in any doubt about the action you should take, you are recommended to seek your own
financial advice immediately from an independent financial adviser who is authorised under
the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (as amended) (‘‘FSMA’’) if you are in the United
Kingdom, or from another appropriately authorised independent financial adviser if you are
in a territory outside the United Kingdom.
This document, which comprises a prospectus relating to M&G Credit Income Investment Trust plc
(the ‘‘Company’’) prepared in accordance with the Prospectus Rules has been approved by the
Financial Conduct Authority (the ‘‘FCA’’) and has been delivered to the FCA in accordance with
Rule 3.2 of the Prospectus Rules. This document has been made available to the public as
required by the Prospectus Rules.
Applications will be made to the UK Listing Authority and the London Stock Exchange for all of the
Ordinary Shares (issued and to be issued) in connection with the Initial Issue to be admitted to the
premium segment of the Official List and to trading on the premium segment of the London Stock
Exchange’s main market. Applications will be made for all of the Shares of the Company issued
pursuant to each Subsequent Placing under the Placing Programme to be admitted to the premium
segment of the Official List and to trading on the premium segment of the London Stock
Exchange’s main market. It is expected that Initial Admission of the Ordinary Shares to be issued
under the Initial Issue will become effective and that unconditional dealings will commence in the
Ordinary Shares at 8.00 a.m. on 14 November 2018. It is expected that Admissions pursuant to
Subsequent Placings under the Placing Programme will become effective and dealings will
commence between 15 November 2018 and 25 September 2019. No application has been made
or is currently intended to be made for the Shares to be admitted to listing or trading on any other
stock exchange.
The Company and each of the Directors, whose names appear on page 46 of this document,
accept responsibility for the information contained in this document. To the best of the knowledge
and belief of the Company and the Directors (who have taken all reasonable care to ensure that
such is the case), the information contained in this document is in accordance with the facts and
does not omit anything likely to affect the import of such information.
Prospective investors shoul d read the entire document and, in particular, the section
headed ‘‘Risk Factors’ on pages 20 to 36 of this document when considering an investment
in the Company.
(Incorporated in England and Wales with registered number 11469317 and registered as
an investment company under section 833 of the Companies Act)
Initial Placing, Offer for Subscription and Intermediaries Offer for a target issue in
excess of 250 million Ordinary Shares at 100 pence per Ordinary Share
Placing Programme for up to 400 million Ordinary Shares and/or C Shares
Admission to the premium segment of the Official List and to trading on the
premium segment of the London Stock Exchange’s main market
Investment Manager
Sponsor, Financial Adviser, Bookrunner and Intermediaries Offer Adviser
Winterflood Securities Limited (‘‘Winterflood Securities’’), which is authorised and regulated in the
United Kingdom by the Financial Conduct Authority, is acting exclusively, through its division
Winterflood Investment Trusts, as sponsor, financial adviser, bookrunner and Intermediaries Offer
Adviser for the Company and for no one else in relation to Admission of any Shares, the Initial
Issue, the Placing Programme and the other arrangements referred to in this document.
Winterflood Securities will not regard any other person (whether or not a recipient of this
document) as its client in relation to Admission of any Shares, the Initial Issue, the Placing
Programme and the other arrangements referred to in this document and will not be responsible to
anyone other than the Company for providing the protections afforded to its clients or for providing
any advice in relation to Admission of any Shares, the Initial Issue, the Placing Programme, the
contents of this document or any transaction or arrangement referred to in this document.
Apart from the responsibilities and liabilities, if any, which may be imposed on Winterflood
Securities by FSMA or the regulatory regime established thereunder, Winterflood Securities does
not make any representation, express or implied, in relation to, nor accepts any responsibility
whatsoever for, the contents of this document or any other statement made or purported to be
made by it or on its behalf in connection with the Company, the Shares, Admission of any Shares,
the Initial Issue or the Placing Programme. Winterflood Securities (and its affiliates) accordingly, to
the fullest extent permissible by law, disclaims all and any responsibility or liability (save for
statutory liability), whether arising in tort, contract or otherwise which it might otherwise have in
respect of the contents of this document or any other statement made or purported to be made by
it or on its behalf in connection with the Company, the Shares, Admission of any Shares, the Initial
Issue or the Placing Programme.
The Offer for Subscription and the Intermediaries Offer will remain open until 1.00 p.m. on
7 November 2018 and the Initial Placing will remain open until 2.00 p.m. on 8 November 2018.
Persons wishing to participate in the Offer for Subscription should complete the Application Form
set out in Appendix 1 to this document and the Tax Residency Self-Certification Form set out in
Appendix 2 to this document. To be valid, Application Forms and Tax Residency Self-Certification
Forms must be completed and returned with the appropriate remittance by post to the Receiving
Agent, Link Asset Services, Corporate Actions, The Registry, 34 Beckenham Road, Beckenham,
Kent BR3 4TU so as to be received no later than 1.00 p.m. on 7 November 2018.
Investors should rely only on the information contained in this document. No person has been
authorised to give any information or make any representations in relation to the Company other
than those contained in this document and, if given or made, such information or representations
must not be relied upon as having been so authorised by the Company, the Investment Manager
or Winterflood Securities. Without prejudice to the Company’s obligations under the Prospectus
Rules, the Listing Rules, the Disclosure Guidance and Transparency Rules and MAR, neither the
delivery of this document nor any subscription for or purchase of Shares pursuant to the Initial
Issue and/or the Placing Programme, under any circumstances, creates any implication that there
has been no change in the affairs of the Company since, or that the information contained herein
is correct at any time subsequent to, the date of this document.
Winterflood Securities and its affiliates may have engaged in transactions with, and provided
various investment banking, financial advisory and other services for, the Company and/or the
Investment Manager, for which they would have received customary fees. Winterflood Securities
and its affiliates may provide such services to the Company and/or the Investment Manager and
any of their respective affiliates in the future.
In connection with the Initial Issue and/or Subsequent Placings, Winterflood Securities and any of
its affiliates, acting as investors for its or their own accounts, may subscribe for or purchase
Shares and in that capacity may retain, purchase, sell, offer to sell or otherwise deal for its or their
own account(s) in the Shares and other securities of the Company or related investments in
connection with the Initial Issue and/or Subsequent Placings or otherwise. Accordingly, references
in this document to Shares being issued, offered, acquired, subscribed or otherwise dealt with,
should be read as including any issue or offer to, acquisition of, or subscription or dealing by
Winterflood Securities and any of its affiliates acting as an investor for its or their own account(s).
Neither Winterflood Securities nor any of its affiliates intends to disclose the extent of any such
investment or transactions otherwise than in accordance with any legal or regulatory obligation to
do so. In addition, Winterflood Securities may enter into financing arrangements with investors,
such as share swap arrangements or lending arrangements in connection with which Winterflood
Securities may from time to time acquire, hold or dispose of shareholdings in the Company.
The contents of this document are not to be construed as legal, financial, business, investment or
tax advice. Investors should consult their own legal adviser, financial adviser or tax adviser for
legal, financial, business, investment or tax advice. Investors must inform themselves as to: (a) the
legal requirements within their own countries for the purchase, holding, transfer, redemption or
other disposal of Shares; (b) any foreign exchange restrictions applicable to the purchase, holding,
transfer or other disposal of Shares which they might encounter; and (c) the income and other tax
consequences which may apply in their own countries as a result of the purchase, holding, transfer
or other disposal of, or subscription for Shares. Investors must rely on their own representatives,
including their own legal advisers and accountants, as to legal, financial, business, investment, tax,
or any other related matters concerning the Company and an investment therein. None of the
Company, the Investment Manager or Winterflood Securities nor any of their respective
representatives is making any representation to any offeree or purchaser of Shares regarding the
legality of an investment in the Shares by such offeree or purchaser under the laws applicable to
such offeree or purchaser.
Notice to U.S. and other overseas investors
This document may not be used for the purpose of, and does not constitute, an offer or solicitation
by anyone in any jurisdiction or in any circumstances in which such offer or solicitation is unlawful
or not authorised or to any person to whom it is unlawful to make such offer or solicitation.
This document is not being sent to investors with registered addresses in the United States,
Canada, Australia, the Republic of South Africa or Japan, and does not constitute an offer to sell,
or the solicitation of an offer to buy, Shares in any jurisdiction in which such offer or solicitation is
unlawful or would impose any unfulfilled registration, qualification, publication or approval
requirements on the Company or Winterflood. In particular, this document is not for release,
publication or distribution in or into the United States, Canada, Australia, the Republic of South
Africa or Japan.
The Shares have not been and will not be registered under the U.S. Securities Act of 1933, as
amended (the ‘‘U.S. Securities Act’’) or with any securities regulatory authority of any state or
other jurisdiction of the United States and the Shares may not be offered, sold, exercised, resold,
transferred or delivered, directly or indirectly, within the United States or to, or for the account or
benefit of, U.S. Persons (as defined in Regulation S under the U.S. Securities Act), except
pursuant to an exemption from, or in a transaction not subject to, the registration requirements of
the U.S. Securities Act and in compliance with any applicable securities laws of any state or other
jurisdiction in the United States. There will be no public offer of the Shares in the United States.
The Shares are being offered or sold outside the United States to non-U.S. Persons in offshore
transactions in reliance on the exemption from the registration requirements of the U.S. Securities
Act provided by Regulation S thereunder. The Company has not been and will not be registered
under the U.S. Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended (the ‘‘U.S. Investment Company
Act’’) and investors will not be entitled to the benefits of the U.S. Investment Company Act.
The Shares have not been approved or disapproved by the U.S. Securities and Exchange
Commission, any state securities commission in the United States or any other U.S. regulatory
authority, nor have any of the foregoing authorities passed upon or endorsed the merits of the
offering of Shares or the accuracy or adequacy of this document. Any representation to the
contrary is a criminal offence in the United States and any re-offer or resale of any of the Shares
in the United States or to U.S. Persons may constitute a violation of U.S. law or regulation. Any
person in the United States who obtains a copy of this document is requested to disregard it.
In relation to each member state in the EEA that has implemented the AIFM Directive, no Shares
have been or will be directly or indirectly offered to or placed with investors in that member state
at the initiative of or on behalf of the Company or the Investment Manager other than in
accordance with methods permitted in that member state.
Copies of this document will be available on the Company’s website (
creditincomeinvestmenttrust) and the National Storage Mechanism of the FCA at and hard copies of the document can be obtained free of charge
from the Company Secretary.
Without limitation, neither the contents of the Company’s or the Investment Manager’s
website (or any other website) nor the content of any website accessible from hyperlinks on
the Company’s or the Investment Manager’s website (or any other website) is incorporated
into, or forms part of this document. Investors should base their decision whether or not to
invest in the Shares on the contents of this document alone.
Dated: 26 September 2018
PART 2 M&G 56
Summaries are made up of disclosure requirements known as ‘‘Elements’’. These elements are
numbered in Sections A-E (A.1-E.7). This summary contains all the Elements required to be included in a
summary for this type of securities and issuer. Some Elements are not required to be addressed which
means there may be gaps in the numbering sequence of the Elements. Even though an Element may be
required to be inserted into the summary because of the type of securities and issuer, it is possible that
no relevant information can be given regarding the Element. In this case a short description of the
Element is included in the summary with the mention of ‘‘Not applicable’’.
Section A Introduction and warnings
Requirement Disclosure
A.1. Warning This summary should be read as an introduction to this document.
Any decision to invest in Shares should be based on consideration
of this document as a whole by the investor. Where a claim relating
to the information contained in this document is brought before a
court, the plaintiff investor might, under the national legislation of
the Relevant Member State, have to bear the costs of translating
this document before the legal proceedings are initiated. Civil
liability attaches only to those persons who have tabled the
summary including any translation thereof, but only if the summary
is misleading, inaccurate or inconsistent when read together with
the other parts of this document or it does not provide, when read
together with the other parts of this document, key information in
order to aid investors when considering whether to invest in such
A.2. Subsequent resale or
final placement of
securities through
The Company consents to the use of this document by
Intermediaries in connection with the subsequent resale or final
placement of securities by Intermediaries.
The offer period within which any subsequent resale or final
placement of securities by Intermediaries can be made and for
which consent to use this document is given commences on
26 September 2018 and closes at 1.00 p.m. on 7 November 2018,
unless closed prior to that date.
Any Intermediary that uses this document must state on its website
that it uses this document in accordance with the Company’s
consent. Intermediaries are required to provide the terms and
conditions of the Intermediaries Offer to any prospective investor
who has expressed an interest in participating in the Intermediaries
Offer to such Intermediary.
Information on the terms and conditions of any subsequent
resale or final placement of securities by any financial
intermediary is to be provided at the time of the offer by the
financial intermediary.
Section B Issuer
Requirement Disclosure
B.1. Legal and commercial
M&G Credit Income Investment Trust plc
B.2. Domicile and legal
The Company was incorporated in England and Wales on 17 July
2018 with registered number 11469317 as a public company limited
by shares under the Companies Act. The principal legislation under
which the Company operates is the Companies Act.
B.5. Group description Not applicable. The Company is not part of a group.
B.6. Major shareholders The Directors intend to subscribe for the following Ordinary Shares
pursuant to the Initial Issue:
David Simpson 25,000
Richard Bole´at 10,000
Mark Hutchinson 20,000
Barbara Powley 15,000
The Prudential Assurance Company Limited intends to subscribe
for the lower of (i) 80,000,000 Ordinary Shares and (ii) 25% of the
Ordinary Shares to be issued pursuant to the Initial Issue. The
Directors believe that this proposed investment strongly aligns the
interests of M&G with Shareholders.
As at 25 September 2018 (the latest practicable date prior to the
publication of this document) insofar as known to the Company,
there are no parties known to have a notifiable interest under
English law in the Company’s capital or voting rights.
All Shareholders have the same voting rights in respect of the
shares of the same class in the share capital of the Company.
Pending the allotment of Ordinary Shares pursuant to the Initial
Issue, the Company is controlled by Mark Hutchinson. The
Company and the Directors are not aware of any other person
who, directly or indirectly, jointly or severally, exercises or could
exercise control over the Company.
B.7. Key financial
Not applicable. No key financial information is included in this
document as the Company is yet to commence operations.
B.8. Key pro forma
financial information
Not applicable. No pro forma financial information is included in this
B.9. Profit forecast Not applicable. No profit forecast or estimate is included in this
B.10. Description of the
nature of any
qualifications in the
audit report on the
historical financial
Not applicable. There are no audit reports in this document.
B.11. Qualified working
Not applicable. The Company is of the opinion that, on the basis
that the Minimum Net Proceeds are raised, the working capital
available to it is sufficient for its present requirements, that is, for at
least the next 12 months from the date of this document.
B.34. Investment policy Investment Objective
The Company aims to generate a regular and attractive level of
income with low asset value volatility.
Investment Policy
The Company seeks to achieve its investment objective by
investing in a diversified portfolio of public and private debt and
debt-like instruments (‘‘Debt Instruments’’). Over the longer term,
it is expected that the Company will be mainly invested in private
Debt Instruments, which are those instruments not quoted on a
stock exchange.
The Company operates an unconstrained investment approach
and investments may include, but are not limited to:
Asset-backed securities, backed by a pool of loans secured
on, amongst other things, residential and commercial
mortgages, credit card receivables, auto loans, student
loans, commercial loans and corporate loans;
Commercial mortgages;
Direct lending to small and mid-sized companies, including
lease finance and receivables financing;
Distressed debt opportunities to companies going through a
balance sheet restructuring;
Infrastructure-related debt assets;
Leveraged loans to private equity owned companies;
Public Debt Instruments issued by a corporate or sovereign
entity which may be liquid or illiquid;
Private placement debt securities issued by both public and
private organisations; and
Structured credit, including bank regulatory capital trades.
The Company will invest primarily in Sterling denominated Debt
Instruments. Where the Company invests in assets not
denominated in Sterling it is generally expected that these assets
will be hedged back to Sterling.
Investment restrictions
There are no restrictions, either maximum or minimum, on the
Company’s exposure to sectors, asset classes or geography. The
Company, however, achieves diversification and a spread of risk by
adhering to the limits and restrictions set out below.
Once fully invested, the Company’s portfolio will comprise a
minimum of 50 investments.
The Company may invest up to 30% of Gross Assets in below
investment grade Debt Instruments, which are those instruments
rated below BBB- by S&P or Fitch or Baa3 by Moody’s or, in the
case of unrated Debt Instruments, which have an internal M&G
rating below BBB-.
The following restrictions will also apply at the individual Debt
Instrument level which, for the avoidance of doubt, does not apply
to investments to which the Company is exposed through collective
investment vehicles:
Secured Debt
(% of Gross
(% of Gross
AAA 5% 5%
AA/A 4% 3%
BBB 3% 2%
Below investment grade 2% 1%
1 Secured Debt Instruments are secured by a first or secondary fixed and/or
floating charge.
2 This limit excludes investments in G7 Sovereign Instruments.
For the purposes of the above investment restrictions, the credit
rating of a Debt Instrument is taken to be the rating assigned by
S&P, Fitch or Moody’s or, in the case of unrated Debt Instruments,
an internal rating by M&G. In the case of split ratings by recognised
rating agencies, the second highest rating will be used.
It is expected that the Company will typically invest directly, but it
may also invest indirectly through collective investment vehicles
which are expected to be managed or advised by an M&G Entity.
The Company may not invest more than 20% of Gross Assets in
any one collective investment vehicle and not more than 40% of
Gross Assets in collective investment vehicles in aggregate. No
more than 10% of Gross Assets may be invested in other
investment companies which are listed on the Official List.
Unless otherwise stated, the above investment restrictions are to
be applied at the time of investment.
The Company is expected to be managed primarily on an ungeared
basis although the Company may, from time to time, be geared
tactically through the use of borrowings. Borrowings would
principally be used for investment purposes, but may also be
used to manage the Company’s working capital requirements or to
fund market purchases of Shares. Gearing represented by
borrowing will not exceed 30% of the Company’s Net Asset
Value, calculated at the time of draw down, but is typically not
expected to exceed 20% of the Company’s Net Asset Value.
Hedging and Derivatives
The Company will not employ derivatives for investment purposes.
Derivatives may however be used for efficient portfolio
management, including for currency hedging.
Cash management
The Company may hold cash on deposit and may invest in cash
equivalent investments, which may include short-term investments
in money market type funds (‘‘Cash and Cash Equivalents’’).
There is no restriction on the amount of Cash and Cash Equivalents
that the Company may hold and there may be times when it is
appropriate for the Company to have a significant Cash and Cash
Equivalents position. For the avoidance of doubt, the restrictions
set out above in relation to investing in collective investment
vehicles do not apply to money market type funds.
Changes to the investment policy
Any material change to the Company’s investment policy set out
above will require the approval of Shareholders by way of an
ordinary resolution at a general meeting and the approval of the UK
Listing Authority.
B.35. Borrowing limits The Company is expected to be managed primarily on an ungeared
basis although the Company may, from time to time, be geared
tactically through the use of borrowings. Borrowings would
principally be used for investment purposes, but may also be
used to manage the Company’s working capital requirements or to
fund market purchases of Shares. Gearing represented by
borrowing will not exceed 30% of the Company’s Net Asset
Value, calculated at the time of draw down, but is typically not
expected to exceed 20% of the Company’s Net Asset Value.
B.36. Regulatory status As an investment trust, the Company will not be regulated as a
collective investment scheme by the FCA. However, from Initial
Admission, it will be subject to the Listing Rules, Prospectus Rules,
the Disclosure Guidance and Transparency Rules, Market Abuse
Regulation and the rules of the London Stock Exchange.
B.37. Typical investor The typical investors for whom an investment in the Company is
appropriate are institutional investors and professionally-advised or
financially sophisticated non-advised private investors who
understand and are capable of evaluating the merits and risks of
such an investment and who have sufficient resources to be able to
bear any losses (which may equal the whole amount invested) that
may result from such an investment. Such investors are
recommended to consult an independent financial adviser who
specialises in advising on the acquisition of shares and other
securities before making an investment. Furthermore, an
investment in the Company should constitute part of a diversified
investment portfolio.
B.38. Investment of more
than 20% of gross
assets in single
underlying asset or
collective investment
Not applicable.
B.39. Investment of in
excess of 40% of
gross assets
in another collective
Not applicable.
B.40. Applicant’s service
Investment Manager
The Company has appointed the Investment Manager to act as the
Company’s AIFM for the purposes of the AIFM Directive and
accordingly the Investment Manager is responsible for providing
discretionary portfolio management and risk management services
to the Company.
The Investment Manager is entitled to receive from the Company
an investment management fee which is calculated and paid
quarterly in arrears at an annual rate of (i) 0.5% per annum of the
prevailing published Net Asset Value until the end of the
Company’s first accounting period, 31 December 2019; and (ii)
0.7% per annum of the prevailing published Net Asset Value
Where the Company invests in a collective investment vehicle that
is managed or advised by an M&G Entity, the Investment Manager
will reduce its investment management fee by the amount of any
equivalent management fee that is charged to such collective
investment vehicle or such entity will rebate its management fee
such that the Investment Manager ensures the Company is not
charged twice. The above arrangement will not apply to any other
fees or expenses charged to the Company or any such entity in
which it invests.
The Investment Manager is also entitled to be paid half of any
arrangement fee charged by the Company to the issuer of a Debt
Instrument in which the Company invests. The balance of any
arrangement fee is retained by the Company.
The Investment Management Agreement is for an initial term of five
years from the date of Initial Admission and thereafter subject to
termination on not less than six months’ written notice by either
party. The Investment Management Agreement can be terminated
at any time in the event of the insolvency of the Company or the
Investment Manager or in the event that the Investment Manager
ceases to be authorised and regulated by the FCA (if required to be
so authorised and regulated to continue to carry out its duties under
the Investment Management Agreement).
State Street Bank & Trust Company has been appointed to act as
the administrator of the Company. The Administrator is responsible
for general fund administration services including calculation of the
Net Asset Value, bookkeeping and accounts preparation.
State Street Trustees Limited has been appointed as depositary to
provide depositary services to the Company, which will include
safekeeping of the assets of the Company. The Depositary is
permitted to delegate (and authorise its delegates to sub-delegate)
the safekeeping of the assets of the Company.
The Administrator and Depositary are entitled to a combined fee
(the ‘‘State Street Fee’’). The State Street Fee shall be up to 0.08%
of the Net Asset Value per annum. The fee is subject to a minimum
rate, whereby if the Net Asset Value is less than £250 million the
fee will be calculated as if the Net Asset Value were £250 million.
The State Street Fee is calculated monthly and payable monthly in
arrears. In addition, the Administrator and the Depositary are
entitled to certain transaction charges, each of which will be at
normal commercial rates and certain other fees for ad hoc services
rendered from time to time. The Administrator and the Depositary
are entitled to reimbursement of out-of-pocket expenses incurred
by them (and by subcustodians and depositories) on behalf of the
Company in connection with the performance of the services. The
Company shall also reimburse the Administrator and Depositary for
the reasonable fees and customary agents’ charges paid to any
sub-custodian (which shall be charged at normal commercial
rates). All amounts are exclusive of any VAT that may be charged
The Depositary has delegated safekeeping duties as set out in the
AIFM Directive and the FCA Handbook to State Street Bank &
Trust Company, whom it has appointed as global sub-custodian.
Company Secretary
Link Company Matters Limited has been appointed as the company
secretary of the Company to provide the company secretarial
functions required by the Companies Act.
Under the terms of the Company Secretarial Services Agreement,
the aggregate fees payable to Link Asset Services are £60,000 per
annum. In addition a fee of £30,000 is payable to Link Asset
Services for services undertaken as part of the Initial Admission
Link Asset Services has been appointed as the Company’s
registrar. The Registrar is entitled to a fee calculated on the basis
of the number of Shareholders and the number of transfers
processed (exclusive of any VAT).
Receiving Agent
The Company has appointed Link Asset Services to provide
receiving agent services in connection with the Initial Issue. The
Receiving Agent shall be entitled to receive a fee from the
Company of not less than £15,000 (exclusive of any VAT) in
connection with these services.
Deloitte LLP has been appointed auditor of the Company. The
Auditor will be entitled to an annual fee from the Company, which
will be agreed with the Board each year in advance of the Auditor
commencing audit work.
B.41. Regulatory status of
the investment
manager, depositary
and custodian
The Investment Manager is authorised and regulated by the FCA
(FCA registration number 122011) as a full-scope alternative
investment fund manager for the purposes of the AIFM Rules.
The Depositary is authorised and regulated by the FCA.
The Custodian is authorised and regulated by the FCA and
authorised and regulated by the Federal Reserve Board.
B.42. Calculation of Net
Asset Value
The unaudited Net Asset Value will be calculated in Sterling by the
Administrator on a monthly basis, as described below and on the
basis of information provided by the Investment Manager. The Net
Asset Value per Ordinary Share (and Net Asset Value per C Share,
where applicable), calculated by dividing the relevant Net Asset
Value by the number of Shares in issue of the relevant class
(excluding Shares held in treasury), will be published both on a
cum-income and ex-income basis, via a Regulatory Information
Service and made available on the Company’s website as soon as
practicable thereafter.
The Net Asset Value for each class of Shares is the value of all
assets of the Company attributable to that class of Shares less its
share of liabilities to creditors, each determined in accordance with
Any suspension in the calculation of the Net Asset Value will be
notified via a Regulatory Information Service as soon as practicable
after any such suspension occurs.
B.43. Cross liability Not applicable. The Company is not an umbrella collective
investment undertaking and as such there is no cross liability
between classes or investment in another collective investment
B.44. No financial
statements have been
made up
The Company has not commenced operations and no financial
statements have been made up as at the date of this document.
B.45. Portfolio Not applicable. The Company is newly incorporated and does not
currently hold any assets as at the date of this document.
B.46. Net Asset Value Not applicable. The Company has not commenced operations.
Section C Securities
Requirement Disclosure
C.1. Type and class of
The Company is targeting an issue in excess of 250 million
Ordinary Shares with a nominal value of £0.01 each at an Issue
Price of 100 pence per Ordinary Share pursuant to the Initial Issue.
The Company also intends to issue Ordinary Shares with a nominal
value of £0.01 each and/or C Shares with a nominal value of £0.10
each pursuant to the Placing Programme.
The ISIN of the Ordinary Shares is GB00BFYYL325 and the
SEDOL of the Ordinary Shares is BFYYL32. The ticker for the
Ordinary Shares is MGCI.
The ISIN of the C Shares is GB00BFYYT831 and the SEDOL of the
C Shares is BFYYT83.
C.2. Currency The Ordinary Shares and C Shares (if applicable) will be
denominated in Sterling.
C.3. Details of share
The Company is targeting an issue in excess of 250 million
Ordinary Shares pursuant to the Initial Issue. The maximum
number of Ordinary Shares available under the Initial Issue is
400 million. The minimum size of the Initial Issue is 100 million
Ordinary Shares.
The actual number of Ordinary Shares to be issued pursuant to the
Initial Issue, and therefore the Initial Gross Proceeds, are not
known as at the date of this document but will be notified by the
Company via a Regulatory Information Service announcement prior
to Initial Admission. If the Minimum Gross Proceeds (or such lesser
amount as the Company and Winterflood Securities may agree) are
not raised, the Initial Issue will not proceed.
Set out below is the issued share capital of the Company as at the
date of this document:
nominal value Number
Management Shares of £1.00 each £50,000 50,000
Ordinary Shares £0.01 1
The Ordinary Share in issue is fully paid up. To enable the
Company to obtain a certificate of entitlement to conduct business
and to borrow under section 761 of the Companies Act, on
18 September 2018, 50,000 Management Shares were allotted to
Mark Hutchinson. The Management Shares are paid up as to one
quarter of their nominal value and will be redeemed immediately
following Initial Admission out of the proceeds of the Initial Issue.
The Directors have authority to issue, in aggregate, up to 400 million
Shares pursuant to the Placing Programme.
C.4. Description of the
rights attaching to the
The holders of the Ordinary Shares and C Shares shall only be
entitled to receive, and to participate in, any dividends declared in
relation to the relevant class of Shares that they hold.
On a winding-up or a return of capital by the Company, if there are
C Shares in issue, the net assets of the Company attributable to the
C Shares shall be divided pro rata among the holders of the
C Shares. For so long as C Shares are in issue, and without
prejudice to the Company’s obligations under the Companies Act,
the assets attributable to the C Shares shall, at all times, be
separately identified and shall have allocated to them such
proportion of the expenses or liabilities of the Company as the
Directors fairly consider to be attributable to any C Shares in issue.
The holders of Ordinary Shares shall be entitled to all of the
Company’s remaining net assets after taking into account any net
assets attributable to the C Shares (if any) in issue.
The Ordinary Shares and the C Shares (if any) shall carry the right
to receive notice of, attend and vote at general meetings of the
The consent of either the holders of Ordinary Shares or the holders
of C Shares will be required for the variation of any rights attached
to the relevant class of Shares.
C.5. Restrictions on the
free transferability of
the securities
There are no restrictions on the free transferability of the Shares,
subject to compliance with applicable securities laws.
C.6. Admission Applications will be made to the UK Listing Authority and to the
London Stock Exchange for all of the Ordinary Shares issued and
to be issued pursuant to the Initial Issue to be admitted to the
premium segment of the Official List and to trading on the premium
segment of the London Stock Exchange’s main market.
Applications will be made to the UK Listing Authority and to the
London Stock Exchange for all of the Shares issued pursuant to the
Placing Programme to be admitted to the premium segment of the
Official List and to trading on the premium segment of the London
Stock Exchange’s main market.
It is expected that Initial Admission will become effective, and that
dealings in the Ordinary Shares will commence at 8.00 a.m. on
14 November 2018.
It is expected that any further Admissions under Subsequent
Placings will become effective and dealings will commence
between 15 November 2018 and 25 September 2019.
All Shares to be issued pursuant to a Subsequent Placing under the
Placing Programme will be allotted conditionally upon the relevant
Admission occurring.
C.7. Dividend policy The Company intends to pay two dividends in respect of the first
financial period following Initial Admission. The first interim dividend
is expected to be declared in July 2019 and paid in August 2019
and the second interim dividend is expected to be declared in
January 2020 and paid in February 2020. Thereafter the Company
intends to pay dividends on a quarterly basis with dividends
typically declared in January, April, July and October and paid in
February, May, August and November in each financial year.
The Company will target an annualised dividend yield of LIBOR
plus 2.5% (on the Issue Price) in respect of the Company’s first
financial period to 31 December 2019. The Company will target an
annualised dividend yield of LIBOR plus 4% (on the opening Net
Asset Value per Ordinary Share) in respect of each financial year
thereafter. Where LIBOR materially changes or ceases to be
provided, the Company shall determine a suitable replacement
benchmark and shall notify investors accordingly. The Directors
intend to apply the ‘‘streaming’’ regime to distributions of portfolio
interest returns paid by the Company, such that these distributions
are expected to be designated as payments of interest. If
appropriate, in addition to, or instead of, interest distributions, the
Company may also pay ordinary corporate dividends.
Investors should note that the target dividend is a target only and
not a profit forecast and there can be no assurance that such target
will be met.
In accordance with regulation 19 of the Investment Trust (Approved
Company) (Tax) Regulations 2011, the Company will not (except to
the extent permitted by those regulations) retain more than 15% of
its income (as calculated for UK tax purposes) in respect of an
accounting period.
In order to increase the distributable reserves available to facilitate
the payment of future dividends, the Company has resolved that,
conditional upon Initial Admission and the approval of the Court, the
amount standing to the credit of the share premium account of the
Company immediately following completion of the Initial Issue be
cancelled and transferred to a special distributable reserve. The
Company may, at the discretion of the Board, pay all or part of any
future dividends out of this special distributable reserve, taking into
account the Company’s investment objective.
Although there is no current expectation that they will exercise such
power, the Directors will have the power to pay dividends in relation
to the C Shares (if issued) in the event that the assets that are
attributable to the C Shares generate material income while the
C Shares are in issue.
C.22 Information about the
In the event that any C Shares are issued under the Placing
Programme, the investments which are attributable to the C Shares
following Conversion will be merged with the Company’s existing
portfolio. The new Ordinary Shares arising on Conversion of the
C Shares will, subject to the Articles, rank pari passu with the
Ordinary Shares then in issue.
The Ordinary Shares carry the right to receive all dividends
declared by the Company or the Directors, subject to the rights of
any C Shares in issue.
On a winding-up, provided the Company has satisfied all of its
liabilities and subject to the rights conferred by any C Shares in
issue at that time to participate in the winding-up, the holders of
Ordinary Shares will be entitled to all of the surplus assets of the
Holders of Ordinary Shares and C Shares (if any) will be entitled to
attend and vote at all general meetings of the Company and, on a
poll, to one vote for each Ordinary Share or C Share held.
The consent of either the holders of Ordinary Shares or the holders
of C Shares will be required for the variation of any rights attached
to the relevant class of Shares.
The nominal value of the Ordinary Shares is £0.01 per Ordinary
The nominal value of the C Shares is £0.10 per C Share.
The Ordinary Shares will be in registered form, will be admitted to
the premium segment of the Official List and will be traded on the
London Stock Exchange’s main market. The Company will use its
reasonable endeavours to procure that, upon Conversion, the new
Ordinary Shares thereby arising are admitted to the premium
segment of the Official List and to trading on the premium segment
of the London Stock Exchange’s main market.
There are no restrictions on the free transferability of the Ordinary
Shares, subject to compliance with applicable securities laws.
Section D Risks
Requirement Disclosure
D.1. Key information on the
key risks that are
specific to the
Company or its
The Company has no operating results, and it will not
commence operations until it has obtained funding through
the Initial Issue. As the Company lacks an operating history,
investors have no basis on which to evaluate the Company’s
ability to achieve its investment objective and provide a
satisfactory investment return.
The past performance of other investments managed or
advised by the Investment Manager’s investment
professionals cannot be relied upon as an indicator of the
future performance of the Company. Investor returns will be
dependent upon the Company successfully pursuing its
investment policy.
There can be no guarantee that the investment objective of
the Company will be achieved.
The Company may experience fluctuations in its operating
results due to a number of factors, including changes in the
values of investments made by the Company, changes in the
Company’s operating expenses, and general economic and
market conditions (including a deterioration in the
performance of the economies to which issuers of Debt
Instruments in which the Company invests are exposed, in
particular, the UK economy, changes to interest rates, credit
spreads, equity risk premium, inflation and bond ratings,
changes in laws or regulations, national and international
political circumstances and general market pricing of similar
Changes in tax legislation or practice, whether in the United
Kingdom or elsewhere, could affect the value of the
investments held by the Company, affect the Company’s
ability to provide returns to Shareholders, and affect the tax
treatment for Shareholders of their investments in the
Company (including rates of tax and availability of reliefs).
Whilst the use of borrowings should enhance the total return
on the Shares where the return on the Company’s portfolio of
investments exceeds the cost of borrowing, it will have the
opposite effect where the return on the Company’s portfolio of
investments is lower than the cost of borrowing. The use of
borrowings by the Company may increase the volatility of the
Net Asset Value per Share.
The departure of some or all of the Investment Manager’s
investment professionals could prevent the Company from
achieving its investment objective. The past performance of
the Investment Manager’s investment professionals cannot
be relied upon as an indication of the future performance of
the Company.
There is no guarantee that the Net Proceeds will be deployed
in a timely manner, or at all. Competition for investments may
result in the Company being unable to make investments or
lead to the available coupon on investments decreasing. Any
delay in the initial deployment of the Net Proceeds and/or the
transition of the Company’s portfolio to mainly private Debt
Instruments may have a material adverse effect on the
performance of the Company, the Net Asset Value, the
Company’s earnings and returns to Shareholders.
The Company will invest into illiquid public and private Debt
Instruments. Such investments may be difficult to value or
realise (if at all) and therefore the market price that is
achievable for such investments might be lower than the
valuation of these assets and as reflected in the Company’s
published Net Asset Value per Ordinary Share and/or Net
Asset Value per C Share.
Investment defaults may result in a loss of anticipated
revenues. These losses may adversely affect the
Company’s ability to pay dividends and, if the level of
defaults is sufficiently large, may result in the Company’s
inability to fully recover its investment. The risk of inability to
fully recover investments is higher for highly leveraged Debt
Instruments such as leveraged loans to private equity owned
The Company’s investments may be subject to interest rate
risk. When interest rates decline, the value of fixed rate
obligations can be expected to rise, and conversely when
interest rates rise, the value of fixed-rate obligations can be
expected to decline. In general, if prevailing interest rates fall
significantly below the interest rates on any Debt Investments
held by the Company, such investments are more likely to be
the subject of prepayments than if prevailing rates remain at
or above the rates borne by such investments.
Issuers of Debt Instruments in which the Company invests
may decide to prepay or redeem all or a portion of such Debt
Instruments at any time, and with respect to some of the
Company’s investments, without penalty. In the event of a
prepayment or redemption, the Company may not receive all
of the interest payments that it expected to receive, thereby
impacting negatively on the Company’s investment returns.
To the extent that any of the Company’s investments prepay,
are redeemed, mature or are sold it will ordinarily seek to
reinvest such proceeds. There can be no guarantee that such
further investments can be made in a timely manner (or at all)
and consequently the Company may hold material cash
balances pending reinvestment. Further, such proceeds may
be reinvested in investments with a lower yield and/or with
different characteristics to those replaced. Any delays in the
speed of capital deployment may have a material adverse
effect on the performance of the Company, the Net Asset
Value, the Company’s earnings and returns to Shareholders.
D.3. Key information on the
key risks that are
specific to the Shares
The value of an investment in the Company, and the returns
derived from it, if any, may go down as well as up and an
investor may not get back the amount invested.
The market price of the Shares may fluctuate independently
of their underlying net asset value and may trade at a discount
or premium to net asset value at different times.
The Directors are under no obligation to effect repurchases of
Ordinary Shares. Shareholders wishing to realise their
investment in the Company will therefore be required to
dispose of their Ordinary Shares through the secondary
It may be difficult for Shareholders to realise their investment
and there may not be a liquid market in Shares.
Section E Offer
Requirement Disclosure
E.1. Net proceeds and
costs of the issue
The Initial Issue
The Company is targeting an issue in excess of 250 million
Ordinary Shares pursuant to the Initial Issue. The net proceeds of
the Initial Issue are dependent on the level of subscriptions
received. Assuming the gross proceeds of the Initial Issue are
£250 million, the net proceeds of the Initial Issue will be
approximately £247 million.
The costs and expenses of, and incidental to, the formation of the
Company and the Initial Issue are not expected to exceed
approximately £3 million, equivalent to 1.2% of the Gross
Proceeds, assuming Initial Gross Proceeds of £250 million. The
costs will be deducted from the Initial Gross Proceeds. It is
expected that the starting Net Asset Value per Ordinary Share will
be 98.8 pence, assuming Initial Gross Proceeds of £250 million.
The Placing Programme
The net proceeds of the Placing Programme are dependent, inter
alia, on, the Directors determining to proceed with a placing under
the Placing Programme, the level of subscriptions received, the
price at which such Shares are issued and the costs of the
Subsequent Placing.
The costs and expenses of issuing Ordinary Shares pursuant to
any Subsequent Placing will be covered by issuing such Ordinary
Shares at the prevailing published Net Asset Value per Ordinary
Share at the time of issue together with a premium to at least cover
the costs and expenses of the relevant Subsequent Placing of
Ordinary Shares (including, without limitation, any placing
The costs and expenses of any issue of C Shares under the
Placing Programme will be paid out of the gross proceeds of such
issue and will be borne by holders of those C Shares only.
E.2.a. Reason for issue and
use of proceeds
The Initial Gross Proceeds will be utilised in accordance with the
Company’s investment policy, to meet the costs and expenses of
the Initial Issue and for working capital purposes.
It is currently expected that the Net Proceeds will be deployed in
accordance with the Company’s investment policy in the manner
set out below.
The Company expects the Investment Manager to deploy the Net
Proceeds in readily available public lower yielding assets within a
period of three months after Initial Admission (subject to market
conditions). Based on current market conditions, the Investment
Manager then intends to transition the Company’s portfolio of
investments such that it mainly comprises private Debt Instruments
in accordance with the Company’s investment policy. It is currently
expected that, subject to market conditions, such transition will be
completed by the end of the first accounting period of the
Company, i.e. by 31 December 2019.
The Directors intend to use the net proceeds of any Subsequent
Placing under the Placing Programme to acquire investments in
accordance with the Company’s investment policy and for working
capital purposes.
E.3. Terms and conditions
of the offer
Initial Issue
The Company is targeting an issue in excess of 250 million
Ordinary Shares pursuant to the Initial Issue comprising the Initial
Placing, the Offer for Subscription and the Intermediaries Offer.
The Initial Issue has not been underwritten. The maximum number
of Ordinary Shares to be issued under the Initial Issue is 400
Ordinary Shares will be issued pursuant to the Initial Issue at an
Issue Price of 100 pence per Ordinary Share.
The Offer for Subscription and the Intermediaries Offer will remain
open until 1.00 p.m. on 7 November 2018 and the Initial Placing will
remain open until 2.00 p.m. on 8 November 2018.
If the Initial Issue is extended, the revised timetable will be notified
via a Regulatory Information Service announcement.
The Initial Issue is conditional, inter ali a, on:
Initial Admission having become effective on or before 8.00
a.m. on 14 November 2018 or such later time and/or date as
the Company and Winterflood Securities may agree (being
not later than 8.00 a.m. on 28 February 2019);
the Placing and Offer Agreement becoming wholly
unconditional in respect of the Initial Issue (save as to Initial
Admission) and not having been terminated in accordance
with its terms at any time prior to Initial Admission; and
the Minimum Gross Proceeds (or such lesser amount as the
Company and Winterflood Securities may agree) being
Placing Programme
Shares which may be made available under the Placing
Programme will, subject to the Company’s decision to proceed
with an allotment and issue at any given time, be issued at the
Placing Programme Price. The Placing Programme will open on
15 November 2018 and will close on 25 September 2019 (or any
earlier date on which it is fully subscribed or as otherwise agreed
between the Company and Winterflood Securities).
The minimum price at which Ordinary Shares will be issued
pursuant to the Placing Programme, which will be in Sterling, will be
equal to the prevailing published Net Asset Value per Ordinary
Share at the time of issue together with a premium to at least cover
the costs and expenses of the relevant Subsequent Placing of
Ordinary Shares (including, without limitation, any placing
The issue price of any C Shares issued pursuant to the Placing
Programme will be 100 pence per C Share.
The Placing Programme is not being underwritten.
Each issue of Shares pursuant to a Subsequent Placing under the
Placing Programme is conditional, inter alia, on:
Admission of the relevant Shares occurring by no later than
8.00 a.m. on such date as the Company and Winterflood
Securities may agree from time to time in relation to that
Admission, not being later than 25 September 2019;
a valid supplementary prospectus being published by the
Company if such is required by the Prospectus Rules;
in the case of an issue of Ordinary Shares, the Placing
Programme Price being determined by the Directors; and
the Placing and Offer Agreement being wholly unconditional
as regards the relevant Subsequent Placing (save as to
Admission) and not having been terminated in accordance
with its terms prior to the relevant Admission.
E.4. Material interests The Prudential Assurance Company Limited intends to subscribe
for the lower of (i) 80,000,000 Ordinary Shares and (ii) 25% of the
Ordinary Shares to be issued pursuant to the Initial Issue.
E.5. Name of person
selling securities and
lock-up agreements
Not applicable. No person or entity is offering to sell Ordinary
Shares as part of the Initial Issue.
E.6. Dilution No dilution will result from the Initial Issue.
If 400 million Shares were to be issued pursuant to Subsequent
Placings, and assuming the Initial Issue had been subscribed as to
250 million Ordinary Shares, there would be a dilution of
approximately 61.5% in Shareholders’ voting control of the
Company immediately after the Initial Issue (and prior to any
conversion of C Shares). The voting rights may be diluted further
on conversion of any C Shares depending on the applicable
conversion ratio. However, it is not anticipated that there would be
any dilution in the Net Asset Value per Ordinary Share as a result of
the Placing Programme.
E.7. Estimated expenses The costs and expenses of, and incidental to, the formation of the
Company and the Initial Issue are not expected to exceed
approximately £3 million, equivalent to 1.2% of the Initial Gross
Proceeds, assuming Initial Gross Proceeds of £250 million. The
costs will be deducted from the Initial Gross Proceeds. It is
expected that the starting Net Asset Value per Ordinary Share will
be 98.8 pence, assuming Initial Gross Proceeds of £250 million.
All expenses incurred by any Intermediary are for its own account.
Investors should confirm separately with any Intermediary whether
there are any commissions, fees or expenses that will be applied by
such Intermediary in connection with any application made through
that Intermediary pursuant to the Intermediaries Offer.
The costs and expenses of issuing Ordinary Shares pursuant to
any Subsequent Placing will be covered by issuing such Ordinary
Shares at the prevailing published Net Asset Value per Ordinary
Share at the time of issue together with a premium to at least cover
the costs and expenses of the relevant Subsequent Placing of
Ordinary Shares (including, without limitation, any placing
The costs and expenses of any issue of C Shares under the
Placing Programme will be paid out of the gross proceeds of such
issue and will be borne by holders of those C Shares only.
Any investment in the Company should not be regarded as short-term in nature and
involves a degree of risk, including, but not limited to, the risks in relation to the Company
and the Shares referred to below. If any of the risks referred to in this document were to
occur this could have a material adverse effect on the Company’s business, financial
position, results of operations, business prospects and returns to Shareholders. If that were
to occur, the trading price of the Shares and/or their respective Net Asset Values and/or the
level of dividends or distributions (if any) received from the Shares could decline
significantly and investors could lose all or part of their investment.
Prospective investors should note that the risks relating to the Company, its investment
strategy and the Shares summarised in the section of this document headed ‘‘Summary’’
are the risks that the Board believes to be the most essential to an assessment by a
prospective investor of whether to consider an investment in the Shares. However, as the
risks which the Company faces relate to events and depend on circumstances that may or
may not occur in the future, prospective investors should consider not only the information
on the key risks summarised in the section of this document headed ‘‘Summary’’ but also,
among other things, the risks and uncertainties described below.
The risks referred to below are the risks which are considered to be material but are not
the only risks relating to the Company and the Shares. There may be additional material
risks that the Company and the Board do not currently consider to be material or of which
the Company and the Board are not currently aware.
The Company is a newly formed company with no separate operating history
The Company is a newly formed company incorporated in England and Wales on 17 July 2018.
The Company has no operating results and it will not commence operations until it has obtained
funding through the Initial Issue. As the Company lacks an operating history, investors have no
basis on which to evaluate the Company’s ability to achieve its investment objective and provide a
satisfactory investment return.
The Company’s returns will depend on many factors, including the performance of its investments,
the availability and liquidity of investment opportunities within the scope of the Company’s
investment objective and policy, the level and volatility of interest rates, conditions in the financial
markets and economy and the Company’s ability to successfully operate its business and
successfully pursue its investment policy. There can be no assurance that the Company’s
investment policy will be successful.
Reliance on third party service providers
The Company has no employees and the Directors have all been appointed on a non-executive
basis. The Company is reliant upon the performance of third party service providers for its
executive function. In particular, the Investment Manager, the Depositary, the Administrator, the
Secretary, the Registrar and third parties (which may include the Investment Manager or another
M&G Entity) providing debt administration services will be performing services which are integral to
the operation of the Company or the administration of its investments.
Failure by any service provider to carry out its obligations to the Company in accordance with the
terms of its appointment could have a materially detrimental impact on the operation of the
Company or administration of its investments. The termination of the Company’s relationship with
any third party service provider or any delay in appointing a replacement for such service provider,
could disrupt the business of the Company materially and could have a material adverse effect on
the Company’s performance.
Past performance cannot be relied upon as an indicator of the future performance of the
The past performance of other investments managed or advised by M&G or any of M&G’s
investment professionals cannot be relied upon as an indicator of the future performance of the
Company. Investor returns will be dependent upon the Company successfully pursuing its
investment policy.
The Company may not meet its investment objective and there is no guarantee that the
Company’s targeted dividend, as may be from time to time, will be met
The Company may not achieve its investment objective. Meeting the investment objective is a
target but the existence of such an objective should not be considered as an assurance or
guarantee that it can or will be met.
The Company’s investment objective is to generate a regular and attractive level of income with
low asset value volatility. The achievement of the target dividend and low asset value volatility will
depend upon, amongst other things, the Company successfully pursuing its investment policy and
the performance of its portfolio of investments. There can be no assurance as to the level of
income return or capital volatility over the long term. The declaration, payment and amount of any
dividend by the Company will be subject to the discretion of the Directors and will depend upon,
amongst other things, the Company successfully pursuing its investment policy and its earnings,
financial position, cash requirements, level and rate of borrowings and availability of profit, as well
as the provisions of relevant laws or generally accepted accounting principles from time to time.
Investor returns will be dependent upon the performance of the Company’s portfolio of
investments and the Company may experience fluctuations in its operating results
Any returns generated by the Company are reliant primarily upon the performance of the
Company’s investments. No assurance is given, express or implied, that Shareholders will receive
back any of their original investment in the Shares.
The Company may experience fluctuations in its operating results due to a number of factors,
including changes in the values of investments made by the Company, changes in the Company’s
operating expenses, and general economic and market conditions (including a deterioration in the
performance of the economies to which issuers of Debt Instruments in which the Company invests
are exposed, in particular the UK economy, changes to interest rates, credit spreads, equity risk
premium, inflation and bond ratings, changes in laws or regulations, national and international
political circumstances and general market pricing of similar investments). Such variability may lead
to volatility in the trading price of the Shares and cause the Company’s results for a particular
period not to be indicative of its performance in a future period and this may have a material
adverse effect on the performance of the Company, the Net Asset Value, the Company’s earnings
and returns to Shareholders.
Availability of appropriate investments and transition of the Company’s portfolio of investments
There is no guarantee that the Net Proceeds will be deployed in a timely manner, or at all, and the
Company has not committed to make any investments.
In addition, the Company is subject to competition in sourcing and making investments.
Competition for investments may result in the Company being unable to make investments or lead
to the available coupon on investments decreasing, which may further limit the Company’s ability to
generate its targeted dividend.
If the Investment Manager is not able to source a sufficient number of suitable investments within
a reasonable timeframe whether by reason of lack of demand, competition or otherwise, a greater
proportion of the Company’s assets will be held in cash for longer than anticipated and the
Company’s ability to achieve its investment objective will be adversely affected. To the extent that
any of the Company’s investments prepay, are redeemed, mature or are sold it will ordinarily seek
to reinvest the proceeds thereof in accordance with the Company’s investment policy. There can
be no guarantee that such further investments can be made in a timely manner (or at all) and
consequently the Company may hold material cash balances pending reinvestment. Further, such
proceeds may be reinvested in investments with a lower yield and/or with different characteristics
to those replaced. Any delays in the speed of capital deployment may have a material adverse
effect on the performance of the Company, the Net Asset Value, the Company’s earnings and
returns to Shareholders.
The Company expects the Investment Manager to deploy the Net Proceeds in readily available
public lower yielding assets within a period of three months after Initial Admission (subject to
market conditions). Based on current market conditions, the Investment Manager then intends to
transition the Company’s portfolio of investments such that it mainly comprises private Debt
Instruments in accordance with the Company’s investment policy. It is currently expected that,
subject to market conditions, such transition will be completed by the end of the first accounting
period of the Company, i.e. by 31 December 2019. There can be no guarantee that initial
deployment of the Net Proceeds and/or the transition of the Company’s portfolio of investments will
be achieved in the timeframes referred to above. Any delay in initial deployment of the Net
Proceeds and/or the transition of the Company’s portfolio of investments may have a material
adverse effect on the performance of the Company, the Net Asset Value, the Company’s earnings
and returns to Shareholders.
Sufficiency of due diligence
The due diligence process that the Investment Manager will undertake in connection with the
Company’s investments may not reveal all facts and circumstances that may be relevant in
connection with an investment.
When conducting due diligence and making an assessment regarding an investment, the
Investment Manager will be required to rely on resources available to it, including in certain
circumstances information provided by the target of the investment.
There can be no assurance that due diligence investigations with respect to any investment
opportunity will reveal or highlight all relevant facts and circumstances that may be necessary or
helpful in evaluating such investment opportunity.
Any failure by the Investment Manager to identify relevant facts and circumstances through the due
diligence process may lead to unsuccessful investment decisions, which may have a material
adverse effect on the performance of the Company, the Net Asset Value, the Company’s earnings
and returns to Shareholders.
Fraud, misrepresentation or omission risks
The value of the Company’s investments may be affected by fraud, misrepresentation or omission
on the part of any issuer of Debt Instruments in which the Company invests and/or by parties
related to the issuer (or related collateral and security arrangements). Such fraud,
misrepresentation or omission may adversely affect the value of the collateral underlying the
investment in question or may adversely affect the Company’s ability to enforce its contractual
rights or the issuer’s ability to fulfil its obligations in respect of the investment.
Cash management and credit risk of bank deposits
To the extent the Company has cash balances (including any un-invested proceeds of the Initial
Issue or any Subsequent Placing), these may be held on deposit with banks or financial
institutions. Returns on cash or cash-equivalents may be materially lower than those available on
the Company’s target investments and material cash balances may materially and adversely affect
the performance of the Company, the Net Asset Value, the Company’s earnings and returns to
To the extent the Company holds material cash balances it will be subject to the credit risk of the
banks or financial institutions with which they are deposited. If any such bank or financial institution
were to become insolvent, or default on its obligations, the Company would be exposed to the
potential loss of the sum deposited. This may materially and adversely affect the performance of
the Company, the Net Asset Value, the Company’s earnings and returns to Shareholders.
Geographic concentration
The Company has no limit on exposure to a single geography and the Company will invest
primarily in Sterling denominated Debt Instruments. Accordingly, the Company’s portfolio may have
a significant exposure to the UK economy.
An economic slowdown in the UK or any other jurisdiction where the Company has significant
exposure could, depending primarily on the severity and duration of any economic slowdown, result
in the creditworthiness of the issuers of Debt Instruments in which the Company invests becoming
impaired which could cause an increased risk of investment default and cause the Company to
incur losses.
Sectoral diversification
The Company has no limit on its exposure to any sector which may lead to the Company having
concentrated exposure to certain business sectors from time to time. Concentration of exposure to
any one sector may result in greater Net Asset Value volatility and may have a material adverse
effect on the performance of the Company, the Company’s earnings and returns to Shareholders.
Changes in laws, government policy or regulations
The Company will be subject to laws, government policy and regulations enacted by national and
local governments. Any change in the law, regulation or government policy affecting the Company
may have a material adverse effect on the value of its investments, its ability to carry on its
business and successfully pursue its investment policy and on the Company’s earnings and returns
to Shareholders. In particular, the Company will be required to comply with certain regulatory
requirements that are applicable to listed closed-ended investment companies. The Company must
comply with the Listing Rules, Prospectus Rules, the Disclosure Guidance and Transparency
Rules, MAR and the rules of the London Stock Exchange. Any failure in future to comply with any
future changes to such rules and regulations may result in the Shares being suspended from
trading on the London Stock Exchange.
The financial markets are uncertain and have been the subject of governmental intervention
Uncertain conditions in the global financial markets, and initiatives by governments to address
them, have created a great deal of uncertainty for the finance industries, which may adversely
affect the Company’s investments and overall performance.
The scale and extent of these government initiatives have been unprecedented in recent times and
it remains unclear what impact they will have on global financial markets in the long term, and on
European, U.S. and other economies.
These initiatives are subject to change, may be implemented in unanticipated ways and their
effects are difficult to predict. It is not known whether the Company and the counterparties to
whom the Company will be exposed or its competitors will be able to benefit from these initiatives,
directly, indirectly or at all. There can be no assurance the conditions in the global financial
markets, or actions by governments, will not worsen and/or further adversely affect the value of the
Company’s investments and overall performance.
UK exit from the European Union
A referendum was held on 23 June 2016 to decide whether the UK should remain in the EU. A
vote was given in favour of the UK leaving the EU (‘‘Brexit’’) and Article 50 of the Treaty on
European Union was triggered on 29 March 2017. The extent of the impact on the Company will
depend in part on the nature of the arrangements that are put in place between the UK and the
EU following the eventual Brexit and the extent to which the UK continues to apply laws that are
based on EU legislation. The macroeconomic effect of an eventual Brexit on the value of
investments is unknown. The UK’s exit from the EU could also create significant uncertainty in the
UK (and potentially global) financial markets, which may materially and adversely affect the
performance of the Company, the Net Asset Value, the Company’s earning and returns to
Shareholders. It could also potentially make it more difficult for the Company to raise capital in the
EU and/or increase the regulatory compliance burden on the Company. This could restrict the
Company’s future activities and thereby negatively affect returns. As such, it is not possible to state
the impact that Brexit will have on the Company and its investments.
Investments outside the UK are exposed to local, legal, economic, political, social and other
Whilst the Company’s investments will be primarily denominated in Sterling, it may make
investments outside the UK. The laws and regulations of various jurisdictions in which the
Company may invest, may impose restrictions that would not exist in the UK. Such jurisdictions
may have their own legal, economic, political, social, cultural, business, industrial and labour and
environmental risks and investments made in such jurisdictions may require significant government
approvals under corporate, securities, exchange control, foreign investment and other similar laws
and may require financing and structuring alternatives that differ significantly from those customarily
used in the UK.
In addition, governments may from time to time impose restrictions intended to prevent capital
flight, which may, for example, involve punitive taxation (including high withholding taxes) on certain
securities or transfers or the imposition of exchange controls, making it difficult or impossible to
exchange or repatriate foreign currency. These and other restrictions may make it impracticable for
the Company to distribute the amounts realised from such investments at all or may force the
Company to distribute such amounts other than in Sterling and therefore a portion of the
distribution may be made in foreign securities or currency. It also may be difficult to obtain and
enforce a judgment in a local court. No assurance can be given that a given political or economic
climate, or particular legal or regulatory risks, will not adversely affect an investment by the
Use of borrowings
The Company is expected to be managed primarily on an ungeared basis although the Company
may, from time to time, be geared tactically through the use of borrowings. Borrowings would
principally be used for investment purposes, but may also be used to manage the Company’s
working capital requirements or to fund market purchases of Shares. Whilst the use of borrowings
should enhance the total return on the Shares where the return on the Company’s portfolio of
investments exceeds the cost of borrowing, it will have the opposite effect where the return on the
Company’s portfolio of investments is lower than the cost of borrowing. The use of borrowings by
the Company may increase the volatility of the Net Asset Value per Share.
To the extent that a fall in the value of the Company’s investments causes gearing to rise to a
level that is not consistent with the Company’s borrowing limits or loan covenants, the Company
may have to sell investments in order to reduce borrowings. Such investments may be difficult to
realise and therefore the market price which is achievable may give rise to a significant loss of
value compared to the book value of the investments, as well as a reduction in income from
Any amounts that are secured by the Company under a bank facility are likely to rank ahead of
Shareholders’ entitlements and accordingly, should the Company’s investments not grow at a rate
sufficient to cover the costs of establishing and operating the Company, on a liquidation of the
Company, Shareholders may not recover all or any of their initial investment.
The Company will pay interest on any borrowings. As such, the Company may be exposed to
interest rate risk due to fluctuations in the prevailing market rates to the extent that it has borrowed
funds outstanding.
Currency risk
If an investor’s currency of reference is not Sterling, currency fluctuations between the investor’s
currency of reference and Sterling may adversely affect the value of an investment in the
A proportion of the Company’s investments may be denominated in currencies other than Sterling.
The Company will maintain its accounts and intends to pay dividends in Sterling. Accordingly,
fluctuations in exchange rates between Sterling and the relevant local currencies and the costs of
conversion and exchange control regulations will directly affect the value of the Company’s
investments and the ultimate rate of return realised by investors. Whilst the Company may seek to
hedge the currency risk, there can be no assurance that any currency hedging arrangements will
be sufficient to cover the relevant risk.
Hedging and derivatives risk
The Company will not employ derivatives for investment purposes. Derivatives may however be
used for efficient portfolio management, including for currency hedging. Should the Company elect
to enter into hedging arrangements, the use of instruments to hedge a portfolio carries certain
risks, including the risk that losses on a hedge position will reduce the Company’s earnings and
funds available for distribution to the Shareholders and that such losses may exceed the amount
invested in such hedging instruments. There is no perfect hedge for any investment, and a hedge
may not perform its intended purpose of offsetting losses on an investment and, in certain
circumstances, could increase such losses. The Company may also be exposed to the risk that the
counterparties with which the Company trades may cease making markets and quoting prices in
such instruments, which may render the Company unable to enter into an offsetting transaction
with respect to an open position.
Although the Company will select the counterparties with which it enters into hedging arrangements
with due skill and care, the residual risk that the counterparty may default on its obligations
The Net Asset Value may be based on estimates
Certain of the Company’s investments will be in the form of Debt Instruments for which market
quotations are not readily available, and third-party pricing information may not be available for
certain investments held in the Company’s portfolio of investments.
In calculating the Net Asset Value, the value of certain investments of the Company may be based
on estimates. Such estimates may be unaudited or may not be possible to verify. In addition,
estimates of the value of collateral may not be revised on a regular or timely basis or at all with
the result that the values of investments may be estimated on the basis of information available at
the time.
This may result in increased volatility in the Net Asset Value and the value at which such
investments could be liquidated may differ from the valuations reflected in the latest published Net
Asset Value.
General Risks
Liquidity of investments
The Company will invest into illiquid public and private Debt Instruments. Such investments may be
difficult to value or realise (if at all) and therefore the market price that is achievable for such
investments might be lower than the valuation of these assets and as reflected in the Company’s
published Net Asset Value per Ordinary Share and/or Net Asset Value per C Share.
By way of example, in respect of private placements, owing to their customised nature and private
issuance, they may not be purchased or sold as easily as publicly-traded debt securities. As a
result, the Company may have difficulty in disposing of certain private placements because of the
limited secondary market for such securities. In addition, under adverse economic or market
conditions, the secondary market for private placements could contract further independently of
adverse changes relating to a particular issuer. Reduced secondary market liquidity for certain
private placements may also make it more difficult for the Company to obtain accurate market
quotations for the purpose of valuing the assets.
The liquidity in defaulted Debt Instruments may be further impaired and, to the extent the Company
seeks to sell any defaulted Debt Instruments, it is unlikely that the proceeds from such disposal will
be equal to the amount of principal and interest thereon, which may have a material adverse effect
on the performance of the Company, the Net Asset Value, the Company’s earnings and returns to
Investment defaults may result in losses
Investment defaults may result in a loss of anticipated revenues. These losses may adversely
affect the Company’s ability to pay dividends and, if the level of defaults is sufficiently large, may
result in the Company’s inability to fully recover its investment. The risk of inability to fully recover
investments is higher for highly leveraged Debt Instruments such as leveraged loans to private
equity owned companies.
While the Company will seek to repossess and sell or otherwise realise the value of any collateral
that secures a defaulted investment, it may not be able to do so on favourable terms. In some
cases, the cost of repossessing the collateral related to a defaulted investment may make trying to
recover the asset impractical. Also, if an issuer of Debt Instruments in which the Company invests
files for protection under bankruptcy or administration laws, then the Company may experience
difficulties and delays in realising on the collateral from the defaulting party and, in addition, it may
be unable to enforce important contract provisions against the insolvent party, including the security
provisions related to the collateral.
The Company may suffer a loss due to, or the Company’s ability to pay dividends may be
adversely affected by, the high costs of: (i) enforcing an issuer’s contractual obligations;
(ii) recovering the collateral from the defaulting party; (iii) transporting, storing and repairing the
collateral; (iv) the costs related to enforcement by the Company of its rights; and (v) finding a
purchaser for the collateral.
In the event of a default, certain collateral that may secure the Company’s investments may have
a higher value if that collateral remains in place and the issuer continues to operate.
Interest rate risk
The Company’s investments may be subject to interest rate risk. When interest rates decline, the
value of fixed rate obligations can be expected to rise, and conversely when interest rates rise, the
value of fixed-rate obligations can be expected to decline. In general, if prevailing interest rates fall
significantly below the interest rates on any Debt Investments held by the Company, such
investments are more likely to be the subject of prepayments than if prevailing rates remain at or
above the rates borne by such investments.
Since the global financial crash there has been a sustained period of very low levels of central
bank set interest rates. It is expected that central banks will raise their interest rates in the near
future. For investments that have a fixed rate of return, any such interest rate rises may negatively
impact the returns on the investments and the returns realised by the investors.
Covenant Risk
Investments made by the Company may become non-performing for a wide variety of reasons,
including non-payment of principal or interest, as well as material covenant breaches by the issuer
of the relevant Debt Instrument. Whilst the Investment Manager monitors the covenants and
conditions attaching to the Company’s investments, there can be no assurance that such
covenants and conditions will be fulfilled in a timely fashion and the Company could, as a result,
be exposed to loss. Any failure by the Investment Manager to monitor the covenants and
conditions attaching to an investment or to appropriately enforce the Company’s rights in the event
of a breach of a material covenant may cause the value of the Company’s investments to be
impaired. This may have a material adverse effect on the performance of the Company, the Net
Asset Value, the Company’s earnings and returns to Shareholders.
Prepayment and redemption risks
Issuers of Debt Instruments in which the Company invests may decide to prepay or redeem all or
a portion of such Debt Instruments at any time, and with respect to some of the Company’s
investments, without penalty. The degree to which issuers prepay or redeem, whether as a
contractual requirement or at their election, may be affected by general business conditions, market
interest rates, the issuer’s financial condition and competitive conditions among lenders. In the
event of a prepayment or redemption, the Company may not receive all of the interest payments
that it expected to receive, thereby impacting negatively on the Company’s investment returns.
Volatility of investment grade assets credit ratings
Investment grade assets must have a minimum credit rating of BBB- by S&P or Fitch or Baa3 by
Moody’s, or, in the case of unrated Debt Instruments, a minimum internal M&G rating of BBB-.
Although investment grade assets must exhibit such minimum rating, their respective credit ratings
may range widely and may vary over time. In particular, where such credit ratings are at the lower
end of the range, the issuers of such assets may face uncertainties and exposure to adverse
business, financial or economic conditions. This could lead to them being unable to meet their
financial commitments despite being regarded as issuers of investment grade debt.
In addition, investment grade debt can be subordinated or junior in the capital structure (see the
risk factor under the heading ‘‘Subordinated loan risk’’ below).
Below investment grade assets
The Company may invest in below investment grade assets which carry greater credit risk than
investment grade assets due to the higher probability of default by the issuer. Below investment
grade assets may also be less liquid than investment grade assets. Changing market conditions
and interest rate levels can also have a larger impact on the values of below investment grade
assets as compared to investment grade assets.
Subordinated loan risk
The Company may invest in or have exposure to Debt Instruments that are subordinated in right
and rank junior to other Debt Instruments. The covenants provided in favour of holders of senior
Debt Instruments are generally extensive and a breach of one or more of such covenants may
result in payments to the Company, as a holder of subordinated debt or Debt Instruments, being
suspended. Where such a breach or any other event leads to an event of default, holders of senior
debt or Debt Instruments (or any future senior holders) will have a priority claim on cashflow
generated by the issuer and/or may have the right to take control of the issuer and ultimately to
sell it. In such circumstances, the issuer may be unable to satisfy part, or all of its payment
obligations in respect of the Company’s interest in the relevant subordinated debt investment.
There are no restrictions on the Company’s ability to make subordinated loans. Concentration of
the Company’s portfolio of investments in subordinated loans may result in greater volatility in the
value of the Company’s investments and consequently the Net Asset Value and may have a
material adverse effect on the performance of the Company, the Net Asset Value, the Company’s
earnings and returns to Shareholders.
Unsecured Debt Instruments
The Company may invest in or have exposure to unsecured Debt Instruments in relation to which
the Company will not have recourse to any security or other assets of the issuer of the Debt
Instrument should the issuer default on its payment obligations. The risk of investing in unsecured
Debt Instruments is ultimately dependent upon payment of the underlying debt by the issuer.
Future discontinuance of the London Interbank Offered Rate
In this paragraph headed ‘‘Future discontinuance of the London Interbank Offered Rate’’, ‘‘LIBOR’’
shall mean the Sterling London Interbank Offered Rate administered by ICE Benchmark
Administration Limited (or any other person which takes over administration of that rate).
From the end of 2021, panel banks will no longer be compelled by the FCA to submit rates for the
calculation of LIBOR and therefore it is not possible to predict whether, and to what extent, they
will continue to provide submissions from this date and whether LIBOR will continue on its current
basis. In the event that LIBOR is discontinued or otherwise unavailable, the rate of interest on
Debt Instruments which reference LIBOR will need to be determined based on any applicable fall-
back provisions. This may in certain circumstances be reliant upon the provision by reference
banks of offered quotations for the LIBOR rate, which may not be available, or require the
application of a fixed rate based on the last relevant LIBOR rate available. Additionally, where such
fall-back provisions need to be amended to reflect such discontinuance and there is uncertainty on
the establishment of an alternative interest rate measure, there can be no assurance that any such
amendments or alternative interest rates will adequately mitigate future interest rate risk. Therefore,
such changes could have an adverse effect on the applicable interest rates of Debt Instruments
referencing LIBOR and their value and liquidity, and this in turn may have an adverse effect on the
performance of the Company, the Net Asset Value, the Company’s earnings and returns to
Reliance on obligors
The Company will not, in most cases, have control over the activities of any issuer of Debt
Instruments invested in by the Company or which is the payer of any receivable acquired by the
Company. Managers of issuers in whose Debt Instruments the Company has invested may
manage those companies in a manner not anticipated by the Investment Manager.
Investments in collective investment vehicles
The Company may invest in one or more collective investment vehicles, which it is expected will
be managed or advised by an M&G Entity. In relation to any such investments, the Company will
only be a passive investor and will not therefore have the same degree of control it has over its
other investments. M&G may be removed, or cease to manage or advise, any such vehicle and
the Company may be unable to influence the selection of a replacement manager or adviser.
The Company is unlikely to be able to influence significantly, or at all, the management of such
vehicles. The Company is, therefore, reliant upon the skills of the investment managers/advisers of
the vehicles in which it invests and may not be in a position to remove any such manager/adviser
or to exit its investment in the event of under performance by those vehicles and/or managers/
Such vehicles will be exposed to similar underlying risks as those applying to the Company’s
directly held portfolio of investments, but the risk profile may be higher than the Company’s directly
held portfolio of investments due to the characteristics of the underlying portfolio in any relevant
Accordingly, the Company cannot guarantee that these vehicles will be managed or advised
appropriately, which may have a material adverse effect on the performance of the Company, the
Net Asset Value, the Company’s earnings and returns to Shareholders.
Risks relating to specific Debt Instruments
Asset-backed securities
Each asset-backed security that the Company invests in will typically be backed by a pool of
assets representing the obligations of a number of different borrowers or debtors (such as
mortgage or credit card borrowers for example). In some cases however, the security may be
backed by a single asset, for example a mortgage relating to a specific commercial property. The
value of an investment in an asset-backed security can be affected by a number of factors,
including: (i) changes in the market’s perception of the underlying assets backing the security; (ii)
economic and political factors such as interest rates and levels of unemployment and taxation
which can have an impact on the arrears, foreclosures and losses incurred with respect to the pool
of assets backing the security; (iii) changes in the market’s perception of the adequacy of credit
support built into the security’s structure to protect against losses caused by arrears and
foreclosures; (iv) changes in the perceived creditworthiness of the originator of the security or any
other third parties to the transaction; and (v) the speed at which mortgages or loans within the pool
are repaid by the underlying borrowers (whether voluntary or due to arrears or foreclosures).
At times of rapid changes in market conditions it may be difficult to value certain asset-backed
securities investments made by the Company and values may fluctuate considerably, with market
prices quickly becoming out of date and not reflecting the value which would be realised on a sale
of the relevant asset-backed security in such market conditions. The value of the Company’s
investment in any such asset-backed security will be determined on a marked to market basis and,
accordingly, falls in the market price of asset-backed securities will result in a corresponding fall in
the Net Asset Value of the Ordinary Shares and/or C Shares.
Investments in asset-backed securities that are not backed by mortgages present certain risks that
are not presented by mortgage-backed securities. Primarily, these securities may not have the
benefit of the same security interest in the related collateral. Credit card receivables, for example,
are generally unsecured. Therefore, there is a possibility that recoveries on defaulted collateral may
not, in some cases, be available to support payments on these securities. The risk of investing in
these types of asset-backed securities is ultimately dependent upon payment of the underlying debt
by the debtor(s).
Extension and prepayment risks related to asset-backed securities and structured credit
Asset-backed securities and structured credit are often subject to extension and prepayment risks,
which may have a substantial impact on the timing of their cashflows. The average life of each
individual security may be affected by a number of factors such as structural features (including the
existence and frequency of exercise of any optional redemption, mandatory redemption or
prepayment or sinking fund features), the payment or the prepayment rate of the underlying assets,
the prevailing level of interest rates, the actual default rate of the underlying assets, the timing of
recoveries and the level of rotation in the underlying assets.
The Company may invest in or have exposure to asset-backed securities and structured credit that
are subordinated in right of payment and rank junior to other securities that are secured by or
represent an ownership interest in the same pool of assets. In addition, the underlying
documentation may provide for the diversion of payments of interest and/or principal to more senior
classes when the delinquency or loss experience of the pool of assets underlying such asset-
backed securities and structured credit breaches a covenant test. In certain circumstances,
payments of interest on certain asset-backed securities and structured credit in the Company’s pool
of assets may be reduced, deferred or eliminated for one or more payment dates, which may
adversely affect the value of the performance of the Company, the Net Asset Value, the
Company’s earnings and returns to Shareholders.
Rising interest rates tend to extend the duration of mortgage-backed securities, making them more
sensitive to changes in interest rates. As a result, in a period of rising interest rates the Company
may exhibit increased levels of volatility should it hold mortgage-backed securities. In addition,
mortgage-backed securities are subject to prepayment risk. When interest rates decline, borrowers
may pay off their mortgages sooner than expected.
Loans to borrowers in the financial services industry may be secured by portfolios of financial assets
The collateral for loans made to borrowers in the financial services industry may consist of
portfolios of financial assets, typically other loans, receivables or other contractual cash flows. Such
transactions may represent several types of risk to the Company.
Such financial assets will typically have shorter maturities than the maturity of the relevant loan by
the Company. The Company is dependent on the borrower originating additional loans to maintain
the value of the collateral relative to the loan. Typically, if the collateral value declines below an
agreed threshold, the collateral pool will enter a run off period which will amortise the loan. There
can be no assurance that the cash flow during a run off period will be sufficient to repay the loan
While the Company obtains legal advice in order to structure the collateral pool so as to protect
the Company’s interests from other creditors, there can be no assurance that the legal structures
and agreements protecting the Company’s interest in the collateral pool would not be subject to
litigation in the event of the borrower’s insolvency.
The Company is generally dependent upon the borrower servicing and monitoring assets of the
collateral pool. The Investment Manager conducts initial due diligence on the borrower and the
assets in the collateral pool. In addition, a third party servicer may be engaged to monitor the
borrower’s compliance with the loan terms and the performance of the collateral pool over time.
Commercial mortgages
Commercial mortgages are subject to the general risks associated with any mortgage loan, in that
they are in the ordinary course dependant on the successful operation of the underlying properties,
including the sufficiency of the rental income from the underlying properties and, upon default by
the relevant borrowers on the market value of the relevant mortgaged properties and/or the
borrowers’ ability to refinance such mortgaged properties.
A borrowers’ ability to make payments due under a commercial mortgage will also be subject to
the risks generally associated with investment in real property and may be beyond the control of
the borrower. These and other factors may make it impossible for a mortgaged property to
generate sufficient income to make full and timely payments on the related loan.
Such risks include the performance of the relevant underlying property market, the location and
condition of the property or properties and changes in supply of, or demand for, competing
properties in the area (as a result, for instance, of overbuilding) which may impact on the demand
for the property or properties and the rental levels it/they can command. Further, indirect factors
and risks which also influence the demand for a property, and therefore, its value, include
government regulations, changes in real property taxes, changes in interest rates and availability of
mortgage funds and environmental liabilities.
Adverse change in any of these factors may have a negative impact on the value of collateral that
supports a commercial mortgage and/or the ability of a borrower to service its debts including any
investment made by the Company. This may have a material adverse effect on the performance of
the Company, the Net Asset Value, the Company’s earning and returns to Shareholders.
Following an event of default, enforcement of the relevant related security may not be immediate,
resulting in a significant delay in the relevant security agent’s recovery of amounts owed by the
relevant borrower under a loan. In certain circumstances, a moratorium may apply to prevent or
delay enforcement in a relevant jurisdiction. Additionally, in each relevant jurisdiction, there may be
certain classes of creditors entitled to receive the proceeds of secured assets before the relevant
security agent (for example unpaid salaries, enforcement costs and taxes).
The Company may lend to smaller and mid -sized companies
The Company may lend to smaller and/or mid-sized companies. Whilst loans made to smaller and/
or mid-sized companies may fall within the relevant credit criteria of the Company at the time the
loan is entered into, a smaller or mid-sized company may be more susceptible to market volatility
and adverse changes in its trading conditions which may in turn impact its financial condition and
may mean that it is unable to comply with its payment obligations under the terms of the relevant
loan agreement. To the extent that a small or mid-sized company is unable to meet its obligations
pursuant to a loan agreement, the value of the Company’s investment in such a loan may fall and
interest payments to the Company may be interrupted, which may have an adverse impact on the
Company’s financial performance.
Distressed debt
The Company may invest in or have exposure to the Debt Instruments of issuers who are going
through a balance sheet restructuring or are in a weakened financial condition (for example,
suffering poor financial metrics, requiring further capital investment or being encumbered by an
unsustainable debt burden). While the Company is subject to limitations on the maximum size of
investment in any such individual Debt Instruments, there is no limitation on the Company’s
aggregate exposure to these Debt Instruments. The complexity of these situations and the fact that
it may be difficult to obtain information relating to an issuer’s true financial position means that the
future of these issuers may be uncertain.
The issuer may be involved in or undergoing workouts, liquidations, spin-offs, reorganisations,
bankruptcies or other catalytic changes or similar transactions. In any investment opportunity
involving any such type of special situation, there is the risk that the contemplated transaction
either will be unsuccessful, take considerable time or will result in a distribution of cash or a new
instrument the value of which will be less than the purchase price. Similarly, if an anticipated
transaction does not in fact occur, the Company may be required to sell its investment at a loss.
Because there is substantial uncertainty concerning the outcome of transactions involving financially
troubled issuers in which the Company may invest, there is a potential risk of loss by the Company
of its entire investment related to such issuers.
Infrastructure finance
The obligors under infrastructure finance Debt Instruments will generally be entities that have been
formed for, and are generally restricted to, the limited business purpose of owning and/or operating
the related project. Accordingly, payment of amounts due is generally dependent solely upon
successful development, construction and operation of the underlying project or the ownership and
management of a key economic asset that has already been completed.
Loans that finance equipment leasing
Generally, lease equipment is owned by a special purpose entity, the lessor, established by a
leasing company which then leases the equipment to the users, the lessees. The leasing company
generally contributes equity to the lessor and the Company would provide a loan to the lessor to
fund the acquisition of the equipment. The Company will generally be dependent on the leasing
company to service the leases, provide ongoing reports to the Company, and take remedial action,
if any, if a lessee does not perform as required under a lease.
A number of factors may affect an equipment leasing company’s ability to operate profitably,
including: (i) changes in economic conditions, including fluctuations in demand for assets, interest
rates and inflation rates; (ii) the quality of the assets it acquires and leases; (iii) the continuing
strength of equipment manufacturers; (iv) the timing of the equipment leasing company’s
investments and the equipment leasing company’s ability to forecast technological advances; (v)
technological and economic obsolescence of the assets it acquires; (vi) defaults by lessees or
other counterparties; and (vii) increases in the equipment leasing company’s ongoing expenses. If
the equipment leasing company is unable to operate profitably it may not be able to service its
debts including any investment made by the Company. This may have a material adverse effect on
the performance of the Company, the Net Asset Value, the Company’s earnings and returns to
Further, when an equipment leasing company enters into a lease, it will not know what the residual
value of the asset leased will be when the lease ends (on expiry, in the case of an operating
lease, or prematurely in the case of a cashflow lease). Where an equipment leasing company
enters into operating leases, the present value of minimum rental payments during the initial lease
term will usually be structured to result in the equipment leasing company’s recovery of an amount
less than the fair value or purchase price of the asset. Therefore, the equipment leasing company’s
ability to recover the full purchase price of the asset and the equipment leasing company’s
expected return in connection with an operating lease depends on the potential value of the asset
once the primary lease term expires. This is the ‘‘residual value’’. Similarly, in circumstances where
a cashflow lease ends prematurely, the equipment leasing company may be reliant on the residual
value in order to achieve the desired returns. The residual value will depend on numerous factors
beyond the equipment leasing company’s control, including whether the original lessee wants to
keep the asset, the cost of a comparable new asset, whether the leased asset is obsolete or in
poor condition, whether there is a secondary market for the type of used asset and, if so, the
market value of such asset.
In certain circumstances, the equipment leasing company may be reliant entirely on the residual
value of some of its investments to recover and/or make a profit on those investments and any
failure to achieve this may adversely affect the ability of an equipment leasing company to service
its debts including any investment made by the Company. In addition, if an equipment leasing
company’s assumptions are inaccurate or the assets lose value more rapidly than anticipated this
may also adversely affect the ability of an equipment leasing company to service its debts
including any investment made by the Company. Each of the above risks may have a material
adverse effect on the performance of the Company, the Net Asset Value, the Company’s earnings
and returns to Shareholders.
General risks affecting the Shares
The value of an investment in the Company, and the returns derived from it, if any, may go down
as well as up and an investor may not get back the amount invested.
The market price of the Shares, like shares in all investment companies, may fluctuate
independently of their underlying net asset values and may trade at a discount or premium to net
asset value at different times, depending on factors such as supply and demand for the Shares,
market conditions and general investor sentiment. There can be no guarantee that any discount
control policy will be successful or capable of being implemented. The market value of a Share
may vary considerably from its Net Asset Value.
It may be difficult for Shareholders to realise their investment and there may not be a liquid
market in the Shares
The Company will apply for the Shares to be admitted to the premium segment of the Official List
and to trading on the premium segment of the London Stock Exchange’s main market. However,
there can be no guarantee that an active secondary market in the Shares will develop or be
sustained or that the Shares will trade at prices close to their underlying Net Asset Value per
Ordinary Share or Net Asset Value per C Share (as the case may be). The number of Shares to
be issued pursuant to the Initial Issue and the Placing Programme is not yet known and there may
be a limited number of holders of Shares. Limited numbers and/or holders of Shares may mean
that there is limited liquidity in such Shares which may affect: (i) a Shareholder’s ability to realise
some or all of their investment; (ii) the price at which a Shareholder can effect such realisation;
and/or (iii) the price at which such Shares trade in the secondary market.
Whilst the Board will provide Shareholders with an opportunity to elect to realise the value of their
Ordinary Shares during the fifth year following Initial Admission and every fifth year thereafter,
Shareholders wishing to realise their investment in the Company will otherwise be required to
dispose of their Shares through the secondary market. Accordingly, Shareholders’ ability to realise
their investment at Net Asset Value per Ordinary Share or Net Asset Value per C Share (as the
case may be) before such realisation opportunity is dependent on the existence of a liquid market
for the Shares. There can be no guarantee that a liquid market in the Ordinary Shares or C Shares
will develop or that the Ordinary Shares or C Shares will trade at prices close to their underlying
Net Asset Value. Accordingly, Shareholders may be unable to realise their investment at such Net
Asset Value or at all.
Further, while the Board retains the right to effect repurchases of Ordinary Shares in the manner
described under the subheading ‘‘Repurchase of Ordinary Shares’’ in Part 1 of this document, they
are under no obligation to use such powers at any time and Shareholders should not place any
reliance on the willingness of the Directors to do so.
The Company may issue additional Shares that dilute existing Shareholders
Following the Initial Issue, subject to legal and regulatory requirements, the Company may issue
additional Shares pursuant to the Placing Programme. Any additional issuances by the Company,
or the possibility of such issuances, may cause the market price of the existing Ordinary Shares to
decline. Furthermore: (i) the relative voting percentages of existing holders of Ordinary Shares who
cannot, or choose not to participate will be diluted by further issues of Ordinary Shares; and (ii) the
voting rights of holders of Ordinary Shares may be diluted further on conversion of any C Shares
depending on the applicable conversion ratio.
The Shares will be subject to significant transfer restrictions for investors in certain jurisdictions
as well as forced transfer provisions
The Shares have not been registered and will not be registered in the United States under the
U.S. Securities Act or under any other applicable securities laws. Moreover, the Shares are only
being offered and sold outside the United States to non-U.S. Persons (as defined in Regulation S
under the US Securities Act), except pursuant to an exemption from, or in a transaction not subject
to, the registration requirements of the U.S. Securities Act and in compliance with any applicable
securities laws of any state or other jurisdiction in the United States.
If at any time the holding or beneficial ownership of any shares in the Company by any person
(whether on its own or taken with other shares), in the opinion of the Directors: (i) would cause the
assets of the Company to be treated as ‘‘plan assets’’ of any benefit plan investor under section
3(42) of ERISA or the U.S. Tax Code; or (ii) would or might result in the Company and/or its
shares and/or any of its appointed investment managers or investment advisers being required to
register or qualify under the U.S. Investment Company Act, and/or U.S. Investment Advisers Act of
1940 and/or the U.S. Securities Act and/or the U.S. Securities Exchange Act 1934, as amended
and/or any laws of any state of the U.S. or other jurisdiction that regulate the offering and sale of
securities; or (iii) may cause the Company not to be considered a ‘‘Foreign Private Issuer’’ under
the U.S. Securities Exchange Act 1934, as amended; or (iv) may cause the Company to be a
‘‘controlled foreign corporation’’ for the purpose of the U.S. Tax Code; or (v) creates a significant
legal or regulatory issue for the Company under the U.S. Bank Holding Company Act 1956, as
amended or regulations or interpretations thereunder, or (vi) would cause the Company adverse
consequences under the foreign account tax compliance provisions of the U.S. Hiring Incentives to
Restore Employment Act of 2010, including the Company becoming subject to any withholding tax
or reporting obligation (including by reason of the failure of the Shareholder concerned to provide
promptly to the Company such information and documentation as the Company may have
requested to enable the Company to avoid or minimise such withholding tax or to comply with
such reporting obligations), the Directors may require the holder of such shares to dispose of such
shares and, if the Shareholder does not sell such shares, may dispose of such shares on their
behalf. These restrictions may make it more difficult for a U.S. Person to hold and Shareholders
generally to sell the Shares and may have an adverse effect on the market value of the Shares.
Local laws or regulations may mean that the status of the Company and/or the Shares is
uncertain or subject to change, which could adversely affect investors’ ability to hold Shares
For regulatory and tax purposes, the status and treatment of the Company and/or the Shares may
be different in different jurisdictions. For instance, in certain jurisdictions and for certain purposes,
the Shares may be treated as units in a collective investment scheme. Furthermore, in certain
jurisdictions, the regulatory and tax status of the Company and/or the Shares may be uncertain or
subject to change, or it may differ depending on the availability of certain information or as a result
of disclosures made by the Company. Changes in the status or treatment of the Company and/or
the Shares for regulatory and/or tax purposes may have unforeseen effects on the ability of
investors to hold Shares or the consequences to investors of doing so.
Reliance on the Investment Manager
Investor returns will be dependent upon the Company successfully pursuing its investment policy.
The success of the Company will depend on the Investment Manager’s ability to identify, acquire
and realise investments in accordance with the Company’s investment policy. This, in turn, will
depend on the ability of the Investment Manager to apply its investment processes in a way which
is capable of identifying suitable investments for the Company. There can be no assurance that the
Investment Manager will be able to do so or that it will enable the Company to invest on attractive
terms or generate any investment returns for Shareholders or avoid investment losses.
The performance of the Company depends on the ability of the Investment Manager to provide
competent, attentive and efficient services to the Company. There can be no assurance that, over
time, the Investment Manager will be able to provide such services or that the Company will be
able to invest its assets on attractive terms or generate any investment returns for Shareholders or
indeed avoid investment losses.
The Company depends on the diligence, skill, judgement and business contacts of M&G’s
investment professionals and the information and deal flow they generate and communicate to the
Company during the normal course of their activities. The Company’s future success depends on
the continued service of these individuals (or their replacements from time to time) who are not
obligated to remain employed with M&G, and M&G’s ability to recruit and retain personnel. A
failure of M&G to retain or recruit appropriately qualified personnel may have a material adverse
effect on the performance of the Company, the Net Asset Value, the Company’s earnings and
returns to Shareholders.
If the Investment Management Agreement is terminated, the Directors would have to find a
replacement investment manager for the Company and there can be no assurance that a
replacement with the necessary skills and experience could be appointed on terms acceptable to
the Company.
The resources of the Investment Manager are not solely dedicated to activities in which the
Company is engaged and the Investment Manager will allocate resources to activities in which
the Company is not engaged, which might have a negative impact on the Company’s ability to
achieve its investment objective
The Investment Manager is not required to commit all of its resources (or ensure continuity of any
of its resources or that any of its resources are solely dedicated) to the Company’s affairs and
allocates its resources to other business activities. Insofar as the Investment Manager devotes
resources to its responsibilities in relation to other business interests, its ability to devote resources
and attention to the Company’s affairs will be limited. This could adversely affect the Company’s
ability to achieve its investment objective, which could have a material adverse effect on the
performance of the Company, the Net Asset Value, the Company’s earnings and returns to
Potential conflicts of interest
M&G is involved in other financial, investment or professional activities which may on occasion give
rise to conflicts of interest with the Company, which M&G shall manage in accordance with its
policies and procedures relating to conflicts of interest. In particular, M&G manages funds other
than the Company and may provide investment management, investment advisory or other services
in relation to those funds or future funds which may have similar investment policies to that of the
M&G may carry on investment activities for their other accounts and for other accounts in which
the Company has no interest. M&G also provides management services to other clients, including
other collective investment schemes which make investments which fall within the Company’s
investment policy. M&G may give advice and recommend investments to other managed accounts
or investment funds which may differ from advice given to, or investments recommended or bought
for, the Company, even though their investment policies may be the same or similar.
In relation to the allocation of investment opportunities, the Investment Manager has procedures in
place to seek to ensure appropriate allocations between its clients in accordance with its allocation
policy from time to time.
Access to material non-public information may restrict the ability of the Investment Manager to
take action with respect to some investments
The Investment Manager has established policies and procedures reasonably designed to prevent
the misuse by the Investment Manager and its personnel of material information regarding
particular issuers that has not been publicly disseminated (‘‘material non-public information’’) in
accordance with applicable legal and regulatory requirements. In general, under such policies and
procedures and applicable law, when the Investment Manager is in possession of material non-
public information related to a publicly traded security or the issuer of such security, whether
acquired unintentionally or otherwise, neither the Investment Manager nor its personnel are
permitted to render investment advice as to, or otherwise trade or recommend a trade in, the
securities of such issuer until such time as the information that the Investment Manager has is no
longer deemed to be material non-public information.
The Investment Manager has procedures that outline the process by which it will determine
whether to elect to receive material non-public information, or whether it will determine not to
receive material non-public information, in any given case. This determination will be made on an
issuer-by-issuer basis using objective criteria established by the Investment Manager. It should be
noted that the Investment Manager’s determination regarding whether or not to receive material
non-public information regarding a specific issuer may have implications for the services the
Investment Manager is able to provide to certain clients in certain situations, including the
Investment trust status
It is the intention of the Directors to conduct the affairs of the Company so as to satisfy the
conditions under sections 1158 to 1159 of the CTA 2010 and ongoing requirements under the
Investment Trust (Approved Company) (Tax) Regulations 2011 for it to be approved by HMRC as
an investment trust. In respect of each period for which the Company is an approved investment
trust, the Company will be exempt from UK corporation tax on its chargeable gains and capital
profits on loan relationships. The Company will also have access to an optional interest
‘‘streaming’’ regime which enables it to deduct from its taxable interest income the amount of
dividend distributions to Shareholders that have been notionally designated as interest distributions.
There is a risk that the Company does not receive approval of its investment trust status from
HMRC or, having received such approval, the Company fails to maintain its status as an
investment trust. In such circumstances, the Company would be subject to the normal rates of
corporation tax on chargeable gains and capital profits arising on the transfer or disposal of
investments and other assets, and on interest income which could adversely affect the Company’s
financial performance, its ability to provide returns to its Shareholders or the post-tax returns
received by its Shareholders. In addition, it is not possible to guarantee that the Company will
remain a non-close company, which is a requirement to maintain investment trust status, as the
Shares are freely transferable. The Company, in the unlikely event that it becomes aware that it is
a close company, or otherwise fails to meet the criteria for maintaining investment trust status, will,
as soon as reasonably practicable, notify Shareholders of this fact.
Changes in taxation legislation or practice may adversely affect the Company and the tax
treatment for Shareholders investing in the Company
Changes in tax legislation or practice, whether in the United Kingdom or elsewhere, could affect
the value of the investments held by the Company, affect the Company’s ability to provide returns
to Shareholders, and affect the tax treatment for Shareholders of their investments in the Company
(including rates of tax and availability of reliefs).
Investors should consult their tax advisers with respect to their own particular tax circumstances
and the tax effects of an investment in the Company. Statements in this document concerning the
taxation of investors or prospective investors in Shares are based upon current tax law and
practice, each of which is, in principle, subject to change. The value of particular tax reliefs, if
available, will depend on each individual Shareholder’s circumstances. This document does not
constitute tax advice and must not therefore be treated as a substitute for independent tax advice.
The investment activity to be undertaken by the Company may expose the Company to the risk
of regulation in the United Kingdom and other jurisdictions
The investment activity to be undertaken by the Company includes direct lending, which is an
unregulated activity. There is a risk that some or all of such activity and the other investment
activity of the Company becomes regulated in future. In particular, the European Commission and
other relevant authorities have stated that they are considering whether lending by non-bank
institutions (or ‘‘shadow banking’’) should, in itself, be a regulated activity and the Financial Stability
Board has recently announced a consultation on the subject. Whilst there are no firm proposals
currently on the legislative agenda, the future regulation of shadow banking cannot be ruled out.
Any future regulation may have an impact on the Company, which could be significant, in terms of
compliance costs and, potentially, the restriction of its activities (in particular the Company’s ability
to undertake direct lending). Any such costs or restrictions may have an adverse effect on the
performance of the Company, the Net Asset Value, the Company’s earnings and returns to
Greater regulation of the financial services industry, which imposes additional restrictions on
the Company, may materially affect the Company’s business and the Company’s ability to
achieve its investment objective
Legislation proposing greater regulation of the financial services industry and the financial markets
is being actively pursued in the European Union and other jurisdictions.
There can be no assurance that future regulatory action will not result in additional market
dislocation. It is impossible to predict the nature, timing and scope of future changes in laws and
regulations applicable to the Company. Any such changes in laws and regulations may have a
material adverse effect on the ability of the Company to successfully pursue its investment policy
and to realise its profit potential, and may include a requirement of increased transparency as to
the identity of investors in the Company. Any such event may have a material adverse effect on
the investment returns of the Company. If the Company fails to comply with these laws and
regulations, the Company may have to pay penalties or private damages awards.
Due diligence and reporting obligations
The Company will be required to comply with certain due diligence and reporting requirements
under the International Tax Compliance Regulations 2015, which were enacted to meet the United
Kingdom’s obligations under FATCA, the Common Reporting Standard developed by the
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development and the EU Directive on Administrative
Cooperation in Tax Matters. Shareholders may be required to provide information to the Company
to enable the Company to satisfy its obligations under the regulations. Failure by the Company to
comply with its obligations under the regulations may result in fines being imposed on the
Company and, in such event, the target returns of the Company may be adversely affected.
Alternative Investment Fund Managers Directive
The AIFM Directive imposes a regime for EEA managers of AIFs and in respect of the marketing
of AIFs in the EEA. The AIFM Directive has been implemented in the UK by the AIFM Rules. The
AIFM Directive requires that EEA alternative investment fund managers of AIFs are authorised and
The Board has appointed the Investment Manager as the alternative investment fund manager of
the Company. The Investment Manager is authorised and regulated by the FCA. If the Investment
Manager ceases to act or becomes unable to act as the Company’s alternative investment fund
manager, then the Company must appoint another suitably authorised person as its alternative
investment fund manager or the Company must be its own alternative investment fund manager. In
order for the Company to be its own alternative investment fund manager it may be required to be
authorised in the United Kingdom to act as an alternative investment fund manager. The Company
is not currently authorised to act as an alternative investment fund manager and does not intend to
apply for such authorisation to the extent that it is not required to do so. In the event that, and for
so long as, the Company does not have an external alternative investment fund manager and is
not permitted to act as an alternative investment fund manager in the United Kingdom then the
Company may not be able to operate or, as a minimum, the ability of the Company to operate will
be adversely affected to a significant extent.
In addition, the Company is required to appoint a depositary which will be State Street Trustees
Limited. In complying with the AIFM Directive, the Company is likely to have higher management
and operating costs than would otherwise be the case.
The Company has not and will not register as an investment company under the U.S. Investment
Company Act
The Company is not, and does not intend to become, registered as an investment company under
the U.S. Investment Company Act and related rules and regulations. The U.S. Investment
Company Act provides certain protections to investors and imposes certain restrictions on
companies that are registered as investment companies.
As the Company is not so registered and does not plan to register, none of these protections or
restrictions is or will be applicable to the Company. In addition, to avoid being required to register
as an investment company under the U.S. Investment Company Act, the Board may, under the
Articles and subject to certain conditions, compulsorily require the transfer of Shares held by a
person to whom the sale or transfer of Shares may cause the Company to be classified as an
investment company under the U.S. Investment Company Act.
The assets of the Company could be deemed to be ‘‘plan assets’’ that are subject to the
requirements of ERISA or Section 4975 of the U.S. Tax Code, which could restrain the Company
from making certain investments, and result in excise taxes and liabilities
Under the current United States Plan Asset Regulations, if interests held by Benefit Plan Investors
are deemed to be ‘‘significant’’ within the meaning of the Plan Asset Regulations (broadly, if Benefit
Plan Investors hold 25% or greater of any class of equity interest in the Company) then the assets
of the Company may be deemed to be ‘‘plan assets’’ within the meaning of the Plan Asset
Regulations. After the Initial Issue, the Company may be unable to monitor whether Benefit Plan
Investors or any other investors acquire Shares and therefore, there can be no assurance that
Benefit Plan Investors will never acquire Shares or that, if they do, the ownership of all Benefit
Plan Investors will be below the 25% threshold discussed above or that the Company’s assets will
not otherwise constitute ‘‘plan assets’’ under the Plan Asset Regulations. If the Company’s assets
were deemed to constitute ‘‘plan assets’’ within the meaning of the Plan Asset Regulations, certain
transactions that the Company might enter into in the ordinary course of business and operation
might constitute non-exempt prohibited transactions under the Employee Retirement Income
Security Act of 1974, as amended (‘‘ERISA’’) or the U.S. Tax Code, resulting in excise taxes or
other liabilities under ERISA or the U.S. Tax Code. In addition, any fiduciary of a Benefit Plan
Investor or an employee benefit plan subject to Similar Law that is responsible for the benefit
plan’s investment in the Shares could be liable for any ERISA violations or violations of such
Similar Law relating to the Company.
Risks relating to packaged retail and insurance-based investment products (‘‘PRIIPS’’)
Investors should be aware that the PRIIPs Regulation requires the Investment Manager, as PRIIP
manufacturer, to prepare a key information document (‘‘KID’’) in respect of each class of share of
the Company. The KID must be made available by the Investment Manager to retail investors prior
to them making any investment decision and is available on the Company’s website at The content of a KID is highly prescriptive, both in
terms of the calculations underlying the numbers and the narrative, with limited ability to add
further context and explanations, and therefore the KID should be read in conjunction with material
produced by the Company including the annual report, the quarterly factsheets and this document,
all of which will be made available on the Company’s website.
No person has been authorised by the Company to issue any advertisement or to give any
information or to make any representations in connection with the offering or sale of Shares other
than those contained in this document and, if issued, given or made, such advertisement,
information or representation must not be relied upon as having been authorised by the Company,
the Investment Manager or Winterflood Securities. Without prejudice to the Company’s obligations
under the Prospectus Rules, the Listing Rules, the Disclosure Guidance and Transparency Rules
and MAR, neither the delivery of this document nor any subscription for or purchase of Shares
pursuant to the Initial Issue and/or the Placing Programme, under any circumstances, creates any
implication that there has been no change in the affairs of the Company since, or that the
information contained herein is correct at any time subsequent to, the date of this document.
Prospective investors should not treat the contents of this document as advice relating to legal,
taxation, investment or any other matters. Prospective investors should inform themselves as to:
(a) the legal requirements within their own countries for the purchase, holding, transfer or other
disposal of Shares; (b) any foreign exchange restrictions applicable to the purchase, holding,
transfer or other disposal of Shares which they might encounter; and (c) the income and other tax
consequences which may apply in their own countries as a result of the purchase, holding, transfer
or other disposal of, or subscription for Shares. Prospective investors must rely upon their own
legal advisers, accountants and other financial advisers as to legal, tax, investment or any other
related matters concerning the Company and an investment in the Shares.
This document should be read in its entirety before making any application for Shares. All
Shareholders are entitled to the benefit of, and are bound by and are deemed to have notice of,
the provisions of the Articles.
This document does not constitute, and may not be used for the purposes of, an offer or
solicitation to anyone in any jurisdiction: (i) in which such offer or solicitation is not authorised; or
(ii) in which the person making such offer or invitation is not qualified to do so; or (iii) to any
person to whom it is unlawful to make such offer or solicitation. The distribution of this document
and the offering of Shares in certain jurisdictions may be restricted and accordingly persons into
whose possession this document is received are required to inform themselves about and to
observe such restrictions.
The Shares have not been and will not be registered under the U.S. Securities Act or with any
securities regulatory authority of any state or other jurisdiction of the United States and the Shares
may not be offered, sold, exercised, resold, transferred or delivered, directly or indirectly, within the
United States or to, or for the account or benefit of, U.S. Persons (as defined in Regulation S
under the U.S. Securities Act), except pursuant to an exemption from, or in a transaction not
subject to, the registration requirements of the U.S. Securities Act and in compliance with any
applicable securities laws of any state or other jurisdiction in the United States. There will be no
public offer of the Shares in the United States. The Shares are being offered or sold outside the
United States to non-U.S. Persons in offshore transactions in reliance on the exemption from the
registration requirements of the U.S. Securities Act provided by Regulation S thereunder. The
Company has not been and will not be registered under the U.S. Investment Company Act and
investors will not be entitled to the benefits of the U.S. Investment Company Act.
The Shares have not been approved or disapproved by the U.S. Securities and Exchange
Commission, any state securities commission in the United States or any other U.S. regulatory
authority, nor have any of the foregoing authorities passed upon or endorsed the merits of the
offering of Shares or the accuracy or adequacy of this document. Any representation to the
contrary is a criminal offence in the United States and any re-offer or resale of any of the Shares
in the United States or to U.S. Persons may constitute a violation of U.S. law or regulation. Any
person in the United States who obtains a copy of this document is requested to disregard it.
The offer and sale of Shares has not been and will not be registered under the applicable
securities laws of Canada, Japan, Australia or the Republic of South Africa. Subject to certain
exemptions, the Shares may not be offered to or sold within Canada, Japan, Australia or the
Republic of South Africa or to any national, resident or citizen of such territories.
In relation to each Relevant Member State which has implemented the Prospectus Directive, no
Shares have been offered or will be offered pursuant to the Initial Issue or the Placing Programme
to the public in that Relevant Member State prior to the publication of a prospectus in relation to
the Shares which has been approved by the competent authority in that Relevant Member State,
or, where appropriate, approved in another Relevant Member State and notified to the competent
authority in that Relevant Member State, all in accordance with the Prospectus Directive, except
that offers of Shares to the public may be made at any time under the following exemptions under
the Prospectus Directive, if they are implemented in that Relevant Member State:
(a) to any legal entity which is a ‘‘qualified investor’’ as defined in the Prospectus Directive;
(b) to fewer than 100, or, if the Relevant Member State has implemented the relevant provision
of the 2010 PD Amending Directive (as defined below), 150 natural or legal persons (other
than qualified investors as defined in the Prospectus Directive) in such Relevant Member
State; or
(c) in any other circumstances falling within Article 3(2) of the Prospectus Directive or Article 1(3)
or (subject to the Relevant Member State having implemented the provision) Article 3 of the
Prospectus Regulation 2017,
provided that no such offer of Shares shall result in a requirement for the publication of a
document pursuant to Article 3 of the Prospectus Directive or any measure implementing the
Prospectus Directive in a Relevant Member State and each person who initially acquires any
Shares or to whom any offer is made under the Initial Placing or the Placing Programme will be
deemed to have represented, acknowledged and agreed that it is a ‘‘qualified investor’’ within the
meaning of Article 2(1)(e) of the Prospectus Directive.
The expression an ‘‘offer to the public’’ in relation to any offer of Shares in any Relevant Member
State means a communication in any form and by any means presenting sufficient information on
the terms of the offer and any Shares to be offered so as to enable an investor to decide to
purchase or subscribe for the Shares, as the same may be varied in that Relevant Member State
by any measure implementing the Prospectus Directive in that Relevant Member State and the
expression ‘‘Prospectus Directive’’ means Directive 2003/71/EC (and the amendments thereto and
related regulation, including Directive 2010/73/EU) (the ‘‘2010 PD Amending Directive’’), to the
extent implemented in the Relevant Member State and includes any relevant implementing
measure in each Relevant Member State.
In addition, Shares will only be offered to the extent that the Shares: (i) are permitted to be
marketed into the relevant EEA jurisdiction pursuant to the AIFM Directive (if and as implemented
into local law); or (ii) can otherwise be lawfully offered or sold (including on the basis of an
unsolicited request from a professional investor).
Shares in the Company may only be offered or sold in or from within the Bailiwick of Guernsey
either (i) by persons licensed to do so under the Protection of Investors (Bailiwick of Guernsey)
Law, 1987, as amended (the ‘‘POI Law’’); or (ii) to persons licensed under the POI Law or persons
licensed under the Insurance Business (Bailiwick of Guernsey) Law, 2002, as amended, the
Banking Supervision (Bailiwick of Guernsey) Law, 1994, as amended, the Insurance Managers and
Intermediaries (Bailiwick of Guernsey) Law, 2002, as amended, or the Regulation of Fiduciaries,
Administration Businesses and Company Directors, etc., (Bailiwick of Guernsey) Law, 2000, as
Subject to certain exemptions (if applicable), the Company shall not raise money in Jersey by the
issue anywhere of Shares, and this document relating to the Shares shall not be circulated in
Jersey, without first obtaining consent from the Jersey Financial Services Commission pursuant to
the Control of Borrowing (Jersey) Order 1958, as amended. No such consents have been obtained
by the Company. Subject to certain exemptions (if applicable), offers for securities in the Company
may only be distributed and promoted in or from within Jersey by persons with appropriate
registration under the Financial Services (Jersey) Law 1998, as amended. It must be distinctly
understood that the Jersey Financial Services Commission does not accept any responsibility for
the financial soundness of, or any representations made in connection with, the Company.
The distribution of this document in other jurisdictions may be restricted by law and therefore
persons into whose possession this document comes should inform themselves about and observe
any such restrictions.
Under the Intermediaries Offer, the Shares are being offered to Intermediaries who will facilitate the
participation of their retail investor clients (and any member of the public who wishes to become a
client of that Intermediary) located in the United Kingdom and the Channel Islands. The Company
consents to the use of this document in connection with any subsequent resale or final placement
of securities by the Intermediaries in the United Kingdom and the Channel Islands on the following
terms: (i) in respect of the Intermediaries who have been appointed prior to the date of this
document, as listed in paragraph 13 of Part 8 of this document; and (ii) in respect of the
Intermediaries who are appointed after the date of this document, a list of which appears on the
Company’s website, from the date on which they are appointed to participate in connection with
any subsequent resale or final placement of securities and, in each case, until the closing of the
period for the subsequent resale or final placement of securities by the Intermediaries at 1.00 p.m.
on 7 November 2018, unless closed prior to that date.
The offer period within which any subsequent resale or final placement of securities by the
Intermediaries can be made and for which consent to use this document is given commences on
26 September 2018 and closes on 7 November 2018, unless closed prior to that date (any such
prior closure to be announced via a Regulatory Information Service).
Any Intermediary that uses this document must state on its website that it uses this
document in accordance with the Company’s consent. Intermediaries are required to
provide the terms and conditions of the Intermediaries Offer to any prospective investor
who has expressed an interest in participating in the Intermediaries Offer to such
Intermediary. Information on the terms and conditions of any subsequent resale or final
placement of securities by any financial intermediary is to be provided at the time of the
offer by the financial intermediary.
The Company consents to the use of this document and accepts responsibility for the information
contained in this document with respect to subsequent resale or final placement of securities by
any financial intermediary given consent to use this document.
Any new information with respect to Intermediaries unknown at the time of approval of this
document will be available on the Company’s website at
Solely for the purposes of the product governance requirements contained within: (a) EU Directive
2014/65/EU on markets in financial instruments, as amended (‘‘Directive 2014/65/EU’’); (b) Articles
9 and 10 of Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 supplementing Directive 2014/65/EU;
and (c) local implementing measures (together, the ‘‘MiFID II Product Governance
Requirements’’), and disclaiming all and any liability, whether arising in tort, contract or otherwise,
which any ‘‘manufacturer’’ (for the purposes of the MiFID II Product Governance Requirements)
may otherwise have with respect thereto, the Shares have been subject to a product approval
process, which has determined that the Ordinary Shares to be issued pursuant to the Initial Issue
and any Shares which may be issued pursuant to any Subsequent Placing are: (i) compatible with
an end target market of retail investors and investors who meet the criteria of professional clients
and eligible counterparties, each as defined in Directive 2014/65/EU; and (ii) eligible for distribution
through all distribution channels as are permitted by Directive 2014/65/EU (the ‘‘Target Market
Notwithstanding the Target Market Assessment, distributors should note that: the price of the
Shares may decline and investors could lose all or part of their investment; the Shares offer no
guaranteed income and no capital protection; and an investment in the Shares is compatible only
with investors who do not need a guaranteed income or capital protection, who (either alone or in
conjunction with an appropriate financial or other adviser) are capable of evaluating the merits and
risks of such an investment and who have sufficient resources to be able to bear any losses that
may result therefrom. The Target Market Assessment is without prejudice to the requirements of
any contractual, legal or regulatory selling restrictions in relation to the Initial Issue and any
Subsequent Placing. Furthermore, it is noted that, notwithstanding the Target Market Assessment,
Winterflood Securities will only procure investors who meet the criteria of professional clients and
eligible counterparties.
For the avoidance of doubt, the Target Market Assessment does not constitute: (a) an assessment
of suitability or appropriateness for the purposes of Directive 2014/65/EU; or (b) a recommendation
to any investor or group of investors to invest in, or purchase, or take any other action whatsoever
with respect to the Shares.
Each distributor is responsible for undertaking its own target market assessment in respect of the
Shares and determining appropriate distribution channels.
The information that a prospective investor in the Company provides in documents in relation to a
subscription for Ordinary Shares and/or C Shares or subsequently by whatever means which
relates to the prospective investor (if it is an individual) or a third party individual (‘‘personal data’’)
will be held and processed by the Company (and any third party in the United Kingdom to whom it
may delegate certain administrative functions in relation to the Company) in compliance with: (a)
the relevant data protection legislation and regulatory requirements of the United Kingdom (the
‘‘Data Protection Legislation’’); and (b) the Company’s privacy notice, a copy of which is
available for consultation on the Company’s website at
creditincomeinvestmenttrust (‘‘Privacy Notice’’) (and if applicable any other third party delegate’s
privacy notice).
Without limitation to the foregoing, each prospective investor acknowledges that it has been
informed that such information will be held and processed by the Company (or any third party,
functionary, or agent appointed by the Company, which may include, without limitation, the
Registrar) in accordance with and for the purposes set out in the the Company’s Privacy Notice
which include:
verifying the identity of the prospective investor to comply with statutory and regulatory
requirements in relation to anti-money laundering procedures;
carrying out the business of the Company and the administering of interests in the Company;
meeting the legal, regulatory, reporting and/or financial obligations of the Company in the
United Kingdom or elsewhere or any third party functionary or agent appointed by the
Where necessary to fulfil the purposes set out above and in the Company’s Privacy Notice, the
Company (or any third party, functionary, or agent appointed by the Company, which may include,
without limitation, the Registrar) will:
disclose personal data to third party service providers, affiliates, agents or functionaries
appointed by the Company or its agents to operate and administer the Company; and
transfer personal data outside of the EEA to countries or territories which do not offer the
same level of protection for the rights and freedoms of prospective investors provided that
suitable safeguards are in place for the protection of such personal data, details of which
shall be set out in the Privacy Notice or otherwise notified from time to time.
The foregoing processing of personal data is required in order to perform the contract with the
prospective investor, to comply with the legal and regulatory obligations of the Company or
otherwise is necessary for the legitimate interests of the Company.
If the Company (or any third party, functionary or agent appointed by the Company, which may
include, without limitation, the Registrar) discloses personal data to such a third party, agent or
functionary and/or makes such a transfer of personal data, it will ensure that adequate safeguards
are in place for the protection of such personal data, details of which shall be set out in the
Privacy Notice or otherwise notified from time to time.
Prospective investors are responsible for informing any third party individual to whom the personal
data relates of the disclosure and use of such data in accordance with these provisions. Individuals
have certain rights in relation to their personal data; such rights and the manner in which they can
be exercised are set out in the Company’s Privacy Notice.
The Company is newly formed and as at the date of this document has not commenced operations
and has no assets or liabilities which will be material in the context of the Initial Issue and,
therefore, no financial statements have been prepared as at the date of this document. All future
financial information for the Company will be prepared under UK GAAP.
Certain financial and statistical information contained in this document has been rounded to the
nearest whole number or the nearest decimal place. Therefore, the actual arithmetic total of the
numbers in a column or row in a certain table may not conform exactly to the total figure given for
that column or row. In addition, certain percentages presented in the tables in this document reflect
calculations based upon the underlying information prior to rounding, and, accordingly, may not
conform exactly to the percentages that would be derived if the relevant calculations were based
upon the rounded numbers.
Market and economic data used throughout this document is sourced from various independent
sources. The Company and the Directors confirm that such data has been accurately reproduced
and, so far as they are aware and are able to ascertain from information published from such
sources, no facts have been omitted which would render the reproduced information inaccurate or
Unless otherwise indicated, all references in this document to ‘‘£’’, ‘‘pence’’ or ‘‘GBP’ are to the
lawful currency of the UK, all references in this document to ‘‘Euro’’ or ‘‘e’’ are to the lawful
currency of the EU and all references in this document to ‘‘US$’’ or ‘‘USD’’ are to the lawful
currency of the United States.
The credit rating agencies providing ratings to securities referred to in this document (if any) are
each established in the EU and registered under Regulation (EC) No. 1060/2008 (as amended). As
such, each such credit rating agency is included in the list of credit rating agencies published by
the ESMA on its website in accordance with the CRA Regulations.
A list of defined terms used in this document is set out at pages 125 to 131.
Unless otherwise stated, statements made in this document are based on the law and practice
currently in force in England and Wales.
This document contains forward looking statements, including, without limitation, statements
containing the words ‘‘believes’’, ‘‘estimates’’, ‘‘anticipates’’, ‘‘expects’’’, ‘‘intends’’, ‘‘may’’, ‘‘might’’,
‘‘will’’ or ‘‘should’’ or, in each case, their negative or other variations or similar expressions. Such
forward looking statements involve unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which may cause
the actual results, financial condition, performance or achievement of the Company, or industry
results, to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements expressed
or implied by such forward looking statements.
Given these uncertainties, prospective investors are cautioned not to place any undue reliance on
such forward looking statements. These forward looking statements speak only as at the date of
this document. Subject to its legal and regulatory obligations (including under the Prospectus
Rules), the Company expressly disclaims any obligations to update or revise any forward looking
statement contained herein to reflect any change in expectations with regard thereto or any change
in events, conditions or circumstances on which any such statement is based unless required to do
so by law or any appropriate regulatory authority, including FSMA, the Listing Rules, the
Prospectus Rules, the Disclosure Guidance and Transparency Rules and MAR.
Nothing in the preceding two paragraphs should be taken as limiting the working capital statement
in paragraph 8 of Part 8 of this document.
Expected Initial Issue Timetable
Publication of this document and Initial Placing, Offer for
Subscription and Intermediaries Offer open
26 September 2018
Latest time and date for applications under the Offer for Subscription 1.00 p.m. on 7 November 2018
Latest time and date for completed applications from the
Intermediaries in respect of the Intermediaries Offer
1.00 p.m. on 7 November 2018
Latest time and date for receipt of commitments under the Initial
2.00 p.m. on 8 November 2018
Announcement of the results of the Initial Issue 8.00 a.m. on 9 November 2018
Initial Admission and dealings in the Ordinary Shares issued
pursuant to the Initial Issue commence
8.00 a.m. on 14 November 2018
Crediting of CREST stock accounts in respect of the Ordinary
Shares issued pursuant to the Initial Issue
14 November 2018
Where applicable, definitive share certificates despatched in respect
of the Ordinary Shares*
week commencing 19 November
2018 (or as soon as possible
* Underlying applicants who apply to Intermediaries for Ordinary Shares under the Intermediaries Offer will not receive share
Expected Placing Programme Timetable
Placing Programme opens 15 November 2018
Announcement of the results of each Subsequent Placing as soon as practicable after the
closing of each Subsequent
Placing pursuant to the Placing
Admission and crediting of CREST stock accounts in respect of
each Subsequent Placing
as soon as practicable after the
closing of each Subsequent
Placing pursuant to the Placing
Share certificates despatched in respect of Shares issued pursuant
to each Subsequent Placing (if applicable)
approximately one week after
the Admission of Shares
pursuant to a Subsequent
Placing Programme closes and last date for Shares to be issued
pursuant to the Placing Programme
25 September 2019
The dates and times specified are subject to change subject to agreement between the Company and Winterflood Securities. All
references to times in this document are to London time unless otherwise stated. Any changes to the expected timetable will be
notified by the Company via a Regulatory Information Service.
Initial Issue Statistics
Issue Price 100 pence
Initial Gross Proceeds* £250 million
Estimated Net Proceeds* £247 million
Estimated Net Asset Value per Ordinary Share at Initial Admission* 98.8 pence
* Assuming Initial Gross Proceeds of £250 million. The Company is targeting Initial Gross Proceeds in excess of £250 million
subject to a maximum of £400 million. The Minimum Gross Proceeds are £100 million. The number of Ordinary Shares to be
issued pursuant to the Initial Issue, and therefore the Initial Gross Proceeds and the Net Proceeds, is not known as at the date
of this document but will be notified by the Company via a Regulatory Information Service prior to Initial Admission. If the Initial
Issue does not proceed (because the Minimum Gross Proceeds (or such lesser amount as the Company and Winterflood
Securities agree) are not raised or otherwise), subscription monies received will be returned without interest at the risk of the
applicant to the applicant from whom the money was received, within 14 calendar days.
Placing Programme Statistics
Maximum size of the Placing Programme 400 million Shares in aggregate
Minimum Placing Programme Price in respect of the Ordinary Shares, Net
Asset Value per Ordinary Share plus a
premium intended to at least cover the
costs and expenses of the relevant
Subsequent Placing (including,
without limitation, any placing
commissions) or 100 pence per C
Share for any issue of C Shares
The dealing codes for the Ordinary Shares will be as follows:
Ticker MGCI
The dealing codes for the C Shares will be as follows:
LEI 549300E9W63X1E5A3N24
Directors (all non-executive) David Simpson (Chairman)
Richard Bole´at
Mark Hutchinson
Barbara Powley
all of the registered office below:
Registered Office Beaufort House
51 New North Road
AIFM and Investment Manager M&G Alternatives Investment Management Limited
Laurence Pountney Hill
Administrator State Street Bank and Trust Company
20 Churchill Place
E14 5HJ
Company Secretary Link Company Matters Limited
Beaufort House
51 New North Road
Sponsor, Financial Adviser,
Bookrunner and Intermediaries
Offer Adviser
Winterflood Securities Limited
The Atrium
Cannon Bridge House
25 Dowgate Hill
Solicitors to the Company Gowling WLG (UK) LLP
4 More London Riverside
Solicitors to the Sponsor,
Financial Adviser, Bookrunner
and Intermediaries Offer
CMS Cameron McKenna Nabarro Olswang LLP
Cannon Place
78 Cannon Street
Reporting Accountants and
Deloitte LLP
Saltire Court
20 Castle Street
Registrar Link Asset Services
The Registry
34 Beckenham Road
Receiving Agent Link Asset Services
Corporate Actions
The Registry
34 Beckenham Road
Depositary State Street Trustees Limited
20 Churchill Place
E14 5HJ
Custodian State Street Bank and Trust Company
20 Churchill Place
E14 5HJ
M&G Credit Income Investment Trust plc was incorporated on 17 July 2018 as a public company
limited by shares. The Company intends to carry on business as an investment trust within the
meaning of section 1158 of the CTA 2010. The Company’s investment objective is to aim to
generate a regular and attractive level of income with low asset value volatility.
The Company is targeting an issue in excess of 250 million Ordinary Shares pursuant to the Initial
Issue comprising the Initial Placing, the Offer for Subscription and the Intermediaries Offer to invest
in accordance with the Company’s investment objective and policy.
The Company has an independent board of non-executive directors and has engaged M&G
Alternatives Investment Management Limited as the Company’s alternative investment fund
manager to provide portfolio and risk management services to the Company. The Investment
Manager is ultimately owned by Prudential, the UK’s largest insurer by market capitalisation, and is
part of M&G.
M&G is one of the longest established asset managers in Europe, managing c.£286 billion as at
30 June 2018. It has particular expertise in fixed income with c.£188 billion under management as
at 30 June 2018 split c.£151 billion in public and c.£37 billion in private credit. Further information
on M&G is set out in Part 2 of this document.
The Prudential Assurance Company Limited intends to subscribe for the lower of (i) 80,000,000
Ordinary Shares and (ii) 25% of the Ordinary Shares to be issued pursuant to the Initial Issue. The
Directors believe that this proposed investment strongly aligns the interests of M&G with
Applications will be made to the UK Listing Authority and to the London Stock Exchange for all of
the Ordinary Shares (issued and to be issued pursuant to the Initial Issue) to be admitted to the
premium segment of the Official List and to trading on the premium segment of the London Stock
Exchange’s main market. It is expected that Initial Admission will become effective, and that
dealings in the Ordinary Shares issued pursuant to the Initial Issue will commence, at 8.00 a.m. on
14 November 2018.
Investment Objective
The Company aims to generate a regular and attractive level of income with low asset value
Investment Policy
The Company seeks to achieve its investment objective by investing in a diversified portfolio of
public and private debt and debt-like instruments (‘‘Debt Instruments’’). Over the longer term, it is
expected that the Company will be mainly invested in private Debt Instruments, which are those
instruments not quoted on a stock exchange.
The Company operates an unconstrained investment approach and investments may include, but
are not limited to:
Asset-backed securities, backed by a pool of loans secured on, amongst other things,
residential and commercial mortgages, credit card receivables, auto loans, student loans,
commercial loans and corporate loans;
Commercial mortgages;
Direct lending to small and mid-sized companies, including lease finance and receivables
Distressed debt opportunities to companies going through a balance sheet restructuring;
Infrastructure-related debt assets;
Leveraged loans to private equity owned companies;
Public Debt Instruments issued by a corporate or sovereign entity which may be liquid or
Private placement debt securities issued by both public and private organisations; and
Structured credit, including bank regulatory capital trades.
The Company will invest primarily in Sterling denominated Debt Instruments. Where the Company
invests in assets not denominated in Sterling it is generally expected that these assets will be
hedged back to Sterling.
Investment restrictions
There are no restrictions, either maximum or minimum, on the Company’s exposure to sectors,
asset classes or geography. The Company, however, achieves diversification and a spread of risk
by adhering to the limits and restrictions set out below.
Once fully invested, the Company’s portfolio will comprise a minimum of 50 investments.
The Company may invest up to 30% of Gross Assets in below investment grade Debt Instruments,
which are those instruments rated below BBB- by S&P or Fitch or Baa3 by Moody’s or, in the
case of unrated Debt Instruments, which have an internal M&G rating of below BBB-.
The following restrictions will also apply at the individual Debt Instrument level which, for the
avoidance of doubt, does not apply to investments to which the Company is exposed through
collective investment vehicles:
Secured Debt Instruments
(% of Gross Assets)
Unsecured Debt Instruments
(% of Gross Assets)
AAA 5% 5%
AA/A 4% 3%
BBB 3% 2%
Below investment grade 2% 1%
1 Secured Debt Instruments are secured by a first or secondary fixed and/or floating charge.
2 This limit excludes investments in G7 Sovereign Instruments.
For the purposes of the above investment restrictions, the credit rating of a Debt Instrument is
taken to be the rating assigned by S&P, Fitch or Moody’s or, in the case of unrated Debt
Instruments, an internal rating by M&G. In the case of split ratings by recognised rating agencies,
the second highest rating will be used.
It is expected that the Company will typically invest directly, but it may also invest indirectly
through collective investment vehicles which are expected to be managed or advised by an M&G
Entity. The Company may not invest more than 20% of Gross Assets in any one collective
investment vehicle and not more than 40% of Gross Assets in collective investment vehicles in
aggregate. No more than 10% of Gross Assets may be invested in other investment companies
which are listed on the Official List.
Unless otherwise stated, the above investment restrictions are to be applied at the time of
The Company is expected to be managed primarily on an ungeared basis although the Company
may, from time to time, be geared tactically through the use of borrowings. Borrowings would
principally be used for investment purposes, but may also be used to manage the Company’s
working capital requirements or to fund market purchases of Shares. Gearing represented by
borrowing will not exceed 30% of the Company’s Net Asset Value, calculated at the time of draw
down, but is typically not expected to exceed 20% of the Company’s Net Asset Value.
Hedging and Derivatives
The Company will not employ derivatives for investment purposes. Derivatives may however be
used for efficient portfolio management, including for currency hedging.
Cash management
The Company may hold cash on deposit and may invest in cash equivalent investments, which
may include short-term investments in money market type funds (‘‘Cash and Cash Equivalents’’).
There is no restriction on the amount of Cash and Cash Equivalents that the Company may hold
and there may be times when it is appropriate for the Company to have a significant Cash and
Cash Equivalents position. For the avoidance of doubt, the restrictions set out above in relation to
investing in collective investment vehicles do not apply to money market type funds.
Changes to the investment policy
Any material change to the Company’s investment policy set out above will require the approval of
Shareholders by way of an ordinary resolution at a general meeting and the approval of the UK
Listing Authority.
The Company intends to pay two dividends in respect of the first financial period following Initial
Admission. The first interim dividend is expected to be declared in July 2019 and paid in August
2019 and the second interim dividend is expected to be declared in January 2020 and paid in
February 2020. Thereafter the Company intends to pay dividends on a quarterly basis with
dividends typically declared in January, April, July and October and paid in February, May, August
and November in each financial year.
The Company will target an annualised dividend yield of LIBOR plus 2.5% (on the Issue Price) in
respect of the Company’s first financial period to 31 December 2019. The Company will target an
annualised dividend yield of LIBOR plus 4% (on the opening Net Asset Value per Ordinary Share)
in respect of each financial year thereafter. Where LIBOR materially changes or ceases to be
provided, the Company shall determine a suitable replacement benchmark and shall notify
investors accordingly. The Directors intend to apply the ‘‘streaming’’ regime to distributions of
portfolio interest returns paid by the Company, such that these distributions are expected to be
designated as payments of interest. If appropriate, in addition to, or instead of, interest
distributions, the Company may also pay ordinary corporate dividends.
Investors should note that the target dividend is a target only and not a profit forecast and there
can be no assurance that such target will be met.
In accordance with regulation 19 of the Investment Trust (Approved Company) (Tax) Regulations
2011, the Company will not (except to the extent permitted by those regulations) retain more than
15% of its income (as calculated for UK tax purposes) in respect of an accounting period.
In order to increase the distributable reserves available to facilitate the payment of future dividends,
the Company has resolved that, conditional upon Initial Admission and the approval of the Court,
the amount standing to the credit of the share premium account of the Company immediately
following completion of the Initial Issue be cancelled and transferred to a special distributable
reserve. The Company may, at the discretion of the Board, pay all or part of any future dividends
out of this special distributable reserve, taking into account the Company’s investment objective.
Although there is no current expectation that they will exercise such power, the Directors will have
the power to pay dividends in relation to the C Shares (if issued) in the event that the assets that
are attributable to the C Shares generate material income while the C Shares are in issue.
The Initial Gross Proceeds will be utilised in accordance with the Company’s investment policy, to
meet the costs and expenses of the Initial Issue and for working capital purposes.
It is currently expected that the Net Proceeds will be deployed in accordance with the Company’s
investment policy in the manner set out below.
The Company expects the Investment Manager to deploy the Net Proceeds in readily available
public lower yielding assets within a period of three months after Initial Admission (subject to
market conditions). Based on current market conditions, the Investment Manager then intends to
transition the Company’s portfolio of investments such that it mainly comprises private Debt
Instruments in accordance with the Company’s investment policy. It is currently expected that,
subject to market conditions, such transition will be completed by the end of the first accounting
period of the Company, i.e. by 31 December 2019. Once transitioned, the Company will seek to
provide Shareholders with a diversified exposure to a range of underlying private Debt Instruments,
many of which may not otherwise be accessible to Shareholders, in particular to individual
The exact composition of the fully invested portfolio post-transition and the identity of specific
investments will depend on market conditions and the continued availability of investments which
satisfy the Company’s investment policy. The Investment Manager will invest in a mixture of both
floating rate and fixed rate Debt Instruments, and may at times be more heavily weighted towards
one than the other depending on market conditions, and will manage the interest rate exposure
through the use of derivatives.
Publication of Net Asset Valu e per Share
The unaudited Net Asset Value will be calculated in Sterling by the Administrator on a monthly
basis, as described below and on the basis of information provided by the Investment Manager.
The Net Asset Value per Ordinary Share (and Net Asset Value per C Share, where applicable),
calculated by dividing the relevant Net Asset Value by the number of Shares in issue of the
relevant class (excluding Shares held in treasury), will be published on both a cum-income and ex-
income basis, via a Regulatory Information Service and made available on the Company’s website
as soon as practicable thereafter.
Valuation Methodologies
The Net Asset Value for each class of Shares is the value of all assets of the Company
attributable to that class of Shares less its share of liabilities to creditors, each determined in
accordance with UK GAAP.
Assets listed or traded on a stock exchange or over-the-counter market that are freely transferable
and for which market quotations are readily available will be valued at the closing bid price on the
principal exchange or market for such investment, without deduction for the estimated future selling
Units or shares in open-ended or limited liquidity collective investment vehicles will be valued at the
latest available net asset value per unit, share or class thereof as at the close of trading; units or
shares in closed-ended collective investment vehicles will, if listed or traded on a stock exchange
and freely transferable, be valued at the closing bid price on the principal exchange or market for
such investment, without deduction for the estimated future selling costs.
Derivative instruments will be valued at fair value based on observable market inputs.
Investments other than those specified above will be valued at their probable realisation value
determined by the Investment Manager in accordance with its valuation policy. Each valuation will
reference one or more of a variety of factors as appropriate including the original purchase price,
the last traded price, proprietary valuations models, the issuer’s financial strength and stability, the
issuer’s operating performance, the ranking and value of any security held, and/or the contracted
cash flows of the investment.
If deemed appropriate by the Company or the Investment Manager, the Company may engage
third party valuation professionals to provide valuations of investments. Such third party
professionals may be related to the Investment Manager.
Any value expressed otherwise than in Sterling (the functional and reporting currency of the
Company) (whether of an investment or cash) will be converted into Sterling at the rate (whether
official or otherwise) which the Directors deem appropriate in the circumstances.
If in any case a particular value is not ascertainable as provided above or if the Directors consider
that some other method of valuation better reflects the fair value of the relevant investment, then in
such case the method of valuation of the relevant investment will be such as the Directors
consider reasonable in the circumstances.
Suspension of the calculation of the Net Asset Value
The Directors may temporarily suspend the calculation of the Net Asset Value and the publication
of Net Asset Value per Share during a period when, in the opinion of the Directors:
there are political, economic, military or monetary events or any circumstances outside the
control, responsibility or power of the Board, and disposal or valuation of investments of the
Company or other transactions in the ordinary course of the Company’s business is not
reasonably practicable without this being materially detrimental to the interests of
Shareholders or if, in the opinion of the Board, the Net Asset Value cannot be fairly
there is a breakdown of the means of communication normally employed in determining the
calculation of the Net Asset Value; or
it is not reasonably practicable to determine the Net Asset Value on an accurate and timely
Any suspension in the calculation of the Net Asset Value will be notified via a Regulatory
Information Service as soon as practicable after any such suspension occurs.
The audited accounts of the Company will be prepared in Sterling under UK GAAP. The
Company’s annual report and accounts will be prepared up to 31 December each year, with the
first accounting period of the Company ending on 31 December 2019. It is expected that copies of
the report and accounts will be published by the end of April each year and copies sent to
Shareholders. The Company will also publish an unaudited half-yearly report covering the six
months to 30 June each year, which is expected to be published within the following three months.
The first financial report and accounts that Shareholders will receive will be the half-yearly report
for the period ending on 30 June 2019 (covering the period from incorporation of the Company).
The financial report and accounts and unaudited half-yearly report once published will be available
for inspection from the Company Secretary at the Company’s registered office and on the
Company’s website (
The Company will hold its first annual general meeting before 30 June 2020 and will hold an
annual general meeting each year thereafter. Other general meetings may be convened from time
to time by the Directors by sending notices to Shareholders.
As set out below, the Board has put in place appropriate strategies to seek to limit, as far as
practicable, the extent to which the market price of the Ordinary Shares diverges from the Net
Asset Value per Ordinary Share.
Premium Management
Once the proceeds of the Initial Issue have been fully invested, the Company intends to implement
the Placing Programme. The Directors have authority to issue, in aggregate, up to 400 million
Shares pursuant to the Placing Programme. Shareholders’ pre-emption rights over this unissued
share capital have been disapplied so that the Directors will not be obliged to offer any new
Shares under the Placing Programme to Shareholders pro rata to their existing holdings; this
ensures that the Company retains full flexibility, following Initial Admission, in issuing new Shares
to investors. The minimum price at which Ordinary Shares may be issued pursuant to this authority
is the prevailing published Net Asset Value per Ordinary Share at the time of issue plus a premium
intended to at least cover the costs and expenses of the relevant Subsequent Placing (including,
without limitation, any placing commissions). C Shares (if any) issued pursuant to this authority will
be issued at 100 pence per C Share.
Further details of the Placing Programme are set out in Part 6 of this document.
Investors should note that the issuance of new Shares is entirely at the discretion of the Board,
and no expectation or reliance should be placed on such discretion being exercised on any one or
more occasions or as to the proportion of new Shares that may be issued.
Discount Management
The Directors have introduced discount control measures with two elements:
periodic liquidity opportunities; and
use of the Company’s share buy-back authority where appropriate.
Liquidity opportunities
Before the Company’s fifth annual general meeting in 2024, the Board will formulate and submit to
Shareholders proposals (which may constitute a tender offer or other method of distribution) to
provide Shareholders an opportunity to realise the value of their Ordinary Shares at Net Asset
Value per Ordinary Share less costs. In all circumstances, the Board will seek to balance the
interests of both continuing Shareholders and those electing to realise their investment with a view
to minimising any reduction in the overall size of the Company.
Repurchase of Ordinary Shares
The Directors will consider repurchasing Ordinary Shares in the market if they believe it to be in
Shareholders’ interests and as a means of correcting any imbalance between the supply of and
demand for the Ordinary Shares.
A special resolution has been passed granting the Directors authority to repurchase up to 14.99%
of the Company’s issued Ordinary Share capital immediately following Initial Admission during the
period expiring on the conclusion of the earlier of the Company’s first annual general meeting and
30 June 2020. Renewal of this buy-back authority will be sought at each annual general meeting of
the Company or more frequently if required. Ordinary Shares purchased by the Company may be
held in treasury or cancelled.
The maximum price (exclusive of expenses) which may be paid for an Ordinary Share must not be
more than the higher of (i) 5% above the average of the mid-market values of the Ordinary Share
for the five Business Days before the purchase is made, or (ii) the higher of the price of the last
independent trade and the highest current independent bid as stipulated by Regulatory Technical
Standards adopted by the European Commission pursuant to Article 5(6) of MAR. In addition, the
Company will only make such repurchases through the market at prices (after allowing for costs)
below the relevant prevailing published Net Asset Value per Ordinary Share under the guidelines
established from time to time by the Board.
Shareholders should note that the purchase of Ordinary Shares by the Company is at the absolute
discretion of the Directors and is subject to the working capital requirements of the Company and
the amount of cash and reserves available to the Company to fund such purchases. Accordingly,
no expectation or reliance should be placed on the Directors exercising such discretion on any one
or more occasions.
The Company does not have (and does not intend to seek) any authority to buy back C Shares.
Accordingly, the Directors will not be able to operate any discount management policy through the
use of C Share buy-backs.
Treasury Shares
Any Ordinary Shares repurchased pursuant to the general buy-back authority or, if applicable, any
periodic return of capital referred to above may be held in treasury. The Companies Act allows
companies to hold shares acquired by way of market purchase as treasury shares, rather than
having to cancel them. These shares may be subsequently cancelled or sold for cash. This would
give the Company the ability to reissue Ordinary Shares quickly and cost efficiently, thereby
improving liquidity and providing the Company with additional flexibility in the management of its
capital base.
No Ordinary Shares will be sold from treasury at a price less than the Net Asset Value per
Ordinary Share at the time of sale unless they are first offered pro rata to existing Shareholders.
If there is sufficient demand from potential investors at any time following Initial Admission, the
Company may seek to raise further funds through the issue of C Shares pursuant to the Placing
Programme. No C Shares will be issued pursuant to the Initial Issue. The issue of C Shares is
designed to overcome the potential disadvantages for both existing and new investors, which could
arise out of a conventional fixed price issue of further Shares for cash. In particular:
the C Shares will convert into Ordinary Shares just over 12 months after the date of their
issue or such earlier time that the Directors deem that the return profiles of the underlying
assets of the portfolios of C Shares and Ordinary Shares are sufficiently aligned;
the assets representing the net proceeds of a C Share issue would be accounted for and
managed as a distinct pool of assets until their conversion date. By accounting for the net
proceeds of a C Share issue separately, holders of Ordinary Shares will not participate in a
portfolio containing a substantial amount of un-invested cash before the conversion date;
the basis on which the C Shares would convert into Ordinary Shares is such that the number
of Ordinary Shares to which holders of C Shares would become entitled will reflect the
relative net asset values per share of the assets attributable to the C Shares and the
Ordinary Shares. As a result, the Net Asset Value per Ordinary Share can be expected to be
unchanged by the issue and conversion of any C Shares; and
the Net Asset Value per Ordinary Share would not be diluted by the expenses of the C Share
issue, which would be borne by the C Share pool.
The Articles contain the C Share rights, full details of which are set out in paragraph 4 of Part 8 of
this document.
The Directors have the authority to issue C Shares as set out in paragraph 7 above.
The Takeover Code applies to the Company.
Given the existence of the proposed periodic opportunities for return of capital and buyback powers
described in the paragraphs above, there are certain considerations that Shareholders should be
aware of with regard to the Takeover Code.
Under Rule 9 of the Takeover Code, any person who acquires shares which, taken together with
shares already held by him or shares held or acquired by persons acting in concert with him, carry
30% or more of the voting rights of a company which is subject to the Takeover Code, is normally
required to make a general offer to all the remaining shareholders to acquire their shares. Similarly,
when any person or persons acting in concert already hold more than 30% but not more than 50%
of the voting rights of such company, a general offer will normally be required if any further shares
increasing that person’s percentage of voting rights are acquired.
Under Rule 37 of the Takeover Code when a company purchases its own voting shares, a
resulting increase in the percentage of voting rights carried by the shareholdings of any person or
group of persons acting in concert will be treated as an acquisition for the purposes of Rule 9 of
the Takeover Code. A shareholder who is neither a director nor acting in concert with a director
will not normally incur an obligation to make an offer under Rule 9 of the Takeover Code in these
However, under note 2 to Rule 37 of the Takeover Code, where a shareholder has acquired
shares at a time when he had reason to believe that a purchase by the company of its own voting
shares would take place, then an obligation to make a mandatory bid under Rule 9 of the
Takeover Code may arise.
The proposed periodic opportunities for return of capital and buyback powers could have
implications under Rule 9 of the Takeover Code for Shareholders with significant shareholdings.
Prior to the Board implementing any return of capital by way of share buyback or general share
buyback the Board will seek to identify any Shareholders who they are aware may be deemed to
be acting in concert under note 1 of Rule 37 of the Takeover Code and will seek an appropriate
waiver in accordance with note 2 of Rule 37. However, neither the Company, nor any of the
Directors, nor the Investment Manager will incur any liability to any Shareholder(s) if they fail to
identify the possibility of a mandatory offer arising or, if having identified such a possibility, they fail
to notify the relevant Shareholder(s) or if the relevant Shareholder(s) fail(s) to take appropriate
The Initial Issue
The target size of the Initial Issue is in excess of £250 million (before expenses). The minimum
size of the Initial Issue is £100 million (before expenses).
The total number of Ordinary Shares to be issued pursuant to the Initial Issue, and therefore the
Initial Gross Proceeds, are not known as at the date of this document but will be notified by the
Company via a Regulatory Information Service announcement prior to Initial Admission.
Winterflood Securities has agreed to use its reasonable endeavours to procure Placees pursuant to
the Initial Placing for Ordinary Shares at the Issue Price on the terms and subject to the conditions
set out in the Placing and Offer Agreement and this document.
The Company has agreed to make an offer of Ordinary Shares pursuant to the Offer for
Subscription at the Issue Price, subject to the terms and conditions of the Offer for Subscription
set out in this document. These terms and conditions should be read carefully before an
application is made. Investors should consult their independent financial adviser if they are in any
doubt about the contents of this document or the acquisition of Ordinary Shares.
Investors may also subscribe for Ordinary Shares pursuant to the Intermediaries Offer, as
described at paragraph 2 of Part 5 of this document.
Further details about the Initial Issue are set out in Part 5 of this document.
The Placing Programme
The Company has authority to issue up to 400 million Ordinary Shares and/or C Shares in
aggregate pursuant to the Placing Programme.
Any Ordinary Shares issued pursuant to the Placing Programme will be issued at a price
calculated by reference to the prevailing published Net Asset Value per Ordinary Share at the time
of issue together with a premium intended to at least cover the costs and expenses of the relevant
Subsequent Placing (including, without limitation, any placing commissions). Any C Shares issued
pursuant to the Placing Programme will be issued at a fixed price of 100 pence per C Share.
Ordinary Shares and/or C Shares issued under the Placing Programme may be issued under this
document provided that it is updated by a supplementary prospectus (if required) under section
87G of FSMA.
Further details about the Placing Programme are set out in Part 6 of this document.
Potential investors are referred to Part 7 of this document for details of the taxation of the
Company and Shareholders in the UK. Investors who are in any doubt as to their tax position or
who are subject to tax in jurisdictions other than the UK are strongly advised to consult their own
professional advisers immediately.
The provisions of Chapter 5 of the Disclosure Guidance and Transparency Rules (as amended
from time to time) (‘‘DTR 5’’) of the Financial Conduct Authority Handbook apply to the Company
on the basis that the Company is a ‘‘UK issuer’’, as such term is defined in DTR 5.
As such, a person is required to notify the Company of the percentage of voting rights it holds as
a holder of Shares or holds or is deemed to hold through the direct or indirect holding of financial
instruments falling within DTR 5 if, as a result of an acquisition or disposal of Shares (or financial
instruments), the percentage of voting rights reaches, exceeds or falls below the relevant
percentage thresholds being, in the case of a UK issuer 3% and each 1% threshold thereafter up
to 100%.
The Company’s performance is dependent on many factors and potential investors should read the
whole of this document and in particular the section entitled ‘‘Risk Factors’’ on pages 20 to 36 of
this document.
The Company intends to conduct its affairs so that its Shares can be recommended by financial
advisers to retail investors in accordance with the FCA’s rules in relation to non-mainstream pooled
investment products. The Company’s Shares are expected to be excluded from the FCA’s
restrictions which apply to non-mainstream pooled investment products because they are shares in
an investment trust.
The Company intends to conduct its affairs so that its Shares can be recommended by financial
advisers to retail investors in accordance with the rules on the distribution of financial instruments
under The Markets in Financial Instruments Directive II (‘‘MiFID II’’). The Directors consider that
the requirements of Article 57 of the MiFID II delegated regulation of 25 April 2016 will be met in
relation to the Company’s Shares and that, accordingly, the Shares should be considered ‘‘non-
complex’’ for the purposes of MiFID II.
1 M&G
M&G is one of the longest established asset managers in Europe, managing c.£286 billion as at
30 June 2018. It has particular expertise in fixed income with c.£188 billion under management as
at 30 June 2018 split c.£151 billion in public and c.£37 billion in private credit.
M&G’s commitment to fixed income is long-standing. It began managing public credit portfolios in
the 1970s and private assets since 1997, developing a deep understanding of the skills, expertise
and strategies necessary to run successful fixed income portfolios. Since M&G was acquired by
Prudential in 1999 it has strengthened its emphasis on fixed income, specifically building in-house
credit research capabilities. It is indicative of M&G’s commitment to credit investing that
approximately two-thirds of its assets under management are in fixed income.
M&G is the largest private credit investor in Europe and second largest in the world. Its scale
provides a competitive advantage in respect of access and asset sourcing enabling it to identify
value from the widest possible opportunity set and to make investments that capture risks where
they are most rewarded. Its disciplined focus on value ensures a selective approach and multiple
teams of credit specialists offer depth of experience with a particular strength in origination of
unusual or complex assets across the full credit universe. M&G has continued to drive the
development of the private debt markets in Europe, whether in the leveraged loan, private
placement or direct lending market through consistent investment and pioneering products and has
an established track record of structuring long-term multi-asset credit solutions to meet client needs
and take advantage of market opportunities.
A break-down of the fixed income assets under M&G’s management by asset class (in aggregate
and by reference to private assets alone) is set out below.
All asset classes (£bn)
Private assets (%)
equity, £4.1
Long Lease
Property, £7.6
Private Debt,
Bonds, £34.2
Index Linked
Bonds, £7.0
Investment Grade
Credit, £95.4
High Yield, £11.9
Other private
debt, £11.9
Private ABS,
Syndicated bank
loans, £7.6
mortgages, £4.9
equity, £4.1
Long Lease
Property, £7.6
Total All Fixed Income Assets: £188bn*
Total Private Assets: £37bn
Source: M&G, 30 June 2018.
* The constituents of methodology of the fixed income assets breakdown may differ slightly to the overall fixed income assets
under management set out above due to differing methodology and the inclusion of the separation of Infrastructure Equity and
Long Lease Property.
** Includes derivatives, non-cumulative preference shares and convertible bonds.
The fixed income team
The Company will be managed by M&G’s fixed income team which employs around 275 full-time
investment professionals, including over 75 portfolio managers and over 110 analysts, covering a
range of briefs, including public corporate bond and gilt mandates, Prudential’s life and annuity
funds, a variety of specialist private debt mandates and specialist asset-backed securities funds. A
structure chart of the team as at the last practicable date before the date of this document is set
out below. The origination and structuring teams, organised as market specialists, draw on the
expertise of M&G’s team of over 30 public credit analysts with an average of around 13 years’
111 investment professionals
162 investment professionals
Chief Executive, Fixed Income
Credit Research
Clients Fund
Retail Clients
Fund Management
Real Estate
Project &
Real Estate
Clients Fund
Fund Directors
Fixed Income
19 17
Credit Research
Alternative Credit
ABS Fund
Fixed Income
Private Funds
Prudential Capital
Source: M&G, 30 June 2018.
Key personnel
The experienced team that will manage the Company’s portfolio of investments will include:
Jeremy Richards, Lead Fund Manager
Jeremy joined Prudential Portfolio Managers in 1983 as a member of the actuarial department. He
joined the fixed income team in 1985, and has been responsible since 1993 for managing the fixed
income team in respect of Prudential’s Life and Annuity funds.
Prior to this, Jeremy worked on bond research, going on to manage the UK and European fixed
income portfolios for insurance and pensions clients. He was also a specialist in index-linked gilts
and fixed income derivatives.
Jeremy graduated from the University of Manchester with a degree in Economics and is a Fellow
of the Institute of Actuaries.
Adam English, Fund Manager
Adam joined M&G in 1999 and is a fixed income fund manager. His focus is on the analysis and
investment of high yield debt and he manages public high yield debt for Prudential Life Fund.
Before joining M&G, Adam worked for the United Bank of Kuwait where he worked within the
credit and high yield departments, with representation on the bank’s credit committee.
Prior to this, he worked for Price Waterhouse, gaining membership of the Associate of Chartered
Adam graduated from Christ Church College, Oxford University with a degree in Physics and is a
CFA charterholder.
William Nicoll, Co-Head of Alternative Credit
William joined M&G in 2004 and is Co-head of Alternative Credit. He is responsible for the
development of various products, including credit solutions for institutional investors, social housing
and other aspects of non-bank lending.
Prior to joining M&G, William was Head of European Credit at Henderson Global Investors and
before this had worked at Cazenove & Co in corporate bond research and fund management.
William graduated from Trinity College, Cambridge University with a degree in Natural Sciences.
He is a CFA charterholder and a Chartered Fellow of the Chartered Institute for Securities and
Track record
M&G manages three funds which have investment strategies which, although not directly
comparable with that of the Company, share common characteristics being: (i) Prudential Life with
Profits (‘‘Prudential Life Fund’’); (ii) M&G Alpha Opportunities Fund (‘‘AOF’’); and (iii) M&G Illiquid
Credit Opportunities Fund (‘‘ICOF’’).
Prudential Life Fund was launched in 1865 and as at 30 June 2018 had an aggregate asset value
of c.£20 billion in fixed income investments. Prudential Life Fund invests in a range of public and
private assets on behalf of The Prudential Assurance Company Limited.
AOF was launched in April 2007 and as at 30 June 2018 had an aggregate asset value of
c.EUR 8.5 billion. AOF aims to take advantage of highly diversified opportunities in liquid public
and private credit markets, including but not limited to, investment grade and below investment
grade corporate bonds, leveraged loans and asset backed securities.
ICOF was launched in May 2014 and as at 30 June 2018 had an aggregate asset value of
c.£955 million. ICOF invests in a range of private and illiquid assets, such as direct lending,
distressed debt and mezzanine asset back securities.
The fund returns and excess returns over LIBOR on invested capital for Prudential Life Fund, AOF
and ICOF respectively are set out below.
Prudential Life with Profits** 1.95 4.62 7.22 6.02 5.83 6.98
M&G Alpha Opportunities Fund 1.16 4.16 2.98 2.50 3.09 3.88
M&G Illiquid Credit Opportunities Fund 4.39 8.11 5.82 5.56 - -
3.77 1.48 0.50
Prudential Life with Profits 1.48 4.19 6.74 5.52 5.33 6.08
M&G Alpha Opportunities Fund 0.69 3.73 2.50 2.00 2.59 2.98
M&G Illiquid Credit Opportunities Fund 3.92 7.68 5.34 5.06 - -
Since Inception*4 years
10 YearsNet Fund return (% ) 1 Year 2 Years
3 month Libor 0.430.47
Excess return (%) 1 Year 2 Years
3 years 5 years
3 years 4 years 5 years 10 Years Since Inception
Source: Investment Manager track record, 30 June 2018 (unaudited). Excess returns to 3-month Libor excluding the impact of
duration. *J. Richards has managed Prudential Life with Profits since July 1993. M&G Alpha Opportunities Fund launched in April
2007 and M&G Illiquid Credit Opportunities Fund launched in May 2014. **This performance reflects the fixed income portion of
Prudential Life with Profits only. All figures shown are net of fees and in the case of Prudential Life with Profits, performance is
shown net of the highest annual average M&G fee rate for the period shown.
The chart below shows the performance of Prudential Life Fund and AOF over the last 10 years to
30 June 2018, demonstrating strong performance with low volatility.
Jun 08
Dec 08
Jun 09
Dec 09
Jun 10
Dec 10
Jun 11
Dec 11
Jun 12
Dec 12
Jun 13
Dec 13
Jun 14
Dec 14
Jun 15
Dec 15
Jun 16
Dec 16
Jun 17
Dec 17
Jun 18
Prudential Life with Profits M&G Alpha Opportunities Fund
Volatility Since
£ Prudential Life with Profits
5.36 4.33
£ M&G Alpha Opportunities Fund
4.00 2.95
Excess returns to 3m Libor, local currency, normalised (Net of fees, June 2008 = 100)
Source: M&G, 30 June 2018. Excess returns to 3m Libor excluding the impact of duration.
The Company’s portfolio of investments and the historic portfolios of the funds set out above on
which this track record information is based may be materially different. It should be noted that the
past performance of Prudential Life Fund, AOF and ICOF should not be treated as an indication of
the future performance of the Company.
The Investment Manager takes a collegiate approach to fund management whereby investment
opportunities are routinely discussed between portfolio managers and analysts across different
asset classes. The Investment Manager’s investment process is designed to produce a consistent
investment approach, allowing portfolio managers to demonstrate skill and expertise within a
disciplined, research-driven and risk-controlled framework. The portfolio managers judge the relative
risk and return between sectors using their understanding of the contracted coupon income for the
assets under consideration along with the detailed analyst report that is produced in relation to
each investment opportunity. Portfolio managers are responsible for investment performance and
for ensuring that the investment process is followed for the funds under their responsibility.
An overview of the Investment Manager’s investment process is illustrated in the diagram below:
1. Source Opportunity
2. Credit Analysis
3. Independent Credit Rating
4. Portfolio Construction
5. On-going monitoring
Portfolio Manager or Analyst
Credit Committee or Analyst
Portfolio Manager
Analyst and Portfolio Manager
Sourcing Investment Opportunities
Investment opportunities will be sourced for the most part through the fixed income team’s
extensive network of contacts, including sponsors, borrowers, lenders, third party brokers and other
intermediaries. In particular, the Investment Manager’s scale and history of investing in private Debt
Instruments has allowed it to build extensive resources to source and manage private or complex
assets and enable it to identify value from the widest possible opportunity set and to capture risks
where they are most rewarded. The purchasing power that the Investment Manager and the funds
it manages can bring means the Investment Manager is frequently given exclusive access to
investments or shown deals before other market participants.
In addition to investment opportunities introduced by the team’s network of contacts the Investment
Manager has structured deals with private debt platforms providing it with exclusivity or priority on
assets. These deals facilitate institutional market access to a wider range of asset classes.
Credit Analysis
The Investment Manager believes that its extensive research resources are a significant
competitive advantage when appraising credit opportunities across both public and private markets.
The fixed income team employs a fundamentally driven, bottom-up and value-based investment
approach but also believes that it is of vital importance that credit is not viewed in isolation from
wider macro dynamics in the global and relevant local economy.
The Investment Manager believes that specialisation is important in research. Its public credit
analysts are divided into three specialist teams corporate, financial/sovereigns and asset-backed
securities covering investment grade and below investment grade Debt Instruments delivering an
integrated sector-based approach to public debt research. Its private credit analysts are also
organised in a number of specialist teams, focusing on leveraged finance, direct lending, private
placements, real estate debt, infrastructure debt, long lease property and alternative credit. The
private credit teams draw upon the expertise of the Investment Manager’s public credit analysts for
sector expertise. This expertise allows the Investment Manager’s analysts to provide an in-depth
knowledge of both the respective industry and the individual credit assets in their sector.
If an opportunity appears attractive for the Company, a full and detailed analysis will proceed. The
credit analysts’ sole role will be to analyse the individual issuers of Debt Instruments within their
dedicated specialisms, provide specific internal credit ratings to those Debt Instruments and support
those views with fundamental credit recommendations to the portfolio managers. The credit
analysts will not have any specific fund management or dealing responsibility.
External third party rating agencies offer issuer and specific Debt Instrument credit opinions.
However, the Investment Manager has long believed that having internal credit views and opinions
support more informed investment decisions. This is particularly important when investing in private
credit opportunities where no public rating or research is available.
Fundamental qualitative and quantitative assessment of both business and financial risk, supported
by appropriate financial modelling, alongside a review of corporate structure and issuance
document will form the basis of the credit review. These assessments by their nature will always
be subjective rather than formulaic (despite a degree of ratio analysis within the financials review)
and is why the Investment Manager’s research team is built around individuals with specific
industry expertise and significant historical credit analysis experience. When analysing a private
debt opportunity, the Investment Manager believes that proximity to the borrower/issuer is important
given the potential need for greater primary due diligence and ongoing monitoring. Therefore, the
Investment Manager’s focus will principally be on companies based in western European
Setting an Internal Credit Rating
Each asset acquired by the Company will be assigned an internal credit rating, whether an external
rating exists or not, which will be monitored on a six to 12 month basis (or more frequently as
required) as appropriate for the type of asset. The culmination of the rating process, following a full
analysis of the credit risks, is to categorise the Debt Instrument within the Investment Manager’s
fixed income credit rating structure (M&G AAA to D, including + or where applicable). The rating
process also provides an indication of the outlook for the credit rating (Positive/Stable/Negative)
where appropriate.
For public assets the credit rating will be assigned by the relevant credit analyst. For private assets
a credit committee will assign the credit rating. The credit committee is composed of senior
members of the fixed income team. The Investment Manager believes this ensures robust
challenge from experienced market professionals and appropriately detailed probing of key credit
issues ahead of a final rating decision. For example, the Head of Corporate Credit Analysis may
chair the credit committee for a social housing bond, with directors from Private Placements and
Asset-Backed Securities Credit voting.
Portfolio Construction and Ongoing Monitoring
The Investment Manager believes that the key to investing in credit is not to be a forced buyer of
assets at the wrong point in the market. By maintaining flexibility in a portfolio’s investment
allocations rather than having a top-down sector allocation, a portfolio manager can take advantage
of markets as they develop and avoid assets in sectors that no longer provide attractive value. All
of M&G’s and its client funds’ portfolios that can invest in public and private credit are built from
the bottom up, with each asset being selected on its fundamental and relative value rather than the
portfolio being constructed through top-down allocations or expectations. The Investment Manager
will adopt the same approach with regard to the Company.
In respect of private credit, M&G seeks value across credit asset classes, earning investors a
premium through the liquidity and complexity of the underlying assets. These assets typically have
more limited liquidity and availability then public credit and, as such, creating a portfolio of private
credit typically takes longer than for other assets. It is expected that the private credit part of the
Company’s portfolio of investments will typically comprise a variety of asset classes which will have
different risk and return profiles and a range of liquidity and complexity characteristics.
The decision to invest in an individual asset lies solely with the portfolio management team. The
outcome of the credit process is a rating, which allows the portfolio managers to rank the risk. The
majority of the assets to be acquired by the Company are expected to be held to maturity and will
generate returns from their contractual coupons. As a result, the portfolio managers can judge the
relative risk and reward clearly. The portfolio managers will evaluate all risks associated with the
Company’s portfolio of investments they believe are material to making an investment decision and
will assess how those risks are mitigated.
The Company may invest indirectly through collective investment vehicles where to do so facilitates
cost efficient access to diversified pools of credit opportunities that may otherwise be difficult to
access if investing directly.
The diagram below summarises the process behind portfolio construction, pre-trade and post-trade
checks, together with the ongoing monitoring of the assets and portfolio.
Asset View
- Absolute value – are the risks
- Structural considerations – are
the documents suitable?
- Default risks – are the risks
appropriately mitigated?
- Is there appropriate security?
- Comparison with public assets
– does the asset offer relative
value to compensate for
Portfolio View
- Does the asset fit within
- Sector concentrations
- Pre trade check by independent
controls and assurance team
against mandate restrictions
- Indication of appetite to analyst
- Allocation process treats clients
fairly apportioning assets
- If pricing or allocation changes,
re-run checks
Post Trade
- Daily trade review by team
- Daily monitoring of fund
compliance by Surveillance
Monitoring team
- Daily risk, counterparty and
derivative monitoring by Risk
Monitoring team
- Independent pricing oversight
performed by M&G Data
Management Team
Ongoing Monitoring
- Credit analysts monitor assets
against covenants
- Formal credit committee
periodic review of every private
- Monthly fund performance and
oversight reporting by Risk
Performance team
- Monthly quantitative and
qualitative fund oversight by
M&G Investment Risk
- Portfolio manager reports fund
performance and trade rationale to
monthly front office fund
oversight meeting
The Investment Manager will monitor the progress of the Company’s investments. All investments
made will include a variety of financial covenants which will be monitored by the relevant credit
analyst. The credit analyst will track the financial performance and covenants for material
underperformance against the Investment Manager’s original expectations. In addition to the
covenant compliance submissions, the Investment Manager will also receive other information on a
regular basis, such as audited final and interim financial statements as well as, in certain
circumstances, management accounts and forecasts. Performance trends, including covenant
headroom, will be monitored by the Investment Manager to ensure it begins conversations with
management of issuers at an early stage in an effort to mitigate potential problems before they
fully materialise.
For public debt assets, the Investment Manager believes a critical part of successful management
will be the ongoing monitoring of changes in fundamental or relative value. The Investment
Manager will follow a reactive approach to holdings and will look to sell assets where credit
analysts identify any increase in the risk of default/impairment. Equally, where the relative valuation
of an asset becomes over-extended, the Investment Manager will look for more attractively priced
alternative assets to acquire in order to crystallise the opportunistic gain.
With regard to private assets, typically, the credit analysts responsible for a deal at inception will
remain involved in the credit investment through its life. The portfolio managers have regular
dialogue with the credit analysts to go through performance and any other issues associated with
the investment. Any assets that are underperforming are escalated via M&G’s standard credit
oversight processes, which involve senior management.
For investments in collective investment vehicles, the portfolio manager will receive either monthly
or quarterly investment reports from the relevant vehicle administrator. These will be reviewed by
the portfolio manager who can approach the administrator or the relevant manager with any
queries or performance issues.
Additionally the Investment Manager has 19 dedicated restructuring specialists. The team works
closely with the credit analysts and acts as a safety net to ensure that in the event of any debt
impairment, be it technical or structural, the Investment Manager has extensive resource to analyse
both the legal and financial aspects and ensure that the Company’s investments are protected.
Fund oversight is carried out by M&G’s Risk and Surveillance Monitoring teams, as well as senior
management in the fixed income team. Daily monitoring includes a review of fund trades, a
covenant compliance review and risk and credit counterparty monitoring. Monthly monitoring
includes a quantitative and qualitative oversight by the Investment Risk team, a fund performance
review and a fund oversight meeting comprising senior management from fixed income.
In the current and persistent low yield environment, there are opportunities for investors to look
beyond traditional fixed income markets. Illiquid Debt Instruments issued by a diverse range of
companies, whether public or private, have become popular alternative investments that generate
stable and attractive returns and predictable yields for investors, often with an expectation of
underlying capital protection. The values of many illiquid Debt Instruments are derived almost
entirely from their cashflows, rather than any perceived future capital appreciation. Illiquid credit
investing is, in the Investment Manager’s opinion, a simple trade-off: that which is lost in liquidity is
gained in higher risk-adjusted returns, together with structural protections that can be far superior
to those offered by liquid, in particular publicly-traded, Debt Instruments.
Regulatory developments, particularly those in respect of regulatory capital requirements impacting
banks, have significantly reduced the ability of traditional lenders to hold illiquid assets. This has
led to the need and the opportunity for new, unhindered, investors to provide capital to these
markets. Consequently, the Investment Manager believes investors such as the Company are well-
positioned to fill this funding gap.
Growth in bank lending
Decline in bank lending
Jan 04
Jun 04
Nov 04
Apr 05
Sep 05
Feb 06
Jul 06
Dec 06
May 07
Oct 07
Mar 08
Aug 08
Jan 09
Jun 09
Nov 09
Apr 10
Sep 10
Feb 11
Jul 11
Dec 11
May 12
Oct 12
Mar 13
Aug 13
Jan 14
Jun 14
Nov 14
Apr 15
Sep 15
Feb 16
Jul 16
Dec 16
May 17
Oct 17
Mar 18
Germany France Eurozone UK
% Annualised change in bank lending to non financial corporates
Sources: Bank of England and European Central Bank as at 31/03/2018. Non-seasonally adjusted data.
Unlike open-ended investment companies such as UCITS funds, which have a limited ability to
invest in private and/or illiquid Debt Instruments because of the requirement to provide investors
with regular liquidity, the Company is able to take a longer term view and to embrace the virtues of
private and/or illiquid public Debt Instruments. The Company will benefit from the closed-ended
structure enabling it to invest opportunistically in times of market dislocation when other market
participants may be selling and ensuring it should not have to be a forced seller.
The Investment Manager, and in particular Jeremy Richards, has been managing a portfolio of
public, private, liquid and illiquid Debt Instruments for 25 years for Prudential Life Fund. Through
investment in the Company, this expertise will be available to retail investors for the first time,
enabling investors to gain unique access to the Investment Manager’s value investment approach
across markets and cycles over the longer term.
The Company will seek opportunities across the credit spectrum and will be unconstrained in its
approach, save to the extent limited by the Company’s investment policy. In practice, this means
the Company will be able to transition the Company’s portfolio of investments over time, leveraging
off the Investment Manager’s deep knowledge and understanding of the public and private credit
universe, in order to position the Company to take advantage of an evolving credit landscape.
Returns on illiquid Debt Instruments are primarily driven by coupon income and the Investment
Manager expects that a diversified portfolio of such assets should have lower volatility than, and be
uncorrelated to, equity. Illiquid Debt Instruments pay a yield premium versus liquid Debt
Instruments and typically exhibit low interest rate sensitivity. By way of illustration, the graph below
shows the potential returns available from various markets in which the Company might invest:
Investment Horizon (Yrs)
Total Return (%)
Non rated
Gilt curve*
Returns available across credit markets
Corporate Private Placements
Distressed Debt/
Specialist Situations
Infrastructure Debt
Mezzanine ABS
High Grade
Commercial Mortgages
Leverage Loans
Junior Commercial
Corporate Direct Lending
Non-Corporate Private
Specialty Finance
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Source: M&G illustrative, Bloomberg UK Sovereign curve. Graph indicates total return of asset classes. *Gilt curve is shown for
reference only. (Gilt Curve I22 GBP UL).
Within the various asset classes in which the Company will invest, the Investment Manager will
seek to enhance the potential returns to Shareholders through focus on what it believes are the
three main drivers of investment performance.
Fundamental credit research analysis often, where there is a lack of understanding of a
Debt Instrument or an issuer or its industry the instrument can trade at a higher yield to
comparables. The Investment Manager believes it can leverage off its market-leading
relationships and expert analysis of credit fundamentals to gain a better understanding of
such instruments to take advantage of any illiquidity premium or market mispricing in a
measured and sensible way.
Flexibility credit markets tend to be conservative by nature and new asset classes often
offer excess premia before wider market adoption. The Investment Manager has a long-
standing track record of being at the forefront of many developing asset classes, for example
it was one of the first European investors in Private Placements in 1997, it was the first
institutional investor in leveraged loans in 1999 and, more recently in 2016, it structured one
of the first inflation linked private rental sector backed debt packages. These excess premia
have also been witnessed in recent years in several new types of private debt, for example,
the funding of solar power, and aircraft and agricultural leasing. The Investment Manager has
the ability to analyse and participate early in these emerging credit markets owing to its depth
of resource and market reputation.
Timing the Investment Manager has a reputation as a patient and long-term investor which
can assess the relative value across the credit universe, avoiding market herd mentality and,
by analysing the fundamentals of the asset or its issuer, can take advantage of market
irrationality to achieve positive long-term outcomes for investors.
Many of the Debt Instruments that the Company will provide Shareholders with exposure to may
not otherwise be accessible to Shareholders, in particular to individual investors. This could be for
a number of reasons including those Debt Instruments being (i) available only to investors with
significant financial resources; (ii) negotiated privately between corporate entities; or (iii) complex or
higher risk in nature, making them unsuitable for retail investors. While certain of the Debt
Instruments that the Company will invest in may, therefore, carry a higher level of risk individually,
the Company’s investment policy and approach, together with the expertise and experience that the
Investment Manager brings to bear in each asset class, should enable asset specific risk to be
Consequently, the Company believes the Investment Manager is strongly placed to deliver on
these opportunities and the Company will provide Shareholders with a diversified, lower risk
exposure to a range of underlying investments, as detailed more fully below.
The Company will seek a diversified exposure to public, private, liquid and illiquid Debt
Instruments, with a focus, over the longer term, on private Debt Instruments. A detailed description
of certain of the asset classes and types of Debt Instruments that the Company may invest into
from time to time is set out below, although this list is not exhaustive. To the extent that any of
these asset classes give rise to material risk factors, these risks are set out in the section headed
‘‘Risk Factors’’ on pages 20 to 36 of this document.
Asset-backed securities
Asset-backed securities are backed by a pool of loans secured on residential and commercial
mortgages, credit card receivables, auto loans, student loans, commercial loans and corporate
Asset-backed securities are typically investments that entitle the holders to receive payments that
depend primarily on the cash flow from a specific pool of assets that subsequently, by their terms,
convert into cash within a finite time period. Asset-backed securities are backed by pools of debt
receivables which are often secured against physical collateral, for example residential property in
the case of residential mortgage-backed securities.
Asset-backed securities generally are created by the transfer of assets and/or collateral to a
special purpose entity, which may be a trust, limited liability company, corporation or other entity,
which becomes the issuer. The sponsor or originator usually establishes the special purpose entity
as an orphan entity. The special purpose entity may issue securities in the form of debt secured by
the underlying assets or securities in the form of ownership interests in the underlying assets. With
certain types of asset-backed securities, primarily securitisations, a servicer, often the originator, is
responsible for collecting the cash flow generated by the underlying assets and distributing such
cash flow to security holders in accordance with the terms of the issued securities. In certain
transactions a party unrelated to the originator will perform these functions.
Asset-backed securities offer an attractive premium over public corporate bonds due to their
complexity and provide a return that is attractive within a diversified portfolio. Senior/upper
mezzanine tranches in certain core asset-backed security sectors exhibit strong relative market
liquidity in relation to illiquid private debt assets. These assets will allow the Investment Manager to
adjust the Company’s portfolio of investments composition as and when required.
Commercial mortgages
Commercial mortgages are loans secured over commercial property. Real estate debt can deliver
stable contractual cashflows and, while borrowers have the right to repay the loans at any time,
loans often benefit from prepayment penalties in the event the borrower decides to repay the loan
Commercial mortgages also benefit from strong investor protections. The terms of any particular
loan are usually extensively negotiated between borrower and lender with covenants set at levels
specific to each lender and asset, which should provide for both full interest payment and recovery
of the loan principal in the event that the lender has to enforce and sell the property. Senior
commercial mortgages normally have a first legal charge against the property which ensures that
the loan ranks ahead of any other lender. In the event of default the level of recovery is dependent
on the value of the ring-fenced, physical property. This is different to corporate bond investments
where recovery for bondholders is generally more dependent on the management of a business as
a going-concern. As senior commercial mortgages have a typical loan to value (LTV) of 50-70%,
they are significantly over-collateralised by the underlying real estate. In the event of a default this
typically results in higher recoveries with minimal losses compared to an average loss on a
defaulted corporate bond of around 40%.
Direct lending (includes lease finance and receivables)
Direct lending to smaller and mid-sized companies (‘‘SMEs’’) presents an opportunity for non-bank
lenders and has developed in size and scope as banks have changed how they service these
borrowers after the introduction since the financial crisis of more onerous banking regulations.
Providing alternative sources of capital for mid-sized UK companies, the focus is on, among other
areas, senior loans across cash flow lending, asset backed lending (including leasing and
receivable financings) and wholesale funding to other lending businesses. Deals can be sourced
directly, through private equity sponsors or by working alongside UK banks. These assets typically
do not have public ratings.
In addition to stable, floating rate returns, investors in direct lending can also benefit from
diversification, seniority with loans typically senior ranking, and structural protection through
covenant and security provided.
The direct lending markets have broadened in recent years and there are interesting opportunities
beyond traditional SME financing.
Lease finance
The Investment Manager believes there are companies that lease hard assets, such as trucks or
industrial equipment, that are unable to find financing at attractive levels to fund their businesses.
The Investment Manager believes that lending to these companies means that it is possible to
achieve higher returns than lending directly to the end company (which is often a large investment
grade company) and also be secured on hard assets.
Trade receivables transactio ns
In a similar way to lease finance, banks have stepped back from financing global trade and supply
chains. The Investment Manager believes the transactions and structures that provide opportunities
to finance trade receivables have continued to develop over recent years. In these transactions
suppliers of goods or services sell their invoices or receivables at a discount to the finance
provider. In return, the suppliers get faster access to the money they are owed, which improves
their working capital position. The credit risk to the finance provider lies with the purchaser of the
goods or services receivables, which typically will be a company with a stronger credit profile than
the original supplier. The Investment Manager believes that the complex structure of some of these
transactions means that they are often attractively priced. However, the combination of asset-
backed securities and corporate credit research techniques that are required to understand these
types of investments fully means that, in the Investment Manager’s belief, many market participants
do not consider them.
Distressed debt
Distressed debt comprises Debt Instruments issued by companies that the Investment Manager
believes have viable business models, but that have deteriorating credit profiles, and are normally
priced well below par.
In most distressed debt investments, the main drivers of returns are capital appreciation on the
nominal amount (‘reversion to par’) or equity upside (‘loan to own’). ‘Special situation’ investments
will benefit from interest income (both cash and non-cash), which will be negotiated at the inception
of each loan, and upside participation (‘sweetener’).
There is often the potential to negotiate better economic terms for ‘special situations’ investments
because they tend to attract only a limited number of competitors due to the complexity and
relatively small size of the opportunities.
Infrastructure-related debt assets
Infrastructure is a defensive asset class. The assets financed are usually of an essential nature
such as transport, utilities, energy generation and social infrastructure such as the provision of low-
income housing, schools and hospitals. These industries typically operate in regulated or
concession-based environments, with high barriers to entry and exit creating monopolistic
conditions. Infrastructure assets typically generate revenues with low correlation to business cycles,
providing investors with stable cashflows and the benefit of diversification within a portfolio. With
debt often secured against long term physical assets infrastructure debt exhibits favourable
recovery rates compared to corporate credit. Infrastructure debt finance is often provided to private
finance initiative and public private partnership borrowers and to large infrastructure and utility
Leveraged loans
The leveraged loans market typically provides financing to private equity owned companies and
has developed into a large pan-European market and is relatively liquid compared to many other
private debt asset classes. Leveraged loans are Debt Instruments issued by companies, typically to
finance acquisitions, mergers or leveraged buy-outs by private equity sponsors. The leverage refers
to the capital structure of the issuing company, which incorporates a significant amount of debt.
Consequently, in instances where a public rating exists from a credit rating agency, it is typically
below investment grade. Leveraged loans are senior loans, secured by specific collateral, and have
a priority position in the capital structure of the issuing company.
Public bonds
A public bond is a Debt Instrument generally issued by a corporate or sovereign entity and is
traded on a recognised bond exchange. The bonds are issued for a defined period of time at a
fixed interest rate or indexed to the performance of the prices of securities, currencies or other
financial statistics. These bonds can have an investment grade or below investment grade credit
rating. Liquid bonds are bonds which are commonly traded on the secondary market between
investors whilst illiquid bonds are bonds which are not generally traded between secondary buyers
as they are typically held to maturity by investors.
Private placements
A ‘private placement’ is a private alternative to issuing a publicly offered security as a means for
raising capital. In a private placement the offering of Debt Instruments is made between a business
(or issuer) and a select number of accredited investors / lenders.
Public and private organisations issue in the private placement market for a variety of reasons, and
some of the main advantages are access to flexible and long-term funding, additional financing
capacity beyond existing sources of finance (such and banks and private equity, etc.) or, in the
case of privately held businesses, to maintain confidentiality. As the issuer is only dealing with
accredited investors, they can avoid certain costs associated with a public offering and this also
allows for more flexibility regarding the structure and terms of the placement.
Structured credit (includes regulatory capital trades and specialty finance)
Regulations covering the banking sector have changed significantly in recent years, causing banks
to re-evaluate the assets held on their balance sheets, in light of them generally becoming more
sensitive to the amount of capital required when holding portfolios of loans or other debt. The
impact of this has been for banks to divest themselves of assets, such as pools of consumer loans
(i.e. structured credit).
Regulatory Capital Trades
Regulatory capital trades are where banks seek to transfer risk from their balance sheets to
external investors, such as the Company. These deals have the dual effect of reducing the amount
of risk assets (such as consumer loans) held by the banks and reducing the amount of capital that
they are required to hold.
Specialty Finance
Specialty finance is an emerging asset class which the Investment Manager expects to grow in
Europe over the coming years as bank deleveraging continues apace. These assets are granular
portfolios of consumer and commercial finance loans such as residential and commercial mortgage
loans, credit card receivables, auto loans, student loans, commercial loans and corporate loans.
The Directors are responsible for the determination of the Company’s investment policy and
strategy and have overall responsibility for the Company’s activities including the review of
investment activity and performance and the control and supervision of the Investment Manager.
All of the Directors are non-executive and are independent of the Investment Manager and the
other service providers (with the exception of Mark Hutchinson who is the Chair of Private Assets
at M&G). A majority of the Board will at all times be independent of the Investment Manager.
The Directors will meet at least four times a year, inter alia, to review and assess the Company’s
investment policy and strategy, the risk profile of the Company, the Company’s investment
performance, the performance of the Company’s service providers, including the Investment
Manager and Administrator, and generally to supervise the conduct of its affairs.
The Directors are as follows:
David Simpson (aged 61) (Chairman)
David Simpson is a qualified solicitor and was a partner at KPMG for 15 years until 2013,
culminating as global head of M&A. Before that he spent 15 years in investment banking, latterly at
Barclays de Zoete Wedd Ltd. He is chairman of Ecofin Global Utilities and Infrastructure Trust plc,
a non-executive director of the British Geological Survey, a trustee of Cardiff University and a non-
executive director of ITC Limited, a major listed Indian company. David graduated from Cambridge
University with a degree in Economics and Law.
Richard Bole´at (aged 55) (Non-executive Director)
Richard Bole´at is a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England & Wales, having
trained with Coopers & Lybrand in Jersey and the United Kingdom. After qualifying in 1986, he
subsequently worked in the Middle East, Africa and the UK for a number of commercial and
financial services groups before returning to Jersey in 1991. He was formerly a Principal of
Channel House Financial Services Group from 1996 until its acquisition by Capita Group plc
(‘‘Capita’’) in September 2005. Richard led Capita’s financial services client practice in Jersey until
September 2007, when he left to establish Governance Partners, L.P., an independent corporate
governance practice. He currently acts as Chairman of CVC Credit Partners European
Opportunities Limited, Phaunos Timber Fund Limited and Funding Circle SME Income Fund
Limited, all of which are listed on the London Stock Exchange. He is regulated in his personal
capacity by the Jersey Financial Services Commission and is a member of AIMA.
Mark Hutchinson (aged 60) (Non-executive Director)
Mark joined M&G in 1997 as Head of the Private Finance Group and has overseen the start of a
number of activities including Private Placements, Leveraged Finance, Project & Infrastructure
Finance and Structured Credit. In addition, he started the initiative for purchasing properties with
long leases for Prudential’s annuity funds in 2000. He continues to be involved in the development
and growth of private assets within M&G.
Mark began his career in banking in 1980 with Midland Bank, going on to join Citibank and then in
1995, Bank of America, as a relationship manager for UK and global corporates.
Mark graduated from Cambridge University with a degree in Economics.
Barbara Powley (aged 56) (No n-executive Director)
Barbara Powley is a chartered accountant with over 30 years’ experience in the investment trust
industry. Prior to her retirement in March 2018 she was a director in BlackRock’s closed end funds
team from 2005 with responsibility for the oversight and administration of BlackRock’s stable of
investment trusts. From 1996 to 2005 she had a similar role at Fidelity. Barbara graduated from
the University of York with a degree in Mathematics and Economics. She brings to the board her
extensive knowledge of the investment trust sector and its regulatory requirements.
2.1 Introduction
The Company has engaged M&G Alternatives Investment Management Limited as the Company’s
alternative investment fund manager to provide portfolio and risk management services to the
The Investment Manager was incorporated in the United Kingdom on 30 September 1986 as a
private company limited shares and is wholly owned by M&G Limited which is itself ultimately
owned by Prudential, the UK’s largest insurer by market capitalisation. The Investment Manager is
authorised and regulated by the FCA and is registered under number 122011. Prudential is a
publicly held company whose shares are listed on the stock exchange of London (PRU.L), Hong
Kong (2378.HK), Singapore (K6S.SG) and New York (PUK.N). Prudential is not affiliated in any
manner with Prudential Financial, Inc., a company whose principal place of business is in the
United States of America.
2.2 The Investment Management Agreement
The Company has appointed the Investment Manager to act as the Company’s AIFM for the
purposes of the AIFM Directive and accordingly the Investment Manager is responsible for
providing discretionary portfolio management and risk management services to the Company.
The Company and the Investment Manager have entered into the Investment Management
Agreement, a summary of which is set out at paragraph 6.2 of Part 8 of this document.
The Investment Manager is entitled to receive from the Company an investment management fee
which is calculated and paid quarterly in arrears at an annual rate of (i) 0.5% per annum of the
prevailing published Net Asset Value until the end of the Company’s first accounting period,
31 December 2019; and (ii) 0.7% per annum of the prevailing published Net Asset Value
Where the Company invests in a collective investment vehicle that is managed or advised by an
M&G Entity, the Investment Manager will reduce its investment management fee by the amount of
any equivalent management fee that is charged to such collective investment vehicle or such entity
will rebate its management fee such that the Investment Manager ensures the Company is not
charged twice. The above arrangement will not apply to any other fees or expenses charged to the
Company or any such entity in which it invests.
The Investment Manager is also entitled to be paid half of any arrangement fee charged by the
Company to the issuer of a Debt Instrument in which the Company invests. The balance of any
arrangement fee is retained by the Company.
The Investment Management Agreement is for an initial term of five years from the date of Initial
Admission and thereafter subject to termination on not less than six months’ written notice by
either party. The Investment Management Agreement can be terminated at any time in the event of
the insolvency of the Company or the Investment Manager or in the event that the Investment
Manager ceases to be authorised and regulated by the FCA (if required to be so authorised and
regulated to continue to carry out its duties under the Investment Management Agreement).
3.1 Administrato r
The Administrator is responsible for general fund administration services including calculation of the
Net Asset Value, bookkeeping and accounts preparation.
Details of the Administration Agreement are set out in paragraph 6.3 of Part 8 of this document.
3.2 Depositary
State Street Trustees Limited has been appointed as depositary to provide depositary services to
the Company, which will include safekeeping of the assets of the Company. The Depositary is
permitted to delegate (and authorise its delegates to sub-delegate) the safekeeping of the assets of
the Company.
Details of the Depositary Agreement are set out in paragraph 6.4 of Part 8 of this document.
The Administrator and Depositary are entitled to a combined fee (the ‘‘State Street Fee’’). The
State Street Fee shall be up to 0.08% of the Net Asset Value per annum. The fee is subject to a
minimum rate, whereby if the Net Asset Value is less than £250 million the fee will be calculated
as if the Net Asset Value were £250 million. The State Street Fee is calculated monthly and
payable monthly in arrears. In addition, the Administrator and the Depositary are entitled to certain
transaction charges, each of which will be at normal commercial rates and certain other fees for ad
hoc services rendered from time to time. The Administrator and the Depositary are entitled to
reimbursement of out-of-pocket expenses incurred by them (and by subcustodians and
depositories) on behalf of the Company in connection with the performance of the services. The
Company shall also reimburse the Administrator and Depositary for the reasonable fees and
customary agents’ charges paid to any sub-custodian (which shall be charged at normal
commercial rates). All amounts are exclusive of any VAT that may be charged thereon.
3.3 Custodian
The Depositary has delegated safekeeping duties as set out in the AIFM Directive and the FCA
Handbook to State Street Bank & Trust Company, whom it has appointed as global sub-custodian.
3.4 Company Secretary
The Company Secretary provides the company secretarial functions required by the Companies
Under the terms of the Company Secretarial Services Agreement, the aggregate fees payable to
Link Asset Services are £60,000 per annum. In addition a fee of £30,000 is payable to Link Asset
Services for services undertaken as part of the Initial Admission process.
Details of the Company Secretarial Services Agreement are set out in paragraph 6.5 of Part 8 of
this document.
3.5 Registrar
The Company utilises the services of Link Asset Services as registrar in relation to the transfer and
settlement of Shares. Under the terms of the Registrar Agreement, the Registrar is entitled to a fee
calculated on the basis of the number of Shareholders and the number of transfers processed
(exclusive of VAT). In addition, the Registrar is entitled to certain other fees for ad hoc services
rendered from time to time.
Details of the Registrar Agreement are set out in paragraph 6.6 of Part 8 of this document.
3.6 Auditor
Deloitte LLP provides audit services to the Company. The annual report and accounts will be
prepared according to the accounting standards laid out under UK GAAP. The fees charged by the
Auditor depend on the services provided and on the time spent by the Auditor on the affairs of the
Company; there is therefore no maximum amount payable under the Auditor’s engagement letter.
4.1 Formation and initial expenses
The formation and initial expenses of the Company are those that arise from, or are incidental to,
the establishment of the Company, the Initial Issue and Initial Admission. These expenses include
the fees and commissions payable under the Placing and Offer Agreement, Receiving Agent’s
fees, listing and admission fees, printing, legal and accounting fees and any other applicable
expenses which will be met by the Company and paid on or around Initial Admission out of the
Initial Gross Proceeds.
The costs and expenses of, and incidental to, the formation of the Company and the Initial Issue
are not expected to exceed approximately £3 million, equivalent to 1.2% of the Initial Gross
Proceeds, assuming Initial Gross Proceeds of £250 million. The costs will be deducted from the
Initial Gross Proceeds. It is expected that the starting Net Asset Value per Ordinary Share will be
98.8 pence, assuming Initial Gross Proceeds of £250 million.
4.2 Placing Programm e expenses
The costs and expenses of the Company relating to the Placing Programme are those that arise
from, or are incidental to, the issue of Shares pursuant to Subsequent Placings. These include the
fees payable in relation to each subsequent Admission, including listing and admission fees, as
well as fees and commissions due under the Placing and Offer Agreement and any other
applicable expenses in relation to the Placing Programme.
The costs and expenses of issuing Ordinary Shares pursuant to any Subsequent Placing will be
covered by issuing such Ordinary Shares at the prevailing published Net Asset Value per Ordinary
Share at the time of issue together with a premium to at least cover the costs and expenses of the
relevant Subsequent Placing of Ordinary Shares (including, without limitation, any placing
The costs and expenses of any issue of C Shares under the Placing Programme will be paid out
of the gross proceeds of such issue and will be borne by holders of those C Shares only.
4.3 Ongoing annual expenses
The Company will also incur ongoing annual expenses which will include fees paid to the
Investment Manager and other service providers as described above in addition to other expenses,
but excluding all costs associated with making and realising investments. These fees and expenses
are currently expected to amount to c.0.8% of Net Asset Value in respect of the Company’s first
financial period to 31 December 2019 and c.1.1% of Net Asset Value per annum thereafter
assuming a Net Asset Value on Initial Admission of £247 million. The lower fees and expenses in
the Company’s first financial period reflect the lower investment management fee during that
As a global investment management organisation providing asset management and other services,
the Investment Manager engages in, and will continue to engage in activities, which may, on
occasion conflict with the interests of the Company. In providing services to its clients and the
Company, the Investment Manager, any other M&G Affiliate, or their respective directors, officers
and employees (together the ‘‘M&G Interested Parties’’) may face conflicts of interest with respect
to activities recommended to or performed for such clients, on the one hand, and the Company, or
the entities in which the Company invests, on the other hand. In addition, these client relationships
may present conflicts of interest in determining whether or not to offer certain investment
opportunities to the Company.
In particular, the Investment Manager may also act as investment adviser, investment manager
and/or in another capacity on behalf of investment funds, investment vehicles or segregated or
managed accounts that invest, or may invest, in Debt Instruments (‘‘Other M&G Clients’’). Other
M&G Clients may include proprietary capital accounts of M&G Affiliates and clients with similar
investment objectives and policies to or otherwise in competition with the Company and the
Company’s investments. The Investment Manager may engage in, advise or possess an interest in
other business ventures with persons competing with the Company’s investments or with the
Company for investment opportunities in Debt Instruments. The Investment Manager or another
M&G Entity may also act as agent in respect of the Company’s investments for which it may
charge a fee.
The Investment Manager has regard to its obligations under the Investment Management
Agreement and the Investment Manager will otherwise act in a manner that it considers fair,
reasonable and equitable having regard to its obligations to Other M&G Clients, when potential
conflicts of interest arise.
In relation to the allocation of investment opportunities, the Investment Manager has procedures in
place to seek to ensure appropriate allocations between the Company and Other M&G Clients in
accordance with its allocation policy from time to time. Those procedures generally involve a
recording of the investment requirements of Other M&G Clients which are available to all
investment teams within the Investment Manager, the registration of each investment opportunity
introduced to the Investment Manager and the allocation of each opportunity, subject to appropriate
monitoring by the Investment Manager’s control functions. Investment teams within the Investment
Manager meet to review investment opportunities and to express their interest in available
opportunities in accordance with the recorded investment requirements. To ensure that all clients
are treated fairly, unless specifically agreed and documented between the investment teams, final
allocations to each M&G Interested Party should be on a pro rata basis to the original bids.
Further, the Investment Manager may advise on the sale of assets from or to the Company’s
portfolio of investments by Other M&G Clients. The Investment Manager shall in such cases
ensure that such transactions are effected on terms that are at least as favourable to the Company
than if the conflict or potential conflict had not existed and all such transactions are effected on
normal commercial terms and negotiated at arm’s length.
The Disclosure Guidance and Transparency Rules require the Company to: (i) make a corporate
governance statement in its annual report and accounts based on the code to which it is subject,
or with which it voluntarily complies; and (ii) describe its internal control and risk management
arrangements. The Board has considered the principles and recommendations of the AIC Code by
reference to the AIC Guide. The AIC Code, as explained by the AIC Guide, addresses all the
principles set out in the UK Corporate Governance Code, as well as setting out additional
principles and recommendations on issues that are of specific relevance to listed investment
companies. The Board considers that reporting against the principles and recommendations of the
AIC Code, and by reference to the AIC Guide (which incorporates the UK Corporate Governance
Code), will provide better information to Shareholders. As a recently incorporated company, the
Company does not yet comply with the UK Corporate Governance Code or the principles of good
governance contained in the AIC Code. However, the Company intends to join the AIC as soon as
practicable following Initial Admission, and arrangements have been put in place so that, with effect
from Initial Admission, the Company will comply with the AIC Code and the relevant provisions of
the UK Corporate Governance Code in accordance with the AIC Code.
The UK Corporate Governance Code includes provisions relating to:
the appointment of a senior independent director;
the role of the chief executive;
executive directors’ remuneration; and
the need for an internal audit function.
It is acknowledged in the UK Corporate Governance Code that some of its provisions may not be
relevant to externally managed investment companies (such as the Company). For the reasons set
out in the AIC Guide, the Board does not consider that the above provisions are relevant to the
Company. The Company will therefore not comply with these provisions.
The Company’s Audit Committee consists of David Simpson and Barbara Powley and is chaired by
Richard Bole´at. The Audit Committee will meet at least twice a year. In particular, the Board
considers that the Audit Committee as a whole has competence relevant to the sector and the
Board is satisfied that at least one member of the Audit Committee has recent and relevant
financial experience. The Board considers that the members of the Audit Committee have the
requisite skills and experience to fulfil the responsibilities of the Audit Committee. The Audit
Committee will examine the effectiveness of the Company’s control systems. It will review the half-
yearly and annual reports and also receive information from the Investment Manager. It will also
review the scope, results, cost effectiveness, independence and objectivity of the external auditor.
In accordance with the AIC Code, the Company has established a Management Engagement
Committee which is chaired by David Simpson and consists of Richard Bole´ at and Barbara Powley.
The Management Engagement Committee will meet at least once a year or more often if required.
Its principal duties will be to consider the terms of appointment of the Investment Manager and
other service providers and it will annually review those appointments and the terms of
The Company’s Remuneration Committee consists of David Simpson and Richard Bole´at and is
chaired by Barbara Powley. The Remuneration Committee will meet at least once a year or more
often if required. The Remuneration Committee’s main functions include: (i) agreeing the policy for
the remuneration of the Directors and reviewing any proposed changes to the policy; (ii) reviewing
and considering ad hoc payment to the Directors in relation to duties undertaken over and above
normal business; and (iii) appointing independent professional remuneration advice.
The Company’s Nomination Committee consists of Richard Bole´ at and Barbara Powley and is
chaired by David Simpson. The Nomination Committee will meet at least once a year or more
often if required. Its principal duties will be to advise the Board on succession planning bearing in
mind the balance of skills, knowledge and experience existing on the Board and will make
recommendations to the Board in this regard. The Nomination Committee advises the Board on its
balance of relevant skills, experience, gender, race, ages and length of service of the Directors
serving on the Board. All appointments to the Board will be made in a formal and transparent
The Directors will comply with the share dealing code adopted by the Company in accordance with
MAR in relation to their dealings in Shares. The Board will be responsible for taking all proper and
reasonable steps to ensure compliance with the share dealing code by the Directors.
The Company is targeting an issue in excess of 250 million Ordinary Shares pursuant to the Initial
Issue comprising the Initial Placing, the Offer for Subscription and the Intermediaries Offer. The
Initial Issue has not been underwritten. The maximum number of Ordinary Shares to be issued
under the Initial Issue is 400 million. The minimum size of the Initial Issue is 100 million Ordinary
The total number of Ordinary Shares to be issued pursuant to the Initial Issue, and therefore the
Initial Gross Proceeds, are not known as at the date of this document but will be notified by the
Company via a Regulatory Information Service announcement and the Company’s website prior to
Initial Admission.
The Net Proceeds, after deduction of expenses, are expected to be £247 million on the
assumption that the Initial Gross Proceeds are £250 million.
Applications will be made for the Ordinary Shares to be issued pursuant to the Initial Issue to be
admitted to listing on the premium segment of the Official List and to trading on the premium
segment of the London Stock Exchange’s main market. It is expected that Initial Admission will
become effective and dealings in the Ordinary Shares will commence at 8.00 a.m. on 14 November
Ordinary Shares will be issued pursuant to the Initial Issue at an Issue Price of 100 pence per
Ordinary Share.
The Initial Issue is conditional, inter alia, on: (i) Initial Admission having become effective on or
before 8.00 a.m. on 14 November 2018 or such later time and/or date as the Company and
Winterflood Securities may agree (being not later than 8.00 a.m. on 28 February 2019); (ii) the
Placing and Offer Agreement becoming wholly unconditional in respect of the Initial Issue (save as
to Initial Admission) and not having been terminated in accordance with its terms at any time prior
to Initial Admission; and (iii) the Minimum Gross Proceeds (or such lesser amount as the Company
and Winterflood Securities may agree) being raised.
The Prudential Assurance Company Limited intends to subscribe for the lower of (i) 80,000,000
Ordinary Shares and (ii) 25% of the Ordinary Shares to be issued pursuant to the Initial Issue. The
Directors believe that this proposed investment strongly aligns the interests of M&G with
If the Initial Issue does not proceed (due to the Minimum Gross Proceeds (or such lesser amount
as the Company and Winterflood Securities may agree) not being raised or otherwise), any monies
received under the Initial Issue will be returned without interest at the risk of the applicant to the
applicant from whom the money was received, within 14 calendar days.
If the Minimum Gross Proceeds are not raised, the Initial Issue may only proceed where a
supplementary prospectus (including a working capital statement based on a revised minimum net
proceeds figure) has been prepared in relation to the Company and approved by the UKLA.
Initial Placing
Winterflood Securities has agreed to use its reasonable endeavours to procure subscribers
pursuant to the Initial Placing on the terms and subject to the conditions set out in the Placing and
Offer Agreement.
The Ordinary Shares are being made available under the Initial Placing at the Issue Price. The
terms and conditions that shall apply to any subscription for Ordinary Shares under the Initial
Placing are set out in Part 11 of this document. The latest time and date for receipt of
commitments under the Initial Placing is 2.00 p.m. on 8 November 2018 (or such later date, not
being later than 28 February 2019, as the Company and Winterflood Securities may agree).
If the Initial Placing is extended, the revised timetable will be notified via a Regulatory Information
Service announcement.
Each Placee agrees to be bound by the Articles once the Ordinary Shares that the Placee has
agreed to subscribe for pursuant to the Initial Placing have been acquired by the Placee. The
contract to subscribe for the Ordinary Shares under the Initial Placing and all disputes and claims
arising out of or in connection with its subject matter or formation (including non-contractual
disputes or claims) will be governed by, and construed in accordance with, the laws of England
and Wales.
Commitments under the Initial Placing, once made, may not be withdrawn without the consent of
the Directors.
Offer for Subscription
The Company is making an offer of Ordinary Shares pursuant to the Offer for Subscription at the
Issue Price, subject to the terms and conditions of the Offer for Subscription as set out in Part 12
of this document. These terms and conditions and the Application Form set out at Appendix 1 to
this document should be read carefully before an application is made. Investors should consult
their independent financial adviser if they are in any doubt about the contents of this document or
the acquisition of Ordinary Shares.
The Offer for Subscription is being made in the UK only.
Applications under the Offer for Subscription must be for Ordinary Shares with a minimum
subscription amount of £1,000. Multiple applications will not be accepted. Commitments under the
Offer for Subscription once made, may not be withdrawn without the consent of the Directors.
Application Forms accompanied by a cheque or banker’s draft in Sterling made payable to ‘‘Link
Market Services Limited re: M&G Credit Income Investment Trust plc OFS Acceptance a/c’’ for the
appropriate sum should be returned to the Receiving Agent by no later than 1.00 p.m. on
7 November 2018.
For applicants sending subscription monies by electronic bank transfer (CHAPS), payment must be
made for value by no later than 1.00 p.m. on 7 November 2018. Applicants should send payment
to the bank account as detailed on the Application Form. Applicants must ensure that they remit
sufficient funds to cover any charges incurred by their bank.
The payment instruction relating to the electronic transfer must also include a unique reference
comprising your name and a contact telephone number which should be entered in the reference
field on the payment instruction, for example: MJ Smith 01234 567890. The Receiving Agent
cannot take responsibility for correctly identifying payments without a unique reference nor where a
payment has been received but without an accompanying Application Form.
Applicants choosing to settle via CREST, that is DVP, will need to match their instructions to the
Receiving Agent’s Participant Account RA06, Member Account 29728MAG by no later than
1.00 p.m. on 14 November 2018, allowing for the delivery and acceptance of Ordinary Shares to
be made against payment of the Issue Price per Ordinary Share, following the CREST matching
criteria set out in the Application Form.
All investors, in addition to completing and returning the Application Form to Link Asset Services,
will also need to complete and return a Tax Residency Self Certification Form. The ‘‘individual tax
residency self-certification sole holding’’ form can be found at Appendix 2 of this document,
further copies of this form and the relevant form for joint holdings or corporate entity holdings can
be requested from Link Asset Services on 0371 664 0321. Calls are charged at the standard
geographic rate and will vary by provider. Calls outside the United Kingdom will be charged at the
applicable international rate. The helpline is open between 9.00 a.m. 5.30 p.m., Monday to
Friday excluding public holidays in England and Wales. Different charges may apply to calls from
mobile telephones and calls may be recorded and randomly monitored for security and training
purposes. The helpline cannot give any financial, legal or tax advice.
It is a condition of any application under the Offer for Subscription that a completed version of the
relevant form is provided with the Application Form before any application under the Offer for
Subscription can be accepted. Application Forms that are returned without the completed Tax
Residency Self-Certification Form will be referred to the Company after the Offer for Subscription
closes at 1.00 p.m. on 7 November 2018. It will then be the Company’s decision if these
Application Forms can be accepted under the Offer for Subscription.
If the Offer for Subscription is extended, the revised timetable will be notified via a Regulatory
Information Service announcement.
Intermediaries Offer
Investors may also subscribe for Ordinary Shares at the Issue Price pursuant to the Intermediaries
Offer. Only Intermediaries’ retail investor clients in the United Kingdom and the Channel Islands
are eligible to participate in the Intermediaries Offer. Investors may apply to any one of the
Intermediaries to be accepted as their client.
All expenses incurred by any Intermediary are for its own account. Investors should confirm
separately with any Intermediary whether there are any commissions, fees or expenses that will be
applied by such Intermediary in connection with any application made through that Intermediary
pursuant to the Intermediaries Offer.
No Ordinary Shares allocated under the Intermediaries Offer will be registered in the name of any
person whose registered address is outside of the United Kingdom and the Channel Islands. A
minimum application of 1,000 Ordinary Shares per underlying applicant will apply. Allocations to
Intermediaries will be determined solely by Winterflood Securities (following consultation with the
Company and the Investment Manager).
An application for Ordinary Shares in the Intermediaries Offer means that the underlying applicant
agrees to acquire the Ordinary Shares applied for at the Issue Price. Each underlying applicant
must comply with the appropriate anti-money laundering checks required by the relevant
Intermediary and all other laws and regulations applicable to their agreement to subscribe for
Ordinary Shares. Where an application is not accepted or there are insufficient Ordinary Shares
available to satisfy an application in full, the relevant Intermediary will be obliged to refund the
underlying applicant as required and all such refunds shall be made without interest at the risk of
the applicant to the applicant from whom the money was received. The Company, the Investment
Manager and Winterflood Securities accept no responsibility with respect to the obligation of the
Intermediaries to refund monies in such circumstances.
Each Intermediary has agreed, or will on appointment agree, to certain terms and conditions in
relation to the Intermediaries Offer (the ‘‘Intermediaries Terms and Conditions’’), which regulate,
inter alia, the conduct of the Intermediaries Offer on market standard terms and provide for the
payment of a commission and/or fee (to the extent permissible by the rules of the FCA) to
Intermediaries if such Intermediary elects to receive a commission and/or fee. Pursuant to the
Intermediaries Terms and Conditions, in making an application, each Intermediary will also be
required to represent and warrant that they are not a person located in the United States,
Australia, Canada, Japan or the Republic of South Africa and are not acting on behalf of anyone
located in the United States Australia, Canada, Japan or the Republic of South Africa or for any
U.S. Person.
In addition, the Intermediaries may prepare certain materials for distribution or may otherwise
provide information or advice to retail investors in the United Kingdom and the Channel Islands,
subject to the terms of the Intermediaries Terms and Conditions. Any such materials, information or
advice are solely the responsibility of the relevant Intermediary and will not be reviewed or
approved by any of the Company, the Investment Manager or Winterflood Securities. Any liability
relating to such documents shall be for the relevant Intermediaries only.
The results of the Initial Issue will be announced by the Company via a Regulatory Information
In the event that commitments under the Initial Placing and valid applications under the Offer for
Subscription and the Intermediaries Offer exceed the maximum number of Ordinary Shares
available under the Initial Issue (being 400 million Ordinary Shares), applications under the Placing,
Offer for Subscription and Intermediaries Offer will be scaled back at Winterflood Securities’
discretion (in consultation with the Company and the Investment Manager).
The Company reserves the right to decline in whole or in part any application for Ordinary Shares
pursuant to the Initial Issue.
Monies received in respect of unsuccessful applications (or to the extent scaled back) will be
returned without interest at the risk of the applicant to the applicant from whom the money was
received, within 14 calendar days following the close of the Initial Issue.
The Initial Gross Proceeds will be utilised in accordance with the Company’s investment policy, to
meet the costs and expenses of the Initial Issue and for working capital purposes. It is currently
expected that the Net Proceeds will be deployed in accordance with the Company’s investment
policy in the manner set out below.
The Company expects the Investment Manager to deploy the Net Proceeds in readily available
public lower yielding assets within a period of three months after Initial Admission (subject to
market conditions). Based on current market conditions, the Investment Manager then intends to
transition the Company’s portfolio of investments such that it mainly comprises private Debt
Instruments in accordance with the Company’s investment policy. It is currently expected that,
subject to market conditions, such transition will be completed by the end of the first accounting
period of the Company, i.e. by 31 December 2019.
The formation and initial expenses of the Company are those that arise from, or are incidental to,
the establishment of the Company, the Initial Issue and Initial Admission.
The costs and expenses of, and incidental to, the formation of the Company and the Initial Issue
are not expected to exceed approximately £3 million, equivalent to 1.2% of the Initial Gross
Proceeds, assuming Initial Gross Proceeds of £250 million. The costs will be deducted from the
Initial Gross Proceeds. It is expected that the starting Net Asset Value per Ordinary Share will be
98.8 pence, assuming Initial Gross Proceeds of £250 million.
In the event that the Company is required to publish a supplementary prospectus prior to Initial
Admission, applicants who have applied for Ordinary Shares under the Initial Issue shall have at
least two clear Business Days following the publication of the relevant supplementary prospectus
within which to withdraw their offer to acquire Ordinary Shares in the Initial Issue in its entirety.
The right to withdraw an application to acquire Ordinary Shares in the Initial Issue in these
circumstances will be available to all investors in the Initial Issue. If the application is not withdrawn
within the stipulated period, any offer to apply for Ordinary Shares in the Initial Issue will remain
valid and binding.
Investors under the Offer for Subscription wishing to exercise statutory withdrawal rights after the
publication of a supplementary prospectus prior to Initial Admission must do so by lodging written
notice of withdrawal by hand (during normal business hours only) at Link Asset Services, Corporate
Actions, The Registry, 34 Beckenham Road, Beckenham, Kent, BR3 4TU, or by emailing so as to be received no later than two Business Days after the date on
which the supplementary prospectus is published. Notice of withdrawal given by any other means
or which is deposited with or received after expiry of such period will not constitute a valid
Intermediaries wishing to exercise withdrawal rights on behalf of their underlying clients on behalf
of whom they have submitted applications for Ordinary Shares, after the publication of a
supplementary prospectus prior to the close of the Intermediaries Offer must do so in accordance
with the Intermediaries Terms and Conditions so as to be received no later than two Business
Days after the date on which the supplementary prospectus is published. If the applications for
Ordinary Shares are not withdrawn by the Intermediaries during such time, the offer to apply for
Ordinary Shares as set out in the application will remain valid and binding.
The Placing and Offer Agreement contains provisions entitling Winterflood Securities to terminate
the Initial Issue (and the arrangements associated with it) at any time prior to Initial Admission in
certain circumstances. If this right is exercised, the Initial Issue and these arrangements will lapse
and any monies received in respect of the Initial Issue will be returned to each applicant without
interest at the risk of the applicant to the applicant from whom the money was received.
The Placing and Offer Agreement provides for Winterflood Securities to be paid commissions by
the Company in respect of the Ordinary Shares to be allotted pursuant to the Initial Issue. Any
Ordinary Shares subscribed for by Winterflood Securities may be retained or dealt in by it for its
own benefit.
Further details of the terms of the Placing and Offer Agreement are set out in paragraph 6.1 of
Part 8 of this document.
Pursuant to anti-money laundering laws and regulations with which the Company must comply, the
Company (and its agents) may require evidence in connection with any application for Ordinary
Shares, including further identification of the applicant(s), before any Ordinary Shares are issued
pursuant to the Initial Issue.
In the event that there are any significant changes affecting any of the matters described in this
document or where any significant new matters have arisen after the publication of this document,
the Company will publish a supplementary prospectus. The supplementary prospectus will give
details of the significant change(s) or the significant new matter(s).
Applications will be made for the Ordinary Shares issued pursuant to the Initial Issue to be
admitted to listing on the premium segment of the Official List and to trading on the premium
segment of the London Stock Exchange’s main market. It is expected that Initial Admission will
become effective, and that dealings in the Ordinary Shares will commence, at 8.00 a.m. on
14 November 2018.
An investor applying for Ordinary Shares in the Initial Issue may receive Ordinary Shares in
certificated or uncertificated form. The Ordinary Shares are in registered form. No temporary
documents of title will be issued. Dealings in Ordinary Shares in advance of the crediting of the
relevant stock account shall be at the risk of the person concerned. It is expected that CREST
accounts will be credited on 14 November 2018 in respect of Ordinary Shares issued in
uncertificated form and definitive share certificates in respect of Ordinary Shares held in certificated
form will be despatched by post after the week commencing 19 November 2018, at the
Shareholder’s own risk.
The ISIN of the Ordinary Shares is GB00BFYYL325 and the SEDOL is BFYYL32.
The Company does not guarantee that at any particular time market maker(s) will be willing to
make a market in the Ordinary Shares, nor does it guarantee the price at which a market will be
made in the Ordinary Shares. Accordingly, the dealing price of the Ordinary Shares may not
necessarily reflect changes in the Net Asset Value per Ordinary Share.
CREST is a paperless settlement procedure enabling securities to be evidenced otherwise than by
a certificate and transferred otherwise than by written instrument. The Articles permit the holding of
Ordinary Shares under the CREST system. The Company has applied for the Ordinary Shares to
be admitted to CREST with effect from Initial Admission. Accordingly, settlement of transactions in
the Ordinary Shares following Initial Admission may take place within the CREST system if any
Shareholder so wishes.
The Ordinary Shares will, on Initial Admission, be ‘‘qualifying investments’’ for the stocks and
shares component of an ISA (subject to applicable subscription limits) provided that they have
been acquired by purchase in the market (which, for these purposes, will include any Ordinary
Shares acquired directly under the Offer for Subscription or Intermediaries Offer but not any
Ordinary Shares acquired directly under the Initial Placing).
Save where Ordinary Shares are being acquired using available funds in an existing ISA, an
investment in Ordinary Shares by means of an ISA is subject to the usual annual subscription
limits applicable to new investments into an ISA. The Ordinary Shares will be permissible assets
for SIPPs and SSAS.
The Board will use its reasonable endeavours to manage the affairs of the Company so as to
enable this status to be maintained.
The attention of potential investors who are Overseas Persons is drawn to the paragraphs below.
The offer of Ordinary Shares under the Initial Issue to Overseas Persons may be affected by the
laws of the relevant jurisdictions. Such persons should consult their professional advisers as to
whether they require any government or other consents or need to observe any applicable legal
requirements to enable them to obtain Ordinary Shares under the Initial Issue. It is the
responsibility of all Overseas Persons receiving this document and/or wishing to subscribe for
Ordinary Shares under the Initial Issue to satisfy themselves as to full observance of the laws of
the relevant territory in connection therewith, including obtaining all necessary governmental or
other consents that may be required and observing all other formalities needing to be observed
and paying any issue, transfer or other taxes due in such territory.
No person receiving a copy of this document in any territory other than the UK may treat the same
as constituting an offer or invitation to him/her, unless in the relevant territory such an offer can
lawfully be made to him/her without compliance with any further registration or other legal
Persons (including, without limitation, nominees and trustees) receiving this document may not
distribute or send it to any U.S. Person or in or into the United States or any other jurisdiction
where to do so would or might contravene local securities laws or regulations. In particular,
investors should note that the Company has not, and will not be, registered under the U.S.
Investment Company Act and the offer, issue and sale of the Ordinary Shares have not been, and
will not be, registered under the U.S. Securities Act or with any securities regulatory authority of
any state or other jurisdiction of the United States. Accordingly, the Ordinary Shares are being
offered and sold outside the United States to non-U.S. Persons in reliance on the exemption from
the registration requirements of the U.S. Securities Act provided by Regulation S thereunder. The
Ordinary Shares may not be offered, sold, pledged or otherwise transferred or delivered, directly or
indirectly, within the United States or to, or for the account or benefit of, any U.S. Person, except
pursuant to an exemption from, or in a transaction not subject to, the registration requirements of
the U.S. Securities Act and in compliance with any applicable securities laws of any state or other
jurisdiction in the United States.
In addition, until 40 calendar days after the commencement of the Initial Issue, an offer or sale of
the Ordinary Shares within the United States by any dealer (whether or not participating in the
Initial Issue) may violate the registration requirements of the U.S. Securities Act.
The Company reserves the right to treat as invalid any agreement to subscribe for Ordinary Shares
under the Initial Issue if it appears to the Company or its agents to have been entered into in a
manner that may involve a breach of the securities legislation of any jurisdiction.
United States transfer restrictions
Each of Winterflood Securities and the Company has acknowledged and warranted in the Placing
and Offer Agreement that it will not offer or sell or procure the offer or sale of the Ordinary Shares
except in compliance with Regulation S. The Ordinary Shares have not been, and will not be,
registered under the U.S. Securities Act or with any securities regulatory authority of any state or
other jurisdiction of the United States. Accordingly, investors may not reoffer, resell, pledge or
otherwise transfer or deliver, directly or indirectly, any Ordinary Shares within the United States, or
to, or for the account or benefit of, any U.S. Person.
The typical investors for whom an investment in the Company is appropriate are institutional
investors and professionally-advised or financially sophisticated non-advised private investors who
understand and are capable of evaluating the merits and risks of such an investment and who
have sufficient resources to be able to bear any losses (which may equal the whole amount
invested) that may result from such an investment. Such investors are recommended to consult an
independent financial adviser who specialises in advising on the acquisition of shares and other
securities before making an investment. Furthermore, an investment in the Company should
constitute part of a diversified investment portfolio.
The Company has authority to issue up to 400 million Shares on a non-pre-emptive basis pursuant
to the Placing Programme. Ordinary Shares and/or C Shares may be issued pursuant to the
Placing Programme.
The Placing Programme is flexible and may have a number of closing dates in order to provide the
Company with the ability to issue Shares over a period of time. The Placing Programme is
intended to satisfy market demand for Shares and to raise further money after the Initial Issue to
increase the size of the Company and invest in accordance with the Company’s investment policy.
The Placing Programme will open on 15 November 2018 and will close on 25 September 2019 (or
any earlier date on which it is fully subscribed, or otherwise at the discretion of the Directors). The
terms and conditions that apply to the purchase of Shares under the Placing Programme are set
out in Part 11 of this document.
The Company will have the flexibility to issue Shares on a non-pre-emptive basis where there
appears to be reasonable demand for Shares in the market, for example if the Ordinary Shares
trade at a premium to the Net Asset Value per Ordinary Share. It is expected that the Board will
issue C Shares, rather than Ordinary Shares, in circumst ances where there is substantial investor
demand such that an issue of Ordinary Shares would have the potential to exert ‘‘cash drag’’ on
the performance of the existing Ordinary Shares. The assets representing the net proceeds of an
issue of C Shares would be accounted for as a separate pool, and the C Shares would bear a
proportionate share of the Company’s costs and expenses.
C Shares will convert into Ordinary Shares just over 12 months after the date of their issue or
such earlier time that the Directors deem that the return profiles of the underlying assets of the
portfolios of C Shares and Ordinary Shares are sufficiently aligned based on the respective Net
Asset Value per Ordinary Shar e and the Net Asset Value per C Share.
The rights attaching to C Shares, including the rights as to Conversion, are described in
paragraph 4.21 of Part 8 of this document.
The issues of Shares under the Placing Programme is at the discretion of the Directors. Issues
may take place at any time prior to the final closing date of 25 September 2019 (or any earlier
date on which it is fully subscribed, or otherwise at the discretion of the Di rectors). An
announcement of each Subsequent Placing under the Placing Programme will be released via a
Regulatory Information Service, including details of the type of Share (Ordina ry Share or C Share)
and number of Shares to be issued and the Placing Programme Price for the issue.
There is no minimum subscription. The Placing Programme is not being underwritten and, as at
the date of this document, the actual number of Shares to be issued under the Placing Programme
is not known. The maximum number of Shares available under the Placing Program me should not
be taken as an indication of the number of Shares finally to be issued.
Where new Shares are issued pursuant to the Placing Programme, the total assets of the
Company will increase by that number of Shares multiplied by the relevant Placing Programme
Price less the expenses of such issuance.
The net proceeds of any Subsequent Placing under the Placing Programme are dependent, inter
alia, on, the level of subscriptions received, the price at which such Shar es are issued and the
costs of the Subsequent Placing.
The Ordinary Shares issued pursuant to the Placing Programme will rank pari passu with the
Ordinary Shares then in issue (save for any dividends or other distributions declared, made or paid
on the Ordinary Shares by reference to a record date prior to the allotment and issue of the
relevant Ordinary Shares).
In the event that any C Shares are issued under the Placing Programme, the investments which
are attributabl e to the C Shares following Conversion will be merged with the Company’s existing
portfolio just over 12 months after the date of their issue or such earlier time that the Directors
deem that the return profiles of the underlying assets of the portfolios of C Shares and Ordinary
Shares are sufficiently aligned. The new Ordinary Shares arising on Conversion of the C Shares
will, subject to the Articles, rank pari passu with the Ordinary Shares then in issue.
In the event that a related party (as defined in the Listing Rules) wishes to make a commitment for
Shares under the Placing Programme, the Company would comply with its obligations under
Chapter 11 of the Listing Rules including, if required, seeking Shareholder approval for the
allotment and issue of Shares to the related party.
The Placing Programme will be suspended at any time when the Company is unable to issue
Shares under any statutory provision or other regulation applicable to the Company or otherwise at
the Directors’ discretion. The Placing Programme may resume when such conditions cease to
Each issue of Shares pursuant to a Subsequent Placing under the Placing Programme is
conditional, inter alia, on:
Admission of the relevant Shares occurring by no later than 8.00 a.m. on such date as the
Company and Winterflood Securities may agree from time to time in relation to that
Admission, not being later than 25 September 2019;
a valid supplementary prospectus being published by the Company if such is required by the
Prospectus Rules;
in connection with an issue of Ordinary Shares, the Placing Programme Price being
determined by the Directors as described below; and
the Placing and Offer Agreement being wholly unconditional as regards the relevant
Subsequent Placing (save as to Admission) and not having been terminated in accordance
with its terms prior to the relevant Adm ission.
The minimum price at which Ordinary Shares will be issued pursuant to the Placing Programme,
which will be in Sterling, will be equal to the prevailing published Net Asset Value per Ordinary
Share at the time of issue together with a premium to at least cover the costs and expenses of the
relevant Subsequent Placing of Ordinary Shares (including, without limitation, any placing
In accordance with Chapter 15 of the Listing Rules, the Company may not issue Ordinary Shares
on a non-pre-emptive basis at a price below the prevailing published Net Asset Value per Ordinary
Share without Shareholder approval.
The issue price of any C Shares issued pursuant to the Placing Programme will be 100 pence per
C Share.
The Placing Programme Price will be announced via a Regulatory Information Service as soon as
practicable in conjunction with each Subsequent Placing.
The Directors believe that the issue of Shares pursuant to the Placing Programme should yield the
following principal benefits:
give the Company the ability to issue Shares, so as to better manage the premiu m at which
the Ordinary Shares may trade relative to the Net Asset Value per Ordinary Share;
enhance the Net Asset Value per Ordinary Share of existing Ordinary Shares through new
issuance of Ordinary Shares at a premium to the prevailing published Net Asset Value per
Ordinary Share;
grow the Company, thereby spreading operating costs over a larger capital base which should
reduce the ongoing charges ratio;
the Company will be able to raise additional capital promptly, allowing it to take advantage of
future investment opportunities as and when they arise, further diversifying the Company’s
portfolio of investments; and
improve liquidity in the market for the Ordinary Shares.
The costs and expenses of the Company relating to the Placing Programme are those that arise
from, or are incidental to, the issue of Shares pursuant to Subsequent Placings. These include the
fees payable in relation to each subsequent Admission, including listing and admission fees, as
well as fees and commissions due under the Placing and Offer Agreement and any other
applicable expenses in relation to the Placing Programme.
The costs and expenses of issuing Ordinary Shares pursuant to any Subsequent Placing will be
covered by issuing such Ordinary Shares at the prevailing published Net Asse t Value per Ordinary
Share at the time of issue together with a premium to at least cover the costs and expenses of the
relevant Subsequent Placing of Ordinary Shares (including, without limitation, any placing
The costs and expenses of any issue of C Shares under the Placing Programme will be paid out
of the gross proceeds of such issue and will be borne by holders of those C Shares only.
In the event of oversubscription of a Subsequent Placing, applications under the relevant
Subsequent Placing will be scaled back at the absolute discretion of Winterflood Securities (in
consultation with the Company and the Investment Manager).
In the event that the Company is required to publish a supplementary prospectus prior to any
subsequent Admission, applicants who have applied for Shares under any Subsequen t Placing
shall have at least two clear Business Days following the publication of the relevant supplementary
prospectus within which to withdraw their offer to acquire Shares in the relevant Subsequent
Placing in its entirety. The right to withdraw an application to acquire Shar es in the relevant
Subsequent Placing in these circumstances will be available to all investors in the relevant
Subsequent Placing. If the application is not withdrawn within the stipulated period, any offer to
apply for Shares in the relevant Placi ng will remain valid and binding.
Under the Placing and Offer Agreement, Winterflood Securities has undertaken, as agent for the
Company, to use its reasonable endeavours to procure subscribers under the Placing Programme
for Shares at the Placing Programme Price. Details of the Placing and Offer Agreement are set out
in paragraph 6.1 of Part 8 of this document .
The Placing and Offer Agreement provides for Winterflood Securities to be paid commissions by
the Company in respect of the Shares to be issued pursuant to the Placing Programme. Any
Shares subscribed for by Winterflood Securities may be retained or dealt in by it for its own
benefit. Winterflood Securities is also entitled under the Placing and Offer Agreement to retain
agents and may pay commission in respect of the Placing Programme to any or all of those
agents out of its own resources.
In circumstances in which the conditions to a Subsequent Placing are not fully met, the relevant
issue of Shares pursuant to the Placing Programme will not take place.
If 400 million Shares were to be issued pursuant to Subsequent Placings, and assuming the Initial
Issue had been subscribed as to 250 million Ordinary Shares, there would be a dilution of
approximately 61.5% in Shareholders voting contro l of the Company immediately after the Initial
Issue (and prior to any conversion of C Shares). The voting rights may be diluted further on
conversion of any C Shares depending on the applicable conversion ratio. However, it is not
anticipated that there would be any dilution in the Net Asset Value per Ordinary Share as a result
of the Placing Programme.
The Directors intend to use the net proceeds of any Subsequent Placing under the Placing
Programme to acquire investments in accordance with the Company’s investment objective and
investment policy and for working capital purposes.
Pursuant to anti-money laundering laws and regulat ions with which the Company must comply, the
Company (and its agents) may require evidence in connection with any application for Shares,
including further identification of the applicant(s), before any Shares are issued.
In the event that there are any significant changes affecting any of the matters described in this
document or where any significant new matters have arisen after the publication of this document,
the Company will publish a supplementary prospectus. The supplementary prospectus will give
details of the significant change(s) or the significant new matter(s).
The Placing Programme may have a number of closing dates in order to provide the Company
with the ability to issue Shares over the duration of the Placing Programme. Shares may be issued
under the Placing Programme from 15 November 2018 until 25 September 2019.
Applications will be made to the UK Listing Authority and the London Stock Exchange for all of the
Shares issued pursuant to the Placing Programme to be admitted to the premium segment of the
Official List and to trading on the premium segment of the London Stock Exchange’s main market.
It is expected that any Admissions pursuant to Subsequent Placings will become effective and
dealings will commence between 15 November 2018 and 25 September 2019. All Shares issued
pursuant to the Placing Programme will be allotted conditionally on such Admission occurring.
Shares will be issued in registered form and may be held in either certificated or uncertificated
form. In the case of Shares to be issued in uncertificated form pursuant to a Subsequent Placing,
these will be transferred to successful applicants through the CREST system. Dealing in advance
of the crediting of the relevant stock account shall be at the risk of the person concerned. Whilst it
is expected that all Shares allotted pursuant to the Placing Programme will be issued in
uncertificated form, if any Shares are issued in certificated form it is expected that share
certificates will be despatched approximately one week following Admission of the Shares, at the
Shareholder’s own risk.
The ISIN number of the Ordinary Shares is GB00BFYYL325 and the SEDO L code is BFYYL32.
The ISIN number of the C Shares is GB00BFYYT831 and the SEDOL code is BFYYT83.
Any Ordinary Shares issued pursuant to the Placing Programme will rank pari passu with the
Ordinary Shares then in issue (save for any dividends or other distributions declared, made or paid
on the Ordinary Shares by reference to a record date prior to the allotment of the relevant
Ordinary Shares).
CREST is a paperless settlement procedure enabling securities to be evidenced otherwise than by
a certificate and transferred otherwise than by written instrument. The Articles permit the holding of
Shares under the CREST system. The Company shall apply for the Shares offered under the
Placing Programme to be admitted to CREST with effect from Admission. Accordingly, settlement
of transactio ns in the Shares following an Admission may take place within the CREST system if
any holder of such Shares so wishes.
The attention of potential investors who are Overseas Persons is drawn to the paragraphs below.
The offer of Shares under the Placing Programme to Overseas Persons may be affected by the
laws of the relevant jurisdictions. Such persons should consult their professional advisers as to
whether they require any government or other consents or need to observe any applicable legal
requirements to enable them to obtain Shares under the Placing Programme. It is the responsibility
of all Overseas Persons receiving this document and/or wishing to subscribe for Shares under the
Placing Program me to satisfy themselves as to full observance of the laws of the relevant territory
in connection therewith, including obtaining all necessary governmental or other consents that may
be required and observing all other formalities needing to be observed and paying any issue,
transfer or other taxes due in such territory.
No person receiving a copy of this document in any territory other than the UK may treat the same
as constituting an offer or invitation to him/her under the Placing Programme, unless in the relevant
territory such an offer can lawfully be made to him/her without compliance with any further
registration or other legal requirements.
Persons (including, without limitation, nominees and trus tees) receiving this document may not
distribute or send it to any U.S. Person or in or into the United States or any other jurisdiction
where to do so would or might contravene local securities laws or regulations. In particular,
investors should note that the Company has not, and will not be, registered under the U.S.
Investment Company Act and the offer, issue and sale of the Shares have not been, and will not
be, registered under the U.S. Securities Act or with any securities regulatory authority of any state
or other jurisdiction of the United States. Accordingly, the Shares are only being offered and sold
outside the United States to non-U.S. Persons in reliance on the exemption from the registration
requirements of the U.S. Securities Act provided by Regulation S thereunder. The Shares may not
be offered, sold, pledged or otherwise transferred or delivered, directly or indirectly, within the
United States or to, or for the account or benefit of, any U.S. Person, except pursuant to an
exemption from, or in a transaction not subject to, the registration requirements of the U.S.
Securities Act and in co mpliance with any applicable securities laws of any state or other
jurisdiction in the United States .
The Company reserv es the right to treat as invalid any agreement to subscribe for Shares under
the Placing Programme if it appears to the Company or its agents to have been entered into in a
manner that may involve a breach of the securities legislation of any jurisdiction.
The typical investors for whom an investment in the Company is appropriate are institutional
investors and professionally-advised or financially sophisticated non-advised private investors who
understand and are capable of evaluating the merits and risks of such an investment and who
have sufficient resources to be able to bear any losses (which may equal the whole amount
invested) that may result from such an investment. Such investors are recommended to consult an
independent financial adviser who specialises in advising on the acquisition of shares and other
securities before making an investment. Furthermore, an investment in the Company should
constitute part of a diversified investment portfolio.
Prospective investors should consult their professional advis ers concerning the possible
tax consequences of their subscribing for, purchasing, holding or selling Shares. The
following summary of the principal United Kingdom tax consequences applicable to the
Company and its Shareholders is based upon interpretations of existing laws in effect on
the date of this document and no assurance can be given that courts or fiscal authorities
responsible for the administration of such laws will agr ee with the interpretations or that
changes in such laws will not occur. The tax and other matters described in this document
are not intended as legal or tax advice . Each prospective investor must consult its own
advisers with regard to the tax consequences of an investment in Shares. None of the
Company, Directors or Winterflood Securities, the Investment Manager or any of their
respective affiliates or agents accepts any responsibility for providing tax advice to any
prospective investor.
The information below, which relates only to United Kingdom taxation, summarises the advice
received by the Board insofar as applicable to the Company and to persons who are resident in
the United Kingdom for taxation purposes and who hold Shares as an investment. It is based on
current United Kingdom tax law and published practice, respectively, which law or practice is, in
principle, subject to any subsequent changes therein (potentially with retrospective effect). Certain
Shareholders, such as dealers in securities, collective investment schemes, insurance companies
and persons acquiring their Shares in connection with their employment may be taxed differently
and are not considered. The tax consequences for each Shareholder investing in the Company
may depend upon the Shareholder’s own tax position and upon the relevant laws of any jurisdiction
to which the Shareholder is subject.
If you are in any doubt as to your tax position or you are subject to tax in a jurisdiction outside
the UK, you should consult an appropriate professional adviser without delay.
The Company
It is the intention of the Directors to conduct the affairs of the Company so that it satisfies and
continues to satisfy the conditions necessary for it to be approved by HMRC as an investment
trust under sections 1158 to 1159 of the CTA 2010. However, neither the Directors nor the
Investment Manager can guarantee that this approval will be maintained. One of the conditions for
a company to qualify as an investment trust is that it is not a close company. The Directors intend
that the Company should not be a close company immediately following Initial Admission. In
respect of each accounting period for which the Company continues to be approved by HMRC as
an investment trust the Company will be exempt from UK taxation on its capital gains and capital
profits from creditor loan relationships. The Compa ny will, however, (subject to what follows) be
liable to UK corporation tax on its income in the normal way.
An investment trust approved under sections 1158 to 1159 of the CTA 2010, or one that intends to
seek such approval, is able to elect to take advantage of modified UK tax treatment in respect of
its ‘‘qualifying interest income ’’ for an accounting period (referred to here as the ‘‘streaming’’
regime). Under regulations made pursuant to the Finance Act 2009, the Company may, if it so
chooses, designate as an ‘‘interest distribution’’ all or part of the amount it distributes to
Shareholders as dividends in respect of the accounting period, to the extent that it has ‘‘qualifying
interest income’’ for the accounting period. Were the Company to designate any dividend it pays in
this manner, it would be able to deduc t such interest distributions from its taxable interest income
in calculating its taxable profit for the relevant accounting period.
The Company should in practice be exempt from UK corporation tax on any dividend income
received, provided that such dividends (whether from UK or non-UK companies) fall within one of
the ‘‘exempt classes’’ in Part 9A of the CTA 2009.
Taxation of dividends
(a) Individual Shareholders
The Directors intend to apply the interest ‘‘streaming’’ regime to the majority of dividends paid
by the Company going forward.
(i) Non-interest distributions
In the event that the Directors do not elect for the ‘‘streaming’’ regime to apply to any
dividends paid by the Company, the following paragraph summarises the expected UK
tax treatment for individual Shareholders who receive dividends from the Company.
The following paragraph would also apply to any parts of dividen ds not treated as
‘‘interest distributions’’ were the Directors to elect for the ‘‘streaming’’ regime to apply.
Each individual who is resident in the UK for tax purposes is enti tled to an annual tax
free dividend allowance of £2,000 (for the tax year 2018/19). Dividends within the
allowance will still count as taxable income when determining how much of the basic
rate band or higher rate band has been used.
Subject to the availability of any personal allowance and taking account of any other
dividends received during the tax year, dividends received in excess of this threshold
will be taxed, for the 2018/19 tax year at 7.5% to the extent that the amount falls
below the threshold for the higher rate of UK income tax, 32.5% to the extent that the
amount falls above the threshold for the higher rate of UK income tax but below the
threshold for the additional rate of UK income tax and 38.1% to the extent that the
amount falls above the threshold for the additional rate of UK income tax. In
determining the applicable tax rate, dividend income is treated as the top slice of an
individual’s income.
No withholding tax will be applied to ‘‘non-interest distribution s’’ made by the Company.
(ii) Interest distributions
Where the Directors elect to apply the ‘‘streaming’’ regime to any dividends paid by the
Company, were the Company to designate any dividends paid as an ‘‘interest
distribution’’, a UK resident Shareholder in receipt of such a dividend would be treated
as though they had received a payment of interest. For the 2018/2019 tax years, such
a Shareholder would be subject to UK income tax at a rate of 20%, to the extent that
the amount falls below the threshold for the higher rate of UK income tax, 40% to the
extent that the amount falls above the threshold for the higher rate of UK income tax
but below the threshold for the additional rate of UK income tax and 45% to the extent
that the amount falls above the threshold for the additional rate of UK income tax. No
withholding tax will be applied to ‘‘interest distributions’’ made by the Company.
Each UK resident individual who is a basic rate taxpayer is entitled to a Personal
Saving Allowance which exempts the first £1,000 of savings income (including
distributions deemed to be ‘‘interest distributions’’ from an Investment Trust Company).
The exempt amount is reduced to £500 for higher rate taxpayers and additional rate
taxpayers do not receive an allowance.
(b) Other Shareholders
UK resident corporate Shareholders may be subject to corporation tax on dividends paid by the
Company unless they fall within one of the exempt classes in Part 9A of CTA 2009. Where,
however, the Directors elect for the ‘‘streaming’’ rules to apply, and such corporate Shareholders
receive dividends designated by the Company as ‘‘interest distributions’’, they would be subject to
corporation tax in the same way as a creditor in a loan relationship.
It is particularly important that prospective investors who are not resident in the UK for tax
purposes obtain their own tax advice concer ning tax liabilities on dividends received from
the Company.
Taxation of capital gains
Individual Shareholders who are resident in the UK for tax purposes will gener ally be subject to
capital gains tax in respect of any gain arising on a disposal or deemed disposal of their Shares.
Each such individual has an annual exemption, such that capital gains tax is chargeable only on
gains arising from all sources during the tax year in excess of thi s figure. The annual exemption is
£11,700 for the 2018/19 tax year.
UK capital gains tax may be payable at a rate of 10% (for 2018/2019) to the extent that an
individual is subject to income tax at the basic rate and any chargeable gain does not exceed the
unused part of their basic rate income tax band. Where an individual is subject to income tax at
the basic rate but any chargeable gain exceeds the unused part of their basic rate income tax
band, the rate of capital gains tax on the excess is 20% (for 2018/2019). The rate of capital gains
tax for such individuals who are higher or additional rate taxpayers is 20%.
A Shareholder who is not a UK resident will not generally be subject to UK tax on any gain
accruing to them as a result of a disposal or deemed disposal of their Shares unless (i) the
Shareholder carries on a trade, profession or vocation in the UK through a branch, agency, or
permanent establishment and, holds their Ordinary Shares for the purposes of the trade, profession
or vocation or (ii) the Shareholder falls within certain anti-avoidance rules applying to temporary
Corporate Shareholders who are resident in the UK for tax purposes will generally be su bject to
corporation tax on chargeable gains arising on a disposal of their Shares.
Conversion of C Shares
The co nversion of C Shares into new Ordinary Shares at the Conversion Date should be treated
as a reorganisation of share capital and accordingly should not constitute a disposal of the
C Shares for the purposes of UK corporation tax or capital gains tax on chargeable gains. The
Ordinary Shares arising on Conversion should be treated as acquired at the same time as, and
with the same base cost as, the C Shares.
Stamp Duty and Stamp Duty Reserve Tax
The initial issue and allotment by the Company of Shares into CREST should not give rise to
stamp duty or SDRT.
Transfers on sale of Shares will gener ally be subject to UK stamp duty at the rate of 0.5% of the
consideration given for the transfer. The purchaser normally pays the stamp duty.
An agreement to transfer Shares will normally give rise to a charge to stamp duty reserve tax
(‘‘SDRT’’) at the rate of 0.5% of the amount or value of the consideration payable for the transfer.
If a duly stamped transfer in respect of the agreement is produced within six years of the date on
which the agreement is made (or, if the agreement is conditional, the date on which the agreement
becomes unconditional) any SDRT paid is repayable, generally with interest, and otherw ise the
SDRT charge is cancelled. SDRT is, in general, payable by the purchaser.
Paperless transfers of Shares within the CREST system will generally be liable to SDRT, rather
than stamp duty, at the rate of 0.5% of the amount or value of the consideration payable. CREST
is obliged to collect SDRT on relevant transactions settled within the CREST system. Deposits of
Shares into CRE ST will not generally be subject to SDRT, unless the transfer into CREST is itself
for consideration.
Shares acquired by a UK resident individual Shareholder in the Offer for Subscription, the
Intermediaries Offer or on the secondary market (but not the Initial Placing or any Subsequent
Placing) should be eligible to be held in a stocks and shares ISA, subject to applicable annual
subscription limits (£20,000 in the tax year 2018-2019).
Investments held in ISAs will be free of UK tax on both capital gains and income. The opportunity
to invest in shares through an ISA is restricted to certain UK resident individuals aged 18 or over.
Junior ISAs are available to children under the age of 18 who are resident in the UK subject to the
annual allowance of £4,260 for the 2018-2019 tax year. Sums received by a Shareholder on a
disposal of Shares would not count towards the Shareholder’s annual limit, but a disposal of
Shares held in an ISA will not serve to make available again any part of the annual subscription
limit that has already been used by the Shareholder in that tax year.
The Shares should be eligible for inclusion in a SIPP or a SSAS, subject to the discretion of the
trustees of the SIPP or the SSAS, as the case may be.
Individuals wishing to invest in Shares through an ISA, SIPP or SSAS should contact their
professional advisers regarding their eligibility.
Information reportin g
The UK has entered into int ernational agreements with a number of jurisdictions which provide for
the exchange of information in order to combat tax evasion and improve tax compliance. These
include, but are not limited to, an Inter-governmental Agreement with the U.S. in relation to FATCA
and the Common Reporting Standard developed by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation
and Development and the EU Directive on Administrative Cooperation in Tax Matters as
implemented in the UK. In connection with such agreements and arrangements the Company may,
among other things, be required to collect and report to HMRC certain personal information
regarding Shareholders and other account holders of the Company and HMRC may pass this
information on to the authorities in other jurisdictions.
1.1 The Company was incorporated with the name M&G Credit Income Invest ment Trust plc in
England and Wales on 17 July 2018 with registered number 11469317 as a public company
limited by shares under the Companies Act.
1.2 The registered office and principal place of business of the Company is Beaufort House, 51
New North Road, Exeter EX4 4EP with telephone number +44 (0) 1392 477500.
1.3 The principal legislation under which the Company operates is the Companies Act. As an
investment trust, the Company will not be regulated as a collective investment scheme by the
FCA. How ever, from Initial Admission, the Company and the Shareholders will be subject to
the Listing Rules, the Prospectus Rules, the Disclosure Guidance and Transparency Rules,
MAR and the rules of the London Stock Exchange.
1.4 The principal activity of the Company is to invest in a diversified portfolio of public and private
Debt Instruments, with a view to achieving the Company’s investment objective.
1.5 Save for entry into each of the material contracts summarised in paragraph 6 of this Part 8,
the Company has not commenced operatio ns since incorporation and, as at the date of this
document, no financial statements have been made up and no dividends have been declared
by the Company.
1.6 The Company’s accounting period will end on 31 December of eac h year. The first
accounting period will end on 31 December 2019. The annual report and accounts will be
prepared in Sterling according to accounting standards laid out under UK GAAP.
1.7 On 19 September 2018, the Company was granted a certificate under section 761 of the
Companies Act entitling it to comm ence business and to exercise its borrowing powers.
1.8 The Company is domiciled in England and Wales, does not have any employees and does
not own any premises and, as at the date of this document, has no subsidiaries.
1.9 The Company has given notice to the Registrar of Companies of its intention to carry on
business as an investment company pursuant to section 833 of the Companies Act.
1.10 The Company intends at all times to conduct its affairs so as to enable it to qualify as an
investment trust for the purposes of sections 1158 and 1159 (and regulations made
thereunder) of the CTA 2010 and the Investment Trust (Approved Company) (Tax)
Regulations 2011. In summary, the conditions and requirement s that must be met for
approval by HMRC as an investment trust, and which must continue to be met for each
accounting period in respect of which the Company is approved as an investment trust, are
all, or substantially all, of the business of the Company is investing its funds in shares,
land or other assets with the aim of spreading investment risk and giving members the
benefit of the results of the management of its funds;
the Company is not a close company at any time during the accounting period;
the Company’s ordinary share capital is admitted to trading on a regulated market
throughout the accounting period;
the Company must not retain in respect of the accounting period an amount greater
than the higher of: (a) 15% of its income for the period; and (b) the amount of any
income which the Company is required to retain in respect of the period by virtue of a
restriction imposed by law. However, where the Company has relevant accumulated
losses brought forward from prev ious accounting periods of an amount equal to or
greater than the higher of the amounts mentioned in (a) and (b) above, it may retain
an amount equal to the amount of such losses; and
the Company notifies HMRC if it revises its published investment policy.
2.1 On incorporation, the issued share capital of the Company was £0.01 represented by one
Ordinary Share, which was subscribed for by Mark Hutchinson.
2.2 Set out below is the issued share capital of the Company as at the date of this document:
nominal value
(£) Number
Ordinary Share 0.01 1
Management Shares of £1.00 each 50,000 50,000
The Ordinary Share in issue is fully paid up. To enable the Company to obtain a certificate of
entitlement to conduct business and to borrow under section 761 of the Companies Act, on
18 September 2018, 50,000 Management Shares were allotted to Mark Hutchinson. The
Management Shares are paid up as to one quarter of their nominal value and will be
redeemed immediately following Initial Admission out of the proceeds of the Initial Issue.
2.3 Set out below is the issued share capital of the Company as it will be immediately following
the Initial Issue (assuming 250 million Ordinary Shares are allotted):
Nominal value
(£) Number
Ordinary Shares 2,500,000 250,000,000
All Ordinary Shares will be fully paid.
2.4 By ordinary and special resolutions passed on 18 September 2018:
2.4.1 the Directors were gener ally and unconditionally authorised in accordance with section
551 of the Companies Act to exercise all the powers of the Company to allot up to
400 million Ordinary Shares pursuant to the Initial Issue, such authority to expire at the
end of the period of 18 months from the date of the passing of the resolution, save
that the Company may, at any time prior to the expiry of such authority, make an offer
or enter into an agreement which would or might require Or dinary Shares to be
allotted in pursuance of such an offer or agreement as if such authority had not
2.4.2 the Directors were generally empowered (pursuant to sections 570 and 573 of the
Companies Act) to allot Ordinary Shares and to sell Ordinary Shares from treasury for
cash pursuant to the authority referred to in paragraph 2.4.1 above as if section 561 of
the Companies Act did not apply to any such allotment or sale, such power to expire
at the end of the period of 18 months from the date of the passing of the resolution
(unless previously revoked, varied or renewed by the Company in general meeting),
save that the Company may, at any time prior to the expiry of such power make an
offer or enter into an agreement which would or might require Ordinary Shares to be
allotted or sold from treasury after the expiry of such power, and the Directors may
allot or sell from treasury equity securities in pursuance of such an offer or agreement
as if such power had not expired;
2.4.3 in addition to the authority set out at paragraph 2.4.1 above, the Directors were
generally and unco nditionally authorised in accordance with section 551 of the
Companies Act to exercise all the power s of the Company to allot up to 400 mi llion
Ordinary Shares and/or C Shares pursuant to the Placing Programme in aggregate,
such authority to expire at the end of the period of 18 month s from the date of the
passing of the resolution, save that the Company may, at any time prior to the expiry
of such authority, make an offer or enter into an agreement which would or might
require Shares to be allotted in pursuance of such an offer or agreement as if such
authority had not expired;
2.4.4 the Directors were generally empowered (pursuant to sections 570 and 573 of the
Companies Act) to allot Shares and sell Shares from treasury for cash pursuant to the
authority referred to in paragraph 2.4.3 above as if section 561 of the Companies Act
did not apply to any such allotment or sale, such power to expire at the end of the
period of 18 months from the date of the passing of the resolution (unless previously
revoked, varied or renewed by the Company in general meeting), save that the
Company may, at any time prior to the expiry of such power make an offer or enter
into an agreement which would or might require Shares to be allotted or sold from
treasury after the expiry of such power, and the Directors may allot or sell from
treasury equity securities in pursuance of such an offer or agreement as if such power
had not expired;
2.4.5 in addition to the authorities set out at paragraphs 2.4.1 and 2.4.3 above, the Directors
were generally and unconditionally authorised in accordance with section 551 of the
Companies Act to exercise all the power s of the Company to allot up to 400 mi llion
Ordinary Shares and/or C Shares in aggr egate, such authority to expire at the end of
the period of five years from the date of passing of the resolution, save that the
Company may, at any time prior to the expiry of such authority, make an offer or enter
into an agreement which would or might require Shares to be allotted in pursuance of
such offer or agreement as if such authority had not expired;
2.4.6 the Directors were generally empowered (pursuant to sections 570 and 573 of the
Companies Act) to allot Shares and to sell Shares from treasury for cash pursuant to
the authority referred to in paragraph 2.4.5 above as if section 561 of the Companies
Act did not apply to any such allotment or sale, such power to expire at the end of the
period of five years from the date of passing of the resolution, save that the Company
may, at any time prior to the expiry of such power, make an offer or enter into an
agreement which would or might require the Shares to be allotted or sold from
treasury after the expiry of such power and the Directors may allot or sell from
treasury equity securities in pursuance of such an offer or agreement as if such power
had not expired;
2.4.7 the Company was authorised in accordance with section 701 of the Companies Act to
make market purchases (within the meaning of section 693(4) of the Companies Act)
of Ordinary Shares provided that the maximum number of Ordinary Shares authorised
to be purchased is 14.99% of the Ordinary Shares in issue immediately following Initial
Admission. The minimum price which may be paid for an Ordinary Share is £0.01. The
maximum price (exclusive of expenses) which may be paid for an Ordinary Share must
not be more than the higher of (i) 5% above the average of the mid-market values of
the Ordinary Share for the five Business Days before the purchase is made, or (ii) the
higher of the price of the last independent trade and the highest current independent
bid as stipulated by Regulatory Technical Standards adopted by the European
Commission pursuant to Article 5(6) of MAR. Such authority will expire on the earlier
of the conclusion of the first annual general meeting of the Company and 30 June
2020, save that the Company may contract to purchase Ordinary Shares under the
authority thereby conferred prior to the expiry of such authority, which contract will or
may be executed wholly or partly after the expiry of such authority and may purchase
Ordinary Shares in pursuance of such contract;
2.4.8 the Company resolved that, conditional upon Initial Admission and subject to the
confirmation and approval of the Court, the amount standing to the credit of the share
premium account of the Company immediately following completion of the Initial Issue
be cancelled, and the amount of the share premium account so cancelled be credited
to a reserve;
2.4.9 the Directors were authorised to declare and pay all dividends of the Company as
interim dividends and for the last dividend referable to a financ ial year not to be
categorised as a final dividend that is subject to shareholder approval; and
2.4.10 the Company was authorised to call a general meeting of the Company other than an
annual general meeting on not less than 14 clear days’ notice.
2.5 The provisions of section 561(1) of the Companies Act (which, to the extent not disapplied
pursuant to sections 570 and 573 of the Companies Act, confer on Shareholders rights of
pre-emption in respect of the allotment of equity securities which are, or are to be, paid up in
cash) apply to issues by the Company of equity securi ties save to the extent disapplied as
mentioned in paragraphs 2.4.2, 2.4.4 and 2.4.6 above.
2.6 In accordance with the authori ties referred to in paragraphs 2.4.1 and 2.4.3 above, it is
expected that the Shares to be issued pursuant to the Initial Issue and the Placing
Programme will be all otted (conditionally upon the relevant Admission) pursuant to a
resolution of the Board to be passed shortly before the relevant Admission in accordance with
the Companies Act.
2.7 Save as disclosed in this paragraph 2, no share or loan capital of the Company has since the
date of incorporation of the Company been issued or been agreed to be issued, fully or partly
paid, either for cash or for a consideration other than cash, and, other than pursuan t to the
Initial Issue and the Placing Programme, no such issue is now proposed.
2.8 As at the date of this document, the Company has not granted any options over its share or
loan capital which remain outstanding and has not agreed, conditionally or unconditionally to
grant any such options and no convertible securities, exchangeable securities or securities
with warrants have been issued by the Company.
2.9 All of the Shares will be in registered form and will be eligible for settlement in CREST.
Temporary documents of title will not be issued.
2.10 Applicants who have signed and returned Application Forms in respect of the Offer for
Subscription may not withdraw their applications for Ordinary Shares subject to their statutory
rights of withdrawal in the event of the publication of a supplementary prospectus.
3.1 The Directors intend to subscribe for Ordinary Shares pursuant to the Initial Issue in the
amounts set out below:
Number of
% of issued
ordinary share
David Simpson 25,000 0.010
Richard Bole´at 10,000 0.004
Mark Hutchinson 20,000 0.008
Barbara Powley 15,000 0.006
* Assuming that the Initial Issue is subscribed as to 250 million Ordinary Shares
Save as disclosed in this paragraph, immediately following Initial Admission, no Director will
have any interest, whether beneficial or non-beneficial, in the share or loan capital of the
3.2 The Prudential Assurance Company Limited intends to subscribe for the lower of (i)
80,000,000 Ordinary Shares and (ii) 25% of the Ordinary Shares to be issued pursuant to the
Initial Issue. The Directors believe that this proposed invest ment strongly aligns the interests
of M&G with Shareholders.
3.3 No Director has a service contra ct with the Company, nor are any such contr acts proposed,
each Director having been appointed pursuant to a letter of appointment entered into with the
Company. The Directors’ appointments can be terminated in accordance with the Articles and
without compensation. Directors are required to retire and seek re-election by the
Shareholders at the first annual general meeting of the Company and thereafter the Directors
are subject to retirement by rotation in accordance with the Articles. The Directors intend to
retire and seek re-election annually. There is no notice period specified in the letters of
appointment or Articles for removal of Directors. The Articles provide that the office of
Director sh all be terminated by, among other things: (i) written resignation; (ii) unauthorised
absences from board meetings for six consecutive months or more; or (iii) written request of
all of the other Directors.
3.4 Each of the Directors is entitled to receive a fee from the Company at such rate as may be
determined in accordance with the Articles. Save for the Chairman, the initial fees will be
£30,000 for each Director per annum. The Chairman’s initial fee will be £40,000 per annum.
The Chairperson of the Audit Committee will receive an additional £5,000 per annum. Mark
Hutchinson has agreed to waive his fee. The Directors are also entitled to out-of-pocket
expenses incurred in the proper performance of their duties.
3.5 No amount has been set aside or accrued by the Company to provide pensions, retirement or
other similar benefits.
3.6 Mark Hutchinson is the Chair of Private Assets at the Investment Manager and may therefore
face a conflict of interest in the event that the Investment Manager has a conflict with the
Company. In the event of any conflict between his position as Chair of Private Assets of the
Investment Manager, Mr Hutchinson wi ll comply with the provisions in the Articles concerning
the declaration of directors’ interests and authorisation of conflicts of interests and any other
limits or conditions imposed by the Boar d. Save as set out in this paragraph, none of the
Directors has, or has had, an interest in any transaction which is or was unusual in its nature
or conditions or significant to the business of the Company or that has been effected by the
Company since its incorporation.
3.7 The Company has not made any loans to the Directors which are outstanding, nor has it ever
provided any guarantees for the benefi t of any Director or the Directors collectively.
3.8 Over the five years preceding the date of this document, the Directors hold or have held the
following directorships (apart from their directorships of the Company) or memberships of
administrative, management or supervisory bodies and/or partnerships:
Name Current Previous
David Simpson British Geological Survey
Cardiff University
Ecofin Global Utilities and Infrastructure Trust plc
ITC Limited
University College Cardiff Consultants Limited
Annuity Infrastructure Company Limited
Disruptive Capital Finance LLP
D4jsimpson Limited
Ecofin Water & Power Opportunities Plc (in
Members Voluntary Liquidation)
EW&PO Finance plc (dissolved following
Members Voluntary Liquidation)
My Route LLP
Remuneration Committee, Magdalene College,
The Coroners’ Courts Support Service
Richard Bole´at Airbnb International Holdings Limited
Airbnb International Unlimited
Airbnb 1 Unlimited
Airbnb 2 Unlimited
AKO Capital LLP
Autonomy Capital (Jersey) Limited
Autonomy Capital Research Two Limited
Autonomy Jersey Service Company Limited
Bennelong Asia Pacific Multi Strategy Equity Fund
Bennelong Asia Pacific Multi Strategy Equity
Master Fund Limited
Bennelong Dragon Trading Fund Limited
Bennelong Dragon Trading Master Fund Limited
Brook Bay General Partner Limited
Brook Bay General Partner II Limited
Buriti 1 Sarl
Butterfield Bank (Jersey) Limited
Bybrook Capital Management Limited
CVC Credit Partners European Opportunities
Emac Illyrian Duba Stonska GP Limited
Funding Circle SME Income Fund Limited
GP2 Limited
Gorey Investments Limited
Habrok General Partner Limited
Habrok Master Limited
Habrok India Fund Limited
Habrok India GP Limited
ILF Carryco Limited
ILFE Limited
ILF 1 Limited
ILF 2 Limited
AI Airports International Limited
Asian Leaders Fund
Bennelong Agricultural Investments Limited
Bennelong General Partner Limited
Bennelong Global Special Opportunities Fund
Bennelong Global Special Opportunities Master
Fund Limited
Bennelong Tempest Fund Limited
Bennelong Tempest Master Fund Limited
Cazenove Capital Management Jersey Limited
CDPC Holdings Limited
Cooperatie Duba Stonska u.a.
Cooperatie EMAC Illyrian Land Fund III u.a.
Cooperatie EMAC Illyrian Land Fund u.a.
Cooperatie EMAC Illyrian Land Fund X u.a.
Cooperatie EMAC Illyrian Land Fund XIV u.a.
Cooperatie EMAC Illyrian Land Fund XV u.a.
Cooperatie Eurserland ua
Cosford Global Opportunities Fund
Cosford Global Opportunities GP Limited
Cosford Global Opportunities Master Fund
Druggability Technologies IP Holdco (Jersey)
EMAC Illyrian Land Fund 2 EXUS GP Limited
EMAC Illyrian Land Fund 2 USTP GP Limited
GP Secretaries Limited
Habrok Fund Limited
Habrok General Partner Limited
Habrok SPV Limited
Ignition Romanian Land Fund No1 Limited
Jetstone General Partner Limited
K2A Hospitality Limited
Name Current Previous
K2 Property Limited
Kao Corporate Limited
Landsdowne Road Investments
Matariki Forests
Matariki Forestry Group
Matariki Forests Trading Limited
Mortality Fund 1
Noemi Limited
Phaunos Timber Fund Limited
Primestone Capital Management (GP) Limited
Profounders Capital II General Partner Limited
Securis 1 Fund
Securis 1 Master Fund
Securis General Partner Limited
Securis Investment Partners Limited
Securis 2 Fund SPC
Securis MF1 Fund
Securis Non-Life Fund
Securis Non-Life Master Fund
Securis Life Fund
Securis Life Master Fund
Securis Life Fund II
Securis Life Master Fund II
Securis Opportunities Fund
Securis Opportunities Master Fund
Securis Re I Limited
Securis Re II Limited
Securis Re III Limited
Securis Re IV Limited
Securis Re V Limited
Securis Re VI Limited
Securis Re VII Limited
Securis Re VIII Limited
Securis Re IX Limited
Securis Re LCM Limited
Securis LCM Fund
Securis LCM Holdings Limited
Securis (Bermuda) Holdings Limited
Securis ILS Fund ICAV
Securis ILS Management Limited
Securis Private Life Fund
Securis Special Opportunities Fund
Securis Special Opportunities Master Fund
Securis SP3/SP7 SPV
Securis Event Fund
Securis Event Master Fund
Sole Shipping SO Coinvest 1 GP Limited
Sole Shipping SO Advisor Limited
Sole Shipping SO GP II Limited
Tannay Jersey Limited
Taxim Capital Advisors Limited
Taxim Capital Partners I GP Limited
Tri-Pillar Infrastructure Fund Limited
Valiance Farmland GP Sarl
Valiance Farmland Luxembourg Sarl
Valiance Life Sciences Growth Investments GP
Viva Partners Sarl
Waimarie Forests Pty Ltd
Yatra Capital Limited
Zynga Game International Limited
K2A Private Equity Limited
K2A Residential Limited
K2A Retail Limited
K2B Commercial Limited
K2B Retail Limited
K2C Hospitality Limited
K2C Residential Limited
K2C Retail Limited
K2E Residential Limited
K2F Residential Limited
K2G Residential Limited
Lerisson Nominees Limited
PI Power International Limited
Rathbone Investment Management
International Strategies PCC
Securis Investments Switzerland sarl
Standsure Fund PCC
The LEMA Jersey Fund Limited
THS General Partner Limited
TPR 1 Limited
Tradinvest Fund Limited
Mark Hutchinson Jetty Finance Limited
Lion Credit Opportunity Fund
M&G Specialty Finance (Luxembourg) No 1 SARL
M&G UKCF II GP Limited
Prudential Credit Opportunities 1 SARL
Prudential Credit Opportunities 2 SARL
Prudential Loan Investments 1 SARL
Prudential/M&G UKCF GP Limited
Name Current Previous
Rocksure Group Limited
Barbara Powley
3.9 Save as disclosed at paragraph 3.8 of this Part 8, the Directors in the five years before the
date of this document:
3.9.1 do not have any convictions in relation to fraudulent offences;
3.9.2 have not been associated with any bankruptcies, receiverships or liquidations of any
partnership or company through acting in the capacity as a member of the
administrative, management or supervisory body or as a partner, founder or senior
manager of such partnership or company; and
3.9.3 do not have any official public incrimination and/or sanctions by statutory or regulatory
authorities (including designated professional bodies) and have not been disqualified by
a court from acting as a member of the administration, management or supervisory
bodies of any issuer or from acting in the management or conduct of the affairs of any
3.10 As at 25 September 2018 (the latest practicable date prior to the publication of this
document) insofar as known to the Company, there are no parties known to have a notifiable
interest under English law in the Company’s capital or voting rights.
3.11 All Shareholders have the same voting rights in respect of shares of the same class in the
share capital of the Company.
3.12 Pending the allotment of Ordinary Shares pursuant to the Initial Issue, the Company is
controlled by Mark Hutchinson, as des cribed in paragraph 2 of this Part 8. The Company and
the Directors are not aware of any other person who, directly or indirectly, jointly or severally,
exercises or could exercise control over the Company.
3.13 The Company and the Directors are not aware of any arrangements, the operation of which
may at a subsequent date result in a change in control of the Company.
3.14 Save for the entry int o of the Directors’ appointment letters and the Investment Management
Agreement, the Company has not entered into any related party transaction at any time
during the period from incorporation to 25 September 2018 (the latest practicable date prior to
the publication of this document).
3.15 Save as disclosed in paragraph 3.6 above, as at the date of this document, none of the
Directors has any conflict of interest or potential conflict of interest between any duties to the
Company and their private interests and/or other duties.
3.16 The Company intends to maintain directors’ and officers’ liability insurance on behalf of the
Directors at the expense of the Company.
The Articles contain provisions, inter alia, to the following effect:
4.1 Objects/Purposes
The Articles do not provide for any objects of the Company and accordingly the Company’s
objects are unrestricted.
4.2 Voting rights
4.2.1 Subject to the provisions of the Companies Act, to any special terms as to voting on
which any shares may have been issued or may from time-to-time be held and any
suspension or abrogation of voting rights pursuant to the Articles, at a general meeting
of the Company every shareholder who is present in person shall, on a show of
hands, have one vote, every proxy who has been appointed by a shareholder entitled
to vote on the resolution sh all, on a show of hands, have one vote and every
shareholder pre sent in person or by proxy shall, on a poll, have one vote for each
share of which he is a holder. A shareholder entitled to more than one vote need not,
if he votes, use all his votes or vest all the votes he uses the same way. In the case
of joint holders, the vote of the senior who tenders a vote, whether in person or by
proxy, shall be accepted to the exclusion of the votes of the other joint holders.
4.2.2 Unless the Board otherwise determines, no s hareholder is entitled to vote at a general
meeting or at a separate meeting of shareholders of any class of shares, either in
person or by proxy, or to exercise any other right or privilege as a shareholder in
respect of any share held by him, unless all calls presently payable by him in respect
of that share, whether alone or jointly with any other person, together with interest and
expenses (if any) payable by such sha reholder to the Company have been paid.
4.2.3 Notwithstanding any other provision of the Articles, where required by the Listing
Rules, a vote must be decided by a resolution of the holders of the Company’s shares
that have been admitted to premium listing. In addition, where the Listing Rules require
that a particular resolution must in addition be approved by the independent
shareholders (as such term is defined in the Listing Rules), only independent
shareholders who hold the Company’s shares that have been admitted to premium
listing can vote on such separate resolution.
4.3 Dividends
4.3.1 Subject to the provisions of the Companies Act and of the Articles, the Company may
by ordinary resolution declare dividends to be paid to shareholders according to their
respective rights and interests in the profits of the Company. However, no dividend
shall exceed the amount recommended by the Board.
4.3.2 Subject to the provisions of the Com panies Act, the Board may declare and pay such
interim dividends (including any dividend payable at a fixed rate) as appears to the
Board to be justified by the profits of the Company available for distribution. If at any
time the share capital of the Company is divided into different classes, the Board may
pay such interim dividends on shares which rank after shares conferring preferential
rights with regard to dividends as well as on shares conferring preferential rights,
unless at the time of payment any preferential dividend is in arrears. Provided that the
Board acts in good faith, it shall not incur any liability to the holders of shares
conferring preferential rights for any loss that they may suffer by the lawful payment of
any interim dividend on any shares ranking after those preferential rights.
4.3.3 All dividends, interest or other sums payable and unclaimed for a period of 12 months
after having become payable may be invested or otherwise used by the Board for the
benefit of the Company until claimed and the Company shall not be constituted a
trustee in respect thereof. All dividends unclaimed for a period of 12 years after having
become payable shall, if the Board so resolves, be forfeited and shall cease to remain
owing by, and shall become the property of, the Company.
4.3.4 The Board may, with the authority of an ordinary resolution of the Company, direct that
payment of any dividend declared may be satisfied wholly or partly by the distribution
of assets, and in particular of paid up shares or debentures of any other company, or
in any one or more of such ways.
4.3.5 The Board may also, with the prior authority of an ordinary resolution of the Company
and subject to such terms and conditions as the Board may determi ne, offer to holders
of shares the right to elect to receive shares, credited as fully paid, instead of the
whole (or some part, to be determined by the Board) of any dividend specified by the
ordinary resolution.
4.3.6 Unless the Board otherwise determines, the payment of any dividend or other money
that would otherwise be payable in respect of shares will be withheld if such shares
represent at least 0.25% in nominal value of their class and the holder, or any other
person whom the Company reasonably believes to be interested in those shares, has
been duly served with a notice pursuant to the Companies Act requiring such person
to provide inf ormation about his interests in the Company’s shares and has failed to
supply the required information within 14 calendar days. Furthermore such a holder
shall not be entitled to elect to receive shares instead of a dividend.
4.4 Distribution of assets on a winding-up
4.4.1 If the Com pany is wound up, with the sanction of a special resolution and any other
sanction required by law and subject to the Companies Act, the liquidator may divide
among the Shar eholders in specie the whole or any part of the assets of the Company
and for that purpose may value any assets and determine how the division shall be
carried out as between the Shareholders or different classes of Shareholders. With the
like sanction, the liquidator may vest the whole or any part of the assets in trustees
upon such trusts for the benefit of the Shareholders as he may with the like sanction
determine, but no Shareholder shall be compelled to accept any shares or other
securities upon which there is a liability.
4.5 Transfer of shares
4.5.1 Subject to any applicable restrictions in the Articles, each shareholder may transfer all
or any of his shares which are in certificated form by instrum ent of transfer in writing
in any usual form or in any form approved by the Board. Such instrument must be
executed by or on behalf of the transferor and (in the case of a transfer of a share
which is not fully paid up) by or on behalf of the transferee. The transferor is deeme d
to remain the holder of the share until the transferee’s name is entered in the register
of shareholders.
4.5.2 The Board may, in its absolute discretion, refuse to register any transfer of a share in
certificated form (or renunciation of a renounceable letter of allotment) unless: it is in respect of a share which is fully paid up; it is in respect of only one class of shares; it is in favour of a single transferee or not more than four joint transferees; it is duly stamped (if so required); and it is delivered for registration to the registered office for the time being of the
Company or such other place as the Boar d may from time- to-time determine,
accompanied (except in the ca se of (a) a transfer by a recognised person
where a certificate has not been issued (b) a transfer of an uncertificated
share or (c) a renunciation) by the certificate for the share to which it relates
and such other evidence as the Board may reasonably require to prove the
title of the transferor or person renouncing and the due execution of the
transfer or renunciation by him or, if the transfer or renunciation is executed
by some other person on his behalf, the authority of that person to do so,
provided that the Board shall not refuse to register a transfer or renunciation of a
partly paid share in certificated form on the grounds that it is partly paid in
circumstances where such refusal would prevent dealings in such share from taking
place on an open and proper basis on the market on which such share is admitted to
The Board may refuse to register a transfer of an uncertificated share in such other
circumstances as may be permitted or required by the regulations and the relevant
electronic system provided that such refusal does not prevent dealings in shares from
taking place on an open and proper basis.
4.5.3 Unless the Board otherwise determines, a transfer of shares will not be registered if
the transferor or any other person whom the Company reasonably believes to be
interested in the transferor’s shares has been duly served with a notice pursuant to the
Companies Act requiring such person to provide informatio n about his interests in the
Company’s shares, has failed to supply the required information within 14 calendar
days and the shares in respect of which such notice has been served represent at
least 0.25% in nominal value of their class, unless the shareholder is not himself in
default as regards supplying the information required and proves to the satisfaction of
the Board that no person in default as regards supplying such information is interested
in any of the shares the subject of the transfer, or unless such transfer is by way of
acceptance of a takeover offer, in consequence of a sale on a recognised investment
exchange or any other stock exchange outside the United Kingdom on whi ch the
Company’s shares are normally traded or is in consequence of a bona fide sale to an
unconnected party.
4.5.4 If the Board refuses to register a transfer of a share, it shall send the transferee notice
of its refusal, together with its reasons for refusal, as soon as practicable and in any
event within two months after the date on which the transfer was lodged with the
Company or, in the case of an uncertificated share, the date on which appropriate
instructions was received by or on behalf of the Company in accordance with the
regulations of the relevant electronic system.
4.5.5 No fee shall be charged for the registration of any instrument of transfer or any other
document relating to or affecting the title to any shares.
4.5.6 If at any time the holding or beneficial ownership of any shares in the Company by
any person (whether on its own or taken with other shares), in the opinion of the
Directors: (i) would cause the assets of the Company to be treated as ‘‘plan assets’’ of
any benefit plan investor under section 3(42) of ERISA or the U.S. Tax Code; or (ii)
would or might result in the Company and/or its shares and/or any of its appointed
investment managers or investment advisers being required to register or qualify under
the U.S. Investment Company Act, and/or U.S. Investment Advisers Act of 1940 and/or
the U.S. Securities Act and/or the U.S. Securities Exchange Act 1934, as amended
and/or any laws of any state of the U.S. or other jurisdiction that regulate the offering
and sale of securities; or (iii) may cause the Company not to be considered a ‘‘Foreign
Private Issuer’’ under the U.S. Secur ities Exchange Act 1934, as amended; or (iv) may
cause the Company to be a ‘‘controlled foreign corporation’’ for the purpose of the
U.S. Tax Code; or (v) creates a significant legal or regulatory issue for the Company
under the U.S. Bank Holding Company Act 1956, as amended or regulations or
interpretations thereunder, or (vi) would cause the Company adverse consequences
under the foreign account tax compliance provisions of the U.S. Hiring Incentives to
Restore Employment Act of 2010 or any similar legislation in any territory or jurisdiction
(including the International Tax Compliance Regulation 2015), including the Company
becoming subject to any withholding tax or reporting obligation or to be unable to
avoid or reduce any such tax or to be unable to comply with any such reporting
obligation (including by reason of the failure of the Shareholder concerned to provide
promptly to the Company such information and documentation as the Company may
have requested to enable the Company to avoid or minimise such withholding tax or to
comply with such reporting obligations) then any shares which the Direct ors decide are
shares which are so held or beneficially owned (‘‘Prohibited Shares’’) must be dealt
with in accordance with paragraph 4.5.7 below. The Directors may at any time give
notice in writing to the holder of a share requiring him to make a declaration as to
whether or not the share is a Prohibited Share.
4.5.7 The Directors shall give written notice to the holder of any share which appears to
them to be a Prohibited Share requiring him within 21 calendar days (or such
extended time as the Directors consider reasonable) to transfer (and/or procure the
disposal of interests in) such share to another person so that it will cease to be a
Prohibited Share. From the date of such notice until registration for such a transfer or
a transfer arranged by the Directors as referred to below, the share will not confer any
right on the holder to receive notice of or to atte nd and vote at a general meeting of
the Company and of any class of sha reholder and those rights will vest in the
Chairman of any such meeting, who may exercise or refrain from exercising them
entirely at his discretion. If the notice is not complied with within 21 calendar days to
the satisfaction of the Directors, the Directors shall arrange for the Company to sell the
share at the best price reasonably obtainable to any other person so that the share
will cease to be a Prohibited Share. The net proceeds of sale (after payment of the
Company’s costs of sale and together with interest at such rate as the Directors
consider appropriate) shall be paid over by the Company to the former holder upon
surrender by him of the relevant share certificate (if applicable).
4.5.8 Upon transfer of a share the transferee of such share shall be deemed to have
represented and warranted to the Company that such transferee is acquiring shares in
an offshore transaction meeting the requirements of Regulation S and is not, nor is
acting on behalf of: (i) a benefit plan investor and no portion of the assets used by
such transferee to acquire or hold an interest in such share constitutes or will be
treated as ‘‘plan assets’’ of any benefit plan investor under Section 3(42) of ERISA;
and/or (ii) a U.S. Person.
4.6 Variation of rights
4.6.1 Subject to the provisions of the Companies Act, if at any ti me the share capital of the
Company is divided into shares of different classes, any of the rights for the time
being attached to any shares (whether or not the Company may be or is about to be
wound up) may from time-to-time be varied or abrogated in such manner (if any) as
may be provided in the Articles by such rights or, in the absence of any such
provision, either with the consent in writing of the holders of not less than three-
quarters in nominal value of the issued shares of the relevant class (excluding any
shares of that class held as treasury shares) or with the sanction of a special
resolution passed at a separate general meeting of the holders of the class.
4.6.2 The quorum at every such meeting shall be not less than two persons present (in
person or by proxy) holding at least one-third of the nominal amount paid up on the
issued shares of the relevant class (excluding any shares of that class held as
treasury shares) and at an adjourned meeting not less than one person holding shares
of the relevant class or his proxy.
4.7 Alteration of share capital
The Company may by ordinary resol ution:
4.7.1 consolidate and divide all or any of its share capital into shares of larger nomin al value
than its existing shares;
4.7.2 subject to the provisions of the Companies Act, sub-divide its shares, or any of them,
into shares of smaller nominal value than its existing shares;
4.7.3 determine that, as between the shares resulting from such a sub-division, one or more
shares may, as compared with the others, have any such preferred, deferred or other
rights or be subject to any such restrictions, as the Company has power to attach to
unissued or new shares; and
4.7.4 redenominate its share capital by converting shares from having a fixed nominal value
in one currency to having a fixed nominal value in another currency.
4.8 General meetings
4.8.1 The Board may convene a general meeting (which is not an annual general meeting)
whenever it thinks fit.
4.8.2 A general meeting shall be convened by such notice as may be required by law from
4.8.3 The notice of any general meeting shall include such statements as are required by
the Companies Act and shall in any event specify: whether the meeting is convened as an annual general meeting or any other
general meeting; the place, the day, and the time of the meeting; the general nature of the business to be trans acted at the meeting; if the meeting is convened to consider a special resolution, the text of the
resolution and the intention to propose the resolution as such; and with reasonable prominence, that a shareholder entitled to attend and vote is
entitled to appoint one or (provided each proxy is appointed to exercise the
rights attached to a different share held by the shareholder) more proxies to
attend and to speak and vote instead of the shareholder and that a proxy
need not also be a shareholder.
4.8.4 The notice must be given to the shareholders (other than any who, under the
provisions of the Articles or of any restrictions imposed on any shares, are not entitled
to receive notice from the Company), to the Directors and the auditors and to any
other person who may be entitled to receive it. The accidental omission to give or
send notice of any general meeting, or, in cases where it is intended that it be given
or sent out with the notice, any other document relating to the meeting including an
appointment of proxy to, or the non-receipt of notice by, any person entitled to receive
the same, shall not invalidate the proceedings at the meeting.
4.8.5 The right of a shareholder to participate in the business of any general meeting shall
include without limitation the right to speak, vote, be represented by a proxy or proxies
and have access to all documents which are required by the Companies Act or the
Articles to be made available at the meeting.
4.8.6 A Director shall, notwithstanding that he is not a shareholder, be entitled to attend and
speak at any general meeting and at any separate meeting of the holders of any class
of shares of the Company. The Chairman of any general meeting may also invite any
person to attend and spea k at that meeting if he considers that this will assist in the
deliberations of the meeting.
4.8.7 No business shall be transacted at any general meeting unless a quorum is present
when the meeting proceeds to business. Subject to the Articles, two persons entitled
to attend and to vote on the business to be transacted, each being a s hareholder so
entitled or a proxy for a shareholder so entitled or a duly authorised representative of
a corporation which is a shareholder so entitled, shall be a quorum. If, at any time,
there is only one person entitled to attend and to vote on the business to be
transacted, such person being the sole shareholder so entitled or a proxy for such sole
shareholder so entitled or a duly authorised representative of a corporation which is
such sole shareholder so entitled, shall be a quorum. The Chairman of the meeting
may, with the consent of the meeting at which a quorum is present, and shall, if so
directed by the meeting, adjourn the meeting from time-to-time (or indefinitely) and
from place to place as the meeting shall determine. Where a meeting is adjourned
indefinitely, the Board shall fix a time and place for the adjourned meeting. Whenever
a meeting is adjourned for 30 calendar days or more or indefinitely, seven clear days’
notice at the least, specifying the place, the day and time of the adjourned meeting
and the general nature of the business to be transacted, must be given in the same
manner as in the case of the original meeting.
4.8.8 A resolution put to a vote of the meeting shall be decided on a show of hands unless
a poll is duly demanded. Subject to the provisions of the Companies Act, a poll may
be demanded by: the Chairman; at least five shareholders having the right to vote on the resolution; a shareholder or shareholders representing not less than 5% of the total
voting rights of all the shareholders having the right to vote on the resolution
(excluding any voting rights attached to shares held as treasury shares); or shareholder or shareholders holding shares conferring the right to vote on the
resolution, being shares on which an aggre gate sum has been paid up equal
to not less than 10% of the total sum paid up on all the shares conferring
that right (excluding any voting rights attached to shares in the Company
conferring a right to vote on the resolution held as treasury shares).
4.9 Borrowing powers
The Directors may exercise all the powers of the Company to borrow money and to mortgage
or charge all or any part of its undertaking, property and assets (present and future) and,
subject to the provisions of the Companies Act, to issue debentures and other securities,
whether outright or as collateral security for any debt, liability or obligation of the Company or
of any third party.
4.10 Issue of shares
Subject to the provisions of the Companies Act and to any rights for the time being attached
to any shares, any shares may be allotted or issued with or have attached to them such
preferred, deferred or other rights or restrictions, whether in regard to dividend, voting,
transfer, return of capital or otherwise, as the Company may from time-to-time by ordinar y
resolution determine or, if no such resolution has been passed or so far as the resolution
does not make specific provision, as the Board may determine, and any share may be issued
which is, or at the option of the Company or the holder of such share is liable to be,
redeemed in accordance with the Articles or as the Directors may determine.
4.11 Powers of the Board
The business of the Company shall be managed by the Directors who, subject to the
provisions of the Articles and to any directions given by special resolution to take, or refrain
from taking, specified action, may exercise all the powers of the Company, whether relating to
the management of the bus iness or not. Any Director may appoint any other Director, or any
other person approved by resolution of the Directors and willing to act and permitted by law
to do so, to be an alternate Director.
4.12 Directors’ fees
The Directors (other than alternate Directors) shall be entitle d to receive by way of fees for
their services as Directors such sum as the Board may from time-to-time determine (not
exceeding in aggregate £300,000 per annum or such other sum as the Company in general
meeting shall from time-to-time determine). Any such fees payable shall be distinct from any
salary, remuneration or other amounts payable to a Director pursuant to any other provision
of the Articles or otherwise and shall ac crue from day to day.
The Directors are entitled to be repaid all reasonable travelling, hotel and other expenses
properly incurred by them in or about the performance of their duties as Directors.
4.13 Directors’ interests
4.13.1 The Board may authorise any matter proposed to it in accordance with the Articles
which would otherwise involve a breach by a Director of his duty to avoid conflicts of
interest under the Companies Act, including any matter which relates to a situa tion in
which a Director has or can have an interest which conflicts, or possibly may conflict,
with the interest of the Company or the exploitation of any property, information or
opportunity, whether or not the Company could take advantage of it (excluding any
situation which cannot reasonably be regarded as likely to give rise to a confl ict of
interest). This does not apply to a conflict of interest arising in relation to a transaction
or arrangement with the Company. Any authorisation will only be effective if any
quorum requirement at any meeting at which the matter was considered is met without
counting the Director in question or any other interested Director and the matter was
agreed to without their voting or would have been agreed to if their votes had not
been counted. The Board may impose limits or conditions on any such authorisation or
may vary or terminate it at any time.
4.13.2 Subject to having, where required, obtained authorisation of the conflict from the
Board, a Director shall be under no duty to the Company with respect to any
information which he obtains or has obtained otherwise than as a Director and in
respect of which he has a duty of confidentia lity to another person and will not be in
breach of the general duties he owes to the Company under the Companies Act
because he fails to disclose any such information to the Board or to use or apply any
such information in performing his duties as a Director, or because he absents himself
from meetings of the Board at which any matter relating to a conflict of interest, or
possible conflict, of interest is discuss ed and/or makes arrangements not to receive
documents or information relating to any matter which gives ris e to a conflict of
interest or possible conflict of interest and/or makes arrangements for such documents
and information to be received and read by a professional adviser.
4.13.3 Provided that his interest is disclosed at a meeting of the Board, or in the case of a
transaction or arrangement with the Company, in the manner set out in the Companies
Act, a Director, notwithstanding his office: may be a party to or otherwise be interested in any transaction arrangem ent
or proposal with the Company or in which the Company is otherwise
interested; may hold any other office or place of profit at the Company (except that of
auditor of the Company or any of its subsidiaries) and may act by himself or
through his firm in a professional capacity for the Company, and in any such
case on such terms as to remuneration and otherwise as the Board may
101 may be a director or other officer of, or employed by , or a party to any
transaction or arrangement with, or otherwise interested in, any company
promoted by the Company or in which the Company is otherwise interested
or as regards which the Company has powers of appointment; and shall not be liable to account to the Company for any profit, remuneration or
other benefit realised by any office or employment or from any transaction,
arrangement or proposal or from any interest in any body corporate. No such
transaction, arrangement or proposal shall be liable to be avoided on the
grounds of any such interest or benefit nor shall the receipt of any such
profit, remuneration or any other benefi t constitute a breach of his duty not to
accept benefits from third parties.
4.13.4 A Director need not dec lare an interest in the case of a transaction or arrangement
with the Company if the other Directors are already aware, or ought reasonably to be
aware, of the interest or it concerns the terms of his service contract that have been
or are to be considered at a meeting of the Directors or if the interest consists of him
being a director, officer or employee of a company in which the Company is
4.13.5 The Board may cause the voting rights conferred by the shares in any other company
held or owned by the Company or any power of appointment to be exerci sed in such
manner in all respects as it thinks fit and a Director may vote on and be counted in
the quorum in relation to any of these matters.
4.14 Restrictions on Directors voting
4.14.1 A Director shall not vote on, or be counted in the quorum in relation to, any resolution
of the Board or of a committee of the Board concerning any transaction or
arrangement in which he has an interest which is to his knowledge a material interest
and, if he purports to do so, his vote will not be counted, but this prohibition shall not
apply in respect of any resolution concerning any one or more of the following matters: any transaction or arrangement in which he is interested by means of an
interest in shares, debentures or other securities or otherwise in or through
the Company; the giving of any guarantee, security or indemnity in respect of money lent
to, or obligations incurred by him or any other person at the request of or for
the benefit of, the Company or any of its subsidiary undertakings; the giving of any guarantee, security or indemnity in respect of a debt or
obligation of the Company or any of its subsidiary undertakings for which he
himself has assumed responsibility in whole or in part under a guarantee or
indemnity or by the giving of security; the giving of any other indemnity where all other Directors are also being
offered indemnities on substantially the same terms; any proposal concerning an offer of shares or debentures or other securities
of or by the Company or any of its subsidiary undertakings in which offer he
is or may be entitled to participate as a holder of securities or in the
underwriting or sub-underwriting of which he is to participate; any proposal concerning any other body corporate in which he does not to
his kn owledge have an interest (as the term is used in Part 22 of the
Companies Act) in 1% or more of the issued equity share capital of any
class of such body corporate nor to his knowledge holds 1% or more of the
voting rights which he holds as shareholder or through his direct or indirect
holding of financial instruments (within the meaning of the Disclosure
Guidance and Transparency Rules) in such body corporate; any proposal relating to an arrangement for the benefit of the employees of
the Company or any of its subsidiary undertakings which does not awar d him
any privilege or benefit not generally awarded to the employees to whom
such arrangement relates;
102 any proposal concerning insurance which the Company proposes to maintain
or purchase for the benefit of Directors or for the benefit of persons who
include Directors; any proposal concerning the funding of expenditure by one or more Directors
on defending proceedings against him or them, or doing anything to enable
such Director or Directors to avoid incurring such expenditure; or any transaction or arrangement in respect of which his interest, or the
interest of Directors generally has been authorised by ordinary resolution.
4.14.2 A Director shall not vote or be counted in the quorum on any resolution of the Board
or committee of the Board c oncerning his own appointment (including fixing or varying
the terms of his appointment or its termination) as the holder of any office or place of
profit with the Company or any company in which the Company is interested.
4.15 Number of Directors
Unless and until otherwise determined by an ordinary resolution of the Company, the number
of Directors shall be not less than two and the number is not subject to a maximum.
4.16 Directors’ appointment and retirement
4.16.1 Directors may be appointed by the Company by ordinary resolution or by the Board. If
appointed by the Board, a Director shall hold office only until the next annual general
4.16.2 At each annual general meeting of the Company, one-third of the Directors or, if their
number is not three or a multiple of three, the number nearest to but not exceeding
one-third shall retire from office by rotation. If there are fewer than three Directors, one
Director shall retire from office.
4.16.3 Any newly appointed Director shall retire at the first annual general meeting of the
Company following his appointment and shall not be taken into account in determining
the number of Directors who are to retire by rotation at that meeting.
4.16.4 At each annual general meeting, any Director who was elected or last re-elected at or
before the annual genera l meeting held in the third calendar year before the current
year shall retire by rotation.
4.16.5 Any Director shall also retire if he has been with the Company for a continuous period
of nine years or more at the date of the meeting.
4.17 Notice requiring disclosure of interest in shares
4.17.1 The Company may, by notice in writing, require a person whom the Company knows
to be, or has reasonable cause to believe is, interested in any shares or at any time
during the three years immediately preceding the date on which the notice is issued to
have been interested in any shares, to confirm that fact or (as the case may be) to
indicate whether or not this is the case and to give such further information as may be
required by the Directors. Such information may include, without limitation, particulars
of the person’s identity, particulars of the person’s own past or present interest in any
shares and to disclose the identity of any other person who has a present interest in
the shares held by him, where the interest is a present interest and any other interest,
in any shares, which subsisted during that three year period at any time when his own
interest subsisted to give (so far as is within his knowledge) such particulars with
respect to that other interest as may be required and where a person’s interest is a
past interest to give (so far as is within his knowledge) like particulars for the person
who held that interest immedi ately upon his ceasing to hold it.
4.17.2 If any shareholder is in default in supplying to the Company the information required
by the Company within the prescribed period (which is 14 calendar days after service
of the notice), or such other reasonable period as the Directors may determine, the
Directors in their absolute discretion may serve a direction notice on the shareholder.
The direction notice may direct that in respect of the shares in respect of which the
default has occurred (the ‘‘default shares’’) the shareholder shall not be entitled to
vote in general meetings or class meetings. Where the default shares represent at
least 0.25% in nomi nal value of the class of shares concerned (excluding treasury
shares), the direction notice may additionally direct that dividends on such shares will
be retained by the Company (without interest) and that no transfer of the default
shares (other than a transfer authorised under the Articles) shall be registered until the
default is rectified.
4.18 Untraced shareholders
Subject to the Articles, the Company may sell any shares registered in the name of a
shareholder remaining untraced for 12 years who fails to communicate with the Company
following advertisement of an intention to make such a disposal. Until the Company can
account to the shareholder, the net proceeds of sale will be available for use in the business
of the Company or for investment, in either case at the discretion of the Board. The proceeds
will not carry interest.
4.19 Indemnity of officers
Subject to the provisions of the Companies Act, but without prejudice to any indemnity to
which he might otherwise be entitled, every past or present Director (including an alternate
Director) or officer of the Company or a director or officer of an associated company (except
the auditors or the auditors of an associated company) may at the discretion of the Board be
indemnified out of the assets of the Company against all costs, charges, losses, damages
and liabilities incurred by him for negligence, default, breach of duty, breach of trus t or
otherwise in relation to the affairs of the Company or of an associated company, or in
connection with the activities of the Company, or of an associated company, or as a trustee
of an occupational pension scheme (as defined in section 235(6) Companies Act). In addition,
the Board may purchase and maintain insurance at the expense of the Company for the
benefit of any such person indemnifying him against any liability or expenditure incurred by
him for acts or omissions as a Director or officer of the Company (or of an associated
4.20 Management Shares
The Management Shares can be redeemed at any time (subject to the provisions of the
Companies Act) by the Company and carry the right to receive a fixed annual divide nd equal
to 0.01% of the nominal amount of each of the Management Shares payable on demand. For
so long as there are shares of any other class in issue, the holders of the Management
Shares will not have any right to receive notice of or vote at any general meeting of the
Company. If there are no shares of any other class in issue, the holders of the Management
Shares will have the right to receive notice of, and to vote at, general meetings of the
Company. In such circumstances, each holder of a Management Share who is present in
person (or, being a corporation, by representative) or by proxy at a general meeting will have
on a show of hands one vote and on a poll every such holder who is present in person or by
proxy (or being a corporation, by representative) will have one vote in respect of each
Management Share held by him.
4.21 C Shares and Deferred Shares
The rights and rest rictions attaching to the C Shares and the Deferred Shares arising on their
conversion are summarised below.
4.21.1 The following definitions apply for the purposes of this paragraph 4.21 only:
‘‘Calculation Date’’ means, in relation to any tranche of C Shares, the earliest of the:
(i) close of business on the date falling twelve calendar months after the allotment of
that tranche of C Shares or if such a date is not a Business Day the next fol lowing
Business Day or such earlier date as the Directors determine that the retur n
profiles of the underlying assets of the portfolios attributable to the relevant tranche
of C Shares and the Ordinary Shares are sufficiently aligned; or
(ii) the close of business on such date as the Directors may decide is necessary to
enable the Company to comply with its obligations in respect of Conversion of that
tranche of C Shares; or
(iii) close of business on the day on which the Directors resolve that Force Majeure
Circumstances have arisen or are in contemplation in relation to any tranche of
C Shares;
‘‘Conversion’’ means conversion of any tranche of C Shares into Ordinary Shares and
Deferred Shares in accordance with paragraph 4.21.8 below;
‘‘Conversion Date’’ means, in relation to any tranche of C Shares, the close of
business on such Business Day as may be selected by the Directors falling not more
than 40 Business Days after the Calculation Date of such tranche of C Shares;
‘‘Conversion Ratio’’ is the ratio of the Net Asset Value per C Share of the relev ant
tranche to the Net Asset Value per Ordinary Share, which is calculated as:
Conversion Ratio =
A =
B =
‘‘C’’ is the aggregate of:
(i) the value of the investments of the Company attributable to the C Shares of the
relevant tranche which are listed, quoted, dealt in or traded on a stock exchange
(other than investments which are subject to restrictions on trans fer or a
suspension of dealings, which are in each case to be valued in accordance with (ii)
below) calculated by reference to the bid price at close of business of, or, if
appropriate, the daily average of the prices marked for, those investments on the
relevant Calculation Date on the principal stock exchange or market where the
relevant investment is listed, quoted, dealt in or traded, as derived from the
relevant exchan ge’s or market’s recognised method of publication of prices for such
investments where such published prices are available;
(ii) the value of all other investments of the Company attributable to the C Shares of
the relevant tranche (other than investments included in (i) above) calculated by
reference to the Directors’ belief as to an appropriate current value for those
investments on the relevant Calculation Date calculated in accordance with the
valuation policy adopted by the Company from time to time after taking into
account any other price publication services reasonably available to the Directors;
(iii) the amount which, in the Directors’ opinion, fairly reflects, on the relevant
Calculation Date, the value of the current assets of the Company attributable to the
C Shares of the relevant tranche (excluding the investments valued under (i) and
(ii) above but including cash and deposits with or balances at a bank and including
any accrued income less accrued expenses and other items of a revenue nature
calculated in accordance with the valuation policy adopted by the Company from
time to time);
‘‘D’’ is the amount (to the extent not otherwise deducted from the assets attributable to
the C Shares of the relevant tranche) which, in the Directors’ opinion, fairly reflects the
amount of the liabilities of the Company attributable to the C Shares of the relevant
tranche on the relevant Calculation Date (including the amount of any declared but
unpaid dividends in respect of such C Shares);
‘‘E’’ is the number of C Shares of the relevant tranche in issue on the relevant
Calculation Date;
‘‘F’’ is the aggregate of:
(i) the value of all the investments of the Company attributable to the Ordinary Shares
which are listed, quoted, dealt in or traded on a stock exchange (other than
investments which are subject to restrictions on transfer or a suspension of
dealings, which are in each case to be valued in accordance with (ii) below)
calculated by reference to the bid price at close of business of, or, if appropriate,
the daily average of the prices marked for, those investments on the relevant
Calculation Date on the principal stock exchan ge or market where the relevant
investment is listed, quoted, dealt in or traded as derived from the relevant
exchange’s or market’s recognised method of publication of prices for such
investments where such published prices are available; and
(ii) the value of all other investments of the Company attributable to the Ordinary
Shares (other than investments included in (i) above) calculated by reference to the
Directors’ belief as to an appropriate current value for those investments on the
relevant Calculation Date calculated in accordance with the valuation policy adopted
by the Company from time to time after taking into account any other price
publication services reasonably available to the Directors; and
(iii) the amount which, in the Directors’ opinion, fairly reflects, on the relevant
Calculation Date, the value of the current assets of the Company attributable to the
Ordinary Shares (excluding the investments valued under (i) and (ii) above but
including cash and deposits with or balances at a bank and including any accrued
income less accrued expenses and other items of a revenue nature, calculated in
accordance with the valuation policy adopted by the Company from time to time);
‘‘G’’ is the amount (to the extent not otherw ise deducted in the calculation of F) which,
in the Directors’ opinion, fairly reflects the amount of the liabilities of the Company
attributable to the Ordinary Shares on the relevant Calculation Date (including the
amount of any declared but unpaid dividends in respect of such Ordinary Shares); and
‘‘H’’ is the number of Ordinary Shares in issue on the relevant Calculation Date
(excluding any Ordinary Shares held in treasury), provided that the Directors shall
make such adjustments to the value or amount of A and B as the Directors believe to
be appropriate having regard among other things, to the assets of the Company
immediately prior to the date on which the Company first receives the net proceeds of
an issue of C Shares of the relevant tranche and/or to the reasons for the issue of the
C Shares of the relevant tranche;
‘‘Deferred Shares’’ means deferred shares of one penny each in the capital of the
Company arising on Conversion;
‘‘Existing Shares’’ means the Ordinary Shares in issue immediately prior to
‘‘Force Majeure Circumstances’’ means, in relation to any tranche of C Shares (i)
any political and/or economic circumstances and/or actual or anticipated changes in
fiscal or other legislation which, in the reasonable opinion of the Directors, renders
Conversion necessary or desirable; (ii) the issue of any proceedings challenging, or
seeking to challenge, the power of the Comp any and/or its Directors to issue the
C Shares of the relevant tranche with the rights proposed to be attached to them and/
or to the persons to whom they are, and/or the terms upon which they are proposed
to be issued; or (iii) the giving of notice of any general meeting of the Company at
which a resolution is to be proposed to wind up the Company, whichever shall happen
earliest; and
References to Shareholders, C shareholders and deferred shareholders should be
construed as references to holders for the time being of Ordinary Shares, C Shares of
the relevant tranche and Deferred Shares respectively.
4.21.2 The holders of the Ordinary Shares, the Management Shares, any tranche of C Shar es
and the Deferred Shares shall, subject to the provisions of the Artic les, have the
following rights to be paid dividends: the Deferr ed Shares (to the extent that any are in issue and extant) shall
entitle the holders thereof to a cumulative annual dividend at a fixed rate of
1% of the nominal amount thereof, the first such dividend (adjusted pro rata
temporis) (the ‘‘Deferred Dividend’’) being payable on the date six months
after the Conversion Date on which such Deferred Shares were created in
accordance with parag raph 4.21.8 (the ‘‘Relevant Conversion Date’’) and
thereafter on each anniversary of such date payable to the holders thereof
on the register of shareholders on that date as holders of Deferred Shares
but shall confer no other right, save as provided herein, on the holders
thereof to share in the profits of the Company. The Deferre d Dividend shall
not accrue or become payable in any way until the date six months after the
Conversion Date and shall then only be payable to those holders of Deferred
Shares registered in the register of shareholders of the Company as holders
of Deferred Shares on that date. It should be noted that given the proposed
redemption of the Deferred Shares as described below, it is not expected
that any dividends will accrue or be paid on such shares; the holders of any tranche of C Shares shall be entitled to receive in that
capacity such dividends as the Directors may resolve to pay out of the
assets attributable to the C Shares of that tranche and from profits available
for distribution which is attributable to the C Shares of that tranche; a holder of Management Shares shall be entitled (in priority to any payment
of dividend on any other class of share) to a fixed c umulative preferential
dividend 0.01% per annum on the nominal amount of the Management
Shares held by him, such dividend to accrue annually and to be payable in
respect of each accounting reference period of the Company within 21
calendar days of the end of such period; the Existing Shares shall confer the right to dividends declared in accordance
with the Articles; the Ordinary Shares into which any tranche of C Shares shall convert sh all
rank pari passu with the Existing Shares for dividends and other distributions
made or declared by reference to a record date falling after the relevant
Calculation Date; and no dividend or other distribution shall be made or paid by the Company on
any of its shares (other than any Deferred Shares for the time being in
issue) between any Calculation Date and the relevant Conversion Date (both
dates incl usive) and no such dividend shall be declared with a record date
falling between any Calculation Date and the relevant Conversion Date (both
dates inclusive).
4.21.3 The holders of the Ordinary Shares, the Management Shares any tranche of C Shares
and the Deferred Shares shall, subject to the provisions of the Artic les, have the
following rights as to capital: the surplus capital and assets of the Company shall on a winding-up or on a
return of capital (otherwise than on a purchase or redemption by the
Company of any of its shares) at a time when one or more tranches of
C Shares are for the time being in issue and prior to the Conversion Date be
applied amongst the holders of the Existing Shares pro rata according to the
nominal capital paid up on their holdings of Existing Shares, after hav ing
deducted therefrom: first, an amount equivalent to (C-D) for each tranche of C Shares
in issue using the methods of calculation of C and D given in the
definition of Conversion Ratio, which amount(s) shall be applied
amongst the C shareholders of the relevant tranche(s) pro rata
according to the nominal capital paid up on their holdings of
C Shares of the relevant tranche; secondly, if there are Deferred Shares in issue, in paying to the
holders of Deferred Shares one penny in aggregate in respect of
every one million Deferred Shares (or part thereof) of which they
are respectively the holders; and thirdl y, in paying to the holders of the Management Shares in
respect of each such share the amount paid up or treated as paid
up thereon,
for the purposes of thi s paragraph the Calculation Date shall be
such date as the liquidator may determine; and
107 the surplus capital and assets of the Company shall on a winding-up or on a
return of capital (otherwise than on a purchase or redemption by the
Company of any of its shares) at a time when no C Shares of any tranche
are for the time being in issue be applied as follows: first, if there are Deferred Shares in issue, in paying to the
deferred shareholders one penny in aggregate in respect of every
one million Deferred Shares (or part thereof) of which they are
respectively the holders; secondly, in paying to the holders of the Management Shares in
respect of each such share the amount paid up or treated as paid
up thereon; and thirdl y, the surplus shall be divided amongst the Shareholders pro
rata according to the nominal capital paid up on their holdings of
Ordinary Shares.
4.21.4 As regards voting: the C Shares shall carry the right to receive notice of and to attend and vote
at any general meeting of the Company. The voting rights of holders of
C Shares will be the same as that applying to holders of Existing Shares as
set out in the Articles as if the C Shares and Existing Shares were a single
class; and the Deferred Shares and, save as provided in paragraph 4.20 of this Part 8,
the Management Shar es shall not carry any right to receive notice of nor to
attend or vote at any general meeting of the Company.
4.21.5 The following shall apply to the Deferred Shares: the C Shares shall be issued on such terms that the Deferred Shares arising
upon Conversion (but not the Ordinar y Shares arising on Conversion) may
be redeemed by the Company in accordance with the terms set out herein; immediately upon Conversion of any tranche of C Shares, the Company shall
redeem all of the Deferred Shar es which arise as a result of Conversion of
that tranche for an aggregate consideration of one penny for all of the
Deferred Shares so redeemed and the notice referred to in paragraph below shall be deemed to constitute notice to each C shareholder of
the relevant tranche (and any person or persons having rights to acquire or
acquiring C Shares of the relevant tranche on or after the Calculation Date)
that the Deferred Shares shall be so redeemed; and the Company shall not be obliged to: (i) issue share certificates to the
deferred shareholders in respect of the Deferred Shares; or (ii) account to
any deferred shareholder for the redemption moneys in respect of such
Deferred Shares.
4.21.6 Without prejudice to the generality of the Articles, for so long as any C Shares are for
the time being in issue it shall be a special right attaching to the Existing Shares as a
class and to the C Shares as a separate class that without the sanction or consent of
such holders given in accordance with the Articles: no alteration shall be made to the Articles; no allotment or issue will be made of any security convertible into or carrying
a right to subscribe for any share capital of the Company other than the
allotment or issue of further C Shares; and no resolution of the Company shall be passed to wind up the Company.
For the avoidance of doubt, but subject to the rights or privileges attached to any other
class of shares, the previous sanction of a special resolution of the holders of Existing
Shares and C Shares, as described above, shall not be required in respect of:
108 the issue of further Ordinary Share s ranking pari passu in all respects with
the Existing Shares (other wise than in respect of any dividend or other
distribution declar ed, paid or made on the Existing Shares by the issue of
such further Ordinary Shares); or the sale of any shares held as treasury shares (as such term is defined in
section 724 of the Companies Act) in accordance with sections 727 and 731
of the Companies Act or the purchase or redemption of any shares by the
Company (whether or not such shares are to be held in treasury).
4.21.7 For so long as any tranche of C Shares are for the time being in issue, until
Conversion of such tranche of C Shares and without prejudice to its obligations under
applicable laws the Company shall: procure that the Company’s records, and bank and custody accounts shall be
operated so that the assets attribu table to the C Shares of that tranche can,
at all times, be separately identified and, in particular but without prejudice to
the generality of the foregoing, the Company shall, without prejudice to any
obligations pursuant to applicable laws, procure that separate cash accounts,
broker settlement accounts and investment ledger accounts shall be created
and maintained in the books of the Company for the as sets attributable to
the C Shares of that tranche; allocate to the as sets attributable to the C Shares of that tranche such
proportion of the income, expenses and liabilities of the Company incurred or
accrued between the date on which the Company first receives the net
proceeds of an issue of C Shares and the Calculation Date relating to such
tranche of C Shares (both dates inclusive) as the Directors fairly consider to
be attributable to that tranche of C Shares; and give appropriate instructions to the Investment Manager to manage the
Company’s assets so that such undertakings can be complied with by the
4.21.8 In relation to any tranche of C Shar es, the C Shares for the time being in issue of that
tranche shall be sub-divided and converted into Ordinary Shares and Deferred Shares
on the relevant Conversion Date in accordance with the following provisions of this
paragraph 4.21.8: the Directors shall procure that within 20 Business Days of the relevant
Calculation Date: the Conversion Ratio as at the relevant Calculation Date and the
numbers of Ordinary Shares and Deferred Shares to which each
C shareholder of that tranche shall be entitled on Conversion of
that tranche shall be calculated; and the Auditors shall confirm that such calculations as have been
made by the Company have, in their opinion, been performed in
accordance with the Articles and are arithmetically accurate
whereupon such calculations shall become final and binding on
the Company and all holders of the Company’s shares and any
other securities issued by the Company which are convertible into
the Company’s shares, subject to the proviso immediately after
the definition of H in paragraph 4.21.1 above. the Directors shall procure that, as soon as practicable following such
confirmation and in any event within 30 Business Days of the relevant
Calculation Date, a notice is sent to each C shareholder of the relevant
tranche advising such shareholder of the Conversion Date, the Conversion
Ratio and the numbers of Ordinary Shares and Deferred Shares to which
such C shareholder of the relevant tranche will be entitled on Conversion.
109 on conversion each C Share of the relevant tranche shall automatically
subdivide into 10 conversion shares of one penny each and such conversion
shares of 1p each shall automatically convert into such num ber of Ordinary
Shares and Deferred Shares as sh all be necessary to ensure that, upon
such Conversion being completed: the aggregate number of Ordinary Shares into which the same
number of conversion shares of one penny each are converted
equals the number of C Shares of the relevant tranche in issue
on the relevant Calculation Date multiplied by the relevant
Conversion Ratio (rounded down to the nearest whole new
Ordinary Share); and each conversion share of one penny which does not so convert
into an Ordinary Share shall convert into one Deferred Share. the Ordinary Shares and Deferred Shares arising upon Conversion shall be
divided amongst the former C shareholders of the relevant tranche pro rata
according to their respective former holdings of C Shares of the relevant
tranche (provided always that the Directors may deal in such manner as they
think fit with fractional entitlements to Ordinary Shares and Deferred Shares
arising upon Conversion including, without prejudice to the generality of the
foregoing, selling any Ordinary Shares representing such fractional
entitlements and retaining the proceeds for the benefit of the Company). forthwith upon Conversion, the share certificates relating to the C Shares of
the relevant tranche shall be cancelled and the Company shall issue to each
former C shareholder of the relevant tranche new certificates in respect of
the Ordinary Shares which have arisen upon Conversion to which he or she
is entitled. Share certificates in respect of the Deferred Shares will not be
issued. the Directors may make such adjustments to the terms and timing of
Conversion as they in their discretion consider are fair and reasonable having
regard to the interests of all Shareholders.
5.1 Mandatory bid
The City Code applies to the Company. Under Rule 9 of the City Code, if:
(a) a person acquires an interest in shares which, when taken together with shares
already held by him or persons acting in concert with him, carry 30% or more of the
voting rights in the Company; or
(b) a person who, together with persons acting in concert with him, is interested in not
less than 30% and not more than 50% of the voting rights in the Company acquires
additional interests in shares which increase the percentage of shares carrying voting
rights in which that person is interested,
the acquirer and, depending on the circumstances, its concert parties, would be required
(except with the consent of the Panel on Takeovers and Mergers) to make a cash offer for
the outstanding shares at a price not less than the highest price paid for any interests in the
shares by the acquirer or its concert parties during the previous 12 months.
5.2 Compulsory acquisition
Under sections 974 to 991 of the Companies Act, if an offeror acquires or contracts to
acquire (pursuant to a takeover offer) not less than 90% of the shares (in value and by voting
rights) to which such offer relates it may then compulsorily acquire the outstanding shares not
assented to the offer. It would do so by sending a notice to outstanding holders of shares
telling them that it will compulsorily acquire their shares and then, six weeks later, it would
execute a transfer of the outstanding shares in its favour and pay the consideration to the
company, which would hold the consider ation on trust for the outstanding holders of shares.
The consideration offered to the holders whose shares are compulsorily acquired under the
Companies Act must, in general, be the same as the consideration that was available under
the takeover offer.
In addition, pursuant to section 983 of the Companies Act, if an offeror acquires or agrees to
acquire not less than 90% of the shares (in value and by voting rights) to which the offer
relates, any holder of shares to which the offer relates who has not accepted the offer may
require the offeror to acquire his shares on the same terms as the takeover offer.
The offeror would be required to give any holder of shares notice of his right to be bought out
within one month of that right arising. Sell-out rights cannot be exercised after the end of the
period of three months from the last date on which the offer can be accepted or, if later,
three months from the date on which the notice is served on the holder of shares notifying
them of their sell-out rights. If a holder of shares exercises its rights, the offeror is bound to
acquire those shares on the terms of the takeover offer or on such other terms as may be
The following are all of the contracts, not being contracts entered into in the ordinary course of
business that have been entered into by the Company since its incorporation and are, or may be,
material or contain any provision under which the Company has any obligation or entitlement which
is or may be material to it as at the date of this document:
6.1 Placing and Offer Agreement
The Placing and Offer Agreement dated 26 September 2018 between the Company, the
Directors, the Investment Manager and Winterflood Securities, pursuant to which, subject to
certain conditions, Winterflood Securities has agreed to use reasonable endeavours to procure
subscribers for Ordinary Shares pursuant to the Initial Placing at the Issue Price and to use
reasonable endeavours to procure subscribers under the Placing Programme for Shares at
the Placing Programme Price. The Company has appointed Winterflood Securities as sponsor,
financial adviser, bookrunner and Intermediaries Of fer Adviser to the Company in connection
with the Initial Issue and the Placing Programme.
The Placing and Offer Agreement provides for Winterflood Securities to be paid commissions
by the Company in respect of the Ordinary Shares to be allotted pursuant to the Initial Issue
and Ordinary Shares and/or C Shares to be allotted pursuant to the Placing Programme. Any
Ordinary Shares or C Shares subscribed for by Winterflood Securities may be retained or
dealt in by it for its own benefit.
Under the Placing and Offer Agreement, Winterflood Securities is entitled at its discretion and
out of its own resources at any time to rebate to some or all investors, or to other parties,
part or all of its fees. Winterflood Securities is also entitled under the Placing and Offer
Agreement to retain agents and may pay commission to any or all of those agents out of its
own resources.
The Placing and Offer Agreement may be terminated by Winterflood Securities in certain
customary circumstances.
The obligation of the Company to issue the Ordinary Shares and the obligation of Winterflood
Securities to use its reasonable endeavours to procure subscribers for Ordinary Shares
pursuant to the Initial Placing is conditional upon certain conditions that are typical for an
agreement of this nature. These conditions include, among others: (i) Initial Admission having
become effective on or before 8.00 a.m. on 14 November 2018 (or such later time and/or
date as the Company and Winterflood Securities may agree (not being later than 8.00 a.m.
on 28 February 2019)); (ii) the Placing and Offer Agreement becoming wholly unconditional
(save as to Initial Admission) and not having been terminated in accordance with its terms at
any time prior to Initial Admission; and (iii) the Minimum Gross Proceeds being raised (or
such lesser amount as the Company and Winterflood Securities may agree).
Each issue of Shares pursuant to a Subsequent Placing under the Placing Programme is
conditional, inter alia, on (i) Admission of the relevant Shares occurring by no later than 8.00
a.m. on such date as the Com pany and Winterflood Securities may agree from time to time
in relation to that Admission, not being later than 25 September 2019; (ii) a valid
supplementary prospectus being published by the Company if such is required by the
Prospectus Rules; (iii) in respect of an issue of Ordinary Shares, the Placing Programme
Price being determined by the Directors as described in Part 5 of this document; and (iv) the
Placing and Offer Agreement being wholly unconditional as regards the relevant Subsequent
Placing (save as to Admission) and not having been terminated in accordance with its terms
prior to the relevant Admission.
The Company, the Directors and the Investment Manager have given warranties to
Winterflood Securities concerning, inter alia, the accuracy of the information contained in this
document. The Company and the Investment Manager have also given indemnities to
Winterflood Securities. The warranties and indemnities are standard for an agreement of this
The Placing and Offer Agreement is governed by the laws of England and Wales.
6.2 Investment Management Agreement
The Investment Management Agreement dated 26 September 2018 between the Company
and the Investment Manager, pursuant to which the Investment Manager is appointed to act
as the Com pany’s manager for the purposes of the AIFM Directive, and accordingly the
Investment Manager is responsible for providing discretionary portfolio management and risk
management services to the Company, subject to the overall control and supervisions of the
Under the terms of the Investment Management Agreement, the Investment Manager is
entitled to receive from the Company an investment management fee which is calculated and
paid quarterly in arrears at an annual rate of (i) 0.5% per annum of the prevailing published
Net Asset Value until the end of the Company’s first accounting period, 31 December 2019;
and (ii) 0.7% per annum of the prevailing published Net Asset Value thereafter.
Where the Company invests in a collective investment vehicle that is managed or advised by
an M&G Entity, the Investment Manager will reduce its investment management fee by the
amount of any equival ent management fee that is charged to such collective investment
vehicle or such entity will rebate its management fee such that the Investment Manager
ensures the Company is not charged twice. The above arrangement will not apply to any
other fees or expenses charged to the Company or any such entity in which it invests.
The Investment Manager is also entitled to be paid half of any arrangement fee charged by
the Com pany to the issuer of a Debt Instrument in which the Company invests. The balance
of any arrangement fee is retained by the Company.
The Investment Management Agreement is for an initial term of five years from the date of
Initial Admission and thereafter subject to termination on not less than six months’ written
notice by either party. The Investment Management Agreement can be terminated at any time
in the event of the insolvency of the Company or the Investment Manager or in the event that
the Investment Manager ceases to be authorised and regulated by the FCA (if required to be
so authorised and regulated to continue to carry out its duties under the Investment
Management Agreement).
The Company has given an indemnity in favour of the Investment Manager (subject to
customary exceptions) in respect of the Investment Manager’s potential losses in carrying on
its responsibilities under the Investment Management Agreement.
The Investment Management Agreement is governed by the laws of England and Wales.
6.3 Administration Agreement
The Administration Agreement between the Company and the Administrator dated
26 September 2018, pursuant to which the Administrator has agreed to act as administrator
to the Company.
Under the terms of the Administration Agreement, the Administrator shall provide the day-to-
day administration of the Company and is also responsi ble for the Company’s general
administrative functions, such as the calculation and publication of the Net Asset Value and
maintenance of the Company’s accounting and statutory records.
The Company has given an indemnity in favour of the Administrator in respect of the
Administrator’s potential losses in carrying on its responsibilities under the Administration
The Administration Agreement is terminable, inter alia, upon not less than six months’ written
notice. The Administration Agreement is also terminable immediately upon the occurrence of
certain standar d events including the insolvency of the Company or the Administrator or a
party committing a material breach of the Administration Agreement (where such breach has
not been remedied within 30 calendar days of written notice being given).
Details of the fees payable to the Administrator are set out in paragraph 3.2 of Part 4 of this
The Administration Agreement is governed by the laws of England and Wales.
6.4 Depositary Agreem ent
The Depositary Agreement dated 26 September 2018 entered into between the Depositary,
the Invest ment Manager and the Compa ny, pursuant to which, the Depositary is appointed as
the Company’s depositary.
In accordance with the terms of the Depositary Agreement, and subject to the provisions of
the AIFM Directive, the Depositary may delegate its safe-keeping functions in relation to
financial instruments and other assets of the Company. In respect of the assets of the
Company, the Depositary has delegated safekeeping of the assets of the Company to State
Street Bank and Trust Company. The liability of the Depositary shall in principle not be
affected by any delegation of its custody function and the Depositary shall be liable to the
Company or its investors for the loss of financial instruments held in custody by the
Depositary or a third party to whom the custody of securities has been delegated as
determined in accordance with the AIFM Directive, and in particular Article 100 of the
Commission Delega ted Regulation No. 231/2013 of 19 December 2012. The Depositary may
discharge its responsibility in case of a loss of a security: (i) in the event that the loss has
arisen as a result of an external event beyond its reasonable control, the consequences of
which would have been unavoidable despite all reasonable efforts to the contrary; (ii) where it
has contractually discharged its liability in compliance with article 21(13) of the AIFM
Directive; or (iii) in compliance with the conditions set out under article 21(14) of the AIFM
Directive where the laws of a third country require that certain financial instruments be held
by a local entity and there are no local entities that satisfy the delegation requirements of
article 21(11) of the AIFM Directive. Otherwise than in respect of a loss of a financial
instrument held in custody, the Depositar y shall only be liable for damages suffered by the
Company as a direct result of the Depositary’s negligent or intentional failure to properly fulfil
its obligations in relation to the services under the agreement. Indirect and/or consequential
damages are excluded.
The Depositary Agreement shall continue for an initial period of six months and thereafter is
terminable by any of the parties giving to the others not less than 90 days’ written noti ce. The
Depositary Agreement may be terminated with immediate effect by any of the parties on the
occurrence of certain events, including: (i) if another party has committed a material breach of
the terms of the Depositary Agreement; or (ii) in the case of insolvency of a party.
The Company has given mark et standard indemnities in favour of the Depositary in respect of
the Depositary’s potential losses in carrying on its responsibilities under the Depositary
Details of the fees payable to the Depositary are set out in paragraph 3.2 of Part 4 of this
The Depositary Agreement is governed by the laws of England and Wales.
6.5 Company Secretarial Agreement
The Company Secretarial Agreement dated 26 September 2018 between the Company and
Link Asset Services pursuant to which the Company Secretary has agreed to provide the
company secretarial functions required by the Companies Act.
Under the terms of the Company Secretarial Agreement, the aggregate fees payable to Link
Asset Services are £60,000 plus VAT per annum. In addition a fee of £30,000 is payable to
Link Asset Services for services undertaken as part of the Initial Admission process. Link
Asset Services will also be entitled to reimbursement of all reasonable out of pocket
expenses incurred by it in connection with the agreement.
The Company Secretarial Agreement is for an initial period of 12 months and thereafter shall
automatically renew for successive periods of 12 months unless or until terminated by either
party (a) at the end of the initial period, provided written notice is given to the other party at
least six months prior to the end of the initial period or (b) at the end of any successive
12 month period, provided written notice is given to the other party at least six months prior
to the end of such successive 12 month period. In addition, either party may terminate the
Company Secretarial Agreement:
(a) by service of three months’ written notice should the parties not reach an agreement
regarding any increase of the fees payable under the Company Secretarial Agreement;
(b) upon service of written notice if the other party commits a material breach of its
obligations under the Company Secretarial Agreement (including any payment default)
which that party has failed to remedy within 45 calendar days of receipt of a written
notice to do so from the first party; or
(c) upon service of written notice if a resolution is passed or an order made for the
winding-up, dissolution or administration of the other party, or if the other party is
declared insolvent or if an administrator, administrative receiver, manager or provisional
liquidator (or similar officer to any of the foregoing in the relevant jurisdiction) is
appointed over the whole of or a substantial part of the other party or its assets or
The Company has given certain market standar d indemnities in favour of Link Asset Services
and its affiliates and their directors, officers, employees and agents in respect of its potential
losses in carrying on its responsibilities under the Company Secretarial Agreement. Link Asset
Services liabilities under the Company Secretarial Agreement are subject to a cap.
The Company Secretarial Agreement is governed by the laws of England and Wales.
6.6 Registrar’s Agreement
The Registrar’s Agreement dated 26 September 2018 between the Company and the
Registrar pursuant to which the Registrar has agreed to act as registrar to the Company.
Under the agreement, the Registrar is entitled to a fee calculated on the basis of the number
of Shareholders and the number of transfers processed (exclusive of any VAT). In addition,
the Registrar is entitled to certain other fees for ad hoc services rendered from time to time.
The Registrar is also entitled to reimbursement of all out of pocket costs, expenses and
charges properly incurred on behal f of the Company.
The Registrar Agreement is for an initial period of one year from the date of Initial Admission
and thereafter shall automatically renew for successive periods of 12 months unless or until
terminated by either party (a) at the end of the initial period, provided written notice is given
to the other party at least 6 months prior to the end of the initial period or (b) at the end of
any successive 12 month period, provided written notice is given to the other party at least 6
months prior to the end of s uch successive 12 month period. In addition, either party may
terminate the Registrar Agree ment:
(a) by service of three months’ written notice should the parties not reach an agreement
regarding any increase of the fees payable under the Registrar Agreement; or
(b) upon service of written notice if the other party commits a material breach of its
obligations under the Registrar Agreement (including any payment defaul t) which that
party has failed to remedy within 45 calendar day s of receipt of a written notice to do
so from the first party; or
(c) upon service of written notice if a resolution is passed or an order made for the
winding-up, dissolution or administration of the other party, or if the other party is
declared insolvent or if an administrator, administrative receiver, manager or provisional
liquidator (or similar officer to any of the foregoing in the relevant jurisdiction) is
appointed over the whole of or a substantial part of the other party or its assets or
The Company has given certain market standard indemnities in favour of the Registrar and its
affiliates and their directors, officers, employees and agents in respect of the Registrar’s
potential losses in carrying on its responsibilities under the Registrar Agr eement. The
Registrar’s liabilities under the Registrar Agreement are subject to a cap.
The Registrar’s Agreement is governed by the laws of England and Wales.
6.7 Receiving Agent Agreement
The Receiving Agent Agreement dated 26 September 2018 between the Company and the
Receiving Agent pursuant to which the Receiving Agent has agreed to act as receiving agent
in connection with the Initial Issue. Under the terms of the agreement, the Receiving Agent is
entitled to a fee from the Company of £22,000 (exclusive of VAT) in connection with these
services. The Receiving Agent will also be entitled to reimbursement of all out-of-pocket
expenses reasonably incurred by it in connection with its duties.
The Company has given certa in market standard indemnities in favour of the Receiving Agent
and its affiliates and their directors, officers, employees and agents in respect of the
Receiving Agent’s potential losses in carrying on its responsibilities under the Receiving Agent
Agreement. The Receiving Agent’s liabilities under the Receiving Agent are subject to a cap.
The agreement is governed by the laws of England and Wales.
There have been no governmental, legal or arbitration proceedings, and the Company is not aware
of any governmental, legal or arbitrati on proceedings pending or threatened, nor of any su ch
proceedings having been pending or threatened at any time preceding the date of this document
which may have, or have had in the recent past, a significant effect on the financial position or
profitability of the Company.
The Comp any is of the opinion that, on the basis the Minimum Net Proceeds are raised, the
working capital available to the Company is sufficient for its present require ments that is for at
least the next 12 months from the date of this document.
If the Minimum Net Proceeds are not raised, the Initial Issue may only proceed where a
supplementary prospectus (including a working capital statement based on a revised minimum net
proceeds figure) has been prepared in relation to the Company and approved by the UKLA. In the
event that the Company does not wish to prepare and publish a supplementary prospectus
incorporating a working capital statement based on a revised minimum net proceeds figure the
Initial Issue will not proceed, the arrangements in respect of the Initial Issue will lapse and any
monies received in respect of the Initial Issue will be returned to applicants and placees without
interest at applicants’/investors’ risk.
As at the date of this document, there has been no significant change in the financial or trading
position of the Company since the date of its incorporation.
As at the date of this doc ument, the Company has no guaranteed, secured, unguaranteed or
unsecured debt and no indirect or contingent indebtedness, and there have been no material
changes to the Company’s capitalisation from the date of incorporation to the date of this
11.1 Where third party information has been referenced in this document, the source of that third
party information has been disclosed. All information in this document that has been sourced
from third parties has been accurately reproduced and, as far as the Company is aware and
able to ascertain from information published by such third parties, no facts have been omitted
which would render the reproduced information inaccurate or misleading.
11.2 No application is being made for the Shares to be dealt with in or on any stock exchange or
investment exchange other than to the London Stock Exchange’s main market.
11.3 Winterflood Securities has given and not withdrawn its written consent to the inclusion in this
document of references to its name in the form and context in which it appears.
11.4 The Investment Manager was incorporated in England and Wales as a private limited
company on 30 September 1986 under the Companies Act 1985 (registration number
02059989). The Investment Manager is authorised and regulated by the FCA (FCA
registration number 1220011). The registered office of the Investment Manager is Laurence,
Pountney Hill, London EC4R 0HH (tel. +44 (0) 800 390 390). The Investment Manager has
given and not withdrawn its written consent to the inclusion in this document of references to
its name in the form and context in which they appear. The Investment Manager accepts
responsibility for Part 2 (M&G), Part 3 (The Investment Oppor tunity and asset class
overview), paragraph 2.1 and paragraph 2.2 of Part 4 in relation to the information that
relates to the Investment Manager (The Investment Manager), paragraph 5 of Par t 4
(Conflicts of Interest) and paragraph 11.4 of Part 8 (General) of this document (together the
‘‘Investment Manager Sections’’) for the purposes of Prospectus Rule 5.5.3(f). To the best
of the knowledge and belief of the Investment Manager (who has taken all reasonable care to
ensure that such is the case), the Investment Manager Sections are in accordance with the
facts and do not omit anything likely to affect the import of such Investment Manager
11.5 State Street Trustees Limited, whose registered office is located at 20 Churchill Place,
London E14 5HJ, acts as the Company’s depositary and will safeguard all of the assets of
the Company. The Depositary is a private limited company, registered in England and Wales
with number 02982384 and was incorporated on 24 October 1994. The Depositary’s
telephone number is +44 (0)20 3395 7000. The Depositary maintains its registered office and
place of central administration in the United Kingdom. The Depositary is authorised and
regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. The principal business of the Depositary is
acting as depositary of collective investment schemes.
11.6 State Street Bank & Trust Company, whose registered office is located at Copley Place 100,
Huntington Avenue, Boston, Massachusetts 02116, USA, with an office at 20 Churchill Place,
Canary Wharf, London E14 5HJ, acts as the Company’s global sub-custodian and has been
delegated safekeeping duties by the Depositary. The Custodian is authorised and regulated
by the Financial Conduct Authority.
11.7 The auditors of the Company are Deloitte LLP of Saltire Court, 20 Castle Street, Edinburgh
EH1 2DB and have been the only auditors of the Company since its incorporation. Deloitte
LLP is registered to carry on audit work in the UK and Ireland by the Institute of Chartered
Accountants in England and Wales.
11.8 The effect of the Initial Issue will be to increase the net assets of the Company. On the
assumption that the Initial Issue is subscribed as to 250 million Ordinary Shares, the
fundraising is expected to increase the net assets of the Company by approximately £247
12.1 Copies of the following documents will be available for inspection at the registered office of
the Company during normal business hours on any Business Day from the date of this
document until 25 September 2019:
12.1.1 the Memorandum and Articles of the Company; and
12.1.2 this document.
The Intermediaries authorised as at the date of this document to use this document are:
AJ Bell Securities
4 Exchange Quay
Salford Quays
M5 3EE
Alliance Trust Savings Limited
PO Box 164
8 West Marketgait
Equiniti Financial Services Ltd
Aspect House
Spencer Road
West Sussex
BN99 6DA
Hargreaves Lansdown Asset Management
1 College Square South
Anchor Road
Interactive Investor Servic es Limited
Exchange Court
Duncombe Street
Walker Crips Stockbrokers Limited
Old Change House
128 Queen Victoria Street
Dated: 26 September 2018
This Part 9 sets out important information about the AIFM Directive and its application to the Investment
Manager and the Company. The AIFM Directive is a European Directive which regulates the
management and marketing of an AIF by an AIFM within the EEA.
For the purposes of the AIFM Directive, the Investment Manager is an EEA AIFM of the Company, which
is an EU AIF. This Part 9 seeks to provide information in respect of the Company. Under the AIFM
Directive, for each AIF marketed in the EU, the AIFM must make available to prospective investors in the
AIF certain prescribed information before the investors invest in the AIF, as well as any material changes
thereto. These are the disclosure requirements set out in Article 23 of the AIFM Directive.
This Part 9 must be read together with the other parts of this document and has been included in this
document to comply with the Article 23 disclosure requirements in respect of the Company.
This part cross-refers to, and must all times read in conjunction with, the other parts of this document.
1 Description of the Company
(a) Investment strategy and
objectives of the Company
Information on the investment strategy and objectives of the
Company are outlined in paragraph 2 of Part 1 of this document.
(b) and (c)Information on whether the
Company is a feeder or a
fund of funds
Not applicable: The Company is not a feeder fund nor a fund of
(d) Types of assets in which
the Company may invest
The types of assets in which the Company may invest are
outlined in paragraph 2 of Part 1 under the heading ‘‘Investment
(e) The investment techniques
that the Company, or the
Investment Manager on
behalf of the Company,
may employ and all
associated risks
The investment techniques to be used by the Company are
described in Part 2 of this document.
The section entitled ‘‘Risk Factors’’ (pages 20 to 36 inclusive) of
this document provides an overview of the risks involved in
investing in the Company.
(f) Investment Restrictions The investment restrictions applicable to the Company are set
out in paragraph 2 of Part 1 of this document under the heading
‘‘Investment Restrictions’’.
(g) to (j) Use of leverage The circumstances in which the Company may use leverage and
the restrictions on the use of leverage are described in
paragraph 2 of Part 1 under the heading ‘‘Borrowings’’.
The Company may make use of a limited amount of hedging as
described in paragraph 2 of Part 1 of this document under the
heading ‘‘Hedging and Derivatives’’.
The Company’s borrowings will not exceed 30%. Of the
Company’s Net Asset Value, calculated at the time of draw
Certain risks associated with the Company’s use of leverage are
described in the ‘‘Risk Factors’’ section of this document under
the headings ‘‘Use of Borrowings’’ and ‘‘Hedging and Derivatives
Pursuant to its regulatory obligations, the Investment Manager is
required to express the level which the Company’s ‘leverage’ will
not exceed. For the purposes of this disclosure leverage is any
method by which a fund’s exposure is increased. A fund’s
exposure may be increased by using derivatives, by reinvesting
cash borrowings, through positions within repurchase or reverse
repurchase agreements, through securities lending or securities
borrowing arrangements, or by any other means (such increase
referred to herein as the ‘‘Incremental Exposure’’). The AIFM
Directive prescribes two methods of measuring and expressing
leverage, the ‘‘gross methodology’ and the ‘‘commitment
methodology’’ (as opposed to gearing) and requires disclosure
of the maximum amount of ‘leverage’ the Company might be
subject to. The definition of leverage is wider than that of gearing
and includes exposures that are not considered to be gearing.
The commitment methodology takes account of the hedging and
netting arrangements employed by a fund at any given time
(purchased and sold derivative positions will be netted where
both relate to the same underlying asset). This calculation of
exposure includes all Incremental Exposure as well as a fund’s
own physical holdings; and cash. By contrast, the gross
methodology does not take account of the netting or hedging
arrangements employed by a company. This calculation of
exposure includes all Incremental Exposure as well as the
Company’s own physical holdings. Cash is excluded.
Without prejudice to the foregoing, the Company has set a
maximum leverage limit of 150x on a ‘‘commitment basis’’ and
300x on a ‘‘gross’’ basis.
2 Changes to Investment Objective
and Approach
No material change will be made to the investment policy and
investment restrictions without the approval of Shareholders by
ordinary resolution and the approval of the UK Listing Authority.
Any change to the investment policy or investment restrictions
which does not amount to a material change to the investment
policy may be made by the Company without the approval of
3 Main legal implications of
investment in the Company
Investors will acquire shares in the Company, which is a closed-
ended investment company limited by shares and established in
England and Wales.
While investors acquire an interest in the Company on
subscribing for or purchasing Shares, the Company is the sole
legal and/or beneficial owner of its investments. Consequently,
Shareholders have no direct legal or beneficial interest in those
investments. The liability of Shareholders for the debts and other
obligations of the Company is limited to the amount unpaid, if
any, on the shares held by them.
Shareholders’ rights in respect of their investment in the
Company are governed by the Articles and the Companies
Act. Under English law, the following types of claim may in
certain circumstances be brought against a company by its
shareholders: contractual claims under its articles of association;
claims in misrepresentation in respect of statements made in its
prospectus and other marketing documents; unfair prejudice
claims; and derivative actions. In the event that a Shareholder
considers that it may have a claim against the Company in
connection with such investment in the Company, such
Shareholder should consult its own legal advisers.
Jurisdiction and applicable law
As noted above, Shareholders rights are governed principally by
the Articles and the Companies Act. By subscribing for Shares,
investors agree to be bound by the Articles which are governed
by, and construed in accordance with, the laws of England and
Recognition and enforcement of foreign judgments
Regulation (EC) 593/2008 (‘‘Rome I’’) must be applied in all
member states of the European Union (other than Denmark).
Accordingly, where a matter comes before the courts of a
relevant member state, the choice of a governing law in any
given agreement is subject to the provisions of Rome I. Under
Rome I, the member state’s court may apply any rule of that
member state’s own law which is mandatory irrespective of the
governing law and may refuse to apply a rule of governing law if
it is manifestly incompatible with the public policy of that member
state. Further, where all other elements relevant to the situation
at the time of the choice are located in a country other than the
country whose law has been chosen, the choice of the parties
shall not prejudice the application of provisions of the law of that
other country which cannot be derogated from by agreement.
Shareholders should note that there are a number of legal
instruments providing for the recognition and enforcement of
foreign judgments in England. Depending on the nature and
jurisdiction of the original judgment, Council Regulation (EC) No
44/2001 on jurisdiction and the recognition and enforcement of
judgments in civil and commercial matters, Regulation (EC) No
805/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council of
21 April 2004 creating a European Enforcement Order for
uncontested claims, the Convention on jurisdiction and the
recognition and enforcement of judgments in civil and
commercial matters done at Lugano on 30 October 2007, the
Administration of Justice Act 1920 and the Foreign Judgment
(Reciprocal Enforcement) Act 1933 may apply. There are no
legal instruments providing for the recognition and enforcement
of judgments obtained in jurisdictions outside those covered by
the instruments listed above, although such judgments might be
enforceable at common law.
4 Service Providers
(a) The Investment Manager’s
Pursuant to the Investment Management Agreement, the
Company has appointed the Investment Manager, M&G
Alternatives Investment Management Limited, to act as the
Company’s AIFM for the purposes of the AIFM Directive and
accordingly the Investment Manager is responsible for providing
discretionary portfolio management and risk management
services to the Company.
Further details of the Investment Management Agreement are
set out in Part 8 of this document.
(b) Depositary duties The Depositary, State Street Trustees Limited, has been
appointed as depositary to provide depositary services to the
Company, which will include safekeeping of the assets of the
Company. The Depositary is permitted to delegate (and
authorise its delegates to sub-delegate) the safekeeping of the
assets of the Company.
(c) Auditors and other service
providers’ duties
Under the terms of the Administration Agreement, the
Administrator, State Street Bank and Trust Company, shall
provide the day-to-day administration of the Company and is
also responsible for the Company’s general administrative
functions, such as the calculation and publication of the Net
Asset Value and maintenance of the Company’s accounting and
statutory records.
Company Secretary
The Company Secretary, Link Company Matters Limited, has
been appointed as the company secretary of the Company to
provide the company secretarial functions required by the
Companies Act.
The Auditor, Deloitte LLP, provides audit services to the
Company. The auditor’s principal responsibilities are to audit
and express an opinion on the financial statements of the
Company in accordance with applicable law and auditing
standards. The annual report and accounts will be prepared
according to accounting standards laid out under UK GAAP.
The Registrar, Link Asset Services, has been appointed as
registrar in relation to the transfer and settlement of Shares.
(d) Investors’ rights The Company is reliant on the performance of third party service
providers, including the Investment Manager, the Administrator,
the Company Secretary, the Depositary, the Auditors and the
Without prejudice to any potential right of action in tort that a
Shareholder may have to bring a claim against a service
provider, each Shareholder’s contractual relationship in respect
of its investment in Shares is with the Company only.
Accordingly, no Shareholder will have any contractual claim
against any service provider with respect to such service
provider’s default.
In the event that a Shareholder considers that it may have a
claim against a third party service provider in connection with
such Shareholder’s investment in the Company, such
Shareholder should consult its own legal advisers.
The above is without prejudice to any right a Shareholder may
have to bring a claim against an FCA authorised service provider
under section 138D of the Financial Services and Markets Act
2000 (which provides that breach of an FCA rule by such service
provider is actionable by a private person who suffers loss as a
result), or any tortious cause of action. Shareholders who
believe they may have a claim under section 138D of the
Financial Services and Markets Act 2000, or in tort, against any
service provider in connection with their investment in the
Company, should consult their legal adviser.
Shareholders who are ‘‘Eligible Complainants’’ for the purposes
of the FCA ‘‘Dispute Resolutions Complaints’’ rules (natural
persons, micro-enterprises and certain charities or trustees of a
trust) are able to refer any complaints to the Financial
Ombudsman Service (‘‘FOS ’’) (further details of which are
available at Additionally, Shareholders may
be eligible for compensation under the Financial Services
Compensation Scheme (‘‘FSCS’’) if they have claims against an
FCA authorised service provider which is in default. There are
limits on the amount of compensation.
Further information about the FSCS is at To
determine eligibility in relation to either the FOS or the FSCS,
Shareholders should consult the respective websites above and
speak to their legal advisers.
5 Professional liability risks The Investment Manager has effective internal operational risk
management policies and procedures in order to appropriately
identify, measure, manage and monitor operational risks,
including professional liability risks, to which it is or could
reasonably be exposed. These policies and procedures are
subject to regular review and the operational risk management
activities are performed independently as part of the risk
management policy.
The management of operational risk, through the risk and control
self-assessment process, is aimed at identifying risks in existing
processes and improving existing controls to reduce their
likelihood of failure and the impact of losses. All risks and
events are facilitated via the internal risk management system,
which provides a platform to facilitate the convergence of
governance, risk and compliance.
The Investment Manager is required to cover professional
liability risks, such as the risk of loss of documents evidencing
title of assets to the Company, and complies with such
requirement by maintaining an amount of its own funds in
accordance with the AIFM Directive.
6 Delegated Management Functions The Investment Manager has not delegated any of its functions.
The Company has appointed the Administrator and the
Company Secretary to perform certain administrative functions
covering accounting, administration and company secretarial
The Depositary has delegated safekeeping duties as set out in
the AIFM Directive and the FCA Handbook to the Custodian,
State Street Bank and Trust Company, with registered office at
Copley Place 100, Huntington Avenue, Boston, Massachusetts
02116, USA, with an office at 20 Churchill Place, Canary Wharf,
London E14 5HJ, UK, whom it has appointed as global sub-
7 Valuation Procedure A description of the Company’s valuation procedures is outlined
in paragraph 5 of Part 1 of this document.
8 Liquidity Risk Management The Company is a closed-end listed investment company and,
as such, Shareholders in the Company have no right to redeem
their Shares.
Liquidity risk is therefore the risk that a position held by the
Company cannot be realised at a reasonable value sufficiently
quickly to meet the obligations (primarily, debt) of the Company
as they fall due.
In managing the Company’s assets therefore the Investment
Manager seeks to ensure that the Company holds at all times
sufficient assets to enable it to discharge its payment
9 Charges and Expenses The costs and expenses of, and incidental to, the formation of
the Company and the Initial Issue are not expected to exceed
approximately £3 million, equivalent to 1.2% of the Initial Gross
Proceeds, assuming Initial Gross Proceeds of £250 million. The
costs will be deducted from the Initial Gross Proceeds. It is
expected that the starting Net Asset Value per Ordinary Share
will be 98.8 pence, assuming Initial Gross Proceeds of £250
All expenses incurred by any Intermediary are for its own
account. Investors should confirm separately with any
Intermediary whether there are any commissions, fees or
expenses that will be applied by such Intermediary in
connection with any application made through that
Intermediary pursuant to the Intermediaries Offer.
The costs and expenses of issuing Ordinary Shares pursuant to
any Subsequent Placing will be covered by issuing such
Ordinary Shares at the prevailing published Net Asset Value
per Ordinary Share at the time of issue together with a premium
to at least cover the costs and expenses of the relevant
Subsequent Placing of Ordinary Shares (including, without
limitation, any placing commissions).
The costs and expenses of any issue of C Shares under the
Placing Programme will be paid out of the gross proceeds of
such issue and will be borne by holders of those C Shares only.
The fees and expenses payable to the Investment Manager are
described in paragraph 2.2 of Part 4 of this document.
Ongoing fees, charges and expenses following Initial Admission
are outlined in paragraph 4.3 of Part 4 of this document.
10 Fair Treatment The Directors of the Company have certain statutory duties with
which they must comply. These include a duty upon each
Director to act in the way he/she considers, in good faith, would
be most likely to promote the success of the Company for the
benefit of its Shareholders as a whole. As a company listed on
the UKLA’s Official List, the Company is required under the
Premium Listing Principles to treat all Shareholders of a given
class equally.
The Investment Manager maintains a conflicts of interest policy
to avoid and manage any conflicts of interest that may arise
between the Investment Manager (and its affiliates) and the
The Shares of the same class rank pari passu with each other.
11 Preferential Rights No investor has a right to obtain preferential treatment in relation
to their investment in the Company. However, the Investment
Manager may enter into arrangements with certain investors to
rebate part of the management fee attributable to those
investors’ Ordinary Shares or C Shares, in each case without
the prior approval of, or disclosure of the detail of those terms to,
Shareholders. The types of investors who may benefit are
investors making significant or strategic investments in the
Ordinary Shares or C Shares.
12 Issue and Sale of Shares The terms and conditions under which investors can subscribe
for Ordinary Shares under the Initial Placing and Shares under
Subsequent Placings are set out in Part 11 of this document.
The terms and conditions and application form to subscribe for
Ordinary Shares under the Offer for Subscription are set out in
Part 12 and the Appendix of this document.
Intermediaries are required to provide the terms and conditions
of the Intermediaries Offer to any prospective investor who has
expressed an interest in participating in the Intermediaries Offer
to such Intermediary.
13 Latest Net Asset Value of the
Company or the latest market price
of the shares of the Company,
in accordance with Article 19
of the AIFM Directive
The Company has not yet published a Net Asset Value in
accordance with Article 19 of the AIFM Directive.
When published, Net Asset Value announcements can be found
on both the Company’s website:
creditincomeinvestmenttrust and the London Stock Exchange’s
14 Latest annual report, in line with
Article 22 of the AIFM Directive;
The Company has not yet published an annual report in line with
Article 22 of the AIFM Directive.
When published, annual reports can be found on the Company’s
15 Where available, the historical
performance of the Company;
The Company has not yet published any annual or interim
financial statements.
When published, annual and interim financial statements can be
found on the Company’s website:
16 Prime Brokerage The Company does not intend to use prime brokers.
17 A description of how and when the
information required under
paragraphs 4 and 5 of Article 23
of the AIFM Directive will be
In order to meet the requirements of paragraphs 4 and 5 of
Article 23 of the AIFM Directive, the Company intends to
disclose annually in the Company’s annual report (or in such
manner as the Investment Manager and the Board consider
(1) the percentage of the Company’s assets that are subject to
special arrangements arising from their illiquid nature if
(2) any new arrangements for managing the liquidity of the
Company; and
(3) the current risk profile of the Company and the risk
management systems employed by the Investment
Manager to manage those risks.
Information will also be provided to investors regarding any
changes to:
(1) the maximum level of leverage that the Investment
Manager may employ on behalf of the Company;
(2) any right of reuse of collateral or any guarantee granted
under the leveraging arrangement; and
(3) the total amount of leverage employed by the Company.
The following definitions apply throughout this document unless the co ntext requires otherwise:
Administration Agreement the administration agreement between the Company and the
Administrator, a summary of which is set out in paragraph 6.3 of
Part 8 of this document
Administrator State Street Bank and Trust Company
Admission admission of any Shares pursuant to the Initial Issue or any
Subsequent Placing (as the context may require): (i) to the
premium segment of the Official List; and (ii) to trading on the
premium segment of the London Stock Exchange’s main market,
becoming effective in accordance with the Listing Rules and the
admission and disclosure standards of the London Stock
AIC the Association of Investment Companies
AIC Code the AIC Code of Corporate Governance published by the AIC
from time to time
AIC Guide the Guide to Investment Companies published by the AIC from
time to time
AIF an alternative investment fund
AIFM an alternative investment fund manager within the meaning of the
AIFM Directive
AIFM Directive Directive 2011/61/EU of the European Parliament and of the
Council on Alternative Investment Fund Managers, as amended
from time to time
AIFM Regulations the Alternative Investment Fund Managers Regulations 2013 of
the United Kingdom (SI 2013/1773), as amended from time to
AIFM Rules the AIFM Directiv e and all applicable rules and regulations
implementing the AIFM Directive in the UK, including, without
limitation, the AIFM Regulations and all relevant provisions of the
FCA Handbook
Application Form the application form attached to this document for use in
connection with the Offer for Subscription
Articles the articles of association of the Company
Audit Committee the audit committee of the Board
Auditor Deloitte LLP
Benefit Plan Investor (i) an employee benefit plan that is subject to the fiduciary
responsibility or prohibited transaction provisions of Title I of
ERISA (including, as applicable, assets of an insuran ce company
general account) or a plan that is subject to the prohibited
transaction provisions of section 4975 of the U.S. Tax Code
(including an individual retirement account), (ii) an entity whose
underlying assets include ‘‘plan assets’’ by reason of a Plan’s
investment in the entity, or (iii) any ‘‘benefit plan investor’’ as
otherwise defined in section 3(42) of ERISA or regulations
promulgated by the U.S. Departm ent of Labor
Board the board of Directors of the Company or any duly constituted
committee thereof
Business Day any day which is not a Saturday or Sunday or a bank holiday in
the City of London
C Shares C Shares of £0.10 each in the capital of the Company
Calculation Date has the meaning given in paragraph 4.21 of Part 8 of this
Capital gains tax or CGT UK taxation of capital gains or corporation tax on chargeable
gains, as the context may require
certificated or in certificated
not in uncertificated form
City Code the City Code on Takeovers and Mergers, as amended from time
to time
Companies Act the Companies Act 2006 and any statutory modification or re-
enactment thereof for the time being in force
Company M&G Credit Income Investment Trust plc
Company Secretarial
the company secretarial agreement betw een the Company and
Link Asset Services, a summary of which is set out in paragraph
6.5 of Part 8 of this document
Company Secretary Link Company Matters Limited
Conversion the conversion of C Shares into Ordinary Shares and Deferred
Shares in accordance with the Articles and as described in
paragraph 4.21 of Part 8 of this document
Conversion Date has the meaning given in paragraph 4.21 of Part 8 of this
Conversion Ratio has the meaning given in paragraph 4.21 of Part 8 of this
CRA Regulations Regulations (EC) No. 1060/2008 on credit rating agencies, as
amended from time to time
CREST the computerised settlement system operated by Euroclear which
facilitates the transfer of title to shares in uncertificated form
CTA 2009 Corporation Tax Act 2009 and any statutory modification or re-
enactment thereof for the time being in force
CTA 2010 Corporation Tax Act 2010 and any statutory modification or re-
enactment thereof for the time being in force
Custodian State Street Bank and Trust Compan y
Debt Instruments debt or debt-like instruments
Depositary State Street Trustees Limited
Depositary Agreement the agreement between the Company, the Investment Manager
and the Depositary, a summary of which is set out in
paragraph 6.4 of Part 8 of this document
Directors the directors from time to time of the Company and ‘‘Director’’ is
to be construed accordingly
Disclosure Guidance and
Transparency Rules
the disclosure guidance published by the Financial Conduct
Authority and the transparency rules made by the Financial
Conduct Authority under section 73A of FSMA, as amended from
time to time
DVP delivery versus payment
EEA European Economic Area
ERISA U.S. Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, as
ESMA the European Securities and Markets Authority
Euro or g the lawful currency of the EU
Euroclear Euroclear UK & Ireland Limited, being the operator of CREST
European Union or EU the European Union first established by the treaty made at
Maastricht on 7 February 1992
FATCA the U.S. Foreign Acc ount Tax Compliance Act of 2010, as
amended from time to time
FCA the Financial Conduct Authority or any successor authority
FCA Handbook the FCA handbook of rules and guidance as amended from time
to time
Federal Reserve Board the board of governors of the Federal Reserve System
Fitch Fitch Ratings Limited and any successor or successors thereto
FSMA the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 and any statutory
modification or re-enactment thereof for the time being in force
G7 Sovereign Instruments a term used to refer to sovereign debt instruments issued by a
nation in the Group of Seven (G7). The G7 nations are Canada,
France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom and the
United States
Gross Assets the aggregate value of the total assets of the Company as
determined in accordance with the accounting principles adopted
by the Company from time-to-time
HMRC Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs
Initial Admission admission of the Ordinary Shares issued pursuant to the Initial
Issue to the premium segment of the Official List and to trading on
the premium segment of the London Stock Exchange’s main
Initial Gross Proceeds the gross proceeds of the Initial Issue
Initial Issue the issue of Ordinary Shares pursuant to the Initial Placing, the
Offer for Subscription and the Intermediaries Offer
Initial Placing the conditional placing of Ordinary Shares by Winterflood
Securities at the Issue Price as describ ed in this document
Intermediaries the entities listed in paragraph 13 of Part 8 of this document,
together with any other intermediary (if any) that is appointed by
the Company in connection with the Intermediaries Offer after the
date of this document and ‘‘Intermediary’’ shall mean any one of
Intermediaries Booklet the booklet entitled ‘‘M&G Credit Income Investment Trust plc:
Intermediaries Offer Information for Intermediaries’’ and
containing, among other things, the Intermediaries Terms and
Intermediaries Offer the offer of Ordinary Shares by the Intermediaries to retail
Intermediaries Terms and
the terms and conditions agreed between Winterflood, the
Company, the Investment Manager and the Intermediaries in
relation to the Intermediaries Offer and contained in the
Intermediaries Booklet
Investment Management
the invest ment management agreement between the Company
and the Investment Manager, a summary of which is set out in
paragraph 6.2 of Part 8 of this document
Investment Manager M&G Alternatives Investment Management Limited
ISA an individual savings account maintained in accordance with the
UK Individual Savings Account Regulations 1998 (as amended
from time to time)
ISIN International Securities Identification Number
Issue Price 100 pence per Ordinary Share
Key Information Docum ent the key information document relating to the Ordinary Shares or
the C Shares as the case may be produced pursuant to the
PRIIPs Regulation, as amended and updated from time to time
LIBOR the Sterling 3 month London Interbank Offered Rate administered
by ICE Benchmark Administration Limited (or any other person
which takes over the administration of that rate)
Link Asset Services a trading name of Link Market Services Limited
Listing Rules the listing rules made by the FCA under section 73A of FSMA, as
amended from time to time
London Stock Exchange London Stock Exchange plc
M&G those business units within Prudential and its affiliates which
render asset management services under the brand ‘‘M&G’’, or
any successor to that brand
M&G Affiliate an entity which is a subsidiary or an affiliate of Prudential and
which forms part of M&G, provi ded that any Shareholder or other
person (i) which (or any beneficial owner of which) is a client of
M&G, (ii) which is an investment vehicle through which any client
of M&G indirectly invests in the Company and that vehicle is
managed or advised by M&G, or (iii) a retirement or pension fund
sponsored or associated with Prudential, will not in any case be
an M&G Affiliate
M&G Entity the Investment Manager or any affiliate of the Investment
Management Engagement
the management engagement committee of the Board
Management Shares redeemable shares of £1.00 each in the capital of the Company
Market Abuse Regulation or
Regulation (EU) No 596/2014 of the European Parlia ment and of
the Council of 16 April 2014 on market abuse, as amended from
time to time
MiFID II Directive 2014/65/EU of the European Parliament and of the
Council of 15 May 2014 on markets in nancial instruments and
amending Directive 2002/92/EC and Directive 2011/61/EU
(‘‘MiFID’’) and Regulation (EU) No 600/2014 of the European
Parliament and the Counci l of 15 May 2014 on markets in
financial instrum ents and amending Regulation (EU) No 648/
2012 (‘‘MiFIR’’, and together with MiFID, ‘‘MiFID II’’), as amended
from time to time
Minimum Gross Proceeds the minimum gross proceeds of the Initial Issue, being £100
Minimum Net Proceeds the Minimum Gross Proceeds less the costs and expenses of the
Initial Issue
Money Laundering Directive the Council Di rective on prevention of the use of the financial
system for the purposes of money laundering or terrorist financing
(EU/2015/849) as amended by the Money Laundering Directive
(EU) 2018/843 of the European Parliament and of the Council of
the Europe Union of 9 July 2018 on the prevention of the use of
the financial system for the purpose of money laundering and
terrorist financing
Money Laundering Regulations the UK Money Laundering, Terrorist Financing and Transfer of
Funds (Information on the Payer) Regulations 2017, as amended
from time to time
Moody’s Moody’s Investors Ser vice Limited and any successor or
successors thereto
Net Asset Value the value, as at any date, of the assets of the Company after
deduction of all liabilities determined in accordance with the
accounting policies adopte d by the Company from time-to-time
Net Asset Value per C Share at any time the Net Asset Value attributable to any tranche of
C Shares divided by the number of C Shares of the relevant
tranche in issue (other than C Shares of the relevant tranche held
in treasury) at the date of calculation
Net Asset Value per Ordinary
at any time the Net Asset Value attributable to the Ordinary
Shares divided by the number of Ordinary Shares in issue (other
than Ordinary Shares held in treasury) at the date of calculation
Net Proceeds the proceeds of the Initial Issue, after deduction of costs and
Nomination Committee the nomination committee of the Board
Offer for Subscription the offer for subscription of Ordinary Shares at the Issue Price on
the terms set out in this document
Official List the official list maintained by the UKLA pursuant to Part VI of
Ordinary Shares ordinary shares of one penny each in the capital of the Company
and ‘‘Ordinary Share’’ sha ll be construed accordingly
Overseas Persons a potential investor who is not resident in, or who is not a citizen
of, the UK
Placee any person who agrees to subscribe for Shares pursuant to the
Initial Placing and/or any Subsequent Placing
Placing and Offer Agreem ent the conditional placing, offer and placing prog ramme agreement
between the Company, the Directors, the Investment Manager
and Winterflood Securities, a summary of which is set out in
paragraph 6.1 of Part 8 of this document
Placing Programme the proposed programme of placing of Shares incorporating any
Subsequent Placings as described in this document
Placing Programme Price the price at which Shares will be issued to Placees pursuant to a
Subsequent Placing under the Placing Program me, as set out in
Part 6 of this document
Plan Asset Regulations the U.S. Department of Labor Regulations, 29 C.F.R. 2510.3-101,
as and to the extent modified by section 3(42) of ERISA
PRIIPs Regulation Regulation EU No.1286/2014 on key information documents for
packaged retail and insurance-based investment products, as
amended from time to time
Prospectus Directive Directive 2003/71/EC (and the amendments thereto and related
regulation, including Directive 2010/73/EU, to the extent
implemented in a Relevant Member State
Prospectus Regulation 2017 Regulation (EU) No. 2017/1129
Prospectus Rules the prospectus rules made by the FCA under section 73A of
FSMA, as amended from time to time
Prudential Prudential PLC
Receiving Agent Link Asset Ser vices, a trading name of Link Market Servic es
Receiving Agent Agreement the receiving agent agreement between the Company and the
Receiving Agent, a summary of which is set out in paragraph 6.7
of Part 8 of this document
Register the register of Shareholders of the Company
Registrar Link Asset Services, a trading name of Link Market Services
Registrar Agreement the registrar agreement between the Company and the Registrar,
a summary of which is set out in paragraph 6.6 of Part 8 of this
Regulation S Regulation S promulgated under the U.S. Securities Act, as
amended from time to time
Regulatory Information Service a service authorised by the UKLA to release regulatory
announcements to the London Stock Exchange
Relevant Member State a member state of the EEA which has implemented the
Prospectus Directive
S&P Standard and Poor’s Rating Services, a division of The McGraw-
Hill Companies, Inc. and any successor or successors thereto
SEDOL the Stock Exchange Daily Official List
Shareholder a holder of Shares
Shares Ordinary Shares and/or C Shares (as the context may require)
Similar Law any U.S. federal, state, local or foreign law that is similar to
section 406 of ERISA or section 4975 of the U.S. Tax Code
SIPP a self-invested personal pension as defined in Regulation 3 of the
Retirement Benefits Schemes (Restriction on Discretion to
Approve) (Permitted Investments) Regulations 2001 of the UK
SSAS a small self-administered scheme as defined in Regulation 2 of
the Retirement Benefits Schemes (Restriction on Discretion to
Approve) (Small Self-Administered Schemes) Regulations 1991
of the UK
Sterling or GBP or £ or pence the lawful currency of the United Kingdom
Subsequent Placing any placing of Shares pursuant to the Placing Programme
described in this document
Target Market Assessment has the meaning defined on page 39 of this document
Terms and Conditions of
the terms and conditions to which subscriptions under the Offer
for Subscription are subject as set out in Part 12 of this document
U.S. Investment Compa ny Act U.S. Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended from time to
U.S. Person any person who is a U.S. person within the meaning of Regulation
S adopted under the U.S. Securities Act
U.S. Securities Act U.S. Securities Act of 1933, as amended from time to time
U.S. Tax Code the US Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended from time to
UCITS undertakings for collective investments in transferable securities
UK Corporate Governance
the UK Corporate Governance Code as published by the
Financial Reporting Council from time-to-time
UK GAAP Generally Accepted Accounting Practice in the UK
UKLA or UK Listing Authority the FCA acting in its capacity as the competent authority for the
purposes of Part VI of FSMA
uncertificated or in
uncertificated form
a Share recorded on the Register as being held in uncertificated
form in CREST and title to which, by virtue of the CREST
Regulations, may be transferred by means of CREST
United Kingdom or UK the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
United States of America,
United States or U.S.
the United States of America, its territories and possessions, any
state of the United States of America and the District of Columbia
USD or U.S.$ the lawful currency of the United States of America
VAT value added tax
Winterflood Securit ies Winterflood Securities Limited
1.1 Each Placee which confirms its agreement (whether orally or in writing) to Winterflood
Securities to subscribe for Shar es under either the Initial Placing or any Subsequent Placing
will be bound by these terms and conditions and will be deemed to have accepted them.
1.2 Winterflood Securities may require any Placee to agree to such further terms and/or
conditions and/or give such addit ional warranties and/or representations as it (in its absolute
discretion) sees fit and may require any such Placee to execute a separate placing letter.
2.1 Conditional on, amongst other things: (i) in respect of the Initial Placing only, Initial Admission
occurring and becoming effective by 8.00 a.m. on or prior to 14 November 2018 (or such
later time and/or date, not being later than 28 February 2019, as specified by Winterflood
Securities); (ii) in respect of a Subsequ ent Placi ng only, Admission of the Shares issued
pursuant to the relevant Subsequent Placing occurring and becoming effective by 8.00 a.m.
on or prior to the date agreed by the Company and Winterflood Securities in respect of that
Subsequent Placing, not being later than 25 September 2019; (iii) in the case of the Initial
Placing, the Minimum Gross Proceeds (or such lesser amount as the Company and
Winterflood Securities may agree) being raised; (iv) the Placing and Offer Agreement
becoming otherwise unconditional in all respects in respect of the Initial Placing or the
relevant Subseq uent Placing, as applicable and, not having been terminated on or before the
date of the Initial Placing or the relevant Subsequent Placing; and (v) Winterflood Securities
confirming to the Placees their allocation of Shares, a Placee agrees to become a
Shareholder of the Company and agrees to subscribe for those Shares allocated to it by
Winterflood Securities at the Issue Price or applicable Placing Programme Price. To the fullest
extent permitted by law, each Placee acknowledges and agrees that it will not be entitled to
exercise any remedy of rescission at any time. This does not affect any other rights the
Placee may have.
2.2 Applications under the Initial Placing and any Subsequent Placing must be for a minimum
subscription amount of £1,000.
2.3 Any commitment to acquire Shares under the Initial Placing and/or any Subsequent Placing
agreed orally with Winterflood Securities, as agent for the Company, will constitute an
irrevocable, legally binding commitment upon that person (who at that point will become a
Placee) in favour of the Company and Winterflood Securities, to subscribe for the number of
Shares allocated to it on the terms and subject to the conditions set out in this Part 11 and in
a contract note (the ‘‘Contract Note’’) and in accordance with the Articles. Except with the
consent of Winterflood Securities, such oral commitment will not be capable of variation or
revocation after the time at which it is made.
2.4 Each Placee’s allocation of Shares under the Initial Placing and/or any Subsequent Placing
will be evidenced by a Contract Not e confirming: (i) the number of Shares that such Placee
has agreed to acquire; (ii) the aggregate amount that such Placee will be required to pay for
such Shares; and (ii) settlement instructions to pay Winterflood Securities, as agent for the
Company. The provisions as set out in this Part 11 will be deemed to be incorporated into
that Contract Note.
2.5 If the Minimum Gross Proceeds (or such lesser amount as the Company and Winterflood
Securities may agree) are not raised, the Initial Placing will lapse and all proceeds will be
returned to Placees without interest and at the Placee’s risk.
3.1 Each Placee undertakes to pay the Issue Price or Placing Programme Price (as applicable)
for the Shares issued to the Placee in the manner and by the time directed by Winterflood
Securities. In the event of any failure by any Placee to pay as so directed and/or by the time
required by Winterflood Securities, the relevant Placee’s application for Shares may, at the
discretion of Winterflood Securities, either be accepted or rejected and, in the former case,
paragraph 3.2 below shall apply.
3.2 Each Placee is deemed to agree that if it does not comply with its obligation to pay the
relevant Issue Price or Placing Programme Price for the Shares allocated to it in accordance
with paragraph 3.1 of these terms and conditions and Winterflood Securities elects to accept
that Placee’s application, Winterflood Securities may sell all or any of the Shares allocated to
the Placee on such Placee’s behalf and retain from the proceeds an amount equal to the
aggregate amount owed by the Placee plus any interest due. The Placee will, however,
remain liable for any shortfall below the aggregate amount owed by such Placee and it may
be required to bear any tax or other charges (together with any interest or penalties) which
may arise upon the sale of such Shares on such Placee’s behalf.
3.3 Settlement of transactions in the Shares following Initial Admission will take place in CREST
but Winterflood Securities reserves the right in its absolut e discretion to require settlement in
certificated form if, in its opinion, delivery or settlement is not possible or practicable within
the CREST system within the timescales previously notified to the Placee (whether orally, in
the Contract Not e or otherwise) or would not be consistent with the regulatory requirements in
any Placee’s jurisdiction.
By agreeing to subscribe for Shares under either the Initial Placing or a Subsequent Placing,
each Placee which enters into a commitment to subscribe for Shares will (for itself and for
any person(s) procured by it to subscribe for Shares and any nominee(s) for any such
person(s)) be deemed to undertake, represent and warrant to each of the Company,
Winterflood Securities, the Investment Manager and the Registrar that :
4.1 in agreeing to subscribe for Shares under the Initial Placing or a Subsequent Placing, it is
relying solely on this document and any supplementary prospectus issued by the Com pany
and not on any other inform ation given, or representation or statement made at any time by
any person concerning the Company, the Shares, the Initial Placing or any Subsequent
Placing, including without limitation, the Key Informa tion Document(s). It agrees that none of
the Company, Winterflood Securities, the Investment Manager or the Registrar, nor any of
their respective officers, agents, employees or affiliates, will have any liability for any other
information or representation. It irrevocably and unconditionally waives any rights it may have
in respect of any other information or representation;
4.2 if the laws of any territory or jurisdiction outside the United Kingdom are applicable to its
agreement to subscribe for Shares under the Initial Placing or a Subsequent Placing, it
warrants that it has complied with all such laws, obtained all governmental and other
consents which may be required, complied with all requisite formalities and paid any issue,
transfer or other taxes due in connection with its application in any territory and that it has
not taken any action or omitted to take any action which will result in the Company,
Winterflood Securities, the Investment Manager or the Registra r or any of their respective
officers, agents, employees or affiliates acting in breach of the regulatory or legal
requirements, directly or indirectly, of any territory or jurisdiction outside the United Kingdom
in connection with the Initial Placing and/or any Subsequent Placing;
4.3 it has carefully read and understands this document in its entirety and acknowledges that it is
acquiring Shares on the terms and subject to the conditions set out in this Part 11 and in the
Contract Note and the Articles as in force at the date of Initial Admission or the Subsequent
Placing (as applicable);
4.4 the price payable per Share is payable to Winterflood Securities on behalf of the Company in
accordance with the terms of these terms and conditions and in the Contract Note;
4.5 it has the funds available to pay for in full the Shares for which it has agreed to subscribe
and it will pay the total subscription amount in accordance with the terms set out in these
terms and conditions and as set out in the Contract Note on the due time and date;
4.6 it has not relied on Winterflood Securities or any person affiliated with Winterflood Securities
in connection with any investigation of the accuracy of any information contained in this
4.7 it acknowledges that the content of this document is exclusively the responsibility of the
Company, the Directors and the Investment Manager and neither Winterflood Securities nor
any person acting on its behalf nor any of its affiliates are responsible for or shall have any
liability for any information, representation or statement contained in this document or any
information published by or on behalf of the Compa ny and will not be liable for any decision
by a Placee to participate in the Initial Placing or any Subsequent Placing based on any
information, representation or statement contained in this documen t or otherwise;
4.8 it acknowledges that no person is authorised in connection with the Initial Placing or any
Subsequent Placi ng to give any information or make any representation other than as
contained in this document and, if given or made, any information or representation must not
be relied upon as having been authorised by Winterflood Securities, the Company or the
Investment Manager;
4.9 it is not applying as, nor is it applying as nomi nee or agent for, a person who is or may be
liable to notify and account for tax under the Stamp Duty Reserve Tax Regulations 1986 at
any of the increased rates referred to in section 67, 70, 93 or 96 (dep ository receipts and
clearance services) of the Finance Act 1986;
4.10 it accepts that none of the Shares have been or will be registered under the securities laws,
or with any securities regulatory authority of, the United States, any member state of the EEA
other than the United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, the Republic of South Africa or Japan
(each a ‘‘Restricted Jurisdiction’’). Accordingly, the Shares may not be offered, sold, issued
or delive red, directly or indirectly, within any Restricted Jurisdiction unless an exemption from
any registration requirement is available;
4.11 if it is within the United Kingdom, it is (a) a person who falls within (i) Articles 49(2)(A) to (D)
or (ii) Article 19(5) of the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (Financial Promotions)
Order 2005 (the ‘‘Order’’) or is a person to whom the Shares may otherwise lawfully be
offered under such Order, or, if it is receiving the offer in circumstances under which the laws
or regulations of a jurisdicti on other than the United Kingdom would apply, that it is a person
to whom the Shares may be lawfully offered under that other jurisdiction’s laws and
regulations and (b) a qualified invest or (as such term is defined in section 86(7) of FSMA);
4.12 if it is a resident in the EEA (other than the United Kingdom), it is (a) a qualified investor
within the meaning of the law in the Relevant Member State implementing Article 2(1)(i), (ii)
or (iii) of the Prospectus Directive and (b) if the Relevant Member State has implemented the
AIFMD, that it is a person to whom the Shares may lawfully be marketed to under the
applicable implementing legislation (if any) of the Relevant Member State;
4.13 in the case of any Shares acquired by an investor as a fin ancial intermediary as that term is
used in Article 3(2) of the Prospectus Directive, (i) the Shares acquired by it in the Initial
Placing and/or Subsequent Placings have not been acquired on behalf of, nor have they been
acquired with a view to their offer or resale to, persons in any Relevant Member State other
than qualified investors, as that term is defined in the Prospectus Directive, or in
circumstances in which the prior consent of Winterflood Securities has been given to the offer
or resale; or (ii) where Shares have been acquired by it on behalf of persons in any Rel evant
Member State other than qualified investors, the offer of those Shares to it is not treated
under the Prospectus Directive as having been made to such persons;
4.14 if it is outside the United Kingdom, neither this document nor any other offering, marketing or
other material in connection with the Initial Placing or any Subsequent Placing (for the
purposes of this Part 11, each a ‘‘Placing Document’’) co nstitutes an invitation, offer or
promotion to, or arrangement with, it or any person whom it is procuring to subscribe for
Shares pursuant to the Initial Placing or any Subsequent Placin g unless, in the relevant
territory, such offer, invitation or other course of conduct could lawfully be made to it or such
person and such documents or materials could lawfully be provided to it or such person and
Shares could lawfully be distributed to and subscribed and held by it or such person without
compliance with any unfulfille d approval, registration or other regulatory or legal requirements;
4.15 it does not have a registered address in, and is not a citizen, resident or national of a
Restricted Jurisdiction or any jurisdiction in which it is unlawful to make or accept an offer of
the Shares and it is not acting on a non-discretionary basis for any such person;
4.16 if the investor is a natural person, such investor is not under the age of majority (18 years of
age in the United Kingdom) on the date of such investor’s agreement to subscribe for Shares
under the Initial Placing or relevan t Subsequent Placing;
4.17 it has only communicated or caused to be communicated and will only communicate or cause
to be communicated any invitation or inducement to engage in investment activity (within the
meaning of section 21 of FSMA) relating to the Shares in circumstances in which section
21(1) of FSMA does not require approval of the communication by an authorised person and
acknowledges and agrees that no Placing Document is being issued by Winterflood Securities
in its capacity as an authorised person under section 21 of FSMA and s uch documents may
not therefore be subject to the contro ls which would apply if they were made or approved a
financial promotion by an authori sed person;
4.18 it is aware of and acknowledges that it is required to comply with all applicable provisions of
FSMA with respect to anything done by it in relation to the Shares in, from or otherwise
involving, the United Kingdom;
4.19 it is aware of the provisions of the Criminal Justice Act 1993 regarding insider dealing and the
Proceeds of Crime Act 2002 and confirms that it has and will continue to comply with any
obligations imposed by such statu tes;
4.20 unless it is otherwise expressly agreed with the Company and Winterflood Secur ities in the
terms of any particu lar placing, it has not, directly or indirectly, distributed, forwarded,
transferred or otherwise transmitted this document or any other Placing Document to any
persons within the United States or to any U.S. Persons, nor will it do any of the foregoing;
4.21 it represents, acknowledges and agrees to the representations, warranties and agreements as
set out under the heading ‘‘United States Purchase and Transfer Restrictions’’ in paragraph 5
4.22 no action has been taken or will be taken in any jurisdiction other than the United Kingdom
that would permit a public offering of the Shares or possession of the Prospectus (and any
supplementary prospectus issued by the Company), in any country or jurisdiction where action
for that purpose is required;
4.23 it acknowledges that neither Winterflood Securities nor any of its respective affiliates nor any
person acting on its or thei r behalf is making any recommendations to it, advising it regarding
the suita bility of any transactions it may enter into in connectio n with the Initial Placing or any
Subsequent Placing or providing any advice in relation to the Initial Placing or any
Subsequent Placing and participation in the Initial Placing or any relevant Subsequent Placin g
is on the basis that it is not and will not be a client of Winterflood Securities and that
Winterflood Securities does not have any duties or responsibilities to it for providing protection
afforded to their respective clients or for providing advice in relation to the Initial Placing or
any Subsequent Placing (as applicable);
4.24 that, save in the event of fraud on the part of Winterflood Securities, none of Winterflood
Securities, its ultimate holding companies nor any direct or indirect subsidiary undertakings of
such holding companies, nor any of their respective directors, members, partners, officers and
employees, shall be responsible or liable to a Placee or any of its clients for any matter
arising out of Winterflood Securities’ role as sponsor, financial adviser and bookrunner or
otherwise in connection with the Initial Placing or any Subsequent Placing and that where any
such responsibility or liability nevertheless arises as a matter of law the Placee and, if
relevant, its clients, will immediately waive any claim against any of such persons which the
Placee or any of its clients may have in respect thereof;
4.25 it acknowledges that where it is subscribing for Shares for one or more managed,
discretionary or advisory accounts, it is authorised in writing for each such account: (i) to
subscribe for the Shares for each such account; (ii) to make on each such account’s behalf
the represent ations, warranties and agreements set out in this document; and (iii) to receive
on behalf of each such account any documentation relating to the Initial Placing or relevant
Subsequent Placing (as applicable) in the form provided by the Company and/or Winterflood
Securities. It agrees that the provision of this paragraph shall survive any resale of the
Shares by or on behalf of any such account;
4.26 it irrevocably appoints any Director and any director of Winterflood Securities to be its agent
and on its behalf (without any obligation or duty to do so), to sign, execute and deliver any
documents and do all acts, matters and things as may be necessary for, or incidental to, its
subscription for all or any of the Shares for which it has given a commitment under the Initial
Placing or any Subsequent Placing (as applicable), in the event of its own failure to do so;
4.27 it accepts that if the Initial Placing or relevant Subsequent Placing does not proceed or the
relevant conditions to the Placing and Offer Agreement are not satisfied as regards the
relevant placing or the Shares for whi ch valid applications are received and accepted are not
admitted to trading on the London Stock Exchange’s main market for any reason whatsoever,
then none of Winterflood Securities or the Company or the Investment Manager, nor persons
controlling, controlled by or under common control with any of them nor any of their
respective employees, agents, officers, members, stockhol ders, partners or representatives,
shall have any liability whatsoever to it or any other person;
4.28 in connection with its participation in the Initial Placing or relevant Subsequent Placing (as
applicable) it has observed all relevant legislation and regulations, in particular (but without
limitation) those relating to money laundering and that its application is only made on the
basis that it accepts full responsibility for any requirement to verify the identity of its clients
and other persons in respect of whom it has applied. In addition, it warrants that it is a
person: (i) subject to the Money Laundering Regulations; or (ii) subject to the Money
Laundering Directive on the prevention of the use of the financial system for the purpose of
money laundering and terrorist financing); or (iii) acting in the course of a business in relation
to which an overseas regulatory authority exercises regulatory functions and is based or
incorporated in, or formed under the law of, a country in which there are in force provisions at
least equivalent to those required by the Money Laundering Directive;
4.29 it acknowledges that due to anti-money laundering requirements, Winterflood Securities, the
Administrator, the Registrar and the Company may require proof of identity and verification of
the source of the payment before the application can be processed and that, in the event of
delay or failure by the applicant to produce any information required for verification purposes,
Winterflood Secur ities and the Company may refuse to accept the application and the
subscription monies relating thereto. It holds harmless and will indemnify Winterflood
Securities and the Company against any liability, loss or cost ensuing due to the failure to
process such application, if such information as has been requested has not been provided
by it in a timely manner;
4.30 that it is aware of, has complied with and will at all times comply with its obligations in
connection with money laundering under the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002;
4.31 if it is acting as a ‘‘distributor’’ (for the purposes of MiFID II Product Gover nance
4.31.1 it acknowledges that the Target Market Assessment undertaken by the Investment
Manager and Winterflood Securities does not constitute: (a) an assessment of
suitability or appropriateness for the purposes of MiFID II; or (b) a recommendation
to any investor or group of investors to invest in, or purchase, or take any other
action whatsoever with respect to the Shares and each distributor is responsible for
undertaking its own target market assessment in respect of the Shares and
determining appropriate distribution channels;
4.31.2 notwithstanding any Target Market Assessment undertaken by the Investment
Manager and Winterflood Securities, it confirms that, other than where it is a
providing an execution-only service to investors, it has satisfied itself as to the
appropriate knowledge, experience, financial situation, risk tolerance and objectives
and needs of the investors to whom it plans to distribute the Shares and that is
has considered the compatibility of the risk/reward profile of such Shares with the
end target market; and
4.31.3 it acknowledges that the price of the Shares may decline and investors could lose
all or part of thei r investment; the Shares offer no guaranteed income and no
capital protection; and an investment in the Shares is compatible only with
investors who do not need a guaranteed incom e or capital protection, who (either
alone or in conjunction with an appropriate financial or other adviser) are capable
of evaluating the merits and risks of such an investment and who have sufficient
resources to be able to bear any losses that may result therefrom;
4.32 Winterflood Securities and the Company are entitled to exercise any of their rights under the
Placing and Offer Agreement or any other right in their absolute discretion without any liability
whatsoever to it;
4.33 the representations, undertakings and warranties contained in this document are irrevocable. It
acknowledges that Winterflood Securities and the Company and their respective affiliates will
rely upon the truth and ac curacy of the foregoing representations and warranties and it
agrees that if any of the representations or warranties made or deemed to have been made
by its subscription of Shares are no longer accurate, it shall promptly notify Winterflood
Securities and the Company;
4.34 where it or any person acting on behalf of it is dealing with Winterflood Securiti es, any money
held in an account with Winterflood Securities on behalf of it and/or any person acting on
behalf of it will not be treated as client money within the meaning of the relevant rules and
regulations of the FCA which therefore will not require Winterflood Securities to segregate
such money, as that money will be held by Winterflood Securities under a banking
relationship and not as trustee;
4.35 any of its clients, whether or not identified to Winterflood Securities, will remain its sole
responsibility and will not become clients of Winterflood Securities for the purposes of the
rules of the FCA or for the purposes of any other statutory or regulatory provision;
4.36 it accepts that the allocation of Shares shall be determined by Winterflood Securities, in its
absolute discretion (following consultation with the Company and the Investment Manager)
and that it may scale down any Initial Placing or Subsequent Placing commitments for this
purpose on such basis as it may determine;
4.37 time shall be of the essence as regards its obligations to settle payment for the Shares and
to comply with its other obligations under the Initial Placing or relevant Subsequ ent Placing
(as applicable);
4.38 it authorises Winterflood Securities to deduct from the total amount subscribed under the
Initial Placing or relevant Subsequent Placing (as applicable) the aggregation commission (if
any) payable on the number of Shares all ocated under the Initial Placing or relevant
Subsequent Placing;
4.39 in the event that a supplementary prospectus is required to be produced pursuant to section
87G FSMA and in the event that it chooses to exercise any right of withdrawal pursuant to
section 87(Q)(4) FSMA, such Placee will immediately re-subscribe for the Shares previously
comprising its placing commitment;
4.40 the commitment to subscribe for Shares on the terms set out in these terms and conditions
will continue notwithstanding any amendment that may in the future be made to the terms of
the Initial Placing or to any Subsequent Placing and that it will have no right to be consulted
or require that its consent be obtained with respect to the Company’s conduct of the Initial
Placing and/or any Subsequent Placing; and
4.41 it is capable of being categorised as a person who is a ‘‘professional client’’ or an ‘‘eligible
counterparty’’ within the meaning of Chapter 3 of the FCA’s Conduct of Business Sourcebook.
Unless it is otherwise expressly agreed with the Company and Winterflood Securities in the
terms of any particular placing, by participating in the Initial Placing and/or a Subsequent
Placing, each Placee acknowledges and agrees that it will (for itself and any person(s)
procured by it to subscribe for Shares and any nominee(s) for any such person(s)) be further
deemed to represent and warrant to each of the Company, Winterflood Securities, the
Investment Manager and the Regi strar that:
5.1 it is not a U.S. Person, is not located within the United States, is acquiring the Shares in an
offshore transaction meeting the requirements of Regulation S and is not acquiring the Shares
for the account or benefit of a U.S. Person;
5.2 it acknowledges that the Shares have not been and will not be registered under the U.S.
Securities Act or with any securities regulatory authority of any state or other jurisdiction of
the United States and, subject to certain exceptions, may not be offered or sold in the United
States or to, or for the account or benefit of, U.S. Persons absent registration or an
exemption from registration under the U.S. Securities Act;
5.3 it acknowledges that the Company has not registered under the U.S. Investment Company
Act and that the Company has put in place restrictions for transactions not involving any
public offering in the United States, and to ensure that the Company is not and will not be
required to register under the U.S. Investment Company Act;
5.4 unless the Company expressly consents in writing otherwise, no portion of the assets used to
purchase, and no portion of the assets used to hold, the Shares or any beneficial interest
therein constitutes or will constitute the assets of: (i) an ‘‘employee benefit plan’’ as defined in
Section 3(3) of ERISA that is subject to Part 4 of subtitle B of fiduciary responsibility or
prohibited transaction Title I of ERISA; (ii) a ‘‘plan’’ as defined in Section 4975 of the U.S.
Tax Code, including an individual retirement account, that is subject to Section 4975 of the
U.S. Tax Code; or (iii) an entity whose underlying assets include the assets of any such
‘‘employee benefit plan’’ or ‘‘plans’ by reason of ERISA or the Plan Assets Regulation, or
otherwise (including certain insurance company general accounts) for the purposes of Section
4.6 of ERISA or Section 4975 of the U.S. Tax Code. In addition, if an investor is a
governmental, church, non-U.S. or other employee benefi t plan that is subject to any federal,
state, local or non-U.S. law that is substantially similar to the fiduciary responsibility or
prohibited transaction provisions of Title I of ERISA or Section 4975 of the U.S. Tax Code, its
purchase, holding, and disposition of the Shar es must not constitute or result in a non-exempt
violation of any such substantially similar law;
5.5 that if any Shares offered and sold pursuant to Regulation S are issued in certificated form,
then such certificates evidencing ownership will contain a legend substantially to the following
effect unless otherwise determ ined by the Company in accordance with applicable law:
5.6 if in the future the investor decides to offer, sell, transfer, assign or otherwise dispose of the
Shares, it will do so only in compliance with an exemption from the registration requirements
of the U.S. Securities Act and under circumstances which: (a) will not require the Company to
register under the U.S. Investment Company Act; and (b) will not resul t in the assets of the
Company constituting ‘‘plan assets’’ within the meaning of ERISA or the Plan Assets
5.7 it is purchasing the Shares for its own account or for one or more investment accounts for
which it is acting as a fiduciary or agent, in each case for investment only, and not with a
view to or for sale or other transfer in connection with any distribution of the Shares in any
manner that would violate the U.S. Securities Act, the U.S. Investment Company Act or any
other applicable securities laws;
5.8 it acknowledges that the Company reserves the right to make inquiries of any holder of the
Shares or interests therein at any time as to such person’s status under the U.S. federal
securities laws and to require any such person that has not satisfied the Company that the
holding of Shares by such person will not violate or require registration under the U.S.
securities laws to transfer such Shares or interests in accordance with the Articles;
5.9 it is entitled to acquire the Share s under the laws of all relevant jurisdictions which apply to it,
it has fully observed all such laws and obtained all governmental and other consents which
may be required thereunder and complied with all necessary formalities and it has paid all
issue, transfer or other taxes due in connection with its acceptance in any jurisdiction of the
Shares and that it has not taken any action, or omitted to take any action, which may result
in the Company, Winterflood Securities, the Investment Manager or their respective directors,
officers, agents, employees and advisers being in breach of the laws of any jurisdiction in
connection with its acceptance of participation in the Initial Placing and/or any relevant
Subsequent Placing (as applicable);
5.10 it has received, carefully read and understands this document, and has not, directly or
indirectly, distri buted, forwarded, transferred or otherwise transmitted this document or any
other present ation or offering materials concerning the Shares to or within the United States
or to any U.S. Persons, nor will it do any of the foregoing; and
5.11 if it is acquiring any Shares as a fiduciary or agent for one or more accounts, it has sole
investment discretion with respect to each such account and full power and authority to make
such foregoing representations, warranties, acknowledgements and agreements on behalf of
each such account.
The Company, Winterflood Securities, the Investment Manager and their respective directors,
officers, agents, employees, advisers and others will rely upon the truth and accuracy of the
foregoing representations, warranties, acknowledgments and agreements. If any of the
representations, warranties, acknowledgments or agree ments made by the investor are no
longer accurate or have not been complied with, the investor must immediately notify the
If Winterflood Securities, the Registrar or the Company or any of their agents request any
information about a Placee’s agreement to subscribe for Shares under the Initial Placing and/
or any Subsequent Placing, such Placee must promptly disclose it to them.
Each Placee acknowledges and agrees that:
7.1 in connection with its particip ation in the Initial Placing or Subsequent Placing it has observed
all relevant legislation and regulations, in particular (but without limitation) those relating to
money laundering (‘‘Money Laundering Legislation’’) and that its application is only made
on the basis that it accepts full responsibility for any requirement to verify the identity of its
clients and other persons in respect of whom it has applied. In addition, it warrants that it is a
person: (i) subject to the Money Laundering Regulations in force in the United Kingdom; or (ii)
subject to the Money Laundering Directive; or (iii) acting in the course of a business in
relation to which an overseas regulatory authority exercises regulatory functions and is based
or incorporated in, or formed under the law of, a country in which there are in force
provisions at least equivalent to those required by the Money Laundering Directive;
7.2 due to anti-money laundering requirements, Winterflood Securities and the Company and/or
their agents may require proof of identity and verification of the source of the payment before
the application can be processed and that , in the event of delay or failure by the applicant to
produce any information required for verification purposes, Winterflood Securities, the
Company and/or their agents may refuse to accept the application and the subscription
moneys relating thereto. It holds harmless and will indemnify Winterflood Securities, the
Company and/or their agents against any liability, loss or cost ensuing due to the failure to
process such application, if such information as has been required has not been provided by
it or has not been provided on a timely basis.
8.1 Each Placee acknowledges that it has been informed that, pursuant to the General Data
Protection Regulation 2016/679 (the ‘‘DP Legislation’’) the Company and/or the Registrar will
following Initial Admission, hold personal data (as defined in the DP Legislation) relating to
past and present Shareholders. Personal data will be retained on record for a period
exceeding seven years after it is no longer used (subject to any limitations on retention
periods set out in applicable law). The Registrar will process such personal data at all times
in compliance with DP Legislation and shall only process for the purposes set out in the
Company’s privacy notice (the ‘‘Purposes’’) which is available for consultation on the
Company’s website at (the ‘‘Privacy Notice’’)
which include to:
8.1.1 process its personal data to the extent and in such man ner as is necessary for the
performance of its obligations under its respective service contracts, including as
required by or in connection with the Placee’s holding of Ordinary Shares and/or
C Shares, including processing personal data in connection with credit and anti-money
laundering checks on it;
8.1.2 communicate with it as necessary in con nection with its affairs and generally in
connection with its holding of Ordinar y Shares and/or C Shares;
8.1.3 comply with the legal and regulatory obligations of the Company and/or the Registrar;
8.1.4 process its personal data for the Registrar’s internal administration.
8.2 Where necessary to fulfil the Purposes, the Company will disclose perso nal data to:
8.2.1 third parties located either within, or outside of the EEA, if necessary for the Registrar to
perform its functions, or when it is within its legitimate interests, and in particular in
connection with the holding of Ordinary Shares and/or C Shares; or
8.2.2 its affiliates, the Registrar or the Investment Manager and their respective associates,
some of which may be located outside the EEA.
8.3 Any sharing of personal data between parties will be carried out in compliance with the DP
Legislation and as set out in the Company’s Privacy Notice.
8.4 By becoming registered as a holder of Ordinary Shares and/or C Shares a person becomes a
data subject (as defined under DP Legislation). In providing the Registrar with information, the
Placee hereby represents and warrants to the Company, the Registrar and the Administrator
that: (i) it complies in all material aspects with its data controller obligations under DP
Legislation, and in particular, it has notified any data subject of the Purposes for which
personal data will be used and by which parties it will be used and it has provided a copy of
the Company’s Privacy Not ice; and (ii) where consent is legally competent and/or required
under DP Legislation the Placee has obtained the consent of any data subject to the
Company and Registrar and their respective affiliates and group companies, holding and
using their personal data for the Purposes (including the explicit consent of the data subjects
for the processing of any sensitive personal data for the Purposes).
8.5 Each Placee acknowledges that by submitting personal data to the Registrar (acting for and
on behalf of the Company) where the Placee is a natural person he or she has read and
understood the terms of the Company’s Privacy Notice.
8.6 Each Placee acknowledges that by submitting personal data to the Registrar (acting for and
on behalf of the Comp any) where the Placee is not a natural person it represents and
warrants that:
8.6.1 it has brought the Company’s Privac y Notice to the attention of any underlying data
subjects on whose behalf or account the Placee may act or whose personal data will be
disclosed to the Company as a result of the Placee agreeing to subscribe for Ordinary
Shares and/or C Shares; and
8.6.2 the Placee has complied in all other respects with all applicable data protection
legislation in respect of disclosure and provision of personal data to the Compa ny.
8.7 Where the Placee acts for or on account of an underlying data subject or otherwise discloses
the perso nal data of an underlying data subject, he/she/it shall, in respect of the personal
data it processes in relation to or arising in relation to the Placing:
8.7.1 comply with all applicable data protection legislation;
8.7.2 take appropriate technical and organisationa l measures against unauthorised or unlawful
processing of the personal data and against accidental loss or destruction of, or damage
to the personal data;
8.7.3 if required, agree with the Company and the Registrar, the responsibilities of each such
entity as regards relevant data subjects’ rights and notice requirements; and
8.7.4 it shall immediately on demand, fully indemnify each of the Com pany and the Registrar
and keep them fully and effectively indemnified against all costs, demands, claims,
expenses (including legal costs and disbursements on a full indemnity basis), losses
(including indirect losses and loss of profits, business and reputation), ac tions,
proceedings and liabilities of whatsoever nature arising from or incurred by the Company
and/or the Registrar in connection with any failure by the Placee to comply with the
provisions set out above.
9.1 The rights and remedies of the Company, Winterflood Securities, the Investment Manager and
the Registrar under these terms and conditions are in addition to any rights and remedies
which would otherwise be available to each of them and the exercise or partial exercise of
one will not prevent the exercise of others .
9.2 On application, if a Placee is an individual, that Placee may be asked to disclose in writing or
orally, his nationality. If a Placee is a discretionary fund manager, that Placee may be asked
to disclose in writing or orally the jurisdiction in which its funds are managed or owned. All
documents provided in connection with the Initial Placing and any Subsequent Placings will be
sent at the Placee’s risk. They may be returned by post to such Placee at the address
notified by such Placee.
9.3 Each Placee agrees to be bound by the Articles once the Shares, which the Placee has
agreed to subscribe for pursuant to the Initial Placing and/o r the relevant Subsequent Placi ng,
have been acquired by the Placee. The contract to subscribe for Shares under the Initial
Placing or relevant Subsequent Placing (as applicable) and the appointments and authorities
mentioned in this document and all disputes and claims arising out of or in connection with its
subject matter or formation (including non-contractual disputes or claims) will be governed by,
and construed in accordance with, the laws of England and Wales. For the exclusive benefit
of Winterflood Securities, the Company and the Registrar, each Placee irrevocably submits to
the jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales and waives any objection to proceedings
in any such court on the ground of venue or on the ground that proceedings have been
brought in an inconvenient forum. This does not prevent an action being taken against the
Placee in any other jurisdiction.
9.4 In the case of a joint agreement to subscribe for Shares under the Initial Placing or a
Subsequent Placing, references to a Placee in these terms and conditions are to each of the
Placees who are a party to that joint agreement and their liability is joint and several.
9.5 Winterflood Securities and the Company expressly reserve the right to modify the Initial
Placing and/or any Subsequent Placing (including, without limitation, their timetable and
settlement) at any time before allocations are determined. The Initial Placing and each
Subsequent Placing is subject to the satisfaction of the conditions contained in the Placing
and Of fer Agreement and the Placing and Offer Agreement not having been terminated.
Further details of the terms of the Placing and Offer Agreement are contained in
paragraph 6.1 of Part 8 of this document.
Ordinary Shares are available under the Offer for Subscription at a price of 100 pence per
Ordinary Share.
Applications must be made on the Application Form attached at the end of this document or
otherwise published by the Company.
In addition to completing and returning the Application Form to Link Asset Services, you will
also need to complete and return a Tax Residency Self Certification Form. The ‘‘individual tax
residency self-certificatio n sole holding’’ form can be found at Appendix 2 of this document,
further copies of this form and the relevant form for joint holdings or corporate entity holdings
can be requested from Link Asset Services on 0371 664 0321. Calls are charged at the
standard geographic rate and will vary by provider. Calls outside of the United Kingdom will
be charged at the applicable international rate. The helpline is open between 9.00 a.m. 5.30
p.m., Monday to Friday excluding public holidays in England and Wales. Please note that Link
Asset Services cannot provide any financial, legal or tax advice and calls may be recorded
and monitored for security and training purposes.
It is a condition of any Application under the Offer for Subscription that a completed
version of the relevant form is provided with the Application Form before any
application under the Offer for Subscription can be accepted. Offer for Subscription
Application Forms that are returned without the completed Tax Residency Self-
Certification Form will be referred to the Company after the Offer for Subscription
closes at 1.00 p.m. on 7 November 2018. It will then be the Company’s decision if
these Application Forms can be accepted under the Offer for Subscription.
Applications under the Offer for Subscription must be for Ordinary Shares with a minimum
subscription amount of £1,000. Multiple applications will be accepted.
By completing and delivering an Application Form, you, as the applicant, and, if you sign the
Application Form on behalf of another person or a corporation, that person or corporation:
3.1 offer to subscribe for such number of Ordinary Shares at 100 penc e per Ordinary Share as
may be purchased by the subscription amount specified in Box 1B on your Application Form
(being a minimum of 1,000 Ordinary Shares); or such smaller number for which such
application is accepted, on the terms, and subject to the conditions, set out in this documen t,
including these Terms and Conditions of Application and the Articles;
3.2 agree that, in consideration of the Company agreeing that it will not, prior to the date of Initial
Admission, offer for subscription any Ordinary Shares to any person other than by means of
the procedures referred to in this document, your application may not be revoked (subject to
any legal right to withdraw yo ur application which arises as a result of the publication of a
supplementary prospectus) and that this paragraph shall constitute a collateral contract
between you and the Company which will become binding upon despatch by post to or, in
the case of delivery by hand, on receipt by, the Receiving Agent of your Application Form;
3.3 undertake to pay the subscription amount specified in Box 1B on your Application Form in full
on application and warrant that the remittance accompanying your Application Form will be
honoured on first presentation and agree that if such remittance is not so honoured you will
not be entitled to receive a share cert ificate for the Ordinary Shares applied for in certificated
form or be entitled to commence dealing in Ordinary Shares applied for in uncertificated form
or to enjoy or recei ve any rights in respect of such Ordinary Shares unless and until you
make payment in cleared funds for such Ordinary Shares and such payment is accepted by
the Receiving Agent (w hich acceptance shall be in its absolute discretion and on the basis
that you inde mnify the Receiving Agent, the Company and Winterflood Securities against all
costs, damages, losses, expenses and liabilities arising out of, or in connection with, the
failure of your remittance to be honoured on first presentation) and the Company may
(without prejudice to any other rights it may have) avoid the agreement to allot the Ordinary
Shares and may allot them to some other person, in which case you will not be entitled to
any refund or payment in respect thereof (other than the refund by way of a cheque drawn
on a branch of a UK clearing bank to the bank account name from which they were received
at your risk or direct to the account of the bank or building society on which the relevant
cheque or banker’s draft was drawn, for an amount equal to the proceeds of the remittance
which accompanied your Applic ation Form, without interest);
3.4 agree, that where on your Application Form a request is made for Ordinary Shares to be
deposited into a CREST account (a ‘‘CREST Account’’), (i) the Receiving Agent may in its
absolute discretion amend the Application Form so that such Ordinary Shares may be issued
in certificated form registered in the name(s) of the holder(s) specified in your Application
Form (and recognise that the Receiving Agent will so amend the form if there is any delay in
satisfying the identity of the applicant or the owner of the CREST Account or in receiving
your remittance in cleared funds) and (ii) the Receiving Agent, the Company or Winterflood
Securities may authorise your financial adviser or whoever he or she may direct to send a
document of title for, or credit your CREST Account in respect of, the number of Ordinary
Shares for which your application is accepted, and/or a crossed cheque for any monies
returnable, by post at your risk to your address set out on your Application Form;
3.5 agree, in respect of applications for Ordinary Shares in certificated form (or where the
Receiving Agent exercises its discre tion pursuant to paragraph 3.4 above to issue Ordinary
Shares in certificated form), that any share certificate to which you or, in the case of joint
applicants, any of the persons specified by you in your Application Form may become entitled
or pursuant to paragraph 3.4 above (and any monies returnable to you) may be retained by
the Receiving Agent:
pending clearance of your remittance;
pending investigation of any suspected breach of the warranties contained in paragraphs
7.2, 7.6, 7.13, 7.14 or 7.15 below or any other suspected breach of these Terms and
Conditions of Application; or
pending any verification of identity which is, or which the Receivi ng Agent considers may
be, required for the purpose of the Money Laundering Regulations and any other
regulations applicable thereto,
and any interest accruing on such retained monies shall accrue to and for the benefit of the
3.6 agree, on the request of the Receiving Agent to disclose promptly in writing to them such
information as the Receiving Agent may request in connection with your application and
authorise the Receiving Agent to disclose any information relating to your application which
they may consider appropriate;
3.7 agree that if evidence of identity satisfactory to the Receiving Agent is not provided to the
Receiving Agent within a reason able time (in the opinion of the Receiving Agent) following a
request therefor, the Receiving Agent or the Com pany may terminate the agreement with you
to allot Ordinary Shares and, in such case, the Ordinary Shares which would otherwise have
been allotted to you may be re-allotted or sold to some other party and the lesser of your
application monies or such proceeds of sale (as the case may be, with the proceeds of any
gain derived from a sale accruing to the Company) will be returned by a cheque drawn on a
branch of a UK clearing bank to the bank account name from which they were first recei ved,
at your risk and without interest of any proceeds of the payment accompanying the
application at your risk or direct to the bank account of the bank or building society on which
the relevant cheque or banker’s draft was drawn;
3.8 agree that you are not applying on behalf of a person engaged in money laundering;
3.9 undertake to ensure that, in the case of an application signed by someone else on your
behalf, the original of the relevant power of attorney (or a complete copy certified by a
solicitor or notary) is enclosed with your Application Form together with full identity documents
for the person so signing;
3.10 undertake to pay interest at the rate described in paragraph 4 below if the remittance
accompanying your Application Form is not honoured on first presentation;
3.11 authorise the Receiving Agent to procure that there be sent to you definitive certificates in
respect of the number of Ordinary Shares for which your application is ac cepted or if you
have completed section 2B on your Application Form, but subject to paragraph 3.4 above, to
deliver the number of Ordinary Shares for which your applica tion is accepted into CREST,
and/or to return any monies returnable without payment of interest (at the applicant’s risk)
either as a cheque by first class post to the address completed in Section 4 on the
Application Form or to the agent whose name is completed in Section 6 on your Application
Form or return funds direct to the account of the bank or building society on which the
relevant cheque or banker’s draft was drawn;
3.12 confirm that you have read and complied with paragraph 9 below;
3.13 agree that all subscription cheques and payments will be processed through a bank account
(the ‘‘Acceptance Account’’) in the name of ‘‘ Link Market Services Limited re: M&G
Credit Income Investment Trust plc OFS Acceptance a/c’’ opened by the Receiving
3.14 agree that your Application Form is addressed to the Company and the Receiving Agent;
3.15 agree that your application must be for a whole number of Ordinary Shares and the number
of Ordinary Shares issued to you will be rounded down to the nearest whole number;
3.16 acknowledge that the offer to the public of Ordinary Shares is being made only in the United
Kingdom and represent that you are a United Kingdom resident (unless you are able to
provide such evidence as the Company may, in its absolute discretion, require that you are
entitled to apply for Ordinary Shares); and
3.17 agree that any application may be rejected in whole or in part at the sole discretion of the
The Receiving Agent may, on behalf of the Company, accept your offer to subscribe (if your
application is received, valid (or treated as valid), pro cessed and not rejected) by notifying the
UK Listing Authority via a Regulatory Information Service of the basis of allocation (in which
case the acceptance will be on that basis).
The basis of allocation will be determined by Winterflood Securities in consultation with the
Company and the Investment Manager. The right is reserved notwithstanding the basis as so
determined to reject in whole or in part and/or scale back any appli cation. The right is
reserved to treat as valid any application not complying fully with these Terms and Conditio ns
of Application or not in all respects completed or delivered in accordance with the instructions
accompanying the Application Form. In particular, but without limitation, the Company may
accept an application made otherwise than by completion of an Application Form where you
have agreed with the Company in some other manner to apply in accordance with these
Terms and Conditions of Application.
The Receiving Agent will present all cheques and banker’s drafts for payment on receipt and
will retain documents of title and surplus monies pending clearance of successful applicants’
The Receiving Agent may, as agent of the Company, require you to pay interest or its other
resulting costs (or both) if the payment accompanying your application is not honoured on rst
presentation. If you are required to pay interest you will be obliged to pay the amount
determined by the Receiving Agent to be the interest on the amount of the payment from the
date on which all payments in cleared funds are due to be received until the date of receipt
of cleared funds. The rate of interest will be the then published bank base rate of a clearing
bank selected by the Receiving Agent plus 4% per annum. The right is also reserved to reject
in whole or in part, or to scale down or limit, any application.
Except as provided below, payments may be made by cheque or banker’s draft in pounds
sterling drawn on a branch in the United Kingdo m of a bank or building society that is either
a member of the Cheque and Credit Clearing Company Limited or the CHAPS Clearing
Company Limited or that has arranged for its cheques or bankers’ drafts to be cleare d
through the facilities provided for members of either of those companies. Such cheques or
bankers’ drafts must bear the appropriate sort code in the top right hand corner. Cheques,
which must be drawn on the personal account of an individual Applicant where they have sole
or joint title to the funds, should be made payable to ‘‘Link Market Services Limited re:
M&G Credit Income Investment Trust plc OFS Acceptance a/c’’. Third party cheques
may not be accepted with the exception of building society cheques or bankers’ drafts where
the building society or bank has confirmed the name of the account holder by stamping/
endorsing the cheque or banker’s draft to that effect or have provided a supporting letter
confirming the source of funds. The account name should be the same as that shown on the
Application Form.
For applicants sending subscription monies by electronic bank transfer (CHAPS), payment
must be made for value by no later than 1.00 p.m. on 7 November 2018. Applicants should
send payment to the bank account as detailed on the Application Form. Applicants must
ensure that they remit sufficient funds to cover any charges incurred by their bank.
The payment instruction relating to the electronic transfer must also include a unique
reference comprising your name and a contact telephone number which should be entered in
the reference field on the payment instruction, for example: MJ Smith 01234 567890. The
Receiving Agent cannot take responsibility for correctly identifying payments without a unique
reference nor where a payment has been received but without an accompanying Application
Applicants choosing to settle via CREST, that is DVP, will need to match their instructions to
Link Asset Service’s Participant Account RA06, Member Account 29728MAG by no later than
1.00 p.m. on 14 November 2018, allowing for the delivery and acceptance of the Ordinary
Shares to be made against payment of the Issue Price per Ordinary Shar e, following the
CREST matching criteria set out in the Application Form.
The contracts create d by the acceptance of applications (in whole or in part) under the Offer
for Subscription will be conditional upon:
(a) Initial Admission occurring by 8.00 a.m. (London time) on 14 November 2018 or such
later time or date as the Company and Winterflood Securities may agree (being not later
than 8.00 a.m. on 28 February 2019);
(b) the Placing and Offer Agreement becoming otherwise unconditional (save as to Initial
Admission) and not being terminated in accordance with its terms at any time before
Initial Admission; and
(c) the Minimum Gross Proceeds (or such lesser amount as the Company and Winterflood
Securities may agree) being raised.
You will not be entitled to exercise any remedy of rescission for innocent misrepresentation
(including pre-contractual representations) at any time after acceptance. This does not affect
any other right you may have.
Where application monies have been banked and/or received, if any application is not
accepted in whole, or is accepted in part only, or if any contract created by acceptance does
not become uncond itional, the application monies or, as the case may be, the balance of the
amount paid on application will be returned without interest (at the applicants’ risk) either by
first class pos t as a cheque to the address set out on the Application Form or returned direct
to the acco unt of the bank or building society on which the relevant che que or banker’s draft
was drawn. In the meantime, application monies will be retained by the Receiving Agent in a
separate account.
By completing an Application Form, you:
7.1 undertake and warrant that, if you sign the Application Form on behalf of somebody else or
on behalf of a corporation, you have due authority to do so on behalf of that other person
and that such other person will be bound accordingly and will be deemed also to have given
the confirmations, warranties and undertakings contained in these Terms and Conditions of
Application and undertake to enclose your power of attorney or other authority or a complete
copy thereof duly certified by a solicitor or notary;
7.2 warrant, if the laws of any territory or jurisdiction outside the UK are applicable to your
application, that you have complied with all such laws, obtained all governmental and other
consents which may be required, complied with all requisite formalities and paid any issue,
transfer or other taxes due in connection with your application in any territory and that you
have not taken any action or omitted to take any action which will result in the Company, the
Investment Manager, Winterflood Securities or the Receiving Agent or any of their respective
officers, agents or employees acting in breach of the regulatory or legal requirements, directly
or indirectly, of any territory or jurisdiction outside of the UK in connection with the Offer for
Subscription in respect of your application;
7.3 confirm that (save for advice received from your financial adviser (if any)) in making an
application you are not relying on any information or representations in relation to the
Company other than those contained in this document (on the basis of which alone your
application is made) and accordingly you agree that no person responsible solely or jointly for
this document or any part thereof shall have any liability for any such other information or
7.4 agree that, having had the opportunity to read this document and the Key Information
Document relating to the Ordinary Shares each in its entirety, you shall be deemed to have
had notice of all information and representations contained in this document and the Key
Information Document relating to the Ordinary Shares;
7.5 acknowledge that no person is authorised in connection with the Offer for Subscription to give
any information or make any representation other than as contained in this document and, if
given or made, any information or representation must not be relied upon as having been
authorised by the Company, the Investment Manager, Winterflood Securities or the Receiving
7.6 warrant that you are not under the age of 18 on the date of your application;
7.7 agree that all documents and monies sent by post to, by, from or on behalf of the Company
or the Receiving Agent, will be sent at your risk and, in the case of documents and returned
application cheques and payments to be sent to you, may be sent to you at your address (or,
in the case of joint holders, the address of the first named holder) as set out in your
Application Form;
7.8 confirm that you have reviewed the restri ctions contained in paragraph 9 below and warrant
that you (and any person on whose behalf you apply) comply with the provisions therein;
7.9 agree that, in respect of those Or dinary Shares for which your Application Form has been
received and processed and not rejected, acceptance of your Application Form shall be
constituted by the Company instructing the Registrar to enter your name on the Register;
7.10 agree that all applications, acceptances of applications and contracts resulting therefrom
under the Offer for Subscription shall be gov erned by and construed in accordance with the
laws of England and Wales and that you submit to the jurisdiction of the English Courts and
agree that nothing shall limit the right of the Company to bring any action, suit or proceedings
arising out of or in connection with any such applications, acceptances of applications and
contracts in any other manner permit ted by law or in any court of competent jurisdiction;
7.11 irrevocably authorise the Company, Winterflood Securities or the Receiving Agent or any other
person authorised by any of them, as your agent, to do all things necessary to effect
registration of any Ordinary Shares subscribed by or issued to you into your name and
authorise any representatives of the Company and/or Winterflood Securities and/or the
Receiving Agent to execute any documents required therefor and to enter your name on the
7.12 agree to provid e the Company with any information which it, Winterflood Securities or the
Receiving Agent may request in connection with your application or to comply with any other
relevant legislation (as the same may be amended from time-to-time) including, without
limitation, satisfactory evidence of identity to ensure compliance with the Money Laundering
7.13 warrant that, in connection with your application, you have observed the laws of all requisite
territories, obtained any requisite governmental or other consents, complied with all requisite
formalities and paid any issue, transfer or other taxes due in connection with your application
in any territory and that you have not taken any action which will or may result in the
Company, the Investment Manager, Winterflood Securities or the Receiving Agent acting in
breach of the regulatory or legal requirements of any territory in connection with the Offer for
Subscription or your application;
7.14 represent and warrant to the Company that; (i) you are not a U.S. Person, are not located
within the United States and are not acquiring the Ordinary Shares for the account or benefit
of a U.S. Person; (ii) you are acquiring the Ordinary Shares in an offshore transaction
meeting the requirements of Regulation S; (iii) you understand and acknowledge that the
Ordinary Shares have not been and will not be regis tered under the U.S. Securities Act or
with any securities regulatory authority of any state or other jurisdiction of the United States
and may not be offered, sold, resold, transferred, delivered or distributed, directly or indirectly,
into or within the United States or to, or for the account or benefit of, U.S. Persons; and (iv)
you understand and acknowledge that the Company has not registered and will not register
as an investment company under the U.S. Investment Company Act;
7.15 represent and warrant to the Company that if in the future you decide to offer, sell, transfer,
assign or otherwise dispose of the Ordinary Shares, you will do so only (i) in an offshore
transaction complying with the provisions of Regulation S under the U.S. Securities Act to a
person outside the United States and not known by the transferor to be a U.S. Person, by
pre-arrangement or otherwise, or (ii) to the Company or a subsidiary thereof. You understand
and acknowledge that any sale, transfer, assignment, pledge or other disposal made other
than in compliance with the above stated restrictions will be subject to the compulsory
transfer provisions as provided in the Articles;
7.16 agree that Winterflood Securities and the Receiving Agent are acting for the Company in
connection with the Offer for Subscription and for no-one else and that they will not treat you
as their customer by virtue of such application being accepted or owe you any duties or
responsibilities concerning the price of the Ordinary Shares or concerning the suitability of the
Ordinary Shares for you or be responsible to you for the protections afforded to their
7.17 warrant that you are not subscribing for the Ordinary Shares using a loan which would not
have been given to you or any associate or not given to you on such favourable terms, if you
had not been proposing to subscribe for the Ordinary Shares;
7.18 warrant that the information contained in the Application Form is true and accurate; and
7.19 agree that if you request that Ordinary Shares are issued to you on a date other than Initial
Admission and such Ordinary Shares are not issued on such date that the Company and its
agents and Directors will have no liability to you arising from the issue of such Ordinary
Shares on a different date.
You agree that, in order to ensure compliance with the Money Laundering Regulations, the
Proceeds of Crime Act 2002 and any other applicable regulations, the Receiving Agent may
at its abs olute discretion require verification of identity of you (the ‘‘holder(s)’’) as the
applicant lodging an Application Form and further may request from you and you will assist in
providing identification of:
(a) the owner(s) and/or controller(s) (the ‘‘payor’’) of any bank account not in the name of
the holder(s) on which is drawn a payment by way of banker’s draft or cheque; or
(b) where it appears to the Receiving Agent that a holder or the payor is acting on behalf of
some other person or persons.
Any delay or failure to provide the necessary evidence of identity may result in your
application being rejected or delays in crediting CREST accounts or the despatch of
Without prejudice to the generality of this paragraph 8, verification of the identity of holders
and payors will be required if the value of the Shares applied for, whether in one or more
applications considered to be connected, exceeds e15,000 (or the Sterling equivalent). If you
use a building society cheque or banker’s draft you should ensure that the bank or building
society issuing the payment enters the name, address and accou nt number of the person
whose account is being debited on the reverse of the cheq ue or banker’s draft and adds its
If, in such circumstances, the person whose account is being debited is not a holder you will
be required to provide for both the holder and the payor an original or a copy of that person’s
passport or driving licence certified by a solicitor and an original or certified copy of the
following no more than three months old, a gas, electricity, water or telephone (not mobile)
bill, a recent bank statement or a council tax bill, in their name and showing their current
address (which originals will be returned by post at the addressees’ risk) together with a
signed declaration as to the relationship between the payor and you the holder.
For the purpose of the Money Laundering Regulations a person making an application for
Ordinary Shares will not be considered as forming a business relationship with the Company
or the Receiving Agent but will be considered as effecting a one-off transaction with either the
Company or with the Receiving Agent. Submission of an Application Form with the
appropriate remittance will constitute a warranty to each of the Company and the Receiving
agent from the applicant that the Money Laundering Regulations will not be breached by the
application of such remittance.
The person(s) submitting an application for Ordinary Shares will ordinarily be considered to be
acting as principal in the transaction unless the Receiving Agent determines otherwise,
whereupon you may be required to provi de the necessary evidence of identity of the
underlying beneficial owner(s).
If the amount being subscribed exceeds e15,000 (or the Sterling equivalent) you should
endeavour to have the declaration contained in Section 6 of the Application Form signed by
an appropriate firm as described in that Section. If you cannot have that declaration signed
and the amount being subscribed exceeds e15,000 (or the Sterling equivalent) then you must
provide with the Application Form the identity documentation detailed in Section 6 of the
Application Form for each underlying beneficial owner. If the Application Form is lodged with
payment by a regulated financial services firm (being a person or institution) (the ‘‘Firm’’)
which is located in Austria, Belgium, Canada, Cyprus, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany,
Gibraltar, Guernsey, Hong Kong, Iceland, Irela nd, Isle of Man, Italy, Japan, Jersey,
Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Nor way, Portugal, Singapore, the
Republic of South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, the UK and the United States, the Firm
should pro vide with the Application Form written confirmation that it has that status and a
written assurance that it has obtained and recorded evidence of the identity of the person for
whom it acts and that it will on demand make such evidence available to the Company (or
any of its agents). If the Firm is not such an organisation, it should contact Link Asset
Services. To confirm the acceptability of any written assu rance referred to above, or in any
other case, the Applicant should call Link Asset Services on 0371 664 0321. Calls are
charged at the standard geographic rate and will vary by provider. Calls outside the United
Kingdom will be charged at the applicable international rate. The helpline is open between
9.00 a.m. 5.30 p.m., Monday to Friday excluding public holidays in England and Wales.
Different charges may apply to calls from mobile telephones and calls may be recorded and
randomly monitored for security and training purposes. The helpline cannot give any financial,
legal or tax advice.
The Offer for Subscription is only being made in the United Kingdom. If you receive a copy of
this document or an Application Form in any territory other than the United Kingdom you may
not treat it as constituting an invitation or offer to you, nor should you, in any event, use an
Application Form unless, in the relevant territory, such an invitation or offer could lawfully be
made to you or an Application Form could lawfully be used without contravention of any
registration or other legal requirements. It is your responsibility, if you are outside the UK and
wish to make an application for Ordinary Shares under the Offer for Subscription, to satisfy
yourself as to full observance of the laws of any relevant territory or jurisdiction in connection
with your application, including obtaining any requisite governmental or other consents,
observing any other formalities requiring to be observed in such territory and paying any
issue, transfer or other taxes required to be paid in such territory.
None of the Ordinary Shares have been or will be registered under the laws of any member
state of the EEA (other than the United Kingdom), Canada, Japan, Australia, the Republic of
South Africa or under the U.S. Securities Act or with any securities regulatory authority of any
state or other political subdivision of the United States, any member state of the EEA (other
than the United Kingdom), Canada, Japan, Australia or the Republic of South Africa. If you
subscribe for Ordinary Shares you will, unless the Company and the Receiving Agent agree
otherwise in writing, be deemed to represent and warrant to the Company that you are not a
U.S. Person or a resident of any member state of the EEA (other than the United Kingdom),
Canada, Japan, Australia, the Republic of South Africa or a corporation, partnership or other
entity organised under the laws of any member state of the EEA (other than the United
Kingdom), the U.S. or Canada (or any political subdivision of either) or Japan or Australia or
the Republic of South Africa and that you are not subscribing for such Ord inary Shares for
the account of any U.S. Person or resident of any member state of the EEA (other than the
United Kingdom), Canada, Japan, Australia or the Republic of South Africa and will not offer,
sell, renounce, transfer or deliver, directly or indirect ly, any of the Ordinary Shares in or into
any member state of the EEA (other than the United Kingdom), the United States, Canada,
Japan, Australia or the Republic of South Africa or to any U.S. Person or person resident in
Canada, any member state of the EEA (other than the United Kingdom), Japan, Australia or
the Republic of South Africa. No appli cation will be accepted if it shows the applicant, payor
or a holder having an address other than in the United Kingdom.
10.1 Each applicant acknowledges that it has been informed that, pursuant to the General Data
Protection Regulation 2016/679 (the ‘‘DP Legislation’’) the Company and/or the Registrar will
following Initial Admission, hold personal data (as defined in the DP Legislation) relating to
past and present Shareholders. Personal data will be retained on record for a period
exceeding seven years after it is no longer used (subject to any limitations on retention
periods set out in applicable law). The Registrar will process such personal data at all times
in compliance with DP Legislation and shall only process for the purposes set out in the
Company’s privacy notice (the ‘‘Purposes’’) which is available for consultation on the
Company’s website at (the ‘‘Privacy Notice’’)
which include to:
10.1.1 process its personal data to the extent and in such manner as is necessary for the
performance of its obligations under its respective service contracts, including as
required by or in connection with the applicant’s holding of Ordinary Shares,
including processin g personal data in connection with credit and anti-money
laundering checks on it;
10.1.2 communicate with it as necessary in connection with its affairs and generally in
connection with its holding of Ordinary Shares;
10.1.3 comply with the legal and regulatory obligations of the Company and/or the
Registrar; and
10.1.4 process its personal data for the Registrar’s internal administration.
10.2 Where necessary to fulfil the Purposes, the Company will disclose personal data to:
10.2.1 third parties located either within, or outside of the EEA, if necessary for the
Registrar to perform its functions, or when it is within its legitimate interests, and in
particular in connection with the holding of Ordinary Shares; or
10.2.2 its affiliates, the Registrar or the Investment Manager and their respective
associates, some of which may be located outside the EEA.
10.3 Any sharing of personal data between parties will be carried out in compliance with the DP
Legislation and as set out in the Company’s Privacy Notice.
10.4 By becoming registered as a holder of Ordinary Shares a person becomes a data subject (as
defined under DP Legislation). In providing the Registrar with information, the applicant hereby
represents and warrants to the Company, the Registrar and the Administrator that: (i) it
complies in all material aspects with its data controller obligations under DP Legislation, and
in particular, it has notified any data subject of the Purposes for which personal data will be
used and by which parties it will be used and it has provided a copy of the Company’s
Privacy Notice; and (ii) where consent is legally competent and/or required under DP
Legislation the applicant has obtained the consent of any data subject to the Company and
Registrar and their respective affiliates and group companies, holding and using their personal
data for the Purposes (including the explicit consent of the data subjects for the processing of
any sensitive personal data for the Purposes).
10.5 Each applicant acknowledges that by submitting personal data to the Registrar (acting for and
on behalf of the Company) where the applicant is a natural person he or she has read and
understood the terms of the Company’s Privacy Notice.
10.6 Each applicant acknowledges that by submitting personal data to the Registrar (acting for and
on behalf of the Company) where the applicant is not a natural person it represents and
warrants that:
10.6.1 it has brought the Company’s Privacy Notice to the attention of any underlying data
subjects on whose behalf or account the applicant may act or whose personal data
will be disclosed to the Company as a result of the applican t agreeing to subscribe
for Ordinary Shares; and
10.6.2 the applicant has complied in all other respects with all applicable data protec tion
legislation in respect of disclosure and provision of personal data to the Company.
10.7 Where the applicant acts for or on account of an underlying data subject or otherwise
discloses the personal data of an underlying data subject , he/she/it shall, in respect of the
personal data it processes in relation to or arising in relation to the Offer for Subscription:
10.7.1 comply with all applicable data protection legislation;
10.7.2 take appropriate technical and organisational measures against unauthorised or
unlawful processing of the personal data and against accidental loss or destruction
of, or damage to the personal data;
10.7.3 if required, agree with the Company and the Registrar, the responsibilities of each
such entity as regards relevant data subjects’ rights and notice requirements; and
10.7.4 it shall immediately on demand, fully indemnify each of the Company and the
Registrar and keep them fully and effe ctively indemnified against all costs,
demands, claims, expenses (including legal costs and disbursements on a full
indemnity basis), losses (including indirect losses and loss of profits, business and
reputation), actio ns, proceedings and liabilities of whatsoever nature arising from or
incurred by the Company and/or the Registra r in conne ction with any failure by the
applicant to comply with the pro visions set out above.
11. Miscellaneous
To the extent permitted by law, all rep resentations, warranties and conditions, express or
implied and whether statutory or otherwise (including, without limitation, pre-contractual
representations but excluding any fraudulent representations), are expressly excluded in
relation to the Ordinary Shares and the Offer for Subscription.
The rights and remedies of the Company, the Investment Manager, Winterflood Securities and
the Receiving Agent under these Terms and Conditions of Application are in addition to any
rights and remedies which would otherwise be available to any of them and the exercise or
partial exercise of one will not prevent the exercise of others.
The Company reserves the right to extend the closing time and/or date of the Offer for
Subscription from 1.00 p.m. on 7 November 2018. In that event, the new closing time and/or
date will be notified to applicants.
The Company may terminate the Offer for Subscription in its absolute discretion at any time
prior to Initial Admission. If such right is exercised, the Offer for Subsc ription will lapse and
any monies will be returned as indicated without interest.
You agree that Winterflood Securities and the Receiving Agent are acting for the Company in
connection with the Issue and for no-one else, and that neither Winterflood Securities nor the
Receiving Agent will treat you as its customer by virtue of such application being accepted or
owe you any duties concerning the price of the Ordinary Shares or concerning the suitability
of the Ordinary Shares for you or otherwise in relation to the Initial Issue or for providing the
protections afforded to their customers.
Save where the context requires otherwise, terms used in these Terms and Conditions of
Application bear the same meani ng as where used in the document.
Applications should be returned to the Receiving Agent, Link Asset Services so as to be
received no later than 1.00 p.m. (London time) on 7 November 2018.
In addition to completing and returning the Application Form to Link Asset Services, you will also
need to complete and return a Tax Residency Self Certification Form. The ‘‘individual tax residency
self-certification sole holding’’ form can be found at Appendix 2 of this document, further copies
of this form and the relevant form for joint holdings or corporate entity holdings can be requested
from Link Asset Services on 0371 664 0321. Calls are charged at the standard geographic rate
and will vary by provider. Calls outside of the United Kingdom will be charged at the applicable
international rate. The helpline is open between 9.00 a.m. 5.30 p.m., Monday to Friday excluding
public holidays in England and Wales. Please note that Link Asset Services cannot provide any
financial, legal or tax advice and calls may be recorded and monitored for security and training
It is a condition of any Application under the Offer for Subscription that a completed
version of the relevant form is provided with the Application Form before any application
under the Offer for Subscription can be accepted. Offer for Subscription Application Forms
that are returned without the completed Tax Residency Self-Certification Form will be
referred to the Company after the Offer for Subscription closes at 1.00 p.m. on 7 November
2018. It will then be the Company’s decision if these Application Forms can be accepted
under the Offer for Subscription.
All defined terms referred to in the application form are, unless the context suggests otherwise, as
defined in the Prospectus.
SHAREHOLDER HELPLINE: If you have a query concerning completion of this Application Form
please call Link Asset Services on 0371 664 0321. Calls are charged at the standard geographic
rate and will vary by provid er. Calls outside the United Kingdom will be charged at the applicable
international rate. The helpline is open between 9.00 a.m. 5.30 p.m., Monday to Friday excluding
public holidays in England and Wales. Please note that Link Asset Services provide any financial,
legal or tax advice and calls may be recorded and monitored for security and training purpo ses.
Fill in (in figures) in Box 1A the number of Ordinary Shares being subscribed for and in Box 1B
the monetary amount. The monetary amount being subscribed must be a minimum of 1,000
Ordinary Shares multiplied by 100 pence and thereafter in multiples of 100 Ordinary Shares
multiplied by 100 pence. Financial intermediaries who are investing on behalf of clients should
make separate applications or, if making a single applicatio n for more than one client, provide
details of all clients in respect of whom application is made in order to benefit most favourably
from any scaling back should this be required.
Mark in the relevant box to confirm your payment method, i.e. cheque/banker’s draft, bank transfer
or settlement via CREST.
Fill in (in block capitals) the full name and address of each holder. Applications may only be made
by persons aged 18 or over. In the ca se of joint holders, the address given for the first named
may bear a designation reference and the address given for the first named will be entered as the
registered address for the holding on the share register and used for all future correspondence. A
maximum of four joint holders is permitted. All holders named must sign the Application Form at
section 4.
If you wish your Ordinary Shares to be deposited into a CREST Account in the name of the
holders given in section 3A, enter in section 3B the details of a CREST Account. The CREST
Account must be in the same name(s) as the details of the Holder(s) of Ordinary Shares provided
in Box(es) 3A and 4. If you are not a CREST Participant or CREST Sponsored Member, you
should leave Section 3B blank and you will automatically receive a share certificate for your
Ordinary Shares. Where it is requested that Ordinary Shares be deposited into a CREST account
please note that payment for such Ordinary Shares must be made prior to the day such Ordinary
Shares might be allotted and issued. It is not possible for an applicant to request that Ordinary
Shares be deposited in their CREST account on an against payment basis. Any Application Form
received containing such a request will be rejected.
All holders named in section 3A must sign section 4 and insert the date. The Application Form
may be signed by another person on behalf of each holder if that person is duly authorised to do
so under a power of attorney. The power of attorney (or a copy duly certified by a solicitor or a
bank) must be enclosed for inspection (which originals will be returned by post at the addressee’s
risk). A corporation should sign under the hand of a duly authorised official whose representative
capacity should be stated and a copy of a notice issued by the co rporation authorising such
person to sign should accompany the Application Form.
(a) Cheques/Bankers draft
All payments by cheque or banker’s draft must accompany your application and be for the exact
amount inserted in Box 1B of the Application Form. Your cheque or banker’s draft must be made
payable to ‘‘Link Market Services Limited re: M&G Credit Income Investment Trust plc OFC
Acceptance a/c’’ in respect of an Application and crossed ‘‘ a/c Payee Only’’. Applications
accompanies by a post-dated cheque will not be accepted.
Cheques or banker’s draft must be drawn on a branch in the United Kingdom of a bank or building
society which is either a member of the Cheque and Credit Clearing Company Limited or the
CHAPS Clearing Company Limited or which has arranged for its cheques or banker’s drafts to be
cleared through the facilities provided for members of any of these companies and must bear the
appropriate sort code in the top right hand corner.
Third party cheques may not be accepted with the exception of building society cheques or
banker’s drafts where the building society or bank has inserted on the back of the cheque the full
name of the building society or bank account holder and have added the building society or bank
branch stamp. The name of the building society or bank account holder must be the same as the
name of the current shareholder or prospective investor. Please do not send cash. Cheques or
banker’s drafts will be presented for payment upon receipt. The Company reserves the right to
instruct the Receiving Agent to seek special clearance of cheques and banker’s drafts to allow the
Company to obtain value for remittances at the earliest opportunity.
(b) Bank Transfer
For applicants sending subscription monies by electronic bank transfer (CHAPS), payment must be
made for value by 1.00 p.m. on 7 November 2018 directly into the bank account detailed below.
The payment instruction must also include a unique reference comprising your name and a contact
telephone number which should be entered in the reference field on the payment instruction, for
example, MJ SMITH 01234 567 8910
Bank Name: Lloyds Bank plc
Sort Code: 30-80-12
Account Number: 17653460
Account Name: Link Market Services Limited re: M&G Credit Income Investment Trust plc OFS
Swift No: LOYDGB2L
IBAN: GB45LOYD30801217653460
The Receiving Agent cannot take responsibility for correctly identifying payments without a unique
reference nor where a payment has been received but without an accompanying appli cation form.
Where an electronic transfer is being made Link Asset Services will request a recent bank
statement showing the payment being made to confirm source of funds. If a CHAPS payment is
over the equivalent of e15,000, Link Asset Services will also require a certified copy of your
passport and a utility bill.
(c) CREST settlement
The Company will apply for the Ordinary Shares issued pursuant to the Offer for Subscription in
uncertificated form to be enabled for CREST transfer and settlement with effect from Initial
Admission (the ‘‘Relevant Settlement Date’’). Accordingly, settlement of transactions in the
Ordinary Shares will normally take place within the CREST system .
The Application Form contains details of the information which the Receiving Agent, Link Asset
Services, will require from you in order to settle your application within CREST, if you so choose. If
you do not provide any CREST details or if you provide insufficient CREST details for Link Asset
Services to match to your CREST account, Link Asset Services will deliver your Ordinary Shares in
certificated form provided payment has been made in terms satisfactory to the Company.
The right is reserved to issue your Ordinary Shares in certificated form should the Company,
having consulted with Link Asset Services, consider this to be necessary or desirable. This right is
only likely to be exercised in the event of any interruption, failure or breakdown of CREST or any
part of CREST or on the part of the facilities and/or system operated by Link Asset Services in
connection with CREST.
The person named for registration purposes in your Application Form must be: (a) the person
procured by you to subscribe for or acquire the Ordinary Shares; or (b) yourself; or (c) a nominee
of any such person or yourself, as the case may be. Neither Link Asset Services nor the Company
will be responsible for any liability to stamp duty or stamp duty reserve tax resulting from a failure
to observe this requirement. You will need to input the delivery versus pay ment (‘‘DVP’’)
instructions into the CREST system in accordance with your application. The input returned by Link
Asset Services of a matching or acceptance instruction to our CREST input will then allow the
delivery of your Ordinary Shares to your CREST account against payment of the Issue Price
through the CREST system upon the Relevant Settlement Date.
By returning your Application Form you agree that you will do all things necessary to ensure that
you or your settlement agent/custodian’s CREST account allows for the delivery and acceptance of
Ordinary Shares to be made prior to 1.00 p.m. on 14 November 2018 against payment of the
Issue Price. Failure by you to do so will result in you being ch arged interest at the rate of 4%
above the then published bank base rate of a clearing bank selected by Link Asset Services.
If you choose to settle your application within CREST, that is DVP, you or your settlement agent/
custodian’s CREST account must allow for the delivery and acceptance of Ordinary Shares to be
made against payment at the Issue Price per Ordinary Share using the following CREST matching
criteria set out below:
Trade date: 12 November 2018
Settlement date: 14 November 2018
Company: M&G Credit Income Investment Trust plc
Security description: ordinary shares of one penny each
Applicants wishing to settle DVP will still need to complete and submit a valid Application Form to
be received by no later than 1.00 p.m. on 7 November 2018 (being the closing date). You should
tick the relevant box in section 2 of the Application Form.
Applicants will also need to ensure that their settlement instructions are input to Link Asset
Services’ Participant Account (RA06) by no later than 1.00 p.m. on 14 November 2018 (being the
date of admission to trading of the Ordinary Shares).
Applicants can confirm their final allotment of Ordinary Shares by contacting the helpline on 0371
664 0321. Calls are charged at the standard geographic rate and will vary by provider. Calls
outside the United Kingdom will be charged at the applicable international rate. The helpline is
open between 9.00 a.m. 5.30 p.m., Monday to Friday excluding public holidays in England and
Wales. Different ch arges may apply to calls from mobile telephones and calls may be recorded
and randomly monitored for security and training purposes. The helpline cannot provide advice on
the merits of the Initial Issue nor give any financial, legal or tax advice.
Note: Link Asset Services will not take any action until a valid DEL message has been alleged to
the Participant Account by the applicant/custodian.
No acknowledgement of receipt or input will be provided.
Applicants should also ensure that their agent/custodian has a sufficient ‘‘debit cap’’ within the
CREST system to facilitate settlement in addition to their usual daily trading and settlement
In the event of late/non-settlement, the Company reserves the right to deliver Ordinary Shares
outside of CREST in certificated form provided that payment has been made in terms satisfactory
to the Company and all other conditions of the Initial Issue have been satisfied.
If you require a share certificate you should not use this facility.
Applications with a value greater than e15,000 (approximately £13,000) will be subject to
verification of identity requirements. This will involve you providing the verification of identity
documents listed below UNLESS you can have the declaration provided at section 6 of the
Application Form given and signed by a firm accep table to the Company (or any of its agents). In
order to ensure your Application is processed in a timely and efficient manner all applicants are
strongly advised to have the declaration provided in section 6 of the Application Form completed
and signed by a suitable firm.
If the declaration in section 6 cannot be completed and the value of the application is greater than
e15,000 (approximately £13,000) the documents listed below must be provided with the completed
Application Form, as appropriate, in accordance with internationally recognised standards for the
prevention of money laundering. Notwithstanding that the declaration in section 6 has been
completed and signed, the Company (or any of its agents) reserves the right to request of you the
identity documents listed below and/or to seek verification of identity of each holder and payor (if
necessary) from you or their bankers or from another reputabl e institution, agency or professional
adviser in the applicable country of residence. If satisfactory evidence of identity has not been
obtained within a reasonable time your application may be rejected or revoked. Where certified
copies of documents are requested below, such copy documents should be certified by a senior
signatory of a firm which is either a governmental approved bank, stockbroker or investment firm,
financial services firm or an established law firm or accountancy firm which is itself subject to
regulation in the conduct of its business in its own country of operation and the name of the firm
should be clearly identified on each document certified.
(a) For each holder being an individual enclose:
(i) a certified clear photocopy of one of the following identification doc uments which bears
both a photograph and the signature of the person: current passport, government or
Armed Forces identity card, or driving licence; and
(ii) certified copies of at least two of the following documents which purport to con firm that
the address given in section 3A is that person’s residential address: a recent gas,
electricity, water or telephone (not mobile) bill, a recent bank statement, a council rates
bill or similar document issued by a recognised authority; and
(iii) if none of the above documents show the applicant’s date and place of birth, enclose a
note of such information; and
(iv) details of the name and address of the applicant’s personal bankers from which the
Company (or any of its agents) may request a reference, if necessary.
(b) For each holder being a company (a ‘‘holder company’’) enclose:
(i) a certified copy of the certificate of incorporation of the holder company; and
(ii) the name and address of the holder company’s principal bankers from which the
Company (or any of its agents) may request a reference, if necessary; and
(iii) a statement as to the nature of the holder company’s business, signed by a director;
(iv) a list of the names and residential addresses of each director of the hold er company;
(v) for each director provide documents and information similar to that mentioned in 6(a)
above; and
(vi) a copy of the authorised signatory list for the holder company; and
(vii) a lis t of the names and residential/registered address of each ultimate beneficial owner
interested in more than 3% of the issued share capital of the holder company and,
where a person is named, also complete 6(c) below and, if and other company is
named (hereinafter a ‘‘beneficiary company’’), also complete 6(d) below. If the
beneficial owner(s) named do not directly own the holder company but do so indirectly
via nominee(s) or intermediary entities, provide details of the relationship between the
beneficial owner(s) and the holder company.
(c) For each person named in 6(b) as a beneficial owner of a holder company enclose for each
such person documents and information similar to that mentioned in 6(a)(i) to 6(a)(iv).
(d) For each beneficiary company named in 6(b) as a beneficial owner of a holder company
(i) a certified copy of the certificate of incorporation of that beneficiary company; and
(ii) statement as to the nature of that beneficiary company’s business signed by a director;
(iii) the name and address of that beneficiary company’s principal bankers from which the
Company (or any of its agents) may request a reference, if necessary; and
(iv) enclose a list of the names and residential/registered address of each beneficial owner
owning more than 5% of the issued share capital of that beneficiary company.
The Company (or any of its agents) reserves the right to ask for additional documents and
To ensure the efficient and timely processing of your Application Form, please provide daytime
contact details of a person the Receiving Agent may contact with all enquiries concernin g your
application. Ordinarily this contact person should be the person signing in section 4 on behalf of
the first named holder. If no details are provided here but a regulated person is identified in section
6, the Receiving Agent will contact the regulated person. If no details are entered here and no
regulated person is named in section 6 and the Receiving Agent requires further information, any
delay in obtaining that additional information may result in your application being rejected or
Application Forms should be returned, by post to the Receiving Agent, Link Asset Services,
Corporate Actions, The Registry, 34 Beckenham Road, Beckenham, Kent BR3 4TU or by hand
(during normal business hours), to the Receiving Agent, Link Asset Services, Corporate Actions,
The Registry, 34 Beckenham Road, Beckenham, Kent BR3 4TU so as to be received no later than
1.00 p.m. (London time) on 7 Novemb er 2018, together in each case with payment in full in
respect of the application. If you post your Application Form, you are recommended to use first
class post and to allow at least four calendar days for delivery. Application Forms received after
this date may be returned.
Please send this completed form by post or by hand (during
normal business hours) to Receiving Agent, Link Asset
Services, Corporate Actions, The Registry, 34 Beckenham
Road, Beckenham, Kent BR3 4TU so as to be received no
later than 1.00 p.m. (London time) on 7 November 2018.
Box 1A: minimum
subscription of 1,000
Ordinary Shares and
multiples of 100
The Directors may, with the prior approval of Winterflood
Securities, alter such date and thereby shorten or lengthen
the offer period. In the event that the offer period is altered,
the Company will notify investors of such change.
Box 1B: Amount
payable (being the
number in box 1A
multiplied by the Issue
Price being 100 pence
per Ordinary Share)
Important: Before completing this form, you should
read the prospectus dated 26 September 2018 (the
‘‘Prospectus’’) and the Terms and Conditions of the
Offer for Subscription set out in this document and
accompanying notes to this form.
To: M&G Credit Income Investment Trust plc and the
Receiving Agent
I/We the person(s) detailed in secti on 3A below offer to subscribe the amount shown in Box 1B for
Ordinary Shares subject to the Terms and Conditions of the Offer for Subscription set out in the
Prospectus dated 26 September 2018 and subject to the memorandum and articles of association
of the Company in force from time-to-time.
Cheque CHAPS CREST Settlement DVP
(Tick appropriate box)
1: Mr, Mrs, Ms or Title: Forenames (in full):
Surname/Company name:
Address (in full):
Designation (if any):
Date of birth:
E-mail contact address:
2: Mr, Mrs, Ms or Title: Forenames (in full):
Surname/Company name:
House number and Postcode:
Date of birth:
3: Mr, Mrs, Ms or Title: Forenames (in full):
Surname/Company name:
House number and Postcode:
Date of birth:
4: Mr, Mrs, Ms or Title: Forenames (in full):
Surname/Company name:
House number and Postcode:
Date of birth:
Only complete this section if Ordinary Shares allotted are to be deposited in a CREST Acco unt
which must be in the same name as the holder(s) given in Section 3A.
CREST Participant ID:
CREST Designation:
By completing the signature/execution boxes below you are deemed to have read the Prospectus
and agreed to the terms and conditions in Part 12 of the Prospectus (Terms and Conditions of
Application under the Offer for Subscription) and to have given the war ranties, representations and
undertakings set out therein.
Signature by an individual (or joint individual applicants)
First Applicant Signature: Date
Second Applicant Signature: Date
Third Applicant Signature: Date
Fourth Applicant Signature: Date
Execution by a Company
Executed by (Name of Company): Date
Name of Director: Signature: Date
Name of Director/Secretar y: Signature: Date
If you are affixing a company seal,
please mark a cross
& Affix Company Seal here:
(a) Cheques/Banker’s drafts
If you are subscribing for Ordinary Shares and paying by cheque or banker’s draft pin or staple to
this form your cheque or bank er’s draft for the exact amount shown in Box 1B made payable to
‘‘Link Market Services Limited re: M&G Credit Income Investment Trust plc OFS Accep tance a/c’’.
Cheques and banker’s drafts must be drawn on an account at a branch of a bank or building
society in the United Kingdom and must bear the appropriate sort code in the top right hand
(b) Bank transfer
For applicants sending subscription monies by electronic bank transfer (CHAPS), payment must be
made for value by 1.00 p.m. on 7 November 2018 directly into the bank account detailed below.
The payment instruction must also include a unique reference comprising your name and a contact
telephone number which should be entered in the reference field on the payment instruction, for
example, MJ SMITH 01234 567 8910.
Bank Name: Lloyds Bank plc
Sort Code: 30-80-12
Account Number: 17653460
Account Name: Link Market Services Limited re: M&G Credit Income Investment Trust plc OFS
Swift No: LOYDGB2L
IBAN: GB45LOYD30801217653460
The Receiving Agent cannot take responsibility for correctly identifying payments without a unique
reference nor where a payment has been received but without an accompanying appli cation form.
Complete the section below only if you are making payment by electronic transfer
Name of Bank:
Sort Code:
Account Name:
Account Number:
Reference your initial & name & telephone number:
Telephone Number:
(Where an electronic transfer is being made Link Asset Services will request a recent bank
statement showing the payment being made to confirm source of funds. If a CHAPS payment is
over the equivalent of e15,000, Link Asset Services will also require a certified copy of your
passport and a utility bill).
(c) CREST Settlement
If you so choose to settle your application within CRES T, that is DVP, you or your settlement
agent/custodian’s CREST account must allow for the delivery and acceptance of Ordinary Shares
to be made against payment of the Issue Price, following the CREST matching criteria set out
Trade Date: 12 November 2018
Settlement Date: 14 November 2018
Trade system of origin: Leave blank
SDRT status: No SDRT, Result of Corporate Action
Company: M&G Credit Income Investment Trust plc
Security Description: ordinary shares of one penny each
ISIN code: GB00BFYYL325
Should you wish to settle DVP, you will still need to complete and submit a valid application form
to be received by 1.00 p.m. on 7 November 2018 and will need to input your instructions to Link
Asset Service’s Participant Account (RA06) by no later than 1.00 p.m. on 14 Novemb er 2018.
You must also ensure that you or your settlement agent/custodian has a sufficient ‘‘debit cap’’
within the CREST system to facilitate settlement in addition to your/its own daily trading and
settlement requirements.
Applicants wishing to settle DVP will still need to complete and submit a valid Application Form to
be received by no later than 1.00 p.m. on 7 November 2018. You should tick the relevant box in
section 2.
Note: Link Asset Services will not take any action until a valid DEL message has been alleged to
the Participant Account by the applicant.
No acknowledgement of receipt or input will be provided.
In the event of late CREST settlement, the Company, after having consulted with Link Asset
Services, reserves the right to deliver Ordinary Shares outside CREST in certificated form provided
a payment has been made in terms satisfactory to the Company and all other conditions in relation
to the Offer for Subscription have been satisfied.
Completion and signing of this declaration by a suitable person or institution may avoid
presentation being requested of the identity documents detailed in section 6 of the notes on how to
complete this Application Form.
The declaration below may only be signed by a person or institution (being a regulated financial
services firm) (the ‘‘firm’’) which is itself subject in its own country to operation of ‘‘customer due
diligence’’ and anti-money laundering regulations no less stringent than those which prevail in the
United Kingdom. Acceptable countries include Austria, Bel gium, Bulgaria, Denmark, Estonia,
Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania,
Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden and the UK.
To the Company and the Receiving Agent
With reference to the holder(s) detailed in section 3A, all persons signing at section 4 and the
payor if not also a holder (collectively the ‘‘subjects’’) WE HEREBY DECLARE:
1 we operate in one of the above mentioned countries and our firm is subject to mon ey
laundering regulations under the laws of that country which, to the best of our knowledge, are
no less stringent than those which prevail in the United Kingdom;
2 we are regulate d in the conduct of our business and in the prevention of money laundering
by the regulatory authority identified below;
3 each of the subjects is known to us in a business capacity and we hold valid identity
documentation on each of them and we undertake to immediately provide to you copies
thereof on demand;
4 we confirm the accuracy of the names and residential business address(es) of the holder(s)
given at Section 3A and if a CREST Account is cited at Section 3B that the owner thereof is
named in Section 3A;
5 having regard to all local money laundering regulations we are, after enquiry, satisfied as to
the source and legitimacy of the monies being used to subscribe for the Ordinary Shares
mentioned; and
6 where the payor and holder(s) are different persons we are satisfied as to the relationship
between them and reason for the payor being different to the holder(s).
The above information is given in strict confidence for your own use only and without any
guarantee, responsibility or liability on the part of this firm or its officials.
The above information is given in strict confidence for your own use only and without any
guarantee, responsibility or liability on the part of this firm or its officials.
Signed: Name: Position:
Name of regulatory authority: Firm’s licence number:
Website address or telephone number of regulatory authority:
STAMP of firm giving full name and business address:
Please tick this box if you wish Link Asset Services to place reliance on the AML checks
undertaken by your firm in respect of your client. By doing so you confirm the following:
Your firm has undertaken its own identification and verification checks to identify the
subscriber to the standard required by the Money Laundering Regulations with the
guidance for the UK Capital Financial Sector issued by the Joint Money Laundering
Steering Group (‘‘JMLSG’’);
Your firm has robust policies, proced ures, systems, controls and retention policies in
place to identify and prevent money laundering/ terrorist financing;
Evidence provided by your client will be retained by your firm for a period of five years
from the date of this applica tion and will be disclosed to Link Asset Services immediately
upon written request.
Additionally, in lin e with guidance provided by the JMLSG, Link Asset Services is required to
satisfy itself as to which documentary evidence was provided by your client to enable your ID&V
checks to be performed, e.g. UK passport, driving licence, bank statement etc. Please detail these
in the box below.
Please also detail the risk categorisation and level of due diligence applied to your client
Low Risk/Simplified Due Di ligence applied
Medium Risk/Standard Due Diligence applied
High Risk/Enhanced Due Diligence applied
To ensure the efficient and timely processing of this application please enter below the contact
details of a person the Receiving Agent may contact with all enquiries concerning this application.
Ordinarily this contact person should be the person signing in Section 4 on behalf of the first
named holder. If no details are provided here but a regulated person is identified in Section 6, the
Receiving Agent will contact the regulated person. If no details are entered here and no regulated
person is named in Section 6 and the Receiving Agent requires further information, any delay in
obtaining that additional information may result in your application being rejected or revoked.
Contact name: E-mail address:
Contact address:
Telephone No: Fax No:
Company that shares are held in: * M&G Credit Income Investment Trust plc
Investor code * [Company Code]/[IVC]
Name: * [First Name(s)] [Last name]
Registered Address: *
If your address has changed, then you will need
to notify us separately. See the questions and
[Address1], [Address2], [Address3],
[Address4], [Address5], [Post Code if UK or
Country for Rest of World]
Tax Residence Address
Only if different to your registered address
Date of Birth *
Country/Countries of Residence for Tax Purposes
Country of residence for tax purposes Tax Identification Number
In the UK this would be your NI number
1 *1*
US Citizen
Please mark the box ONLY if you are a US Citizen (see definition below)
Declarations and Signature
I acknowledge that the information contained in this form and information regarding my shares may
be reported to the local tax authority and exchanged with tax authorities of another country or
countries in which I may be tax resident where those countries have entered into Agreements to
exchange Financial Account information.
I undertake to advise the Company within 30 calendar days of any change in circumstances which
causes the information contained herein to become incorrect and to provide the Company with a
suitably updated Declaration within 30 calendar days of such change in circumstances.
I certify that I am the shareholder (or I am authorised to sign for the shareholder**). If this relates to a
joint holding, I also acknowle dge that as a joint holder I may be reported to the relevant tax authority if
all the other holders do not provide a Tax Residency Self-Certification.
I declare that all statements made in this declaration are, to the best of my knowledge and belief,
correct and complete.
Signature: *
Print Name: *
Date: *
Daytime telephone number /
email address***
* Mandatory field
** If signing under a power of attorney, please also attach a certified copy of the power of attorney.
*** We will only contact you if there is a question around the completion of the self- certification form.
‘‘US Citizen’’
All US citizens. An individual is a citizen if that person was born in the United States or if the
individual has been naturalized as a US citizen.
You can also be a US citizen, even if born outside the United States if one or both of your
parents are US citizens.
The law requires that Financial Institutions collect, retain and report certain information about their
account holders, including the account holders tax residency.
Please complete the form above and provide any additional information requested.
If your declared country/countries of residence for tax purposes is not the same as that of the
Financial Institution and is either the US or is on the OECD list of countries which have agreed to
exchange information ( ency/AEOI-commitments.pdf), the Financial
Institution will be obliged to share this information with its local tax authority who may then share it
with other relevant local tax authorities.
Failure to validly complete and return this form will result in you being reported onwards to the
relevant local tax authority. Additionally, if this form has been issued in conjunction with an
application for a new holding, then your application may be adversely impacted.
Definitions of terms used in this form can be found below.
If your registered address (or name) has changed, then you must advise us separately. Any details
you enter in the ‘‘Tax Residence Address’’ will be used for tax purposes only and will not be used
to update your registered details.
If any of the information about your tax residency changes, you are required to provide the
Company with a new, updated, self-certification form within 30 calendar days of such change in
All joint holders are treated as separate holders for these tax purposes and every joint holder is
required to give an Individual Tax Residency Self-Certification. If any one or more is reportable, the
value of the whole shareholding will be reported for all joint shareholder(s).
If we do not receive the self-certification from each joint shareholder, then the whole holding will be
treated as undocumented and all holders (including those who have completed the self-certification
form) will be reported to the releva nt tax authorities.
If you have any remaining questions about how to complete this form or about how to
determine your tax residency status you should contact your tax adviser.
The OECD Common Reporting Standard for Automatic Exchange of Financial Account Information
(‘‘The Common Reporting Standard’’)
standard/ contains definitions for the terms used within it. However, the following definitions are for
general guidance only to help you in completing this form.
‘‘Account Holder’’
The Account Holder is eit her the person(s) whose name(s) appears on the share register of a
Financial Institution. Or where Link Asset Services holds the shares on your behalf, the person
whose name appears on the register of entitlement that Link Asset Services maintains.
‘‘Country/Countries of residence for tax purposes’’
You are required to list the coun try or countries in which you are resident for tax purposes,
together with the tax reference number which has been allocated to you, often referred to as a tax
identification number (TIN). Special circumstances (such as studying abroad, working overseas,
or extended travel) may cause you to be resident elsewhere or resident in more than one country
at the same time (dual residency). The country/countries in which you might be obliged to submit a
tax return are likely to be your country/countries of tax residence. If you are a US citizen or hold a
US passport or green card, you will also be considered tax resident in the US even if you live
outside the US.
‘‘Tax Identification Number or TIN’’
The number used to identify the shareholder in the country of residence for tax purposes.
Different countries (or jurisdictions) have different terminology for this and could include such as a
National Insurance number, social security number or resident registration number. Some
jurisdictions that do issue TINs have domestic law that does not require the collection of the TIN
for domestic reporting purposes so that a TIN is not required to be completed by a shareholder
resident in such jurisdictions. Some jurisdictions do not issue a TIN or do not issue a TIN to all
‘‘US Citizen’’
All US citizens. An individual is a citizen if that person was born in the United States or if the
individual has been naturalized as a US citizen.
You can also be a US citizen, even if born outside the United States if one or both of your
parents are US citizens.
If you have any questions about these definitions or require further details about how to
complete this form then please contact your tax adviser.
Why are you writing to me and asking for a ‘‘Tax Residency Self Certification’’?
The governments of more than 90 countries around the world have agreed to exchange tax related
information. These governments have passed similar sets of laws to enable the Automatic
Exchange of Information (‘‘AEOI’’). The full list of countries involved can be seen at:
Additionally, the United States has over 100 similar agreements with many countries referred to as
the ‘Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act’.
The legislation can vary slightly from jurisdiction to jurisdiction, but at a high level, it requires
Financial Institutions to:
Identify existing Holders that may be resident (for tax purposes) in other participating
jurisdictions. Then contact any such Holders and request that they complete a ‘‘Tax
Residency Self Certification’’ form.
Obtain a ‘‘Tax Residency Self Certification’’ form for all new Holders.
Identify holders who move from one jurisdiction to another and request that they complete a
‘‘Tax Residency Self Certificat ion’’ form.
Identify Holders who have payments sent to a different jurisdiction.
Submit a return to the Financial Institution’s ‘‘local’’ tax authority on an annual basis. As an
example for a company incorporated in the UK, then the local tax authority would be HM
Revenue & Customs (HMRC).
Follow up on any non responders at least annually for at least three years.
The ‘‘local’’ tax authority will pass information onto the tax authority in the relevant jurisdiction. As
an example the tax authority in the US is the Inland Revenue Service (‘‘IRS’’), so HMRC will
exchange information with IRS.
Where can I find out more information about the legislation?
The legislation is quite complex and you may wish to speak to your tax adviser.
The web site of your local tax authority will contain more information e.g. HMRC for the UK; the
IRS for the US; Jersey Income Tax Department for Jersey, etc.
Additionally, the web site of The Organisation for Economic Co- operation and Development
(OECD) gives further information.
What happens if I do not complete the form?
In the annual report that the Financial Institution sends to their local tax authority you will be
shown as ‘Undocumented’.
The local tax authority will collate the responses from all of its financial institutions and pass that
information onto the relevant local tax authority for the jurisdictions identified.
Link Asset Services is not able to comment on what action the tax authority for the jurisdiction will
What if I am a Tax Resident in 2 or more countries?
The self-certification form allows for up to 4 tax residencies to be recorded.
I do not pay tax or I do not know which country I am tax resident in
Please refer to your local tax authorit y or tax adviser.
I do not have a tax identification number
Please refer to your local tax authorit y or tax adviser.
Note that different countries call their tax identification numbers using alternative terminology. As
an example in the UK it would be a National Insurance number.
I have already completed a W8 or W9 form. Do I still need to complete a ‘‘Tax Residency Self
Yes. The US legislation governing W8/W9 forms overlaps with US FATCA legislation.
What is classed as my Tax Residence Address?
Please refer to your local tax authorit y or tax adviser.
In addition, you may wish to consider: Where you are a citizen with a passport; Your residential
home address in a country and unrestricted right of entry back into that country once you depart.
Joint Holders
When there are multiple holders on an account, then every joint holder must complete a Tax
Residency Self Certification and every joint holder will receive a letter in their own right. The letter
will be sent to the registered address recorded for the holding.
Joint holders are treated as separate holders for these tax purposes. If any one of the joint holders
is reportable, the value of the whole shareholding will be reported for all of the joint shareholder(s).
If we do not receive a validly completed self-certification for each joint shareholder, the whole
shareholding will be treated as ‘‘undocumented’’ and all shareholders (including those who have
completed the self-certifica tion form) will be reported to the relevant tax authorities.
Can I use the Self Certification Form to advise of a Change of Name?
No. You must advise Link Asset Services separately.
For more information, see
Can I use the Self Certification Form to advise of the death of a holder, or registration of a power
of Attorney?
No. You must advise Link Asset Services separately. For more information, see
How do I contact Link Asset Services, to advise of a change of address or any other changes to
my account?
Share Holder Portal:
Telephone: +44 (0) 371 664 0300
Calls outside the United Kingdom will be charged at the applicable international rate. We are
open between 09:00 17:30, Monday to Friday excluding public holidays in England and Wales.
Address: The Registry
34 Beckenham Road
Beckenham, Kent, BR3 4TU
I would like future dividends paid into a different bank account
Contact Link Asset Services. For more information, see
I have given a different address for tax purposes, will the registered address of my share holding
be altered?
No. The details on the Self Certification form are for tax purposes only. If you want to alter any of
the registered details relating to your investment then you need to inform Link Asset Services. For
more information, see
I have recently sold all of the shares, do I still need to complete a Self-Certification form?
Yes. Your ac count will be reportable in the current year, but will be cease to be reportable in
subsequent years.
Black&Callow c114652