Mobile App
30/10/2020 Version 1.0
A University wide Mobile App Developments Policy produced by Collaboration Services within the
Information Services Directorate
Table of Contents
Background ................................................................................................................................. 3
Strategic context ................................................................................................................................. 3
Underlying Principles .......................................................................................................................... 3
Scope .......................................................................................................................................... 4
Responsibilities ............................................................................................................................ 4
Governance ................................................................................................................................. 5
Information Strategy Committee (ISC) ............................................................................................... 5
Core Policies ................................................................................................................................ 5
Multi-Platform .................................................................................................................................... 5
Open Source Technology .................................................................................................................... 5
Web API server (Integration Hub) ....................................................................................................... 5
Evaluation & Standards ....................................................................................................................... 5
User Policies ................................................................................................................................ 6
In House Builds .................................................................................................................................... 6
Enterprise & Template APPs ............................................................................................................... 6
Third Party ........................................................................................................................................... 6
Management Policies ................................................................................................................... 6
APP Store Licenses and access ............................................................................................................ 6
Marketing and Branding ..................................................................................................................... 6
Cyber Security ..................................................................................................................................... 7
Data Protection and GDPR .................................................................................................................. 7
Procurement ....................................................................................................................................... 7
Review Process ............................................................................................................................ 7
Appendix ..................................................................................................................................... 7
Terms of Reference ............................................................................................................................. 7
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The Information Services Directorate (ISD) manages the Mobile App Service. This service is
responsible for the development, delivery, hosting, advice and guidance of Mobile Apps for
the University of Strathclyde. This Mobile App Developments Policy outlines key principles
and processes for App development, delivery, collaborations (internal and external), and
provides a framework for the application of these.
Strategic context
This Policy is provided within the context of the ISD Operational Plan 2020/21
To deliver a
truly encompassing, responsive, technological, transparent and effective service which helps
enable the achievement of the University’s goals and aspirations. Its guiding principles are
set out to ensure we are:
Working collaboratively with faculties, schools and departments and across
professional services.
Delivering innovative services and solutions in support of the University's strategic
Developing and realising ambitious plans for service development and operational
efficiency commensurate with the University's overall ambitions.
Being bold in the development of services and governance models which are
effective and efficient, whilst not compromising compliance or quality.
Providing leadership and interacting with others in a manner which embodies the
people-oriented approach central to the delivery of high-quality services and
supporting the wider community.
Furthermore, this policy follows a Continuous Collaboration
and co-creation approach,
putting our users, particularly our student customers, at the heart of our technologies,
development and delivery. Our evolving goal is for all users of our service to have access to
all the information they need, when they need it, and in any location.
Underlying Principles
1. Ensuring our services are User First
2. Ensuring continuous Collaboration throughout
3. Ensuring we continue to provide Innovative technologies in Users hands
4. Ensuring our services are Location Independent (anytime, anywhere)
5. Ensuring our services are Brand Compliant and follow our Design Principles
6. Ensuring our services are Cyber Secure and from trusted data sources via the
Corporate Integration Hub
7. Ensuring our services are compliant with legislation and regulations such as
Government Accessibility Standards
and App store licensing
Sminia, H., 2005. Strategy formation as a layered discussion. Scandanavian Journal of Management, Vol 21, p. 267-291
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This policy sits within the wider context of the Information Systems Development Framework
(ISDF) Strategy for 2014-20
and the Information Security Policy
. It aligns with the
University of Strathclyde’s Strategic Plan 2020-2025
, and is of relevance to the University’s
management, academic and professional service staff, students and partners.
Development and delivery of all University, In-house Build Apps, Progressive Web Apps,
Template Apps, Enterprise Apps and Third-party Apps should follow this policy.
See Appendix for terms of reference
Collaboration Services (CS) manage the Mobile App Service, within the Business Systems
area of ISD. CS are responsible for the Strathclyde APP
, currently the only University
sponsored App. This ‘One Corporate App’ approach has been extremely successful to date
and the team have extensive knowledge and experience upon which to continue to evolve
the Service.
As a leading technological University, innovative and collaborative ideas and approaches are
always at the forefront of all we do. The Mobile App Service welcomes debate, bold and
innovative ideas and open discussion. The Mobile APP Service is continually reviewed and
refined in line with that ethos.
The service provides management for current and future App plans:
The Mobile Service Policy & Strategy
Day-to-day Service Management and Support
Store account management; reviewing quality standards and authorising uploads to
App stores.
All License ownership and administration (on behalf of ISD)
User terms and conditions and Data Security and Data Privacy (in the context of
wider policy)
User data access requests (via Ethics Committee)
App system integrations via the Corporate Integration Hub
Payments (via finance - WPM)
Marketing and branding (via Marketing & Communications)
Direct student messaging protocols (in partnership with Student Experience, Strath
Union etc.)
VLE alignment (in partnership with Education Enhancement)
Advice & guidance on APP technologies and tools
Quality audit
Digital Content management (via T4 or similar)
Access to devolved services and maintenance as required
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Information Strategy Committee (ISC)
The Information Strategy Committee (ISC) reports to the Executive Team and is responsible
for all matters of corporate information strategy and for ensuring that the strategic direction
of all information resources is consistent with the University’s strategic ambitions. As such,
requests for additional Apps must be considered within the context of the institution’s wider
Information Strategy and in consultation with the Strathclyde mobile app team in
Collaboration Services. Business Cases must be submitted to the Digital Campus Sub
Committee (DCSC) in the first instance and to ISC as required.
Core Policies
All internal APP developments must provide a cross platform solution for Apple, Android and
Windows to ensure widening of access to communications to as wide a population as
possible. A Windows desktop option should be in place where possible, for the small
catchment of users without access to a device, who can access APP services on campus
Open Source Technology
Cutting-edge open-source mobile development frameworks e.g. Ionic and Cordova
are the
preferred current approach of the service, allowing the CS team to build on expertise from
wider Developer Communities. The team ensure they are keeping up with emerging
technologies in the ever-changing Javascript landscape. Well-supported technologies e.g.
React Native are recommended for rapid development and cross-platform deployment
across iOS, Android, and Windows 10 devices. A Windows desktop option should be in
place where possible, for the small catchment of users without access to a device, who can
access APP services on campus machines.
Web API server (Integration Hub)
The Mobile APP Service uses a web API Server, the University’s Integration Hub, to
facilitate integrations. This provides opportunities to present data from a number of different
systems from Timetabling to the Virtual Learning Environment. All APP development that
requires Corporate, Staff and Student Data must be provided via the Corporate Integration
Hub and approved by data custodians.
Evaluation & Standards
All Apps associated with the University of Strathclyde should enhance our reputation as a
leading technological university. Further, they must comply with the authentication,
development, testing and release standards expected of all applications permitted on the
University network. Infrastructure and software application industry standards and
Information Security principles must be observed. The App service is in the process of
moving to compliance with Government Accessibility Standards
across all products and
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User Policies
The Mobile APP Service follows an Ecosystem of APPs approach; all APPs are managed as
a collaborative offering, with the Corporate Strathclyde APP and Integration Hub at the
In House Builds
The Mobile APP Service manages all requests for new developments with priorities
identified by the Agile Planning Group and delivery scheduled in the context of wider
resource planning within the Business Systems area. The Digital Content & Strategy Group
also consider new requests within the context of the University level provision of digital
content and student experience agendas. Where significant development resource is
required, a Digital Campus Sub-Committee business case is required. Please contact for App advice and the IS Programme Management Office
informationstrate[email protected].uk for Digital Campus and business case support.
Enterprise & Template APPs
Enterprise or Template APPs designed to interface or integrate with other applications within
the University and requiring deployment across University networks, must meet strict
requirements for security, quality and administration management. They must use University
central data and the University’s standard authentication methods. User access should also
where possible be through the main Corporate Strathclyde App. Marketing of Apps, including
App store download instructions, must enhance our reputation as a Leading Technological
University and align with wider Corporate Branding and the current App Service offering
already in place for the University of Strathclyde.
Third Party
All new requests for Apps must be made to the Digital Campus Sub-Committee (DCSC) with
an accompanying business case, detailing resource ask and associated additional costs.
Such requests are also subject to ethics approval, data sharing agreements, data security
assessment and impact on existing Mobile APP Service. Please contact strathapp-
[email protected]k for advice.
Management Policies
APP Store Licenses and access
All official University Store Accounts (Apple, Google, Play) are administered and managed
by Collaboration Services; including responsibility for terms and conditions, account
management, security and GDPR for mobile releases on all platforms (IOS, Android,
Windows). Only in-house University apps are hosted under the University owned store
accounts. Third party apps should be provided under the suppliers’ own app store accounts
or available to download from their Web site.
Marketing and Branding
This policy and service aligns with the wider Brand & Design Principles of the University and
the emerging Digital Brand. Advice on the application of this is available from the Digital
Brand team. Please contact in the first instance.
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Cyber Security
The University’s Cyber Security team provides advice on how to protect the confidential
information we store on our mobile devices
. Their portability also means they are more
likely to be lost, damaged or stolen. The Mobile APP Service operates within the guidelines
of the Information Security Policy on all Cyber Security matters.
Data Protection and GDPR
The Mobile APP Service observes University guidance on GDPR
and aligns with Data
Protection Policy V4.0
All new requests for Apps must follow University procurement Guidance
Review Process
Last Approved by ISC - November 2020
To be reviewed - November 2021
Terms of Reference
Recognised Term
Our Definition
In-house Build Apps
Mobile Apps built by our own staff on our own platforms
Progressive Web Apps
Websites that are progressively enhanced to function like native apps
on supporting platforms, combining the best of the web and native
Template Apps
A pre-built app with customisation options e.g. edit text, images,
Enterprise Apps
App platforms that assist and manage enterprise level functionalities
for organisations - usually deployed in an organisation by their in-
house IT department but built by some external application developer
Third party Apps
Specific products developed to be used either as an open source or as
a commercial product by an organisation outside of University of