriate, for such premium pays as overtime, shift
differential, on call, and call back, and for the payment of hourly employees.
Payment of Compensation. The Systems shall include policies and procedures for
paying compensation to employees, including the establishment of one or more payday
Work Schedule and Workweek. The Systems shall include policies and procedures for
the establishment of, and modifications to, work schedules and workweeks for all College
employees, including alternative work schedules and sites, and telecommuting policies and
Other Classification and Compensation Policies and Procedures. The Systems may
include any other reasonable classification and compensation policies and procedures the
President deems appropriate.
C. Benefits.
The Systems shall provide fringe benefits to all benefits eligible employees, including
retirement benefits, health care insurance, life, disability, and accidental death and
dismemberment insurance. The benefits provided shall include a basic plan of benefits for each
benefits eligible employee, and may include an optional benefits plan for benefits eligible
employees, including additional insurance coverage, long-term care, tax deferred annuities,
flexible reimbursement accounts, employee assistance programs, employee intramural and
recreational passes, and other wellness programs. As provided in § 23-38.119 B and C of the
Act, the College may require Participating Covered Employees to pay all or a portion of the cost
of group life, disability and accidental death and dismemberment insurance, which may be
collected through a payroll deduction program. Participating Covered Employees shall not be
required to present evidence of insurability for basic group life insurance coverage. The Board of
Visitors may elect to provide benefits through Virginia Retirement System group insurance
programs under the terms of and to the extent allowed by § 23-38.119 B and D of the Act or any
other provision of law.
Notwithstanding the above, pursuant to subsection A of § 23-38.114 of the Act, and unless and
until that section is amended, the state retirement system, state health insurance program, and
state workers’ compensation coverage program as they may be amended from time to time, shall
continue to apply to and govern all eligible College employees.
The Systems may provide different benefits plans for reasonably different groups or
classifications of employees, and may provide benefits to part-time employees. On the Effective
Date of the College’s initial Management Agreement with the Commonwealth, and until
changed by the appropriate governing authority, the benefits plans provided by the College to
Classified Employees and Participating Covered Employees shall be the benefits plans provided
to that group or classification as of the date immediately prior to that Effective Date. On or after
that Effective Date, alternative College group life, accidental death and dismemberment, and
short- and long-term disability plans may be provided to eligible Participating Covered
Employees, or at the election of the Board of Visitors and subject to the execution of
participation agreements as provided in subsections B and C of § 23-38.119 of the Act, they may
be provided by the appropriate State programs, but no contributions to the state programs by the
College shall be required for Participating Covered Employees who do not participate in the
programs. Subject to the provisions of the Act, any new plans, programs and material changes
permitted under current law in College employee benefit plans, other than Classified Employee
benefit plans, shall be approved by the Board of Visitors, including the authority to increase the
Cash Match Contribution rate up to the limit permitted by the Code of Virginia based on
available resources, and the authority to implement cafeteria-style benefits for College
employees other than Classified Employees.
Insurance and all proceeds therefrom provided pursuant to § 23-38.119 of the Act shall be
exempt from legal process and may be subject to voluntary assignment as provided in subsection
A of § 23-38.119.
D. Employee Relations.
1. General. The Systems shall contain provisions that protect the rights and privileges of
College employees consistent with sound management principles and fair employment practice
2. Employee Safety and Health. The Systems shall contain provisions that promote
workplace safety compliance with applicable law and regulations.
3. Employee Work Environment. The Systems shall promote a work environment that
is conducive to the performance of job duties, and free from intimidation or coercion in violation
of State or federal law, including sexual harassment or other discrimination.
4. Employee Recognition. The Systems may provide for the use of leave awards and
bonuses specific to policies and procedures for awarding, honoring, or otherwise recognizing
College employees, including but not limited to those who have performed particularly
meritorious service for the College, have been employed by the College for specified periods of
time, or have retired from the College after lengthy service.
5. Counseling Services. The Systems shall provide counseling services through the
State’s Employee Assistance Program or a College Employee Assistance Program to any eligible
College employee experiencing job-related difficulties and seeking counseling for those
difficulties, and shall establish the circumstances under which the time necessary to participate in
such counseling may be granted.
6. Unemployment Compensation. The Systems shall ensure that College employees
receive the full unemployment compensation benefits to which they are legally entitled, and that
the College's liability is limited to legitimate claims for such benefits.
7. Workers’ Compensation. The Systems shall ensure that College employees have
workers’ compensation benefits to which they are legally entitled pursuant to the State
Employees Workers’ Compensation Program administered by the Department of Human
Resource Management.
8. Performance Planning and Evaluation. The Systems shall include one or more
performance planning and evaluation processes for College employees that (i) establish and
communicate the College's performance expectations, (ii) help develop productive working
relationships, (iii) allow employees to present their views concerning their performance, (iv)
identify areas for training or professional development, (v) establish the process by which
evaluations shall be conducted, (vi) clarify how superlative or inadequate performance shall be
addressed, and (vii) ensure that all College employees are provided relevant information on the
evaluation process. The Systems may include separate performance and evaluation processes for
reasonably distinguishable groups of College employees. On the Effective Date of the College’s
initial Management Agreement with the Commonwealth, the existing merit-based performance
management system for faculty shall continue, until amended by the College. On or after that
Effective Date, College nonfaculty salaried Participating Covered Employees may be subject to a
variable merit-based performance management system.
9. Standards of Conduct and Performance. In order to protect the well-being and
rights of all employees and to ensure safe, efficient College operations and compliance with the
law, the Systems shall establish rules of personal conduct and standards of acceptable work
performance for College salaried nonfaculty employees and policies for corrective discipline. In
general, the policies for corrective discipline shall serve to (i) establish a uniform and objective
process for correcting or disciplining unacceptable conduct or work performance, (ii) distinguish
between less serious and more serious actions of misconduct and provide corrective action
accordingly, and (iii) limit corrective action to employee conduct occurring only when
employees are at work or are otherwise representing the College in an official or work-related
capacity, unless otherwise specifically provided by the policies of the Systems or other
applicable law. The Systems may provide for a probationary period for new and re-employed
College salaried nonfaculty employees, during which period the policies for corrective discipline
shall not be applicable and the employee may not use the grievance procedure set forth in the
next paragraph. The Systems may include separate rules of personal conduct and standards of
acceptable work performance and policies for corrective discipline for reasonably distinguishable
groups of College employees.
10. Grievance Procedure. As provided in the Governing Law, employees shall be
encouraged to resolve employment-related problems and complaints informally, and shall be
permitted to discuss their concerns freely and without fear of retaliation with immediate
supervisors and management. In the event that such problems cannot be resolved informally, all
salaried nonfaculty College employees, regardless of their date of hire, shall have access, as
provided in subsection A of § 23-38.114 and in § 23-38.117 of the Act, to the State Grievance
Procedure, Chapter 30 2.2-3000 et seq.) of Title 2.2 of the Code of Virginia, to the extent it
was applicable to their classification of employees prior to the Effective Date of the College’s
initial Management Agreement with the Commonwealth. On that Effective Date, and until
changed by the College, the faculty grievance procedures in effect immediately prior to the
Effective Date shall continue.
11. Discrimination Complaints. If a Classified Employee believes discrimination has
occurred, the Classified Employee may file a complaint with the Department of Human Resource
Management Office of Equal Employment Services. All Covered Employees and applicants for
employment after the Effective Date of the College’s initial Management Agreement with the
Commonwealth shall file a complaint with the appropriate College office or with the appropriate
federal agencies.
12. Layoff Policy. The Systems shall include one or more layoff policies for salaried
College employees who lose their jobs for reasons other than their job performance or conduct,
such as a reduction in force or reorganization at the College. These College layoff policies shall
govern such issues as (i) whether there is a need to effect a layoff, (ii) actions to be taken prior to
a layoff, (iii) notice to employees affected by a layoff, (iv) placement options within the College
or its respective major divisions and within other parts of the College, (v) the preferential
employment rights, if any, of various College employees, (vi) the effect of layoff on leave and
service, and (vii) the policy for recalling employees. In accordance with the terms of the Act,
College employees who: (i) were employed prior to the Effective Date of the College’s initial
Management Agreement with the Commonwealth, (ii) would otherwise be eligible for severance
benefits under the Workforce Transition Act, (iii) were covered by the Virginia Personnel Act
prior to that Effective Date, and (iv) are separated because of a reduction in force shall have the
same preferential hiring rights with State agencies and other executive branch institutions as
Classified Employees have under § 2.2-3201 of the Code of Virginia. Conversely, the College
shall recognize the hiring preference conferred by § 2.2-3201 on State employees who were
hired by a State agency or executive branch institution before the Effective Date of the College’s
initial Management Agreement with the Commonwealth and who were separated after that date
by that State agency or executive branch institution because of a reduction in workforce. If the
College has adopted a classification system pursuant to § 23-38.116 of the Act that differs from
the classification system administered by the Department of Human Resource Management, the
College shall classify the separated employee according to its classification system and shall
place the separated employee appropriately. The College may include separate policies for
reasonably distinguishable groups of College employees. On or after the Effective Date of the
College’s initial Management Agreement with the Commonwealth, all employees from other
State agencies and executive branch institutions who are placed by the College under the
provisions of the State Layoff Policy shall be Participating Covered Employees.
13. Severance Benefits. In accordance with the terms of the Act, the College shall adopt
severance policies for salaried Participating Covered Employees who are involuntarily separated
for reasons unrelated to performance or conduct. The terms and conditions of such policies shall
be determined by the Board of Visitors. Classified Employees who otherwise would be eligible
and were employed prior to the Effective Date of the College’s initial Management Agreement
with the Commonwealth shall be covered by the Workforce Transition Act, Chapter 32 2.2-
3200 et seq.) of Title 2.2 of the Code of Virginia. The College and the Board of the Virginia
Retirement System may negotiate a formula according to which cash severance benefits may be
converted to years of age or creditable service for Participating Covered Employees who
participate in the Virginia Retirement System. An employee’s becoming, on the Effective Date,
a Covered Employee shall not constitute a severance or reduction in force to which severance or
Workforce Transition Act policies would apply.
14. Use of Alcohol and Other Drugs. The Systems shall include policies and
procedures that (i) establish and maintain a work environment at the College that is free from the
adverse effect of alcohol and other drugs, (ii) are consistent with the federal Drug-Free
Workplace Act of 1988 and with the College of William and Mary Alcohol and Other Drugs
Policy, (iii) describe the range of authorized disciplinary action, including termination where
appropriate, for violations of such policies and procedures, and the process to be followed in
taking such disciplinary action, (iv) provide College employees access to assistance and
treatment for problems involving alcohol and other drugs, (v) provide for the circumstances
under which employees are required to report certain violations of the policies and procedures to
their supervisor, and the College is required to report those violations to a federal contracting or
granting agency, (vi) describe the circumstances under which personnel records of actions taken
under the College’s alcohol and other drugs policy shall not be kept confidential, and (vii)
provide notice to College employees of the scope and content of the College alcohol and other
drugs policy. As part of this alcohol and other drugs policy, and in compliance with the federal
Omnibus Transportation Employee Testing Act of 1991, the Systems may provide for pre-
employment, reasonable suspicion, random, post-accident, return-to-duty and follow-up alcohol
and other drug testing for College positions that are particularly safety sensitive, such as those
requiring a Commercial Driver’s License.
15. Background Checks. The Systems shall include a process for conducting
background checks, which may include but is not limited to reference checks, educational/
professional credentialing checks, and conviction and driver’s records checks on applicants for
full-time or part-time positions at the College, and for addressing situations where employees do
not disclose a conviction on their application or otherwise falsify their application with regard to
information concerning their education/professional credential and/or prior convictions.
16. Other Employee Relations Policies and Procedures. The Systems shall include
any other reasonable employee relations policies or procedures that the President deems
appropriate, which may include, but are not limited to, policies or procedures relating to
orientation programs for new or re-employed College employees, an employee suggestion
program, the responsibility of College employees for property placed in their charge, work
breaks, inclement weather and emergencies, and employment outside the College.
E. Leave and Release Time.
The Systems shall include policies and procedures regarding leave for eligible
employees. The Systems shall provide reasonable paid leave for purposes such as holidays,
vacation, or other personal uses. The Systems may provide for release time for such matters as
the donation of blood, participation in an employee assistance program and other appropriate
employment-related matters. On or after the Effective Date of its initial Management Agreement
with the Commonwealth, and until a new program is adopted by the appropriate authority, the
College shall continue to provide leave and release time to Participating Covered Employees in
accordance with the leave and release time policies and procedures applicable to each
classification of employees prior to that Effective Date. On or after that Effective Date, the
College may provide an alternative leave and release time system for salaried nonfaculty
Participating Covered Employees.
F. Equal Employment Opportunity, Nondiscrimination, Employment, and Separation.
1. Equal Employment Opportunity and Nondiscrimination. The Systems shall
contain policies and procedures to ensure that all aspects of human resources management,
including the employment of College employees, meet all requirements of federal and state law,
and of the relevant policies of the Board of Visitors, with regard to equal employment
opportunity and nondiscrimination.
Employment. The Systems shall include policies and procedures for the recruitment,
selection and hiring of College employees that are based on merit and fitness, including where
appropriate a requirement for job posting, interviews, pre-employment testing, pre-employment
drug testing, reference checks and conviction record checks. On and after the Effective Date of
its initial Management Agreement with the Commonwealth, the College shall post all salaried
nonfaculty position vacancies through the College’s job posting system, the Commonwealth’s
job posting system, and other external media as appropriate. The Systems shall establish
designated veterans' re-employment rights in accordance with applicable law.
In order to encourage employees to attain the highest level positions for which they are qualified,
and to compensate employees for accepting positions of increased value and responsibility, the
Systems shall include policies and procedures governing the promotion of employees, including
the effect of promotion on an employee's compensation.
On or after the Effective Date of the College’s initial Management Agreement with the
Commonwealth, all employees hired from other state agencies shall be Participating Covered
Employees. College Classified Employees who change jobs within the College through a
competitive employment process i.e., promotion or transfer shall have the choice of
remaining a Classified Employee or becoming a Participating Covered Employee. If a Classified
Employee elects to become a Participating Covered Employee, that decision shall be irrevocable.
Notice of Separation. The Systems shall include policies and procedures requiring
reasonable notice, where appropriate, of a decision either by the employee or by the College to
separate the employee from the College in accordance with policies governing performance,
conduct, or layoff.
G. Information Systems.
The College shall provide an electronic file transfer of information on all salaried College
employees and shall continue to provide the Employee Position Reports to meet the human
resources reporting requirements specified by law or by request of the Governor or the General
Assembly, unless the College is specifically exempted from those requirements. The College
shall conduct assessments to demonstrate its accountability for human resources practices that
comply with laws and regulations. The Department of Human Resource Management and the
College have entered into a Memorandum of Understanding, attached hereto as Attachment 2,
which may be amended from time to time by agreement of the parties, regarding the specific data
and reporting requirements. The College shall be accountable for ensuring the timeliness and
integrity of the data transmitted to the Department of Human Resources Management.
On and after the Effective Date of its initial Management Agreement with the
Commonwealth, College employees shall be subject to the terms and conditions of the Act and
the Management Agreement between the Commonwealth and the College. Classified
Employees shall continue to be subject to the human resources policies and exceptions to those
policies adopted or approved by the Department of Human Resource Management.
In addition, all College employees also shall remain subject to any other human resources
policies adopted by the Board of Visitors applicable to College personnel unless College
employees or a subset thereof are specifically exempted from those other human resources
policies either by those other policies or by this Policy.
Memorandum of Understanding
Between The College of William and Mary and the
Department of Human Resources Management Regarding
The Reporting of Human Resources Management Data
This Memorandum of Understanding, which may be amended from time to time by the
agreement of all parties, is an attachment to the Policy Governing Human Resources for
Participating Covered Employees and Other College Employees pursuant to the Restructured
Higher Education Financial and Administrative Operations Act of 2005, and is hereby entered
into between the College of William and Mary and the Department of Human Resource
Management (DHRM).
I. This document outlines the provisions for information management pertaining to human
resources data, consistent with the objectives to enable DHRM to meet the Commonwealth’s
reporting requirements, to ensure compliance with relevant federal and state laws and
regulations, and to do so through efficient and cost-effective methods.
1. In lieu of data entry into the state’s Personnel Management Information System (PMIS), data
will be transmitted through an electronic file transfer to update DHRM’s warehouse.
a. The College will provide a flat file of designated personnel data. For “Classified
Employees,” the data provided will match DHRM’s data values for the designated fields.
For salaried “Participating Covered Employees, the data provided will include the
University’s data values for the designated fields. The College will provide a data
dictionary to DHRM. The file of designated data will be specifically described by an
addendum to this Memorandum upon the agreement of the University and DHRM.
b. The College will provide a second flat file of salaried personnel actions for “Classified
Employees” and salaried “Participating Covered Employees,” such as promotions,
separations, and salary adjustments. The file of relevant personnel actions and designated
data to be provided for each action will be specifically described by an addendum to this
Memorandum upon the agreement of the University and DHRM.
2. DHRM will accept the federal Affirmative Action Plan (AAP), including the adverse impact
analyses of employment and compensation actions that are part of the AAP, as demonstration of
the College’s compliance with relevant federal and state employment laws and regulations.
3. The College may key data into the Benefits Enrollment System or provide a batch file, or
employees may use Employee Direct (employee self-service).
4. Other reports to be provided by the College include the following:
a. Monthly Employment Position Report.
b. Annual report on salaried, wage, and contract employees.
The undersigned hereby agree to the provisions contained in the MOU.
The College of William and Mary:
By: ..............................................................................Date.......................................
Vice President for Administration
Department of Human Resources Management:
By: ..............................................................................Date.......................................
Director, Department of Human Resources Management
ACT OF 2005
The Restructured Higher Education Financial and Administrative Operations Act (the Act),
Chapter 4.10 (§ 23-38.88 et seq.) of Title 23 of the Code of Virginia, establishes by law a process
for granting additional authority to institutions of higher education for financial operations and
management, subject to the adoption of policies by their governing boards and the approval of
management agreements to be negotiated with the Commonwealth.
The following provisions of this Policy constitute the adopted Board of Visitors policies
regarding the College of William and Mary’s financial operations and management.
This Policy is intended to cover the authority that may be granted to the College pursuant to
Subchapter 3 of the Act. Any other powers and authorities granted to the College pursuant to the
Appropriation Act, or any other sections of the Code of Virginia, including other provisions of
the Act and the College’s Enabling Legislation, are not affected by this Policy.
As used in this policy, the following terms shall have the following meanings, unless the context
requires otherwise:
“Act” means the Restructured Higher Education Financial and Administrative Operations
Act, Chapter 4.10 (§ 23-38.88 et seq.) of Title 23 of the Code of Virginia.
“Board of Visitors” or “Board” means the Rector and Board of Visitors of the College of
William and Mary and the Virginia Institute of Marine Science.
“College” means the College of William and Mary (State Agency 204) and the Virginia
Institute of Marine Science (State Agency 268).
“Covered Institution” means, on or after the Effective Date of its initial Management
Agreement with the Commonwealth of Virginia, a public institution of higher education of the
Commonwealth that has entered into a Management Agreement with the Commonwealth to be
governed by the provisions of Subchapter 3 of the Act.
“Enabling Legislation” means those chapters, other than Chapter 4.10, of title 23 of the
Code of Virginia, as amended, creating, continuing, or otherwise setting forth the powers,
purposes, and missions of the College.
“Effective Date” means the effective date of the initial Management Agreement between
the College and the Commonwealth.
“Management Agreement” means the agreement required by subsection D of § 23-38.88
of the Act between the College and the Commonwealth of Virginia.
“State Tax Supported Debt” means bonds, notes or other obligations issued under Article
X, Section 9(a), 9(b), or 9(c), or 9(d), if the debt service payments are made or ultimately are to
be made from general government funds, as defined in the December 20, 2004 Report to the
Governor and General Assembly of the Debt Capacity Advisory Committee or as that definition
is amended from time to time.
This Policy applies to the College’s responsibility for management, investment and
stewardship of all its financial resources, including but not limited to, general, non-general and
private funds. This responsibility includes maintaining an independent uniform system of
accounting, financial reporting, and internal controls adequate to protect and account for the
College’s financial resources.
The Virginia Institute of Marine Science (the Institute) shall receive the benefits of this
Policy as it is implemented by the College on behalf of the Institute, but the Institute shall not
receive any additional independent financial operations and management authority as a result of
this Management Agreement beyond the independent financial operations and management
authority that it had prior to the Effective Date of the College’s initial Management Agreement
with the Commonwealth or that it may be granted by law in the future.
The Board of Visitors of the College shall at all times be fully and ultimately accountable
for the proper fulfillment of the duties and responsibilities set forth in, and for the appropriate
implementation of, this Policy. Consistent with this full and ultimate accountability, however,
the Board may, pursuant to its legally permissible procedures, specifically delegate either herein
or by separate Board resolution the duties and responsibilities set forth in this Policy to a person
or persons within the College, who, while continuing to be fully accountable for such duties and
responsibilities, may further delegate the implementation of those duties and responsibilities
pursuant to the College’s usual delegation policies and procedures.
The President, or designee, shall continue to be authorized by the Board to maintain
existing and implement new policies governing the management of College financial resources.
These policies shall continue to (i) ensure compliance with Generally Accepted Accounting
Principles, (ii) ensure consistency with the current accounting principles employed by the
Commonwealth, including the use of fund accounting principles, with regard to the
establishment of the underlying accounting records of the College and the allocation and
utilization of resources within the accounting system, including the relevant guidance provided
by the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia chart of accounts with regard to the
allocation and proper use of funds from specific types of fund sources, (iii) provide adequate risk
management and internal controls to protect and safeguard all financial resources, including
moneys transferred to the College pursuant to a general fund appropriation, and ensure
compliance with the requirements of the Appropriation Act.
The financial management system shall continue to include a financial reporting system
to satisfy both the requirements for inclusion into the Commonwealth’s Comprehensive Annual
Financial Report, as specified in the related State Comptroller’s Directives, and the College’s
separately audited financial statements. To ensure observance of limitations and restrictions
placed on the use of the resources available to the College, the accounting and bookkeeping
system of the College shall continue to be maintained in accordance with the principles
prescribed for governmental organizations by the Governmental Accounting Standards Board.
In addition, the financial management system shall continue to provide financial
reporting for the President, or designee, and the Board of Visitors to enable them to provide
adequate oversight of the financial operations of the College. Upon the Effective Date of the
initial Management Agreement between the College and the Commonwealth, except for the
recordation of daily revenue deposits of State funds as specified in Section VII below, the
College shall not be required to record its financial transactions in of the Commonwealth’s
Accounting and Reporting System (“CARS”), including the current monthly interfacing with
CARS , or be a part of any subsequent Commonwealth financial systems that replace CARS or
are in addition to CARS, but shall have its own financial reporting system. The College’s
financial reporting system shall provide (i) summary monthly reports for State agencies
including, but not limited to, the Department of Accounts, the Department of Planning and
Budget, the Joint Legislative Audit and Review Commission, the Auditor of Public Accounts,
and the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia, and for the Chairmen of the Senate
Committee on Finance and the House Committee on Appropriations at a sufficient level of
detail, on such schedule, and using such format that is compatible with the Commonwealth’s
accounting system, as may be requested by the requesting State agency, and (ii) such other
special reports as may be requested from time to time.
The President, or designee, shall create and implement any and all financial management
policies necessary to establish a financial management system with adequate risk management
and internal control processes and procedures for the effective protection and management of all
College financial resources. Such policies will not address the underlying accounting principles
and policies employed by the Commonwealth and the College, but rather will focus on the
internal operations of the College's financial management. These policies shall include, but need
not be limited to, the development of a tailored set of finance and accounting practices that seek
to support the College's specific business and administrative operating environment in order to
improve the efficiency and effectiveness of its business and administrative functions. In general,
the system of independent financial management policies shall be guided by the general
principles contained in the Commonwealth’s Accounting Policies and Procedures such as
establishing strong risk management and internal accounting controls to ensure College financial
resources are properly safeguarded and that appropriate stewardship of public funds is obtained
through management’s oversight of the effective and efficient use of such funds in the
performance of College programs.
Upon the Effective Date of its initial Management Agreement with the Commonwealth,
the College shall continue to follow the Commonwealth’s accounting policies until such time as
specific alternate policies can be developed, approved and implemented. Such alternate policies
shall include applicable accountability measures and shall be submitted to the State Comptroller
for review and comment before they are implemented by the College.
Under § 23-38.104(A)(i) of the Act, subject to applicable accountability measures and
audits, the College shall have the power and authority to manage all monies received by it. All
State general funds to be allocated to the College shall remain subject to the appropriations
Pursuant to subsection C of § 23-9.6:1.01 of the Code of Virginia, the State Council of
Higher Education for Virginia (SCHEV) annually shall assess and certify to the Governor and
General Assembly the degree to which each public institution of higher education of the
Commonwealth has met the financial and administrative management and educational-related
performance benchmarks called for by that subsection and approved as part of the Appropriation
Act then in effect for the State goals and objectives set forth in subdivisions B 1 through B 11 of
§ 23-38.88 of the Act. Pursuant to § 2.2-5005 of the Code of Virginia, beginning with the fiscal
year that immediately follows the first full fiscal year for which the financial and administrative
management and educational-related performance benchmarks described in § 23-9.6:1.01 are
effective, as provided in a general Appropriation Act, and for all fiscal years thereafter, each
public institution of higher education of the Commonwealth that (i) has been certified during the
fiscal year by SCHEV as having met such institutional performance benchmarks and (ii) meets
the conditions prescribed in subsection B of § 23-38.88, shall receive certain financial incentives,
including interest on the tuition and fees and other non-general fund Education and General
Revenues deposited into the State Treasury by the public institution of higher education.
Consistent with the prior paragraph, beginning with the fiscal year following the first
fiscal year for which it has received such certification from SCHEV, the College is authorized to
hold and invest tuition, Educational and General (E&G) fees, research and sponsored program
funds, auxiliary enterprise funds, and all other non-general fund revenues subject to the
following requirements:
i) The College shall deposit such funds in the State Treasury pursuant to the State
process in place at the time of such deposit;.
ii) Such non-general funds deposited in the State Treasury shall be disbursed as provided
in Section IX below;.
iii) The College shall remit to the State Comptroller quarterly and the State Comptroller
shall hold in escrow all interest earned on the College's tuition and fees and other non-
general fund Educational and General Revenues. Interest earned on the escrow account
shall be deposited to the account. Upon receipt of the required State Council of Higher
Education for Virginia certification that the College has met such institutional
performance benchmarks and the conditions prescribed in subsection B of § 23-38.88, the
Governor shall include in the next budget bill a non-general fund appropriation, payable
no later than July 1 of the immediately following fiscal year, equivalent to the amount
deposited in the escrow account as the financial incentive provided in subdivision 1 of §
2.2-5005, after which time the College may expend the funds for purposes related to its
mission. If public institutions of higher education of the Commonwealth are permitted, or
the College in particular is permitted, by the Appropriation Act or other law to retain or
be paid the interest the Commonwealth would have earned on sponsored programs and
research funds, then this paragraph shall not apply to such interest on such funds, and
such interest shall not be held in escrow.
iv) If in any given year the College does not receive the certification from the State
Council of Higher Education for Virginia that it has met for that year the institutional
benchmarks called for by subsection C of § 23-9.6:1.01 and approved in the then-current
Appropriation Act, the Comptroller shall transfer to the general fund the balance in the
escrow account as of June 30 of that year.
v) Beginning on the effective date of its initial Management Agreement with the College
until the beginning of the first fiscal year following the fiscal year for which it has
received the required certification from SCHEV, the College shall continue to deposit
tuition and all other non-general funds with the State Treasurer by the same process that
it would have been required to use if it had not entered into a Management Agreement
with the Commonwealth.
vi) On the first business day of the first fiscal year following the fiscal year for which it
has received the required certification from SCHEV, the College may draw down all cash
balances held by the State Treasurer on behalf of the College related to tuition, E&G fees,
research and sponsored programs, auxiliary enterprises, and all other non-general fund
vii) The Commonwealth shall retain all funds related to general fund appropriations, but
shall pay these funds to the College as specified in Section IX below.
The College also shall have sum sufficient appropriation authority for all non-general
funds as approved by the Governor and the General Assembly in the Commonwealth’s biennial
appropriations process, and shall report to the Department of Planning and Budget (i) its estimate
of the non-general fund revenues for the sum sufficient appropriation to be included in the
biennial Budget Bill for each of the two years in the next biennium by November 1 of each odd
numbered year and the estimate to be included in the Budget Bill for the first and second year of
the then-current biennium by November 1 of each even numbered year, and (ii) report its actual
non-general fund revenues for each fiscal year to the Department of Planning and Budget by July
31 of the subsequent fiscal year.
The Board of Visitors shall retain the authority to establish tuition, fee, room, board, and
other charges, with appropriate commitment provided to need-based grant aid for middle- and
lower-income undergraduate Virginians. Except as provided otherwise in the Appropriation Act
then in effect, it is the intent of the Commonwealth and the College that the College shall be
exempt from the revenue restrictions in the general provisions of the Appropriation Act related to
non-general funds. In addition, unless prohibited by the Appropriation Act then in effect, it is
the intent of the Commonwealth and the College that the College shall be entitled to retain non-
general fund savings generated from changes in Commonwealth rates and charges, including but
not limited to health, life, and disability insurance rates, retirement contribution rates,
telecommunications charges, and utility rates, rather than reverting such savings back to the
Commonwealth. This financial resource policy assists the College by providing the framework
for retaining and managing non-general funds, for the receipt of general funds, and for the use
and stewardship of all these funds.
The President, or designee, shall continue to provide oversight of the College’s cash
management system which is the framework for the retention of non-general funds. The Internal
Audit Department of the College shall periodically audit the College’s cash management system
in accordance with appropriate risk assessment models and make reports to the Audit Committee
of the Board of Visitors. Additional oversight shall continue to be provided through the annual
audit and assessment of internal controls performed by the Auditor of Public Accounts.
For the receipt of general and non-general funds, the College shall conform to the
Security for Public Deposits Act, Chapter 44 2.2-4400 et seq.) of Title 2.2 of the Code of
Virginia, as it currently exists and from time to time may be amended.
The President, or designee, shall continue to be authorized to create and implement any
and all Accounts Receivable Management and Collection policies as part of a system for the
management of College financial resources. The policies shall be guided by the requirements of
the Virginia Debt Collection Act, Chapter 48 2.2-4800 et seq.) of the Code of Virginia, such
that the College shall take all appropriate and cost effective actions to aggressively collect
accounts receivable in a timely manner.
These shall include, but not be limited to, establishing the criteria for granting credit to
College customers; establishing the nature and timing of collection procedures within the above
general principles; and the independent authority to select and contract with collection agencies
and, after consultation with the Office of the Attorney General, private attorneys as needed to
perform any and all collection activities for all College accounts receivable such as reporting
delinquent accounts to credit bureaus, obtaining judgments, garnishments, and liens against such
debtors, and other actions. In accordance with sound collection activities, the College shall
continue to utilize the Commonwealth’s Debt Set Off Collection programs and procedures, shall
develop procedures acceptable to the Tax Commissioner and the State Comptroller to implement
such programs, and shall provide a quarterly summary report of receivables to the Department of
Accounts in accordance with the reporting procedures established pursuant to the Virginia Debt
Collection Act.
The President, or designee, shall continue to be authorized to create and implement any
and all disbursement policies as part of a system for the management of College financial
resources. The disbursement management policies shall continue to define the appropriate and
reasonable uses of all funds, from whatever source derived, in the execution of the College’s
operations. These policies also shall continue to address the timing of appropriate and
reasonable disbursements consistent with the Prompt Payment Act, and the appropriateness of
certain goods or services relative to the College’s mission, including travel-related
disbursements. Further, the College’s disbursement policy shall continue to provide for the
mechanisms by which payments are made including the use of charge cards, warrants, and
electronic payments. Since the College no longer will interface to the CARS system or any
replacement for the CARS system for disbursements, the College shall establish its own
mechanisms for electronic payments to vendors through Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) or
similar process and payments to the Commonwealth’s Debt Set Off Collection Programs.
Beginning with the fiscal year after the first fiscal year for which it first receives the
required certification from SCHEV, the College may draw down its general fund appropriations
(subject to available cash) and tuition and E&G fees and other non-general fund revenues from
the State Treasury. Such funds shall be available to the College for disbursement as provided in
the then-current rules of the Automated Clearing House (ACH) Network. The draw down of
funds may be initiated in accordance with the following schedule:
i) The College may draw down one-twenty-fourth (1/24) of its annual general fund
appropriation for Educational and General programs on or about the first and fifteenth
days of each month with adjustments as needed to meet short-term cash requirements
associated with the Commonwealth's bi-monthly pay dates, and up to 50% of its annual
general fund appropriation for Student Financial Assistance on or after September 1 of
each year with the remaining 50% to be drawn on or after February 1 of each year in
order to meet student obligations;
ii) The College may draw down the sum of all tuition and E&G fees and all other non-
general revenues deposited to the State Treasury each day on the same business day they
were deposited; and
iii) The College anticipates that expenditures could exceed available revenues from time
to time during the year if the above disbursement schedule is used. When the College
projects a cost deficit in activities supported by general fund appropriations, the College
may make a request to the State Comptroller for an early draw on its appropriated general
funds deposited in the State Treasury, in a form and within a timeframe agreeable to the
parties, in order to cover expenditures.
These disbursement policies shall authorize the President, or designee, to independently select,
engage, and contract for such consultants, accountants, and financial experts, and other such
providers of expert advice and consultation, and, after consultation with the Office of the
Attorney General, private attorneys, as may be necessary or desirable in his or her discretion.
The policies also shall continue to include the ability to locally manage and administer the
Commonwealth’s credit card and cost recovery programs related to disbursements, subject to any
restrictions contained in the Commonwealth’s contracts governing those programs, provided that
the College shall submit the credit card and cost recovery aspects of its financial and operations
policies to the State Comptroller for review and comment prior to implementing those aspects of
those policies. The disbursement policies shall ensure that adequate risk management and
internal control procedures shall be maintained over previously decentralized processes for
public records, payroll, and non-payroll disbursements. The College shall continue to provide
summary quarterly prompt payment reports to the Department of Accounts in accordance with
the reporting procedures established pursuant to the Prompt Payment Act.
The College’s disbursement policies shall be guided by the principles of the
Commonwealth’s policies as included in the Commonwealth’s Accounting Policy and
Procedures Manual. Upon the Effective Date of its initial Management Agreement with the
Commonwealth, the College shall continue to follow the Commonwealth’s disbursement policies
until such time as specific alternative policies can be developed, approved and implemented.
Such alternate policies shall be submitted to the State Comptroller for review and comment prior
to their implementation by the College.
The President, or designee, shall continue to be authorized to create and implement any
and all debt management policies as part of a system for the management of College financial
Pursuant to § 23-38.108(B) of the Act, the College shall have the authority to issue
bonds, notes, or other obligations that do not constitute State Tax Supported Debt, as determined
by the Treasury Board, and that are consistent with debt capacity and management policies and
guidelines established by its Board of Visitors, without obtaining the consent of any legislative
body, elected official, commission, board, bureau, or agency of the Commonwealth or of any
political subdivision, and without any proceedings or conditions other than those specifically
required by Subchapter 3 of the Act; provided that, the College shall notify the Treasurer of
Virginia of its intention to issue bonds pursuant to this Policy at the time it adopts the bond
issuance planning schedule for those bonds. Any new or revised debt capacity and management
policy shall be submitted to the Treasurer of Virginia for review and comment prior to its
adoption by the College.
The College recognizes that there are numerous types of financing structures and funding
sources available each with specific benefits, risks, and costs. All potential funding sources shall
be reviewed by the President, or designee, within the context of the overall portfolio to ensure
that any financial product or structure is consistent with the College’s objectives. Regardless of
the financing structure(s) utilized, the President, or designee, shall obtain sufficient
documentation to gain a full understanding of the transaction, including (i) the identification of
potential risks and benefits, and (ii) an analysis of the impact on College creditworthiness and
debt capacity. All such debt or financial products issued pursuant to the provisions of §§ 23.38-
107 and 23.38-108 of the Act, shall be authorized by resolution of the Board of Visitors,
providing that they do not constitute State Tax Supported Debt.
The College will establish guidelines relating to the total permissible amount of
outstanding debt by monitoring College-wide ratios that measure debt compared to College
balance-sheet resources and annual debt service burden. These measures will be monitored and
reviewed regularly in light of the College’s current strategic initiatives and expected debt
requirements. The Board of Visitors shall periodically review and approve the College’s debt
capacity and debt management guidelines. Any change in the guidelines shall be submitted to
the Treasurer of Virginia for review and comment prior to their adoption by the College.
It is the policy of the College to invest its operating and reserve funds solely in the
interest of the College and in a manner that will provide the highest investment return with the
maximum security while meeting daily cash flow demands and conforming to the Investment of
Public Funds Act 2.2-4500 et seq.) of the Code of Virginia). Investments shall be made with
the care, skill, prudence and diligence under the circumstances then prevailing that a prudent
person acting in a like capacity and familiar with such matters would use in the conduct of an
enterprise of a like character and with like aims.
Endowment investments shall be invested and managed in accordance with the Uniform
Management of Institutional Funds Act, §§ 55-268.1 through 55-268.10, and § 23-76.1 of the
Code of Virginia.
The Board of Visitors shall periodically review and approve the investment guidelines
governing the College’s operating and reserve funds.
By July 1 of each odd-numbered year, the College shall inform the Secretary of Finance
of any intent during the next biennium to withdraw from any insurance or risk management
program made available to the College through the Commonwealth’s Division of Risk
Management and in which the College is then participating, to enable the Commonwealth to
complete an adverse selection analysis of any such decision and to determine the additional costs
to the Commonwealth that would result from any such withdrawal. If upon notice of such
additional costs to the Commonwealth, the College proceeds to withdraw from the insurance or
risk management program, the College shall reimburse the Commonwealth for all such
additional costs attributable to such withdrawal, as determined by the Commonwealth's actuaries.
Such payment shall be made in a manner agreeable to both the College and the Commonwealth.
SECTION 4.3. Term of Agreement. This Management Agreement shall expire at midnight on
June 30, 2012, provided that on or before November 15, 2011, the Governor provides to the
Chairmen of the House Committee on Appropriations and the Senate Committee on Finance
written notification that this Management Agreement needs to be renegotiated or revised. If such
notification is not received, this Management Agreement shall continue in effect until June 30,