Finance and Economics Discussion Series
Divisions of Research & Statistics and Monetary Affairs
Federal Reserve Board, Washington, D.C.
The Role of U.S. Monetary Policy in Global Banking Crises
Bora Durdu, Alex Martin, and Ilknur Zer
Please cite this paper as:
Durdu, C. Bora, Alex Martin, and Ilknur Zer (2019). “The Role of U.S. Mon-
etary Policy in Global Banking Crises,” Finance and Economics Discussion Se-
ries 2019-039. Washington: Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System,
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The Role of U.S. Monetary Policy
in Global Banking Crises
C. Bora Durdu
Federal Reserve Board
Alex Martin
Federal Reserve Board
Ilknur Zer
Federal Reserve Board
February 2019
We examine the role of U.S. monetary policy in banking crises globally by using
a cross-country database spanning 1870-2010 across 69 countries. U.S. monetary
policy tightening increases the probability of a banking crisis for those countries
with direct linkages to the United States, either in the form of trade links or sig-
nificant share of USD-denominated liabilities. Conversely, if a country is integrated
globally, rather than having a direct exposure, the effect is ambiguous. One possible
channel we identify is capital flows: if the correction in capital flows is disorderly
(e.g., sudden stops), the probability of a banking crisis increases. These findings
suggest that the effect of U.S. monetary policy in global banking crises is not uni-
form and largely dependent on the nature of linkages with the United States.
JEL Classification: E44, E52, F42, G15
Keywords: banking crises, financial stability, monetary policy shocks, sudden stops
We would like to thank Luca Guerrieri and the seminar participants at the Federal Reserve Board,
IMF 19th Jacques Polak Annual Research Conference, Central Bank of Turkey Conference on “Chang-
ing Global Economic Landscape” for helpful discussions. We are also thank to Michael Siemer for his
contributions to an earlier version of this project. All remaining errors are exclusively our responsibil-
views expressed in this paper are those of the authors and should not be attributed to the Board of
Governors of the Federal Reserve System or its staff.
1 Introduction
Do U.S. monetary policy actions affect financial stability in foreign economies? Past
experience suggests that they do, as in the early 1980s international debt crises preceded
by the 1980-82 Volcker tightening and the Mexican Peso Crisis preceded by the 1994
Greenspan tightening. Additionally, during the last five years, since the current U.S.
monetary policy easing cycle started, we have seen the “taper tantrum” in the spring
of 2013, the strengthening of the dollar and the fall in commodity prices in mid-2014,
the RMB shock in mid-2015, and the turbulence in Argentina and Turkey in mid-2018.
Motivated by these observations on earlier international financial crises and the recent
attention in academic and policy circles on the topic, we raise the following questions in
this paper: What are the effects of U.S. monetary policy on foreign banking crises? Are
there differential effects depending on country characteristics and the nature of linkages
with the United States and the rest of the world?
To answer these questions, we examine how the interaction of U.S. monetary policy
with a country’s exposure to the United States and the rest of the world affects the prob-
ability of a banking crisis in those countries by using various macroeconomic, financial,
and trade indicators. To this end, we construct a historical cross-country database cov-
ering 69 countries over the 1870-2010 period. We capture banking sector stress using the
systemic banking crisis database of Reinhart and Rogoff (2009).
On one hand, extant literature shows that local monetary policy decisions affect finan-
cial stability. Financial markets may react to monetary policy changes as they influence
the pricing of risky assets, including equity and bonds. Bernanke and Kuttner (2005)
and Gilchrist et al. (2015), among others, show that monetary policy decisions affect
equity and corporate bond risk premiums, respectively. Moreover, an accommodative
monetary policy can increase financial instability by leading to buildups of financial vul-
nerabilities, such as credit booms or excessive financial leverage (Adrian and Liang, 2018).
Such booms are generally associated with over-optimistic investors and lower loan quality.
When booms reverse, increasing number of defaults may stress the financial system and
We check the sensitivity of our findings by employing other systemic crisis databases of Bordo et al.
(2001); Laeven and Valencia (2012); Gourinchas and Obstfeld (2012); Schularick and Taylor (2012) .
The results discussed in Section 4.4 are qualitatively similar to those using Reinhart and Rogoff’s (2009)
increase the likelihood of a banking crisis (See Schularick and Taylor, 2012; Baron and
Xiong, 2017; Danielsson et al., 2018). However, this literature does not address how ex-
ternal monetary policy decisions (e.g., monetary policy decisions in an hegemon country)
could affect domestic financial stability.
On the other hand, in a recent influential paper, Rey (2015) argues that there is a
global financial cycle, which is driven by U.S. monetary policy decisions. Gourinchas
(2017) shows in the context of an estimated DSGE model that the degree of financial
spillovers between the United States and emerging market economies matters for the
transmission of U.S. monetary policy, a potential transmission mechanism of Rey’s (2015)
global financial cycles. Jorda et al. (2018) outline another potential linkage by showing
that U.S. monetary policy plays an important role in shaping risk appetite across global
equity markets.
Our paper fills the gap between the two aforementioned strands of literature. From
a historical view, we study whether U.S. monetary policy is a uniform driver of financial
vulnerabilities abroad or its effects are dependent on the country’s integration with the
United States and the rest of the world.
Examining logit regressions in our panel of countries, we find that U.S. monetary
policy tightening has a significant and positive contemporaneous effect on the probability
of a banking crisis for those countries with direct exposures to the United States. The
impact is statistically significant and economically meaningful. A 1% tightening in U.S.
monetary policy increases the default probability by about 1% to 7% for a given level
of exposure to the U.S. However, if a county is integrated globally rather than having a
primary direct exposure to the United States, U.S. monetary policy has an ambiguous
effect on that country’s probability of crisis. The results are robust to alternative defini-
tions of monetary policy stance and monetary policy shocks as well as country specific
macroeconomic and financial indicators such as GDP growth, inflation, and institutional
quality of a country.
Since crises are rare events a typical OECD country suffers a banking crisis once
every 37 years on average according to the banking crisis database of Reinhart and Rogoff
(2009) focusing on long-time-series panel data helps to derive statistically meaningful
relationships. However, using such historical data comes at the expense of limited data
availability. The biggest challenge for this time period is to proxy U.S. monetary policy
decisions. In baseline specifications, we proxy U.S. monetary policy stance by using the
changes in the U.S. 3-month Treasury rates. For the more recent period starting in
1990, we use monetary policy shocks based on three-month-ahead fed-funds futures rate
(Gertler and Karadi, 2015) or six-month Euro-Dollar contracts (Rogers et al., 2014), and
the FED Greenbook forecasts of output growth and inflation along with the fed-funds
rates to estimate shocks (Romer and Romer, 2004), and we reach similar conclusions.
To identify the implications of a country’s being integrated with the United States and
globally, we interact U.S. monetary policy proxies with measures of integration. In our
baseline regressions, we use a country’s bilateral trade intensity with the United States as
a proxy for direct economic integration. We measure the economic integration of a country
with the rest of the world by using a trade openness ratio (exports plus imports as a
percentage of GDP). In addition to those two measures, we also use the gravity instrument
of trade intensity and openness ratio proposed by Frankel and Romer (1999). As discussed
in Frankel and Romer (1999), the effects of trade on income or crises is expected to be
endogenous and hence, one can question the causality. Gravity instruments, however,
are derived via countries’ geographic characteristics. Such characteristics are expected
to be correlated with trade as they have important effects on trade and are plausibly
uncorrelated with other determinants of economic and financial stability measures.
In our analysis of the more recent time period, in addition to the exposure measures
introduced above, we use each country’s debt liabilities in USD (in net of assets) as a
percent of GDP (Lane and Shambaugh, 2010; Benetrix et al., 2015), and Chinn-Ito’s
capital account openness index. The former is used as another proxy to measure the
direct spillovers from the United States, whereas the latter index measures each country’s
capital account integration with the rest of the world.
What are the channels through which U.S. monetary policy affects global banking
crises? U.S. monetary policy may affect other countries through capital flows. Since
U.S. monetary policy stance affects relative return on investment in foreign economies,
it would also influence credit cycles and in turn financial sector leverage. Avdjiev et al.
(2018) shows that capital flows are linked to boom-bust cycles and how such flows could
in turn affect the banking sector. A negative monetary policy shock can lead to a credit
boom in foreign economies since it is likely that capital would flow out of the U.S. due
to an increase in reach for yield incentives. During a credit boom, loan quality decreases
(Greenwood and Hanson, 2013), which eventually increases the likelihood of a banking
crisis. Schularick and Taylor (2012) and Baron and Xiong (2017) find that excessive
lending adversely affects the likelihood of a banking crisis and bank equity crash risk, re-
spectively. Hence, the findings of this literature suggest that a tight U.S. monetary policy
could help rein in excesses and reduce the probability of a crisis (e.g., leaning-against-the
wind channel). Another line of literature finds that a tightening U.S. monetary policy
might increase vulnerabilities, especially in emerging economies, since it might lead to
a sudden reversal of capital flows (see Neumeyer and Perri, 2005; Uribe and Yue, 2006,
etc.). In our analysis of the drivers of capital flows and how U.S. monetary policy affects
these flows, we ask which one of these effects is dominant.
We find evidence that the latter effect dominates. In particular, an increase in U.S.
monetary policy rates significantly reduces capital flows to foreign economies for those
countries with direct exposure to the United States. When the adjustment becomes
disorderly, the crisis probability indeed increases. By splitting our sample into emerging
market and developed countries, we find that the increase in the probability of a crisis
due to disorderly adjustments in capital flows or sudden stops is an emerging market
This paper is related to three strands of the literature: The first strand is literature
on the spillovers of monetary policy. Rey (2015) builds on the empirical framework in
Bekaert et al. (2013) and shows that U.S. monetary policy is a key driver of stock market
volatility as measured by the VIX, which, in turn, is an important driver of the global
financial cycle. Bruno and Shin (2015) study the relationship between capital flows and
monetary policy. Jorda et al. (2018) study the synchronization of global markets and its
relationship to a global financial cycle. They find that global financial cycles are closely
related to changes in risk premiums, with changes in U.S. monetary policy driving risk
appetite and thus serving as a transmission mechanism. In this framework, the variability
in exchange rate regimes among countries is one significant explanation of the differential
effects of U.S. monetary policy on other countries. We contribute to this literature on
global financial cycles by providing empirical evidence in support of the hypothesis that
the degree of financial spillovers matters. However, we rather argue that U.S. monetary
policy affects global financial stability only to the extent that foreign countries have direct
exposure to the United States. Those countries with indirect exposure do not always face
an increase in their financial stability risks.
The second strand is literature on the determinants of financial crises. Prominent
early examples include Demirguc-Kunt and Detragiache (1998) and Kaminsky and Rein-
hart (1999). Demirguc-Kunt and Detragiache (1998) consider the factors affecting the
probability of a banking crisis for 65 countries for the period of 1980 to 1994. By con-
structing a data set of banking and currency crises spanning 120 years, Bordo et al. (2001)
document that capital controls affect the probability of a crisis. Broner et al. (2013) look
at the behavior of capital flows during business cycles and economic crises. Several au-
thors have made use of the Reinhart and Rogoff (2009) database, focusing on banking
crises and relevant variables affecting their likelihood. Finally, Danielsson et al. (2018)
show that domestic risk appetite–proxied by low financial volatility–is an important pre-
dictor of banking crises. We contribute to this literature by providing evidence that U.S.
monetary policy decisions play a significant role in foreign banking crises. Moreover, we
identify the domestic factors that play a role in determining how U.S. monetary policy
affects financial stability risks of foreign countries.
The third strand is the literature on the role of integration in probability of crises.
In this literature, there are two opposing views on the relationship between a country’s
exposure to the world and whether such integration makes the country more or less
prone to crises. On one hand, high integration may increase the probability of a crisis
through propagation, as the country is more exposed to shocks from abroad, as in Stiglitz
(2010). In a multi-country model, Azzimonti et al. (2014) argue that government debt
increases with economic integration. Therefore, a policy implication of the model is that
integration increases the vulnerability to a crisis. On the other hand, countries that
are open to international financial and trade markets could be less vulnerable to shocks,
per Ayhan et al. (2006); Cavallo and Frankel (2008). Cavallo and Frankel (2008) point
out that a number of channels could reduce vulnerability to a crisis for countries with
higher trade integration. First, countries that rely more on trade would be less prone to
default, as they are heavily incentivized to maintain trade. Hence, international investors
would be less likely to pull out of countries with high trade integration. In addition,
trade integration helps countries better absorb shocks. We contribute to this literature
by distinguishing the integration with the center country and globally.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 details the data we use. Section
3 describes the empirical methodology. Section 4 summarizes our results. Section 5 offers
concluding remarks.
2 Data and Descriptive Analysis
2.1 Banking crises data
For the analysis, we create an annual panel dataset on 69 countries spanning 1870-2010,
as available. The sample includes 24 developed and 45 emerging countries (based on
the IMF’s classification). Appendix B lists the countries included in our sample with
their coverage. We base our analysis on the systemic banking crises of Reinhart and
Rogoff (2009). A crisis is defined as an event with a closure, merger, or public takeover of
one or more financial institutions or large scale government assistance of a systemically
important financial institution. The unbalanced panel contains a binary indicator of
whether a banking crisis starts in a given year and country and includes 239 distinct
banking crises.
Figure 1 plots the unconditional probability of banking crises for each country in our
sample, defined as the number of crises divided by the available sample period. The figure
also contains the unconditional probability of banking crises for the United States, for
comparison purposes only, as the United States is not included in our sample. Within
the developed countries, Italy has the highest annual crisis probability at 6.38%; New
Zealand has the lowest, 0.96%. For emerging countries, the annual unconditional crisis
probability ranges from 0% for Mauritius to 7.8% for Brazil. Given the differences in
the probability of banking crises for emerging and developed countries, it is important to
explore how our analysis on the likelihood of banking crises differs in these two groups of
Central African Republic
Cote d'Ivoire
Costa Rica
Dominican Republic
Egypt, Arab Rep.
United Kingdom
Sri Lanka
New Zealand
El Salvador
United States
South Africa
Figure 1: Unconditional annual probability of banking crises
The figure presents the probability of banking crises for emerging and developed countries. For
a given country, the probability of a banking crisis is calculated as the number of crises divided
by the available sample period.
2.2 U.S. Monetary policy decisions
We proxy U.S. monetary policy decisions as the change in short term interest rates from
the Jorda et al. (2017) macrohistory database. In the more recent period, it is possible to
disentangle monetary policy surprises from expected changes. We pursue this approach as
a robustness to our main findings in 4.3. In particular, we use surprise series constructed
by Gertler and Karadi (2015), Romer and Romer (2004) and Rogers et al. (2014).
Romer and Romer (2004) narratively identify changes in the federal funds rate targets
surrounding FOMC meetings. By regressing these target changes on the current rate and
the Greenbook forecasts for output growth and inflation in the following two quarters,
they are able to separate the natural policy response of the economy from the exogenous
monetary policy surprise. The residuals from this estimation can be used as a proxy
for monetary policy shocks in regression analysis. Gertler and Karadi (2015) construct
a measure of monetary policy surprise using the change in high-frequency interest-rate
futures, limited to a 30-minute period surrounding the publication of a monetary policy
decision. They then compute a measure of monetary policy shocks by taking the monthly
average of these monetary policy surprises. Rogers et al. (2014) use a similar method
to Gertler and Karadi (2015), but applied to the eurodollar contracts, where monetary
policy surprises are calculated using the fourth eurodollar futures contract in a more
limited time period, defined as 15 minutes prior to an FOMC announcement to 1 hour
and 45 minutes after.
Table 1 Panel A presents the descriptive statistics for the monetary policy proxies.
We find that all four measures of U.S. monetary policy proxies are significantly correlated
with each other, with correlation ranging from 0.52 to 0.83. Of these, the Romer and
Romer (2004) shocks have the most dispersion, while the Gertler and Karadi (2015)
and Rogers et al. (2014) shocks have similar and relatively small standard deviations, in
addition to similar means. This is not surprising given the similarity in the way they are
2.3 Exposure variables
We include different exposure proxies that can be grouped into direct exposure and indirect
exposure measures. Direct exposure measures include the ratio of a country’s trade with
the United States to its total trade. One can think of the measure as the country’s trade
intensity with the United States. Additionally, in the recent sample (post-1990s), we
include a country’s debt liabilities in USD (% of GDP) as a proxy of direct exposure with
the U.S.(Lane and Shambaugh, 2010; Benetrix et al., 2015).
As indirect exposure measure, we calculate country’s total exports and imports as a
share of GDP (trade openness) to proxy the economic globalization of a country with the
rest of the world. In the recent sample (post-1970s), we also include the capital account
openness index of Chinn and Ito (2006).
Table 1, Panel B, columns I to IV list the summary statistics of the exposure variables
for the whole sample as well as for the developed and emerging economies. Developed
countries on average are more globally integrated than emerging countries, irrespective
of the way we measure. In contrast, emerging economies, on average, hold higher U.S.-
denominated debt and have higher trade intensity with the U.S. compared to developed
Both trade intensity and trade openness can affect the macroeconomic outlook and
financial stability of a country, suggesting a possible endogeneity problem. To address
this issue, we use gravity estimates to construct instrumental variables for trade intensity
and openness, following the methodology first introduced by Frankel and Romer (1999).
The gravity estimates would serve as a robust instrument as argued by the authors. To
this end, we instrument a country’s bilateral trade by means of its distance (to its part-
ners), population, common language, land-border, land-area, landlocked status, and their
colonial relationship. Gravity estimates are expected to be good instrumental variables
because they are based on variables that are plausibly exogenous and yet highly correlated
with a country’s overall trade.
To estimate gravity instruments for the trade intensity of a country with the U.S., for
each year t, we first run the following regressions:
) = c + β
log dist
+ β
+ β
+ β
+ β
+ β
+ β
+ ε
is the total trade of country i with the United States, T
is the total trade with the
whole trade partners. pop
is the population of the United States, log dist
is the log
of the weighted-distance between the economic centers of the two countries, comlang
is a dummy variable that takes value 1 if i and the United States share the same common
language, and is 0 otherwise; border
is a dummy variable that takes value 1 if the
two countries share a border and is 0 otherwise; areap
is the log of the product of
the areas (in km
) of countries i and U.S., landlock
equals to 1 if i is landlocked (i.e.,
entirely enclosed by land), and 0 otherwise, and finally colony
takes the value 1 if
the country has ever had a colonial link with the United States and 0 otherwise. The
intensity gravity estimates are the exponential of the fitted values of (1).
Similarly, following Cavallo and Frankel (2008), we run the following regression to
estimate the gravity of trade openness:
) = c + β
log distwi, j + β
+ β
+ β
+ β
+ β
+ β
+ ε
where, T
is the bilateral trade value between countries i and j and GDP
is the real
GDP level of country i. landlock
equals to 2 if both i and j are landlocked (i.e.,
entirely enclosed by land), 1 if either i or j are landlocked, and 0 otherwise. The rest of
the variables are constructed as above.
The gravity estimates (or predicted trade to GDP ratios used in the regressions) are
then calculated as the exponential of the fitted values, summing across bilateral trading
partners j. For the sake of brevity, we do not present the estimates for the gravity
equations (1) and (2).
2.4 Control variables
While testing the effects of monetary policy decisions on crises, we include a number of
variables known to be predictors of crises as control variables. We first include per-capita
gross domestic product growth. Second, inflation affects the likelihood of a financial crisis
(see e.g., Demirguc-Kunt and Detragiache, 1998). We calculate inflation as the annual
percentage change in the consumer price index. Lastly, to control for institutional quality,
which can affect political and macroeconomic stability (see, e.g., Cerra and Saxena, 2008),
we use the POLCOMP variable from the Polity IV Project database as a proxy for
institutional quality.
Details of the variables constructed can be found in appendix A.
Table 1, Panel B, Columns V through X detail selected descriptive statistics for the
control variables. Most notably, developed countries have much higher institutional qual-
ity and much lower inflation than their emerging counterparts. In addition, the variability
Local monetary policy decisions and changes in the exchange rates are also expected to affect the
economic and financial conditions. However, historical coverage for both series for many of the countries
are poor. When we include changes in the short-term interest rates and exchange rate in our baseline
specification, the sample size shrinks by three quarters, hence we do not include these local variables in
our baseline regressions and instead present them as part of robustness analysis in section 4.4.
of GDP growth and the variability of inflation are also low for developed countries relative
to emerging ones.
3 Empirical Methodology
We hypothesize that U.S. monetary policy affects a country’s financial system only to
the extent that the country has direct linkages with the United States. To test this
hypothesis, for country i and year t, we estimate the following logit-panel regressions:
) = β
+ β
× MP
+ β
× MP
+ γ
× X
+ γ
× X
+ η
+ ν
+ ε
, (3)
where logit(C) = log(C/(1 C)) is the log of the odds ratio of the binary banking crisis
indicator C
Exposure is the measure of a country’s exposure to the U.S. and the
world, introduced in Section (2), and MP is the change in the U.S. monetary policy
decisions, defined as the change in U.S. 3-month Treasury yields. X are the control
variables, namely: inflation rate, GDP growth rate, and political competition. η
and ν
are cross-sectional and time-series fixed effects, respectively. Throughout the analysis,
we dually cluster standard errors both at the country and year levels to address possible
time-series and cross-country correlation of residuals.
4 Results
This section first establishes how U.S. monetary policy affects banking crises and how the
nature of linkages affects these results. Subsequently, we provide some evidence on the
transmission mechanisms, and explore the robustness of our results in various dimensions.
Using an interaction term is also necessary from an econometric standpoint. U.S. monetary policy
shocks do not vary by country, so including is as a stand-alone variable in a panel regression would be
akin to adding time-series fixed effects.
4.1 Effects of U.S. Monetary Policy on Banking Crises
Table 2 shows our baseline panel-logit regression results with the historical data. Column
I shows the effect of the interaction of monetary policy with direct exposure measures of
trade intensity. U.S. monetary policy tightening has a positive and statistically significant
effect on the probability of a banking crisis for those countries that have direct trade
linkages with the United States. Column II uses the gravity instrument for the trade
intensity to correct potential endogenity that occurs when using trade intensity as the
dependent variable. The contemporaneous interaction term for U.S. monetary policy with
the exposure variable remains positive and becomes more significant both statistically
and economically. The estimated marginal effects (MEs) show that the impact of U.S.
monetary policy on the probability of a crisis is economically meaningful: a 1 % tightening
in monetary policy increases the probability of a crisis by 1.0-6.8% for a given level of
direct exposure to the United States.
As we formally explore below, when U.S. monetary policy tightens, foreign countries
could experience capital outflows, leading to an adjustment in external accounts and
domestic vulnerabilities. If this correction is sudden, and sizable, it might lead to a
sudden stop. Indeed, the countries that have direct exposure to the U.S. appear to be
more prone sudden stops, hence for these countries, the probability of a banking crisis
Columns III and IV explore the role of U.S. monetary policy for those countries that
are open and globally integrated but do not necessarily have direct, primary exposure to
the United States. We measure such integration using the trade openness indicator (in
column III) and its gravity instrument (in column IV). For those countries without direct
exposure to the United States, the role of U.S. monetary policy is ambiguous. In column
III, the coefficient for the contemporaneous interaction term is negative and statistically
significant, suggesting that the contemporaneous rate changes for these countries might
decrease the probability of a banking crisis. Our interpretation of this result is that,
for these countries, openness helps with diversification, and these countries might be
the immediate beneficiaries of the funds flowing from those other countries which have
direct exposure with the United States. In addition, even if these countries are not the
direct beneficiaries of capital flowing out of countries that have direct exposure to the
United States, a more orderly reversal of capital flows might help correct imbalances that
might have accumulated in the run-up period. With an orderly correction of imbalances,
the probability of a banking crisis drops, as indicated by the negative marginal effects.
However, the impact diminishes when we correct for the endogeneity.
Our control variables have expected signs. Higher GDP growth has a negative co-
efficient, suggesting higher growth reduces the probability of a banking crisis. Higher
institutional quality of a country (POLCOMP) lowers the probability of a banking crisis
(albeit not significant). It could be that governance is better for countries with better
quality scores, where it is more difficult for politicians to distort bank lending decisions.
4.2 Transmission Mechanisms
Our results so far show that U.S. monetary policy rates affect the likelihood of banking
crises in foreign countries, to the extent that these countries have direct links to the U.S.
economy. In this section, we explore possible mechanisms as to why U.S. monetary policy
may lead to financial instability abroad.
U.S. monetary policy may affect other countries through capital flows, credit growth,
and bank leverages. Since U.S. monetary policy stance affects relative return on invest-
ment in foreign economies, it may affect credit flows across countries. A loosening stance
of U.S. monetary policy can lead to a credit boom in foreign economies since it is likely
that capital would flow out of the United States due to an increase in reach-for-yield in-
centives. With large capital inflows to these countries, the quality of loans becomes poor
(Greenwood and Hanson, 2013), which eventually increases the likelihood of a banking
crisis. Caballero and Simsek (2018a,b) show that asymmetric capital flows can be desta-
bilizing in these reach-for-yield scenarios. Schularick and Taylor (2012) and Baron and
Xiong (2017) find that excessive lending adversely affects the likelihood of a banking
crisis and the bank equity crash risk, respectively. Conversely, a tightening of the stance
of U.S. monetary policy can lead to reversal of capital flows. If the correction in capital
flows becomes sudden and disorderly, it can lead to an increase in the probability of a
banking crisis (see Neumeyer and Perri, 2005; Uribe and Yue, 2006, among others).
To examine if U.S. monetary policy tightening could cause a reversal of capital flows
in foreign economies, we run the following regression
= β
+ β
× MP
+ β
× MP
+ γ
+ γ
× X
+ γ
× X
+ η
+ ν
+ ε
, (4)
where, CF
is the change in total portfolio investment flows (% of GDP) for country i in
year t. We include all of the control variables introduced in (3). In addition, we control for
the change in domestic interest rates to account for the local monetary policy decisions. In
addition, as the sample coverage starts in the 1970’s, we can use two additional exposure
measures, which are not available at our original historical sample period. The first one
is the difference between the debt liabilities and debt assets denominated in U.S. dollar,
and the second one is the capital account openness.
We consider countries with dollar-denominated liabilities as having direct exposures
to U.S. monetary policy, since changes in U.S. monetary policy directly affect the debt
servicing costs. As thoroughly discussed in the literature (See Calvo, 2002; Choi and
Cook, 2004; Mendoza, 2002, among others), liability dollarization is a significant source
of financial stability risk. When dollar denominated liabilities are financed by income
derived in local currency, any changes in exchange rate fluctuations could make the debt
servicing cost higher. When U.S. monetary policy tightens, the cost of holding dollar-
denominated debt for foreign economies rises through two channels. First, the rate at
which the borrowers roll over their debt would be higher. Second, a higher U.S. monetary
policy rate would drive up the value of the dollar relative to other currencies. We consider
countries with more open capital accounts as being globally integrated but not necessarily
having direct exposure with the United States. Therefore, we consider capital account
openness as an indirect exposure measure.
Table 3 shows that the interaction term is negative and significant for the direct
exposure measures but insignificant for indirect exposure measures. That is, a positive
shock to, or a tightening stance in, the U.S. monetary policy is followed by reduction in
capital flows to these countries only if the country has direct economic exposure to the
U.S. However, if the country is globally integrated, then the effect of U.S. monetary policy
is ambiguous. This finding suggests that when U.S. monetary policy tightens, countries
with direct exposure to the United States will face capital outflows. If the outflows are
disorderly (e.g., sudden stops), the probability of a banking crisis increases.
4.3 Monetary policy surprises and crises
The literature has offered various proxies for monetary policy shocks. To explore the
effects of policy surprises, rather than changes in the decisions, in Table 4, we use the
monetary policy surprise series constructed by Gertler and Karadi (2015), Romer and
Romer (2004) and Rogers et al. (2014). These indicators of monetary policy surprises,
however, are available only for the more recent period, hence we have to restrict our
sample in these regressions to the 1990–2010 period. In these regressions, we can use
two additional exposure variables: dollar denominated liabilities, as a proxy for direct
exposure, and Chinn-Ito’s capital account openness indicator, as a proxy for indirect
Table 4 shows that our main findings in the historical sample hold. U.S. monetary
policy shocks increase the probability of a banking crisis for countries with direct trade
links with the United States. (columns I to VI) or countries that hold more dollar-
denominated liabilities (columns VII to IX). For countries integrated globally, results are
again ambiguous but statistically stronger compared to using monetary policy stances.
U.S. monetary policy shocks decrease the probability of a banking crisis for countries that
have strong trade links globally, even controlled for the endogeneity (columns X to XV).
Whereas, we failed to document a robust relationship between the policy surprises and
banking crises probability using the Chinn-Ito index as the exposure variable (columns
XIX to XXI).
To sum up, our results in this section reinforces our earlier finding that U.S. monetary
policy shocks lead to a contemporaneous increase in probability of a banking crisis only
for those countries with a direct exposure to the U.S. For other countries with indirect
exposure, the effect of monetary policy shocks is ambiguous. The results in these cases
point to a reduction in probability of a banking crisis with some exposure measures and
point to an ambiguous effect with some other exposure measures.
4.4 Robustness
We examine the robustness of our findings in two main dimensions. First, we look at sub-
samples. Second, we examine alternative econometric specifications and alternative data.
In the interest of space, we exclusively present robustness results for our regression results
for the gravity instrument for trade intensity, e.g., our main direct exposure variable
shown in column II of Table 2, and leave robustness for all the other columns to an online
Table 5 shows our results with different sub-samples. In particular, we look at post-
WWII period (column II), a sample that excludes the Great Depression and the Great
Recession, and both WWI and WWII periods (column III), a sample with emerging
markets only (column IV), a sample with developed countries only (column V), a sample
controlling for countries that anchor their exchange rates to the U.S. dollar (column VI).
In all these sub-samples, the interaction variable for U.S. monetary policy and exposure
variable remains positive and statistically significant, with the exception of the sample
for developed countries. This finding suggests that the effect of U.S. monetary policy on
the probability of a banking crisis (due to increased risk of a sudden stop) is mainly an
emerging market phenomena.
It is also worth highlighting the results with exchange rate anchors, countries who
directly anchor their exchange rate to the U.S. dollar. In this exercise, we add the con-
temporaneous and lagged interaction of U.S. monetary policy with a dummy for exchange
rate anchor countries, which takes a value of 1 if the country anchors its exchange rate
to the U.S. dollar and 0 otherwise. We find that U.S. monetary policy has a positive
effect on the probability of a banking crisis for those countries with direct exposure to
the United States, regardless of their anchor policy. However, the impact is economically
more meaningful for the countries that anchor their exchange rate to the dollar.
In Table 6, we present additional robustness analyses with alternative econometric
specifications and alternative data. In columns II and III, we examine the robustness of
our findings with the use of simple OLS and probit regressions, respectively. In column
IV, we investigate whether our results are sensitive to the inclusion of local monetary
policy changes and changes in the exchange rates. Local monetary policy decisions, not
only the U.S. monetary policy ones, are expected to affect the economic conditions. We
proxy local monetary policy changes as the changes in the short-term local interest rates.
In column V, we test the sensitivity of our findings by considering alternative crisis
databases. Our motivation in doing this to see if our results are sensitive to the critiques
raised in the literature (see, e.g., Romer and Romer, 2015) regarding Reinhart and Rogoff
(2009). In particular, following Danielsson et al. (2018) we merged the databases of Bordo
et al. (2001); Laeven and Valencia (2012); Gourinchas and Obstfeld (2012); Schularick
and Taylor (2012) with that of Reinhart and Rogoff (2009) for banking by using consistent
definitions of crises and then use it as the dependent variable. Finally, we re-estimate the
baseline equation with non-winsorized variables (column VI).
Overall, we find that the results are qualitatively similar under the various robustness
checks. There are small changes in different specifications, but the main conclusions hold.
5 Conclusion
In this paper we examine the role of U.S. monetary policy in global financial stability.
We find that positive U.S. monetary policy shocks leads to an increase in the probability
of a banking crisis for those countries with direct linkages to the U.S., either in the form
of trade links or significant share of USD-denominated liabilities. However, if a country
is integrated globally, rather than having a direct exposure to the U.S., the effects of U.S.
monetary policy shocks are ambiguous.
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6 Appendix A: Definition of variables
6.1 Monetary policy shocks
MP: US monetary policy change, defined as the change in US short-term interest
rates from the Jorda et al. (2017) macrohistory database.
GK: US monetary policy shocks introduced in Gertler and Karadi (2015), and
defined as the surprises in the three months ahead federal funds rate futures.
RSW: US monetary policy shocks introduced in Rogers et al. (2014), and con-
structed through the surprises on the six-month Euro-Dollar contracts.
RR: US monetary policy shocks introduced in Romer and Romer (2004). The
authors use the FED Greenbook forecasts of output growth and inflation along
with the fed-funds rates to estimate shocks.
6.2 Exposure variables
UStradeIntensity: Trade intensity to U.S., calculated as total trade to US divided
by total trades of the country. Data is from COW trade project.
Gravity–UStradeIntensity: The instrument of trade intensity, introduced in (1).
Debt_in_USD: Debt liabilities minus debt assets in USD (% of GDP) in log terms,
constructed by using data from the IMF’s Coordinated Portfolio Investment Survey
(CPIS) and the BIS locational banking statistics as detailed by Lane and Sham-
baugh (2010); Benetrix et al. (2015).
EconInteg: Economic integration, calculated as a country’s total exports and im-
ports as a % of GDP (trade openness). Trade data is from COW trade project and
GDP data is from Maddison project.
Gravity–EconInteg: The instrument of trade openness, introduced in (2).
KAOPEN: The Chinn-Ito financial openness index. It measures a country’s degree
of capital account openness, introduced in Chinn and Ito (2006). KAOPEN is based
on the binary dummy variables that codify the tabulation of restrictions on cross-
border financial transactions reported in the IMF’s Annual Report on Exchange
Arrangements and Exchange Restrictions (AREAER).
6.3 Capital flows
CF : The change in total portfolio flows as a percentage of the local country’s
GDP, taken from the IMF Balance of Payments statistics (BPM5).
6.4 Control variables
GDPgrowth: Real GDP per capita growth rate. Data from the Maddison project.
INF: Inflation rate calculated as the annual percentage change of the CPI index.
Data from the Global Financial Data.
POLCOMP: Political competition as a proxy for institutional quality. Data is from
the Polity IV Project database. POLCOMP is the combination of the degree of
institutionalization or regulation of political competition and the extent of govern-
ment restriction on political competition. The higher the value of the POLCOMP,
the better the institution quality of a given country.
INT_RATES: Change in local 3-month Treasury yields. Used as a proxy for the
local monetary policy surprises. Data from the Global Financial Data.
XR: The change in the exchange rate of the local currency to the dollar, from
Global Financial Data.
ANCHOR: A dummy variable equal to 1 if a country’s currency is pegged to the
U.S. Dollar in year t and 0 otherwise. Data from Ilzetzki et al. (2017).
Gravity variables
areap is the log of the product of the areas in km2 of two countries. Data is
from the GeoDist database–CEPII (Mayer and Zignago, 2011)
is the bilateral trade value between countries i and j. Data is from the
COW project
pop is the population of a country. Data from the Maddison project
distw is the bilateral distances between the biggest cities of two countries,
those inter-city distances being weighted by the share of the city in the overall
country’s population (see Mayer and Zignago, 2011, for details).
areap is the log of the product of the areas (in squared kilometers) of countries
i and U.S.
comlang is equals to 1 if the countries share the same official language and 0
border if equals to 1 if the countries share a border and 0 otherwise
landlocked equals to 1 if the local country is landlocked (i.e., entirely enclosed
by land) and 0 otherwise
colony equals 1 if the countries have ever had a colonial link with the U.S
7 Appendix B: Sample details
Table B1: This table lists the countries in our sample and sample coverage, divided into
panels by IMF Classification.
Panel A: Developed Countries
Country Coverage Country Coverage Country Coverage
Australia 1901-2010 France 1870-2010 Norway 1870-2010
Austria 1870-2010 Greece 1870-2010 New Zealand 1907-2010
Belgium 1870-2010 Ireland 1922-2010 Portugal 1870-2010
Canada 1870-2010 Iceland 1918-2010 Singapore 1965-2010
Switzerland 1870-2010 Italy 1870-2010 Spain 1870-2010
Germany 1870-2010 Japan 1870-2010 Sweden 1870-2010
Denmark 1870-2010 Korea 1945-2010 Taiwan 1945-2010
Finland 1917-2010 Netherlands 1870-2010 United Kingdom 1870-2010
Panel B: Emerging Countries
Country Coverage Country Coverage Country Coverage
Algeria 1962-2010 Guatemala 1870-2010 Philippines 1946-2010
Angola 1975-2010 Honduras 1870-2010 Poland 1918-2010
Argentina 1870-2010 Hungary 1918-2010 Paraguay 1870-2010
Bolivia 1870-2010 Indonesia 1949-2010 Romania 1878-2010
Brazil 1870-2010 India 1947-2010 Russia 1870-2010
Central African Republic 1960-2010 Kenya 1963-2010 El Salvador 1870-2010
Chile 1870-2010 Morocco 1956-2010 South Africa 1910-2010
China 1870-2010 Mexico 1870-2010 Sri Lanka 1948-2010
Cote d’Ivoire 1960-2010 Myanmar 1948-2010 Thailand 1870-2010
Colombia 1870-2010 Mauritius 1968-2010 Tunisia 1956-2010
Costa Rica 1870-2010 Malaysia 1963-2010 Turkey 1870-2010
Dominican Republic 1870-2010 Nigeria 1960-2010 Uruguay 1870-2010
Ecuador 1870-2010 Nicaragua 1870-2010 Venezuela 1870-2010
Egypt, Arab Rep. 1870-2010 Panama 1903-2010 Zambia 1966-2010
Ghana 1957-2010 Peru 1870-2010 Zimbabwe 1965-2010
Table 1: Selected Descriptive Statistics
Panel A
Average 0.000 -0.158 -0.090 -0.030
Std. Dev. 0.013 0.289 0.235 1.102
Obs. 8400 1610 2170 2730
Panel B
UStradeIntensity EconInteg Debt_in_USD KAOpen CapFlows GDPgrowth POLCOMP INF IntRates XR
Whole Average 0.197 1.852 2.671 0.240 0.086 0.020 6.182 8.068 -0.285 1.184
Std. Dev. 0.192 3.055 0.973 1.593 1.171 0.051 3.339 14.810 4.349 7.564
Obs. 6134 5790 1101 2821 808 7063 7422 6077 2026 8325
Developed Average 0.127 2.495 2.259 1.251 0.096 0.022 7.839 4.480 -0.147 0.447
Std. Dev. 0.127 4.010 0.943 1.336 0.998 0.048 3.171 8.877 1.786 4.878
Obs. 2442 2428 334 1003 560 3051 2787 2915 1119 3293
Emerging Average 0.244 1.387 2.851 -0.317 0.063 0.019 5.187 11.375 -0.456 1.667
Std. Dev. 0.212 1.986 0.931 1.442 1.491 0.054 3.028 18.060 6.187 8.861
Obs. 3692 3362 767 1818 248 4012 4635 3162 907 5032
This table shows the average, standard deviation, and number of observations for the data we use in the regressions. Panel A highlights monetary policy change
or surprise measures, which represent U.S. monetary policy and do not vary by country. MP is the change in 3-month federal funds rates, GK is the measure of
monetary surprise in three-month federal funds rates as in Gertler and Karadi (2015), RSW is the measure of monetary policy surprise in the fourth eurodollar
contract as in Rogers et al. (2014), and RR is the measure of monetary surprise as in Romer and Romer (2015). Panel B gives descriptive statistics for variables
used as measures of exposure and controls, which do vary by country. Variable definitions are given in Appendix A.
Table 2: Role of US Monetary Policy in Financial Crises: Historical Sample
Y : C
Exp: UStradeIntensity Gravity–UStradeIntensity EconInteg Gravity
0.33 -3.45** -0.26 -4.91*
(0.329) (1.351) (0.259) (2.816)
23.68** 162.88*** -29.61*** -96.94
(11.930) (55.724) (8.766) (93.510)
-10.66 -4.12 15.14 39.64
(11.747) (56.419) (11.181) (63.851)
-10.84*** -9.63*** -9.86*** -9.48***
(2.682) (2.705) (2.659) (2.832)
-0.07 -0.00 -0.05 0.01
(0.075) (0.091) (0.073) (0.092)
-0.01 -0.00 -0.00 -0.00
(0.010) (0.009) (0.009) (0.009)
0.62 0.08 0.26 0.15
(2.306) (2.141) (2.023) (2.238)
-0.00 -0.06 -0.01 -0.06
(0.065) (0.078) (0.067) (0.079)
0.01 0.01 0.01 0.00
(0.010) (0.010) (0.010) (0.009)
Obs. 1,496 1,541 1,555 1,541
Pseudo R2 0.168 0.203 0.185 0.191
0.998 6.825 -1.216 -4.692
-0.450 -0.173 0.539 2.223
The table shows the estimated coefficients of the panel-logit regressions introduced in (3). The dependent
variable is a dummy variable that equals to 1 at the beginning year of a systemic banking crises, defined
in Reinhart and Rogoff (2009). MP is the U.S. monetary policy decisions, defined as the change in US
3-month Treasury yields. The exposure variable used (Exp) is listed at the column header. UStradeIn-
tensity is a country’s total trade to U.S. divided by its total trades. Gravity–UStradeIntensity is the
instrument of trade intensity, introduced in (1). EconInteg is economic integration proxied by the trade
openness (exports+imports as a ratio of GDP), Gravity is the instrumented trade measure as introduced
in (2). GDPgrowth is the GDP growth rate, POLCOMP is the degree of political competition, and
INF is the annual inflation rate. All of the specifications include country and year fixed effects, where
the estimated coefficients are omitted for the sake of brevity. The panel covers 69 countries and spans
1870–2010. The standard errors, reported in parentheses, are robust and dually clustered at the year
and country level. Estimated marginal effects of the interaction term and lagged interaction term are
reported in the last two rows.
Table 3: The Role of U.S. Monetary Policy in Capital Flows to Foreign Countries
Y : ∆CF
Exp: UStradeIntensity Gravity–UStradeIntensity Debt_in_USD EconInteg Gravity KAOpen
-0.51 0.12 -0.15 -0.10 -0.25 0.06
(0.466) (1.244) (0.142) (0.167) (0.905) (0.107)
-5.62** -28.96*** -9.68* -0.12 -8.53 -3.16
(2.196) (5.479) (4.669) (3.108) (22.228) (2.813)
0.59 -16.51 -1.59 1.47 -26.94 4.29
(1.470) (17.183) (4.962) (1.638) (22.258) (3.367)
-0.46*** -0.46*** -0.50*** -0.44*** -0.44*** -0.43***
(0.075) (0.067) (0.080) (0.071) (0.061) (0.072)
3.86 2.96 6.51* 3.30 2.65 3.63
(2.906) (2.804) (3.693) (2.993) (2.587) (2.590)
-0.18* -0.18** -0.02 -0.17** -0.17** -0.18**
(0.095) (0.079) (0.194) (0.077) (0.077) (0.072)
0.02 0.02 -0.04* 0.02 0.02 0.02
(0.022) (0.018) (0.022) (0.018) (0.020) (0.018)
-0.02 -0.01 -0.00 -0.03 -0.02 -0.02
(0.032) (0.029) (0.027) (0.028) (0.030) (0.029)
13.41*** 12.48*** 14.64*** 13.95*** 12.16*** 13.11***
(3.065) (3.607) (3.016) (3.121) (2.869) (3.056)
0.20*** 0.22** -0.09 0.20*** 0.23*** 0.18**
(0.067) (0.085) (0.257) (0.067) (0.075) (0.076)
-0.01 -0.01 0.05** -0.01 -0.01 -0.01
(0.028) (0.020) (0.024) (0.019) (0.022) (0.019)
-0.01 -0.00 -0.01 -0.01 -0.01 -0.01
(0.017) (0.014) (0.020) (0.013) (0.014) (0.015)
Obs. 446 464 229 459 464 463
R2 0.364 0.365 0.444 0.350 0.355 0.352
The table shows estimated coefficients of the panel-logit regressions introduced in (4). The dependent variable is the change in total portfolio flows as a percentage
of the local country’s GDP, taken from the IMF Balance of Payments statistics (BPM5). The exposure variable used (Exp) is listed at the column header, and
are as introduced in Table 2. Sample includes 69 countries and spans from 1951 to 2010, as available. IntRates, which is the change in a country’s short term
interest rates from Global Financial Data. All of the other control variables are introduced in Table (2). All specifications include country and year fixed effects.
The standard errors, reported in parentheses, are robust and dually clustered at the year and country level.
Table 4: Role of US Monetary Policy in Financial Crises: MP surprises
Y : C
Exp: UStradeIntensity Gravity–UStradeIntensity Debt_in_USD
13.93** 13.96** 3.12 0.27 -0.17 -2.15** 1.66* 1.67** 1.47*
(5.592) (6.561) (3.579) (1.240) (1.240) (1.013) (0.880) (0.828) (0.815)
8.51*** 14.86*** 1.04** 1.50 2.66** 1.00*** 0.73** 1.28 -0.00
(2.240) (4.867) (0.477) (1.353) (1.123) (0.386) (0.322) (0.844) (0.250)
-6.11*** -6.14*** -0.74 0.03 0.79 -0.37 -1.31 -1.38 2.74*
(1.747) (2.249) (0.621) (1.107) (1.062) (0.506) (1.323) (2.109) (1.529)
-13.35 -15.98* -12.29* -20.33*** -19.84*** -22.33*** -13.20 -13.36 -12.62
(8.735) (8.258) (6.844) (2.979) (3.169) (6.254) (9.847) (9.806) (15.411)
-1.25*** -1.16*** -0.70*** -0.67*** -0.62*** -0.55** -0.49 -0.49 -0.70**
(0.247) (0.348) (0.239) (0.127) (0.163) (0.230) (0.366) (0.374) (0.338)
-0.03 -0.03 -0.02 -0.02 -0.02 -0.01 -0.03 -0.03 -0.04
(0.055) (0.049) (0.048) (0.049) (0.047) (0.048) (0.048) (0.047) (0.064)
0.04 0.03 0.05 0.03 0.03 0.04 0.11** 0.11* 0.20**
(0.094) (0.096) (0.094) (0.105) (0.107) (0.108) (0.053) (0.058) (0.089)
-5.87 -7.08 -8.32 -6.32 -6.76 -4.69 -29.94* -30.70* -33.07
(12.988) (13.613) (9.268) (9.878) (10.050) (10.082) (17.545) (17.719) (21.597)
0.43 0.41 0.24 0.72*** 0.76*** 0.76*** 0.47 0.46 0.56
(0.276) (0.337) (0.211) (0.224) (0.196) (0.286) (0.463) (0.433) (0.382)
0.03 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.03 0.03 0.03
(0.060) (0.059) (0.050) (0.048) (0.047) (0.050) (0.042) (0.042) (0.091)
-0.08* -0.07 -0.04 -0.06* -0.06* -0.06* -0.11** -0.11** -0.10
(0.047) (0.055) (0.036) (0.032) (0.032) (0.034) (0.048) (0.049) (0.122)
Observations 235 235 235 220 220 220 146 146 146
Pseudo R2 0.381 0.398 0.269 0.284 0.293 0.307 0.409 0.409 0.431
0.201 0.184 0.067 0.104 0.112 0.059 0.035 0.046 -0.001
-0.145 -0.064 -0.048 0.002 0.044 -0.022 -0.063 -0.062 0.060
The table shows estimated coefficients of the panel-logit regressions introduced in (3), using the sample after 1990. The dependent variable is a dummy variable
that equals to 1 at the beginning year of a systemic banking crises, defined in Reinhart and Rogoff (2009). The exposure variable used (Exp) is listed at the
column header as well as the definition of the monetary policy shocks. GK, RSW, and RR are the shocks defines by Gertler and Karadi (2015); Rogers et al.
(2014); Romer and Romer (2004), respectively. Debt_in_USD is countries’ debt liabilities minus debt assets in USD (% of GDP), introduced in Lane and
Shambaugh (2010). KAOPEN is the Chinn-Ito Index openness index. The rest of the variables are introduced in Table 2. Sample includes 69 countries. All of
the specifications include country and year fixed effects. The standard errors, reported in parentheses, are robust and dually clustered at the year and country
level. Estimated marginal effects of the interaction term and the lagged interaction term are reported in the last two rows.
Table 4: Role of US Monetary Policy on Financial Crises: MP surprises (Cont.)
Y : C
Exp: Econ Integ Gravity KAOpen
2.21** 1.37** 0.49 -19.57*** -16.88*** -12.50* 0.09 -0.54 0.01
(0.870) (0.651) (1.784) (6.847) (6.369) (6.505) (0.868) (0.870) (0.832)
-1.24* -3.26* -0.95* -21.57*** -33.22** -2.43 -0.24 -2.33* -0.71
(0.657) (1.741) (0.510) (8.184) (14.773) (4.439) (0.766) (1.256) (0.536)
1.90 2.18 0.54 19.55*** 22.88** 1.78 0.15 -1.41 0.20
(2.010) (3.572) (0.549) (6.681) (10.914) (2.672) (0.850) (1.577) (0.504)
-13.82*** -11.84*** -10.68** -12.69*** -13.95*** -16.08*** -13.26*** -13.97*** -11.86***
(3.888) (4.036) (4.882) (3.182) (3.887) (5.159) (3.415) (3.896) (3.354)
-0.93*** -0.91*** -0.77* -0.67*** -0.66** -0.52** -0.79*** -0.65** -0.66**
(0.342) (0.344) (0.426) (0.260) (0.263) (0.227) (0.302) (0.268) (0.290)
-0.02 -0.03 -0.03 -0.01 -0.01 -0.02 -0.02 -0.02 -0.03
(0.049) (0.047) (0.049) (0.040) (0.040) (0.043) (0.048) (0.045) (0.046)
0.08 0.09 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.05 0.07 0.08
(0.106) (0.101) (0.094) (0.100) (0.103) (0.097) (0.093) (0.081) (0.082)
-16.44 -16.35 -12.92 -8.94 -8.89 -9.11 -7.98 -9.16 -9.81
(10.773) (11.709) (9.583) (10.455) (10.929) (10.629) (8.884) (8.829) (9.214)
0.36 0.42 0.41 0.69** 0.70** 0.70** 0.31 0.29 0.39
(0.231) (0.262) (0.360) (0.329) (0.341) (0.285) (0.209) (0.233) (0.260)
0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.01 -0.00 0.00
(0.044) (0.042) (0.045) (0.049) (0.048) (0.045) (0.050) (0.043) (0.044)
-0.02 -0.03 -0.02 -0.05 -0.05 -0.05 -0.03 -0.02 -0.04*
(0.027) (0.028) (0.032) (0.045) (0.048) (0.033) (0.021) (0.015) (0.022)
Observations 235 235 235 220 220 220 232 232 232
Pseudo R2 0.269 0.287 0.289 0.345 0.353 0.290 0.218 0.246 0.245
-0.087 -0.147 -0.050 -1.154 -1.437 -0.150 -0.013 -0.091 -0.052
0.103 0.179 0.013 1.015 0.975 0.010 0.013 -0.004 0.020
This table is continued from the previous page.
Table 5: Robustness: Subsample Analysis
Y : C
Exp: Gravity–UStradeIntensity Whole Sample 1946-2010 Without Major Crises Emerging Economies Developed Economies Control for Anchor Currency
-3.45** -0.52 -3.83** -5.15** -4.14*** -1.53
(1.351) (0.709) (1.491) (2.359) (1.305) (2.812)
162.88*** 38.88** 152.64** 243.78*** 105.02 164.42**
(55.724) (17.339) (61.238) (85.801) (90.822) (76.902)
-4.12 -13.43 -43.48 25.61 -31.82 -67.58
(56.419) (13.203) (57.339) (76.698) (92.856) (59.193)
-9.63*** -17.43*** -10.84*** -12.36*** -4.43 -18.81***
(2.705) (3.808) (2.944) (3.448) (5.144) (3.729)
-0.00 -0.04 0.01 -0.04 0.16 -0.06
(0.091) (0.095) (0.094) (0.093) (0.298) (0.114)
-0.00 -0.02 -0.00 -0.01 -0.03 -0.01
(0.009) (0.012) (0.010) (0.013) (0.029) (0.013)
0.08 3.32 -0.92 -1.01 4.29 4.34
(2.141) (4.532) (2.350) (2.754) (4.884) (5.292)
-0.06 -0.02 -0.05 -0.04 -0.25 -0.00
(0.078) (0.086) (0.085) (0.073) (0.319) (0.102)
0.01 0.02 0.01 0.00 -0.00 0.02
(0.010) (0.013) (0.010) (0.013) (0.027) (0.012)
Observations 2,068 1,541 1,875 934 620 1,513
R2 0.203 0.186 0.160 0.195 0.244 0.201
The table shows the estimated coefficients of the panel-logit regressions introduces in (3). Gravity–UStradeIntensity as defined in Table 2. Variables are as defined
in Tables (2) and (4), with the addition of Anchor, which is equal to 1 if a country is pegged to the U.S. Dollar in a given year t and the interaction and lagged
interaction of Anchor and MP. Results labeled whole sample are the same as presented in Table 2.Column II presents results for the model estimated post-WWII.
Column III estimates the model without the observations dating to the Great Depression, the Great Recession, and two world wars. Columns IV and V present
estimates for developing and emerging economies, respectively. Column VI is estimated for the whole sample but with the additional Anchor controls.
Table 6: Robustness: Alternative specifications
Y : C
Exp: Gravity–UStradeIntensity Baseline OLS Probit IntRate & XR added Merged BKCrises Without winsorization
-3.45** -0.04* -1.92*** -3.69 -2.83** -3.49**
(1.351) (0.025) (0.527) (2.384) (1.150) (1.366)
162.88*** 4.83** 75.25*** 192.39** 141.85** 163.31***
(55.724) (1.916) (23.908) (93.560) (56.163) (56.900)
-4.12 0.43 -10.24 -95.98 -12.08 0.24
(56.419) (2.456) (22.637) (72.353) (55.153) (56.967)
-9.63*** -0.35*** -5.51*** -13.77*** -9.75*** -8.59***
(2.705) (0.095) (1.085) (5.141) (2.581) (2.702)
-0.00 0.00 -0.00 0.10 -0.00 -0.00
(0.091) (0.004) (0.050) (0.248) (0.083) (0.091)
-0.00 0.00 -0.00 -0.03 -0.00 -0.01
(0.009) (0.000) (0.004) (0.027) (0.009) (0.007)
0.08 0.00 -0.20 -5.32 -1.48 -0.09
(2.141) (0.067) (1.096) (7.853) (2.089) (2.091)
-0.06 -0.00 -0.03 -0.11 -0.08 -0.06
(0.078) (0.004) (0.042) (0.238) (0.072) (0.078)
0.01 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.01 0.01
(0.010) (0.000) (0.005) (0.025) (0.009) (0.008)
Obs. 2,068 4,251 2,068 559 2,130 2,068
R-squared 0.203 0.154 0.205 0.217 0.204 0.200
The table shows the estimated coefficients of the panel-logit regressions in terms of modifications to (3). Results labeled Baseline are the same as presented in
Table 2. The OLS and Probit columns show the results as estimated with OLS and probit, respectively, instead of logit. In column IV, we include IntRates,
the change in local 3-month Treasury yields, and ExchRates, the change in the exchange rate of the local currency to the dollar, from Global Financial Data,
as control variables. In column V, we use an alternative definition of banking crises formed by merging the systemic crises databases of Bordo et al. (2001);
Laeven and Valencia (2012); Gourinchas and Obstfeld (2012); Schularick and Taylor (2012). We also show results for our main model estimated without applying
winsorization in column VI.