CFR Exam Study Guide – NYS DOH EMR Compliant – 2016
January 2016 – v.2
CFR Exam Study Guide – NYS DOH EMR Compliant – 2016 1
Table of Contents
Introduction to
EMS Pg. 2
Well Being of the First Responder Pg. 7
Medical Legal Pg. 13
Documentation and Communication Pg. 19
Anatomy and Physiology Pg. 23
Lifting and Moving Pg. 28
Airway and Ventilation Pg. 33
Patient Assessment Pg. 38
CPR and AED Pg. 46
Medical Emergencies Pg. 51
Bleeding, Shock, and STI’s Pg. 56
Musculoskeletal Injuries Pg. 61
Childbirth Pg. 66
Infants and Children Pg. 71
Operations Pg. 77
Environmental Emergencies Pg. 83
Special Patient Populations Pg. 86
CFR Exam Study Guide – NYS DOH EMR Compliant – 2014 2
Introduction to EMS
Which of the following is not included in the fundamental attributes of a functioni
Emergency Medical Services (EMS) System?
a. Huma
n resources
Public education
Standardize curricula
2. Updating standards for dispatching are included in which of the following comp
onents of
the Emergency M
edical Se
rvices System?
a. Communication System
Legislation and Regulation
c. Huma
n Resources
Clinical Care
3. Which of the followi
ng skills are usually NOT performed by First Responders?
a. Providing initial airway care
b. Assessing for life-threatening conditi
c. Performing life-saving skill
s such as CPR
d. Administering medications such as
epinephrine and nitroglycerin
4. Which of the followi
ng First Responders is NOT acting appropriately?
a. A First Responder who yells at bystanders who have approached a patient
b. A First Responder who exercises three ti
mes a week
c. A First Responder who calms a crying child who was invol
ved in a motor vehicle crash
d. A First Responder who keeps a clean jacket or jum
psuit to put on when responding from
his work as a mechanic
CFR Exam Study Guide – NYS DOH EMR Compliant – 2014 3
5. Which of the following First Responders is NOT demonstrating appropriate behavior?
a. The First Responder who places the patient’s safety before his or her
b. The First Responder who holds a patient’s hand to show em
c. The First Responder who attends a refresher course to m
aintain skill
d. The First Responder who attends CE
courses to maintain knowledge
6. Which of the following is properly dem
onstrating behavior expected of a First
a. The First Responder who allows a family member to disrupt th
ent of and provisi
on of patient care
b. The First Responder who goes into a s
cene with “shots fired” before
the police arrive
c. The First Responder who performs skills
learned in a CE course but
that are not included in local protocol
The First Responder who continues to assist with patient care as
requested by advanced care providers
7. The formal relationship between the EMS
providers and the physician responsible for the
tal medical care in a community best defines which of the following terms?
Direct medical control
b. Indirect medical control
c. Medical oversight
d. Medical practice act
CFR Exam Study Guide – NYS DOH EMR Compliant – 2014 4
8. Which of the followi
ng is TRUE
of medical oversight?
a. Only services that provide advanced care need medical oversight.
b. The physician providing medical oversight is of
ten referred to as the medical director.
c. First Responders act independently of physicians in m
ost cases.
d. It requires First Responders to contact a physician before pr
oviding any care.
9. All of the following are
TRUE of direct medical control EXCEPT ____.
a. It is also called “online,” “base station,” “immediate,” or “concurrent” medical control.
b. To use medical control, you may use the radio or telephone or have
direct contact with
the physici
n at the scene.
c. The only way to be under direct
medical control is for the physician to be at the scene.
d. It allows a First Responder to communicate directly with a physician.
10. Which of the followi
ng is FALSE regarding indirect medical control?
a. It occurs when a First Responder calls for orders over the radio or with
the phone.
b. It is also called “offline,” or “prospective” m
edical control.
c. It includes all the activities that are not direct medical control.
d. It may include providi
ng quality assurance.
11. A First Responder initiates treat
ent according to protocols. This is an exam
ple of which
of the foll
owing terms?
a. Concurrent medical control
Direct medical control
c. Indirect medical control
On-line medical control
CFR Exam Study Guide – NYS DOH EMR Compliant – 2014 5
12. Which term represents the first designated level of professional emergency medical care?
Emergency Medical Technician
b. Emergency Medica
l Responder (CFR)
Advanced Emergency Medical Technician
13. The laws or regulations that protect licensed health care providers who give emergency
assistance in good faith as long as they do not commit negligent, willful, or wanton acts of
isconduct or omissions or charge for their services are referred to as which of the
Good Samaritan laws
b. Emergency Medical Se
rvices regulations
c. Medical oversight la
d. First Responder prot
ection regulations
14. Failure to continue giving care until you
have transferred that care to someone of equal
or higher t
raining is best described by which of the following terms?
a. Refusal
c. Im
plied treatment
d. Indirect medical car
CFR Exam Study Guide – NYS DOH EMR Compliant – 2014 6
Intro to EMS : Answer Key
1 C 6 D 11 C
2 A 7 C 12 B
3 D 8 B 13 A
4 A 9 C 14 B
5 A 10 A 15 ~
CFR Exam Study Guide – NYS DOH EMR Compliant – 2014 7
Well-Being of the Emergency First Responder
Emotions commonly experienced by Emergency First Responders, patients, and fam
bers in a stressful situation include all the following EXCEPT
a. Anxiety
b. Pain
c. Depression
d. Patience
2. You respond to a major motor vehicle crash. Two patients are severely
injured. You begin
breathing fast and notice your pulse is racing. You feel tense and start to shake. Which of
the following statem
ents is TRUE
about these feelings?
a. These feelings are abnormal and not commonly experienced by First Responders.
These feelings are abnormal and you should report them
to your partner immediately.
These feelings are normal signs of anxiety in a stressful situ
These feelings are normal but are not usually experienced by First Responders at a ma
You respond to the scene of a patient w
ith difficulty breathing. The patient has lung
cancer. You try to put oxygen on him
and he yells at you. He comp
lains that you didn’t do
it right. The patient is presenting with which of the following stages of grief?
a. Denial
b. Anger
c. Bargaining
d. Depression
CFR Exam Study Guide – NYS DOH EMR Compliant – 2014 8
4. Which of the following include the five stages of grieving that may be experienced by
persons involved with death and dying?
a. Denial, anger, bargaini
ng, depression, acceptance
Guilt, indecisiveness, j
oy, depression, isolation
c. Acceptance,
comfort, a
nxiety, guilt, irritability
Isolation, respect, comf
ort, relief, depression
Which of the following steps should you take in your approach to the family confronted
with death and dying?
a. Reassure them that the patient
will be fine and not to worry.
Limit the control you provide
to the patient and family.
Reassure them that everything is
being done to help.
Be prepared for everyone to be angry as they often pass through the same stages together.
6. Emergency First Responders respond to the scene of a child involved in a motor vehicle
crash. The child has been severely injured and dies while the First Responder is caring for
her. Which of the following is true of this situation?
The Emergency First Responder caring for this child may comp
lain of sleep disturbances,
ng dreams, anger, or changes in eating habits
This is not the type of incident that
Emergency First Responders have difficulty managing
or dealing with afterward.
This is a disaster and a disaster team should be activated to assist the Emergency First
Responder in m
anaging this situ
This is a stressful incident but will not
require the use of a critical incident stress
debriefing team.
CFR Exam Study Guide – NYS DOH EMR Compliant – 2014 9
7. Which of the following steps can an Emergency First Responder take to reduce stress?
a. Eat a balanced diet, maintain family and friend time, reduce consumption of caffeine
and alcohol.
b. Maintain your regular consumption of caffeine and alcohol, reduce protein intake, limit
family and friend time.
c. Sleep as much as needed even if it seems excessive, focus on work, and limit outside
d. Control and suppress your feelings, decrease any additional requirements on your time,
have an occasional drink to relax.
8. At the scene of a motor vehicle crash the patient is trapped in the vehicle. With which of
the following hazards should the Emergency First Responder be concerned?
a. The possibility of sharp metal and glass
b. Exposure to the patient’s blood
c. The possibility that the vehicle may be leaking harmful fluids
d. All of the above
Which of th
e following is TRUE of standard precautions?
a. Standard Precautions are necessary only when the Emergency First Responder
knows the patient has an infectious disease.
Use of Standard Precautions are p
rimarily designed to protect the
Emergency First Responder from blood-borne infections.
Standard Precautions is necessary because as an Emergency First
some of the most serious hazards you may face are invisible.
Immunizations su
ch as tetanus and HBV can be taken instead of using Standard Precautions.
CFR Exam Study Guide – NYS DOH EMR Compliant – 2014 10
10. You are responding to a local nursing care home. Your patient is an elderly male with
onia. The nursing staff informs you that the patient has tuberculosis. As an
Emergency First Responder, which of the following actions should you take?
a. Wear gloves and a HEPA mask
Wear a gown, gloves, and eye pr
Wear utility gloves and a surgical mask
Obtain a tuberculosis
11. Which of the following imm
unizations are recommended for all heal
thcare providers?
a. Tetanus
b. Hepatitis B
Measles, mu
mps, and flu
d. All of the above
12. You are transporting a child with m
eningitis. Your partner recommends you fill
out an
exposure report. Which of the following i
s NOT a part of the standard reporting process?
a. The date and time you were exposed
b. What type of body flui
d you were exposed to
How much body fluid you were expos
ed to and the who the source was
d. Previous exposures and results
13. You respond to a possible “shooting.
” Which of the following statem
ents is FALSE
a. Personal protective equipment such as gloves, mask, and gown should
be considered.
b. Do not enter the scene until it ha
s been secured by law enforcement.
Avoid disturbing anything
at the scene when possible.
Delay treating the patient until his
or her clothing has been secured for
CFR Exam Study Guide – NYS DOH EMR Compliant – 2014 11
14. Which of the following scenes would be safe for an Emergency First Responder to enter?
a. A frantic family member calls you into a home in which shot
s have
been fired.
A group of people motion you into a crowd for the victim
of a
A patient lying in a pool of unknown chem
icals calls to you for help.
A police officer directs you to the victim of a fami
ly altercation.
15. You are preparing to disinfect the stretc
her used by a patient who was bleeding from an
open chest wound. You should do which of the foll
Wash the stretcher with a soap and water mi
Clean the stretcher with a bleach and water mi
Use a sterile saline so
Clean the area with chemicals that cause a thermal re
CFR Exam Study Guide – NYS DOH EMR Compliant – 2014 12
Well Being : Answer Key
1 D 6 A 11 D
2 C 7 A 12 D
3 B 8 D 13 D
4 A 9 C 14 D
5 C 10 A 15 B
CFR Exam Study Guide – NYS DOH EMR Compliant – 2014 13
Medical - Legal
The Emergency First Responder scope of care is best defined by which of the foll
The care an Emergency First Responder
may perform according to state law.
The obligation an Emergency First Responder
has to respond to the scene and provide
The legal authority to perform any me
dical care.
The care outlined in the protocol
for individual patient problems.
Which of the following is TRUE of the standard of care for a First Responder?
a. The standard of care is what a reasonably prudent First Responder would do in similar
The standard of care is different for every Emergency First Responder and is determ
by medical direction.
The Department of Transportation Emergency First Responder Curriculum determ
the national standard of care.
d. The standard of care is the same for all levels of EMS personnel.
You respond to the home of an elderly
gentleman. His wife gives you a Do Not
Resuscitate (DNR) document . Assum
ing your
state recognizes this document in the
prehospital setting, which of the following statem
ents is TRUE
a. The DNR cannot be revoked in the field.
b. If the patient is breathing and has a pulse, you should not provide me
dical care.
If the patient is not breathing and does not have a pulse, you should not provide me
Contact medical control before initiating any treatme
CFR Exam Study Guide – NYS DOH EMR Compliant – 2014 14
4. You respond to the scene of a patient involved in a bicycle collision. You ask the patient if
you m
ay examine and treat her. You explain
that you want to apply a cervical collar
because the patient’s neck may be injured. You inform the pati
ent that the collar ma
y be
fortable. The patient agrees. This is
an example of which type of consent?
a. Assumed consent
b. Expressed consent
c. Invol
d. Im
plied consent
5. You respond to the scene of an 8-year-old
child who was struck by a car. The parents are
unavailable. The child is found in the street. You begin to treat the child. This is an
ple of which of the followi
ng types of consent?
a. Informed consent
b. Expressed consent
c. Invol
d. Im
6. Which of the foll
owing statements BEST describes the differen
ce between expressed and
implied consent?
a. Implied consent applies only to patients who are refusing care,
and expressed consent
involves patients who verbally consent to treatment.
With expressed consent a patient consents to treatment in
writing, whereas with implied
consent a patient consents to treatment verbally.
Expressed consent can be obtained only from incompetent patients or mi
nors, and
plied consent is obtained from compet
ent patients.
Implied consent is granted when a patient is unconscious or is a minor without an
available parent or guardian, and expressed consent is verbally agreeing to treatment.
CFR Exam Study Guide – NYS DOH EMR Compliant – 2014 15
7. Which of the following is TRUE regarding the care of minors?
a. Consent for treatment must always be obtained from the parents prior to initiating treatment.
b. Any minor can legally give consent for treatment, whether the parent is present or not.
c. An emancipated minor may be legally capable of consenting to medical treatment.
d. Emancipated minors are able to give implied consent.
8. Which of the following would be an example of abandonment?
a. An Emergency First Responder begins caring for a patient at the scene and turns the
patient over the Paramedic after giving a report.
b. An Emergency First Responder arrives on the scene at the same time as the
Paramedic crew. The Paramedic crew begins treating the patient. The First Responders
get and respond to another call.
An Emergency
First Responder responds to a call for an ill person. As the EMT-Basic
crew arrives, the First Responders leave to a motor vehicle crash without giving a report.
d. An Emergency First Responder is caring for a patient when the EMT-Intermediate crew
arrives. The First Responders inform the crew of the care given to the patient.
9. Which of the following meets all of the criteria to prove negligence?
a. A First Responder responds to a patient with difficulty breathing. Care is provided
according to protocol. The patient’s breathing gets worse and the patient stops breathing.
b. A First Responder cares for a child with the flu and treats the child according to protocol.
The child dies later at the hospital with meningitis.
c. An First Responder applies a splint according to protocol to a patient with a broken arm.
After the splint is applied the patient tells the First Responder, “My arm hurts and my
fingers are tingling.” The Emergency First Responder assures the patient but does not
evaluate the splint. The patient sustains nerve damage to the involved arm.
d. On scene of a motor vehicle accident, the patient is cared for, but spinal immobilization is
not applied, and protocol is not followed. The patient recovers without complications.
CFR Exam Study Guide – NYS DOH EMR Compliant – 2014 16
10. Failing to provide the expected standard of care to a patient that leads to further injury is
best defined by which of the following term
a. Abandonment
b. Assault
c. Battery
d. Negligence
11. Leaving a patient before another healthcare provider has assumed responsibility for that
patient is best defined by which of the following term
a. Abandonment
b. Assault
c. Battery
d. Negligence
12. Touching or striki
ng a person without that
person’s consent is best defined by which of
the following term
a. Abandonment
b. Assault
c. Battery
d. Negligence
13. The legal obligation to pr
de medical care is best de
fined by which of the following
a. Medical
b. Duty to act
c. Standard of care
d. Advance directive
CFR Exam Study Guide – NYS DOH EMR Compliant – 2014 17
14. To have a duty to act, which of the following conditions must be met?
a. Federal, st
ate, or local statutes require you to act.
Your servi
ce has a contract to respond.
You have volunteered to respond in given circum
d. All of the above
15. Which of the following Emergency Firs
t Responders is m
intaining proper patient
An Emergency First Responder who discusses th
e last call he ran with the paramedics at
the current scene
An Emergency First Responder who releases
a patient’s record to a police officer who
was not at the scene
An Emergency First Responder who inform
s the emergency physician caring for
the patient that the p
atient ad
mitted to using cocaine
An Emergency First Responder who discusses a call with a crew memb
er at a local
CFR Exam Study Guide – NYS DOH EMR Compliant – 2014 18
Medical - Legal : Answer Key
1 A 6 D 11 A
2 A 7 C 12 C
3 C 8 C 13 B
4 B 9 C 14 D
5 D 10 D 15 C
CFR Exam Study Guide – NYS DOH EMR Compliant – 2014 19
Documentation and Communications
The two most important elements of
a well-written prehospital care report are:
ogy and accuracy.
Legibility and comp
Clarity and accuracy
d. Accuracy
and co
2. Information you receive concerning th
e patient'
condition can be told to:
a. The general public.
b. A friend or any relative.
c. Reporters as requested.
d. Appropriate
y department staff.
Which of the following represents the best "nonjudgmental" document
ation of a suspected
case of alcohol intoxi
cation on a prehospital care report?
The patient appeared intoxicated with an alcohol-like com
There was an alcohol-like smell on the patient's
The pati
ent was speaking as if he was intoxicated.
The pati
ent was extremely intoxicated.
Which of the following is routin
ely included on a prehospital care report?
a. Police officer’s names
b. Ad
c. Age of EMT
Mechanical condition of am
CFR Exam Study Guide – NYS DOH EMR Compliant – 2014 20
5. Which statement does not indicate that empathy is being demonstrated by the Emergency
First Responder?
a. Sounds like you are…
b. I understa
nd …
I imagine that must be…
I understand that mu
st make you feel…
All of the following are elements of nonverbal communication except:
a. Body posit
b. Eye contact
c. Use of nonmedical language
d. Tone of voice
Any process that hinders or prevents the successful completion of the communicati
process is called:
a. Faulty messaging
b. Faulty decoding
c. Ineffective encoding
d. Interference
You are managing a patient who has significant hearing im
pairment. Which of the
unication techniques is most appropriate to ensure communicati
on is successful?
a. Speak slowly while facing the patient
b. Raise you voice while facing the patient
c. Exaggerate
lip movement
to help with lip reading
Repeat words and phrases un
til the patient understand you
CFR Exam Study Guide – NYS DOH EMR Compliant – 2014 21
9. You are gathering past medical history information from a patient who is having extreme
y breathing. Which type of questions is best
to use in this situation?
a. Fam
ily memb
b. Bystander-focused
c. Closed-ended
d. Open-ended
10. You are treating a 9-year-o
ld male who appears to have fractured his lower leg after
falling off a bicycl
e. Which represents the best approach to communication with this
Move the child to the ambulance for privacy
Allow the family to stay near th
e child
Distract the child from any pain with a to
d. Always stand up when talking
11. Which of the following is true concerning comm
unication system
Portable radios have a transmission range of about 20 mi
Base stations rely on repeaters to
increase power.
Cellular telephones are secure devices and cannot be m
Repeaters increase the transmission range of m
obile radios.
12. Which governm
ent agency is responsible for regulating ra
dio communications in the
United States?
a. FCC
CFR Exam Study Guide – NYS DOH EMR Compliant – 2014 22
13. Which of the following may be a violation of patient confidentiality?
a. Providing the address of the patient during a handoff report
b. Telling a rescue member from a different crew about a patient you
Discussing patient
treatment with your rescue partner after giving
the handoff report
d. Providing patient demographic information during a CISD session
Documentation and Communications – Answer Key
1 D 6 C 11 D
2 D 7 D 12 A
3 B 8 A 13 B
4 B 9 C 14 ~
5 B 10 B 15 ~
CFR Exam Study Guide – NYS DOH EMR Compliant – 2014 23
Anatomy and Physiology
Which of the following statements be
st describes the respiratory system?
It uses blood to carry oxygen and nutrients to the cells and to rem
waste products.
It controls the voluntary and involuntary activities of the body.
It secretes hormones to a
ssist the body with its activities.
It takes in oxygen and delivers it to the blood.
The respiratory system
contains which of the following structures?
Oropharynx, nasopharynx, epiglottis
, trachea, larynx, lungs, bronchi,
and alveoli
Arteries, ve
ins, capillaries, and the heart
Brain, spinal cord, moto
r nerves, and sensory nerves
Skull, facial bones, vertebra, thorax, ribs, bones in the extrem
ities, and
the pelvis
Which of the following statem
ents best describes the circulatory system?
It uses blood to carry oxygen and nutrients to the cells and to rem
waste products.
It controls the voluntary and involuntary activities of the body.
It gives the body shape and assists with m
It takes in oxygen and delivers it to the blood.
CFR Exam Study Guide – NYS DOH EMR Compliant – 2014 24
The cardiac system contains
which of the following structures?
Oropharynx, nasopharynx, epiglottis
, trachea, larynx, lungs, bronchi,
and alveoli
Arteries, ve
ins, capillaries, and the heart
Brain, spinal cord, moto
r nerves, and sensory nerves
Skull, joints, vertebra, thorax, ribs, mu
scles, and the pelvis
5. Which of the foll
owing statements best describes the mu
sculoskeletal system?
It uses blood to carry oxygen and nutrients to the cells and to rem
waste products.
It controls the voluntary and involuntary activities of the body.
It gives the body shape and assists with m
It takes in oxygen and delivers it to the blood.
6. The musculoskeletal system
which of the following structures?
Oropharynx, nasopharynx, epiglottis
, trachea, larynx, lungs, bronchi,
and alveoli
Arteries, ve
ins, capillaries, and the heart
Brain, spinal cord, moto
r nerves, and sensory nerves
Skull, joints, vertebra, thorax, ribs, mu
scles, and the pelvis
7. Which of the foll
owing statements best describes the nervous system
It uses blood to carry oxygen and nutrients to the cells and to rem
waste products.
It controls the voluntary and involuntary activities of the body.
It gives the body shape and assists with m
It takes in oxygen and delivers it to the blood.
CFR Exam Study Guide – NYS DOH EMR Compliant – 2014 25
8. The nervous system contains which of the following structures?
a. Oropharynx, nasopharynx, epiglottis
, trachea, larynx, lungs, bronchi,
and alveoli
Arteries, ve
ins, capillaries, and the heart
Brain, spinal cord, moto
r nerves, and sensory nerves
Skull, joints, vertebra, thorax, ribs, mu
scles, and the pelvis
9. A reco
mmended place to listen to the heart is on the ____ chest.
a. Anterior
b. Posterior
c. Inferior
d. Superior
10. The spine is located on the ____ part of the body.
a. Anterior
b. Posterior
c. Inferior
d. Superior
11. A child fell from her bike and has swelling just above her ankle. Which of the following
would you document?
Swelling noted proxi
mal to the ankle
b. Swelling
superior to the knee
Swelling observed proxima
l to the knee
d. Swelling found distal to the ankle
CFR Exam Study Guide – NYS DOH EMR Compliant – 2014 26
12. You find a patient who was hiking and fell. You notice deformity and swelling of his left
upper arm. Which of the followi
ng would you document?
ity and swelling of the left upper arm distal to the elbow
Deformity and swelling of the le
ft upper arm inferior to the elbow
Deformity and swelling of the left
upper arm medial to the shoulder
Deformity and swelling of the left
upper arm distal to the shoulder
13. Where is the liver located?
a. Upper right quadrant of the abdomen
b. Upper left quadrant of the abdomen
Lower right quadrant of the abdom
d. Lower left quadrant of the abdomen
14. Your patient has a wound on
the chest and is having trouble
breathing. Your prim
concern is which body system?
a. Endocrine system
b. Respiratory system
c. Nervous system
d. Cardiovascular system
15. Your patient has spilled hot
coffee on her hand. Burns are primarily associated with
which body system?
a. Integumen
b. Respiratory system
c. Nervous system
d. Endocrine system
CFR Exam Study Guide – NYS DOH EMR Compliant – 2014 27
Anatomy and Physiology – Answer Key
1 D 6 D 11 A
2 A 7 B 12 D
3 A 8 C 13 A
4 B 9 A 14 B
5 C 10 B 15 A
CFR Exam Study Guide – NYS DOH EMR Compliant – 2014 28
Lifting and Moving Patients
The safest and most effective way to use your body as
an advantage when lifting and
oving something can be best described by which of the following terms?
a. Power lift
b. Power grip
c. Body mechanics
d. Extrication
2. Which of the following is true of body mechanics?
Use of stretchers and equipment to move patients best describes body m
The way a Emergency First Responder uses her or his body to lift and mo
ve patients
and equipment best describes body mechanics.
The best approach to lifting loads too heavy for an indivi
dual is to use good body
Body mechanics is the process of usi
ng mechanical devices to lift a patient.
Which of the following should the Em
ergency First Responders consider before
ining how much help they may need when moving a patient?
a. The weight of the patient
Their own abilities and physical lim
The terrain and distance they n
eed to carry the patient
d. All of the above
CFR Exam Study Guide – NYS DOH EMR Compliant – 2014 29
4. Which of the following statements is TRUE?
a. In general, you should use your back instead of your legs to lift.
b. You should keep the weight of an object as close to your body as possible.
c. Your body should move as separate pieces to maintain your balance.
d. You should lift with your arms whenever possible.
5. Which of the following statements reflects using a good technique to lift a patient on a
a. Squatting with feet shoulder width apart to lift the backboard
b. Keeping knees together while lifting
c. Keeping the patient’s weight away from the body
d. Lifting using the back muscles
6. Which of the following is NOT an indication for an emergency move?
a. There is an immediate danger to the patient if the patient is not moved.
b. Life-saving care cannot be given because of the patient’s location or position.
c. Access cannot be gained to other patients in a vehicle who need life-saving care.
d. The patient needs stabilization to limit damage from a spinal cord injury.
7. Four First Responders are carrying a 250-pound patient on a backboard. They are
lifting the patient on the backboard out of a ditch. The patient is lifted roughly and is
unbalanced. Which of the following steps could the First Responders have taken to avoid this
a. Do not lift the patient, drag him from the ditch.
b. Communicate so everyone knows what is happening with the lift.
c. Keep the back in a locked position to keep from twisting.
d. Use less help to make communication easier.
CFR Exam Study Guide – NYS DOH EMR Compliant – 2014 30
8. Which of the following statements is true if more than one person is lifting a patient?
a. Lift the feet first.
b. Lift the head first.
c. Lift the body as a unit
d. Asynchronously lift the body.
Which of the following is TRUE of the po
wer grip?
a. An overhand grip is used.
b. Your hands shoul
d be at least 30 inches apart.
The palms of your hands should be
in complete contact with the object.
You shoul
d use the same technique to lower the device.
Which of the following statements is TRUE
of emergency carries?
a. All carries require at least two rescuers.
b. It is better to work with someon
e larger than you whenever possible.
Both rescuers should try to keep th
e patient as close to their bodies as
ble during th
e carry.
A completely different set of body me
chanics is used for carries.
Which of the following is an appropriate
action to take when transferring a supine
patient from a bed to a stretcher using the direct carry method of transfer?
The wheeled stretcher is positi
oned along the side of the bed.
The providers stand on each side of the stretcher an
d face each other.
The providers lift the patient to the edge
of the bed and then to the stretcher.
With straight arms, the provide
rs lift the patient directly to the stretcher.
A carrying device that splits into
two pieces called a ____ stretcher.
CFR Exam Study Guide – NYS DOH EMR Compliant – 2014 31
a. Portable
b. Scoop
c. Flexible
d. Basket
13. The preferred method of transporting a patient
down a flight of stairs is with which of
the followi
ng devices?
a. Wheeled stretcher
b. Stair chair
c. Basket stretcher
d. Short backboard
CFR Exam Study Guide – NYS DOH EMR Compliant – 2014 32
Lifting and Moving Patients – Answer Key
1 C 6 D 11 C
2 B 7 B 12 B
3 D 8 C 13 B
4 B 9 C
5 A 10 C
CFR Exam Study Guide – NYS DOH EMR Compliant – 2014 33
Airway Management and Ventilation
The ____ carries air to the lungs and bran
ches into the left and right bronchi.
a. Bronchioles
b. Mouth
c. Mediastinum
d. Trachea
Which of the following patients is NOT showing signs of respiratory di
a. A 69-year-old male complaining of weakness who is breathing 26
times a m
inute with gurgl
ing respirations
A 10-year-old girl breathing 18 times a minute with mi
nimal effort
A 4-year-old boy breathing 12 times a mi
nute with cyanosis
An 88-year-old female breathing 22 times a minute with mi
nimal air
exchange and depth
Which of the following statements describes the proper technique to open the airway in
a non-breathing patie
Keep the head neutral and open the m
outh of a 71-year-old cardiac
arrest patient.
Hyperextend the neck and lift the chin of a 6-m
onth-old near-drowning
Tilt the head and lift the jaw forward in a 7-year-old victim
of a bicycle
Keep the head neutral and lift the jaw of a 22-year-old victim
of a fall.
CFR Exam Study Guide – NYS DOH EMR Compliant – 2014 34
4. You are at a party when an elderly female collapse and is not breathing. You get out
your pocket mask. Which of the following is TRUE for the use of a pocket mask?
a. Seal the mask over the patient’s nose and mouth until the patient starts to breathe.
b. Place the mask over the patient’s nose and mouth and ventilate until you feel the air leak
around the mask.
c. Seal the mask over the patient’s nose and mouth and ventilate until the chest rises.
d. Remove the patient’s false teeth, loosely cover the patient’s mouth and nose with the
mask, and ventilate with small puffs of air.
5. Which of the following is TRUE of the jaw-thrust technique?
a. It is an easier technique than the head-tilt chin lift.
b. The jaw-thrust technique without head-tilt lift is the safest technique
for patients with a possible spinal injury.
c. It should be used for all responsive trauma patients.
d. It is the technique of choice for cardiac arrest patients.
6. Which of the following patients requires suctioning?
a. A 6-month-old patient with grunting
b. A 5-year-old patient with stridor
c. A 44-year-old patient with wheezing
d. A 74-year-old patient with gurgling
7. You are helping an EMT crew ventilate a patient with a bag-valve-mask device. Each
time the patient receives a breath you feel air coming from the mask. Which of the following
statements describes the best action to take?
a. Make sure oxygen is attached to the bag.
b. Increase the oxygen flow to the bag.
c. Hold the mask more firmly on the face.
d. Use less pressure when squeezing the bag.
CFR Exam Study Guide – NYS DOH EMR Compliant – 2014 35
8. Which patient is being adequately ventilated?
a. A 5-year-old female is pale and cyanotic, but her chest does not move with ventilations.
b. A 72-year-old male’s chest does not move, but his abdomen is getting larger.
c. A 4-month-old girl’s chest is moving with ventilations and she is starting to move
d. A 28-year-old male’s chest is not moving and it is difficult to ventilate the patient.
9. You have been ventilating a patient. The patient starts to vomit. Which of the
following statements describes the best action to take?
a. Position the patient on his back and use a finger sweep to clear his airway.
b. Position the patient on his back and use a whistle tip suction to remove the vomit.
c. Turn the patient to his side and use a suction catheter to clear the vomit.
d. Turn the patient face down and use a suction catheter to clear the vomit.
10. You respond to the scene of a 9-month-old male who stopped breathing after having a
seizure. Which of the following actions should be performed?
a. Perform mouth-to-mask ventilations with puffs of air until the patient’s
chest rises.
b. Hyperextend the neck and begin mouth-to-barrier ventilation.
c. Provide supplemental oxygen.
d. Open the patient’s airway and complete a finger sweep.
11. Which of the following patients should receive a nasopharyngeal airway?
a. A 66-year-old male who has snoring respirations and a gag reflex
b. A 24-year-old male who is not breathing and does not have gag reflex
c. An 82-year-old female who is breathing 18 times a minute and has a gag reflex
d. A 5-year-old female who is breathing 24 times a minute and is conscious
CFR Exam Study Guide – NYS DOH EMR Compliant – 2014 36
12. Which of the following patients should receive an oropharyngeal airway?
a. A 66-year-old male who has snoring respirations and a gag reflex
b. A 24-year-old male who is not breathing and does not have a gag reflex
c. An 82-year-old female who is breathing 18 times a minute and has a gag reflex
d. A 5-year-old female who is breathing 24 times a minute and is conscious
13. A high-pitched whistling sound that is heard as a patient inhales is best defined by
which of the following terms?
a. Dyspnea
b. Apnea
c. Stridor
d. Wheezing
14. A whistling sound heard when a patient exhales is best defined by which of the
following terms?
a. Dyspnea
b. Apnea
c. Stridor
d. Wheezing
15. A patient working harder to breathe can be described by which of the following terms?
a. Dyspnea
b. Apnea
c. Stridor
d. Wheezing
CFR Exam Study Guide – NYS DOH EMR Compliant – 2014 37
Airway Management and Ventilation – Answer Key
1 D 6 D 11 A
2 B 7 C 12 B
3 D 8 C 13 C
4 C 9 C 14 D
5 B 10 A 15 A
CFR Exam Study Guide – NYS DOH EMR Compliant – 2014 38
Patient Assessment
1. Which of the following describes scene size-up?
a. It is a quick evaluation of the entire scene.
b. It begins with taking information on the patient history.
c. It begins with patient care.
d. It begins when you ask for additional resources.
2. Which of the following hazards would you expect to find at a medical emergency?
a. Infectious disease
b. Broken glass
c. Traffic hazards
d. Unreleased air bags
3. You arrive on the scene and find a motor vehicle crash with a spider web crack in the
windshield. You should suspect which of the following injuries?
a. Head and neck injuries
b. Abrasions from airbag deployment
c. Clavicle fractures
d. Lower extremity injuries
4. You respond to a 16-year-old victim of a low-speed motorcycle crash. The victim was
wearing a helmet. Which of the following injuries should you consider for this victim?
a. Lower extremity injuries
b. Severe head injuries
c. Major upper extremity injuries
d. Significant multisystem trauma
CFR Exam Study Guide – NYS DOH EMR Compliant – 2014 39
5. Which of the following is a TRUE statement regarding the general impression of a
a. It is useful when determining the severity of a patient.
b. It is useful only when assessing a critical patient.
c. It is primarily used to triage patients.
d. It is useful only when deciding which patients require advanced care.
6. Which of the following statements is TRUE?
a. A 3-year-old child who opens his eyes and watches you, but does not
move when you ask, would be considered unresponsive.
b. An 82-year-old man who knows his name and the date, but not what
happened, would be considered alert and oriented.
c. A 3-month-old child with a dull stare who does not respond to her
parents would be considered to have an altered level of consciousness.
d. A 24-year-old person who yells and screams at you, but will not
answer questions or obey commands, is considered alert.
7. Which of the following is true when assessing the level of consciousness?
a. A sleeping infant who cried when you touched her would be
unresponsive to painful stimuli.
b. A child who did not wake up or move when you called his name or
pinched him would be unresponsive.
c. An infant who opens her eyes and watches you but does not move
when you talk to her would be disoriented.
d. An adult who was awake and talking when you entered the room
would be verbal on the AVPU scale.
CFR Exam Study Guide – NYS DOH EMR Compliant – 2014 40
8. Which of the following statements indicates that the patient has an adequate airway?
a. A 2-m
onth-old child with stridor when she breathes
b. A 16-year-old male with wheezing on expiration
An 86-year-old man with snoring respirat
d. A 4-year-old child with a respiratory rate of 22
Which of the following patients is breathing norma
A 1-year-old female with symmetrical equal chest movement and no
use of accessory m
A 54-year-old female with symmetrical chest movement at
respiratory rate of 30 breaths per m
A 3-month-old child with nasal flaring and gruntin
A 59-year-old man with intercostal mu
scle use who is cyanotic
Which of the following is the correct way to me
asure a pulse?
Use your thum
b to feel the pulse in the wrist.
Press hard with two fingers
to feel the carotid pulse.
Use two fingers to check the pu
lse in the wrist.
Count the beats in 30 seconds and mu
ltiply by 4.
You find a patient with external bleeding.
Which of the following describes the best
action you should ta
Ignore it until the detailed assess
ment regardless of the severity.
Identify it, but recognize bleeding is not considered life threatening.
Treat it immediately if severe, as it may be a life-threatening condition.
Treat all bleeding as life threatening and a priority
for advanced level
CFR Exam Study Guide – NYS DOH EMR Compliant – 2014 41
12. Which of the following is TRUE of prioritizing patients for transport?
a. Patients should be transported based on the injury that looks the most severe.
b. Patients should be transported based
on life-threatening airway, breathing, or
bleeding emergencies.
Patients are difficult to prioritize so all pa
tients should be rapidly transported to the
emergency departm
ent by adva
nced life support crews.
First Responders cannot determine how seve
re a patient’s condition is and the need
for transport.
13. Which of the following is the goal of a focused history?
a. Ruling out life-threatening injuries
Assessing the body thoroughly for injuries
Identifying past or additional medical problem
Associating the mechanism of
injury with patient findings
Which of the following describes the purpose of the focused physical exam
a. Ruling out life-threatening injuries
Assessing the body thoroughly for injuries
Identifying past or additional medical problem
d. Associating mechanism of injury with patient findings
The mnemonic DOTS may be used during your assessme
nt. What does DOTS stand
a. Deform
ities, Open inju
ries, Tenderness, Swelling
Disability, Obstruction, Trau
ma, Severity
c. Difficulty
breathing, Onset, Time of incident, Severity of comp
Distal pulses, Original time of incident, Thorough palpation, Symptoms
CFR Exam Study Guide – NYS DOH EMR Compliant – 2014 42
16. Constricted pupil response often indicates which of the following?
a. Hypoxia
b. Drug exposure
c. Death
d. Head injury
17. You respond to a scene and arrive shortly
after the first unit. When you get on the
scene, you notice that one of the responders has applied an occlusive dressing to the patient’s
neck. Which of the following assessment findings would the responder be treating?
a. Possible cervical spine injury
Swelling of the neck tissue
Open wound to the neck
d. Shifted
You respond to a skiing incident. The patient is complaining of difficulty
breathing. To
assess the chest, you shoul
d do which of the following?
mpare the two sides of the chest.
Palpate only the side of the chest on which the patient comp
lains of pain.
Identify open wounds and notify advanced provide
rs so they can manage the wound.
Inspect and palpate the anterior chest as wounds to th
e back are rare.
Your patient was involved in a crash while
riding an all-terrain vehicle. Which of the
following shoul
d you consider as you assess the pelvis and lower extremities?
a. Crepitus on palpation of the pelvis is a normal finding.
Pelvic injuries are usually m
ild and not life threatening.
Distal pulses such as pedal or radial pulses should be palpated to evaluate the circulation.
Extremity injuries may be dramatic and shoul
d always be a treatment and assessment
CFR Exam Study Guide – NYS DOH EMR Compliant – 2014 43
20. You are giving a report to the on-coming crew. They ask you for the patient’s vital
signs. You would report on which findings?
a. The patient’s respirations, pulse, skin signs, blood pressure, and pupils
b. The patient’s airway, breathing, and disability
c. The patient’s allergies, last oral intake, and events leading up to the
d. The patient’s primary complaint, breathing and circulation status
21. Your patient is a 12-year-old boy with asthma. You ask the patient if he has any
medication allergies. You are asking which of the following?
a. A––on the SAMPLE assessment
b. M––on the SAMPLE assessment
c. S––on the DOTS assessment
d. A––on the AVPU assessment
22. You respond to a 7-year-old boy who crashed his scooter. He is awake and has a
laceration to his right leg with minimal bleeding. He denies pain in his neck and shoulder.
Respirations are unlabored and equal. Assessment for this patient would include which of the
a. Completing only an initial assessment with frequent reassessments
b. Assessing for other injuries before treating his laceration
c. Direct pressure to control the bleeding and packaging for transport
before further assessment
d. Treating his laceration and then assessing for other injuries that may be
life threatening
CFR Exam Study Guide – NYS DOH EMR Compliant – 2014 44
23. You respond to the scene of a patient with difficulty breathing. On arrival you find a
cyanotic patient with a weak pulse and no breathing. Which of the following actions shoul
you take?
Open the airway and comp
lete an initial assessment.
Assess for other problems before ma
naging his airway and breathing.
Open the airway and assist br
eathing, reassessing his airway and
breathing and circulation frequently.
Complete a thorough head-to-toe assessment before you open the
airway and initiate breathing.
You respond to the scene of a child who fell from a rock-climbing
wall. She fell about
12 feet and landed on her back. You hear snoring respirations. You stabilize the cervical
spine and do which of the foll
Use a jaw thrust to prevent further injury due
to the mechanism of
Use a head-tilt jaw-thrust to open the airway due to the mechanism
Monitor the patient until ALS care arrives, since othe
r maneuvers are
outside your scope of practice.
Apply oxygen and place the patie
nt in the recovery position as you
continue your initial assessm
CFR Exam Study Guide – NYS DOH EMR Compliant – 2014 45
Patient Assessment – Answer Key
1 A 9 A 17 C
2 A 10 C 18 A
3 A 11 C 19 C
4 A 12 B 20 A
5 A 13 C 21 A
6 C 14 B 22 B
7 B 15 A 23 C
8 D 16 B 24 A
CFR Exam Study Guide – NYS DOH EMR Compliant – 2014 46
Which of the following are components of cardiopulmonary
resuscitation (CPR)?
Recognition and early access, early CPR, defibr
illation, early advanced
Rescue breathing and external chest co
Placing the automated external
defibrillator (AED), clearing the
patient, defibrillation
d. Absence of pulse, absence of breathing
Which of the following statements is TRUE
of rescue breathing?
a. It moves oxygen into the lungs where it can move through the body.
It requires external comp
ression to work.
c. It is used only in nonbreathing patients.
It should not be suppleme
nted with oxygen.
Which of the following statements is TRUE of external co
a. They work as effectively as the patient’s own heart.
b. They mo
ve the blood throughout the body.
They become more eff
ective the longer you continue.
d. They help to sustain life indefinitely.
Ventricular fibril
lation is best corrected by which of the following?
on and Early Access
b. Early CPR
c. Defibrillation
d. Early
CFR Exam Study Guide – NYS DOH EMR Compliant – 2014 47
5. You respond to a patient who is found lying in bed. The family tells you they cannot wake
him. What is your first step?
a. Open the airway with a head-tilt chin-lift
b. Establish unresponsiveness
c. Provide rescue breathing
d. Check for signs of circulation
6. As a single rescuer you initiate CPR on an adult. You should perform compressions and
respirations at which ratio?
a. 30 compressions to 2 ventilations
b. 30 ventilations to 1 compressions
c. 15 compressions to 2 ventilation
d. 15 ventilations to 1 compression
7. Your patient is a 6-month-old infant in cardiopulmonary arrest. You initiate CPR.
Compressions should be performed using which of the following?
a. Two fingers
b. One thumb
c. One hand
d. Two hands
8. You should compress the chest of a 3-month-old infant at what rate?
0-60 / minute
-80 / minute
0-100 / minute
0-120 / minute
CFR Exam Study Guide – NYS DOH EMR Compliant – 2014 48
9. You should compress the chest of an 8-month-old child at what depth?
a. 2 inches
1/2 inches
c. 1/3–1/2 depth of the chest
d. 1/4 inches
As a single rescuer,
you should perform compressions and respirations at what ratio on a
4-month-old child?
a. 30 compressions to 2 ventilations
b. 30 compressions to 1 ventilation
c. 15 compressions to 2 ventilations
d. 15 compressions to 1 ventilation
11. Your patient is a 4-year-old child in cardiopulmonary arrest. You initiate CPR.
Compressions should be performed using which of the following?
a. Two fingers
b. One thumb
c. One hand
d. Two hands
12. You should compress the chest of a 6-year-old child at what depth?
a. 2 inches
b. 1 1/2–2 inches
c. 1/3–1/2 depth of the chest
d. 1/4 inches
CFR Exam Study Guide – NYS DOH EMR Compliant – 2014 49
As two rescuers, you
should perform compressions and respirations at what ratio on an 8-
year-old child?
a. 30 compressions to 2 ventilations
b. 30 compressions to 1 ventilation
c. 15 compressions to 2 ventilations
d. 15 compressions to 1 ventilation
14. When can an Emergency First Responder stop CPR?
a. When effective breathing and circulation have returned
b. When care is transferred to an equally trained person or when a greater trained
person takes over
c. CPR cannot be stopped in the field by an Emergency First Responder
d. Both a and b
Your crew has initiated CPR on a patien
t. An AED is applied. What should you do
while the patient is being analyzed?
a. Continue CPR
b. Attach the pads to the patient
c. Not touch the patient
d. Continue palpating a pulse until the shock is delivered.
CFR Exam Study Guide – NYS DOH EMR Compliant – 2014 50
CPR and AED – Answer Key
1 B 6 A 11 C
2 A 7 A 12 A
3 B 8 D 13 C
4 C 9 B 14 D
5 B 10 A 15 C
CFR Exam Study Guide – NYS DOH EMR Compliant – 2014 51
Medical Emergencies
You are dispatched to an “ill person.” On arrival, you find
a 64-year-old patient who tells
you he just doesn’t feel well. He is anxious and breathing at 26 times per m
nute, pulse 96
and regular, blood pressure (BP) 128/92. He tells you he used his inhaler for his bre
He is shaky and his skin is pale, cool, and sweaty. Which of the following do you suspect
is his prim
ary problem
a. Difficulty breathing/respiratory
b. Chest
Altered level of consciousness/neurologi
d. Behavioral/psychiatric
Emergency First Responders assess a 42-year-old male who comp
lains of chest tightness.
He tells you the discom
fort goes into his arm
and jaw. He is a little short of breath and
feels nauseated. Which of the following i
s most likely this patient’s primary problem
a. Difficulty breathing/respiratory
b. Chest
Altered level of consciousness/neurologi
d. Behavioral/psychiatric
Care for a patient with difficulty breathing and a history of asth
ma would include which of
the following?
Encourage the patient to lay flat, suction as needed
Encourage the patient to use his or her in
haler, position of comfort, oxygen, reassure
Position of comfort, high concentrati
on oxygen, apply an automated external
defibrillator (AED)
Recovery position, small sips of wa
rmed fluids, low concentration oxygen
CFR Exam Study Guide – NYS DOH EMR Compliant – 2014 52
4. Care for a patient with chest pain would include all of the following EXCEPT _____.
a. Oxygen as needed
b. Position of comf
c. Encourage patient to walk off the pain
AED as
Which of the following patients does NOT
have an altered mental status?
a. A 1-year-old patient who points to his injured foot when asked where he hurts but does
not speak
b. A 16-year-old patient who mumbles
“Where am I?” when asked his name
A 64-year-old patient who yells
obscenities when asked what happened
An 82-year-old patient who tells you it is mo
rning when it is actually evening
Which of the following is NOT a component of the Cincinnati Prehospita
l Stroke Scale?
a. Ask the patient to show his or her teeth or smile.
b. Have the patient close his or her eyes and hold out both arms for 10 seconds.
Have the patient say “You can’t
teach an old dog new tricks.”
Shine a light in the patient’s eyes
to assess for equality and reactivity.
Your patient is a 73-year-old female who is complaining of
weakness on her left side. As
you assess her, she tells you the
weakness is going away. You
note her grip is stronger
than when you arrived. You suspect which of the following?
a. Stroke
Transient ischemic attack (TIA)
c. A behavioral emergency
She was faking it
CFR Exam Study Guide – NYS DOH EMR Compliant – 2014 53
8. Which of the following conditions would potentially cause an altered mental status in a
a. Fever, infections, psychiatric conditi
Poisoning, low blood sugar, head injury, decreased oxygen to th
e brain
c. All of the above
d. None of the above
You respond to a patient who is confused and is nauseated and vomiting. The family tells
you he is an insuli
n-dependent diabetic. They
tell you he has been sick a few days and is
getting worse. He appears dehydrated. You suspect which of the following?
a. Hyperglycemia
b. Hypoglyc
The flu with no diabetic problem
An acute abdomen with no diabetic problem
Which of the following statements is TRUE
of a seizure?
a. It may be caused by problems such as fever, infections, and low blood sugar.
b. The body may have convulsions and may stiffen and violentl
y jerk.
The patient may be incontinent of stool
and urine and sleepy after the seizure.
d. All of the above
Care for a patient with seizur
es includes which of the following?
Move dangerous objects away, protect privacy, rest
rain the patient as needed
Suction as needed, do not restra
in the patient, oxygen as needed
Place the patient in the recovery position after the seizure, place an oral
Maintain a safe environment, place a bite block to maintain the airway
CFR Exam Study Guide – NYS DOH EMR Compliant – 2014 54
12. Your patient is complaining of abdominal pain and is nauseated and vomiting. What
other signs and symptoms may be present and suggestive of an acute abdomen?
a. Abdominal guarding and shock
b. Loss of control of bladder and bowel
c. Loss of sensation to the affected area
d. Difficulty breathing and headache
13. You are called to the home of 24-year-old male who was discharged from the hospital
today. He had a fracture of his femur and pelvis and has been immobile for a period of
time in the hospital. He complains of sudden onset of chest pain on the right side. The
pain is sharp and stabbing. He is also complaining of difficulty breathing. His lungs are
clear and the pain is worse when he takes a deep breath. You suspect he has which of the
following conditions?
a. Myocardial infarction
b. Angina
c. Pulmonary emboli
d. Congestive heart failure
14. You are dispatched to an office complex. You find a 56-year-old female with chest
pain. She
tells you the pain came on when she was walking up the stairs to her office. The
pain was a dull ache in her chest but is almost gone now that she has been sitting down
resting. You suspect she has which of the following conditions?
a. Myocardial infarction
b. Angina
c. Pulmonary emboli
d. Congestive heart failure
CFR Exam Study Guide – NYS DOH EMR Compliant – 2014 55
You are dispatched to the home of a patient who is threatening to kill himself. Wh
of the foll
owing is your first action?
a. Do not enter until police officers arrive.
b. Try to talk calmly to the patient.
Distract the patient so your partner can restrain him.
d. Explain to the patient what you are doing.
Medical Emergencies – Answer Key
1 A 6 D 11 B
2 B 7 B 12 A
3 B 8 C 13 C
4 C 9 A 14 B
5 A 10 D 15 A
CFR Exam Study Guide – NYS DOH EMR Compliant – 2014 56
Bleeding, Soft Tissue Wounds, and Shock Management
1. Which of the following statements describes arterial bleeding?
a. Bright red blood spurting from a laceration
b. Darker red blood flowing from a laceration
c. Dark red blood oozing from abrasions
d. Clotted blood in a wound
2. Which of the following statements describes venous bleeding?
a. Bright red blood spurting from a laceration
b. Darker red blood flowing from a laceration
c. Dark red blood oozing from abrasions
d. Clotted blood in a wound
3. Your patient is a 7-year-old child who was hit on the head with a baseball. He has a
wound on his left forehead that is bleeding profusely. Which of the following describes
the first action you should take?
a. Clean the wound and apply a dressing.
b. Apply direct pressure to the area.
c. Rinse the area with sterile water.
d. Apply pressure to the pressure points.
You are caring
for a patient with a large laceration to his foot. A dressing is in place, but
it is soaked with blood. Which of the following describes the correct action to take?
a. Remove the dressing and apply another in its place.
b. Apply pressure to the dressing.
c. Apply an additional dressing on top and then apply pressure.
d. Apply a tourniquet.
CFR Exam Study Guide – NYS DOH EMR Compliant – 2014 57
5. Your patient was the driver of a motorcycle that crashed as he was leaving a party. He had
been drinking and was obviously intoxicated according to witnesses. He is lying on his
side mumbling that his leg hurts. His skin is cool, pale, and moist. He has a small
laceration to his lower leg and some abrasions to his arms. He is breathing 36 times per
minute and his heart rate is 136. His radial pulse is weak. Which of the following do you
a. The patient is drunk and his wounds are minor.
b. The patient may be going into shock from the injuries to his arms and leg.
c. The patient may be going into shock from internal bleeding.
d. The patient is stable, and you should control the bleeding from his arms and leg.
6. Which of the following are considered signs and symptoms of internal bleeding?
a. Slow pulse, warm dry skin
b. Slow breathing, slow pulse, cool dry skin
c. Fast breathing, fast pulse, warm dry skin
d. Fast breathing, fast pulse, cool moist skin
7. Your patient is a 22-year-old male who fell 20 feet while rock climbing. He is
complaining of abdominal pain and has a fractured left arm. He is cool, pale, and sweaty.
He is breathing 24 times per minute and his radial pulse is 118 and weak. Care for the
patient would include which of the following?
a. Low concentration oxygen and splinting his arm
Spinal stabilizatio
n, high concentration oxygen via nonrebreather mask, keeping the
patient warm, and stablizing the arm
Spinal stabilization and
low concentration oxygen
d. Low concentration oxygen, keeping the patient warm, and reassuring him
CFR Exam Study Guide – NYS DOH EMR Compliant – 2014 58
8. You respond to a child who fell from a slide. He has an obviously deformed forearm and
has scrapes on his hands and knees that ar
e oozing a small amount of bl
ood. The scrapes
are referred to as ____.
a. Abrasions
b. Contusions
c. Lacerations
d. Avulsions
A factory worker has caught his arm in a piece of machinery. A large fl
ap of tissue is
hanging loose on his upper arm. The flap of tissue is referred to as a(n) ____.
a. Abrasion
b. Avulsion
c. Amputation
d. Laceration
10. Your patient has a gunshot wound to the chest. Which of the following dressings would
be m
ost appropriate?
a. Gauze with direct pressure
b. Occlusive dressing with direct pressure
c. Thick,
d. Occlusive dressing with an opening to let the air escape
11. You respond to a restaurant fire. The cook has been burned by a grease fire. She has
blistered burns to her hands, forearm
s, and chest. These burns would be considered ____.
noncritical burns and require app
lication of a dry sterile dressing
critical burns and require appli
cation of a dry sterile dressing
critical burns and require breaking of the blisters and application of a mo
ist dressing
noncritical burns and require application of mo
ist sterile dressings
CFR Exam Study Guide – NYS DOH EMR Compliant – 2014 59
12. Which of the following actions should you take for a chemical burn patient?
a. Chemical burns occur only as a result of skin contact, so eye protection and gloves
should be adequate for chemical burn scenes.
b. Dry powder should be flushed with water immediately to remove the chemical.
c. Cover the burns with sterile saline-soaked dressings as soon as you arrive.
sh the patient’s eyes with copious amounts of water for at least 20 minutes.
13. Which of the following statements is FALSE?
a. One of the most important priorities in electrical burns is scene safety.
b. Electrical burns may cause an irregular
heart beat, so an AED may be necessary.
Electrical burns often follow th
e body’s nerves and blood vessels.
The patient’s internal injuries are often much less severe than th
e external injuries.
14. Which of the following statem
ents is TRUE
a. Roller gauze is an example of a dressing.
Bandages are held in place by dressings.
Tape and triangular bandages are secure types of dressings.
A dressing is a protective or supporting covering placed on an injured part
15. Your patient is a 3-year-old child who pulled a hot cup of coffee off a table onto herself.
She has superficial and partial thickness burns to her right thigh and lower leg. Priorities
for this patient include which of the following?
Managing her airway as it may close off from
the swelling.
Keeping her warm as burns can contribute to hypotherm
ia in children.
Dressing the wound with moist sterile dressings.
Notifying police as most childhood burns are the result of chil
d abuse.
CFR Exam Study Guide – NYS DOH EMR Compliant – 2014 60
Bleeding, Soft Tissue Wounds, and Shock Management
Answer Key
1 A 6 D 11 B
2 B 7 B 12 D
3 B 8 A 13 D
4 C 9 B 14 D
5 C 10 D 15 B
CFR Exam Study Guide – NYS DOH EMR Compliant – 2014 61
Musculoskeletal Injuries
Which of the following statements is FALSE regarding the musc
uloskeletal system?
a. Muscles have a blood and nerve supply, but bones do not.
b. It gives the body shape.
c. It protects the vital organs and provides movement.
It includes the bones, mu
scle, and connective tissue.
Which of the following statements is TRUE regarding the anatomy of the mu
a. The axial skeleton is made up of the bones of the extrem
The appendicular skeleton supports most on the weight of the body.
The bones of the upper extremity are the humerus, ulna, and radius.
The bones of the lower extremity ar
e the pelvis, vertebra, and thorax.
Your patient was crushed between a truck and a loading doc
k. His pelvis was fractured.
Which of the following is a concern?
He may have injured his digestiv
e organs.
b. His urinary organs may be damaged.
He may have significa
nt bleeding and shock.
d. All of the above
Which of the following statements is TRUE regarding the mu
scular system?
a. It consists of four types of muscle tissue.
b. Sm
ooth muscle is connected to bone.
Cardiac muscle is voluntary mu
Involuntary mu
scle helps you breathe.
CFR Exam Study Guide – NYS DOH EMR Compliant – 2014 62
5. Which of the following statements is TRUE?
a. A fracture is another name for a strain.
b. Fractures rarely damage nearby soft tissue.
c. Fractures
closed injuries.
It is often difficult to differentiate a fract
ure from a dislocation.
An injury in which the ligaments
are stretched or torn is called a ____.
a. sprain
b. strain
c. dislocation
d. contusion
When a muscle is pulled near a
joint, it is referred to as a ____.
a. sprain
b. strain
c. dislocation
d. contusion
When a bone is separated from its normal position in a joint,
it is referred to as a ____.
a. sprain
b. strain
c. dislocation
d. contusion
CFR Exam Study Guide – NYS DOH EMR Compliant – 2014 63
9. Your patient was playing football when he was tackled by another player. He is
plaining of left knee pain. You should
manually stabilize his knee by doing which of
the following?
Supporting the bones distal and proxima
l to the injury.
Holding his ankle and not letting him move
his leg.
Supporting the joints proxima
l to his knee.
Pulling slight traction from
his knee.
10. You respond to a patient who was invol
ved in a motor vehicl
e crash. She was not
restrained and is co
mplaining of neck pain and difficulty breathing. Which of the
following should you do to manually stabilize the cervical spine?
Hold her head still and tilt her n
eck to help maintain her airway.
Slightly flex her neck until resistance or pa
in is felt.
Hold her head still with her eyes
forward and the neck hyperextended.
Place her in an eyes forward neutral position and hold her head
11. Which of the followi
ng patients is LEAST likely to have a neck injury?
a. A 16-year-old patient who dove off a dock into shallow water
b. A 54-year-old patient
found unresponsive at the foot of a staircase
An unrestrained 28-year-old driver
of a car in a motor vehicle crash
d. A 26-year-old man who was stabbed in the chest
12. Which of the followi
ng signs and symptoms is most commonl
y associated with a
head/brain injury?
a. Irregular breathing pattern
b. Altered mental
c. Loss of normal speech
d. All of the above
CFR Exam Study Guide – NYS DOH EMR Compliant – 2014 64
Which of the following treatments are indicated for h
ead injury patients with minor
stabilization of the head and neck, head tilt to maintain the airway, low
concentration oxygen
Stabilize th
e spine, jaw thrust, high concentration oxygen, stop the bleeding and
fluid loss from ears
Stabilize the sp
ine, jaw thrust, high concentration oxygen, control external bleeding
Assist ventilations as n
eeded, do not control any bleeding as it may
increase intracranial pressure
. Lightly pressing on a finger and asking a patient whether he can feel it is an appropriate
method to assess which of the following?
a. Circulation
b. Sensation
c. Movement
d. Tenderness
CFR Exam Study Guide – NYS DOH EMR Compliant – 2014 65
Musculoskeletal Injuries – Answer Key
1 A 6 A 11 D
2 C 7 B 12 D
3 D 8 C 13 C
4 D 9 A 14 B
5 D 10 D
CFR Exam Study Guide – NYS DOH EMR Compliant – 2014 66
The passageway from the womb to th
e vaginal opening is called the ____.
a. ovary
b. birth canal
c. fallopian
d. uterus
What structure is attached to the uterus and provi
des the fetus with oxygen and nutrients?
a. Ovary
b. Wom
c. Placenta
d. Embryo
As the baby’s head delivers, you should check around the neck for the st
ructure that
connects the fetus to the m
other. Th
is structure is called the ____.
a. Placenta
b. um
c. fallopian
d. birth canal
The fluid-filled structure that protects the growing fe
tus is called the ____.
a. fallopian
b. Ovary
c. birth canal
d. am
CFR Exam Study Guide – NYS DOH EMR Compliant – 2014 67
5. Your partner assesses a pregnant patient and tells you crowning is present. What does this
a. The baby’s head is at the vaginal opening.
b. The am
niotic sac has ruptured.
c. Contractions have started.
The placenta is delivering.
6. You respond to a 22-year-old female who is 12 weeks pregnant and is having severe
inal cramps. She is having vaginal bleeding and is passi
ng clots of blood. You
suspect which of the following?
a. She is term and in labor.
She is having postpartum hemo
c. She has a placenta previa.
d. She is having a spontaneous abortion.
Your patient is a 30-year-old female who is pregnant. She is full term
and is having
intense contractions every 2 to 3 m
inutes. Her bag of waters has ruptured
and the fluid is
clear. The contractions last 60 to 90 seconds and she feels like pushing. This situation
suggests which of the following?
a. False
b. Bloody show
Delivery is imminent
She is having comp
lications with her labor.
You should take all the following actions to prepare a patient for delivery EXCEPT ____.
a. visually inspect the vaginal area
b. insert a gloved hand into the vagina to check for baby positi
protect the patient’s m
odesty by covering her with drapes
provide emotional support to the patient and the fam
CFR Exam Study Guide – NYS DOH EMR Compliant – 2014 68
9. Which of the following should you do when you see the baby’s head crowning?
a. Place the palm of your hand on the baby’s head and exert gentle
b. Have the mother push between contractions.
c. Observe the delivery and prepare to suction the baby.
d. Check around the neck for the cord.
10. The baby has delivered. Which of the following actions should you take?
a. Check the cord for pulsation before clamping.
b. Keep the baby positioned above the level of the uterus.
c. Massage the mother’s uterus.
d. Encourage the mother to keep pushing until the placenta delivers.
You are helping to deliver a baby. The head deliv
ers with this contraction, but the body
does not. As per NY City Protocol, which of the following actions should you take once
the infant’s head delivers?
a. Observe the baby until the next contraction.
b. Suction the mouth and nose.
c. Place your hand into the vaginal opening.
d. Wipe the nose and mouth, but do not suction.
12. Once the baby delivers, you should do which of the following?
a. Dry the baby and keep his or her head covered.
b. Complete a thorough assessment and then warm, dry, and stimulate the
c. Initiate CPR immediately if the baby is blue.
d. Check a radial pulse to evaluate circulation.
CFR Exam Study Guide – NYS DOH EMR Compliant – 2014 69
13. If the baby does not breathe immediately on delivery, you should do which of the
a. Start CPR.
b. Begin rescue breathing with a bag-valve-mask device.
c. Apply oxygen.
d. Rub the baby’s back and suction the baby.
14. You have just assisted in the delivery of a term baby. The baby remains limp and blue.
Her pulse is less than 60, respirations are 6. You have tried 30 seconds of rescue breathing
with no improvement. What should you do next?
a. Start CPR.
b. Begin rescue breathing with a bag-valve-mask device.
c. Apply oxygen.
d. Rub the baby’s back and suction the baby.
The baby is delivering
breech. Which of the following is false?
a. The baby is presenting buttocks first.
b. Do not pull on the baby to deliver the head.
c. You may need to create an airway for the baby while the head is still in
the birth canal.
The head may not deliver
CFR Exam Study Guide – NYS DOH EMR Compliant – 2014 70
Childbirth – Answer Key
1 B 6 D 11 B
2 C 7 C 12 A
3 B 8 B 13 D
4 D 9 A 14 A
5 A 10 A 15 C
CFR Exam Study Guide – NYS DOH EMR Compliant – 2014 71
Infants and Children
1. Which of the following statem
ents is FALSE?
a. A child’s head is proportional in size to an adult’s head, so head injuries are
more common in children than adults.
b. Larger tongues in children than adults tend to contribute to greater problems
managing children’s airways.
c. Infants and small children have more secretions, which can block their small
airways, than adults.
The muscles of the neck allow greater movement of the head, making it easier to
stabilize than an adult’s head.
Which of the following statements is FALSE?
a. Because of a higher metabolic rate, children have a greater need for oxygen and
nutrients than adults.
b. Infants are primary nose breathers and have a greater incidence of respiratory
distress when their noses are plugged with secretions than adults.
c. Because children’s chest muscles are more developed than adults’ muscles, children
present with intercostal retractions and abdominal muscle use.
d. Straps and restraints that are secured too snugly tend to cause more respiratory
distress in children due to their muscle development.
3. Which of the following assessment findings would you expect to identify in a child with
respiratory distress?
Increased respiratory rate
c. Head bobbing with each breath
d. All of the above
CFR Exam Study Guide – NYS DOH EMR Compliant – 2014 72
4. Which of the following conditions may cause respiratory distress in children?
a. Shock, seizures, dehydration
b. Asthma, croup,
c. All of the above
d. None of the above
Your patient is a 10-year-old male child with difficulty breathi
ng. He is awake and
anxious. His breathing is labored. He uses an inhaler when he has attacks like this. He has
wheezes when you auscultate his lungs. You suspect he may have which of the following
a. Asthma
b. Croup
c. Epiglottitis
Foreign body ai
rway obstruction
You are dispatched to a 2-year-old male child with difficulty breathing. He is awak
e and
anxious. You hear a “seal like” bark when he coughs. He has had a cold for a few days
and is now having trouble breathing. You suspect he m
y have which of the following
a. Asthma
b. Croup
c. Epiglottitis
Foreign body ai
rway obstruction
CFR Exam Study Guide – NYS DOH EMR Compliant – 2014 73
7. Your patient is a 6-year-old female with shortness of breath. She is awake and looks very
sick when you enter the room
. She is sitting up and is drooling. Her mo
ther says she
hasn’t been able to t
ake any fluids because it hurts too much to
swallow. Her vital signs
are pulse 130, respirations 32 and shallow
, blood pre
ssure 98/60, and temperature 103°F.
You suspect she may have which of the following conditi
a. Asthma
b. Croup
c. Epiglottitis
Foreign body ai
rway obstruction
You are dispatched to a child with troub
le breathing. You find a conscious 1-year-old
ale who is in distress. She was eating a piece of bread
when she became cyanotic. She
is unable to make any noise and you do not hear any air exchange. Which of the following
steps should you take first?
a. Take her pulse.
nister back blows.
Assess her re
spiratory rate.
Explain to her mother the advantages and risks of the treatm
ent you need to perform.
You respond to an 11-year-old male who is unresponsive and
has a respiratory rate of 4.
He was hit by a car and has blood in his nose. He is snoring. Which of the following steps
should you take?
nister high concentration oxygen and call for ALS backup.
Suction the nose with a bulb
syringe and reassess his airway.
Perform a jaw thrust and initiate bag-valve-mask ventila
tion with high concentration
Call for ALS backup and open the
airway with a head tilt maneuver.
CFR Exam Study Guide – NYS DOH EMR Compliant – 2014 74
10. Which of the following is the most common cause of seizures in children?
a. Epilepsy
b. Fever
c. Trauma
d. Low blood sugar
11. As you treat a child who was involved in a motor vehicle crash, it is im
portant to
understand the common mechanisms of injury associated with various incidents. Which of
the following statements is FALSE?
a. Children who are unrestrained in a vehicle often have head and neck injuries.
b. Children who are restrained in a vehicle often have abdominal and lower spine inju
Infants in improperly restrained safety seats often have abdomi
nal and chest injuries.
School-age children struck by vehicles typically sustain head, thorax, and extrem
12. A 5-year-old m
ale child fell on a bottle and
lacerated his leg. He is sitting up holding his
leg and is awake and crying. His skin is cool and pale. His capillary refilling time is
decreased. The wound on the leg is spurt
ing brig
ht red blood. He has lost quite a bit of
blood when you arrive. You do which of the following?
Open his airway with a ja
w thrust.
Apply direct pressure to his wound, lay him flat,
and apply oxygen.
Keep him in a sitting position, apply a
dressing, and wrap him in a blanket.
Assess the non-injured leg and then assess the injured le
g and distract him with your
CFR Exam Study Guide – NYS DOH EMR Compliant – 2014 75
13. Which of the following is LEAST likely to be considered child abuse?
a. A 4-year-old child has broken teeth and bruising to his face, with new and old bruises to
his back. He tells you he got them
falling off his bike earlier today.
A 5-year-old girl has abrasions to her kne
es and palms. She tells you she fell out of
the swing when her Dad was pushing her.
A 7-year-old boy has burn marks on his feet
and buttocks and refuses to talk about
the injurie
A 1-year-old child is unconscious. Her mother says she fell from he
r swing. Her mother’s
boyfriend says she will be fine and seems unconcerned.
14. Which of the foll
owing statements is TRUE
a. First Responders must have police or social services present before caring for the child.
b. Most states do not require that child abuse be reported.
c. Actual or suspected child abuse and neglect should always be re
ported in your hand-off
report to another care provider.
Child abuse must be reported, but neglect does not need
to be reported.
15. Which of the foll
owing patients is NOT
showing signs of respiratory distress?
a. A 2-year-old child who is unresponsive with a respiratory rate of 12 breaths per minute
b. A 2-month-old baby quietly breathing 40 times a mi
A 12-year-old child breathing 42 times a minute with
A 3-year-old child who is sleepy and breathing 60 ti
mes per minute
CFR Exam Study Guide – NYS DOH EMR Compliant – 2014 76
Infants and Children – Answer Key
1 A 6 B 11 C
2 C 7 C 12 B
3 D 8 B 13 B
4 C 9 C 14 C
5 A 10 B 15 B
CFR Exam Study Guide – NYS DOH EMR Compliant – 2014 77
In the incident command process, Emerge
ncy First Responders will most often be which
of the following?
Incident commander
for large-scale disasters
b. Sector commander responsible for staging
c. Assigned to tasks within one of the sectors
In charge of triaging patients according to
Which of the following is NOT
usually the responsibility of an Emergency First
Responder during an extrication after a motor vehicle crash?
a. Maintaining scene safety and r
ecognizing hazards
Operating the extrication tools to
disentangle the patient
Assisting with removal of a patient from
a vehicle
Providing spinal stabilization during th
e extrication process
Which of the following is NOT a method of gaining simp
le access to a patient?
a. Opening a door
b. Unlocking a door
c. Rolling down a window
Use hydrau
lic tools
4. You respond to the scene of a tanker truck rollover with a large gasoline spill. The patient
is trapped in the vehicle. You should do which of the following?
a. Notify the hazardous materials team and control access to the scene and the patient.
b. Notify the hazardous material team and begin extricating the patient.
c. Call for an extrication team and perform an initial assessment.
d. Stabilize the vehicle and notify the fire department of a fire hazard.
CFR Exam Study Guide – NYS DOH EMR Compliant – 2014 78
5. You respond to the scene of a motor vehicle crash. The patient has been pulled from the
car. A fire has started and is engulfing the car. Which of the following actions should you
a. Try to turn off the ignition of the vehicle.
Move the patient back from the scene and
provide care.
Attempt to put out the fire w
ith a fire extinguisher even though you
have not had fire-fighter training.
Stabilize the vehicle so it does not move and spread the fire.
6. You respond to a motor vehicle crash. The
car struck a utility pole and has wires lying
over it. The patient is inside the car. What should you do when you arrive on the scene?
Remove the wires from the car and assess
for life threats.
Encourage the patient to get out of the car if he is awake and ab
le to
Keep the patient in the car until
someone trained to work with wires
can m
ove them
Stabilize the vehicle with wood cri
bbing so the electricity will not be
You respond to a rollover. The car is up
on its side and wobbles with the wind. The
patient is inside and is com
plaining of difficulty breathing. What shoul
d you should you
do first?
Enter the car and assess fo
r life-threatening conditions.
Stay outside the car
and assist ventilations.
Encourage the patient to
try to crawl out of the car.
Stabilize th
e vehicle and then assess the patient.
CFR Exam Study Guide – NYS DOH EMR Compliant – 2014 79
8. Which of the following is expected of an Emergency First Responder in a mass casualty
Be prepared to assume the responsibility of Triage Officer when
paramedics are on the
Be prepared to treat all injuri
es as they are found on patients.
You may be required to be the Triage Officer and receive reports from
the Incident
You may have to move tagged patients to treatment and transport staging areas after
Which of the following is NOT a component of triage or
a responsibility of a triage
a. Complete a quick initial a
ssessment of all patients.
Confirm the nature of the incident and establish a command post.
Apply tags to the patie
nts to identify severity.
Begin transporti
ng patients as soon as each is assessed.
10. Which of the followi
ng patients would be
considered a high priority or immediate
category in a mass casualty incident?
Patient with snori
ng respirations
Patient with burns to arm and hand but no breathing problem
Patient with pain in the lower back with num
bness in one leg
Patient who is not breathi
ng and does not have a pulse
CFR Exam Study Guide – NYS DOH EMR Compliant – 2014 80
11. Which of the followi
ng patients would be considered a second
priority or delayed
egory in a mass casualty incident?
Patient with a flail chest breathing shallow at 40 times a mi
Patient with an open fracture to the left lower leg with mi
nor bleeding
Patient with lacerations and abra
sions to both extremities with minor
bleeding and no airway problems
Patient who is not breathing and does not have a pulse
12. Which of the following patients would be considered a low priority or mi
nor category in a
mass casu
lty incident?
Patient with an open femur fracture that is bleeding severely an
d is
difficult t
o control
Patient with a bilateral lower leg fracture with m
oderate bleeding that
has been controlled
Patient with a fractured humerus without neurovascular compromi
Patient who is not breathi
ng and does not have a pulse
13. Which of the followi
ng should you expect dispatch to provi
de when you are responding
to a call?
a. Location of the patient and nature of the illness
Patient name, birth date, and insurance inform
Response time, s
cene time, and ETA
d. ETA to closest facility and patient history
CFR Exam Study Guide – NYS DOH EMR Compliant – 2014 81
14. Which of the followi
ng actions should you take when respondi
ng in an emergency
Be prepared, since motorists may
drive in front of you at any time.
Recognize that motorists will hear
your siren and yield the right of way
to you.
Proceed through intersections without slowing sinc
e you have the legal
right of way.
Exceed the speed limit as mu
ch as necessary to reduce response times.
15. Which of the foll
owing actions should
you take when setting up a landing zone for a
Landing zones should be 100 feet from
the scene.
Landing zones should be located
where the ground does not slope.
It is best to identify the landing
zone by placing a vehicle or flares at
two points of a landing zone.
It is best to keep your lights on
and turned up toward the helicopter to
help the pilot with landing.
CFR Exam Study Guide – NYS DOH EMR Compliant – 2014 82
Operations – Answer Key
1 C 6 C 11 B
2 B 7 D 12 C
3 D 8 D 13 A
4 A 9 D 14 A
5 B 10 A 15 B
CFR Exam Study Guide – NYS DOH EMR Compliant – 2014 83
Environmental Emergencies
1. You are a member of a search and rescue team and find a hiker who was lost. When you
assess him, his fingers, nose, and cheeks are white, waxy, and hard to touch. You suspect
which of the following conditions?
a. Superficial frostbite
b. Deep frostbite
c. Cold shock
d. Cold stroke
2. Your patient was found outside on a cold rainy night. She is unresponsive and cold to the
touch. Her carotid pulse is 30 and very weak. She is breathing six times per minute and
her breathing is shallow. You suspect which of the following conditions?
a. Hyperthermia
b. Hypothermia
c. Deep frostbite
d. Superficial frostbite
3. Care for a patient with deep frostbite to the hand and fingers would include which of the
a. Breaking the blisters
b. Rubbing and massaging the area
c. Encouraging the patient to use his or her hand
d. Having the patient place his or her hand in the armpit
CFR Exam Study Guide – NYS DOH EMR Compliant – 2014 84
4. You are doing stand-by for a large outdoor concert in the summer. It is hot, humid, and
mid-afternoon when friends bring a 28-year-old male to you. He had been playing Frisbee
when he started having stomach cramps. He is warm and sweaty and complaining of
abdominal cramps. He is alert and oriented and denies any other medical problems. You
suspect which of the following conditions?
a. Heat stroke
b. Heat exhaustion
c. Heat cramps
d. Hypothermia
5. Your patient was playing soccer on a hot humid summer day when she collapsed. She
complains of being severely weak and dizzy. She is extremely diaphoretic. You suspect
which of the following conditions?
a. Heat stroke
b. Heat exhaustion
c. Heat cramps
d. Hypothermia
6. Your patient is a 64-year-old female. She is found unresponsive in her apartment. It is a
hot summer day. Her windows are all closed and locked, and she does not have air
conditioning or a fan. The room is extremely hot. Her pulse is weak and rapid. Her skin is
hot and dry. Family tells you she had a seizure prior to your arrival. Care for this patient
would include all the following EXCEPT _____.
a. high concentration oxygen
b. recovery position
c. sips of cool water
d. remove her from her apartment into a cooler environment
CFR Exam Study Guide – NYS DOH EMR Compliant – 2014 85
Environmental – Answer Key
1 B 6 C
2 B
3 D
4 C
5 B
CFR Exam Study Guide – NYS DOH EMR Compliant – 2014 86
Special Populations
1. In the elderly, the vital capacity, the total amount of air that can be moved in and out with
every breath:
a. declines with age.
b. increases with age.
c. does not change.
2. In the elderly, the stroke volume, the amount of blood ejected from the heart with each
a. declines with age.
b. increases with age.
c. does not change.
3. Which of the following is not more common in the elderly?
a. Fear of death
b. Fear of loss of independence
c. Weakness
d. Increased energy levels
4. You are treating an 87-year-old patient, Ed Flattery, who was found by his granddaughter
on the floor complaining of hip pain. The best way to communicate with this patient is to
address him as:
a. Ed.
b. Pops.
c. Mr. Flattery.
d. Eddie.
CFR Exam Study Guide – NYS DOH EMR Compliant – 2014 87
5. A cause of dehydration in the elderly may include:
a. decreased salivation production.
b. weakening of bladder muscles.
c. loss of bone mass.
d. decreased gastric secretion.
6. The group most prone to illness or injury is:
a. women younger than 50 years.
b. women older than 65 years.
c. men younger than 50 years.
d. men older than 75 years.
7. What is the medical term for a motor function disorder caused by a brain defect or lesion
present at birth?
a. Quadriplegia.
b. Atrophy
c. Muscular dystrophy
d. Cerebral palsy
8. Which of the following is an appropriate method to use when communicating with a
hearing impaired patient?
a. Exaggerate lip movement
b. Face the patient when speaking
c. Increase the volume of your voice
d. Repeat words until they are understood
CFR Exam Study Guide – NYS DOH EMR Compliant – 2014 88
9. Which of the following is NOT a type of elder abuse?
a. Taking advantage of an elder’s property
b. Taking charge of an elder’s finances
c. Ignoring the elder’s physical needs
d. Disrespecting the elder’s emotional needs
Special Populations – Answer Key
1 A 6 D
2 A 7 D
3 D 8 B
4 C 9 B
5 B