Microsoft’s vision for
AI in the enterprise
The promise of AI is holistic transformation ................................................................... 3
Redefining the enterprise through AI .............................................................................. 4
Every application ................................................................................................................... 4
Comprehensive AI platform ........................................................................................ 4
Trusted AI services .......................................................................................................... 5
Conversational AI ............................................................................................................. 5
Every business process ....................................................................................................... 7
Transformation across industries .............................................................................. 7
Transformation within industries ............................................................................... 8
Transformation at Microsoft ..................................................................................... 10
Every employee ................................................................................................................... 11
Turn disparate data into knowledge ...................................................................... 11
Enrich employee experiences with searchable knowledge ........................... 12
Drive innovation with democratised AI ................................................................ 13
Accelerate enterprise transformation with Microsoft ............................................... 14
Principles driving Microsoft AI innovation in the enterprise ............................. 14
Innovation ......................................................................................................................... 14
Empowerment ................................................................................................................. 15
Ethics ................................................................................................................................... 15
AI for Good ............................................................................................................................ 16
AI for Accessibility ......................................................................................................... 16
AI for Humanitarian Action ........................................................................................ 17
AI for Earth ....................................................................................................................... 17
Get started today ................................................................................................................ 17
The promise of AI is holistic
AI technology is changing the way the world does business. A study by PwC
calculated that global GDP will increase by 14% by 2030 as a result of AI
adoption, contributing an additional $15.7T to the global economy (PwC,
In the next five years, business executives across the globe expect AI
to have a positive impact on growth (90%), productivity (86%) and job
creation (69%) in their country and industry (Economist Intelligence Unit,
And this growth isn’t limited to specific industries. According to
Gartner, “Any organisation in any industry, especially those with very large
amounts of data, can use AI for business value.” (Gartner, 2018).
With such enormous potential, it’s no wonder that enterprises are ramping
up their AI spend. The majority of enterprises surveyed by Constellation
Research are planning to increase their AI investment by more than 50% in
2018 (Constellation Research, 2018).
But, there’s a problem. While everyone knows AI has broad transformative
potential, enterprises struggle to translate this potential into tangible
advantages. Some of the key obstacles to organisations’ progress with AI
include “the requirements to establish a strategy and goals, justify projects
and secure formal funding” (Gartner, 2018).
Without a comprehensive
strategy, enterprises often utilise AI only for limited use cases.
However, these single-use cases only scratch the surface of the potential of
AI. We believe the real power of AI rests in its ability to holistically transform
enterprises and redefine business in ways that move beyond our imagination.
To make this happen, organisations need a long-term strategy and a
technology partner that goes beyond providing run-of-the-mill solutions and
acts as a strategic thought partner. As AI implementation continues to
expand, this partnership must be capable of meeting the needs and concerns
of the enterprise, such as security and scalability. It must also ensure that all
employees, regardless of technical expertise, are able to benefit.
We want to pursue democratising
AI just like we pursued
information at your fingertips
Satya Nadella
Redefining the enterprise
through AI
At Microsoft, we believe that enterprises can achieve far more with a
comprehensive AI strategy rather than incremental changes through isolated
use cases. Our vision for the enterprise is to enable every company to
transform by bringing AI to every application, every business process and
every employee and as a result, achieve more than it ever thought
Every application
Quickly and easily develop intelligent applications to create
engaging user experiences and surface unprecedented insights.
One of the clearest use cases of AI is creating business applications with
intelligent capabilities. Use of AI in applications is rapidly increasing; by 2021,
75% of commercial enterprise apps will use AI (IDC, 2017).
AI offers
tremendous opportunity to increase the functionality of existing business
applications and turn them into tools for more effective customer
engagement and employee productivity. However, most organisations’ app
developers do not have the AI expertise needed to make this a reality.
To help developers integrate AI into every application, we are giving them
the tools needed to build the next generation of smart applications where
their enterprise data lives in the intelligent cloud, on-premises and on the
intelligent edge. By putting the reins of innovation in the hands of each
developer, they can then build intelligent apps that can see, hear, speak,
understand and interpret user needs.
To that end, Microsoft provides a comprehensive set of offerings to
developers in the enterprise ranging from flexible tools for those that want
to build from the ground up, to plug-and-play APIs that integrate AI
capabilities into apps with minimal coding requirements.
Comprehensive AI platform
To help developers and data scientists build intelligent apps, we are creating
tools and services that make AI integration faster and easier. For example, we
developed PowerApps for Dynamics 365, a powerful tool that enables faster
innovation with a point-and-click approach to app design.
The Azure AI platform is no different. It features modern AI tools and services
designed to help developers and data scientists create AI solutions easily,
while maximising productivity. Users can choose from a large selection of
templates, or start from a blank canvas, to build a custom app based on the
Common Data Model. Popular deep-learning frameworks enable developers
to harness intelligence with massive datasets on a platform with
Transform your organisation
by bringing AI to…
Every application
Quickly and easily develop
intelligent applications to
create engaging user
experiences and surface
unprecedented insights.
Every business process
Enhance every business
process with intelligence to
expand customer
engagement, optimise
operations and improve
Every employee
Foster innovation and
collaboration across the
enterprise by placing AI in the
hands of every employee.
comprehensive support. And our enterprise-grade AI infrastructure runs AI
workloads anywhere at scale.
To further simplify the creation of AI solutions, Microsoft also offers a
comprehensive set of flexible and trusted AI services.
Trusted AI services
Our trusted AI services accelerate the development of AI solutions from
pre-built APIs, such as Cognitive Services and Conversational AI with bot
tools, to platforms for building custom models such as Azure Machine
Learning Studio.
Pre-built services (Cognitive Services) enable developers to make their apps
more intelligent and engaging by infusing them with cognitive capabilities.
These services are high-quality RESTful intelligent APIs for Vision, Speech,
Language, Knowledge and Search. With just a few lines of code, developers
that are new to AI can infuse their applications with cognitive capabilities to
communicate with users in natural language, identify relevant content in
images and recognise users by voice.
Custom models built on Azure Machine Learning Studio enable
organisations to make better decisions, at any scale, when it matters. Azure
Machine Learning Studio is a fully managed cloud service for data scientists
and developers that helps them to easily prepare data and build and train
custom models. Spanning from the edge to the cloud, users can access the
service from any device going from idea to deployment in a matter of
Data Science VMs save developers time by providing a ready-to-use image
that can be provisioned on Azure. The image comes preinstalled, configured
and tested with several popular tools that are commonly used for data
analytics, machine learning and AI training. DSVMs offer on-demand elastic
capacity for large-scale projects and a pay-as-you-go structure.
Knowledge Mining helps manage the chaos of data and tackles the
challenges that distract developers from finding the information they need.
Powered by Azure Search with built-in Cognitive Services, Knowledge Mining
is an AI-first approach to content understanding. It pulls data from a variety
of Azure data sources and applies a set of composable cognitive skills that
extract knowledge. This knowledge is then organised and stored in a search
index, enabling new experiences when exploring data.
Conversational AI
One of the most compelling use cases for AI in the enterprise is creating
chatbots or virtual agents. These solutions meet customer demand for
intuitive, personalised, accessible touchpoints across all channels as well as
supporting employees by helping them connect to resources more quickly.
Gartner estimates that “25% of all customer service and support operations
will integrate virtual customer assistant or chatbot technology across
engagement channels by 2020, up from less than 2% in 2017” (Gartner,
Adobe integrated
Microsoft Translator into their Adobe
Experience Manager (AEM), an enterprise
content management platform for
managing web content, digital assets,
online communities, mobile applications
and forms. With Microsoft Translator, users
can dynamically translate their content into
more than 50 languages to extend their
reach around the world.
To protect against fraud
and ensure both driver and passenger
safety, Uber used face recognition APIs in
Microsoft Cognitive Services to enhance
their mobile applications. They needed a
visual verification solution that was fast,
easy, scalable and functional across a
variety of smartphones. With the Face API,
Uber was able to add photo-matching
technology to their platform to help ensure
the driver using the app matches the
account on file.
Progressive used
Microsoft Azure Bot Service and Cognitive
Services to quickly and easily build the Flo
Chatbot currently available on Facebook
Messenger which answers customer
questions, provides quotes and even offers a
bit of witty banter in the well-known style of
the company spokesperson, Flo.
As chatbots and virtual agents become more ubiquitous, developers
must ensure their conversational interfaces rise above the competition.
Most of today’s chatbots are designed to respond to simple commands and
queries, such as giving a weather report, playing a song or sharing a
reminder. These simple chatbots are efficient when the user’s need aligns
with the chatbot’s specific purpose. But for complex communication,
intelligent assistants need to be able to understand meaning, learn from
interactions and have natural dialogues that move beyond simply responding
to commands.
Microsoft offers a wide array of Conversational AI technologies to support
the creation of intelligent bots: from a simple QnA bot, to a robust virtual
agent that can learn continually and maintain a seamless, personalised
conversation across channels. Regardless of their needs, Microsoft is helping
enterprises build conversational interfaces that interact with users in more
natural ways, enabling them to create outstanding customer experiences and
help employees maximise their time.
For developers that want to create their own conversational bots, we offer
industry-leading NLP capabilities through the Azure Bot Service and
Cognitive Services Language APIs. These language services help ensure apps
understand the meaning of a speaker’s query and reply using natural
language. For instance, developers with varying levels of AI experience can
experiment with the Text Analytics API to identify sentiment and key phrases
or leverage Language Understanding for contextual understanding.
In addition to providing tools for developers to build their own bots,
Microsoft is investing in the next generation of enterprise-ready virtual
assistants, so organisations can start reaping the benefits of a conversational
AI experience immediately. Using industry-leading AI technology, Microsoft
virtual assistants are able to better serve the needs of both enterprise
customers and employees. For customers, they understand user intent and
navigate complex multi-turn dialogues in a natural, conversational style all
while maintaining consistency with the customer across channels and over
time. These assistants also support customer service agents, for example, by
providing context on the issue at hand and making recommendations to
expedite optimal outcomes.
AI-infused applications like chatbots are one of the top ways enterprises are
driving value from AI capabilities, but they are only one piece of a larger AI
strategy. Next, we want to talk about the ways Microsoft can integrate AI in
every business process and transform the enterprise along the way.
The multinational
telco Telefónica used Microsoft Azure Bot
Service and Cognitive Services to build and
support Aura, an intelligent conversational
agent for multiple services. With Aura,
Telefónica customers can manage their
products and services with the company,
get real-time support or just change the TV
channel all through natural voice
interaction and a personalised user
Every business process
Enhance every business process with intelligence to expand
customer engagement, optimise operations and improve products
and services.
Over the last several decades, the advent of the internet has completely
redefined business processes. From sales and marketing to customer support,
the way we do business today would be nearly unrecognisable to the
enterprises of a few decades past and the result has been dramatic
increases in productivity and output. To say that AI will have a similar impact
is no overstatement.
AI enables organisations to make better-informed decisions by making it
easy to derive insights from data, helping to expand customer engagement,
optimise operations and improve offerings. Reimagining business processes
with AI also makes work more efficient, saving employees time so they can
focus on higher priorities.
Microsoft’s vision is to accelerate business process transformation with
enterprise-ready, AI-infused experiences. Here, we’ll take a look at a few of
the most powerful scenarios where AI is already having a proven impact
horizontally, in specific industries, and right here at Microsoft.
Transformation across industries
Across industries, there is a pressing need for increased efficiency and
improved decision-making capabilities. We are working to provide solutions
that address common business problems with AI out-of-the-box. To
accomplish this, we are infusing intelligence into the products and services
that organisations use every day.
Thousands of enterprises rely on Dynamics 365 to help them move their
business forward. To give our customers the most powerful experiences,
we’ve included AI layers within Dynamics 365 products to provide AI
experiences out-of-the-box with immediate time to value. For example,
Dynamics 365 for Field Service uses AI to detect, troubleshoot and resolve
equipment issues remotely with self-healing commands. Enterprises can
extend these capabilities further and connect them to other Microsoft
services such as Azure, Office, Skype or even augmented reality.
To further help our customers integrate intelligence into their organisation,
Dynamics 365 has announced a new class of AI applications that deliver out-
of-the-box insights by unifying data and infusing it with advanced
Infusing intelligence into our commonly used applications helps ensure that
AI is more accessible and easier to utilise for enterprises in any industry. But
cross-industry solutions are only the beginning.
New Dynamics 365 AI Applications:
Dynamics 365 AI for Sales enables sellers
to build relationships and increase revenue
by providing actionable insights to drive
personalised engagement and proactive
Dynamics 365 AI for Customer Service
improves customer service and lowers
support costs by surfacing automated
customer insights and leveraging virtual
Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights
helps users monitor their brand and
respond faster to trends by using AI models
to identify what people are saying about
Learn more about Dynamics 365
The business value of AI for your
organisation will be proportional
to how thoroughly you reinvent
your business in light of AI
capabilities. AI will enable you to
reduce costs. But, its greater
impact will be in answering
questions such as, “How do I
change the nature of the customer
experience?” or “How can I initiate
AI-driven insights to alter all
levels of decision-making?”
Gartner, 2018
Transformation within industries
Microsoft is also partnering with technology innovators within industries to
create AI solutions that meet vertical-specific needs.
Financial Services
This is a time of transformation for the financial services industry. With
technological advances, cultural shifts, cybersecurity threats and regulatory
changes, there’s a pressing need for banks to rethink the way they work.
Banks are now competing with a growing number of cloud-native industry
disruptors and, as a result, customer expectations are shifting. Today, only
24% of customers report that they believe their bank understands their
current goals (NIIT, 2017).
This is compounded by the risk of financial crime:
in the last 24 months, 56% of financial institutions have experienced
consumer fraud and 41% have experienced cybercrime (PwC, 2018).
Innovative new capabilities, enabled by the financial services-ready cloud, are
helping banks to meet these challenges and transform their business for the
better. Such capabilities include:
Next Best Action (NBA) AI-powered NBA solutions use sophisticated
rules, analytics and algorithms to better predict customer needs and, in
turn, offer more relevant actions and promotions, leading to improved
wallet share and loyalty.
Risk analytics and fraud prevention Machine learning makes more
accurate risk, fraud and customer models possible, enabling financial
services institutions to spot more hidden risks and decrease
operating costs.
The rise of digital technology and the IoT has provided manufacturers with
vast stores of data that reflect operational efficiency and business
performance. More than half of manufacturers with revenues exceeding $1
billion have invested over $100M towards smart factories, and they are
seeing an average productivity gain of nearly 20% (Capgemini, 2017).
Gleaning useful insights from this data is essential for manufacturers who
often operate on thin margins and are increasingly looking for value-added
services especially field services to differentiate themselves. AI is
empowering manufacturers to create more with their data, leading to
advancements in:
Predictive maintenance Estimate the remaining useful life for
machines and their components, enabling maintenance technicians to be
proactive about repairs and reduce costly downtime.
Performance improvements Anticipate the risk of production
disruptions, bottlenecks and safety risks in real time, highlighting
problems before they occur.
Jabil, one of the
world’s largest manufacturing services
companies, needed a solution that would
combine the IoT and deep learning to
reduce errors and improve quality in the
production process. Jabil collaborated with
Microsoft on a project that connected an
electronics manufacturing production line
to the cloud and collected more than one
million data points from a 32-step
manufacturing process. The result was a
program that anticipated nearly every error
in the production process by step six
meaning that errors could be corrected
prior to adding expensive electronic units
and costly mistakes.
QuarterSpot, a
startup online lender, makes credit more
available and affordable to credit-starved
small businesses. With the goal of
connecting small businesses with the
capital they need, QuarterSpot created a
marketplace for investors to purchase
portions of approved loans in small
increments. The company’s lending
platform uses sophisticated risk models that
incorporate real-time data from various
sources including business bank accounts
to calculate the probability of whether an
applicant will default on the loan. By
leveraging automatic updates to
operationalised models, QuarterSpot can
continually approve scoring and approval
terms, helping lower default rates by over
50% and increasing borrower approval
rates by over 15%.
In retail, customers have an increasing expectation of personalised
experiences that demonstrate an understanding of the customer as an
individual. 79% of consumers aged 1865 in the US say brands must actively
demonstrate that “they understand and care about me” before they consider
purchasing (Wunderman, 2017).
AI is enabling retailers to tailor their
offerings more precisely to customer demand with services such as:
Sales personalisation Intelligence applied to customer history enables
retailers to deliver customised experiences, offerings, pricing and
planning modernising the online and physical buying experience.
Dynamic pricing & planning Forecasting models predict demand for
different products, providing greater confidence for pricing and stocking
decisions and reducing losses from overstocks and OOS.
Public sector
Governments are under pressure to create more effective citizen services. In
particular, there is a lot of room for growth in providing citizens with digital
government services. Studies have shown that citizens are 58% more likely to
trust a government institution if they provide a modern and excellent digital
experience (Foresee, 2017).
And increasingly, citizens want to use mobile
devices to access government services (Accenture, 2016).
At the same time,
governments are fighting to control costs and ensure security and privacy. As
a result, AI tools enable governments to connect with their citizens more
effectively, eliminate waste and protect sensitive information. Two key areas
for these innovative AI initiatives are:
Smart cities Intelligent technology designed to tackle common
challenges such as fee and toll management, traffic optimisation and
Citizen services Tools designed to provide citizens with easier access
to consolidated government services through tracking, search and
conversational bots.
Clinician shortages, time and cost pressures, and increased patient needs
create a number of challenges for health organisations as they try to improve
patient experiences and outcomes. According to the Association of American
Medical Colleges, there will be a shortfall of between 42,600 and 121,300
physicians by 2030 (AAMC, March 2018).
Because of the tremendous
potential that AI has to address these challenges and help clinicians save
lives, Microsoft is focusing heavily on paving the way to a transformed
healthcare industry. We’ve set up an extensive research team that is
pioneering new AI-led approaches to patient care, and we’re working with a
dynamic partner ecosystem to bring solutions to market. Here are some ways
we are integrating AI into healthcare:
The City of LA worked with
Microsoft to create Chip the chatbot, a
digital personal assistant that helps
residents more easily navigate government
resources and procedures and frees up
employees to focus on higher-value
ASOS, a leading online
fashion retailer, transformed its platform
from a monolithic, on-premises e-
commerce system to a microservices
platform running on Microsoft Azure. As
part of their transformation, the company
launched a natively running mobile app
that includes a built-in recommendation
engine, to ensure that the right subset of
their 85,000 products is in front of the right
consumers. In 2016, the new platform
handled more than double the volume of
Black Friday orders compared to the
previous year.
A new artificial
intelligence tool launched by Ochsner
Health System enables doctors to focus on
the right patient at the right time by
analysing thousands of data points to
predict which patients will deteriorate in the
near future.
Other areas we have experimented with
Credit and collections chatbot
Machine learning revenue forecasting
Intelligent supply chain management
Compliance predictive analytics
Contract setup automation
Personalised medicine Analytics-driven individualised treatment plans
based on a patient’s genetic makeup, medical history, lifestyle and more
made possible through advances in genomics and intelligent analysis of
massive amounts of healthcare data.
Healthcare Bot service A cloud-based solution that enables healthcare
organisations to build and deploy compliant, virtual health assistants that
can provide users with conversational and engaging access to the most
relevant and accurate healthcare services and information.
Inner eye A Microsoft research project that is exploring state of the art
machine learning technology to build innovative tools that automatically
analyse 3D radiological images.
Learn more about how Microsoft is democratising AI in health.
Technology is creating unprecedented opportunities to connect students to
the world around them and help them realise their full potential. Teachers,
administrators and technology innovators are collaborating to solve some of
the most pressing challenges in education through AI. These collaborations
have produced:
Accessibility in the classroom AI-powered tools, such as real-time
lesson translation for students that speak a different language and
narration of surroundings for students who are blind, enable teachers to
make the classroom more accessible.
School-wide AI insights Deep analytic insights into student success
and risk across entire schools or school districts help educators make
informed decisions on how to improve student outcomes.
Transformation at Microsoft
The first place we build and test our AI capabilities is in our own internal
processes, so we can get a better grasp on how to make the most useful
tools for our customers across industries. These are just a few of the internal
Microsoft projects that are leveraging AI to create better outcomes:
Customer support virtual agent We created a conversational virtual
agent to support customer queries on a variety of Microsoft products,
including Windows, Office, Xbox and more. The agent resulted in a 2×
increase in self-help success and a massive decrease in agent-to-agent
Revamped sales processes We simplified our complex sales processes,
increased the accuracy of sales data and enabled an individualised
customer experience by creating a new sales process built on Dynamics
365 and Azure Cloud Services.
Smart buildings powered by data analytics We leveraged data
analytics, IoT and Azure Machine Learning for predictive maintenance,
The Tacoma Public
School District utilised AI-powered analytics
to assess student success across the district.
They were able to gain deep insights into
their students and identify in real time any
“at-risk” students or groups that required
immediate intervention and support. Their
analysis provided an evidence-based
backbone for a programme to strengthen
the school district and the result was an
increase in graduation rates from 55% to
86.2% over the course of six years.
climate control and HVAC optimisation keeping our buildings
comfortable while minimising our environmental footprint.
Every employee
Foster innovation and collaboration across the enterprise by
placing AI in the hands of every employee.
AI has the capacity to empower all people to achieve more, not just highly
skilled technical workers. “In 2021, AI augmentation will generate $2.9T in
business value and recover 6.2B hours of worker productivity” (Gartner,
This human-AI partnership combines the strengths of both
computers and humans to drive unprecedented value across every industry.
Microsoft is a technology company, but people have always been at the core
of our mission. Our vision for AI is to amplify human ingenuity with intelligent
Enabling every employee to become a citizen data scientist is crucial to
realise the full potential of AI. Only then can the whole organisation glean
new insights, make better decisions and perform complex analysis using AI.
Gartner predicts that “by 2019, citizen data scientists will surpass data
scientists in terms of the amount of advanced analysis they produce.”
(Gartner, 2018).
We believe there are three imperatives to provide any
employee with the ability to explore, derive insights and create new
knowledge from vast amounts of data: turning disparate data into
knowledge, enriching employee experiences with searchable knowledge and
driving innovation with democratised AI.
Turn disparate data into knowledge
First, we need to convert an enterprise’s siloed and chaotic data into
information they can easily access.
AI is only as powerful as the data it’s built on. While most enterprises have
amassed huge quantities of data, it often resides in siloed systems, like
marketing and finance systems. Moreover, the majority of this data is either
Cortana uses AI capabilities to
take care of everyday meeting tasks, such
as scheduling meetings and transcribing
notes. With Cortana, members can manage
meetings through voice commands such as
directing Cortana to present the meeting
deck or add someone new.
unstructured, like video files, images and PDFs, or redundant, obsolete or
trivial (ROT). Without usable data across the enterprise, most organisations
are limited to employing AI on specific siloes of structured information.
Instead of developing AI applications that can only perform niche tasks,
Microsoft is helping enterprises organise their structured and unstructured
data into a single, searchable knowledge base enriched with relevant external
data. AI deep learning capabilities run on top of data to understand the
content and infer relationships, turning data into knowledge and ensuring
that the user receives the most relevant information. Serving as a strategic
foundation for current and future AI initiatives, this knowledge base is also
understandable, consumable and searchable by AI models and can enable
enterprises to integrate AI into every aspect of their business.
From this centralised resource, employees can search, find and explore
previously unavailable enterprise information, enabling them to be more
efficient and impactful.
Enrich employee experiences with searchable
Moreover, we are providing more user-friendly ways to democratise access
to this enterprise knowledge. With Microsoft AI, enterprises can build AI
experiences on top of their enterprise knowledge, either by infusing it with
existing productivity and business applications or by creating new
applications powered by AI, like conversational agents. For example, the next
generation of conversational agents can pull from customer knowledge and
world knowledge to answer questions specific to businesses like “Which
customers are within a 10-mile radius of the airport?” This knowledge base
democratises AI experiences and provides powerful new connections to
Consider the following illustration of the searchable knowledge base in
action: Lisa, a marketer, needs to find an advertising agency to use for an
upcoming campaign. Typically, identifying an agency with the right
capabilities would require relying on colleagues for recommendations and
spending hours reviewing past records, agency websites, web results and the
agency’s previous work. Lisa would have struggled to piece together this
information, manually combing through countless sources of data, never
certain if she had all the right information.
With an AI-infused knowledge base, Lisa can search “Find me advertising
agencies” and a ranked list of agencies her company used in the past will
be populated. Curious about her colleagues’ experiences, she selects two
agencies that her company has previously used and types a new query into
the search bar: “Find me Teams threads that mention these agencies.” Her
search yields dozens of Teams threads. Keen to quickly identify which agency
her colleagues have had the most positive sentiment about, she applies a
sentiment analysis AI model. She can now use more advanced queries like
“Show me Teams threads with negative sentiment for Agency A” or “Show
me the trend of sentiment for Agency B.”
Partnering with
Microsoft, Centrica was able to combine
their disparate data into searchable
knowledge, helping them improve
customer experiences, provide their
employees with more actionable customer
insights and expand the capabilities of their
AI-powered digital assistant, Wilbur.
In Dynamics 365 applications, the
Common Data Model (CDM) provides a
built-in shared data repository across all
applications from Sales and Marketing, to
Customer Service and Field Service as well
as external data sources, like SAP. Capturing
and synthesising data from across the
business makes it possible for enterprises to
drive deeper insights.
Instead of searching for hours with potentially less informed results, users like
Lisa can now easily perform complex analysis with AI tools and quickly find
the information that matters most to them. However, creating knowledge
bases is just one way we are revolutionising how employees search, find and
explore information.
To further help employees find the information they need, we developed
Microsoft Search, an intelligent search experience embedded within over nine
familiar Microsoft products, including Excel, Word, Bing and Outlook. Our
solution uses AI to index content across an organisation’s data sources and
provide employees with the most relevant answers. For instance, say you
wanted to search for a colleague that goes by the nickname, Chuck. If you
search for Chuck in the global address list, Microsoft Search reasons with AI
to understand that the nickname Chuck is short for Charles and, due to
contextual clues, is able to pinpoint the exact Charles you are referring to at
the company.
Drive innovation with democratised AI
To truly enable employees to become citizen data scientists, we are providing
them with an easy way to run AI models on top of enterprise knowledge.
When employees are empowered with these AI capabilities, not only can they
ask the important questions, they can also very quickly extract relevant
insights applicable to the task they are trying to complete. From highly
technical employees to non-technical business users, we are placing AI in the
hands of every employee and giving them the power to transform how they
work and think in more innovative ways than ever before.
To provide employees with even greater access to AI capabilities, we are
infusing intelligence into the products and services that employees use every
day like Dynamics, Bing and Microsoft 365 which includes Office 365,
Windows 10 and Enterprise Mobility and Security. Employees can leverage AI
in existing workflows to make them more efficient and ultimately save time.
In Word and PowerPoint, employees can develop documents and
presentations in less time with automated design capabilities like PowerPoint
Designer and Editor, which provide design tips and digital writing assistance.
In Outlook, employees can streamline emails and calendars with features that
help filter out the noise and surface the most relevant information, so they
don’t miss what’s important. In Excel, intelligent capabilities have been a part
of the experience for years. Features like advanced data transformation and
flash fill have helped organisations perform and derive value from their data.
With continued advancements in our AI technology, Excel is introducing
more advanced AI features that help employees unlock new insights from
raw data sets in just a few clicks by highlighting relevant patterns.
Not only are we building up our AI capabilities in existing workflows, but we
are also using AI to power new productivity experiences. Workplace Analytics,
for instance, surfaces insights on how effectively an organisation is working
together by identifying collaboration patterns and helping identify areas to
increase productivity, workforce effectiveness and employee engagement.
With more than 80,000 people
spanning 200 specialties, Publicis Groupe
worked with Microsoft to create the Marcel
AI platform to help employees connect with
each other, find examples of great work and
spark new ways to innovate and boost
Accelerate enterprise
transformation with Microsoft
AI isn’t new and it isn’t new to Microsoft. Our computer scientists have been
working on AI and machine learning technologies for decades. Today, we
have over 1,000 researchers across 11 labs who are focusing on over 55 areas
of computing and collaborating with leading academic, government and
industry researchers. Plus, our AI innovation is backed by the security,
scalability and reliability that the enterprise needs. Regardless of where
enterprises start or want to grow to, Microsoft is the technology partner that
can support their transformation.
Our AI capabilities are built on top of Azure, Microsoft’s leading Enterprise
cloud platform. Azure has 50+ regions worldwide more than any other
cloud provider and comes with robust uptime SLAs, ensuring enterprises
can deploy and scale with confidence. We also provide access to a global
ecosystem of thousands of qualified partners with deep AI expertise.
Principles driving Microsoft AI innovation
in the enterprise
For decades, we’ve been empowering enterprises around the globe with
innovation in productivity software, business applications and cloud
technology. Now, we want to bring the groundbreaking capabilities of AI out
of the lab and into every organisation. At Microsoft, AI is playing a central
role in our company narrative and is driving our thought leadership agenda.
To that end, we’ve focused our AI investments for the enterprise around
three core principles: innovation, empowerment and ethics.
We have a continuous and ambitious focus on innovation. We’re pushing the
boundaries of AI to create fast, agile and powerful tools for the enterprise.
With 25+ years of investment, and some of the best AI researchers on the
planet (including winners of the Turing Award, Fields Medal and Dijkstra
Prize), Microsoft is a proven leader in AI innovation. That’s why over one
million developers are currently accessing our pre-built and customisable AI
services. Every year, Microsoft’s AI capabilities are reaching new milestones:
2016: Object recognition human parity
2017: Speech recognition human parity
2017: Machine translation human parity
2018: Machine reading comprehension human parity
Our advancements in vision, speech, machine reading and translation have
achieved historic milestones in just the last two years. However, our focus is
not on celebrating the breakthroughs we achieved; what matters to us is how
we translate those breakthroughs into platforms and experiences. By doing
so, we can put innovation into the hands of every developer and every
organisation, empowering them to leverage AI and have a positive impact on
every industry and every application.
At Microsoft, we are focused on developing AI in such a way that it is
human-centric and augments human abilities, especially humankind’s innate
Our first priority is to develop AI technology that leverages the unique
strengths of computers such as probabilistic reasoning and pattern
recognition with the creativity, ingenuity and capacity for meaning-making
of humans. That’s why we’re innovating AI to enable better decision-making
across organisations, amplify the tools and processes employees already use
and tear down knowledge siloes so people can do more, together.
As we look to a future powered by a partnership between computers and
humans, it’s important that we address ethical challenges head-on. Designing
trustworthy AI requires creating solutions that reflect ethical principles deeply
rooted in important and timeless values. At Microsoft, we’ve identified six
ethical values fairness, reliability and safety, privacy and security, inclusivity,
transparency and accountability to guide the cross-disciplinary
development and use of artificial intelligence.
We’ve made security and privacy a top priority by helping ensure
compliance with existing privacy laws (including GDPR), providing
transparency and choices regarding data collection and use, designing
our systems to protect against bad actors and using de-identification
techniques to promote both privacy and security. As organisations
transform, Microsoft has already taken precautionary measures to help
ensure their crucial data remains safe. Thanks to systems like Windows
Defender Advanced Threat Protection and Office 365 Advanced Threat
Protection, AI can help actively monitor threats and secure business data
by detecting, and automatically protecting computers and documents
from, malware.
We have committed to promoting fairness by understanding how bias
can be introduced into AI models and affect recommendations, attracting
a diverse pool of AI talent, developing analytical techniques to detect and
eliminate bias and leveraging human review and domain expertise.
We’re working to ensure that our products maintain high standards of
reliability and safety by evaluating training data, testing extensively
with a user feedback loop, monitoring ongoing performance and
designing in anticipation of unexpected circumstances including
nefarious attacks.
We pursue inclusivity by using inclusive design practices to address
potential barriers that could unintentionally exclude people, enhancing
opportunities for those with disabilities, building trust through contextual
interaction and designing with emotional intelligence in mind.
None of those are possible without transparency and accountability. Our
commitment to transparency means we believe people should
understand how decisions were made. We strive to provide contextual
explanations of our AI processes and we make it easier to raise
awareness of potential bias, errors and unintended outcomes.
We believe in creating accountability for how systems operate. We’re
ensuring that norms are observed during system design, and in an
ongoing manner, and that there is a role for internal review boards.
AI for Good
AI can be a powerful tool for increasing access to information, education,
employment, government services and social and economic opportunities.
There are no limits to what people can achieve when technology reflects the
diversity of everyone who uses it. Enterprises should play an active role to
ensure that these new technologies are applied responsibly and inclusively.
Over the past 18 months, Microsoft has been investing in AI for Good
programmes that lower the barriers of entry to cloud and AI technologies
through grants, education, research and strategic partnerships.
AI for Accessibility
Our AI for Accessibility programme promotes inclusion through intelligent
technology. We are focused on empowering organisations and developers to
harness AI to amplify human capabilities for people with disabilities. The
programme focuses on driving breakthroughs that make the workplace more
inclusive, providing equal access to information through innovations in
vision, speech and machine reading, and helping people with disabilities gain
more independence to perform daily tasks.
A new way of seeing
Seeing AI is a free app designed to help the
low vision community better see the world
around them. This ongoing research project
harnesses the power of AI to describe
people, text and objects.
Learn about Seeing AI
AI for Humanitarian Action
We recently announced an AI for Humanitarian Action 5-year programme
aimed at harnessing the power of AI to support disaster response and
recovery, help ensure the safety and wellbeing of children around the world,
protect refugees and displaced people, and promote respect for human
AI for Earth
Our AI for Earth programme empowers people and organisations to create
breakthrough innovations in the way we monitor, model and ultimately
manage Earth’s natural systems. The programme focuses on four key areas
that are vital to creating a sustainable future agriculture, water, biodiversity
and climate change.
Our goal with all the AI for Good programmes is to empower and accelerate
the impact that people around the world can have in solving some of
society’s biggest challenges.
Get started today
AI is the defining technology of our time, impacting every industry and
business. Enterprises are looking for a strategic partner to help them harness
AI to drive their transformation. Microsoft is ready to be that strategic
partner, accelerating enterprise transformation with AI.
Together, we have an opportunity and a responsibility to empower
transformation that has positive impacts on entire industries. By transforming
industry verticals, AI can solve some of society’s biggest challenges in areas
like health and environmental conservation, as well as broader issues like
access to technology. We are already seeing breakthroughs in the application
of AI in these areas, from conducting a complete species census in the field
of biodiversity to quickly developing maps for tracking environmental
changes over time. Bringing innovation to the people that will change the
world and driving that innovation with responsibility are key principles of
Microsoft’s AI vision.
We recognise, however, that every enterprise is unique and you will have
your own path to transforming your organisation. To help you take the first
step towards your own AI transformation, we have created the AI Ready
assessment tool. This tool evaluates your own organisational readiness for
adopting AI-based systems and provides customised recommendations
around appropriate AI implementations for your business.
For more information on Microsoft AI, please refer to the list of additional
resources below.
Operation Smile gives hope to
more children
Our non-profit partner Operation Smile
uses AI to analyse photos with a facial
modelling algorithm, and the AI-powered
Microsoft Pix camera app, to improve
surgical outcomes and help more children
in need of facial surgery.
Learn about Operation Smile
Project Premonition
AI technology and cloud software enables
Project Premonition researchers to detect
and track pathogens to prevent outbreaks
and protect biodiversity.
Learn about Project Premonition
Top considerations to ensure an
AI-ready culture:
1. Adopt a data-driven culture: Ensure
your AI solutions are founded on high-
quality data.
2. Share knowledge: Commit to breaking
down data siloes across the enterprise
and making data accessible to all.
3. Choose the right AI solution: Align the
AI solution to your unique enterprise
and ideal business outcomes.
4. Adapt AI to your enterprise: Test AI
with minimally viable products and
improve applications and processes that
already exist while always putting the
customer experience first.
5. Plan ahead: Communicate the AI
strategy throughout your business, be
proactive about AI training and be
cognisant of ethical concerns.
Microsoft AI homepage
Microsoft AI for business
The Future Computed: Artificial Intelligence and its role in society
Ethics: Microsoft AI principles
AI for accessibility
Microsoft Generation AI
Cognitive Services
Visual Studio
Windows Machine Learning
Bot Framework
Azure AI Gallery
Dynamics 365
Dynamics 365 AI
Office 365
Bing for Business
© 2018 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. This whitepaper is provided “as-is”. Information and views expressed in this document, including URL
and other internet website references, may change without notice. You bear the risk of using it.
Some examples are for illustration only and are fictitious. No real association is intended or inferred.
This document does not provide you with any legal rights to any intellectual property in any Microsoft product. You may copy and use this document
for your internal, reference purposes.
PwC, “PwC’s Global Artificial Intelligence Study: Exploiting the AI Revolution”, 2017.
Economist Intelligence Unit, “Intelligent Economies: AI’s transformation of industries and society”, 2018.
Gartner, “Deliver Artificial Intelligence Business Value: A Gartner Trend Insight Report”, Mike Rollings, 20th April 2018.
Nadella, Satya, “Innovation Keynote”, Ignite, Microsoft, 26th September 2016, Atlanta, Georgia.
Constellation Research, “Constellation wResearch 2018 Artificial Intelligence Study”, 4th June 2018.
Gartner, “Choose the Right Center of Excellence for Your Artificial Intelligence Strategy”, Whit Andrews, Bern Elliot and Jim Hare, 18th June 2018.
IDC, “IDC Predictions Provide a Blueprint and Key Building Blocks for Becoming a Digital Native Enterprise”, 31st October 2017.
Gartner Press Release, “Gartner Says 25% of Customer Service Operations Will Use Virtual Customer Assistants by 2020”, 19th February 2018.
Gartner, “Deliver Artificial Intelligence Business Value: A Gartner Trend Insight Report”, Mike Rollings, 20th April 2018.
NIIT, “Delivering Personalized Digital Banking Experience: Technology and Strategy to Increase Customer Engagement and Revenue”, 2017.
PwC, “Pulling fraud out of the shadows: Global Economic Crime and Fraud Survey 2018”, 2018.
Capgemini, “Smart Factories: How can manufacturers realize the potential of digital industrial revolution”, 2017.
PR Newswire, “Wunderman Study Reveals 79% Of Consumers Onwly Buy From Brands That Prove They Care About Earning Their Business”, 5th January 2017.
Foresee, “The Foresee Experience Index: E-Gov, Q1”, 2017.
Accenture, “Digital Government: Your Citizens are Ready, Willing and Waiting”, 2016.
Association of American Medical Colleges, “The Complexities of Physician Supply and Demand: Projections from 2016 to 2030”, March 2018.
Gartner, “Forecast: The Business Value of Artificial Intelligence, Worldwide, 2017-2025”, John-David Lovelock, Susan Tan, Jim Hare, Alys Woodard and Alan
Priestley, 12th March 2018.
Gartner, “How to Enable Citizen Analysts to Drive Business Value in Midsize Enterprises”, Alan Duncan and Joao Tapadinhas, 10th September 2018.