YOUR IMMEDIATE ATTENTION. If you are in any doubt as to the action you should take or
the contents of this document, you are recommended to seek your own independent
nancial advice immediately from your stockbroker, bank, solicitor, accountant, or oth er
appropriate independent nancial adviser, who is authorised under the Financial Services
and Markets Act 2000 (as amended) (FSMA) if you are in the United Kingdom, or from
another appropriately authorised independent nancial adv iser if you are in a territory
outside the United Kingdom.
This document comprises a prosp ectus (the Prospectus) relating to JPMorgan Global
Growth & Income plc (the Company) in connection with the issue of Shares in the
Company pursuant to a scheme of reconstruction (Scheme Shares) of JPMorgan Elect plc
(JPE) under section 110 of the Insolvency Act 1986 (the Scheme), prepared in
accordance with the UK version of the EU Prospectus Regulation ((EU) 2017/1129) which is
part of UK law by virtue of the European Union Withdrawal Act 2018 (as amended and
supplemented from time to time (including, but not limited to, by the Prospectus
(Amendment etc.) (EU Exit) Regulations 2019 /1234 and the Financial Services and Markets
Act 2000 (Prospectus) Regulations 2019)) (the UK Prospectus Regulation) and the
prospectus regulation rules of the Financial Conduct Authority (the FCA) made pursuant
to section 73A of FSMA (the Prospectus Regulation Rules). This Prospectus has been
approved by the FCA, as the competent authority under the UK Prospectus Regulation. The
FCA only approves this Prospectus as meeting the standards of completeness,
comprehensibility and consistency imposed by the UK Prospectus Regulation. Such
approval should not be considered as an endorsement of the Company and of the quality of
the Shares that are the subject of this Prospectus. Investors should make their own
assessment as to the suitability of investing in the Shares.
Applications will be made for the Scheme Shares to be admitted to listing on the premium listing
category of the Ofcial List and to trading on the Main Market, respectively. It is not intended that
any class of shares in the Company be admitted to listing or trading in any other jurisdiction (save
for New Zealand). It is expected that Admission will become effective and that dealings for normal
settlement in the Scheme Shares will commence at 8.00 a.m. on 20 December 2022.
(a closed-ended investment company incorporated with limited liability under the laws of England
and Wales with company number 00024299)
Issue of Scheme Shares pursuant to a scheme of reconstruction of
JPMorgan Elect plc under section 110 of the Insolvency Act 1986
Winterood Securities Limited
The Company, each of the Directors and the prospective Director whose names appear on page 46
of this Prospectus accept responsibility for the information contained in this Prospectus. To the best
of the knowledge of the Company, the Directors and the prospective Directo r, the information
contained in this Prospectus is in accordance with the facts and this Prospectus makes no omission
likely to affect its import.
JPMorgan Funds Limited (the Manager) accepts responsibility for the information and opinions
contained in this Prospectus relating to it and all statements made by it. To the best of the
knowledge of the Manager, the information contained in this Prospectus related to or attributed to
the Manager and its Afliates are in accordance with the facts and such parts of this Prospectus
make no omis sion likely to affect their import.
JPMorgan Asset Management (UK) Limited (the Investment Manager) accepts responsibility for
the information and opinions contained in: (a) the risk factors contained under the following
headings: Risks relating to the Ordinary Share Investment Policy and the C Share Investment
Policy and Risks relating to the Manager and the Investment Manager; (b) paragraph 3
(Investment Objective and Investment Policy), paragraph 5 (Benchmark), paragraph 7 (Dividend
Policy) and paragraph 10 (Net Asset Value Calculation and Publication)ofPartI(Information on the
Company) of this Prospectus; (c) Part II (Market Outlook and Investment Strategy) of this
Prospectus; (d) Part III (Directors, Management and Administration) of this Prosp ectus and any other
information or opinion related to or attributed to it or to any of its Afliates. To the best of the
knowledge of the Investment Manager, the information contained in the Prospectus related to or
attributed to it or any Afliate of the Investment Manager is in accordance with the facts and those
parts of the Prospectus make no omission likely to affect their imp ort.
Winterood Secur ities Limited (the Sponsor) which is authorised and regulated in the United
Kingdom by the FCA, is acting exclusively for the Company and for no one else in connection with
the Issue. The Sponsor will not be responsible to anyone (whether or not a recipient of this
Prospectus) other than the Company for providing the protections afforded to clients of the Sponsor
or for providing advice in relation to the Issue, the contents of this Prospectus or any matters
referred to in this Prospectus. This does not exclude any responsibilities which the Sponsor may
have under FSMA or the regulatory regime established thereunder.
Apart from the liabilities and responsibilities (if any) which may be imposed on the Sponsor by
FSMA or the regulatory regime established thereunder, the Sponsor, its Afliates, ofcers, directors,
employees and agents make no representations or warranties, express or implied, nor accept any
responsibility whatsoever for the contents of this Prospectus nor for any other statement made or
purported to be made by it or on its behalf or by any other party in connection with the Company,
the Manager, the Investment Manager, the Scheme Shares, the Issue or Admission. The Sponsor
and its Afliates, ofcers, directors, employees and agents, to the fullest extent permitted by law,
accordingly disclaim all and any responsibility or liability (save as referred to above), whether arising
in tort, contract or other wise which it or they might otherwise have in respect of this Prospectus or
any such statement.
The Company has not been and will not be registered under the United States Investment
Company Act of 1940 (the US Investment Company Act), and as such investors in the Scheme
Shares will not be entitled to the benets of the US Investment Company Act. The Scheme Shares
have not been and will not be registered under the United States Securities Act of 1933 (the US
Securities Act ), or with any securities regulatory authority of any state or other jurisdiction of the
United St ates, and may not be offered, sold, resold, pledged, delivered, assigned or otherwise
transferred, directly or indirectly, into or within the United States or to, or for the account or benet
of, any U.S. persons as dened in Regulation S under the US Securities Act (US Persons),
except pursuant to an exemption from, or in a transaction not subject to, the registration
requirements of the US Securities Act and in compliance with any applicable securities laws of any
state or other jurisdiction of the United States and in a manner which would not result in the
Company being required to register under the US Investment Company Act. There has been and
will be no public offer of the Scheme Shares in the United States.
This document does not address the US federal income tax considerations applicable to an
investment in the Scheme Shares. Each prospective investor should consult its own tax advisers
regarding the US federal income tax co nsequences of any such investment. The Scheme Shares
are being offered or sold only (i) outside the United States in offshore transactions to non-US
Persons pursuant to Regulation S under the US Securities Act, and (ii) to persons who are both
qualied purchasers as dened in the US Investment Company Act (Qualied Purchasers) and
accredited investors as dened in Regulation D under the US Securities Act (Accredited
Investors), pursuant to an exemption from the registration requirements of the US Securities Act,
and who, in the case of (ii), have executed an AI/QP Investor Letter in the form annexed to this
Prospectus (AI/QP Investor Letter
) and returned it to the Company and Equiniti Limited as
registrar to JPE.
Neither the US Securities and Exchange Comm ission (the SEC) nor any securities
regulatory authority of any state or other jurisdiction of the United States has approved or
disapproved of the Scheme Shares or passed upon or endorsed the merits of the offering
of the Schem e Shares or the adequacy or accuracy of this Prospe ctus. Any representation
to the contrary is a criminal offence in the United States.
In addition, the Scheme Shares are subject to restrictions on transferability and resale in certain
jurisdictions and may not be transferred or resold except as permitted under applicable securities
laws and regulations and under the Articles. Any failure to comply with these restrictions may
constitute a violation of the securities laws of any such jurisdictions and may subject the holder to
the forced transfer and other provisions set out in the Articles. For further information on restrictions
on offers, sales and transfers of the Scheme Shares, please refer to the section entitled Overseas
Excluded JPE Shareholders at paragraph 8 of Part IV (Details of the Scheme and the Issue) of this
This Prospectus does not constitute or form par t of any offer or invitation to sell or issue, or any
solicitation of any offer to purchase, subscribe for or otherwise acquire, any securities by any person
in any circumstances or jurisdiction in which such offer or solicitation would be unlawful or would
impose any unfullled registration, qualication, publication or approval requirements on the
Company, the Manager, the Investment Manager or the Sponsor.
The distribution of this Prospectus and the offer of the Scheme Shares in certain jurisdictions may
be restricted by law. Other than in the United Kingdom, no action has been or will be taken to
permit the possession, issue or distribution of this Prospectus (or any other offering or publicity
material relating to the Scheme Shares) in any jurisdiction where actio n for that purpose may be
required or doing so is restricted by law. Accordingly, neither this Prospectus, nor any
advertisement, nor any other offering material may be distributed or published in any jurisdiction
except under circumstances that will result in compliance with any applicable laws and regulations.
Persons into whose possession this Prospectus (or any other offering materials or publicity relating
to the Scheme Shares) comes should inform themselves about and observe any such restrictions.
None of the Company, the Manager, the Investment Manager, the Sponsor or any of their respective
Afliates or advisers, accepts any legal responsibility to any person, whether or not a prospect ive
investor, for any such restrictions.
The Company is a closed-ended investment company incorporated in England and Wales on
21 April 1887 with company number 00024299 and registered as an investment company under
section 833 of the Companies Act 2006 (the Companies Act).
Capitalised terms contained in this Prospectus shall have the meanings ascribed to them in Part VIII
(Denitions) of this Prospectus, save where the context indicates otherwise.
Prospective investors should read this en tire Prospectus and, in particular, the section
entitled Risk Factors beginning on page 12 when considering an investment in the
This Prospectus is dated 21 November 2022.
1. Introduction
a. Name and ISIN of securities
i. Ticker for the Ordinary Shares: JGGI
ISIN of the Ordinary Shares: GB00BYMKY695
Ticker for the C Shares: JGGC
ISIN of the C Shares: GB00BNNPF744
b. Identity and contact details of the issuer
i. Name: JPMorgan Global Growth & Income plc (the Company)
Address: 60 Victoria Embankment, London, EC4Y 0JP (Tel: 020 7742 4000)
c. Identity and contact details of the competent authority
i. Name: Financial Conduct Authority
Address: 12 Endeavour Square, London, E20 1JN, United Kingdom (Tel: 0207 066 1000)
d. Date of approval of the Prospectus
i. 21 November 2022
e. Warnings
i. This summary should be read as an introduction to this Prospectus. Any decision to invest in Ordinary Shares and/or C Shares of th e Company
being offered pursuant to the Scheme (the Scheme Shares) should be based on consideration of this Prospectus as a whole by the investor.
The investor could lose all or part of the invested capital. Civil liability attaches only to those persons who have tabled the summary including any
translation thereof, but only if the summary is misleading, inaccurate or inconsistent when read together with the other parts of this Prospectus or
it does not provide, when read together with the other parts of this Prospectus, key information in order to aid investors when considering whether
to invest in the Scheme Shares.
2. Key information on the issuer
a. Who is the issuer of the securities?
i. Domicile and legal form, LEI, applicable legislation and country of incorporation
The Company is an investment company limited by shares, registered and incorporated in England and Wales under the Companies Act on
21 April 1887, with company number 00024299. The Companys Legal Entity Identier (LEI) is 5493007C3I0O5PJKR078. The Company carries
on, and intends to continue to carry on, its business at all times so as to retain its status as an investment trust for the purposes of section 1158
CTA 2010.
ii. Principal activities
The Companys investment objective is to achieve superior total returns from world stock markets.
In respect of the Ordinary Shares, in order to achieve the investment objective and to seek to manage risk, the Company invests in a diversied
portfolio of companies. The Company manages liquidity and borrowings to increase potential Sterling returns to shareholders; the Board has set
a normal range of 5 per cent. net cash to 20 per cent. geared under normal market conditions.
In respect of the Ordinary Shares, the Companys aim is to provide a diversied portfolio of approximately 50-90 stocks in which the Portfolio
Managers have a high degree of conviction. As at 31 October 2022, the number of investments held was 61. To gain the appropriate exposure,
the Portfolio Managers are permitted to invest in pooled funds. The Investment Manager is responsible for management of the Companys assets.
On a day-to-day basis the assets are managed by Portfolio Managers based in London and in New York, supported by a strong equity research
team. The Company has implemented a passive currency hedging strategy that aims to make stock selection the predominant driver of overall
Portfolio performance relative to the Benchmark. This is a risk reduction measure, designed to eliminate most of the differences between the
Portfolios currency exposure and that of the Companys Benchmark. As a result, the returns derived from, and the Portfolios exposure to,
currencies may materially differ from that of the Companys competitors who generally do not undertake such a strategy.
In order to achieve its stated investment objective and to seek to manage investment risks, the C Share Investment Policy will be to initially hold a
diversied range of listed closed-ended investment funds and open-ended funds, which themselves invest in the UK and overseas, and to
undertake an orderly realisation of such investments with the net realisation proceeds being invested in accordance with the Ordinary Share
Investment Policy. The number of investments in the C Share Portfolio is expected initially to range between 30 and 50, and will increase to a
range of 50-90 stocks as the C Share Portfolio aligns with the Ordinary Share Portfolio.
iii. Major Shareholders
The below table sets out the Shareholders who hold a notiable interest in the Company which represents three per cent. or more of the voting
share capital of the Company, insofar as is known to the Company based on the information available to the Company as at 31 October 2022:
No. of
Percentage of
total issued
share capital
AJ Bell, stockbrokers 38,152,603 12.63
Interactive Investor 32,977,910 10.91
Hargreaves Lansdown, stockbrokers 28,776,295 9.52
Rathbones 21,984,650 7.28
Charles Stanley 11,482,600 3.80
Canaccord Genuity Wealth Management 9,196,974 3.04
Save as disclosed above, the Company is not aware of any person who, as at 31 October 2022, directly or indirectly, has a holding which is notiable under applicable law
or who directly or indirectly, jointly or severally, exercises or could exercise control over the Company. There are no differences between the voting rights enjoyed by the
Shareholders described above and those enjoyed by any other holder of Ordinary Shares.
iv. Directors
Tristan Hillgarth (Chair), Steven Bates (prospective Director), Thomas Michael Brewis, Jane Lewis (Senior Independent Director), James
Macpherson, Neil Rogan and Sarah Whitney.
v. Statutory auditors
Ernst & Young LLP of Atria One, 144, Morrison Street Edinburgh EH3 8EX.
b. What is the key nancial information regarding the issuer?
i. Selected historical nancial information
The key audited gures that summarise the nancial condition of the Company in respect of the nancial years ended 30 June 2022, 30 June
2021 and 30 June 2020, are set out in the tables below.
Statement of Comprehensive Income
For year
30 June 2022
For year
30 June 2021
For year
30 June 2020
000) 000) 000)
Gains on investments at fair value through prot or loss (36,835) 153,997 22,989
Net foreign currency gains 3,386 1,764 83
Income from investments 14,520 10,633 8,329
Interest receivable and similar income 160 49 212
Gross return (18,769) 166,443 31,613
Management fee (3,299) (2,308) (1,906)
Performance fee charge (5,967) (507)
Other administrative expenses (591) (612) (565)
Net return before nance costs and taxation (22,659) 157,556 28,635
Finance costs (1,496) (1,038) (898)
Net return before taxation (24,155) 156,518 27,737
Taxation (1,408) (1,276) (1,091)
Net return after taxation (25,563) 155,242 26,646
Return per share (16.13)p 106.46p 19.44p
No operations were acquired or discontinued in any of the nancial years ended 30 June 2020, 30 June 2021 or 30 June 2022.
Statement of Financial Position
As at 30 June
As at 30 June
As at 30 June
000) 000) 000)
Fixed assets ———
Investments at fair value through prot or loss 676,778 654,694 473,187
Current assets ———
Derivative nancial assets 4,637 2,567 2,026
Debtors 3,270 7,153 12,410
Cash and cash equivalents 41,963 55,933 36,972
49,870 65,653 51,408
Current liabilities ———
Creditors: amounts falling due within one year (2,417) (11,041) (13,710)
Derivative nancial liabilities (5,072) (1,271) (1,636)
Net current assets 42,381 53,341 36,062
Total assets less current liabilities 719,159 708,035 509,249
Creditors: amount falling due after more than one year (49,746) (49,932) (30,032)
Provision for liabilities and charges ———
Performance fee payable (4,729) (380)
Net assets 669,413 653,374 478,837
Capital and reserves ———
Called up share capital 8,305 7,746 7,746
Share premium 151,221 92,019 71,672
Capital redemption reserve 27,401 27,401 27,401
Capital reserves 482,486 526,208 372,018
Revenue reserve ———
Total shareholders funds 669,413 653,374 478,837
Net asset value per share 403.1p 432.3p 338.9p
Statement of Changes in Equity
Called up
share capital
reserve Total
£000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000
At 30 June 2019 7,746 58,956 27,401 347,414 441,517
Issue of shares from Treasury 12,716 15,420 28,136
Net return ———21,163 5,483 26,646
Dividends paid in the year ———(11,979) (5,483) (17,462)
At 30 June 2020 7,746 71,672 27,401 372,018 478,837
Issue of shares from Treasury 20,347 17,832 38,179
Net return ———147,284 7,958 155,242
Dividends paid in the year ———(10,926) (7,958) (18,884)
At 30 June 2021 7,746 92,019 27,401 526,208 653,374
Issue of shares 559 49,636 ———50,195
Issue of shares from Treasury 9,836 6,858 16,694
Project costs in relation to shares (270) ——(270)
Block-listing fees paid ———(102) (102)
Net return ———(37,045) 11,482 (25,563)
Dividends paid in the year ———(13,433) (11,482) (24,915)
At 30 June 2022 8,305 151,221 27,401 482,486 669,413
Statement of Cash Flows
For year
30 June 2022
For year
30 June 2021
For year
30 June 2020
000) 000) 000)
Net cash outow from operations before dividends and interest (9,945) (3,212) (2,363)
Dividends received 12,531 8,535 7,288
Interest received 147 21 201
Overseas tax recovered 37 162 55
Interest paid (1,475) (893) (889)
Net cash inow from operating activities 1,295 4,613 4,292
Purchase of investments (554,563) (460,877) (462,896)
Sales of investments 493,049 435,206 472,116
Settlement of forward currency contracts 4,843 811 184
Net cash (outow)/inow investing activities (56,671) (24,860) 9,404
Dividend paid (24,915) (18,884) (17,462)
Issue of shares from treasury 16,694 38,179 28,235
Issue of shares 50,195 ——
Block listing fees (102) ——
Issue of secured bond loan (net of costs) 19,894
Repayment of bank loans (199) ——
Project costs (270) ——
Net cash inow/(outow) from nancing activities 41,403 39,189 10,773
Increase in cash and cash equivalents (13,973) 18,942 24,469
Cash and cash equivalents at start of year 55,933 36,972 12,499
Unrealised gain on foreign currency cash and cash equivalents 3 19 4
Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the year 41,963 55,933 36,972
Increase in cash and cash equivalents (13,973) 18,942 24,469
Cash and cash equivalents consist of: ———
Cash and short term deposits 7,942 8,350 5,255
Cash held in JPMorgan Sterling Liquidity Fund 34,021 47,583 31,717
Total 41,963 55,933 36,972
ii. Selected pro forma nancial information
c. Closed end funds
i. Additional information relevant to closed end funds
The data set out in the table below is at the date of the latest published Net Asset Value of the Company as at 17 November 2022:
Share class Total NAV (£) No. of Shares
NAV per share
Ordinary 1,351,061,247 302,135,671 447.17
The Company does not have any C Shares in issue as at the date of this Prospectus.
ii. The statement of comprehensive income for the Company can be found at row b(i) above.
iii. The statement of nancial position can be found at row b(i) and c(i) above.
d. What are the key risks that are specic to the issuer?
i. Risks relating to the Company
The Company has no employees and the Directors have been appointed on a non-executive basis. The Company is therefore reliant
upon the performance of third-party service providers for its executive functions and is exposed to the risk that misconduct by employees
of those service providers, any failure by any service provider to carry out its obligations to the Company in accordance with the terms of
its appointment and/or the termination of those appointments could have an adverse effect on the value of the Portfolio and the
Companys nancial condition, results of operations and prospects, with a consequential adverse effect on the market value of the
Risks relating to the Ordinary Share Investment Policy and the C Share Investment Policy
The investments of the Company are subject to the risk of changes in market prices and/or macroeconomic factors, including those
factors arising as a result of the current conict in Ukraine which, in addition to its impact on human lives and livelihoods, is beginning to
have an impact on the global economy, ranging from decreases to supply (and/or increases to the costs) of goods to increases (and
increased volatility) in oil prices and ination. In addition, the Companys investments are subject to risks arising from ination driven by
the knock-on effects of COVID related disruptions to global supply chains, central bank stimulus and / or underinvestment in critical
industries and services. Any such changes could have an adverse effect on the value of the Portfolio and the Companys nancial
condition, results of operations and prospects, with a consequential adverse effect on returns to Shareholders and the market value of the
The COVID-19 pandemic may adversely affect the performance of companies in the Portfolio, which may in turn adversely impact the
Companys nancial performance and prospects and the value of its Portfolio.
The due diligence process that the Investment Manager undertakes in evaluating the Companys investments may not reveal all facts that
may be relevant in connection with such investments.
The Companys investment strategy in respect of the Ordinary Share Portfolio may involve the use of leverage in respect of the Ordinary
Share Portfolio, which exposes the Company to risks associated with borrowings and the related grant of security over its assets.
The Company is exposed to currency and foreign exchange risk as a result of holding investments denominated in currencies other than
Sterling which could have an adverse effect on the Portfolio and the Companys nancial condition, results of operations and prospects,
with a consequential adverse effect on returns to Shareholders and the market value of the Shares.
Underperformance by the companies in the Portfolio, or other market factors, may cause the Company to fail to deliver its target
performance against the Benchmark and may affect the ability of the Company to achieve its investment objective.
Risks relating to the Manager and the Investment Manager
The success of the Company is dependent on the Manager and the Investment Manager and their expertise, key personnel, and ability to
source and advise appropriately on investments. As a result of this, the value of the Portfolio, the Companys nancial condition, results of
operations and prospects and the value of the Shares could be adversely affected by competitive pressures on the Manager and/or the
Investment Managers ability to source and make successful investments.
Risks relating to regulation, taxation and the Companys operating environment
The Company is subject to various political, economic and other risks (such as war, acts of terrorism, changes to any given countrys
political leader or signicant economic downturns affecting global or more domestic markets) which may impact the economic conditions
in which the Company and companies in the Portfolio operate and may adversely impact global nancial markets and, consequently, the
Companys performance.
Changes in taxation legislation or practice in the United Kingdom or other jurisdictions to which the Company has exposure (including the
jurisdictions in which companies in the Portfolio are based) may adversely affect the Company and the tax treatment for Shareholders
investing in the Company.
Changes in laws or regulations governing the Companys or the Investment Managers operations may adversely affect the business and
performance of the Company.
3. Key information on the securities
a. What are the main features of the securities?
i. Type, class and ISIN of the securities being admitted to trading on a regulated market
The Shares being offered under the Issue are Ordinary Shares and C Shares in the capital of the Company. The ISIN of the Ordinary Shares is
GB00BYMKY695. The ISIN of the C Shares is GB00BNNPF744.
ii. Currency, deno mination, nominal value, number of securities issued and term of the securities
The Scheme Shares are denominated in Sterling and are Ordinary Shares with a nominal value of £0.05 each in the capital of the Company and
C Shares with a nominal value of £0.50 each in the capital of the Company. The issue price of the Ordinary Shares comprised in the Scheme
Shares will be the JGGI FAV as determined on the Calculation Date and the issue price of the C Shares comprised in the Scheme Shares will be
the value of the JPE Growth Rollover Pool divided by the number of Scheme C Shares to be issued, each as determined on the Calculation Date
and will be released by way of an RIS announcement on or around 13 December 2022. The Ordinary Shares have an in nite term. The C Shares
will convert into Ordinary Shares in accordance with their rights. The Company is seeking authority from its Shareholders at the General Meeting
to issue up to 25 million Scheme Ordinary Shares and up to 30 million Scheme C Shares pursuant to the Issue and this Prospectus.
iii. Rights attached to the securities
Variation of rights
If at any time the share capital is divided into different classes of shares, the rights attached to any class (unless otherwise provided by the terms
of issue) may, whether or not the Company is being wound up, be varied with the consent in writing of the holders of three-fourths of the issued
shares of that class or with the sanction of a special resolution passed at a separate meeting of the holders of the shares of that class.
Subject as described below, the holders of Shares are entitled to such dividends as may be declared by the Company from time to time in respect
of the relevant class of Share. Shares held in treasury do not receive dividends.
Distribution of assets on a winding up
The capital and assets of the Company will on a winding-up prior to Conversion be applied as follows: (i) the Ordinary Share Surplus will be
divided amongst the holders of the Ordinary Shares pro rata according to their holdings of Ordinary Shares; and (ii) the C Share Surplus will be
divided amongst the holders of the C Shares pro rata according to their holdings of C Shares.
Voting rights
Holders of Shares are entitled to attend, speak and vote at general meetings of the Company. Each Ordinary Share (excluding Ordinary Shares
held in treasury) carries one vote. Each C Share (excluding C Shares held in treasury) carries one vote. Shares held in treasury do not carry
voting rights.
iv. Relative seniority of the securities
The Scheme Shares are Ordinary Shares and C Shares. The Scheme Ordinary Shares will, when issued and fully paid, have the same rights as
the existing Ordinary Shares, including in respect of rights to dividends and in respect of a winding up of the Company save that they will not
receive the dividend payable in respect of the quarter ended 30 September 2022 which is expected to be paid on or around 6 January 2023. The
C Shares will be represented by the C Share Portfolio and will not be entitled to receive dividends payable to Ordinary Shareholders but will
receive any dividends payable in respect of the C Share Portfolio. Following Conversion of the C Shares, the New Ordinary Shares into which
such C Shares convert will have the same rights as the existing Ordinary Shares, including in respect of rights to dividends with a record date
after the Conversion Date and in respect of a winding up of the Company.
v. Restrictions on free transferability of the securities
At their absolute discretion, the Directors may refuse to register the transfer of a Share in certicated form which is not fully paid provided that, if
the Share is listed on the Ofcial List of the FCA, such refusal does not prevent dealings in the Shares from taking place on an open and proper
basis. The Directors may also refuse to register a transfer of a Share in certicated form unless the instrument of transfer:
is lodged, duly stamped, at the registered ofce of the Company or such other place as the Directors may appoint and (except in the case
of a transfer by a nancial institution where a certicate has not been issued in respect of the Share) is accompanied by the certicate for
the Share to which it relates and such other evidence as the Directors may reasonably require to show the right of the transferor to make
the transfer and/or the transferee to receive the transfer;
is in respect of only one class of share; and
is not in favour of more than four transferees.
The Directors may also refuse to register a transfer of a Share in uncerticated form to a person who is to hold it thereafter in certicated form in
any case where the Company is entitled to refuse (or is excepted from the requirement) under the CREST Regulations to register the transfer.
vi. Dividend policy
The Company has a distribution policy in respect of the Ordinary Shares whereby at the start of each nancial year the Company will announce
the distribution it intends to pay to Ordinary Shareholders in the forthcoming year, in quarterly instalments. In respect of the Ordinary Shares, the
Companys intention is to pay dividends which, in aggregate, total at least 4.00 per cent. of the Net Asse t Value of the Company as at the end of
the preceding nancial year. The Company has announced that in relation to the year commencing 1 July 2022 the Company intends to pay
dividends totalling 17.00 pence per Ordinar y Share (being 4.25 pence per Ordinary Share per quarter), which represents an annual dividend
equivalent to 4.22 per cent. of the audited Net Asset Value per Ordinar y Share (cum income with debt at fair value) as at 30 June 2022. The
Scheme Ordinary Shares will not receive the dividend payable in respect of the quarter ended 30 September 2022 which is expected to be paid
on or around 6 January 2023.
Holders of C Shares will be entitled to participate in any dividends and other distributions which the Directors may resolve to pay out of the assets
attributable to the C Shares based on the net income of that Share class prior to Conversion. For the avoidance of doubt, the dividend targets set
out above will not apply with respect to the C Shares.
The Company intends to continue to comply with the requirements for maintaining investment trust status for the purposes of section 1158
CTA 2010 regarding distributable income. The Company will therefore distribute its income such that it does not retain in respect of any
accounting period an amount greater than 15 per cent. of its income (as calculated for UK tax purposes) for that period.
The dividend policy in respect of the Ordinary Shares is an objective only, is not a prot forecast and is not a guarantee that certain levels of
dividends can be achieved or dividend growth maintained nor an indication of the Companys expected or actual future results, which may vary.
b.. Where will the securities be traded?
i. The Scheme Shares will be admitted to listing on the premium listing category of the Ofcial List and to trading on the Main Market.
c. What are the key risks that are specic to the securities?
i. Risks relating to an investment in the Shares
It may be difcult for Shareholders to realise their investment as there may not be a liquid market in the Shares, and Shareholders have no
right to have their Shares redeemed or repurchased by the Company.
Investors may not recover the full amount of their investment in Shares.
The shares of investment trusts and other listed closed-ended investment companies may be quoted at a discount to the underlying Net
Asset Value per Share and the price that can be realised for the Shares will be subject to market uctuations. The Directors will consider
using Ordinary Share repurchases to assist in limiting discount volatility and potentially providing an additional source of liquidity, if and
when the Ordinary Shares trade at a level which makes their repurchase attractive. The Directors do not intend to repurchase any
C Shares prior to Conversion but may do so if they consider this to be in the best interests of the Company with any C Shares
repurchased being cancelled. The Company does not, therefore, intend to assist the C Shareholders in limiting discount volatility or to
provide an additional source of liquidity. As such, until the C Shares are converted into Ordinar y Shares, they may suffer greater volatility
in the discount or premium to NAV at which the C Shares may trade and may be more illiquid than the Ordinary Shares, which may
adversely affect the returns to C Shareholders and the market value of the C Shares.
Until such time as the C Share Portfolio is fully transitioned, the C Shares will, on an amplied basis, carry the risk that they may trade at a
discount to their Net Asset Value and the price that can be realised for C Shares will be subject to market uctuations. This amplication
reects the fund of funds nature of the C Share Portfolio which carries the potential for discount to Net Asset Value both in respect of the
investments in the C Share Portfolio and in respect of the C Shares themselves.
4. Key information on the admission to trading on a regulated market
a. Under whi ch conditions and timetable can I invest in this security?
i. General terms and conditions
The Scheme Shares being issued pursuant to the Issue are only available to Eligible JPE Shareholders, pursuant to the terms of a scheme of
reconstruction of JPE under section 110 of the Insolvency Act 1986 (the Insolvency Act).
The Issue is conditional, among other things, on:
approval of the Allotment Resolution and the Articles Amendment Resolution by Shareholders at the General Meeting of the Company
and such Resolutions becoming unconditional in all respects;
the passing of the JPE Resolution to be proposed at the First JPE General Meeting, the JPE Resolution to be proposed at the Second
JPE General Meeting and the JPE Resolutions to be proposed at the JPE Class Meetings or any adjournment of those meetings and any
conditions of such JPE Resolutions being fullled;
the approval of the FCA and the London Stock Exchange to the Admission of the Scheme Shares to listing on the premium listing
category of the Ofcial List and to trading on the Main Market of the London Stock Exchange, respectively occurring before 31 December
2022, or such other date as may be agreed between the Company and the Sponsor;
tax clearance in respect of the Scheme being received by JPE; and
the JPE Board and the Board resolving to proceed with the Scheme.
ii. Expected timetable
General Meeting
Posting of Circular and Forms of Proxy for the General Meeting 22 November 2022
Latest time and date for receipt of Forms of Proxy for the General Meeting 1.00 p.m. on 14 December 2022
General Meeting 1.00 p.m. on 16 December 2022
Announcement of results of the General Meeting 16 December 2022
Publication of this Prospectus 21 November 2022
First JPE General Meeting 12.30 p.m. on 9 December 2022
JPE Growth Class Meeting 12.35 p.m. on 9 December 2022
JPE Income Class Meeting 12.40 p.m. on 9 December 2022
JPE Cash Class Meeting 12.45 p.m. on 9 December 2022
Calculation Date for the Scheme 5.00 p.m. on 13 December 2022
Record Date for entitlements under the Scheme 6.00 p.m. on 13 December 2022
Second JPE General Meeting 12.30 p.m. on 19 December 2022
Effective Date for implementation of the Scheme 19 December 2022
Announcement of results of the Scheme and respective FAVs per share 19 December 2022
CREST accounts credited with, and dealings commence in, Scheme Shares 8.00 a.m. on 20 December 2022
Certicates despatched by post in respect of Scheme Shares 9 January 2023 (or as soon as practicable
Conversion of the Scheme C Shares as soon as practicable after the C Share
Portfolio has been realigned with the Ordinary
Share Investment Policy
References to times are to London times unless otherwise stated. Any changes to the expected timetable set out above will be notied to the market by the Company via
an RIS announcement.
iii. Details of admission to trading on a regulated market
The Ordinary Shares are currently listed on the premium listing category of the Ofcial List of the FCA and traded on the Main Market.
Applications will be made for both the Scheme Ordinar y Shares and the Scheme C Shares to be admitted to listing on the premium listing
category of the Ofcial List and to trading on the Main Market.
iv. Plan for distribution
The Company will notify JPE Shareholders of the number of Scheme Shares to which each Eligible JPE Shareholder is entitled and the results of
the Issue will be announced by the Company on or around 19 December 2022 via an RIS announcement. It is expected that Admission will
become effective and that unconditional dealings in the Scheme Shares issued pursuant to the Issue will commence at 8.00 a.m. on
20 December 2022.
v. Amount and percentage of immediate dilution resulting from the Issue
If the Scheme is completed it will result in the issue to JPE Shareholders of approximately 17,650,741 Scheme Ordinary Shares and
approximately 26,743,078 Scheme C Shares (which are assumed to convert into 58,990,148 New Ordinary Shares). Existing Shareholders will
therefore experience dilution in their ownership and voting interests in the Company following Admission. In aggregate, the Scheme Ordinary
Shares and such New Ordinary Shares will represent, as at 17 November 2022 (being the Latest Practicable Date prior to the date of this
Prospectus), approximately 20.20 per cent. of the issued share capital of the enlarged Company. Therefore, as a consequence of the Scheme,
the percentage of total voting rights which can be exercised, and the inuence that may be exerted, by Existing Shareholders in respect of the
Company following completion of the Scheme will be reduced.
vi. Estimate of the total expenses of the Issue
Costs of the Company
The costs incurred by the Company prior to the Effective Date in connection with the implementation of the Transaction (which include legal fees,
nancial advisory fees, other professional advisory fees, printing costs and other applicable expenses but exclude, for the avoidance of doubt,
any JGGI Acquisition Costs) will be borne by Existing Shareholders (the JGGI Implementation Costs). The JGGI Implementation Costs are
estimated (after taking into account the Managers Contribution as detailed below) to be equivalent to 0.06 per cent. of the Companys Net Asset
Value as at 10 November 2022.
In addition, the enlarged Company, and therefore all Shareholders following implementation of the Scheme, will bear any stamp duty, SDRT or
other transaction tax, or investment costs it incurs in connection with the acquisition of the assets comprised in the Rollover Pools or the
deployment of the cash therein upon receipt (the JGGI Acquisition Costs). The enlarged Ordinary Share class will bear the JGGI Acquisition
Costs associated with the transfer of the JPE Cash Rollover Pool and the JPE Income Rollover Pool. The Scheme C Share class will bear the
JGGI Acquisition Costs associated with the transfer of the JPE Growth Rollover Pool.
After the Scheme becomes effective, the Scheme C Share class will also incur a number of costs in disposing of the investments in the JPE
Growth Rollover Pool transferred to the Company pursuant to the Transfer Agreement and thereafter comprising the C Share Portfolio and
realigning such investments in a portfolio of investments consistent with the Ordinary Share Investment Policy (the JGGI C Share Portfolio
Realignment Costs). The JGGI C Share Portfolio Realignment Costs will be attributed to the Scheme C Shares and will therefore be borne
indirectly by JPE Growth Shareholders who acquire Scheme C Shares pursuant to the Scheme.
The enlarged Company will also bear the London Stock Exchange fees in respect of the admission of Scheme Shares which are estimated to be
£0.14 million in respect of the Scheme Ordinary Shares (to be borne by the enlarged Ordinary Share class) and £0.27 million in respect of the
Scheme C Shares (to be borne by the Scheme C Share class).
Costs of JPE
The costs to be borne by JPE Shareholders, after taking account of the Managers Contribution and excluding the Liquidators Retention, are
estimated to be equivalent to 0.2 per cent. of JPEs Net Asset Value as at 10 November 2022. Such costs will be allocated amongst the
JPE Share classes pro rata based on the respective net asset value of each JPE Share class, other than JPE Portfolio Realignment Costs which
shall be allocated to the share class in respect of which they were incurred.
Managers Contribution
The Manager has agreed to make a contribution (the Manag er s Contribution) to the costs of the Transaction by way of a waiver of part of the
ongoing Management Fee payable by the Company. The Managers Contribution will be an amount equal to 8 months of the Companys
prevailing Management Fee calculated on the value of the net assets transferred to the Company by JPE pursuant to the Scheme. The nancial
value of the Managers Contribution is estimated at approximately £0.8 million based on the estimated net asset value of the assets to be
transferred to JGGI as at 10 November 2022 (assuming that no JPE Shares are repurchased pursuant to the JPE Repurchase Facility on
30 November 2022 and assuming that no JPE Shareholders had exercised their right to dissen t from participation in the Scheme).
35 per cent. of the Managers Contribution will be allocated to benet Existing Shareholders and 65 per cent. will be allocated to benet
JPE Shareholders, with the latter being further allocated to benet holders of JPE Cash Shares, JPE Growth Shares and JPE Income Shares pro
rata to the respective net asset value of each class as at the Calculation Date.
The Management Fee is calculated and paid monthly in arrears on the last business day of each month based on the Company's Net Asse t Value
at the last business day of the previous month.
vii. Estimated expenses charged to the investor
No expenses will be charged directly to investors by the Company in connection with the Issue or Admission.
b. Why is this prospectu s being produced?
i. Reasons for the Issue
The Scheme Shares are being issued to Eligible JPE Shareholders, and to the Liquidators appointed in respect of Overseas Excluded
JPE Sha reholders, in connection with the recommended proposals to combine the Company and JPE, pursuant to a scheme of reconstruction of
JPE under section 110 of the Insolvency Act.
ii. The use and estimated net amount of the proceeds
The Scheme Shares are being issued to Eligible JPE Shareholders, and to the Liquidators appointed in respect of Overseas Excluded
JPE Shareholders, in consideration for the transfer of the JPE Cash Rollover Pool, the JPE Growth Rollover Pool and the JPE Income Rollover
Pool from JPE to the Company. The JPE Cash Rollover Pool and the JPE Income Rollover Pool will consist of investments aligned with the
Ordinary Share Investment Policy, together with cash and Cash Equivalent Investments. Any cash in the JPE Cash Rollover Pool and the JPE
Income Rollover Pool and any proceeds of the realisation of Cash Equivalent Investments in the JPE Cash Rollover Pool and the JPE Income
Rollover Pool will be used to acquire investments in accordance with the Ordinary Share Investment Policy. The JPE Growth Rollover Pool will
consist of investments in a diversied range of listed closed-ended investment funds and open-ended funds (which themselves invest in the UK
and overseas) which will be realised in due course with the net realisation proceeds being reinvested in investments aligned with the Ordinary
Share Investment Policy.
iii. Underwriting
The Issue will not be underwritten.
iv. Material conicts of interest
There are no conicts of interests that are material to the Issue or the Admission.
An investment in the Companys Shares carries a number of risks including the risk that the entire
investment may be lost. In addition to all other information set out in this Prospectus, the following
specic factors should be considered when deciding whether to make an investment in, or otherwise
acquire, the Shares. The risks set out below are those which are considered to be the material risks
relating to an investment in the Shares but are not the only risks relating to the Shares or the
Company. No assurance can be given that Shareholders will realise prot on, or recover the value of,
their investment in the Shares, or that the Company will achieve any of its target returns. It should be
remembered that the price of securities and the income from them can go down as well as up.
The success of the Company will depend on the ability of the Investment Manager to pursue the
Ordinary Share Investment Policy and the C Share Investment Policy successfully and on broader
market conditions and the risk factors set out below in this section.
Prospective investors should note that the risks relating to the Company, its Investment Policy and
strategy and the Shares summarised in the section of this Prospectus headed Summary are the
risks that the Directors believe to be the most essential to an assessment by a prospective investor of
whether to consider an investment in the Shares.
As the risks which the Company faces relate to events and depend on circumstances that may or may
not occur in the future, prospective investors should consider not only the information on the key
risks summarised in the section of this Prospectus headed Summary but also, among other things,
the risks and uncertainties described in this Risk Factors section of this Prospectus. Additional risks
and uncertainties not currently known to the Company or the Directors (including the prospective
Director) or that the Company or the Directors (including the prospective Director) consider to be
immaterial as at the date of this Prospectus may also have a material adverse effect on the Companys
nancial condition, business, prospects and results of operations and, consequently, the Companys
NAV and/or the market price of the Companys Shares.
Potential investors in the Shares should review this Prospectus carefully and in its entirety and
consult with their professional advisers before acquiring/receiving the Shares.
The Company has no employees and is reliant on the performance of third-party service providers
The Company has no employees and the Directors have been appointed, and the prospective Director will be
appointed, on a non-executive basis. Whilst the Company has taken all reasonable steps to establish and
maintain adequate procedures, systems and controls to enable it to comply with its obligations, the Company is
reliant upon the per formance of third-party service providers for its executive functions. In particular, the
Manager, the Investment Manager, the Registrar and the Depositary will be performing services which are
integral to the operation of the Company. Misconduct by employees of those service providers, any failure by
any service provider to carry out its obligations to the Company in accordance with the terms of its
appointment, and/or the termination of those appointments could have an adverse effect on the Portfolio and
the Companys nancial condition, results of operations and prospects, with a consequential adverse effect on
the market value of the Ordinary Shares.
The investments of the Company are subject to the risk of changes in market prices and/or macroeconomic
The Company is at risk from the failure of the entire investment strategy adopted by the Investment Manager
resulting from changes in market prices and/or macroeconomic factors, including those factors arising as a
result of the current conict in Ukraine which, in addition to its impact on human lives and livelihoods, is
beginning to have an impact on the global economy, ranging from decreases to supply (and/or increases to the
costs) of goods to increases (and increased volatility) in oil prices and ination. In addition, the Companys
investments are subject to risks arising from ination driven by the knock-on effects of COVID related
disruptions to global supply chains, central bank stimulus and / or underinvestment in critical industries and
services. While the Company will hold a diversied Portfolio, there are certain general market conditions in
which any investment strategy is unlikely to be protable. The Investment Manager does not have the ability to
control or predict such market conditions.
The performance of the Companys investments depends to a great extent on correct assessments of the
future course of market price movements and economic cycles. There can be no assurance that the Investment
Manager will be able to predict accurately these price movements or cycles. The global nancial markets have
in recent years been characterised by great volatility and unpredictability.
General economic and market conditions, such as currency exchange rates, interest rates, availability of credit,
ination rates, economic uncertainty, changes in laws, trade barriers, currency exchange controls and national
and international political circumstances may affect the price level, volatility and liquidity of securities and result
in losses for the Company. This could have an adverse effect on the value of the Portfolio, the Companys
nancial condition, results of operations and prospects, with a consequential adverse effect on returns to
Shareholders and the market value of the Shares.
Given that the Company, in respect of the Portfolio, invests predominantly in listed or quoted securities, the
Companys NAV is inherently sensitive to the performance of world stock markets. If world stock markets
experience volatility and disruption, the Companys NAV could also become volatile and it is likely that the
Shares will trade at a discount to the NAV. In any event, although the Company has the ability to provide
liquidity in the form of share buybacks, where the Shares trade at a discount to the NAV, this could make the
Shares less liquid and more difcult to sell.
This risk may be increased due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. For more information, please also
see the risk factor entitled The COVID-19 pandemic may adversely affect the performance of companies in the
Portfolio which may in turn adversely impact the Companys nancial performance and prospects and the value
of the Portfolio below.
The COVID-19 pandemic may adversely affect the performance of companies in the Portfolio which may in
turn adversely impact the Companys nancial performance and prospects and the value of the Portfolio
The COVID-19 pandemic signicantly increased the level of macroeconomic and market uncertainty globally,
and may adversely affect the performance of companies in the Portfolio, which may in turn adversely impact
the performance of the Company itself. In addition, global capital markets saw signicant volatility as COVID-19
had a sustained impact on business across the world. A resurgence of such volatility and downturn could have
an impact on the liquidity of the Shares.
The pandemic resulted in, and until fully resolved is likely to continue to result in, the following, among other
things: (i) government imposition of various forms of restrictions on the movement of people, resulting
in: (a) signicant disruption to many businesses including both supply chains and demand, and (b) lay-offs of
employees, the effects of which were often temporary but were permanent for some of these businesses;
(ii) shutdowns and signicant delays at government agencies; (iii) increased drawings by borrowers on revolving
lines of credit; (iv) increased requests by borrowers for amendments and waivers of their credit agreements to
avoid default, and increased defaults by such borrowers and/or increased difculty in obtaining renancing at
the maturity dates of their loans; (v) volatility and disruption across equity capital markets; and (vi) rapidly
evolving proposals and/or actions by state and federal governments to address problems being experienced by
the markets and by businesses and the economy in general.
The future development of the outbreak remains uncertain and there is no assurance that the pandemic will not
have a material adverse impact on the performance of investments within the Portfolio and on the Company
itself. The extent of the impact will depend on the continued range of the virus, infection rates, the severity and
mortality rates of the virus, the continued efcacy of vaccines, the emergence of further variants of the virus
which may be more potent or transmissible, or vaccine-resistant, than current variants of the virus (including,
but not limited to, the Omicron variant), the steps taken nationally and globally to prevent the spread of the
virus as well as scal and monetary stimuli offered by governments globally.
The Investment Managers ability to operate effectively, including the ability of its personnel or its service
providers and other contractors to function, communicate and travel to the extent necessary to implement the
investment objective and Investment Policy of the Company has been, and may continue to be impaired by the
pandemic. The spread of COVID-19 within the Investment Manager or any of the Companys other service
providers could also signicantly affect the Investment Managers ability to properly oversee the affairs of the
Company (particularly to the extent that any affected personnel include key investment professionals or other
members of senior management).
Investors should be aware that if any of the global impacts of COVID-19 continue for a sustained period of
time, and should any of the risks identied above materialise, it could have a material adverse effect on the
value of the Portfolio, nancial condition, results of operations and prospects, with a consequential adverse
effect on the returns to Shareholders and the market value of the Shares.
The due diligence process that the Investment Manager undertakes in evaluating the Companys
investments may not reveal all facts that may be relevant in connection with such investments
Before making investments, the Investment Manager conducts such due diligence as it deems reasonable and
appropriate based on the facts and circumstances applicable to each investment. There can be no assurance
that due diligence investigations with respect to any investment opportunity will reveal or highlight all relevant
facts that may be necessary or helpful in evaluating that investment opportunity.
Any failure by the Investment Manager to identify relevant facts through the due diligence process may lead to
inappropriate investment decisions being made, or investments being made at a higher value than their fair
value, which could have an adverse effect on the value of the Portfolio, the Companys nancial condition,
results of operations and prospects, with a consequential adverse effect on the returns to Shareholders and the
market value of the Shares.
The Companys investment strategy may involve the use of leverage in respect of the Ordinary Share
Portfolio, which exposes the Company to risks associated with borrowings
Pursuant to its investment strategy, the Company generally uses borrowing to gear its Ordinary Share Portfolio
within a range of 5 per cent. cash to 20 per cent. geared under normal market conditions. As such, the
Ordinary Shares in the Company may be exposed to interest rate risk due to uctuations in the prevailing
market rates. However, certain borrowings such as the Notes and Bonds carr y a xed rate of interest and
therefore have no exposure to interest rate movements other than, in respect of the Notes, with respect to the
payment of a make whole premium in the event of certain prepayments. The Company has in issue Bonds,
being 5.75 per cent. secured bonds due 17 April 2030, which, along with the Notes, are secured by way of a
oating charge created by the Company in favour of The Law Debenture Trust Corporation p.l.c. as common
security agent (the Floating Charge). The common security agent holds the secured property on trust for
(i) the Trustee, on behalf of the Bondholders, in respect of the Bonds and (ii) the holders of the Notes, in
accordance with the terms of the Security Trust and Intercreditor Agreement. The Bonds and the Notes contain
customary events of default, including cross-default for non-payment and cross acceleration of certain debt of
the Company and any signicant subsidiary of the Company or upon enforcement of the Floating Charge.
Following the occurrence of any such event of default which is continuing, the Trustee in respect of the Bonds
or Required Holders under either the 2018 Note Purchase Agreement or the 2021 Note Purchase Agreement
(in each case, as dened therein) would be able to instruct the common security agent to enforce the security
under the oating charge. In the event that the common security agent enforces such security, or any other
lender enforces any security they may have from time to time in respect of certain debt of the Company, the
Company may be required to, amongst other things, sell investments (or the common security agent or relevant
lender may have rights to, amongst other things, force the sale of investments) in order to satisfy such
outstanding obligations. In such event, the value of the Ordinary Share Portfolio could be adversely affected if
the Company obtains a lower price on such forced sale compared to the price at which the relevant investment
was valued. This could have a consequential adverse effect on the returns to Ordinary Shareholders and the
market value of the Ordinary Shares.
While leverage presents opportunities for increasing total returns, it can also have the opposite effect of
increasing losses. If income and capital appreciation on investments made with borrowed funds are less than
the costs of the leverage, the Net Asset Value of the Company and the Net Asset Value per Ordinary Share
will decrease. The effect of the use of leverage is to increase the investment exposure, the result of which is
that, in a market that moves adversely, the possible resulting loss to investors capital would be greater than if
leverage were not used.
Currency and foreign exchange risk
The Company has and may in the future have further investments denominated in currencies other than
Sterling. The Company therefore is and will continue to be exposed to foreign exchange risk. Changes in the
rates of exchange between Sterling and any currency will cause the value of any investment denominated in
that currency, and any income arising out of the relevant investment, to go down or up in Sterling terms. The
Company may enter into hedging transactions to mitigate its exposure to uctuations in foreign exchange rates.
However, such currency exposure could have an adverse effect on the Portfolio and the Companys nancial
condition, results of operations and prospects, with a consequential adverse effect on the returns to
Shareholders and the market value of the Shares.
The Company continues its passive currency hedging strategy (implemented in late 2009) that aims to make
stock selection the predominant driver of overall Portfolio performance relative to the Benchmark. This is a risk
reduction measure, designed to eliminate most of the differences between the Portfolios currency exposure and
that of the Companys Benchmark. As a result the returns derived from, and the Portfolios exposure to
currencies may differ materially from, that of the Companys competitors, who generally do not undertake such
a strategy.
Underperformance by the companies in the Portfolio, or other market factors, may cause the Company to
fail to deliver its target performance against the Benchmark and may affect the ability of the Company to
achieve its investment objective
The Companys investment objective in respect of the Shares is to achieve superior total returns from world
stock markets. The success of the Company is dependent on the continued ability of the Investment Manager
to pursue the Investment Policy successfully and on broader market conditions as discussed elsewhere in this
Prospectus (including the performance of world stock and securities markets and world economies more
broadly), together with the Investment Managers ability to continue to invest the Companys assets on attractive
terms, to generate any investment returns for the Companys investors. There is no assurance that any
appreciation in the value of the Shares will occur or that the investment objective of the Company will be
achieved. This could have an adverse effect on the Portfolio and the Companys nancial condition, results of
operations and prospects, with a consequential adverse effect on returns to Shareholders and the market value
of the Shares.
Whilst not forming part of the Ordinary Share Investment Policy, the Company has published a dividend policy
in respect of the Ordinary Shares which sets out the target dividend that it expects to be able to pay to
Ordinary Shareholders. This dividend policy is based on assumptions about market conditions, the economic
environment and the availability and performance of the Companys investments in companies in the Ordinary
Share Portfolio. If these assumptions do not prove accurate in reality (for example, in the case of
underperformance of companies in such Ordinary Share Portfolio or the manifestation of other market-related
risks referred to in this Prospectus), then there can be no assurance that the Company will be able to deliver
its target performance against the Benchmark. Any inability to pay target dividend amounts to Ordinary
Shareholders is likely to have an adverse effect on the liquidity and market value of the Ordinary Shares.
The Company is subject to risks associated with any hedging or derivative transactions in which it
The Company does not normally enter into derivative transactions but can (and does) do so in limited
circumstances (with prior Board approval) for the purposes of efcient portfolio management (including for
hedging of foreign currency transactions). Derivative instruments in which the Company may invest may include
foreign exchange forwards, exchange-listed and over-the-counter (OTC) options, futures, options on futures,
swaps and similar instruments. Derivative transactions may be volatile and involve various risks different from,
and in certain cases, greater than the risks presented by other instruments. The primary risks related to
derivative transactions include counterparty, correlation, illiquidity, leverage, volatility and OTC trading risks.
Counterparty risk is the risk that a counterparty in a derivative transaction will not full its contractual or
nancial obligations to the Company or the risk that the reference entity in a swap or similar derivative will not
full its contractual or nancial obligations. Correlation risk is the risk that an imperfect or variable degree of
correlation between price movements of the derivative instrument and the underlying investment sought to be
hedged may prevent the Company from achieving the intended hedging effect or expose the Company to the
risk of loss. Liquidity risk is the risk that derivative transactions may not be liquid in all circumstances, such
that in volatile markets it may not be possible to close out a position without incurring a loss. Volatility risk is
the risk resulting from the fact that the prices of many derivative instruments, including many options and
swaps, are highly volatile, due to being inuenced by, among other things, interest rates, changing supply and
demand relationships, trade, scal, monetary and exchange control programmes and policies of governments,
and national and international political and economic events and policies, as well as (in the case of options and
swaps agreements) the price of the securities or currencies underlying the relevant derivative agreement.
A small investment in derivatives could have a large potential impact on the Companys performance, effecting
a form of investment leverage on the Portfolio. In certain types of derivative transactions, the entire amount of
the investment could be lost. In other types of derivative transactions, the potential loss is theoretically
The Company may be exposed to legal, political or other market risks through investing in companies
located in overseas jurisdictions or traded on overseas stock markets
The Company invests in companies incorporated or traded on stock markets outside of the United Kingdom,
and will obtain further exposure to such companies through the assets transferred in the JPE Cash Pool, the
JPE Income Pool and the JPE Growth Rollover Pool, which exposes the Company to the following risks:
adverse changes in local economic and political stability in countries in which a company is incorporated
or the stock market on which the company is traded, particularly where such situations impact the
revenues generated by those companies, returns made to overseas investors in those companies, or
other investor rights in relation to that company in the Portfolio (such as liquidity rights);
exchange rate uctuations between Sterling and the currency of a jurisdiction in which a company in the
Portfolio is domiciled or generates its income (as noted in more detail in the risk factor entitled Currency
and foreign exchange risk above);
unexpected changes in the regulatory environment, such as changes to a countrys (or an overseas stock
markets) rules relating to: (i) investor protection or liquidity rights, (ii) listing on that stock market,
particularly where such rules become materially more burdensome for the listed company; (iii) payment of
returns to overseas investors (whether as capital or income); or (iv) eligibility of overseas investors to
invest in a company;
tax systems that may have an adverse effect on the revenue received by the Company and, in particular,
regulations relating to the imposition of any withholding taxes on the repatriation of capital or income from
those jurisdictions in which companies in the Portfolio are domiciled or generate income; and
the imposition, in the future, of any sanctions and corresponding banking restrictions in respect of a
jurisdiction in which a company is incorporated or the stock market on which a company is traded.
Any of the above may have an adverse effect on the value of a company in the Portfolio and revenues
received by the Company from the relevant company, which would in turn have an adverse effect on the
Companys nancial condition, business, prospects and results of operations and, consequently, the Companys
Net Asset Value and/or the market price of the Shares, and the returns generated for Shareholders.
The Companys exposure to emerging markets at any given time is expected to be relatively small in the
context of the Portfolio (for example, as at the date of this Prospectus, the Companys exposure to emerging
markets through its investment in the companies in the Ordinary Share Portfolio is less than 3 per cent. of the
Companys Net Asset Value). If the Company, in the future, increases its exposure to emerging markets, it
would be susceptible to risks associated with making investments in emerging markets which, in addition to
those set out above, may include exposure to less developed or less rigorously enforced investor protection
laws or less favourable insolvency regimes for creditors. This may impact the value of a company in the
Portfolio and revenues received from any companies in the Portfolio domiciled in (or traded on a stock market
that is located in) such emerging jurisdictions, particularly in times of distress for the relevant company in the
Portfolio. If any of these risks materialised, it could have an adverse impact on the Companys Net Asset Value
and/or the market value of the Shares, and the returns generated for Shareholders.
The Company may invest in equities securities which rank behind other outstanding securities and
obligations of the issuer
The Company may invest in equities securities which rank behind other outstanding securities and obligations
of the issuer, all or a signicant proportion of which may be secured on substantially all of that issuers assets.
The Company may, therefore, be subject to credit and liquidity risk in relation to such investments.
In the event of the liquidation of an issuer, holders of listed securities would typically be paid after the holders
of other securities. To the extent that the Company holds equity securities, it would typically be paid in respect
of such equity securities after holders of debt securities have been paid. Consequently, there is no guarantee
that the Company would receive any value for its holdings of an issuers listed securities if the issuer were to
go into liquidation. This could have a signicant adverse effect on the value of the Portfolio, the Companys
nancial condition, results of operations and prospects, with a consequential adverse effect on returns to
Shareholders and the market value of the Shares.
The Companys investments may be adversely affected by poor performance of a particular sector or
The Companys investments are intended to be diversied by sector and industry. The diversication of its
investments is intended to mitigate the Companys exposure to adverse events associated with specic
investments and sectors. The Companys returns may, however, still be adversely affected by the unfavourable
performance of particular sectors or industries if they affect the performance or prospects of companies in the
Portfolio. This adverse effect may be amplied if more companies in the Portfolio are in, or connected to, the
affected sector or industry (in other words, if the Portfolio has a greater concentration of investments in any
affected sector or industry). This could have an adverse effect on the Portfolio and on the Companys nancial
condition, results of operations and prospects, with a consequential adverse effect on returns to Shareholders
and the market value of the Shares.
The Company may be exposed to risks relating to ination
Ination may affect the Portfolio adversely in a number of ways. For example, during periods of rising ination
the market value of investee companies in the Portfolio may decline in value. Some of the investments in the
Portfolio may be companies with income linked to ination, whether by government regulation, contractual
arrangement or other means. However, as ination may affect both income and expenses, any increase in
income received by such investee companies may not be sufcient to cover increases in their expenses.
Moreover, as ination increases, the real value of the Shares in the Company and distributions the Company
makes can decline. The Company could also be adversely affected if the market value of such investee
companies declines in times of higher in
ation rates as this could have an adverse effect on the Portfolio and
on the Companys nancial condition, results of operations and prospects, with a consequential adverse effect
on returns to Shareholders and the market value of the Shares.
The success of the Company is dependent on the Manager and the Investment Manager and their expertise,
key personnel, and ability to source and advise appropriately on investments
In accordance with the Investment Management Agreement, the Manager is solely responsible for the
management of the Companys investments, with the Manager delegating its portfolio management
responsibilities to the Investment Manager. The Company does not have any employees and its Directors are
appointed, and the prospective Director will be appointed, on a non-executive basis. All of its investment and
asset management decisions are in the ordinary course made by the Manager and the Investment Manager
(and any of their delegates) and not by the Company. The Investment Manager is not required to and generally
does not submit individual investment decisions for approval to the Board. The Company is therefore reliant
upon, and its success depends on, the Manager and the Investment Manager and their personnel, services
and resources.
The Company is dependent on the services provided by the Manager and the Investment Manager. The
information contained in this Prospectus relating to the prior performance of investments made by the Manager
and the Investment Manager on behalf of the Company is being provided for illustrative purposes only and is
not indicative of the likely future performance of the Company. In considering the prior performance information
contained in this Prospectus, prospective investors should bear in mind that past performance is not
necessarily indicative of future results and there can be no assurance that the Company will achieve
comparable results or be able to avoid losses.
Returns on Shareholders investments in Shares will depend upon the Managers and the Investment Managers
ability to source and make successful investments on behalf of the Company in the face of competition from
other entities seeking to invest in investment opportunities identied for the Company. Competition can create
signicant upward pressure on pricing, thereby reducing the potential investment returns. There is no guarantee
that competitive pressures will not have a material adverse effect on the Companys nancial position and
returns for investors.
Many of the Managers and the Investment Managers investment decisions will depend upon the ability of their
employees and agents to carry out due diligence and obtain relevant information. There can be no guarantee
that such information will be available or that the Manager and the Investment Manager and their employees
and agents will be able to obtain it. The Manager and the Investment Manager may be required to make
investment decisions without complete information, or in reliance upon information provided by third parties that
is impossible or impracticable to fully verify. Further, the Manager and the Investment Manager may not
conduct due diligence which is wide enough in scope to reveal the potential risks of a particular investment.
There can be no assurance that the Manager and the Investment Manager will correctly identify and evaluate
the nature and magnitude of the various factors that could affect the value of and return on the Companys
investments. Any failure by the Manager and the Investment Manager to perform effective due diligence on
potential investments may adversely affect the investment returns expected from a particular investment.
Further, the ability of the Company to pursue its Investment Policy successfully depends on the continued
service of key personnel of the Manager and the Investment Manager, and/or the Managers and the
Investment Managers ability to recruit individuals of similar experience and calibre. Whilst the Manager and the
Investment Manager seek to ensure that the principal members of its management teams are suitably
incentivised, the retention of key members of those teams cannot be guaranteed. There is no guarantee that,
following the death, disability or departure from the Manager or the Investment Manager of any key personnel,
the Manager or the Investment Manager would be able to recruit a suitable replacement or avoid any delay in
doing so. The loss of key personnel and any inability to recruit an appropriate replacement in a timely fashion
could have an adverse effect on the future performance of the Portfolio and on the Companys nancial
condition, results of operations and prospects, with a consequential adverse effect on returns to Shareholders
and the market value of the Shares.
Potential conicts of interest
The Manager, the Investment Manager and their Afliates serve as the manager, alternative investment fund
manager, investment manager and/or investment adviser to other clients, including funds and other mandates
that have similar investment objectives and policies to that of the Company. These services may on occasion
give rise to conicts of interest with the Company which may have an adverse effect on the Companys
business, nancial condition, results of operations and the market price of the Shares. For example, the
Manager, the Investment Manager and/or their Afliates may have conicts of interest in allocating their time
and activity between the Company and their other clients, in allocating investments among the Company and
their other clients and in effecting transactions between the Company and other clients, including ones in which
the Manager, the Investment Manager, and/or their Afliates may have a greater nancial interest. These
potential conicts of interests are mitigated through the Managers conicts of interests policy (which covers the
Investment Manager and other Af
liates), the size of the teams of the Manager, the Investment Manager and
their Afliates that are devoted to the Company and the nature of the assets in which the Company invests,
being highly liquid assets that can accommodate multiple investments (as opposed to real assets or private
companies, where liquidity and allocation risks are more heightened). Notwithstanding the existence of the
Managers conicts policy, there can be no assurance that the Manager and the Investment Manager will be
able to resolve all conicts of interest that may arise from time to time in a manner that is favourable to the
There can be no assurance that the Board would be able to nd a replacement manager or investment
manager if the Manager or the Investment Manager were to resign or the Investment Management
Agreement were to be terminated
Under the terms of the Investment Management Agreement, the Manager may resign as the Companys
manager by giving the Company not less than six months written notice. Further, the Investment Management
Agreement may be terminated immediately upon notice by the Manager or by the Company in certain
The Board would, in such circumstances, have to nd a replacement manager and/or investment manager for
the Company. There can be no assurance that a replacement with the necessary skills and experience would
be available and could be appointed on terms acceptable to the Company. If the Investment Management
Agreement is terminated and a suitable replacement is not secured in a timely manner, this could have an
adverse effect on the future performance of the Portfolio and on the Companys nancial condition, results of
operations and prospects, with a consequential adverse effect on returns to Shareholders and the market value
of the Shares.
Operational risks may disrupt the Managers and the Investment Managers businesses, result in losses
and/or limit the Companys growth
The Company relies heavily on the nancial, accounting and other data processing systems of the Manager
and the Investment Manager. If any of these systems do not operate properly or are disabled, the Company
could suffer nancial loss or reputational damage. A disaster or a disruption in the infrastructure that supports
the Company, or a disruption involving electronic communications or other services used by the Manager or the
Investment Manager or third parties with whom the Company conducts business, could have a material adverse
impact on the ability of the Company to continue to operate its business without interruption. The disaster
recovery programmes used by the Manager or the Investment Manager or third parties with whom the
Company conducts business may not be sufcient to mitigate the harm that may result from such disaster or
disruption. As such, this may have an adverse effect on the value of the Portfolio, the Companys nancial
condition, results of operations and prospects, with a consequential adverse effect on the returns to
Shareholders and the market value of the Shares.
The Managers and the Investment Managers information and technology systems may be vulnerable to
cyber security breaches
The Managers and the Investment Managers information and technology systems may be vulnerable to
damage or interruption from computer viruses, network failures, computer and telecommunication failures,
inltration by unauthorised persons and security breaches, usage errors by its professionals, power outages
and catastrophic events such as res, tornadoes, oods, hurricanes and earthquakes. Although the Manager
and the Investment Manager have implemented various measures to manage risks relating to these types of
events, if the Manager s and/or the Investment Managers information and technology systems are
compromised, become inoperable for extended periods of time or cease to function properly, the Manager and/
or the Investment Manager may have to make a signicant investment to x or replace them. The failure for
any reason of these systems and/or of disaster recovery plans could cause signicant interruptions in the
Managers and/or the Investment Managers and/or the Company
s operations and result in a failure to maintain
the security, condentiality or privacy of sensitive data, including personal information relating to investors. Such
a failure could harm the Managers and/or the Investment Managers and/or the Companys reputation, subject
any such entity and their respective Afliates to legal claims and otherwise affect their business and nancial
performance. This could have an adverse effect on the future performance of the Companys nancial condition,
results of operations and prospects, with a consequential adverse effect on returns to Shareholders and the
market value of the Shares.
Reputational risks, including those arising from litigation against the Manager, the Investment Manager or
the Company, may disrupt the Companys investment strategy and growth
The Company may be exposed to reputational risks, including from time to time the risk that litigation,
misconduct, operational failures, negative publicity and press speculation (whether or not valid) may harm the
reputation of the Manager, the Investment Manager or the Company. If the Manager, the Investment Manager
or the Company is named as a party to litigation or becomes involved in regulatory inquiries, this could cause
substantial reputational damage to the Manager, the Investment Manager and the Company and result in
potential counterparties, target companies and other third parties being unwilling to deal with the Manager, the
Investment Manager and/or the Company. Damage to the reputation of the Manager, the Investment Manager
and/or the Company may disrupt the Companys investment strategy, business or potential growth, which could
have an adverse effect on the Portfolio and on the Companys nancial condition, results of operations and
prospects, with a consequential adverse effect on returns to Shareholders and the market value of the Shares.
The Company is subject to various political, economic and other risks
The Company is subject to various macro political and economic risks incidental to investing. Political,
economic, military and other events (such as war, acts of terrorism, changes to any given countrys political
leader or signicant economic downturns affecting global or more domestic markets) around the world may
impact the economic conditions in which the Company and companies in the Portfolio operate, by, for example,
causing currency devaluation; exchange rate uctuations (particularly where the Company holds assets or
receives distributions in a currency other than Sterling); interest rate changes; heightened competition; tax
disadvantages; ination; increases to oil prices or increases to the cost of certain goods, reduced economic
growth or recession, each of which may affect the availability of opportunities for the Company to make
investments. Such events are not in the control of the Company and may impact global nancial markets and,
consequently, the Companys performance.
Investors should be aware that if any of these risks materialise, they could have an adverse effect on the value
of the Portfolio, nancial condition, results of operations and prospects, with a consequential adverse effect on
the returns to Shareholders and the market value of the Shares.
Changes in taxation legislation or practice may adversely affect the Company and the tax treatment for
Shareholders investing in the Company
Any change in the Companys tax status, or in taxation legislation or practice in the United Kingdom or other
jurisdictions to which the Company has exposure (including the jurisdictions in which companies in the Portfolio
are based), could, depending on the nature of such change, adversely affect the value of investments in the
Portfolio and the Companys ability to achieve its investment objective, or alter the post-tax returns to
Shareholders. Statements in this Prospectus concerning the taxation of the Company and taxation of
Shareholders are based upon current UK tax law and published practice, any aspect of which is in principle
subject to change (potentially with retrospective effect) that could adversely affect the ability of the Company to
pursue successfully its Investment Policy and/or which could adversely affect the taxation of the Company and
the Shareholders.
In particular, the cost of the COVID-19 pandemic (and resultant increase in borrowing by many governments,
particularly across Europe and North America (being areas in which the Company has signicant exposure, as
at the date of this Prospectus)) could result in increased taxes being levied over the shor t to medium term,
which could adversely impact net cashows received from the companies in the Portfolio and, in turn, adversely
impact the Companys Net Asset Value and returns to Shareholders.
It is the intention of the Directors to continue to conduct the affairs of the Company so as to continue to satisfy
the conditions for approval of the Company by HMRC as an investment trust under section 1158 of the UK
Corporation Tax Act 2010 (as amended) and pursuant to regulations made under section 1159 of the UK
Corporation Tax Act 2010 (as amended). However, neither the Manager nor the Directors can provide
assurance that the conditions for approval will continue to be met and that this eligibility for approval will be
Any changes as described above may have an adverse effect on the ability of the Company to realise the
value of the Portfolio, the Companys nancial condition, results of operations and prospects, with a
consequential adverse effect on the market value of the Shares.
Existing and potential investors should consult their tax advisers with respect to their particular tax situations
and the tax effects of an investment in the Company.
Changes in laws or regulations governing the Companys or the Investment Managers operations may
adversely affect the business and performance of the Company
The Company and the Investment Manager are subject to laws and regulations enacted by national and local
The Company, as a closed-ended investment company incorporated in England and Wales, is subject to
various laws and regulations in such capacity, including the Listing Rules, the Prospectus Regulation Rules, the
Disclosure Guidance and Transparency Rules, UK MAR, the UK AIFMD Laws, the EU AIFM Directive, the UK
PRIIPs Laws, the AIC Code and the Companies Act. The Company is also subject to the continuing obligations
imposed on all investment companies whose shares are admitted to trading on the Main Market and to listing
on the premium listing category of the Ofcial List. These rules, regulations and laws govern the way that,
amongst other things, the Company is operated (i.e. its governance), how its Shares can be marketed and how
it must deal with its Shareholders, together with requiring the Company to make certain reports, lings and
notications (and governing their respective content).
The laws and regulations affecting the Company, the Manager and the Investment Manager are evolving. In
particular, the United Kingdom voted in favour of withdrawing from the European Union in a referendum on
23 June 2016 and, on 29 March 2017, the UK Government exercised its right under Article 50 of the Treaty on
the European Union to notify the European Union of the United Kingdoms intention to withdraw from the
European Union. Although the United Kingdom and the European Union agreed a trading arrangement which
took effect from 1 January 2021, there remains uncertainty with respect to the United Kingdoms trading
relationship with the European Union and the political, economic, legal and social impact of such relationship
going forward.
During this period of uncertainty, there may be signicant volatility and disruption in: (i) the global nancial
markets generally, which could result in a reduction of the availability of capital and debt; and (ii) the currency
markets as the value of Sterling uctuates against other currencies (see the risk factor above entitled Currency
and foreign exchange risk). Such events may, in turn, contribute to worsening economic conditions, not only in
the United Kingdom and Europe, but also in the rest of the world.
The nature of the United Kingdoms future relationship with the European Union may also impact and
potentially require changes to the Companys regulatory position. With effect from 1 January 2021, historic EU
legislation has largely been implemented into UK law, but it remains unclear as to how UK law will develop
over time, including whether the UK will be required to adopt new EU legislation in the future for the purposes
of proving equivalence and how UK law will diverge, if at all, from historic EU legislation. Accordingly, the
impact on the Company of the United Kingdoms future relationship with the European Union and any resulting
changes to the UKs legislative and regulatory framework is unclear. In addition, HM Treasury published a
consultation in January 2021 entitled Review of the UK funds regime: A call for input, requesting input for the
potential reform of the UK investment funds sector (which closed in April 2021). As at the date of this
Prospectus, it is not clear what impact (if any) this consultation, and any changes implemented pursuant
thereto, will have on the operations and prospects of the Company.
The rules, laws and regulations affecting the Company, the Manager and the Investment Manager are evolving
and any changes in such rules, laws and regulations may have an adverse effect on the ability of the
Company, the Manager and the Investment Manager to carry on their respective businesses. Any such
changes could have an adverse effect on the Portfolio and on the Companys nancial condition, results of
operations and prospects, with a consequential adverse effect on the market value of the Shares.
Shareholders may be subject to withholding and forced transfers under FATCA and there may also be
reporting of Shareholders under other exchange of information arrangements
The UK has concluded an intergovernmental agreement (IGA) with the US (the US-UK IGA), pursuant to
which parts of FATCA have effectively been incorporated into UK law. Under the US-UK IGA a Foreign
Financial Institution that is resident in the UK (a Reporting FI) is not subject to withholding under FATCA
provided that it complies with the terms of the US-UK IGA, including requirements to register with the IRS and
requirements to identify, and report certain information on, accounts held by certain US persons owning, directly
or indirectly, an equity or debt interest in the company (other than equity and debt interests that are regularly
traded on an established securities market, as described below) and report on accounts held by certain other
persons or entities to HMRC, which will exchange such information with the IRS.
The Company expects that it will be treated as a Reporting FI pursuant to the US-UK IGA and that it will
comply with the requirements under the US-UK IGA and relevant UK legislation. The Company also expects
that its Shares may, in accordance with the current HMRC practice, comply with the conditions set out in the
US-UK IGA to be regularly traded on an established securities market meaning that the Company should not
have to report specic information on its Shareholders and their investments to HMRC.
However, there can be no assurance that the Company will be treated as a Reporting FI, that its Shares will
be considered to be regularly traded on an established securities market or that it will not in the future be
subject to withholding tax under FATCA or the US-UK IGA.
The UK has also implemented the CRS, under which the Company may be required to collect and report to
HMRC certain information regarding Shareholders and HMRC may pass this information on to tax authorities in
other jurisdictions.
The requirements under FATCA, the CRS and similar regimes and any related legislation, IGAs and/or
regulations may impose additional burdens and costs on the Company or Shareholders. There is no guarantee
that the Company will be able to satisfy such obligations and any failure to comply may materially adversely
affect the Companys business,
nancial condition, results of operations, NAV and/or the market price of the
Shares, and the Companys ability to deliver its target performance against the Benchmark. In addition, there
can be no guarantee that any payments in respect of the Shares will not be subject to withholding tax under
FATCA. To the extent that such withholding tax applies, the Company is not required to pay any additional
amounts to Shareholders.
In acquiring Shares, each Shareholder is agreeing, upon the request of the Company or its delegate, to provide
such information as is necessary to comply with FATCA, the CRS and other similar regimes and any related
legislation and/or regulations. In particular, investors should be aware that certain forced transfer provisions
contained in the Articles may apply in the case that the Company suffers any pecuniary disadvantage as a
result of the Companys failure to comply with FATCA.
Investors should consult with their respective tax advisers regarding the possible implications of FATCA, the
CRS and similar regimes concerning the automatic exchange of information and any related legislation, IGAs
and/or regulations.
The Company has not, does not intend to and may be unable to become registered as an investment
company under the US Investment Company Act and related rules
The Company has not, does not intend to and may be unable to become registered with the SEC as an
investment company under the US Investment Company Act and related rules. The US Investment Company
Act provides certain protections to investors and imposes certain restrictions on companies that are registered
as investment companies. As the Company is not so registered, does not intend to so register and may be
unable to so register, none of these protections or restrictions are or will be applicable to the Company.
However, if the Company were to become subject to the US Investment Company Act because of a change of
law or otherwise, the various restrictions imposed by the US Investment Company Act, and the substantial
costs and burdens of compliance therewith, could adversely affect the operating results and nancial
performance of the Company. Moreover, parties to a contract with an entity that has improperly failed to
register as an investment company under the US Investment Company Act may be entitled to cancel or
otherwise void their contracts with the unregistered entity and shareholders in that entity may be entitled to
withdraw their investment. In order to ensure compliance with exemptions that permit the Company to avoid
being required to register as an investment company under the US Investment Company Act and related rules,
the Company has implemented appropriate restrictions on the ownership and transfer of Shares, which may
affect a US investors ability to hold or transfer Shares and may in certain circumstances require the US
investor to transfer or sell its Shares.
The Company may be treated as a passive foreign investment company
The Company may be treated as a passive foreign investment company (often referred to as a PFIC) for US
federal income tax purposes, which could have adverse consequences for any investors who are US taxpayers.
If the Company is classied as a PFIC for any taxable year, holders of Shares that are US taxpayers may be
subject to adverse US federal income tax consequences. Further, prospective investors should assume that a
qualied electing fund election, which, if made, could ser ve as an alternative to the general PFIC rules and
could reduce any adverse consequences to US taxpayers if the Company were to be classied as a PFIC, will
not be available because the Company does not expect to provide the information needed to make such an
election. A mark-to-market election may be available, however, if the Companys Ordinary Shares are regularly
traded. Prospective investors that are US taxpayers are urged to consult with their own tax advisers concerning
the US federal income tax considerations associated with acquiring/receiving, owning and disposing of Scheme
Shares in light of their particular circumstances.
The Company may be regarded as a covered fund under the Volcker Rule. Any prospective investor that is
or may be considered a banking entity under the Volcker Rule should consult its legal advisers regarding
the potential impact of the Volcker Rule on its investments and other activities prior to making any
investment decision with respect to the Scheme Shares or entering into other relationships or transactions
with the Company
Section 13 of the US Bank Holding Company Act of 1956, as amended, and Regulation VV (12 C.F.R.
Section 248) promulgated thereunder by the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (such
statutory provision together with such implementing regulations, being generally known as the Volcker Rule),
generally prohibits banking entities (which term is broadly dened to include any US bank or savings
association whose deposits are insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, any company that
controls any such bank or savings association, any non-US bank treated as a bank holding company for
purposes of Section 8 of the US International Banking Act of 1978, as amended, and any Afliate or subsidiary
of any of the foregoing entities) from: (i) engaging in proprietary trading as dened in the Volcker Rule;
(ii) acquiring or retaining an ownership interest
in, or sponsoring,acovered fund; and (iii) entering into
certain other relationships or transactions with a covered fund.
As the Company may be regarded as a covered fund under the Volcker Rule, any prospective investor that is
or may be considered a banking entity under the Volcker Rule should consult its legal advisers regarding the
potential impact of the Volcker Rule on its investments and other activities, prior to making any investment
decision with respect to the Scheme Shares or entering into other relationships or transactions with the
Company. If the Volcker Rule applies to an investors ownership of Shares, the investor may be forced to sell
its Shares or the continued ownership of Shares may be subject to certain restrictions. Violations of the Volcker
Rule may also subject an investor to potential penalties imposed by the applicable bank regulatory authority or
other enforcement action.
The ability of certain persons to hold Shares and make secondary transfers in the future may be restricted
as a result of ERISA and other regulatory considerations
Each initial purchaser and subsequent transferee of Scheme Shares is required to represent and warrant or will
be deemed to represent and warrant that it is not a benet plan investor as dened in Section 3(3) of the
United States Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, as amended (ERISA), and that it is not,
and is not using assets of, a plan or other arrangement subject to provisions under applicable federal, state,
local, non-US or other laws or regulations that are substantially similar to Section 406 of ERISA or
Section 4975 of the United States Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the US Tax Code) unless its
purchase/receipt of, holding and disposition of Scheme Shares does not constitute or result in a non-exempt
prohibited transaction or violation of any such substantially similar law. In addition, under the Articles, the Board
has the power to refuse to register a transfer of Shares or to require the sale or transfer of Shares in certain
circumstances, including any purported acquisition/receipt of or holding of Shares by a benet plan investor.
Investors may not recover the full amount of their investment in the Shares
The Companys ability to achieve its investment objective and pursue its Ordinary Share Investment Policy and
C Share Investment Policy successfully may be adversely affected by the manifestation of any of the risks
described in this Risk Factors section of this Prospectus or other market conditions (or signicant changes
thereto). The market price of the Shares may uctuate signicantly, particularly in the short term, and potential
investors should regard an investment in the Shares as a medium to long term investment.
As with any investment, the price of the Shares may fall in value. The maximum loss on an investment in the
Shares is equal to the value of the initial investment and, where relevant, any gains or subsequent investments
made. Investors therefore may not recover the full amount initially invested in the Shares, or any amount at all.
The Shares may trade at a discount to Net Asset Value and the price that can be realised for Shares will be
subject to market uctuations
It is unlikely that the price at which the Shares trade will be the same as their Net Asset Value (although they
are related). The shares of an investment company such as the Company may trade at a discount to their net
asset value. This could be due to a variety of factors, including due to market conditions or an imbalance
between supply and demand for the Shares. While the Directors may seek to mitigate the discount to Net
Asset Value through such discount management mechanisms as they consider appropriate, there can be no
guarantee that they will do so or that such efforts will be successful. As a result of this, investors that dispose
of their interests in the Shares in the secondary market may realise returns that are lower than they would
have been if an amount equivalent to the relevant Net Asset Value was distributed.
The market price of the Shares may uctuate signicantly and Shareholders may not be able to sell Shares at
or above the price at which they purchased those Shares. Factors that may cause the price of the Shares to
vary include those detailed in this Risk Factors section of this Prospectus, such as: changes in the
Companys nancial performance and prospects, or in the nancial performance and market prospects of the
Companys investments or those which are engaged in businesses that are similar to the Companys business;
the termination of the Investment Management Agreement or the departure of some or all of the Investment
Managers key investment professionals; changes in or new interpretations or applications of laws and
regulations that are applicable to the Companys business or to the companies in which the Company makes
investments; sales of Shares by Shareholders; general economic trends and other external factors, including
those resulting from war (in particular, the current conict in Ukraine which, in addition to its impact on human
lives and livelihoods, is beginning to have an impact on the global economy, ranging from decreases to supply
(and/or increases to the costs) of goods to increases (and increased volatility) in the price of oil), incidents of
terrorism, pandemics or responses to such events; poor performance in any of the Investment Managers
activities or any event that affects the Companys or the Investment Manager
s reputation; speculation in the
press or investment community regarding the Companys business or investments, or factors or events that may
directly or indirectly affect the Companys business or investments; and foreign exchange risk as a result of
making and selling equity investments denominated in currencies other than Sterling.
Securities markets in general have experienced extreme volatility that has often been unrelated to the operating
performance or fundamentals of individual companies. Market uctuations may adversely affect the trading price
of the Shares. As with any investment, the price of the Shares may fall in value with the maximum loss on
such investments being equal to the value of the initial investment and, where relevant, any gains on
subsequent investments made.
The C Shares may, on an amplied basis, trade at a discount to Net Asset Value and the price that can be
realised for C Shares will be subject to market uctuations
Until such time as the C Share Portfolio is fully transitioned, the C Shares will, on an amplied basis, carry the
risk that they may trade at a discount to their Net Asset Value and the price that can be realised for C Shares
will be subject to market uctuations. This amplication reects the fund of funds nature of the C Share
Portfolio which carries the potential for discount to Net Asset Value both in respect of the investments in the
C Share Portfolio and in respect of the C Shares themselves.
It may be difcult for Shareholders to realise their investment as there may not be a liquid market in the
Shares, and Shareholders have no right to have their Shares redeemed or repurchased by the Company
Admission should not be taken as implying that there will be an active and liquid market for the Ordinary
Shares or the C Shares. Limited liquidity in the Shares may affect: (i) an investors ability to realise some or all
of their investment; and/or (ii) the price at which such Shares trade in the secondary market. The price at
which the Shares will be traded will be inuenced by a variety of factors, some specic to the Company and its
investments and some which may affect companies generally.
Further, the Company is a closed-ended investment company and Shareholders will have no right to have their
Shares redeemed or repurchased by the Company at any time. Subject to the Companies Act, the Directors
retain the right to effect repurchases of Ordinary Shares in the manner described in this Prospectus. However,
they are under no obligation to use such powers at any time and Shareholders should not place any reliance
on the willingness of the Directors to exercise such powers. Shareholders wishing to realise their investment in
the Company may therefore be required to dispose of their Shares on the market. There can be no guarantee
that a liquid market in the Shares will exist or that the Shares will trade at prices close to their underlying Net
Asset Value. Accordingly, Shareholders may be unable to realise their investment at such Net Asset Value, or
at all.
C Shares may suffer greater volatility in discounts and may be more illiquid than Ordinary Shares
As noted in the previous three risk factors, market prices for shares of investment trusts and other listed
closed-ended investment companies may be quoted at a discount to the underlying Net Asset Value per share
and the price that can be realised for such shares will be subject to market uctuations. The lack of a liquid
market for such shares may make it difcult for Shareholders to realise their investment. The Directors will
consider using Ordinary Share repurchases to assist in limiting discount volatility and potentially providing an
additional source of liquidity, if and when the Ordinary Shares trade at a level which makes their repurchase
attractive. The Directors do not intend to repurchase or redeem any C Shares prior to Conversion but may do
so if they consider this to be in the best interests of the Company. The Company does not, therefore, intend to
assist the C Shareholders in limiting discount volatility or to provide an additional source of liquidity. As such,
until the C Shares are converted into Ordinary Shares, they may suffer greater volatility in the discount or
premium to NAV at which the C Shares may trade and may be more illiquid than the Ordinary Shares. As
such, this may adversely affect the returns to C Shareholders and the market value of the C Shares.
The Company may in the future issue new Shares which may dilute Shareholders equity or have a
detrimental effect on the market price of the Shares
Further issues of Shares may, subject to compliance with the relevant provisions of the Companies Act and the
Articles, be made on a non-pre-emptive basis. Any such issue may dilute the percentage of the Company held
by the Companys Existing Shareholders. Additionally, such issues could have an adverse effect on the market
price of the Shares.
The assets attributable to a share class may be more or less concentrated than those attributable to
another share class
The underlying portfolio of the JPE Growth Shares, being the JPE Growth Rollover Pool, will be transferred to
JGGI and it will constitute the C Share Portfolio at the date of Admission. While the Company expects that the
assets attributable to the C Shares will, over time, comprise similar investments to those attributable to the
Ordinary Shares, the assets attributable to each class of Shares may not be identical or substantially similar.
Furthermore, the assets comprising the C Share Portfolio will be realised on an ongoing basis with the
proceeds of the realisation being reinvested in assets that align with the Ordinary Share Portfolio, until such
time as the entirety of the assets comprising the JPE Growth Rollover Pool in the C Share Portfolio have been
realigned with the Ordinary Share Portfolio. During such period of realisation and realignment, there may be an
overweighting to certain assets in the C Share Portfolio which may result in a deviation between the
performance of the Ordinary Share Portfolio and the C Share Portfolio. As such, there is a risk that the assets
attributable to the C Shares may be either more or less concentrated than those attributable to the Ordinary
Shares (or vice versa), resulting in such class being more or less exposed to gains and losses of the
underlying investments. This could in turn have an adverse impact on the returns attributable to either the
C Shares or the Ordinary Shares and therefore have an adverse impact on the Net Asset Value and therefore
performance of such Share class.
The Shares are subject to signicant transfer restrictions for Shareholders in the United States
The Scheme Shares have not been and will not be registered under the US Securities Act, or with any
securities regulatory authority of any state or other jurisdiction of the United States, and may not be offered,
sold, resold, pledged, delivered, assigned or otherwise transferred, directly or indirectly, into or within the
United States or to, or for the account or benet of, US Persons, except pursuant to an exemption from, or in a
transaction not subject to, the registration requirements of the US Securities Act and in compliance with any
applicable securities laws of any state or other jurisdiction in the United States and in a manner which would
not result in the Company being required to register under the US Investment Company Act. There has been
and will be no public offer of the Scheme Shares in the United States.
There are signicant restrictions on the purchase and resale of Shares by Shareholders who are located in the
United States, are US Persons, or who hold Shares for the account or benet of US Persons and on the
resale of Shares by any Shareholders to any person who is located in the United States or to, or for the
account or benet of, a US Person. If in the future the initial purchaser, as well as any subsequent holder,
decides to offer, sell, transfer, assign or otherwise dispose of the Shares, they may do so only: (i) outside the
United States in an offshore transaction complying with the provisions of Regulation S under the Securities
Act to a person not known by the transferor to be a US Person, by prearrangement or otherwise; or (ii) to the
Company or a subsidiary thereof.
In order to avoid being required to register under the US Investment Company Act and to address certain
ERISA, US Tax Code and other considerations, the Company has imposed signicant restrictions on the
transfer of the Shares which may materially affect the ability of Shareholders to transfer Shares in the United
States, or to, or for the account or benet of, US Persons. These restrictions may make it more difcult for a
US Person or a Shareholder in the United States to resell the Shares and may have an adverse effect on the
liquidity and market value of the Shares.
In connection with the Issue, the Scheme Shares are being offered or sold/transferred only (i) outside the
United States in offshore transactions to non-US Persons pursuant to Regulation S under the US Securities
Act, and (ii) to persons who are both Qualied Purchasers and Accredited Investors pursuant to an exemption
from the registration requirements of the US Securities Act, and who, in the case of (ii), have executed the AI/
QP Investor Letter and returned it to the Company and Equiniti Limited as registrar to JPE. If any person does
not execute and return the AI/QP Investor Letter to the Company and Equiniti Limited as registrar to JPE and
the Board believes the acquisition/receipt of Scheme Shares by such person would (i) give rise to an obligation
on the Company to register as an investment company under the US Investment Company Act or any similar
legislation, (ii) give rise to an obligation on the Company to register under the US Securities Exchange Act of
1934 (the US Exchange Act) or any similar legislation, (iii) result in the Company no longer being considered
a foreign private issuer for the purposes of the US Securities Act or the US Exchange Act; (iv) result in a
Benet Plan Investor acquiring/receiving Scheme Shares; or (v) result in a US Person holding Shares in
violation of the transfer restrictions put forth in any prospectus published by the Company from time to time
(each person described in (i) to (v) above, being an Ineligible US Shareholder), the Board reserves the
right, in its absolute discretion, to require any Scheme Shares to which such Ineligible US Shareholder is
entitled and would otherwise receive, to be issued to the Liquidators (as nominees on behalf of such Ineligible
US Shareholder) who will arrange for the Scheme Shares to be sold promptly by a market maker (which shall
be done by the Liquidators without regard to the personal circumstances of the relevant Ineligible
US Shareholder and the value of the JPE Shares held by the relevant Ineligible US Shareholder). The net
proceeds of such sale (after deduction of any costs incurred in effecting such sale) will be paid to the relevant
Ineligible US Shareholder entitled to them within 10 Business Days of the date of sale, save that entitlements
of less than £5.00 per Ineligible US Shareholder will be retained in the Liquidation Pool (as dened below).
Prospective investors should rely only on the information contained in this Prospectus and any
supplementary prospectus published by the Company prior to the date of Admission. No person has
been authorised to give any information or to make any representation other than those contained in
this Prospectus (or any supplementary prospectus published by the Company prior to the date of
Admission) in connection with the Issue; if given or made, such information or representation must
not be relied upon as having been authorised by or on behalf of the Company, the Manager, the
Investment Manager, the Sponsor or any of their respective Afliates, ofcers, directors, employees or
agents. Without prejudice to any obligation of the Company to publish a supplementary prospectus
pursuant to Article 23 of the UK Prospectus Regulation, neither the delivery of this Prospectus nor
any subscription or sale made under this Prospectus shall, under any circumstances, create any
implication that there has been no change in the business or affairs of the Company since the date of
this Prospectus or that the information contained in this Prospectus is correct as of any time
subsequent to its date.
The contents of this Prospectus or any subsequent communications from the Company, the Manager, the
Investment Manager, the Sponsor or any of their respective Afliates, ofcers, directors, employees or agents,
are not to be construed as legal, business or tax advice. The tax legislation of a Shareholders home
jurisdiction may have an impact on the income received by the Shareholder from the Shares. Each prospective
investor should consult their own solicitor, nancial adviser or tax adviser for legal, nancial or tax advice in
relation to the acquisition/receipt of Scheme Shares.
Apart from the liabilities and responsibilities (if any) which may be imposed on the Sponsor by FSMA or the
regulatory regime established thereunder, the Sponsor, its Afliates, ofcers, directors, employees or agents
make no representations or warranties, express or implied, nor accept any responsibility whatsoever for the
contents of this Prospectus (or any supplementary prospectus published by the Company prior to Admission)
nor for any other statement made or purported to be made by it or on its behalf or by any other par ty in
connection with the Company, the Manager, the Investment Manager, the Scheme Shares, the Issue or
Admission. The Sponsor and its Afliates, ofcers, directors, employees and agents, to the fullest extent
permitted by law, accordingly disclaim all and any liability (save as referred to above) whether arising in tort or
contract or otherwise which it or they might otherwise have in respect of this Prospectus or any such
The Shares are only suitable for long term investors who are capable of evaluating the merits and risks of such
an investment and who have sufcient resources to be able to bear any losses (which may be equal to the
whole amount invested) from such an investment. Accordingly, typical investors in the Shares are institutional
investors, private clients through their wealth managers, experienced investors, high net worth investors,
professionally advised investors and retail investors who may have basic or no knowledge and experience of
investing in nancial markets who have taken appropriate steps to ensure that they understand the risks
involved in investing in the Company.
The Shares are designed to be held over the long term and may not be suitable as short-term investments.
There is no guarantee that any appreciation in the value of the Companys investments will occur and investors
may not get back the full amount initially invested, or any amount at all. The investment objective of the
Company is a target only and should not be treated as an assurance or guarantee of performance. There can
be no assurance that the Companys investment objective will be achieved or that the objective to outperform
the Benchmark will be achieved.
A prospective investor should be aware that the value of an investment in the Company is subject to market
uctuations and other risks inherent in investing in securities. There is no assurance that any appreciation in
the value of the Shares will occur or that the investment objective of the Company will be achieved. The value
of investments and the income derived therefrom may fall as well as rise and investors may not recoup the
original amount invested in the Company.
Prospective investors should rely only on the information contained in this Prospectus and any supplementary
prospectus published by the Company prior to Admission. No broker, dealer or other person has been
authorised by the Company, the Board or any Director, the Manager, the Investment Manager or the Sponsor
to issue any advertisement or to give any information or to make any representation in connection with the
Issue other than those contained in this Prospectus and such supplementary prospectus and, if issued, given
or made, any such advertisement, information or representation must not be relied upon as having been
authorised by the Company, the Board, any Director, the Manager, the Investment Manager or the Sponsor.
The distribution of this Prospectus in certain jurisdictions may be restricted by law and persons into whose
possession this Prospectus comes should inform themselves about and observe any such restrictions.
Prospective investors should not treat the contents of this Prospectus or any supplementary prospectus
published by the Company prior to Admission as advice relating to legal, taxation, investment or any other
matters. Prospective investors should inform themselves as to: (i) the legal requirements within their own
countries for the purchase, holding, transfer, redemption, conversion or other disposal of the Shares; (ii) any
foreign exchange restrictions applicable to the purchase, holding, transfer, redemption, conversion or other
disposal of the Shares which they might encounter; and (iii) the income and other tax consequences which
may apply in their own countries as a result of the purchase, holding, transfer, redemption, conversion or other
disposal of the Shares. Prospective investors must rely upon their own representatives, including their own
legal advisers and accountants, as to legal, tax, investment or any other related matters concerning the
Company and an investment therein.
Statements made in this Prospectus are based on the law and practice currently in force in England and Wales
and are subject to changes in such law and practice.
This Prospectus does not constitute, and may not be used for the purposes of, an offer or an
invitation to apply for any Scheme Shares by any person: (i) in any jurisdiction in which such offer or
invitation is not authorised; or (ii) in any jurisdiction in which the person making such offer or
invitation is not qualied to do so; or (iii) to any person to whom it is unlawful to make such offer or
The distribution of this Prospectus and the offering of Scheme Shares in certain jurisdictions may be
restricted. Accordingly, persons into whose possession this Prospectus comes are required to inform
themselves about and observe any restrictions as to the offer or sale of Scheme Shares and the
distribution of this Prospectus under the laws and regulations of any jurisdiction relevant to them in
connection with any proposed applications for Scheme Shares, including obtaining any requisite
governmental or other consent and observing any other formality prescribed in such jurisdiction.
Save for in the United Kingdom and save as explicitly stated elsewhere in this Prospectus, no action
has been taken or will be taken in any jurisdiction by the Company that would permit a public offering
of Scheme Shares in any jurisdiction where action for that purpose is required, nor has any such
action been taken with respect to the possession or distribution of this Prospectus in any other
jurisdiction where action for that purpose is required.
Notice to prospective investors in the United Kingdom
No Scheme Shares have been offered or will be offered pursuant to the Issue to the public in the United
Kingdom prior to the publication of a prospectus in relation to the Scheme Shares which has been approved
by the FCA, except that the Scheme Shares may be offered to the public at any time with the prior consent of
the Sponsor, under the following exemptions under the UK Prospectus Regulation:
(a) to any legal entity which is a qualied investor as dened in Regulation 2(e) of the UK Prospectus
Regulation (as amended);
(b) to fewer than 150 natural or legal persons (other than qualied investors as dened in the UK Prospectus
Regulation (as amended)) in the United Kingdom; or
(c) in any other circumstances falling within Article 1(4) of the UK Prospectus Regulation (as amended) with
the prior consent of the Sponsor,
provided that no such offer of Scheme Shares shall result in a requirement for the publication of a prospectus
pursuant to Article 3(l) of the UK Prospectus Regulation (as amended).
For the purposes of this provision, the expression an offer to the public in relation to any offer of Shares in
the United Kingdom means a communication in any form and by any means presenting sufcient information on
the terms of the offer and any Scheme Shares to be offered so as to enable an investor to decide to purchase
or subscribe for Scheme Shares.
Notice to prospective investors in the EEA
In relation to each EEA Member State, no Scheme Shares have been offered or will be offered pursuant to the
Issue to the public in that EEA Member State prior to the publication of a prospectus in relation to the Scheme
Shares which has been approved by the competent authority in that EEA Member State, or, where appropriate,
approved in another EEA Member State and notied to the competent authority in that EEA Member State, all
in accordance with the EU Prospectus Regulation, except that the Scheme Shares may be offered to the public
in that EEA Member State at any time with the prior consent of the Sponsor under the following exemptions
under the EU Prospectus Regulation:
(a) to any legal entity which is a qualied investor as dened in Article 2 of the EU Prospectus Regulation;
(b) to fewer than 150 natural or legal persons (other than qualied investors as dened in the EU Prospectus
Regulation) in that EEA Member State; or
(c) in any other circumstances falling within Article 1(4) of the EU Prospectus Regulation,
provided that no such offer of Scheme Shares shall result in a requirement for the publication of a prospectus
pursuant to Article 3 of the EU Prospectus Regulation or supplement a prospectus pursuant to Article 23 of the
EU Prospectus Regulation.
For the purposes of this provision, the expression an offer to the public in relation to any offer of Scheme
Shares in any EEA Member State means a communication in any form and by any means of sufcient
information on the terms of the offer and any Scheme Shares to be offered so as to enable an investor to
decide to purchase or subscribe for the Scheme Shares.
Further, the Manager has not made any notications or applications or received approvals for the marketing of
the Scheme Shares to professional investors (as dened in the EU AIFM Directive) in any EEA Member
State. Notwithstanding any other statement in this Prospectus, this Prospectus should not be made available to
any JPE Shareholder (or any other person) domiciled in any EEA Member State. JPE Shareholders domiciled
in the EEA that have received the Prospectus in any EEA Member States are not, save as otherwise agreed
with the Company, deemed to be an Eligible JPE Shareholder and should not subscribe for Scheme Shares
(and the Company reserves the right to reject any application so made, without explanation).
Notwithstanding that the Manager may conrm, from time to time, that it is able to market Scheme Shares to
JPE Shareholders who are professional investors in an EEA Member State, the Scheme Shares may not be
marketed to retail investors (as this term is dened in the EU AIFM Directive as transposed in the relevant EEA
Member State) in any EEA Member State unless the Scheme Shares have been qualied for marketing to
retail investors in that EEA Member State in accordance with applicable local laws. At the date of the
Prospectus, the Scheme Shares are not eligible to be marketed to retail investors in any EEA Member State.
Accordingly, no retail investor in any EEA Member State is considered to be an Eligible JPE Shareholder and,
as such, the Scheme Shares may not be offered, sold or delivered and neither the Prospectus nor any other
offering materials relating to such Shares may be distributed or made available to retail investors in any EEA
Member State.
Notice to prospective investors with respect to United States federal securities laws
The Company has not been and will not be registered under the US Investment Company Act and as such
investors are not and will not be entitled to the benets of the US Investment Company Act. The Scheme
Shares have not been and will not be registered under the US Securities Act, or with any securities regulatory
authority of any state or other jurisdiction of the United States, and may not be offered, sold, resold, pledged,
delivered, assigned or otherwise transferred, directly or indirectly, into or within the United States or to, or for
the account or benet of, US Persons, except pursuant to an exemption from, or in a transaction not subject to,
the registration requirements of the US Securities Act and in compliance with any applicable securities laws of
any state or other jurisdiction of the United States and in a manner which would not result in the Company
being required to register under the US Investment Company Act. There has been and will be no public offer
of the Scheme Shares in the United States.
In connection with the Issue, the Scheme Shares are being offered and sold only: (i) outside the United States
in offshore transactions to non-US Persons pursuant to Regulation S; and (ii) to persons who are both
Qualied Purchasers and Accredited Investors pursuant to an exemption from the registration requirements of
the US Securities Act, and who, in the case of (ii), have executed the AI/QP Investor Letter and returned it to
the Company and Equiniti Limited as registrar to JPE.
Neither the SEC nor any state securities commission has approved or disapproved this Prospectus or the issue
of the Scheme Shares or passed upon or endorsed the merits of the offering of the Scheme Shares or the
adequacy or accuracy of this Prospectus. Any representation to the contrary is a criminal offence.
The Shares are subject to restrictions on transferability and resale and may not be transferred or resold except
as permitted under applicable securities laws and regulations and under the Articles. Any failure to comply with
such restrictions may constitute a violation of applicable securities laws and may subject the holder to the
forced transfer and other provisions set out in the Articles. For further information on restrictions on transfers of
the Shares, please refer to the section entitled Overseas Excluded JPE Shareholders at paragraph 8 of
Part IV (Details of the Scheme and the Issue) of this Prospectus.
Forward-looking statements
This Prospectus includes statements that are, or may be deemed to be, forward-looking statements. These
forward-looking statements can typically be identied by the use of forward-looking terminology, including, but
not limited to, terms such as believes, estimates, anticipates, expects, intends, may, will or should
or, in each case, their negative or other variations or comparable terminology. These forward-looking statements
include all matters that are not historical facts. They appear in a number of places in this Prospectus and
include statements regarding the intentions, beliefs or current expectations of the Company, the Directors, the
Manager, or the Investment Manager concerning, amongst other things, the Companys investment objective
and Investment Policy, the Companys investment performance, results of operations, nancial condition,
prospects, and dividend policy of the Company and the markets in which it invests and/or operates.
By their nature, forward-looking statements involve risks and uncertainties because they relate to events and
depend on circumstances that may or may not occur in the future. Forward-looking statements are not
guarantees of future performance. The Companys actual investment performance, results of operations,
nancial condition, dividends paid and its nancing strategies may differ materially from the impression created
by the forward-looking statements contained in this Prospectus. In addition, even if the investment performance,
results of operations, nancial condition of the Company and its nancing strategies, are consistent with the
forward-looking statements contained in this Prospectus, those results, its condition or strategies may not be
indicative of results, its condition or strategies in subsequent periods. Important factors that could cause these
differences include, but are not limited to, the factors set out in the Risk Factors section of this Prospectus.
Given these uncertainties, prospective investors are cautioned not to place any undue reliance on such
forward-looking statements. Prospective investors should carefully review the Risk Factors section of this
Prospectus for a discussion of additional factors that could cause the Companys actual results to differ
materially from those that the forward-looking statements may give the impression will be achieved, before
making an investment decision. Forward-looking statements speak only as at the date of this Prospectus. The
Company, the Manager, the Investment Manager and the Sponsor undertake no obligation to revise or update
any forward-looking statements contained herein (save where required by the Prospectus Regulation Rules, the
Listing Rules, UK MAR, EU MAR, the Disclosure Guidance and Transparency Rules, the EU AIFM Directive or
the UK AIFMD Laws), whether as a result of new information, future events, conditions or circumstances, any
change in the Companys, the Managers or the Investment Managers expectations with regard thereto or
otherwise. However, Shareholders are advised to read any communications that the Company may make
directly to them, and any additional disclosures in announcements that the Company may make through an RIS
following the date of this document.
For the avoidance of doubt, nothing in the foregoing paragraphs under the heading Forward-looking
statements constitutes a qualication of the working capital statement contained in Par t VI (Additional
Information on the Company) of this Prospectus.
Important note regarding performance data
This Prospectus includes information regarding the track record and performance data of the Investment
Manager in relation to the Company (the Track Record). Such information should not be considered to be
indicative of the possible future performance of the Company or any investment opportunity to which this
Prospectus relates. The past performance of the Investment Manager is not a reliable indicator of, and cannot
be relied upon as a guide to, the future performance of the Company and/or the Investment Manager and the
Company will not make the same investments reected in the Track Record information included herein.
Prospective investors should be aware that any investment in the Company involves a signicant degree of
risk, and could result in the loss of all or substantially all of their investment.
For a variety of reasons, the comparability of the Track Record information to the Companys future
performance is by its nature very limited. Without limitation, results can be positively or negatively affected by
market conditions beyond the control of the Company or the Investment Manager which may be different in
many respects from those that prevail at present or in the future, with the result that the performance of the
Companys Portfolios in the future may be signicantly different from the performance in the past.
UK AIFMD Laws and EU AIFM Directive disclosures
The UK AIFMD Laws and EU AIFM Directive impose conditions on the marketing of entities such as the
Company to investors in the UK and the EEA, respectively. The UK AIFMD Laws and EU AIFM Directive
require that an alternative investment fund manager be identied to meet such conditions where such
marketing is sought. For these purposes, JPMorgan Funds Limited, as the legal person responsible for
performing portfolio and risk management of the Company, is the alternative investment fund manager.
Disclosures required to be made by the Manager under the UK AIFMD Laws and EU AIFM Directive are
addressed within this Prospectus.
Information to distributors
Solely for the purposes of the product governance requirements contained within the FCAs PROD3 Rules on
product governance within the FCA Handbook (the FCA PROD3 Rules), and disclaiming all and any liability,
whether arising in tort, contract or otherwise, which any manufacturer (for the purposes of the FCA PROD3
Rules) may otherwise have with respect thereto, the Scheme Shares have been subject to a product approval
process, which has determined that the Scheme Shares to be issued pursuant to the Issue are: (i) compatible
with an end target market of retail investors and investors who meet the criteria of professional clients and
eligible counterparties, each as dened in the FCA Glossary; and (ii) eligible for distribution through all
distribution channels as are permitted by the FCA PROD3 Rules (the Target Market Assessment).
Notwithstanding the Target Market Assessment, distributors should note that: (i) the price of the Scheme
Shares may decline and investors could lose all or part of their investment; (ii) the Scheme Shares offer no
guaranteed income and no capital protection; and (iii) an investment in the Scheme Shares is compatible only
with investors who do not need a guaranteed income or capital protection, who (either alone or in conjunction
with an appropriate nancial or other adviser) are capable of evaluating the merits and risks of such an
investment and who have sufcient resources to be able to bear any losses which may be equal to the whole
amount invested from such an investment. Accordingly, typical investors in the Scheme Shares are expected to
be institutional investors, private clients through their wealth managers, experienced investors, high net worth
investors, professionally advised investors and retail investors who may have basic or no knowledge and
experience of investing in nancial markets who have taken appropriate steps to ensure that they understand
the risks involved in investing in the Company. The Target Market Assessment is without prejudice to the
requirements of any contractual, legal or regulatory selling restrictions in relation to the Issue.
For the avoidance of doubt, the Target Market Assessment does not constitute: (a) an assessment of suitability
or appropriateness for the purposes of the FCA PROD3 Rules; or (b) a recommendation to any investor or
group of investors to invest in, or purchase, or take any other action whatsoever with respect to the Scheme
Each distributor is responsible for undertaking its own Target Market Assessment in respect of the Shares
when determining appropriate distribution channels.
Non-mainstream pooled investments status and UK MiFID Laws
As the Company is a closed-ended investment company which is an investment trust domiciled in the United
Kingdom, the Scheme Shares will be excluded securities under the FCAs rules on non-mainstream pooled
investments. Accordingly, the promotion of the Scheme Shares is not subject to the FCAs restriction on the
promotion of non-mainstream pooled investments. The Company intends to continue to conduct its affairs so
that the Shares can be recommended by nancial advisers to retail investors in accordance with the rules on
the distribution of nancial instruments under the UK MiFID Laws. The Directors consider that the Scheme
Shares should be considered non-complex for the purposes of the UK MiFID Laws.
In accordance with the UK PRIIPs Laws, a key information document in respect of an investment in each of the
Ordinary Shares and the C Shares being issued pursuant to the Scheme has been prepared by the Manager
and is available to investors at the Companys website under
Legal Documents.
Accordingly, if you are distributing Ordinary Shares or C Shares, it is your responsibility to ensure that the key
information document is provided to any relevant clients.
Data protection
The information that a prospective investor in the Company provides in documents in relation to acquiring
Scheme Shares or subsequently by whatever means which relates to the prospective investor (if it is an
individual) or a third-party individual (personal data) is and will be held and processed by the Company (and
any third party, functionary or agent in the United Kingdom to whom it may delegate certain administrative
functions in relation to the Company) in compliance with the relevant data protection legislation and regulatory
requirements of the United Kingdom. Each prospective investor acknowledges and consents that such
information will be held and processed by the Company (or any third party, functionary, or agent appointed by
the Company) for the following purposes:
verifying the identity of the prospective investor to comply with statutory and regulatory requirements in
relation to anti-money laundering procedures;
contacting the prospective investor with information about other products and services provided by the
Manager and the Investment Manager, or their respective Afliates, which may be of interest to the
prospective investor;
carrying out the business of the Company and the administering of interests in the Company;
meeting the legal, regulatory, reporting and/or nancial obligations of the Company in the United Kingdom
or elsewhere; and
disclosing personal data to other functionaries of, or advisers to, the Company to operate and/or
administer the Company.
Each prospective investor acknowledges and consents that where appropriate it may be necessary for the
Company (or any third party, functionary or agent appointed by the Company) to:
disclose personal data to third-party service providers, Afliates, agents or functionaries appointed by the
Company or its agents to provide services to prospective investors; and
transfer personal data outside of the UK to countries or territories that do not offer the same level of
protection for the rights and freedoms of prospective investors in the United Kingdom (as applicable).
If the Company (or any third party, functionary or agent appointed by the Company) discloses personal data to
such a third party, functionary or agent and/or makes such a transfer of personal data it will use reasonable
endeavours to ensure that any third party, functionary or agent to whom the relevant personal data is disclosed
or transferred is contractually bound to provide an adequate level of protection in respect of such personal
Prospective investors are responsible for informing any third-party individual to whom the personal data relates
as to the disclosure and use of such data in accordance with these provisions.
Dened terms
Capitalised terms contained in this Prospectus shall have the meanings ascribed to them in Part VIII
(Denitions) of this Prospectus, save where the context indicates otherwise.
No incorporation of website
The contents of the Companys website at and the Investment
Managers website at, the contents of any
website accessible from hyperlinks on the Companys website, the Investment Managers website, or any other
website referred to in this Prospectus are not incorporated into, and do not form part of this Prospectus.
Investors should base their decision to invest on the contents of this Prospectus and any supplementary
prospectus published by the Company prior to Admission alone and should consult their professional advisers
prior to acquiring/receiving the Scheme Shares.
Posting of Circular and Forms of Proxy for the General Meeting 22 November 2022
Latest time and date for receipt of Forms of Proxy for the General
1.00 p.m. on 14 December 2022
General Meeting 1.00 p.m. on 16 December 2022
Announcement of results of the General Meeting 16 December 2022
Publication of this Prospectus 21 November 2022
First JPE General Meeting 12.30 p.m. on 9 December 2022
JPE Growth Class Meeting 12.35 p.m. on 9 December 2022
JPE Income Class Meeting 12.40 p.m. on 9 December 2022
JPE Cash Class Meeting 12.45 p.m. on 9 December 2022
Calculation Date for the Scheme 5.00 p.m. on 13 December 2022
Record Date for entitlements under the Scheme 6.00 p.m. on 13 December 2022
Second JPE General Meeting 12.30 p.m. on 19 December 2022
Effective Date for implementation of the Scheme 19 December 2022
Announcement of results of the Scheme and respective FAVs per share 19 December 2022
CREST accounts credited with, and dealings commence in, Scheme
8.00 a.m. on 20 December 2022
Certicates despatched by post in respect of Scheme Shares 9 January 2023 (or as soon as
practicable thereafter)
Conversion of the Scheme C Shares as soon as practicable after the
C Share Portfolio has been realigned
with the Ordinary Share Investment
References to times are to London times unless otherwise stated. Any changes to the expected timetable set
out above will be notied to the market by the Company via an RIS announcement.
Number of Scheme Ordinary Shares to be issued Based on a ratio between the FAV per
JGGI Ordinary Share and the FAV per
JPE Cash Share and the FAV per JGGI
Ordinary Share and the FAV per JPE
Income Share, respectively, (which, in
turn, are based on the CompanysNAV
and the JPE NAV of each of the JPE
Income Shares and JPE Cash Shares)
(each as at 17 November 2022) and
adjusted as set out in this Prospectus),
the Scheme would result in the issue of
17,650,741 Scheme Ordinary Shares
Number of Scheme C Shares to be issued The number of Scheme C Shares to be
issued is 26,743,078 (with reference to
footnote 1), being the number of JPE
Growth Shares, as the C Shares will be
issued on a one-for-one basis. The
Company expects ultimately, upon
Conversion of the C Shares into New
Ordinary Shares, for there to be a further
58,990,148 New Ordinary Shares in
ISIN for the Ordinary Shares GB00BYMKY695
SEDOL for the Ordinary Shares BYMKY69
Ticker for the Ordinary Shares JGGI
ISIN for the C Shares GB00BNNPF744
SEDOL for the C Shares BNNPF74
Ticker for the C Shares JGGC
This is illustrative only. The number of Ordinary Shares to be issued pursuant to the Issue is not known at the date of this
Prospectus and will depend on the ratio of the FAV per JPE Cash Share and the FAV per Income Share, respectively, divided by
the FAV per JGGI Ordinary Share, multiplied by the number of respective JPE Shares held by JPE Shareholders. For the
purposes of this illustration it is assumed that there are no JPE Shareholders dissenting from participation in the Scheme nor
any conversion of JPE Shares from one class to another and no JPE Shares repurchased pursuant to the JPE Repurchase
Facility on 30 November 2022 prior to the Effective Date of the Scheme. The total number of Scheme Ordinary Shares and
Scheme C Shares to be issued pursuant to the Issue shall be notied by way of an RIS announcement as soon as practicable
following the Calculation Date.
Assuming a Conversion Ratio of 1:2.205810, as at 17 November 2022.
Directors Tristan Hillgarth (Chair)
Thomas Michael Brewis
Jane Lewis (Senior Independent Director)
James Macpherson
Neil Rogan
Sarah Whitney
Prospective Director
Steven Bates
Registered Ofce 60 Victoria Embankment
Manager JPMorgan Funds Limited
3 Lochside View
Edinburgh Park
EH12 9DH
Investment Manager JPMorgan Asset Management (UK) Limited
25 Bank Street
Canary Wharf
E14 5JP
Sponsor Winterood Securities Limited
The Atrium Building
Cannon Bridge House
25 Dowgate Hill
Legal advisers to the Company (as
to English and US securities law)
Herbert Smith Freehills LLP
Exchange House
Primrose Street
Legal advisers to the Sponsor Gowling WLG (UK) LLP
4 More London Riverside
Depositary The Bank of New York Mellon (International) Limited
1 Canada Square
E14 5AL
Registrar Equiniti Limited
Aspect House
Spencer Road
West Sussex
BN99 6DA
Auditor Ernst & Young LLP
Atria One, 144, Morrison Street
Edinburgh EH3 8EX
If the Scheme becomes effective, Steven Bates (currently a director of JPE) will join the Board as a Director of the Company,
expected to be on or around 19 December 2022.
Reporting Accountant KPMG Audit LLC
Heritage Court
41, Athol Street
Isle of Man
Receiving Agent Equiniti Limited
Aspect House
Spencer Road
West Sussex, BN99 6DA
The Company is a closed-ended investment company limited by shares, incorporated in England and Wales on
21 April 1887 with company number 00024299. The Company does not have a xed life. The Company is an
alternative investment fund or AIF for the purposes of the UK AIFMD Laws and EU AIFM Directive.
The Company is externally managed by the Manager, which has delegated its investment management
responsibilities to the Investment Manager. Further details on the Manager and the Investment Manager are set
out in Part III (Directors, Management and Administration) of this Prospectus.
The Companys investment objective and Investment Policy are set out below. The Company may make its
investments either directly or through one or more wholly-owned subsidiary companies.
The Company ensures that it treats all holders of the same class of its Shares that are in the same position
equally in respect of the rights attaching to those Shares.
This Prospectus is being published for the purposes of the Issue of Scheme Shares to Shareholders of
JPMorgan Elect plc (JPE) in exchange for the transfer of the assets of JPE to the Company under the
Scheme in connection with the winding-up of JPE. Ordinary Shares are being issued to the holders of the JPE
Cash Shares and JPE Income Shares on the basis of the ratio between the FAV per JPE Cash Share and the
FAV per JPE Income Share, respectively, divided by the FAV per JGGI Ordinary Share. The C Shares are
being issued on the basis of one C Share for each JPE Growth Share held.
Benets of the proposed Scheme
The Board believes that the Proposals may have the following benets for Shareholders:
the enlarged Company will have net assets in excess of £1.7 billion (based on valuations as at
10 November 2022), which should improve secondary market liquidity for the Shareholders;
following implementation of the Scheme, the Company will benet from its tiered Management Fee
structure, as the enlarged asset base will have the effect of reducing the initial weighted average
Management Fee;
Existing Shareholders and new Shareholders will benet from a lower ongoing expense ratio with the
Companys xed costs spread over a larger asset base, in addition to the lower Management Fee;
the Companys Shareholder base will become further diversied, having introduced a number of new
long-term JPE investors to the register; and
the Manager has agreed to make the Managers Contribution in respect of the Scheme, reducing the
effective implementation costs for the Company.
Future dividends
JPE Shareholders who are issued Scheme Ordinary Shares under the Scheme or New Ordinary Shares upon
conversion of the Scheme C Shares will not be entitled to receive the second interim dividend in respect of the
Ordinary Shares, declared on 3 November 2022 and to be paid in January 2023. JPE Growth Shareholders
who are issued Scheme C Shares may be paid a dividend based on the net income of that share class prior
to Conversion should the Directors resolve to pay any such dividend.
The Board will be entitled to defer the Effective Date specied in this Prospectus and the implementation of the
Proposals in its absolute discretion to accommodate any legal, regulatory or operational requirements that are
not resolved prior to or on the Effective Date. Any amendments to the timetable as set out in this Prospectus
will be announced via an RIS.
Overview of the Scheme
The Rollover Pools of assets to be transferred to the Company pursuant to the Scheme will consist of
investments, together with cash and Cash Equivalent Investments. In the case of the JPE Cash Rollover Pool
and the JPE Income Rollover Pool the assets comprised in such Rollover Pools will be securities aligned with
the Ordinary Share Investment Policy. In the case of the JPE Growth Rollover Pool the assets comprised in
such Rollover Pool will be predominately shares in listed closed-ended investment funds and open-ended
investment funds together with securities aligned with the Ordinary Share Investment Policy. Until realisation of
the fund investments held in the C Share Portfolio and realignment is complete (at which point the C Shares
will convert into New Ordinary Shares) the investments within the Growth Share Rollover Pool will be held as a
separate C Share Portfolio.
The Scheme is conditional on, among other things, the approval of Resolutions 1 and 4 by Shareholders at the
General Meeting of the Company convened for 1.00 p.m. on 16 December 2022 and the approval of
JPE Shareholders to the JPE Resolutions at the JPE General Meetings and JPE Share Class Meetings.
Further details of the conditions attaching to the Scheme are set out in paragraph 5 of Part IV (Details of the
Scheme and the Issue) of this Prospectus.
Investment objective
The Companys objective is to achieve superior total returns from world stock markets.
Investment Policy and risk management
Ordinary Shares
The Companys Ordinary Share Investment Policy is to provide a diversied portfolio of approximately 50-90
stocks in which the Investment Manager and the Portfolio Managers have a high degree of conviction. To gain
the appropriate exposure, the Portfolio Managers are permitted to invest in pooled funds. The Investment
Manager is responsible for management of the Companys assets. On a day-to-day basis the assets are
managed by Portfolio Managers based in London and in New York, supported by a strong equity research
In order to achieve the investment objective and to seek to manage risk, the Company invests in a diversied
portfolio of companies. The Company manages liquidity and borrowings to increase potential Sterling returns to
shareholders; the Board has set a normal range of 5 per cent. net cash to 20 per cent. geared under normal
market conditions.
The Company has implemented a passive currency hedging strategy that aims to make stock selection the
predominant driver of overall Ordinary Share Portfolio performance relative to the Benchmark. This is a risk
reduction measure, designed to eliminate most of the differences between the Ordinary Share Portfolios
currency exposure and that of the Companys Benchmark. As a result, the returns derived from, and the
Ordinary Share Portfolios exposure to, currencies may materially differ from that of the Companys competitors
which generally do not undertake such a strategy.
Investment restrictions and guidelines
The Board seeks to manage the Companys risk by imposing various investment limits and restrictions:
In accordance with the Listing Rules of the Financial Conduct Authority, the Company will not invest more
than 15 per cent. of its gross assets in other UK listed investment companies and will not invest more
than 10 per cent. of its gross assets in companies that themselves may invest more than 15 per cent. of
their gross assets in UK listed investment companies, at the time of acquisition.
No individual stock will represent more than the higher of 7.5 per cent. of gross assets or a 4 per cent.
active overweight position relative to the Companys Benchmark, each measured at the time of
acquisition. The aggregate of the Companys top 10 holdings and top 20 holdings will not exceed 45 per
cent. and 65 per cent. of gross assets, respectively.
The Company does not normally invest in unquoted investments and to do so requires prior Board
No more than 25 per cent. of the Companys gross assets may be invested in non-OECD Countries.
No more than 80 per cent. of the Companys gross assets may be invested in the US, Japan and the
The Company does not normally enter into derivative transactions, other than foreign currency
transactions, and to do so requires prior Board approval.
The Company manages liquidity and borrowings to increase potential Sterling returns to Shareholders.
The Board has set a normal range of 5 per cent. net cash to 20 per cent. geared under normal market
For as long as the C Shares are in issue these investment restrictions will be calculated by reference to the
aggregate of the Ordinary Share Portfolio and the C Share Portfolio to the extent aligned with the Ordinary
Share Portfolio.
C Shares
In order to achieve its stated investment objective and to seek to manage investment risks, the Companys
C Share Investment Policy will be initially to hold a diversied range of listed closed-ended investment funds
and open-ended funds, which themselves invest in the UK and overseas, and to undertake an orderly
realisation of such investments with the net realisation proceeds being invested in investments aligned with the
Ordinary Share Investment Policy. The number of investments in the C Share Portfolio is expected initially to
range between 30 and 50, and will increase to a range of 50-90 stocks as the C Share Portfolio aligns with the
Ordinary Share Portfolio.
Compliance with the Boards investment restrictions and guidelines is monitored continuously by the Manager
and is reported to the Board on a monthly basis.
No material change will be made to the Companys Investment Policy in respect of either the Ordinary Shares
or the C Shares without prior approval by ordinary resolution of the Shareholders (and if more than one class
of Shares is in issue, prior approval by ordinary resolution of the Shareholders of the relevant class affected)
and the approval of the FCA.
The Company intends to continue to conduct its affairs so as to continue to be an investment trust for the
purposes of section 1158 CTA 2010. Any proposed changes to the Companys Investment Policy are also
required to be notied to HMRC in advance of the ling date for the accounting period in which the Investment
Policy is revised (together with details of why the change does not impact the Companys status as an
investment trust).
The Company, in respect of the Ordinary Share Portfolio, aims to outperform its Benchmark over the long-term
by investing in companies based around the world in accordance with its published Investment Policy.
This objective to outperform the Benchmark should not be taken as an indication of the Companys expected
future performance, return or results over any period and does not constitute a prot forecast. There is no
assurance that this objective can or will be achieved. The actual performance of the Company, in respect of
the Ordinary Share Portfolio, will depend on a wide range of factors including, but not limited to, general
economic and market conditions around the world, the performance of the companies in its Ordinary Share
Portfolio and the markets in which those businesses operate, uctuations in currency exchange rates, the terms
of the investments made and the other risks that are described more fully in this Prospectus, including in
particular in the section entitled Risk Factors. Accordingly, prospective investors should not place any reliance
on the Companys objective to outperform the Benchmark in deciding whether to invest in the Shares.
The Scheme Shares are being issued to Eligible JPE Shareholders, and to the Liquidators appointed in respect
of Overseas Excluded JPE Shareholders, in consideration for the transfer of the JPE Cash Rollover Pool, the
JPE Growth Rollover Pool and the JPE Income Rollover Pool from JPE to the Company. The JPE Cash
Rollover Pool and the JPE Income Rollover Pool will consist of investments aligned with the Ordinary Share
Investment Policy, together with cash and Cash Equivalent Investments. Any cash in the JPE Cash Rollover
Pool and the JPE Income Rollover Pool and any proceeds of the realisation of Cash Equivalent Investments in
the JPE Cash Rollover Pool and the JPE Income Rollover Pool will be used to acquire investments aligned
with the Ordinary Share Investment Policy. The JPE Growth Rollover Pool will consist of securities aligned with
the Ordinary Share Investment Policy and investments in a diversied range of listed closed-ended investment
funds and open-ended funds (which themselves invest in the UK and overseas) which will be realised in due
course with the net realisation proceeds being reinvested in investments aligned with the Ordinar y Share
Investment Policy.
Although not forming part of the Companys Investment Policy, the Company has a distribution policy in respect
of the Ordinary Shares whereby at the start of each nancial year the Company will announce the distributions
it intends to pay to Ordinary Shareholders in the forthcoming year in quarterly instalments. The Companys
intention is to pay dividends in respect of the Ordinary Shares which, in aggregate, total at least 4.00 per cent.
of the Net Asset Value of the Company as at the end of the preceding nancial year. The Company has
announced that in relation to the year commencing 1 July 2022 the Company intends to pay dividends totalling
17.00 pence per Ordinary Share (being 4.25 pence per Ordinary Share per quarter), which represents an
annual dividend equivalent to 4.22 per cent. of the audited Net Asset Value per Ordinary Share (cum income
with debt at fair value) as at 30 June 2022. The Scheme Ordinary Shares will not receive the dividend payable
in respect of the quarter ended 30 September 2022, which is expected to be paid on or around 6 January
Holders of C Shares will be entitled to participate in any dividends and other distributions which the Directors
may resolve to pay out of the assets attributable to the C Shares based on the net income of that Share class
prior to Conversion. For the avoidance of doubt, the dividend target set out above will not apply with respect to
the C Shares.
The Company intends to continue to comply with the requirements for maintaining investment trust status for
the purposes of section 1158 CTA 2010 regarding distributable income. The Company will therefore distribute
its income such that it does not retain in respect of any accounting period an amount greater than 15 per cent.
of its income (as calculated for UK tax purposes) for that period.
Details in relation to the taxation of dividends and distributions are set out in Part V (Taxation) of this
The dividend policy in respect of the Ordinary Shares is an objective only, is not a prot forecast and is not a
guarantee that certain levels of dividends can be achieved or dividend growth maintained nor an indication of
the Companys expected or actual future results, which may vary.
The Board recognises the need to address any sustained and signicant imbalance between buyers and
sellers which might otherwise lead to the Ordinary Shares trading at a material discount or premium to the Net
Asset Value per Ordinary Share. While it has not adopted any formal premium target which would dictate the
point at which the Company would seek to issue further Ordinary Shares, the Board is committed to utilising its
share issuance authorities, where appropriate, in such a way as to mitigate the effects of any such imbalance.
As stated in its 2022 Annual Report, the Company currently has a long-term policy of repurchasing its Ordinary
Shares with the aim of maintaining an average discount of around 5.00 per cent. or less to the Net Asset
Value per Ordinary Share (calculated with debt at par value). In considering whether Ordinary Share buybacks
or issuances might be appropriate in any particular set of circumstances, the Board will take into account,
among other factors: the prevailing market conditions; the degree of NAV accretion that will result from the
buyback or issuance; the cash resources readily available to the Company; the immediate pipeline of
investment opportunities open to the Company; the level of the Companys existing borrowings; and the working
capital requirements of the Company.
The Directors have been granted at the 2022 AGM general authority to purchase Ordinary Shares in the
market in an amount, up to 14.99 per cent. of the number of Ordinary Shares in issue at 3 November 2022,
with such authority expiring on 2 May 2024 unless the authority is renewed at the Companys Annual General
Meeting in 2023 or at any other general meeting prior to such time. A Resolution will be proposed at the
General Meeting to replace this authority with a corresponding authority to make market purchases of up to
56,778,606 Ordinar y Shares (which is equal to 14.99% of the Companys estimated issued Ordinary Share
capital, excluding Ordinary Shares held in treasury, immediately following both completion of the Scheme and
Conversion of the Scheme C Shares into New Ordinary Shares and assuming the issue of 17,650,741 Scheme
Ordinary Shares and Conversion of 26,743,078 Scheme C Shares into 58,990,148 New Ordinary Shares), or if
less, that number of Ordinary Shares which is equal to 14.99% of the Companys issued Ordinary Share
capital, excluding Ordinary Shares held in treasury, immediately following both completion of the Scheme and
Conversion of the Scheme C Shares into New Ordinary Shares.
The timing, price and volume of any buyback of Ordinary Shares will be at the absolute discretion of the
Directors and is subject to the Company having sufcient working capital for its requirements and surplus cash
resources available.
The Directors do not intend to repurchase any C Shares prior to Conversion but may redeem or repurchase
C Shares if they consider this to be in the best interests of the Company, with any C Shares repurchased
being cancelled and not held in treasury. The Company does not, therefore, intend to assist C Shareholders in
limiting discount volatility or to provide an additional source of liquidity.
All Share repurchases will be conducted in accordance with the Companies Act and the Listing
Rules applicable to closed-ended investment funds from time to time and will be announced to the market
through an RIS announcement on the same or following day.
Shareholders and prospective Shareholders should note that such repurchases of Shares by the
Company are entirely discretionary and may not be on a pro rata basis. No expectation or reliance
should be placed on the Directors exercising such discretion on any one or more occasions.
Ordinary Shares purchased by the Company may be cancelled or held in treasury (or a combination of both).
Any Ordinary Shares held in treasury may be subsequently cancelled or sold for cash. The sale of Ordinary
Shares from treasury will be subject to the Companies Act and the provisions relating to rights of pre-emption
contained therein to the extent not disapplied, further details of which are referred to in the section entitled
Further Issues of Shares below. Further, such sales will not, unless authorised by Shareholders, be at a price
per Ordinary Share which would be less (after taking account of all commissions, costs and expenses of such
sale) than the Net Asset Value per Ordinary Share at the relevant time plus issue expenses. Any C Shares
repurchased, if any, will not be held in treasury.
The Directors have been granted general authorities at the general meeting held to approve the Companys
combination with The Scottish Investment Trust plc through participation in the SCIN Scheme to allot, without
regard to the pre-emption rights contained in the Companies Act or otherwise, Ordinary Shares for cash up to
an aggregate nominal amount of £1,501,491.35, representing 10 per cent. of the estimated issued share capital
of the Company following that combination. These authorities last until the conclusion of the AGM to be held in
2023 unless renewed at a general meeting prior to such time. The Company intends that any Scheme Shares
issued pursuant to the Scheme will be issued pursuant to the Allotment Resolution being tabled at the General
Meeting and, accordingly, will not be issued pursuant to the existing authority referred to above. Resolutions 2
and 3 to be proposed at the General Meeting will, if passed, be in substitution for the existing authorities
referred to above. These new authorities will authorise the allotment of Ordinary Shares for cash up to an
aggregate nominal amount of £1,893,882.80, (representing approximately 10 per cent. of the Companys
estimated issued Ordinary Share capital, excluding Ordinary Shares held in treasury, immediately following both
completion of the Scheme and Conversion of the Scheme C Shares into New Ordinary Shares and assuming
the issue of 17,650,741 Scheme Ordinary Shares and Conversion of 26,743,078 Scheme C Shares into
58,990,148 New Ordinary Shares). The Company intends to seek renewal of these authorities at each
subsequent AGM of the Company, or at an earlier general meeting of the Company to the extent necessary.
Further issues of Ordinary Shares will only be made if the Directors determine such issues to be in the best
interests of Shareholders and the Company as a whole. Relevant factors in making such determination are set
out in paragraph 8 (Discount and Premium Management) of Part I (Information on the Company) of this
Prospectus. Ordinary Shares will only be issued, unless authorised by Ordinary Shareholders, at prices per
Ordinary Share which are not less than the last reported Net Asset Value per Ordinary Share plus issue
Applications will be made for any new Ordinary Shares issued by the Company to be admitted to the premium
listing category on the Ofcial List of the FCA and to trading on the Main Market.
The Net Asset Value is the value of all assets of the Company less liabilities (including provisions for such
liabilities). The Net Asset Value per Ordinary Share is the Net Asset Value attributable to the Ordinary Shares
divided by the number of Ordinary Shares in issue at the relevant time (excluding any Ordinary Shares held in
treasury). The Net Asset Value per C Share is the Net Asset Value attributable to the C Shares divided by the
number of C Shares in issue at the relevant time.
An unaudited Net Asset Value for each class of Share will be calculated in Sterling by the Manager and issued
by the Manager on a daily basis, as described below. The Net Asset Value per Ordinary Share and the Net
Asset Value per C Share will be notied on each Business Day through an RIS and will also be published on
the Companys website at
The Companys investments are valued on the basis of the following valuation methodologies:
the relevant Net Asset Value per Share shall be determined on a daily basis, with a valuation day being
a Business Day;
the Company has chosen to adopt Sections 11 and 12 of FRS 102 in respect of nancial instruments.
The Companys business is investing in nancial assets with a view to proting from their total return in
the form of income and capital growth. The Portfolio is managed, and its performance evaluated on a fair
value basis, in accordance with a documented investment strategy and information is provided internally
on that basis to the Board. Accordingly, upon initial recognition the investments are designated by the
Company as held at fair value through prot or loss. They are included initially at fair value which is
taken to be their cost, excluding expenses incidental to purchase which are written off to capital at the
time of acquisition. Subsequently the investments are valued at fair value, which are quoted bid prices for
investments traded in active markets. For investments which are not traded in active markets, unlisted
and restricted investments, the Board takes into account the latest traded prices, other observable market
data and asset values based on the latest management accounts; and
all purchases and sales are accounted for on a trade date basis.
The Directors may temporarily suspend the calculation and publication of a Net Asset Value during a period when, in
the Boards opinion:
there are political, economic, military or monetary events or other extreme circumstances which are
outside the control, responsibility or power of the Directors and which have either or both of the following
effects: (i) disposal or valuation of investments of the Company, or other transactions in the ordinary
course of the Companys business, would not be reasonably practicable without material detriment to the
interests of Shareholders; and (ii) in the opinion of the Directors, such Net Asset Value cannot be fairly
there is a breakdown of the means of communication which are normally employed in calculating or
publishing such Net Asset Value; or
it is not reasonably practicable to determine or publish such Net Asset Value on an accurate and timely
To the extent that the Articles or the Listing Rules require a suspension in the calculation of a Net Asset Value,
the suspension will be notied through an RIS as soon as practicable after the suspension occurs.
As at 17 November 2022 (being the date of the Companys most recently published Ordinary Share NAV prior
to the date of this Prospectus), the estimated, unaudited NAV of the Company was £1,351,061,247 and the Net
Asset Value per Ordinary Share was 447.17p.
The Company held its last AGM in London on 3 November 2022 . It is intended that the Companys AGMs will
be held in Edinburgh and London in alternate years. The annual report and accounts of the Company are
made up to 30 June in each year, with copies expected to be sent to Shareholders within the following four
months. The Company also publishes unaudited interim reports to 31 December each year. The Companys
nancial statements are prepared in Sterling in accordance with FRS 102.
The Companys audited annual report and accounts for the period from 1 July 2021 to 30 June 2022 were
published on 28 September 2022 and are available on the Companys website. For the avoidance of doubt,
such website and its contents are not incorporated by reference into this Prospectus. The Companysnext
audited annual report and accounts will be prepared to 30 June 2023.
Any ongoing disclosures required to be made to Shareholders pursuant to the UK AIFMD Laws and the EU
AIFM Directive will (where applicable) be contained in the Companys periodic or annual reports or on the
Companys website, or will be communicated to Shareholders in written form as required.
Potential investors are referred to Part V (Taxation) of this Prospectus for details of the taxation of the
Company and of Shareholders in the UK.
Shareholders who are in any doubt as to their tax position should seek professional advice from their own
The Company, as a UK-incorporated closed-ended investment company admitted to listing on the premium
listing category of the Ofcial List of the FCA and to trading on the Main Market, is subject to laws, regulations
and rules in such capacity, including, whether directly or indirectly, the Prospectus Regulation Rules, the Listing
Rules, the Disclosure Guidance and Transparency Rules, UK MAR, the UK AIFMD Laws, UK PRIIPs Laws, the
AIC Code, the Companies Act and the EU AIFM Directive. The Company is subject also to the continuing
obligations imposed on all investment companies whose shares are admitted to listing on the premium listing
category of the Ofcial List of the FCA and to trading on the Main Market set out in the Listing Rules and the
Admission and Disclosure Standards published by the London Stock Exchange in force from time to time.
Together, these rules, regulations and laws govern the way that, amongst other things, the Company can be
operated (e.g. its governance), how its Shares can be marketed, and how it must deal with its Shareholders,
together with requiring the Company to make certain reports, lings and notications and governing the
respective content.
The Manager and the Investment Manager are subject to, and will be required to comply with, certain
regulatory requirements of the FCA, some of which affect the management of the Company.
The rules, laws and regulations affecting the Company, the Manager, the Investment Manager and/or the
companies in the Portfolio are evolving and any changes in such rules, laws and regulations may have an
adverse effect on the ability of the Company, the Manager, the Investment Manager and/or the companies in
the Portfolio to carry on their respective businesses.
The Investment Manager believes that concerns regarding ination remain at the centre of market volatility and
that the recent weakness in consumer sentiment could translate into weaker consumer spending. If this occurs,
the Investment Manager believes that this would affect wholesale and retail sales in the months following the
date of this Prospectus. While a possible recession might not be as severe as has been indicated by market
participants and analysts, weakness in global economies may persist and sluggish economic growth would
erode ination pressures and wage growth. If the post-pandemic surge in demand fades and higher prices and
increased costs of borrowing start to deter new spending, central banks worldwide may adopt policies to slow
the pace of increases in interest rates.
Concerns around ination remain at the centre of market volatility. A meaningful decline in government
spending relative to revenues will reduce aggregate demand within the economy. Recession fears and the
current deceleration in earnings growth could also reduce capital spending momentum. Therefore, there is a
risk that the economy may see one or more additional quarters of negative real GDP growth in late 2022 or in
However, in 2023, the Investment Manager believes that the squeeze on consumer spending, the clearing of
supply-chain constraints and diminishing wage growth should cause ination to soften, helping central banks to
slowly return to a more accommodative policy regime.
Although these concerns and risks remain in the short term, in the view of the Investment Manager, it is key to
note that equity markets have already fallen signicantly on a year-to-date basis in response, in par t, to
recessionary fears. While the Investment Manager expects that there may be further phases of volatility, it
believes equity markets could now offer an attractive entry point to the long-term investor.
The Company seeks to select the best companies available, with the most compelling long-term strategies.
The Company is driven by a Bottom-up Stock Selection process, with a best ideas portfolio allocating a larger
weighting to the most preferred stocks when compared to their weighting in the relevant index. This approach
makes use of the full resources of JPMorgan (including over 80 expert analysts worldwide) and its investment
trust structure, offering useful diversication for investors seeking attractive levels of income.
The Investment Manager deploys the Companys investment strategy in a style-neutral way and has built this
strategy on an approach where the Investment Manager seeks to add incremental value to the Portfolio by
capitalising on mis-valuations in equity markets via a risk-controlled bias towards attractively ranked securities
within regional sectors while minimising sector, region and style risk.
Given this approach, the Ordinary Share Portfolio broadly remains similar in sector and style to the Benchmark,
while incrementally over/under weighting at the stock specic level within regional sectors in order to seek to
outperform the Benchmark at the Bottom-up Stock Selection level. This is evidenced by the Companys long-
term attribution, where the vast majority of outperformance being produced is due to stock selection within
sectors and regions.
The Companys initial active positions in companies in the Ordinary Share Portfolio typically range from
0.50 per cent. to 1.50 per cent. and the size of an initial position is determined by various factors, including the
strength of the valuation signal, the Investment Managers level of insight and its conviction in the investment
case. Individual stock weights, once a full position has been established, are typically between +/-5.00 per
cent. relative to the Benchmark (subject to any limits on stock allocation contained in the Ordinary Share
Investment Policy). For the Company, the Investment Manager s goal is to derive the majority of the Ordinary
Share Portfolio risk from stock specic factors, such as valuation or expected future earnings growth.
The Investment Manager believes risk management to be central to the investment management process.
C Shares
The C Share Portfolio will, immediately following Admission, comprise the assets constituting the JPE Growth
Rollover Pool. As noted in section 3 (Investment Objective and Investment Policy) of Part I (The Company)of
this Prospectus, the assets constituting the JPE Growth Rollover Pool will be realised in an orderly basis.
Given that these assets include open ended fund investments, the Company will need to comply with any
redemption timeframes and restrictions in respect thereof.
Any cash generated by the orderly realisations of the JPE Growth Rollover Pool assets will be re-deployed into
the same assets, and in the same proportions, as the Ordinary Share Portfolio. As such, the composition of the
C Share Portfolio will evolve over time until it is substantially identical to the Ordinary Share Portfolio. Once the
portfolios are aligned, the C Shares will be converted into New Ordinary Shares at the Conversion Ratio, in
accordance with the terms of issue of the C Shares set out in the sub-section titled C Shares of section 4
(The Scheme Shares)ofPartIV(Details of the Scheme and the Issue) of this Prospectus.
The Company continues to operate with its policy of paying out 4.00 per cent. of NAV as a dividend (using the
NAV at the end of the preceding nancial year). This led to the Company paying a full year dividend of 16.96p
per Ordinary Share for the 2022 nancial year, a 29.9 per cent. increase on the payout for the prior nancial
year. As at the date of this Prospectus, the Board anticipates paying a dividend of 17.00p per Ordinary Share
over the nancial year ending 30 June 2023, which represents a small increase from the previous nancial
years total dividend. This equates to a total annual dividend equivalent to 4.22 per cent. of the audited (cum
income with debt at fair value) Net Asset Value as at 30 June 2022 of 403.1 pence per Ordinary Share.
As at 17 November 200, the Company had delivered a NAV total return (net of fees) of 2.59 per cent. per
annum over the MSCI All Country World Index since inception on 30 September 2008.
As demonstrated by Figure 1 below, over the ten year period ending 17 November 2022, the Company has
outperformed its Benchmark, in Sterling terms (total return with net dividends reinvested), by 2.05 per cent. per
annum and has delivered 14.17 per cent. per annum over that period.
Figure 1: The Companys NAV performance compared to Benchmark for the 10 years to 17 November 2022
1 month YTD 1 Year 2 Years 3 Years 5 Years 10 Years
10 Years
JGGI* 5.94% 2.35% 2.41% 29.04% 50.04% 70.41% 276.10% 14.17%
Benchmark 5.59% -5.18% 5.79% 16.20% 29.28% 51.10% 214.02% 12.12%
Relative NAV* 0.35% 7.53% 8.20% 12.84% 20.76% 19.31% 62.08% 2.05%
Source: The Investment Manager and Morningstar, as at 17 November 2022. *cum income debt at fair value
The Ordinary Share Portfolio
The Company has assembled an attractive Ordinary Share Portfolio with diversication across its approximately
50-90 stocks currently held in companies based around the world and in various sectors. As at 31 October
2022, the number of investments held was 61.
Figures 2 and 3 below provides an overview of the Companys top ten active positions as at the 31 October
2022, by their relative weighting and by percentage of market capitalisation. The Companys top ten active
positions represent 33.46 per cent. of its total Ordinary Share Portfolio as at 31 October 2022.
Figure 2: The Companys top 10 holdings as at 31 October 2022 by percentage weighting
Top 10 Sector
Microsoft Technology Software 5.45 Media 5.33
Chevron Energy 3.53
AbbVie Pharm/Medtech 3.00
LVMH Moet Hennessy Louis Vuitton Retail 2.97
Marriott Consumer Cyclical & Services 2.76
Progressive Insurance 2.69
Bristol-Myers Squibb Pharm/Medtech 2.68
NXP Semiconductors Technology Semi & Hardware 2.56
VINCI Industrial Cyclical 2.49
Source: The Investment Manager and the Company, as at 31 October 2022.
Figure 3: The Companys Ordinary Share Portfolio as at 31 October 2022 by percentage of market capitalisation
Market cap (%) (USD)
> 100bn 10bn <> 100bn 1bn <> 10bn <1bn
Source: The Investment Manager and the Company, as at 31 October 2022.
Figures 4 and 5 provide an overview on the Ordinary Share Portfolios exposure in various jurisdictions and to
various sectors as at 31 October 2022.
Figure 4: Ordinary Share Portfolio allocation by geography
Regions (%)
United States 69.3 8.0
Europe & Middle East ex UK 18.9 8.1
Emerging Markets 4.9 -8.8
Japan 3.3 -0.1
Pacific Ex Japan 3.0 -2.3
United Kingdom 0.6 -1.7
Canada 0.0 -3.1
Compared to benchmark
Source: The Investment Manager, as at 31 October 2022. Underlying Company revenue exposure is estimated based on disclosed
Figure 5: Ordinary Share Portfolio allocation by sector
Sectors (%)
Pharm/Medtech 11.2 1.0
Industrial Cyclical 11.2 4.2
Banks 10.1 1.8
Technology - Semi & Hardware 10.1 -1.8
Media 9.4 0.9
Retail 7.5 2.1
Technology - Software 6.8 -0.7
Consumer Cyclical & Services 5.1 3.0
Automobiles & Auto Part 4.5 1.3
Energy 4.1 -0.9
Others 19.9 -10.8
Compared to benchmark
Source: The Investment Manager, as at 31 October 2022. Underlying Company revenue exposure is estimated based on disclosed
The C Share Portfolio
The table below illustrates the JPE Growth Portfolio as at 31 August 2022. The realignment of the JPE Growth
Portfolio into investments aligned with the Ordinary Share Investment Policy will commence before the Effective
Date. The JPE Growth Portfolio will be transferred to the Company to establish the C Share Portfolio.
Full JPE Growth Portfolio listing as at close of business 31 August 2022 which will become the C Share Portfolio
Holding Security Description Market Value
% of JPE
Portfolio Security No.
TRUST PLC/FUND CLOSED-END FUND GBP 25 21,696,060.00 8.48% 0342218
15,110,802.000 JPM UK EQUITY PLUS FUND C INC 21,276,009.22 8.31% BW4Q999
12,575,228.000 JPM UK DYNAMIC FUND C INC 18,259,231.06 7.13% B6THL00
OPEN-END FUND GBP 16,509,434.40 6.45% BQ5BZ37
FUND CLOSED-END FUND GBP 14,428,294.40 5.64% 781606
END FUND GBP 10,292,940.54 4.02% B7JVJ72
FUND GBP 25 9,933,852.50 3.88% 611112
EQUITY FUND OPEN-END FUND GBP 9,387,665.92 3.67% B4T5FH5
FUND GBP 25 8,416,624.75 3.29% BWXC7Y9
CLOSED-END FUND GBP 25 7,936,642.44 3.10% BF4JDH5
CLOSED-END FUND GBP 10 5,937,372.45 2.32% 3123249
CLOSED-END FUND GBP 25 5,717,950.00 2.23% BMV92D6
4,531,650.000 LOWLAND INVESTMENT COMPANY 5,370,005.25 2.10% BNXGHS2
END FUND GBP 5,266,482.00 2.06% 791348
CLOSED-END FUND GBP 4,865,864.85 1.90% 199049
TRUST PLC/FUND CLOSED-END FUND GBP 25 4,803,710.90 1.88% 174002
7,449,615.000 JPM UK EQUITY CORE FUND E INC 4,644,089.99 1.81% B58L4H4
CLOSED-END FUND GBP 25 3,766,035.00 1.47% 422002
END FUND GBP 25 3,479,840.87 1.36% BNG2M15
END FUND GBP 25 3,364,319.55 1.31% 38551
CLOSED-END FUND GBP 5 2,834,180.26 1.11% 48583
TRUST PLC CLOSED-END FUND 2,624,644.60 1.03% B3SXM83
INCOME PLC 2,606,719.55 1.02% BPR9Y24
CLOSED-END FUND GBP 1 2,542,477.40 0.99% 6655
TRUST PLC CLOSED-END FUND GBP 25 2,511,644.26 0.98% BMXWN18
GBP 2.5 2,233,134.75 0.87% BJL5F34
CLOSED-END FUND GBP 25 1,935,360.00 0.76% 643610
CLOSED-END FUND GBP 25 1,900,749.90 0.74% 343501
FUND CLOSED-END FUND GBP 25 1,860,936.70 0.73% 345035
CLOSED-END FUND GBP 25 1,727,546.45 0.67% BMTS0Z3
FUND GBP 25 1,392,310.00 0.54% BK1PKQ9
INCOME PLC 1,103,870.00 0.43% 316581
CLOSED-END FUND GBP 1 1,021,884.00 0.40% B62Z3C7
Total portfolio 255,932,936.41 100.00%
Actual gearing
as at 31st
August 2022 -2.9%
The Investment Manager believes that responsible stewardship of its clients assets entails an assessment of
the ESG risks and practices of the companies in which the Investment Manager invests. The Investment
Manager expects those companies to demonstrate high standards of governance in the management of their
business at all times.
The Investment Manager employs an ESG integrated approach. ESG integration does not simply involve paying
external vendors for ESG information; it relies heavily on the Investment Managers own proprietary research,
on both a fundamental and a quantitative basis. In addition, a quantitative-led ESG score uses third-party ESG
data, to the extent it is available, weighted according to the Investment Managers views on materiality.
While the Investment Manager does not explicitly exclude individual stocks on ESG criteria, ESG factors
inuence the Investment Managers level of conviction and thus impact a stocks position size within the
Portfolio construction.
The Investment Manager also works with a central stewardship team which sets priorities for corporate
engagement both in terms of issues and in terms of signi cant individual investments held in portfolios.
Active engagement with companies has long been an integral part of the Investment Managers approach to
investment and to ESG. The Investment Manager uses it not only to understand how companies consider
issues related to ESG but also to try to inuence their behaviours and encourage best practice. The Investment
Manager believes that companies which maintain high standards of ESG and which respond to shareholder
engagement are likely over time to provide good returns to their shareholders.
The Investment Managers scale and long history of active management and experience in good stewardship
practices allow the Investment Manager to have direct access to the management teams of portfolio companies
and so encourage best practice on ESG matters. Alongside this direct engagement, the Investment Manager
endeavours to vote at all of the meetings called by companies in which the Companys Portfolio invests.
Each of the Directors is non-executive and independent of the Manager and the Investment Manager. The
address of the Directors is the registered ofce of the Company. The Board is responsible for the determination
of the Investment Policy and the overall supervision of the Company, including the review of investment activity
and performance and the control and supervision of the Manager and the Investment Managers activities in
relation to the Company.
The Directors are as follows:
Tristan Hillgarth (Chair and chair of the Nomination Committee)
Tristan has been a Director since November 2014 and Chair since 27 October 2021. He has over 30 years of
experience in the asset management industry having been a director of Jupiter Asset Management for eight
years. Before that he was at Invesco where he held several senior positions over 14 years including CEO of
Invescos UK and European business. He was previously head of European Equities at Framlington. He is
currently a non-executive member of the Leverhulme investment committee. Tristan is a Fellow of the Institute
of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales.
Thomas Michael (Mick) Brewis
Mick has been a Director since September 2022, having previously been a director of SCIN. Mick Brewis is an
experienced investor who was a partner at Baillie Gifford for 21 years, heading the North American equities
team and having global asset allocation responsibilities. Prior to that he managed UK equity portfolios at the
rm. He has a non-executive advisory role with Castlebay Investment Partners and is a trustee of the National
Library of Scotland Foundation.
Jane Lewis (Senior Independent Director)
Jane has been a Director since September 2022, having previously been a director of SCIN. Jane Lewis is an
investment trust specialist who, until August 2013, was a director of corporate nance and broking at
Winterood Investment Trusts. Prior to this, she worked at Henderson Global Investors and Gartmore
Investment Management Limited in investment trust business development and at WestLB Panmure as an
investment trust broker. She is chair of Invesco Perpetual UK Smaller Companies Investment Trust PLC and a
director of BlackRock World Mining Trust plc, CT UK Capital and Income Investment Trust PLC and Majedie
Investments PLC.
James Macpherson (Chair of the Management Engagement Committee)
James has been a Director since April 2021. James was until recently deputy CIO, fundamental active equities
at BlackRock where he led the global, thematic, natural resources and health science strategies and equity
closed-end funds. He was a senior fund manager at BlackRock and predecessor companies for 35 years and
was co-head of UK equities from 2001-2016.
Neil Rogan
Neil has been a Director since September 2022, having previously been a director of SCIN. Neil Rogan has
broad experience of investment companies both as an investment manager and as a non-executive director. He
was Head of Global Equities at Gartmore with sole responsibility for Gartmore Global Focus Fund. At Jardine
Fleming Investment Management and Fleming Investment Management, he was the lead manager of Fleming
Far Eastern Investment Trust for many years. He is chair of both Murray Income Trust PLC and Invesco Asia
Trust plc.
Sarah Whitney (Chair of the Audit Committee)
Sarah has been a non-executive Director since January 2020. She has over 30 years experience in the
corporate nance, investment, and real estate sectors. Her executive career was primarily spent as a corporate
nance partner at PricewaterhouseCoopers, and in senior executive roles at DTZ Holdings Plc (now
Cushman & Wakeeld) and CBRE. She currently chairs the supervisory board of global infrastructure
investment company, BBGI Global Infrastructure SA, and she is a non-executive director of Tritax Eurobox Plc.
Sarah is a member of the Council of University College London, and a trustee of the Canal & River Trust, and
chairs the investment committees of both organisations. Sarah is a director of Bellway plc. She was previously
a non-executive director of St Modwen Properties Plc (now known as St. Modwen Properties Limited). Sarah is
a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales.
It is intended that following completion of the Scheme Steven Bates, being the current chair of JPE, will be
appointed as a non-executive Director of the Company, such that the Board will initially consist of seven
Directors comprising six Directors from the current Board and one Director from the board of JPE. Mr. Bates is
independent of the Manager and the Investment Manager and a brief biography of Mr. Bates is as follows:
Steven Bates
Steven Bates is currently serving as director and Chief Investment Ofcer of GuardCap Asset Management
Limited and is also a director of GuardCap UCITS plc and The Biotech Growth Trust plc. He has served as
the head of emerging markets at JP Morgan Fleming Asset Management, a business he established for a
predecessor organisation (Flemings) in 1990. Steven was previously non-executive chair of Vinacapital Vietnam
Opportunity Fund Limited and of Third Point Investors Limited.
The Company and the Manager have entered into the Investment Management Agreement pursuant to which
the Company has appointed the Manager, a private limited company incorporated in Scotland with company
number SC019438, as its alternative investment fund manager. The registered ofce of the Manager is at 3
Lochside View, Edinburgh Park, Edinburgh EH12 9DH. The LEI of the Manager is 549300AV3Y6VMWJUXJ60.
Pursuant to the Investment Management Agreement, the Manager has been given responsibility, subject to the
overall supervision of the Board, for active discretionary investment management of the Portfolio in accordance
with the Companys investment objective and policy, which it has delegated to the Investment Manager by way
of a group delegation agreement.
The Manager is also responsible for the day-to-day administration of the Company, including but not limited to
liaising with the Depositary and calculating the NAV on a daily basis (or at such other intervals as may be
agreed with the Company from time to time).
A summary of the material terms of the Investment Management Agreement are set out in paragraph 12.1 of
Part VI (Additional Information on the Company) of this Prospectus.
The Manager is authorised and regulated as an AIFM by the FCA and, as such, is subject to its rules in the
conduct of business. The Manager complies with the requirements of the UK AIFMD Laws with respect to
cover for professional negligence liabilities through maintaining additional own funds, further details of which are
set out in paragraph 19 of Part VI (Additional Information on the Company) of this Prospectus.
The Company has consented to the Manager delegating its portfolio management responsibilities to the
Investment Manager, a private company limited by shares that was incorporated in England and Wales with
company number 01161446, whose registered ofce is at 25 Bank Street, Canary Wharf, London E14 5JP.
The Investment Manager is authorised and regulated by the FCA. The Investment Manager delegates portfolio
management functions to J.P. Morgan Alternative Asset Management Inc. and J.P. Morgan Investment
Management Inc. and other entities within the Investment Managers group as necessary in order to perform its
obligations under the Investment Management Agreement.
The investment management team in respect of the Ordinary Share Portfolio is led by the individuals set out
Helge Skibeli
Helge Skibeli, managing director, is a portfolio manager within the J.P. Morgan Asset Management International
Equity Group, based in London. An employee since 1990, Helge was previously the Global Head of Developed
Market Equity Research. Helge obtained a MA in general business from the Norwegian School of Management
and earned an MBA from the University of Wisconsin. He is a CFA charterholder.
Rajesh Tanna
Rajesh Tanna, managing director, is a portfolio manager within the J.P. Morgan Asset Management International
Equity Group, based in London. An employee since 2011, Raj joined the Private Bank as a European Equity
Strategist and was previously a long-only European equity portfolio manager with Credit Suisse. Raj holds a BA
in Economics and International Studies, and a masters degree in Management Science and Operational
Research, both from Warwick Business School. He is a CFA charterholder.
Tim Woodhouse
Tim Woodhouse, executive director, is a portfolio manager within the J.P. Morgan Asset Management
International Equity Group, based in New York. An employee since 2008, Tim joined the rm as a graduate
trainee. He was previously a research analyst working in the TMT sector. Tim obtained a BSc (Hons) in
Economics from the University of York. Tim is a CFA charterholder.
The investment management and realisation and realignment of the C Share Portfolio in accordance with the
Ordinary Share Investment Policy will be carried out by the investment team led by the individuals named
The Bank of New York Mellon (International) Limited (the Depositary) has been appointed as the depositary
of the Company pursuant to the Depositary Agreement (as supplemented from time to time) with the Company
and the Manager, further details of which are set out in paragraph 12.2 of Part VI (Additional Information on the
Company) of this Prospectus. As depositary of the Company, it performs those duties prescribed under the UK
AIFMD Laws. These include safekeeping of the Companys assets, cash monitoring and oversight.
Equiniti Limited (the Registrar) has been appointed as the Companys registrar pursuant to the Registrar
Agreement, further details of which are set out in paragraph 12.3 of Part VI (Additional Information on the
Company) of this Prospectus. The Registrar is responsible for the maintenance of the Register, dealing with
routine correspondence and enquiries, and the performance of all the usual duties of a registrar in relation to
the Company.
The auditor to the Company is Ernst & Young LLP (the Auditor) of Atria One, 144, Morrison Street
Edinburgh EH3 8EX. The Auditor is independent of the Company and is a member of the Institute of Chartered
Accountants in England and Wales. The Auditors responsibility is to audit and express an opinion on the
nancial statements of the Company in accordance with applicable law and auditing standards. The annual
report and accounts are prepared in accordance with FRS 102.
Costs of the Company
The costs incurred by the Company prior to the Effective Date in connection with the implementation of the
Transaction (which include legal fees, nancial advisory fees, other professional advisory fees, printing costs
and other applicable expenses but exclude, for the avoidance of doubt, any JGGI Acquisition Costs) will be
borne by Existing Shareholders (the JGGI Implementation Costs). The JGGI Implementation Costs are
estimated (after taking into account the Managers Contribution as detailed below) to be equivalent to 0.06 per
cent. of the Companys Net Asset Value as at 10 November 2022.
In addition, the enlarged Company, and therefore all Shareholders following implementation of the Scheme, will
bear any stamp duty, SDRT or other transaction tax, or investment costs it incurs in connection with the
acquisition of the assets comprised in the Rollover Pools or the deployment of the cash therein upon receipt
(the JGGI Acquisition Costs). The enlarged Ordinary Share class will bear the JGGI Acquisition Costs
associated with the transfer of the JPE Cash Rollover Pool and the JPE Income Rollover Pool. The Scheme
C Share class will bear the JGGI Acquisition Costs associated with the transfer of the JPE Growth Rollover
After the Scheme becomes effective, the Scheme C Share class will also incur a number of costs in disposing
of the investments in the JPE Growth Rollover Pool transferred to the Company pursuant to the Transfer
Agreement and thereafter comprising the C Share Portfolio and realigning such investments in a portfolio of
investments consistent with the Ordinary Share Investment Policy (the JGGI C Share Portfolio Realignment
Costs). The JGGI C Share Portfolio Realignment Costs will be attributed to the Scheme C Shares and will
therefore be borne indirectly by JPE Growth Shareholders who acquire Scheme C Shares pursuant to the
The enlarged Company will also bear the London Stock Exchange fees in respect of the admission of Scheme
Shares which are estimated to be £0.14 million in respect of the Scheme Ordinary Shares (to be borne by the
enlarged Ordinary Share class) and £0.27 million in respect of the Scheme C Shares (to be borne by the
Scheme C Share class).
Costs of JPE
The costs to be borne by JPE Shareholders, after taking account of the Managers Contribution and excluding
the Liquidators Retention, are estimated to be equivalent to 0.2 per cent. of JPEs Net Asset Value as at
10 November 2022. Such costs will be allocated amongst the JPE Share classes pro rata based on the
respective net asset value of each JPE Share class, other than JPE Portfolio Realignment Costs which shall be
allocated to the share class in respect of which they were incurred.
Managers Contribution
The Manager has agreed to make a contribution (the Managers Contribution) to the costs of the
Transaction by way of a waiver of part of the ongoing Management Fee payable by the Company. The
Managers Contribution will be an amount equal to 8 months of the Companys prevailing Management Fee
calculated on the value of the net assets transferred to the Company by JPE pursuant to the Scheme. The
nancial value of the Managers Contribution is estimated at approximately £0.8 million based on the estimated
net asset value of the assets to be transferred to JGGI as at 10 November 2022 (assuming that no
JPE Shares are repurchased pursuant to the JPE Repurchase Facility on 30 November 2022 and assuming
that no JPE Shareholders had exercised their right to dissent from participation in the Scheme).
35 per cent. of the Managers Contribution will be allocated to benet Existing Shareholders and 65 per cent.
will be allocated to benet JPE Shareholders, with the latter being further allocated to benet holders of JPE
Cash Shares, JPE Growth Shares and JPE Income Shares pro rata to the respective net asset value of each
class as at the Calculation Date.
The Management Fee is calculated and paid monthly in arrears on the last business day of each month based
on the Companys Net Asset Value at the last business day of the previous month.
Ongoing expenses
The Company incurs ongoing expenses, which are not currently expected to exceed 0.53 per cent. of its NAV
annually once the Issue is complete, taking into account all material fees payable directly or indirectly by the
Company for services under arrangements entered into as at the date of this Prospectus. Investors should
note, however, that some expenses are inherently unpredictable and, depending on circumstances, ongoing
expenses may exceed this estimation. The relevant summary of the key terms of the ongoing expenses, which
are borne by the Company, are set out below, as are those ongoing expenses which are not readily
quantiable and therefore have not been taken into account in this estimation.
In accordance with the UK PRIIPs Laws, a key information document in respect of an investment in each of the
Ordinary Shares and the C Shares being issued pursuant to the Scheme has been prepared by the Manager
and is available to investors at the Companys website under Legal Documents. The UK PRIIPs Laws require
costs to be calculated and presented in accordance with detailed and prescriptive rules.
Each of the Directors is entitled to receive a fee from the Company at such rate as may be determined in
accordance with the Articles. As at the date of this Prospectus, Tristan Hillgarth, as Chair, is entitled to receive
£50,000 per annum, Sarah Whitney, as chair of the Audit Committee, is entitled to receive £40,000 per annum,
Jane Lewis, as Senior Independent Director, is entitled to receive £37,000 per annum and all other Directors
including the prospective Director once appointed to the Board, are entitled to receive £35,000 per annum.
All of the Directors are also entitled to be paid all reasonable expenses properly incurred by them in
connection with the performance of their duties. These expenses may include those associated with attending
general meetings, Board or committee meetings and legal fees. If the Board requests one or more of the
Directors to perform services outside of those considered to be ordinary course on behalf of the Company, the
Board may determine that additional remuneration may be paid to the Director or Directors.
Reduction in blended total management fee percentage in reection of the lower tiered rate fee applicable
to the Companys additional capital following completion of the Scheme
Pursuant to the Investment Management Agreement, the annual management fee payable by the Company to
the Manager (the Management Fee) is calculated, on a tiered basis, by reference to the Net Asset Value of
the Company on the following basis:
0.55 per cent. on the rst £750 million of the Companys Net Asset Value;
0.40 per cent. on the Companys Net Asset Value in excess of £750 million and up to £1.5 billion; and
0.30 per cent on the Companys Net Asset Value in excess of £1.5 billion.
By way of illustration, based on valuations as at 10 November 2022 (assuming that no JPE Shares are
repurchased pursuant to the JPE Repurchase Facility on 30 November 2022 and assuming that no
JPE Shareholders had exercised their right to dissent from participation in the Scheme), following
implementation of the Transaction, the initial weighted average management fee would be 0.45 per cent. of the
Companys Net Asset Value, approximately 0.03 per cent. lower than the weighted average management fee of
0.48 per cent. on the basis of the Companys Net Asset Value as at 10 November 2022.
Depositary fees
Under the terms of the Depositary Agreement (as supplemented from time to time), the annual fee payable to
the Depositary is calculated based on the Gross Asset Value, subject to a minimum annual fee of £10,000,
and any such other fees which are agreed separately in writing between the Company, the Manager and the
Depositary from time to time.
Registrar fees
Under the terms of the Registrar Services Agreement, the Registrar is entitled to a minimum annual fee of
£16,414 (exclusive of VAT and disbursements, if any) payable monthly in arrears.
Receiving Agent fees
Pursuant to the terms of the Receiving Agent Services Agreement, the Receiving Agent is entitled to be paid a
fee of £64,500 (exclusive of VAT) in consideration for their services pursuant to the Scheme.
Other operational expenses
Other ongoing operational expenses that are borne by the Company, but are not limited to, include the auditors
fees, corporate broker fees, legal fees, certain direct transaction expenses, the costs of any lings (including
tax lings) or regulatory notications, fees of the London Stock Exchange, fees for public relations services,
directors and ofcers liability insurance premiums, and printing costs. The Company may also bear certain out
of pocket expenses of the Investment Manager or its Afliates, the Companys service providers and the
The Takeover Code applies to the Company but the Panel has conrmed that Scheme does not fall with the
scope of the Takeover Code. For more information, see paragraph 7 of Part VI (Additional Information on the
Company) of this Prospectus.
AIC Code
The Company is a member of the AIC and complies with the 2019 Code of Corporate Governance produced
by the AIC (the AIC Code). The AIC Code provides a framework of best practice in respect of the
governance of investment companies, such as the Company. The Board has considered the principles and
provisions of the AIC Code. The Company reports against the AIC Code.
In addition, the Disclosure Guidance and Transparency Rules require the Company to: (i) make a corporate
governance statement in its annual report and accounts based on the code to which it is subject, or with which
it voluntarily complies; and (ii) describe its internal control and risk management arrangements.
It is expected that the prospective Director will, following their appointment, become a member of each
committee listed below. Any changes to the composition or chairing of such committee will be determined as
part of the annual nomination process, and will be disclosed in the Companys annual report for the year ended
30 June 2023.
Audit Committee
The Company has established an Audit Committee which is chaired by Sarah Whitney and currently consists of
all the Directors with the exception of Tristan Hillgar th. The Audit Committee meets at least twice a year. The
Board considers that the members of the Audit Committee have the requisite skills and experience to full the
responsibilities of the Audit Committee. The Audit Committee reviews the actions and judgements of the
Manager in relation to the half year and annual report and nancial statements and the Companys compliance
with the AIC Code. The Audit Committee also reviews the scope, results, cost effectiveness, independence and
objectivity of the Companys external auditor.
Management Engagement Committee
The Company has established a Management Engagement Committee, which is chaired by James Macpherson
and currently consists of all the Directors. The Management Engagement Committee meets at least once a
year to review the performance of the Companys Investment Manager and consider its continuing appointment.
The Management Engagement Committee also reviews the performance and ongoing appointment of the
Companys third party service providers, excluding the Companys external auditor which falls under the remit
of the Audit Committee.
Nomination Committee
The Company has established a Nomination Committee, which is chaired by Tristan Hillgarth and currently
consists of all the Directors. The Nomination Committee meets at least on an annual basis to ensure that the
Board has an appropriate balance of skills and experience to carry out its duciary duties and to select and
propose suitable candidates for appointment when necessary.
Remuneration Committee
The Company has established a Remuneration Committee, which is chaired by Sarah Whitney and currently
consists of all the Directors. The Remuneration Committee meets at least on an annual basis to consider the
remuneration of the Directors. The Remuneration Committee reviews the remuneration of the Directors and
Chair against the fees paid to the directors of other investment companies of a similar size and nature, as well
as taking into account other comparable data.
Senior Independent Director
The Board has appointed Jane Lewis as Senior Independent Director. The Senior Independent Director
provides a sounding board for the Chair and serves as an intermediary for the other Directors and
The Directors have adopted a share dealing code that is compliant with UK MAR and, to the extent relevant,
the EU Market Abuse Regulation. The Board will be responsible for taking all proper and reasonable steps to
ensure compliance with the share dealing code by the Companys PDMRs, being the Directors and other
persons discharging managerial responsibilities.
The Scheme Shares are only available to Eligible JPE Shareholders under the Scheme and are not
being offered to Existing Shareholders (save to the extent an Existing Shareholder is also an Eligible
JPE Shareholder) or to the public.
The Scheme Shares are being offered or sold only (i) outside the United States in offshore
transactions to non-US Persons pursuant to Regulation S under the US Securities Act, and (ii) to
persons who are both Qualied Purchasers and Accredited Investors pursuant to an exemption from
the registration requirements of the US Securities Act, and who, in the case of (ii), have executed the
AI/QP Investor Letter and returned it to the Company and Equiniti Limited as registrar to JPE. For
further information on US restrictions on offers, sales and transfers of the Scheme Shares, please
refer to paragraph 8 below.
The Board announced on 27 October 2022 that it had agreed heads of terms for a combination of the
Company with JPMorgan Elect plc (JPE) (the Transaction), to be implemented through a scheme of
reconstruction of JPE pursuant to section 110 of the Insolvency Act (the Scheme). The Transaction will see
the enlarged Company continue to be managed by JPMorgan Funds Limited (the Manager) (which delegates
the management of the Companys Portfolio to JPMorgan Asset Management (UK) Limited (the Investment
Manager)) and continue to operate, so far the holders of Ordinary Shares are concerned, under its existing
published Investment Policy and dividend policy (the Proposals).
The Board considers that the Proposals will enable the Shareholders to benet from the greater economies of
scale that are expected to result from an enlarged asset base post combination, in particular, greater liquidity in
the Companys Ordinary Shares and cost efciencies. The Board expects that the Transaction will result in a
reduction in the Companys ongoing annual charges of approximately 0.03 per cent. on the basis of the
Companys Net Asset Value and the Net Asset Value of JPE as at 10 November 2022. This reduction would
result from the Companys Management Fee tiering arrangements, further details of which are set out in
paragraph 8 of Part III (Directors, Management and Administration), and the xed costs of the Company being
spread across a larger asset base.
The combination, if approved by the shareholders of each of the Company and JPE, will be implemented
through a scheme of reconstruction under section 110 of the Insolvency Act, resulting in the voluntary
liquidation of JPE and the rollover of its assets into the Company in exchange for the issue of Scheme
Ordinary Shares and Scheme C Shares (Scheme Shares) to Eligible JPE Shareholders and to the
Liquidators of JPE for sale in the market for the benet of Overseas Excluded JPE Shareholders.
Subject to the passing of the Allotment Resolution, the Articles Amendment Resolution and the JPE
Resolutions, and satisfaction of the other conditions of the Scheme (which are outlined in paragraph 5 below),
the Scheme will take effect from the Effective Date.
Under the Scheme, JPE will be put into liquidation and its assets split into the following pools:
(i) the pool of cash, undertaking and other assets attributable to the JPE Cash Shares to be established
under the Scheme and to be transferred to the Company pursuant to the Transfer Agreement in
consideration for the issue of Scheme Ordinary Shares to Eligible JPE Cash Shareholders and to the
Liquidators for sale in the market for the benet of Overseas Excluded JPE Shareholders (the JPE Cash
Rollover Pool);
(ii) the pool of cash, undertaking and other assets (which will be the same, or predominantly the same, as
those in the JPE Growth Portfolio) attributable to the JPE Growth Shares to be established under the
Scheme and to be transferred to the Company pursuant to the Transfer Agreement in consideration for
the issue of Scheme C Shares to Eligible JPE Growth Shareholders and to the Liquidators for sale in the
market for the benet of Overseas Excluded JPE Shareholders (the JPE Growth Rollover Pool);
(iii) the pool of cash, undertaking and other assets attributable to the JPE Income Shares to be established
under the Scheme and to be transferred to the Company pursuant to the Transfer Agreement in
consideration for the issue of Scheme Ordinary Shares to Eligible JPE Income Shareholders and to the
Liquidators for sale in the market for the benet of Overseas Excluded JPE Shareholders (the JPE
Income Rollover Pool
); and
(iv) the pool of cash, undertaking and other assets to be retained by the Liquidators to meet all known and
unknown liabilities of JPE and other contingencies (the Liquidation Pool).
Before the Effective Date, JPE will, to the extent practicable, seek to realign the JPE Portfolios so that,
immediately prior to the Scheme taking effect, JPE will hold, in addition to assets destined to become the
Liquidation Pool, investments which are suitable to be held by the Company in accordance with the Ordinary
Share Investment Policy. Given the less liquid nature of some of the investments in the JPE Growth Portfolio,
however, it is expected that a signicant proportion of such investments will not be disposed of prior to the
Effective Date but will instead simply transfer to the Company under the Transfer Agreement to be managed
within the C Share Portfolio in accordance with the C Share Investment Policy. Consequently, it is expected
investments in the JPE Cash Portfolio and JPE Income Portfolio will, prior to the Scheme taking effect,
be disposed of and the proceeds used to acquire investments for the JPE Cash Portfolio or the JPE
Income Portfolio respectively which align with the Ordinary Share Investment Policy. These investments
will be transferred to the Company as part of the Scheme in exchange for the issue of Scheme Ordinary
Shares; and
investments in the JPE Growth Portfolio will: (a) to the extent practicable, be disposed of and the
proceeds used to acquire investments for the JPE Growth Portfolio which align with the Ordinary Share
Investment Policy and (b) in the case of less liquid investments (expected to be a signicant proportion of
the investments currently in the JPE Growth Portfolio) be retained within the JPE Growth Portfolio. All
such investments will be transferred to the Company under the Transfer Agreement in exchange for the
issue of Scheme C Shares, as described further below. These investments will be held by the Company
as a separate pool of assets attributable to the Scheme C Shares until such time as the assets
attributable to the Scheme C Shares have, in accordance with the C Share Investment Policy, been
aligned with the Ordinary Share Investment Policy to the satisfaction of the Board. Once so aligned, the
Scheme C Shares will be converted into Ordinary Shares on a net asset value (NAV ) for NAV basis in
accordance with the Revised Articles.
The Scheme C Shares will have their own C Share Portfolio, with the C Share Investment Policy being to
realise the relevant investments and realign the C Share Portfolio with the Ordinary Share Investment Policy.
Pending Conversion, the investment restrictions currently contained in JGGIs investment policy will apply
across the aggregate of the Ordinary Share Portfolio and that par t of the C Share Portfolio as is aligned with
the Ordinary Share Investment Policy from time to time.
On the Calculation Date, the JPE Board shall appropriate to the Liquidation Pool such of the cash, undertaking
and other assets of JPE estimated by the JPE Board (in consultation with the Liquidators) to be sufcient to
meet the outstanding current and future liabilities, including contingent liabilities, of JPE, the costs of the
Scheme to be borne by JPE, a retention to meet unknown and unascertained liabilities of JPE and the
entitlements of any JPE Shareholders that dissent from participation in the Scheme.
The balance of the cash, undertaking and other assets of JPE will be allocated to the following Rollover
Pools: (i) the JPE Cash Rollover Pool, which will represent the entitlements of JPE Cash Shareholders to
Scheme Ordinary Shares; (ii) the JPE Growth Rollover Pool, which will represent the entitlements of JPE
Growth Shareholders to Scheme C Shares; and (iii) the JPE Income Rollover Pool, which will represent the
entitlements of JPE Income Shareholders to Scheme Ordinary Shares.
Under the Scheme:
each Eligible JPE Cash Shareholder will receive such number of Scheme Ordinary Shares as have a
value (at the formula asset value (FAV) per JGGI Ordinary Share) equal to the proportion of the JPE
Cash Rollover Pool attributable to the number of JPE Cash Shares they hold;
each Eligible JPE Growth Shareholder will receive one Scheme C Share for each JPE Growth Share
they hold; and
each Eligible JPE Income Shareholder will receive such number of Scheme Ordinary Shares as have a
value (at the FAV per JGGI Ordinary Share) equal to the proportion of the JPE Income Rollover Pool
attributable to the number of JPE Income Shares they hold.
The starting point for each FAV calculation shall be the NAV of the Company or the relevant JPE share class
(as applicable), after the appropriation of the Liquidation Pool, as at the Calculation Date, which will then be
adjusted for the Managers Contribution to costs described in paragraph 8 (Fees and Expenses) of Part III
(Directors, Management and Administration) and to account for known events that have not been reected in
the relevant NAV at the Calculation Date, such as dividends declared but not paid before the Calculation Date.
The issue of the Scheme Shares to JPE Cash Shareholders and JPE Income Shareholders will be made on a
FAV-for-FAV basis as at the Calculation Date. The Calculation Date for determining the Liquidation Pool, the
FAV per JGGI Ordinary Share and the FAVs per JPE Share is expected to be 5:00 p.m. on 13 December
2022. The issue of the Scheme Shares to JPE Growth Shareholders will be on the basis of one C Share for
each JPE Growth Share held. The Record Date for the basis of determining JPE Shareholders entitlements
under the Scheme is 6:00 p.m. on 13 December 2022. Fractions of Scheme Shares will not be issued under
the Scheme and JPE Shareholder entitlements to such Scheme Shares will be rounded down to the nearest
whole number.
On the Effective Date, the cash, undertaking and other assets of JPE comprising the Rollover Pools shall be
transferred to the Company under the Transfer Agreement. In consideration of the transfer of the Rollover Pools
to the Company, the relevant numbers of Scheme Shares will be allotted to the Liquidators. The Liquidators will
renounce the relevant Scheme Shares in favour of the Eligible JPE Shareholders and Scheme Shares will be
issued to the Liquidators (as nominees on behalf of Overseas Excluded JPE Shareholders) who will arrange for
such shares to be sold promptly by way of a market maker. The net proceeds of such sales (after deduction of
any costs incurred in effecting such sales) will be paid to the relevant Overseas Excluded JPE Shareholders
entitled to them. Further details on this process can be found below at paragraph 8 (Overseas Excluded
JPE Shareholders) of this Part IV (Details of the Scheme and the Issue). A different approach applies where a
JPE Shareholder that dissents from participation in the Scheme requests that the Liquidator acquires their
interest pursuant to section 111 of the Insolvency Act, as outlined in paragraph 5 (Conditions of the Issue)of
this Part IV (Details of the Scheme and the Issue). Further details of the agreed form of the Transfer
Agreement, which will be entered into on or around the Effective Date, are provided in paragraph 12.5 of
Part VI (Additional Information on the Company) of this Prospectus.
The Scheme is conditional on the matters as set out in paragraph 5 below.
Amendments to the Articles
The Board is proposing to amend the Articles to introduce the ability for the Board to issue C Shares. Further
details of these proposed changes are outlined in paragraph 6.2.20 (C Shares)ofPartVI(Additional
Information on the Company) of this Prospectus.
Liquidators Retention
The Liquidators Retention is estimated at £100,000 and will be retained by the Liquidators to meet any
unknown or unascertained liabilities of JPE. Amounts shall be allocated to the Liquidators Retention from each
JPE Share class pro rata based on the relative Net Asset Values of the JPE Share classes as at the
Calculation Date. To the extent that some or all of the Liquidators Retention remains when the Liquidators are
in a position to close the liquidation, this will be allocated amongst the JPE Share classes pro rata based on
the respective net asset value of each JPE Share class as at the Calculation Date and returned to the
JPE Shareholders on the JPE Register as at the Effective Date, together with any other funds remaining in the
Liquidation Pool pro rata to the number of JPE Shares of the relevant class held by them on such date. If,
however, any such amount payable to any JPE Shareholder is less than £5.00, it shall not be paid to the
JPE Shareholders but instead shall be paid by the Liquidators to the JPE Nominated Charity.
The number of Scheme Ordinary Shares to be issued to Eligible JPE Cash Shareholders and Eligible JPE
Income Shareholders, and to the Liquidators appointed in respect of Overseas Excluded JPE Shareholders, will
be based on the JGGI FAV and the relevant FAV per JPE Share. The FAVs will be calculated as at the
Calculation Date based on the NAV (cum income, debt at a fair value, if applicable) of each of the Company
and JPE. The FAV per JGGI Ordinary Share and FAVs per JPE Share will each be calculated to six decimal
places (with 0.0000005 rounded down) as at the Calculation Date in accordance with each companys
respective normal accounting policies and will be reviewed by an independent accountant.
Eligible JPE Cash Shareholders and Eligible JPE Income Shareholders will be issued Scheme Ordinary Shares
based on the ratio between the FAV per JGGI Ordinary Share and the FAV per share of the JPE Cash Shares
or JPE Income Shares (as applicable), multiplied by the number of JPE Cash Shares or JPE Income Shares
owned by such Eligible JPE Cash Shareholder or Eligible JPE Income Shareholder as at the Record Date.
Eligible JPE Growth Shareholders will be issued one Scheme C Share for each JPE Growth Share held.
The Scheme Shares are denominated in Sterling and are Ordinary Shares with a nominal value of £0.05 each
in the capital of the Company and C Shares with a nominal value of £0.50 each in the capital of the Company.
The issue price of the Ordinary Shares comprised in the Scheme Shares will be the JGGI FAV as determined
on the Calculation Date and the issue price of the C Shares comprised in the Scheme Shares will be the value
of the JPE Growth Rollover Pool divided by the number of Scheme C Shares to be issued, each as
determined on the Calculation Date and will be released by way of an RIS announcement on or around
13 December 2022. The Ordinary Shares have an innite term. The C Shares will convert into Ordinary Shares
in accordance with their rights. The Company is seeking authority from its Shareholders at the General Meeting
to issue up to 25 million Scheme Ordinary Shares and up to 30 million Scheme C Shares pursuant to the
Issue and this Prospectus.
The number of Scheme Shares which will be issued is not known at the date of this Prospectus as it will be
calculated in accordance with the methodology stated above at the Calculation Date. The number of Scheme
Shares to be issued will be announced through an RIS announcement as soon as practicable following the
Calculation Date. The Issue is not being underwritten.
For illustrative purposes only, had the Calculation Date been 5.00 p.m. on 17 November 2022, assuming
that no JPE Shareholders had exercised their right to dissent from participation in the Scheme, the FAV per
JPE Cash Share would have been 103.1429 pence and the FAV per JPE Income Share would have been
98.8624 pence. No FAV will be calculated in respect of the JPE Growth Shares since the Company will issue
Scheme C Shares to the Eligible JPE Growth Shareholders on the basis of one Scheme C Share for each JPE
Growth Share held.
Using the same illustrative calculation date, the FAV per JGGI Ordinary Share would have been
446.9151 pence, which would have produced a ratio of 0.230789 Ordinary Shares per JPE Share for the JPE
Cash Shares and 0.221211 Ordinary Shares per JPE Share for the JPE Income Shares and, in aggregate,
17,650,741 Scheme Ordinary Shares and 26,743,078 Scheme C Shares would have been issued to
JPE Shareholders under the Scheme, representing approximately 20.20 per cent. of the issued share capital of
the enlarged Company on the assumption that the 26,743,078 Scheme C Shares would convert into
58,990,148 New Ordinary Shares, (at the Conversion Ratio which would have applied as at the same
illustrative calculation date had the JPE Growth Portfolio been transitioned in line with the Ordinary Share
Investment Policy at the same value as at that date).
Board structure
It is intended that, following completion of the Scheme, one current director of JPE, being Steven Bates, the
chair of JPE, will be appointed as a non-executive Director of the Company. The Board will then consist of
seven Directors, comprising six Directors from the current Board and Mr Bates from the board of JPE.
Steven Bates is independent of the Manager and the Investment Manager.
C Shares
Conversion of the C Shares to be issued pursuant to the Scheme
Pursuant to the Revised Articles and these terms of issue, it is expected that the C Shares issued pursuant to
the Scheme will convert to New Ordinary Shares within 15 Business Days of the Conversion Calculation Date.
In respect of the C Shares to be issued pursuant to the Scheme, and in accordance with the Revised Articles,
the Conversion Calculation Date will be the earlier of the close of business on a Business Day to be
determined by the Directors, falling on or after the day on which the Directors announce that the C Share
Portfolio has been realigned in line with the Ordinary Share Investment Policy to the Boards satisfaction, or
otherwise on 31 December 2023. The Directors consider that, on the basis of the expected liquidity prole of
the C Share Portfolio immediately following Admission (being the JPE Growth Rollover Pool), the Conversion
Calculation Date for the C Shares to be issued pursuant to the Scheme will be triggered approximately 3 to 6
months following Admission. The terms of the Scheme C Shares provide that Conversion will take place by 31
December 2023 in any event.
Pursuant to the Revised Articles and absent any Force Majeure Circumstances, the Directors shall procure
within 10 Business Days (or such other period as the Directors may determine) after the Conversion
Calculation Date, the Conversion Ratio as at the Conversion Calculation Date and the number of New
Ordinary Shares to which each holder of Scheme C Shares shall be entitled on Conversion shall be
calculated; and
the auditors (or such accountant or expert appointed by the Company for such purposes) shall be
requested to certify, within 10 Business Days (or such other period as the Directors may determine) of
the relevant Conversion Calculation Date or, if later, the date on which the Conversion Ratio is otherwise
determined, that such calculations have been performed in accordance with the Revised Articles; and are
arithmetically accurate,
whereupon such calculations will become nal and binding on the Company and all holders of the Companys
The Directors shall procure that, as soon as practicable following such certication, an RIS announcement is
made detailing the Conversion Date, the Conversion Ratio and the number of New Ordinary Shares and
Deferred Shares to which holders of Scheme C Shares shall be entitled on Conversion of such Scheme
C Shares.
On Conversion, each Scheme C Share shall automatically subdivide into 10 conversion shares of £0.05 each
and such conversion shares of £0.05 each shall automatically convert into such number of New Ordinary
Shares and Deferred Shares as shall be necessary to ensure that, upon such Conversion being completed:
the aggregate number of New Ordinary Shares into which the same number of conversion shares of
£0.05 each are converted equals the number of Scheme C Shares in issue on the relevant Conversion
Calculation Date multiplied by the Conversion Ratio (rounded down to the nearest whole New Ordinary
Share); and
each conversion share of £0.05 which does not so convert into a New Ordinary Share shall convert into
one Deferred Share.
The New Ordinary Shares and Deferred Shares arising upon Conversion shall be divided amongst the former
holders of Scheme C Shares pro rata according to their respective former holdings of Scheme C Shares
(provided always that the Directors may deal in such manner as they think t with fractional entitlements to
New Ordinary Shares and Deferred Shares arising upon Conversion including, without prejudice to the
generality of the foregoing, rounding down and not issuing Ordinary Shares representing such fractional
entitlements or selling any New Ordinary Shares representing such fractional entitlements and retaining the
proceeds for the benet of the Company).
Rights of C Shareholders
The holders of C Shares have the following rights: (1) as to income, the holders of C Shares will be entitled to
receive such dividends as the Directors may resolve to pay to such holders out of the assets attributable to the
C Shares; (2) as to capital, the rights as set out in paragraph 6.2.20(D) of Part VI (Additional Information on
the Company); and (3) as to voting, the holders of C Shares shall be entitled to receive notice of and to attend
and vote at any General Meeting of the Company and, subject to the Revised Articles, the voting rights of
holders of C Shares will be the same as those applying to holders of Ordinary Shares.
If the Scheme is completed it will, on the basis of the illustrative calculation set out in paragraph 2 above,
result in the issue to JPE Shareholders of approximately 17,650,741 Scheme Ordinary Shares and
approximately 26,743,078 Scheme C Shares (which are assumed to convert into 58,990,148 New Ordinary
Shares). Existing Shareholders will therefore experience dilution in their ownership and voting interests in the
Company following Admission. In aggregate, the Scheme Ordinary Shares and such New Ordinary Shares will
represent, as at 17 November 2022 (being the Latest Practicable Date prior to the date of this Prospectus),
approximately 20.20 per cent. of the issued share capital of the enlarged Company. Therefore, as a
consequence of the Scheme, the percentage of total voting rights which can be exercised, and the inuence
that may be exerted, by Existing Shareholders in respect of the Company following completion of the Scheme
will be reduced.
The Scheme Shares are Ordinary Shares and/or C Shares in the Company denominated in Sterling, and the
Ordinary Shares will rank equally in all respects with the existing issued Ordinary Shares. The Scheme
Ordinary Shares and the New Ordinary Shares arising on Conversion of the Scheme C Shares will not receive
the dividend payable in respect of the quarter ended 30 September 2022 which is expected to be paid on or
around 6 January 2023. JPE Growth Shareholders who are issued Scheme C Shares may be paid a dividend
based on the net income of that share class prior to Conversion should the Directors resolve to pay any such
The Issue is conditional upon:
approval of the Allotment Resolution and the Articles Amendment Resolution summarised in paragraph 20
of Part VI (Additional Information on the Company) of this Prospectus by Shareholders at the General
Meeting of the Company and such Resolutions becoming unconditional in all respects;
the passing of the JPE Resolution to be proposed at the First JPE General Meeting, the JPE Resolution
to be proposed at the Second JPE General Meeting and the JPE Resolutions to be proposed at the JPE
Class Meetings or any adjournment of those meetings and any conditions of such JPE Resolutions being
the approval of the FCA and the London Stock Exchange to the Admission of the Scheme Shares to
listing on the premium listing category of the Ofcial List and to trading on the Main Market of the
London Stock Exchange, respectively occurring before 31 December 2022, or such other date as may be
agreed between the Company and the Sponsor;
tax clearance in respect of the Scheme being received by JPE; and
the JPE Board and the Board resolving to proceed with the Scheme,
and each of these conditions (above) in this paragraph 5 of Part IV shall together be known as the Scheme
Unless the Scheme Conditions referred to above have been satised or, to the extent permitted, waived on or
before 31 December 2022 or such later date as agreed by the Company and the Sponsor, no part of the
Proposals will become effective and the Scheme Shares will not be issued.
Provided that a JPE Shareholder does not vote in favour of the JPE Resolution to be proposed at the First
JPE General Meeting, such JPE Shareholder may within seven days following the First JPE General Meeting,
express their dissent from participation in the Scheme to the Liquidators in writing at JPEs registered ofce
and require the Liquidators to purchase that JPE Shareholders interest in JPE. The Liquidators will offer to
purchase the interests of the JPE Shareholders that dissent from participation in the Scheme at the realisation
value, this being an estimate of the amount a JPE Shareholder would receive per JPE Share in an ordinary
winding up of JPE if all of the assets of JPE had to be realised and distributed to JPE Shareholders after
repayment of the liabilities of JPE. The realisation value of a JPE Share is expected to be signicantly below
the unaudited cum-income net asset value per JPE Share and the Liquidators will not purchase the interests of
JPE Shareholders that dissent from participation in the Scheme until all other liabilities of JPE have been
settled and HMRC has conrmed that it has no objections to the closure of the liquidation, which is expected
to occur no earlier than 18 months following the date on which JPE enters liquidation.
In order to purchase the interests of any JPE Shareholders that dissent from participation in the Scheme, the
JPE Board, in consultation with the Liquidators, will appropriate an amount of the cash, undertaking and other
assets of JPE to the Liquidation Pool which it believes is sufcient to purchase the interests of such
JPE Shareholders. Save as otherwise provided in this paragraph 5 of Part IV (Details of the Scheme and the
Issue) of this Prospectus, any JPE Shares held by persons who validly exercise their rights under section
111(2) of the Insolvency Act shall be disregarded for the purposes of the Scheme and shall be treated as if
those JPE Shares were not in issue.
The costs and expenses of the Proposals are set out in paragraph 8 (Fees and Expenses) of Part III
(Directors, Management and Administration) of this Prospectus.
Applications will be made by the Company to the FCA for the new Ordinary Shares and C Shares to be
admitted to the premium listing category of the Ofcial List and to the London Stock Exchange for such Shares
to be admitted to trading on the premium segment of the Main Market. If the Proposals become effective, it is
expected that the new Ordinary Shares and C Shares will be admitted to the Ofcial List and the rst day of
dealings in such shares on the Main Market will be 20 December 2022.
Scheme Shares, be it new Ordinary Shares or C Shares, will be issued in registered form and may be held in
either certicated or uncerticated form. Eligible JPE Shareholders who held their JPE Shares in certicated
form at the Record Date will receive their Scheme Shares in certicated form and at their own risk. It is
expected that share certicates in respect of such Scheme Shares will be despatched to the Eligible
JPE Shareholders entitled thereto by 9 January 2023 or as soon as practicable thereafter.
Eligible JPE Shareholders who held their JPE Shares in uncerticated form at the Record Date will receive
their Scheme Shares in uncerticated form on 20 December 2022, although the Company reserves the right to
issue such securities in certicated form. In normal circumstances, this right is only likely to be exercised by
the Company in the event of an interruption, failure or breakdown of CREST or the facilities or system operated
by the Companys registrar in connection with CREST. The Company will procure that instructions are given to
credit the appropriate stock accounts in the CREST system with the relevant entitlements to Scheme Shares in
uncerticated form.
Fractions of Scheme Shares will not be issued under the Scheme and entitlements to such Scheme Shares
will be rounded down to the nearest whole number. No cash payment shall be made or returned in respect of
any fractional entitlements which will be retained for the benet of the Company.
The terms of the Proposals, as they relate to Overseas Excluded JPE Shareholders, may be affected by the
laws of the relevant jurisdiction. Overseas Excluded JPE Shareholders should inform themselves about, and
observe, any applicable legal requirements.
It is the responsibility of Overseas Excluded JPE Shareholders to satisfy themselves (and the Directors and the
JPE Board) as to the observance of the laws of the relevant jurisdiction in connection with the issue of
Scheme Shares, including the obtaining of any governmental or exchange control or other consents which may
be required, the compliance with any other necessary formalities which need to be observed and the payment
of any issue, transfer or other taxes or duties due in such jurisdiction.
Any Scheme Shares allotted to the Liquidators and which would otherwise be issued to an Overseas Excluded
JPE Shareholder pursuant to the Scheme will instead be issued to the Liquidators as nominees on behalf of
such Overseas Excluded JPE Shareholder who will arrange for such shares to be sold promptly by a market
maker (without regard to the personal circumstances of the relevant Overseas Excluded JPE Shareholders and
the value of the JPE Shares held by the relevant Overseas Excluded JPE Shareholders), in circumstances in
which the Liquidators and/or the Company acting reasonably consider that notwithstanding that Overseas
Excluded JPE Shareholders entitlement to such Scheme Shares under the Scheme, any such issue of
Scheme Shares to those Overseas Excluded JPE Shareholders would or may involve a breach of the
securities laws or regulations of any jurisdiction, or if the Liquidators and/or the Company reasonably believes
that the same may violate any applicable legal or regulatory requirements or may require the Company to
become subject to additional regulatory requirements (to which it would not be subject but for such issue) and
the Liquidators and/or the Company, as the case may be, have not been provided with evidence reasonably
satisfactory to them that the relevant Overseas Excluded JPE Shareholders are permitted to hold Scheme
Shares under any relevant securities laws or regulations of such overseas jurisdictions (or that the Company
would not be subject to any additional regulatory requirements to which it would not be subject but for such
issue). The net proceeds of such sales (after deduction of any costs incurred in effecting such sales) will be
paid to the relevant Overseas Excluded JPE Shareholders entitled to them within 10 Business Days of the date
of sale, save that entitlements of less than £5.00 per Overseas Excluded JPE Shareholder will be retained by
the Liquidators in the Liquidation Pool.
Overseas Excluded JPE Shareholders who are subject to taxation outside of the United Kingdom should
consult their tax adviser as to the tax effect of the Proposals on them.
The Scheme Shares have not been and will not be registered under the US Securities Act or the securities
laws of any state or other jurisdiction of the United States, and the Scheme Shares may not be offered, sold,
pledged or otherwise transferred within the United States, or to or for the benet of US Persons, except
pursuant to an exemption from, or in a transaction not subject to, the registration requirements of the US
Securities Act. The Company is not, and does not intend to be, registered under the US Investment Company
Act and investors in the Scheme Shares are not, and will not be, entitled to the benets of the US Investment
Company Act. There has been and will be no public offer of the Scheme Shares in the United States.
The relevant clearances have not been, and will not be, obtained from the securities commission of any
province of Canada, Australia, Japan or the Republic of South Africa. No offer is being made, directly or
indirectly, under the Scheme, in or into by the use of mails, or by means of instrumentality (including, without
limitation, facsimile, or transmission, telex or telephone) of interstate or foreign commerce, or of any facility in a
national securities exchange, of the United States (subject to certain exceptions described herein), Canada,
Australia, Japan or the Republic of South Africa.
In connection with the Issue, the Scheme Shares are being offered or sold only (i) outside the United States in
offshore transactions to non-US Persons pursuant to Regulation S under the US Securities Act, and (ii) to
persons who are both Qualied Purchasers and Accredited Investors pursuant to an exemption from the
registration requirements of the US Securities Act, and who, in the case of (ii), have executed the AI/QP
Investor Letter and returned it to the Company and Equiniti Limited as registrar to JPE. Any person that does
not execute and return the AI/QP Investor Letter to the Company and the Receiving Agent is deemed to
represent that it is located outside of the United States and is not a US Person (and is not acting for the
account or benet of a US Person).
If a US Shareholder does not execute and return the AI/QP Investor Letter to the Company and Equiniti Limited
as registrar to JPE and the Board believes such person is an Ineligible US Shareholder, the Board reserves
the right, in its absolute discretion, to require any Scheme Shares to which such Ineligible US Shareholder is
entitled and would otherwise receive, to be issued to the Liquidators (as nominees on behalf of such relevant
Ineligible US Shareholder) who will arrange for the Scheme Shares to be sold promptly by a market maker
(which shall be done by the Liquidators without regard to the personal circumstances of the relevant Ineligible
US Shareholder and the value of the JPE Shares held by the relevant Ineligible US Shareholder). The net
proceeds of such sale (after deduction of any costs incurred in effecting such sale) will be paid to the relevant
Ineligible US Shareholder entitled to them within 10 Business Days of the date of sale, save that entitlements
of less than £5.00 per Ineligible US Shareholder will be retained in the Liquidation Pool.
There are signicant restrictions on the purchase and resale of Scheme Shares by persons who are located in
the United States, are US Persons, or who hold Scheme Shares for the account or benet of US Persons and
on the resale of Scheme Shares to any person who is located in the United States or to, or for the account or
benet of, a US Person. If in the future the initial purchaser, as well as any subsequent holder, decides to offer,
sell, transfer, assign or otherwise dispose of the Scheme Shares, they may do so only: (i) outside the United
States in an offshore transaction complying with the provisions of Regulation S under the Securities Act to a
person not known by the transferor to be a US Person, by prearrangement or otherwise; or (ii) to the Company
or a subsidiary thereof.
Overseas Excluded JPE Shareholders who wish to participate in the Scheme should contact JPE directly by no
later than 5.00 p.m. on 13 December 2022 if they are able to demonstrate, to the satisfaction of the Directors
and the JPE Board, that they can be issued Scheme Shares without breaching any relevant securities laws.
Unless the Directors and the JPE Board are so satised (in their respective absolute discretions), such
Scheme Shares will instead be issued to the Liquidators (as nominees on behalf of such Overseas Excluded
JPE Shareholder) who will arrange for such shares to be sold promptly by way of a market maker (which shall
be done by the Liquidators without regard to the personal circumstances of the relevant Overseas Excluded
JPE Shareholder and the value of the shares held by the relevant Overseas Excluded JPE Shareholder). The
net proceeds of such sales (after deduction of any costs incurred in effecting such sales) will be paid to the
relevant Overseas Excluded JPE Shareholders entitled to them within 10 Business Days of the date of sale,
save that entitlements of less than £5.00 per Overseas Excluded JPE Shareholder will be retained in the
Liquidation Pool.
Overseas Excluded JPE Shareholders will not receive a copy of this Prospectus unless they have satised the
Directors that they are entitled to receive and hold Scheme Shares without breaching any relevant securities
laws and without the need for compliance on the part of the Company or JPE with any overseas laws,
regulations, ling requirements or the equivalent.
The attention of JPE Shareholders is drawn to the summary of tax matters set out in Part V (Taxation) of this
Prospectus. JPE Shareholders should seek tax advice form their own professional adviser about the taxation
consequences of acquiring/receiving, holding or disposing of Scheme Shares.
The information below, which relates only to the UK, summarises the advice received by the Board and
is applicable to the Company and (except in so far as express reference is made to the treatment of
other persons) to persons who are resident in the UK for taxation purposes and who hold Shares as an
investment. It is based on current UK tax law and published practice, respectively, which law or practice
is, in principle, subject to any subsequent changes therein (potentially with retrospective effect). It is not
intended to be, nor should it be construed to be, legal or tax advice. Certain Shareholders, such as
dealers in securities, collective investment schemes, insurance companies and persons acquiring/
receiving their Shares in connection with their employment may be taxed differently and are not
considered. The tax consequences for each Shareholder of investing in the Company may depend upon
the Shareholders own tax position and upon the relevant laws of any jurisdiction to which the
Shareholder is subject.
In particular, the information below does not address the US federal income tax considerations applicable
to an investment in the Scheme Shares. Each prospective investor should consult its own tax advisers
regarding the US federal income tax consequences of any such investment.
If you are in any doubt about your tax position, you should consult your professional adviser.
2.1 The Company
The Company is an investment trust under 1158 CTA 2010. The Company has conducted the affairs of
the Company, and intends to conduct the affairs of the Company in the future, so as to enable it to
satisfy the conditions necessary for it to continue to be eligible as an investment trust under
Section 1158 and 1159 of Chapter 4 of Part 24 of the Corporation Tax Act 2010 (as amended) and the
Investment Trust (Approved Company) (Tax) Regulations 2011 (as amended). However, neither the
Manager nor the Directors can provide assurance that this eligibility will be maintained. One of the
conditions for a company to qualify as an investment trust is that it is not a close company for UK tax
purposes. The Directors consider that the Company is not a close company as at the date of this
Prospectus and should not be immediately following Admission.
In respect of each accounting period for which the Company is approved by HMRC as an investment
trust, the Company will be exempt from UK taxation on its chargeable gains.
The Company will, however, (subject to what follows) be liable to pay UK corporation tax on its income in
the normal way. Income and gains arising from overseas investments may be subject to foreign
withholding taxes (or foreign capital gains taxes) at varying rates, but double taxation relief may be
available. The Company should in practice be exempt from UK corporation tax on dividend income
received, provided that such dividends (whether from UK or non UK companies) fall within one of the
exempt classes in Part 9A of the Corporation Tax Act 2009.
An investment trust approved under Section 1158 and 1159 of Chapter 4 of Part 24 of the Corporation
Tax Act 2010 is able to elect to take advantage of modied UK tax treatment in respect of its qualifying
interest income for an accounting period (referred to here as the streaming regime). The Company
may, if it so chooses, designate as an interest distribution all or part of the amount it distributes to
Shareholders as dividends out of distributable prots realised in the accounting period, to the extent that
it has qualifying interest income for that accounting period. Were the Company to designate any
dividend it pays in this manner, it should be able to deduct such interest distributions from its taxable
income in calculating its taxable prot for the relevant accounting period.
2.2 Shareholders
Tax on Chargeable Gains
A disposal of Shares (including a disposal on a winding-up of the Company) by a Shareholder who is
resident in the UK for tax purposes, or who is not so resident but carries on a trade in the UK through a
branch, agency or permanent establishment in connection with which their investment in the Company is
used, held or acquired, may give rise to a chargeable gain or an allowable loss for the purposes of UK
taxation of chargeable gains, depending on the Shareholders circumstances and subject to any available
exemption or relief.
UK-resident and domiciled individual Shareholders have an annual exemption, such that capital gains tax
is chargeable only on gains arising from all sources during the tax year in excess of this gure. The
annual exemption is £12,300 for the tax year 2022-2023. For such individual Shareholders, capital gains
tax will be chargeable on a disposal of Shares at the applicable rate (currently 10 per cent. (to the extent
that the gains fall within a taxpayers basic rate band after income has been accounted for), or 20 per
cent. (to the extent that the gains fall within a taxpayers higher or additional rate bands)).
Generally, an individual Shareholder who has ceased to be resident in the UK for tax purposes for a
period of ve years or less and who disposes of Shares during that period may be liable, on their return
to the UK, to UK taxation on any chargeable gain realised (subject to any available exemption or relief)
under anti-avoidance legislation relating to temporary non-residents. Special rules apply to Shareholders
who are subject to tax on a split-year basis, who should seek specic professional advice if they are in
any doubt about their position.
Corporate Shareholders who are resident in the UK for tax purposes will generally be subject to
corporation tax at the rate of corporation tax applicable to that Shareholder (currently at a rate of
19.00 per cent.) on chargeable gains arising on a disposal of their Shares.
The Finance Act 2021 has increased the main rate of UK corporation tax from 19.00 per cent. to
25.00 per cent.; the higher main rate of 25.00 per cent. will apply effective 1 April 2023. The 19 per cent.
rate will continue to be relevant where prots are below £50,000, with marginal relief for prots between
£50,000 and £250,000.
Shareholders who are neither resident in the UK, nor temporarily non-resident for the purposes of the
anti-avoidance legislation referred to above, and who do not carry on a trade in the UK through a branch,
agency or permanent establishment with which their investment in the Company is connected, should not
be subject to United Kingdom taxation on chargeable gains on a disposal of their Shares.
The subsequent Conversion of the C Shares into New Ordinary Shares should be treated as a
reorganisation of the Companys share capital for the purposes of UK tax on chargeable gains and
should not, therefore, result in any disposal by the Shareholders of the C Shares for those purposes
(provided that any disposal as a result of rounding down the amount of Ordinary Shares received is
small for the purposes of section 122 of the Taxation of Chargeable Gains Act 1992). Accordingly, the
New Ordinary Shares should be treated as the same asset as the Shareholders holding of C Shares
and as having been acquired at the same time and for the same consideration as the Shareholders
holding of C Shares was acquired.
Dividends Individuals
The following statements summarise the expected UK tax treatment for individual Shareholders who
receive dividends from the Company. The statements in the following three paragraphs apply in respect
of dividends to which the streaming regime does not apply.
UK resident individuals are entitled to a nil rate of income tax on the rst £2,000 of dividend income for
the tax year 2022-2023 (the Nil Rate Amount). Any dividend income received by a UK resident
individual Shareholder in respect of the Shares in excess of the Nil Rate Amount will be subject to
income tax at a rate of 8.75 per cent. to the extent that it would (were it not dividend income) otherwise
be charged to income tax at the basic rate; 33.75 per cent. to the extent that it would otherwise be
charged to income tax at the higher rate; and 39.35 per cent. to the extent that it would otherwise be
charged to income tax at the additional rate. For Scottish taxpayers, references to income tax that would
otherwise be charged at the basic rate, higher rate and additional rate are to be read as if the individual
was not a Scottish taxpayer.
Dividend income that is within the Nil Rate Amount counts towards an individuals basic or higher rate
limits and will therefore affect the level of savings allowance to which they are entitled, and the rate of
tax that is due on any dividend income in excess of the Nil Rate Amount. In calculating which tax band
any dividend income over the Nil Rate Amount falls into, savings and dividend income are treated as the
highest part of an individuals income. Where an individual has both savings and dividend income, the
dividend income is treated as the top slice.
The Company will not be required to withhold tax at source when paying a dividend to individuals
(including such part of any dividend as may be designated an interest distribution as described above).
To the extent that an election is made by the Company to designate part or all of its dividends as an
interest distribution in respect of an accounting period under the streaming regime, then the
corresponding dividends paid by the Company will be taxed as interest income in the hands of UK
resident individual shareholders. To the extent the Shareholder is within the basic rate band, interest
received in excess of the savings allowance of £1,000 will be taxed at 20.00 per cent. To the extent the
Shareholder is within the higher rate band, interest received in excess of the savings allowance of £500
will be taxed at 40.00 per cent. To the extent the Shareholder is within the additional rate band, interest
received will be taxed at 45.00 per cent. The tax free savings income is not available for additional rate
Dividends corporations
The statements in the following two paragraphs apply in respect of dividends to which the streaming
regime does not apply.
Shareholders within the charge to UK corporation tax which are small companies for the purposes of
UK taxation of dividends will not generally be subject to UK corporation tax on dividends paid by the
Company on the Shares.
A corporate Shareholder who is tax resident in the UK or carries on a trade in the UK through a
permanent establishment in connection with which its Shares are held will be subject to UK corporation
tax on the gross amount of any dividends paid by the Company, unless the dividend falls within one of
the exempt classes set out in Part 9A of the Corporation Tax Act 2009.
It is anticipated that dividends paid on the Shares to UK tax resident corporate Shareholders would
generally (subject to anti-avoidance rules) fall within one of those exempt classes. However, such
Shareholders are advised to consult their independent professional tax advisers to determine whether
such dividends will be subject to UK corporation tax. If the dividends do not fall within any of the exempt
classes, the dividends will be subject to tax currently at a rate of 19.00 per cent. and the higher main
rate of 25.00 per cent. will apply effective 1 April 2023.
To the extent that an election is made by the Company to designate part or all of its dividends as an
interest distribution in respect of an accounting period under the streaming regime, then the
corresponding dividends paid by the Company will be taxed according to the loan relationship rules in
the hands of UK resident corporate Shareholders and subject to corporation tax currently at a rate of
19.00 per cent. and the higher main rate of 25.00 per cent. will apply effective 1 April 2023.
The Company will not be required to withhold tax at source when paying a dividend to corporations
(including such part of any dividend as may be designated an interest distribution as described above).
Stamp Duty and Stamp Duty Reserve Tax (SDRT)
No UK stamp duty or SDRT should generally arise on the issue of Scheme Shares pursuant to the Issue.
Subsequent transfers of Scheme Shares held in certicated form will generally be subject to UK stamp
duty at the rate of 0.5 per cent. of the amount or value of the consideration given for the transfer
(rounded up to the nearest £5). However, an exemption from stamp duty will be available on an
instrument transferring Scheme Shares where the amount or value of the consideration is £1,000 or less
and it is certied on the instrument that the transaction effected by the instrument does not form part of a
larger transaction or series of transactions for which the aggregate consideration exceeds £1,000. The
purchaser normally pays the stamp duty.
An unconditional agreement to transfer Scheme Shares will normally give rise to a charge to SDRT at the
rate of 0.5 per cent. of the amount or value of the consideration payable for the transfer. However, if a
duly stamped or exempt transfer in respect of the agreement is produced within six years of the date on
which the agreement is made (or, if the agreement is conditional, the date on which the agreement
becomes unconditional) any SDRT paid is repayable, generally with interest, and otherwise the SDRT
charge is cancelled. SDRT is, in general, payable by the purchaser.
Paperless transfers of Scheme Shares within the CREST system will generally be liable to SDRT, rather
than stamp duty, at the rate of 0.5 per cent. of the amount or value of the consideration payable. CREST
is obliged to collect SDRT on relevant transactions settled within the CREST system (but in practice the
cost will be passed on to the purchaser). Deposits of Scheme Shares into CREST will not generally be
subject to SDRT, unless the transfer into CREST is itself for consideration in the form of money or
moneys worth.
In certain circumstances, the transfer of Scheme Shares will be chargeable to stamp duty or SDRT on
the value of the Scheme Shares transferred, rather than the amount or value of the consideration given.
Shares acquired by a UK resident individual Shareholder may be eligible to be held in a stocks and
shares ISA, subject to applicable annual subscription limits (£20,000 in the tax year 2022-2023).
Investments held in ISAs will be free of UK tax on both capital gains and income. The oppor tunity to
invest in shares through an ISA is restricted to certain UK resident individuals aged 18 or over. Junior
ISAs are available to children under the age of 18 who are resident in the UK subject to the annual
allowance of £9,000 for the 2022-2023 tax year.
Individuals wishing to invest in Scheme Shares through an ISA should contact their professional advisers
regarding their eligibility.
2.3 Information Reporting
The UK has entered into a number of international arrangements which provide for the exchange of
information in order to combat tax evasion and improve tax compliance. These include, but are not
limited to, FATCA, the Common Reporting Standard, the EU Directive on Administrative Cooperation in
Tax Matters, and a number of other arrangements with particular jurisdictions.
In connection with such international agreements and obligations (and UK regulations implementing the
same) the Company may, amongst other things, be required to collect and report to HMRC certain
information regarding Shareholders and other account holders of the Company and HMRC may pass this
information on to tax authorities in other jurisdictions in accordance with such UK regulations and relevant
international agreements and obligations.
2.4 Prevention of the Criminal Facilitation of Tax Evasion
Two United Kingdom corporate criminal offences for failure to prevent the facilitation of tax evasion (FTP
offences) created by the Criminal Finances Act 2017 impose criminal liability on a company or a
partnership (a relevant body) if it fails to prevent the criminal facilitation of tax evasion by a person
when acting in the capacity of a person associated with the relevant body. There is a defence to the
charge if the relevant body can show that it had in place reasonable prevention procedures at the time
the facilitation took place. In order to comply with the Criminal Finances Act 2017, the Company, the
Manager and the Investment Manager may require additional information from Shareholders or
prospective investors in the Company regarding their tax affairs.
1.1 The Company is a public limited company limited by shares, registered and incorporated in England and
Wales on 21 April 1887 with company number 00024299. The Company is an investment company within
the meaning of section 833 of the Companies Act and has been approved as an investment trust (for the
purposes of sections 1158 and 1159 of the CTA 2010). The Companys LEI is 5493007C3I0O5PJKR078.
1.2 The registered ofce and principal operating establishment and place of business of the Company is at
60 Victoria Embankment, London, EC4Y 0JP. The statutory records of the Company will be kept at this
address. The telephone number of the Company is +44 (0) 20 7742 4000. The Company operates under
the Companies Act and subsidiary legislation made thereunder. The Company is currently resident for tax
purposes in the UK and currently has no employees.
1.3 The Company is listed on the London Stock Exchange and the New Zealand Stock Exchange. The
corporate governance rules and principles of the FCA and London Stock Exchange may differ materially
from the New Zealand Stock Exchanges corporate governance rules and the principles of the Corporate
Governance Best Practice Code. The Company relies on the Financial Markets Conduct (Overseas FMC
Reporting Entities) Exemption Notice 2016, issued by the New Zealand Financial Markets Authority, which
exempts it from certain nancial reporting obligations under the Financial Markets Conduct Act 2013.
Investors may nd out more information about the corporate governance and principles applicable in the
United Kingdom for the UK Listing Authority and London Stock Exchange websites:
markets/ukla and
1.4 The principal activity of the Company is to invest its assets in accordance with the Investment Policy set
out in Part I (Information on the Company) of this Prospectus.
1.5 Ernst & Young LLP is the auditor of the Company and is a member of the Institute of Chartered
Accountants in England and Wales.
1.6 The Companys accounting period ends on 30 June of each year. The Companys latest nancial
statements for the year ended 30 June 2022 were published on 29 September 2022.
1.7 The Company intends to maintain its approval as an investment trust under Chapter 4 of Part 24 of the
CTA 2010 and Chapter 1 of Part 2 of The Investment Trust Tax Regulations. If approval as an investment
trust is retained, the Directors intend at all times to continue to conduct the affairs of the Company so as
to enable it to satisfy the conditions necessary for it to be eligible as an investment trust under Chapter 4
of Part 24 of the CTA 2010 and the Investment Trust Tax Regulations.
1.8 In summary, the conditions that must be met for a company to be approved as an investment trust in
respect of an accounting period are that, in relation to that accounting period:
(a) all, or substantially all, of the business of the company is to invest its funds in shares, land or
other assets with the aim of spreading investment risk and giving members of the company the
benet of the results of the management of its funds;
(b) the shares making up the companys ordinary share capital (or, if there are such shares of more
than one class, those of each class) are admitted to trading on a regulated market;
(c) the company is not a venture capital trust or a real estate investment trust;
(d) the company is not a close company (as dened in section 439 of CTA 2010); and
(e) subject to particular rules that may apply where the company has accumulated revenue losses
brought forward from previous accounting periods, the company does not retain an amount which
is greater than the higher of: (i) 15 per cent. of its income for the accounting period; and (ii) any
amount of income that the company is required to retain in respect of the accounting period by
virtue of a restriction imposed by law.
JPMorgan Funds Limited, a private limited company incorporated in Scotland under the Companies Act
with company number SC019438, is the Companys Manager and its alternative investment fund
manager. The Manager is authorised and regulated by the FCA. The registered ofce of the Manager is
at 3 Lochside View, Edinburgh Park, EH12 9DH and its telephone number is +44 131 270 4300.
JPMorgan Asset Management (UK) Limited, a private limited company incorporated in England and
Wales with company number 01161446, is the Companys Investment Manager. The Investment Manager
is authorised and regulated by the FCA. The registered ofce of the Investment Manager is at 25 Bank
Street, Canary Wharf, London E14 5JP.
The Bank of New York Mellon (International) Limited has been appointed as depositary of the Company
pursuant to the Depositary Agreement (further details of which are set out in paragraph 12.2 below), as
supplemented from time to time. The Depositary is a private limited company incorporated in England
and Wales under the Companies Act 1985 with company number 03236121. It is authorised by the PRA
and regulated by the FCA and the PRA. The address of the registered ofce of the Depositary is at 1
Canada Square, London, E14 5AL and its telephone number is +44 20 3322 4806. The Depositarys LEI
is 549300KP56LL8NKKFL47.
4.1 Share capital
4.1.1 The ISIN of the Ordinary Shares is GB00BYMKY695, the SEDOL of the Ordinary Shares is
BNMKY69 and the ticker symbol of the Ordinary Shares is JGGI. The ISIN of the C Shares is
GB00BNNPF744, the SEDOL of the C Shares is BNNPF74 and the ticker symbol of the
C Shares is JGGC.
4.1.2 As at 17 November 2022 (being the Latest Practicable Date for such information prior to the
publication of this Prospectus), the Company had 302,135,671 Ordinary Shares in issue and the
unaudited NAV per Ordinary Share was 447.17p.
4.1.3 Set out below is the issued share capital of the Company (excluding Ordinary Shares held in
treasury): (a) as at the date of this Prospectus; and (b) immediately following the Issue
(assuming that 17,650,741 Scheme Ordinary Shares and 26,743,078 Scheme C Shares are
issued (such numbers being based on the illustration provided in paragraph 2 of Part IV (Details
of the Scheme and the Issue) of this Prospectus)). All Scheme Shares issued pursuant to the
Issue will be fully paid on Admission.
At the date of this Prospectus Immediately following the Issue
nominal value Number
nominal value
Ordinary Shares 302,135,671 £15,106,783.55 319,786,412 £15,989,320.60
C Shares Nil £Nil 26,743,078 £13,371,539.00
4.1.4 The effect of the Scheme will be to increase the net assets of the Company.
4.1.5 On 30 August 2022, the Shareholders approved, amongst other matters, resolutions: authorising
the Directors (i) to allot Ordinary Shares up to an aggregate nominal amount of £1,501,491.35
(representing 10 per cent. of the estimated issued share capital of the Company following its
merger with The Scottish Investment Trust plc); and (ii) to allot such Ordinary Shares without
regard to the pre-emption rights contained in the Companies Act or otherw ise. These authorities
last until the conclusion of the AGM to be held in 2023. No Ordinary Shares have been issued
pursuant to these authorities.
4.1.6 Further, the Board is seeking approval from Shareholders at the General Meeting for a new
authority to allot (i) up to a maximum number of 25,000,000 Scheme Ordinary Shares, equivalent
to a maximum nominal amount of £1,250,000.00 and (ii) up to a maximum number of 30,000,000
Scheme C Shares, equivalent to a maximum nominal amount of £15,000,000.00, in connection
with the Scheme, which shall be in addition to the authority referred to in paragraph 4.1.5 above,
such that the Board will have sufcient authority to allot the required number of Scheme Shares
pursuant to the Scheme.
4.1.7 The Board is also seeking approval from Shareholders at the General Meeting for a new general
authority (i) to allot Ordinary Shares up to an aggregate nominal amount of £1,893,882.80,
(representing 10 per cent. of the estimated Ordinary Share capital of the Company following
completion of the Scheme, Admission of the Scheme Shares and Conversion of the C Shares);
and (ii) to allot such Ordinary Shares without regard to the pre-emption rights contained in the
Companies Act or otherwise. These authorities will be in substitution for the authorities referred
to in paragraph 4.1.5 above. The Company intends to seek renewal of these authorities at each
subsequent AGM of the Company, or at an earlier general meeting of the Company to the extent
4.1.8 The Directors have been granted at the 2022 AGM general authority to purchase in the market
up to 45,341,592 Ordinary Shares with such authority expiring on 2 May 2024 subject to renewal
at any other general meeting prior to such time. The maximum price which may be paid for each
Ordinary Share shall not be more than the higher of: (i) 105% of the average of the middle
market quotations for an Ordinary Share, taken from and calculated by reference to the London
Stock Exchange Daily Ofcial List for the ve Business Days immediately preceding the day on
which the Ordinary Share is purchased; or (ii) the price of the last independent trade; or (iii) the
highest current independent bid. At the General Meeting a special resolution will be proposed to
grant the Directors general authority to make such market purchases up to 56,778,606 Ordinary
Shares (which is equal to 14.99% of the Company's estimated issued Ordinary Share capital,
excluding Ordinary Shares held in treasury, immediately following both completion of the Scheme
and Conversion of the Scheme C Shares into New Ordinary Shares and assuming the issue of
17,650,741 Scheme Ordinary Shares and Conversion of 26,743,078 Scheme C Shares into
58,990,148 New Ordinary Shares), or, if less, that number of Ordinary Shares which is equal to
14.99% of the Company's issued Ordinary Share capital, excluding Ordinary Shares held in
treasury, immediately following both completion of the Scheme and Conversion of the Scheme C
Shares into New Ordinary Shares) with such authority expiring on 15 June 2024 unless the
authority is renewed at the AGM in 2023 or at any other general meeting prior to such time,
subject to renewal as aforesaid. This general authority will be in substitution for the existing
general authority.
4.1.9 The existing issued Ordinary Shares have been, and the Scheme Shares will be, issued and
created in accordance with the current Articles and the Revised Articles respectively and the
Companies Act. Details of the provisions of the Revised Articles are set out at paragraph 6
4.1.10 The Scheme Shares will be in registered form and, from Admission, will be capable of being
held in uncerticated form and title to such Shares may be transferred by means of a relevant
system (as dened in the CREST Regulations). Where the Shares are held in certicated form,
share certicates will be sent to the registered members or their nominated agent (at their own
risk) within 10 days of the completion of the registration process or transfer of the Shares, as the
case may be. Where Shares are held in CREST, the relevant CREST stock account of the
registered members will be credited. The Registrar, whose registered address is set out in the
section entitled Directors, Advisers and other Service Providers in this Prospectus, maintains a
register of Shareholders holding their Shares in CREST.
4.1.11 Save as disclosed in this Prospectus, as at the Latest Practicable Date, no share or loan capital
of the Company:
(a) has been issued or agreed to be issued, or is now proposed to be issued, either for cash
or any other consideration and no commissions, discounts, brokerages or other special
terms have been granted by the Company in connection with the issue or sale of any such
capital; or
(b) is under option or has been agreed conditionally or unconditionally to be put under option.
4.1.12 All Scheme Shares will be fully paid on Admission. Subject as provided elsewhere in this
Prospectus and in the Articles, Shares are freely transferable.
4.2 Structural Gearing
The Company has historically employed leverage in pursuing its investment objective. At present the
Companys leverage comprises predominantly the Notes and the Bonds, in respect of which JGGI was
substituted as the issuer in place of SCIN in connection with the SCIN Scheme. As at 17 November 2022 (the
Latest Practicable Date prior to the publication of this Prospectus) the Company had nil net indebtedness since
it held cash and Cash Equivalent Investments in an amount exceeding the aggregate nominal amount of the
Notes and the Bonds.
On 17 April 2000 SCIN issued £150 million in aggregate principal amount of Bonds (of which £82,827,000 in
aggregate principal amount remains outstanding). The Bonds are governed by English law and are listed on the
Ofcial List and admitted to trading on the Main Market of the London Stock Exchange.
In connection with the SCIN Scheme the Company was substituted as issuer of the Bonds with effect from the
SCIN Scheme Effective Date and assumed the rights and obligations of SCIN under the Amended and
Restated Trust Deed and the Company and the Security Trustee entered into the Instrument of Floating Charge.
The terms and conditions of the Bonds contain customary events of default and include certain covenants,
which restrict the ability of the Company, to, among other things, incur certain liens and redeem or repurchase
capital stock. The terms and conditions of the Bonds also include the Bonds Financial Covenant.
On 9 January 2018 the Company entered into the 2018 Note Purchase Agreement, pursuant to which it issued
£30 million in aggregate principal amount of 2018 Loan Notes. On 12 March 2021 the Company entered into
the 2021 Note Purchase Agreement, pursuant to which it issued £20 million in aggregate principal amount of
2021 Series A Loan Notes and the Company was authorised to issue Additional 2021 Loan Notes from time to
The Note Purchase Agreements include a number of customary covenants which restrict the ability of the
Company and its subsidiaries to, among other things, incur certain liens, merge or consolidate, enter into
transactions with Afliates and sell or transfer assets, in each case subject to certain permissons and
The Note Purchase Agreements also contain a most favoured lender covenant, pursuant to which any
nancial covenant that is included in a Principal Financing Agreement (as dened in the Note Purchase
Agreements), but is not included in the Note Purchase Agreements or would be in any respect more benecial
to the holders of the Notes than any similar nancial covenant included in the Note Purchase Agreements will
be deemed to be automatically incorporated into the Note Purchase Agreements as of the date such nancial
covenant became effective under such Principal Financing Agreement. The Amended and Restated Trust Deed,
which qualies as a Principal Financing Agreement, includes the Bonds Financial Covenant in the Bond terms
and conditions and, accordingly, with effect from completion of the substitution of the Company as issuer of the
Bonds on the SCIN Scheme Effective Date, the Bonds Financial Covenant was deemed to be automatically
incorporated into the Note Purchase Agreements.
The terms of the Note Purchase Agreements restrict the Company from granting security in respect of the
indebtedness evidenced by the Bonds unless the obligations of the Company under the Note Purchase
Agreements and the Notes are concurrently secured equally and rateably with the Bonds. Accordingly, on the
SCIN Scheme Effective Date, the Company and the Security Trustee entered into the Instrument of Floating
Charge and the Company, the Trustee, the holders of the Notes and the Security Trustee (acting on behalf of
the Secured Parties) entered into the Security Trust and Intercreditor Agreement, which is summarised below.
Security Trust and Intercreditor Agreement
On the SCIN Scheme Effective Date, the Company, the Trustee, the holders of the Notes and the Security
Trustee (on behalf of the Secured Parties) entered into the Security Trust and Intercreditor Agreement. The
Security Trust and Intercreditor Agreement governs the intercreditor relationship between the holders of the
Notes and the Bondholders and regulates the enforcement of the security created pursuant to the Instrument of
Floating Charge.
There is no right or entitlement attaching to the Shares that allows them to be redeemed or repurchased by
the Company at the option of the Shareholders.
6.1 Memorandum
The Memorandum does not restrict the objects of the Company.
6.2 Articles of association
Provided that the Revised Articles (which include details of the C Share rights) are approved at the
General Meeting, the Companys Articles contain (among others) provisions to the following effect:
6.2.1 Issue of shares
Without prejudice to any rights attached to any existing shares, any share may be issued with
such rights or restrictions as the Company may by ordinary resolution determine or, if the
Company has not so determined, as the Directors may determine.
In the event that rights and restrictions attaching to shares are determined by ordinary resolution
pursuant to the Articles, those rights and restrictions shall apply, in particular in place of any
rights or restrictions that would otherwise apply by virtue of the Companies Act in the absence of
any provisions in the Articles of a company, as if those rights and restrictions were set out in the
6.2.2 Alteration of capital
The Company may by ordinary resolution:
(A) consolidate and divide all or any of its share capital into shares of larger amounts than its
existing shares;
(B) sub-divide its shares, or any of them, into shares of a smaller amount than its existing
shares; and
(C) determine that, as between the shares resulting from that sub-division, any of them may
have any preference or advantage as compared with the others,
and where any difculty arises in regard to any consolidation or division, the Directors may settle
such difculty as they see t.
6.2.3 Variation of rights
If at any time the capital of the Company is divided into different classes of shares, the rights
attached to any class may be varied, either while the Company is a going concern or during or
in contemplation of a winding up:
(A) in such manner (if any) as may be provided by those rights; or
(B) in the absence of any such provision, with the consent of the holders of three-quarters in
nominal value of the issued shares of that class (excluding any shares of that class held as
treasury shares), or with the sanction of a special resolution passed at a separate meeting
of the holders of the shares of that class,
but not otherwise.
6.2.4 Redemption of shares
Any share may be issued which is or is to be liable to be redeemed at the option of the
Company or the holder, and the Directors may determine the terms, conditions and manner of
redemption of any such share. In the event that rights and restrictions attaching to shares are
determined by the Directors pursuant to article 5 of the Articles, those rights and restrictions
shall apply, in particular in place of any rights or restrictions that would otherwise apply by virtue
of the Companies Act, in the absence of any provisions in the articles of a company, as if those
rights and restrictions were set out in the articles.
6.2.5 Dividends and distributions
(A) The Company may by ordinary resolution declare dividends in accordance with the
respective rights of the Shareholders, but no dividend shall exceed the amount
recommended by the Directors.
(B) The Directors may pay interim dividends if it appears to them that they are justied by the
prots of the Company available for distribution. If the share capital is divided into different
classes, the Directors may pay interim dividends on shares which confer deferred or non-
preferred rights with regard to dividend as well as on shares which confer preferential rights
with regard to dividend, but no interim dividend shall be paid on shares carrying deferred or
non-preferred rights if, at the time of the payment, any preferential dividend is in arrear. The
Directors may also pay at intervals settled by them any dividend payable at a xed rate if it
appears to them that the prots available for distribution justify the payment. If the Directors
act in good faith they shall not incur any liability to the holders of shares conferring
preferred rights for any loss they may suffer by the lawful payment of an interim dividend on
any shares having deferred or non-preferred rights.
(C) Except as otherwise provided by the Articles or the rights attached to shares, all dividends
shall be declared and paid according to the amounts paid up on the shares on which the
dividend is paid. If any share is issued on terms that it ranks for dividend as from a
particular date, it shall rank for dividend accordingly. In any other case (and except as
aforesaid), dividends shall be apportioned and paid proportionately to the amounts paid up
on the shares during any portion or portions of the period in respect of which the dividend
is paid.
(D) No dividend or other money payable in respect of a share shall bear interest against the
Company, unless other wise provided by the rights attached to the share.
6.2.6 Distribution of assets on a winding up
If the Company is wound up, the liquidator may, with the sanction of a special resolution and any
other sanction required by law, divide among the Shareholders, in specie, the whole or any part
of the assets of the Company and may, for that purpose, value any assets and determine how
the division shall be carried out as between the Shareholders or different classes of members.
The liquidator may, with the like sanction, vest the whole or any part of the assets in trustees
upon such trusts for the benet of the Shareholders as they may with the like sanction
determine, but no Shareholder shall be compelled to accept any assets upon which there is a
6.2.7 Voting rights
Subject to any rights or restrictions attached to any shares:
(A) on a show of hands:
(1) every Shareholder who is present in person has one vote;
(2) every proxy present who has been duly appointed by one or more Shareholders entitled
to vote on the resolution has one vote, except that if the proxy has been duly appointed
by more than one Shareholder entitled to vote on the resolution and is instructed by
one or more of those Shareholders to vote for the resolution and by one or more others
to vote against it, or is instructed by one or more of those Shareholders to vote in one
way and is given discretion as to how to vote by one or more others (and wishes to
use that discretion to vote in the other way) they have one vote for and one vote
against the resolution; and
(3) every corporate representative present who has been duly authorised by a corporation
has the same voting rights as the corporation would be entitled to;
(B) on a poll every Shareholder present in person or by duly appointed proxy or corporate
representative has one vote for every share of which they are the holder or in respect of
which their appointment as proxy or corporate representative is made; and
(C) a Shareholder, proxy or corporate representative entitled to more than one vote need not, if
they vote, use all their votes or cast all the votes they use the same way.
No Shareholder shall have any right to vote at any general meeting or at any separate meeting
of the holders of any class of shares, either in person or by proxy, in respect of any share held
by them unless all amounts presently payable by them in respect of that share have been paid.
6.2.8 General meetings
(A) Any meeting of the Company other than an Annual General Meeting shall be called a
general meeting.
(B) The Board may call general meetings. If there are not sufcient Directors to form a quorum
in order to call a general meeting, any Director may call a general meeting. If there is no
Director, any Shareholder of the Company may call a general meeting.
(C) An Annual General Meeting shall be convened by not less than twenty-one clear days
notice in writing. Subject to the Companies Act, all other general meetings shall be
convened by not less than fourteen clear days notice in writing.
(D) No business shall be transacted at any meeting unless a quorum is present. Two persons
entitled to vote upon the business to be transacted, each being a member or a proxy for a
member or a duly authorised representative of a corporation which is a Shareholder
(including for this purpose two persons who are proxies or corporate representatives of the
same Shareholder), shall be a quorum. If a quorum is not present within ve minutes after
the time appointed for holding the meeting, or if during a meeting a quorum ceases to be
present, the meeting shall stand adjourned in accordance with the Articles.
(E) A Shareholder is entitled to appoint another person as their proxy to exercise all or any of
their rights to attend and to speak and vote at a meeting of the Company. The appointment
of a proxy shall be deemed also to confer authority to demand or join in demanding a poll.
Delivery of an appointment of proxy shall not preclude a Shareholder from attending and
voting at the meeting or at any adjournment of it. A proxy need not be a Shareholder.
A Shareholder may appoint more than one proxy in relation to a meeting, provided that
each proxy is appointed to exercise the rights attached to a different share or shares held
by them.
(F) The Board may decide to enable person entitled to attend a general meeting to do so by
simultaneous attendance on an electronic platform with no persons necessarily in physical
attendance together at the electronic meeting. Shareholders or their proxies or duly
authorised corporate representatives present shall be counted in the quorum for, and
entitled to vote at, the general meeting in question, and that general meeting shall be duly
constituted and its proceedings valid if the chair of the general meeting is satised that
adequate facilities are available throughout the electronic meeting to ensure that
Shareholders or their proxies or duly authorised corporate representatives attending the
electronic meeting who are not physically present together at the same time
may: (a) participate in the business for which the general meeting has been convened; and
(b) hear all persons who speak at the general meeting, but under no circumstances shall
the inability of one or more attendees to access, or continue to access, the electronic
platform for participation in the meeting despite adequate facilities being made available by
the Company affect the validity of the meeting or any business conducted at the meeting.
(G) Directors may attend and speak at general meetings and at any separate meeting of the
holders of any class of Shares, whether or not they are Shareholders. The chair of the
meeting may permit other persons who are not Shareholders or otherwise entitled to
exercise the rights of Shareholders in relation to general meetings to attend and, at the
chair of the meetings discretion, speak at a general meeting or at any separate class
(H) A resolution (including in relation to procedural matters) put to the vote at a general
meeting held wholly or partly as an electronic meeting shall be decided on a poll, which
poll votes may be cast by such electronic means as the Directors, in their sole discretion,
deem appropriate for the purposes of the meeting. Subject thereto, a resolution put to the
vote at a general meeting shall be decided on a show of hands unless a poll is validly
demanded. A poll on a resolution may be demanded either before a vote on a show of
hands on that resolution or immediately after the result of a show of hands on that
resolution is declared.
6.2.9 Untraced Shareholders
Any dividend which has remained unclaimed for 12 years from the date when it became due for
payment shall, if the Directors so resolve, be forfeited and cease to remain owing by the
6.2.10 Borrowing powers
The Directors shall restrict the borrowings of the Company and exercise all powers of control
exercisable by the Company in relation to its subsidiary undertakings so as to secure (as regards
subsidiary undertakings so far as by such exercise they can secure) that the aggregate principal
amount (including any premium payable on nal repayment) outstanding of all money borrowed
by the group (excluding amounts borrowed by any member of the group from any other member
of the group, other than certain amounts to be taken into account under the Articles) shall not at
any time, save with the previous sanction of an ordinar y resolution of the Company, exceed an
amount equal to the aggregate of:
(A) the amount paid up, or credited as paid up, on the share capital of the Company (excluding
any share capital presented as debt); and
(B) the total of any credit balance on the distributable and undistributable reserves of the
group, but excluding amounts attributable to outside shareholders in subsidiary undertakings
of the Company and deducting any debit balance on any reserve,
all as shown in the then latest audited consolidated balance sheet of the group (which means
the Company and its subsidiary under takings (if any)) but adjusted as may be necessary in
respect of any variation in the paid up share capital or share premium account or capital
redemption reserve of the Company since the date of that balance sheet and further adjusted as
the Directors may reasonably consider to be appropriate to reect any change since that date in
the companies comprising the group and, for the avoidance of doubt any balance representing
the Companys own Shares shall reduce the reserve of the group for the purpose of
paragraph 6.2.10(B).
6.2.11 Transfer of shares
(A) The instrument of transfer of a share in certicated form may be in any usual form or in
any other form which the Directors approve and shall be executed by or on behalf of the
transferor and, where the share is not fully paid, by or on behalf of the transferee.
(B) Where any class of shares is, for the time being, a participating security, title to shares of
that class which are recorded on an operator register of Shareholders as being held in
uncerticated form may be transferred by means of the relevant system concerned. The
transfer may not be in favour of more than four transferees.
(C) The Directors may, in their absolute discretion, refuse to register the transfer of a share in
certicated form which is not fully paid provided that if the share is listed on the Ofcial List
of the FCA such refusal does not prevent dealings in the shares from taking place on an
open and proper basis. They may also refuse to register a transfer of a share in certicated
form (whether fully paid or not) unless the instrument of transfer:
(1) is lodged, duly stamped, at the Companys registered ofce or such other place as the
Directors may appoint and (except in the case of a transfer by a nancial institution
where a certicate has not been issued in respect of the share) is accompanied by the
certicate for the share to which it relates and such other evidence as the Directors
may reasonably require to show the right of the transferor to make the transfer;
(2) is in respect of only one class of share; and
(3) is in favour of not more than four transferees.
(D) The Directors may refuse to register a transfer of a share in uncerticated form to a person
who is to hold it thereafter in certicated form in any case where the Company is entitled to
refuse (or is excepted from the requirement) under the CREST Regulations to register the
6.2.12 Appointment of Directors
(A) Unless otherwise determined by the Company by ordinary resolution the number of
Directors (disregarding alternate Directors) shall not be less than three nor more than ten in
(B) Subject to the provisions of the Articles, the Company may be ordinary resolution appoint a
person who is willing to act as a Director, and is permitted by law to do so, to be a
Director, either to ll a vacancy or as an additional Director.
(C) Until otherwise determined by the Company by ordinary resolution, there shall be paid to
the Directors (other than alternate Directors) such fees for their services in the ofce of
Director as the Directors may determine and, subject to paragraph (D) below, not exceeding
in the aggregate an annual sum of £280,000 or such larger amount as the Company may
by ordinary resolution approve, divided between the Directors as they may determine, or,
failing such determination, equally. The fees shall be deemed to accrue from day to day
and shall be distinct from and additional to any remuneration or other benets which may
be paid or provided to any Director pursuant to any other provision of the Articles.
(D) Any Director who performs, or undertakes to perform, services which the Directors consider
go beyond the ordinary duties of a Director may be paid such additional remuneration
(whether by way of xed sum, bonus, commission, participation in prots or otherwise) as
the Directors may determine.
6.2.13 Powers of Directors
The business of the Company shall be managed by the Directors who, subject to the provisions
of the Articles and to any directions given by special resolution to take or refrain from taking,
specied action, may exercise all powers of the Company.
6.2.14 Quorum
No business shall be transacted at any meeting of the Directors unless a quorum is present. The
quorum may be xed by the Directors. If the quorum is not xed by the Directors, the quorum
shall be two. A Director shall not be counted in the quorum present in relation to a matter or
resolution on which they are not entitled to vote (or when their vote cannot be counted) but shall
be counted in the quorum present in relation to all other matters or resolutions considered or
voted on at the meeting. An alternate Director who is not themself a Director shall, if their
appointor is not present, be counted in the quorum.
6.2.15 Restrictions on voting
Subject to the provisions of the Articles, a Director shall not vote at a meeting of the Directors
on any resolution concerning a matter in which they have, directly or indirectly, a material interest
(other than an interest in shares, debentures or other securities of, or otherwise in or through,
the Company), unless their interest arises only because the case falls within certain limited
categories specied in the Articles.
6.2.16 Directors interests
Provided that they have disclosed to the Directors the nature and extent of any material interest
of theirs, a Director, notwithstanding their ofce: (a) may be a party to, or otherwise interested in,
any transaction or arrangement with the Company or in which the Company is otherwise
interested; and (b) may be a Director or other ofcer of, or employed by, or be a party to any
transaction or arrangement with, or otherwise interested in, any body corporate in which the
Company is interested.
6.2.17 Periodic retirement
At the Annual General Meeting in every year, all Directors shall retire from ofce.
6.2.18 Indemnity
Subject to the provisions of the Companies Act, the Company may:
(A) indemnify to any extent any person who is or was a Director, or a Director of any
associated company, directly or indirectly (including by funding any expenditure incurred or
to be incurred by the Director) against any loss or liability whether in connection with any
proven or alleged negligence, default, breach of duty or breach of trust by them or
otherwise, in relation to the Company or any associated company; and/or
(B) indemnify to any extent the person who is or was a Director of an associated company that
is a trustee of an occupational pension scheme, directly or indirectly (including by funding
any expenditure incurred or to be incurred by them) against any liability incurred by them in
connection with the companys activities as trustee of an occupational pension scheme;
(C) purchase and maintain insurance for any person who is or was a Director, or a Director of
any associated company, against any loss or liability or any expenditure they may incur,
whether in connection with any proven or alleged negligence, default, breach of duty or
breach of trust by them or otherwise, in relation to the Company or any associated
6.2.19 Notice or other communication sent by electronic means
Any notice, document or information may (without prejudice to provisions in the Articles dealing
with circumstances where the post is not available and notications by way of a national
newspaper) be sent or supplied to any Shareholder either:
(A) personally; or
(B) by sending it by post; or
(C) by sending it in electronic form; or
(D) by making it available on a website.
6.2.20 C Shares
(A) Denitions
C Share a redeemable C share with nominal value of £0.50 in the capital of the
Company carrying the rights set out in the Articles;
C Share Surplus means, in relation to any tranche of C Shares, the net assets of the
Company attributable to the holders of C Shares of that tranche (including, for the
avoidance of doubt, any income and/or revenue arising from or relating to such assets) less
such proportion of the Companys liabilities (including the fees and expenses of the
liquidation or return of capital (as the case may be)) as the Directors or the liquidator (as
the case may be) will fairly allocate to the assets of the Company attributable to such
holders and for such purposes no propor tion of the liabilities represented by the Bonds or
the Notes shall be allocated to any tranche of C Shares;
C Shareholder means a holder of C Shares;
Conversion means, in relation to any tranche of C Shares, conversion of the C Shares
of that tranche into New Ordinary Shares and Deferred Shares in accordance with the
Conversion Calculation Date means, in relation to any tranche of C Shares, the earliest
(a) close of business on a business day to be determined by the Directors and falling on
or after the day on which the Directors announce that the C Share Portfolio has been
realigned to the satisfaction of the Board in accordance with the Ordinary Share
Investment Policy;
(b) opening of business on the rst day on which the Directors resolve that Force Majeure
Circumstances in relation to any tranche of C Shares have arisen or are imminent; or
(c) 31 December 2023;
Conversion Date means, in relation to any tranche of C Shares, the earlier of:
(a) such date as may be determined by the Directors on the date of issue of the C Shares
of such tranche as the last date for Conversion of such tranche; and
(b) the opening of business on a business day selected by the Directors and falling after
the Conversion Calculation Date;
Conversion Ratio means A divided by B calculated to four decimal places (with 0.00005
being rounded upwards) where:
A =
B =
and where:
C is the aggregate value of all assets and investments of the Company attributable to the
relevant tranche of C Shares (as determined by the Directors) on the relevant Conversion
Calculation Date calculated in accordance with the accounting principles adopted by the
Company from time to time provided that the Directors shall be authorised to make such
adjustments as they deem appropriate to reect the Managers Contribution or where some
or all of the proceeds from the issue of the relevant tranche of C Shares has been used in
the repayment of any debt incurred by or on behalf of the Company;
D is the amount (to the extent not otherwise deducted in the calculation of C) which, in the
Directors opinion, fairly reects the amount of the liabilities attributable to the holders of
C Shares of the relevant tranche on the Conversion Calculation Date (including the amount
of any declared but unpaid dividends in respect of such C Shares) and for all purposes no
proportion of the liabilities represented by the Bonds or the Notes shall be allocated to any
tranche of C Shares;
E is the number of C Shares of the relevant tranche in issue on the Conversion Calculation
F is the aggregate value of all assets and investments attributable to the Ordinary Shares
on the relevant Conversion Calculation Date calculated in accordance with the accounting
principles adopted by the Company from time to time provided that the Directors shall be
authorised to make such adjustments as they deem appropriate where some or all of the
proceeds from the issue of the relevant tranche of C Shares has been used in the
repayment of any debt incurred by or on behalf of the Company;
G is the amount (to the extent not otherwise deducted in the calculation of F) which, in the
Directors opinion, fairly reects the amount of the liabilities attributable to the Ordinary
Shares on the Conversion Calculation Date (including the amount of any declared but
unpaid dividends in respect of such Ordinary Shares); and
H is the number of Ordinary Shares in issue on the Conversion Calculation Date (excluding
any Ordinary Shares held in treasury),
provided always that the Directors shall make such adjustments to the value or amount of
A and B as the auditor (or such accountant or expert appointed by the Company for
such purpose) shall report to be appropriate having regard, among other matters, to the
assets of the Company immediately prior to the Issue Date or the Conversion Calculation
Deferred Shares means deferred shares of £0.05 each in the capital of the Company
arising on Conversion having rights and being subject to the restrictions set out in the
Force Majeure Circumstance means, in relation to any tranche of C Shares, any
political and/or economic circumstances and/or actual or anticipated changes in scal or
other legislation and/or other circumstances which, in the reasonable opinion of the
Directors, renders Conversion necessary or desirable notwithstanding that the requirement
in paragraph (a) of the denition of Conversion Calculation Date has not been satised;
Issue Date means, in relation to any tranche of C Shares, the day on which the
Company receives the net proceeds of the issue of such C Shares, which in the case of
the Scheme C Shares will be the day the Company receives the assets held in the JPE
Growth Portfolio;
New Ordinary Shares means the new Ordinary Shares arising on Conversion of the
relevant C Shares; and
Ordinary Share Surplus means the net assets of the Company less the C Share
Surplus or, if there is more than one tranche of C Shares in issue at the relevant time, the
C Share Surpluses attributable to each of such tranches.
(B) Issue of C Shares
Subject to the Companies Act, the Directors shall be authorised to issue tranches of
C Shares on such terms as they determine provided that such terms are consistent with
the provisions of the Articles. The Directors shall, on the issue of each tranche of
C Shares, determine the minimum percentage of assets required to have been invested or
committed (which shall include, where relevant, the repayment of any debt incurred by or
on behalf of the Company) prior to the Conversion Calculation Date, the last date for the
Conversion of such tranche of C Shares to take place and the voting rights attributable to
each such tranche.
Each tranche of C Shares, if in issue at the same time, will be deemed to be a separate
tranche of shares. The Directors may, if they so decide, designate each tranche of
C Shares in such manner as it sees t in order that each tranche of C Shares can be
(C) Dividends
The holders of any tranche of C Shares will be entitled to receive such dividends as the
Directors may resolve to pay to such holders out of the assets attributable to such holders.
The New Ordinary Shares arising on Conversion of the C Shares shall rank in full for all
dividends and other distributions declared with respect to the Ordinary Shares after the
Conversion Date save that, in relation to any tranches of C Shares, the Directors may
determine, as part of the terms of issue of such tranche, that the New Ordinary Shares
arising on the Conversion of such tranche will not rank for any dividend declared with
respect to the Ordinary Shares after the Conversion Date by reference to a record date
falling on or before the Conversion Date.
(D) Rights as to capital
The capital and assets of the Company shall on a winding up or on a return of capital
prior, in each case, to Conversion be applied as follows:
(a) rst, the Ordinary Share Surplus will be divided amongst the holders of the Ordinary
Shares pro rata according to their holdings of Ordinary Shares; and
(b) secondly, the C Share Surplus attributable to each tranche of C Shares shall be divided
amongst the holders of the C Shares of such tranche pro rata according to their
holdings of C Shares of that tranche.
(E) Voting rights
Each tranche of C Shares will carry the right to receive notice of and to attend and vote at
any general meeting of the Company. Subject to any other provision of the Articles, the
voting rights of holders of C Shares will be the same as those applying to holders of
Ordinary Shares as set out in the Articles as if the C Shares and Ordinary Shares were a
single class.
(F) Class consents and variation of rights
For the purposes of paragraph 6.2.3 above, until Conversion, the consent of both: (i) the
holders of each class of C Shares as a class; and (ii) the holders of the Ordinary Shares
as a class will be required to:
(a) make any alteration to the memorandum of association or the articles of association of
the Company; or
(b) pass any resolution to wind up the Company.
(G) Undertakings
Until Conversion and without prejudice to its obligations under the Companies Act, the
Company will, in relation to each tranche of C Shares:
(a) procure that the Companys records and bank accounts shall be operated so that the
assets attributable to the holders of C Shares of the relevant tranche can, at all times,
be separately identied and, in par ticular but without prejudice to the generality of the
foregoing, the Company shall, without prejudice to any obligations pursuant to the
Companies Act, procure that separate cash accounts, broker and other settlement
accounts and investment ledger accounts shall be created and maintained in the books
of the Company for the assets and liabilities attributable to such C Shareholders;
(b) allocate to the assets attributable to such C Shareholders such proportion of the
income, expenses and liabilities of the Company incurred or accrued between the
relevant Issue Date and the Conversion Calculation Date (both dates inclusive) as the
Directors fairly consider to be attributable to such C Shares; and
(c) give appropriate instructions to the AIFM to manage the Companys assets so that the
provisions of paragraphs (a) and (b) above can be complied with by the Company.
(H) The Conversion process
The Directors shall procure in relation to each tranche of C Shares that:
(a) within 10 Business Days (or such other period as the Directors may determine) after
the relevant Conversion Calculation Date, the Conversion Ratio as at the Conversion
Calculation Date and the number of New Ordinary Shares to which each holder of
C Shares of that tranche shall be entitled on Conversion shall be calculated; and
(b) the auditors (or such accountant or expert appointed by the Company for such
purposes) shall be requested to certify, within 10 Business Days (or such other period
as the Directors may determine) of the relevant Conversion Calculation Date or, if later,
the date on which the Conversion Ratio is otherwise determined, that such calculations:
(A) have been performed in accordance with the Articles; and
(B) are arithmetically accurate,
whereupon such calculations will become nal and binding on the Company and all holders
of the Companys Shares and any other securities issued by the Company which are
convertible into the Companys Shares, subject to the proviso immediately after H in the
denition of Conversion Ratio above.
The Directors shall procure that, as soon as practicable following such certication, an RIS
announcement is made detailing the Conversion Date, the Conversion Ratio and the
number of New Ordinary Shares and Deferred Shares to which such C Shareholders of the
relevant tranche of C Shares shall be entitled on Conversion of such C Shares.
On Conversion, each C Share of the relevant tranche shall automatically subdivide into 10
conversion shares of £0.05 each and such conversion shares of £0.05 each shall
automatically convert into such number of New Ordinary Shares and Deferred Shares as
shall be necessary to ensure that, upon such Conversion being completed:
(a) the aggregate number of New Ordinary Shares into which the same number of
conversion shares of £0.05 each are converted equals the number of C Shares of the
relevant tranche in issue on the relevant tranche in issue on the relevant Conversion
Calculation Date multiplied by the relevant Conversion Ratio (rounded down to the
nearest whole New Ordinary Share); and
(b) each conversion share of £0.05 which does not so convert into a New Ordinary Share
shall convert into one Deferred Share.
The New Ordinary Shares and Deferred Shares arising upon Conversion shall be divided
amongst the former holders of C Shares of the relevant tranche pro rata according to their
respective former holdings of C Shares of the relevant tranche (provided always that the
Directors may deal in such manner as they think t with fractional entitlements to New
Ordinary Shares and Deferred Shares arising upon Conversion including, without prejudice
to the generality of the foregoing, rounding down and not issuing Ordinary Shares
representing such fractional entitlements or selling any New Ordinary Shares representing
such fractional entitlements and retaining the proceeds for the benet of the Company).
Forthwith upon Conversion, the share certicates relating to the C Shares of the relevant
tranche shall be cancelled and the Company shall issue to each former holder of C Shares
of the relevant tranche new certicates in respect of the New Ordinary Shares in
certicated form which have arisen upon Conversion to which they are entitled. Share
certicates in respect of the Deferred Shares will not be issued.
The Directors may make such adjustments to the terms and timing of Conversion as they in
their discretion consider are fair and reasonable having regard to the interests of all
6.2.21 Deferred Shares
(A) Issues of Deferred Shares
Deferred Shares will arise on the Conversion of those conversion shares which are not
converted into New Ordinary Shares in accordance with the Conversion process set out
above. Deferred Shares shall have the rights set out in paragraphs (B) to (E) (inclusive)
(B) Dividends
The holders of any Deferred Shares will be entitled to receive a cumulative annual dividend
at a xed rate of 1 per cent. of the nominal amount thereof, the rst such dividend
(adjusted pro rata temporis) (the Deferred Dividend) being payable on the date six
months after the Conversion Date on which such Deferred Shares were created (the
Relevant Conversion Date) and thereafter on each anniversary of such date payable to
the persons on the register of members on that date as holders of Deferred Shares. The
Deferred Shares shall confer no other right, save as provided herein, on the holders thereof
to share in the prots of the Company. The Deferred Dividend shall not accrue or become
payable in any way until the date six months after the Relevant Conversion Date and shall
then only be payable to those holders of Deferred Shares registered in the register of
members as holders of Deferred Shares on that date.
(C) Rights as to capital
The holders of any Deferred Shares shall not be entitled to any repayment of capital on a
winding up except for £0.01 in aggregate in respect of every 1 million Deferred Shares (or
part thereof) of which they are respectively the holders.
(D) Voting rights
The Deferred Shares shall not carry any right to receive notice of, to attend or to vote at
any general meeting of the Company.
(E) Redemption of Deferred Shares
The following shall apply to the Deferred Shares:
(a) the C Shares shall be issued on such terms that the Deferred Shares arising upon
Conversion (but not the New Ordinary Shares arising on Conversion) may be redeemed
by the Company in accordance with the terms set out herein;
(b) immediately upon Conversion of any tranche of C Shares, the Company shall redeem
all of the Deferred Shares which arise as a result of Conversion of that tranche for an
aggregate consideration of £0.01 for all of the Deferred Shares so redeemed, and the
RIS announcement referred to above in paragraph 6.2.20(H) (The Conversion Process)
of this Part VI (Additional Information on the Company) of the Prospectus, shall be
deemed to constitute notice to each holder of C Shares of the relevant tranche (and
any person or persons having rights to acquire or acquiring C Shares of the relevant
tranche on or after the Conversion Calculation Date) that the Deferred Shares shall be
so redeemed; and
(c) the Company shall not be obliged to: (i) issue share cer ticates to the holders of
Deferred Shares in respect of the Deferred Shares; or (ii) account to any holder of
Deferred Shares for the redemption monies in respect of such Deferred Shares.
7.1 Mandatory bid
The Takeover Code applies to the Company. Under Rule 9 of the Takeover Code, if:
(a) any person acquires, whether by a series of transactions over a period of time or otherwise, an
interest in shares which, when taken together with shares in which they and persons acting in
concert with them are interested, carry 30 per cent. or more of the voting rights in the Company;
(b) any person, together with persons acting in concert with them, is interested in shares which in
the aggregate carry not less than 30 per cent. of the voting rights of the Company but does not
hold shares carrying more than 50 per cent. of such voting rights and such person, or any
person acting in concert with them, acquires an interest in any other shares which increases the
percentage of shares carrying voting rights in which they are interested,
such person would be required (except with the consent of the Panel) to make a cash or cash alternative
offer for the outstanding shares at a price not less than the highest price paid for any interests in the
shares by them or their concert parties during the previous 12 months. Such an offer must only be
conditional on:
(a) the person having received acceptances in respect of shares which (together with shares already
acquired or agreed to be acquired) will result in the person and any person acting in concert
with them holding shares carrying more than 50 per cent. of the voting rights; and
(b) no reference having been made in respect of the offer to the Competition and Markets Authority
by either the rst closing date or the date when the offer becomes or is declared unconditional
as to acceptances, whichever is the later.
A person not acting, or presumed not to be acting, in concert with any one or more of the Directors will
not normally incur an obligation to make a mandatory offer under Rule 9 if, as a result of the redemption
or repurchase of shares by a company, they come to exceed the percentage limits set out in Rule 9.
The Panel must be consulted in advance in any case where Rule 9 of the Takeover Code might be
7.2 Compulsory acquisition
7.2.1 Under sections 974 to 991 of the Companies Act, if an offeror acquires or contracts to acquire
(pursuant to a takeover offer) not less than 90 per cent. of a class of shares of a company (in
value and by voting rights) to which such offer relates it may then compulsorily acquire the
outstanding shares of that class held by holders that have not assented to the offer. It would do
so by sending a notice to the holders of shares of that class indicating that it is desirous of
acquiring such outstanding shares whereupon the offeror will become entitled and bound to
acquire such shares. At the end of 6 weeks from the date of such notice it would execute a
transfer of such outstanding shares in its favour and pay the consideration to the company, which
would hold the consideration on trust for the holders of such outstanding shares subject to the
transfer. The consideration offered to the holders whose outstanding shares are compulsorily
acquired under the Companies Act must, in general, be the same as the consideration that was
available under the takeover offer.
7.2.2 In addition, pursuant to section 983 of the Companies Act, if an offeror acquires or agrees to
acquire not less than 90 per cent. of the shares of a company (in value and by voting rights,
pursuant to a takeover offer that relates to all the shares in the company) to which the offer
relates, any holder of shares to which the offer relates who has not accepted the offer may
require the offeror to acquire their shares on the same terms as the takeover offer.
7.2.3 The offeror would be required to give any relevant holder of shares notice of their right to be
bought out within one month of that right arising. Such sell-out rights cannot be exercised after
the end of the period of three months from the last date on which the offer can be accepted or,
if later, three months from the date on which the notice is served on the holder of shares
notifying them of their sell-out rights. If a holder of shares exercises their rights, the offeror is
bound to acquire those shares on the terms of the offer or on such other terms as may be
8.1 Directors interests
8.1.1 As at the date of this Prospectus the holdings of the Directors and the prospective Director in
the Ordinary Shares of the Company and of JPE are as follows:
Number of
Shares in the
Company as
at the date
of this
Number of
JPE Cash
Shares as at
the date
of this
Number of
JPE Growth
Shares as at
the date
of this
Number of
JPE Income
Shares as at
the date
of this
Tristan Hillgarth 60,000 0 0 0
Steven Bates 0 0 250,596 0
Thomas Michael Brewis 20,238 0 0 0
Jane Lewis 5,059 0 0 0
James Macpherson 2,229 0 0 0
Neil Rogan 17,113 0 0 0
Sarah Whitney 5,600 0 0 0
*If the Scheme becomes effective, Steven Bates (currently a director of JPE) will join the board as a Director of the
Company on or around 19 December 2022.
As at the date of this Prospectus, there are no potential conicts of interest between any duties
owed to the Company by any of the Directors or the prospective Director and their private
interests and/or other duties. Save as disclosed above, no Director or prospective Director has
any interest, whether benecial or non-benecial, in the share or loan capital of the Company.
8.2 Directors contracts with the Company
8.2.1 No Director has a service contract with the Company, nor are any such contracts proposed,
each Director having been (and the prospective Director will be) appointed pursuant to a letter of
appointment entered into with the Company.
8.2.2 The Directors appointments can be (and the prospective Director will be capable of being)
terminated in accordance with the Articles and without compensation or in accordance with the
Companies Act or common law. The Directors are (and the prospective Director will be) subject
to annual retirement and reappointment by rotation, in accordance with the Articles.
8.2.3 There is no notice period specied in the letters of appointment (or the proposed appointment
letter for the prospective Director) or the Articles for the removal of the Directors or the
prospective Director. The Articles provide that the ofce of Director may be terminated by, among
other things: (i) resignation; (ii) unauthorised absences from board meetings for more than six
consecutive months; or (iii) the written request of all other Directors.
8.2.4 As at the date of this Prospectus, Tristan Hillgarth, as Chair, is entitled to receive £50,000 per
annum, Sarah Whitney, as chair of the Audit Committee, is entitled to receive £40,000 per
annum, Jane Lewis, as Senior Independent Director, is entitled to receive £37,000 per annum
and all other Directors (including the prospective Director once appointed to the Board) are
entitled to receive £35,000 per annum.
8.2.5 The Company has not made any loans to the Directors or the prospective Director which are
outstanding, nor has it ever provided any guarantees for the benet of any Director (or
prospective Director) or the Directors collectively. No amounts have been set aside or accrued
by the Company to provide pension, retirement or similar benets.
8.3 Directors other interests
8.3.1 As at the date of this Prospectus, the Directors and prospective Director are, or have been
during the ve years preceding the date of this Prospectus, a director, member of the
administrative, management or supervisory body or partner of the following companies and
partnerships (other than the Company):
Name Current Previous
Tristan Hillgarth None Euromoney Institutional
Investor PLC
Thomas Michael
Trustee of the National Library of Scotland
Trustee of OG Scholarship & Bursary Fund
The Scottish Investment
Trust plc (in liquidation)
Jane Lewis Berry Starquest Limited
BlackRock World Mining Trust plc
BlackRock World Mining Investment Company
CT UK Capital and Income Investment Trust Plc
Invesco Perpetual UK Smaller Companies
Investment Trust Plc
Majedie Investments plc
The Scottish Investment
Trust plc (in liquidation)
James Macpherson Eclipse Film Partners No.35 LLP
Facewatch Limited
Overstrand Mansions Residents Association
River Action UK
The Investor Forum CIC
Neil Rogan Invesco Asia Trust plc
Murray Income Trust plc
The Scottish Investment
Trust plc (in liquidation)
Sarah Whitney BBGI Global Infrastructure SA
Canal & River Trust
Tritax EuroBox Plc
Whitney Consulting Limited
Bellway plc
St. Modwen Properties
The Land Restoration Trust
Steven Bates
JPMorgan Elect Trust plc
The Biotech Growth Trust plc
Renn Universal Growth Investment Trust plc
GuardCap Asset Management Limited
Vinacapital Vietnam
Opportunity Fund Limited
Third Point Investors
AVI Global Trust plc
Baring Emerging
Europe Plc
CT UK Capital &
Income Investment Trust
8.3.2 Save as disclosed in this Prospectus, in the ve years before the date of this Prospectus, the
Directors and the prospective Director:
(A) do not have any convictions in relation to fraudulent offences;
(B) have not been associated with any bankruptcies, receiverships, liquidations or
administrations of any partnership or company through acting in the capacity as a member
of the administrative, management or supervisory body or as a partner, founder or senior
manager of such partnership or company; and
(C) have not been subject to any ofcial public incrimination and/or sanctions by statutory or
regulatory authorities (including designated professional bodies) and have not been
disqualied by a court from acting as a member of the administration, management or
supervisory bodies of any issuer or from acting in the management or conduct of the affairs
of any issuer.
8.4 Major Shareholders
8.4.1 The below table sets out the Shareholders who hold a notiable interest in the Company which
represents three per cent. or more of the voting share capital of the Company, insofar as is
known to the Company based on the information available to the Company as at 31 October
No. of Ordinary
Percentage of total
issued share capital
AJ Bell, stockbrokers 38,152,603 12.63
Interactive Investor 32,977,910 10.91
Hargreaves Lansdown, stockbrokers 28,776,295 9.52
Rathbones 21,984,650 7.28
Charles Stanley 11,482,600 3.80
Canaccord Genuity Wealth Management 9,196,974 3.04
8.4.2 None of the Shareholders has or will have voting rights attached to the Shares of the same class
held by them which are different from the voting rights attached to any other Shares of the same
class. So far as is known to the Company, as at the date of this Prospectus, the Company will
not, immediately following the Issue, be directly or indirectly owned or controlled by any single
person or entity and there are no arrangements known to the Company the operation of which
may subsequently result in a change of control of the Company.
8.4.3 All Shareholders have the same voting rights in respect of Shares in the share capital of the
Company of the same class.
8.5 Related party transactions
Save for payment of fees and expenses to the Manager and its Afliates pursuant to the Investment
Management Agreement, which is summarised in paragraph 12.1 below, the Company has not entered
into any related party transaction (within the meaning of UK-adopted international accounting standards)
at any time during the period from 1 July 2018 to the date of publication of this Prospectus, save further
that: (i) the Company holds a bank account with J.P. Morgan Chase Bank, NA and therefore pays
customary administrative and handling fees and charges to such J.P. Morgan Chase Bank, NA, and
receives interest from such J.P. Morgan Chase Bank, NA in respect of cash amounts held in the
Companys bank account; (ii) the Company holds cash through liquidity funds operated by the Manager
and, therefore, earns interest on such amounts at customary rates; and (iii) during the nancial year
ending 30 June 2023, the Company expects to sell its investments in trusts managed by the Manager
forming part of the C Share Portfolio generating proceeds of £264,216,262 based on the valuations of
such holdings as at the Latest Practicable Date.
8.6 Other material interests
8.6.1 The Manager, the Investment Manager, other Investment Manager entities, any of their respective
directors, ofcers, employees, agents and Afliates and the Directors, and any person or
company with whom they are afliated or by whom they are employed, may be involved in other
nancial, investment or other professional activities which may cause conicts of interest with the
8.6.2 In particular, interested parties may provide services similar to those provided to the Company to
other entities and shall not be liable to account for any prot from any such services. For
example, the Manager, the Investment Manager, other Investment Manager entities, any of their
respective Directors, ofcers, employees, agents and Afliates and the Directors and any person
or company with whom they are afliated or by whom they are employed may (subject to any
restrictions contained in any relevant management agreement) acquire on behalf of a client an
investment in which the Company may also invest.
No share or loan capital of the Company is under option or agreed conditionally or unconditionally to be
put under option.
As at the date of this Prospectus, the Portfolio consists of investments in companies based around the
world, in accordance with the Companys Investment Policy.
11.1 The Company will at all times invest and manage its assets with the objective of spreading risk and in
accordance with its published Investment Policy and the investment restrictions set out therein as set out
in Part I (Information on the Company) of this Prospectus.
11.2 In the event of a material breach of these investment restrictions applicable to the Company,
Shareholders will be informed of the actions to be taken by the Investment Manager via an RIS
Save as described below, the Company has not: (i) entered into any material contracts (other than
contracts in the ordinary course of business) in the two years preceding the date of this Prospectus; or
(ii) entered into any contracts that contain provisions under which the Company has any obligation or
entitlement that is material to the Company as at the date of this Prospectus.
12.1 Investment Management Agreement
12.1.1 Under the Investment Management Agreement dated 26 July 2022, the Manager, subject to the
overall policies, supervision, review and control of the Board is solely responsible for
discretionary portfolio mangement and risk management as well as any additional and ancillary
services (which includes company secretarial and administration ser vices) set out in the
Investment Management Agreement.
12.1.2 In accordance with the terms of the Investment Management Agreement, the Manager may with
the prior written consent of the Company (such consent not to be unreasonably withheld or
delayed) delegate any of its obligations under the Investment Management Agreement to a
delegate (and shall reumerate such delegate at its own exepense).
12.1.3 The Manager has delegated certain portfolio management services (including dealing and
execution activities) to the Investment Manager, who in turn may delegate such functions to other
entities within J.P. Morgans group.
Fees and expenses
12.1.4 The Management Fee is paid by the Company to the Manager as consideration for performing
its obligations under the Investment Management Agreement, the full details of which are set out
in paragraph 8 of Part III (Directors, Management and Administration) of this Prospectus.
Service standard
12.1.5 The Manager is required to perform its obligations under the Investment Management Agreement
in accordance with the following standard of care: (i) with such skill and care as would be
reasonably expected of a professional discretionary investment manager of equivalent standing to
the Manager managing in good faith an investment company of comparable size and complexity
to the Company and having a materially similar investment objective and investment policy; and
(ii) ensuring that its obligations under the Investment Management Agreement are performed by
a team of appropriately qualied, trained and experienced professionals (the Service
12.1.6 The Manager shall inform the Company in writing as soon as practicable of any changes to
senior individuals exercising investment management discretion over the Portfolio, and of material
changes to the information provided by it to the Company under the Investment Management
12.1.7 The Investment Management Agreement shall continue in force unless and until terminated by
the Company or the Manager giving to the other not less than six (6) months written notice.
12.1.8 In addition, the Company may terminate the Investment Management Agreement with immediate
effect if:
(A) an order has been made or an effective resolution passed for the winding-up or liquidation
of the Manager (except a voluntary liquidation for the purpose of reconstruction or
amalgamation upon terms previously consented to in writing by the Company, such consent
not to be unreasonably withheld or delayed), or a receiver or similar ofcer has been
appointed in respect of the Manager or of any material part of the Managers assets, or the
Manager enters into an arrangement with its creditors or any of them, or the Manager is, or
is deemed to be, unable to pay its debts;
(B) the Manager ceases, or takes steps to cease, to carry on its business or substantially the
whole of its business, or makes or takes steps to make any material alteration to the nature
of its business as carried on at the date of the Investment Management Agreement;
(C) the Manager has committed a breach of its obligations under the Investment Management
Agreement (except a breach of the Service Standard) that is material in the context of the
Investment Management Agreement (whether or not, for the avoidance of doubt, such
breach would otherwise be a repudiatory breach), and where such breach is capable of
remedy, fails to remedy such breach within thirty (30) days after receiving notice from the
Company requiring the same to be remedied;
(D) the Manager has committed a breach of the Service Standard and fails to remedy such
breach within ninety (90) days after receiving notice from the Company requiring the same
to be remedied;
(E) the Manager ceases to maintain its permission from the FCA to act as AIFM of the
Company, or such permission is suspended;
(F) the Manager ceases to hold any other authorisation required in order to perform its
obligations under this Agreement and fails to remedy the situation without any material
adverse implications for the Company within such period as the Company may specify and
which is reasonable in the circumstances;
(G) the scope of the Managers permission from the FCA to act as AIFM of the Company is
restricted to the extent that, in the opinion of the Company, acting reasonably, it impairs the
Managers ability to perform its obligations under the Investment Management Agreement;
(H) the Manager ceases, without the prior approval of the Board (such approval not to be
unreasonably withheld or delayed) to be a subsidiary of JPMorgan Chase & Co.; or
(I) the Company is required by any relevant regulatory authority to terminate the Managers
12.1.9 The Investment Management Agreement may be terminated by the Manager with immediate
effect from the time at which notice of termination is given or, if later, the time at which such
notice is expressed to take effect, if an order has been made or an effective resolution passed
for the winding-up or liquidation of the Company (except a voluntary liquidation for the purpose of
reconstruction or amalgamation upon terms previously consented to in writing by the Manager,
such consent not to be unreasonably withheld or delayed).
Liability and indemnity
12.1.10 The Manager shall not be liable to the Company for any loss, claim, costs, charges and
expenses, liabilities or damages (Losses) arising out of the proper performance by the
Manager, its Associaties or delegates and the ofcers, directors or employees of the Manager, or
its Associaties or delegates (the Manager Indemnied Person) of its obligations under the
Investment Management Agreement, unless resulting from the negligence, wilful default, fraud or
bad faith of any Manager Indemnied Person or a breach of the Investment Management
Agreement or any Applicable Requirements by any Manager Indemnied Person.
12.1.11 The Company shall indemnify each Manager Indemnied Person against all claims by third
parties which may be made against such Manager Indemnied Person in connection with the
provisions of services under the Investment Management Agreement except to the extent that the
Losses are due to the negligence, wilful default, fraud or bad faith of any Manager Indemnied
Person or a breach of the Investment Management Agreement or any Applicable Requirements
by any Manager Indemnied Person.
12.1.12 The Manager shall not be liable in any circumstances for any Losses that constitute indirect,
special or consequential loss, or loss of prots, opportunity, goodwill or reputation arising out of
or in connection with the Investment Management Agreement.
Governing Law
12.1.13 The Investment Management Agreement is governed by the laws of England and Wales.
12.2 Depositary Agreement
12.2.1 The Company, the Manager and The Bank of New York Mellon (International) Limited have
entered into the Depositary Agreement dated 27 June 2014, pursuant to which The Bank of New
York Mellon (International) Limited has been appointed as Depositary to the Company.
Fees and expenses
12.2.2 The Depositary is entitled to receive payment as compensation for the performance of its duties
under the Depositary Agreement for all fees as may be agreed upon between the parties from
time to time. The Depositary is also entitled to reimbursement of expenses incurred in the
performance of its duties under the Depositary Agreement.
12.2.3 A party may terminate the Depositary Agreement upon ninety (90) calendar days written notice
to the other parties, provided that the termination of the Depositarys appointment may not take
effect until a new depositary has been appointed.
12.2.4 A party may terminate the Depositary Agreement immediately upon notice in the event that:
(A) any party becomes subject to certain insolvency events;
(B) any party commits any material breach of the provisions of the agreement and has (if such
breach is capable of remedy) not remedied the same within two (2) weeks after service of
notice requiring it to be remedied; or
(C) any party ceases to be licensed for its activities under the Depositary Agreement or ceases
to have approval(s) by any applicable government or governmental body that are required
for its activities.
Liability and indemnity
12.2.5 Subject to certain customary limitations, the Depositary shall be liable to the Company in respect
of any losses, damages, liabilities and all costs and expenses reasonably and properly incurred
by the Company arising from the Depositarys negligence, wilful default, fraud or material breach
in performing its obligations pursuant to the Depositary Agreement.
12.2.6 The Company shall indemnify and keep indemnied and hold harmless the Depositary, its
directors, ofcers, employees and agents from and against any and all third-party actions,
proceedings, claims, costs, demands and expenses which may be brought against, suffered or
incurred by such indemnied parties other than: (i) such as may arise from fraud, wilful default,
negligence or material breach of the Depositary Agreement; and (ii) any loss for which the
Depositary is liable to the Company under the terms of the Depositary Agreement, as described
in paragraph 12.2.5 above.
12.2.7 The Depositary may delegate to third parties its safe-keeping functions and use sub-custodians
under the Depositary Agreement in accordance with applicable laws and certain other
12.2.8 Neither the Depositary nor any sub-custodian has any right of re-use in respect of the
Companys investments.
Governing law
12.2.9 The Depositary Agreement is governed by the laws of England and Wales.
12.3 Registrar Agreement
12.3.1 The Company and Equiniti Limited have entered into the Registrar Agreement dated 22 January
2018, pursuant to which Equiniti Limited has been appointed as Registrar to the Company.
Fees and expenses
12.3.2 Under the terms of the Registrar Agreement, the Registrar is entitled to an annual maintenance
fee per Shareholder account, which is subject to an annual minimum charge. These fees are
subject to review by the Registrar in its absolute discretion not more than once per calendar year
and to a minimum annual increase at the rate of the Retail Prices Index prevailing at the time. In
the 12 months prior to publication of this Prospectus, such fees amounted to approximately
12.3.3 The Registrar is also entitled to levy certain charges on a per item basis and the Company shall
reimburse the Registrar all reasonable out of pocket expenses properly incurred on behalf of the
Company in the performance of the Registrars duties under the Registrar Agreement.
12.3.4 Either party may terminate the Registrar Agreement by giving not less than six (6) months notice
to the other party.
12.3.5 Either party may terminate the Registrar Agreement with immediate effect upon notice if the other
party is subject to any of certain insolvency situations, or commits a material breach of the
Registrar Agreement which (if capable of remedy) that party has failed to remedy within thirty
(30) days of written notice requiring it to do so.
Liability and indemnity
12.3.6 The Company has given certain market standard indemnities in favour of the Registrar in respect
of the Registrars potential losses in carrying on its responsibilities under the Registrar
Agreement. The Registrars liability under the Registrar Agreement is subject to a cap.
Governing law
12.3.7 The Registrar Agreement is governed by the laws of the England and Wales.
12.4 Receiving Agent Services Agreement
12.4.1 The Company and Equiniti Limited have entered into the Receiving Agent Services Agreement
dated 16 November 2022, pursuant to which Equiniti Limited has been appointed as Receiving
Agent to the Company.
Fees and expenses
12.4.2 Under the terms of the Receiving Agent Services Agreement, the Receiving Agent is entitled to a
fee of £109,500.
12.4.3 The Receiving Agent is also entitled to reimbursement of reasonable out of pocket expenses
incurred in connection with the provision of services under the Receiving Agent Services
12.4.4 Either party may terminate the Receiving Agent Services Agreement with immediate effect upon
written notice if:
(A) the other party commits a material breach of its obligations under the Receiving Agent
Services Agreement which that party has failed to remedy within fourteen (14) days of
receipt of written notice from the rst party requiring it to do so; or
(B) the other party is subject to any of certain insolvency situations.
Liability and indemnity
12.4.5 The Company has given certain market standard indemnities in favour of the Receiving Agent in
respect of the Receiving Agents potential losses in carrying on its responsibilities under the
Receiving Agent Services Agreement. The Receiving Agents liability under the Receiving Agent
Services Agreement is subject to a cap.
Governing law
12.4.6 The Receiving Agent Services Agreement is governed by the laws of England and Wales.
12.5 Transfer Agreement
12.5.1 The Company, JPE and the Liquidators will enter into the Transfer Agreement on or around the
Effective Date, which is expected to be 19 December 2022, pursuant to which the cash,
undertaking and assets of JPE comprising the Rollover Pools are to be transferred to the
Company in consideration for the issue by the Company of the Scheme Shares to the
Liquidators (as nominees for Eligible JPE Shareholders and Overseas Excluded
JPE Shareholders), which the Liquidators have agreed to renounce in favour of such Eligible
JPE Shareholders and sell in the market on behalf of such Overseas Excluded
JPE Shareholders.
12.5.2 The completion of the transfer of the cash, undertaking and assets of JPE comprising the
Rollover Pools by JPE to the Company pursuant to the Transfer Agreement will be subject to the
satisfaction of the Scheme Conditions on or by 31 December 2022.
12.5.3 Completion of the transfer of the cash, undertaking and assets of JPE comprised in the Rollover
Pools shall take place on the date of satisfaction of the Scheme Conditions or as soon as
practicable thereafter.
12.5.4 Upon or as soon as practicable following completion of the transfer, in respect of the transfer of
any undertaking and assets of JPE pursuant to the Transfer Agreement, JPE acting by the
Liquidators, at the Companys risk, shall:
(A) deliver to the Company, or as it may direct, duly executed transfers in favour of the
Company in respect of all shares, securities, debentures and other assets comprised in the
Rollover Pools which pass by transfer, together with the relevant certicates or other
documents of title relating thereto (to the extent these are in JPEs possession or control);
(B) procure and deliver to the Company, or as it may direct, copies of any consents, licences
and approvals necessary to transfer the assets comprised in the Rollover Pools (to the
extent these are in JPEs possession or control);
(C) deliver to the Company, or as it may direct, all bearer instruments and other assets
comprised in the Rollover Pools which pass by delivery; and
(D) promptly give instructions to any person, company or other undertaking holding any part of
the assets comprised in the Rollover Pools as nominee or on trust for JPE or its nominee
requiring such person, company or other undertaking to transfer such assets to, or to
execute a declaration of nomineeship or trust in favour of, the Company and/or as the
Company may direct.
12.5.5 Under the terms of the Transfer Agreement, nothing in the Scheme or in any document executed
under or in connection with the Scheme will impose personal liability on the Liquidators or any of
them (save for any liability arising out of any negligence, fraud, bad faith, breach of duty or wilful
default by the Liquidators in the performance of their duties) and this will, for the avoidance of
doubt, exclude any such liability for any action taken by the Liquidators in accordance with the
Scheme, the Transfer Agreement or any act which the Liquidators do or omit to do at the
request of the Company.
Governing law
12.5.6 The Transfer Agreement will be governed by the laws of England and Wales.
12.6 Indemnity in favour of SCIN
12.6.1 In connection with the SCIN Scheme the Company entered into the SCIN Indemnity Letter, being
a deed of indemnity with SCIN dated 5 August 2022 (the SCIN Indemnity Letter), pursuant to
which the Company has agreed to indemnify SCIN for an amount equal to the total value of any
claim against SCIN from the SPF Trustees relating to the SCIN Pension Fund less an amount
equal to: (a) the SCIN Pension Buffer; plus (b) the remaining SCIN Liquidation Pool (as
determined at the time of receipt of the most recent written notice of claim under this indemnity
made by SCIN to the Company).
12.6.2 The indemnity pursuant to the SCIN Indemnity Letter automatically terminates on the winding up
of the SCIN Pension Fund.
12.6.3 The SCIN Indemnity Letter is governed by the laws of England.
12.7 Amended and Restated Trust Deed constituting the Bonds and Instrument of Floating Charge
12.7.1 On 17 April 2000, SCIN issued £150 million in aggregate principal amount of the Bonds (of
which £82,827,000 in aggregate principal amount remain outstanding). The Bonds are governed
by English law. The Bonds are listed on the Ofcial List and admitted to trading on the Main
Market of the London Stock Exchange.
12.7.2 On 29 July 2022, the Bondholders voted in favour of the Bonds Extraordinary Resolution to,
among other things, substitute the Company as issuer of the Bonds with effect on 31 August
12.7.3 On 31 August 2022:
(i) the Company entered into the Amended and Restated Trust Deed and was substituted as
issuer of the Bonds and assumed the rights and obligations of SCIN under the Bonds and
the Amended and Restated Trust Deed; and
(ii) the Company and the Security Trustee entered into the Instrument of Floating Charge.
12.7.4 Following the substitution on 31 August 2022, the Bonds remain listed on the Ofcial List and
admitted to trading on the Main Market of the London Stock Exchange.
12.7.5 The terms and conditions of the Bonds and the Instrument of Floating Charge contain customary
events of default and include certain covenants, which restrict the ability of the Company, to,
among other things, incur certain liens and redeem or repurchase capital stock. The Amended
and Restated Trust Deed includes the Bonds Financial Covenant.
12.8 Note Purchase Agreements and Security Trust and Intercreditor Agreement
12.8.1 On 9 January 2018, the Company entered into the 2018 Note Purchase Agreement, pursuant to
which the Company issued the 2018 Loan Notes. On 12 March 2021, the Company entered into
the 2021 Note Purchase Agreement, pursuant to which the Company issued the 2021 Series A
Loan Notes and authorised the issue of Additional 2021 Loan Notes from time to time after the
date of the 2021 Note Purchase Agreement up to the Available Facility Amount (as dened in
the 2021 Note Purchase Agreement).
12.8.2 The Note Purchase Agreements include a number of customary covenants, which restrict the
ability of the Company and its subsidiaries, to, among other things, incur certain liens, merge or
consolidate, enter into transactions with afliates and sell or transfer assets, in each case subject
to certain permissions and exceptions.
12.8.3 The Note Purchase Agreements also contain a most favoured lender covenant, pursuant to
which any nancial covenant that is included in a Principal Financing Agreement (as dened in
the Note Purchase Agreements), but:
(i) is not included in the Note Purchase Agreements; or
(ii) would in any respect be more benecial to the holders of the Notes than any similar
nancial covenant included in the Note Purchase Agreements,
will be deemed to be automatically incorporated into the Note Purchase Agreements as of the
date such nancial covenant became effective under such Principal Financing Agreement. The
Amended and Restated Trust Deed, which qualies as a Principal Financing Agreement, includes
the Bonds Financial Covenant. On completion of the substitution of the Company as issuer of the
Bonds which occurred on the 31 August 2022, the Bonds Financial Covenant was deemed to be
automatically incorporated into each of the Note Purchase Agreements.
12.8.4 The terms of the Note Purchase Agreements restrict the Company from granting security in
respect of the indebtedness evidenced by the Bonds unless the obligations of the Company
under the Note Purchase Agreements and the Notes are concurrently secured equally and
rateably with the Bonds. Accordingly, on 31 August 2022, when the Company and the Security
Trustee entered into the Instrument of Floating Charge, the Company, the Trustee, the holders of
the Notes and the Security Trustee (acting on behalf of the Secured Parties, as dened in the
Security Trust and Intercreditor Agreement) entered into the Security Trust and Intercreditor
12.9 Sponsor Agreement
12.9.1 The Company, the Manager and the Sponsor have entered into the Sponsor Agreement dated
21 November 2022 pursuant to which, subject to certain conditions, the Company has appointed
Winterood Securities Limited as sponsor in relation to the Transaction.
12.9.2 The Sponsor Agreement may be terminated by the Sponsor in certain customary circumstances,
including prior to Admission.
12.9.3 The obligation of the Sponsor to provide services under the Sponsor Agreement is conditional
upon certain conditions that are customary for agreements of this nature, including those listed in
paragraph 5 (Conditions of the Issue)ofPartIV(Details of the Scheme and the Issue) of this
12.9.4 The Company will pay the Sponsor a xed fee in connection with the Sponsors appointment,
and the Sponsor will also be entitled to reimbursement of all costs, charges and expenses which
it incurs in connection with the Transaction.
12.9.5 The Company and the Manager have given warranties to the Sponsor concerning, inter alia, the
accuracy of the information contained in this Prospectus. The Company and the Manager have
also given indemnities to the Sponsor. The warranties and indemnities given by the Company
and the Manager are standard for an agreement of this nature.
12.9.6 The Sponsor Agreement is governed by the laws of England and Wales.
There are no governmental, legal or arbitration proceedings, and the Company is not aware of any such
proceedings which are pending or threatened, during the previous 12 months which may have, or have
had in the recent past, a signicant effect on the nancial position or protability of the Company.
14.1 Save to the extent disclosed in paragraph 14.2 below, as at the date of this Prospectus, there has been
no signicant change in the nancial position of the Company since 30 June 2022, being the end of the
last nancial period for which audited nancial information has been published.
14.2 Since 30 June 2022 (being the latest practicable date in respect of which audited nancial information on
the Company is available), the following events have taken place:
14.2.1 in connection with the scheme of reconstruction and voluntary winding up of The Scottish
Investment Trust plc (SCIN) under section 110 of the Insolvency Act:
(A) the Company issued 133,919,647 Ordinary Shares on 1 September 2022 to SCIN
(B) the Company acquired assets with a net asset value of £614,290,000 from SCIN; and
(C) the Company assumed the Bonds liability from SCIN of £82,827,000;
14.2.2 the Companys Net Asset Value per Ordinary Share has increased between 30 June 2022 and
15 November 2022 by 46.10 pence;
14.2.3 the Company issued Ordinary Shares as illustrated in the table below:
Month of issue
Number of
Price range of
issue per
Share (p)
Total net
proceeds of
issues (£)
July 2022 1,375,000 418 442.7 5,918,115.73
August 2022 1,098,000 439.5 468.1 4,949,433.48
14.2.4 the Company repurchased Ordinary Shares into treasury as illustrated in the table below:
Date of repurchase
Number of
Price per
Ordinary Share
Number of
Shares held in
Shares in issue
less the total
number of
Shares held in
28 September 2022 75,029 407.84 75,029 302,403,903
29 September 2022 200,000 404.11 275,029 302,203,903
12 October 2022 68,232 406.49 343,261 302,135,671
14.2.5 the rst interim dividend for the nancial year ending 30 June 2023 of 4.25 pence per Ordinary
Share, was declared on 1 July 2022 and was paid on 7 October 2022 to Ordinary Shareholders
on the Register at the close of business on 2 September 2022; and
14.2.6 the second interim dividend for the nancial year ending 30 June 2023 of 4.25 pence per
Ordinary Share, was declared on 3 November 2022 and will be paid on 6 January 2023 to
Ordinary Shareholders on the Register at the close of business on 25 November 2022.
The Company is of the opinion that the working capital available to it is sufcient for the present
requirements of the Company, that is for at least 12 months from the date of this Prospectus.
16.1 The following table shows the unaudited capitalisation of the Company as at 31 August 2022 (being the
latest date in respect of which unaudited capitalisation information on the Company is available as at the
date of the publication of this Prospectus):
Shareholders equity as at 31 August 2022 (£)
Share capital 15,123,947
Share premium 770,991,063
Capital reserve 516,036,803
Revenue reserve
Capital redemption reserve 27,401,327
Total 1,329,553,140
16.2 Save to the extent disclosed in paragraph 14.2 above, as at the date of this Prospectus, there has been
no material change in the capitalisation position of the Company since 31 August 2022.
16.3 The following table shows the Companys unaudited gross indebtedness as at 31 August 2022 (being the
latest date in respect of which unaudited indebtedness information on the Company is available as at the
date of the publication of this Prospectus):
Total current debt (£)
Total non-current debt (excluding current position of non-current debt) (£)
Secured (19,889,008)
Unguaranteed/unsecured (111,968,626)
16.4 The following table shows the Companys unaudited net indebtedness as at 31 August 2022 (being the
latest date in respect of which unaudited indebtedness information on the Company is available as at the
date of the publication of this Prospectus):
Net indebtedness (£)
A. Cash 60,470,760
B. Cash equivalents 31,633,228
C. Trading securities 1,370,950,695
D. Total Liquidity (A+B+C) 1,463,054,682
E. Current nancial receivables 3,018,685
F. Current bank debt
G. Current portion of non-current debt
H. Other current nancial debt (4,157,568)
I. Current nancial debt (F+G+H) (4,157,568)
J. Net current nancial indebtedness/(receivables) (I-E-D) (1,461,915,799)
K. Non-current bank loans
L. Bonds issued
M. Other non-current loans
N. Non-current nancial indebtedness (K+L+M)
O. Net nancial indebtedness/(receivables) (J+N) (1,461,915,799.33)
As at 31 August 2022, the Company had no indirect or contingent indebtedness and nil net
indebtedness. Save to the extent disclosed in paragraph 14.2 above, as at the date of this Prospectus,
there has been no material change in the indebtedness position of the Company since 31 August 2022.
17.1 Where third-party information has been referenced in this Prospectus, the source of that third-party
information has been disclosed. Where information contained in this Prospectus has been so sourced,
the Company conrms that such information has been accurately reproduced and, as far as the Company
is aware and able to ascertain from information published by such third parties, no facts have been
omitted which would render the reproduced information inaccurate or misleading.
17.2 The Sponsor has given and not withdrawn its written consent to the inclusion in this Prospectus of
references to its name in the form and context in which it appears.
17.3 The Manager and the Investment Manager have given and not withdrawn their written consent to the
inclusion in this Prospectus of references to their names in the form and context in which they appear.
17.4 The Manager (in its capacity as the Companys AIFM) accepts responsibility for the information and
opinions contained in this Prospectus relating to it and all statements made by it. To the best of the
knowledge of the Manager (in its capacity as the Companys AIFM), the information contained in this
Prospectus related to or attributed to the Manager (in its capacity as the Companys AIFM) and its
Afliates are in accordance with the facts and such parts of this Prospectus make no omission likely to
affect their import.
17.5 The Investment Manager has given and not withdrawn its consent to, and has authorised, the inclusion in
this Prospectus of the information and opinions contained in: (a) the risk factors contained under the
following headings: Risks relating to the Ordinary Share Investment Policy and the C Share Investment
Policy and Risks relating to the Manager and the Investment Manager; (b) paragraph 3 (Investment
Objective and Investment Policy), paragraph 5 (Benchmark), paragraph 7 (Dividend Policy) and
paragraph 10 (Net Asset Value Calculation and Publication) of Part I (Information on the Company) of this
Prospectus; (c) Part II (Market Outlook and Investment Strategy) of this Prospectus; (d) Part III (Directors,
Management and Administration) of this Prospectus and any other information or opinion related to or
attributed to it or to any of its Afliates, in the form and context in which they appear. To the best of the
knowledge of the Investment Manager, the information contained in the Prospectus related to or attributed
to it or any Afliate of the Investment Manager is in accordance with the facts and that those parts of the
Prospectus make no omission likely to affect their import.
18.1 The Company is not dependent on patents or licences, industrial, commercial or nancial contracts or
new manufacturing processes which are material to the Companys business or protability.
18.2 In accordance with the Prospectus Regulation Rules, the Company will le with the FCA, and make
available for inspection by the public, details of the number of Shares issued under this Prospectus. The
Company will also notify the issue of the Shares through a RIS.
19.1 UK AIFMD Laws leverage limits
For the purposes of the UK AIFMD Laws, leverage is required to be calculated using two prescribed
methods: (i) the gross method; and (ii) the commitment method, and expressed as the ratio between a
funds total exposure and its net asset value.
As measured using the gross method, the level of leverage to be incurred by the Investment Manager on
behalf of the Company is not to exceed 200 per cent. of NAV (which is the equivalent of a ratio of 2:1).
As measured using the commitment method, the level of leverage to be incurred by the Investment
Manager on behalf of the Company is not to exceed 200 per cent. of NAV (which is the equivalent of a
ratio of 2:1).
19.2 Liquidity risk management
There is no right or entitlement attaching to Shares that allows them to be redeemed or repurchased by
the Company at the option of the Shareholder.
Liquidity risk is therefore the risk that a position held by the Company cannot be realised at a reasonable
value sufciently quickly to meet the obligations (primarily, repayment of any debt and the fees payable to
the Companys service providers) of the Company as they fall due.
In managing the Companys assets, therefore, the Investment Manager will continue to seek to ensure
that the Company holds at all times a Portfolio of assets that is sufciently liquid to enable it to discharge
its payment obligations.
19.3 Fair treatment of Shareholders
The Company will ensure that it treats all holders of the same class of its shares that are in the same
position equally in respect of the rights attaching to those shares.
The Investment Manager has entered into and may enter into further side letters or similar arrangements
with certain institutional, governmental or regulated Shareholders to provide, to the extent permitted by
any applicable law, such Shareholders with assistance with due diligence reviews, and with information
and reporting that is in the possession of the Investment Manager and which is required by such
Shareholders to meet specic tax, regulatory or legal or administrative requirements applicable to them.
The Company will not be party to or participate in the performance of any side letter or arrangement with
any Shareholder.
19.4 Rights against third-party service providers
The Company is reliant on the performance of third-party service providers, including the Manager, the
Investment Manager, the Sponsor, the Depositary, the Receiving Agent and the Registrar. Without
prejudice to any potential right of action in tort that a Shareholder may have to bring a claim against a
service provider, each Shareholders contractual relationship in respect of its investment in Shares is with
the Company only. Accordingly, no Shareholder will have any contractual claim against any service
provider with respect to such service providers default.
If a Shareholder considers that it may have a claim against a third-party service provider in connection
with such Shareholders investment in the Company, such Shareholder should consult its own legal
The above is without prejudice to any right a Shareholder may have to bring a claim against an FCA
authorised service provider under section 138D of FSMA (which provides that breach of an FCA Rule by
such service provider is actionable by a private person who suffers loss as a result), or any tortious
cause of action. Shareholders who believe they may have a claim under section 138D of FSMA, or in
tort, against any service provider in connection with their investment in the Company, should consult their
legal adviser.
Shareholders who are Eligible Complainants for the purposes of the FCA Dispute Resolutions
Complaints rules (natural persons, microenterprises and certain charities or trustees of a trust) are able
to refer any complaints against the Investment Manager to the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS)
(further details of which are available at Additionally, Shareholders may
be eligible for compensation under the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS) if they have
claims against an FCA authorised service provider (including the Investment Manager) which is in default.
There are limits on the amount of compensation available. Further information about the FSCS is at To determine eligibility in relation to either the FOS or the FSCS, Shareholders should
consult the respective websites above and speak to their legal advisers.
19.5 Professional liability risks
The Manager is authorised under the UK AIFMD Laws and is therefore subject to the detailed
requirements set out therein in relation to liability risks arising from professional negligence. The Manager
will maintain such additional own funds as are sufcient at all times to satisfy the requirements under the
The Company will publish the Circular on or around the date of this Prospectus, containing the
Resolutions to be tabled at the General Meeting of the Company to be held at 1.00 p.m. on
16 December 2022.
The Resolutions will propose that:
(i) if Resolution 4 is passed, the Directors be authorised to allot the Scheme Shares, up to a
maximum of 25,000,000 Scheme Ordinary Shares equivalent to a maximum nominal amount of
£1,250,000.000 and up to a maximum of 30,000,000 Scheme C Shares equivalent to a
maximum nominal amount of £15,000,000.00 (Resolution 1 or the Allotment Resolution),
such authority to expire on 15 June 2024;
(ii) if Resolution 1 is passed, in substitution for the authority previously conferred by Shareholders on
30 August 2022 the Directors be authorised generally and unconditionally in addition to the
Allotment Resolution to exercise all the powers of the Company to allot and issue Ordinary
Shares up to an aggregate nominal amount of £1,893,882.80, (which is the equivalent of
37,877,656 Ordinary Shares) which represents 10 per cent. of the Companys estimated Ordinary
Share capital immediately following Admission, assuming that 17,650,741 Scheme Ordinary
Shares and 26,743,078 Scheme C Shares are issued pursuant to the Scheme and that the
26,743,078 Scheme C Shares convert into 58,990,148 New Ordinary Shares (Resolution 2);
(iii) if Resolution 2 is passed, in substitution for the authority previously conferred by Shareholders on
30 August 2022 the Directors be empowered pursuant to the authority conferred by Resolution 2
to allot Ordinary Shares or sell Ordinary Shares from treasury as if the pre-emption rights
contained in the Companies Act did not apply to any such allotment or sale of Ordinary Shares
held in treasury at a price per Ordinary Share not less than the prevailing NAV per Ordinary
Share (as determined by the Directors), provided that this power shall be limited to the allotment
or the sale from treasury of Ordinary Shares up to an aggregate nominal amount of
£1,893,882.80 (Resolution 3);
(iv) if Resolution 1 is passed, the Articles be amended so as to include rights and provisions relating
to C Shares in the Revised Articles (Resolution 4 or the Articles Amendment Resolution
(v) if Resolution 1 is passed, the Directors be authorised to make market purchases of up to
56,778,606 Ordinary Shares (which is equal to 14.99% of the Company's estimated issued
Ordinary Share capital, excluding Ordinary Shares held in treasury, immediately following both
completion of the Scheme and Conversion of the Scheme C Shares into New Ordinary Shares
and assuming the issue of 17,650,741 Scheme Ordinary Shares and Conversion of 26,743,078
Scheme C Shares into 58,990,148 New Ordinary Shares), or, if less, that number of Ordinary
Shares which is equal to 14.99% of the Company's issued Ordinary Share capital, excluding
Ordinary Shares held in treasury, immediately following both completion of the Scheme and
Conversion of the Scheme C Shares into New Ordinary Shares, with such authority expiring on
15 June 2024 unless renewed at the 2023 AGM or at any other general meeting prior to such
time, subject to the provisions of paragraph 4.1.8 of this Part VI (Additional Information on the
Company) as regards the maximum price which the Company may pay for such Ordinary Shares
shall also apply to these market purchases (Resolution 5); and
(vi) a general meeting (other than an Annual General Meeting) may be called on not less than 14
clear days notice (Resolution 6).
21.1 The following documents will be available for inspection at the Companys website (http:// from the date of this Prospectus until the date of Admission:
(i) this Prospectus;
(ii) the 2020 Annual Report;
(iii) the 2021 Annual Report;
(iv) the 2022 Annual Report;
(v) the Articles; and
(vi) the Revised Articles.
21.2 In addition, a copy of this Prospectus has been submitted to the National Storage Mechanism and is
available for inspection at
30 JUNE 2022
The annual reports and audited accounts of the Company for the nancial years ended 30 June 2020 (the
2020 Annual Report), 30 June 2021 (the 2021 Annual Report) and 30 June 2022 (the 2022 Annual
Report) have been prepared in accordance with FRS 102.
The Auditors reports and nancial statements of the Company for each of the nancial years ended 30 June
2020, 30 June 2021 and 30 June 2022 were unqualied.
The published 2020 Annual Report, 2021 Annual Report and 2022 Annual Report included, on the pages
specied in the table below, the following information. These sections are deemed relevant to investors for the
purposes of this Prospectus and are incorporated by reference into this Prospectus:
For year
30 June 2022
For year
30 June 2021
For year
30 June 2020
Page No(s) Page No(s) Page No(s)
Independent Auditors Report 60 54 43
Statement of Comprehensive Income 67 62 52
Statement of Changes in Equity 67 62 52
Statement of Financial Position 68 63 53
Statement of Cash Flows 69 64 54
Notes to the Financial Statements 70 65 55
The key audited gures that summarise the nancial condition of the Company in respect of the nancial years
ended 30 June 2022, 30 June 2021 and 30 June 2020, each of which have been extracted without material
adjustment from the historical nancial information referred to above (unless otherwise indicated in the
notes below the following table), are set out in the tables below.
3.1 Statement of Comprehensive Income
For year
30 June
For year
30 June
For year
30 June
000) 000) (£'000)
Gains on investments at fair value through prot or loss (36,835) 153,997 22,989
Net foreign currency gains 3,386 1,764 83
Income from investments 14,520 10,633 8,329
Interest receivable and similar income 160 49 212
Gross return (18,769) 166,443 31,613
Management fee (3,299) (2,308) (1,906)
Performance fee charge (5,967) (507)
Other administrative expenses (591) (612) (565)
Net return before nance costs and taxation (22,659) 157,556 28,635
Finance costs (1,496) (1,038) (898)
Net return before taxation (24,155) 156,518 27,737
Taxation (1,408) (1,276) (1,091)
Net return after taxation (25,563) 155,242 26,646
Return per share (16.13)p 106.46p 19.44p
No operations were acquired or discontinued in either of the nancial years ended 30 June 2020, 30 June
2021 or 30 June 2022.
3.2 Statement of Financial Position
As at
30 June
As at
30 June
As at
30 June
000) 000) 000)
Fixed assets ———
Investments at fair value through prot or loss 676,778 654,694 473,187
Current assets ———
Derivative nancial assets 4,637 2,567 2,026
Debtors 3,270 7,153 12,410
Cash and cash equivalents 41,963 55,933 36,972
49,870 65,653 51,408
Current liabilities ———
Creditors: amounts falling due within one year (2,417 (11,041) (13,710)
Derivative nancial liabilities (5,072) (1,271) (1,636)
Net current assets 42,381 53,341 36,062
Total assets less current liabilities 719,159 708,035 509,249
Creditors: amount falling due after more than one year (49,746) (49,932) (30,032)
Provision for liabilities and charges ———
Performance fee payable (4,729) (380)
Net assets 669,413 653,374 478,837
Capital and reserves ———
Called up share capital 8,305 7,746 7,746
Share premium 151,221 92,019 71,672
Capital redemption reserve 27,401 27,401 27,401
Capital reserves 482,486 526,208 372,018
Revenue reserve ———
Total shareholders funds 669,413 653,374 478,837
Net asset value per share 403.1p 432.3p 338.9p
3.3 Statement of Changes in Equity
Called up
reserve Total
£'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000
At 30 June 2019 7,746 58,956 27,401 347,414 441,517
Issue of shares from Treasury 12,716 15,420 28,136
Net return ———21,163 5,483 26,646
Dividends paid in the year ———(11,979) (5,483) (17,462)
At 30 June 2020 7,746 71,672 27,401 372,018 478,837
Issue of shares from Treasury 20,347 17,832 38,179
Net return ———147,284 7,958 155,242
Dividends paid in the year ———(10,926) (7,958) (18,884)
At 30 June 2021 7,746 92,019 27,401 526,208 653,374
Issue of shares 559 49,636 ———50,195
Issue of shares from Treasury 9,836 6,858 16,694
Project costs in relation to shares (270) ———(270)
Block-listing fees paid ———(102) (102)
Net return ———(37,045) 11,482 (25,563)
Dividends paid in the year ———(13,433) (11,482) (24,915)
At 30 June 2022 8,305 151,221 27,401 482,486 669,413
3.4 Statement of Cash Flows
For year
30 June
For year
30 June
For year
30 June
000) 000) 000)
Net cash outow from operations before dividends and interest (9,945) (3,212) (2,363)
Dividends received 12,531 8,535 7,288
Interest received 147 21 201
Overseas tax recovered 37 162 55
Interest paid (1,475) (893) (889)
Net cash inow from operating activities 1,295 4,613 4,292
Purchase of investments (554,563) (460,877) (462,896)
Sales of investments 493,049 435,206 472,116
Settlement of forward currency contracts 4,843 811 184
Net cash (outow)/inow investing activities (56,671) (24,860) 9,404
Dividend paid (24,915) (18,884) (17,462)
Issue of shares from treasury 16,694 38,179 28,235
Issue of shares 50,195 ——
Block listing fees (102) ——
Issue of secured bond loan (net of costs) 19,894
Repayment of bank loans (199) ——
Project costs (270) ——
Net cash inow/(outow) from nancing activities 41,403 39,189 10,773
Increase in cash and cash equivalents (13,973) 18,942 24,469
Cash and cash equivalents at start of year 55,933 36,972 12,499
Unrealised gain on foreign currency cash and cash equivalents 3 19 4
Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the year 41,963 55,933 36,972
Increase in cash and cash equivalents (13,973) 18,942 24,469
Cash and cash equivalents consist of: ———
Cash and short term deposits 7,942 8,350 5,255
Cash held in JPMorgan Sterling Liquidity Fund 34,021 47,583 31,717
Total 41,963 55,933 36,972
The published 2020 Annual Report, 2021 Annual Report and 2022 Annual Report included on the pages
specied in the table below, descriptions of the Companys nancial condition (in both capital and revenue
terms), changes in its nancial condition and details of the Portfolio for this period. These sections are deemed
relevant to investors for the purposes of this Prospectus and are incorporated by reference:
For year
30 June
For year
30 June
For year
30 June
Page No(s) Page No(s) Page No(s)
Chairmans statement 8 6 8
Investment Managers Report 13 11 11
Copies of the 2020 Annual Report, the 2021 Annual Report and the 2022 Annual Report are available on the
Companys website at:
The following sections of the 2020 Annual Report, the 2021 Annual Report and the 2022 Annual Report are
deemed relevant to investors for the purposes of this Prospectus and are incorporated by reference into this
the sections listed in paragraph 2 (Historical Financial Information) of this Part VII (Financial Information of
the Company) above; and
the sections listed in paragraph 4 (Operating and Financial Review) of this Part VII (Financial Information
of the Company) above.
The sections which have not been incorporated are not deemed relevant to investors for the purposes of this
Unless it has been incorporated by reference into this Prospectus as set out in this Part VII (Financial
Information of the Company), neither the information on the Companys or the Managers or the Investment
Managers website (or any other website), nor the content of any website accessible from hyperlinks on the
Companys or the Manager s or the Investment Managers website (or any other website), is incorporated into
or forms part of this Prospectus, or has been approved by the FCA. Investors should base their decision
whether or not to invest in the Shares on the contents of this Prospectus alone.
2018 Loan Notes the £30 million 2.93 per cent. senior secured notes due 2048 issued by
the Company pursuant to the 2018 Note Purchase Agreement
2018 Note Purchase Agreement the note purchase agreement, dated 9 January 2018, among the
Company and the Purchasers (as dened therein) (as amended and
supplemented on 31 August 2022, and as may be further amended,
restated and/or supplemented from time to time) pursuant to which the
Company issued the 2018 Loan Notes
2020 Annual Report the Companys audited annual report and accounts for the nancial year
ended 30 June 2020
2021 Annual Report the Companys audited annual report and accounts for the nancial year
ended 30 June 2021
2021 Loan Notes the £20 million 2021 Series A Loan Notes together with any Additional
2021 Loan Notes issued by the Company pursuant to the 2021
Note Purchase Agreement
2021 Note Purchase Agreement the note purchase and private shelf agreement, dated 12 March 2021,
among the Company and the Purchasers (as dened therein) (as
amended and supplemented on 31 August 2022, and as may be further
amended, restated and/or supplemented from time to time) pursuant to
which the Company issued the 2021 Series A Loan Notes and pursuant to
which the Company may issue Additional 2021 Loan Notes from time to
2021 Series A Loan Notes the £20 million 2.36 per cent. senior secured notes, Series A, due 2036
issued by the Company pursuant to the 2021 Note Purchase Agreement
2022 AGM the Companys annual general meeting held on 3 November 2022
2022 Annual Report the Companys audited annual report and accounts for the nancial year
ended 30 June 2022
2023 AGM the annual general meeting of the Company to be held in 2023
Accredited Investor or AI an accredited investor as dened in Regulation D under the US
Securities Act
Additional 2021 Loan Notes any additional senior notes (other than the 2021 Series A Loan Notes)
issued pursuant to the terms of the 2021 Note Purchase Agreement from
time to time in an aggregate principal amount outstanding up to the
Available Facility Amount (as dened in the 2021 Note Purchase
Admission the admission of the Scheme Shares issued pursuant to the Issue to
listing on the premium listing category of the Of
cial List and to trading on
the premium segment of the Main Market of the London Stock Exchange
becoming effective
Afliate an afliate of, or person afliated with, a specied person, including a
person that directly, or indirectly through one or more intermediaries,
controls or is controlled by, or is under common control with, the person
AGM or Annual General Meeting annual general meeting
AI/QP Investor Letter an Accredited Investor/Qualied Purchaser investor letter, the form of
which is annexed to this Prospectus
AIC the Association of Investment Companies
AIC Code the 2019 AIC Code of Corporate Governance, as revised or updated from
time to time
AIFM (i) an alternative investment fund manager, within the meaning of the EU
AIFM Directive or the UK AIFMD Laws (as applicable); and (ii) in relation
to the Company, JPMorgan Funds Limited, a private limited company
incorporated in Scotland with company number SC019438, whose
registered ofce is at 3 Lochside View, Edinburgh Park,
Edinburgh, EH12 9DH
Amended and Restated Trust
the Existing Trust Deed as amended and restated pursuant to the
provisions of the supplemental trust deed under which the Company
substituted SCIN as the issuer, dated 31 August 2022, between the
Company and the Trustee, the rights and obligations of SCIN under the
Existing Trust Deed with rights and obligations of the Company
Applicable Requirements all applicable law (whether in the form of statute or decision of a court or
administrative tribunal) and regulation and, if applicable, the prevailing
rules, regulations, determinations, guidelines or instructions of any
governmental, stock exchange or regulatory authority in any jurisdiction
to which the Company, the Manager or (where relevant) any Associate (as
the context may require) is subject, as amended from time to time
Articles the articles of association of the Company, as amended from time to time,
which, as the context may require, shall mean the Revised Articles
Associate an associate of the Manager, such term having the meaning given in limb
(3) of the denition in the FCA Rules
Audit Committee the committee of this name established by the Board and having the
duties described in paragraph 10 of Part III (Directors, Management and
Administration) of this Prospectus
Auditor Ernst & Young LLP
Benchmark MSCI All Countries World Index (in Sterling, total return with net dividends
Benet Plan Investor as dened in Section 3(3) of the United States Employee Retirement
Income Security Act of 1974, as amended
Board the board of Directors of the Company, including any duly constituted
committee thereof
Bondholders the holders of the Bonds from time to time
Bonds the Companys £82,827,000 5.75 per cent. secured bonds due 17 April
2030 constituted by the Amended and Restated Trust Deed, in respect of
which JGGI was substituted as the issuer in place of SCIN in connection
with the SCIN Scheme
Bonds Financial Covenant the nancial covenant included in the Amended and Restated Trust Deed,
pursuant to which the Company is required to procure that the aggregate
principal amount at any time outstanding in respect of all moneys
borrowed by the Company and its subsidiaries shall not exceed a sum
equal to the Companys adjusted total of capital and reserves
Bottom-up Stock Selection the process of analysing individual securities and de-emphasising the
signicance of macroeconomic and market cycles
Business Day a day on which the London Stock Exchange and banks in the UK are
normally open for business
C Share Investment Policy
the Companys investment policy applicable to the C Shares from time to
C Share Portfolio the portfolio of investments in which the funds of the Company
represented by the C Shares are invested from time to time
C Share Surplus has the meaning given in section 6.2.20 of Part VI (Additional Information
on the Company) of this Prospectus
C Shareholder a holder of C Shares
C Shares redeemable ordinary shares with a nominal value of £0.50 each in the
capital of the Company issued and designated as C Shares of such class
(denominated in such currency) as the Directors may determine in
accordance with the Articles and having such rights and being subject to
such restrictions as are contained in the Articles and which will convert
into Ordinary Shares in accordance with the Articles
Calculation Date the time and date to be determined by the JPE Board (but expected to be
5.00 p.m. on 13 December 2022), at which the value of JPEs assets and
liabilities will be determined for the creation of the Liquidation Pool and the
Rollover Pools, and at which the FAVs per JPE Share and the FAV per
JGGI Ordinary Share will be calculated for the purposes of the Scheme
Cash Equivalent Investments include, but are not limited to, short-term investments in money market
funds and tradeable debt securities
certicated or in certicated
a share or other security which is not in uncerticated form
Chair the chair of the Board
Circular the Shareholder circular relating to the General Meeting and the
Resolutions published by the Company on or around the date of this
Companies Act or Act the UK Companies Act 2006, as amended
Company or JGGI JPMorgan Global Growth & Income plc, a public limited company
incorporated in England and Wales with company number 00024299,
whose registered ofce is at 60 Victoria Embankment, London, EC4Y 0JP
Conversion has the meaning given in section 6.2.20 of Part VI (Additional Information
on the Company) of this Prospectus
Conversion Calculation Date has the meaning given in section 6.2.20 of Part VI (Additional Information
on the Company) of this Prospectus
Conversion Date has the meaning given in section 6.2.20 of Part VI (Additional Information
on the Company) of this Prospectus
Conversion Ratio has the meaning given in section 6.2.20 of Part VI (Additional Information
on the Company) of this Prospectus
CREST the relevant system as dened in the CREST Regulations in respect of
which Euroclear is operator (as dened in the CREST Regulations), in
accordance with which securities may be held in uncerticated form
CREST Regulations
the UK Uncerticated Securities Regulations 2001 (SI 2001 No. 2001/
3755), as amended
CRS the global standard for the automatic exchange of nancial information
between tax authorities developed by the OECD
CTA 2010 the UK Corporation Tax Act 2010
Deferred Dividend has the meaning given in section 6.2.21 of Part VI (Additional Information
on the Company) of this Prospectus
Depositary The Bank of New York Mellon (International) Limited, a limited liability
company incorporated England and Wales with company number
03236121, whose registered ofce is at 1 Canada Square, London, E14
Depositary Agreement the agreement dated 27 June 2014, between the Company, the Manager
and the Depositary summarised in paragraph 12.2 of Part VI (Additional
Information on the Company) of this Prospectus
Directors the directors of the Company
Disclosure Guidance and
Transparency Rules
the UK disclosure guidance and transparency rules made by the FCA
under Part VI of FSMA
EEA the European Economic Area
EEA Member State any member state within the EEA from time to time
Effective Date the date on which the Scheme becomes effective, which is expected to be
19 December 2022
Eligible JPE Cash Shareholders holders of JPE Cash Shares whose names are entered on JPEs register
of members as at the Record Date excluding Overseas Excluded
JPE Shareholders, save where the Company determines otherwise (at
its absolute discretion)
Eligible JPE Growth Shareholders holders of JPE Growth Shares whose names are entered on JPEs
register of members as at the Record Date excluding Overseas Excluded
JPE Shareholders, save where the Company determines otherwise (at its
absolute discretion)
Eligible JPE Income Shareholders holders of JPE Income Shares whose names are entered on JPEs
register of members as at the Record Date excluding Overseas Excluded
JPE Shareholders, save where the Company determines otherwise (at its
absolute discretion)
Eligible JPE Shareholders Eligible JPE Cash Shareholders, Eligible JPE Growth Shareholders and
Eligible JPE Income Shareholders
ERISA the US Employment Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, as
amended from time to time, and the applicable regulations thereunder
ESG environmental, social and governance criteria, being three factors that
investors may consider in connection with a companys activities
EU the European Union
EU AIFM Delegated Regulation the Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) No 231/2013 of
19 December 2012 supplementing Directive 2011/61/EU of the
European Parliament and of the Council with regard to exemptions,
general operating conditions, depositaries, leverage, transparency and
EU AIFM Directive Directive 2011/61/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of
8 June 2011 on Alternative Investment Fund Managers and amending
Directives 2003/41/EC and 2009/65/EC and Regulations (EC) No 1060/
2009 and (EU) No 1095/2010 and the EU AIFM Delegated Regulation
EU GDPR Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council
of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the
processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and
repealing Directive 95/46/EC, as amended
EU Market Abuse Regulation or
Regulation (EU) No 596/2014 of the European Parliament and of the
Council of 16 April 2014 on market abuse and repealing the Directive of
the European Parliament and of the Council of 28 January 2003 and
Commission Directives 2003/124/EC, 2003/125/EC and 2004/72/EC
EU MiFID II Directive 2014/65/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of
15 May 2014 on markets in nancial instruments and amending Directive
2002/92/EC and Directive 2011/61/EU (MiFID ) and its implementing
and delegated acts, and Regulation (EU) No 600/2014 of the European
Parliament and the Council of 15 May 2014 on markets in nancial
instruments and amending Regulation (EU) No 648/2012 (MiFIR and
together with MiFID, MiFID II)
EU PRIIPs Regulation Regulation (EU) No 1286/2014 of the European Parliament and of the
Council of 26 November 2014 on key information documents for
packaged retail and insurance-based investment products (PRIIPs) and
its implementing and delegated acts
EU Prospectus Regulation Regulation (EU) 2017/1129 of the European Parliament and of the
Council of 14 June 2017 on the prospectus to be published when
securities are offered to the public or admitted to trading on a regulated
market, and repealing Directive 2003/71/EC
Euroclear Euroclear UK & International Limited, in its capacity as the operator of
Existing Shareholder a Shareholder as at the date of this Prospectus
Existing Trust Deed the principal trust deed constituting the Bonds, dated 17 April 2020,
between SCIN, as issuer, and the Trustee in relation to the Bonds
FATCA Sections 1471 to 1474 of the US Tax Code, known as the US Foreign
Account Tax Compliance Act (together with any regulations, rules and
other guidance implementing such US Tax Code sections and any
applicable IGA or information exchange agreement and related statutes,
regulations, rules and other guidance thereunder)
FAV formula asset value
FAV per JGGI Ordinary Share the JGGI FAV divided by the number of Ordinary Shares in issue
(excluding any Ordinary Shares held in treasury) as at the Calculation
Date (expressed in pence) and calculated to six decimal places (with
0.0000005 rounded down)
FAV per JPE Cash Share the JPE Cash FAV divided by the number of JPE Cash Shares in issue
(excluding any JPE Cash Shares held in treasury) as at the Calculation
Date (expressed in pence) and calculated to six decimal places (with
0.0000005 rounded down)
FAV per JPE Income Share the JPE Income FAV divided by the number of JPE Income Shares in
issue (excluding any JPE Income Shares held in treasury) as at the
Calculation Date (expressed in pence) and calculated to six decimal
places (with 0.0000005 rounded down)
FAV per JPE Share the JPE Cash FAV or the JPE Income FAV, as the context may require,
divided by the number of JPE Shares of the relevant class in issue
(excluding any JPE Shares of the relevant class held in treasur y) as at the
Calculation Date (expressed in pence) and calculated to six decimal
places (with 0.0000005 rounded down)
FCA or Financial Conduct
the Financial Conduct Authority of the United Kingdom and any
organisation which may replace it or take over the conduct of its affairs
FCA PROD3 Rules the FCAs PROD3 Rules on product governance within the FCA
FCA Rules the rules and guidance set out in the FCA Handbook of Rules and
Guidance from time to time
First JPE General Meeting the general meeting of JPE in relation to the Scheme convened for
12.30 p.m. on 9 December 2022 or any adjournment of that meeting
Floating Charge has the meaning given in the risk factor section of this Prospectus
Force Majeure Circumstance has the meaning given in section 6.2.20 of Part VI (Additional Information
on the Company) of this Prospectus
FRS 102 nancial reporting standard 102 applicable in the UK and Republic of
FSMA the UK Financial Services and Markets Act 2000, as amended
General Meeting or GM the general meeting of the Company convened for 1:00 p.m. on
16 December 2022 or any adjournment of that meeting
Gross Asset Value the aggregate value of the assets of the Company (including cash
balances), determined in accordance with the accounting principles
adopted by the Directors from time to time
HM Revenue & Customs
IGA intergovernmental agreement
Ineligible US Shareholder a US Shareholder which does not execute and return the AI/QP Investor
Letter to the Company and Equiniti Limited as registrar to JPE and which,
by acquiring the Scheme Shares, the Board believes would: (i) give rise to
an obligation on the Company to register as an investment company
under the US Investment Company Act or any similar legislation; (ii) give
rise to an obligation on the Company to register under the US Exchange
Act or any similar legislation; (iii) result in the Company no longer being
considered a foreign private issuer for the purposes of the US Securities
Act or the US Exchange Act; (iv) result in a Benet Plan Investor acquiring
Scheme Shares; or (v) result in a US Person holding Shares in violation of
the transfer restrictions put forth in any prospectus published by the
Company from time to time
Insolvency Act the UK Insolvency Act 1986, as amended
Instrument of Floating Charge the English law governed instrument constituting a oating charge,
granted by the Company, dated 31 August 2022, in favour of the Security
Investment Management
the amended and restated investment management agreement dated
26 July 2022, between the Company and the Manager summarised in
paragraph 12.1 of Part VI (Additional Information on the Company) of this
Investment Manager JPMorgan Asset Management (UK) Limited, a private limited company
incorporated in England and Wales with company number 01161446,
whose registered ofce is 25 Bank Street, Canary Wharf, London
E14 5JP
Investment Policy the Ordinary Share Investment Policy or C Share Investment Policy or
both, in each case as the context may require
Investment Trust Tax Regulations the Investment Trust (Approved Company) (Tax) Regulations 2011
IRS the US Internal Revenue Service
ISA an individual savings account approved in the UK by HMRC
Issue the issue of Scheme Shares to Eligible JPE Shareholders and to the
Liquidators (in respect of Overseas Excluded JPE Shareholders), in each
case pursuant to the Scheme
Issue Date has the meaning given in section 6.2.20 of Part VI (Additional Information
on the Company) of this Prospectus
JGGI Acquisition Costs has the meaning given in section 8 of Part III (Directors, Management and
Administration) of this Prospectus
JGGI C Share Portfolio
Realignment Costs
has the meaning given in section 8 of Part III (Directors, Management and
Administration) of this Prospectus
JGGI FAV the Net Asset Value of the Company, calculated as at the Calculation Date
in accordance with its normal accounting policies, on a cum income basis
with debt at fair value adjusted by (i) deducting the JGGI Implementation
Costs (to the extent not already taken into account in the Net Asset
Value); (ii) deducting any dividends announced or declared by the
Company but not paid prior to the Effective Date by the Company to
Shareholders (to the extent not already reected in the NAV and to which
the Scheme Shares will not be entitled); and (iii) adding an amount equal
to 35 per cent. of the Managers Contribution
JGGI Implementation Costs has the meaning given in section 8 of Part III (Directors, Management and
Administration) of this Prospectus
JPMorgan Elect plc, a public limited company registered in England and
Wales with company number 03845060, whose registered ofce is at
60 Victoria Embankment, London, EC4Y 0JP
JPE Articles the articles of association of JPE, as amended from time to time
JPE Board the board of directors of JPE, including any duly constituted committee
JPE Cash Class Meeting the class meeting of JPE Cash Shareholders convened for 12.45 p.m. on
9 December 2022 or any adjournment of that meeting
JPE Cash FAV the net asset value of the JPE Cash Rollover Pool, calculated as at the
Calculation Date in accordance with JPEs normal accounting policies, on
a cum income basis with debt at fair value adjusted by adding the JPE
Cash Shareholders pro rata share of an amount equal to 65 per cent. of
the Managers Contribution
JPE Cash Portfolio the net assets of JPE from time to time attributable to the JPE Cash
Shares in accordance with the JPE Articles and the accounting policies of
JPE Cash Rollover Pool the pool of cash, undertaking and other assets to be transferred to the
Company pursuant to the Transfer Agreement in consideration for the
issue of Scheme Ordinary Shares to JPE Cash Shareholders, comprising
the JPE Cash Portfolio after deduction of the JPE Cash Shareholders pro
rata share of the Liquidation Pool
JPE Cash Shareholder a holder of JPE Cash Shares
JPE Cash Shares shares classied as managed cash shares in the capital of JPE
JPE Class Meetings together, the JPE Cash Class Meeting, the JPE Growth Class Meeting
and the JPE Income Class Meeting (and JPE Class Meeting shall mean
any one of them, as the context may require)
JPE FAV the JPE Cash FAV and the JPE Income FAV (and JPE FAV shall mean
any one of them, as the context may require)
JPE Growth Class Meeting the class meeting of JPE Growth Shareholders convened for 12.35 p.m.
on 9 December 2022 or any adjournment of that meeting
JPE Growth Portfolio the net assets of JPE from time to time attributable to the JPE Growth
Shares in accordance with the JPE Articles and the accounting policies of
JPE Growth Rollover Pool the pool of cash, undertaking and other assets to be transferred to the
Company pursuant to the Transfer Agreement in consideration for the
issue of the Scheme C Shares to JPE Growth Shareholders, comprising
the JPE Growth Portfolio after deduction of the JPE Growth Shareholders
pro rata share of the Liquidation Pool
JPE Growth Shareholder a holder of JPE Growth Shares
JPE Growth Shares shares classied as managed growth shares in the capital of JPE
JPE Income Class Meeting the class meeting of JPE Income Shareholders convened for 12.40 p.m.
on 9 December 2022 or any adjournment of that meeting
JPE Income FAV the net asset value of the JPE Income Rollover Pool, calculated as at the
Calculation Date in accordance with JPEs normal accounting policies, on
a cum income basis with debt at fair value adjusted by adding the JPE
Income Shareholders pro rata share of an amount equal to 65 per cent. of
the Managers Contribution
JPE Income Portfolio the net assets of JPE from time to time attributable to the JPE Income
Shares in accordance with the JPE Articles and the accounting policies of
JPE Income Rollover Pool the pool of cash, undertaking and other assets to be transferred to the
Company pursuant to the Transfer Agreement in consideration for the
issue of Scheme Ordinary Shares to JPE Income Shareholders,
comprising the JPE Income Portfolio after deduction of the JPE Income
Shareholders pro rata share of the Liquidation Pool
JPE Income Shareholder a holder of JPE Income Shares
JPE Income Share shares classied as managed income shares in the capital of JPE
JPE Nominated Charity The Felix Project
JPE Portfolio the JPE Cash Portfolio, the JPE Growth Portfolio or the JPE Income
Portfolio, as the context may require
JPE Portfolio Realignment Costs those direct and indirect costs incurred by JPE in disposing of existing
investments in the JPE Cash Portfolio, the JPE Growth Portfolio (if
applicable) and the JPE Income Portfolio, and in acquiring a portfolio of
investments consistent with the Ordinary Share Investment Policy
JPE Register the register of members of JPE
JPE Repurchase Facility the semi-annual facility for the repurchase of JPE Cash Shares provided
by JPE pursuant to the JPE Articles
JPE Resolution or JPE
the special resolutions to be proposed at the First JPE General Meeting,
the Second JPE General Meeting and the JPE Class Meetings or any of
them as the context may require
JPE Shareholder a holder of JPE Shares
JPE Shares the JPE Cash Shares, JPE Growth Shares and/or JPE Income Shares, as
the context may require, in the capital of JPE
Latest Practicable Date 17 November 2022
Liquidation Pool has the meaning given in section 1 (The Scheme)ofPartIV(Details of the
Scheme and the Issue) of this Prospectus
Liquidators the liquidators of JPE being, initially, the persons appointed jointly and
severally upon the relevant resolution to be proposed at the Second JPE
General Meeting becoming effective
Liquidators Retention the estimated sum of £100,000 (allocated from each JPE share class
pro rata based on the relative net asset values of the JPE share classes
as at the Calculation Date), retained by the Liquidators to meet any
unknown or unascertained liabilities of JPE and the entitlements of any
dissenting JPE Shareholders
Listing Rules the listing rules made by the FCA under Part VI of FSMA
London Stock Exchange London Stock Exchange plc, a limited liability company registered in
England and Wales with registered number 02075721, whose registered
ofce is at 10 Paternoster Square, London, EC4M 7LS
Main Market the main market for listed securities operated by the London Stock
Management Engagement
the committee of this name established by the Board and having the
duties described in paragraph 10 of Part III (Directors, Management and
Administration) of this Prospectus
Management Fee as dened and further explained in paragraph 8 of Par t III (Directors,
Management and Administration) of this Prospectus
Manager JPMorgan Funds Limited, a private limited company incorporated in
Scotland with company number SC019438, whose registered ofce is at
3 Lochside View, Edinburgh Park, Edinburgh, EH12 9DH
Manager Indemnied Person
has the meaning given in paragraph 12 of Part VI (Additional Information
on the Company) of this Prospectus
Managers Contribution has the meaning given in paragraph 8 of Part III (Directors, Management
and Administration) of this Prospectus
Memorandum the memorandum of association of the Company
NAV or Net Asset Value the gross assets of the Company or JPE, as appropriate, less its liabilities
(including provisions for such liabilities) determined by the relevant board
of directors in their absolute discretion in accordance with the accounting
principles adopted by that company
NAV per C Share or Net Asset
Value per C Share
the Net Asset Value attributable to the C Shares in issue divided by the
number of C Shares in issue (excluding any C Shares held in treasury) at
the relevant time
NAV per Ordinary Share or Net
Asset Value per Ordinar y Share
the Net Asset Value attributable to the Ordinary Shares in issue divided by
the number of Ordinary Shares in issue (excluding any Ordinary Shares
held in treasury) at the relevant time
Net Asset Value per Share or
NAV per Share
NAV per Ordinary Share or NAV per C Share or both, in each case as the
context may require
New Ordinary Shares has the meaning given in section 6.2.20 of Part VI (Additional Information
on the Company) of this Prospectus
Nil Rate Amount has the meaning given in section 2.2 of Part V (UK Taxation) of this
Nomination Committee the committee of this name established by the Board and having the
duties described in paragraph 10 of Part III (Directors, Management and
Administration) of this Prospectus
Note Purchase Agreements together, the 2018 Note Purchase Agreement and the 2021
Note Purchase Agreement
Notes together, the 2018 Loan Notes and the 2021 Loan Notes
OECD the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
OECD Countries the member countries of the OECD from time to time
Ofcial List the list maintained by the FCA pursuant to Part VI of FSMA
Ordinary Share Investment Policy the Companys investment policy applicable to the Ordinary Shares from
time to time
Ordinary Share Portfolio the portfolio of investments in which the funds of the Company
represented by the Ordinary Shares are invested from time to time
Ordinary Share Surplus has the meaning given in section 6.2.20 of Part VI (Additional Information
on the Company) of this Prospectus
Ordinary Shareholder a holder of Ordinary Shares
Ordinary Shares ordinary shares with a nominal value of £0.05 each in the capital of the
Company including the Scheme Ordinary Shares issued pursuant to the
Issue following their issue as the context may require
Overseas Excluded
JPE Shareholder
save as otherwise determined by the JPE Board, JPE Shareholders who
have a registered address outside or who are resident in, or citizens,
residents or nationals of, jurisdictions outside of the United Kingdom, the
Channel Islands and the Isle of Man
Panel The Panel on Takeovers and Mergers
PDMR persons discharging managerial responsibilities (as dened in UK MAR)
personal data has the meaning given in the subsection entitled Data protection in the
section entitled Important Information of this Prospectus
passive foreign investment company for US federal tax purposes
Portfolio the Ordinary Share Portfolio or the C Share Portfolio or both, in each case
as the context may require
Portfolio Managers the Investment Manager and other portfolio managers within the
Managers group to whom the Manager delegates portfolio
management functions
PRA the Prudential Regulation Authority of the United Kingdom and any
organisation which may replace it or take over the conduct of its affairs
Proposals the proposals for the Companys participation in the Scheme, as set out in
further detail in the Circular
Prospectus this document
Prospectus Regulation Rules the UK prospectus rules and regulations made by the FCA under Part VI
Qualied Purchaser or QP a qualied purchaser as dened in the US Investment Company Act
Receiving Agent Equiniti Limited, a private limited company incorporated in England and
Wales with company number 06226088, whose registered ofce is at
Aspect House, Spencer Road, Lancing, West Sussex, BN99 6DA
Receiving Agent Services
the agreement dated 16 November 2022, between the Company and the
Receiving Agent summarised in paragraph 12.4 of Part VI (Additional
Information on the Company) of this Prospectus
Record Date the record date for entitlements of Eligible JPE Shareholders to Scheme
Shares pursuant to the Scheme, being 6.00 p.m. on 13 December 2022
(or such other date as determined at the sole discretion of the JPE Board)
Register the register of members of the Company
Registrar Equiniti Limited, a private limited company incorporated in England and
Wales with company number 06226088, whose registered ofce is at
Aspect House, Spencer Road, Lancing, West Sussex, BN99 6DA
Registrar Agreement the agreement dated 22 January 2018, between the Company and the
Registrar summarised in paragraph 12.3 of Part VI (Additional Information
on the Company) of this Prospectus
Regulation S Regulation S under the US Securities Act
Relevant Conversion Date has the meaning given in section 6.2.21 of Part VI (Additional Information
on the Company) of this Prospectus
Remuneration Committee the committee of this name established by the Board and having the
duties described in paragraph 10 of Part III (Directors, Management and
Administration) of this Prospectus
Resolution or Resolutions any or all of Resolutions 1 to 6 (inclusive) to be proposed for approval by
Shareholders at the General Meeting
Resolution 1 or the Allotment
has the meaning given in section 20 of Part VI (Additional Information on
the Company) of this Prospectus
Resolution 2 has the meaning given in section 20 of Part VI (Additional Information on
the Company) of this Prospectus
Resolution 3 has the meaning given in section 20 of Part VI (Additional Information on
the Company) of this Prospectus
Resolution 4 or the Articles
Amendment Resolution
has the meaning given in section 20 of Part VI (Additional Information on
the Company) of this Prospectus
Resolution 5 has the meaning given in section 20 of Part VI (Additional Information on
the Company) of this Prospectus
Resolution 6
has the meaning given in section 20 of Part VI (Additional Information on
the Company) of this Prospectus
Revised Articles the existing Articles as proposed to be amended at the General Meeting
RIS a service authorised by the FCA to release regulatory announcements to
the London Stock Exchange
Rollover Pools the JPE Cash Rollover Pool, the JPE Growth Rollover Pool and the JPE
Income Rollover Pool
Scheme the proposed scheme of reconstruction and voluntary winding up of JPE
under section 110 of the Insolvency Act, pursuant to which the Issue shall
be undertaken
Scheme C Shares C Shares of the Company to be issued to the Liquidators and renounced
in favour of Eligible JPE Growth Shareholders, and to the Liquidators (in
respect of Overseas Excluded JPE Shareholders), in each case pursuant
to the Scheme
Scheme Conditions has the meaning given in section 5 of Part IV (Details of the Scheme and
the Issue) of this Prospectus
Scheme Ordinary Shares Ordinary Shares of the Company to be issued to the Liquidators and
renounced in favour of Eligible JPE Cash Shareholders and Eligible JPE
Income Shareholders, and to the Liquidators (in respect of Overseas
Excluded JPE Shareholders), in each case pursuant to the Scheme
Scheme Shares the Shares to be issued to Eligible JPE Shareholders and to the
Liquidators (in respect of Overseas Excluded JPE Shareholders), in each
case pursuant to the Scheme
SCIN The Scottish Investment Trust plc, a public limited company registered in
Scotland with company number SC001651, whose registered ofce is at
16 Charlotte Square, Edinburgh EH2 4DF
SCIN Indemnity Letter the deed of indemnity between the Company and SCIN dated 5 August
2022 summarised in paragraph 12.6 of Part VI (Additional Information on
the Company) of this Prospectus
SCIN Liquidation Pool the liquidation pool of SCIN arising under the SCIN Scheme
SCIN Pension Buffer the pool of assets so described within the SCIN Liquidation Pool with a
value of £5,000,000
SCIN Pension Fund The Scottish Investment Trust plc Retirement Benets Scheme
SCIN Scheme the scheme of reconstruction and voluntary winding up of SCIN under
section 110 of the Insolvency Act which became effective on 31 August
SCIN Scheme Effective Date 31 August 2022, the date on which the SCIN Scheme became effective
SDRT stamp duty reserve tax imposed under Part IV of the UK Finance Act 1986
SEC the US Securities and Exchange Commission and any organisation which
may replace it or take over the conduct of its affairs
Second JPE General Meeting the general meeting of JPE in relation to the Scheme convened for
12.30 p.m. on 19 December 2022 or any adjournment of that meeting
Secured Parties the Security Trustee, any receiver or delegate appointed by the Security
Trustee, the Trustee (for itself and as trustee for the Bondholders) and the
holders of the Notes from time to time
Security Trust and Intercreditor
the security trust and intercreditor agreement, dated 31 August 2022,
among the Company, the Trustee, the Security Trustee and the holders of
the Notes
Security Trustee The Law Debenture Trust Corporation p.l.c., as security trustee for the
Secured Parties
Shareholder a holder of Shares in the capital of the Company including holders of the
Scheme Shares if the context requires
Shares Ordinary Shares or C Shares or both, in each case as the context may
SPF Trustees the trustees of the SCIN Pension Fund
Sponsor Winterood Securities Limited, a limited liability company incorporated in
England and Wales with company number 02242204, whose registered
ofce is at The Atrium Building, Cannon Bridge House, 25 Dowgate,
London EC4R 2GA
Sponsor Agreement the sponsor agreement, dated 21 November 2022, among the Company,
the Manager and the Sponsor
Sterling, £ or GBP pounds sterling, the lawful currency of the UK
Takeover Code the City Code on Takeovers and Mergers
Target Market Assessment has the meaning given in the subsection entitled Information to
distributors in the section entitled Important Information of this
Transaction the proposed combination of the Company with JPE pursuant to the
Scheme, as described in this Prospectus
Transfer Agreement the agreement for the transfer of assets from JPE to the Company
pursuant to the Scheme to be dated on or around the Effective Date
between the Company, JPE and the Liquidators, with the terms of the
agreed form of such agreement being summarised in paragraph 12.5 of
Part VI (Additional Information on the Company) of this Prospectus
Trustee The Law Debenture Trust Corporation p.l.c. as trustee for the
UK or United Kingdom the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
UK AIFMD Laws (i) the Alternative Investment Fund Managers Regulations 2013
(SI 2013/1773) and any other implementing measure which
operated to transpose the EU AIFM Directive into UK law before
31 January 2020 (as amended from time to time); and
(ii) the UK versions of the EU AIFM Delegated Regulation and any
other delegated regulations in respect of the EU AIFM Directive,
each being par t of UK law by virtue of the European Union
(Withdrawal) Act 2018, as further amended and supplemented from
time to time
UK MAR the UK version of the EU Market Abuse Regulation which is part of UK law
by virtue of the European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018, as amended and
supplemented from time to time
UK MiFID Laws (i) the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (Markets in Financial
Instruments) Regulations 2017 (SI 2017/701), The Data Reporting
Services Regulations 2017 (SI 2017/699) and the Financial
Services and Markets Act 2000 (Regulated Activities)
(Amendment) Order 2017 (SI 2017/488) and any other
implementing measure which operated to transpose the EU
MiFID II into UK law before 31 January 2020 (as amended and
supplemented from time to time); and
(ii) the UK version of Regulation (EU) No 600/2014 of the European
Parliament, which is part of UK law by virtue of the European Union
(Withdrawal) Act 2018, as amended and supplemented from time to
UK PRIIPs Laws the UK version of the EU PRIIPs Regulation which is par t of UK law by
virtue of the European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018, as amended and
supplemented from time to time
UK Prospectus Regulation the UK version of the EU Prospectus Regulation which is part of UK law
by virtue of the European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018 (as amended and
supplemented from time to time (including by the UK Prospectus
Amendment Regulations 2019)
uncerticated or in
uncerticated form
a share recorded on the Register as being held in uncerticated form in
CREST and title to which, by virtue of the CREST Regulations, may be
transferred by means of CREST
United States or US The United States of America, its territories and possessions, any state of
the United States of America and the District of Columbia
US Exchange Act the US Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended
US Investment Company Act the US Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended
US Person a U.S. person as such term is dened under Regulation S
US Securities Act the US Securities Act of 1933, as amended
US Tax Code the US Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended
Volcker Rule Section 13 of the US Bank Holding Company Act of 1956, as amended,
and Regulation VV (12 C.F.R. Section 248) promulgated thereunder by
the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
JPMorgan Global Growth & Income plc (the Company)
60 Victoria Embankment
Equiniti Limited
Aspect House
Spencer Road
West Sussex
BN99 6DA
Ladies and Gentlemen:
In connection with the prospectus dated 21 November 2022 published by the Company (the Prospectus) and
the issue of shares in the Company pursuant to the Scheme (the Scheme Shares), the person named below
(or the accounts listed on the attachment hereto) (the Shareholder) agrees and acknowledges, on its own
behalf or on behalf of each account for which it holds any shares in JPMorgan Elect plc (the JPE Shares),
and makes the representations and warranties, on its own behalf or on behalf of each account for which it
holds any JPE Shares, as set forth in paragraphs (1) through (14) of this AI/QP Investor Letter.
Unless otherwise indicated, capitalised terms in this AI/QP Investor Letter shall have the meaning given to them
in the Prospectus.
Full Name of Registered Shareholder:
Full Address of Registered Shareholder:
CREST Nominee Name:
CREST Participant ID:
CREST Member A/c ID:
Date Signature
A signed copy of this page may be submitted by email to the Company at [email protected]
Accredited Investor and Qualied Purchaser Status
(1) The Shareholder is an accredited investor (an AI) within the meaning of Rule 501 of Regulation D
under the US Securities Act of 1933 (the US Securities Act).
(2) The Shareholder is (i) a qualied purchaser (a QP) within the meaning of Section 2(a)(51) and related
rules under the US Investment Company Act of 1940 (the US Investment Company Act) and (ii) it
holds any JPE Shares only for its account or for the account of another entity that is a QP.
Transfer Restrictions
(3) The Shareholder understands and agrees that: (i) the Scheme Shares have not been and will not be
registered under the US Securities Act; (ii) the Company has not been and will not be registered as an
investment company under the US Investment Company Act; and (iii) the Scheme Shares may not be
transferred except as permitted in this paragraph (3) of this AI/QP Investor Letter. The Shareholder
agrees that if, in the future, it decides to offer, resell, pledge or otherwise transfer such Scheme Shares,
such Scheme Shares will be offered, resold, pledged or otherwise transferred only as follows:
(a) in an offshore transaction in accordance with Regulation S under the US Securities Act
(Regulation S) to a person outside the United States and not known by the transferor to be a
U.S. person as dened in Regulation S (US Person), by pre-arrangement or otherwise; or
(b) to the Company or a subsidiary thereof.
(4) Each of the foregoing restrictions is subject to any requirement of law that the disposition of the
Shareholders property or the property of such account or accounts on behalf of which the Shareholder
holds the Scheme Shares be at all times within the control of the Shareholder or of such accounts and
subject to compliance with any applicable state securities laws.
Investment Company Act
(5) The Shareholder understands and acknowledges that the Company has not registered, and does not
intend to register, as an investment company (as such term is dened in the US Investment Company
Act and related rules) and that the Company has elected to impose the transfer and offering restrictions
with respect to persons in the United States and US Persons described herein and will have no
obligation to register as an investment company even if it were otherwise determined to be an investment
(6) The Shareholder understands and acknowledges that the Company may require any US Person or any
person within the United States who is required under this AI/QP Investor Letter, to provide the Company
within ten Business Days, with sufcient satisfactory documentary evidence to satisfy the Company that
such Shareholder shall not cause the Company to be required to be registered as an investment
company under the US Investment Company Act, and understands that if such documentary evidence is
not provided and the US Person does not otherwise dispose of the Scheme Shares in a manner
consistent with paragraph (3) of this AI/QP Investor Letter, the Company or the Directors may dispose of
the Scheme Shares so as to ensure that the Company is not required to register under the US
Investment Company Act.
(7) On each day it holds Scheme Shares, including the date on which it disposes of such Scheme Shares,
the Shareholder is not: (i) an employee benet plan (within the meaning of Section 3(3) of the United
States Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA)) that is subject to Part 4 of Title 1 of
ERISA; (ii) a plan, individual retirement account or other arrangement that is subject to Section 4975 of
the US Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (the US Code) or any other state, local, non-US or other laws
or regulations that would have the same effect as regulations promulgated under ERISA by the US
Department of Labor and codied at 29 C.F.R. Section 2510.3-101, as modied by Section 3(42) of
ERISA, to cause the underlying assets of the Company to be treated as assets of that investing entity by
virtue of its investment (or any benecial interest) in the Company and thereby subject the Company (or
other persons responsible for the investment and operations of the Companys assets) to laws or
regulations that are similar to the duciary responsibility or prohibited transaction provisions contained in
Title I of ERISA or Section 4975 of the US Code; or (iii) an entity whose underlying assets are
considered to include plan assets of any such plan, account or arrangement.
(8) The Shareholder has conducted its own investigation with respect to the Company, the Scheme Shares
and the Proposals, and has received all information believed necessary or appropriate to participate in
the action to be taken by each Shareholder as described in the Prospectus. The Shareholder has
received a copy of the Prospectus and understands and agrees that the Prospectus speaks only as at its
date and that the information contained therein may not be correct or complete as at any time
subsequent to that date. The Shareholder has such knowledge and experience in nancial and business
matters that it is capable of evaluating the merits and risks of the proposals described in the Prospectus.
The Shareholder understands that none of the materials and information provided to it by the Company
are intended to convey tax or legal advice. The Shareholder has consulted to the extent deemed
appropriate by the Shareholder with the Shareholders own advisers as to the nancial, tax, accounting,
legal and related matters related to the holding of Scheme Shares.
(9) The Shareholder understands the limitations and restrictions regarding ownership regarding the Scheme
Shares, including those described in the Articles. The Shareholder additionally understands that the
Scheme Shares are subject to substantial transfer restrictions, which restrict, among other conduct, any
transfer which would result in the Company no longer being considered a foreign private issuer for the
purposes of the US Securities Act or the US Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (the US Exchange Act),
or which would result in the Company being required to register under the US Exchange Act.
(10) The party signing this AI/QP Investor Letter is acting for their own account or for the account of one or
more Shareholders (each of which is an AI who is also a QP) as to which the party signing this AI/QP
Investor Letter is authorised to make the acknowledgments, representations and warranties, and enter
into the agreements, contained in this AI/QP Investor Letter.
(11) The Shareholder will hold the Scheme Shares for investment purposes and not with a view to, or for offer
or sale in connection with, any distribution thereof (within the meaning of the US Securities Act) that
would be in violation of the securities laws of the United States or any state thereof.
(12) The Shareholder has not been formed, organised, reorganised, capitalised or recapitalised for the
purpose of acquiring/receiving Scheme Shares. Any Scheme Shares acquired by the Shareholder will
comprise no more than 40 per cent. of the Shareholders total assets or, if the Shareholder is a private
investment fund with binding, unconditional capital commitments from the Shareholders partners or
members, no more than 40 per cent. of the Shareholders committed capital.
(13) The Shareholder acknowledges that the Company and others will rely on the acknowledgements,
representations and warranties contained in this AI/QP Investor Letter as a basis for exemption of the
Scheme Shares from registration under the US Securities Act, the exemption of the Company from
registration under the US Investment Company Act, for compliance with ERISA and for other purposes.
The party signing this AI/QP Investor Letter agrees to notify promptly to the Company if any of the
acknowledgements, representations or warranties set forth herein are no longer accurate.
(14) This AI/QP Investor Letter shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State
of New York.
Black&Callow c119843